

Replying to Anna from Austria

Have you ever done your business on the toilet completely naked?

All the time. In fact, I am doing it right now as I type this. It's one of the first things I do before showering. I spend up to 15 minutes on the toilet before wiping and so on. I usually bring some sort of entertainment with me and just let whatever come out. This time, I had a lot of farts built up, probably from thanksgiving dinner and eating chipotle before I went to work.

It's those pinto beans and black beans making me fart really loud. They can also be really smelly as well. So, I turned on the fan the minute I closed the door and started stripping out of my clothes. Mexican food really have it's pros and cons..

Hello I would like to share a story I have from a long time ago. Here goes..I hope you like it.

At a family get together one year, me and my 7 cousins went off together to hang out. We normally did. The youngest was my cousin James who was 5 and the oldest was my cousin Patrick who was 12. The event was at Patrick's house and he has woods near his house so we went off to play in the woods. Patrick was oldest so he was sort of in charge. The woods weren't far at all so my aunt and uncle ( his parents ) said we could go in the woods for a while but be back by a certain time.

We played games like hide and seek, tag and even pretended to be animals. It was a lot of fun. Then my cousin Hunter who was 7 at the time, Patrick's little brother, announced he had to go potty. He didn't think he could make it back to the house so he had to resort to going in the woods. We all went just out of view to give him privacy not far away. We talked while we waited for him to be done. We heard him grunt loudly and it sounded like he was really having a lot of trouble. We all went to him to check on him to make sure he was ok. He was squatting with his pants and underpants off which were on the ground close by. His penis dangled and was peeing and he was looking down at it. A long piece of poo was coming out too accompanied by some farting, then it came out and he started pushing out the next one. When he realized we were there he was mortified and said "no stop don't look!" and tried to cover his penis but he was still peeing so he couldn't really hide it too well. My cousins laughed and watched but I felt bad for him. He was a really shy kid. He cried and said "stop looking at my weener! I'm going pee and I don't want everyone seeing it anyway!" Patrick told us to go back and turn our backs again to give him privacy. We did and we heard him continuing to grunt and he cried too, because he was embarrassed. Patrick comforted him and we heard a sudden increase in his grunting followed by Patrick saying "push" and encouraging him and then saying "good job bud." Shortly after, they both came back to the group and we returned to playing games. Poor Hunter seemed to be upset for a while but eventually cheered up. This was a long long time ago and now that we are all grown adults we look back on the memory and laugh, even Hunter!

Actually now that I'm here I might as well share a recent story of mine. A few weeks ago I went to the doctor and in the waiting room I desperately needed to pee. The bathroom was open thankfully so I went in there and closed the door and locked it and hoped nobody would come in. I put down toilet paper to make my own seat cover and sat down but somehow as I was sitting down my vulva touched the seat, I guess I sat down too far forward. I was surprised to feel the cold seat on my bits and grossed out too. It was an area that the toilet paper wasn't covering unfortunately. I peed for a good while and once I was done I wiped myself and pulled my pants up, flushed and washed my hands then went back to the waiting room relieved because it was a lot of pee I had to do.

So yeah those are my stories for today hope everyone is doing well and has a good day


Reply to Sarah S

Hi Sarah. I saw your comment on my last post. I guess you didn't really ask anything, but a few things seemed to be unclear to you, so I thought it appropriate to comment back to you, so that you could get a broader perspective on what happened.

First of all, I would like to say that I have an excellent relationship with both my daughters. There is no tension between us and it is easy to talk about any topic with them. Sometimes I feel like I'm more of a big sister than a mother to them.

But then more specifically to what happened in the locker room of the swimming pool. My daughter's fart was an involuntary, spontaneous, little fart. Her first reaction was slight embarrassment, but when I asked about it, she realized immediately that no one but me heard her fart and then she was mostly amused by the whole thing, not at all mortified. And as for pooping, maybe you haven't noticed my previous posts, but I've told that I've always been fascinated by hearing the sounds of other people going to the toilet. When I realized that my daughter was probably going to poop, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity and so I joined her. If we think about the situation from my daughter's point of view, there was nothing unusual or new about it. Pooping is completely natural for both of my daughters, and they are not shy about pooping in public toilets. They don't need absolute privacy and that's a good thing, because as we all know very well, there is never any guarantee of privacy in public toilets. When we are on holiday, we go shopping, we go to the movies and so on, there are always inevitably situations where we need to use public restroom. And it is not unusual that we might go to the restroom at the same time. I've heard my daughters pee and poop numerous times, just like they have heard me. I know there are people, and many, who are afraid and shy to poop in public toilets and avoid it as long as possible. I understand them well. I can't deny that I'm a little embarrassed myself if I have diarrhea or if I'm gassy or louder than normally when I poop. But so what, we all poop sometimes and it makes more or less noise. And it doesn't mean the end of the world if someone hears noises.


A few questions

@Darlene How is it possible that 900 ml. My pee impresses you since you pee a lot more yourself, even though I'm a man. I usually pee about 300 ml. When my bladder is really full, I pee 600 ml. I also have a 1000ml container, but it's big enough for me.
@Kristi You wrote that your boyfriend likes it when you take a big poop in front of him. Have you ever clogged the toilet in front of him?
@Gina Have you heard men peeing? Have you ever peed more than them? I don't know if you've read my posts. Have you ever measured how much you can pee? Do you pee more than me?

Today my mom took me and my little sister to McDonald's for lunch and then we went Christmas shopping. My sister's stomach started to hurt while we were in the store. Mom said that we needed to find a bathroom quickly or else my sister might have an accident. We couldn't find a public restroom, so my mom took us to the dressing room where there was privacy. Inside the dressing room, my mom had my sister squat down on the floor. She held my sister's hand as she had a soft poop. It was a small, and light brown poop that looked kind of lumpy. After that, my sister stood up and squatted again to pee. This time it was diarrhea.My mom cleaned up my sister with some tissues from the trash can afterward.Then she asked me if I needed to go too. I said yes, but I was too scared to do it on the floor like my sister did. So my mom pointed to the other side of the dressing room and told me to stand against the wall and go there instead.Afterwards, we left the dressing room and continued our shopping trip without any accidents.
My sister was relieved that she didn't have to walk around with a full ???? anymore. Later that day when we got home, my mom told me how proud she was of me for being brave enough to go in the fitting room. She also apologized for not finding a bathroom earlier, and promised to be more careful next time we went out.


Post Thanksgiving run and poop

Oh my it is the day after thanksgiving and I have had two amazing post thanks giving poop

I have to admit, both my husband and I were farting a lot after midnight. I usually have one or two toots over night that may or may not make noise, but usually don't smell. These one's were smelling, not sure whose smelled worse, but mine were louder.

I work up an hour later than I wanted to go to the gym, but the weather in Seattle is great today, so I decided to make a cup of coffee, change to a running outfit and fill out a survey on this forum.

After finishing my cup of coffee and my post, I pulled down my running tights and thong to my knees and started some more farts. There were a couple pushes but not too hard and I got 4 medium size turds out. I felt soooo much better getting that gas and poop out. I wiped one and cleaned up my bottom with my bidet. And pulled up my black thong into my fresh bottom.

I got about 4 miles into my run where I felt an even stronger urger to poop. A combination of a run poop and coffee poop, which made sense since I was did both that morning the day after eating at least 50% more calories than I am used too. Those who know, know. Those who don't I needed to poop STAT!. A Coffee poop and run poop are strong sensation and I felt both knocking. I crop dusted a few feet before stepping into a Starbucks. I waved to some staff. The good news is that they knew me and did not care I was not going to patronize them in the middle of my run. But they probably also know I'm going to poop, even the good looking twenty something barista who I have caught checking my out my late 30's butt in my running pants. He is very polite to me so I'm ok so I'm flattered but I may be a little embarrassed if he looks after the big poop I was going to have.

The toilet is a little higher so I'm almost on my toes, and I'm not even that short for a woman (5'7"). If I was constipated not having me knees or feet higher would have been a problem. I was not constipated. I popped out 5 long soft formed logs. The all crackled and would have been heard if it was a multi stall restroom (Starbucks has a single occupancy private bathroom) The logs came out fast and soft and I could not help but sigh with relief. That even felt better than my first poop. They were both pretty high volume poops. This last one I knee I had to flush before I wiped as it was making a little volcano over the toilet water and stinking up the place extra bad. No farts with this poop but I knew made a mess. I left some skid the bottom of the toilet with I hope would be loosed up and removed when I flush the second time after wiping. I wiped the best I could with 5 wipes . Starbucks toilet paper is not as bad as my clinic/hospital or gym, but if I wore a light-colored pair of undies I would have had a skid with my sweaty buns on my run. The black thong would not show a skid, but my get a little itch after a few miles. I generally wear thongs for comfort as I really don't feel them once they are in, but post poop it does feel not quite a wedgie but my buns feel a bit sticky if any other thong wearer understands . Of course, the handsome young barista was waiting for me when I finished. I pooped so fast that I could have easily told someone I just went in to pee, but the smell was revealing. Honestly, I'm not sure if he would have enjoying looking at my butt, but he did have a decent view on the way out. That's I know I'm with the best man as I know he still check my buns out after I totally blow up a toilet and have a few skids..haha…joking but not.

My run finished well, but as I though my hole felt a little itchy for the last mile. It was all good as I was ready for a nice shower.


To Darlene.

Thanks for your input. Other than the two incidents I wrote about in the forum, I've been fine. One thing they had in common is that I was in a hurry. Never had a problem if I am able to take my time. Still, I am going to mention this to the doctor when I go for my next physical. I have a history of occasional UTIs and my last one was in 2020. I didn't have any UTI symptoms this time.

And here's a short, unrelated story. A few days ago I was on a platform for an elevated railway. I was standing near an overpass between the platforms. Suddenly, liquid started trickling onto the ground next to me and some of it managed to splatter onto my shoes. It took me a moment to realize what was happening. A bum was above me pissing on the overpass!


Responding To Three Radical Questions?

1. Would we be happier if we had a penis and could use a urinal?
2. Would it be easier?
3. Would it be cleaner?

My Answers:

1.Yes. I felt like women always had the short end of the stick. Especially this with part. If we did have a penis and could use a urinal, there would probably not be a long line that tends to happen waiting for the women's restroom.

2. Yes. I've always wanted to pee standing up and I have in the past. Well, squatted over the toilet seat or left the seat up to pee.

3. I can't really say because, a lot of the times the women restrooms can be worse than the men's. I've used the men's restrooms plenty of time because I couldn't wait for the women's restroom.


Replying to Gina

It's good to hear other women who regularly post here also have strong overactive bladders and aren't ashamed of others who might hear their stream from outside a stall. I wanted to expand on something that happened to me this past Wednesday.

My boyfriend took me out on a date. It was pretty a pretty usual place we've visited before. Cheesecake Factory and of course, while chitchatting I kept sipping on my sweet tea I ordered. Unlimited refills the whole time were there eating what we ordered. After we was done, he asked for the check and I of coursed asked for a to-go box and wanted to take my drink as well.

Bad idea, I squirmed the entire time. Regretting drinking so much, I felt like I was going to explode. My boyfriend noticed and asked me, " Are you okay? " I replied, " I am. But, needed him to make a stop soon. " I was literally holding myself up until the point of getting out, grabbing my purse and closing the door, leaving my boyfriend behind while I desperately tried to find a restroom in this place.

A mall. I eventually found where they were and made my way to the first stall brushing past a woman coming out of one the other stalls. Quickly apologizing, I locked the door, put my purse down and unbuckled my belt, along with unbuttoning and zipping down my fly along along with quickly pulling down my panties.

I pissed for almost two minutes straight following a loud fart that escaped from me. I knew that I was overdue for a poop that couldn't wait any longer. I hadn't been able to poop for a week and so I knew that this was another stall waiting to be out of order next.

I grunted and stained waiting for this log to eventually fall out. Which it did along with another one following it shortly. I overheard someone spraying some air freshener that was placed by the sink and the sound of feet quickly leaving. I overlooked it and continued pushing until more came out but, instead of it being hard as a rock. It was more of a mushy consistency along with a few solid long pieces that came out last. I noticed pieces of corn, along with something green as well. But, overall these were all nice and brown, some of the longer pieces were outside the water, touching the bowl.

Anyway I did wipe pretty good, trying not to put a lot of toilet paper since more likely it would stop up anyway and of course I was right.. this crap wouldn't go down at all. Only the water did, I sighed. Quickly walking away from the mess, washing my hands and drying them.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Three radical questions?

At the office my BMFWB and I have become close. Unfortunately the firm is transferring him to a branch six hours away. So me and my daughter Lynda (10) helped him move into his new apartment last weekend. Lynda enjoyed riding in such a nice customized truck, but she got more hyperactive after each hour if we didn't do a potty stop. These were pretty decent Interstate rest area bathrooms. Eric was generous in making each stop, especially when the laxative I had taken kicked in. Lynda and I took adjacent toilets. She was slow in taking her seat saying the black plastic was freezing. I told her her body would likely warm things up if she were to stop complaining. As soon as I sat and spread my legs wider for a very full release, I could hear Lynda's tinkles increase with intensity. I told her if she was so cold she should pull her clothing up to at least knee level. I complimented her by saying I didn't think I had that much of a pee blast in me even when I was in high school.

Back in the truck the discussion between Lynda and me continued and Erik was joking around about alternatives. By several times down the road, he asked three questions of us:

1. Would we be happier if we had a penis and could use a urinal?
2. Would it be easier?
3. Would it be cleaner?

My answers:

1. I've never had problems with sitting on a toilet at home or elsewhere.

2. When I was in college I dated a guy who thought the urinal on the wall made things easier and cleaner. He would leave a puddle under the urinal and blame it on his frat brothers' bad aim.

3. I could envision young kids, not tall enough to drain into the urinal, place their wares over the front of the bowl--probably not the best hygiene!

I'd be interested in what the rest of you think. Thanks.


To Chakamami

Hi Chakamami. You are not stupid bad girls. There is no significance of the Walmart bag, but I carry it with me if I go to the washroom, upstairs to the kitchen (where I eat meals), etc. It's to make it easier for myself to carry my things around the house since at meals and if I go out for appointments with somebody I can write down the time, where I am and what I am doing. That's because my stroke and brain surgery affected my memory somewhat. I am mostly fine otherwise just need to be careful and write things down. Your question is not silly. *hugs*


My Thanksgiving pooping

Hello, everyone!

I'm thankful for all of you beautiful people.

It's Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, and my system still hasn't completely settled down.

I basically have three Thanksgiving traditions:
1. Stuff my face with food
2. Take a nap
3. Take a huge dump

2 and 3 sometimes happen in reverse order. And it's not always just one huge dump!

Most years, we have Thanksgiving at our place. But this year, we're at my in-laws. Steve's parents' house. It was me, Steve, his parents, his sister and her husband, and several cousins.

They only live 2 hours away. We had dinner at about 12:30. I had a LOT of ham, green bean casserole, rolls, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.

Now, I have a great relationship with Steve's parents and everyone else who was there. But I also (for everyone's sake) didn't want to take an absolutely ginormous poop in the only guest bathroom.

However, at about 2:30 as we were watching football, I knew I was going to have to poop at least a little bit. I know my sister-in-law had gone in for a good 10 minutes, so I felt okay to go.

I just find it really hard to only partially relieve myself. But I did not want to drop an absolutely massive load. So I really clenched my butt hard and stopped myself mid-poop. I pinched out a small amount, wiped, and flushed.

On the drive home, Steve of course wanted to know all about my pooping. I told him that I just left the "appetizer" at his parents' house and that the "main course" was coming. He asked if I could hold it until we got home as he really wanted to watch. I said "Sure." He told me he loved me cbc that he was sorry he was a "perv". I smiled and said he wasn't a perv and that I loved to poop for him.

We got home at about 6:00. I was SOOO ready to poop.

We went to our master bathroom and got out of our clothes.

I sat down as Steve gave me a hug and kiss.

Just a tiny bit of pushing was required; after that my butt was on autopilot. I could feel that my logs were really wide. Steve gave me a passionate kiss mid-log which I always like. Peeing happened after the majority of my poop was out.

The whole dump took less than 2 minutes and I felt like a million dollars. Steve cleaned me up and we went to bed.

It's now almost noon on Friday and I'm about ready to go poop some more!



Happy Thanksgiving!

Let's here some Thanksgiving stories!

Pee.S. Steve has a story about my sister-in-law (his sister) that he wants to share in the near future, but he's a little embarrassed. I'll work on him.


Good amount of poop that was on a rush to come out

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth then went upstairs for breakfast. Had some kind of clear soup with pineapple, pale meatballs, sweet potato chopped up, mini shrimp, rice, dates, peas, chili peppers, etc. Took quite a while to eat. After breakfast (about 9:45) I took my medications, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar, thanked my caregiver and went downstairs. Surfed the net on my phone until about 5-10 minutes ago when I got the urge to poop.

Grabbed my Walmart bag and phone, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, put on the flip flops outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black sweatpants and very dark green high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first about 30 seconds then pushed. A huge amount of semi-solid thick poop came out and started filling the toilet. When I was done I lifted myself slightly off the toilet and looked in. It took up the majority of the toilet and was fairly thick. Flushed the toilet first then took some toilet paper and wiped well. Tossed the paper into the toilet and flushed again. I'm also happy to say that my period is done finally. I took the pad out of my underwear, rolled it up, put it in my Walmart bag (to throw out in my room), stood up, pulled up my pants and underwear and washed my hands. Whew. Not 100% empty yet but after more warm water, more healthy food and stretches and exercises the rest should come out no problem. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Princess Toadstool Peach

Pinching my loaf and filling up the toilet like MAD!!

Princess Toadstool Peach: The following afternoon I had to go take a nice good big serious dump after my fibre filled breakfast and lunch today so right in the middle of my program I paused it, ran upstairs to my bathroom, opened the door, entered, closed the door, walked over to the toilet, lifted up my dress and the toilet lid too, yanked down my panties, gave my bottom a wiggle and then sat down on the toilet breathing a sigh of relief adjusting myself. Then after what feels like a huge wee peeing it all out of my dapper vagina bladder. I slowly started to go poo 5 inch thick lumpy ones too. They smelt terrible but they were worth it and then after I done. I finished defecating I felt some more coming as I released chunks of runny diarrhoea into the toilet. It felt like the explosive kind. I kept on going and going and going until finally I stopped. Then I wiped my bottom and bladder real quick pulling up my panties and lifting down my my dress then escaped before anyone could discover I filled up the toilet a whole stinking lot!!

Anna from Austria
I have a question for my fellow ladies.

Have you ever done your business on the toilet completely nacked?

I did it yesterday for the first time.

After finishing my workout I wanted to shower, do a post work out poop and then leave.

I have initially planned to go pooping first with my gym clothes first, then undress and then shower.

For some reason I was day dreaming and took my clothes completelly off before going to the toilet with my clothes on.

I do not wanted to put my sweaty clothes back on so just covered my body with a towel and headed to stalls.

I took the middle stall and locked the door. I took of my towel and sat down on the toilet butt nacked.

I started to pee, then a load prft type fart. Then I did a very big log. Then another load fart and to my suprise I did a second log that was almost as big as the first one. Doing 2 logs is pretty standard to me but normally they are ust medium sized and not that big.

After that I cleaned up myself and went to the shower.

It felt interesting to do my business naked.

that's my story for today

greetings from Austria



Thanksgiving Stories

Hi Everyone,
I can't wait for the wonderful Thanksgiving poop stories to flow in. I want to hear from all of the ladies and your stories at the store or maybe even right after the big dinner. Please share your urgency and if you hurried to wipe only to discover skid marks. Maybe you had an accident and unloaded in your panties.
My wife and I have a tradition we always attend a big dinner with her family. We spend the day and leave in the evening. We both hold our bowels to share with each other. There is a lake with a public pit style toilet on our way home. The men's and women's rooms are back to back with 4 stalls on each side. For many years we stop and use this facility. I always go on the men's side and shine a flashlight in the hole. O love listening to her let loose and watch it splatter into the pit below. Once she is finished I repay the favor.
We have always been the only ones there for years and we both usually have loose runny movements and there is always plenty of toilet paper to wipe with.
Last year when we were arriving a woman in her mid thirties was walking out of the women's room. My wife went and I proceeded to enter our respective rooms. I put the flashlight in the hole to view the pit because my wife really needed to go. Imagine my surprise when I saw a fresh pair of panties still steaming from the heat. Must be the girl that we saw leaving didn't make it.
My wife and I proceeded to use the toilet and reward each other.
Don't forget to share your stories and if anyone wants to hear our story I can post it after the big event. We live in Northern Pennsylvania and the temperature is great for using the pits today.

John H

Happy thanks giving and comments.

Hey all. First off, happy thanks giving to all the American posters here. Enjoy all the food and i hope some of you can share your post thanks giving dumps here.
Recently my poop schedule has been off after I missed a day which isn't common for me but happens from time to time. I have had to get up to poop in the night which I don't like much. The dumps can start as dry small logs before progressing to much softer poop. I am hoping normal business is returning though as I prefer daily solid poops.

@Esme. I was interested to read how different your poops were in your last post even though they were a day apart.
Do you know what causes you to poop a massive 3 inch thick log one day and several smaller logs the next day?
Can you tell in advance if the dump will be a big log or a number of smaller ones?
Do you think the amount pooped the second day would equal the big poo from the previous day, just delivered in smaller portions? This may be tricky to answer. Either way both poops sounded very enjoyable. There is nothing wrong with embracing the enjoyment and the sensory overload.

@The unnamed poster who responded regarding their mothers impossible and strict bathroom rules, I am sorry you had to deal with that stress growing up. Glad you found ways to work around it and that you abandon those strict rules when you could to go when and where needed.

That's all for now. Take care all.
John H.

Hey everyone! Thanks for your responses to my public pooping question. It's interesting (and sad) that there is such a stigma among so many people about a simple act that each and every one of us do….
Esme…wonderful story! You have such a great way with words in describing such a pleasurable experience! Also very happy for you that you got to hear some other girls plopping along with you…sounds like you had a lovely day!


Darlene and others


Darlene it's wonderful to hear about your pee stories and journeys. It's always good to hear about others strengthening their bladder!

As for me, I have an overactive bladder, and I drink water like no tomorrow. But I don't have a small bladder at all! I get to frequently use public restrooms, due to my career. I'm stationed right near a state park and rest stop, so I am always putting their facility in heavy use. And I do mean heavy, very heavy, use.

Just like Darlene, I'm proud of my full bladder. And just like Darlene, I'm often peeing far longer than everyone else. But if you catch me on a good day, you might just never see me come out of the bathrooms. It just feels so good to let it all out, and these bathrooms are usually loud and busy, so I usually don't worry about others hearing me. They are surprisingly clean also which is always a plus.

I have probably heard thousands of women peeing, and men, too. And let me tell you, there is an enormous range in bladders out there. Anywhere from 1 second tinkles, to minute long gushing. But every once in awhile, I will hear others who frankly downright shock me. Those who put Darlene and I to shame. Make us sound like we barely had to pee! Darlene, I don't know where they all store it, but of the few I've talked to, they have always been that way or had medical issues. You just never know who can do what.

And I'd love to share many stories on here, but I want to hear everyone else's as well! Let me know!


to the mother of 2

Oh yeah, I too got the same problem with my 3 year old brother...


For Petro

1. Depends where I am. If I am in a public restroom, like in school, it becomes more difficult for me.
2. Not much.
3. Honestly... yes.
4. Neither. It normally comes out after minute
5. Not always, but most of the times.
6. I need an urge to go.
7. I do like taking big poops.
8. Yup!
9. Sometimes yes.
10. I do have them sometimes. And I find it annyoing.
11. Friends? Sure.
12. I once did last year
13. Texas, USA
14. Hm... maybe


I once had to work the day after Thanksgiving

I always look forward to Thanksgiving. I love to cram myself full of food and then lay in bed with my insides stretched to their limit, digesting all of that food, usually reading.

The day after Thanksgiving has generally been messy for me, and as a result, I preferred to stay at home. When I was a kid, my grandmother used to love to drag me shopping at the mall for Christmas gifts on the day after, and it was perhaps the worst possible time, because every hour or so, I'd be rushing to find a public toilet and spend 15 minutes pooping, usually with a crowd of people waiting for me to make the stall I was using available.

It was 2008. I had just gotten my then current job earlier that same year, and they were overworking me. I also was not living with family at the time as I relocated for the job. On Thanksgiving, I cooked me a massive pot of pinto beans, probably 10 lbs of them, and ate the entire thing over the course of the day.

This was a mistake, because I didn't get the day after off. I had a deadline to meet for a project and had to go to the office to continue working on it on Friday. I was also the only one in the building on my floor. Normally, I take three or four poops a day, usually within an hour after each meal, farting through the day. That morning after breakfast, I didn't poop. After lunch, I didn't poop either. It was getting toward the end of the day and I felt extremely bloated with both poop and gas, as I also hadn't been farting much that day. Then it finally came: the twinges and pangs in my lower GI tract made themselves known.

I waddled over to the Mens' room, content in the knowledge I'd have the place to myself. I took the first stall, dropped my pants to my shoes, sat down, and didn't even need to push as everything started sliding out on its own.


Extruding out of my posterior was a massive, well-formed, highly-compressed, weighty, sticky, and slightly soft unbroken log of semi-sludge. The poop kept on pouring out of me like soft serve ice cream as I heard the Mens' room door open...

There was the sound of footsteps and the cleaning bucket rolling across the tile. I figured it was the male janitor this time, as he never knocks on the Mens' room door and just comes in, so I kept pooping as I heard mopping. The mopping suddenly stopped.

As the poop was loudly crackling out, I heard a woman's voice:

"I'm so sorry. I didn't think anyone was in this building."

I recognized the voice. It was that same Latina cleaning lady who had interrupted my pooping sessions 6 or 7 times already by this point since I started working there. By this point, she came inside once while I was listening to music via headphones because I didn't hear her knock(Page 2951, "gaining confidence to poop in public restrooms"), and she caught me on the toilet in this room about once a month on average usually opening the door to yell "Housekeeping" before I'd announce my presence, only to be waiting outside for me to finish each time(I recount some of her trials and tribulations with her job conflicting with my biological needs in "Poop at the office" on Page 2880).

She quickly left, leaving the cleaning bucket inside the Mens' room in her haste to give me my privacy.

I was a bit embarrassed realizing who it was, but could not rush this poop because it simply would not relent. It kept pouring out of me uninterrupted, sounding all crackly and feeling very warm and squishy. About 3 minutes later, there was a knock on the door and it opened.


I responded "I'm going to be here a while." I felt a wave of embarrassment rush over my body as I sat there with a cool draft on my rear and my pants resting at my shoes.

She then responded "Oh. It's you again. I understand. Do you mind if I get my cleaning supplies?" She recognized my voice at this point and knew who I was.

I said "Go ahead." I felt mortified.

The poop was still loudly crackling out of me, involuntarily and forcefully, as I sat there helpless to quiet the release. *ROMP-P-P-PT* I ripped a loud fart as she was in the room before she could get to the cleaning bucket. She pulled it out and I heard the door shut as she went to the adjacent Womens' room.

It finally stopped pouring out, but I knew I wasn't done. I felt an extreme pressure on my o-ring, but nothing would budge. I had to start pushing. And each time I pushed, I let out a loud fart.


I heard the door to the adjacent Womens' room open. The sounds traveled through the vent between the adjacent Mens' and Womens' restrooms, meaning she probably heard everything. For the next 5 minutes I could hear her mopping the floor, flushing the toilets, and replacing all of the supplies inside, while I sat there farting, releasing all of the gas that had painfully built up from the previous day's bean feast. She left and I heard her drag the cleaning bucket to the elevator, as I continued farting.

Eventually, the last of the solid poop started to come out. Another large, uninterrupted log of semi-sludge. I no longer had to push and it slid out on its own, forcefully pushing my buttcheeks apart and making a mess. It kept pouring, and felt larger than the first one.

This continued for the next 3 minutes or so. Then it turned into explosive diarrhea that came in waves. 10 minutes or so later, I still didn't feel confident enough to leave the toilet. As I was pushing again...

*knock knock knock* The door opened. "Housekeeping."

Liquid poop exploded out of me, loudly. *VRRT-WOMPT-plup-plup-PRORT-plutter-WOMPT*

It sounded like a airplane propeller trying to sputter to life.

I responded, "I'm not done." in the middle of all of this noise.

She then yelled, "Sorry."

The door shut.

I continued a pattern of exploding away for 10 or so seconds, and resting for the next 1-2 minutes, and exploding again. When I finally felt empty enough some 10 minutes later, I started wiping.

The cleanup job was a massive undertaking. I was wiping for the next 5 minutes. When I finished, the toilet bowl was filled with crap. Completely and utterly filled, with a pile of used toilet paper on top. I worried it would not go down.

I flushed the toilet, and it surprisingly went down, but it had left a bunch of gnarly brown smears all over the toilet bowl, from the drain all the way to the rim, and the remaining water was brown and full of chunks. I flushed again. And again. The streaks remained although the water in the bowl was now clear.

I washed my hands and exited the Mens' room. As I walked to my office, she was waiting outside by the elevators sitting in a nearby chair with the cleaning bucket at her side. She said "I'm so sorry about that. No one else works here the day after Thanksgiving, and no one is ever in there."

I responded, "I'm sorry about the toilet. It's a mess."

She responded, "Day after Thanksgiving. It happens. You enjoy the rest of your day." She headed to the Mens' room to clean it.

We never looked at each other the same way after that, as I felt embarrassment each time I'd see her, reminding me of the fact that her job required her to clean up after my GI tract, nor was this the only such incident where she became acquainted with its output.

I was a skinny white man that looked like a teenager and stood out among the sea of overweight middle aged coworkers, making it all the more awkward because I was so recognizable after I dumped such massive loads. All the janitors at work knew who I was.


My small poop and big poop of @Esme

@Esme, I loved your post about taking a huge dump in a hotel. How long did you go without pooping before pooping? I would like to feel the pleasure of taking such a big poop someday. Unfortunately, my poops are always small because the longest I can last is two days and that rarely happens. I eat quite a lot because I'm big, but the size of poop you wrote about is completely beyond my reach. I wrote about the size of my poop in previous posts.

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