
Hi everyone,

I'm Sarah and I have a story to share. The other day I was playing outside our large apartment building the other day with my friend Maria. We were both bursting to go to the bathroom, but we were having too much fun to stop playing and go back upstairs. I suggested we should go upstairs in our building, but Maria said that it would take too long, and suggested we find somewhere nearby. For some reason, I thought it was the right thing to do (not sure why!), so I followed her lead.

We eventually stumbled upon a storage room. We opened the door and crept inside, making sure to close it behind us. There was no one around, so Maria suggested we take turns pooping there instead of going upstairs. At first I was really worried, but I decided to take the plunge and just go for it. I took a deep breath and went first. I pulled down my pants and pants and let it all out. To my surprise, it didn't stink as much as I thought it would!

After I was done, it was Maria's turn. She was a bit more uncomfortable than I was, but she still managed to do her business. We were both so relieved that it was over and quickly zipped our pants back up and jumped out of the storage room.

It was such a strange experience, but I definitely learned a lot from it! I'm just glad that neither of us got caught otherwise I'm sure we would have been in a lot of trouble.

Hope you all enjoyed my story!



Camp toilet

In the summer children's camp, where I went on holidays, immediately gave me a tour and showed me the whole camp... But didn't show me the toilet. After a while I wanted to go to the toilet, but unfortunately I didn't know where to look for it. I asked one of the boys where the toilet was, and he advised me to go into the bushes. I was surprised by this. Is there really no toilet in the camp? I'm not used to going into the bushes somehow. So I decided to look for a toilet myself. He found himself in the farthest corner of the camp - a small gray building. I went into this toilet and saw that, unfortunately, there is no toilet bowl, but just a wooden toilet. More precisely, it wasn't even wooden, it was iron and it was cold to sit on it. Even the toilet paper was tough to the touch. However, what can I do? I solved it better than bushes. I pulled down my pants and underwear, and sat down on the terribly cold edge of this toilet. I pushed a few times, and was able to defecate two long poop. When I finished, I wiping, then dressed, and quickly left.


Thick and Wide

I thought I would share another poop adventure from this week. First of all, I hope everyone liked my "live poop" post.....not my best writing but it really was in the moment. On Thursday, I had a somewhat difficult poop at school. I had finished my classes for the day and made my way to one of my favorite restrooms (in a building I have not ever had classes). I definitely needed to poop because it felt like I had a baseball pushing on my butthole.....but you can tell that such moments are going to make you earn it. I chose the third stall. A few others were occupied but I did not pay them much mind. Per usual I lowered my shorts and panties to my ankles and assumed the position - legs kinda closed this time, because that helps passing big logs easier for some reason. I also leaned forward more than normal. After a minute or so, I began releasing some nice farts and could hear the crackle of my hole stretching open. I pushed a bit, because I knew I needed help getting things moving. The more I pushed, the more pressure I felt. This was going to be a very thick turd. I relaxed a bit and tried to let things go naturally. I have learned one lesson and that is to never force out a monster. I pushed some more to set things in motion. My hole slowly stretched wider and I finally reached the point I knew it was going to come on its own. I forced my knees together and closed my eyes. I could not help but grit my teeth as it slowly stretched me wider. After about 2 minutes it hit the water with a nice splash. I still felt full and pushed some more. Things literally repeated themselves as another large log began to slide out. After a few more minutes, it too landed with a splash. I opened my legs to see two big logs....each around 10 inches long and a couple of inches thick. I sat for a few more minutes and pushed some more, resulting in a few farts. That lovely euphoria returned and another couple of smaller, less firm logs came out. My poor butt felt used, but the outcome was worth it!

Wednesday, September 06, 2023


Overnight Wetting Accident

I had a big wetting accident at 4 o'clock this morning. I am a senior citizen with cerebral palsy and since early this year I've been having a lot of overnight bathroom issues. I purchased adult diapers and plastic pants several months ago for nighttime. While they're very good diapers I am having hard time adjusting to them. I need to be very careful putting them on, otherwise they'll leak even with plastic pants. So, I have only used them intermittently.

But, this morning I had a doozie of an accident. I awoke around 1 AM with the need to pee. I transferred from my bed to my wheelchair and made it to the toilet with no problem. I sit on the toilet to urinate. I transferred from my wheelchair to the toilet, peed, and everything was fine.

I had a bit of a cold yesterday (just a cough and a bit of a runny nose, which is clearing-up rapidly). When I got to bed, I fell asleep pretty quickly and I thought I was finished with the toilet for the rest of the night. I got into a real deep sleep and around 4 AM I woke up with an incredible need to pee. As I transferred from bed to my wheelchair, I could feel urine going down my thigh but it wasn't a complete emptying of my bladder and this has become more or less typical overnight. By the time I began going from my wheelchair onto the toilet, my bladder began to void uncontrollably. The next thing I knew, my undershorts were soaking wet and there was urine on the floor near the toilet, what a mess. By the time I got onto toilet, I was practically "done" and I only peed a little more into the toilet. After wiping up the puddle on the floor, I changed into dry undershorts before going back to bed.

I've never had these kinds of issues. My daytime control for both bowel and bladder is very good. But, increasingly nighttime continence is becoming more problematic.


Desperation at the station.

Many years ago, a friend named Mark and I took a commuter train ride out to the suburbs. After an hour of walking around and checking things out, it was time to go back. Just then, Mark said he needed a toilet badly and it wasn't number one! The station is in a semi-isolated area with no public bathrooms within easy walking distance. So what was he going to do?

Luckily, this station was one of the few with a fully enclosed waiting room. Nobody else was waiting for the next train. So Mark pulled out a plastic bag he had and told me to stand outside and guard the door. I did as he asked and nobody else came. About 15 minutes later, he was done and said whew, what a relief! I have no clue what he used to wipe and I didn't have the nerve to ask. Mark tossed the bag into a trash can on the platform. Shortly after that, our train pulled up for the return trip to the city.

Row Shitting Diarrhea in School

I liked the row shitting story in the guys' school bathroom. The guy's tripping accident by forgetting to step down and his trouser tripping accident was unfortunate. Back in 1999 I was working in a large multi-story department store that was build in the 1880s. In each of the public guys rooms it had the step up to the toilets. The toilets that had privacy doors (most of the total) had a danger sign on the inside of the door to remind those exiting of the DANGER. It was in big letters and red paint. But the problem was during the winter if you hung your winter coat on the hanger, the reminder was blocked.

Related story:

On the 4th of July my company sponsored a family picnic at a large public park. The location was toward the center of our city and there has been trouble by young people in that park. So we heard complaints from the ladies that the doors had been taken off their toilets. When I went in for my mid-afternoon shit I was more than surprised. The guys rooms were impacted more than the womens. The panels of each of the five metal cubicles had been removed. There were the toilets affixed to the back wall just sitting there in the open. Three of the guys were seated, each with his underwear at his feet and two were also directing their piss between their legs into the bowl. For some reason I stood in surprise, pretending to not look but I didn't know what to do. A high school age kid passed me, paused over the middle toilet, turned his back to it, dropped his drawers, and took his seat. His first blast, with a lot of gas came out immediately, and the older guy sitting to his right said, "It is OK to disregard your mama's rules today!" That drew a laugh. After two up and left, I took advantage of the situation and took a seat right near where I was standing. I don't know if it was the unpleasant conditions, including the fact I was melting because there was no fan or air circulation, but my crap was slow in sliding out. I'd been taught to put my head down between my legs and that that would help me push a little more. One of the guys was talking about a couple of drug needles on the side of his toilet. Then he stood and wiped and wiped. Then he yelled, "Hey kid!" and tossed me what I guessed to be the only roll of toilet paper left. Luckily I caught it with little effort and I spent probably 10 minutes getting a 6 incher out and then cleaning myself. I wanted to do the best job possible and more since I was going to be staying at my girlfriend's apartment that night. A few hours later when I was undressing I noticed I had only done an average effort but I stuffed my underwear in my shorts before we got intimate. In the morning, while she was in the kitchen I went into the bathroom hamper to see the condition of her panties. They were excellent.


Answer To Question

Hey Annie. I get diarrhea due to the loss of my gall bladder. It't kind of like Ibs in that I may have urgency along with lose consistency. The eccess bile acts as a laxative. I'm used to my pooping changes, and it hardly bothers me. Bye. Ll


Mina and Mari are bad bad girls

Hi everyone, your very own bad friend from Korea-Japan is back. Mina is very sorry she didn't post long time. She had little bit trouble with eyes, so she decide use computer only for work. But now she is much better. Perhaps you didn't miss her or her crushes, that will be a relief.

Mina had to go business trip far away from her city, same place with the one she went before, she told you story. City is far far away so Mina and Mari (Mari is colleague) used plane to go there. Of course we shared room, it is more cheaper.

Last day of business, work ended late, so we couldn't catch last plane home. We decided to go home next morning.

Mina told Mari about Anthony story she read this site, about girl who didn't do motion before get on plane, then couldn't go to loo in plane because turbulence, and she left huge pile of her mierda on floor of plane.

Mari was a bit shock. She is not big girl, but she eats like great white shark, so even she does motion which is watermelon size, she wants to do next one soon.

We decide, instead of do our motion after a breakfast, we do in airport, just before get on plane. We remember that loo in airport after security check place is very large, so we decide go there. Mina told Mari about her before experiences in airport, they are on this site but we are not sure of page.

That loo room was not so crowded, Ten cubicles, one Japanese-style for squat, nine Western-style for sit. Four cubicles were door closed, so we chose two Western-style cubicles next each other.

Then we bared bottom and sat down. We did wee. Other cubicles opened doors, and more women came in, some went out, we looked through door crack, no one waiting to use loo, so we were a relief.

So we start very important operation. Fuu fuu, that is fart, many farts. Then first plop, Mari was little bit faster than Mina. But once we start, can't stop. More and more farts and plops, so we start giggle, we can't help.

Fart plop giggle fart plop giggle... it continue and continue! Many doors of other loos open and close but Mina and Mari always closed because we are busy to do private things. We think many other women also doing motions (there are many fragrance) but they are quick. We can't be quick, our bottom always say, stay on loo, more is coming. Fart plop giggle fart plop giggle fart plop giggle. And text.

"Mari are you finish?"

"Not yet... Mina are you finish?"

"Not yet"

It was many times "not yet" and we text with producing fart and plop many many. We think some woman in loo room say each other, "Why those two girls are always giggle?" But we are not sure, we can't hear so well.

We continue for about 15 minutes, but we did courtesy flush at a half time because so much mierda. Then we produce more mierda with giggle, but after a few minutes it was burururururu, not plop, because we were a bit diarrhoea because change of food. Giggle was same. Mix of giggle and loud crackle and bururururu of diarrhoea. Very strange noise. Other women were thinking....?? Fragrance was horrendous, thank you Victoria for teach Mina this word.

Finally we finish and used washlet and dried bottom with paper and came out of loo, we were 17 minutes in there. We washed hands. Maybe three cubicles were open when we come out, our two cubicles made five, but while we washing hands, two young girls about 13 age came in and took our two cubicles. They were giggle very much. So we did make up a bit in front of mirror, to see what they do.

They did like we expect. Fart and loud crackle and many plops and burururururu (mostly bururururururu) and giggle giggle giggle! And new horrendous fragrance. So it wasn't us only. But then we left. we don't know how long time they stayed on loo, but we think it was quite long time, because they were running out of loo to board plane. We were same plane with those two girls, and we didn't need to go to loo until landing.

Before we went out of loo Mari gave Mina beautiful smile, and just before we board plane, another beautiful smile. Even she has uneven teeth like Kazu, her smile is beautiful. Mari's beautiful eyes are very warm.

But we are not lovers. Mina is lover of Chae and Maholin and Kazu. Mina and Mari are colleagues and good friends. So Mina never kiss Mari, and hug is rare. Mina also sense that Mari is not interested love affair. Mari is quite happy to produce enormous mierda in hotel room's bathroom with Mina brushing teeth beside her, but it is no connection with lovers. Mina's feeling is same.

Mina give another story soon, she has to be careful her eyes even now. We hope you don't yawn too much.

Love to everyone.

Mina and Mari, and Mina's 3 crushes


Answers to questions

1. Have you not been successful in portable potties? Please tell us about any experiences and observations.

I hate porta potties. They are too confining, smell bad, and gross to me. I love pooping, but I have to have comfort and peace of mind in my surroundings.

2. You say you have an exhibitionist streak of sorts. Wouldn't a door-less toilet provide you with a good stage?

I definitely consider myself an exhibitionist of sorts, but I like having managed control over the moment. I am not opposed to pooping or baring all in a doorless environment, but I need to be in the right mindset.

3. Have you ever sat on a loose or otherwise busted toilet seat? Back when you were in K-12 school, would you have used one to save yourself from an accident in a crowded bathroom during a short passing period?

I have encountered a few broken or loose seats. I made do. I really hate the cracked ones, those pinch like a bitch. I am fine with using them, but would opt for one that is not broken if its available.

4. What color of toilet seat is your favorite? Why? Are there any rather strange seats you have used?

I have to go with white just for tradition. I have used black ones a few times. I am aware enough of seats that I have my favorites. I like pretty much anything open face (with the gap in the front). Some are better than others. The one you find in 95% of restrooms is probably my favorite, but there is a version of it that causes your butt to sink a bit lower that is my favorite. I wish we could post pics here to illustrate what I mean. I like elongated over round.

5. Have you ever been interrupted while on the toilet? Was the person rude, embarrassed or trying to avoid an accident? What did you do?

Not really interrupted. Definitely a few knocks on the door or attempts to open a stall door, but nothing I had to deal with in terms of rudeness. I know I tend to take a long time while pooping, as a result, I prefer not to use single occupancy restrooms to avoid constant interruptions. I am very comfortable pooping in big restrooms with 5-10 or more stalls.

6. Did/do you babysit/childsit? What have been some of their bathroom needs you've encountered when you have them out in public? How did you react? Did they ever see you on the toilet taking care of your needs?

I have a younger sister (5 years younger than me). She has pooped in public several times with me around and we shared a bathroom growing up, meaning we have shared a lot. We often raced to see who could take the afterschool poop first when we were younger. I never cleaned her up when she was a baby because I was too young myself. You definitely encounter things when you grow up. I cannot say she shares my poop hobby, but she is aware it is a thing I enjoy and stay aware of.

7. What is the status of hand-washing in public bathrooms that you have observed? Has it changed over the past several years? How?

I casually pay attention to this. I would say 99% of people wash their hands, I certainly do. When I am pooping in public, I am probably on the toilet for 30 minutes minimum, you witness a lot of traffic as a result.

8. Is flushing continuing to be a neglected act? What have you observed?
How do you handle selecting a toilet that hasn't been flushed or do you bypass it?

Good question. I love seeing my own poop and I am not totally bothered by seeing someone else's. I admit I would rather not see it in a toilet I need to use, but I am ok with flushing it and moving on with my own use. If there are other toilets that are not used, I move to is kinda fun to hear others talk about unflushed turds. I admit I watch videos of pooping and I am rarely bothered by it. It can be enjoyable to watch in the right setting. I probably hate being surprised by it more than anything. I once heard a girl say to her friend, don't use that stall someone was unkind and did not In the past I used to not flush sometimes, but I do now. I consider it a job well done if I leave skid marks in the bowl. Seriously, did you even poop otherwise???

9. Do you ever use electronic devices or talk on the phone while you are on a public toilet? How common is this with other users in the bathroom?

Yes, I will kill time playing games or texting. Sometimes I like to let Mia in on my activities when I am pooping. I have used the phone while pooping - on purpose - so a friend on the other end could hear. I admit being a bit more interested in this than I probably should be. I like being heard....that is the exhibitionist thing about me coming out. I do hear others on the phone on occasion for what is most usually quick calls. You can also hear others listening to videos, etc.

Hope this answers your questions! I am happy to answer anything!


First Poop of the School Year

School started last week. That means it's time to start taking some giant craps in the school bathrooms. My poop schedule is still adjusting back to school and cafeteria food. I don't think my body even processes cafeteria food sometimes. Some school meals do have nutrients in them, including fiber, while the others don't, and those ones get completely turned into poop. Monday though Thursday, I mostly did stomach emptiers at home. On Wednesday, we got Mac and cheese for lunch. It was quite artificial though, and I was curious what my body would do with it: poop it out in its entirety, or take some nutrition from it. Well I got my answer on Friday. My friends have begun going to the bathroom at the end of lunch because we typically need to pee, and often at least one of us has to poop.
So at the end of lunch Friday, I really had to poop. I'd had an urge since the class before lunch, but I didn't want to miss class to poop (I've lost a bit of the courage I had last year about using public bathrooms for some reason). With 10 minutes to spare I stood up and said "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Lauren stood up and said "I'll go with you, I've gotta pee." Jackie got up and said "I've also gotta go." I asked Olivia "wanna join us? There's gotta be something in you that needs to come out." She laughed then said "ok. I have to take a really fat shit, and didn't want to make y'all smell the crazy stuff my bowels have made." I patted my stomach and said "don't worry, I've gotta take a big poop to." Jackie said "I also have to poop, but it's just normal size." I asked Lauren "are you sure you just have to pee?" She said "yes. I was so desperate to poop last class that I just had to excuse myself to get it out. It was big and smelly." (I might try to get her to post it on here).
With that, we arrived to the bathrooms, and thankfully there were 4 free stalls. Jackie took stall 1 and pulled down her black leggings and underwear, I took stall 2 and pulled down my gray patterned leggings and white panties, Olivia took stall 3 and pulled down her peach leggings to her knees, and Lauren took stall 4 and lowered her light blue leggings. With all 4 of us sat down, we started off by peeing. Jackie was first to begin peeing, followed by me, then Lauren, then Olivia. There was a loud tinkling noise as the bladders of 4 girls drained through their urethras and into the toilet. Olivia finished first and let out a big fart to signify the giant load that was about to come out of her butt. I could hear her grunting and straining as Jackie's stream slowed down. Once she stopped, my bladder started feeling emptier, and I finished peeing. My poop was right at my anus, ready to get pushed out, so I leaned forward and relaxed as my anus opened. Simultaneously, I heard crackling coming from Jackie's stall as she effortlessly pooped out her load. Olivia was still straining, but managed to say "ohhhh this is big" and "I gotta get this out." Lauren's pee slowed down and stopped, and as she tore off some paper to wipe her vulva, there was a plop from Jackie as her log fell out of her. My poop was a few inches out of my butt, thanks to gravity just pulling it out. But it was getting wider. So as Jackie wiped and Lauren flushed her pee away, I joined Olivia and started pushing. I took a deep breath and started pushing. My log was not super hard but not soft and it really stretched my anus. I could feel quite a bit of poop in my bowels so it felt really good to be pooping it all out. As Jackie finished wiping she said "let's not flush so we can see each others creations." We agreed. There was a "floomp" and sigh from Olivia as her first giant log fell into the water, then she immediately began work on her second log. I was still pushing out my first turd. After a few more seconds of pushing, I felt it tapering off before it fell with a "plop." Ahhh relief. I could tell that the Mac and cheese was the culprit of this giant dump because there was a slight smell of Mac and cheese mixed with the normal smell of a big fat poop. Even with the big turd I had just passed, I still had poop inside of me. I could feel a solid cylinder of digested food getting moved in my abdomen, and then I felt pressure in my rectum and anus and started pooping again. Olivia was really straining and grubbing at this point. Meanwhile, I relaxed and let my fresh turd crackle and slide out of me, falling with a plop. With my bowels fully moved, I sighed and started wiping. After 5 wipes, I pulled up my panties and leggings. I took a look at my potty before I left my stall with the toilet unflushed. My pee was yellow like lemonade. My big first log was smooth, 20 inches long, and 2 inches wide. I could see a few small pieces of what looked liked pasta so I had definitely pooped out the entire serving of Mac and cheese. Kinda cool that a few days prior the Mac and cheese had been this bowl of yellow cheese and tan pasta, and now it had been compressed and digested into brown poop that I just pushed through my butthole. Anyway, my other log was a stomach emptier. 15 inches long and an inch wide. Probably the remnants of my small breakfast that day and part of that night's dinner. I then checked out Jackie's potty. Her pee was dark yellow, and she did a very knobbly poop, that was 14 inches long and 1 inch wide. Lauren assured us she did a lot of very light yellow pee to drain her bladder of all the soda she'd drank throughout the day. After 5 more minutes, Olivia started wiping and said "I really needed to get that all out. I don't know how I pooed this much." She exited her stall a minute later and we all took a look at her potty. It was three monster turds, each stretching the length of the toilet bowl, and one partially hidden by the drain hole. The one in the drain hole, was at least 25 inches long and 2 inches wide. The second, the one she was really straining to get out, was 15 inches long and 4 inches wide. Her final log was 28 inches long and 2 inches wide. Her pee was light yellow.
Then we all flushed. Jackie's toilet flushed and everything went down without issue. Mine also sucked away everything, somehow! Olivia flushed once and as her first log went down it got stuck. We all laughed and decided to leave it for the next girl who has a full stomach and takes a super giant shit, that way they'll have competition!
Bye for now!

P.S Lauren did end up needing to poop. She texted 45 minutes after lunch and said "nevermind, I did need to poop, it just wasn't ready." Apparently it was a small 8 inch long 1 inch wide turd because again she apparently did a huge poop before lunch.


Dress diarrhea

So, the subject of this one might be a bit odd. I like to wear Victorian style dresses, petticoats and all, minus the split drawers (I wear normal panties), all of those layers makes it extremely difficult for me to use the restroom while wearing the dress. And, tbh, I usually don't have to go too often throughout the day. Last Monday was a different story though, I had to go a lot yesterday…. So to start off my story know that I was wearing one of those types of dresses, a maroon one, I was out and about with a few friends and I felt a rumble in my stomach, I of course excused myself and went to the toilet, I hoisted all my petticoats up and pulled my panties down before sitting on the pot, and then nothing happened, no poop came out, just gas. So I decided I didn't have to go, pulled up my panties, fixed my dress and returned to the group. About an hour later I got the rumbling feeling again, this time I definitely had to go, as when I let slip a fart, it came out wet and sticky. So I excused myself and rushed to the nearest toilet. I chose the nearest stall, hoisted up my petticoats once more and barely got my panties down before brown liquid started to squirt from my rear, it splattered on the back of the toilet seat, I held my dress clear and sat down on the edge of the seat, still producing liquid waste. About 30 minutes passed before one of my friends came looking for me. She, who also likes wearing those same dresses, talked me through how to clean myself up without getting my dress dirty. After I got cleaned up we left the bathroom and went home, so I could relax.

Feel free to ask me any questions about using the toilet while wearing a Victorian style dress, I'm not shy about talking about it.

Heather h.

Bad stomach from Chinese

Hey guys! I've decided to keep posting here and get some things off my mind, I made my first post on 3017 about my accident at work when I accidentally vomited on myself to... like I said I'm 5,2 and around 285 but curvy. After my first kid I've had bad ibs c and d, I have two kids, a boy and girl. Boy is 8, girl just turned 5. My fiances name is Emily. She's taller than me but bigger to, kinda goth looking and wears dark clothes all the time, she has ibs to but not as bad. Last weekend we got a babysitter for the kiddos so we could go on a double date with her freind V and her boyfriend. We were planning on going to eat and hitting the mall or something. We decided to go to this hibachi buffet thingy because they have fried frog legs on Friday night and they are AMAAAAAZING. I try to take pepto or immodium before something like that because of my stomach and when I get anxiety it just makes it worse. But I had been constipated for 2 days because I was about to start my period so I didn't think much of it, I felt fine. So me and Emily got ready and went to pick up v and her boyfriend. They are about 5 years younger than us. He was actually kinda cute lol. I got embarrassed because I had to use his bathroom to put a tampon in because I started on the way there, our little town is about 30 miles from the big city and there's litteraly nothing but farm and woods in between so we couldn't stop. But he was cool about it.. any I had to drive cause my car is a stick and Emily refuses to learn to drive it. We got to the restaurant and got seated they bring you a salad to start and got our drinks I got long Island iced tea those are my favorite and the bartender made it quite strong lol. And we went to get our food, I got a big plate of nothing but sushi and frog legs lol. I ate my salad (which was a mistake because fresh spinich tears me up!) But I couldn't help it. Anyway we all ate our food then got another drink and played a game on the table tablet, (i kept catching V's boyfriend looking at emilys boobs lol but its hard not to). She has dd and was wearing a low cut black v-neck. Then everyone went to get seconds, I got egg rolls, shrimp, more frogs legs lol and some kinda pasta stuff. When I was walking my stomach was kinda feeling weird and crampy but I just thought it was my period. Anyway I got the table first and started eating, after about ten minutes though my stomach was worse making noises and churning badly I was cramping really bad to and Emily asked if I was ok n I just said yea my period. I should've stopped eating but I absolutely love food! Emily brought my a plate of fruit and I started to eat that and I realized I was gonna have to use the bathroom at the restaurant which I hate doing. So I tried to hold it a little longer and v had just went to the bathroom. But my stomach dropped and growled loud enough Emily looked at me with concerns I think she knew what was run she knows my stomach. I got a cramp and got up trying not to rush I didn't want that guy to know I had to poop. And made my way to the bathroom. V was at the sink doing her makeup which sucked cause I didn't want to hear and she started talking to my about her bf, I was just standing there miserable trying not to have diarrhea all over myself... on the the stalls opened up and I went in to sit down and we I sat down I got a cramp and about a ten second stream of chunky diarrhea followed by a loud bassy gurgling fart came out it made me moan.. v left right after that I was trying to hold it so she wouldn't hear but that cramp was terrible. I let out another really liquid fart followed by another stream of diarrhea my stomach was cramping and churning so Loud I could hear it.. Emily texted asking if I was ok (i guess v said something to her) and I said yea I just have terrible diarrhea. She said yea I heard you're ???? and knew you were sick do you need anything. And I said no ill just be a minute. My stomach was cramping so bad it was making me moan but I couldn't help it, I just kept getting long waves of diarrhea followed by gurgling gas... I smelled horrible in there I was so embarrassed because people kept coming in there was only 2 toilets. I was trying to hurry because I knew they were ready to leave. Wiping was a mess because cheap paper the mess went right through it n got on my finger a little, gross. I have a bigger bottom and didn't have the chance to spread right lol. But I got up and cleaned the toilet seat because poo had splashed under the seat and had to flush twice, and went to wash my hands. I was drying my hands off when I felt more liquid rush through my bowels if I wouldn't have stopped I woulda have crapped myself and I ran back in the stall and absolutely exploded again. I felt so embarrassed for the girl next to me I had already been gone to minutes and Emily said they wanted to leave and I said I know I'm trying.. after about three minutes though I finally felt fine. So I could get up and when I went back the table was all cleared off and everything and V's boyfriend smirked at me and mortified me. We get in the car and Emily gave my a pepto and we went to the mall, I got a really cool korn shirt and Emily got some candles. V wanted a funnel cake so we all went to the food court and got one for each of us me and em got milkshakes to, we walked around for a bit but the mall was gonna close soon so we just decided to go.. I felt kinda bloated and gassy but I figured it was just all the food. But no sooner were we out of the lot I knew my stomach wasn't done. It rolled loudly again and Emily looked At me and grabbed my hand.i think she knew I still wasn't feeling well.. but there really wasn't anything she could do, V asked if I was ok and I finally just said yea I just have diarrhea and my stomach hurts. It hadn't even been ten minutes and I knew I couldn't hold it I was going to have diarrhea in my car in front this guy I barely even know and I just started sobbing when Emily asked what was wrong I just said I don't think I'm going to make it and she just grabbed my hand about 30 seconds later I got another terrible cramp and a loud gurgly fart forced it's way out followed by about three seconds of hot liquid and all I could do was sob I'm sorry, I'm sorry. V just rubbed my shoulders for behind and said it ok but the car smelled super horrible and my radio doesn't work so they could here everything.. it was all up my hooha because it was driving and couldn't move I had filled the front of my panties I could even feel it on top of my thighs it was so much, I guess that's why you shouldn't let yourself be constipated for three days.... everytime I had to fart it bubbled so it was super loud but i had to push because of the cramps. we Finally got got to drop her bf off and she said I could clean up at her place, so we drove there. I knew I looked like a wreck. When I stood up to get out of the car I all ran down my legs. Emily followed my to the bathroom and I pulled my pants down my legs were absolutely covered in yellow diarrhea. When I sat down I ripped a super gurgling wet fart with some liquid as Emily was untying my shoe to get offend I said I'm so sorry and she just said it's ok babygirl just let it out, I absolutely love her she's always there to help no matter what. And I was so weak to. After a few more waves of diarrhea I finally could get in the shower and rinse off, everything was covered even my front of to my belly button. I looked like a baby that had a blowout. But I got cleaned up and v gave my some sweats to wear home. My stomach was still messed up all night.. I hope I didn't ruin Vs chances with that guy. He seemed sweet

anon girl



I really have to use the bathroom every morning, but i'm scared to go around my bf. I don't like going in the same house i'm too shy. He isn't shy at all and goes infront if me too but i can't bring myself to say i'm off to the toilet.

I also can't go in public i hate the thought of being heard but drink so much coffee at work !!

Any advice ?


A Couple Quick Stories

Hello, sorry that I have been absent from this forum for so long! I've been doing fine, but well, life happens and you just get busy. I have been lurking here from time to time to read posts and have enjoyed many good ones. Specifically, I would like to give a shout out to Anna from Canada, Anna from Austria, and Kristi. I have been reading both Anna's posts for years now and have always enjoyed them. It's great to see you back, Anna from Canada! Kristi, I always find your posts so relatable and continue to enjoy them!

For those who don't remember me or don't know me, I'm a guy in my late 20's who lives with his wife, Anna (there are a lot of Anna's here). Anna's younger cousin Maddie also lives with us while she goes through college. I am a farmer in the Midwestern United States, and my wife helps me out on the farm during our busy times. We've had quite a busy summer, but I have plenty of interesting stories to post in the coming months!

For today, I have a couple of quick stories from earlier this summer. I was attending a family reunion and was talking to my aunt who has decided to partake in the van life movement. She bought a new van outfitted for camping that seemed fairly luxurious for what it is. I was asking her about the amenities and she started telling me about the stove, sleeping arrangements, and other things. Then, she started talking about the toilet. She said that she has a portable toilet on board that she uses when she has to pee, but she goes to use a public restroom when she has to poop. I was sort of taken back that she would flat out say that, but it's nothing I haven't heard before living with my wife and her cousin!

My second story takes place last week. Some of you may remember a couple years back that I posted about restroom trailers that were at this farm equipment show. Specifically, I mentioned how tight they were and how while I could pee at a urinal in one, I didn't know if I could poop in a stall in one. Well I got to test that out! I was at the event again this year and after eating some supper, I felt the urge to poop. It was either the restroom trailers or the porta potties, so I opted for the trailers. I went to the men's side and saw it was empty. There were two stalls, so I took the one furthest from the door. Upon entering, I could tell it was definitely tight. The width wasn't much different from a normal public restroom stall, but it was a couple feet shorter in depth. I sat on the small seat on what was more like a toilet in an RV. Once seated, the room wasn't awful. I noticed that there wasn't much water in the bowl, so my production was a bit smellier than normal and left more skidmarks when I was done. The tight quarters also made it awkward to wipe. However, I do know that I can in fact poop in one of these restroom trailers!

Monday, September 04, 2023

)Mrs. big and hard

Very difficult Hard and wide bowel movement today,

I felt something coming down in my rectum.
It was a really big hard compacted turd. I sat on the toilet and started straining with all my might. It was so big and wide it felt like a tree log coming out. I had to strain really hard and use my finger to dig it out one hard chunk at a time. it was like ..ah take a breath and STRAIN really hard . with my fingers I tried to pull my butt hole open but the hard rocks of my turd just would not come I will have to sit here till I get something dug out. Felt like a porcupine coming out.
Thank you all for your interest.
MRS big and hard.


To Bianca and an update

Awww thanks :) Good story though I'm sorry you had diarrhea. Was it something you ate, IBS or just one of those kinds of days?

An update: Just finished breakfast, a jar of warm water and a cup of tea a while ago and am slowly drinking a second jar of warm water. I'm hoping that will soften everything up and stimulate my bowels. A lot needs out. Will probably have to flush halfway when I finally do go. My stomach is making a lot of weird noises. Drinking plenty of water so I don't clog the toilet later.


Bathroom News

Today just before getting off the duck bus, a child had to go potty bad. I let that group leave first. I can't be certain, but I think the kid was doing a pee dance. I don't usually have diarrhea in the evening wich is why I said that one poop last weekend was rare. Anyway, I pooped lots yesterday including after dinner. Bye

Questions for Esme (the Poop Enthusiast)!

1. Have you not been successful in portable potties? Please tell us about any experiences and observations.

2. You say you have an exhibitionist streak of sorts. Wouldn't a door-less toilet provide you with a good stage?

3. Have you ever sat on a loose or otherwise busted toilet seat? Back when you were in K-12 school, would you have used one to save yourself from an accident in a crowded bathroom during a short passing period?

4. What color of toilet seat is your favorite? Why? Are there any rather strange seats you have used?

5. Have you ever been interrupted while on the toilet? Was the person rude, embarrassed or trying to avoid an accident? What did you do?

6. Did/do you babysit/childsit? What have been some of their bathroom needs you've encountered when you have them out in public? How did you react? Did they ever see you on the toilet taking care of your needs?

7. What is the status of hand-washing in public bathrooms that you have observed? Has it changed over the past several years? How?

8. Is flushing continuing to be a neglected act? What have you observed?
How do you handle selecting a toilet that hasn't been flushed or do you bypass it?

9. Do you ever use electronic devices or talk on the phone while you are on a public toilet? How common is this with other users in the bathroom?

Thank you.

To Creya

Please post more about your accidents, would love to hear more.


A few responses

@Esme your stories just keep getting better! Please continue to share!
@Kerri thanks for your outdoor pooping story! I wish I could have been a third wheel in that session…
@anonymous girl thanks for sharing! I was a longtime reader myself before I started to share. I'm glad I finally did, though. It's fun and liberating!


Journey diarrhea

Together with one of my school friends and his parents, I went on a trip! To another city! There we ate at a restaurant... But only the restaurant food did not please my stomach. He ache, and I felt that I really needed to go to the toilet. I told they where I was going and hurried there. Very soon I got to the toilets of the restaurant, two booths were occupied there, but fortunately one was vacant! I quickly went in, locked the door, and pulled down my white pants and blue underpants. I sat down on the toilet and began to poop. The poop flowed in a liquid stream, and with a loud gas output. I do not know how long the diarrhea lasted, but I think I pooped for a very long time. When I pooped, I began to wiping, and I barely had enough toilet paper. Then I flushed, got dressed, and left the booth. I washed my hands in the sink at the entrance, and left the restroom. In the evening, at the hotel where we stayed, my stomach ached and I went to the toilet. The poop turned out to be liquid, but fortunately, I pooped less than last time. It was also easier to wiped. The next day, fortunately, there was no diarrhea.


Synchronized pooping

Since both my kids are at school now, I've been trying to get out of the house more during the day. I spend a lot of my morning at friends' houses now. That means I've been doing more of my more poops there too. Some of my friends still have young children of their own, so they have little pottys in their bathrooms too.

It reminds me of when our kids were being potty trained. Me or my husband would be on the toilet while they were on their potty and then start counting down so we could go at the same time.

Did anyone ever do something similar?

Anonymous Girl -

Go on Amazon and look for a female urinal. It's a bottle with an opening shaped to fit over you down there which you can pee in and then empty. Your roommates could get some for themselves possibly or even bedpans so you are able to poop if you need to when someone else is in the bathroom.


Huge poop a while after breakfast

Hi all. Just got back from the bathroom after having a big poop. I got up this morning, went pee, made a jar of warm water, grabbed the cloth Walmart bag from my room and went upstairs for breakfast. Had some kind of pasta dish with vegetables, some kind of meat, tofu and rice, a cup of tea and a jar of warm water. After breakfast I took my medications, refilled my water jar and took that, my mug and Walmart bag downstairs. Microwaved the water and slowly drank it while surfing the net on my phone. Finally I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag and my phone, took off my bedroom flip flops, opened the door, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door and put the Walmart bag against it, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and beige underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A lot of crap filled the toilet. I flushed halfway just in case to prevent clogging. I pushed the last bit of it out, reached into my cloth Walmart bag l, took the toilet paper and took some. Wiped well, dropped it into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. What was in the toilet was only a little bit but what I flushed felt huge, like 2 or 2 1/2 feet. Flushed again, washed my hands, took my Walmart bag and went to my room. Took my outside flip flops off, went into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel, put the Walmart bag on my bed and made another jar of warm water. Whew! That wasn't everything yet but that was a hell of a good shit. And I didn't clog the toilet this time. I hope later after more water and healthy food I can go again a lot. Hopefully everyone is staying safe, healthy, hydrated, happy

Happy peeing and pooping!


One time I went into this restroom it had 3 stalls. Went into the middle one as the others either side were taken and I kid you not each of us had diarrhea. The sounds the smells were unbearable I just sat there shitting my guts out and we were all in there a while almost late for class.Then the guy to my right flushes and I hear him swearing, all of a sudden his stall is overflowing and there is watery diarrhea pouring all over the floor. He him leave in a hurry.
I wipe as quick as I can pull my trousers up and try to get out of there fast. The other guy to my left has the same idea only he hasn't pulled his trousers up properly and trips as he leaves his stall. These cubicles are raised so there's a step down to the rest of the restroom. Well the poor kid slips and falls face first onto the watery liquid shit that is pouring down the step and puddled on the floor.
All I could do was save myself.
Rumour spread that the kid had shit himself and blow up the restroom but I knew he was just unlucky really. Think he got bullied for a while after that too. Poor guy.


Clogged the toilet with giant stubborn hard shit

Hi everyone. Woke up this morning, went pee, microwaved the jar of water and went upstairs for breakfast. Had noodles with carrots, an egg, black mushrooms, ginger I think, a jar of warm water and a cup of tea. After breakfast I took my medications, refilled my water jar and went downstairs. Microwaved it and drank it along with the rest of my tea. Soon I got a major urge to poop so I took off my bedroom slippers/flip flops, took my Walmart bag and phone and went to the washroom. Put the Walmart bag against the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and beige underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. Quite a bit of solid poop came out. Tried flushing halfway but that was a no go. The toilet was clogged! I finished, took some toilet paper and wiped well. Then I went upstairs and told my caregiver once she came out of her room and the bathroom that the toilet was clogged. She didn't understand (she's from Taiwan and knows English but it's not great). I clarified for her and told her that I went to the washroom but it won't go down. She came downstairs with me and I stayed in my room away from her so she had room and space to deal with it. Before she came into the washroom I had made another jar of warm water to drink to try to soften the rest of this stuff up. She went back upstairs after telling me to leave it for 10-15 minutes and try to flush it again. I did that and it wouldn't go down. I had to get her again and she again spent a while trying to unclog the toilet. Finally it was unclogged and she was able to flush it. She washed her hands and reminded me to drink more water and do some exercises and stretches. Hopefully once I do that then I can go again but much softer. Hopefully everyone is staying happy, healthy, safe and peeing and pooping well.

Happy peeing and pooping


Saturday, September 02, 2023

Mrs BIGand HARD 7:26 AM Friday morning.
It is me again ...I am sitting on the toilet now..I can feel it starting t spread my butt hole really wide. It is really big and Ihave to strain really hard now...UHnnnnnnnnn it hurts really bad. I will have to gwt my vassilene and get some on my finger to work it into my butt hole .....working it in to my butt hole now, I can feel th hard turd still in my butt hole, I will try to force it out now....AH..nnnnnnnn
straining again ......I think it over three inches in diameter, straining again.... it is hard as a rock take a breath now push hard as I can.nnnnnnnnn uhhhhh. still can not get out, it is at least three inches in diameter now,..... after 30 minutes of is stretching my butt hole realy wide..ah..nnnnnnnnnnnnahhhhh
finally I dug it out of my butt hole one hard chunk at a tine.
now it is 8:30 AM

Monika B.

A couple recent incidents

I tried to post one of these, but it didn't show up on here.

1. Sometime last week, I had a bit of an upset stomach, just mild diarrhea. Since I had to work, I took an a-d and some Pepto. That usually works. Usually.

I've been feeling sort of out of it and fatigued lately. I took some coffee in a thermos and this vegan chocolate protein shake thing. The protein shakes are good, better than they deserve to be tbh. T
Like dark chocolate milk. Only thing is, they have a lot of fiber (I get plenty of fiber otherwise).

So I had both on my break. I had a short 4 hour shift that day, so I wasn't worried. Well, half an hour after my break, I felt a strong urge to poop. I've never pooped at work in my life. But it was pretty uncomfortable. I felt so bloated. I finally decided to cave and use the restroom at work, feeling so nervous about clogging the toilet or something. I had to pee anyway, so if worse came to worse, I could atleast do that.

Well, I couldn't poop. Psychologically unable I guess. I peed, then farted a little, but couldn't let it out. I felt a lot better after that, though, and the urge went away. I actually ended up taking a dump later than night at like 10:30, which is very rare for me (I'm a morning pooper).

2. I hate having one bathroom! My roommate had told me the night prior that she was going to take a shower at 8. I don't always go to the bathroom first thing in the morning; I'm very lazy in the morning and can lounge around in bed for like 45 minutes sometimes before I get up and pee. I'd had my coffee at around 7:10 or so and was just scrolling Facebook. Around 7:30 I felt a small urge for both pee and poop, but I decided to wait until about 7:50 (it takes me like 5 minutes to poop if that).

At 7:45 I definitely needed to go. I still figured I had time. I brushed my teeth first, realized I meant to change my clothes so went to my room (again, I figured she was going to take it at 8, so wasn't worried), then... heard the bathroom door close (it was 7:50 now)! I figured she was just peeing or something. But then I heard the water running... argh! What the heck, she was taking her shower! I looked at my phone and realized she'd sent a message letting me know she was taking a shower. I hadn't seen it because I'd gotten up to do a couple of things. By now I really had to go. It was awful! She took about 15 minutes and I definitely got a little mad. It's sort of not her fault- because of tbh running water, she assumed I'd seen the message. This is the first time something like this has happened in awhile. I'll have to tell her that if she sets her shower time beforehand to stick to that time. My stomach was hurting! It was actually mild diarrhea (again...). Mornings are tough for me sometimes.

Dude, I hate my stomach lol. And this fatigue is kicking my butt. I caught c19 back in May, and I haven't been feeling the same since.


So so desperate to poop

I ate an awful lot of food yesterday including sausages, bread, fish, chips, crisps, chicken and a lot of chocolate. It's now 9:45am and I have been bursting to poop since about 6am. Once a month when my wife starts her period she makes me hold in my poo (she won't tell me before hand) so as to replicate her pain and discomfort so that I suffer with her. She feels it is only fair and this is the closest way to replicate her discomfort. I will only be allowed to go when she says.

The pressure is so strong and my bowels feel so full that there is a permanent sharp pain across my abdomen. The discomfort so is intense and It literally hurts permanently. The cramps are also very painful and literally stop me my in my tracks as I battle to hold it, I feel so bloated that I feel I might poop myself at any moment.

I am begging her to let me go but she says no. Wish me luck I have no idea how long I can hold on it's so painful.


Too big again and straining hard.

Last night I tried to go to the toilet but could not get it out. I tried to strain RELLY hard to force it out, but my butt hole would not stretch.
wide enough to let it come out , So I use my finger to dig it out one hard lump at a time. I must admit I have this problem all the time.
My butt hole is always sore and I have to use some petroleum jelly on my finger to lubricate it so my big hard turd will come out.
I sit on the toilet leaning over to pull my butt cheeks apart to help spread my butt hole wider. Then I have to strain really hard like nnnnn.and then repeat the process over and over again.
Thank you all ...Mrs big and hard


An update and reply to Nicole from Germany

Hi all. Ate noodles with different vegetables, an egg, hot sauce and drank a jar of warm water and a cup of tea for breakfast. Afterwards took my medications and took my mug and water jar downstairs. I refilled, microwaved and drank that jar of warm water too. I'm hoping soon that stimulates my bowels so I can go have a good poop.

To Nicole from Germany-Wow almost 3 days ago huh? That dinner sounds good. Try drinking a mug of warm water. That might help. Very safe and may help stimulate your bowels. Hopefully you and I can both poop a lot.



Response to Lana

I went through something similar in university, we had a bathroom with 2 stalls in dorms and I used to go between 5am and 6am when I needed to poop. Well every so often another girl used to come rushing in around the same time and we used to sit in silence until one of us left to come back another day. Well one day I'd been really constipated and had this really bad stomach ache, I'd hardly slept and had a stomach ache most of the day before. We'll I got up and gone to the bathroom, but when I got in there, I heard footsteps behind and the door opened, another girl rushed in and slammed the stall door shut.

I'd already started my wee and she joined in, then we both finished the same time and it was silent, I thought no problem she'll leave soon. It was like 20 or 30mins in silence, I was getting uneasy as I knew I couldn't hold it until the following day and I thought I was running out of time.

I thought I could try and wait outside so I started to clean up, I got up but then another cramp hit me and I had to sit back down. So I waited, then a wimpy voice came from the other stall, 'are you still there, please get out so I can poop.', I replied yes, she then says 'omg Gemma, has it been you all the time in here at this time'. I answer yes recognising the voice, 'I'm really sorry Laura but I can't get up, I've got a really bad stomach ache and it's been a couple of weeks', Laura answered 'i can't either, omg it's going to come out, if I go can you as well and never mention this again' then this grunt and massive plop and sigh came from next door, I started mine too, I strained and my tiny pellet came out, I caught my breath and did another one.
I continued for the next hour, my normal pellet every 5 to 10 minutes, and Laura was sitting there, 20 minutes in another large plop and sigh came from the next stall. Laura then asks if it normally takes me this long, I answered yes in a strained voice followed by the tiny plop of another of my normal pellets, she said same and thought she was the only one, her family used to take the Micky out of her for taking so long.

She then explained she'd been to so many doctors about it as she has to do this a couple of times a month and it's very painful normally, her voice started straining and I had to stop talking too as another one was coming for me too. We both plopped at the same time, Laura was trying to get her breath back, I just told her that her secret is safe with me and I only do it a couple of times a month too and mine are always like this.

We both finished up and flushed and washed our hand together, Laura was like we should go back to her room and talk about what just happened and see if we can plan our toilet days so it doesn't happen again.. we actually agreed it didn't really matter as we now know each other's secret and we'd message each other to go to the bathroom together so no one else can use the second stall.

We became best friends and moved in together the next year.

Accident prone

To Creya

Creya, I have lots of poop accidents as well. The most embarrassing ones for me are when they're in front of people. I've pooped my hiking shorts while out on a trail walk with a friend earlier this month. It's always embarrassing. Would love to hear more of your stories, especially when you've accidentally pooped yourself in front of friends. What have been their reactions? Have you been able to hide the fact that you've messed?


re: Lana

Thank you for that story, I loved reading it, I was imagining the scene in my head. Do you have more stories of you or others trying to poop in public? I love embarrassment on the toilet when pooping probably because I have stage fright myself. As a kid at camp I would not go nr 2 for five days or more if possible.

I like hearing other people poop, most men are not embarrassed so a situation like yours in the female restroom is unlikely to happen. It always seemed to be only me who was poop shy in college. No matter how many plops I heard from other stalls I could not bring myself to let loose when someone else was present so I often sat on the toilet for a long time before I was alone.

Would you say most girls are poop shy or have you also encountered moments where every taken toilet stall had plops coming? I would love to be a fly on the wall to witness the difference between the men's room and the girls's room in the morning in college. I just can't imagine girls ever loosening up and just go for it shamelessly.

Thanks again for your contribution, I hope you will contribute more when you can.


Synchronized pooping

Since both my kids are at school now, I've been trying to get out of the house more during the day. I spend a lot of my morning at friends' houses now. That means I've been doing more of my more poops there too. Some of my friends still have young children of their own, so they have little pottys in their bathrooms too.

It reminds me of when our kids were being potty trained. Me or my husband would be on the toilet while they were on their potty and then start counting down so we could go at the same time.

Did anyone ever do something similar?


Meditation and other issues

I use meditation when on the toilet.

Sometimes I have urgency, sometimes not sometimes it is a hard one, and sometimes not.
I walk-in drop my pants sit on the throne feet flat on the ground. I take a few deep breaths and relax. On each exhale, I keep my mouth open a bit, I let nature take its course and relaxing further on each breath. Sometimes it just comes out of me other times I have to push. I do not push until a few minutes have elapsed and then I start my pushing. After I finished, I sit there for a few minutes, if I have the time and then cleanup.

The other issues I'm having is bottom wiping and I was caught out the other day when the battery on my bidet became flat. I then had to wipe the old school way and the movement in my body caused me to crap in the leg cramp in the legs. I could only get the job half done and my Depends had to take care of the rest. I have ordered a bottom wiper and I have practised its use with my occupational therapist. It is coming in the mail but has not arrived yet. Will keep you updated

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