

Nearly had a pee accident

My bladder was giving me the urge to go during a test! Thankfully, I made it just in time after it was completed. Phew!


Odd car wash bathroom

This past weekend my oldest daughter and I went out for lunch and shopping, she was home for fall break from college. After lunch we went looking for some fall and winter clothes for both of us. We went into a fitting room together and tried on some stuff. I bent over and pushed out a little fart, my daughter whispered mother! I knew I would need to sit down on a toilet pretty soon. We continued shopping as we went to the car to head home I let out some more farts. On the way home my daughter asked if we could go tomthe car wash to get her cleaned up, I said yes and we went. Once the car was done being washed we parked at the detail area and went to the waiting area. I told my daughter that I was going to the restroom, she said we go too. We walked back there and noticed that there were two unisex bathrooms, they used to be separate sex. We went into the one that used to be a womens with stalls, now there were just two toilets in the open and a sink area. I told my daughter we could each have our own toilet. I noticed my daughter put a seat liner down as well, I figured she was only needing a pee. I sat down and immediately let out a fart and my first turd before I peed. My daughter started to pee and let out a little toot and started to grunt a little. I then heard her pllops followed by a sigh. I was still pooping up a storm why she was cleaning up. I final felt done and wiped, that bathroom smelled really bad.


Desperate poo at the park

So a kinda short one today. An introduction for those of you who might not know me. My name is Alexandria, I'm a brunette female of about 20 years of age. I usually wear long dresses and light colored underwear. Suffice to say I get skidmarks often, very often. Now on to my story.
I was at the park with my girlfriends and I suddenly felt a nagging in my gut, a warning of things to come, so I quietly announced to my friends that I had to go poo. My friends explained to me that the toilets at this particular park are filthy and that I didn't want to use them. I explained that I didn't really have a choice, a storm was raging in my bowels and I had to let it out soon. I was essentially told to hold it till we left. And so I bit my lip and held on. After about an hour I couldn't wait any longer so I asked where the toilet was, explained I couldn't wait, and left for the restroom. By the time I made it to the bathroom , I was letting out wet farts and was doubled over in pain. I managed to get into the bathroom and get my butt on the pot. I absolutely exploded. My poor hole burned as I let out wave after wave of semi solid poo. And finally after I had finished I realized that there was no paper. So I just pulled my panties up and soldered on, suffice to say those panties were ruined after that.

So, hope you all enjoyed


Dropping logs Dictation

I am trying a little voice recognition while dropping a poop here. Full disclosure I am editing by hand afterwards as well as there are a lot of transcription issues with my iPhone. It's not going as smooth as I thought, but its a nice break from the poor grammar from my typing and the corrective texts of my usual posts.

<transcription with edits>
Sitting in silence. Feeling a little pressure. A tip is coming out. I feel it coming out, smooth . Some crackling. The first turd Just dropped. Ah! it was a long soft but formed turd. About 8 inches. No plop, no fart. I am just let out a big sigh, almost a moan. Oh, here comes another, and another. Wow this feels so good. 4th log coming out a little slow. A little fart came out. A slight push and grunt Dictation does not get all the crackles on my cheeks. It's out. Ahhhh. I feel one more in but it's coming out a little slower as well . Might need a another little push. Mmmhhh. ( I typed that pushing noise,) That made plop. Im rolling out the toilet paper. About four layers. i am wiping my crack front to back. Whew, that smeared all over. I am pulling out some more toilet paper, folding over four layers, leaning forward for an another wipe. Still pretty saturated. Rolling a bunch this time, wiping, a little lighter brown now. I hope this is not too gross for you all. fourth wipe here. Getting there. Focusing more on my left cheek crack this time. Rolling again. Right cheek crack. A couple more squares. Starting to look more like a brown crayon mark rather than melted chocolate. Time to turn around grab the wet wipes. grabbing one square. Ah. the cool wipe feels great and refreshing. I just wiped again with dry toilet paper and there is a faint brown. One more for luck. Wipe looks white, and a butt. Pulling up my brown thong. Now my yoga pants. And flush! Washing my hand for at least 45 seconds

<end transcription>

N-I used to think only guys pooped more often a day and I was a freak for needed 2 poops a day to feel good. I also thought only guys got skidmarks until I was in high school. I learned many females friends and colleagues pooping often two or three times days. A lot of them very healthy and attractive by western standards so young women who were already eating healthy and exercising in their teens were pooping at least twice day to keep their bodies healthy . Let's not forget those Starbucks habits at lot of women have . I think no girl who drinks pumpkin spice coffee poops just once a day hahaha

Esme- I spent a lot of my 20's wearing dark thongs myself to hide my skids from roommates and guys! I have relatively recently come to conclusion that the thongs don't get as dirty for me as the bikini and boy short panties that really ride up my crack. Wearing a thong still feels kind of extra sticky when I wear one after I poop at work or the gym , but less cloth to get dirty when it rides up my bum. I can't wear underwear without out my buns eating it so pun intended, a thong is "steering into the skid." What kind of panties to you wear under that tartan mini and other outfits when you get skid marks and what kind are you wearing when you don't assuming the stain is visible.Hope you got in a nice poop before you met up with your friend! It feels good when the traffic goes the opposite way too every now and then ;) Also I got more UTI's in college though when there was more of that going on with my life.

Robtoria-I may not be talking to you two on the phone, but how many times am I readying your post or responding dropping loads from my cute bum on the toilet !..Answer is a few. PS I got a slight skid in my pink boyshorts but it's all good. Hope one of you is enjoying a nice #1 or #2 whole reading this right now.

PJ- HAHA my husband is the college class of 2003 and Im class of 2006. It's like we are all a group of college friends here reminiscing about how bathroom habits

Willa-That's how I clean myself in the shower too! At least I am not using a bar of soap anymore!

Catherine-Glad life is treating you well with a real life pooping buddy! How is pharmacist life post pandemic and post being the business owner? I have not had an accident in my pants since grad school ( graduate school , not grade school)but recently I find myself getting excited and making out with my husband when I know I have skidmarks in my lacey undies. It's feels kind of rebellious if that makes sense. I can get kind of get shy when I know I have skids, but I also want the to come off too!

Going for a run in my brown thong, so I may or may not be

Skidmarked in Seattle


Primitive pooping part 2!

First, @Esme… we're on the same page, girl! ;)

But I digress….In the nature park after a hike, in a really primitive "bathroom"…
So, I'm sitting on this old school "toilet", next to a lovely young lady who is having a horrible bout of diarrhea. I've given her some antacids that I keep in my purse and did my best to comfort her. At this point I hear some fairly urgent sounding footsteps from outside, and suddenly a rather prudish looking woman and her daughter enter the room. The daughter, maybe 5 or 6, fixes her eyes on me and my neighbor and yells "Eww!!!"…"It is what it is", her mom replies. "You can go, or you can hold it till we drive home. Mom has to go, no option!!"…The child recoils and runs back outside, whereas the mom positions herself over one of the toilets, lowers her pants, and goes into a squat. She's obviously too prissy to sit down on the seat, but as this in unfolding directly across from me, I'm not complaining!
She lowers her head, and a huge airy fart cuts through the air. As she is hovering about a foot above the toilet seat I can't help but look as a giant snake of poop forcefully exits her but and descends into the abyss below. At this time, my poor neighbor is finally wiping. I give one last push and expel another huge turd into the depths. The lady across the way is meanwhile struggling with the lousy TP holder. My neighbor finishes, collects her bag, and smiles and thanks me as she walks out. I warmly smile back and say "any time!"…:At this point, the daughter of the snooty mom who is currently half standing and awkwardly wiping her butt, comes dashing back in, throws down her pants and shits explosively on the seat next to her mom. I couldn't help but laugh internally…."See, I told you to just go!" The mom says. I guess maybe she isn't that stuck up after all, as she has just shit a massive snake in front of me, and is encouraging her daughter….
I wipe thoroughly and cleanse myself, as the two of them are still finishing cleaning up. What a great afternoon of pooping!! Thanks for reading, loves!


Huge poop as soon as I woke up

Hi all. I was woken up by my alarm and my bowels this morning lol. Felt a strong urge to poop so I got up, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar, took off my bedroom flip flops, opened the door and went to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, took the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag, walked to the toilet, pulled down my pants and underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a lot of semi-solid thick poop. When I was done I took some toilet paper and wiped well. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look. There was a huge poop taking up a lot of the toilet. Wow! Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, went to my room, dried my hands on the towel and went upstairs for breakfast. Ate slowly, taking sips of warm water. If I'm lucky I will needs to go again later around naptime (being picked up soon for my weekly exercise program). Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Reply to N

In my school, my boyfriend will often hold his crap throughout the day, and even after school when we stop in the park to relax, talk and do our homework. That discipline, if that's what you call it, is amazing to me. What is he afraid of? Like 3 days a week I will crap right after lunch, but if not, I will head to the toilets right after school. I just don't like to miss class time. Also, right after school there are less girls using the toilets. However, I have to check the toilet paper supply before I sit. The janitors tend to forget about the bathrooms that time of day. I've told my boyfriend that once he gives in and does his first crap at school, it will be better. When I piss at the park I encourage him to walk down the hill with me to the bathroom building and try out the boys room. I can't completely convince him, but I haven't given up hope.


Potty training survey

1. What were you trained on?
I myself was trained on both a potty chair and the toilet.

2. What did work first, pee or poop?
I myself was good at peeing when I was nearly 3, but poop took over another year, I was just too stubborn! :D


Response to N

N: I am also a male and have a large bowel movement at least once a day. My guess is most females would have the same need.


Huge poop as soon as I woke up

Hi everyone. My stomach felt full and uncomfortable so that with an urge to poop woke me up around 8:30. Sat up, grabbed my Walmart bag off my chair (my arms are long and the chair is across from my bed, at a desk), got up from bed, Walmart bag in hand, opened the door, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door and put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, grabbed my toilet paper, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A lot of poop came out, so much that I had to flush halfway. Pushed out the last part of it, took some toilet paper and wiped really well. Tossed the paper into the toilet and went back for a bit more since I was still messy. Wiped until I could see no more brown, tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and flushed the toilet since there was only paper in there. Put the toilet paper into the Walmart bag, washed my hands, grabbed my Walmart bag and went to my room to dry my hands on the towel in here. Then went upstairs for breakfast and my meds afterwards. Hopefully everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


@Robtoria… thanks for the question! Our first experience was literally the morning after we spent our first night together!! I felt so comfortable and knew she was the one…when I had to poop that morning, I just said hell with it and plopped my butt down on the toilet with the door wide open! Of course, it was one of the sloppiest, noisy poops I had taken in a while and I was mildly mortified, but when I came out into the kitchen (which was right next to the bathroom), she had made coffee for us and was completely unfazed! I apologized, but she simply said "bathroom noises. We all make them", and kissed me sweetly. I knew then I had found the love of my life! She isn't really infatuated with pooping or anything as I am, but she loves to see me happy and is totally fine with me enjoying my "hobby"!

@Esme… thank you and I'm glad you appreciate and can relate to our little "cleansing" ritual ;)


Phil's Question and Replies

Hey everybody double trouble is back!

We thought we'd answer Phil's question first.

Victoria: I wait until I'm done from both sides until I start reeling off tp from the roll. No idea why but that's how I've always done it.
Robyn: Sometimes the paper gets unrolled before the show's over and sometimes it doesn't. It's just how my brain works!

Now onto some responses.

To Catherine: We're so happy to hear from you again! Missed you so much! Beth sounds like a great friend and we're glad the kids are doing well too. Bet you both felt about five pounds lighter after that trip to the bathroom!

To Willa: That's always been our philosophy too, even before we first started dating. When was the first time you or your wife saw each other touch porcelain? Look forward to hearing more from you soon!

To Jenny: Sometimes you just have to take that call. Once a friend accidentally left here without her keys. First she called Vic but her phone was off and then she called me-while I was in the middle of blowing up our bathroom! Thankfully Victoria got the keys and was on the elevator down to return them to our friend while my butt's fireworks show concluded! Speaking of butts here's hoping that thong of yours didn't get skidded. Never heard of that brand before!

That's all for today but we'll see ya soon!





John H

Thanks and another question

Hey all.
Thanks to those who responded to my questions about ladies farting in public bathrooms in my last post. It's good to read that ladies seem to fart while going the same as us guys, particularly as they get passed school age at least.
I have another question for anyone that wishes to answer.
So sometimes I like to make an audio recording of when I go to the toilet. Generally I will just use the voice recorder app on my phone.
I find it interesting to listen back to the crackeling sounds, farts and pee sounds. It reminds me of the relief of going as these are sounds I pay close attention to while going.
I will only do this occasionally and will delete the recording after a couple of listens as I am not sure what else to do with them lol.
does anyone else make audio recordings like this? If so why and what do you do with them? Video counts too I guess but I don't do that myself.
I know this is a bit of a strange one so will be interesting to see what the responses are and if you have never tried it, then you may after reading this post perhaps lol.
That's all for now. Take care all.
John H.

Steve A

To N (Do dudes crap more often than women)

Ever since I joined Toilet Stool and have read stories from back then, it's always been interesting to see how much people usually went, whether it was once a day, 2-3 times per day, every other day, or sometimes longer, & anything in between...

But it all depends on several factors:

- Age
- Diet
- Physical Activity Level
- Gastrointestinal Health
- Supplement & Medication Usage
- etc.

Anna from Austria
@Jenny and PJ thx for your replies. @PJ It was very interesting to hear from the perspective of a guy as well.

Reply to N

I have never heard about such survey and at least from my perspective and other women in my family there is no truth to it.

I have to Number 2 at least once a day since I can remember. The same goes for my mother and younger sister as well.

greetings from Austria


Tuesday, October 17, 2023


Do dudes crap more often?

I have heard through statistics males go Number 2 at least once a day - I am one of them - while women most of the times only poop every two to three days. Is there any truth in it? I could imagine that a reason is that us guys often have less shame.


Answering the Victoria B forum

1) have you ever brushed your teeth or shaved while you were pooping?

Not that I knew of.

2) have you ever done homework on the toilet?

Well, sometimes I do, often my BM's take too long, since I go like every two days, and then I at least wanna use it as a chance to get my homework finished, he he.


Semi urgent soft poop

Hi all. Finished breakfast 2 hours ago and was finishing making another jar of warm water when I had a fairly strong urge for a poop. Quickly put the water jar in my room when it was done microwaving, grabbed my Walmart bag, took off my bedroom flip flops, opened the door, turned off the light, put on the flip flops outside my room, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put my Walmart bag on the doorknob, grabbed the toilet paper, made sure the door was closed and walked to the toilet. Put my phone in my pocket, put the toilet paper in another hand, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A good amount of soft crap came out. Was done within about 30 seconds. Took some toilet paper and wiped my front first then started wiping my butt. It was messy. Tossed the dirty toilet paper into the toilet then grabbed the toilet paper and grabbed a bit more. Continued wiping until the paper was clean. Tossed it into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. There was soft crap covering the hole. Guess I needed it. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, grabbed my Walmart bag and that's that. Went to my room, dried my hands on the towel in here and now writing this. Lunch soon then stretches and nap after. Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone.

Happy peeing and pooping!



An Eventful Week

I have been missing everyone and I love catching up on the things I have missed! School has me busy as I noted in my last post. It turns out this past week was very busy for my butthole and I am not complaining.

@Catherine - love reading your stories, especially you sharing with your friend and you both destroying that toilet!

@Willa - delightful way you clean your butthole in the shower! Let's just say I am not a stranger to that practice ;-)

@Tommy - I enjoyed your post where you shared with those two girls via video chat. I have done that a couple of times and it is always enjoyable - especially if it is well received on the other end.

@Kristi - I would love to talk! I would also love to hear about your college stories as I continue to make new ones.

@Jenny - to confess about skids, they are most common to me after big soft poops, the kind you wipe forever and there is still something there. My panties are darker (lots of greens, blues, blacks, grays, purple) so they probably do not tell on me as often as they could! I have also noticed poopy panties if I wait to long and the turtle head leaves its mark. I try to avoid that, but it happens.

This week was an interesting week for my back door. On Monday I took what turned out to be a semi-painful dump at school. I did not have a huge urge to go, but I could tell mid-afternoon that something would happen if I went. I went to my typical ladies room in my classroom building and occupied my usual first stall next to the wall. It did not take me too long to realize this turd was going to demand special attention. It was the kind that feels a lot like a baseball being pushed out. I always take these slow on purpose - just enough pushing to not cause damage and to of course enjoy it. Every time I tried to get strategic with my pushes and resulting, but necessary groans, someone came in (which I am cool with, but it breaks my concentration in trying to save my anus). Finally, things began to settle into a predictable pace. Anyone could hear the crackling stretch of my ass as this monster made its entry into the world. I always tend to close my legs tight for these and I did so. It is a weirdly comfortable feeling for your legs to be closed as something literally the size of a baseball squeezes from between your cheeks. This turd was slow and I could not help but grit my teeth and strain audibly as it slowly emerged. There was another girl a few stalls away, so I know she heard everything. Finally this monster dropped. I immediately felt another turd takes its place in my hole and it slid out much easier with a nice plop. I farted and made a gentle push that allowed 3 more turds to come out over the next 30 seconds or so. I looked between my legs to see the first one. It was easily the size of a baseball - was also hard and knobby - and about 4 inches long. The other turds were not quite as thick, were softer and smooth 4-5 inches long. My wipe was uneventful, but I left the restroom with my butthole tingling from its workout.

On Tuesday I ended up pooping late morning at the library. The restrooms there have the same open face public seats but these are shaped differently than my classroom building. My classroom building has the classic open faced seat that probably 95% of public restrooms have. The library seats are fuller toward the front and a more round hole for your butt. I have discovered if you need to lean forward, these seats are good for that support. This poop turned out to be quite a bit in quantity. My butthole was still sore from Monday and I ended up pushing out 15-20 turds that were no bigger than my fingers. Every time I pushed I had success. After at least 10 minutes I pushed again and had 6 more turds that were bigger and thicker covering up the others. I felt empty and happy after this one!

My next poop and still my most recent was on Thursday back in the classroom building. Thursday was actually two separate poops. The first one was around 10 am and was soft and fast. This one I did with panties and jeans around my ankles and legs wide apart. I did not even try to do a turd count, but it was a great release, and occurred with lots of morning restroom traffic. Later in the afternoon around 2 pm, I felt another need to release....which I was thankful for as between 10 and 2 I had made plans with a friend for that night that would be much better without any poop needing to make its exit as one way traffic would need to be reversed (hopefully my meaning is clear). I have come to understand we all share a lot of intimate things in this forum (and it is hard not to given the bodily location of this, our favorite hobby). I freely admit I like pretty much everything related to this bodily function and the orifice that enables it.


Phil's Question and Replies

Hey everybody double trouble is back!

We thought we'd answer Phil's question first.

Victoria: I wait until I'm done from both sides until I start reeling off tp from the roll. No idea why but that's how I've always done it.
Robyn: Sometimes the paper gets unrolled before the show's over and sometimes it doesn't. It's just how my brain works!

Now onto some responses.

To Catherine: We're so happy to hear from you again! Missed you so much! Beth sounds like a great friend and we're glad the kids are doing well too. Bet you both felt about five pounds lighter after that trip to the bathroom!

To Willa: That's always been our philosophy too, even before we first started dating. When was the first time you or your wife saw each other touch porcelain? Look forward to hearing more from you soon!

To Jenny: Sometimes you just have to take that call. Once a friend accidentally left here without her keys. First she called Vic but her phone was off and then she called me-while I was in the middle of blowing up our bathroom! Thankfully Victoria got the keys and was on the elevator down to return them to our friend while my butt's fireworks show concluded! Speaking of butts here's hoping that thong of yours didn't get skidded. Never heard of that brand before!

That's all for today but we'll see ya soon!






Just pooped

Hi all. Just got the urge to poop so got out of bed, grabbed my Walmart bag, went outside my room, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, took the toilet paper out of my Walmart bag, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A semi-solid, semi-soft poop came out and landed with a plunk noise in the toilet. Peed a bit more on top of it. Took some toilet paper, wiped really well, tossed the paper into the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look. A good amount of poop was in the toilet, covering the hole and took up some of the toilet. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, grabbed my Walmart bag, turned off the light and went to my room. First took off the flip flops outside my room, went into my room, dried my hands on my towel, got back into bed and now here I am. Stay safe and happy and healthy everyone.

Happy peeing and pooping!



BM and wetting accident

A story about when a pooped and peed my shorts.

I was around 9-10 years old and was accompanying my father while he played a round of golf. We had started quite early and were about half way through the back 9 when I felt the need to poo. I told my dad I need to go and started the 600 meter walk to the only toilet on the course.

Now on a golf course there are certain etiquettes that must be followed such as no noise or movement when a player is making their shot. On that day it was a tournament and there were a lot of people so I had to stop often while players took their shots which made the situation that much worse.

I waited till a group had all teed off and started after their balls, I then slowly started my walk again, this time with my cheeks clenched trying not to fill my shorts and a strained look on my face. I must have been about 150 meters from the toilet when I felt a hot jet of pee squirt into my undies and make a tennis ball sized wet patch on the front of my shorts, the shock of this made me grab my crotch and double over forward, this motion caused me to start releasing my bowels and I knew I was about to have an accident, It started off slowly, I felt it sliding out and start pressing against the fabric of my undies I knew I couldnt hold it back anymore and so I relaxed and just let it happen.

My bladder and bowels fully relaxed and I soaked and filled my undies. There ended up being that much poo that my undies were getting pulled down my legs.

Some Comments

For Ava:
Why do you have to hold your pee until lunch? Could you do a fast pee and relieve your bladder just before your first class? Are you able to ask for permission to excuse yourself after the teacher talks or you get your work turned in? I shouldn't admit this but once when we had to leave class for a fire alarm, I ducked into the bathroom on the way back in. The confusion in the halls helped. Also, a couple of times I lucked out when we had a sub and he or she needed a volunteer to get something from the office. I detoured when bringing the materials back. If you are first out of the classroom will you be able to be the first on one of the toilets during passing period?

Victoria B's survey:
Yes, I did homework on the toilet for about 10 minutes during the first week of school. I had my laptop on my lap and I had done about 1/3 of my poo. This is where I could have used a privacy door. The assistant principal came through, swiped my ID card, and told me to put it away. What's wrong with reviewing vocab words while you are waiting for nature to do its thing?

To Phil:
I pull the toilet paper out of the dispenser while I'm peeing at school because I don't want to spend a second more partially exposing myself on one of the doorless toilets we are forced to use. Sometimes I don't even bother to wipe because there's a crowd coming in. Even if I wipe from my seat it is embarrassing.

Have you ever had to use a non-doored toilet? If you haven't yet, when the time comes do you think you might be doing anything different?

PJ (He/Him)
Hi Catherine!

I feel like I am messaging a combination of a celebrity or old friend!
I have been "lurking" for years and I haven't gotten the courage to post until recently in the last two months ( due to peeing emergencies in my car with my sleeping toddler!) I remember many names lurking over the years. From newest to oldest: Kristi, Jenny (Skidmarked in Seattle), Victoria B (before Robyn), Braidy, The Annas from Canada and Austria and I feel like going way!

I feel like based on how long we have been reading ( and posting) here, I think we are elder millennials or late late gen Xers here (Born 1980-1989? But correct me if I'm wrong)! I remember finding this forum on dial up! But I don't feel that old...mostly.

I too take breaks from reading posts, but life brings me back many times and I hope I feel as welcome as you come back for a cameo or a comeback tour !

Glad your professional and family life seem to be going well! to be on topic of the forum can I ask you:

1) When was you more memorable # 1 and # 2
2) What was your favorite # 1 and # 2

My short answers"
1) I First posted in July when I had to pee in a Starbucks cup (Venti 20 oz) when my son was a sleep in the car in the summer and I did not want to wake him up! I peed and filled a Starbucks cup, had to dump it out discreetly, then pee again! I felt like I as getting away with something or I was going to get caught by someone! I don't think I posted my most memorable poop but I was at the Magnolia Store in Waco and they had a single bathroom with a long line for the big store. My wife was having a ball shopping and I had to have one of the biggest poops in my life!. I was afraid I was going to clog the toilet. I didn't but I did stick the place up! I also didn't want to hold the line up, so my poop was a little rushed and I think I wiped twice when it should have been like six wipes. I was wearing some light boxer briefs and I got to joke with my wife that I got some skids after that poop as she is usually the one with the skidmarked thongs.

2) my favorite pee was the SUV pee. Not only did I feel mischievous, but it felt so good to empty my bladder of nearly 40 oz of fluid!!! May favorite poop was in high school, I still hated pooping around other people, but I found a hidden toilet at a high school track meet I was at. I was visiting and it was a brand new school. A lot of my teammates had already complete their pre race dump together, but I got to empty my bowels all by myself in a quiet restroom with 8 empty stalls to my self. I filled up the toilet twice, with no plops, just crackling from my large logs. I wiped very well 10 times with its own flush. I PR'd my mile (5:05 mile) after I took the best poop to date!

Good to hear from you Catherine, and of course any of you lovely ladies and gentlemen and non-bianry can reply as well!


Primitive pooping

Hi everyone!
Had an absolutely wonderful experience today! To begin…there is a nature park not far from where me and the wifey live that we love to hike in. She unfortunately had to work late today, and I had an unexpectedly light day at work, so I took a half day and went about my business. I grabbed some lunch and headed to the park for a hike. It was a perfect Fall day, around 60 out, and sunny and crisp…
I set out upon one of the trails. The park is really quite primitive. There's a small duck pond near the entrance where we occasionally see some parents and children, but otherwise it's fairly overgrown. The trails are quite nice, however, and I always enjoy strolling down them. I did about a 2 mile loop walk, and as luck would have it, when I got back to the starting point I was feeling a fairly urgent rumble in my bowels!
Now, let me tell you about the "bathroom" at this park!…I have emptied myself more than a few times here… So, it's basically a brick square building. You walk through a small hallway and enter a room with 4 "toilets", 2 on each side, with absolutely no privacy walls (your girls dream, but awkward for some I presume!). It's literally just toilet seats on top of pipes over a septic tank…Smelly, yes, but oh well….
As I enter, I notice a girl on the far toilet to my left. Her backpack is on the floor next to her and she is leaning forward with her elbows on her knees. It seems she is in the middle of a fairly painful poop. My mind works quickly and I decide to take the seat next to her, as opposed to sitting across from her and possibly making her feel awkward. I turn and lower my pants, and spread my cheeks on the seat. My neighbor lets out a groan and unleashes a torrent of diarrhea, which splats loudly in the cesspool below. "I'm so sorry" she says, and puts her hands over her face. "What are you sorry for, Hun?" I say, as my own bowels open and start crackling out an immense, pleasurable log….My first log lands with a thud in the pit. Remembering that I carry some ????s in my hiking bag, I offer some to my poop partner. She graciously accepts, and I place them in her hand and instinctively place my hand on her back, give a little rub, and say "it'll be ok!"
Another liquid torrent unleashes from my poor neighbor's butt, at the same time I begin to push out my next log. I almost feel guilty at the pleasure I feel as my poop pleasantly stretches me, while this poor girl next to me is suffering….
In any case…there's a lot more to this story!! I don't want to clog the feed, so I will continue next time!

@Catherine…thanks so much for sharing! I loved the story about yourself and Beth. Sharing these intimate moments is such a pleasure. Hope to hear more from you soon!!


Went to the washroom a lot

Hi all. Went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast this morning. Had some kind of spicy red soup with green leafy vegetables, a couple of different coloured jelly balls all throughout the bowl and sips from my warm water jar. Took a while to eat. In the middle of breakfast I took my medications, at 9 AM. Finished my breakfast then first wrote in my notebook (have to do that throughout the day since the brain surgery and stroke caused some memory loss), put the notebook in my Walmart bag, put my phone in my pocket, took my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs. Downstairs I refilled my water jug and surfed the net on my phone while I took sips from my water jar. Finally about 10 minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I took my Walmart bag, took off my bedroom flip flops, opened the door, went outside my room, put on the flip flops outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom.

Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A massive thick turd came out and filled the toilet. When I was done I took some toilet paper, wiped really well and tossed it into the toilet. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look. This huge poop was in the toilet, hovering upside down over the hole. Wow. Flushed the beast down and sayonara! Down it went! WOW. I'm not sure how big it was but it looked massive. Washed my hands, grabbed my Walmart bag and went to my room to dry my hands. Refilled and microwaved my water jar and now here I am writing this. Hopefully after lunch I can go again. Maybe another beast.

Hopefully everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Chakamami (Chae, Kazu, Maho, Mina)

Answer to Phil and Catherine

Phil: When we only peeing, we pull paper while we peeing. When we are doing more than that, it is depends.

Catherine: We are so happy you are back! We thought about you often even you don't post. Thank you for nice story!

Love to everyone.


Rose Y

A poop and a response to Victoria B

Hello all!

I really enjoyed the recent updates from Sarah and Avery! Sounds like some satisfying unloading and subsequent flushing!

I was on the toilet while reading Sarah's last post, and I felt a bit inspired. I've also been feeling a bit sick lately, and while I haven't had it affect my poops much yet, I have been blowing my nose a lot, and often will drop the used tp from that in the toilet to flush later. While I was pooping, I thought, it would be nice to just be rid of all those little reminders of my cold without ever having to see them again, and why not send my poop off too without bothering to look?
So as soon as my last pieces of poop had been squeezed out, I wiped myself quickly, and then reached behind me and placed my fingers on the handle. With a "bye-bye", I sent all my waste, and all those nasty tissues, down the u-bend. Never to be seen again (and in the case of my turd, never to be seen at all)!

Victoria B - I often multitask while pooping! I brush my teeth on occasion, and sometimes iff I'm feeling especially frustrated with a log that was difficult to get out or caused me discomfort I'll take a bit of satisfaction in spitting my toothpaste on it right before I flush it.
I also have cut my fingernails while using the toilet, and dropped the clippings right into the bowl too.

John H

Thanks and another question

Hey all.
Thanks to those who responded to my questions about ladies farting in public bathrooms in my last post. It's good to read that ladies seem to fart while going the same as us guys, particularly as they get passed school age at least.
I have another question for anyone that wishes to answer.
So sometimes I like to make an audio recording of when I go to the toilet. Generally I will just use the voice recorder app on my phone.
I find it interesting to listen back to the crackeling sounds, farts and pee sounds. It reminds me of the relief of going as these are sounds I pay close attention to while going.
I will only do this occasionally and will delete the recording after a couple of listens as I am not sure what else to do with them lol.
does anyone else make audio recordings like this? If so why and what do you do with them? Video counts too I guess but I don't do that myself.
I know this is a bit of a strange one so will be interesting to see what the responses are and if you have never tried it, then you may after reading this post perhaps lol.
That's all for now. Take care all.
John H.

Sunday, October 15, 2023



When I arrived home last night from the gym I was a bit peckish due to have only had four eggs and four pieces of bread for breakfast.I took three carrots from the fridge and ate then had two glasses of water before going to bed .I had a wee in the THETFORD ELEGANCE pottie in bedroom before getting in bed .
Woke once during the night had a wee in the pottie ,this morning woke before the alarm went downstairs out to the campervan,sat on the ADVENTURIDGE .had a long wee .When I had been sat for ten minutes I began to push , my bowels opened ,had a very enjoyable NUMBER TOO ,then reached forward tore off three sheets of ELSAN BLUE toilet paper folded oblique and wiped then tore off another three wiped then another two and wiped.
The bowl held a lot more poop than I expected as I had three NUMBER TOO
yesterday three NUMBER TOO the day before and very little to eat yesterday .

im new to posting but i've been reading stories on here on and off so i thought maybe i should share a story of my outside dump i had playing hide and seek with my friends, so a year back i had some friends over to play dnd and magic or whatever and we wanted to get some fresh air and have some fun you know run around a little bit so we were playing and i was having fun i though i had a great hiding spot cause i was far away from the house and i was by like a wooded area, but then i got that feeling that i needed to go but i was not making it back to the house and i was think should i try or just go here i decided to pull my shorts down squat and pinch' a loaf and a fat one at that the turd was thick and smooth but came out quick i then walked back to the house and wiped my ass and that was about it see ya.

Hi, this is my first post. 9th grade is like hell atm because my blader is really active and I have to hold my pee until lunch :/ anyone with the same problems?

PJ (him/her)
I decided to post on the toilet today. I have been awake for less than one hour and I am on my second poop. I have been farting all night. I tried to poop last night with not much success. I have been pooping regularly 2-3 times a day, so I didn't feel constipation, but after my first poop this morning I feel like those farts have been that poop coming for the past 10 hours. My farts weren't stinking ( that I noticed) but they were loud. My wife was sound sleeping so she didn't notice that I know of. I decided to poop after my second poop because it was even bigger than my first. It was soft but not liquid and piled up into "an island" that is stinking up the bathroom more because of all the poop not submerged. I just flushed before wiping and there are skid marks in the toilet. Going to wipe now.

I washed my hands and now I will thematically answer Jenny's Survey:

Cleanliness survey
Do you wash your hands after every time you pee or poop? YES
Do you use soap or do you just rinse your hands? Soap always, or else my hands are not really clean (my wife is a physician and I majored in microbiology)
Have you ever gotten poop on you hand from wiping? How often does that happen. Usually at the gym is where this happens , maybe 4 times a year.
When was the last time you saw someone use a restroom and not wash their hands.
When was the last time you saw someone use a restroom and not wash their hands? At ball games and the gym, there are alway guys not washing their hands after peeing. I have never noticed a guy not washing hands after coming out of a stall, which I am assuming they pooped if they were not using a urinal .

RKL: in my life in college, all the stories of students pooping themselves were guys and they were all "Sharts"...a fart while working out or sitting around that unexpectedly released something in their underwear. I knew only of female students peeing themselves, and in seemed to always involve being drunk, but I have never heard of a female college student pooping themselves, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen I went to a prestigious but public college on the west coast of the USA.

John- I was a fairly shy pooper and farter for a guy all though school. Oddly enough it was an girlfriend who inspired me to let go when I have fart and poop in a public restroom. She was very clean and smart and beautiful, but if she was in the bathroom she let lose. She often pooped at my apartment with the door opened and she was not shy about me seeing her pee, poop or wipe once we had seen each other naked. She was a long-distance runner who was comfortable with her body. The was very against farting in public as she thought it was rude and gross to other people so she would to a toilet to fart to be polite, but if you were in the bathroom with her, poop was just part of life. After pooping in front of her, I lost my shyness to fart in a public restroom, and I rarely poop without farting.

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