

To Jenny's post

Well, I'm eating healthy, but my body just decides to wait a few days...

Chakamami (Hisae/Chae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Many interesting post! Thank you to Alexandria, Princess Toadstool Peach (why you are toadstool??? it is a poison), PJ, Annie, MD Dan and many more. Perhaps we have to keep a cat.

Today we do Sarah S's survey.

1 and 2, public loo, maybe 8. Not 10 because if public loo is very dirty, we don't want to use.

3 to 6, about fart, maybe 2 because we only do if we can't help. But No.6, if it is Kazumi, 0, because Kazu's mother is very fastidious person. She really believe that young woman never fart or poo.

(Mina think, "SO" is "Special Other". Is Mina correct? If she is correct, then we four each have 3 SOs.)

7. Poo at friend's house. If we are staying overnight, then 9. If not, then maybe 4.

8 and 9. Poo at date's house or SO's house. Hisae says 10. She had boyfriend before and poo at his house never a problem. Mina says X. Because she never had chance to poo at boyfriend's house, now she regret very much.

If SO is one of us four, then of course 10. When we stay Mina's house in home town or Hisae's house in home town, always we poo there.

10 we don't understand.

11, poo outside, is 6, because never a problem, but we don't have opportunity so much, and we did before together and we felt it is special time and once only. But if it emergency, we will.

12 and 13 is N/A because in Japan, no loo with on door.

14 and 15, unisex multiple stall loo, maybe 5, but we wonder, we never see such loo in Japan. Long time ago there were such loo.

16 and 17, in front of somebody, maybe 20! Because we always poo in front of each other. Weekdays two of us together, week-ends all four together. Of course we pee when we poo.

We have story about this (16 and 17), because in September when it was still long hot summer in Japan, we had another poo session in our potties. It was wonderful one. Because hot weather, we were birthday suit, it was very good feeling. But...



Recently we think, our story is interesting or boring? In this site, many @ mark, with many name, but never our name except once (thank you to Willa). So we think our story not interesting, and Mina's English terrible bad, so we are worry very much. (However Mina often find her name in words at top of site, she is happy about that very very much!!)

We are now discussing, do we write more story, or do we say goodbye this site?? We are very difficult to decide because when we discuss about this, Mina always start to cry. We love this site and people of this site very very much. (We are happy that Catherine said to us, how are you?) But we are worry that our story boring, because we always write same thing. So what we shall do?? we are always ask to ourselves. (Mina crying now, with typing this. Computer table is deluge. Hisae massaging. Kazu and Maho kissing Mina's top of head and back of neck and caressing Mina's bottom. How lovely persons they are!!!)

Even we say goodbye, we love all people of this site for ever and ever and ever.



To Hisae and the crushes

A few weeks ago, you kindly answered my email about the trouble I was having on the toilet that is doing a poo and also cleaning up. I find the enema function on the bidet does not. They seem to do much. I find that a bit. I cleans me only if my movements are soft. If they are hard, then the cleanup job is not nearly as good.
I think I need to sit longer on the train, because my general thoughts were going to do your business and leave. Maybe that is not the idea for me now.
Yes, I'm at the older age group, but certainly a long way from being retired.
Thank you for your response.


Small poop

Hello, I'm writing here for the first time. I am male, 6'3 tall and weigh 232 lbs. English is not my national language, so please forgive me some language mistakes. I like the topic of pooping and have read many stories from this forum. I have noticed that many people have large poops or are constipated. I don't have such problems, but sometimes I would like to take a big poop because it's fun. Unfortunately, I poop once or twice a day, so my poops are always small. They are usually an inch or 1.5 inch in diameter and come out in several pieces of 3 or 4 inches long. I can't poop less often because I often have gas that pushes the poop out and I can't hold it in for long. Sometimes I eat psyllium seeds with water, which significantly increases the volume of the poop, but I only need to rinse it with half of the water that is in the flush of the home toilet for it to all drain out. I have never clogged any toilet with poop, even if I didn't poop for two days (which is very rare).

Matthew C.

Trip and question answers

Came back off a trip out to my family's cabin in West Virginia yesterday. It's like a four hour drive, and it's fairly remote. Due to the disruption of my routine, the usual caveats about travel messing up my bowel habits applies in full. Friday, first full morning, I woke up and had my breakfast and coffee, and I've been on fiber supplements, yet I didn't feel like I had to go at all. I sat on the toilet and pushed for a good few minutes but very little came out. I hate feeling bloated like that, and I'd suspected I'd need to go at a less opportune time or I wouldn't all day.

Sure enough, that moment came once we went into town and I went to sit in a cafe for a couple hours with some hot chocolate and wifi (my cabin has no cell service or internet). I'd just sat down and was getting comfortable when I start to feel the telltale "Uh oh, gotta go," shifting in my bowels and small, light farts and I'm like "Of course I have to go now." I waited a few minutes before I went back to the bathroom, they had two lockable separate toilets. I was able to pass a large log that coiled up, it was smooth, lighter brown and was like a rope. Wiping was the bigger concern as the TP kept breaking off in my hand every square, so I had to use paper towels instead. I don't poop in public that much so that was an interesting experience. Just as I'd been going in a female worker came out of the other toilet, just glad she didn't wait on me for that one.

After that, my system readjusted, Saturday morning I felt the need as usual and had a thick, solid BM. Just took care of business as I wrote this, one huge slightly mushy dark brown log that came out all at once. It was probably a foot and a half. I'd waited until I was feeling a strong urge to go. I've been having larger bowel movements and had to wipe less ever since starting the supplements, so they've been helping. One final thing to say about my cabin. There's plenty of places to do so, but I haven't had the chance to poop outside yet, though that's something I want to do in the future. There's also an old toilet put in an off room in the barn, I also want to take some bags out there and use that sometime. If I ever get the chance to do either, I'll be sure to post about it.

To Sarah S:
1. 10. I pee in public bathrooms all the time, I'm well used to it.
2. 6. I'll poop in public restrooms if I need to, but I do prefer to be at home.
3. 8. If I have to fart I do it regardless of where I am.
4. 7 If I need to I will, though I'll be as casual as I can but hope it's silent.
5.and 6. Haven't been on a date before and single, but hypothetically I'd try to avoid it first time around but do so if I have no choice.
7. 8. I'd be discreet and just say 'Hey, mind if I use your bathroom?" but I don't have anything against pooping in a friend's bathroom per se.
8 and 9. Same as 5 and 6, if I can avoid doing so first time I would, but I'd rather just get it over with and feel relieved rather than awkwardly try to hold it in and risk either getting constipated or having an accident.
10. 10. Have no problems with going to the bathroom outside at all.
11. 10. I did a lot of hiking and learned to get used to going no. 2. outside, so I kind of like it, especially in the fall and I enjoy pooping in the open air if I can, but haven't had much chance of late.
12. 10. I don't normally sit down to pee so this one isn't an issue much for me.
13. 5. I'd prefer to avoid going in a stall with no door, but if I don't think I'll be able to find anything better, I'll do it.
14. See 12.
15. 7. Not my first choice, but I've done it many times without much issue. I tend to be able to go quickly, so I can get it and get out fast.
16 and 17. Depends, and this is a bit odd by my usual standards. If it's another guy I'd be doing it in front of, 2-3. Peeing or pooping in front of a woman, I'd be more willing to do, like 5-7.Something about doing that in front of the opposite sex feels somehow less awkward than with other guys.


Cold seat

The weather is changing again. We've started dressing for cold weather, and I've started having to get used to cold toilets again!

The park I take my kids to has restrooms that have open doorways, so the temperature is whatever it is outside. It was still kind of cold when we got there, and I guess the seats were still cold from the night before. It took me two tries before I could sit down on it! My youngest even asked me what I was doing and I told him the seat was cold. When it was his turn he said it wasn't cold at all. Lucky for him I warmed it for him!

Anonymous Vol

Not the reaction I expected.

I am a 31-year-old male graduate student at a large public university in the Southern US. I was pooping in a multi-stall all-gender restroom in our library, and I decided to do a random social experiment. When I had finished my poop and wiped, I very quickly darted to the next stall over, leaving my poop and paper in the bowl. I sat down on the other toilet as to not look suspicious and waited. Almost immediately, I hear a door open and see a girl walk in. She goes into my unflushed stall, and doesn't react to my poop at all, sits down over it and pees on top. Then she flushes, washes her hands and leaves the bathroom, never reacting to my poop at all. Thie entire sequence surprised me, so I have to ask any women on here who are willing to answer, is this normal women's behavior in a public restroom. Also, I would like to ask anyone on here, male or female if they've had any experience with a multi-stall all-gender bathroom. I use the one here quite often, and it's always an interesting experience.

That's all for me right now. So long.

Went to a wedding at the weekend and indulged in lots of drink and lovely buffet. My bum paid for it the next day. I had to go five times in all. I went once at the accommodation we were staying in. Then twice whilst driving back.

First time was at a service station and there was one gents cubicle left. It was in a state so I hovered best I could and did a very stinky soft poop. Felt so relieving

The second one I had stop at a garage. Two unisex looks and one lady waiting. We had to wait 3 or 4mins when both became free. I had another stinky soft serve which required a lot of wiping. I left 4 mins later much relieved

Last two we're at home


Runny Again

Hi everyone! My poop has been runny on Friday. One of these episodes occurred after playing my keyboard for half an hour. I also had to pee kinda bad, so used the loo before unplugging my instrument. I also barfed up part of my dinner from last night, and to clean the toilet seat. I feel better now, and my poop sessions have been dormant today. Over these last coupple months, i'm happppy I can use this site now that my old annoying note taker is gonee. I really enjoy typing potty stories on touch screen now. Bye


Kristi--question Cincinnati airport dump

Hey Kristi! I remember you posted about your massive Cincinnati airport dump! I had a few questions about it!

1) How many inches long and thick was it? If you had to guess how many ounces did it weigh?

2) Hypothetically, if there had been a massive line for a toilet to be available and you could go for 20-30 minutes, what would you have done?

3) Related to question 2, how much longer would you have been able to hold it if a toilet wasn't available?

4) Why do you think it was such a big dump compared to your others? Was it anything in particular you ate differently?

5) How long had it been from your previous dump?

6) Did Steve "reward" you after you got home that day for such a nice creation?


Pooped my pants

Once in my early twenties, I was walking home from work when the urge to poop hit. I hadn't been in a few days and I knew it was going to be a big one. I hastened my walk but wasn't worried since I'd never had an accident before, but to my surprise this quickly became a level 10 emergency. Before long I was turtle heading and knew my panties would be stained. I was so close to home and cut through a park near my house. I heard something hit the ground and realized my water bottle had fallen out of my bag. I bent to pick it up, but as soon as my body stopped moving a huge cramp hit me. In desperation, I scurried over to a little group of shrubs and trees to hide myself but the poop was coming. Once there I bent my knees in towards themselves and grabbed my butt in one last attempt, but I could already feel a huge warm turd filling my pants. I couldn't believe it, I'd never had to poop so bad that it just happened without my consent. I felt my jeans becoming tighter and heavy in the rear, I don't even know how many turds it was, but it was a really big poo altogether. In the end, I didn't even poop it all out, my pants previously loos-ish pants were now fairly tight and I couldn't poop more without pushing which I was not about to do! I could feel a huge bulge on my butt and it had crept into my crotch as well, forcing my legs apart. I was in shock for sure. Thankfully by now I was only two minutes from home, I was in such shock I honestly don't even remember if people were in the park. I do remember waddling home feeling a full body embarrassment. It was so humiliating to lose control of my bowels, but what felt worse was having to carry this embarrassing load home in my pants with me. You know? Like pooping myself was bad enough but those two minutes of having full pants that I couldn't do anything about felt deeply shameful. Each step felt like punishment. Anyway, it caught me off guard but thankfully it's never happened again and hopefully it never will!


Morning Piss

I have never posted here. So I guess I will have to introduce myself first. My name is Darlene and I am 25 years old, have gorgeous dark brown hair that goes past my butt and green eyes. I wanted to talk about something that recently happened to me earlier today.

So, I've finally came back home from clubbing all night long and had a great time. Shortly after I begin taking off my heels I had on. I went upstairs to the master bedroom I shared along with my boyfriend and went into our bathroom, not even bothering to closing the door because I was literally about to piss on myself.

I hurriedly put the toilet seat down from when my boyfriend probably forgot to do it, lifted up my dress, quickly pulling down my thong and pissed for what felt like ages to do. I've always had an abnormal bladder it seems and one of my closest friend that went to school with me have always told me I could even out piss a race horse one time!

I can easily fill up a large pitcher with how much I piss on the regular in ONE sitting my secret is that I do drink a lot of beer daily but in moderation. But having an abnormal bladder probably is a plus too.

My boyfriend just shook his head at me and told me that I could more likely out piss him and his friends from whenever they have their guy's night out. I might just try it, I mean they do have these contest where they see whoever can piss the most and it seems like such an easy task for me!

Anyway after stop and starting a bunch of times. My piss had eventually trailed off and came to a end eventually. I told my boyfriend that I was sorry for waking him up with such a loud piss with a fart to go along with it.


Massive turd about an hour after breakfast

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a very hot breakfast (tofu, egg, green leafy vegetables that were slightly spicy in a soup, warm water to drink). Took a while to eat everything. After breakfast I took my medications, finished my warm water and took that and my Walmart bag downstairs. Downstairs went pee and filled up my water jar, microwaved it and slowly drank it. Finally I got a major urge to poop so I took my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put on the flip flops outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door and went to the washroom across from my room.

Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the door, took the toilet paper out and walked to the toilet. Pulled my dark baggy sweatpants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. Absolutely filled the toilet with a massive turd. When I was done I took some toilet paper, wiped well and tossed it into the toilet. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. A massive thick turd took up most of the toilet. Not sure how long or big but it was a lot. Flushed and everything surprisingly went down fine. There is not as much water in the toilet but that's probably normal. Washed my hands, put the toilet paper in my bag, washed my hands and took my stuff back to my room. Whew! Maybe I can do another big poop after lunch. Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Live from the toilet

Rose: How serendipitous! I was just reading your post while I was on the toilet. I love your comment about spitting out toothpaste on particularly frustrating turds. I'll admit, I do similar things: if I had a hard time getting rid of some poop, I'll probably take some satisfaction in seeing it sitting in my pee and getting sucked down the drain.

I thought I'd do a live post from the toilet today! I'm just pulling down my panties now. Sitting down, and taking a pee before I go. Theres some pressure behind my butt now, so I'm going to start pushing. Oh, this feels like it's going to be a smaller one. Pushing, and oh wow, I was wrong, thats a lot. Yeah I'm going to need to force this one out. Come on...pushing, there we go! Ahh, that feels amazing. There's a little more still inside me, time to get that out. One more push... Ahhhh... all gone! Time to wipe. But I think I'll need to flush this separately, so let's see what I made.
Wow, that was a lot. It's like a foot long, and 3 inches thick. It's all bumpy, I really need to drink more water. I think there's a lot of pasta in there. Well, not really anymore, all the good stuff is part of me now, and thats all the icky remains. Just a stinky brown cylinder, ready to be flushed away. I don't want it around here anymore, so bye bye turd! I'm pushing the flush down now, and down you go, down my toilet where you belong.
With that gone, it's time to wipe. Eww... it's all over. This is going to take a lot of paper. Wiping, wiping, and seven wipes later I'm finally all clean. I'm flushing the dirty papers down now too. Finally, I can wash my hands and go back to my day.
And with that, im all done! Live poops are fun, I should do this more often.

PJ (He/Him)

Sarah's Survey

1. Pee in a public bathroom 10 - Most days, if I am not locked down at home
2. Poop in a public bathroom 8 IF the bathroom is really bad, I can hold it for a cleaner restroom, or if there are no doors I can old it
3. Fart in public 8 I do need to be alone
4. Fart at a friend's house same as # 3
5 Fart at a date's house 3
6. Fart at a SO house 10 I live with my wife, and she farts there
7. Poop at a friends house 5 I try not to, but when you have to go your have to go
8. Poop at a dates house 3 I have never pooped at a women's house who I was not at a serious relationship
9. Poop at a SOs house 10 he poop's at mine lol
10 Pee outside 5 Not preferred but if you have to
11 Poop outside See # 10 but lower chance 3-4
12 Pee in a stall with no door 10 Just like a urinal
13 Poop in a stall with no door 8 not preferred but I will and I have
14 Pee in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom 10 I have not shame with peeing
15 Poop in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom depends on the person. A stranger 3 my wife 10
16 Pee in front of someone male 10, female 2 I pee in front of guys out of necessity. I rarely have to pee in front of females. Wife 10
17 Poop in front of someone same as 16

Skidmarked from Columbia

opening up to Jenny's question

Question: When you wash you butt in the shower, how to you clean your crack, especially if your are post poop? do you use a loofa or rage, straight liquid soap on your hand? do you stick you bar of soap up there?

For me I will wash my butt like that. Sometimes I end up needing to poop right after a shower... Which where in the united states is just the worst common scenario! I don't like washing my butt in the shower after pooping because the smell and I smell like poop all day! :(


Yesterday was Sunday spent all day house work .AT 7:30PM carried THETFORD ROYAL 100 into bedroom and put my last roll of ELSAN BLUE TOILET PAPER onto holder,then went downstairs and watched a D V D ,as the D V D finished I needed to go on toilet.
I went into bedroom took off my jogging bottoms and pants,rinsed the pottie put paper towel on back of bowl and sat down, had a wee then pushed and had an enjoyable NUMBER TOO during the next six minutes, then tore three sheets from the toilet roll and wiped then another three and wiped then another too.These SUNDAY NIGHT bowel movements are the result
of a large bowl of ALL BRAN for breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning
I put on some clean pants then got into bed ,woke in the early hours for a wee in the pottie.woke at 7 am had a wee in the pottie went downstairs washed two cups of tea sat in chair until I needed a NUMBER TOO went into bedroom rinsed the pottie put paper towel on back of bowl
sat down had a wee then NUMBER TOO again very enjoyable and up to two litre line , wiped with the ELSAN BLUE TOILET PAPER then dressed.
I have just emptied the pottie and ordered another 40 rolls to use over the next three years

Another Skidmark Survery

1. When was your most recent skidmark?
2. Do you know what led to the skidmark?
3. If so, what factors let to the skidmark?
4. Do you get skidmarks more than once a week?
5. Do you Get skidmarks more than once a month?
6. What color and type of underwear did you most recently skidmark?
7. Did the stain stay on after you washed?
8. Did anyone else see the skidmark?
9. Do you use anything besides dry toilet paper to clean up post defecation?

Another Skidmark Survery

1. When was your most recent skidmark?
2. Do you know what led to the skidmark?
3. If so, what factors let to the skidmark?
4. Do you get skidmarks more than once a week?
5. Do you Get skidmarks more than once a month?
6. What color and type of underwear did you most recently skidmark?
7. Did the stain stay on after you washed?
8. Did anyone else see the skidmark?
9. Do you use anything besides dry toilet paper to clean up post defecation?


@ Annie

I would kill to be able to poop like you. Sometimes my poop doesn't want to come out unless I have my morning coffee first and then it's like pebbles coming out. It's a rare for me to take a huge dump. However I did the previous day and couldn't believe I did that. Chipotle really works wonders.

But I knew it would because usually whenever I order from there. My bag would be so heavy and often felt as if I had a food baby after eating Chipotle, I even put my friend on to it. She suffers from the same thing I go through. Can't poop for nothing and I thought that I would put her on what I do. It's better than Taco Bell.

Anyway, my poop was dark brown and mushy with corn completely filled the toilet with something other than piss for a change, it felt great.


To PJ (He/Him)

I do sometimes fart in my sleep. I don't know I am passing gas but usually mines are so loud that it does wakes up my boyfriend sometimes. Also I poop at least two times a day. One in the morning and in the evening right before I jump in the tub. However, in the middle of the night? Not as much. But I do feel sorry for your wife.

Whenever I have to let one go, I would go into the bathroom instead of farting in the bed. I know I can fart around him whenever, wherever but I actually don't realize that I am doing it. If I knew it was coming, I would sit on the toilet instead in case I had an accident. In your case, you better do the same before you mess in the bed with your wife in it!

Been there, done that.


@Sarah S

1. Yes, however I think other women are bit intimidated by me. But I don't let it stop me from using it in public. However it does stop them because I am always in the stall for the longest and won't leave until I am completely done.
2. I have but can't unless I am at home. In fact I feel better at home.
3.Yes, I once farted in this restaurant where my boyfriend wanted to go. It stunk up the whole dining area and was really loud. Pretty sure everyone heard it.
4. All the time. I even had fart contest with her, I usually win.
5. Yes, I used to fart everywhere in there.
6. Yes, He farts around me with no problem.
7. Yes, I once stopped up their toilet before, I ate a lot the night before and it all came out the next morning.
8. No, I never felt comfortable in a strangers house basically. Plus, I tend to do a lot of damage.
9. Yes, He did at mines before.
10.Yes, I once peed on a tree in the woods one time. Completely soaked it.
11. No. Never have.
12. Yes. I didn't like it but I did it.
13. Yes. Wasn't a fan of this one either.
14.Yes, I once used a urinal one time and had better aim and distance than most guys.
15. Yes, But nobody was in there.
16.Yes, I peed in the parking lot outside, had a puddle that went to the other side after leaving the club drunk.
17. Yes, my boyfriend.


Post Title (optional)Sarah's survey

Pee in a public bathroom 10
2. Poop in a public bathroom 10
3. Fart in public 5
4. Fart at a friend's house 5
5 Fart at a date's house 1
6. Fart at a SO house 2
7. Poop at a friends house 8
8. Poop at a dates house 5
9. Poop at a SOs house 5
10 outside 8
11 Poop outside 8
12 Pee in a stall with no door 10
13 Poop in a stall with no door 1
14 Pee in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom 10
15 Poop in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom 10
16 Pee in front of someone 10
17 Poop in front of someone 8

The Sarah S survey

1. 10. The pain of holding it is too bad, my friends at school feel same
2. 5. It takes up so much time in the girls bathrooms at school
3. 10 If we're outside, I don't care or in a huge auditorium
4. 10 Only if I'm at Gina's. Best friend, she likes my humor
5. 5 only if was accidental
7. 5 depends on how well I know them
8. 1
10. 1
11. 1
12. 5 except when my mom is with me. She forbids it, but......
13. 5 except when my mom is with me. The time on toilet makes it bad
14. 5 multi-stalls make me nervous, especially those waiting for me
15. 5 same as the above if I'm too nervous
16. 1 since I got caught by my boyfriend's little sister; I lost a bet!
17. 5 did in front of my PE student teacher; stalling from exercises.


Re: Sarah S, survey

Q: Pee in a public bathroom:
A: 10. Zero issue. Done it tens of thousands of times with other people in the room.

Q: Poop in a public bathroom
A: 10. Zero issue. Done it thousands of times with other people in the room.

Q: Fart in public
A: 10. I'm always farting throught the day. I make an effort not to make noise, out of courtesy, by giving it the tried and true one-cheek-sneak. Sometimes, I inadvertently make noise and others notice. Zero embarrassment when it happens.

Q: Fart at a friend's house
A: 10. See above.

Q: Fart at a date's house
A: 10. See above.

Q: Fart at a SO house
A: 10. See above.

Q: Poop at a friends house
A: 10. I've done this hundreds of times already. When I have to go, I go. I always ask first to make sure their toilet is usable for the purpose. More than once I couldn't go there because either their toilet was out of commission or the water was disconnected, and went elsewhere. On at least 20 occasions, I've caused a clog and they had to get me the plunger. On a number of occasions, there was no TP and I had to ask them for some while seated. In one case, I got walked in on at a party. A young lady left her car keys in and came in while I was defecating to look for them, exposing me to other people in the house.

Q: Poop at a dates house
A: 10. See above. I'll even poop on a first date when the need arises. I go 3x a day on average, sometimes 4x, so if I'm gone from home more than a few hours, odds are I'm pooping away from home. If that's at a date's house, so be it.

Q: Poop at a SOs house
A: 10. See above.

Q: Pee outside
A: 5. It depends. I try to find a restroom if it is available. I don't want to ever be arrested for public urination. But if I'm in a place where it is acceptable, and/or there are no alternatives, then I will go when I have to go. I've peed outside 20+ times in my life.

Q: Poop outside
A: 5. It depends. See above. Except it's defecation instead of urination. I've pooped outside six times in my life. On one occasion, I got caught on camera pooping in a parking lot behind a dumpster at a gas station. Their restroom was out of order and it was a dire emergency. Nothing happened as a result, because I agreed to clean it up. On another occasion, I pooped on the side of a state highway. A car came by and honked at me as it passed. It was in a desert and there was no coverage, and I couldn't hold out anymore.

Q: Pee in a stall with no door
A: 10. I'm a male and use urinals. If they are all taken, a stall with no door will suffice. I've used trough urinals and partitionless bowl style urinals, and a doorless stall provides greatly more privacy for the function.

Q: Poop in a stall with no door
A: 10. If I have to poop and that is the restroom that is presented, I'll use it, regardless if I'm alone in the room or not. I've used doorless stalls to poop hundreds of times in my life. I'm certain more than 100 people have seen me using them over the course of my life. When I was younger, that number on that scale would have been a 2 instead of a 10, as I deliberately avoided using them at school, and only on very rare occasions gave in when my pants were the alternative receptacle for my waste.

Q: Pee in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom
A: 10. No embarrassment. Even female coworkers at a former job have seen me pee outside during a field site visit in a desert with no toilets available. I've also been walked in on by cleaning ladies while using a urinal at work. So an actual unisex restroom designated for the purpose would be less of an issue.

Q: Poop in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom
A: 10. I've been walked in on by cleaning ladies while using a stall in the Mens' room many times and have no embarrassment over it. When using an open toilet in a Mens' room at a park, I even got walked in on by a lady looking for TP. I sat on the toilet pooping with no privacy when she came in, handed her some, she thanked me and left. All the while, I was pushing a massive log of plant food out of my butt.

Q: Pee in front of someone
A: 10. See above. I'm fine as long as no one is sneaking a peek at my privates while I go.

Q: Poop in front of someone
A: 7. I prefer to poop in private. But if circumstances are such where that is not possible, and whomever is nearby doesn't object after asking, I'll just go in any non-emergency shituation. If it's an emergency, I won't bother with courtesy.


To the Peach user

Woah, that sounds like a sweet relief!😁 I myself am just hoping to go, I haven't went in three days…

MD Dan

Some Replies and a Story From Today

Sarah - I'm glad you were able to make it and finish your exam. Hopefully your grade didn't suffer too much. I've been in that same situation before too and it is so hard! Also happened to a friend of mine between her two mid-terms. I hope you're feeling better!

Jenny - Love the dictation while you were going! Sounded like a good one! haha I'm assuming the phone did not pick up on any noises and type something out? I wonder how it would interpret those. I know auto-captions for videos can pick up on a lot of random noises and just say "applause" or something like that.

Now for my story. I have a couple of friends who are girls that I've known since high school who at least somewhat share my interest here. I don't typically share any of our conversations because, well, it's usually just short conversations or one-off comments and they're too numerous to be of any interest here. Today, however, I did have something happen that was worth sharing (at least I think so).

I was texting with one of those friends, I'll call her Liz, as I was leaving work. Liz is a year younger than me, about 5'6", and did dance in high school. She's gotten a few extra pounds since then (who hasn't) but is very attractive with glasses, a very cute face, and long, dirty-blonde hair. While stopped at a stop light, I got a sudden and urgent need to poop. Our relationship being what it is, I texted Liz about it. We had a good laugh and I told her I hoped I made it home. I had to stop for gas and I was definitely not using that restroom. I texted Liz again and told her I had to stop and I was really struggling. She sent me some words of encouragement and a smiley, which kind of helped my mood. I get home after 45 min and let her know I was finally home. She said, "Yay! Now hurry up to the potty! You can make it!"

I got in to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. I didn't shut the door all the way and my cat immediately started trying to open the door. I was feeling a little silly so I took out my phone and recorded my cat opening the door, coming in, rubbing on my leg and meowing at me. It was only an 8 second video but I thought it was funny so I sent it to Liz while still on the toilet. Immediately after sending it, I realized that I had been pooping during the video and you could hear the two-foot long (no kidding) log crackling out of me and a short fart with some small poops plipping in the water. I thought, hmm, wonder what she'll say to that. Within 30 seconds Liz hearted the video and said, "They ALWAYS want attention when you're on the toilet! That sounded like a lot too! Glad you made it! haha ;)" I was glad she took it so well and sighed in relief (for multiple reasons).

We continued chatting for about another hour and all of a sudden, Liz sent me a video and said, "Look, mine does it too!" with a laughing emoji and a winking emoji. Intrigued, I opened her video which was about 15 seconds long. It was shot in the same position as mine, from her toilet facing to the right towards the bathroom door about 3 feet away. The video started quietly, then a cat paw came out from the door and opened it. The cat walked in and up to Liz's leg. I could see her bare leg up to her mid-thigh with her jeans and underwear bunched up around her foot. The cat meowed and rubbed her leg, then I heard her start dropping 6 soft logs that plopped rapidly and somewhat noisily into the toilet. The cat looked up at her, somewhat incredulous, and she giggled for a second, then got quiet, and then let go a short fart, sighed, and the video ended. Of course, I hearted the video and said, "Cats are so intrusive! Sounded like you really needed to go too! ;)" We both had a good laugh about it, as we usually do. She definitely meant it in a funny, "coincidental" kind of way. I don't think this kind of thing will continue, but who knows.

Anyway, that's all for now. Take care!

Emma two

Embarrassed at work

I was busting for a poo when I woke up late for work this morning and I didn't have time to go to the toilet before I left the flat. By the time I got to work I was so desperate I was nearly pooing myself. I thought about going to the toilet but I was foury five minutes late so I had to start working straight away. I thought I could wait half an hour and sneak off to toilet so it wouldn't look like I was talking too much of a liberty. Fifteen minutes later I was fighting a battle with my bowels and I had no choice but to run to the toilets holding my bottom. I just about made it in time to find the male cleaner was in there and I felt my face burning red with embarrassed as I asked him if I could use the toilet as I was desperate to go. He asked me if I could wait until I the floor was dry and I told him I had to go now or I would end up doing it in my knickers. He let me in and I ran straight into the nearest cubicle and slammed the door shut, locked it, and ripped my jeans and knickers down together. I quickly sat on the toilet and relaxed my bottom praying he wasn't listening as a torrent of semi solid diarrhoea plopped into the toilet. I was so embarrassed but it was such a relief it was worth it. Then I heard the cleaner remark, "Wow, someone really had to go!" I was mortified but at least I didn't poo myself I guess. When I finished my business I wiped myself and pulled up my knickers and jeans and flushed the toilet and it didn't clear properly leaving a big brown streak below the water. I left quickly hoping he wouldn't notice it but he was standing right opposite my cubicle and he must have heard and smelt everything. I left the toilets without making eye contact with him and returned to my desk feeling embarrassed but relieved I'd manage to avoid pooing my knickers.


Sunday evening I lit bonfire before the bad weather arrived after an hour the fire well alight I needed to go a NUMBER TOO, the fire was safe to leave a few minutes while I collected OAK LEAF bedpan from the garage.
I went back to edge of lawn where I had good view of bonfire placed pan on lawn complete with newspaper liner, pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants, squatt down put hands on grass and manouvered myself onto the pan
I started to wee as soon as my bum touched the pan ,my bowels opened ten seconds later another short wee then pooped continuously for another minute, I sat for a few minutes relaxed took the kitchen towel from the bag raised myself into squat position and wiped.
I stood up pulled up my jogging bottoms and pants then emptied bed pan into bonfire,washed under water butt left to dry .I added more to bonfire watched for another hour then went in house ,had a glass of water then a mug of hot milk.Half hour later went upstairs had a wee in the bedroom pottie got into bed.During the night had another wee then again when woke up.
I put on my dressing gown went downstairs into kitchen filled and switched on kettle ,drank a glass of water,went out to check on bonfire
as I crossed lawn needed a NUMBER TOO went to camper and used the pottie


Another live poop

Well, I'm sitting here in my usual stall, thought I'd give another play by play. It's 12:45 on Thursday. Except for two quick pee girls I've been alone. I began with 4 nice farts. So far one small turd has dropped.

Now 2 more pee girls and SURPRISE another pooper beside me! This should be interesting! Or not….one plop and she's gone.

I feel a firm turd slowly emerging. Definitely solid and stubborn with more stretch to my butthole by the second. I'm a bit tender down there. Big poops last week and as I may have mentioned 'other activities'. Twice.

Still a slow turd. I'm caught between pushing it and savoring the stretch. This is what I love about pooping: the pleasure is real!

I have a nice pile building in the drain hole. More to come.

1:01 - 5 quick plops. Still feels great. Restroom is busy, but no poopers but me.

1:06 - plop…fart…plop….fart….plop….definitely a nice pile (will I break the water surface???)

1:10 - I gave into the stretch, pushed and let nature have her way with me. Two long turds (at least 10 inches each. Feels amazing! Toilet is definitely full!

1:12 - wiping and done.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Princess Toadstool Peach

The Thickest Biggest Poo Loaf I Ever Pinched in my life

This morning I was going food shopping for myself. Until the time came for me to visit the restroom. So I left my shopping behind with the checkout counter lady and then entered the woman's restroom until I found a empty stall 3rd one down to the left, I entered it, locked the door and I noticed the seat was dirty so I put some flushable wipes on it to keep my behind fresh and clean. Then after that was done I lifted my dress, pulled down my panties down to my ankles, gave my bottom a little wiggle and then finally sat down on the toilet adjusting myself and putting my legs into the shape of a squat until I felt something peeking out from my bottom. It was a big lumpy thick poo I breathed in and out as I sat there on the toilet until "PLUNK!!" It landed in the water along with its rest of its thick smelling odours and I even started to peewee tinkle too. This was by far the biggest I ever made. It was no wonder after I wiped with toilet paper my vagina and bottom, pulling up my panties and lifted down my dress I was able to flush it down. But nevertheless I have pinched that loaf right out here in no time!

PJ (He/Him)

midnight farts,morning poop

Good morning!

I had a fantastic poop this morning so I thought I would share. I don't think its inappropriate here.

I woke up before anyone in my house, brewed a great cup of coffee, then shortly used the extra bathroom in the house so I don't stink up morning routines like showers, teeth brushing, make up. etc. My wife has her morning poop at work so she blames me for stinking up our bathroom in the morning. The poop immediately needed the fan and piled up to an island a few inches above the water. No plops as they were all long soft formed logs landing softly in the water. I couldn't even count the logs as they all seemed to flow together. I flushed before wiping 5 times and wiping again.

This poop is extra cathartic as lately I have been farting a lot at night. I am afraid of waking up my wife at night as most of my farts make a noise. I fart at least twice in bed that makes a sound. My wife is a sound sleeper and has not said anything yet. Last night was also a night where I went to our bathroom to sit, pee and fart. No poop came out in the middle of the night despite all the farts at night, so it was great to empty out this morning!

Does anyone fart all night ? Does anyone actually wake up in the middle ofthe night to poop?


Urgent poop about 45 minutes after breakfast

Hi everyone. Got up this morning needing to pee so I grabbed my Walmart bag and went to the washroom (pee) and brushed my teeth. There I found out my period came (yippee not) so I quickly finished peeing and went to my room to put a pad on, went back to the washroom, washed my hands and brushed my teeth. Afterwards I went upstairs for breakfast (some kind of soup with herbs, vegetables, etc and a jar of warm water). After breakfast (about half an hour later) I took my medications and took my Walmart bag, pads I got from my caregiver's bathroom (she buys and stores everything for me since I can't go out independently due to my stroke and brain surgery) and went downstairs.

Soon afterwards I got a major urge to poop so I quickly grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar, took off my bedroom flip flops, opened the door, put on the flip flops outside my room, turned off the light and went to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door and put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, grabbed the toilet paper and walked to the toilets. Pulled down my dark sweatpants and black underwear (on period) and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. Quite a bit of semi solid poop came out and filled the toilet. There was a lot. Once I was done I took some toilet paper and started wiping. Very messy. Had to go back for a bit more toilet paper and wipe again until I was clean. Tossed the paper into the toilet, stood up and pulled my pants and underwear up. Looked into the toilet. What was in the toilet was a soft giant poop about 2 feet long. Very big. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, refilled and microwaved my water, changed my pad, washed my hands and now here I am.

I hope later after lunch I can go again. That would be good. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!

Sarah S
I'm really curious on everyone's thoughts. On a scale of 1-10 with 1 you would never under any circumstance and 10 absolutely no issue at all. How likely are you to do the following and why
1. Pee in a public bathroom
2. Poop in a public bathroom
3. Fart in public
4. Fart at a friend's house
5 Fart at a date's house
6. Fart at a SO house
7. Poop at a friends house
8. Poop at a dates house
9. Poop at a SOs house
10 outside
11 Poop outside
12 Pee in a stall with no door
13 Poop in a stall with no door
14 Pee in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom
15 Poop in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom
16 Pee in front of someone
17 Poop in front of someone

MD Dan

Some Replies and a Story From Today

Sarah - I'm glad you were able to make it and finish your exam. Hopefully your grade didn't suffer too much. I've been in that same situation before too and it is so hard! Also happened to a friend of mine between her two mid-terms. I hope you're feeling better!

Jenny - Love the dictation while you were going! Sounded like a good one! haha I'm assuming the phone did not pick up on any noises and type something out? I wonder how it would interpret those. I know auto-captions for videos can pick up on a lot of random noises and just say "applause" or something like that.

Now for my story. I have a couple of friends who are girls that I've known since high school who at least somewhat share my interest here. I don't typically share any of our conversations because, well, it's usually just short conversations or one-off comments and they're too numerous to be of any interest here. Today, however, I did have something happen that was worth sharing (at least I think so).

I was texting with one of those friends, I'll call her Liz, as I was leaving work. Liz is a year younger than me, about 5'6", and did dance in high school. She's gotten a few extra pounds since then (who hasn't) but is very attractive with glasses, a very cute face, and long, dirty-blonde hair. While stopped at a stop light, I got a sudden and urgent need to poop. Our relationship being what it is, I texted Liz about it. We had a good laugh and I told her I hoped I made it home. I had to stop for gas and I was definitely not using that restroom. I texted Liz again and told her I had to stop and I was really struggling. She sent me some words of encouragement and a smiley, which kind of helped my mood. I get home after 45 min and let her know I was finally home. She said, "Yay! Now hurry up to the potty! You can make it!"

I got in to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. I didn't shut the door all the way and my cat immediately started trying to open the door. I was feeling a little silly so I took out my phone and recorded my cat opening the door, coming in, rubbing on my leg and meowing at me. It was only an 8 second video but I thought it was funny so I sent it to Liz while still on the toilet. Immediately after sending it, I realized that I had been pooping during the video and you could hear the two-foot long (no kidding) log crackling out of me and a short fart with some small poops plipping in the water. I thought, hmm, wonder what she'll say to that. Within 30 seconds Liz hearted the video and said, "They ALWAYS want attention when you're on the toilet! That sounded like a lot too! Glad you made it! haha ;)" I was glad she took it so well and sighed in relief (for multiple reasons).

We continued chatting for about another hour and all of a sudden, Liz sent me a video and said, "Look, mine does it too!" with a laughing emoji and a winking emoji. Intrigued, I opened her video which was about 15 seconds long. It was shot in the same position as mine, from her toilet facing to the right towards the bathroom door about 3 feet away. The video started quietly, then a cat paw came out from the door and opened it. The cat walked in and up to Liz's leg. I could see her bare leg up to her mid-thigh with her jeans and underwear bunched up around her foot. The cat meowed and rubbed her leg, then I heard her start dropping 6 soft logs that plopped rapidly and somewhat noisily into the toilet. The cat looked up at her, somewhat incredulous, and she giggled for a second, then got quiet, and then let go a short fart, sighed, and the video ended. Of course, I hearted the video and said, "Cats are so intrusive! Sounded like you really needed to go too! ;)" We both had a good laugh about it, as we usually do. She definitely meant it in a funny, "coincidental" kind of way. I don't think this kind of thing will continue, but who knows.

Anyway, that's all for now. Take care!


To Alexandria

Alexandria: You mentioned a while ago that you don't usually wipe after peeing when wearing dresses. I was wondering how wet your panties get after peeing without wiping and doesn't that bother you? I have also found it difficult to wipe when wearing long dresses, and sometimes I just go without wiping, but I just find the wet panties quite uncomfortable.

My fastidious mother

I enjoyed your story about you and your daughter. The two pretty open toilets seem to have given you a good bonding experience. You seem to be surprised that she put a seat liner down. How did you handle that type of situation as she was being raised? It was nice that the two of your could crap together.

How often have you wanted to excuse yourself to use a public bathroom but had friends discourage you? How would your mom have handled that situation if you and her were out like when you were 10 or 12. Would she have tried to discourage you too?

I had a very prudish mom, probably worse than the girl you witnessed. My sitting my butt skin on, and sometimes using my hand to drop a public toilet seat was discouraged. See my story below.

My story--

My mom just loathed having to give me permission to use a public toilet. She said there were two alternatives: 1) I should have gone at home before we left; 2) I should hold it until we got back home. Anything else meant some sort of fight. And me feeling worthless.

I think I was 8 when mom took me and my friend Rachel to a Labor Day parade downtown. About a half hour after our arrival when Rachel and I were sitting on a curb trying to catch the candy being thrown at us, that pee feeling came over me. I looked back and told mom. She seemed surprised and got way big angry. I pointed out two portable potties set up in front of a nearby store. She got madder and madder saying that nobody wants to use them because they are too dirty. I pointed out a small line for them, and the door regularly opening and closing. Looking back, I guess I was pretty argumentative. About 10 minutes later I spread my legs on he curb and let go of my pee. Luckily no one other than Rachel saw it. She just laughed and said she hoped it wouldn't draw the birds.

When I was about 11 or 12 me and Rachel and our babysitter Shari, who was in high school and related to us very well, took us roller skating. This was at a large indoor rink. Shari required us to go with her into the bathroom at the rink just for assurance. We all peed a little and she was very encouraging. About an hour later when we were speed skating I lost my balance and fell. I didn't get hurt, but they got a laugh out of it, and I could feel activity in what a former babysitter referred to as my "shit chute". Shari let me go to the bathroom on my own, something that would have made my mom livid, and I sat for a nice fulfilling crap.
They later made a joke out of falling on your butt being a "cheap laxative". I agreed.

About a year later when I was about 13 mom and I attended almost all of my older brother's baseball games. They were in a large ballpark and sometimes included two games back to back. I learned to fake mom out by going down to the concessions stand, but stopping in the bathroom first. I looked forward to going into one of the toilet stalls, sitting for my need, flushing and leaving feeling like a mature person. Later that year mom and I were at the airport and grandma's flight was late. I didn't like deceiving her (saying I was going to check out a few of the nearby stores). In about a half hour I took my most perfect crap in a long time and in a nearby bathroom I sat for a pee until I heard the flight arrival being announced. It was up and off the toilet and out to where mom was.

Like Esme, I still enjoy every opportunity to use public toilets even if I have to wait in line or walk a block or two from my apartment to answer nature's call. This morning it was at a Wal-Mart. Yesterday, I had my crap of the week at the local gas station. While riding my bike, stops at the park are part of my regular routine. It is so relaxing to sit and think and enjoy relieving myself against all the put-downs and negatives my mom placed in my path.

Jasmin K

Survey and comments

Hi I've not been on here for ages to post but have been browsing posts from time to to time usually during a long toilet sit. Anyone who has see my old posts will known what I'm on about. Anyway first off

Ava survey about potty training

1. What were you trained on?
For me it was a potty chair then when no one else was using the,toilet it was on there with an adaptor seat

2. What did work first, pee or poop?
Pee first was good in daytime by sort of 30 months my mum said but poo took much longer
My mum was quite strict had to sit there until I did it as I had a habit of waiting until I had my night nappy on and going in that otherwise

Comment on Embarrassed girls request post
You said that Casey's mother wouldn't let her leave home without having a crap first - you.may have found the rule dumb but had you have had that rule from your mum you wouldn't have ended up in the embarrassing situation. I know first hand what being made to sit on toilets and do a poo (crap) is like. I had to do that too when I was younger in fact pretty much until I was in my teens. I was sometime late to school and in school holidays and weekends had to stay there untill I did it - no excuses. On school mornings my mum would check if it was coming and decide if i had to stay until I did it or could get off to school. When we moved home when I was older than 11 there was a bus ride to school so I was alllowed to go when i got in school.
I must say I never had an embarrassing situation where I needed to go in public thanks to my mum

Anyway I've finished my poo - 3rd time of trying today to do a poo - big hard and pebbly bits first then a formed pebbles log followed by a formed log - total of 3'sits first 2'of 40 minutes and then this last one of about an hour of hard pushing

Laters Jaz

Thursday, October 19, 2023

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