

Sweetie pooping

I met a boy and we became friends. His name is Sweetie, at least that's what everyone calls him. I do not know if this is really his name? But both family and friends call him Sweetie and he introduced himself to me under this name. He's a year younger than me. We met "thanks" to the toilet. I was walking down the street, returning to my home, when this boy ran into me on the run. He apologized and asked if I knew if there was a toilet in the neighborhood? After this speech, his stomach gurgling. I realized that he needed to poop. Unfortunately, as far as I knew, there was no toilet nearby. When I told him this, he was very upset, and said he couldn't hold it for a long time. Then I suggested that he go to the toilet at my house, since my house is very close. He thanked me very much and I went him in my home. Parents were at work, at home and there was no one. I took Sweetie to the toilet, and he ran in. I wanted to move away, but curiosity overcame me, and I put my ear to the door, listening. Nothing was heard for a while. Then I heard a loud fart, so the more farting there was, the stronger the sound. Then I heard a loud splash of water. This was followed by a sigh of relief. Then the farting continued, but the sounds of push were added. A few minutes later I heard another splash. And another sigh of relief. Then silence reigned, and I was about to decide that Sweetie finished, but then there was a splash and loud farts. Then he pushed hard, judging by the sounds, and there was another splash. Ten minutes passed and there was a deafening sound of flushing, and then Sweetie came out. I didn't have time to leave the observation position, and Sweetie immediately realized that I was eavesdropping. Fortunately, he did not get angry, and said that he himself would not have been able to resist eavesdropping. And then we became friends.


To Darlene

Thank you for your comprehensive answer. It was me who sent the question to you, but I was in a hurry and didn't add my nickname, for which I apologize. I'm impressed by the size of your bladder. My pee record is 900ml. I made a lot of attempts to get this result and when I got it I almost burst or peed my panties ;), and I must add that I am a tall and well-built man, and you, being a woman, can pee much more than me. Your result is absolutely beyond my reach.

Sarah S


To T.M.: I am happy your daughter was able to poop in the locker room and that the locker room was empty, but I have some concerns, one your daughter faring around you, and you asking her if she farted, at the age of 18 I would have been mortified to have been asked that, I'm just glad no one else was around to have her be outed and second you mentioned that when she went to poop, you wanted to go sit in the stall next to her even though you didn't really need to pee, to listen to her go, I would have given her privacy and left the locker room so she could poop in peace, I'm not sure why you would want to listen to your daughter poop, super happy she went instead of pooping in the pool which would have been super mortifying.
To Willa: I was one of those girls and I guess still am who did everything possible to not poop at school or at work, it was difficult because when holding in poop gas would build up and I would have to wait to fart between classes since farting in class is social suicide as is farting in the bathroom speaking of which to any girl or person for that matter who pooped at school my hats off to you, but there is this stigma rightfully or wrongfully that "girls don't poop" and pooping and farting in public is embarrassing to enough but to make gross noises and let out a stinky mess around your peers while puberty is hitting and hormones are raging is really hard. Some girls may have decided to use the nurses bathroom but again the idea of letting out a loud gross messy stinky poop around the nurse and anyone else in the office is super embarrassing. I know everyone poops but at school trying to fit in and not do anything super embarrassing farting and pooping to me is one of the most embarrassing things, peeing was rough but I had to do and managed to do, but I refused to fart and poop at school and still refuse to fart and poop at work because again its people I work with. I basically only feel comfortable farting and pooping at home by myself, I don't want to be that way forever and if anyone has any advice that would be great, but yes Willa I was definitely one of those incredibly shy poopers at school and at work.


Another big poop for the 2nd time today

I just got a major urge for a poop a few minutes ago so I grabbed my Walmart bag, walked to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the floor. Walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A huge poop came out and filled the toilet. Was done within about 30 seconds. Took the toilet paper roll, took some off, wiped well and tossed it into the toilet and put the toilet paper roll into the Walmart bag. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up, turned and looked. Wow! This covered a lot of the toilet and was fairly thick. Damn. Second huge poop today! I will continue eating healthy, drinking more warm water and I should be able to go again later maybe after dinner. What goes in must come out. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



HUGE poop a while after breakfast

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the washroom, peed first then brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had soup with green leafy vegetables, beef or pork, seafood, chili peppers, rice etc. It was good and took a while to eat. After breakfast I took my medications, took my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs. About 45 minutes after breakfast (6 minutes ago) I got a major urge to poop.

Grabbed my Walmart bag, walked to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, turned off the light, put on the flip flops outside my room, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, walked to the toilet. Pulled my dark sweatpants and dark green high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed. A HUGE poop stretched me and started coming out and kept coming. It was really filling the toilet. Finally I was done. Lifted myself slightly off the toilet and looked in. WOW. That thing was massive. Took the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag and took some and wiped well. Tossed the paper between my legs into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look. Holy shit! It took up basically the entire toilet and was solid, thick and dark ish. No wonder I have been so uncomfortable and weighed down. Flushed the beast down the toilet (it went down fine), washed my hands, went back to my room, dried my hands, went outside my room, took off those flip flops, went back into my room, put on the flip flops in there and now writing this on my bed. I have another jar of warmish hot water on my desk/bedside table. Will continue to drink more water, do some stretches and see if I can go again later. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Reply to Willa's great questions

I'm a 28 year old female professional. My thoughts about using public toilets and relieving myself varied from when I was a young child and usually with my parents away from home, to when I was in a large middle school and even larger high school and I had to maneuver into a toilet opportunity without getting a teacher upset about missed class time, to when my family moved to the other side of the country and I was forced to abandon what my mom had taught about not sitting directly skin-on a public toilet seat.

Are people really disciplined enough to pull off saving their bathroom needs until they are home?

My mother was; I wasn't and I started to get more rebellious at about age 10. Before we ever left home for any reason mom would make me go into the upstairs bathroom and sit and try. Like 9 times out of 10 I would sit, try and get frustrated during my boring 5 minute sit. My friends might have been down in the family room or in the car already to go to the park. There I was parked on the toilet. Finally, I looked at the timer we kept on the toilet tank top, my 5 minutes was up and I was outta there! By the time I was 8 or 9 my friends were pooping independently of adult supervision. At the bowling alley where we were on a weekly league they would just leave the lane and go into the bathroom. Mom insisted on taking me in, wiping off the seat two ways and giving me my usual lecture about going at home or holding it until I got home. Even my friends saw mom as being...well strict. My things-happen-to-your-body-argument after you down a hot dog and soda didn't work. And if my friends were regularly using such bathrooms with no fears and no lecture, why was I being singled out?

Could I hold out for 8 or 10 hours or more?

Of course, I tried. I failed. I would pee before I got on the school bus each morning. By noon and my scheduled lunch time 6 hours had passed and I had to get on a toilet pretty fast because I felt I was going to burst. Standing in long lines waiting for an available toilet was not easy. It was middle school. A lot of us didn't have much confidence in our bodily functions and on top of that when I finally got into a toilet booth, I could hear mom's mean command to line the seat with toilet paper before sitting down. I tried several times but gave in when I found it wasn't that easy. Sometimes there was only three or four squares of toilet paper left and I was afraid of a cloud burst. I didn't try to protect myself from the evil seat. I sat down on the warm seat just like the others and hoped for the best. Sometimes in a minute or two I did a complete pee. A few times I got about 80% in when the dreaded bell rang and I had to pull up my panties and run. Having to cut off my pee without completing it tore me apart with pain. It wasn't much consolation that I knew the person replacing me would likely get a tardy slip. The absolute worse thing happened two or three times the first month of school. I would take my forbidden direct-down seat and I would completely lock up. The pain between my legs would get worse. I would throw my head down to my knees but I couldn't get a decent stream started. I can still remember a throbbing throughout my body. My two best friends pleaded with me to go to the nurse, but I figured the nurse would have to call home. As usual, I feared my mom's yelling and over-reaction.

Finding the discipline to pull off no-pooping in my four years of high school (as I assumed my mom expected).

Yes, this was an expectation of my mom. She was expected to get up at 5 a.m. each morning before school, check her homework, have breakfast, and get her poop in before leaving home. As I grew older and complained about such a rigid schedule, she just talked about how bodily functions should be controlled by drinking a lot of water, eating wisely from all food groups, sitting on the toilet at home in a stress-less situation to get the bodily functions going. She talked about getting enough exercise and "regulating" her bowels as achievements she was thankful for.

Throughout middle school I admit I wasn't perfect. I averaged about one crap every two weeks at school. When questioned by my mom, I tried to change the subject and play it down. I falsely agreed with her that the toilets were horrible, that I was not sitting directly on the toilet seat, and that I was trying all these discipline rigors she believed in so strongly. I just felt like I was such a loser, compared to what she wanted me to be.

When I started high school mom became a lot less nagging about micro-managing me and my toilet habits. At 9th grade open house she walked through the bathroom and was pleased to see that each toilet stall had a dispenser for pulling off a seat tissue. I told her they worked nice, although I knew many of my friends didn't use them. But I got used to them and they kinda made sense. At the end of my 9th grade year, dad got transferred to the other side of the country and my new school was much larger and didn't have the seat covers. Mom didn't like that but by getting involved in cheer, drama and a bunch of other activities some days I was spending 12 or more hours on campus. There was no time to go home after school, use the toilet, and then return to school for my activities. In the ten years since then I've never looked back on my mom's nagging, and my fears and insecurities. My boyfriend says he thinks I'm on my way to being normal!

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Response to Nickel

I have two kids we try to get out of the house with often. During the week in summer it's just me and on most weekends my husband will join us. In either case, we've made our trips to the restroom together if it was possible. We've never had any issues, except maybe with there being too little space for three or four people! I've posted about it a few times in the past. I only really do it with my youngest now who's about to turn 6.

Anna from Austria
Hi there. Have another story for you guys from last friday.

Was attending a meeting at a hotel lobby and during a break I had to use the restroom for a number 2.

At the first glance the ladies room did not look different than other restrooms here in Austria.

No big gaps between the stalls and the walls and doors also looked quite massiv.

But sometimes things are not as the seem. The walls and doors seemed to be supper thin because I could here everything from the other stalls. The last time I have experienced such things was during my time in the states where the toilets are different.

Was not feeling good about that matter first. Taking a poo ( Iam very loud when doing that) in front of other ladies that were just peeing. But I had not choice. The conference would go on for many more hours so holding it was no option.

So I entered one of the free stalls. I pulled down my dress pants and my undies and got seated. Then I could hear someone violently opening the door from the stall to my left. She locked the door almost tore her pants off and got seated with a loud noice. Then she said something like thank you and just in time (it is hard to translate it directly from German to English) and started to pee violently. Then she did hug booming fart and then she did a really big turd. it mus have been super big because it seems that it missed the tray of the toilet and hit directly the water hole below the tray of the toilet. I could her a big flump sound.

After hearing that I started to my stuff as well. it was a normal poo for me. pre poop farts, then pee then mid poo and also some post poop farts.

It felt way less embarrassing when having a "pooping" partner. So I was really glad that the other lady had to too.

I meet her again at the sinks. We came out of our stalls at the same time. I recognised her as one of the other members from a different company at the meeting.

That's my story today

Greetings from Austria



Replying to Anonymous

I really appreciate you taking the time to read my posts here. It really means a lot to me and I will definitely keep posting more in the future. Anyway, I have measured my bladder capacity in the past recently and it stopped at 1600 ml. Which is pretty good for me and honestly is a new record so far. I would like to beat it one of these days and more likely will.

But, I've always had an abnormal bladder. But, part of the reason why I am able to do powerful pisses is because of the urgency of the situation and being able to control the distance/aim. I have pissed off so far that it actually went passed from where I was filming often leaving a long trail, that I feel good about and these are my favorite ones to film because, I can just take off my panties or pull them down/to the side and piss literally everywhere.

Outside is the best to film these kind of things instead of inside. However, I have done some where I pissed against the window or directly on the floor, beds, desk and couches/chairs. But, not in my actual house I live in. These happen to be in hotel rooms and where I happily will clean up the aftermath leaving the place spotless or better than it currently shape that it was in.

I also love to think that maybe it's the beer making me piss the way I have done. Water helps too.


Peeing and pooping in the locker room

I think it's been a couple of months since my last post, so it is time to get back this forum. I have a recent story from last Friday. After the summer, I have started going to the swimming hall again, swimming has been one of my favorite hobbies all my life. When my kids were younger, they often came with me, but now that they are all teenagers, they have other things on their minds than swimming and it's hard to get any of them to join. This time, however, I managed to lure my eldest (18 years old) daughter with me.

It was Friday evening, and quite late, so the swimming hall was not very crowded. When we went to the locker room no one was around. We started undressing. As my daughter bent down to take her socks off, a small tight fart escaped out of her butt. It wasn't really loud, but I was close enough to her to hear it clearly.
- Hey my girl, did you fart? I asked.
She nodded and blushed in embarrassment. Then she said she needs to go to the bathroom before going to the pool. I figured she was going to poop because her fart was pretty stinky. "I'll come with you, I have to pee." I said, even though I didn't really have an immediate need to pee. I was just so curious to see if she needed a number two. My daughter had already gotten undressed, but I was still wearing panties and bra, so she went to the bathroom ahead of me. I followed her to the bathroom just a short while later. There were four stalls. My daughter was in the first stall and the remaining three were free. There was rather wide gap between stall door and the partition and I could see through the gap how she was putting paper on the seat. I entered the next stall and hung my swimsuit on the hook in the door. I sat down and positioned myself comfortably on the seat. Since there was no one else in the bathroom but us, it was strangely quiet around. No background sounds of any kind, only the faint hum of air conditioning could be heard. We both sat quietly, me waiting for the pee to come and my daughter maybe waiting for the poo to come. More than a minute passed before the almost complete silence was broken by a nice little fart from my daughter's stall. It was very similar fart to the one she let out earlier in the locker room. After a short silence she did a small tinkle which made me pee too. My stream of piss died off shortly and silence returned to the bathroom again. I was about to wipe myself and get up, in fact I had already rolled some toilet paper off, but then I heard a long, soft hissing fart from my daughter's stall. So I just wiped, but I remained sitting on the bowl. I noticed how she spread her feet wider either side of the toilet. She went up on her tip toes and her breathing became slightly tensed. Two silent, short pffffts were followed by a faint crackling sound as poop started coming out of her. The poop seemed to come out quite slowly and naturally without much effort. At least I didn't hear that she was particularly pushing or grunting. The further the poo came out, the louder the crackling became. Then there was a huge splash. "My goodness, it had to be big!", I thought. The crackling continued without a break and two more splashes were heard about 20 seconds apart. The splashes weren't nearly as impressive as the first one, but there was no doubt that both logs were a decent size. Right after the third splash my daughter began pulling toilet paper off the roller. I got up and flushed the toilet. "See you at the pool.", I said, leaving her to finish wiping.

Nice and enjoyable pooping/peeing for everyone.


An Accident at the doctor's office

To squatspotter

One time when I was (I think) about nine or ten years old I was at the doctor and the doctor felt my stomach and because I was ticklish I started laughing. I had my underwear on and my bladder was full. After I finished laughing my bladder was empty. My mother was disappointed because I was "too old to be doing this".

At every visit after that my mother would make sure to ask the doctor's office ahead of time if a urine sample was needed and collect it before I visited the doctor. In this fashion I did not have any other accidents like that one.

Today I have my own apartment and when I go to the doctor's office I make sure to give a urine sample if one is needed. If one is not needed then I ask to use their restroom.

By doing this I have avoided bowel accidents and full-bladder ones. Smaller leaks are not unheard of though, for me.


Coach desperation

This is something I saw happen to somebody else on a coach journey. Some guys sitting behind me got up and spoke to the driver about an hour into the journey, they seemed to be arguing. I wasn't paying much attention so I didn't know what they were talking about. Another hour later, we pulled into a rest station which is unusual for this coach journey. I didn't have to go really, but thought I should while I had the chance and it would be good to stretch my legs. I got off after the guys who'd been speaking to the driver, and from behind I could see one of them had partially wet himself. There was a wet patch between his legs, but not too far down, he'd either lost a spurt or begun wetting himself, but hadn't completely. Afterwards, he and his friends came back to the coach and were laughing and seemed fine, but he held his jacket in front of his crotch the whole time. Turns out the coach had no toilet, which they usually do in this country, so the guys had pressured the driver to pull over. Later in the journey, I saw another girl get up to use the toilet and was shocked when there wasn't one, thankfully we were almost at our destination at this point. Anyway, I found this quite stressful because seeing other people on the verge of accidents or being desperate makes me feel quite sick for some reason! Can anyone else relate?


Post lunch story

Hi all. I had dried fish for lunch today that triggered a quick poop reflex. My poop came out like diarrhea. I also had a bit of diarrhea yesterday after my belly rejected the pizza the night before. A friend of mine farted at the sink at dayhab earlier that week as well. Here is a question for you. Has a strong flavored food make you poop? Hope to read responses soon.

Bad memories of high school bathrooms

My high school had more than 2,500 students. The bathrooms on each floor might have had like 12 toilets against the outside walls. Sinks were at both ends of the room as was a large entry door. It wasn't a door so much as an entrance that was quite large. When they were really busy, most of the time during class breaks, some of us stuck in the entrance until something opened, could see the legs of girls going into a sitting on the middle 3 or 4 toilets on each side. Every once in a while we would hear a wooooof noise from one of the toilets. It would generate some laughter. Being sensitive, I felt sorry for the girl who had blasted out the gas. I was hopeful that I would never be in that situation. Those middle toilets on each side were the last to be used. The two or three end toilets on each side had privacy doors that were OK. The first time, I think it was the second day of classes, I was just a few seconds into a pee, this older girl who seemed quite hostile kneed the door open and it severely bruised my right knee. She didn't apologize. My pee stopped, I waited a few seconds to get it going again, and I heard curses from the line, so I started to cry and walked out with a small patch of yellow bubbling in the bowl.

After that, I tried hard but rarely earned one of the doored toilets. Like I said before, I would run for one of the middle toilets. I would throw myself onto the seat, most of the time with my pee or crap, all cued up and ready to go. I didn't particularly enjoy sitting on the black seats. My earlier schools and my parents had white seats. They seemed much more clean and inviting to me. Black seats seemed much more old, often faded, loose and so many times with dimples over much of the seat from when earlier users had put out cigarettes on them. My butt sometimes stuck to these seats, or otherwise, I could feel like I was sitting in the rough.

For me the biggest problem came from not having to wait for one of the stalls with a door. If a doorless one opened, I would quickly back up to it, drop my jeans and panties, and seat myself. As more students came in and were standing in front of me, I found I struggled harder and harder to get my pee stream going. Sometimes I would be looked down upon by five or six others, some seeming desperate; others were outright angry and they made it known through cursing, staring at me, asking if I was about done, asking me to trade places with them, etc. All I knew was that I was trying to get my pee going ASAP so that I didn't have to take their abuse. Sometimes they looked so mean that I would just stand up, pull up my clothing, and flush to cover it up. When I told my mom, she bought me several loose fitting dresses that kept eyes of my body and gave me some freedom to sneak three, four or five minutes more into a sit. Again, I was learning to fake it so I was learning to quickly pull up my dress and pretend to wipe myself even though nothing came out of me. They were probably cursing me with their eyes, so I pretended to wipe and inspect the toilet paper before I reached down and flushed.

During 7th hour my crap became tougher to manage. Toward the end of the hour I would sit naked on a locker room bench and dry myself after showering. Once in 9th grade I had a lot of gas and as I finished my bench-wiping routine, the gut gas I had been storing since lunch won out. I wanted to let off the gas while I sat and I did. A huge piece of crap, about a foot long, slid out of me and thudded onto the white floor. It landed just below the bench and two girls laughed and pointed at me. "You lost something B****," one said in giving me a dirty and probing look. I didn't answer. I wasn't about to admit to it or draw more attention to it.

Just like with Esme, I find the bathrooms at my university much more appealing. I will do a fast pee in the memorial student union where the privacy doors are snug and the latches are well maintained. My earlier bad experiences with crapping stay with me. For example, this morning I walked over to the communication arts building and had my crap in the second floor bathroom. It wasn't too bad. Every toilet was taken because a large lecture class had just gotten out. I gave myself five minutes sitting time to produce something. I did it in half that time and felt marvelous that I was on par with the others. An hour later after having a couple of tavern drinks with my boyfriend, I needed to pee bad. The toilet was OK, probably not the cleanest, but I saved my new jeans from a drenching.

Next week he and I are going to our first basketball game of the season at the arena. I hope to test how far I've come by taking a crap there at halftime. I know he's rooting for me. He's a keeper!

Some Guy

Public Poopin!

Hey, everyone!

It's been quite a while since I have posted. In fact, my last post was on Page 2944. Even though I have not been posting, I have been reading! I've mentioned in the past that it seems like some of your bathroom adventures are more interesting than mine! Perhaps that is changing, though!

In several of my posts, I have written about liking to poop at Target. In the last few months, I have found that I really enjoy pooping where you can "Save Big Money." LOL. The bathroom there seems busier, which to a certain extent, lends itself to being cleaner due to turning over the users more often. Plus, it means that there's not as much pooping alone! In this particular bathroom, there are three stalls. The very first one is a regular stall, the middle one has a higher toilet with a little more room, and the last one is the dedicated handicapped stall, also with a higher toilet. I have actually used all three at one time or another, but have found the handicapped stall to be my favorite. It is set up where the stall partition starts at one wall, and ends with the door at the opposite wall, if that makes sense. In other words, the door isn't right in front of you when you're on the toilet.

Now, for some people, this next part might be problematic, but I am learning to embrace it. The lock on the handicapped stall isn't the best. It's a little loose, and the lock itself doesn't go very far into its locking mechanism. So, even with the door locked, I have been walked in on several times when I'm sitting on the toilet. I find it interesting that up to this point, it has been adults walking in on me, and not a kid. I would think that kids would be more likely to walk in on me, seeing as how they're curious and don't have the same understanding of Public Bathroom Etiquette that adults have (or should have). I also find it interesting that the door being closed isn't a signal that the stall is occupied. Now, not everyone who comes to the door to check whether or not it's locked walks in on me. Plenty check the door, see that it's locked, and either wait for a stall to open, or go into a different stall.

When I prepare to sit on the toilet, I pull my pants down all the way to my ankles, and then pull down my underwear to rest either on top of my pants, or on my calves. Once I'm on the toilet, I spread my legs, and lean forward with my arms folded and resting on my thighs so that my privates are covered. Even though I should be able to use the toilet without having someone walk in on me, as long as my privates are covered, I really don't mind if someone sees me sitting on the toilet. When I was growing up, there was absolutely no way I could poop in public. I am very glad that I am able to do it now, and after all, it's something we all have to do!

Happy Pooping, all...and Happy Thanksgiving, too!
Some Guy


Big solid poop about an hour and a half after breakfast

Hi all. I got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth, filled and microwaved my water jar and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a spicy soup with green leafy vegetables, sprouts, beef or pork. It was ???? and took a while to eat. After breakfast I took my medications, took my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs to my room. Took off the flip flops outside my room first then went into my room after turning on the light, put on the flip flops in here, closed the door and sat on the bed surfing the net on my phone.

Finally about 10 minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag (with my toilet paper, etc in it), went to the door, opened it, took my bedroom flip flops off, put on the flip flops outside my room on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Stomach felt very full. Went inside the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, walked to the toilet. Pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A lot of solid thick poop came out. So much that I had to flush halfway. Finally got the beast out then grabbed my toilet paper from the Walmart bag, took some off the roll, put the toilet paper back into the Walmart bag then wiped my front first and wiped my butt really well. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and flushed. Washed my hands, turned off the light and went to my room to dry my hands on the towels in here and write this. Not sure what the length of the poop was but it felt huge. I am hoping after lunch I can go again (there is still more in my body that needs out later-my stomach is sticking out).

Hopefully everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Solid poop about 5-10 minutes ago

Hi all. Got up this morning, grabbed my water jar and Walmart bag, put my medications in my Walmart bag, walked to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, walked outside it, put the flip flops on outside my room, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room.

Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A lot of solid thick poop came out and filled the toilet. Finally I was done after getting that beast out. Looked down to see if I was still bleeding (was on period) and saw that the pad was empty so I took it off, rolled it up and put it in my Walmart bag. Wet my hands and put some liquid soap in them and cleaned my bum. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet.

There was a big solid poop in the toilet that took up most of the toilet bowl. Wow. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands and came to my room to dry my hands on the towels in here, go outside my room, take off the flip flops out there, come back in here, put on the flip flops in my room, come to my bed and write this. I am hoping that later I can get rid of the rest of this crap by continuing to drink warm/hot water, eat healthy and do stretches and exercises. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Constipation and pranks

I have been suffering from neck pain of late and my Dr has put me on some heavy duty pain killers which have been a life saver but the consequence is chronic constipation, mostly I take some laxitive with it and although my stool has been hard I have managed until one day I had the worst cramps in my ???? it actually woke me up in the middle of the night I was sweating from how intense these cramps were I tried to sit on the toilet several time during the night but even though I had a strong urge to go no matter how hard I pushed nothing would come out.after a couple of hours of this the feeling became even more intense I was saying in my head ok I think this is it I quickly ran to the toilet lowered my panties and pushed as hard as I could, I have never given birth but I imagine this is what it would feel like I pushed and pushed taking a few seconds rest to catch my breath then pushing again I put my hand against the wall because I thought I was going to pass out! I have one all mighty push and I felt my bum hole open up and poo come out but to my horror it got stuck half way out and I just couldn't get it past this point. I look between my legs and I can see this monster thick poop just hanging there I can't get it to go back in or come out ! I start to wiggle and shake my bum from side to side I do this for a good 10 minutes and finally it breaks loose and it made such a loud plonk noise as it fell into the water beneath me splashing me right in the bulls eye in the process. I took some toilet paper to wipe but the tissue was clean it didn't need any wiping. I stand up and flush but it won't go down, just for contest I have a 80's toilet the flush is out of this world strong but It would not budge so I poured some hot water in the bowl and waited a few seconds and then this time when I flushed it went down !
Second story I would like to share is a funny one. I had a couple of friends over for pre drinks before we went out on the town this weekend gone, we got very tipsy and we're having a blast, we decided to go to my bathroom and touch up our make up and hair before we leave. One of my friends Meagan is being so silly and she pulls down her skirt leaving her thong panties on and lifts the seat of the toilet up and sits her butt into the toilet she's waving her hands around and carrying on being silly screaming I fell into the toilet ahhhhhhh!!! me and my other friends Tara and Kristen look at each other and shake our heads, I say come on stop goofing around and get up we have to finish getting ready, except she realized that now her bum actually was stuck for real , she says guys serious I was joking around but now I actually am stuck, I thought in my head I'm going to teach you a lesson I move closer to her pretending that I'm going to help her but instead I swiftly hit the flush hahaha the look on her face her eyeballs looked like they were going to pop out of her head when she felt the tsunami of flushing water hit her bum cheeks from my very powerful 1980's toilet which I mentioned in my earlier story. Kirsten and Tara were in stitches of laughter Meagan said I'm so wet help my get up guys , when the flush cycle stopped Kirsten said let me have a go Meagan said no don't and tried to swat her hand away from the flush button but it was no use Tara eventually hit it and Meagan got her bum flushed for a second time, as it was happening Meagan said it's going all the way up my butt crack , we were laughing so hard we thought we were going to pee our pants. This time when the flush cycle stopped I said ok girls we have had our fun let's help her up, we grabbed her arms and lifted her up in doing so we got to see how drenched her bum and thong were,I gave her a towel and she dried her bum off but her thong was far to wet she had to pull them off and go commando for the rest of the night.


Farting while peeing, and another poop story from school

Charlotte from WI asked in a survey how often one farts when they pee. For me, it varies a bit, but it brought back a memory of such an incident.

I used to be shy about farting in the presence of others. This incident changed that, at least when I was inside a restroom peeing.

It was 2003, senior year of high school. I was at another school for an extracurricular activity with some classmates and a bunch of students from other schools, when a break was called. I drink a lot of water, and as is typical, I was bursting for a pee. I also hadn't pooped yet that day and was gassy as a result.

There were three bowl-style urinals in the nearby boys' room closely spaced together with no partitions to provide any privacy, right in front of the door, exposing everyone when the door opened, with a lone stall in the very back, the user whose feet were also visible each time the restroom door opened, making things extra awkward for the users. The sinks and mirror were opposite the urinals and shielded from view when the restroom door opened. I had to poop too, but the lone stall was currently occupied, so I decided that I would have to wait for that as I headed for a urinal.

The middle urinal was the only one available. The left and right ones were in use by students from another school. I went up to it, whipped it out, and started gushing forth a thick and forceful stream of clear pee, keeping my eyes straight. I could see out of my peripheral vision the other students' pee streams as they held their organs, making things even more awkward, because surely they both saw me doing the same. As I stood there relieving my bladder, I involuntarily ripped a very loud fart.


It made the walls shake and echoed about the room. The urinal users to the left and right of me quickly and with no hesitation zipped up and left the room without flushing or washing their hands, not wanting to stick around. And for whatever reason, when they left, I could see through my peripheral vision that the restroom door stayed propped open, giving everyone in the hallway, male or female, a side view of me standing there peeing should they look that way. And I could see the hallway outside was crowded. I looked to the left and there were some girls from another school laughing at the sight. I now had the urinals to myself but I was highly embarrassed. This isn't the first time I'd been exposed peeing to a female(see page 2943, "A High School Pee Story"), but this plus the fart made me uncomfortable. I saw out of the corner of my eye a girl shut the door.

I farted again.

Someone in the stall then remarked:

"Damn <my name omitted>. You sure can clear a room."

Followed by him ripping a big fart in the stall, followed by a *ploonk*. I was even more embarrassed.

I recognized the voice as my teacher/chaperone who was heading the activity I was participating in, but I didn't know what to say. I flushed, and as I was washing my hands, I heard him rolling the toilet paper.

I waited outside the restroom because I needed the stall to avail itself. I could feel the turtle's head poking at my o-ring and was hesitant to try to walk to a different restroom for fear of a breach.

I heard a flush from inside the room, signalling that the stall was about to be ready. Then I heard the sink running, indicating he was done with it. I entered back in. Sure enough, it was the teacher whose voice I correctly identified.

I entered the stall.

He then said "In again for round number 2? Warmed the seat up for ya'."

I was still shy about pooping back then and didn't like talking to people while doing so, and said nothing.

I pulled my pants down, took a seat, and started farting out a thick log as he was drying his hands.

Two more students walked in, choosing the left and right urinals. Looking through the gap between the stall door and the wall, I recognized them from my school.

As I was seated, log midway out, he then stated "<My name omitted>, we're going to meet back at the table in 5 minutes. Try not to take too long."

He left, and my classmates at the urinals continued to pee.

My turd dropped in and made a loud *bloosh* just before they flushed. They washed their hands and left.

As I pushed out a bunch of small turds, each making a loud high-pitched *bloop* roughly a second apart from each other, students from another school came in and a long line formed for the urinals. I could see through the gap between the stall wall and stall door that the outside door was again being held propped open as I continued to poop, with a line of boys out the door. There were two girls outside who appeared to be making an effort to look in at the boys peeing, trying to get a peek. I wiped up, flushed, and exited the stall.

I exited the stall to a crowd of unknown students from other schools, and could see one of my female classmates in the hallway, but not appearing to look in. One of the unknown students saw me, laughed, and said "That kid just took a crap." I said nothing in response and washed my hands as someone went to the stall to pee, leaving the door open. The restroom door was still propped open as I left as three boys stood there relieving themselves and a line of students standing out the door.

I got back to the table with my classmates, and one of them who was at the urinals said to me "So <my name omitted>, how was your healthy dump?" The same female student I saw standing in the hallway earlier then looked at me and said "Please. I don't want to hear about it." There were a few laughs, but that was the end of that. She did me a favor because I really didn't even want to acknowledge it. The teacher/chaperone returned to brief us on the next steps for our activity.

Ever since then, I had no problem farting while at a urinal. If I'm peeing and it slips out, so be it. I farted while pooping in a stall all the time up to that point, and did so that same day. I have a few notable stories of farting while peeing in public restrooms or at peoples' homes, some of which I will eventually share.

Hey everyone….just thought I'd do something a little different today and pose a question to see what you all think. Now I know a vast majority of us on this site have no issue with publicly relieving ourselves, but what do you all make of those people who claim they have NEVER popped at work or school, or who can ONLY go at home? Is this just posturing to cover up that they do what each and every one of us also do? I personally don't even think this is possible…as a relatively young, fit woman, I can't even imagine, say, arriving at work in the morning, feeling a load arrive at my back door, then just proceeding to go on about my entire day….Accomplishing all my duties, finishing up, and commuting home before finally relaxing my cheeks and opening the floodgates! I would be in absolute misery! Now, I can clench my cheeks pretty good in order to get to the nearest bathroom (or other suitable area…good story about that coming up next time from a morning run I was on this week…), but I can't even fathom holding out 8-10 hours or more!!
As I've said, I wonder if people are really this disciplined to pull this off? Or are they secretly pooping and just can't bring themselves to let anyone know they are doing it? If so, I really wonder where these deep seated fears come from? Why is is so mortifying for someone else to hear them pooping and farting, when literally each and every one of us do it? I remember a few years back a coworker returned from the communal bathroom at work with a look of disgust on her face and commented that someone was pooping next to her while she was peeing. To her credit, another coworker sneered and said, uh, it's a bathroom!! Amen, I commented. My hope is to break the ice and get others over their fears, much like my friend Clair in my last story. I freely admit to having a bit of an ulterior motive in that I enjoy listening to others go (and knowing they hear me of course!), but regardless, I hate that others have to have these fears!


Good husband

My mother suffered an accident at work a few years ago, and her right arm was left in a cast. Because of this, when she went to the bathroom, she couldn't wipe her butt. My father had to clean her up that whole month until she recovered.

My father says it was the worst experience of his life, since my mother makes very stinky poops, in fact, she always has to open the bathroom window to get the smell out.


To Annie:

1. Is it difficult for you to poop?
2. As you are pooping, have you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
4. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you to push a lot before your first poop comes out or does everything fall out at once?
5. Do you always poop by yourself?
6. Do you usually poop as you feel to do it? Do you ever sit down on the toilet and trying to poop without having an urge for it? Would you be able to poop in that case?
7. As you sit down on the toilet for your morning pee, do you usually also try to poop after it?
8. Had you ever a situation as you sat down on the toilet for pooping and began to push, but you couldn't push your poop out? And had you situations, as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, do you perceive it as a positive or a negative thing?
9. Do you like pooping? If you have to push a big poop out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
10. If you've pushed a big poop out, are you proud of it?
11. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
12. Do you often try to poop after peeing?
13. Do you make sometimes a buddy dump with somebody?
14. Do you ever poop outdoors?
15. And I'd also like to ask you a question on the other subject: do you live in USA or in UK?


Big Post-Breakfast shit

Hi, I'm new to this website and love to read the stories on it. I have some stories from my life to share. Catherine, my wife, and I got married eight months ago, and since then, we've settled into a cozy routine of spending time together, especially on the weekends. The story I'm about to share unfolded last June, amidst a weekend escape to a delightful resort. We went there to escape ourselves from the regular routine. In the morning, we're having breakfast with cakes and coffee at the resort. The atmosphere was easy and comfortable, and we were having conversations. After breakfast, we sat there for a few moments and continued our post-breakfast conversation. As we wrapped up our post-breakfast discussion, suddenly I felt a stink. It got quite intense with time and then gradually dissipated within around 20-25 seconds. It was clear to me that it was a fart stench. There were no people without us there, so I assumed Catherine ripped a silent one, as I didn't hear any sound. There was no reaction on her face, and the conversation went as it was going. Everything went normal for maybe the next 7-8 minutes. We lingered at our table, extending the leisurely pace of the morning. After that, we started to get ready for a hike, which was supposed to be quite long. We started to get ready and, at the same time, kept talking with each other. At that time, I could see a wave of discomfort washing over Catherine. When she was talking, it was clearly visible on her face. At a point, she was told that she needed to use the bathroom. She put everything down and almost hurriedly rushed towards the restroom and slammed the toilet door, which suggested some sort of urgency. I thought if it had been quite a long hike, I might feel the urgency for a toilet. Even if it were not urgent for number two, there would be urgency for number one because I just finished my breakfast and drank water and coffee. So, I approached to pee in another toilet. The toilets were adjacent, situated in close proximity, with a dividing wooden wall between them, but there was no division near the ceiling. One toilet was already occupied by Catherine, and I took another one. I pulled my pants down, sat down, and started to clear my bladder. After peeing, I was waiting to realize if I had to poop. Suddenly, my nose sensed a strong-stench in the air. It was fresh-strong poop-stink, and it had prevailed since I entered the toilet, but I couldn't notice it because I was oblivious to something while pissing. That fart after breakfast and the stench in the air assured me that Catherine was pooping. With curiosity, I waited to figure out what she was really doing. Everything was silent at that moment, and just the sound of nature was enough. Maybe one minute later, I heard a subtle grunt. I understood she might be constipated and struggling. Some seconds later, I heard a high-pitched, quite loud fart that echoed in the bowl. She continued grunting. All of a sudden, I heard a quite loud splash, followed by a low-voiced sigh. It seemed like a banana had hit a pond. A wet type of fart was heard, and the sound lasted quite a while. Things became silent again for a while, and then, some time later, another loud plop. Another big log hit the water. Thinking she might be embarrassed, I didn't say anything. In the following few minutes, I heard maybe 4-5 plops and also a few grunting and relief sighs. She spent quite some time in the restroom, and as I left, she was still in the process, not yet finished. I went to the balcony, and it was a sudden relief from a stink-cloud. Catherine emerged into the room, looking a bit tired following her significant restroom session. Apart from this incident, there are other poop-related stories from my life that I look forward to sharing in future posts. Thank you for reading!


To Tricky: thanks for sharing me!

Thanks, Tricky! I'm sorry that you have such a negative experience of using school toilets! Everything was much better for me, the bullying of the students was limited to calling me names and filming me on video. I didn't know, to be honest, that people can be so aggressive and angry about the natural needs of another person! In my school, apparently, very well-mannered and good students/pupils! After what you told me, I realized that even hooligans in my school are just angels compared to others! Now no one is bullying me anymore, everyone is somehow used to it already, and they take it for granted - that is, as should be.
Thank you for sharing, Tricky!
I will continue to tell my stories!


Re: Sam, Pooping in Public Restrooms

Sam, have you ever used the infamous Washington Square Park restroom before it closed down? I've seen photos of its open toilet layout where all of the sit-down toilet users have no privacy. I've come across a similar setup at a highway rest stop but was too embarrassed to use it and opted for a gas station a few miles up the road.

Pooping survey:

Q1: How long you generally take to poop?

A1: 5-10 minutes is typical, sometimes upwards of 30 minutes if it is extremely large and impacted. I take however long I need to do the job and thoroughly wipe without rushing, but don't generally wait around or take my time deliberately either. However long it takes to comfortably come out in as little time as possible.

Q2: How long you generally take to poop when you at work or school?

A2: Same as above.

Q3: How long you generally take to poop in Public Restrooms other than you at work or school?

A3: Same as above.

Q4: How far you generally pull down your clothing (pants/shorts/underwear) when you poop at home?

A4: All the way down to my ankles. It allows better comfort, is easier for me to reduce the mess left behind by allowing greater spread of my buttcheeks, and allows for easier wiping.

Q5: How far you generally pull down your clothing (pants/shorts/underwear) when you poop in public restrooms?

A5: This depends on the restroom setup. If it's a private single-occupant facility or any normal stall with a door in multi-user facilities, all the way to my ankles. This also applies to unisex facilities. I don't care if people see my ankles while I poop. If it is a half-height stall or stall with a half-door, I will also pull my pants all the way to my ankles because no one is going to see anything but my upper half, unless they deliberately walk up to the door and peer over(no one has done that). If it is a doorless stall or completely exposed toilet in a multi-user restroom, I generally keep my pants pulled up as high as possible with my shirt over my privates, leaving just enough room to poop and wipe, revealing only the sides of my ass. There are perverts out there and I look like a kid, and have been ogled at by them before. However, there where times I used doorless stalls and pulled everything all the way down because it was a sparsely used restroom and I expected no one would come in, and all the way down makes for an easier pooping experience on the whole.

Q6: Last time you pooped in public restroom?

A6: Last Sunday. I took a very large poop at a single-occupant unisex restroom of a gas station. It stretched from the rim of the bowl all the way into the drain, a continuous unbroken log. It was clean and didn't require much wiping, just one wipe revealed clean paper. It ended up refusing to go down upon flushing, remaining stuck in place. I was greeted by an irate woman who had been knocking on the door for the last five minutes as I exited the restroom, who ended up seeing what I left behind. I notified the clerk at the cash register the toilet was clogged and apologized. It was a low flow toilet that couldn't handle my log, which I used in preference over a doorless stall setup at a nearby park. The park toilets have good suction, so the next time I have to poop in the area I'll just use the doorless stalls again. Although I prefer privacy, I'd rather not cause a clog. I don't deal well with low-flow toilets and if I get walked in on pooping with no privacy, it's not the first time it happened and no big deal. This was the first time I used that gas station restroom, and I didn't know it was a low flow toilet, or I'd have just used the doorless stalls at the park.


Thanks for the answers

Thank you very much to Tricky and an anonymous person (a nickname would be useful to make it easier to answer) for responding to my survey. I don't know if I understood the answer correctly about five people clogging the toilet for fun.
Was the person who humiliated you the janitor? Were they the same sex? Have each of you seen another person poop? Did everyone see the end result (all the poop)?
Clogging the boy's toilet was also interesting. Did you want to spite him?
I'm very curious about other people's responses to my survey. I know my interest in toilet clogging may seem strange, as it's a nuisance in my own home and quite embarrassing in someone else's. However, it's hard for me to imagine how this can be done and how big the poop must be, because I'm a big man, I eat quite a lot and I've never even come close to clogging the toilet, even after two days without pooping (that's a very long time for me). I certainly wouldn't want each of my poops to clog the toilet, but I'd like to feel what it's like at least sometimes. Does anyone enjoy taking a really big poop? Sometimes I think that if I took a dump outdoors and someone next to me took a much bigger dump, I would probably feel humiliated. Is there anyone on this forum who gets satisfaction from pooping bigger than others or peeing more than others?

Nickel's questions, Radu's survey

If you are a mother, do you let your kids see you when you poop or pee?

I try not too, but I give in, especially when we're at the mall or a movie because I don't want a scene in front of others. So I take them into my toilet stall, latch the door and hope they don't stray. My 4-year old likes to get down and crawl out the front and sometimes into the space of the user next to me. I would propose a federal law be passed that would require stall panels go all the way to the floor and that the entry door do the same. My 6-year old has had to corral her brother who is very hyperactive. Once at the movies I had to reach out and barely grabbed one of his legs as he crawled halfway out. I was releasing a 3-dayer and I almost slid off the seat in grabbing for him. I also used some language I'm not too proud of and hope he doesn't remember. Also, some of my crap didn't get into the toilet but was hanging on the front of the toilet bowl.

Why have you let others see you pee or poop?

Outside of the behavior of my children, and security concerns since we frequent many highly public places, it is not just a fight I want to take up. I don't think I can win.

Either babysitting or with friends, have you let them come in while you sit and pee or poop and did you stay while they did the same?

I made an exception or two at home and with two young children it just became too hard to fight. Their father is much more protective of my space, but he's gone a lot when they seem to get out of control. I do know he has abruptly pulled our 4-year-old out of the bathroom while I'm on the toilet at home.

Radu's Survey:

1. What does it feel like to have a toilet clogged with poop?
At home it is frustrating because I have to plunge it. Back when I was in school I got off the toilet ASAP and quickly went into another toilet to sit and clean myself. I didn't want to be found making a clogged toilet.

2. Do you like to clog a toilet with your poop?
Only if I'm badly stopped up and take a laxative for relief. Then it is a sense of accomplishment.

3. How many days do you have to go without pooping to clog your toilet?
At home, three days. Sometimes, though, it is soft enough to break up and that helps. Years ago when I had a period of clogging my parents' toilet my dad taught me "one log--one flush." Flushing a large crap in individual and smaller pieces did work, although it would waste water.

4. Is there anyone whose toilet you would clog up just to get back at them or just for fun?
My first boyfriend in college. He loved to walk in on me when I stayed over at his place and when I sat for my morning shit. He was often in his underwear and I could see him getting an erection. Once I left a big log right after he left for work. I know he had to work to break it up when he got home at the end of the day.

5. Have you ever had the pleasure of filling someone else's or a public toilet with poop?

Yes, I was 12 or 13. Me and four of my friends held our poops all day at school because we didn't like the way she put us down when we asked for a simple bathroom. Her sarcasm was hurtful to us. So after school, we went to a lesser used bathroom in the basement. One at a time, we did a poop pyramid in that toilet. We didn't waste any time cleaning ourselves. We did that a a Burger King a few minutes later where we celebrated.

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