

I need to stay away from beans altogether.

Yesterday, I got a burrito bowl from chipotle. The usual and not even before I finished up the bowl, my stomach started to make a funny noise and not even ten minutes later. I slowly begin to fart and this was right before my shift too. However I did a pretty good job containing them and only letting them out in the restroom and so on.

But, when I got home. That is when I begin to poop along with letting out the loudest farts that kept going even after I used the restroom until the next day. But, just like the poop from yesterday, it was all the same consistency and dark brown along with green pieces floating along with corn.

If they were solid, then it had to be smaller and usually would be covered up underneath the mushy mess that took zero effort to come out. These are my favorite poops to do. But, I am not sure if my boyfriend appreciates me farting all over house.

Pinto beans and black beans have done it to me once again. Along with thanksgiving dinner.


Replying to Nytecat

I'm sorry to hear that. I've also had plenty of yeast infections/BV and UTI in the past. They are no fun. Which is why I also tend to use the restroom whenever I have the urge instead of holding it.

Also, that is a crazy story about the bum pissing over that overpass. I would've been so over everything if that happened to me. I've never witnessed anything like that before because I live in the suburbs instead of the busy city where you're more likely to see more things of the sort. They probably don't want anybody using their restrooms unless you're buying something or getting serviced because a lot of the times, people can go in there to shoot up or anything these days.

That's how it was working at my first job I had. It was employees only at one point.

Very messed up!


Replying to Radu

It's still impressive to me. You were almost at 1000ml. So just imagine when you will be able to go past that one day.

Emma two

Held it too long

I remember once when I was 14, I was walking home from school with a desperate need to have a poo. I'd been holding it all day at school and as I was walking the urge to poo got steadily worse until about half way home I just couldn't hold it any longer. I tried to stop it but once it was coming down I was was past the point of no return. I filled my knickers with a big load and I peed down my legs as I was doing it. It was embarrassing but it was worth it for the shear relief of it when it was out. Walking home was OK. No one seemed to notice what I'd done but when I got home my mum knew by the smell. She told me to go to the toilet and get cleaned up and I took a long hot shower and changed my clothes. My mum asked me if I was alright and I said I was fine, I just help it too long. She told me I should have gone to toilet at school and I k she was right but I felt embarrassed having a number two at school.


More farts..

It's like they won't stop coming. I've been farting since the day before yesterday and maybe it's due to whatever I've been eating lately. But, at least the smell isn't as bad as when it initially started. Although my poops have been the same, mushy with corn and green specks.

But, I should probably lay off the leftovers and beer for awhile.

I was sitting on the toilet in a small, dirty public bathroom when a mother entered with two young girls. There were only two stalls and two sinks, so we were practically on top of each other.
The mother said hello to me, and then apologized because she needed to use the restroom. As she quickly sat on the other toilet and started to go, both of her daughters began to fidget and squirm. It seemed like they couldn't wait for their turn, either.

After about five minutes, the younger girl started crying. Her mother asked if she could wait until they got home, but the little one shook her head "no." Without hesitation, the mother undid the younger girl's pants and gently guided her into a squatting position over the floor, in front of her, in the stall. "Just do it like you do next to the car," the mother whispered.

I watched as the younger girl urinated while her sister looked on. Then, there was silence for a few moments before the younger girl clenched up slightly before began having a soft poop. As this was happening, the older girl told her mother that she also needed to go. Her mom pointed to the sink, and without any hesitation, the older girl hoisted herself up onto the sink and started peeing. She also started farting - loudly - which made me smile. Finally, she let loose and begins to poop into the sink. Meanwhile, the younger girl finished what she was doing and stood up.
Her mom gently wiped her bottom and helped her get dressed again. The little girl felt much better afterward, and went outside to wait. After a few minutes, the older daughter grabbed a handful of paper towels and wiped herself off too, hopped down from the sink, and left with her sister.
Their mother came out shortly afterward, looking refreshed. Neither the mother nor her daughters had flushed or cleaned up their waste. It seems they didn't think twice about leaving things just as they were.

After doing my business, I raise up slightly and take a peek into the toilet bowl, curious about what came out this time. To my surprise, I see that my bowel movement is a deep brown color. It's long and, solid, like sausage links but without any real shape to it.

I took a look inside the toilet the mom used, and noted how large and firm her poop was. On the floor the little girl's poop was small and quite pungent, there were three small piles of brown lumpy waste.

And finally, in the sink, there was the older girl's contribution - a larger, more solid piece, but still smelly enough to make me wrinkle my nose. there were streaks of brown down the sides and dark globs stuck to the porcelain.


To Princess Toadstool Peach

About your post on the page 3000:
Did you go on the toilet because you felt an urge for pooping or did you sit down there simply for trying to poop without an urge for it?
Was it very difficult for you to push your BMs out?

About your post on the page 3010:
Was it very difficult for you to push your poo out on that day?

About your post on the page 3014:
Was it difficult for you to take your dumps on that day?
Had you to strain a lot by that pooping for pushing your poopoos out?

And some more questions:
1. Is it usually difficult for you to poop?
2. As you are pooping, have you usually to strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
3. Do you fart before you start pooping?
4. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually to push a lot before your first turd comes out? Are there sometimes cases as everything falls out at once?
5. Do you always poop by yourself?
6. Do you usually poop as you feel you have to do it? Do you ever sit down on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Would you be able to poop in such case?
7. Do you like pooping? If you have to push a big poop out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
8. If you've pushed a big poop out, are you proud of it?
9. Have you ever a situation as you sit down on the toilet and begin to push but you can't push your poop out? And had you situations as you had to push for a long time during your pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive them as a positive or a negative thing?
10. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of peewee out, is it pleasant for you?
11. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
12. Do you make sometimes a buddy dump with somebody?
13. Do you ever poop outdoors?
14. I'd also like to ask you: do you live in USA or in UK?
15. And may I to ask you some questions about pooping in your childhood next time?


On the toilet nude gym vs home

Anna from Austria

I have been on the toilet on numerous occasions, but never in the gym like you described! I can imagine it feels like you are naked in public even though we are naked in locker rooms all the time and half naked in bathrooms all the time as well. I guess even though you are covering by a stall the combination of being naked and relieving yourself in public is a very vulnerable position. I'm kind of blushing thinking about it. At the very least, it might feel cold…

I have seen a couple women use a stall in the locker room at the gym. One blond lady in her 20's walked in completely naked ( in short if I had a body like hers I would walk around naked in the locker room with out a towel, too!)She basically had her towel in hand, draped the towel in her arm and was in stall for a few minutes so she probably took a poop. she came out and went in to shower, probably like many of clothes patrons us do when we have a work out poop.

The other dark haired lady in her 30's had a shower, but she had a dismayed look on her face. she she had a towel around her hair and body as she walked into a stall. She was not there too long but she was the only one using a stall, so some farts , a couple crackles and a couple plops were heard. She flushed then it sounded like she unraveled half the roll of toilet paper to wipe. She had the locker next to me , so I tried to act like I didn't notice as she took our her white thong out of her locker and got dressed in some business causal clothing.

there is a couple variations of some memes on social media that my husband and I have found an exchanged. Basically they all include a crying women with the caption" Just took a shower, now I have to poop" or "Now that I am in the shower, I have to poop." I can imagine this a perfect example as she seemed all fresh from her shower, but sounds like she had a messy poop that she desperately tried to clean with the 1ply toilet paper at the gym. Looked like she was trying to get to work, so no time for another rinse. And the white thong she had to wear on top of all that. I saw her adjust the thong a few times while dressing out of the corner of my eye

I have never pooped naked at the gym, but at home more times to count!

Often if I am undressing to shower, and I actually need to poop first (often after working out) I'll strip to nude. It doesn't feel weird at all to me, but it would if I was pooping in a stall. Oddly enough I will pull down my pants only for peeing, then I'll undress when I finish when I think about it.

One time I was having issues with my crack...chaffing from from wedgies, sweat and some soft poops. I went into the shower, then suddenly had to have a big poop in the middle. I got out dried my self a little bit, and had a messy poop. I wiped once and went back in the shower to clean my crack. It felt really good to give my butt a good soap a rinse. however most of the time if I have to poop within 30 minutes of a shower, I just "steer into the skid." I think once or twice I switched to a black thong or black panties from a lighter color due to immediate post shower poop, to minimize the skids. But if I use wet wipes or now a bidet its no big deal. Probably the worst is when I get to work then I have to poop first thing in the morning. I'm feeling the "stickiness" about by 3pm

Anyone else have experience being annoyed having to poop during or soon after a shower ?

Kristi- When you husband wipes you, does he does a good of a job as when you clean yourself? or better because he can see what he's doing? I recently kissed my husband while I was sitting on the toilet, and he was finishing brushing his teeth while I was having a post coffee poop. I it was fun and I felt kind of nervous, but I can could tell (see) he was not grossed out! He didn't offer to clean more nor would I have let him...yet?

-today I pooped then showered so I am not....Skidmarked in Seattle


To Lee

Hi Lee, thank you for your comment. I'm glad the story was interesting to you. I'm afraid I don't have much more to add. The travellers were young men, early 20s I would describe them as 'lads'. They seemed quite jokey throughout, including when they were having heated exchange with the bus driver. Once they had been to the toilet, they returned to the bus laughing and joking. Although one of them (not the one who had wet) spoke to me in a more serious tone and apologised for making the driver stop, but said they were just bursting and really needed to go. I told him I wasn't bothered at all. After the coach arrived, I didn't see them depart but saw one of them, the same one I'd spoken to, standing outside a pub. I assumed his friend was inside tending to his soggy jeans but that's just a guess.

Oh also, Charlotte, did you check out any of Sherryl's stories?
Also, how open are your parents to your toilet fun?

My boyfriend saved me

My boyfriend and my parents live about 450 miles from the college at which I am a sophomore. My boyfriend pays for one of my round-trip tickets and my parents pay for the other. On the second leg of my flight home something didn't feel right in my gut. I had just studied for a couple of wicked finals and my bowels were suffering from the anxiety and the sleep pills I had been taking. Two hours after my last final I was at the airport with my coat and bag waiting for boarding. Once I got on the plane and nearly fainted in line waiting for those in front of me to get settled, I could feel more tossing and turning in my gut. The heavy fart I was holding in would have been loud, smelly and detectable. I put my hand in my crotch for a few seconds. Yes, there was activity erupting there. My seat was six rows from the back. The line for the toilet was long and I had to walk around those in line to get my seat.

Once seated, middle assignment, I studied some pretty distressed faces in the line, including a grandmother with a four-year-old in front of her whining about having an accident. "I sure hope you're finally learning your lesson...was all she could say. A couple of aisle-seat passengers gave their consolations as the two came by them. I checked the time on my phone and figured it was less than two hours since I had taken my pre-flight pee at the first terminal. Although I don't squat-pee often, I will in an extremely public bathroom where there is no toilet paper for covering the seat or sanitary seat protector available.
It takes me longer to get my stream going that way--mom demonstrated and had me learning to do that when I was about 12. Once I learned to pull up the seat and effectively balance myself, it made sense, although some of my friends thought it was weird. And I wasn't going to be sopping up the germs of those who sat before me.

About 10 minutes before landing time I got a message from my boyfriend. He had a flat tire and would probably be about 30 minutes late to pick me up. So I was resigned to run for the first bathroom after exiting the flight. I was hopeful that there wouldn't be a line because my bowels were definitely past the moving necessity. Grabbing my long coat, I squeezed around those pulling stuff from the luggage compartments--much the same as when I was in high school and had to get a wee in before the two-minute warning bell. Only one detention in four years; I marveled at my record, although mom reminded me more than once that a serious UTI I had as a freshman could reoccur if I hurried too much or ignored my pee needs.

Practically running, in the terminal I ran past two restroom entrances because there were lines spilling out into the aisle. Finally running north I saw a restroom with no hallway line. I quickly ran around two all barriers and saw ample standing space. There was no waiting area or line. Each toilet had a 3/4 high privacy door. With a look at about 15 or 16 of them, it was obvious each was in use. But there was one door open about halfway down the line. One toilet with a white seat and apparently not clogged. But the door had been taken off. I grabbed for some toilet paper from the dispenser. Both were completely depleted. I had a relatively new white thong on. Rarely, will I sit directly on an uncovered public toilet seat, but this was going to be an exception. I dropped my jeans and thong to knee level. And none too soon. Blast after blast came out of me and it probably drowned out the intercom. I spread my legs so I could see the bowl between them. In one way I was proud, but a sore hole seemed to be hurting worse and worse.

More and more passengers were coming in, some holding hands with young kids who sometimes saw me, smirked and sometimes whispered something to the adult. I had been hearing a lot of flushes so I got the attention of one lady about my age, showed her I was out of toilet paper, and asked her to grab me a good amount for wiping. She came right back with both of her hands wrapped in it like on a mummy. I thanked her nicely. Normally I wipe from the seat, but I didn't want to have my bottom on one of those filthy seats even two seconds longer than necessary. I don't know how efficient it was but I wiped from a squat. When it was obvious that the stool was full, I would foot-flush, and then go into another squat round. I don't remember whether it was three or four rounds but in the end none of the toilet paper was clean. My hole hurt and the blood on the last few papers proved it.

My thong was damaged, but not beyond repair. Since it was an early present from my boyfriend, I didn't want to throw it in the trash. It seemed that once or twice a year when I was in public school I would mess my undies. I think in 5th grade my mom got a bit upset and gave me a couple of tutorials about effective wiping and threatened to suspend some of my media privileges at home since she thought I was trying not to miss some of my programs. Truth was that it happened in the crowded and hostile bathrooms at school. I ran my thong through the wash twice at my boyfriend's apartment and with pretty good results. He also hinted that he might be buying me more this Christmas. My mom, who followed some age-appropriate guidelines, refused to allow me to wear thongs until my senior year when I could/did buy them with my babysitting

Comment on the shower-peeing issue:

I remember as a 6th grader in middle school being repulsed by the girls who peed in the shower, bragged about it, and in some cases, clapped for one of the performers. There were 3 open toilets for us to use within feet of the showers. Someone would get up from one of the toilets and another of us would run out of our shower and onto the toilet because we didn't dare be late to our next class. Our PE teacher would not cover for us. Yes, I sat on toilets that were a mess but I didn't think human urine should be mixed in with shower water. The split was about 50:50 on that but our student council was not able to get any reforms passed.

Embarrassing Moments
I have a survey. My answers will be at the bottom.

1. Have you ever been walked in on while you were sitting on the toilet?

2. Have you ever used the toilet in a toilet lacking privacy (ie, no doors on the stalls)?

3. Have you ever had a friend or family member accompany you while you used the toilet in full view of them?

4. What would you find more embarrassing: being seen naked, or being seen sitting on the toilet with your pants around your ankles? Why?

5. Have you ever had a bathroom accident and been noticed/caught by someone?

My answer to 1:

Yes, I have been walked in on a few times. One which comes to mind is when I was using the single-use bathroom at my local library. I was trying to poo, although I was a little constipated. I had obviously forgotten to lock the door, because some middle-aged woman walked straight in and got a complete eyeful of me sitting there on the toilet with my jeans bunched up around my ankles, leaning forward and pushing. She mumbled something about me not locking the door, and walked out, slamming the door behind her. I was sitting too far from the door to lock it. And now that I was worried about being walked in on again, I did not feel like I could finish my poo. I just wiped my bum and left. Luckily, the woman who had seen me with my pants down had left by the time I came out.

My answer to 2:

I have never used a doorless stall, but I have used stalls with faulty locks, and stalls with unreasonably large gaps. It's not too rare for a women, and especially younger girls and teenagers, to peek at me through the gaps in the stalls. I guess they're trying to figure out how long I'm going to take, but I don't see what they will learn from looking at my face that they won't from looking at my shoes.

My answer to 3:

In my childhood and teen years, it was not too rare for my mom and sister to walk in the bathroom while I was on the toilet, even if I was pooing. They would come in to get something or do something or even ask me a question. Sometimes my mom would even come in to check on me, especially if I was constipated (it was obvious, because I'd be on the toilet so long). Back then, I was less self-conscious. Today, I am more private about bathroom stuff. I have a few friends who have seen me pee, and one friend who has seen me poo. Sometimes I leave the bathroom door open around my partner, but usually I close it.

My answer to 4:

I don't know why, exactly, but I find it more embarrassing to be seen sitting on the toilet with my pants around my ankles (my legs and the side of my bum exposed) than it would be to be seen doing other stuff totally naked (all of me exposed). I don't really know why it's more embarrassing, since less of me is exposed. Although I find pooing more embarrassing than peeing, I would still feel this way if I was just peeing.

My answer to 5:

I have never had a bathroom accident as an adult. A couple accidents in my childhood ended in me being 'caught', and I remember it was embarrassing, but I don't remember the details.

Monday, November 27, 2023

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