
Becky-I'm sorry about your shared bathroom situation with your roommate and the mess . How is that going?

John H- I poop 2-4 days a day. Sometimes if I am eating really good, working out and resting, I'll poop up to 4 times a day. Often, they will be soft, quick poops, 2-3 turds per session. I once used a restroom with a friend recently and I was done wiping before she finished her pee (maybe I should wipe a cpuple more times hahaha). This is common when I have a day off at home. It feels very good , especially if I am at home and able to clean myself better or I get two showers that day. Did you feel sick with the extra poops? If you are feeling good, four a day is great. My body is at its peak when I poop more than twice a day. Note when I travel sometimes, I drop to once a day and the day is not as pleasant as it should be.

Anon giri- I hear you. I have had this pooping anxiety in the past for my now husband, and even boyfriends in the past I could not poop if I stayed over psychologically ( no guy ever told me I could not). Obviously, I learned to get past this fear with my husband (somewhat?) and I cannot recall getting over the fear with previous boyfriends or intimate partners. My husband has done countless actions to help me feel more comfortable from finding an excuse to leave the apartment when he got the hint I needed to poop to even complementing my butt more after I poop ( and he complements my butt all the time). At one point he joked if hr get the booty, he has to deal with the shit, which made my laugh, and fart. SO you are completely normal and its ok if you don't get comfortable until you are really in a serious long term relationship, and even then that takes time. Learning to go public takes time too and befriending gals who are comfortable pooping in public helped me, especially if they were gorgeous and smelled fantastic. If their butt can make a mess and stink, why not mine

Midwesterner Haha another Anna? Tell her to join us! Just kidding. I think we recently had a post from Anna from Astoria and we have Annie too! I had a short social media interest in van life, and many of them will talk about peeing set ups in the van and they will never poop there. And pooping in tight quarters like an airplane or portable toilet will worsen my skid marks due to the awkward wiping situation

Tom-I am a nurse practitioner and a cancer center . And thank you !

Alexandria- I think about my difficulty wiping when I see a women in a beautiful dress. How many times do we look gorgeous in a dress and we have skidded panties underneath?

Robyn- you need to gift victoria a bunch of light colored thongs and cheekies! I'm sure she looks great in them and you can tease her back when she cannot use a bidet… haha love you both Robtoria!

-lightly skidmarked in Seattle ( my favorite green PINK panties )


Very constipated

Hi all. I got up this morning, went pee and went upstairs for breakfast (a bowl of soupy noodles with vegetables, a jar of warm water and a cup of tea). Just finished another jar of warm water to hopefully try to soften everything up. Will try a bit later to poop after my fitness program, a cup of coffee and more warm water. It feels hard and I don't want to risk clogging the toilet. Hopefully I can go later without problems. A lot needs out. Hopefully everyone is staying healthy, safe and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping (hopefully)


Matthew C.


Just got home from a long weekend at Chincoteague on the Eastern Shore, and I always have some stories regarding my trips to the bathroom after a vacation. Thought of posting one each day but decided I'd cover the whole thing once I got back.

The day we left our power was out from a big storm the night before and I was up super early to eat out for breakfast. Normally a stressful situation and lack of sleep like that messes up my system, but that morning things were smooth. I ate, had coffee, and while I availed myself of the wi-fi, my bowels started to grumble and I got gassy. I did let out a slightly loud fart with a pretty worker feet away, but lucky for me she gave no indication she'd heard it.

As I left, the need was building but I thought, since I was heading to the library, I could hold it and just go there. I kind of enjoy the feeling of holding it in anyway. Unfortunately for me, the library hadn't opened yet and I wasn't about to wait an hour, so I had to turn around and go home. Fortunately for me all these locations are within a five minute drive of my house I wasn't real desperate by the time I got home. When I finally sat on the toilet, it all exploded out of me at once. I often don't take too long in the bathroom because my bowel movements usually do that. A couple of longer logs, smooth, and a lot of smaller stray pieces. All told, about ten minutes.

Saturday was where my usual bowel disruptions a vacation causes hit me. My BMs in the morning are usually big, and I but that day I barely felt any urge and not much came out, and so I was rather bloated and uncomfortable for much of the day. But on Sunday that was different. I pooped twice, first time was before Mass and second was after lunch. Both times were looser, a lot of smaller turds and on the softer side. I'm not fully constipated very often as when I don't get much out one day, I have a huge crap the next.

Both days that I went swimming at the beach I wound up peeing in the water because those toilets they have get REALLY hot and gross and seeing as I usually go no.2 well before driving down there, I've managed to avoid having to use them for a while now. Made sure to be out in an area where no one was within several feet of me and looked around a bit before I let go, and for some reason swimming really makes my bladder full. Felt kind of fun doing that.

On Monday, it was more routine and I had to poop pretty soon after having breakfast and coffee. The first time I went, I had a bit of a harder time getting it started and the first big lump to come out felt kind of dry and left my butthole a bit sore. That never usually happens to me. The second time was about an hour later and in both cases it was more dry solid. I also took longer to go than I usually do, about 15 minutes each time. Made sure to drink a lot of water afterwards. The third was right after I got home and it was just whatever few pieces I didn't pass earlier.

As I'm writing this today I'm having a big bowl of Fiber one for breakfast with a cup of OJ and coffee. Making sure to have a big cup of water along with it as I need to keep hydrated with all the extra fiber I'm eating again.


Accident during a City Tour

Hello! I am Amina! I'm a 20 year old Muslim Female! This story will be about my older sister's accident while she was on a City Tour with me and my family. So let's start! It was May 5th 2022, a year ago, we were on Vacation to the Dominican Republic, I was with my Mother, Father, Aunt, my younger and older sister! My older sister's name is Yasmeen but I'll call her Yas in this story since it's a nickname I use to call her since I was 7 years old(She is around 24 years old). So, while we were on a small bus on our way to Santo Domingo(almost 3 hours away from our hotel), Yas told us she needed to pee but did not want to pee outside(since she has an shy bladder), So during the 1 hour trip(we were driving for 2 hours at the time), She frequently kept moving her legs. When we arrived, Yas tried to find a bathroom but most of them were either Occupied, had very long lines or Out of Order. After like 2 hours, the desperation started to get worse, She kept Squirming, holding her crotch and frequently moving her legs. 30 minutes later, Yas said "I t-think I'm Leaking…". I looked to her crotch and saw a wet spot, she leaked. But after 15 minutes, We started hearing splashing noises coming from behind us. I turned around, Only to see Yas peeing herself. Well, atleast she enjoyed it… We told our guide that Yas peed herself so we had to end the City Tour earlier. The vacation was Fun overal!

Anna from Austria
@Mina very nice to read another story from you.

@Jenny No problem. Typos can happen anytime. I got it right that the post was directed towards me.

I have not seen it in person that guy had to go to stall after peeing. As a women I never have been to mens room obviously but I think something similar happended to my signifcant other recently.

I am not sure though because I was half asleep. It was a sunday morning not long time ago. Me and my bf were spending time together and at some point in the morning he left the bed to go the toilet. The toilet is near the bedroom so you can hear what is going one. He was in there for about 1 minute and then I could hear the toilet flush.

Then I could hear him pulling down the toilet seat. Then silence and than some loud prrrf type farts then some grunts amd another even loader fart.

It is totally possible that he just wantend to pee and then the urge fo going number 2 kicked in as well.

I did not know how long how es in there exactly because I feel asleep again.

that's it for today

greetings from Austria


No Privacy School Toilets

Before my parents decided to switch me to a parochial school at the beginning of 9th grade, I had three years of junior high where I almost became accustomed to the no privacy school toilets in all but one of the bathrooms. There was only one exception. That was the bathrooms that were shared by adults attending games in the gym, and programs in the nearby auditorium. Gotta give them something nicer, or as my dad would say something normal. I was just told that we had to accept it.

In my last year at that school, 8th grade for me, the situation changed a bit for the worse. Teachers, when they had to take a fast piss, would come running in, say "Thank you..." if I was standing next in line, and take their piss, while we waited and worried about whether the 5 minute passing period end bell was going to ring before our turn came. A social studies teacher, who was right out of college and in her first year of teaching, from the toilet where she sat doing a loud piss, and I think I heard a chunk of crap fall in too, was fast and only used a minute. She pointed at me, smiled, looked me in the eye, and said "I owe you!"

I think she paid me back one afternoon when she caught me coming out of a 7th grade bathroom downstairs. That bathroom didn't have stall doors but it was much cleaner for me to crap in. She just reminded me of the handbook rule that I had to use an 8th grade bathroom. But she didn't issue me a detention slip. Some of my friends didn't think teachers should have been allowed to use our bathrooms, but the faculty lounge was on the lower level, which would have been much farther for them to walk to. And they would have been late to class. We wouldn't want that to happen. Would we!

Long time reader
To:"Anthony T"
Do you have a source for your story because I've seen nobody post rather it was a man or woman who had the accident lol Would be nice if it was a woman but doubt that it is was

Anna from Austria
@Mina very nice to read another story from you.

@Jenny No problem. Typos can happen anytime. I got it right that the post was directed towards me.

I have not seen it in person that guy had to go to stall after peeing. As a women I never have been to mens room obviously but I think something similar happended to my signifcant other recently.

I am not sure though because I was half asleep. It was a sunday morning not long time ago. Me and my bf were spending time together and at some point in the morning he left the bed to go the toilet. The toilet is near the bedroom so you can hear what is going one. He was in there for about 1 minute and then I could hear the toilet flush.

Then I could hear him pulling down the toilet seat. Then silence and than some loud prrrf type farts then some grunts amd another even loader fart.

It is totally possible that he just wantend to pee and then the urge fo going number 2 kicked in as well.

I did not know how long how es in there exactly because I feel asleep again.

that's it for today

greetings from Austria



Drinking warm water after breakfast to help me poop

Hi all. Just finished an egg and vegetables with rice for breakfast. It was good. Took my medications after, refilled my water jar, microwaved it and am slowly drinking it. There is a lot in my body and I don't want to risk clogging the toilet. Hopefully can go soon. Finished my tea not long ago and soon will be done my second water jar (warm) this morning. Now going to do my stretches. Hopefully everyone is staying safe, healthy, happy.

Happy peeing and pooping



Worried Mother Needs Advice!

I came across this forum while searching the web for real stories from real people who have taken enemas. I have never had one myself but my daughter (she's 8) has been struggling with constipation recently and her doctor suggested we try them. Every brand's description promises that the results will be gentle on her, but I am nervous about trying them after hearing from a few friends that they are actually a very unpleasant experience.

So I am asking this community for help. Do enemas hurt? Has anyone here had to have one during childhood? Am I just being an overly protective mother and there is actually nothing to worry about? Please help!


Live poop #2

Hey everyone! I thought I would pass the time like I did a couple of weeks ago and do a live poop post. I'm in the same location as before (classroom building at college). I'm in the first stall with a wall to my left, and 4 stalls to my right. I currently have the place to myself although 5 pee visitors have been in. It's 2:20 I have needed to go since this morning but had to find the time. Currently have jeans and panties lowers to my ankles, legs are back and forth to wide open and closed. I sense I'll have some solid turds today.

Just pushed a little and released 3 farts. Pushing some more and a big stretch to my anus. Very slow moving. Definitely thick. Feels good. It's long….over a foot.

Now 2:31, a few more farts. My butt opening again. A few moans….bigger stretch this time. Gritting teeth. It's out. Not as long but still solid and thick. Another small one. Still feel the need to push.

Now 2:34, I can hear my crackles. Still adjusting my legs. Big logs feel easier with my legs closed. Just sitting here, I'm open wide…..movement again, legs together and leaning forward, felt my butt lift off the seat in the rear. A few grunts as a need to push. Now 2:38… butthole feels like it's stretching to the max…..kinda euphoric….turd is very slow. Feels amazing. Just heard a plop, big log still inching out. Omg…..feels crazy good. So very slow, very wide. It just keeps coming. 2:42, it's finally out.

2:44…..sitting here collecting myself. 7 big turds (2 are huge), a few pellets.

That's all for now. Just enjoying the moment.

I'm Sarah, and I'm here with an interesting story to tell. It all happened yesterday when my friend Maria and I were playing outside and both of us needed to go to the bathroom again (sounds familiar right?), we decided to sneak into the same storage room our apartment building has. Much to our surprise, the mess we made previously was still there on the floor, and without any hesitation we relieved ourselves in the same spot (to be honest, I'm feeling a bit embarrassed talking about this).

Fast forward about an hour later, when I had to go again, this time I knew I needed to poop and so we returned to the storage room to take care of my business, with Maria standing guard at the door. I managed to do my business and then she had to do hers as well before we left quickly, as we heard someone coming.
Hope to see you all soon!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

"Anthony T"

Poop Accident on a Plane

As I'm sure some of you have heard by now, there was a "bathroom incident" on a delta airlines flight that was so serious it made international news.

A woman apparently was apparently struck by uncontrollable diarrhea about two hours into the flight. She made a run for the lavatory but lost control and essentially painted a 25 foot stretch of the aisle with liquid poop. According to some, she found one set of bathrooms occupied and had the accident trying to reach the ones at the other end of the cabin. This all was enough to constitute a "biohazard" and the plane had to turn back to Atlanta.

This woman basically lived everyone's worst nightmare when it comes to air travel. I've always been nervous whenever we can't use the restroom on a plane (eg takeoff, turbulence etc) for fear of something like this happening.

Have any of you ever witnessed or experienced a "bathroom emergency" while on a plane. The only poop accident I've seen an adult have occurred in a very similar situation to the above. We endured a lengthy tarmac delay, followed by ascent to cruising altitude, followed by turbulence. All of these factors kept us in our seats for nearly two hours. A young woman kept asking to use the bathroom with increasing urgency, but the flight attendants refused her every time. The poor woman managed to hold it until we were finally freed from our seats, but everyone else had the same idea and she couldn't make it through the line. She ended up having an absolutely massive accident in her pants and on the floor. Obviously she was unbelievably mortified.

Then again, at least she didn't ground the plane, so it could have been worse.


Reply to Jenny

Wiping while wearing on of the Victorian style dresses is quite hard, tbh. You have to lift up the dress itself and the petticoats underneath, while at the same time trying to clean your rear to the best of your ability. My process is quite complicated, i usually lean forward and wipe while sitting as I find it a lot easier to wipe that way instead of standing up. The worst part is the corset, which restricts you from doubling over by keeping your back straight. This complicates things but not by much. Also I don't mind you asking. Also Im prone to having lots of marks in my panties after a day out wearing a dress, it's nothing to be ashamed of, it just comes with wearing a dress like that.

Comments to anon girl

Thank you for reaching out. Is it reluctance or lack of experience which you are referring to regarding how you view public bathrooms? In my case, and this was just over 10 years ago, it was my mom's "teaching" about planning ahead: use the toilet just before leaving home, don't drink too much liquid at the concert or mall, and try to hold it until you get home, or at least, a cleaner bathroom. When we were at a stadium event, it was almost unforgivable when I had to excuse myself to go down to the toilets. I was in high school and mom would ask me which bathroom need I had to take care of. There was less of a frown or lecture when I told her I had to crap, but I got sick of the usual criticism that I needed to regulate my bowels and perhaps "sit and try" before leaving home. That just seemed dumb and part of all-to-routine punishment.

I was very self conscious until I moved out for college. Also, I had an internship at a business where I became a regular coffee drinker. The coffee, two or three cups each afternoon, kept me awake, but also meant, on average, two pees in our division's four-stall bathroom. Sometimes I would start as the lone pee-er and my division head would come in, throw the door open in the stall next to mine, and do a double-blast crap. She was so shameless. She'd stand, do a couple of two-directional wipes, and then flush with her left foot. I so admired her performance. I know it was wasteful, but at first for most of my pees I would pull off toilet paper and lay about three sheets atop the bowl water. That worked for me in several situations, except when it wasn't necessary for single-toilet bathrooms in places such as gas stations and c-stores.

Like you, however, when a boy has stayed over at my apartment, I am self-conscious if I'm the first out of bed and need to take a smelly crap. Until last week I would dress and walk down to the corner to take my crap at a gas station. I would cover myself by bringing a large container of coffee home that we both could share. My best friend has advised me to try my crap at home, but the flush every 10 or 15 seconds.
I did that yesterday but he woke up after the third flush and wondered if I was sick. There wasn't much stink however and I lucked out with no skidmarks left in the bowl.


Reply to College Mom

I can sure relate to pooping in college dorms. The thing that bothered me the most was the guys that wanted to have a conversation with you while pooping. No thank you, when I'm pooping I'm BEARING DOWN, I don't care to talk in the middle of straining.
The solution I found, in every college I attended (four in all), was the bathrooms at the far end of the stacks in the library. They usually had a single toilet and a lock on the door. In the nine years I attended college I think I might have been interrupted by a knock maybe 3 - 4 times!!!

Mina Kazumi Hisae Maho

Dear Esme

Maho she is inquisitive girl, she ask, "What appearance is Esme?" She guess, Esme look like pop singer-songwriter Aimyon, but medium build (Aimyon is very slender, looks like chopstick, but very pretty face).

So Mina look for your first post and she found. You say, black hair and green eyes and 24 age (so more younger than us, we are 32 or 33). So you are not look like Aimyon at all, unless you are chopstick shape.

Maho was on loo very long time to do motions when she ask this question, Mina was squat next to her, so we discuss, with plop-plop-plop accompaniment come from under Maho's beautiful bottom. Maho said, "I am sure Esme has very very beautiful bottom, so when she is on loo long long time, she can feel proud." Mina and Hisae and Kazu also hope. Esme, when you are on loo with busy beautiful bottom, please feel proud yourself. And we say this to everyone in this site.

Love to everyone.

Maho, Hisae (or Chae), Kazumi, Mina


A few responses and a few answers

Hey it's Victoria
And Robyn!

Robyn did a big one last night and while the struggle to not make jokes about her laying an egg was very real I was proud of her nevertheless!

To College Mom: Wow, you're a great writer! I (Robyn) also struggled adjusting to communal dorm bathrooms. I'm half Swedish, my mom was born in Stockholm, and one of the aspects of the culture I was raised with is that attitudes about the human body and nudity are different. Going at home, either at my mom's or my dad's after they got amicably divorced, was frequently an open door affair and the transition to large, communal bathrooms caused me problems too.

Problems that caught up to me on a day when the bathroom on my floor was closed for cleaning right as my poop was about to cross the finish line. Yep. I had a full, solid accident and a dirty pair of panties that also got flushed for lack of alternatives in my anxious state. I was fortunate that there was nobody else in the bathroom as I was using about half of the roll of toilet paper to wipe my poopy buns but it also gave me an important lesson.

To Mina/Maho/Hisae/Kazumi: our vote is for Chakamami!

To Jenny: A big part of why I (Victoria) like going so much is the wicked pleasure I take in pooping out of an endowed butt. Others stare, but they have no idea what goes on between those cheeks!

Survey time!
Here are our answers, Victoria's first and then Robyn's.

1. How Many squares do you wipe with a number 2 and number 1 if you have female anatomy?
#1-My pees are pretty easy on cleanup. No more than three or four. #2-it depends on where I am and what kind of poop I just took! At home it's no more than five or six because we have a bidet but in a public bathroom I just keep going and going. There's no alternative when the tp in your stall is so thin and scratchy!
2. Do you fold the toilet paper neatly or bunch the toilet paper when you wipe assuming you use more than one square? I'm a folder, yeah.
3. Do you lean forward while sitting when you wipe or do you stand? Lean forward, hand behind rear, front-to-back wiping.
4. How often do you get skidmarks in you white or light colored underwear? Not very often, but since I have very fair skin I prefer darker-colored undies.
5. Do you use any alternatives to toilet paper (i.e wet wipes, bidet, Unwipe) to get cleaner than toilet paper? Bidet all the way!
6. Do you have a favorite brand of toilet paper that is most comfortable, cost effective or other preference? Cottonelle Ultra in the purple pack. I even converted Robyn.

Back to her!

It's Robyn again and here are my answers.

1. How Many squares do you wipe with a number 2 and number 1 if you have female anatomy? #1-unfortunately my vulva is a little different from Vic's and that means extra cleanup around my urethra. It's closer to five or six for me. #2-However long it takes until there's no brown or bidet water between my butt cheeks or on my underneath.
2. Do you fold the toilet paper neatly or bunch the toilet paper when you wipe assuming you use more than one square? Put me down as a buncher.
3. Do you lean forward while sitting when you wipe or do you stand? Lean forward. I've wiped sitting down ever since potty training.
4. How often do you get skidmarks in you white or light colored underwear? I wear lighter colored panties more than Victoria and it's maybe once or twice a week that I get caught with skids. She teases me!
5. Do you use any alternatives to toilet paper (i.e wet wipes, bidet, Unwipe) to get cleaner than toilet paper? We have a bidet attachment to our toilet seat and when that goes we're replacing the whole seat with a fancy no-pants seat integrated TOTO (to match our toilet) Washlet! It was a gift after the ceremony where Victoria and I got married!
6. Do you have a favorite brand of toilet paper that is most comfortable, cost effective or other preference? I'm a Cottonelle Ultra convert thanks to you-know-who. She just pinched me.

That's all for now but we'll be seeing you soon!

Love to all,
And Victoria!


Sunday afternoon

Hey everyone! I am loving this group so much! I love connecting with everyone and seeing your replies and your questions. I like I can be my authentic self in this group with this amazing hobby we all share.

@Willa - thank you so much for your kind words and for what I am definitely feeling in finding a kindred spirit! I have not admitted before that I like pooping videos. It takes a bit of trial and error to find good ones. I simply like authentic, on the toilet related things.

@Robyn - I love kindred spirits! Tell Victoria hello for me! As for your questions: 1) I am not a routine toilet clogger, but it has happened. I tend to leave lots of poop when I go, but it is rare I have huge individual turds that lead to clogging....maybe twice a year. 2) I like plastic seats. 3) I probably take 75% of my poops in public and do not get a choice of TP, but I do buy Charmin. - Love you back :-)

@Mina - thank you for the kind words!

@Jenny - I truly enjoyed your post and especially when you said you were thinking of me! I admit I would have liked to have spotted those lacy pink panties (blushing). You definitely get it....the exposure, the vulnerability, the all collides. I rarely wear dresses (though I do have a tartan mini I occasionally like to wear), but they do pose challenges! Something about being mostly naked in public is a thrill....especially when leaving your mark on a location in a very personal way. There is certainly something sexual about all of this for me. I guess it always has been to some extent. Not sure how much more I can get away with regarding that. I can relate about that moan....truly ;-)

Not sure who these go to, but here are my replies:

1) Could you tell me more about your after school races home when both you and your younger sister were competing for first poo rights on the shared toilet: We did this during my jr. high years and her late elementary years. It seemed the need to poop hit us both mid-afternoon. It was not much of a race, we were usually nice about who needed to go first most.

2)What was the longest and shortest time you two had held your poop at school? Why was this? Why didn't you go during class, between classes or immediately when school dismissed? I have always like to hold it for at least a little bit....I kinda enjoy that feeling unless it is too much pressure. The longest I have held it has been for most of a day. This is usually due to not having the time to poop or not being in a preferred location. I never go to bed needing to poop. I am not a fan of holding it for long / unnecessary periods of time. The only reason I ever held it was simply not having time. I hate (and have always hated) rushing poops. The typical 5-10 minutes between classes has never been enough time for me. When I was in high school (and junior high) I pooped during the longer lunch break many times. I have never had poop anxiety related to going at school....except as it related to time. I always like to have at least 20-30 minutes.

3) What were the restrooms like in your grade, middle and high schools? What was the ease at getting to them and getting a seat? For each of those years the restrooms were pretty much the same. Most every restroom at school had at least 5 stalls, the biggest had a dozen or more. During class exchange times, it was hard to find a seat - which again ties into my desire for freedom. I admit I enjoy the freedom of college and adulthood. I obviously like to poop (more than the average Jane) and want every opportunity to be enjoyable without a rush. I suppose as a younger kid this was not as possible, but I guess that created the me I am now.

4) What was the cleanliness and overall supervision of those bathrooms like? Cleanliness varied. Not much supervision that I ever recall.

5) In what grade did you have your first poop at school? How old were you, how did your approach your need, and how successful was it? Looking back now, what, if anything, would you have done differently? Why? My earliest / clearest memories of pooping at school go back to when I was around 10, so not quite junior high. I have always needed time to poop (longer than 10-15 minutes), so I always kept that in mind. I usually pooped at school during lunch. On occasion I remember asking for permission to leave class. I cannot say I would do anything different. This is a topic I have always been open about and embraced.

6) How often did you pee at school? How successful were you and what would you do differently now? Peeing only is different than pooping. I do not have the same devotion. I probably pee 3-4 times in a typical 8-4 type day. I always get peeing out of the way before pooping (and flush before pooping).

I hope this answers everyone's questions for now! I always welcome questions!

I do want to share a few details from a huge poop I took earlier last week at college (Tuesday). Even by my standards it was very big. I literally filled the entire bowl and even built a mound below my butthole that broke the water line. I was on the same toilet from my "live" pooping post from 2 weeks ago. After my morning class I definitely had a big urge to go (having not gone in 3 days). I was on the toilet for almost 40 minutes. Per usual my shorts and panties were around my ankles for the duration. I have learned that depending on the urgency of my need to poop my legs open and close accordingly. For those moments it feels thick and slow I get comfort from closing my legs....when I need to get things going or have that desire to finish up, I am spread eagle....anyone else have history with this? Most of my turds on Tuesday were no bigger than my index finger...and there were A LOT!!! The longer I sat the more poop came. My stomach was cramping a bit the entire time. Toward the end I finally gave in and gave a mighty push with lots of farts....leading to my mound-building! I know this is not my typical detail in writing, but I wanted to at least share before the next great adventure comes!


Response to Jenny

In Jenny's post, she asked if any guys ever were peeing at a urinal and unexpectedly had to move to a stall to poop. My story doesn't quite match the question but I figured I would share anyway.

I'm a guy who has always had anxiety about a lot of things, including a phobia of pooping in public restrooms so it's very rare that I do it. Many years back, I thought that maybe I should try to do something to get over that phobia, so what I decided to try was to go about my day at home like normal until I needed to poop, and then instead of pooping at home, I would drive somewhere and force myself to go in a public bathroom.

When it came time to me to go, I drove up to my local Target. I walked into the men's room which is immediately in the front of the store by the entrance. Because of my long-time pooping phobia, I was really nervous about this plan - my heart racing, my body feeling cold.

Unfortunately when I walked in, I found the restroom was busy. I don't remember the exact details at this point but I think there was a guy at the sink, a guy at a urinal, and maybe another guy who was exiting a stall. Because of all the guys in there, I lost all my courage and couldn't bring myself to walk into a stall to poop. I decided to abort the mission and would just poop at home. However, I didn't want to seem like I went in there for no reason, so I walked over to a urinal and peed.

As I finished peeing, I realized that the other guys had all finished up what they were doing and left, leaving me alone in the bathroom. This allowed me to regain a little bit of confidence, so I walked over to one of the stalls to poop as originally planned. I was still super anxious with my heart pounding but I was able to poop successfully. While I was still seated but after I dropped my log, a guy did come in and use the urinal but weirdly his presence didn't add to my nervousness, so I guess if I'm already in the action it's fine, but it's hard for me to start the process if others are around.

But yeah, that's my story. I know it's not quite what Jenny was asking as she was looking more for guys who were at the urinal already and then suddenly realized they also had to poop, whereas in my case I knew I had to go but it was just my anxiety that made me use a urinal before moving into a stall to have my poop. But at any rate, I hope you guys enjoyed my story.


Today's adventure

Hi guys, long time no post. Hope Catherine and Shannon and the rest of the SPAS are doing ok!

I haven't had much to share lately, but today...

I woke up, had breakfast, and went out grocery shopping this morning. As I've mentioned, I enjoy the feeling of holding it and feeling full and desperate and as such I hadn't pooped in a day or two. While at the grocery store I could feel the need really building. After a good hour at the grocery store I loaded the frozens into my trunk cooler and drove to Costco for some things I needed there. It was busy as always. They also have new fall stuff and clothes so I had to browse those, of course. After a while the need to poo came back really strong and I had to stop and cross my legs to squeeze things shut for a minute or risk prairie dogging. I continued shopping and a while later had to stop and squeeze again and knew I was going to eventually run out of time so I finished up grabbing what I needed and checked out. When I got in the car I realized I was low on gas and would need more before I was back so I stopped in at the Costco gas station because is cheaper and I was there. I stood there pumping gas, passing gas, and had to keep my legs crossed again to keep from soiling myself in the busy gas line!

I hopped back in the car and drove home. As I got close to my neighborhood the urge hit strong again and since I was sitting I couldn't squeeze as well and I could feel a firm bowel movement start to push out and stop when it hit my panties against the car seat. I fought it and tried to pull it back inside, but by this point my body really wanted it out and wanted to push. I tried to stop myself since I was so close to home, but I couldn't help but push and grunt a little and felt the poop push hard and start to spread a little against the seat and push between my butt cheeks. After a few seconds of pushing I managed to regain control and squeeze hard and felt that first bit break off in my panties and the rest get back inside. I then also realized I had peed a little and could feel a small wet spot in the front of my panties as well.

I made it home, into the garage, hit the close door button and steeled myself to get out of the car. Could I get to the bathroom? What about the cold groceries? What do do first? I shifted to get out of the car and felt the urge to push get strong again and decided the groceries needed to wait! I got out of the car and started to the door, but the act of getting up made my body want to push even harder and I stood next to the front of the car and couldn't stop as the rest of the firm BM pushed hard and fast into my panties, crackling and spreading and filling the garage with the smell of poo. As soon as the last came out the pee started and poured down my legs and soaking my shorts, shoes, socks, and garage floor. The relief was exquisite!

I regained my composure and decided to just go ahead and unload my groceries at that point, hopped into the shower to clean up, and came right here to share what happened!

Hope everyone is well.



Taking a big dump in the school

When the bell rang for recess, all the pupils, except me, went to the dining room. First I decided to go to the toilet. I went into the school toilet, went into the first stall I came across (there was no one in the toilet at all) and locked it. It's good that my school has stalls with locks in the toilets! I quickly peed in the toilet, flushed the water and was about to get out, but suddenly realized that I wanted to poop. Since I was in the toilet, why deny myself this? I pulled off my pants and briefs, lowered the toilet seat and sat on it. I immediately defecated a few poop. I wanted to start wiping myself off, but suddenly I felt that something else wanted to come out of me. I pushed and defecated very large poo. But that wasn't the end either. Then a few more poo came out of me! Then a very large and soft poo came out. After that, I breathed a sigh of relief. I was even surprised that I defecated so much poop. I didn't count, but I think there were at least seven of them. Then I started wiping my ass. I had to spend nine pieces of toilet paper to wipe off. When I finished, I got up, got dressed and looked at what I had defecated. There were dark colored poop in the toilet bowl, most of them were small, but there were two very large poop. There was such a fetid smell coming from all of it that it must have already spread all over the boy's restroom. I flushed the toilet, then got out of the stall, washed my hands and headed to the dining room.


Restroom Visit Between Classes

During my second to last class on Thursday, I got an urge to pee. I could feel a tingling sensation between my legs, so I knew I had a full bladder that needed emptying. I wasn't desperate, but I knew I had to get to a bathroom quickly to let it out or I would be desperate. Normally I would've asked to go to the bathroom during class so I can just get it out, get rid of the feeling/urge, and carry on without the distraction. This teacher doesn't really like letting us leave class, and we were going over important notes, so with 35 mins left in class I decided to hold it and go during the 7 minute passing period.
As class continued, and my urge to pee persisted, I felt pressure building at my bottom. It felt like gas, so I carefully let out a silent fart that didn't really smell. But the pressure remained, and grew, so I knew I had to poop as well. At that point I decided to try to go to the bathroom, so I asked but the teacher said no. So I kept holding it and knew I'd have to be really quick during the passing period.
At the end of class, I was waiting right by the door to speed walk to the nearest bathroom en route. I really wanted to sit on a toilet and relieve myself. So when the bell rang, I was the first one out and sped down the hall and into the mostly empty girls bathroom. I took a stall quickly, knowing I was not the only girl who needed to pee and poop before the final class. I locked the stall door, put my bag on the hook, wiped off the seat (the previous user had splashed some pee on it… eww), pulled up my blue skirt, and pulled down my matching panties. As more girls came in, I joined the sounds of pee streams tinkling into the toilet bowl/water. I forcefully peed into the water in the toilet bowl, creating a loud splashing noise as my bladder was drained. At this point, all the stalls were full of girls peeing, with a few pooping as well based on the occasional poop. A line of waiting girls had formed in the bathroom, and as I peed I got to hear girls complain about sore stomachs, bursting bladders, and desperate urges to pee/poop. After 25 seconds, my bladder was fully empty of urine and my pee stream slowed down. As it stopped I began straining to quickly push out this poop. It came out quite easily thankfully, and with a single grunt and big push, it made its way out of me. It made lots of crackling noises as I pooped it out, but it was just a stomach emptier, so after 8 seconds of pushing it fell out of me with a plop. I felt empty so I relaxed and caught my breath, then pulled off some toilet paper to start wiping. After 3 wipes plus one on my front I was done. I stood up and pulled up my underwear and let down my skirt. My pee was light yellow, and my poop was 13 inches long, 1.5 inches wide. I flushed and everything went down without issue. I took my backpack and left the stall, which was immediately occupied by a girl holding her stomach and butt, so I assumed she needed to take a gigantic poop. Sure enough, while I washed my hands, I heard a loud fart coming from her stall followed by lots of crackling and plopping, with a sigh of relief and some grunting. I hope she was able to get all her poop out during the passing period and get some relief.
After I left the bathroom, I ran to my next class. I made it to class on time, feeling relieved and happy! I only spent just over two minutes in the restroom.
Bye for now!

To Skidmarked in Seattle
Sharing your skidmark information is not too much! Love your stories keep it up. Also, what is it you do occupationally?



Wiping habits survey

1. How Many squares do you wipe with a number 2 and number 1 if you have female anatomy?
Usually upwards of 8-9 squares when pooping and 1-2 when it's pee
2. Do you fold the toilet paper neatly or bunch the toilet paper when you wipe assuming you use more than one square?
I usually fold it neatly
3. Do you lean forward while sitting when you wipe or do you stand?
I lean forward while sitting
4. How often do you get skidmarks in you white or light colored underwear?
Every day, my poos are messy
5. Do you use any alternatives to toilet paper (i.e wet wipes, bidet, Unwipe) to get cleaner than toilet paper?
No not regularly though I have been forced to use socks or underwear when there's no TP
6. Do you have a favorite brand of toilet paper that is most comfortable, cost effective or other preference?
No preference as long as it's not single ply


To David P

I would most definitely be interested in hearing about your struggles with chronic constipation when you were younger. I have suffered from chronic constipation over the years. It started when I was a kid and continues to this day. I have been occasionally posting about my struggles here since 1998.

Sunday, September 10, 2023


To Esme

Hi, just wanted to pop in and say that you are so much like my wife Victoria that it's almost scary, down to the exhibitionist streak and to the size of your loads. You may even give Vic a run for her money in that department! She for sure has no problems with letting me see her on the toilet, in fact she pooped the very first time I saw her in a public stall. It gave me feelings that I didn't know I had and soon we were dating.

I have a few questions:

1) are you also a toilet-clogger?

2) plastic or wooden seats?

3) preferred toilet paper?


College Mom

About College Dorm Bathrooms

My husband and I just dropped off our eldest daughter at college for the first time. It's a bittersweet moment to be sure sending your first child off to college. But what I'm writing about here is the dorm that she's in. Fortunately, neither of my daughters - much unlike their mother - have ever had any problems using public bathrooms. Still, it has to be nice not having to deal with traditional, large, communal dorm bathrooms that I had to deal with in college. In my daughter's dorm, they live in "pods." Each "pod" consists of 5 bedrooms (2 girls to a room), a small kitchen, a living room / TV room, and 2 full bathrooms.
My daughter probably couldn't care less where she goes to the bathroom. But I would have given anything to have a bathroom like that when I was in college. I would have given anything to have the privacy of a regular bathroom like that and not have to do my business in a stall in a communal bathroom like we had in my day. I guess peeing in the multi-stall bathroom wasn't so bad, but I had real issues going #2 when I first went to college.
In high school, I would typically just hold it in until I got home. And on the handful of occasions when I couldn't manage that, I'd find an excuse to use the bathroom in the nurse's office or the guidance office. They each had a single bathroom there where I could get more privacy. I still didn't like using it, but when desperate enough for a #2 at school, I could deal with going in there. But, obviously, now at college, neither of those were feasible options. Obviously, I wasn't going to be able to hold it in until I came home for Thanksgiving.
I was worried sick about how I was going to poop at college. I wasn't sure what to expect at college and I wondered if I'd be able to find places where I could be alone in the bathroom when I needed to poop. My plan at first was to try to avoid the bathroom in the dorm for pooping and instead poop in classroom buildings when they weren't busy. But trying that, I still felt uneasy because even though I may have been alone when I started, I was in a constant state of fear that someone would come in right when I was in the middle of pooping. It's difficult to understand if you've never had the same fears. Logically, of course, it's really doesn't make much sense at all. Obviously, it's something we all have to do. But for some of us, pooping just seems intensely shameful and the fear of doing it in a public bathroom is very real. As I said, I would have given anything to have a more private place at college to do it.
Instead, I resorted to holding it in during the day and going in the middle of the night when everyone else was asleep and no one else would be in there. And even that wasn't easy for me to do. Even at 3 or 4 in the morning, I still worried about someone coming in while I was pooping. What exactly I feared about that, I can't really say. I'm pretty sure that all the other girls in the dorm knew that I had to poop sometime. But still I didn't want anyone else to know that I was doing it. I really envied girls who could just sit down and do what they needed to do in spite of whoever else was in there.
But it wasn't long before I'd really learn my lesson. And, not surprisingly I suppose, I learned it the hard way. This happened a few weeks before Thanksgiving my freshman year. Two nights in a row, I slept through the night and didn't wake up to poop. I'd now been holding it in for several days and when I woke up that morning, I was desperate beyond desperate. I knew immediately that there was no way I was going to be able to hold it in another day in order to go that night. But I was all but frozen in fear as to what to do now. I was hoping that I could at least hold it in until the morning rush in the dorm bathroom was over and I could at least poop in there after all the other girls had gone to class.
But suddenly I felt an intense cramp in the pit of my stomach and that was followed quickly by a strong surge from my bowels. It was the unmistakable feeling of needing to go NOW! I bolted from my room and headed quickly down the hall to the girls' room. Unfortunately, though, by now it was too late. I never even made it into a stall before disaster struck. Just as soon as I stepped into the crowded dorm bathroom (and I think just every girl on my floor was in there at the time), I felt a thick stick of poop splitting my butt cheeks. I tried with all my might to clamp my behind shut and stop it, but by mow it was just too late. The surge coming out of me was just too strong. I suddenly found myself standing there in my dorm bathroom helplessly pooping in my pants. And, as I said, I think just about every girl on my floor was there to see it. And it wasn't just a little bit, either. Thankfully, it was a solid bowel movement, but it was quite a lot - both no doubt from having held it in for the past 2 days. As it finished coming out, I could feel my panties starting to sag from the sheer size of the load. To describe it all as "disgusting" simply doesn't do it justice.
Standing there in the crowded dorm bathroom as I was, it was simply impossible to hide what I'd done from the other girls. The rest is mostly a blur, but I can still see in my mind, the shocked looks from the other girls as they quickly realized that I had pooped my pants. All I could do now was waddle into a stall where I was forced to deal with the mess. It was, as I said, a very solid load but that doesn't mean it wasn't soft and sticky. My panties were an utter disaster with a huge load of poop in them. And even worse was the huge smearing of poop all over my butt cheeks and lodged in the crack of my behind.
As I said, the rest is mostly a blur but somehow - a lot of toilet paper later - I had managed to wipe myself clean of the mess. Somewhere along the line, someone was kind enough to get me clean underwear that they passed to me under the stall door. Not knowing what else to do, I just flushed my messy ones down the toilet. I supposed I was pretty lucky they didn't clog the toilet.
I suppose that it was a lesson that I needed to learn and it was not only a disgusting lesson but an unspeakably humiliating one. I tried to explain it away by saying that I was sick. But even so, you would never expect a girl of college age to mess in her panties like that. Maybe a little bit (perhaps on her way running to the toilet) if she were really sick, but not completely unloading in her panties like I did. But I suppose it was pretty much inevitable the way I was foolishly holding it in when I very obviously needed to go quite badly.
Everyone was nice to me to my face. No one teased me or anything like that and some of the girls in the dorm were actually quite sympathetic. But what was the most humiliating was all the whispering that went on behind my back. For the rest of the semester, girls were pointing at me behind my back and whispering that I was the girl who had pooped in her pants. And it wasn't just the girls on my floor, either. It wasn't long before pretty much the whole dorm was talking about it.
As embarrassing as I thought it was to poop in those dorm toilets, it was obviously way, way more embarrassing to poop in my panties instead. I kept thinking that if only I'd just gone and pooped in the toilets like I was supposed to, no one really would have paid much attention to that. But now, pooping in my pants as I did, I made a complete spectacle of myself and everyone in the dorm was talking about it. That reality may have been readily obvious to some, but it really did take an experience like this to teach me that lesson. Even several instances of girls in the dorm peeing their pants due to excessive drinking and even several bedwettings for largely the same reason, wouldn't draw the unwanted attention from me. Apparently, neither is as shameful or noteworthy as a full-blown pants-pooping incident.
It still took me several semesters before I was completely comfortable pooping in the dorm bathrooms. But at least after this incident, I was able to start doing it when I needed to. I kept telling myself that no matter how embarrassing I thought it might be to poop in the dorm toilets, it was nothing like the utter humiliation that pooping in my pants again would be.
As I said, I really envy my daughter having those two full bathrooms in her "pod" in order to take care of her business. Not that my daughter would care either way - she'll no doubt use whatever bathroom is nearby when she needs to poop and that's a good thing. But I'm happy with arrangement for her even if I'm jealous.

Wiping Habits Survey

1. How Many squares do you wipe with a number 2 and number 1 if you have female anatomy?
2. Do you fold the toilet paper neatly or bunch the toilet paper when you wipe assuming you use more than one square?
3. Do you lean forward while sitting when you wipe or do you stand?
4. How often do you get skidmarks in you white or light colored underwear?
5. Do you use any alternatives to toilet paper (i.e wet wipes, bidet, Unwipe) to get cleaner than toilet paper?
6. Do you have a favorite brand of toilet paper that is most comfortable, cost effective or other preference?


I could hear them pooping!

Hi there!

My name is Zeke. I'm a long-time reader and first time poster. I love pooping and have never been shy about pooping in public, outside, or in front of other people if the occasion calls for it. Many of my stories here will feature pooping experiences I've had with other people, both dudes and ladies included!

My first story I'd like to share occurred last summer at a state park near the ocean. Around 9pm I walked over to the restroom/shower building to clean up for bed. This restroom building had the womens' and mens' entrances on each end of the building, with a single uni-sex handicap-accessible restroom entrance on the side of the building. Since I needed to use the toilet, sink and shower on this visit, I decided to enter the handicap restroom. As I walked in, I noticed a lovely family in the adjacent campsite: A husband, wife, and two little girls, appearing about 12 and 9 in age.

Upon sitting on the toilet, the first thing I noticed was how I could hear every sound coming from the ladies' room through a large wall-to-wall window, roughly 10 feet up from floor. As I was sitting there, doing my thing I heard what sounded like a lady and her teenage daughter enter and pee while chatting. At the end of one pee stream I heard a small 'toot' followed by the rustling of paper. They proceeded to wash their hands and leave.

Roughly 30 seconds later, I heard the two little girls enter. They were brushing their teeth and washing up for bed all while having an adorable conversation about their plans for swimming the next day. They then had a conversation that went like this:

12: You go ahead back to camp, I need to go to the bathroom.

9: It's ok, I'll wait for you.

12: No. I don't want you in here while I go.

9: Ok <leaves>

I hear the stall door creak open then shut, latch, followed by the sound of clothes rustling.

After about 10 seconds of silence I hear a painful grunt, "UNNNNNGGHHH"
followed by more silence. I was surprised to not hear any actual poop noises from her though, except for one of those pre-poop farts. She sat in silence for another couple of minutes then started tearing off paper. She washed her hands and left.

Poor girl! She may have gotten something out that didn't make any noises but no doubt she was severely backed up &#128542; I felt so bad for her...especially because of her poop shyness. If she didn't want her sister in the restroom while she pooped, I can't imagine her reaction if she knew I was right next door and could hear everything &#128556;

Anywhoosies...that's my first story, friends. I have many more to share!

Mina Maho Hisae Kazumi

Dear Esme

Mina found place where you write, "I hope everyone like my post"... We love very much! When Mina translate for her 3 crushes who can't read English easily, they say Aaaah many times! And we love answers to your questions. We are very kindred spirit with you. Questionnaire was for you only so we don't answer, but many our answers are same with yours. Like you we love to sit on loo long time and do and do and do and never stop. Hisae was quick before, but now she relax, even she fidget a bit sometimes because patience is not strong point of her. And like you we don't know how to count turds. We remember Kazu dropped 73 turds once. But it was probably one big turd broke 73 little pieces (some of pieces were not so little).

Mina is sorry her English is so pants. She try hard, but she get tired so can't check everything. Please forgive her. She is veteran poster this site, but her English never get better because she use English for this site only....

Anna and Anna, we are so happy to read your posts again! And Kristi and Lana and Avery (Kazu produced mierda same type with you but we tell another day) and Avery's friends and Thunder and and and... many many many lovely people. Maho say big voice, "thank you to everybody! we love you all of you!" and she hope your will enjoy our more stories and posts. We have story about Kazu's huge turd, and Mina's constipate and constipate relief, and and and...

We love name, "Robtoria"!! So happy that you are so much together. Enjoy happy happy time in loo and everywhere! Can we make same name? If we make, it is "Hikamami" perhaps. Because Hisae is oldest in our little family and Mina is youngest. (Number of turds we drop when we sit on loo is no connection with age.) (Maho think, "Chakamami" is better name, but Chae pinched her bottom when she said.)

Love to everyone.

Kazumi Hisae Maho Mina (your very own)

David P

Poo trouble

Hiya all David P here with a quick update and a story

I have really enjoyed reading some of the stories and I enjoyed the one from Mrs big and hard but I wish you would write longer stories.

Abbie: I also wanted to say how much I miss Abbie and it would be great for her to come back if she ever sees this post. I want to know how you are getting on with your constipation troubles and if the ideas of my squatty potty worked for you? That was over a year ago now. How time flies. I hope you are doing ok and I am happy I had the chance to help you and offer advice but I really feel bad with myself for not helping you sooner when you really needed it at school. I would read your posts when I got home from school as I also suffered a bit but nothing like you had to go through as a teenager. I had major constipation as a child up until age 11 because I would hold my poo in for weeks from a fear of doing a poo (I know silly), causing so many problems with prolapse rectum, piles and major straining sessions like you had to go through. So I know what it's like. I was just to scared to post when I was younger and now I feel bad I couldn't help you sooner and left you needing to strain and be in pain at school. I am really sorry for that.

So I am having some poo issues. It's not serious. Nothing like the constipation of Abbie and other posters it has just been a bit strange. This week my bowels have been a real problem. It started where I didn't go for a poo in about 2 days then I spent a while unloading some very soft thin stools like finger size about twice that day. But by the night it was a pebble again when I got the third urge. The next day I had the urge to go three times but despite straining all that came out was this pathetic little pebble. It has been hot and I have been neglecting drinking enough water but that isn't it as this has been going on for a while now. Then it came to today and I didn't feel like I needed to go. As I am not working right now as uni just finished and I start work in a week or so. I went downstairs about 10am had some breakfast. I just sat around being lazy when a heaviness grew in my stomach.Somtimes I only know I need to go by the heavy stomach and a slight heaviness in my bum. I sometimes only know when I try to fart and there is actually a poo there. But now it has moved into a more constipated esc irritable bowel. Like I can go from not going for 3 days to having lots of thin little stools that are soft but not relieving then I go back to not going and then after 3 days have a slight urge to go. Then the poo is about 5 inches and it's half knobbly and rock hard. Luckily it doesn't need me to strain and grunt just one big push to get it out so it isn't difficult it is just weird that one half is rock hard and knobbly and the other half is mushy like an ice cream texture. I am worried what might be wrong with me. I also get days with pebbles only.

I want to start looking into retraining my bowels like Abbie did one time. I had retrained back in high school to go in the morning before school and after a while it was getting regular. But now since uni I have thrown my bowels right out of any shape. I start work soon and want to have some normality.

Any advice on what I can do right now?

Also I do not feel very apart of this community since my friends left so I would love to chat with more people.

David P

Clarification request needed from Esme

Thanks for your very thorough and descriptive replies to my questions. However, could you tell me more about your after school races home when both you and your younger sister were competing for first poo rights on the shared toilet.

What was the longest and shortest time you two had held your poop at school? Why was this? Why didn't you go during class, between classes or immediately when school dismissed?

What were the restrooms like in your grade, middle and high schools? What was the ease at getting to them and getting a seat?

What was the cleanliness and overall supervision of those bathrooms like?

In what grade did you have your first poop at school? How old were you, how did your approach your need, and how successful was it? Looking back now, what, if anything, would you have done differently? Why?

How often did you pee at school? How successful were you and what would you do differently now?

You are a great writer. Thank you for sharing!


two poop questions

Hi, I have two questions for you all.

First: I am regular, I have a big BM every morning and often enough a second one later in the morning or early afternoon. So I am not constipated. But many evenings, I experience rock hard pebbly poop that just kind of....sits there, and doesn't want to come out. Google tells me this is constipation! Why am I regular in the day but have constipation at night? Does anyone else get this, and know why it happens?

Second: How do you recover from an accident? I am an adult and never had any my whole life, until a few months ago. I had to slip out early before my morning BM and so it came on urgently before I reached my home. It became so urgent and it just all came out while I was walking, so close to my house. Nobody saw it I believe, but I just could not recover from the shock of it. I've since replayed it every day in my head - the desperation, the cramping, the feeling of it moving outside of my control, the feeling of it in my pants. I haven't told anyone, I am too ashamed. I don't know why I'm feeling this way, is it just shame? What advice do you have for this?

Thank you to all!


Very constipated

I got back from my exercise program a couple of hours ago. I had lunch, a cup of black coffee and a cup of water there. A little while ago I had a jar of warm water. Will continue to keep hydrated, do more exercises and stretches later and hopefully I can go (and prevent clogging the toilet.


Hopefully can poop later

Been drinking a lot of warm water to try to soften everything up in my body. A lot needs out. Hopefully I can go soon.

David P

Other posters it would be nice to hear from!

David P here,

I would love to hear an update from Lucy (Abbie's friend). She posted a few times and it would be nice to know how you are getting on Lucy.

Also Jasmin K again, how are you?

I am thinking about doing some bowel retraining maybe you can join in Jasmin K? And lucy and Abbie if you are still here?

I was also thinking, I used to have chronic constipation when I was a child due to a phobia of doing for a poo and holding it in and also some major constipation when I was in my teens. As I have not much to post would anyone be interested in hearing my battles when I was younger?

David P


Hopefully can poop later and replies

Hi all. Just finished breakfast (a bowl of soupy noodles with vegetables, tofu, etc, a cup of tea and now drinking some warm water to try to stimulate my bowels. There is a lot in my body that needs out so I need to drink as much water as possible to prevent clogging the toilet. It's been at least a few days. And knowing me it can be big.

To Bianca-Oh okay. I understand. That must be difficult. *hugs*

To Mina-Great story :D

MikeyPee-I'm sorry about your accident

Hopefully everyone is staying healthy, safe, happy and peeing and pooping well



A belated welcome the forum, at least for posting
RE: "Poop currently in progress:" I loved and related to this post so much. My journey from overcoming shyness and embarrassment with pooping with others (and the ahem aftermath) has moved from stress to enjoyment by kind of embracing the vulnerability! I have long been over pooping in public restrooms, but I still have a little blush when someone uses a bathroom after me that I stink or even when I post a story here. It's a little bit of a rush being out in public or work at the gym and essentially being half naked completing a necessary but personal bodily function. Going to the bathroom in our society is kind of like sex? It is completely natural, but its is ok (I think ) that it is a very personal activity that we don't share with EVERYONE, but we should never be shamed for the deed. Esme, I kept your post in mind when I pooped at work yesterday . I was alone in a restroom with 6 stalls, so I lowered my lacy pink panties to my feet, with my dress up. I had my (clean) panties exposed to anyone who walked into the bathroom. I was essentially naked from hip to ankle in public about to make a mess of my nice booty, often hidden my lap coat and of course under clothing but I realize it is an appealing shape and size. I dropped 4 turds very quickly as I have been very healthy recently with diet, exercise and hydration . I let myself moan as I was by myself then blushed thinking just that morning I was giving a talk to very smart professionals and I was going to be seeing patients that afternoon, and here I am half naked stinking up a room. I always have a little trouble wiping in a dress, as I am worries about not getting my dress dirty or wet when I pull it up, which I never have. I wiped three times swiftly and pulled up my lace panties. I almost always get skidmarks when I poop in a dress so I blushed thinking I would be seeing my patients giving professional advice with a sexy pair of panties kind riding up my bum, probably getting a little dirty. I kind of wish I wore a thong that day as it would have been a little less noticeable to me comforter wise ( epiLOG (pun intended) , I peeded before writing this post and I am living up to my nickname here...hahah). But it was a really good poop.

I enjoyed your hiking story. Funny enough my undies stay much cleaner when I poop on a hike, then when I poop in a dress at work. I think it is the squat spreads my cheeks, minimizing the mess even though my cheeks get sweaty and I will often wipe only with a couple leaves

I love meditation, but I admit my practice is inconsistent, but I have practiced mindfulness since 2009! I have practiced on the toilet and I should do that more often as I am more consistent with my bowel movements than meditating! I think I even posted a toilet mediation description here in the past ( my recollection as I cannot type and mediate while I poop ). It takes a little planning though as my poops typically go pretty fast.

Alexandria -
I am very interesting in your process is pooping in a Victorian dress, especially wiping if that's not too intimate for you to share. As I shared above, I historically have a hard time wiping in a modern dress, let alone a Victorian dress. I kind of embarrassed by this as I am often complemented on my dress by people unaware (hopefully) of my dirty underwear underneath. But I would rather have a little poop hidden in my panties that 99.99% of people will never see than my dress.

I know most people on this site will not be grossed out by talk about poop, but I apologize if reading about my dirty underwear is too much (TMI).

Anna from Austria-
Sorry about my typo to Anna from Australia a few weeks back. your responded so I take you understood the post was for you.
I often poop first when I need to pee and poop. I do notice when I use a public restroom, both people I know and strangers tend to pee first, then poop, so I notice I am a little different but this has never come up. I do pee first though when I sit down to pee, then I get a surprise poop coming out! I usually know what I need sit down for, but sometimes the urge catches me by surprise.

I posted once or twice about having to poop at my wedding in the past, but I am happy to tell the story again if you are anyone are interested. There are a few posts about brides having to poop at their wedding on this site to my memory. In short...I needed help. Never got poop on my dress thank goodness!

Question for all:
Guys- Do you ever pee in a urinal , then have to move to a stall to poop unexpectedly ? Gals if this happens to you, are you happy your are already on the toilet or are you annoyed? Have you ever sat down to pee, then needed to poop but got up before you had to poop just because you didn't have time?

-Skidmarked in Seattle


To Esme

Hi, just wanted to pop in and say that you are so much like my wife Victoria that it's almost scary, down to the exhibitionist streak and to the size of your loads. You may even give Vic a run for her money in that department! She for sure has no problems with letting me see her on the toilet, in fact she pooped the very first time I saw her in a public stall. It gave me feelings that I didn't know I had and soon we were dating.

I have a few questions:

1) are you also a toilet-clogger?

2) plastic or wooden seats?

3) preferred toilet paper?


@Esme… thanks again for your posts, and being free to share that you like things like pooping videos, listening to others, etc. I love having a kindred spirit! From being on this site I know I'm not alone, but I see a mirror of myself in your stories and experiences and that just makes me feel good!

I unfortunately don't have any good stories or experiences lately! Today I was on the toilet in a single bathroom at work (the locker room was full so I couldn't have a buddy :( Someone yanked on the handle right as I was farting and pushing out a good sized log, lol…I hoped it was another girl and she heard me….that's all I have though…sorry, pooping buddies! Hope to have more to report soon.

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