

Some Surveys

Hi! I thought I would answer some surveys. These always get me thinking!

From Victoria B:

1) have you ever brushed your teeth or shaved while you were pooping? No. I like to enjoy the bowel movement and focus only on that while on the toilet.

2) have you ever done homework on the toilet? No. If I am not going, I do not sit on the toilet. It gets really uncomfortable!

3) talked on the phone or been interrupted by a call you had to take or a text you needed to answer right away? I've texted Alan before from the toilet, usually to share a pic of a big poop! But I will not talk on the phone while on the toilet.

I hope that's helpful!

Cleanliness survey:

Do you wash your hands after every time you pee or poop? Yes. All the time!

Do you use soap or do you just rinse your hands? I always use soap and, if available, warm water.

Have you ever gotten poop on you hand from wiping? How often does that happen? Yes. It does not happen often, but yes.

When was the last time you saw someone use a restroom and not wash their hands? I cannot remember. I usually do not pay attention to that detail, but I cannot remember seeing a woman I know not wash her hands.

I hope that's helpful!

Emma Two's Survey:

1. Has anyone ever pooped or peed your underwear on purpose? Yes (blushing). I pooped my pants on purpose once and then staged an accident by holding it past the point of no return.

2. Was it because you were desperate and there was nowhere to go? No. I have had true accidents because I ran out of time.

3. Was it because you like to do it on purpose? No. I liked the feeling of the "solid accidents." I thought I would try to see if it did the same feeling and it didn't.

4. Did you get found out? No.

5. Have an ever witnessed someone else doing it? No.

6. Do you get aroused by it? The true accidents, yes, but not doing it on purpose.

7. Do you feel dirty about the subject? I appreciate having a safe space to talk about it. I would be horrified if people in my life knew!

I hope that's helpful!

I also wanted to welcome Esme! I love your stories!

Love to all!



Urgent poop an hour after finishing breakfast

Hi all. Got up this morning around 8:30, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a very hot bowl of dark soup with potatoes, vegetables, noodles, etc and a jar of warm water (caregiver said I can't drink tea at breakfast anymore since I have to take so much medication). Took me about half an hour to 45 minutes to finish everything. After breakfast I took my medications, finished my water and took that and my Walmart bag downstairs. Refilled my water, microwaved it and slowly sipped it. Finally after a while (not long ago) I got a strong urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, my phone and took off my bedroom flip flops. Opened the bedroom door, went outside the door, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom.

Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, walked to the toilet. Pulled down my dark sweatpants and underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A lot of soft, thick poop came out and filled the toilet. Took about 30 seconds but it was a lot. Finally I was done. Took some toilet paper, wiped really well and tossed it into the toilet. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look. There was a lot of poop in the toilet, about 2 1/2 feet long, thick, somewhat dark but it looked soft enough. It didn't hurt coming out. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and that's that. Went to my room, dried my hands on the towel in here and now writing this. I got more warmish-hot water to drink not long ago. Maybe I can go again a lot later. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Stomach bug dump

Hey Victoria! I remember you, I still love your stories. I can answer your questions!
1) Sometimes, yeah. I've never brushed my teeth on the toilet, but I have gone while I'm shaving my legs.
2) Yes! I'll usually be working on homework on my phone while I go.
3) Thankfully never a call, but I've often had a text to answer midway through.

Now for my story! Long story short, I've been sick for the last few days. I think I picked up a bug at a concert I went to, but it's been really bad. I've been having really bad cramps, sometimes nausea, and generally wanting to lay down and sleep all day.
It came to a head today during one of my exams of all times. I was in the middle of my midterm, when I felt a strong gurgling in my belly. I had to go, and I had to go NOW. But leaving mid-exam wasn't an option, so I had to power through. I held on as tight as I could, splitting my focus between my exam and my body. It was the hardest exam I've ever taken, not because of the material but because of that.
20 minutes later, I handed in my test and practically ran to the nearest women's room. The urge to go had become almost unbearable, and I had to hold on as hard as I could to make it to the toilet. I hurried into the nearest stall, pulled down my pants and sat down.
As soon as I sat down, I finally relaxed, and just in time. Soft, mushy poop poured out of me for over 10 seconds straight, crackling as it oozed out. For 5 minutes I sat there, trying to empty my bowels of all this toxic waste. I alternated between having to push out a thicker turd and having softer stuff naturally slide out, on and on. Until finally, I felt the last of it leave me and felt all emptied out.
I was so tired and so relieved that for once I didn't even want to look at what I had done in there. I reached behind me and pushed the flush down as hard as I could. Water rushed in, and I sighed in relief as the results of that bug were sucked down into the sewers where they belonged. Finally, I was empty, and felt all better.
But I wasn't free of it yet. I still had to wipe off the mess that it left on the way out. It took me almost 10 minutes of wiping to finally feel clean. I had to flush twice in between just to make sure it would all go down, because I wanted every trace of this dump down the toilet.
Finally, I sent the last roll of dirty TP swirling down for good, watching in satisfaction as the water flowed in clean and any trace of that trip was left to dissolve in the sewers. I washed my hands twice, and walked out feeling like a new woman.
Thank god that's over. I've been through stomach bugs before, but not in a while. It's the worst to deal with, especially when you have things to be doing.


Absolutely massive turd that flushed fine surprisingly

Hi all. Got up this morning, went to the washroom next to my room to pee and brush my teeth, grabbed my big Hello Kitty mug and water jar, filled and microwaved both and went upstairs for breakfast. Had soupy noodles with vegetables, an egg, etc and made a cup of tea upstairs. Ate and drank everything slowly. After breakfast I took my medications, finished my tea and took my empty mug, water jar and Walmart bag downstairs. Refilled and microwaved another jar of water which I drank slowly while listening to music and surfing the net. Finally about 10 minutes I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, put on those flip flops outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door and waited for one of the guys to finish using the washroom (2-3 of us rent rooms downstairs and another 1-2 rent rooms upstairs). Had to shift from side to side sometimes because I had to go to the washroom that badly. Finally he came out of the washroom so once he was out of the way I went into the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, put my Walmart bag on the doorknob, grabbed the toilet paper and walked to the toilet. Pulled down my pants and underwear and sat on the toilet.

Peed first then pushed. An absolutely massive turd came out slowly. I flushed halfway just in case. When I got the last of the beast out I took some toilet paper, wiped well and tossed it into the toilet. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. What was in the toilet was about 1 feet and I'm not sure how big the poop I flushed halfway was. Probably 2 to 2 1/2. Didn't want to risk clogging the toilet since she won't buy a plunger (she says having and using one will bring viruses etc). I don't try to convince her since she's stubborn, getting up there in age (turning 69 this month) and short tempered with heart problems). Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, took my Walmart bag off the door, opened the door, turned off the light, walked to my room, took my outside flip flops off, put on my bedroom ones and dried my hands on my towel. My stomach isn't 100% empty yet but it was a hell of a shit. I'm hoping later after lunch or dinner, more water and some exercises I will go again. Stay safe, happy, healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Squat Straddling Peeing

When I was in middle school there were two sisters, a year apart in age, who would do something totally different than the rest of us. They would walk into a toilet cubicle, turn around and adjust themselves by standing with their butt about an inch or two off the seat, and with the help of one of their fingers, they would aim their pee into the toilet. I was like WOW! I had never seen anything like this before. With no privacy doors and cramped conditions and very limited time most of us did it the normal way. We sat on the seat, offering minimum exposure to those waiting for us, and we hurried out of there ASAP after our pee. I admit I didn't always wipe, unless I had done a bit of a crap too, but we were afraid of our teachers and their rules.

Now these sisters made it look so easy. They would drop their panties to the floor, spread their legs a bit, and often without even lifting the seat, they did a complete pee without hesitation. I don't know why, but even when I'm seated, sometimes it takes me a minute or so to get my pee going. Sometimes it stops and I can start it up again before the others waiting get irritated. Sometimes I don't know what to do other than smile and saying that I'm hurrying.

I'm only a senior in high school and I haven't traveled much. I have some questions;

How often is that squat straddling peeing done?
How is it taught and at what age?
Does it work when you have to crap, you have a filthy seat, and limited or no toilet paper handy?
Doesn't your pee run down your inner leg rather than into the toilet?
What is the advantage of squat straddling rather than spreading toilet paper over the seat. (This is something my grandma does but I'm not good at it).


Butt cleaning (lol!)

Hi @Jenny! …saw your post about showering…I personally like to get my hand all soaped up and vigorously use my finger to clean my butthole! Sorry, I know this is quite personal, but it is quite invigorating! I really hope you enjoy your experiences of both pooping, and cleansing oneself!


Post Title (optional) Question about peeing for the girls

Question for the girls when they pee;

When seated on the toilet and peeing, do you pull toilet paper out of the dispenser while peeing or do you wait until you are finished peeing before doing so?


Huge poop a few minutes ago

Hi all. Got up this morning, brushed my teeth and went pee then went upstairs for breakfast (noodles with vegetables in a sauce, jar of warm water). Took my medications after breakfast, took my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs. Refilled and microwaved my water jar and slowly drank it while surfing the net on my phone. Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag and put my phone in my pocket, took off my bedroom flip flops, opened the door, put on the flip flops outside my room, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and underwear and sat on the toilet.

Peed first then pushed. Quite a bit of semi solid poop came out. I flushed halfway just in case. Pushed the last of it out, took some toilet paper, wiped really well, tossed it into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look. It was about 1 to 1 1/2 feet and the part I flushed halfway was probably about the same size. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, grabbed my Walmart bag, went to my room, dried my hands on the towel and grabbed my water jar. Refilled and microwaved it and now here I am on my bed writing this. Will continue to stay hydrated, eat my meals and maybe I can go again after lunch or dinner. We'll see. Stay safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!




Yesterday I had carvery lunch at 1:pm before making my journey from Southampton to Bridgewater . At 4:pm while driving towards Gately I pulled into a carpark to use the toilet,I got out of van had a drink of water pulled the ADVENTURIDGE portta pottie from locker pulled open the slide placed paper towel on back of bowl ,pulled down jogging bottoms and pants ,sat down in total comfort.Two minuets later I had a wee then my bowels opened it was awesome ,thank the lord I have healthy bowels.
I sat for five minuits after pooping enjoying the view of the hills ,tore 3 sheets of THETFORD toilet paper from roll attached to side door wiped then another 3 sheets wiped then another two.I dressed pulled paper from back of bowl ,rinsed then put back in locker,wiped hands with wet wipes .had drink of water.continued my journey.
Fifty miles later now on A303 pulled into layby pulled ADVENTURIDGE pottie from locker pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants ,sat down for a wee ,I sat for a few minutes enjoying the scenery then unexpectantly farted and pooped I sat for another ten minutes before wiping I dressed cleaned back of bowl before putting into locker. when I arrived home sat on pottie had wee before emptying


This morning I woke ten minutes before the alarm had a wee in the THETFORD ELEGANCE pottie in bedroom then put the alarm clocks on bed got back in . The clocks rang then I reached for the JONES RELAX bedpan ,pulled down my pants sat on bedpan went NUMBER TOO wiped with 3 sheets
of shades kitchen towel, carried it downstairs the out to bonfire washed pan under water butt left to dry .
After breakfast washed and cleaned teeth went to campervan sat on pottie
and went a NUMBER TOO for second time thank the lord my bowels are healthy three times yesterday and previous day


Farting and pooping for Omegle girls

Hey dudes, storytime. So a long time I ago when I was a teen, I was at my mom's place and bored so I decided to hop on Omegle. At some point, I ended up chatting with these two teen girls, one look mixed and the other was white. We were just talking about random stuff when I leaned over and ripped ass.

"You farted!" the lightskin girl reacted.

"He totally just farted. That fart was frickin' loud, dude!" the white girl said.

I told them I was feeling gassy and that I might have a dump cooking in my belly.

We talked a little more until I farted loudly again which made them laugh.

"He farted again! He farts more than my dad…" the lightskin girl giggled.

"You're farting so much, I bet it smells really stinky in there." the white girl added.

I told them I couldn't hold it and had to take a crap.

"You 'bout to go poop?" the lightskin girl asked.

"Talk to us while you're taking a dump!" the white girl laughed.

I obliged and took my laptop into the bathroom.

"You're pooping right?" the white girl wondered aloud.

"Yup, he's pooping. I can hear his logs coming out." the lightskin girl correctly stated.

I finished and wiped, showing the teen girls the shitty paper to which they both squealed "eww" and cracked up.

"Show us the dookie!" the white girl requested.

"Yeah, show us your poops, bro!" the lightskin chick agreed.

It's silly how a bunch of teen girls think farts and poop are so funny, but also kinda down to Earth too. I pulled up my pants but they saw my cock and balls, one of them typing "big 1" lol I showed them my dump and they told me their thoughts on the shits which we're both about 8 inches long and 2 inches in girth.

"Those are some big poops! Good job, man. I can only imagine how bad it stinks in there." the white girl clapped and gave a thumbs up.

"Super smelly. Do you usually poop big turds like that?" the lightskin girl queried.

I said sometimes, it just depended. They laughed and said they had to go but not before thanking me for letting them see my poop and making them laugh with my farts.

The End



To Victoria….

Hi Victoria!
Was reading through the most recent posts and wanted to respond to one of yours! In regards to multi tasking on the toilet…one of my most regular duties is using my mouth wash while I sit on the toilet! In the mornings, especially, I end up pushing out a nice poop! In the evening, not so much, but if nothing more I'll have a fulfilling pee. Regardless, it's a great experience…this morning I was on the toilet with a very satisfying turd exiting my butt, right as my sweet wifey was brushing her teeth…I seriously love the openness in our relationship!

PJ (He/Him)

pee fart perspective from a guy

To Anna from Austria-I hope you don't mind that I say hi and answer your question for the ladies. I think we have been reading this forum longer than many of the posters. I have been only posting recently as I feel like I have nothing interesting to say, but I remember you and Catherine posting a long time ago! People have grown up, finished school, had children since we started reading here!

Guys fart at the urinal all the time, including myself. There may have been a time where I was with friends where someone farted so loud, or the fart smelled so bad that the farter was told " to get your ass on the toilet!" ( I admitted that farter was me at least once, and at least once I told that to a buddy). But farting while peeing is not only expected with guys, but it doesn't necessarily imply a poop needs to come soon. Sometimes it's a little gas that comes out as you push your bladder to empty, your colon lets out a little gas, not that I'm a medical professional like Jenny or Catherine, so I would be wrong. In fact, I mentioned previously that in the middle of the night early morning I will sit and pee so I didn't miss the toilet or fall from stumbling. I often fart and at times have tried to poop, but the fart was just a fart.

I have some personal stories about farting during intimacy that I may post later if anyone is interested. But in short, nobody had stop and poop, and it was going to continue on

Flu Jab.

Last week I was sent to a pharmacy in a part of town that I did not know to well for a flu jab, using my sat nav I drove to the area of the pharmacy and parked in the first place I found, walking to the pharmacy, I got there about 45 minutes to early, so I walked past and around the block to find somewhere to sit and wait, I came to a road that had been blocked with a big stone planter, so I sat on the left corner of it looking up the road to the street the pharmacy was in.
On my side of the road the pavement went from one end to the over, but on the right hand side it stopped to my 2 o'clock about 5 meters away from me were a building came out to the edge of the road making a corner.
After about 10 minutes a female walked down the left pavement crossing the road over to that corner, (I had seen her with the security guard from a supermarket as I walked to the pharmacy) she went into the corner and I could only see her from the knees down with her trousers down around them till a stream came running out onto the road, she stood up the came out still adjusting her trousers.
Five or ten minutes later another female walked down the right-hand pavement to that corner, I could not see her but another stream came out to the road way, she then left crossing in front of me.
Another ten minutes or so a man and a woman came walking down the left-hand side of the road, they were taking and looking around when she pointer to the corner, they both crossed over to it and she went out of my sight the man stood with his back to the corner looking at me, I was looking at my watch and out into the main road behind me but I did see the stream come out to the road.
So over about haft an hour three females had pee in that corner at about 2 in the afternoon in bright sun light with people walking up and down the road.


Filled the toilet quite a bit

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had noodles with tomatoes, carrots, spices, I think an egg and a jar of warm water. After breakfast went downstairs, got dressed, grabbed my spring/fall jacket and my purse and went upstairs to drink water and wait for the van. Closer to the time of pickup I went, put on my shoes, purse and jacket and waited for the van that takes me to my weekly exercise program. Got picked up soon afterwards, got some warmish hot water and coffee when I got there and did the gentle exercise program with everyone. We took a water break halfway through and after the exercise program we had lunch. I had more water with lunch. Had tomato ish/chilli sauce on top of pasta. It was good. Sometime after lunch most of us got picked up (it's a day program) and when I got home I made a jar of warmish hot water and went to lie down for my nap.

Soon after I got the urge to poop majorly. Took off my bedroom flip flops, grabbed the Walmart bag, opened the door, walked out, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, grabbed the toilet paper, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. Quite a bit of thick, semi solid, semi soft poop came out. There was a lot of it. Flushed halfway just in case. Finally pushed out the last part of it, peed a bit more and that was that. Took some toilet paper (not too much), wiped well (wearing really light beige high cut underwear), tossed the paper into the toilet and looked in the toilet. The piece that was in there was about 1 to 1 1/2 feet and the part I flushed halfway I'm not sure how big that was but it felt like a lot. Flushed again, washed my hands and went to my room to dry my hands on the towel in here. Be safe, happy, healthy everyone.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Filled the toilet quite a bit

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had noodles with tomatoes, carrots, spices, I think an egg and a jar of warm water. After breakfast went downstairs, got dressed, grabbed my spring/fall jacket and my purse and went upstairs to drink water and wait for the van. Closer to the time of pickup I went, put on my shoes, purse and jacket and waited for the van that takes me to my weekly exercise program. Got picked up soon afterwards, got some warmish hot water and coffee when I got there and did the gentle exercise program with everyone. We took a water break halfway through and after the exercise program we had lunch. I had more water with lunch. Had tomato ish/chilli sauce on top of pasta. It was good. Sometime after lunch most of us got picked up (it's a day program) and when I got home I made a jar of warmish hot water and went to lie down for my nap.

Soon after I got the urge to poop majorly. Took off my bedroom flip flops, grabbed the Walmart bag, opened the door, walked out, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, grabbed the toilet paper, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. Quite a bit of thick, semi solid, semi soft poop came out. There was a lot of it. Flushed halfway just in case. Finally pushed out the last part of it, peed a bit more and that was that. Took some toilet paper (not too much), wiped well (wearing really light beige high cut underwear), tossed the paper into the toilet and looked in the toilet. The piece that was in there was about 1 to 1 1/2 feet and the part I flushed halfway I'm not sure how big that was but it felt like a lot. Flushed again, washed my hands and went to my room to dry my hands on the towel in here. Be safe, happy, healthy everyone.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Stopping by to say Hello!

It has been too long since I've posted, though I love to peak at the forum from time to time! It means so much to see greetings from Jenny and Trina, and others!

For those who are new to the forum, I am a 6'1 Greek/Mediterranean woman, athletic and curvy, who is a Pharmacist in the Deep South. I am married to Alan, who is now an elementary school principal. We have two daughters from his previous marriage, who I refer to as Chloe and Zoe, and we have a six-year-old boy together, who I refer to as Joey. Joey is finally in the first grade, and life has gotten a little easier since he started school!

I love all things regarding bowel movements, and the forum served as a safe space to talk about them. I still enjoy two voluminous doodies daily, one in the morning and the other in the evening, due to a diet high in fiber, vegetables, beans, and fruit. We are not vegetarian but we eat lots of vegetarian recipes.

Jenny SIS: It means so much to me that you would ask about me! I love your stories and I appreciate the candid stories about skid marks and the banter! I am still streak free! But knowing the pace of your job, I get it. I hope you are well!

Victoria and Robyn: I am so glad that you are doing well!

Trina: I am so sorry about the accident, but I am glad you had the privacy to clean up. I have not had a solid accident in a couple of years, but still treasure those few that I have had. They were fantastic! Thank you for asking about me!

Mina: I hope you and the three crushes are well!

Kristi: It was good to see you posting again!

I do have a couple of stories.

First, I found a poop buddy! I am so happy! She is someone who is just as obsessed with pooping as I am! And, get this, she is a minister! She started at our church in the summer of 2022. I will not use her name but will call her Beth on the forum. She is tall like me, athletic and curvy, with short blond hair. And she just turned 40 in May. She is married with a daughter who is ten and a little boy who is 6 and in the same class as Joey. So we hit it off immediately. We have lunch together at least weekly. And our families do a lot together!

Second, Chloe is in college now. She chose a small private college in Georgia and loves it! I may have shared but she took after Alan's mom's side of the family and grew to be 5'9. She is beautiful, but I know I'm partial. She shares my obsession for diet, exercise, and making sure that she uses the bathroom regularly. She has even shared with me how shy the girls are about the bathroom and that she had to help a few of her friends break the ice on using the bathroom!

Finally, I am still using the bathroom twice daily. However, I did travel with Beth on a women's weekend to the beach. It was a great trip that brought us closer. I roomed with Beth and both of us got off our schedule. We were in a regular hotel, with one bathroom. Beth mentioned on the second day that she had not been to the bathroom since the morning we left and I concurred. Later that evening Beth finally had to go. She didn't shut the door. After a few minutes she asked me to come to the bathroom.

"You have to see this!" she exclaimed. I peaked into the toilet and saw not just a long but a thick log. It had to be over a foot long, but almost as thick as a potato! The bathroom reeked! She apologized about the smell. Her BM inspired my bowels and so I knew I had to go. But there was a problem - the toilet would not flush her poop. My need became more desperate and I let Beth know that I needed to go and would just have to go on top of hers. She said that she needed to clean up and that she would put the paper in the waste basket by the toilet.

She did and finished up. I followed suit by not shutting the door. I sat down and with ease a long, thick snack slid out effortlessly. It felt so good but also had a strong smell. After the long, thick snake came a few aftershocks! Beth asked if she could see and of course I had to share. My poop curled over the top of her log. The toilet was now a mess. I cleaned and put the paper in the waste basket. We called the front desk and let them know something was wrong with the toilet and asked if we could have help! Of course we documented everything with our phones and got a great laugh.

I am so glad that Beth and I are friends. I love spending time with her and love it when the topic of poop comes up!

Love to all!


I had a few drinks last night so I had a really tough poop when I got up. If I don't keep up with my fluids when exercising or having alcohol I will feel the need to poop but will have a hard time. In the last year, I pushed so hard I saw "stars" and was worried I was going to pass out on the toilet. This doesn't happen often though and I recover quickly. After my coffee and seeing a few patients was able to have a nice soft formed poop at lunch today. Three turds and 5 wipes. The toilet paper was cliean after the 4th wipe, but who knows…I have a little extra time again so I am going to post on my laptop instead of my phone:

I am so sorry. Maybe take some pictures for examples and bring up to your roommate? Then giver her some disinfectant wipes. She obviously needs to change, not you , but maybe you can offer something to help. If she cleans the toilet, you can clean something else. You do not NEED clean something else, but maybe by offering something you can inspire your roommate?

Anna from Austria
-I think I posted a few posts ago, I ALMOST always fart on the toilet, poop or pee. However sometimes I poop without farting, like my last posts just a nice soft but solid poop just comes out with crackles and no farting, but I an squeeze out a fart when I pee close to 100% of the time. When I am at home or in a public bathroom by myself, I will let at least one, if not two out. However, if there is someone else in the bathroom with me, or in listening distance I will hold the fart and just pee. Thinking about this, I am sometimes self-conscious about pooping and farting around people to be courteous About the smell not necessarily because I am embarrassed. However, if I poop, I generally cannot hold my fart in like when I am peeing. An even though I don't want to make a farting noise when I am peeing, I am obviously making noises when I pee, as if farting is more rude than peeing?!?! Is short, I fart when I pee, but I hold my fart in when I have " an audience," but in perspective, that is illogical. Maybe next time I pee in public I will let my fart out whether I am alone or not. I will take a lesson from PJ's physician wife: farts are fair game in the bathroom. Our pants are down and butts on the toilet. It's not rude to let out a fart on the toilet compare sitting at nice meal or during a lecture or meeting

I have been in bathrooms in college with girls who obviously and subtly try to keep their bathrooms noises at a minimum. For the lack of a better term, if the girls I am sharing a bathroom are a bit on the "proper, pretty or sorority girl" spectrum I noticed really slow pooping to prevent plops, girls unrolling toilet paper into the bowel before sitting down to create a cushion " silencer" before they poop or even pee. Or even cough when they poop or fart. However , if I am with a more laid back girl or athlete ( more my "type" of company) They just let loose with farts and plops. Those types of girls were also more likely to pull down their pants and even underwear to their feet for everyone to see, while the shameful poopers will keep their pants and panties well above view in the stalls maybe even mid /upper thigh. Some of the "prude girls" may have even held their bowels until I left or even l got up and left themselves before starting so they no one else could hear them I suspect. I must admit there were times in my life where I have done all of that. I have been in the bathroom in high school trying to poop and someone came in. We sat there with no sounds or smells for 5 minutes and I pulled my pants up an left. I am guessing I lost "poop chicken: " Perhaps the other girl got to unload and I had to hold in my farts the rest of the day. Also in college, gals I think seemed to be more shameless with the morning poops or the late night drunk poops than the middle of the day.

Victoria B:
I used to brush my teeth on the toilet when I was younger and slept in as late as I could before starting work early in the morning, sometimes getting up a little as 30 minutes before I had to be at work. My husband used to brush his teeth and shave in the shower, but never on the toilet. These days I am either on my phone or I am practicing mindfulness on the toilet just appreciating how good it feels to have a healthy poop. Since my mid 20's my poop is usually fast unless I am dehydrated like this morning, . I don't like to push when I poop too much so then I will sit and scroll on my phone.

I have been on meetings ( no camera) where I make sure I am muted and use the toilet while I am listening. I wipe but I don't flush, just in case my mic comes back on. I know, I'm illogical a lot when I'm on the toilet..

I answer texts on the toilet all the time and sometimes I will be done pooping but still be in a conversation on my phone via text. I talk on the phone on the toilet at least once a month and during the pandemic have been on a few work calls with my pants around my ankles with a dirty butt. kind of smile thinking about all the important conversations I had, and my booty hole is caked with poop. We are ALL human!

I have already pooped today, but I am wearing a black SOMA thong so I have no idea if I am
-skid marked in Seattle

Thursday, October 12, 2023


Re: Amanda S, Nervous About Using Bathrooms in High School

As someone who has had no choice but to poop in half-height stalls, doorless stalls, and stall-less toilets in multi-user public restrooms 50+ times over the course of my life, more often than not in front of other people, I have some advice.

1) Have you ever noticed another girl pooping in a stall? If so, was she bullied or harassed? If the answer to the latter question is no, then it is probably safe to poop there. The general culture of your student body will make or break the viability of pooping at school, even if your stalls had doors.

2) Wear clothing that will allow for you to conceal yourself as much as possible. As a male, when seated on a public restroom toilet with no privacy and in view of anyone else in the restroom, I would keep my pants pulled as far up as possible, use my pants, underwear, and shirt to cover my private parts while keeping my butt open for business, hold my organ downward toward the bowl with my right hand if I had to pee and if I didn't have to pee, I'd keep both hands above my pants and shirt on my lap. All anyone got to see was the side of my butt while I pooped, which really wasn't that bad.

3) I wouldn't worry about the noise. Everyone knows what you are doing anyway, so there's no use trying to hide that fact. In my case, using these facilities was more often than not during an emergency, so I didn't have the luxury or capability of hiding or muffling my noises. It just came out violently and loud, so the farts and plops couldn't really be covered up, and it stunk. There was simply no secret what I was doing. I suppose I could have mitigated this somewhat by putting toilet paper in the bowl beforehand, but when I'm desperate enough to use a doorless stall in front of a crowd, I generally don't have the extra 10-15 seconds to spare.

4) The most difficult thing about using a doorless stall or open toilet is not pooping, but wiping. This is the time where you risk exposing your privates and where you must be careful not to make any further messes, so pay attention to what you are doing. It can be difficult to wipe when you're trying to conceal as much of your body as possible, keep your clothing where you want it, and if you're not careful there's a risk you could accidentally contact the smeared part of your used toilet paper to your clothing. In my case, positioning my clothing to preserve as much privacy as possible has the downside of limiting my maneuverability and reach while wiping my anus. If you check the toilet paper after you wipe like I do, then others are going to see what your poop smears look like. It's awkward. You might decide it's easier to put your pants down and temporarily expose yourself. When I use a normal stall with a door, my pants go to my feet because it makes everything easier, but when I don't have the luxury of privacy, I try to conceal as much of myself as possible not just out of embarrassment, but out of courtesy to others.

5) If it is any consolation, the vast majority of time I've used doorless stalls or open toilets, everyone actively tried to avoid looking at me. The exceptions were either children who didn't know any better, or outright perverts who wanted a free show, both of which were rare events. Granted, when I was in middle school and high school, had I been caught pooping, I'm certain bullies would have also taken an interest. This is why I asked in point 1 if you've ever seen another girl being bullied or harassed while pooping. If the answer is no, you have very little to worry about, IMO.

If I had to live my teen years over again, I think I'd have just pooped at school anyway instead of torturing myself. It was agonizing to hold it in all day and I was doing damage to my insides by doing so. I eat like a horse, so when Mother Nature calls, disobeying her has never been kind to me. I produce enough poop to clog toilets on a regular basis, including those high capacity commercial fixtures, so when it wants out, I don't wait around.


Huge easy poop

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had soupy noodles, warm water and a cup of tea (black). Ate slowly chewing well. It was supposedly spicy but it didn't taste that spicy to me. After breakfast I took my medications. While I was drinking my warm water and tea my caregiver reminded me that I need to poop 3x a day. She also said we need to change my sheets today. Went downstairs, started listening to music and a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop majorly. I could tell it would be big.

Grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, turned off the light, closed the door, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put my Walmart bag on the doorknob (floor was wet) and walked to the toilet. Pulled down my dark sweatpants and light pink high cut underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A huge poop slowly but easily came out and kept coming. Finally I was done. Lifted myself slightly off the toilet and looked in. The massive turd took up the majority of the toilet! Flushed the toilet then took some toilet paper, wiping really well. Tossed it into the toilet when I was done, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Went to my room, dried my hands on the towel in there, grabbed my water jar, tossed the Walmart bag on my chair (I grabbed it off the doorknob before I left the bathroom) and went to refill and microwave my water. Stay safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Ugh! Gross roommate stuff


Every single dwelling should come with two bathrooms! Omfg. So we have a bidet, which is great, but my roommate is so out of it that she doesn't notice that sometimes there is a... mess on the toilet seat. I find myself checking it almost every time I need to use it (which is an embarrassing amount. Health issues and anxiety will do that). I've tried to talk to her about it, but it's in one ear and out the other.

I shouldn't have to check the toilet seat every time I need to go. Plus, sometimes I REALLY need to go and there isn't much... time. This happened this morning, and yeah, there was a mess on the seat. I look forward to days where I'm home alone all day (which was supposed to be today) just because I don't need to check the toilet seat all the time. Seriously. I have IBS-D and somehow manage not to get crap on the seat all the time. Idk what her problem is.

This has caused me to resent her a bit, and we used to be so close. Is that ridiculous on my part or is it understandable? Also, does anyone else's anxiety make them live in the bathroom? Sometimes when I get REALLY anxious, I feel like I need to crap even though I don't actually need to. OR I'll just have to pee every hour no matter how little liquid I drink. It's extremely annoying.


Morning Poop

I have a question for you. Have any of you had diarrhea on an empty stomach? This happened to me this morning. The only explanation I can think of is too much bile in my intestines since it didn't last long. After that first poop, I had 2 runny poops following breakfast. I have to say one more thing about my poop. A bowl of tuna salad really stunk it up! Bye to all, and wish everyone great poops.


Friday Poop

I had a half day at work last Friday. Went into work late, and left early. It was fantastic, I love my job but the half day was all the rewards of my job as an oncology nurse practitioner without the burn out.

Relevant to this forum though, i didn't sleep in, but I went to bed early and was well rested at my normal wake up time. I had my morning coffee at home, followed by an amazing workout at the gym. I went home to shower instead of the gym since I had time and I had a couple chores to do at home before my shower. Before my shower I felt a huge poop coming, like a "coffee poop" meets " a mid workout " poop. I pulled my yoga pants and black thong down to my ankles and dropped a smelly large poop. There were no plops or even farts, just the crackling coming out of my butt, which I was feeling really good about post work out. I think we have called this on this forum "an Island poop" as it piles up a few inches above the water. This came out in about 1 minute or less. I flushed so I wouldn't clog the toilet, then wiped twice and flushed again. I didn't look at the toilet paper and I probably could have used a few more wipes but I was going to shower anyway. I figured I would not waste toilet paper that doesn't get me as clean after a shower anyway. Instead I just pulled down my thong and yoga pants off my feet, and finished my chores without pants on. I had no underwear to skid, but I made sure not to sit down on the couch lol.

I showered and wet about my day with confidence a euphoria that I get sometimes after a good poop, on top of the freshness of cleaning my dirty butt in the shower.

I chose to put on my favorite ( and husbands) lingerie : a white pair of lace panties. They are not exactly a thong, and honestly get a little itchy if they get dirty, but I had never gotten a skid on this pair as I do not wear these underpants often, and an when i do its date night usually I don't wear them very long if you know what I mean. However today I wore these all day a work and came home without a skid, and hinted to my husband I wanted to have a little more fun tonight..I'll stop now

Friday was a great day started with a great poop!

Question: When you wash you butt in the shower, how to you clean your crack, especially if your are post poop? do you use a loofa or rage, straight liquid soap on your hand? do you stick you bar of soap up there? I have this tingly soap from trader joe's that I put on my hand and clean my crack that was still feeling fresh at the end of the day.

Happy Monday everyone, I feel my coffee poopbrewing at work before my next patient so I will ned to unload soon and have to use the 1ply toilet paper at my clinic so I will soon be..

-Skidmarked in Seattle(pink boy shorts underneath a pencil skirt)


Gotta another break

I had two patients cancel in a row, so I thought I would post again! hope you are not sick of me!

Embarrassed Girl-
You're feeling of being watched on the toilet is normal. Most people do not like to be watched releiving themselves and you should not have to be in a positioned to be watched if you do not want to if it is not necessary for some one to watch you. I have had to watch people defecate and urinate for safety supervision and to clean up as a nurse before I became a nurse practitioner. If I watch someone use the toilet, I do not take it lightly. That being said, loved ones I have seen going to the toilet and who have seen me on the toilet, these were very special relationships. As humans, I think relieving yourself is a vulnerability situation and you are owed privacy when possible.

Kristi, Robtoria and Catherine
-How you all doing?

-When you get a rare skid mark, is there something that leads to it or is it random? I get skids (more) when I poop and wipe with bad toilet paper (school, work and gym are the worse), wear a long dress ( like Alexandria, hard to wipe when I am trying not to get poop on my dress ), wear certain types of undies (underwear that rides up or a light colored thong). I mainly avoid skidmarks if I use wet wipes, a bidet or shower after a poop. Dry toilet paper just doesn't clean clean up my big butt (in a good way I am told). On instagram , I am seeing a lot of adds for devices that help clean up better than dry toilet paper such as bidets and moist wipes, and toilet paper just smears poop unless you are Esme or Catherine ...hahaha! No wonder you have so much confidence wearing the tartan minis!!! Just kidding !

Short film
-I think I know what youtube short film that was mentioned with the girl looking for toilet and then not having toilet paper before a husband sent me that video! I have never been completely unwiped before a date!

I got to get a nice post coffee poop when my first patient canceled. I got to pee when my second patient cancelled. I peaked between my knees when I pulled down my pants to my knees a slight skid on my pink undies so I am..

-skidmarked in seattle

PJ (He/Him)

to Jenny

Q1 :Ladies and maybe guys: Has anyone ever sat down to pee only then find out you still have a little residual poop from when you pooped last? Oh I feel so gross and embarrassed asking and admitting but I know you all are supportive ?
-As a guy This has happened to me a few times. I often pee in the middle of the night and early morning because I am very groggy when I wake up for 30 minutes so I will sit down so I don't miss when I pee without my glasses or contacts. In the last month I work up in the morning to pee and sat down. I noticed a little skid in my boxers, so I wiped and found a little poo. I think what happened is I woke up in the middle of the night and sat down to pee and probably farted or dropped a log and I was two groggy to wipe. Looking back, I am more likely to forget to wash my hands or wipe in the middle of the night as sometimes if I wake up late and I am not so groggy I will stand and pee and find some yellow and even more rare turd. It could be me or my wife but that's another story.

Q2: Has anyone ever had to poop but said they had to pee to another person? Did you rush your poop or your wipe to go faster so no one would suspect?
-I Not me as I never mention what I am doing when I excuse myself. My wife will often tell me she has to pee if we are alone together and she will come back quickly. I notice if she says she has "to use the restroom" she will most likely be gone for about ten minutes and she probably pooped. One time she did she had to pee and was gone for 15 minutes. We were both drunk and I said " you must of had a full bladder." She laughed and said she got surprised turd while she was peeing and her stall was out of toilet paper so she had to waddle two stalls down before she found a couples squares. I asked if it was enough and she blushed and said "probably not."

Anna from Austria
Mina and friends thanks a lot for your nice words. It meant a lot to me.

This time I have another question for my fellow ladies.

How common are Pee farts when you or your peers are taking a leak.

I do them very often but it appears that they are very uncommon among some other women.

I was out with some ladies that I do not know that well. I would consider them as new friends.

We went for a walk and stopped at a restaurant for some drinks.

Before leaving we went to ladies room to pee. I did my usual pee with the pee farts.

After I did that all the ladies asked me if I need more time. I said no I am just peeing.

They said ok but they appeared baffled.

It was almost like they were confused that pee farts might happen.

Or maybe they were just shy to talk about suff stuff.

But now I am curious about the opinion of other ladies.

greetings from Austria


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