
Sarah S

To Embarrassed Girl:

I just want to say that it is totally fine to not want to use the bathroom around anyone, including friends, family, or a SO. My middle school had no doors on the stalls in either the boys' or girls' bathrooms, so I had a lot of embarrassing traumatizing experiences having to use the bathroom in those situations. I wanted to ask if you felt differently about peeing vs. pooping. Peeing for me was not as big of a deal, it was tough to pee with an audience but it was less likely that I or another girl would be made fun of for taking a quick pee unless it was a particular long one or it smelled bad, from dehydration but it's still just peeing which people especially girls are more open about. Pooping in front of other girls or sometimes the occasional boy that was brought in was a lot worse, and since I would only poop in desperate circumstances they were usually loud explosive, messy, and stinky. I get where you are coming from and I'm happy to share personal experiences or help in any way, but sitting on the toilet for a pee or a poop with privacy is totally fine.


Urgent dump

Hi all. A few minutes ago I got an urgent need for a dump so I grabbed my Walmart bag, opened the door, put on the flip flops outside my room, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, grabbed the toilet paper, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A semi-soft thick poop came out. Quite a bit came out. Finally I was done. Took some toilet paper and wiped well. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. The water was all brown so I couldn't see anything but it felt like a lot came out. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and grabbed the Walmart bag after putting the toilet paper into it. Whew! 2nd time going today. Be safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Embarrassed Girl's request

I was 11 and it was a nice morning in the park. It was past the time when that Casey had set to meet me. We were going to ride our bikes on one of the trails. She was often late because her mother wouldn't let her leave without her taking her crap. Both she and I thought the rule was dumb. She couldn't be late to school for such a reason; we often took our craps together during the half hour between the bus' arrival at school and homeroom. But in the summer her mom was stricter. Why I don't know. After about 15 minutes I decided to take my crap. I stood my bike up against the side of the ladies room doorway so Casey would see it and know where I was.

I had not used this bathroom before. Mom, a couple of years before had forbidden me from using it. We were at a church picnic and I saw several of my friends go in, but mom just became madder when I pointed that out to her. What was different about this bathroom was that there were four toilets coming out of a concrete wall. Each had a small drain in the floor in front of it. There was no privacy panels, nothing! A group of sinks were on the opposite side of the room. I figured I was lucky because there was no one else around. It was so quiet you could hear the birds. I expected Casey to come in for me at any time. I dropped my shorts to the floor and took one of the middle toilets. It was uncomfortable because it was higher and so old, the cold seat moved under me. I looked behind me and sure enough there was a toilet paper roll mounted on the wall behind the flusher.

I think I sat for about five minutes, my crap was starting to emerge, when I heard a loud vehicle drive up, and a bunch of voices moving toward me. One voice said "Hey b##ch you wanna race?" and the group laughed pretty hard. Seconds later these two college athletes came running through the doorway. First out of their mouths were a couple of words I was taught not to use. They saw me and gasped. One walked back outside and told the others not to enter until I was done. The other as she was walking out profusely apologized. I got really, really nervous and flustered and hopped off the toilet, pulled up my shorts, and made the run for the door with tears. I couldn't get any words out as they continued to apologize. I grabbed my bike and rode fast over to the swimming pool where Casey was waiting for me. It took her several minutes to get me to calm down. We cut our ride short and when I got home I knew I couldn't tell my mom about what happened. That afternoon I got an enema.

Steve A

Questions about Constipation and Bowel Changes (Survey)

As of recent, I've been dealing with an occasional bout of constipation/smaller than normal poops, and even though I understand it happens once in awhile or often, depending on the individual, I have some questions, since I usually try to eat well balanced foods and meals, with enough fiber throughout the day.

1. What's your opinion on laxatives/softners, supplements, and home remedies?

I've been thinking of taking fiber supplements, softners, or mild laxatives whenever this happens to me, but I know all of them are useful when dealing with constipation/bowel changes.

2. What are the best foods and drinks (in your opinion) for constipation and smaller than normal poops?

I usually eat apples, granola/nut bars, and cereals (with an adequate amount of fiber in them) for breakfast, along with some vegetables with my meals. I also drink water 99% of the time, I don't drink any soda or juice, even though I heard some juices are helpful for your diet.

3. To anyone who exercises: What types of physical activity help you stay regular, along with your diet as well?

Since I currently work at a warehouse, I get a good amount of physical activity throughout the day, depending on what I'm doing at work that day. However, if I ever change careers or get a new job, then I plan on joining a gym to avoid any lack of physical activity, which would affect my bowel habits as well.


Gym poop with toilet paper hero

Hey everyone!

It's been way too long since I posted.

I love to post while I'm pooping but it seems like every time I've gotta poop I'm either doing something else with my phone, or I'm just done really fast and don't have time to post.

Plus sometimes I feel like my stories aren't interesting enough.

But I have a doozy of a story from this morning (about two hours ago).

I like to go to the local fitness center at least 3 mornings every week. I should go more, but... you know.

And I poop there. Like, pretty much every time I go there. I go there after my morning coffee, which gets my bowels going, and then exercise gets them going more.

So this morning I had my coffee at 6:00 am and got to the gym at about 6:30. I was doing a rowing machine. I could feel the need to go poop coming on but I wanted to get some exercise in first.

But after less than 15 minutes, I had to go. Immediately.

The walk to the locker room was faster than normal. I really needed to poop big time.

Now ordinarily I'm really good about making sure there's toilet paper in a stall before I sit down. But this morning I had to poop badly enough that I didn't check.

I got my shorts down and sat down quickly. Within a few seconds a tidal wave of relief came over me. I felt my butthole open up and felt a nice long log slide out. No pushing required. After that one plopped out a smaller but still wide one came out. Again, no push needed. My poop just fell out of me, which is how I like it.

I let out an audible sigh of relief. That had felt really, really good. I was peeing at this point too.
Bliss. Some more plops.

Then I saw it: The empty toilet paper dispenser. It was one of those black holders that can have two rolls in it. At first I was sure there was a roll in there that just needed to be started... but I was wrong. Not a single piece of paper to wipe with.

I wasn't panicked. Worst case, I just pull up my shorts, wash my hands, and go home. My panties are thick enough that my skid marks wouldn't be visible as I was walking out.

As I was pondering my situation, I realized there was still some pooping to be done. So I relaxed and did some light pushing. I got the rest of it out. I scooted and took a look in the bowl. I could see why I now felt, much, much better.

I was about to stand up and flush when I heard someone come into the locker room.

To my surprise (there were several open stalls) she took the stall next to mine.

I decided I was going to ask her for some toilet paper.

I've asked before and I've been asked before. Nobody has ever had a problem with it.

I decided that if I was going to ask my neighbor for toilet paper that she deserved a courtesy flush in exchange.

I did that and then waited a few moments as she peed. As she was tinkling I heard her grabbing toilet paper. I decided that was as good a time as any.

I said, "I'm sorry... there was no paper in this stall... could I have some?"

"Sure!" said a sweet voice. I heard her pull several times on the dispenser, and then I saw a hand with my much needed paper reach under the divider.

She handed me probably 10-12 sheets of paper. It's not the thickest paper but fortunately it was enough. I used two handfulls on my butt, and then a third handfull to get it completely clean. It wasn't very messy so that was good. The last handfull of paper I used to wipe front to back to get my pee and any remaining poop.

As I was finishing wiping, my toilet paper savior asked if I needed any more. I said "No, thank you" and proceeded to pull up my shorts and exited my stall at the same time she exited hers.

We washed hands next to each other. I've seen her at the gym many times. Very, very pretty girl. Blonde, in her early twenties on the taller side (I'm 5 foot 4 inches, or 163 centimeters... she is probably about 5 foot 10 inches or 178 centimeters), and very toned.

She smiled at me and I thanked her again. She said, "No problem. I've been in that situation before." I told her that I had been too. I said that you'd think the gym would make sure that all the stalls had paper every morning. We made small talk as we walked out. She went back to her workout and I went back to mine.

To Embarrassed Girl: I played volleyball and tennis in high school. We played games and meets at several schools that had door-less stalls in the visiting locker rooms.

And I pooped before pretty much every game. Part of that was being nervous about playing well. (I wanted to get an athletic scholarship; that never happened in part because I hurt my knee when I was 17.)

And it was embarrassing to pretty much have to go in front of everyone (or at least that's how it felt. It's not like the other girls were sitting there watching me take a dump.)

But eventually I got used to it. Many of my teammates had to do the same thing either before or after games. There was a girl named Alexis who often clogged toilets. We teased her a little but she took it in stride. I remember seeing one of her logs once and thinking, "Wow... I thought I was a big pooper!"


ESME: You and I have got to talk! I love your stories so much... I too sometimes enjoy pooping in a restroom with others in there. I have tons of college stories (I'm 32 now but I feel like I remember some of my poops more than I remember some of my classes!)

My hubby Steve, however, is the only person who gets to WATCH me on the toilet.

I love you all!



To Embarrassed Girl

I'm married and have two kids. I've been on the toilet at home or in public many times with one, two, or even all three with me. Obviously it's something that only applies to people you're close with. And it takes some time getting used to.

But I know plenty of other people, mostly women, who would never. Some people are open and some are private just like you.

I posted just a few days ago about using a restroom where the toilet and the urinal were right next to each other. My husband was standing next to me for the whole time!

Victoria B.

Multitasking Questions

Hi all!

I'm believe it or not on the toilet of all places, dealing with one of those fun ten minute soft-serve poops and I had a question.

Though she's at the store right now Robyn inspired this one last Thursday when I saw her on this very same seat brushing her teeth mid-number two! That got me wondering about whether or not this kind of multitasking that isn't something universal like checking your phone happens in other bathrooms. I myself have trimmed my bikini line mid-poop and that's when Robyn does hers too but tooth brushing was a new frontier! Here are the questions:

[actually here's a soft load and small fart]

1) have you ever brushed your teeth or shaved while you were pooping?

2) have you ever done homework on the toilet?

3) talked on the phone or been interrupted by a call you had to take or a text you needed to answer right away?

And with that I'm done! Time to wash and wipe.
Curious about people's answers here!


Skidmarked from Columbia

Response to Skidmarked from Seattle and story

First of all Skidmarked from Seattle tle you outdid yourself this time! I enjoyed your post SO MUCH and the others like Annie and Nycat and Mina thank you <3 <3 <3 I been on this forum since middle school (11) and now I'm 30. I can honestly say lately the post here are the best they've ever been!

About your response to the worst skidmark ever... yeah sometimes we feel hurried and our bum itches lol. Did your panty look like you just pooped a little directly in them? Or did it still look like a skid mark ?

Q1 : Ladies and maybe guys: Has anyone ever sat down to pee only then find out you still have a little residual poop from when you pooped last? Oh I feel so gross and embarrassed asking and admitting but I know you all are supportive?

No, don't be embarrassed. As of supportive I don't know. Lol isn't that what your underwear is for? kidding kidding in all honesty you are most supportive. I had a dream that this girl was holding a pair of my white underwear up showing how poop stained they were.... And I wasn't affected I just smiled because inside I knew that people who make fun of others are just "playing around" or they're the REAL PROBLEM not me.

Cleanliness survey
Do you wash your hands after every time you pee or poop?

haha hopefully I wash my hands after I poop! When I was a kid (20 years ago) my mom would sniff my hands and tell me to wash them and this was at church! but nobody was around.

Do you use soap or do you just rinse your hands

haha yeah, don't you?

Have you ever gotten poop on you hand from wiping? How often does that happen

As a kid more often but as an adult still many times but nowadays in days I usually wash my hands!

When was the last time you saw someone use a restroom and not wash their hands?

I don't keep track

Oh yeah uhmm Skidmarked from Seattle haha pls answer your own survey I would love to hear your answers.

Anyways response to Nycat

lol based on your skidmark history I think you should wear a pad! (kidding). It's just funny but also comforting to know you get skidmarks but it sounds to me like the skidmarks are so bad it looks like you poop yourself! I don't mind... just gotta remember you need to put a towel on the seat when you're traveling! (you too other skidmark people). I think whatever woman you marry wouldn't just be lucky but blessed to have you.

Emma- sorry you dirtied your knickers butt (pun intended) at least you got a cute story to share out of it. I've seen it happen to friends from the past while on road trips. I'll say this WE HAVE ALL DONE SOMETHING WRONG IN OUR PANTS. Even the best executive to gangsta to most faithful men and women of God we all have pooped our peed ourselves 1 time or another!

Esme- yeah skidmarks are special for you. You know since they're occasional. Honestly now in days it's the same way with me.

Response to Emma Two

1. Has anyone ever pooped or peed your underwear on purpose?

No, but it seems my friends do it on purpose when it comes to road trips!

2. Was it because you were desperate and there was nowhere to go?
I have peed my pants before (mentioned in old post) but now that I think about it I haven't recently. But I do get droplets of pee on myself!

3. Was it because you like to do it on purpose?
No, and I don't feel compelled to make stories happen. Personally all my stories are organic and truly ely accidental or mistake.

4. Did you get found out?
yeah but nobody says anything

5. Have you ever witnessed someone else doing it?
haha yeah

6. Do you get aroused by it?
No, let's NOT talk about that. Would like to keep this website up. But something about talking about bathroom mistakes with women make me feel like I'm in love <3

7. Do you feel dirty about the subject?
Yeah ah and my car feels dirty!

Response to M about your wife... It's been 20 years, I wouldn't say anything. In case she's self- conscious us about it. Even Jenny aka Skidmarked from Seattle is self concioous about this and she loves this part about us people being "human flawed beuty" and I truely believe there's nothing more beutiful or hansome or cute than a few flaws (not just talking about skidmarks but other flaws too)


Question to all females young and old

I remember from my college days how morning went after I arrived at college. Everyday after an hour long bus drive I would head straight to the restroom to have my morning relief. I was not the only one as usually during my stay in the restroom there would always be 3 or more other guys taking their morning poop at school.

Furthermore these guys were never shy or restraint, they would sit down and plop away so to speak. There was no sign of courtesy flushing, or stuffing paper in the bowl to prevent noises. In these situations my mind wandered to the next door female restroom, wondering if the same situation occurs in there with females shamelessly doing their business in the presence of other women.

My gut feeling says that this freedom would not be taking place in the female restroom. I expect girls to be fully aware of what they are doing and would rather wait out a couple of hours longer to have more privacy or even not go at all.

So with great interest I will await the replies of all of you who went to college or university and tell us if there is any difference between male/female restrooms in the morning at college.
I would love it if this got many replies or stories from our female contributors.


Re: Embarrassed Girl

Q: "Does anyone have an experience to share of sitting on the toilet in full view of another person, or multiple people? Maybe a doorless stall or stalless bathroom, or someone with you in a private bathroom, or you got walked in on, or...?"

A: I've shared many such experiences scattered about this website over the last 3 years. These sorts of events have happened so many times that I'm certain at least 100 different people have seen me sitting on a toilet while pooping over the course of my life. I've not only been walked in on at restrooms at homes or single-user public facilities in businesses, but have used public restrooms where no privacy was provided with multiple people in the room able to see me in the act of defecation. Half-height stalls, doorless stalls, no stalls, outside: I've pooped in all of those circumstances. Perhaps the most novel pooping situation I've never experienced is pooping in jail, as I've never been there. I'm used to it by now, and can poop anytime, anywhere the need arises in front of anyone without embarrassment or shame. I don't even think a unisex public restroom in rural China with holes in the floor and zero partitions with a crowd of people in the room would phase me, as everyone gawks at me, the white western boy pooping with everything exposed(Note: I've never been to China and have no plan to visit). And I'm someone who used to regularly hold it in all day during middle school and high school because the stalls all had no doors and I didn't want my peers to see me on the toilet and/or risk being bullied while on the toilet, and used to run faucets/fans to hide my noises at peoples' houses. Biological necessity trumps modesty or embarrassment, in the end.

Monday, October 09, 2023


To Avery

Hey Avery! As usual, I loved your stories!

And I have a request for you, you should totally get your friend Lauren to post about her big poop that she had before lunch on that day where all 4 of you went to the restroom and she's the only one who only needed to pee. You mentioned that she was so desperate before lunch and had to excuse herself to get out a big and smelly one. I am really interested in hearing what happened!

Would you also give me a description of your friends Jackie and Lauren? I already know a bit about your friend Olivia so you don't need to describe her, but please tell me about Jackie and Lauren. What are they like and are they close to you? How did you meet them? It's so nice that you have them at your side when you go to the washroom. I would love to know more about them so I can picture them better when I read your stories!

Thank you and I look forward to your response!


To Chakamami

Thank you :) I love your stories. I am hoping I can do another big poop/motion a bit later today. Will continue to drink lots of water, do some stretches, etc and eat dinner later and hopefully I can. Be safe, happy, healthy and happy peeing and pooping to you and everyone else!


Diarrhea break

Hi all. My diarrhea is taking a rest for now. On Tuesday, I had a soft solid poop, and nothing all day. My poop might have been a bit softer this morning. On the funny side, my farts were making their contribution to my vibraphone playing on my keyboard. Also, I heard babies pooping on video, and I'd have to say some of the poops sounded impressive. Bye.

@Chakamami….haha, thank you…and yes, wifey and I freely poop in front of and around each other. She's very comfortable with it, but just isn't fascinated by the subject in the way I am, so it's not the same thrill. Thanks for asking!


Re: To Tricky: Holding it until you get home

I have many such stories of rushing home or elsewhere from school with an urgent need to poop. I'll list three:

1) I was a middle school boy at the time, roughly age 12, and almost gave in to using the unpartitioned fully-exposed locker room toilet in front of 30 fellow students, but was miraculously able to hold it, pain be damned. I almost filled my pants while contemplating using that toilet, as the situation was dire. I hadn't pooped in 3 days and it was also after the Thanksgiving weekend. At the end of the day, I finally made it home, with sharp pains shooting up my spine. I could feel the morass of foul-smelling matter backing itself up all through my large intestine, and the turtle's head was poking at my underware as I rushed into the house. I lived in a working class family and the house was always crowded with extended family, so bathroom privacy was often not to be had at home. As I was taking a very massive and messy dump thanks to the copious Thanksgiving leftovers consumed, the matter constantly pouring our like cement from a cement truck, after about 5 minutes, my grandmother and aunt walked into the bathroom to access the attic as I was sitting there with my pants at my feet, and holding my private toward the bowl, and a massive log sticking halfway out of my butt. My aunt remarked "YOU stink today." while giving me the stinkeye. I protested, "Can't you please let me take a dump in peace? I can't even get privacy to do this at school." My grandmother remarked, "Then dump already dammit!" They went into the attic as my grandmother commented to my aunt that my school had no stall doors and that I always held it and like clockwork, pooped at home every day after school. I was there another 10 minute or so, and they climbed down the ladder and saw me wiping. My grandmother remarked "Make sure you clean yourself good now." I ended up clogging the toilet and had to plunge it with them watching. I was very embarrassed, in spite of this probably being well passed the 50th time either of them saw me pooping.

2) An emergency poop when heading to a friend's house from high school at age 15. Except I didn't make it there and instead stopped at a gas station. It was a unisex restroom with a lockable door but multiple toilets, no partitions. That story can be found on page 2953, titled "First time getting walked in on at a public bathroom."

3) A story involving me at age 14 going to a girlfriend's house after school and needing to poop, titled "Streaks of Love" on page 2942

I eat like a horse, so there was nothing I could really have done to prevent the above stories from transpiring, other than to have sucked it up and used the doorless stalls or open toilet in front of my classmates, which was arguably a much worse alternative to these embarrassing shituations.

Embarrassed girl
Does anyone have an experience to share of sitting on the toilet in full view of another person, or multiple people? Maybe a doorless stall or stalless bathroom, or someone with you in a private bathroom, or you got walked in on, or...?

A lot of my friends use the toilet in front of each other all the time, and I don't participate in that because I find it awkward and embarrassing to be seen with my pants down, even by a close friend.

Who's responsible for my accident?

So I was in 10th grade. Huge high school. Good teachers, I guess, but some were unrealistic that it is hard to hold a poo or pee for the 90-minute class period. Get this. Teachers were somewhat held responsible for any vandalism or illegal stuff their students would do if given a toilet pass.
I asked permission to leave the room. My teacher said to check with her about an hour later after the assessment was done. I didn't like it but it wasn't worth the debate with about 20 classmates looking on. Besides, mom would take the side of the teacher. She was always nagging me about doing my sit before leaving home. OK for some people I guess, but it didn't work for me. Finally, I turned my assessment in and hurried down the hall to the bathroom. It didn't help that I stepping in some spilled soda and almost ended up on my back. That would have been a sure unload in my underwear. I took the second step up to the bathroom entrance and my sore knee almost gave out. Five doors were closed and I could see the legs as evidence. Very still. Basic shit stance. The door at the far end was just being shut. I could see shoes pointed to the toilet and I went down almost in front of it and peered into the crack between the panel and the door.
This student with her back to me was ever so slowly pulling toilet paper off the role and trying to lay it over the seat sides, but I could see it fall off. She tried to fold it, tear it, and I guess tuck it under the toilet seat. I was fighting my blast by watching the stoic feet of the other users. It must have been four or five minutes and that girl was finally just dropping her jeans and taking her seat. I wanted to scream loudly, but that wouldn't have helped me prevent the accident. I knew that mid-morning shits were common, but this was beyond belief. About a minute later the seat-covering girl stood, I could hear her pull the paper stuck to her skin off. At that point my two day load started to trickle then blast into my panties. The girl came out, I raced in, saw really yellow pee and the wasted toilet paper in the bowl, and I took my seat. I just barely dropped my jeans and panties when my butt hit the seat. I let go of the remaining half of my load. The relief felt good. I dropped my jeans all the way to my feet so I could inspect the damage to my panties. It was obvious and they smelled badly. I had to raise my feet and take my jeans and very gingerly may panties off. They were loaded with semi-soft shit. A couple of the other users flushed and left. I hoped they didn't suspect what happened to me. But the smell and my physical movement might have been too much.
The crotch of my jeans was a little wet, probably from the ounce or so of soft shit in my panties. I lucked out because my fellow shitters had left. Luckily they were not replaced. So I opened my door, slowly picked up my loaded panties and took them to the trashcan across from my toilet. Since the previous user had depleted the toilet paper, I went to the toilet next door, took my seat and luckily used the remaining toilet paper to clean myself. I used the remainder of the period cleaning myself and never got back to class before the period ended. I think I washed my hands four times because I could easily smell what they had touched.
I had to stay after school for 30 minutes for my Geography teacher because I was too shy to try to explain it to her. Luckily she didn't call my mom.

PJ (him/her)
I decided to post on the toilet today. I have been awake for less than one hour and I am on my second poop. I have been farting all night. I tried to poop last night with not much success. I have been pooping regularly 2-3 times a day, so I didn't feel constipation, but after my first poop this morning I feel like those farts have been that poop coming for the past 10 hours. My farts weren't stinking ( that I noticed) but they were loud. My wife was sound sleeping so she didn't notice that I know of. I decided to poop after my second poop because it was even bigger than my first. It was soft but not liquid and piled up into "an island" that is stinking up the bathroom more because of all the poop not submerged. I just flushed before wiping and there are skid marks in the toilet. Going to wipe now.

I washed my hands and now I will thematically answer Jenny's Survey:

Cleanliness survey
Do you wash your hands after every time you pee or poop? YES
Do you use soap or do you just rinse your hands? Soap always, or else my hands are not really clean (my wife is a physician and I majored in microbiology)
Have you ever gotten poop on you hand from wiping? How often does that happen. Usually at the gym is where this happens , maybe 4 times a year.
When was the last time you saw someone use a restroom and not wash their hands.
When was the last time you saw someone use a restroom and not wash their hands? At ball games and the gym, there are alway guys not washing their hands after peeing. I have never noticed a guy not washing hands after coming out of a stall, which I am assuming they pooped if they were not using a urinal .

RKL: in my life in college, all the stories of students pooping themselves were guys and they were all "Sharts"...a fart while working out or sitting around that unexpectedly released something in their underwear. I knew only of female students peeing themselves, and in seemed to always involve being drunk, but I have never heard of a female college student pooping themselves, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen I went to a prestigious but public college on the west coast of the USA.

John- I was a fairly shy pooper and farter for a guy all though school. Oddly enough it was an girlfriend who inspired me to let go when I have fart and poop in a public restroom. She was very clean and smart and beautiful, but if she was in the bathroom she let lose. She often pooped at my apartment with the door opened and she was not shy about me seeing her pee, poop or wipe once we had seen each other naked. She was a long-distance runner who was comfortable with her body. The was very against farting in public as she thought it was rude and gross to other people so she would to a toilet to fart to be polite, but if you were in the bathroom with her, poop was just part of life. After pooping in front of her, I lost my shyness to fart in a public restroom, and I rarely poop without farting.

Friday, October 06, 2023

Hi, everybody. My name is Hailey. I'm 18, female, and in my first year at a large university in eastern Massachusetts. I found this site when I was a freshman in high school because for as long as I can remember, I've been fascinated by accidents and for the last 5 or 6 years I have occasionally enjoyed peeing and pooping in my pants on purpose and I love reading the stories on this site about other people doing the same. I especially enjoyed Hannah's posts from a couple of years ago. For those who don't remember, she was the college student who liked to pee herself wearing black track pants so nobody would notice. But something happened yesterday and now I promise myself that I will stop pooping in my pants.

Before I get to that, let me tell you what I look like. I'm 5'3, about 130 lbs, I have long, dark brown hair and I wear glasses. On this particular day, I had on a beige hoodie and sporty black leggings. My last class of the day got out at 5 pm. I hadn't pooped in about 2-3 days so I had to go pretty bad. I moved into my college about a month ago, and in that time, probably 80-90% of my poops have been in my pants. Normally I'm pretty good at judging the consistency of my poop. If I can tell that it's going to be a particularly messy poop, I'll do it on the toilet, but this one felt like it would be solid and dry, like most of my poops are. Unfortunately, I was wrong. As I was walking down the empty hallway towards the bathroom, I relaxed and my poop began to slide out into my panties. It only took a few seconds to realize that this was not the solid poop I expected and before I could stop it, a warm, wet pile of mush bubbled its way into my panties. I stopped walking and felt the huge bulge on the seat of my pants and my heart sank. When I got to the bathroom, I was shocked to find it closed for maintenance, meaning that I would have to use the bathroom on the other side of the building. I made my way down there, feeling the poop in my pants squish and spread with every step. I even had to pass a few people, wondering if they knew I had pooped myself. When I got to the bathroom, I went in, closed the door and slowly took down my leggings, revealing a large wet mass in my once-gray panties, covered by a brown stain. I stepped out of my leggings and peeled, and I mean peeled down my panties. I was absolutely covered in wet poop. It had spread up my back, down my thighs and into my crotch area. Cleanup took forever. I spent like 30 minutes wiping myself with both toilet paper and wet paper towels. I tried to wipe what I could out of my panties, but I couldn't get it all out. And since I didn't have any other panties with me, I had to just pull them back up and wear them back to my dorm. It felt absolutely disgusting. The worst part is that I had to ride the campus bus back to my dorm, fully aware that I smelled like poop.

I've been pooping in my pants on purpose for a few years now, but after this incident I swear I'll stop. It may feel good when it's a solid poop, but when cleanup is this difficult and I'm at risk of being found out because of it, it's just not worth it, especially if I can no longer trust myself to guess the consistency of my poops.


Latrine toilet without amenities: toilet trial

I was visiting distant relatives in the village. When I wanted to go to the toilet, I found a big problem: they had a very old latrine. There was no light, and there was a hole in the floor - this was the "toilet" itself. The hole smelled foul, and it was big enough that I could - especially in the dark - fall into it. I didn't want that, so I went to the adults and asked if there was a more comfortable toilet here? But unfortunately, there was only one. I didn't know what to do. On the one hand, I not patient anyone, which means I have to go right away, on the other hand - what if I fall, or something else happens? Until the evening I was tormented, trying to make up my mind. I could have asked someone to go with me, but it would have hurt my pride. In the end, I still decided to go to this toilet, by that time I already really wanted to poop. I got there, entered. I closed the door, leaving a small crack for light. I pulled down my pants and briefs, and squatted down in front of this hole. At first I had to push, because I had never pooping on squat before and it was unusual. After a few minutes of diligent pushes and farting, I felt that a long big poo came out of me. Then a few more came out. I felt very relieved. Then I wiped my ass, and fortunately there was a lot of toilet paper. After wiping my ass, I got up from my squats, got dressed, and went out. It wasn't a simple poop. It was a real trial, and I passed it.


Loud soft crackling poop after breakfast

Hi all. Got up this morning around 8:30, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a ???? bowl of hot homemade soup with dumplings, vegetables etc in it and after breakfast took my medications. Drank the rest of my warm water slowly and soon after coming back to my room I got a major urge to poop. Took off my bedroom flip flops, grabbed my Walmart bag and went to the washroom. Closed the door, hung the bag on the door, grabbed the toilet paper and walked to the toilet. Pulled down my dark sweatpants and red high cut underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A bunch of soft poop crackled out leaving behind a smell. Not terrible but somewhat healthy 8f possible. Finally I was done. I took some toilet paper and wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well. It was somewhat slippery. Oh well. Tossed it into the toilet when I was done, stood up, pulled up my pants and underwear and looked in the toilet. Quite a bit of crap was in the toilet, about 2 1/2 feet long. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and that's that. It wasn't everything yet but that was a good shit and very easy. Maybe I can go again later after I get home from my exercise program. Be safe, happy, healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!




You're only 18? Have your parents never caught ya?

Answers, Questions and repost:

RKL -Do you think maybe in college student who poop themselves may hide it better. I pooped myself in nursing and grad school. I never told anyone except my boyfriend now husband...and now all you guys haha ( I' think I posted these stories way back when...both were wet farts of diarrhea). And I got rid of the evidence. I have heard stories of girls peeing themselves, but usually they were party girls who were " too fun" to hang out with boring me. One hard thing about my college years was thongs were really popular back then so soiling yourself was really messy. Both of my accidents I wore old "old navy" full back panties because my butt was so raw from diarrhea that I didnt want a string in my crack.

John H - The older I got , there more farting I head in restrooms. I think in elementary school and middle school I noticed no one ever farted in the the public toilet except me. So I never farted let alone pooped for years if someone was in the restroom. I would wait for them to leave, even leaving without pooping is someone never left. Looking back, I think a lot of girls were doing the same thing especially when there was two of us in a restroom with no smells or noises. By high school then college , gals were farting at least half the time as maybe we started caring less? I think half the farts are with a pee with no poop. I think its safe to say most restrooms I go in to, there is a fart ( from someone else ) half the time. Honestly I fart every time I'm in the bathroom whether I complete a number 1 or number 2.. I have to admitted when I fart and just pee I will do a quick wipe to see if something happened or if any residual is left .

Q1 :Ladies and maybe guys: Has anyone ever sat down to pee only then find out you still have a little residual poop from when you pooped last? Oh I feel so gross and embarrassed asking and admitting but I know you all are supportive ? I'll do this of course if I see a skid when I pee and sometimes when I wear dark underwear I'll do a swipe to check and find a little poop maybe 50 % of the time

Q2: Has anyone ever had to poop but said they had to pee to another person? Did you rush your poop or your wipe to go faster so no one would suspect?I thought about this because usually I poop so fast I don't think I have ever had anyone suspect I did anything more than a number 1 except my husband.

Sorry for reposting but I forgot my name a sign off for my last post. I wrote during maybe 4 poops as I usually don't poop too long but I needed some quiet time at work.. so I had to save my work but forgot to post my name:

M -
My husband does not wear white briefs so I never catch up with skidmarks. Maybe once a year or less His like blue boxer get skided.
Oh I have endless stories of being caught with dirty undies from my husband. He has at times never said anything about them even though they were obvious or found ways to tease me that made me laugh too. He is amazing at reading the room to be funny without offending anyone and I have been the "butt" (pun intended)) of his jokes many times. Also he is very verbal on how much he likes my rear.

I have to admit, until I was married 90% of the time I was intimate with someone I wore black panties or thongs. In college , I knew my underwear would be more visible than ever with roommates and a maturing romantic life so I phased out my light underwear until I started dating my husband. He would buy me cute panties that looked good on me but would show the skids…But then I found all you guys!

Sarah and Esme-
I have seen many post about how hard it is to wipe and wash hands pooping between classes in high school. Esme you mentioned you rarely get skidmarks. Do you get them when you have to poop between classes? Or do you just be late to class or are you just super fast and efficient at wiping? Sarah. Isn't better pooping between classes in college compared to high school with more time between classes.

"Avoiding high school bathrooms"
Oh my that sound like a nightmare. Not only does it sound terrifying to poop in public, but I never felt like I was in danger of getting hurt in a public restroom! One thing I don't mention much is that my fear of pooping in a stall earlier in life (middle school and earlier) was not only modesty, but being a germaphobe. My bathroom was so clean growing up, when I went to school, the bathrooms seemed so filthy. Looking back, we had those faucets that had cold water only and you had to hold the button down with one hand and it went off. They never had soap either, meaning no body who wiped themselves was able to proper clean their hands. And those elementary school bathrooms were so clean compared to some of the restrooms I would see in public parks, gyms and stores! I admit I was a user of the toilet seat covers until college. I just got tired of using them and they were always out as I was always pooping in a stall in college.

Have you ever used a cathole and wiped with leaves? I have used them a few times and I now prefer them to toilet paper when I camp as I don't have to carry a bag of poopy paper haha. I realized fairly recently that when I squat and poop my cheeks do not touch as much when I poop so its easier to clean. I have less skids when I camp and don't shower everyday than when I am showering at least once a day going to the work and the gym in the city. At first I started using leaves because once I forgot toilet paper, and one time I forgot a bag. But now I just like pooping in a hole and dropping the leaves in. Ilso have never gotten poop on my hands wiping with leaves surprisingly.

One of the way mu husband teases me about my skids is that I am so clean, it makes him happy that I cannot be anal (pun intended) about everything. I think I have said before I would rather have clean hands which I use to touch everything and dirty butt which is covered than the other way around.

Cleanliness survey
Do you wash your hands after every time you pee or poop?
Do you use soap or do you just rinse your hands
Have you ever gotten poop on you hand from wiping? How often does that happen
When was the last time you saw someone use a restroom and not wash their hands

-Skidmarked in Seattle ( currently lime green thong under yoga pants post run in case anyone cares )

Hey everyone! I am fresh from another amazing dump at college. I finished my classes this afternoon and made my way to my PPL (preferred pooping location) in my classroom building. This one had been building for a while, preceded by lots of SBD farts throughout the day. This particular poop did not take all that long because it needed out! Still, I assumed my usual position with jeans and panties lowered all the way and felt the need to open my legs as wide as possible today. I had the restroom to myself throughout. My turds took very little effort to begin their exit. That delightful crackle followed by the even more delightful stretching of my butthole were rewards for my patience today. From start to finish this poop took around 3 minutes....short for me, but I REALLY needed to let these monsters out. It felt like one very long uninterrupted turd coming out, but as I peered between my open thighs I could see multiple ripples of the water and several logs float their way to the front of the bowl. The continuous stretch of my butthole against these eager turds felt amazing. As I reached the end, I pushed and grunted a few times to make sure I was done. I was able to force out a few more small pebbles, but overall I had 8 bratwurst size logs...again, they felt like one coming out, but I suppose they broke and separated due to gravity. Regardless, I exited the restroom relieved with that nice reminder of a slightly punished anus inside my jeans. There has been a lot of talk of skid marks lately in this forum, I admit I left what looked like a brown kindergarten art project inside the toilet today, but otherwise not skids!

I also wanted to respond to a few posts others have made and answer a few questions you have asked.

@Hailey, welcome to the forum! I too find myself at a nice eastern Massachusetts university in Boston! I guess that is all the rules allow us to say about that. Welcome, I look forward to more posts from you!

Skidmarks - again, I do not suffer much from skidmarks in my panties. Sure it has happened, but it is rare. Plus I usually wear dark underwear which may betray how often it really happens. I have never really been rushed when pooping. My devotion to this 'hobby' requires me to pay it its due respect and poop when I have time and I am not rushed. This has been the case for many years. As a result, I take the time to wipe clean more often than not.

@Willa - miss you! Stil loving you and your posts xoxoxoxo

@Emily - love your Target poops! Great place to go, you were lucky with so many pooping so close together!

@Unknown - To Esme: Have you ever sat down for a really tranquil poop, only to have the bathroom fill in a couple of minutes with a really rowdy group? What was it like? Yes, I have had this happen a few times. I do not mind visitors (I often seek them out) but I dislike what feels like Grand Central going on around me. I prefer only one or two others - preferably doing what I am usually doing. It would be nice if we had poop rooms and pee rooms separate! Lol.....the things I wish for!

Still curious if anyone thought about my Hogwarts pooping idea as a starting point for a naughty story of sorts. I only see my post asking about that just recently posted, so nobody has had the chance to reply. I love bouncing ideas off of everyone to make this topic even more fun!

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Dear Everyone

Esme we are glad you are back. And lovely stories! 26 turds hotdog size, that is sound like us a bit. And like you we love to do our motion in birthday suit, especially we love when it is very hot weather. Birthday suit is comfortable very much.

But one thing, we don't think you are dirty mind. To push mierda out from bottom is normal thing and very necessary. Why it is dirty to enjoy something which we have to do?? Please enjoy!!! We are so happy that you feel like paradise when you are emptying your beautiful bottom with a big vengeance.

There is Chinese girl in Harry Potter story. She like Harry very much. How you feel about her? Is she crush for you? We are also Asian.

Anna (from Austria) we hope you are feel better now. Hisae and Mina have same experience with you, and we also didn't cover, because if people don't see huge pile of soft mierda, they walk in it maybe. And to take tissue and throw in dustbin is good idea. Maho said, when you doing chocolate creme, she want to hold your hand and say sweet words.

Emma Two, we always love your stories. You seem that your motions are very very huge, like us. That is wonderful thing! But we hope, you never have to call plumber. Courtesy flush is good idea maybe. Are you same Emma who did very quick motion in office loo during meeting? Mina wrote conversation of loos in women's toilet room of your office.

Annie, we are happy that you do very satisfy big motions!

John H, when Mina and Mari were doing very long huge motion in airport loo with many fart, we also heard many fart from other stalls. It was like concert!! We could not count number of women who farting, but we are sure number was very large. We are sure that quantity of fart from woman's bottom is same with quantity from man's bottom. Fart is very healthy. Maho's father say so too, and he is doctor.

Avery, how beautiful motion you did in school! We are happy for you. You are very lucky to have teacher who don't mind even you stay on loo for long long long time until you empty.

Willa, we are happy you have good vacation. But you don't do buddy dump with sweet wifey??

Amanda S, we don't know how we can help you. Because loo with no door is not in Japan. But we think, most older girls will not care about fart noise which you make. Because fart is normal thing, and motion also. Probably nobody will notice. It is good to wear skirt, then you can cover parts of your body which are better invisible. Sorry we can't help you more.

We want to reply everybody, but it is late in Japan, so Mina's eyes start to close many times. Crushes help her by pinch her bottom, so she stay awake, but now she have to sleep.

Love to everybody.



Queue to the cafe toilet

I decided to take a walk after school, and not go straight home. I walked around the city, went to the park, but when I came back, I felt that I wanted to go to the toilet. I was already far enough away from the park, but there was a small cafe nearby, and I decided that it would do! Surely, there is a toilet provided. Yes, this did have a toilet, but unfortunately there was only one, and it was occupied. Moreover: there was a queue. There were three people in the queue, a man, a woman, and a girl (judging by her appearance, she was a high school student). I took the queue. Soon the toilet was vacant, and a man came in. When he came out, I already wanted to go to the toilet quite badly. But I had to wait. Fortunately, the woman was faster, but the high school girl lasted longer. When she came out, I quickly went in and locked myself. There was a small white toilet, and a toilet paper holder on the side, although there was no toilet paper at all. Fortunately, I only wanted to take a pee. I lifted up the toilet seat, lowered my pants and underpants, stood in front of the toilet, and relieved myself. After peeing, I got dressed, flushed in the toilet and went out.

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