

Pooped my pants coming home from school

My name is Jamie. I'm 9. I want to tell a couple stories about accidents, one is about me and one is about my sister, Sophie, who's 8. Sophie's wasn't really an accident but I'll get to that.

Last week I ate lunch in the school cafeteria. It was tuna melt. I'm a little allergic to tuna and I should've known better, but they ran out of mini-pizzas and hamburgers. By the time school got out my stomach was telling me I needed to get rid of that sandwich. But some bullies hang out near the restroom after school and I try to avoid it, so I started walking home with Sophie. It's about a mile, down a couple of streets, across a creek, up past a street with businesses on it and then over a hill. As we walked, I could feel the contents of my gut settling down lower and lower, and my need to poop was becoming more urgent. Sophie asked me why I was so quiet but I didn't answer. Walking downhill made it worse. We crossed the creek and started up. Standing still at the corner waiting for the light to cross made me more aware of my need. Walking up the hill gave me a little relief but then the feeling came back stronger. I muttered to myself that I wanted to make it home. Sophie asked what I said but I stayed quiet. She asked again, and I got mad.

"I'm trying not to poop my pants."

When we crested the hill and started down toward our house, the urge got much stronger. Once I had to stop because I could feel the poop starting to come out, and I kind of tried to suck it back in. That made me feel better and I began to hope that I could make it, but only for a minute or two and then the urgency came back even stronger. We rounded the corner and our house was in view. "Hold on Jamie, you're almost there," Sophie said. My butthole was quivering and I was trying to hold it. But when we were walking past the house next door to ours, my muscles couldn't hold on anymore and the poop started coming out again. Every step a little more came out until we got to the bottom of the driveway and the rest of it just kind of burst out in a big blast. "Don't tell Mom," I said, and Sophie said she wouldn't.

We got to the back door and I felt some of the poop start to slide down the back of my leg. I couldn't see it but it felt really soft and messy. I reached down to put my hand beneath it and my backpack started to slide off over my head. Sophie held the door and I shouted to Mom that we were home. I let go of my leg and let my backpack fall to the floor, and started for the steps, holding onto my leg to keep the poop from falling out. I made it into the bathroom and closed the door and stepped into the bathtub. I took off my pants - there was poop running down the back of my leg and the inside of my trouser legs were covered in it. It was so gross, the consistency of oatmeal. My underwear was even worse. I rinsed my trousers under the shower as little pieces of soft poop kept dropping to the tub from my loaded underwear.

When I finally got my pants and underwear and myself as clean as I could, I wrung them out and carried them, naked, to my bedroom, where I hung them from a hook in the back of my closet.

I thought I'd gotten away with it, but when I went downstairs my mom said, "I've told you not to drop your backpack on the kitchen floor."

"I was kinda in a hurry," I said.

She nodded. "I know. I found poop on the stairway. Is there something you want to tell me?" I had to tell her the story. She scolded me a little because she's always trying to get me to pack a lunch, and I wouldn't have had to eat tuna. And she told me next time to tell a teacher about the bullies because pooping in a toilet in school is better than in my pants. But she said she'd do my laundry and she wouldn't tell Dad about it.

This is getting long so I'll save the story about Sophie's "accident" until next time.

Anna from Austria
@Erin B I enjoyed reading your story. I am also not a big fan of talking on the phone or in general when using the bathroom. Some women do not mind. I had to listen to phone calls and even let's call it direct conversations from stall to stall.

I do not get the appeal of that. I am never in the mood to talk when using a restroom.

greetings from Austria


Erin B.

Work poop with a coworker

Hi guys! My name is Erin and I used to be really active on the forum a couple years ago. I have since graduated college and am now working a corporate office job. I browse the forum occasionally and really miss some of the old posters Thinking about you Anna from Canada!). If you need a refresher I am a 25 year old female with dark blonde hair and I would say I'm moderately fit. Today I thought I would share something that happened to me at work this week. I thought it was interesting and I didn't know what to think about it initially but I'm curious to what everyone's thoughts are on it.

So yesterday at work it was about 11 am. I was at my desk and I felt the urge to go to the bathroom for my morning poop. I usually poop around this time or right after lunch some days. I walked down the hall and turned the corner to the bathroom and opened the door. Our bathroom has 4 stalls on one side with sinks on the same side as you walk in and it appeared to be The very last one is a handicapped stall which I try to avoid most days. I got in the first stall and lowered my slacks and panties to my knees. I didn't really have to poop badly but it was one of those that needed to come out eventually. I sat down and began to pee. The relief felt so good as it hissed into the bowl below. After that, I pushed out my first turd which was a rather long one. It came out with little commotion but with a really strong smell. Right after my second smaller turd came out. As I sat on the toilet I browsed my phone for a minute and just relaxed for a bit. As I was relaxing, one of my coworkers, who we will call Jamie, come in to the bathroom rather quick. She was talking on the phone rather loudly and took the third stall. I could hear her talking to one of her fiends about some concert they were planning on going to as she lowered her pants and sat on the toilet. This is what the story gets interesting.

As her butt hit the toilet, I could immediately hear her fart and splatter the bowl with poo. It was so loud! She was on speaker phone and there's no way her friend didn't not hear that! I could believe it! She continued to poop while talking like there was nothing unusual and I didn't really know what to do. By this time the bathroom smelled pretty bad with both of us having taken dumps and I felt done and started to pull toilet paper. Jamie farted again and almost grunted as she was talking with her friend. At this point the friend paused for a second and said, "wait, are you in the bathroom?" And Jamie replied, "yeah sorry I had to take a shit" which was followed by laughter from them both. I had finished wiping and began to pull up my underwear and pants and flushed the toilet. I felt a less guilty doing that since her friend already knew she was in the bathroom. I exited and washed my hands as Jamie continued to talk to her friend. I went back to my desk and worked for about 5 minutes and I saw Jamie come back in and couldn't help but look at her a little differently.

To me, the last thing I wanna be doing while talking to someone on the phone is pooping! I don't mind going around people but it just seems different to be on the phone in such a vulnerable setting. Don't get me wrong, I've done it before at home in the comfort of my own bathroom but I feel like in public it's a different story. Let me know what y'all think about this. Am I wrong to think the way I do? I might start sharing more work poop stories after this but I sometimes feel like bc i work the same job everyday it may get boring. But anyways, happy pooping!


Question and a survey.

Question and survey answers.

Sometimes when I poo into a public toilet, after I get up, there's nothing at the bottom of the bowl/pan. Where does the turd go? Does it get sucked into the drain before it's even flushed?

And a skidmark survey!

1. When was your most recent skidmark? About two weeks ago. It was about the size of a small coin. Not too dark but noticeable.
2. Do you know what led to the skidmark? I used the toilet at work. I couldn't get clean so I got tired of wiping and gave up.
3. If so, what factors let to the skidmark? An incompletely wiped butt, of course! And probably a wedgie too which is typical for me.
4. Do you get skidmarks more than once a week? No.
5. Do you Get skidmarks more than once a month? Maybe once or twice a month.
6. What color and type of underwear did you most recently skidmark? Gray Hanes Her Way panties.
7. Did the stain stay on after you washed? No.
8. Did anyone else see the skidmark? No.
9. Do you use anything besides dry toilet paper to clean up post defecation? If it's stubborn I'll moisten the TP first. That usually does the trick.

I may do Sarah's survey next time but 17 questions is a lot!

@Chakamami please don't feel the need to leave this site! It is very affirming for people such as us who enjoy this relatively taboo topic! And don't be concerned at the lack of "@"'s…to each their own. I don't get a ton myself, and that's all good. As an obvious lesbian woman, I realize I may have a limited audience. I only focus my attention on posts by other women on this site (no offense, guys! I'm glad you enjoy your poops and have found this safe place as well. I'm just not personally interested.

@Esme Great story! So glad you got to revel in that amazing poop! Sorry your pooping partner was such a disappointment. That's a bummer, but at least you got a plop out of it!

@Erin B that's a great story! Thanks for sharing. I'm an unabashed exhibitionist when it comes to pooping, and I love being seen and heard, so I can totally relate to your coworker, haha. I wish I would have been there. I can totally understand why you might find it strange, though!


Ok, I'm Back!

Hey! My stomach is really upset. I just spent the past 45 minutes on the toilet with "comfortable" diarrhea, if that's even a thing. I'm not really cramping, but everything just seems to be moving through me right now. I don't know if I have anything left in me after that trip to the toilet!

Robin and Victoria: Thank you for your kind words! I am so glad that you two are together, loving life, doing well and dooing well! "Beth" is a really good friend, someone who has been missing in my life for a long time!

Esme: Thank you for your kind words! You remind me so much of Victoria when she started posting years ago! Glad that you are on the forum!

PJ: Thank you for writing to the forum and for your greetings to me! I really appreciate that! Yes, I just turned 43 on Sunday! So, I imagine that I'm one of the older writers! As for your question, I am not really into peeing. It's more of an aggravation. I do have a fairly large bladder. I remember vaguely on some sports road trips in high school and college being about to burst and then making it to a toilet to have immense relief. But it's not really as enjoyable as a good poop. As for pooping, I think you know from previous stories that it's the solid accidents and the very large solid ones that have made an impression on me. Most memorable would be either the original solid accident I had when I was 15 or the one that brought me searching for this forum when I was 29. Those are somewhere in the 1800's of the forum.

Willa: Thank you! I look forward to hearing more from you as well!

Jenny: Thank you for your greetings. I would love to hear your accident story! I hope you are well!

And to Shannon and Trina, I hope to hear from the SPAS soon!




Birthday and Sick

Hi everyone!

Thank you to all for your kind words. I don't know if I will be able to post regularly, even though you all know how much I value regularity! But today I am home with a viral respiratory something, though negative for COVID and Flu. I just feel yuck. It's affecting my stomach some, as I just had a very mushy, loose doodie a few minutes ago (it's Friday morning as I write this).

First, I wanted to say to Mina and the three crushes that I love your posts. I understand if you need a break. Sometimes I don't know what to write and when I feel that I write the same things that others may grow weary of reading! I hope you continue to post. But whatever your decision, I wish you and your three friends the absolute best in life!

Second, to Anthony T, if you are still reading: I remember when you posted your story about witnessing the woman have an accident on the airplane and must say that it is one of the best stories posted. It seems to really have made an impression on you to have witnessed a young, professional, attractive woman have such an accident. I did see the story about the airplane being diverted due to a woman's diarrhea (yes, it was confirmed that it was a woman). I hope you are well and would be glad to dialogue with you about this if you have further thoughts!

Sarah S: I did your survey.

"I'm really curious on everyone's thoughts. On a scale of 1-10 with 1 you would never under any circumstance and 10 absolutely no issue at all. How likely are you to do the following and why"
1. Pee in a public bathroom: 9, it depends on how clean the restroom is and how badly I need to go.
2. Poop in a public bathroom: 9, same. I prefer to poop at home. But if I have to go to avoid general discomfort and an accident, I will, unless the bathroom is filthy.
3. Fart in public: 3, If I can get away with it and know that it won't smell, then I will. If not, I will not do so intentionally. But I have accidentally.
4. Fart at a friend's house: 2, Not on purpose!
5 Fart at a date's house: 2, I'm married but until I learned that Alan liked it, I did the best I could to avoid it.
6. Fart at a SO house: 10, now that we are married, I'm fine with it and fine if he does it!
7. Poop at a friends house: 5, I mean, if I have to go I will. I'm 43 and way past the point of getting too embarrassed over pooping.
8. Poop at a dates house: 1, I would avoid early on, but it happened.
9. Poop at a SOs house: 10, again, now that we are married, his house is now home!
10 Pee outside: 1, and I mean I would more likely wet my pants than to squat for a pee outside.
11 Poop outside: 1, same. Our entire family did in 2020 when a tropical storm knocked the power out. We have well water and the pump is electrical. Alan invested in a generator after that so hopefully that will never happen again.
12 Pee in a stall with no door: 1, for obvious reasons, unless it was an emergency.
13 Poop in a stall with no door: 1, unless it was an emergency.
14 Pee in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom: 10, I would love to do this!
15 Poop in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom: 10, I have dreamed of this! In fact, I talked to my new friend Beth about this and we are planning to make it happen together!
16 Pee in front of someone: 5, It depends on how close we are and the degree of urgency. Of course, I do with Alan in the bathroom often.
17 Poop in front of someone: 2, I have only done so in front of Beth, Alan, and our children (when I had to take them to the bathroom).

I hope that's helpful!

I didn't do the skidmark survey since I do not get them. But if you think I'm being pretentious, please remember that I am admitting to several poop accidents on a public forum!

I need to stop for now, will be back in a few minutes!



After school pooping

Back when I was in high school, I was in a lot of activities. I even won an award from our state's school activities association as an All Around
Female Student-Athlete of the Year. I found it a little different because while most of the other students held their craps in until they got home, at 3:05 I was on the stool, in the nearest bathroom to my last class. Between classes I could piss with the best of them, less than a minute on the seat, and then rush out to my next class. In a way, I felt sorry for my classmates still in line, but being tardy to class could cost me a couple of the leadership offices I held. It also upset teachers to no end.

Like with Esme, my 3:05er was much more laid back. I always found I was the first to come in. While I would center my eyes on the middle toilet, I made it a ritual of glancing in at each of the others to see what kind of day they had been having. A full-plus bowl of crap that needed to be flushed wasn't uncommon. There was usually a splashed seat or two. Sometimes a sanitary product had been left on the back of the seat, rather than being placed in the disposal unit on the panel. Lots of toilet paper sheets, some used, some unused and hanging halfway off the seat.

Some of my meetings didn't begin until 3:45. So I had a half hour for my
leisurely crap. I enjoyed seeing and hearing what went on in the other stalls. As a few more girls trickled in, some with bad attitudes, I was introduced to some new words and insults that I couldn't use at home. Some of the users were so loud in putting down their teachers and others, it was interesting. Nothing was more attention-getting than a couple of insults against a boy I knew, later dated, and eventually married. Where they got such obscene ideas, I don't know. I found him to be nothing like they would describe him in their anger. Another was bragging about how she was deceiving her parents. What I later found was that these students had detention time to make up, but I guess someone let them out for good time or because they got too angry just sitting and studying.

Some nights when we were working in the theater on the play set, we used a small family-like bathroom nearby. We bonded together, both sexes, and
gave those two toilets quite a workout. My best friend Presley peed like a racehorse and you could hear her in the hallway even when the door was closed. One of our set-builders Janice would be the last to use the toilet at about 11 p.m. just before we went home. It was important for her to take her crap before she got home because her mom's boyfriend was critical of the damage she did to the apartment toilet.

To Erin B:

I agree with you Erin. Talking to somebody while you are on a public toilet is pretty disrespectful. Sometimes a mother and little child will come in and the mom will be giving her or him directions. That's OK. Nothing wrong with hearing "Remember, I want clean underwear this time!"
It can be done in a non-threatening way.


Biggish poop soon after breakfast

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a hot breakfast (big and little white balls, greenish tan balls in dark water and a jar of warm water). It took a while to eat but after breakfast I took my medications, took my Walmart bag, water jar and went downstairs. Finished drinking my water and soon afterwards I got a pretty major urge to poop. Grabbed my Walmart bag, walked to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, turned off the light, put on the flip flops outside my room, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room.

Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, took out the toilet paper, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A lot of fairly solid poop came out and filled the toilet pretty quickly. Finally was done. Whoo! Took some toilet paper and wiped well and tossed it into the toilet, stood up. Pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look. There was a lot of fairly solid poop in the toilet, taking up the majority of the toilet bowl. Flushed the toilet and washed my hands, grabbed my Walmart bag, turned off the light when I left the bathroom and went to my room to dry my hands on the towel. Went outside my room, took off the flip flops out there, went into my room, put on the flip flops in there and now writing this and listening to music. Hopefully after lunch or dinner (or both) I can go again. Get rid of all this crap.

I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Please be careful.

Happy peeing and pooping!


PS Erin B my name is Annie not Anna


My sister's "accident"

My sister Sophie is 8. She's kind of a princess. She has this thing she does when she doesn't want to do a chore, she'll say that she needs to pee and then she'll lock herself in the bathroom for like a half hour.
Well, my mom wanted us to rake leaves last weekend. We were all outside together, my parents and Sophie and me. Sophie started whining about not wanting to rake leaves and sure enough, she said she needed to go to the bathroom. She was wearing some pink corduroy overalls.

My mom called her bluff and told her she could go after we were finished. "I have a feeling you don't have to go," she said.

"I do so," Sophie said.

They argued about it for a while and Mom finally got angry and handed her the rake that Sophie had dropped on the ground. "Get to work," she said.

Sophie grumped around but she started raking. Every few minutes she would let out a big fake sigh. She shouted again that she needed to go to the bathroom but mom just ignored her. Sophie grabbed her crotch, pretending that she had to go, but mom still ignored her.

Finally Sophie stood still and as I watched, a wet spot grew around her crotch, and a stream of wetness came partway down the inside of one leg and all the way to the cuff on her other leg. She was deliberately peeing in her pants. When she was finished peeing, she wailed, "I told you so! I told you I needed to pee!"

Mom looked up and saw Sophie standing there in her wet pants. I could tell she was furious. But she didn't yell. She just calmly said, "Now you don't need to go anymore, so you can just keep working until we're finished." She made Sophie keep working in her obviously peed-in pants.

One of Sophie's friends from down the street came over with her mom to chat. I could tell that both the girl and her mother noticed that Sophie had peed in her pants but no one said anything about it. Sophie was as red as a tomato.

When we were done, Mom said she could go in and change. Sophie started crying. "It stings," she said.

But Mom wasn't sympathetic. "You wet your pants on purpose," she said. "I hope you learned your lesson. Go take a bath and your legs will feel better."

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Chakamami (Hisae,Kazumi,Maho,Mina)

Dear Thunder, Dear Esme

Thank you Thunder for remember us! We are sorry we couldn't help you more. Your bidet is different from Japanese bidet perhaps.

But it is good idea to relax on loo, not hurry hurry hurry. Try to do.

Esme, you seem that you had very comfy time on college loo for 27 minutes. How pity it is that other girls didn't share with you, except one and she only short time, but maybe you are more lucky next time.

If possible we want to take you to shopping mall loo, you go into middle cubicle, two Asian women your left side and two Asian women your right side. We give you wonderful performance. Perhaps you also give!! But probably impossible (tears, boo hoo...)

We are happy to be this site but still we worry our contribution not good enough, make everyone bore... (more tears)

Mina stop to write now before she burst into the tears. Maho and Kazu very busy now to caress Mina's bottom while she typing. Chae is busy to massage.

Lots love to everyone.



To Chakamami

You're welcome :) SO means Significant Other. Your stories are always interesting. Please don't leave


Hisae and crushes, we need you!

Dear Hisae and crushes.
I really enjoy your stories and it gives me a lot of help with the problems I am having.
Please keep posting.

Comments and survey answers

Both me and my boyfriend are seniors in high school. We love this forum and use it as an occasional diversion when we are at his house and doing homework together. Why else would we be discussing skids, privacy on public toilets, and ways we can tease one another about our bathroom experiences.

Skidmark Survey:

1. When was my most recent skidmark?
Last week, I believe it was Wednesday, I had to take a fast crap between classes at school, and I didn't have time to wipe. The line for each toilet was 3 or 4 deep. Ace gave me some teasing on that when we were emptying my clothing hamper. But I can control him because I have a couple of things on him....

2. Do I know what led to the skidmark?
Yes, discussed above.

3. Whatever factors led to it?
Not having to do a Jug (Saturday morning school) and my friends who were waiting in line. I love school but some of the rules are fascist!

4. Do you get skidmarks more than once a week?
Sometimes. Sometimes I forget to look for toilet paper before taking my seat. An open toilet during lunch hour is hard to believe.

5. Do you get skidmarks more than once a month?
Yes, usually. I also get pee stains in my while panties. With a few more baby sitting job I should be able to get more dark colored thongs.

6. What type of underwear did I most recently skidmark?
White panties.

7. Did the stain stay after I washed?
Partially observable.

8.Did anyone else see the skidmark?
Yes, my boyfriend. In the past my mom would have seen it. She would lecture me. Therefore, that's why my boyfriend and I trying to get to the laundry first.

9. Do I use anything but dry toilet paper to cover up post-defecation?


Sometimes on weekends my boyfriend and I will study at the park. The seats there are often chilly or outright cold. My boyfriend is such a wimp. I've sat down and peed on the 2nd or 3rd toilet, but told him I used number 1. Of course, he thinks he's getting a warm seat. Then when he doesn't, there's another teasing moment. I tell him if he doesn't like the multi-gender toilets, he can just squat and dump between some of the trees. He's tried. He's pretty pathetic!


Love your stories. You use public toilets a lot. Black, white, gray, sometimes blue, is seat color or comfort a factor in your choice?


To Chakamami

To Chakamami. Please don't leave. Your stories are never boring. And Mina your English is not bad. You're learning and getting better. That's the important part. Hugs for all of you Chakamami. I love your stories and always look forward to them.




Toilet hygiene

I have been posting for very many years. Do not know how long I was originally thunder from down under and then Constiguy . I am now and have been for a fair while just Thunder.
For those that read my post, I do have quite some toilet problems.
I cannot wipe my bottom properly, particularly earlier in the morning and at home I have a bidet which sometimes cleans me, and sometimes not. I have purchased a bottom wiper which has varying results. Sometimes it cleans well at other times. It just spreads the mess. It is also quite a process wrapping the toilet paper around the stick etc.
Sometimes, when my bottom is thoroughly cleaned, I can come back a couple of hours later, and it is dirty again I were the Depends which is a lifesaver. This condition makes life rather restrictive. I'm very private about it. I shower regularly and particularly clean my hole a few times over. Even then I sometimes get some leakage of faeces.
Of course my bladder leaks like a tap but needs a new washer and if I am a bit urgent in that department, I get some squirts, which Depends takes care of. More news next time.


Giant poop about an hour after breakfast

Morning everyone. Got up this morning around 8:30, grabbed my Walmart bag, took my water jar and went outside my room where I put on the flip flops outside my room. Went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for a hot breakfast. Had a homemade soup that was reddish orange and white with little white and big circular whitish gray beans or seeds. Took my time eating and when my 9 am alarm went off I took my morning medications (have to take them at 9 am, 5 pm and 9 pm. Always after food to prevent dizziness). When I was done I took my Walmart bag, refilled my water jug and went downstairs. I microwaved my water jar that I refilled and slowly drank it while surfing the net on my phone.

Finally after a while I got a strong urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put the flip flops on out there and went to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the door, grabbed the toilet paper and walked to the toilet. Pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A lot of thick, semi solid poop came out and kept coming. Whoo! It was a lot. I flushed halfway just in case. Finally I was done. I took some toilet paper and wiped well. Tossed it into the toilet. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. There was only toilet paper (oops) but what came out felt huge and was a lot, probably 2 1/2 feet long or something. Flushed again, washed my hands, turned off the light, went to my room, dried my hands on my towel and that's that. It was a hell of a shit. I'm hoping after lunch and maybe dinner too I can go again. Get this stuff out of my body and into the toilet. I eat more than I'm used to because of my height and body weight-about 170 when I'm used to being skinny. The sooner I can get all this crap out-the fairly healthy way-the better.

Hopefully everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



This morning woke as it was getting light pulled down my pants and sat on the JONES RELAX BED PAN. two minutes later had a wee , felt a BM on way remained seated, had another wee , then put palm of my hands on bed and pushed and pooped.I needed to go some more ,pushed again had a wee
which stopped as I pooped, sat and relaxed then my bowels opened again
I sighed with relief after five minutes pooped again had another wee.

This is the result of not going a NUMBER TWO yesterday . Having taken PROBIOTIC FRIENDLY BACTERIA for a long time I no longer go a NUMBER TOO
every day just drop bigger loads less often !!

I wiped with four sheets of SHADES KITCHEN TOWEL then went outside tipped it into the bonfire , washed pan in water butt.My gutts hurt
I hope I can have a NUMBER TOO in the ADVENTURIDGE POTTIE in campervan tomorrow as I have done a THOUSAND TIMES and wipe with ELSAN BLUE TOILET PAPER !!


Massive solid poop that surprisingly went down no problem

I got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Ate rice, vegetables, tofu, etc and took sips from my water jar which was filled with warm water. After breakfast I took my medications, took my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs to my room. I refilled my water jar and microwaved it. Went back to my room and surfed the net while slowly sipping on my water. Finally about 10 minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I took my Walmart bag, walked to the door, took off my bedroom flip flops, opened the door, turned off the light, put on the flip flops outside my room, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, put my Walmart bag on the doorknob, grabbed the toilet paper, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and light pink high cut underwear and sat on the toilet.

Peed first then pushed out this massive thick solid poop that seemed to keep coming. Finally I was done. Took some toilet paper and wiped first my front then wiped my butt really well. Tossed the paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. WOW. There was a massive turd in there, fairly thick and looked solid that took up a lot of the toilet. Flushed and surprisingly everything went down. Tried flushing again a couple of minutes later and the toilet is fine despite that beast. It's not everything from my body yet but it was a lot. My stomach feels a lot flatter (I'm very tall with a flabby stomach. Plus since I moved in I have gained 20 ish pounds :( As a child to mid 20s I was skinny, even as a baby and toddler). That poop was a beast. I hope after lunch I can go again and get rid of everything in my body.

I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy. Please be careful and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Erin B.

Work poop with a coworker

Hi guys! My name is Erin and I used to be really active on the forum a couple years ago. I have since graduated college and am now working a corporate office job. I browse the forum occasionally and really miss some of the old posters Thinking about you Anna from Canada!). If you need a refresher I am a 25 year old female with dark blonde hair and I would say I'm moderately fit. Today I thought I would share something that happened to me at work this week. I thought it was interesting and I didn't know what to think about it initially but I'm curious to what everyone's thoughts are on it.

So yesterday at work it was about 11 am. I was at my desk and I felt the urge to go to the bathroom for my morning poop. I usually poop around this time or right after lunch some days. I walked down the hall and turned the corner to the bathroom and opened the door. Our bathroom has 4 stalls on one side with sinks on the same side as you walk in and it appeared to be The very last one is a handicapped stall which I try to avoid most days. I got in the first stall and lowered my slacks and panties to my knees. I didn't really have to poop badly but it was one of those that needed to come out eventually. I sat down and began to pee. The relief felt so good as it hissed into the bowl below. After that, I pushed out my first turd which was a rather long one. It came out with little commotion but with a really strong smell. Right after my second smaller turd came out. As I sat on the toilet I browsed my phone for a minute and just relaxed for a bit. As I was relaxing, one of my coworkers, who we will call Jamie, come in to the bathroom rather quick. She was talking on the phone rather loudly and took the third stall. I could hear her talking to one of her fiends about some concert they were planning on going to as she lowered her pants and sat on the toilet. This is what the story gets interesting.

As her butt hit the toilet, I could immediately hear her fart and splatter the bowl with poo. It was so loud! She was on speaker phone and there's no way her friend didn't not hear that! I could believe it! She continued to poop while talking like there was nothing unusual and I didn't really know what to do. By this time the bathroom smelled pretty bad with both of us having taken dumps and I felt done and started to pull toilet paper. Jamie farted again and almost grunted as she was talking with her friend. At this point the friend paused for a second and said, "wait, are you in the bathroom?" And Jamie replied, "yeah sorry I had to take a shit" which was followed by laughter from them both. I had finished wiping and began to pull up my underwear and pants and flushed the toilet. I felt a less guilty doing that since her friend already knew she was in the bathroom. I exited and washed my hands as Jamie continued to talk to her friend. I went back to my desk and worked for about 5 minutes and I saw Jamie come back in and couldn't help but look at her a little differently.

To me, the last thing I wanna be doing while talking to someone on the phone is pooping! I don't mind going around people but it just seems different to be on the phone in such a vulnerable setting. Don't get me wrong, I've done it before at home in the comfort of my own bathroom but I feel like in public it's a different story. Let me know what y'all think about this. Am I wrong to think the way I do? I might start sharing more work poop stories after this but I sometimes feel like bc i work the same job everyday it may get boring. But anyways, happy pooping!


Question and a survey.

Question and survey answers.

Sometimes when I poo into a public toilet, after I get up, there's nothing at the bottom of the bowl/pan. Where does the turd go? Does it get sucked into the drain before it's even flushed?

And a skidmark survey!

1. When was your most recent skidmark? About two weeks ago. It was about the size of a small coin. Not too dark but noticeable.
2. Do you know what led to the skidmark? I used the toilet at work. I couldn't get clean so I got tired of wiping and gave up.
3. If so, what factors let to the skidmark? An incompletely wiped butt, of course! And probably a wedgie too which is typical for me.
4. Do you get skidmarks more than once a week? No.
5. Do you Get skidmarks more than once a month? Maybe once or twice a month.
6. What color and type of underwear did you most recently skidmark? Gray Hanes Her Way panties.
7. Did the stain stay on after you washed? No.
8. Did anyone else see the skidmark? No.
9. Do you use anything besides dry toilet paper to clean up post defecation? If it's stubborn I'll moisten the TP first. That usually does the trick.

I may do Sarah's survey next time but 17 questions is a lot!


Response to Sarah's survey

1. 10, not an issue, my bladder's pretty active :)
2. 4, usually I had no issue, I already did it in preschool (the 2nd year, that is, because during the first year I was still wearing diapers due to not using the toilet for #2) and even more in elementary school, but I mostly stopped doing it in middle school due to lack of privacy (I think I took 4 shits or so in my three middle school years, my constipation played a role also), I haven't pooped in high school yet.
3. 5, sometimes I cannot hold the fresh air, he he :)
4. 7, they generally don't care
5., 6., 8. and 9. - I had no date yet, I do have a crush, but I only peed at his house, not sure if he needs to know about my bowels yet... and I don't wanna think about the future yet, so it'd be a 2-3
7. Poop at a friends house
8. Poop at a dates house
9. Poop at a SOs house
10 Pee, ya mean? 6 then, I already did sometimes.
11 3, I remember myself once pooping behind a bush when I was 8 and my class was on a field trip. One of my friends also did poop on the beach when I was 11 or 12.
12 6, thank God our high school has doors again!
13 3, just unthinkable that I did it a few times in the past
14 3, just used one once
15 1, never did
16 6, did so in front of some of my friends
17 3, not sure if I'd want to. Our bathroom door's broken and last night I got interrupted by 8 year old brothers when I was trying to take a crap! I ended up not going at all yet. At least our dad fixed our door, so I'm trying again to go tonight


Another Long Morning Piss

Yesterday I woke up and realized my side of the bed was completely soaked along with my underwear, two blankets, a quilt and the flat sheet that I had just put the bed that evening before I went to bed that night and of course I still had a lot more piss stored up before I made my way to the bathroom I shared with my boyfriend. It was a good thing that he was away at work when I pissed the bed or that would've been really embarrassing for me.

Anyway, I made my way to the bathroom turning on the lights along with closing the door, pissing like I held it in overnight. Which I didn't because I soaked at least half of the bed. It eventually went from a long stream that seemed endless back into small drops that dribbled a bit onto the toilet seat before I got up grabbing tissue to wipe. Which seemed pointless so I just wiped the toilet seat and flushed, then got into the shower.

However, it's what I get for drinking half a bottle of wine/a cup of water along with a root beer I had and a small jug of tea when I woke up earlier before that happened. Now looking back that was a lot to drink before going to bed anyway and the bad part about it was that the mattress was still damp from the piss.

I honestly feel too old to be bed wetting and it seems like I only do it because I get stressed out from my job or so. I've been doing this since age 11. Not to mention after arriving at work, I took at least 3 trips to the bathroom once I clocked in and putting my things away because I obviously broke the seal earlier.

Not to mention having to flush the poor toilet twice because of how much I pissed. But, it sure did feel good.

Anonymous Reader

To Chakamami - Why I Love Your Stories

Dear Chakamami,

I have been reading your stories anonymously for nearly a decade now, and I feel you're always so hard on yourself when it comes to stories.

There is an intimate, wholesome feeling your stories provide that is so different from what is normally on this website. Your love for your toilet, for your motions as you call them, and for each other is never boring. I feel I speak for many of us when I say we would sorely miss that energy on this forum, if you were to say goodbye.

As a reader, it is not the content of the stories that make them fun to read, but the perspective you (Mina), Hisae, Kazumi, and Maho have on using the bathroom together. The ways in which you view it as a chance to bond and to enjoy each other's company, is a rare perspective no matter where you are from, as bathroom habits are extremely private for so many of us. Even those on this website are lucky to experience some company in the bathroom without judgment... and that's assuming you want any to begin with. That already makes you four some of the most interesting people on the website to me!

The other thing to keep in mind is there's more to a story than just what happens. How its written is a big part of the appeal, and your writing is very charming and lively. Even if you are not a native English speaker I can feel your enthusiasm and earnestness as you write, and it is infectious to the point where I always smile when I read about you four. Especially when the other girls chime in, pinching one another or making jokes and comments that gets added into the paragraph. Plus, seeing you learn new words or phrases from us native English speakers, as well as learning new words, makes us all feel better connected and a little more worldly than we were before.

Don't be so hard on yourself. You have a good, happy life with each other and I believe myself and many others are just happy to glimpse into it when you will allow us. You do not have to worry about how eventful stories are, because when it comes to Chakamami stories, I read them for who is telling it. When the storyteller is good, the story is good, no matter what the contents of the story are. It is ultimately your choice if you want to leave the site, but I would sorely miss you and I know many others would as well. There are many great writers on this site, and many great stories, but none as unique as Chakamami!


Out of Order

I went to the bathroom at work yesterday, and as I passed the cubicles on the way to the urinals, I noticed the first one had a sheet of paper on the door with "Out of Order" written on it. This piqued my curiosity, so after a momentary glance to check that there was nobody else around, I decided to look why this toilet was out of order.

The cubicle door wasn't locked, and opening it didn't reveal anything out of the ordinary. The toilet lid was down, so I slowly raised it, and found my answer. Someone had blown up the toilet, filling it with diarrhoea. The water was dark brown with the only other colour visible being a few white patches from the tissues used in a likely vain attempt at wiping and the scattered streaks of the toilet bowl that were lucky enough to avoid the faecal eruption. Despite the mess, it thankfully didn't smell, suggesting along with the sign that this wasn't recent.

Before I could ponder the further questions raised, a wavering fart came from the next cubicle over. Turns out I hadn't been alone after all! Grateful for the distraction, I closed the toilet lid and cubicle, banishing that unpleasant sight and moved to the urinals. I peed and washed my hands with the ambience of a few more quieter farts, some crackling and a small plop or two from the cubicle, then left my unknown companion to finish his bowel movement in peace.

After leaving the bathroom and returning to my desk, I found myself wondering about the toilet again. It must have been blocked because it would have been flushed otherwise, but did the unfortunate pooper block it, or was it blocked already, only discovering to their horror after they'd filled it up higher? How long had it been in that state? Who was responsible, and were they okay afterwards or were they still ill? Whatever the case, I did not envy whoever would have to clean it up!

@Chakamami please don't feel the need to leave this site! It is very affirming for people such as us who enjoy this relatively taboo topic! And don't be concerned at the lack of "@"'s…to each their own. I don't get a ton myself, and that's all good. As an obvious lesbian woman, I realize I may have a limited audience. I only focus my attention on posts by other women on this site (no offense, guys! I'm glad you enjoy your poops and have found this safe place as well. I'm just not personally interested.

@Esme Great story! So glad you got to revel in that amazing poop! Sorry your pooping partner was such a disappointment. That's a bummer, but at least you got a plop out of it!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Skidmarked from Columbia

Reply to survey

1. When was your most recent skidmark?
problably at least 2 weeks ago.
2. Do you know what led to the skidmark?
pooping after the shower... I wiped but never got clean!
3. If so, what factors let to the skidmark?
Because I'm cute
4. Do you get skidmarks more than once a week?
yeah if my underwear is to white
5. Do you Get skidmarks more than once a month?
6. What color and type of underwear did you most recently skidmark?
7. Did the stain stay on after you washed?
not washed yet
8. Did anyone else see the skidmark?
maybe but if it's a non family member they might get stolen
9. Do you use anything besides dry toilet paper to clean up post defecation?
no besides my underwear

I was travelling to a wedding. Pulled into Starbucks for a drink and to use the loos. As I neared the door a car pulled up and a mature lady hurried out and into Starbucks as the man then parked the car. I was behind her and sure enough she went straight to the ladies. I went to the gents and didn't hear much other than a banging door. Obviously desperate though.


Poop that was hard to push out

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee, brushed my teeth then went upstairs for breakfast. Had a thick white soup with orange balls in it (dunno what they were) and brownish-orange sauce glazed over it. It took a while to eat. After breakfast I took my medications, took my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs. Finished my water, refilled and microwaved it and took sips from it. I got a fairly strong urge to poop a few minutes ago so I took my Walmart bag, my water jar and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the door and walked to the toilet. Pulled my dark sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A poop that was hard to come out came out slowly and seemed to be a lot. After I was done I took some toilet paper, wiped well and tossed it into the toilet. Stood up, pulled up my pants and underwear and looked in the toilet. There was a fairly big poop in there, taking up most of the toilet bowl. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, refilled my water jar, went to my room, dried my hands on the towel in here and went to microwave my water. Now writing this. Will drink water throughout the day, eat lunch soon, do my stretches and exercises and maybe later today I can go lots again. Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone.

Happy peeing and pooping!


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