
Charlotte from WI


Hey everyone, been on this site a while but haven't really posted. I have a few story's to share but I'll first start of with who I am. I'm 16, a junior in highschool in southern Wisconsin. I have long dark blonde hair that almost touches my buttcrack when I have it straight haha. I'm 5'2 and have a cute little butt. I'll start off with a little story of mine,
I had gotten my drivers lisanse as soon as I turned 16 and I got my own car from a family member that no longer needed it. It was nice, 2014 little ford fusion. About 2 weeks after me getting this car I was at the store and as I was driving back home I really had to pee and I was about 30 minutes away from home and I have never really been afraid of peeing or whatever so I had a used cup in the cup holder and just pulled off to the side of the road and pulled my black leggings down and peed in the cup, it was a lot of pee, at least 3/4 of the pretty big
Cup was full. I'm not the best at aiming and I kinda missed a little at the start so there was a little pee running in my seat but nothing that would bother me. I farted a few times then put the cup back, pulled up my pants and drove on my way home like nothing happened. It was such a relief! When I got home I threw the cup in the trash and just left my car to air out so it wouldn't smell like pee (I wouldn't mind if it did but others would I'm sure haha).

Well thanks for reading, I hope you guys enjoyed, that was just a pee story but I also have one or two pooping ones but they are kind of boring. My sister also peed in my car once so I will share that story next time!

1. Have you ever peed or pooped in your car?

2. How much do you fart when you pee?

3. Are your parents/ were your parents open to your toilet fun?

4. Name one of your favorite posters/ story's on here that I should read!


Diarrhea at the office

Emma two, I have a story on the same subject matter to that you titled "Upset stomach at work", except much more embarrassing.

The year was 2012. I was not feeling well that day because I had gorged myself on serrano peppers the night before, and had that all too familiar rumbling in my GI tract. I was particularly gassy that day and had been "crop dusting" around the office a bit. I went to slip out another hot fart, only to feel wetness approaching its exit point. I now knew that this wasn't a fart on the way, and headed to the nearest Mens' room. I felt immense pressure and higher-than-body temperature heat on my o-ring and walked with my butt clenched.

As I was walking to the Mens' room, two male coworkers were chatting with each other and heading to the same place, but walking in the opposite direction. We all entered the Mens' room. I took the first stall of two(very few people sat on it, so it was my preferred choice), lowered the toilet lid, locked the stall door, dropped my pants to my shoes, and sat on the toilet as they proceeded to use the urinals next to me.

I exploded wet, sloppy crap everywhere, accompanied by explosive flatulence. I had a stall around me for privacy, so I really didn't care. My coworkers laughed. They knew who I was, and knew I had no shame about pooping at work. They'd both probably shared the restroom with me while I was pooping 20+ times by that point. But today was unusual, because I was exploding out diarrhea.


Liquid mixed with solid chunks just kept falling out of my bottom without effort, accompanied by explosive farting.

My coworkers quickly finished up, hurriedly washed their hands, and exited. The room smelled like death.

It came in waves. I felt empty, wiped, got ready to get up and leave, only to feel an urgent need to sit down again.

After about 5 minutes of this back and forth, there was a knock on the door.


It was the cleaning lady. Again. She'd caught me pooping in this restroom many times before. I recounted some stories on page 2880, titled "Poop at the office". I responded "I'm in here." She then responded, "Sorry." and closed the door.

About 1 minute later, I heard conversation outside. The cleaning lady told someone to "Go ahead and go. I'm waiting for someone to finish."

The Mens' room door opened again as another coworker walked in and I exploded again.


I heard the cleaning lady whisper "Madre de Dios.", and this was not the only time I heard her utter such at hearing the thunderous sounds generated by my butt, while the coworker laughed at her remark. As much as I expected her to be used to it by now, having intruded upon my restroom breaks on a once or twice a month frequency over the five years I'd been working there, it seems that there was often a new surprise to her as a result of my toilet usage.

The coworker took a pee at the urinal. I kept exploding away.

He washed his hands and left. I heard her whisper something and he said "I don't think he's going to be done soon."

I heard the cleaning bucket get pulled away to the elevator.

I was in there another 15 minutes blatting away, as the diarrhea came in waves. I never felt confident enough to leave. When I finally was truly empty, I started to wipe again. While wiping, there was another knock on the door as it quickly opened. "Housekeeping."

I responded, "I'm almost done." while rolling more toilet paper. I heard her say "Sorry." The door shut once again.

I flushed the toilet, but it was a complete mess. The area not flushed away by the water looked like a Jackson Pollock painting spackled in light brown, but the water otherwise whisked everything else away leaving white porcelain wherever it touched. You could clearly see in the toilet bowl a divide between what area was cleaned by the flush, and what was splattered by what used to be in my GI tract. I washed my hands and exited the room.

The cleaning lady took a look at me, smiling as if trying to suppress laughter, and she said "One of those days, huh?" I said "Sorry about that." She then said "It's ok. We all gotta' go. It's all part of my job." We knew each other by that point and this was possibly the 70th time she was waiting outside the Mens' room door for me to finish pissing or crapping. This was also probably the loudest performance she's ever heard from my butthole. As she entered the room, I saw her spray air freshener before she started her cleaning routine. I saw a coworker sitting on a chair down the hallway, eyeing me, grinning.

At lunch, that same coworker asked me in front of other coworkers both male and female "Was that you I heard exploding in the bathroom today?" I responded in the affirmative. He then admitted "I waited outside to see who that was. I saw you leave the room. I knew it was you. I know how you eat."

Another coworker who wasn't there during my plight jovially mentioned while laughing "I recognize those shoes. This guy's nasty. He chooses the stall where everyone goes to pee." I responded, "There's less asses that touch that toilet seat." He then said, "You make a valid point with that one, but you don't get any privacy." I responded, "The stall has a door on it. That's enough for me." He then mentioned "I do that at home. I hate going #2 in public." I then responded, "One doesn't always have that luxury. When I was in school, there weren't even any doors on the stalls." He then responded, "No wonder you have no shame." Everyone started laughing at that exchange. We were all eating lunch at the time, too, making it extra awkward.

I rarely ever get diarrhea. But when I do, something like this happens. Many people knew of my plight that day without me really wanting them to know. Apparently, word got around. I feel sorry for the cleaning lady who had to deal with the aftermath, but it wasn't her first time. At least she didn't have to deal with a massive log clogging it again, or the entire bowl streaked with brown smears. I hope she was paid well.


Semi-solid poop

Had breakfast a couple of hours ago (9 AM). Got up around 8:30, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. I had my Walmart bag with me and my water jar with warm water. Had dried fruit, green leafy vegetables, red seeds, tofu, etc. in a broth of some kind. After breakfast had a piece of pineapple. I took my medications after breakfast, took my Walmart bag with all my stuff in it, grabbed my water jar and went downstairs. Surfed the net for ages until I felt the urge to poop a few minutes ago.

Grabbed my Walmart bag, my water jar, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside it, turned off the light, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the door, walked to the toilet. Pulled my dark sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out quite a bit of semi solid poop. It kept coming and seemed to fill quite a bit of the toilet. Finally I was done. I guess breakfast needed out lol. Reached over for some liquid soap (no toilet paper left), turned on the water a bit and did a good job cleaning myself. Once I rinsed off and pulled my pants and underwear up I looked in the toilet.

There was quite a bit of thick, semi-solid poop taking up the majority of the toilet. It's not everything from my body yet but I hope later today I can get rid of everything else and be more comfortable. Sayonara crap. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, went to my room, dried my hands on the towel, pulled down my pants, dried my front and butt with the towel, pulled my pants back up and writing this now.

Hopefully everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Please be careful.

Happy peeing and pooping!


MD Dan

Sarah S Survey & Short Story

My replies to Sarah's survey.
How likely am I to do the following:
1. Pee in a public bathroom
Extremely. I do this all the time.
2. Poop in a public bathroom
Likely, depending on how crowded it is. I will definitely poop in single-occupancy public bathrooms, but I usually will not in crowded or dirty bathrooms.
3. Fart in public
Very likely. As long as I know I can do it quietly, I'll do it. I have pretty good control over my muscles and can usually make any fart quiet.
4. Fart at a friend's house
It depends on the friend. Close friends, yeah, probably, as long as it's not loud or I feel like the smell would be obnoxious.
5 Fart at a date's house
Very likely. Usually not early on in the dating relationship, but if we're comfortable around each other, I have no problem with it.
6. Fart at a SO house
I would say see answer to number 5.
7. Poop at a friends house
Depends on the friend, again, and if I think it might clog their toilet. I will try to avoid going if I think it'll clog the toilet.
8. Poop at a dates house
Very likely. I have no problem doing this, again, as long as it won't clog the toilet.
9. Poop at a SOs house
See number 8.
11 Poop outside
Likely to do this if I'm out hiking or camping or something. I'm not going to go out of my way to do this though.
12 Pee in a stall with no door
Extremely likely.
13 Poop in a stall with no door
Almost definitely not.
14 Pee in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom
Extremely likely.
15 Poop in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom
Likely, as long as it isn't too crowded or dirty. I've done this many times in the past.
16 Pee in front of someone
Extremely likely. Not a big deal for me.
17 Poop in front of someone
Depends on the person. Just a friend, probably not with the exception of a few female friends I have. A date or SO, yeah, I would be likely to do this if they were ok with it. I won't force the issue and I'd give them a chance to leave if they weren't comfortable.

Now for my short story. I was hanging out with a friend of mine, I'll call her Shelly. She's about 5'5", 120 lbs, mid-length blonde hair. We were at her apartment just talking about life and watching a movie. We haven't seen each other in a while and were just catching up. About halfway through the movie I felt the need to poop pretty badly. I told her I needed to use the bathroom and got up off the couch. She gave me a quick smile and said, "Ok, have fun!" She's semi-aware of my interest and has a nickname for me because of it. She calls me this nickname in a very endearing way and is not offended or put off at all.

Her bathroom is just off the main room, behind her couch and in the hallway that leads to the bedroom, only about 10 feet from where we were sitting. I went into the bathroom, sat down on the toilet, and I heard her pause the movie. My poop immediately exploded out of me with gas and crackling I was sure she could hear. Relieved, I sat for another minute looking around. I noticed she had a stack of 3 or 4 books next to the toilet. I was done pretty quickly, cleaned up and left the bathroom. Getting back to the couch, she just smiled and said, "All good now?" I said, "Yep! Want to order some food now?" She agreed and we ordered some food.

About 40 minutes later our food arrived and we ate it while the movie was finishing up. After the movie was done, Shelly said she had some dessert and we could eat that at the table. We were sitting at the table, about 5 feet from the couch (small apartment), just starting dessert and she all of a sudden stood up and said, "Be right back, just need to use the bathroom." She went in and immediately came back out, looked at me with playful faux-anger, and said, "Dan! What did you do to my toilet!? There's poo all over the bottom of it!" I laughed and said, "Oh, sorry!" She kept smiling but shook her head at me.

After she closed the door, I stood up and crept a little closer to see if I could hear anything. I heard her lower her leggings and sit down, letting out a quick, small fart. She peed for a bit then sat quietly. I then heard her pick up a book and start turning pages, so I knew she was trying to poop. I heard another quick, small fart and could hear her sigh at the same time some loud crackling started. The crackling continued off and on for about 40 seconds until a quiet *flummmp* came from the toilet. She kept sitting and then farted a low popping fart, like *pup pup pup pupupup*. Then I heard some more crackling, faster this time, and one more quiet *flummpp plip plop*. Shelly sighed and I heard her put the book down then start rolling off toilet paper. I went back to the table and ate some of my dessert pretty quickly before she came out of the bathroom. When she came out and sat back down at the table, she said, "Welp, now I've made some room for dessert!" We laughed at that and then finished up our dessert before I headed out.

That's all for now. Take care!


Soaked my crotch again.

I was running late for a train today with just minutes to spare. So I ducked into the men's room and peed at the first open urinal. I peed, zipped up, and proceeded to the sinks for a fast hand washing. I felt it immediately. The crotch of my gray Hanes briefs were drenched. And this time I felt pee trickling all the way down my right leg. I couldn't believe it but there was no time to stop and mull it over. I went upstairs and boarded my train which was on time…it's never late when you're in danger of missing it. Once I took my seat I was able to see the result: an obvious wet spot on the front of my pants. I pulled my jacket down so the conductor wouldn't see it when he came around. Thankfully the wet spot was small enough that I was in no danger of getting the train seat wet.

This is becoming a habit and not a good one. At this rate I'll probably have to start buying absorbent pads soon.


Positive Feedback

I had some doubts about recording my time on the toilet but after getting so much positive feedback, I began to make these videos on a regular basis and the best thing about it is that I don't even have to show my face or expose myself either. Which I love about this so much, I am finally being able to get paid for having an abnormal bladder and I don't really feel ashamed about it anymore.

My boyfriend along with a few of my friends that knows this about me encouraged me to do it. Although you don't really see black girls doing these type of things very often. I feel like I am the one that's putting them on the map for being able to pee up to three minutes and sometimes longer.

Anyway, Thanks for listening to my story!

Hey all! Glad to be back with a simply amazing experience from yesterday afternoon at work!….
It was nearing the end of the work day, and I could tell I seriously needed to have a poop soon. My belly felt quite full and I was having to clench my cheeks a bit (I work in a hospital operating room, so sometimes these things have to wait a bit…). My coworker arrived to relieve me at the end of my shift, and I hurriedly made my way towards the locker room. I entered and made a beeline towards the stalls. At the same time, Clair, one of my coworkers, was approaching the stalls as well. Now this could be interesting! (Clair and I are fairly good work buddies, and I know she has quite the phobia about pooping at work, to the point that she'll suffer and hold it until she gets home. I very rarely encounter her in the bathrooms). Hey girl!, I said as I entered a stall. Clair smiled and waved and entered the stall next to me!
I quickly lowered my scrubs and plopped down on the seat, and I heard Clair doing the same. I went into my optimal pooping position, straight back and up on my tippy toes, and and simply let things happen….my hole gloriously stretched open and a long continuous rope of poop began loudly crackling out. This had to be one of the longest continuous poops I've ever taken! I moaned almost orgasmically at the pleasure as I continued to fill up the toilet bowl. I had heard a fairly long hissing pee from Clair's stall, but then silence. No wiping…was she actually going to do it?? My poop finally came to an end with an obnoxiously loud burst of a fart. I had to see my creation so I raised up and looked between my legs…the coiled mass in the toilet had to be several feet long if stretched end to end!
"Willa?", I heard Clair exclaim…."Yes hon?"…"I think I need to do it…can you hold my hand?"…I excitedly reached my hand down and met hers under the stall…she gripped mine quite forcefully and started to breathe heavily and grunt…a telltale crackle of a spreading butthole soon tickled my senses! For probably 10 seconds I enjoyed the experience, then Clair gripped my hand even firmer, and……Plop!! "You did it girl!" I excitedly exclaimed…She rubbed my hand and quietly said thank you.
At this point we released our grip and began to spool out some toilet paper. My butt was a bit of a mess, but only took about 4 wipes. Clair must have had a pretty clean drop as she only rolled off a piece or two. We flushed and exited our stalls and met at the sinks. "I'm so proud of you, girl!" I exclaimed…"you inspired me", Clair said. "You were so unashamed and enjoying your poop, I figured why not?"…"Exactly, girl!! Enjoy it!! We all do it" I said and gave her a little hug and a kiss on the cheek. What an incredible experience and start to my weekend!! And I helped a friend break the ice and become a more confident pooper!! I hope you all have had some experiences as amazing as mine to report on!


Straining hard to get it out

: I went into the bathroom and began straining on the toilet really hard feels with hard rocks all jammed up in my butt hole . It is so big and wide. It seems that I Always have this problem.
I sit down on the toilet and start straining really hard ai have to reach around to spread my butt cheeks and insert my fingers to start digging the rock hard poop chunks out of my butt hole. Then I relax a bit and then start straining again. The diameter my poop is always around 2 to 3 inches in diameter. I strain like take a deep breath and bear down hard...ahnnnnn...
Thank you all for bearing down with me... Mrs. BIGand HARD

Saturday, November 11, 2023

mrs bigandhard


I went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I new it was going to be a really big one. So I started straining really hard.
It was not moving very much. so I spread my Butt cheeks and used my finger to try to dig it out of my rectum. I dug out several big chunks.
and resumed digging it out while harder like straining. AHnnnnnnnn,
Finally got it out. It fell into the toilet,
Thanks to you all. mrs bigandhard.

Emma two

Upset stomach at work

I had a stomach upset at work today and I had to run to the toilet holding my bottom to avoid pooing myself. I made it just in time and I ran into the nearest cubicle and slammed the door shut and locked it before ripping my leggings and knickers down together. I threw myself onto the toilet and relaxed my bottom and immediately felt relief as I exploded a bucket full of semi solid diarrhoea into the toilet. When it stopped I still didn't feel like I'd finished so I pushed and released another load of more liquid poo. I felt so much better after that and when I wiped I was surprised how little mess was on the paper. I pulled up my clothes and flushed the toilet and it all cleared. After washing my hands I returned to the office to find a young temp running towards the toilets and I knew she had the runs.


Poop an hour after dinner

Hi all. Got up this morning, got dressed, grabbed my purse and Walmart bag, went to the washroom, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had noodles with baby shrimp, carrots, tomatoes, chili peppers, green leafy vegetables and some kind of white seafood on top. Ate breakfast, took my medications and took my Walmart bag downstairs. After a short time of waiting I had to put on my shoes and jacket and I got driven to the exercise program. As soon as I got there I greeted everyone and went and made a cup of coffee (black, instant. I don't like sugary milky coffee). Slowly drank it and soon afterwards the program started. It was fun and gentle for everyone. After the program we had lunch. We had dumplings with sour cream and mixed vegetables. After lunch I helped clear off the table and helped a lady by taking her dishes to the kitchen. Towards the end of the program I helped her put her jacket on too and we waited to be picked up.

When I got taken home I took my water jar, refilled it, went downstairs, microwaved it and went for my nap. After my nap for a couple of hours I microwaved and ate dinner. Finally about 10 minutes ago I got a fairly strong urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, closed the door, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door and put the Walmart bag on it, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and black underwear (on period) and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a good amount of fairly solid poop. Seemed to take ages. Finally I was done. Lifted myself slightly off the toilet and looked in. It filled a lot of the bowl, going around it. Flushed the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Whew. Refilled my water jar too, walked out of the washroom, turned off the light and went to my room. Turned on the light, dried my hands on the towel and microwaved my water. And now writing this. Hopefully everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Was I secretly a chronic teenage bedwetter?

Two weeks after partially peeing myself, I'm still thinking about that incident. I'm a bit more cautious now when I urinate and I make sure it all comes out before finishing up and walking away. The worst post-pee spot I've had in my underwear since then was about the diameter of a ping pong ball. That's pretty normal for me.

This also has me reflecting on my prior peeing problems including a history of wetting the bed. I sometimes wonder if I was really a teenage bedwetter. I had only two sopping wet, no doubt about it episodes in my teens. The first one was at 14 and the other was at 18 when I had the flu. Other times, I woke up with dampness on the front of my underwear and the corresponding spot on the bed where I laid on my stomach. But it was so slight it could've been perspiration instead. Maybe. We finally threw out my late childhood and teenage mattress when I was 19. I can remember bedwetting on it at least three times, including at age 11. But staring at the mattress, it must have been peed on more times than that. It looked nasty! Maybe it happened infrequently enough that my parents weren't concerned because they never said anything. But over the life of the mattress, all those incidents added up.


Re: To After School Pooping

For middle school and at the first of two high schools I was a student at, I used to wait until after school was over to go home and poop, because the restrooms had no stall doors, where stalls were present at all(the locker room restrooms in both schools didn't even have stalls, and you'd just poop in the open in front of everyone).

With the culture of bullying at those two schools and having witnessed students being bullied for needing to poop, I was legit scared to poop there, because I knew what would likely happen. It didn't help that I was generally shy about pooping to begin with and had to force myself to use normal stalls with doors in early grade school and get used to that, but doorless stalls were extra intimidating. Were it not for the culture of bullying and having witnessed boys get bullied while pooping, nor getting ridiculed for heading to such an open toilet to take my first poop at that school in 7th grade and subsequently decided to hold it, I probably still would have pooped at school most days simply because holding it in was not pleasant, regardless of who saw me.

I had many close calls where I almost didn't make it home. On a few occasions, I had no choice and pooped without privacy, but luckily no kids saw me, only school staff. It was still extremely embarrassing. On one occasion, it was a cleaning lady who came in while I was having diarrhea in a doorless stall in middle school(See Page 2875, "My first time using a doorless stall"). On another, also in middle school, I was using an open toilet in the locker room after getting a break from PE class to use the restroom, only for a gym coach to walk in on me to use a urinal near me as I pooped(See page 2944, "A Middle School Poop Story"). In high school, I also used an open toilet in a barracks at a military base in front of a bunch of people, but because I didn't really know anyone there and they'd never see me again, it wasn't so bad, and there was no way I was going to be able to hold it for the long bus ride home(See page 2955, "Semper Fi").

The second high school I went to had doors on their stalls, and as a result, I pooped at school every day without worry. Sometimes next to other classmates. It was no issue, even if we'd meet each other at the sinks after hearing each other's noises and seeing each others' shoes, pants, and ankles under the stall. But witnessing students being bullied while seated in a doorless stall at previous schools gave me a phobia regarding the sort of restroom environment that lacks privacy, which I didn't overcome until my 30s, even though in the interim after high school ended, there were many times I needed to badly poop where I came across doorless stalls or stall-less toilets in multi-user public restrooms(swimming pools, bars, rest stops, libraries, city parks, campgrounds, ect), and couldn't bring myself to do the dump in such a place with strangers able to see me, causing discomfort and almost causing soiled underpants.

I hate to think of the damage I could have been doing to my insides by holding it in. I eat calories like someone who is morbidly obese, burn them off with exercise, go through over 100g fiber a day, but am still freakishly skinny with a fast metabolism, so I poop a LOT more than is normal, and frequently cause clogs. When nature calls, it is not wise for me to ignore. I poop 3-4x a day, and my colon is always priming itself for release after new food comes in to push old food out. If I go a day without pooping, when it finally wants out, a clog is almost always assured.

These days, I can poop anywhere, regardless of who is around me, or even if they can see me on the toilet. I don't care anymore. It's liberating.


Biggest Dump I did..

I had a lot of errands to run earlier today so I didn't have the time to just sit on the toilet and let whatever come out naturally instead of me straining unnecessarily because, It will just cause my hemorrhoids to act up again. Which I didn't need because, It's totally uncomfortable to walk around all day with itching. Which is another reason why I'd pee before ever poop in a public restroom and whenever I do, it's usually really messy and I'd often clog up their toilet because it honestly can't handle it then, I'd feel awful that someone had to get a plugger and try to make it go down.

Anyway, I had said I was going to take a break from mexican food because lately my stomach has been hurting and nothing has helped so far but, I am noticing that my symptoms are getting better after the session I had last time. Which consisted of diarrhea but not before the hardest turds I pushed out came out first. Which I flushed down without wiping because I knew more was to follow after that and this came from not pooping earlier that evening. I usually have two bowel movements but yesterday I didn't. But, I finally got some relief after I managed to have time to just sit on the toilet afterwards I took a shower and got dressed in my pajamas then went to sleep.

Single Toilet Frustration

My parents' had 2 1/2 bathrooms in the house I grew up in. I don't remember too many times when I had to wait to go in, except when I had a stay over and a couple of my friends were petty. So there was some adjustment needed when I got to my big high school. The lines got longer for the girls' rooms. There were at least 2 on each floor of the 4 floor school. Each toilet room had 3 toilets. Each was separated by a 3/4 high
concrete wall. These were strong building blocks used for building a house on. There were no privacy doors. My best friend said she would have to bring her A-game. She explained it to me. It kind of made sense, but it also made me nervous. See sometimes I get a little lazy on the toilet and might sit for a few minutes longer than necessary. This was especially true if I was in a boring class that hour. That was the shock; I had to change my ways.

Most of the time when I had to use the bathroom at school it was for a fast piss. Probably not asking too much. If you were paying attention, you could be on the toilet, pee and off within less than a minute. Such a refreshing feeling to be relieved and then make the run to your next class. Mom wouldn't have liked that sometimes there was no space at the three sinks to wash our hands before leaving. Oh well, it worked and we didn't get too many dirty looks from those anticipating being on the toilet next. I gained a lot of confidence in myself and as the school year progressed, I got a weekly crap or two in. It wasn't that bad, but the toilet paper was pretty bad. It sucked to have a finger go through the cheap sheet while I was wiping. But I didn't expect a heavily used school bathroom to be even close to what most of us girls used at home.

In the spring things changed rapidly. Our parents were informed that the school, which I think was about 90 years old, was going to be renovated that summer. All new equipment in the bathrooms and kitchen, etc. By March, there was a broken water pipe it seemed like every couple of weeks and we could smell sewerage. It scared me to turn the water faucet on and it and my whole hand and arm would shake. Like a short time later no matter what floor and bathroom I was using had problems. A toilet would be completely taken out and the hole in the floor was covered with plywood and a caution sign. Then in the math wing, we came back from spring break to find only one toilet remaining of the three that had been there. This was during 2nd hour classes. There must have been 7 or 8 of us waiting for our turn. We couldn't make our way all the way down the long hallway because the handbook said we had to use the nearest bathroom. We also heard there were problems with the toilets throughout the building. A homeroom announcement from the administration said we had to 'plan accordingly.'

One Sunday evening I was studying with my friend Michelle and her mom offered me a serving of leftover chili. I cleaned my bowl. It was the best I had ever tasted. However, just before 8 a.m. the next morning, walking up the steps to my 4th floor locker caused me to feel the big crap coming on. I ducked into the two nearest bathrooms. They were pretty jammed up with waiting would-be users. I walked back downstairs hoping to find a bathroom with less users and no toilets removed due to the water pressure problems. About five minutes later downstairs I found a bathroom with two useable toilets. The first one was used by this older girl who apologized and said she was waiting for her suppository to work. I hurried to the other one where this girl was wiping from her seat. She said she was almost done. She flushed and as she was getting herself together this older girl who looked like an athlete came in, ran in front of me, and said she was bursting for a fast pee. I was shy. I didn't say No or Yes. She kind of muscled her way in. It would only take a few seconds, she said. She lined up in front of the toilet, dropped her sweats and undies to the floor, squatted over the toilet and unloaded her pee. The stream was inconsistent and in about half a minute she splashed up the black seat pretty bad. Then she yanked up her clothing and hurried out without saying anything to me.

The class warning bell rang and I threw myself onto the wet seat. It wasn't the first time I had had to do that, but my booming poo blast came out in only a couple of seconds. So fast that I felt a little nauseated. I knew my rear was a mess. I had about a quarter size brown wet spot in my panties. I didn't want to sit in that pee a second time so I stood and took my panties off and used them the best to clean myself with. Then I threw them in the trash. I sure looked forward to my gym class shower!

Because of parent complaints and an investigative story done by the media, a trailer of portable toilets was brought in for the remainder of the school year. Teachers were assigned to supervise the trailer. My geography teacher was late to class a few times because of the walk back from what she called 'potty patrol.'


An Awkward Presentation

It was approximately 15 years ago. I was at an office to give a presentation. I was new to my career, and looked unusually young for my age. I was age 22 and about 120 lbs, and I could pass as a 15 year old boy. I was new to this building and did not know where the bathrooms were, and had been holding back a poop since the drive there. I barely got there on time and didn't have a chance to look and find a place to go. Anyhow, employees were giving out 30 minute long presentations on their projects. My insides had been gurgling and the pressure building the entire time and there had not been a break yet for the last hour. The small room was crowded with about about 30-40 different people, and I could hear my lower GI tract making a ruckus.


I was the next one up to present. I was sitting next to the project manager that invited me to the conference, a 30-something man in a suit. The project manager reminded me that I was next up. I told him I needed to use the bathroom first. He responded "I'm about to head there myself. I'll show you where it is." He then announced. "We're all going to take a 15 minute break. Get a drink, use the bathroom, do whatever you need to do. We'll meet back here." We got up and headed out of the conference room. As we exited, a 20-something cute blonde female attendee to the conference who just finished her presentation was walking with us.

So we walked to the Mens' room through a labyrinth of hallways that was such I probably wouldn't have found it quickly. I had to be careful as I was walking since I could feel the weighty load pressing down on my sphincter and I did not want for the tip to come out and kiss my underwear. I let off a few silent farts along the way to let off the pressure, knowing that whoever was behind me would have to deal with the aftermath. Bad move. I ended up smelling it. I hoped who I was with didn't, but I think they pretended not to notice. The lady went off to the adjacent Ladies' room as we headed to the Mens'.

The project manager lead the way and entered. It was an arrangement with three partitionless bowl-style urinals and two stalls in the back. The bottoms of the stalls had an unusually large gap and I could see feet in the back handicap stall all the way from the entrance. I could also make out a silhouette of the guy sitting in it on the floor due to the lighting pattern, although not enough for any identifying features to stand out. The urinal nearest the door was in use. The manager went to the urinal adjacent to the first stall. Which meant I would be right next to him.

I entered the stall, locked the door, lowered the toilet seat, turned around to face the door, dropped my pants down to my feet, sat, and started pushing out the log. I could hear the project manager next to me whizzing away and could see his feet under the cubicle. The bottom of the cubicle was indeed quite high off the ground, as it only went about 3-4 inches below the toilet lid I was sitting on. The gap between the bottom of the stall and floor must have been one and a half feet. The poop exited without any farts but instead came with a loud crackle that sounded like cake frosting being squeezed from a tube. It was loud enough to echo about the restroom, crackling with the sound of static electricity.


It felt very soft but forceful as it came out.

As I was sitting there, audibly pushing out a large poop less than two feet away from someone I'd just met less than an hour ago, I heard the door to the Mens' room open and close with a crowd of people forming. I heard the man in the adjacent cubicle rolling the toilet paper and wiping himself, a third man peeing at the urinals, and could see through the gap in the stall door the mirror at the sinks displaying that a crowd of about 15 people all from the same conference room I was about to present in was waiting for a toilet.

Someone remarked, "It's a full house today." There were a few laughs.

The handicapped stall next to me flushed and its occupant got out and went to the sinks, being replaced by a man who went to it to pee.

I heard the project manager zip up. He addressed me by name and said:

"You can take your time <my name omitted>. You got 15 minutes and the projector is ready to go."

Then he flushed.

All I could do was say "Ok."

Someone else in there remarked "Plenty of time."

At the time, I wasn't used to talking to people while pooping, so I was a bit embarrassed by this. It was clear the project manager knew what I was doing, and by addressing me by name, basically announced to the entire male audience I was soon going to be presenting in front of that I was pooping. That I was in the stall stinking the restroom up. They could see my pants and shoes underneath the stall, plus a blurry silhouette on the floor of me sitting on the toilet(I could see it, meaning they could), and would soon be able to associate a name and face to the guy who just stunk up the bathroom.

I ended up feeling a pocket of gas rush out. I tried to control the noise, and failed.


A loud fart came out, followed by the remainder of the turd seeming to loose all friction and making the sound of a rubber hose beating a brick wall as it loudly dropped against the dry part of the toilet bowl.


Followed by a smaller turd making the sound of a baseball hitting a lake at speed...


I heard some muffled laughter from someone in the room and someone whisper "Jeez."

The gap in the stall was so obnoxiously large I could clearly see the project manager washing his hands at the mirror. It appeared he was averting his gaze. The crowd was getting smaller as people finished peeing.

I had more to get rid of, and another long cable started sliding out of me. It was a steady minute straight of pushing out a soft, long, well-formed cable, with more crackling.

By the time I started wiping, the room had cleared out and I had the place completely to myself. I checked my watch and noticed I had about 6 minutes left. I spent about 2 minutes wiping, and as I was finishing, someone else re-entered the room and started checking their face and shirt at the sink and adjusted their tie. I continued wiping, my wiping technique clearly broadcast in the shadow on the floor. I flushed, and re-dressed myself. The toilet bowl was streaked with green smears as I opened the stall and exited to the sink to wash my hands. The guy in the suit gave me a knowing glance as I was washing my hands and he said "5 minutes left boss."

The blonde lady was standing with my project manager chatting and smirked at me as she saw me exit the Mens' room. She also likely knew what I just did, given the duration of time involved between her seeing me enter the restroom and seeing me exit, assuming the farts in the hallway didn't give it away. We all headed back to the conference room together.

As I gave my presentation, every one of the men in the conference room had seen my bare legs, dress pants, shoes, and a shadow of me sitting on the toilet projected from under the cubicle, saw my name on the projector, and most had heard the project manager address me by name in the restroom while I was defecating. It was very awkward for me, but I did good on the presentation at least, in spite of most of the crowd knowing I just took a big stinky mere poop minutes prior to standing there in front of them to explain some complicated engineering subjects.

Steve A

To After School Pooping

Your schedule seems like it works best for you... especially having some time after school hours...

But for my high school experience, I've been posting on TS since my high school years, and I usually went before class once I arrived (10-15 minutes later before class started) I was appreciative of my body being somewhat regular along with having some time to go beforehand as well.

However, if I didn't have time to go before class, then I'd usually hold it and wait until I was able to, but I never planned on holding it in all day until I got home... even though I've heard some of my HS peers holding it in for most of the day...

Unfortunately, some of my teachers didn't understand my "regular pooping" schedule, which led to them wondering why I asked to use the bathroom when I wasn't able to go when I first arrived at school.

Furthermore, I probably should've talked to them about it formally (requested special permission or gotten a nurse's excuse) but either way, since I'm out of HS and college, I've got nothing to worry about, except for having to go at inconvenient times...

Morning poop

I'm naked and sitting on the toilet having my morning poop. I have such a stomach ache. I got up to look at my poo amd there are three big soft logs in the toilet which came out of me as soon as I sat down. It really stinks in here. After this poop I'm going in the shower. I'm not going to wipe my butt. I'm just going to scrub off in the shower. Have a great day and I hope everyone enjoys a good poop!

Reply to Kaitlyn

I've been child sitting for almost 20 years. I know its awkward for a
female to care for her bathroom needs while meeting the needs of the
little boy. Back when I was your age I was in like situations; not all
of the boys I cared for willfully wanted to follow my commands. It didn't
matter whether we were at a amusement park portable potty or at a circus
at our civic enter. The boys until they were like 7 had to use the ladies
toilets with me. The worst times was when we both had to go at the same
time. If I told a boy to lock himself into the cubicle so I could have
the privacy meeting my needs on the toilet next door, there was almost
always resistance. If they had to poo, I would drop the seat for them,
but all to often they had a bunch of complaints: toilet too high, seat
too loose, the auto-flush scared several of them. And they complained
about the toilet paper dispenser. When I raised the seat so they could
pee, a few had too stand on their tip toes, but their aim wasn't that
great. I regretted have to do a major cleanup after them, but I hope it
helped them learn to think about the next user. A couple of my friends
who also did child sitting suggested while I was on the toilet, if the
boy had to be in there with me, that I keep him from seeing my privates.
It kind of worked, but not always, when I had the boy stand, back
towards me with his nose against the inside of the privacy door, while
I relieved myself as fast as I could. A few tried to turn around a bit
and peak at me, but I learned to bribe them with ice cream if we were
at places such as a mall or theater. My mom suggested that I wear more
loose dresses that would hide my privates while I completed my needs.
When I had my boyfriend along he would supervise the boys in the boys
room. He had to get on them however because too many of the boys would not lift the seat or adequately direct their pee flow into the toilet.
I'm still doing child care to help finance my MBA studies. Keep your
sense of humor and perspective Kaitlyn.


Huge poop almost an hour after breakfast

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth (my stomach felt full but nothing was ready to come out yet) and went upstairs for breakfast. I had an egg, green leafy vegetables and tofu in a slightly spicy broth. It took a while to eat. After breakfast I took my medications (have to take quite a few at 9 AM, 5 PM and 9 PM, always after food). After breakfast I took my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs to my room. Spent time surfing the net on my phone and sometimes watching YouTube videos.

Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put on the flip flops outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Went inside the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, walked to the toilet pulled down my dark sweatpants and underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out quite a bit of semi solid poop. Took about 30 seconds to finish but it was a lot. When I was done I lifted myself slightly off the toilet and looked in. There was a lot of semi-solid thick poop in there taking up most of the toilet bowl. Flushed the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. I also refilled my water jar since it was empty. Went to my room, wiped my hands on the towel then went to microwave my water (we drink warm to hot water here to make sure it softens our poop, to keep hydrated etc). Afterwards I put the lid on the water jar, walked to my room, took off the flip flops for outside my room, went into my room, put on the flip flops in there, turned on the light and now writing this long story lol.

Hopefully everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Please be careful and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


@Esme….Omg what a great story!! Thanks for sharing. I so want to visit this coffee shop at some point with a nice full belly, lol! I'm very happy you got to experience that. I do have to wonder if the girl on the other side of that flimsy partition enjoyed your show as well?! Sounds like both of you did quite the number on those toilets….Unfortunately nothing too exciting regarding social pooping for myself as of late. Here's hoping I have an exciting story like yours sooner than later!


To Kaitlynn

I've been in situations like that, but as a mother and not a babysitter. I don't think I could ever be as open as you about it though!

How were you so comfortable doing that?


First Post

I have been visiting this forum on a regular basis for many years but have never posted. I have finally decided to break the ice. First a little bit about myself. Female, early thirties, average build, long brunette hair and blue eyes. From the UK.

Like many here I enjoy going to the toilet and as I do not have the strongest bladder and like to keep hydrated visits are rather frequent. Baring my bum is a pleasant sensation all the more so when sat on the seat. I also like the feel of my knickers around my ankles or calfs, but they go no lower than my thighs should I be in a cubicle without a lock. If I am wearing a skirt it is lifted up, in trousers/shorts they come down together with my knickers. The main sensation follows when the flood gate opens followed by the feeling of relief. I am often quite gassy and this is the opportunity to let it out in an appropriate place with no wories about a possible follow through or residual stain. Often the farts are silent and go on for a long time, similar to a balloon being gently deflated. Other times they can be short and loud, amplified by the bowl. I am not one tot hold back when in a public toilet. The smell left behind varies. I extreme cases it can be similar to having a poo.

But the pleasure of having a wee is very much over shadowed by a poo. A day does not go by without at least one. I usually wake up with an urge and if it is strong I go when I have my first wee. At this time of day it is usually gassy and a bit messy. But it hardly ever seems to all come out and an urge will develop as the day progresses. I will then drop a bigger and more solid load at a convenient time whereever I may be, most often around the middle of the day. If this is the first poo of the day it will be even bigger. This is my most pleasurable poo, very often in a public toilet. At home I prefer the downstairs loo to the bathroom.This is because it is a bit lower and it comes out with less pushing The feeling of it coming out piece by piece is ecstatic. I take my time and catch up with notifications on my phone. I will often let loose a booming fart in the middle. This seems to clear the way for a lot more logs and I will remain seated until Im satisfied I have finished. More often than not this is usually a really good clear out and I am done for the rest of the day. I do not produce big logs but there are a lot, filling up the bottom of the bowl. This is a highlight of the day. Although I would have had a wee before the poo, there is often a bit more wee to follow afterwards.

I wipe the front first before the more serious business behind. This I really enjoy. I remain seated ripping ripping off some paper and raising my right buttock sufficiently. The first wipe is not strictly a wipe. I just press the paper against my hole to absorb and drop it into the bowl witout looking at it. I find that wiping initially can result in smearing poo and lengthening the process. I commence proper wiping with the second wad and again drop it into the bowl without inspecting. I will inspect after the third wipe and if there is much poo on the wad repeat the process., inspecting until the paper is nearly clean. Finally, and this is very pleasurable, I will press a couple of sheets into my hole to ensure I am completely clean. This will continue until there is no stain on the paper, usualy two or three times. I have found that this rather comprehensive process avoids skids 99% of the time.

Before flushing I pull up my knickers followed by tights/trousers, a skirt will unfirl. After a poo I will always use soap to wash. If a wee only it is often just water. The feeling of relief and satisfaction, especially following a good poo, is a major contributor to the overall experience.

Hope you have enjoyed my first post.


Barely hold!

I suddenly wanted to poop right when I was on the bus. Alas, it was a long way to the bus stop and I had to restrain my urges, trying not to spin too much on my seat so that no one would understand that I wanted to poop. It's a miracle, but I managed not to even fart when the bus finally stopped and I ran out of it. It wasn't the stop I was planning to come to, but right now I didn't care. I quickly walked along the road looking for places where there might be something like a toilet. I wanted to defecating stronger and stronger, my stomach was gurgling. Several times I barely managed to restrain my urge to poop, and I think that I still farted several times silently right on the street. When I was ready to give up, and maybe use (for the first time in my life) a bush as a toilet, I came across a small cafe. There should be a toilet there, right? I ran in there and was happy to see a door with a toilet sign. I was very lucky, he was vacant. I immediately ran in there and closed the door. There was a small white toilet in the room, and there was very little toilet paper. But I felt that I was about to break down and poop. I took off my light blue summer pants as soon as possible, and white (fortunately, clean) briefs, and sat down on the toilet. As soon as I sat down, I felt that the poop immediately starts to come out. It came out with a sound like a crack or a crunch, and felt very big. I pooped for a few minutes, and then with a splash the poop fell into the toilet. In my opinion, the whole room began to stink. My poop rarely smelled weak. I defecated another long poop, and then, pushed, two more. With a long sigh of relief, I wiped my ass and spent three toilet papers on it. Then I got up and looked at what I defecated. The poop in the toilet bowl was VERY large and thick, and they gave off a very strong smell. I pulled on my briefs and pants while the water was flushing off. After another twice more flushing and washing my hands in the sink, I left the toilet.


I apologize if I have asked already: Do you get skid marks in modern underwear or Victorian underwear under your dresses? My long dresses definitely get dark underwear from me usually a thong., but shorter skirts I can wear lighter undies as the skids are less bad as it is so much easier to wipe with a tennis skirt or tartan mini. (I'm getting old for those though). I think I have posted in the past the one time I pooped in a long dress and didn't wipe was my wedding! I had some bad skids in white underwear, but I was not as brave as Kristi to have my friend wipe me!

MD Dan-yes the dictation did not pick up the noises of my poop! Even the moans from my mouth were not detected, not the plops, crackles or farts. and there were still a lot of dictation mistakes. I can of had to talk like William Shatner with lots of pauses and a deliberate cadence (William SHITner?) But was a really good poop. I have had poops like that where my husband was in the other room and would yell " Are you having an affair in the bathroom" from the moaning I make on the toilet.

PJ- I fart at night. I will often get up in the middle of the night pee, and let out a loud fart. My husband has the "Silent but violent farts" where his farts seem to be noticeably stinky. My louds I can't say are flagrancy free, but they tend to not notably be smelled my me, or my husband. When my husband can read my moods, he can tactically tease me about "shtting myself" when I fart because my farts are so loud. Jury is out if they contribute to my skids, but my theory is since I have big butt ( in a good Instagram way says my husband and friends) that it ripples my cheeks more. My husbands bum is more flat.,

As of note there is a joke in the nursing community about how nurses "cropdust ( fart discreetly ) " in places where there is no body around ( empty med room or supply room) or where there is an unconscious patient who cannot complain and can be blamed. I can confirm this from both male and female nurse and doctor friends. I have never done this not because I am more virtuous, but because my farts are so loud, the only way I can silence them is to sit on a toilet , focus on spreading my cheeks and MAYBE there will be less noise

Does anyone else with a big butt make loud farts or small but make silent farts?

Sarah's Survey:

On a scale of 1-10 with 1 you would never under any circumstance and 10 absolutely no issue at all.
1. Pee in a public bathroom :10 piece of cake
2. Poop in a public bathroom: 10 doing it right now
3. Fart in public 3-5 (see above)
4. Fart at a friend's house: in the bathroom 10, outside the bathroom 1-3 farting inside the bathroom is a given, outside I will let one go on accident at a friends place, not on purpose
5 Fart at a date's house in the bathroom 10, outside the bathroom 1 when I was dating , 8 with my husband
6. Fart at a SO house: see above
7. Poop at a friends house: 8 when you have to go you have to go, but I will try to hold if if reasonable
8. Poop at a dates house 5 . Probably once we have been intimate, I probably have pooped eventually, as subtly as possible … it's been a few years
9. Poop at a SOs house: 10 ( its my bathroom too!)
10 (pee?) outside : 9
11 Poop outside: 9
12 Pee in a stall with no door: 10
13 Poop in a stall with no door: 9
14 Pee in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom:10
15 Poop in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom: 2
16 Pee in front of someone: 6 women do it all the time ?
17 Poop in front of someone: 1 most people, husband 7 with drinks

Monday, November 06, 2023


Two emergency poops at the park in a row

The day before, I rode my bike about 100 miles and went through pounds of trail mix and fresh fruit, plus stopped at two restaurants and gorged myself.

This day, I was out riding again. I had covered about 50 miles. I was riding through a park as a short cut to get to a main thoroughfare when the need to drop a deuce hit me. I realized, I hadn't gone yet this morning before I left the house. The pressure quickly built. I could feel an angry turtle trying to poke its head out of my rear thrashing with each pedal stroke, sharp pain shooting up my GI tract from the sensation of being full of hard, impacted stool.

Luckily, I found a restroom. I quickly locked my bike and rushed into the Mens' room, awkwardly running in a way that would reduce the risk of a breach. The entrance had no door, just a bending passage with a wall. Once I passed the wall, there it was in front of me: a two-urinal setup with a single sit-down seatless aluminum toilet, a wall-mounted handrail, and a plastic toilet paper dispenser, all entirely out in the open, with two sinks and a mirror on the opposite side of the toilets. There was a middle-aged red-haired guy washing his face at a sink.

I had no time to spare, and this was not the first time I used a stall-less public toilet, so it wasn't out of my comfort zone. I went to the toilet and sat, with my pants at my upper legs and shirt covering my privates. The poop began to push itself out to the soundtrack of a long, deep fart.


The guy at the sink quickly left and got out once he realized what was going on. I don't blame him. I finally had the place to myself at least.

I could feel a warm, thick, sticky mass forcing its way out of me, rudely smearing itself against my posterior as it forcibly separated my butt cheeks. I already knew the cleanup job was going to be an ordeal. The crackling continued for about 30 seconds before I could feel it widen. It was now stuck and I had to carefully push.

As I'm pushing it, some 30-something Mexican dude walks in with a little kid of about 5 years old. They both use the urinals next to me, as I'm pushing my poop out and farting with each push. They stared straight ahead, pretended I wasn't there, and rushed out, which is IMO the proper etiquette for the situation, albeit there would have been no issue with them washing their hands(and they should have. Not doing so is just nasty...).

I can feel the end of the log is coming because the mass feels noticeably lighter and softer, and is now pouring out like chocolate soft serve, but still making a loud crackling noise. In walks a pale blonde haired boy of about 11. He sees me sitting there as the last of my turd drops in with a *thoomp*, yells "EEW!", turns around, and hurriedly walks out.

The cleanup job was every bit as bad as I feared. The initial part of the cleanup involved pulling big chunks of sticky poop off of my butt with the toilet paper available. It took about 3 pulls before I could actually begin wiping. 3-5 minutes later or so, I'm still wiping, and as I'm mid-wipe with my hand rubbing a piece of toilet paper on my dirt hole, the blonde kid walked in again.

"Sorry!" he said, and walked out.

I heard some arguing outside the Mens' room.

"This is the second time we stopped here. Did you go yet?"

"No. That toilet is gross."

"Damn it. Do you have to pee or not?"

"I don't need to pee... It's #2 and the toilet is weird. I saw someone wipe his butt. People are gonna' see me go."

"No one's going to watch you. Lets go somewhere else."

"NO! I can't hold it anymore. It hurts."

"Then go already!"

"Someone's using it!"

I finished wiping, pulled my pants up, and stood up.

A log as thick as my arm stretched all the way from the drain hole of the toilet to the rim, with copious amounts of used toilet paper resting on the side.

I flushed the toilet and it roared with a loud, powerful suction that could possibly be heard for hundreds of feet, drowning out the voices outside the building, while leaving a bunch of gnarly brown smears everywhere in the toilet bowl, streaking it with vileness.

I heard hurried footsteps approach.

"Make sure no one comes in!"

As I was washing my hands at the sink, the kid rushed in, saw me washing my hands at the sink, and rushing to the toilet he said "Please leave!"

Before I could even rinse the soap off my hands and get to the paper towels, he was awkwardly and desperately standing by the toilet, shaking, undoing his belt. As I was drying my hands, I briefly saw him through the mirror and again through my peripheral vision rapidly pulling his pants down and plopping his butt on the toilet, lowering his pants all the way to his ankles, as I threw the paper towels into the trashcan and left.

As I was walking toward the entrance, I heard a loud cacophony of flatulent explosions followed by what could only be described as an ecstatic sigh of relief, the result of him holding it until he could finally have peace, but not having the ability to hold out for me to fully leave.

A 40-something woman was standing outside the Mens' room. She smiled at me as I walked out.

As I was unlocking my bike, I saw two men walk in while she was still standing outside the building. Must have been awkward for the poor guy.

I went into town this morning and before I left I had slight urge to poop but nothing would come

As I went into town the urge suddenly increased and I became desperate. As I parked up I was really needing to go but the car park toilets were being cleaned

Panicked I thought I'd go to m and s. I needed to go there anyway and it was probably the closest.

I walked as quick as I could clenching my bum. Going up the escalator I was praying I wouldn't lose it. Thankfully I didn't and I hurried into a free cubicle sat down and it all came out at once. Boy the relief. I was very close to an accident.I wiped and flushed feeling very relieved

mrs bigandhard

i had a very hard time straining out my late at night turd.

I went in to the toilet and started straining really hard , but it was not moving... so i had to start digging it out with my finger.
I picked some big chunks out with my finger. then I used some toilet paper to help .
thanks all.

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