

Replying to Audrey

I know that I've said it before but, I would like to say it again about how much I really do appreciate how everyone who takes time out of their day to reply back and read my post. This means a lot to me that I am not the only one who measures their pees or wants to work on their distance, pressure and aim.

I guess you can say that it is one of my " talents ". I've always had an abnormal bladder and don't really have to prep before I do measure either by jug or just plain " pissing " on the toilet or where there aren't any restrooms/bathroom available/nearby.. Which I have ran into various situations like this and have to do what I have to do at the end of the day.

But, I do want to share a story of how I ended up pissing all over a room I was in while in a hotel. Thank goodness that where I was isn't nearby where I stay or visit very often because I felt horrible shortly afterwards because of a faint yellow stain that wouldn't come out of those white long beautiful curtains that went along with the bedding and decorations of the room. Nothing was tacky about this " certain " hotel and was considered very expensive. Not everyone could afford these rooms or be able to stay in them for ONE night.

Anyway, I had recently came back from this nightclub. Drunk out of my mind and had to piss very badly AGAIN. The first time was outside in an empty alley behind some building. Of course, it left quite a puddle and a little got on my heels I was wearing but, it could easily be cleaned once I made back to my room. No tissue paper, so I slightly shakes myself off before pulling back up my panties and pulled my dress back down being careful of not stepping in my own mess I made.

I eventually walked back towards the hotel I was staying in and of course after taking the elevator walking down the hall to the room I stayed in and usually my room key, I felt the urgency of needing to piss once more. So I took off my heels, taking off my panties and stood on top of the beige couch and pissed somewhat in the flower vase that was on the coffee table with a couple of magazines that managed to get wet with piss along with shooting a far enough powerful stream that went over a whole bed and nightstand to the window curtain. This piss felt like it took ages to do but eventually it began to get weaker and slowly come to an end.

That was one of the best piss I took ever in my life.


Reply to Radu

You're welcome and apology accepted. If you keep trying, I think you will eventually reach your goal someday. 900ml is still impressive to me. I usually have to pour out the jug I use for measuring because it only stops at 1000ml. So, I am always stopping and continuing. Maybe a flower vase would work better than that old pyrex jug I have. I sure could use another one, maybe I should do 1000ml in there and move up to my old flower vase I'm not using.

I think I will do it. Either way, I will be flushing twice to make sure all my piss is gone.

PJ (He/Him)

Survey response

1. Do you remember when you last had a skidmark? If so when and do you remember why? Around March MAdness this year. I was having a hard workout at the gym and I light bluw boxer briefs. I used the infamously thin toilet paper at my gym (LA fitness) I wiped three times as I knew any more wipes would be pointless with my fuzzy sweaty crac. I dont think I was smelling great from head to toe and a shower was coming soon!

2. Do you regularly wear dark underwear than may hide a skidmark even if you had one? I actually normally wear dark boxers. So full disclosure I may get them more often that I know, as my wife points out to me when I tease her about her skidmarked panties

3. Have you worn light colored or white underwear in the last three months and not gotten a skidmark? Yes, But I would either shower after I pooped or use the bidet we have at home

4. Do you have hair around or between your cheeks?yes

5. Have you removed or groomed any hair between you cheeks in the last three months? No but thought about it when I was younger and noticed my underwear smelled worse than my girlfriend's

6. When was the last time you remember having a wedgie? Not often with boxers honestly. Maybe back when I wore brief's in junior high?

7. When was the last time you wore a thong? N/A

8. Do you poop in public restrooms? Not often, I work at home. (my wife also points this out as she often poops in the hospital she works out with bad toilet paper as well. She points out many hospital providers have little time to go to the bathroom and admits to a two wipe max when she as at work)

9. Do you feel less clean after using a lower quality toilet paper ( public restroom or store brand Definitely after I use a public toilet. We use store brand (costco) toilet paper at home, but we also have a bidet

10. Do you clean yourself with anything besides dry toilet paper? We got a bidet this year, and before that we used wet wipes

11. Are you active enough to have a sweaty crack regularly ? YESYESYES

12. If you had a skidmark in the last three months, how often do you think you get them ? Not often due to rare wiping with just toilet paper...haha I also kind answered this for my wife as well..I love you "C!"


No skid mark survey

No Skidmark Survey

Should I bother to fill this out? You regulars know where I stand haha!

I'm curious of the answers of my "squeaky clean ladies" Esme, Catherine and Darleen ( nice to "meet" you if you have never read my posts)

Catherine, I know you say you have never get skids but you humbly have said you have done worse in your pants. I used to tell my patients that all humans poop themselves, it's just that the threshold of stress to induce that is lower at points of our lives ( early/late in life, illness, altered mental status). I'm always interested what other athletic ladies when they don't get skidmarks ( or when they do!) Miss you and happy for you!

1. Do you remember when you last had a skidmark? If so when and do you remember why ? Monday before Thanksgiving. I snuck in a quick poop at work work, wiped three times and went about my day. Light pick panties riding up in a big butt wiped by 1ply did not surprise me when I sat down to pee later that day

2. Do you regularly wear dark underwear than may hide a skidmark even if you had one? I am wearing a black thing right now that may or may bot be skidded. I did poop before me run so probably but I cant see it!

3. Have you worn light colored or white underwear in the last three months and not gotten a skidmark? Hahahahahaha

4. Do you have hair around or between your cheeks?...maybe alittle (blushing)

5. Have you removed or groomed any hair between you cheeks in the last three months? I think about it

6. When was the last time you remember having a wedgie? Some may consider a thong a wedgie but its such small material I don't feel it. Monday I wore full back bikinis that rode up that I could feel especially after my poop

7. When was the last time you wore a thong? Every day since Tuesday

8. Do you poop in public restrooms? So much

9. Do you feel less clean after using a lower quality toilet paper ( public restroom or store brand) absolutely. Store brand doesn't seem to mater, but one ply in a public restroom and out house, always leaves me feeling sticky even if I wipe more than 4 times

10. Do you clean yourself with anything besides dry toilet paper? Wet wipes at home occasionally. I have used a bidet in the past and loved it. And I love pooping and showering after at the gym or home. Not an option at work 😝

11. Are you active enough to have a sweaty crack regularly ? I work out 3-6 times a week. I earn this figure. I skid less when I take a break from working out.

12. If you had a skidmark in the last three months, how often do you think you get them ? -5 days a week

Wishing everyone in the US the best thanksgiving . I'm looking for the Friday post feast poop posts. I feel one coming myself !

-skid marked in Seattle ( hidden by black underwear)

Friday, November 24, 2023

Rose Y:
I really enjoyed your story as I'm also a huge fan of emptying my bladder in interesting places. Yours was especially interesting though and I'd love to get some inspiration from more of your experiences? Im also curious: How did you make friends who share your passion?
Also, are you the same Rose who once wrote about making a snow toilet?

T.M. : have you or your daughter ever peed or pooed freely in a locker room?

Darlene: Welcome to the site, I really enjoyed reading about your power pisses as a fellow avid power pisser! Can you talk more about pissing in hotel rooms? Its such a liberated thing to do and I'm looking to do more of that!

Charlotte from WI: welcome to the site, it's great to have you!
Its always great to hear about someone pissing or pooing in a fun place!
I'm sooo looking forward to your next story and I hope you give going poopy in the car a chance!

1. Have you ever peed or pooped in your car?
Yes, quite a bit, but mostly in containers. I will admit to having sprayed down my dashboard a few times and taken some shits in cupholders, though.
2. How much do you fart when you pee?
Not a lot
3. Are your parents/ were your parents open to your toilet fun?
Sadly, not really, but at times they were fairly encouraging.
4. Name one of your favorite posters/ story's on here that I should read

Without a doubt, Sherryl, who sadly doesn't post here anymore, (if you're reading this, I hope you're doing well and will post again!) But especially the contests she's had with her friends!


I almost beat my record

I got one of my largest pyrex jug that I used to just measure my bladder capacity from the cabinets underneath the bathroom sink trying to beat my record once again. So of course I ended up pouring this jug out into the toilet at least three times since my jug only goes up to 1000ml and I didn't want to measure it completely wrong or cheat in anyway.

I figured that I did 2400ml at least and am pretty proud of the results afterwards. I put the toilet seat back down after pouring the rest of the contents into the toilet bowl, which made the water in the toilet raise up almost to the point where it would had over floated by another me pouring another 1000ml down. The water was really yellow and had bubbles surrounding it. So, I flushed it but, not before wiping and washing my hands.

Thinking about next Friday and Saturday all the wonderful delicious Thanksgiving dinners (turkey, sides, desserts) that will be heading into toilets no longer delicious and all some shade of brown varying consistency and smells

The day after Thanksgiving must be one of the top pooping days of the year in the United States between the amount of people pooping and volume of poop produced.

Eating is a big event while pooping is the later part of the process that was caused by the eating that nobody like talking about or admit doing except on this site


To Petro

1.Is it difficult for me to poop?-Sometimes, but not usually
2.Do I have to strain a lot?-No
3.Do I usually fart?-Sometimes
4.Do I need to push a lot?-No
5. Do I poop by myself?-Usually
6. Do I usually poop when I need to and do I try to poop if I have no urge?-I only go when I have an urge. Otherwise I can't do it
7. Morning pee-Usually I only need to pee. I don't try to poop. I just drink lots of warm water throughout the day and if I get the urge to poop I go
8. Yes. Yes in the past. Negative.
9. Yes for all 3 questions
10. Yes though I have had big poops even as a skinny little girl
11. Yes to all
12. Not unless I have an urge
13. No
14. No
15. I'm Canadian so I live in Canada


Huge heavy poop

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had homemade soup with soft rice, chili peppers, some kind of dark meat, pale brown meatballs, egg, cabbage or green leafy vegetables, avocado and mini shrimp. Was very ???? and took quite a while to eat. After breakfast I took my medications (have to take them at 9 AM, 5 PM and 9 PM, always after food), thanked my caregiver, took my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs to my room. Surfed the net on my phone and drank warm water (made another jar down here). Finally got the urge a few minutes ago, a pretty major one. Grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside the door, put on the flip flops outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom.

Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the door and walked to the toilet. Felt very full and in need of a good shit. Pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed. A huge amount of heavy solid poop came out and filled the toilet. I was done within a short amount of time. But oh the relief! I'm still not 100% empty but it was a lot. I took out the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag and took some and wiped first my front then my butt. Tossed it into the toilet between my legs when I was done, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look.

Holy shit! It filled a lot of the toilet bowl! Damn. Flushed the beast down and it went down no problem. WOW. That poop was a hell of a relief to get rid of and I am hoping I can go again after lunch and dinner. Even better if I can go tomorrow too at my exercise program after coffee and lunch. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



To Esme:

Hi, Esme!
I already asked you some questions about your pooping two months ago, that's to say, in the middle of September. And now I'd like to ask you a few questions more, if you don't mind.

1. About your post "An eventful week" in the middle of October. Was it very difficult for you to push such a big turd out, about which you wrote it was like a baseball?
2. As you sit down on the toilet for your morning pee, do you usually also try to poop after it?
3. Have you ever a situation, as you sit down on the toilet for poopingand begin to push, but you can't push your poop out? And have you situations as you have to push for a long time during your pooping? If you had such situations, do you perceive it as a positive or a negative thing?
4. Esme, and may I also ask you some questions about pooping i your childhood next time? Is it OK for you? I like to ask such questions to other people at that forum too.

I wish you happy pooping!


Re: Radu

Q1: Does anyone enjoy taking a really big poop?

A1: I most certainly do. I actually look forward to them when I know they are going to be big, provided I am at home. Out in public, not as much because I am ill-equipped to deal with a clog. When such a train docks at the station I will often need to hurry to a toilet, which is harder to get to when in public, and sometimes the load is of sufficient size that it hurts to walk. I enjoy the way they feel as they are coming out, even if they are sometimes a bit painful. One of the best ones I can remember was one I took at a highway rest stop after eating a 1 lb can of mixednuts and a bunch of fruit during the drive. See page 2940, "Dropping a lunker at a highway rest stop". The circumstances where I took it were a bit embarrassing though, but it also was far from the worst restroom I've used. A very good and memorable dump that left a satisfying vacuum after I had finished pushing it out. I was also pleasantly surprised when it didn't clog, because I'd probably used 1/4 a roll of toilet paper wiping myself kind of clean(I recall it being one of my messiest bowel movements ever and paper was simply insufficient for the cleanup job).

Q2: Sometimes I think that if I took a dump outdoors and someone next to me took a much bigger dump, I would probably feel humiliated.

A2: Interesting. I wouldn't really care who produced the larger dump. I'd prefer to dump alone outdoors when the need arises. I never tried an outdoor buddy dump, but it would prove interesting. The closest to such an event was when I once dumped next to a stranger on an adjacent open seatless steel toilet in a park Mens' room, with no stalls around the two sit-down toilets and a bunch of people coming in and out to pee at the trough as we sat there. The most awkward part about that experience was not the long, rip-roaring fart I let loose as soon as I sat down or the fact that we were only 2 feet or so apart from each other with our asses exposed pushing logs of crap out of our butts, but that the lone toilet paper dispenser was placed between the two toilets, and we ended up needing to wipe at roughly the same time, thus we had to take turns rolling the paper and wiping, having to see each other do it. We both finished at roughly the same time and did not compare turds, as the situation was already awkward enough.

Q3: Is there anyone on this forum who gets satisfaction from pooping bigger than others or peeing more than others?

A3: I've never compared my poop output to that of anyone else after a buddy dump session, so I don't have a valid answer to this portion of the question. As for peeing, there have been times at school where classmates were amazed that I was peeing for 2+ minutes straight, sometimes jovially accompanied by accusations of auto-eroticism. I drink a lot of water, and it can take a bit of time to drain a half gallon from my bladder...

Rose Y:
I really enjoyed your story as I'm also a huge fan of emptying my bladder in interesting places. Yours was especially interesting though and I'd love to get some inspiration from more of your experiences? Im also curious: How did you make friends who share your passion?
Also, are you the same Rose who once wrote about making a snow toilet?

T.M. : have you or your daughter ever peed or pooed freely in a locker room?

Darlene: Welcome to the site, I really enjoyed reading about your power pisses as a fellow avid power pisser! Can you talk more about pissing in hotel rooms? Its such a liberated thing to do and I'm looking to do more of that!

Charlotte from WI: welcome to the site, it's great to have you!
Its always great to hear about someone pissing or pooing in a fun place!
I'm sooo looking forward to your next story and I hope you give going poopy in the car a chance!

1. Have you ever peed or pooped in your car?
Yes, quite a bit, but mostly in containers. I will admit to having sprayed down my dashboard a few times and taken some shits in cupholders, though.
2. How much do you fart when you pee?
Not a lot
3. Are your parents/ were your parents open to your toilet fun?
Sadly, not really, but at times they were fairly encouraging.
4. Name one of your favorite posters/ story's on here that I should read

Without a doubt, Sherryl, who sadly doesn't post here anymore, (if you're reading this, I hope you're doing well and will post again!) But especially the contests she's had with her friends!


To Princess Opal:

Hello! I'd like to ask you some questions, if you don't mind.

1. Is it difficult for you to poop?
2. As you are pooping, have you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
4. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you to push a lot before your first turd comes out or does everything fall out at once?
5. Do you always poop by yourself?
6. Do you usually poop as you feel you have to do it? Do you ever sit down on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Would you be able to poop in that case?
7. Do you like pooping? If you have to push a big poop out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
8. If you've pushed a big poop out, are you proud of it?
9. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
10. Have you ever a situation as you sit down on the toilet for pooping and begin to push, but you can't push your poop out? And had you ever situations as you had to push for a long time during your pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive it as a positive or a negative thing?
11. Do you make somertimes a buddy dump with somebody?
12. Do you ever poop outdoors?
13. I'd also like to ask you: do you live in USA or in UK?
14. And I'd like to ask you: may I ask you some questions about your pooping in your childhood next time?

I wish you happy pooping!

Emma two

Pood in front of Sarah

After holding it all day at work I was desperate for a poo when I got home. The bathroom door was open and Sarah was in the shower and I walked in and asked her if she would mind if I used the loo. She said it was fine and she asked me why I was asking. I told her I wouldn't normally ask but it was a number two and it might be a bit smelly. She said it was alright as even her shit stank sometimes. I quickly made a bee line for the toilet and pulled my leggings down and then my knickers. I sat down and relaxed as Sarah watched me and I immediately fell relief as a huge soft poo shot into the toilet. I peed a lot as well and when I finished I wiped my bottom and pulled up my clothes and washed my hands.

Chakamami (Chae, Kazu, Maho, Mina)

Question to Annie

Hi Everyone, sorry we were away long time. Very busy and Mina was not so well. Perhaps we can't give long post this year but we have memo of buddy poo in September so Mina will type when she has time and a energy. In January we will be OK maybe.

Even we don't post, we never forget lovely toiletstool friends. (But in January we will post. Promise.)

We have question to Annie. Sorry that we are so stupid bad girls, but we can't find anywhere the reason why you always take Walmart bag with you to loo when you do motion. What is signify of Walmart bag?

Sorry for silly question.

Love to everyone.


P.S. Optional Person, we are happy to see you choose us as favourite poster!!! Maho said, many kiss to you.

P.P.S. If we don't post until Christmas, best wishes for Christmas to everyone. We hope you can eat very delicious food and then when you are on loo from result of much eating, you can feel delicious taste once again.


Denise: The Coach Incident

I am fascinated by this account and would love to know more because something similar is one of my most vivid memories and I've often wondered if anyone else had ever seen anything like it.

What sort of age were these travellers? And I'm intrigued about their reaction afterwards.

No Skidmark Survey

A few of you post and may have found this forum to talk about the prevalence of skidmarks, which is probably even talked about less in society than pooping or peeing!

While many admit to getting them regularly, I think many of you have also genuinely reported not getting them, at least not regularly. I think if you have not had a skidmark in your underwear for the last three months, you are probably in the no skidmark club. This Survey is for you! (of course even if you do get skidmarks, your are welcome to take the survey as well!)

If you have not had a skid mark in the last three months:

1. Do you remember when you last had a skidmark? If so when and do you remember why ?
2. Do you regularly wear dark underwear than may hide a skidmark even if you had one?
3. Have you worn light colored or white underwear in the last three months and not gotten a skidmark?
4. Do you have hair around or between your cheeks?
5. Have you removed or groomed any hair between you cheeks in the last three months?
6. When was the last time you remember having a wedgie?
7. When was the last time you wore a thong?
8. Do you poop in public restrooms?
9. Do you feel less clean after using a lower quality toilet paper ( public restroom or store brand
10. Do you clean yourself with anything besides dry toilet paper?
11. Are you active enough to have a sweaty crack regularly ?
12. If you had a skidmark in the last three months, how often do you think you get them ?


Catching up...

I am falling behind with my posts! I try to read and catch up with everyone as often as I can. I finally have a bit of free time and thought I would catch everyone up on my recents. I took notes (like a good girl) so I could keep things straight! For the past week I have had several epic poops...including today (Tuesday)...all but one of these were at my college. Last Monday I had to run a few errands around the city and knew from early in the day I would need a big dump at some point. It is always funny to me how you can tell you are going to destroy some restroom somewhere. I was gassy and bloated and had more than one occasion in which I struggled to keep it in. Around 3 pm I finally gave in. Since I was out and about, I opted to find a hotel. The restrooms they have in their lobbies are always clean and welcoming. I found a Hampton Inn (or Holiday Inn - I forget) and parked out front. I soon found the restroom down the hallway to the left. It was not a single use restroom, but only had two stalls. I was the only occupant throughout. I selected the more roomy of the two stalls and dropped my leggings to my ankles. I really felt the need to open my legs wide for this particular poop. It did not take long for things to get underway. A rather demanding turd stretched my butthole open and slowly snaked out. Given that I needed to poop really bad, I just let nature take its course. Sometimes I pinch things off to make it last, but I was curious how big this turd was going to be. It felt amazing as it slid out. The crackles filled the restroom. I gasped with a bit of pleasure mixed with pain as it stretched me even further wide before finally breaking off. The rest slid slowly out, giving my hole a bit of a breather. I quickly gained realization that my turds were not only big, but stinky. I collected myself for a minute or so and gave a push that produced a nice fart, followed by more crackles and 3 plops. I stood up and took pride in my creation. The first turd was close to 3 inches thick and well over a foot long. The second was almost as thick and at least 7 inches. The final plops were just like golf balls. I sat down again and wiped my dirty butt. As expected, my flush was not successful. I tried again, but the water only rose to the top before finally leveling off, but still not flushing. I washed up and left leaving my logs to some lucky attendant.

The next day (last Tuesday) I had another huge dump - this time at school. I was a bit shocked by how much I pooped given the huge logs the day before. I had just finished my morning classes and went to my usual restroom around 10. I was probably on the toilet for 30 minutes and during this time, several other girls took poops as well. Only one other girl in the stall the farthest away took her time. She struggled with a few heavy sounding logs for almost as long as me but finished before I did. On this day, my turds were not big like the day before, but they were numerous. I did not really count my plops, but easily dropped 40+ - each the size of my thumb or slightly bigger. The thing about this poop is that it felt really, REALLY good. I wanted to write about this one long before now. I don't know if my shoes I wore that day gave me perfect toilet sitting height or what, but my butt was so comfortable on the seat. I had a slight squatting position with my knees higher than the seat and my butt was swallowed deep into the bowl, cheeks comfortably pulled apart exposing my hole just above the water. I remember looking down below and seeing the reflection of my crack at the rear of the seat....almost like the top of a heart reflecting in the water. It is crazy to spend time on this, but I was soooo comfortable on the toilet, I found that perfect ergonomic spot! Like the day before, I was most comfortable with my legs open (jeans and panties at my ankles as always). My poop was slow but deliberate. Less than a minute after sitting down the first plop echoed, followed by another, and another at 20-30 second intervals. This slow but predictable pace soon got the best of me. I am never sure if pooping is supposed to feel this pleasurable, but it did in this case. My hole was opening and closing just enough with each turd to create sensations of pleasure that I could not help but enjoy. And it just kept coming. Turd after turd after turd....not big, but not small. I struggle to wonder how much I should share in these posts, but I gave in to the sensory overload. I love to poop and I love to share it. I feel like I am giving something of myself and receiving something at the same time. After a bit of time, I finished, cleaned up and collected myself. To say my afternoon was relaxed was an understatement.

These two are all I have time to share now. As I noted, I had another good poop yesterday and today. I will aim to share those tomorrow. For now, I hope everyone has a great week and great Thanksgiving. So happy to continue to ready the updates from my friends! Love you Willa, Arrow, Jenny!

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