

Replying to a survey from Skidmarked from Columbia

I am a 25 year old woman. I hardly ever had skid marks in my underwear unless I was in a situation where I accidentally sharted on myself thinking it was probably going to be a silent but deadly fart situation. Which I have but, this was years ago for me. Maybe before I started going to school however whenever it does happen, I would get rid of the underwear by placing it in a plastic bag and putting it in the trash can if it was just too late to be saved.

But, I knew earlier on that I hate to be wet and had no choice but, to sit in my own mess so there is that. But, messing up cute underwear on purpose? No way, I would much rather try my best and make it to the toilet before leaving skidmarks in a pair of thongs.

To Darlene

I know from experience that if you pee hard and don't pee for too long, the bladder empties quickly. How come you peed so hard and for so long? Have you ever measured your bladder capacity?


Charlotte from WI's Survey

1. Have you ever peed or pooped in your car?

I've come close but have never actually peed or pooped myself in the car. There has been a few times though where I have tried to stop at a gas station in an emergency and ended up pooping myself before I could make it to the bathroom.

2. How much do you fart when you pee?

A lot. Every morning when I pee, once I'm done emptying my bladder usually a giant booming fart blows right out of me. My girlfriend has been staying over a lot so it has been pretty embarrassing even though she says she doesn't mind and just giggles while pretending to fan my butt.

3. Are your parents/ were your parents open to your toilet fun?

No. They are aware I have IBS but that's it.

4. Name one of your favorite posters/ story's on here that I should read!

Tricky has really good well written stories. I find the embarrassing nature of his stories very relatable because I have IBS and have had a lot of similar embarrassing bathroom situations.


Morning poop and story

Hi all! Kristi here.

I noticed that a few of my recent posts didn't get posted... I think they were a little too spicy for the forum rules. Mods, I'm sorry.

It's 5:30 am here and I'm on the toilet pooping. This is very early for me. I'm usually not needing to poop until I wake up (my alarm is set for 7:15). And even then I usually just pee. Poop usually comes after morning coffee.

This one's coming out real nice. I dropped a couple logs as I was typing everything above.


Yesterday I was at the mall (I like the mall, okay? Plus it has great restrooms.)

I was gassy. Needed to poop but REALLY needed to let some farts go. I'm not the type of girl who can't fart in public if I really need to, but if there's a bathroom nearby I'll go there.

I walked into the bathroom at the same time as another woman; she was with I'm assuming her daughter, who looked to be maybe 5. The woman looked to be about 30 with shoulder-length blonde hair. Petite body. Very pretty.

I took a stall in the middle (there are six stalls in this bathroom).

I was a little surprised that she took the stall right next to mine, although it didn't bother me. Most people usually try to spread out.

I then heard the lady say, "Mommy has to go poo poo."

I smiled.

Kristi had to go poo poo too...

but first I had to fart.

I was a teeny bit self conscious in this setting. Not about pooping. I'm never shy about that. But I'm kind of a shy farther in public.

As I started to pee, I tried to squeeze my butthole so that I wouldn't just release a massive fart.

That strategy didn't work. I let go of a HUGE, juicy, relieving fart followed by a smaller one.

Then I heard the little girl in the adjacent stall say, "What was that?"

Now I'm really embarrassed.

Mom whispers, "She's going poo poo too. Just wait."

Well, I thought, it's a bathroom. So I went about my business.

I felt a little less awkward when my neighbor farted too while she was peeing. I heard her poop, wipe, and then say, "Okay, mommy's all done."

I was all done too. I didn't drop any logs. They were chunks. 3 bigger ones and then some smaller slivers.

I waited until the mom and daughter were out of the bathroom before I wiped and finished.

I'm the most non-shy pooper ever... farting happens with pooping and I often fart when I pee (Steve says I always "echo fart" during my morning piss). But yesterday was embarrassing to let go of that massive fart with a woman in the stall next to me.

Speaking of Steve, here he is. I'm all done pooping...

Want to wipe me, husband?

(He said "Yes please!")

Byeeee! Love you all!


Sarah's Survey

I can't believe I missed this!

I'm lying here in bed. Just took a dump 15 minutes ago. Gonna do this survey now:


On a scale of 1-10 with 1 you would never under any circumstance and 10 absolutely no issue at all.
1. Pee in a public bathroom :10
2. Poop in a public bathroom: 10
3. Fart in public: I actually just wrote a story about that. I'll say 6.

4. Fart at a friend's house: Depends on the friend, and if the bathroom is close to where a lot of people are. 8 overall.

5 Fart at a date's house in the bathroom: My hubby is the only date's house I've ever been in. I got comfortable real fast with him. Started at a 4, became a 10 when we were engaged

6. Fart at a SO house: Married. 10. Unless we're at the dinner table in which case I MIGHT get up and leave the room (but then again I might not!)

7. Poop at a friends house: Depends on the friend. Emily-10. Other friends, 7-9. I never hold it around other ladies. I just try to be discreet sometimes.

8. Poop at a dates house. Similar to answer #6. I got more and more comfortable as time went on.

9. Poop at SO's house: 10. (Just took a nice one!)
10 Pee outside : 9. Completely comfortable UNLESS a male (besides my hubby) saw it. That has more to do with a guy seeing my girl parts. No guy gets to see

11 Poop outside: 8. Same thing. Maybe a tiny bit more hesitant but if it's just girls around I go if I've gotta go. But would be mortified if a guy saw me.

12 Pee in a stall with no door: 10

13 Poop in a stall with no door: 10.

14 Pee in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom: 5 maybe. Depends if there are guys in there.

15 Poop in a multiple stall unisex multiple stall bathroom: 2. Depends if there are guys in there.

[Steve, my husband, is the only guy who gets to share in my bodily functions. And that includes the sounds. But if I was super desperate, I'd make an exception I guess.

16 Pee in front of someone: 8 if it's a girl, Never ever if it's a guy besides Steve

17 Poop in front of someone: 7 if it's a girl, Never ever if it's a guy besides Steve.

[Answers for 16 and 17 are 9 if it's a close friend, and 10 if it's my friend Emily. Emily and I do "poop therapy" together. Comment if you want to know what that is.]

-Love, Kristi


Big heavy sounding poop

Hi everyone. I got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Stomach felt uncomfortable but managed to eat a good amount of food. Meat, different vegetables, tofu, egg and rice in a spicy ish soup. Very good. Took a while to eat and after breakfast I took my medications, took my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs. Felt full and uncomfortable still but satisfied and full from breakfast. Surfed the net on my phone until I got the urge a few minutes ago.

Grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, put on the flip flops out there, turned off the light, closed the door, turned off the light and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, walked to the toilet. Pulled my dark sweatpants and black underwear down (on period) and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A big thick log came out and kept coming. Finally after about 30 seconds I was done. Phew! Reached over for my bar of soap (that I use to wash my hands now), turned on the tap, put the soap in the water, rubbed it between my hands, put the soap back and got to work cleaning my butt with the soap on my hands. After I was done I rinsed my hands and my butt.

Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. That poop was dark, solid and took up most of the toilet. Wow! Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and went to my room to dry my hands and went outside my room to take off the flip flops. Went inside my room to put those flip flops on and am now in bed typing this on my phone. Phew! Was a hell of a shit so hopefully after lunch or dinner I can go again (or both). I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Re: ToiletKid, First school pooping

You're fortunate that the student body of your school isn't nearly as hostile to the idea of students pooping at school as mine was. The fact that someone actually stood up to a bully on your behalf is encouraging.

Were it not for bullies, I'd have braved the doorless stalls and no-stall toilets at my middle school and high school whenever I needed to poop, embarrassment be damned. I ate so much that holding it in all day was painful, and I did so because I saw students being assaulted while using them. On one occasion, students urinated on some paper towels and pelted an unfortunate kid sitting in a doorless stall. I also saw a student get kicked in the legs while he was sitting on the toilet, and on another occasion, someone peed on a student's shoes as he was sitting in a doorless stall. In one case, I heard of a student grabbing a kid's legs while he was seated on the stall-less locker room toilet and pulling him off the toilet. I made every effort to avoid using the facilities at my middle school and first high school knowing similar could happen to me. There were a few times I had to give in, but fortunately, no students walked in on me. Seeing what I saw gave me a phobia of using these sorts of facilities into adulthood when I encountered them. I've since overcome it.

I hope that your fellow students leave you alone whenever you need to use those toilets. I'm also certain those toilets will give you plenty of material to add to this site as you have more experiences using them, as well. Maybe you'll get an extra awkward buddy dump session out of them.


Re: Radu

Q: I wonder what it feels like to poop so big that it clogs the toilet.

A: The way it feels might vary depending upon your body type, but I'm skinny and have a small butt. When such a large, solid poop capable of causing a clog is approaching its exit, it is often painful. I'll feel sharp pains shoot up my GI tract and the tip of the turd often poking at its inevitable exit, and on rare occasions, it has come out to kiss the back of my underwear while I was doing the awkward duckwalk to the nearest toilet, each step sometimes painful. As I am sitting on the toilet and initially let it out, such a poop more often than not comes out effortlessly, most commonly forcing its way out. On rare occasions, I had to push it, whether it's just an initial push followed by an effortless slide out, or repeated pushes in the case the stool is highly impacted/large/knobby. It really depends upon how hydrated I was or what I ate and/or what the properties of the stool are. As such a large poop is coming out, it forces my buttcheeks apart and I can feel it rubbing itself against them as it moves. If it is a messy one, I can feel the frothy warmth of the turd against my butt as if warm peanut butter is being smeared there, and if it is hard it generates a slightly painful tickling sensation as it comes out. And the feeling continues for the length of the turd. Sometimes the act of passing the turd is painful, even if it is soft/smooth, simply because of the volume weighing down my GI tract and exerting pressure on it. When it finally drops out, I can feel the difference in weight immediately, and usually a large vacuum feeling is present in my colon which is a feeling that to me rivals that of an orgasm. If it was messy, I can feel the residual excrement present all over my perineum. Sometimes the act of wiping it is very squishy if a large amount has been left behind on my behind.

Q: What does it feel like to have a toilet clogged with poop?

A: Not good. This now means it has to be plunged or otherwise disposed of. I prefer for this to happen at home because I have a bent coat hangar available to cut it up and a plunger to address the clog. If it happens in a public place, now I have to either suffer the embarrassment of having to notify some unfortunate low-paid employee of the issue, or be a jerk and leave it.

Q: Do you like to clog the toilet with your poop?

A: No. At home it is a mess to clean up, and in public it is always awkward to have to explain to someone tasked with keeping the restroom clean that the toilet is clogged, which would more often than not out me as the culprit, putting my face to the turd left behind.

Q: How many days do you have to go without pooping to clog your toilet?

A: More than 12 hours will do it for me. I poop 3-4 times a day most days typically within an hour after a meal, and eat a lot of food, mostly high fiber food like fresh produce or beans. My average poop is about 1 foot long and an inch and a half wide. If I get backed up with the equivalent of 3 of my daily dumps, a clog is almost always assured.

Q: Is there anyone whose toilet you would clog up just to get back at them or just for fun?

A: No.

Q: Have you ever had the pleasure of filling someone else's or a public toilet with poop?

A: Many times. I've clogged public toilets in all kinds of places(including in busy restrooms with crowds of people waiting for my toilet), toilets at friends' and/or family members houses, toilets on dates, toilets at work, and easily clogged toilets outside of home 50+ times in my life, and way more when my home toilet is factored in. More often than that, I've left large poops that while they had the potential to clog, didn't, and instead left a bunch of nasty smears in the toilet bowl upon multiple flushes. Such poops are always a pleasure to be rid of, even if the circumstances or location may not be ideal. Not a month goes by where I don't cause a clog at a toilet somewhere.


Another live poop :)

I have to poop so bad! The urge hit me earlier today and I've been holding it in since work. I went two days ago but was constipated and feel like I didn't get it all out, so we'll see what happens now! I'm pulling down my elastic waisted pants (I've been a little bloated). I'm peeing for about 30 seconds…now for the fun part. Even though the urge is strong I feel like this one will take a lot of pushing. Pushing very gently and can slowly feel it moving. It's not quite poking out yet though. Giving a slightly harder push and can feel it slowly stretching out of my hole…mmm this feels so good to finally get out! Since I didn't give a huge push, the first turd has already broken off. It's about 5 inches long and maybe 2 inches wide. Back to pushing.. pushing so hard I'm going red in the face and shaking a bit but I got the main turd out! It folded and broke in half. It's roughly 2 8 inchers that are pretty thick. Finishing it off with two tiny skinny turds on top. This felt so good!

Esme: I really enjoyed your story about the coffee shop. It sounds like you and that girl both took great shits! I need to go in public more so I can have more experiences like that:)


Pooping in Public Restrooms

Hey everyone!
Been awhile since my last post on here. Will try to post most often. Post off and on for more than ten years. Short introduction of myself, I'm a male in my mid-30's living in NYC. I love pooping in public restrooms when I can when I'm out and about. I used to have a phobia pooping in public restrooms until my second year of college and got over my phobia. Been.a shameless public restroom pooper since April 2007. One of the most relaxing feeling I love to have to have the urge to poop in public restroom stall sitting on the toilet with my pants and underwear down around my ankles (my favorite pooping position) in a university, bookstore, community center, food courts, etc taking a relaxing & long poop.

Pooping survey:
1. How long you generally take to poop? It varies, generally less than five minutes

2. How long you generally take to poop when you at work or school? At least five minutes when I'm on shift, if I come to work early or on my break I generally take five to ten minutes. I don't want to feel rushed when I poop

3. How long you generally take to poop in Public Restrooms other than you at work or school? If the restroom is clean, I take at minimum at least ten minutes to poop. At times I take anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes to poop in public restrooms. I take my time pooping in public restrooms and want to feel completely empty that I just embrace it and just take my time to poop. Not unusual for me to spend over 25 minutes pooping in public restrooms

4. How far you generally pull down your clothing (pants/shorts/underwear) when you poop at home? All the way down around my ankles

5. How far you generally pull down your clothing (pants/shorts/underwear) when you poop in public restrooms? All the way down around my ankles.

6. Last time you pooped in public restroom? Few days ago when I was at work

I don't have any stories to share at the moment but will post & share more stories in the future. Happy Pooping!


Morning poops

I woke up this morning and immediately ran into the morning to relieve myself. I didn't even have time to turn on the light or close the door, I had to pee so bad and make sure I was able to record myself because I knew this was going to be a good one. Once I pulled my panties down, I felt as if this pee was never going to end. My boyfriend ended up walking in on me and apologizing because he didn't know I was even in the bathroom.

But, before he left, I asked him if he could turn the lights on and close the door before leaving. Which he did and as soon as he left. My pee finally came to a stop, which I then farted really loud and of course, it stinks. So, I knew that poop was soon to follow. So, I then sprayed some air freshener in the air while I heard my poops continuing to fall into the toilet but not before farting some more making the whole bathroom smell of old cabbage but, it's not surprising because I did have some night before last.

My boyfriend came back in and looked surprised that I was still farting up a storm while retrieving something from one of the drawers and leaving but, not before telling me that " I'd better flush before wiping before I clogged the toilet. " Which I replied, " Okay but, I am not done yet. " and proceeded to poop some more until I felt that there was no more. Which it wasn't.

So, I got some toilet tissue to wipe front to back but, before throwing it into the toilet. I did flush it but, you could still see a lot of the damage I did but, I did finish up wiping and flush that down as well. Completely getting rid of the evidence. Most of my comments on my videos I have posted was saying that my pees are fake along with the poops/fart. Which I choose to ignore because I shouldn't have to prove anything. So, I have begun to show a little more " proof " that can't be fake, if they happen to see it come out.

But, before I forget, I do want to share that the cabbage did a number on our toilet earlier so bad, that I did clean it afterwards since there was skidmarks in the bowl from my poops sticking out the water and just happening to be kinda explosive as well. I wonder if by Thanksgiving, would I eventually break our poor toilet.

Anyway, Happy pooping and y'all stay safe now!


There is no end of visitors to the children's toilet

In one entertainment center, I visited a children's toilet. I peed there quickly and flushed... The cubicle was locked, it was comfortable to sit on the toilet, and there was a gap between the wall of the cubicle and the wall. I decided to keep an eye out, suddenly there will be visitors? I do not know anyone's age for sure and I will speak approximately. There were only two cubicles in this toilet. The one I occupied, and the one I surveillance. Five minutes after the surveillance began, an eight-year-old boy in a green T-shirt and white pants entered the cubicle. He went to the toilet, and, lifting up the toilet seat, slightly lowered his pants and began to peeing with a hissing stream, sighing with relief. Then he flushed off and went out, adjusting his belt as he went. Immediately after him, a twelve-year-old boy in a blue-striped jacket and black jeans entered the toilet. He also peed, but, unlike an eight-year-old boy, pulled down his pants and briefs. After peeing and getting dressed, he flushed off and left. Three minutes later, an eleven-year-old boy came in, but as soon as he closed the cubicle door, his stomach rumbled, and I realized that he had come to poop. This boy lowered the toilet seat down, unbuttoned the coverall, and lowered it down. Then he pulled down his white briefs and sat down on the potty. He began to push and fart with a rumbling sound. I had to stifle a laugh. Then there were several splashes, and then the boy wiped his ass with toilet paper, got dressed, and, holding his nose with one hand, flushed off and left. Almost immediately after that, a ten-year-old boy came into the toilet. He also came to poop. Pulling down his gray pants and dark blue briefs, he sat down on the toilet and began to push and fart with tension. This went on for three minutes, then I heard the crackling with which his poop was crawling out. Then a loud splash, and then the boy sighed with relief. He wiped his bottom, flushed in the toilet, got dressed, and skipped out. Three minutes passed and an eight-year-old boy in a red jacket and the same pants came in. He lifted up the toilet seat, pulled up his jacket, and slightly pulled down his pants. He peed, and left without even flushing after himself. Two minutes passed, and a boy in a white T-shirt and striped shorts quickly ran into the cubicle. He ran in, clutching his hands between his legs. Quickly pulling down his shorts and underpants, he stood in front of the toilet and began to piss powerfully, sighing with relief. But I couldn't finish watching, because there was a knock on my cubicle, and a strained boyish voice asked:
- This toilet occupied? Can you hurry up, please?
I had to get dressed and hurriedly open the cubicle door. And I saw an eight-year-old boy who came to pee at the beginning of my surveillance. He thanked me, and ran into the toilet, locking the door. There were several farts from there. A visitor to the second toilet just came out, and I went in there and pressed myself to the crack. The eight-year-old boy was already sitting on the toilet, having lowered his pants and briefs and was pushing. I heard loud splashes. He also farted deafeningly. While he was pooping, I counted eight plops! Then he began to wipe his ass with toilet paper, and spent five pieces of paper. Sighing with relief, he got up from the toilet and dressed. He flushed the toilet, and then flushed again. He flushed in the toilet as many as five times, then came out.

Last Friday woke had a wee n THETFORD ELLEGANCE in bedroom ,went downstairs had two cups of tea , washed . brushed teeth , made flask of coffee packet of biscuits , another wee in pottie then left house.
I waited for bus and started my journey to Bristle bus station upon arrival went into toilets , had a wee then walked a mile to collect some car parts .When I collected the parts walked back to Broadmead .sat on seat and had coffee and biscuits.
I walked to the toilets in Cabot Circus shopping centre ,cubicle one three and ten were vacant I went into three slid down my jogging bottoms and pants and sat on toilet pan . IT was a few minutes before a wee the occupant of cubicle left with out wiping then rapid wiping and excessive toilet paper from cubicle four. I started to wee then had a number too for the next ten minutes .
The cubicles either side were occupied several times for a wee as I did my business I had a very good poop and enjoyed it , wiped .washed hands then made my way to Bus Station, caught bus back home .


Powerful Piss Outside

I decided to clear my mind earlier and go for a walk this morning bringing my video camera that I used to film my various everyday things I usually do. My phone is okay but, I rather much be able to go back to the old ways.

Anyway, I felt the urge to hurry and find a place where I could use the restroom. But, there was none and so I knew what exactly was going to happen. Either I could try to hold it until I am closer to one or find a secluded area where I wouldn't have to pee out in the open of everything.

So, I took a few tissues from a small pack I keep with me because of my seasonal allergies to wipe afterwards. So, I quickly unbuckle my belt and unbutton my pants, pulling down my panties along with my pants squatting before I finally started peeing after not being able to make myself go since I was so used to being on the toilet in either at home or out in public.

My stream was awfully powerful and didn't show any signs of stopping soon, I wanted to say It went on forever almost and my distance along with aim and height was definitely getting better than before. I must've really had to go!

My piss eventually did come to a stop and left behind a nice puddle that ran off onto the pavement and into the grass, it was so satisfying and all I had to do was wipe now and make sure to fix my clothes back like I had them before I peed.

But, not before grabbing my camera because I would sure hate to lose it out there. But, not before I came across a white woman who looked to be in her mid-forties making a remark about the pavement being soaked, which I agreed with her that it probably could've rained earlier.

It was just that much piss.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Responding to Penelope

Yes, it is bad to hold your pee. You're only opening yourself up to a UTI or Kidney Infection if you try and wait it out, due to insurance or you might just not like going to see the doctor. But, you need to try and get seen before it gets worse.

Eventually it will get so bad that antibiotics you take by mouth may not work and you have to switch to a more expensive one or go to the emergency room where you have to be given something stronger but this time it going through your arm with an IV bag.

Please, do not risk it if you don't have to. I almost had this exact situation happen to me but, the infection almost spread through my kidneys and I constantly had the worse back pain. I had to take the most expensive antibiotics which was better than the regular ones I would get.

Hope you get better soon.


Outdoor peeing

I of course often was held off to pee at preschool age but then I got to control my bladder better, considering it was never encouraged in my family. But when I even pooped outdoor once last year, I got more into outdoor toileting. I have some pee experiences to tell about.

I've been eating a lot of fiber lately and I didn't poop yesterday. I thought I would make a really long and thick log today. My poop was indeed large, but it consisted of many pieces, the largest of which were at most 5 inches long and 1.5 inches thick. I thought that maybe the toilet would be clogged, but as usual, I flushed it completely with half of the water from the flush tank (6 liters). I wonder what it feels like to poop so big that it clogs the toilet. I have a few questions for forum members:
What does it feel like to have a toilet clogged with poop?
Do you like to clog the toilet with your poop?
How many days do you have to go without pooping to clog your toilet?
Is there anyone whose toilet you would clog up just to get back at them or just for fun?
Have you ever had the pleasure of filling someone else's or a public toilet with poop?


Small survey by Skidmarked from Columbia.

Boy or girl? A 50 year-old "boy"

How did your parents react to finding a skid mark in your underwear? No reaction that I can recall. And laundry was mom's job so dad rarely saw them.

How did your parents react if you pooped yourself during a road trip? I can remember having poop in my pants when I was in the back seat of the car. But I was so young I don't recall their reactions or other details. Overall they didn't really get on my case if I had an accident.

Were your parents ever hypocrites about bathroom mistakes? No. And I think it's because my mom was accident prone herself. I witnessed her messing in her pants from time to time and it almost made me think occasional accidents were normal. I didn't see my dad having accidents with one possible exception. I can think of this time an awful noise came from his butt. Then he made a face and awkwardly walked to the bathroom with a hand on his behind. I have no idea how bad it actually was.

Were people in general ever hypocritical about bathroom things when growing up? Not that I saw. I was an only child and didn't have the chance to see this kind of stuff at home. Elsewhere I saw some holier than thou behavior I saw from older siblings to younger siblings. But I never witnessed the older ones mess up and give the little one something to point and laugh at.

Were you ever hypocritical when it comes to doing something wrong in your pants? No. I had quite an accident history when I was little so I had no room to lecture anyone else.

Have you ever been on a road trip and someone randomly peed and pooped his or herself? The last time I saw something possibly related to this was about 10 years ago. During a ride to Pittsburgh I used a washroom at a turnpike rest stop and on the changing table was a little girl in an open diaper with a big pile of soft poop between her legs. I quickly glanced in another direction. But I still remember her face. She looked a bit too old for diapers but I suspect her dad put her in one just to be safe during a long car ride. She wasn't happy having strangers see her in this unfortunate state.

Skidmarked From Columbia's survey & Other Questions

Gender: Female
How did your parents react to finding a skid mark in your underwear?
My grade school toilets were more comfortable and relaxing to use. With 6th grade in middle school, my luck started to run out. All my panties were white and my mom would find the skid marks when preparing the wash. By the 3rd week of school she was peppering me with what I thought to be dumb and embarrassing questions. What time did my bowels move at school? She was concerned that I was going to catch something super bad by sitting down skin-on the toilets. She also asked about my peeing schedule there and how clean the toilets were? Somehow she came up with this dumb idea that I should be getting up at 5:30 each morning so I could have my craps at home. I was like WHAT! My group of friends met each morning in the same bathroom because we liked our privacy and not waiting for school to start in the cafeteria. Cross-stall conversations were important to us as we sat and crapped.

How did your parents react if you pooped yourself during a road trip?
It only happened once. Mom told dad not to stop when I complained I had to have my BM. She said the roadside toilets were too filthy for me to use. When I told her about all the other cars I could see parked by them she got furious and put everyone who was using them down. About an hour later I dropped a banana-like crap semi-soft, in my jeans. We stopped at the next group of toilets because she was furious and she watched me and nagged me as we shared a stall and I took care of things.

Were your parents ever hypocrites about bathroom mistakes?
My mom was not the best wiper. When I did a washload--usually when I wanted to take care of my skid marks, I found some streaks in her panties. Oh, and one summer when dad was driving me to summer camp, he stopped abruptly and hurried up the sidewalk to the toilets. I was standing at his entryway listening. He slammed the seat down, and a second later I could hear an eruption of crap splashing the water. I could hear him sigh in relief. About a minute later he yelled for me to go to the ladies room next door and pull off the toilet paper he needed for a really big wipe. Since no one else was in that bathroom he told me to bring it right to his stall. When he opened the door about 25 degrees I could see him directly sitting on the public seat. Mom should have seen that. It would have been interesting because mom railed against sitting on public toilets.

Were people in general hypocritical about bathroom things growing up?
Yes, I had two high school baby sitters when I was young. They preached to me about taking my time, wiping down the seat before starting, carefully wiping and checking my paper, as well as washing my hands. They didn't do half those things. For overnights, Allison slept in the raw, and when I had to wake her up one night, I saw her panties on the floor. Skid marked!!!

Were you ever hypocritical when it comes to doing something wrong in your pants? My first boy friend, we were 15, liked to point out the pee stains in my white undies. Also, an occasional skid mark. But when we were at the self-service laundry and he was watching a football game on the TV, I counted the skids in his boxers. Pretty impressive.

Have you ever been on a road trip and someone randomly peed and pooped his or herself? Yes, just last year. I was caring for this 5 year old for two days and then I had to deliver him to his grandma who lives about 60 miles away. The rest area I selected was closed for maintenance. I quickly took him to the back of the bathroom buildings, amid some trees and stored road equipment. Five seconds before I yanked his pants down he took a full pee. Luckily he had a suitcase of underwear in my car. I wiped him dry the best I could and changed his underwear. I kissed him on the forehead and told him it wasn't his fault.

Nickel's questions:

In emergencies, I've allowed the kids I'm babysitting watch me pee or poop. With stranger danger, especially at places like the park, I will allow boys up to about 8 to watch me on the toilet. In places like a gas station, I suggest that they turn their back to me, but I also understand they are restless and curious.

My boyfriend has seen me pee and poop. But he's very territorial about me watching him. Its easy because the bathroom door lock on his apartment is busted off.

Explained above first paragraph.

This has happened 3 or 4 times with my current boyfriend.

Yes, when I was 12 I had some of the same inclinations as you and held my pee. Bad decision. It lead to 2 or 3 serious bladder infections; one resulted in me missing a week of school and having a lot of pain.

Charlotte from WI:
1. Have I ever peed or pooped in my car? Yes, I was a few blocks from home, a train was switching tracks at a crossing. I had to think fast. I saw a beer can being blown past the front of my car, I got out and shagged it, and within a minute my shorts were down and I relieving myself in it. I filled most of it and disposed of it when I got home.
2. How much do you fart when you pee? Not frequently, usually just after
3. Are your parents open to your toilet fun? No. But my grandma is. She has this great story about her 1968 graduation class and the senior prank they did.

Anna from Austria
Hi there. Have another story for you guys from last friday.

Was attending a meeting at a hotel lobby and during a break I had to use the restroom for a number 2.

At the first glance the ladies room did not look different than other restrooms here in Austria.

No big gaps between the stalls and the walls and doors also looked quite massiv.

But sometimes things are not as the seem. The walls and doors seemed to be supper thin because I could here everything from the other stalls. The last time I have experienced such things was during my time in the states where the toilets are different.

Was not feeling good about that matter first. Taking a poo ( Iam very loud when doing that) in front of other ladies that were just peeing. But I had not choice. The conference would go on for many more hours so holding it was no option.

So I entered one of the free stalls. I pulled down my dress pants and my undies and got seated. Then I could hear someone violently opening the door from the stall to my left. She locked the door almost tore her pants off and got seated with a loud noice. Then she said something like thank you and just in time (it is hard to translate it directly from German to English) and started to pee violently. Then she did hug booming fart and then she did a really big turd. it mus have been super big because it seems that it missed the tray of the toilet and hit directly the water hole below the tray of the toilet. I could her a big flump sound.

After hearing that I started to my stuff as well. it was a normal poo for me. pre poop farts, then pee then mid poo and also some post poop farts.

It felt way less embarrassing when having a "pooping" partner. So I was really glad that the other lady had to too.

I meet her again at the sinks. We came out of our stalls at the same time. I recognised her as one of the other members from a different company at the meeting.

That's my story today

Greetings from Austria



Powerful Piss Outside

I decided to clear my mind earlier and go for a walk this morning bringing my video camera that I used to film my various everyday things I usually do. My phone is okay but, I rather much be able to go back to the old ways.

Anyway, I felt the urge to hurry and find a place where I could use the restroom. But, there was none and so I knew what exactly was going to happen. Either I could try to hold it until I am closer to one or find a secluded area where I wouldn't have to pee out in the open of everything.

So, I took a few tissues from a small pack I keep with me because of my seasonal allergies to wipe afterwards. So, I quickly unbuckle my belt and unbutton my pants, pulling down my panties along with my pants squatting before I finally started peeing after not being able to make myself go since I was so used to being on the toilet in either at home or out in public.

My stream was awfully powerful and didn't show any signs of stopping soon, I wanted to say It went on forever almost and my distance along with aim and height was definitely getting better than before. I must've really had to go!

My piss eventually did come to a stop and left behind a nice puddle that ran off onto the pavement and into the grass, it was so satisfying and all I had to do was wipe now and make sure to fix my clothes back like I had them before I peed.

But, not before grabbing my camera because I would sure hate to lose it out there. But, not before I came across a white woman who looked to be in her mid-forties making a remark about the pavement being soaked, which I agreed with her that it probably could've rained earlier.

It was just that much piss.


accident at the doctors office

So I have high functioning autism and when I get overstimulated I have accidents and because of this I wear diapers when not at home. When I am at home I always have a urinal nearby to empty my bladder into when I feel the slightest urge which avoids most accidents at home.

Anywho, awhile back I was at the doctor for a physical and already nervous because of the unfamiliar surroundings and bad experiences at doctors before and wasn't sure if they would ask me to pee in a cup so drank extra water which apparently stimulated my bowels as well because when she started examining me and with the crinkling of the gown and paper I was sitting on I started moaning, shaking and stimming which caused me to completely fill my diaper and empty my bladder. She smelled it and gently asked if I had an accident and I looked down and nodded, she said it's ok and got me some wet wipes to clean myself with.

Has anyone else ever peed or pooped themselves at the doctors office or does anyone have any advice how I could keep this from happening again because of it I am scared to go to the doctor and it happening again.


Response to Nickel

I have two kids we try to get out of the house with often. During the week in summer it's just me and on most weekends my husband will join us. In either case, we've made our trips to the restroom together if it was possible. We've never had any issues, except maybe with there being too little space for three or four people! I've posted about it a few times in the past. I only really do it with my youngest now who's about to turn 6.


Responding to Nytecat

Poise is a really good brand to look at. I take water pills and have moments where I am about to pee on myself. But, I mainly don't because of these pads and I love it. But, have you considered getting this checked out or maybe this is a normal thing for you? Does not wiping after you pee helps or it does nothing?


Bowel movement eruption

I woke up in the middle of the night because my stomach ache so much. I immediately ran to the toilet. My whole family was asleep. I reached the restroom pretty quickly. After locking myself in the toilet, turning on the light, I quickly pulled down my pajama blue pants, and white and red undies. I sat down on the toilet seat, and farting very loudly, I felt liquid poop pour out of my ass. With loud splashes and deafening farts, my poop flowed into the toilet in a brown stream. Pretty soon, the toilet began to smell stinky. My diarrhea continued to flow, and I had no idea what caused it. A stream of liquid feces along with farting erupted from me like lava from a volcano. They poured powerfully into the toilet, raising loud splashes. I didn't have to push, so the poop was pouring at full speed. I was glad that I was pooping in the toilet, and not in my little potty. I was farting very loudly, and streams of poop were pouring nonstop into the toilet. The stench was getting stronger and stronger, but it was easier for my stomach. For another five minutes, a liquid stream of poop continuously came out of me, and then the poop began to ended. The liquid streams became smaller and smaller. After a few minutes, the diarrhea ended, and I began to wipe my ass. Alas, it was heavily soiled after the eruption of poo, and I had to spend almost twenty toilet papers, and each of them was completely smeared with brown. When I finally wiped myself clean, I got off the toilet, pulled on my pajamas, and looked at what I had defecated. The sight was terrible! The entire bowl of the toilet was soiled and doused with liquid poo, and there was a fetid smell all around. All the water in the toilet was brown, with pieces of liquid poop. But I didn't have time to flush the water, as the stomach got terribly ache, and I had to lower the undies and sit back on the toilet. A strong stream of poop splashed out of me, and when it ended, I pushed for some time to make sure that everything was really ended. After wiping my ass again and spending, fortunately, less toilet paper, I got dressed, and flushed the toilet until all the pieces and stains of shit were flushed away. After washing my hands, I left the toilet and returned to my bed.


Replying to Danny

It's hard for me to wipe having a big butt and a lot of the times, I will just take a shower to make sure I am totally clean. If it takes more than two wipes, I am hopping in the tub but farts can be loud or totally silent at times. It probably depends on what you eat. But, I have farted at work and it wasn't loud or smelly. But I also wear a lot of perfume as well.


Chicken teriyaki at the mall always does this to me.

Some regulars here say they have a predictable bowel movement after certain meals, often daily. While there are exceptions, such as a big Thanksgiving dinner which usually makes me go, my pooing schedule is rarely influenced by what I eat. There's one notable exception to this. Chicken teriyaki from Sarku Japan at the mall. This constantly makes me go number two after I eat it. I've learned not to get anything from them unless I'm going to have a toilet available for the next couple hours.

That was the case two days ago. I haven't had Sarku for awhile and I decided it was time. It was delicious as always. Afterwards I'm slowly walking through the mall, waiting to see if it was taking effect. Sure enough, I felt it about 30-40 minutes later. But it feels like it's going to be a normal sized bowel movement. Cool. I'll only have to be in the mall toilet for a few minutes. But once I sat down and started pooping, things quickly got worse. I felt the load inside me grow exponentially. My normal toilet visit became a 15 minute gut wrenching process with lots of soft mush flowing out of me. I got up once, started wiping, and realized I wasn't done yet. So I had to sit down and push some more out for three additional minutes. Finally, I was done for good. I wiped and I couldn't get my butt completely clean but I wasn't worried about it. Things seemed to be back to normal that night and amazingly my undies stayed clean. But this isn't the end of the story.

The next day, I had my usual 10 am bowel movement at home. Except this was another massive one. All told I needed about 25 minutes to get it all out. More mush and more discomfort. I got up a couple times and flushed the toilet as I didn't want to clog it. Eventually I was done. I wiped and because my bottom was slightly sore I wasn't as thorough as I should've been. Again, I didn't worry too much about it. I was wearing an old pair of men's briefs that have seen better days. I went out to take care of some errands and I could feel my briefs riding up. There was a slightly itchy, gritty feeling which meant a skid mark was imminent. But I like having wedgies so I just left it alone all day. That night when I finally had a chance to look, sure enough, there was a nice skid in the seat of my undies. Even on the dark blue fabric, a two inch stripe was very visible. But it was at an angle and not straight up and down like it's supposed to be. Still, this is one of the biggest skid marks I've had this year so I guess I accomplished something. Thanks, Sarku!


Big poop an hour after breakfast

Hi all. Got up at 8:30, went pee, changed my pad (yuck) and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a hot soup with vegetables, rice, tofu, etc (my caregiver is from Taipei, Taiwan so she cooks a lot of meals like that). At the end of breakfast I took my morning medications, put my notebook and pen into my Walmart bag and went downstairs after thanking her again. Surfed the net for quite a while while taking sips of warm water. My stomach felt very full. Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door mostly, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob and walked to the toilet. Pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet.

Peed first quite a bit then pushed. A lot of really thick fairly solid poop came out and kept coming. Finally after a minute or so I was done. The beast was out. I took some liquid soap and water and cleaned my butt that way, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. WOW! From one end of the toilet to the hole was filled. Damn. I flushed and surprisingly the beast went down. Once it flushed and the water refilled I flushed again to make sure. Yup. Toilet is fine. That was one hell of a huge shit. Washed my hands, grabbed my Walmart bag off the door, went outside the washroom, turned off the light and went to my room to dry my hands on the towel and write this. And before I wrote this I refilled and microwaved my water jar. Maybe after lunch (and maybe dinner too) I can do another big poop before my shower so that I can be clean inside and out.

I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Please be careful.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Optional Person

To Charlotte from WI

Welcome to the site! You seem like a lovely lady.

The question from your survey that i can answer is #4.

4. Name one of your favorite posters/ story's on here that I should read!

1. Avery
2. Britney B.
3. Mrs. Orthodontist
4. Rochelle
5. Catherine
6. Mina and her crushes
7. Army Girl

There are so many others, but those ladies are some of my favorite posters of all time. Unfortunately Mrs. Orthodontist only made two posts, but they are two of the best posts ever written on the site.

As a man i don't really fart when i pee. I have peed in the car before into bottles. I used to be good at it, but ended up getting messier over time and so i have stopped.

I hope you write many stories on this forum. my poops are often boring myself so i dont write much. But i look forward to hearing more from you.

Happy pooping


Last Friday woke had a wee n THETFORD ELLEGANCE in bedroom ,went downstairs had two cups of tea , washed . brushed teeth , made flask of coffee packet of biscuits , another wee in pottie then left house.
I waited for bus and started my journey to Bristle bus station upon arrival went into toilets , had a wee then walked a mile to collect some car parts .When I collected the parts walked back to Broadmead .sat on seat and had coffee and biscuits.
I walked to the toilets in Cabot Circus shopping centre ,cubicle one three and ten were vacant I went into three slid down my jogging bottoms and pants and sat on toilet pan . IT was a few minutes before a wee the occupant of cubicle left with out wiping then rapid wiping and excessive toilet paper from cubicle four. I started to wee then had a number too for the next ten minutes .
The cubicles either side were occupied several times for a wee as I did my business I had a very good poop and enjoyed it , wiped .washed hands then made my way to Bus Station, caught bus back home .


Last night got undressed put on dressing gown @ 8 pm sat on THETFORD ELEGANCE pottie in bedroom after ten minutes had a wee then went a NUMBER TOO wiped with ELSAN BLUE TOILET ROLL , then went downstairs and watched a video .At 9 pm I had another NUMBER TOO wiped with ELSAN BLUE toilet roll.
Eleven pm had a wee in pottie then got in bed .many times during night had a wee in the pottie I went to computer lessons this morning when I arrived home went in to bedroom sat on bed pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants . sat on oakleaf bedpan had a wee then went a NUMBER TOO ,carried pan outside and tipped in bonfire washed in water butt then took back to bedroom.

Monday, November 13, 2023


Responding to Kaitlyn

You are really brave to do that and it's honestly impressive. I am not really the best at childcare because I really don't have it in me to make children continue not to act up. So, unless I don't have to do it, I won't and now I work a regular 9-5. But, I really do miss working part time and having more time for myself but however my bank account and bills thank me for doing at least 40 hours per week and for me it just works better that way so I can do better with my budget and money managing skills.

But before, I go I wanted to also share my own story about what happened to me earlier which is a little bit similar to your story except for exposing myself since this was in a public restroom, where I happened to be in my own stall getting ready to line the toilet seat with some of the tissue that was already provided before I came in, which I was thankful for because, I was kinda in a emergency and didn't want to pee myself altogether.

So, once I did get my belt undone and pants unzipped, I immediately pull down my panties and started to pee before I could even sit down all the way. It went on for at least over a minute but, this isn't anything new for me since I've always had an abnormal bladder for majority of my life and could always pee for what seem for ages until it eventually tapered off and completely stopped but not until I released what I've been holding onto for the last two hours, Which I didn't have any problems straining to let out as I heard it make a plopping sound followed with some silently but very deadly farts. I wiped myself but not before checking out what I made in the toilet first, which I was very pleased with.

Four decently sized logs followed by a lot of mushy poop towards the end. I begin to flush but, to no avail, this wasn't going down. I felt horrible about it but at least it isn't the handicap stall or the first stall you would go into when first entering. So, I hurried out but not before washing my hands and drying them off before anyone else came in.

Anyway, The longest I've peed was for at least three minutes. However, I don't really take very big poops as much since I poop at least twice a day, One in the morning and later in the evening. But, every blue moon I do have them, just not as much.

Thank you for listening to my story.

Rose Y
Hello all!

On the toilet at the moment, just dropped a few small and uncharacteristically dry turds.

Last weekend I was out past dark with a friend at a park, and she and I both needed to pee. We both enjoy finding interesting places to empty our bladders, and so I knew we would be having some fun. As she had to go worse than me, she said that she wanted me to choose where she went, and then she would choose where I went. I agreed, and we walked around for a while looking for a place that looked fun and private enough.

As we walked, I made up my mind, and pointed to the lake near one end of the park. "Ok, I want to hear what it sounds like if you pee into the water there." She laughed, and said sure, and we walked down to the shore right near a stand of bushes and trees. Once we were behind some cover, she pulled down her pants and underwear, and then tested out a few positions to try to find the best way to aim as far out into the lake as possible. Eventually she settled on taking off one shoe, and one pant leg, enabling her to spread her legs apart and aim from standing with her hips pushed forward.

Her stream began hard and thick, with a bit of spray, she was really expelling a lot of pee at a time. It splashed forth into the calm water, breaking the surface and beginning to form small foamy bubbles as she poured out her leftover liquids. I was surprised by how different the sound was from peeing into a toilet, it was loud and splashy and had a sort of melodic pitch to it that shifted as her stream eased off and drew to a halt.

"All done!" said my friend, and then looking at the lake, "wow, you can still see the foam spreading out!"

We kept walking and chatting for a while, until she pointed excitedly ahead of us and said "That's where you're going to piss!"

Up ahead, just off the path, was a large metal sculpture, a piece of public art. It had a big metal arch shaped like a house, and then underneath there was a little metal town, with small metal shapes about the size of a grapefruit for houses and buildings. It was pretty exposed, in the middle of a bit of a field, and I mentioned I was a bit worried about it, but she pointed out that we hadn't seen anyone in quite a while, and that she'd keep watch. I did like her idea, so I agreed, and within a few seconds I was baring myself to the night and positioning myself above the little houses.

I took a breath, and let myself relax. A sharp metallic pattering below me signalled the beginning of my stream, and I felt a bit excited as my thin, strong stream struck the metal roof of a building, running down its side and splashing against the nearby houses. I twisted my hips to bring my stream across the little buildings and stain all of them wet. My friend giggled in delight, and began pointing at buildings and saying "spray this one! Get this one!". I did my best to make sure nothing escaped my stream. Eventually I ran out, and we both laughed as I pulled up my clothes and we marvelled at my handiwork. All the buildings glistened with wetness, and I could see some spots where my pee had run along the roads to the edge of the metal and started dripping into the grass. I felt very satisfied!

Ok I have finished my small poop a while ago, no more turds so I'm flushing this disappointing poop now. Bye-bye! Now it's gone forever down the toilet.

As always, I love a good description of a satisfying flush, whatever might be going down the toilet! I'm also interested in any fun places folks might have enjoyed having a pee. Please share your stories of both!

Skidmarked from Columbia

small survey

boy or girl?

How did your parents react to finding a skid mark in your underwear?

How did your parents react if you pooped yourself during a road trip?

Where your parents ever hypocrites about bathroom mistakes? Like getting mad at you for having a skid mark or potty accident but you caught your mom and dad's underwear showing they're mistakes!

Were people in general ever hypocritical about bathroom things growing up? Like making fun of people for having a pee accident or skid mark but you know they probably do it too! Especially road trips!

Were you ever hypocritical when it comes to doing something wrong in your pants?

Have you ever been on a road trip and someone randomly peed and pooped his or herself?


HUGE poop about 45 minutes after breakfast

Hi all. Got up this morning with a very full feeling in my stomach so when my cell phone alarm went off I got up, grabbed my Walmart bag, grabbed my water jar, took off my bedroom flip flops, opened the door, put on the flip flops outside my room, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Peed, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had runny rice/congee, dates, tofu, etc. It took a while to eat. My caregiver told me to eat the dates last. When she left the room to go to her room though I ate them and spit out the pits into the compost. Finally after quite a while I was done so I took my medications. I took my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs to my room.

After about 45 minutes after breakfast (5 ish minutes ago) I got a major urge to poop. Took my Walmart bag, walked to the bedroom door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, walked outside it, put on the flip flops outside my room, closed the door, turned off the light and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A lot of semi-solid thick poop came out. I didn't flush halfway this time. Finally after what seemed like ages I was done. The beast was out. I stood up, turned around carefully and looked. Wow! This took up the majority of the toilet bowl and was fairly thick and darkish. I flushed the toilet, walked carefully to the sink, washed my ass at the sink using liquid soap and water, washed my hands and carefully walked to my room to dry my ass and pull my pants and underwear up. Whew! It was a hell of a shit but I am not empty yet so I am drinking more water (and I refilled my water jug not long ago), will continue to eat healthy and do my exercises and stretches. That should get rid of everything else. And when I do go it's usually a lot. It's been like that since I was a skinny little girl. Difference is now I am careful and try not to clog the toilet since my caregiver won't keep a plunger and she is 70 with heart problems so can't easily go up and downstairs. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


mrs bigandhard)
When I got up in the morning (yesterday) I felt something in my rectum
That was big and hard. I reached around to my butthole and felt a big hard rock hard rock , I tried to estimate it's size do I reached around with my fingers to feel how big it was, it seemed like it was going to be one of my biggest and hardest turds ever.
So I began straining as hard as I could, But it still did not want to come out. It must have been the fact that I ate four chocolate bars last night.

I new I would have to strain really hard and dig it out of my butt hole
with my finger.
I felt like it was 3 inches in diameter . so as I dug out the hard rocks It was very painful. I had to dig each one out with my finger.
strained real hard like take a deep breath and bear down hard like straining really hard!!!.


Just questions

If you are a mother, do you let your kids see you when you poop or pee? do you have stories about that?

My have you let others see you pee or poop?

Either baby sitting or with friends, have you have them or let them come in while you sit and pee or poop and did you stay while they did the same?

I am carious how common or often this happens.

I love top read your stories about it.


Responding to Jenny

Does anyone else with a big butt make loud farts or small but make silent farts?

I'm not fat but my butt is definitely bigger than the average guys and I can say that my farts are usually very loud. I'm not sure if it's because of my butt being big or if it's more from the fact that I have IBS which constantly gives me bad gas. My farts have a real loud trumpet sound to them so it can be very embarrassing.


First school pooping

On the first day of school, at the big reces, I went to the toilet for pooping, because I always pooped at this time. I found the toilet very quickly, although I haven't seen it yet. Fortunately, there was a sign on the door. I looked carefully to make sure it was a boys' restroom. When I went to the toilet, I was very shocked. There were five toilets, without any cubicles. There weren't even any partitions. There was no toilet paper too, and the toilet seat was present only on one of the toilets. But I already felt like I wanted to poop, so I decided not to be picky. I had wet wipes with me, which can be used as toilet paper. I pulled down my black school pants and blue briefs and sat down on the toilet seat. But when I sat down, the toilet seat seemed wet to me, so first I wiped it. Alas, there was no toilet paper bucket here, I had to throw a wipes into the toilet. I started pooping. I had to push a little, and after that, I felt that the first poop was starting to out of me. At the same moment, the door to the toilet opened wide, and two pupil entered. I putted my hands on my knees, feeling a little embarrassed. The first pupil went to the toilet at the end of the row and began to pee there, and the second one came up to me and spoke to me.
"Are you shitting?! " This pupil's voice was surprised.
"I'm pooping," I corrected him, but for some reason this pupil laughed, and then said that it was disgusting, gross, and said a lot more nonsense. My poop fell into the toilet with a splash, and this pupil heard it and laughed. It was difficult to poop further in such an environment, and I asked him to leave, or at least not to look at me. But for some reason, he began to mock me, calling me a "stinker", "crapper", "shitter", and the like. I asked him to leave again. The second boy, who was peeing in the toilet, approached the first one and told him to leave me alone. With difficulty, this pupil and I were able to persuade the mocker to let me poop in peace. The unknown boys left, and I began to finish pooping. Soon I wiped my ass, flushed the water, washed my hands and left the toilet. A couple more times, a variety of pupils laughed at the fact that I was pooping at school, but fortunately, then everyone got used to it.

Hi there, I'm 12, and I wanna know is it bad to hold your pee for long?


First School Poop

So, this was back in elementary school, probably 5th grade. Up until then I never pooped at school out of fear of something, I don't really know what. This one day, I had been holding it since I got to school, and halfway through the day it was ready to come out. I finally sucked it up and asked the teacher for the bathroom. I ran down the hall into the smaller, less frequently used bathroom. I darted into a stall and whipped my pants around my ankles. Almost immediately, I farted super loud and about three thick turds plopped into the bowl (I don't remember exactly, this was a while ago). After a few more turds I was done and wiped thoroughly. I remember feeling so relieved that I had overcome my fear and takin a dump at school. I have gone number two at school many times since then.

Nasty Toilets & Nasty Bullying

Looking back, I did some dumb things. In the guys bathrooms the urinals were not separate but rather consisted of a circular trough urinal. I wasn't as developed compared to my classmates and didn't like standing their with both hands coupling my penis. Of course that made my stand out more. A couple of older guys picked up on that and made an immoral gesture with their hands in places where we passed one another such as in the hallways, cafeteria and the dreaded locker room. My mom suggested that I bypass the trough and go by sitting down. I tried to avoid that since there were no privacy doors on the stalls by standing and peeing into the
toilet bowl. Then a couple of the boys would come in, and either shove me hard forward so I would have an accident or snap me hard with their fingers on the back of my neck. At that point, a girl whom I had played with since kindergarten felt sorry for me and gave me advice: sit on the toilet as if you were taking a poo because while I was sitting I could see them and then report them to an administrator. What didn't work with that was I took my mom's advice and spread toilet paper over both sides of the seat before taking it. That didn't rest welll with a group of guys who came in and saw that my stall was the only one with toilet paper. The others had no toilet paper and these guys were pissed and they put it on me. Ridicule of all types I can't describe on a board such as this. My girl friend was very sensitive to this problem, used school and public bathrooms with the ease she did at home, and helped me
find solutions that worked. The next year a new principal put a door on each stall. He also used federal funds to replace the troughs with a row of single urinals, each separated by a strong, steel privacy shield. What I most liked about these urinals too was that they were u-shaped.
While standing and peeing I could push myself right against the u, and
although my face was practically against the painted wall, there was no chance that my junk could be seen. My friend was also impressed by the improvement made to the girls' bathrooms. Black seats were replaced by white ones and a contour made them more comfortable to sit on. Auto flushers were installed so she would no longer be grossed out when peeing onto the crap and pee of several others. Squared sheets of toilet
paper were replaced by double-sized rolls. And secure latches were put on privacy doors.

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