
Chakamami (Hisae,Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Dear Lou

We are shameless, if we use this word with the mean that you explain! Going to loo is no big deal for us, everybody have to empty their bottom, so if you have to do that in shopping mall, it's OK!

But we angry to women who complain about smell in public loo. If our bottom makes horrendous fragrance, it is not our fault. It is nature.

We hope that when you feel full your bottom in shopping mall, you can go to loo with your mother together, sit there side by side for very long time, do and do and do until there is brown Mount Everest under you, and then flush and leave loo with feeling comfy. But we also hope you always find toilet paper enough and it is good quality.

Love to Everyone.



Reply to Audrey

Audrey, you asked if I or my daughter had used the shower or the locker room floor as a toilet. No, we are not and I have never seen anyone do that. Even the thought of peeing or pooping on the locker room floor on purpose feels gross. I can somehow understand someone peeing a little while in the shower, but in the locker room - no way. There are bathrooms for that.


Hello Audrey

I don't know if you remember me Audrey but I am one of your fellow naughty pottiers glad to see you back. You said your parents used to encourage naughty pottying behavior can you talk about that?



Thanks to LC

@LC Thank you very much for taking my survey seriously and providing comprehensive answers. I'm glad you noticed it. Maybe this will encourage other people to take part, which I strongly encourage.




Lucie: Your mom is very courteous to poop in her pants instead of leaving a pile on the ground. I honestly don't think I could bring myself to do that. No matter how bad I had to poop I would try to hold it in. If it was coming out and I had no choice I would definitely go for the nearest bush

Tyler C: That was so nice of you to wet your own briefs to show the other boys how to modest pee. They must have been very grateful for not having to hold it longer.

Sunday, December 03, 2023

Chakamami (Chae,Kazu,Maho,Mina)

Dear Annie, Dear Anna

Annie: Thank you for answer about Walmart bag! Now we understand. We think we are silly girls, but you are kind to say we are not silly.

Anna: You ask about motion in birthday suit. In hot summer, we are often birthday suit for motion! Birthday suit is comfortable very much. Outside our flats we never do, but inside our flats, we are often doing. Not now because winter.

We don't forget promise to tell you about buddy dump with potties in hot September, of course with birthday suit. Mina is lack of energy now so perhaps in New Year. But we still have memo. (Squat over potties was birthday suit. Shower after was birthday suit of course. Tatami room after was birthday suit. Tea around table was...with wearing clothes.)

Hisae ask Mina to tell you that a few times when she went hot spring, she took off all clothes, but before she enter public bath, she enter loo and did huge motion, often diarrhoea, then she shower her bottom well before enter bath.

To Everyone: Don't catch a cold. Do you have heater in your loo? We put small one. Because we sit there so long time, and it is cold.

Love to Everyone.



2nd poop today

I felt the urge for another poop about 15 minutes ago. Went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, turned off the light, put the flip flops outside my room on and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed. A soft, easy to come out poop came out and settled in the toilet. Reached over for the bar of soap (since one of the guys who lived here took his liquid soap with him), turned on the tap, ran the soap under the water, rubbed it between my hands, put the bar back, turned off the tap and cleaned my butt really well. Stood up, rinsed my hands, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. There was a poop that took up quite a bit of the toilet bowl, was dark and thick. Flushed the toilet and washed my hands. Twice this morning I've gone. I hope I go again later, at least once. Get rid of all this crap in my body. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Huge massive turd

Just finished breakfast not long ago (yellow vegetables, an egg, spices, green onions, rice etc in a soup that my caregiver made). Took a while to eat and afterwards I took my medications, took my water jar, Walmart bag and went downstairs to my room. Felt very full and uncomfortable both because I was full from breakfast and that I would probably need a shit soon. Needless to say a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door and walked to the toilet.

Pulled my baggy dark sweatpants (on period) and high-cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for a short time then pushed. A lot of semi-solid thick poop came out, one big log. Finally I pushed the last of it out and I was done. Stood up and turned to look. A massive thick solid poop was in the toilet, taking up most of it. Wow! I could see why my stomach has been feeling very uncomfortable and full. Flushed and surprisingly the beast went down. Stood at the sink, turned on the water, ran my hands underneath it and put some liquid soap on my hands and butt getting it clean. Rinsed my hands and butt, washed my hands, pulled my pants and underwear up and that's it. Went to the door, opened it, turned off the light and went to my room to dry my hands on the towel, went outside my room, take off those flip flops, come back in, put those flip flops on and write this looong post. That was a hell of a huge poop so I hope after lunch I can go again. Sooner I can get all of this out of me the better. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Emma two

Big poo this morning

I was slightly constipated when I went to the toilet this morning and I had to push quite hard to get my poo moving but when it did it was huge and such a relief. I peed a lot as well and after pushing some more I did another big poo and then I was done. It felt so good to get it all out and when I wiped my bottom there was barely anything on the paper. I looked in the toilet before dropped the toilet paper in and I was amazed at the size of my poo. It felt a shame to have to flush it away because it was an impressive load but I had to. It all flushed away which is a surprise but I did press both buttons for a longer flush.


Replying to SquatSpotter

I am usually squatting over the measuring cup/jug I use and no I do not have to hold it closer to me to avoid any spills or worry about missing/my pee getting onto the floor. That is what mops/buckets along with pine-sol mixed with hot to lukewarm water are there for. But, I am open to ordering the female urinal since it seems like that would be better than using the measuring cup/jug. Long as I wouldn't have to keep starting and stopping to pour the container out as I do tend to pee a lot.

But, I've have recently bought a nice flower vase that would be useful to my collection. It has such a big wide opening and is hold way more than my pyrex measuring cup/jug. I cannot wait to use it for when I want to reach a new record instead of pouring it out into the toilet each time when it gets to 1000ml.

I blame drinking a 6 pack of beer along with staying hydrated with water I take with me to work each day. Well not drinking a 6 pack of beer everyday but it is something I would do to further increase my chances of beating my record.


Replying to Danny

I don't believe that I have IBS. Just a case of some bad gas, in fact I still have it along with diarrhea. I am not even surprised anymore because, yesterday I ordered some fajitas and along with that there was refried beans along with rice, cheese, pico de gallo, sour cream and guacamole with lettuce. I also had spicy red salsa along with some mild green and chips/soft tortillas. This dish was big enough for two people. Of course, I didn't get to finish it and the night before that was a five dollar box from taco bell and tonight was a chicken power bowl along with chips and cheese.

I do suffer from hemorrhoids use those witch hazels pads along with taking baby wipes with me if I have to poop in a public restroom. But, I rather much be home so I can wipe one good time and get in the shower. Which is also much needed after something like that. I didn't use to suffer from this and hardly ever WOULD get poop on the toilet seat but I've gained so much weight in so little time that this would happen very often.

I already had a big butt as a black girl but, now it's so big that it's almost impossible for me to wipe myself totally clean.


Replying to Audrey

I am glad you enjoyed all my post so far. I also thought the hotel piss was amazing. It sure felt that way. However, I hate that the flowers couldn't take me watering them. They died sadly, Which brings me to my next story that happened. I've messed up a pair of cute panties from all the gas I've passing lately. I couldn't even save them, I instantly threw them away once I felt a heavy bugle along with a terrible smell, I couldn't believe what I did..

And once I made it to the toilet, there was still more poop waiting to be released. I really overdid it for thanksgiving this year and am not looking forward to doing the same for Christmas. I was awaiting a few skidmarks once I got back home but this was much worse. I completely crapped myself!

It's my fault, 4 plates and a to-go plate for me to take home with some sweet potato pie. I spent the next day on the toilet.


Big poop about 15 minutes after breakfast

Got up this morning, went pee, microwaved my water and went upstairs for breakfast. Ate a hot soup with egg, spices and noodles slowly and took sips of warm water now and then. Had to pour in about half the jar of water into my soup because it tasted too salty (my caregiver at times puts too much salt in the food). Took quite a while to eat. The whole time one of the tenants was collecting the last of his stuff and moving out. After breakfast I took my medications, took my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs. My stomach felt full and uncomfortable and soon after coming back to my room I felt a major urge to poop.

Went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet. Pulled my dark sweatpants and light coloured high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed. A huge amount of solid thick poop came out and filled the toilet. It didn't take long. Finally the beast was out. I looked and saw that the guy took his liquid soap so I reached out and grabbed my bar of soap, turned on the tap, rubbed the soap between my hands, put the soap back, cleaned my butt with my soapy hands, rinsed my hands, stood up. Pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet.

WOW. This poop took up almost the entire toilet bowl! It was very thick and semi dark. Flushed the toilet and the beast went down no problem surprisingly. Washed my hands and went to my room to dry them on the towel and dry my soapy wet butt with the towel too. Pulled my pants and underwear back up, dried my hands again and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Thanksgiving dinner turned in to big brown S

got up on Friday after Thanksgiving sat on the toilet gave a good push than looked in the toilet to see that I created a large brown S that filled the whole toilet I don't remember creating large letter like that before. It was nice seeing that my body turned what was left of my thanksgiving dinner into large brown S all of that turkey, sides and pies for dessert. I took a final look at before I started wiping and it got covered over after wiping I flushed it away. Definitely one I will remember for while.

it is funny how sometimes letters are created this time being a huge one


Post TitlQuestion to Audrey (optional)

Hello Audrey:

In the discussion about peeing with or without a penis, you wrote:
"The problem is training, not equipment, with proper training, women can out piss men, even without equipment".
Can you please elaborate on the "training" that you had in mind when you wrote this?


To Radu

Hi Radu,

I will take your survey. I know there are a number of others that can answer your questions with good authority, but it seems most are suddenly bashful or maybe missed your post.

Q: What does it feel like to have a toilet clogged with poop?

A: As a matter of context, this is a regular occurrence for me for most of my life, starting around adolescence and remained consistent throughout adulthood.
Truthfully, I feel many things from an emotional perspective, and it largely depends on the situation. Most of the time, I clog my home toilet. I usually go early in the morning and while it only takes me seconds or minutes to go, it can be a minor ordeal to restore order to the toilet, lasting anywhere from five to fifteen minutes, depending on the scale of the issue. In these cases, I feel grateful that I can evacuate my bowels without much effort or pain (thankfully the latter is not something I ever experience), though it can be a little annoying if I am on a tight schedule for the morning and I must spend some extra time rectifying the issue. To be clear, I am usually a two to four flush person even if it doesn't clog the toilet. The first flush almost never clears all the contents and usually leaves tons of streaks.

The more diverse set of emotions occur when I have to go outside of the home. I feel the most trepidation and embarrassment when it happens at work. We have common area bathrooms that we share with a number of other white-collar firms, so luckily it's not like these are single occupancy bathrooms just for our group. Still, each firm is relatively small in head count, so everyone kind of knows of everyone else. As luck would have it, my productions are not only large but quite fragrant, to the point that I've received comments throughout my life. Certainly, it doesn't help matters that a lot ends up out of the water, which produces a continuous smell to go along with the initial release. The work bathroom has two stalls and a urinal and is no more than 20 feet by 10 feet, which is to say it's quite intimate and I can stink the place out without much effort. For whatever reason, I have a huge hang up about knowing my coworkers poop habits and smells and them knowing that about me. Unfortunately, the new property manager removed plungers from the bathrooms sometime ago, so I often have to leave the issue unresolved. Typically, I send an email to building management that there is an issue in the men's room that needs to be addressed. Thankfully, I don't have too many experiences where I clogged the toilet with co-workers present, as I try to go when no one is there and leave quickly. Still, it has happened and a wrote about one instance at a high-end steakhouse restaurant at a company outing a while back (page 2792). There are some other stories on that page as well.
Other places where I've felt some negative emotions are in small group settings, as a house guest, and the worst was probably in 8th grade when I clogged the toilet on the bus during a school trip and then suffered some ridicule at the hands of one of these "popular girl" types. I can look back and laugh about that situation on the bus now, but I was absolutely mortified at the time.

Q: Do you like to clog the toilet with your poop?

A: This is an interesting question. I do feel some sense of identity with it, but each occasion is its own thing. As mentioned, there are plenty of times where I feel great relief and even euphoria if it's an especially big release and other times, I am more worried about the company and context of the situation.

Q: How many days do you have to go without pooping to clog your toilet?

A: I can clog toilets with my regular daily motions. My cycle is typically one to three days, though thankfully I never really experience true constipation. At the risk of being overly graphic, part of the issue is just the overall girth. They just don't fit down easily. There also tends to be a lot either dense, long, and well formed, or in more amorphous forms.

Q: Is there anyone whose toilet you would clog up just to get back at them or just for fun?

A: Honestly, I think I would be embarrassed to do that, if it meant showing someone it first hand. I can talk about these things with some confidence here with relative anonymity, but I've never had a poop buddy or an open relationship where I showed people my productions live and in person. I do admit curiosity for other's though, and even a sense of kinship, if that makes sense.

Q: Have you ever had the pleasure of filling someone else's or a public toilet with poop?

A: Yes, this has happened to me more times than I can count, if you mean clogging a public toilet or someone else's bathroom. I began to live off campus in college, starting in my sophomore year. I quickly found that the old house we rented wasn't much of a match for my productions or their scent. As a result, I spent much of my bathroom time using public facilities on campus, and had many instanced where I had to leave a clogged or partially clogged toilet behind.



First time poster here! I've been a long time lurker on this site for many many years (since the late 90's)and finally worked up the courage to post. Im a female in my mid thirties from East TN. My mother and I are both super shameless shitters. We go shopping a lot and always end up eating a meal out somewhere. Neither one of us have gallbladders and we are both lactose intollerant. You can just about guess what that meams.... This almost always ends up with us taking a huge shit in side by side stalls in a public bathroom somewhere. By shameless I mean We do not care how many people are around, how loud it is or how bad it smells. When we've gotta go we just let it fly with no shame whatsoever! You name it, its most likely happened to us, from having to poop in doorless stalls in a crowded bathroom (happened to both of us on several occasions), to stinking up the whole room up so bad that when another lady walks in she just turns around and leaves without doing her business because she couldn't stand the smell (also happend to both of us on several occasions.) There's been times where we've been so desperate the poop was literally coming out of our butthole before we could get over the toilet resulting in us shitting all over the wall or the back of the toilet (happened to us both on several occasions). Theres been times we've shit the bowl full only to realize there was no toilet paper to clean our messy butthole's with (again happened to us both on multiple occasions). The more gassy, stinky, and embarrassing the better! I love reading posts from other people who are shameless as well! It cracks me up to read about other peoples poop stories in public restrooms! I have so many stories from over the years and can't wait to share them and get the responses and reactions of others! So here's to Happy Stinky, Messy, Embarrassing, Loud, Farty, Public, Poo-Pooing! Hey we all do it right?!

Saturday, December 02, 2023

John H

Finally recovered

Hi all.
In my last post I mentioned that I was having unsatisfying runny poops at odd times. This continued until today.
I was after my breakfast coffee when I was hit with a strong need to go and I could tell it was more solid. I continued to work and hold for a little while enjoying the pressure.
When I did go to the bathroom I had to clench tightly to hold it back. Once I sat on the toilet with my trousers and boxers at my ankles I felt my hole slowly open. It felt big and I relaxed and let things progress without pushing. I then experienced something I have read about here from other posters before. This was really needing to go but once the tip of the log began to move out it stopped. This stayed like this for around 3 minutes. I tried not to push and to just rrelax and enjoy the pressure.
I could really feel the weight of the poop inside wanting to make its way out. A small amount fell in the toilet and I gave some very gentle pushes to get things moving. I was really stretched open and the log was still hardly budging.
After enjoying the sensation for another minute the log slowly moved and felt very good coming out. Another section broke off but it was still coming out.
It moved a little faster and I could feel that it was well formed but soft at the same time. The rest of the log splashed in the toilet softly and a strong smell rose up. I then peed for around 40 seconds.
It felt very good to be finally pooping more like normal. I sat for a few minutes and gave some strong pushes to see if there was any follow up. There wasn't and I started wiping.
It felt like I would need a lot but I was clean after 3 wipes. I done a fourth to be sure before flushing it all away.
I hope I have another satisfying poo tomorrow. This one was really enjoyable. A good clear out can't be beaten.
That's all for now. I may post a pee survey in my next post.
Take care all. John H.

Oh also, Charlotte, did you check out any of Sherryl's stories?
Also, how open are your parents to your toilet fun?


Baby Nurse

Hey everyone! This is such a cool site. I ended coming across this site while using the bathroom at work. I am a nurse at the biggest children's hospital in my state. I have black hair, about average height for a woman and I'm in my 40s. I love to poop! Sometimes though being a nurse in a mother baby unit, it's not always the easiest thing to step away. Yesterday, I was making my rounds and got stuck in a patient's room giving them their medicine. I had to poop so bad. My butt was shaking from me squeezing it so hard. I ended up letting a fart slip out but thank god it was silent. Once leaving the patient's room, I ran down to the bathrooms. We have two single toilets in our unit. I went into the bathroom, locked the door, and sat down. I relaxed and immediately my poop started coming out out. It felt big. The first poop landed without a sound. I started to pee and then the second poop started to crown. It began to emerge and fell with a quiet splash. I really smelled up that bathroom. Thank goodness for high functioning vents. I stood to look. I had 1 poop about 12 inches and a second about 8 inches. Both were light brown color. I sat back down to start wiping. They keep baby wipes in the bathroom so I snagged a baby wipe to start the process. I stuck it between my cheeks and wiped front to back. It came back covered. I had to repeat the process 3 more times before switching to toilet paper. It is easy to say my butt was a mess. About 8 wipes later, I pulled up my thong and scrub pants, washed my hands, and went back to work.


I thought I was done pissing..

Earlier at work, I finally got a chance to get away from my computer and use the restroom. So I immediately made my way in, closing the door and instantly unbuckling my belt along with unbuttoning the button and unzipping my zipper and pulling my pants down to my ankles as I started to piss. I sighed thinking I was about to piss all on myself and that I was this close to a working toilet. This went on for a couple of minutes until It eventually slowed down to a much weaker flow but as I noticed this, I decided that I was almost empty and thought my piss was pretty much over with until more begin to come out when I wanted to wipe. I was glad that this didn't come out as soon as I was pulling up my underwear or I would've had a wet spot.

I absolutely love to take pisses, where I am absolutely bursting. I feel that I am making my bladder stronger and for sure it is that.

Anna from Austria
@Darlene Thanks a lot for sharing your interesting story.

@Jenny Yes it really felt embarrassing to be in such vulnerable and it also felt quite cold. I have not seen my face but it is possible that I was blushing while walking to the stall and then back to my locker.

The meme you have mentioned is interesting. I never had to poop while taking a shower but it happended very often to my mother and older sister. I cannot remember the details has been a long time since I lifed at home ( I am my late 30s already after all) but it happended quite often that our bathroom at home (it included a bathub and toilet) was filled quite often with a unique smell after they were using the bathroom. It was a mixture of the smell of shower gel, shampoo and poop. So I think they often had to poop right after their morning shower.

Such thing never happens to me. I always have to later a bite later in the morning. So I have always done my morning poop at school.

greetings from Austria


greetings from Austria



To Portia Sometimes Poos:

1. Was it difficult for you to push yours poops out on that day you told on the page 3012 about (Pooping on a walk to my boyfriend's house)?
2. Is it usually difficult for you to poop?
3. As you are pooping, have you usually to strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
4. Do you fart before you start pooping?
5. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually to push a lot before your first turd comes out? Are there sometimes cases as everything falls out at once?
6. Do you always poop by yourself?
7. Do you usually poop as you feel you have to do it? Do you ever sit down on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Would you be able to poop in such case?
8. Do you like pooping? If you have to push a big poop out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
9. If you've pushed a big poop out, are you proud of it?
10. Have you ever a situation as you sit down on the toilet and begin to push but you can't push your poop out? And had you situations as you had to push for a long time during your pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive them as a positive or a negative thing?
11. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of peewee out, is it pleasant for you?
12. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
13. Do you make sometimes a buddy dump with somebody?
14. Do you often poop outdoors?
15. I'd also like to ask you: do you live in USA or in UK?
16. And may I to ask you some questions about pooping in your childhood next time?


To Denise - The Coach Story

Thanks for responding to my questions. I understand your embarrassment totally.

Years ago, I saw a football supporters coach pull into a motorway service station and one lad got off with all his mates laughing at him. They were of a similar age to the group you describe. He was scarcely able to walk properly, although there was a lot of raucous banter going on and he was fully engaged in the vocal exchanges. You could see a little patch of wetness right at the bottom of his crotch, which suggested he'd leaked a bit on the coach, but as he started hobbling towards the main building, there was a huge dark patch on the seat of his jeans, indicating that he'd let go a significant amount whilst sitting down.

I didn't see any more of him for about 10 minutes until a group of lads came walking back towards the coach. They didn't seem anywhere near as jovial as before, and their mate was in the middle of them, looking a bit forlorn. He had a massive dark stain all over his crotch and one leg of his jeans was saturated down the entire length, right down to his ankle.

He'd obviously completely wet himself and I've often wondered where he did it? Whilst trying to get to the main building? Inside the building? In a queue for the toilet? Inside the toilet whilst waiting for a urinal to become free?

Wherever it happened, he was so close. The whole demeanour of the group had changed and I'm actually glad I didn't see it happen as I guess it would have been pretty embarrassing.


My FIRST EVER buddy dump!

Hello everyone! I am not sure if anyone remembers me but I first posted in 2021 on page 2874 as a very pee shy 16 year old girl. Thank you to your help (Rosalynne you are a life saver to me) I was able to pee at school, and eventually take a crap too! I am now an 18 year old and while I am still very shy, I can use public bathrooms to relieve myself when necessary.

Now with my little back story out of the way, I wanted to tell you about my buddy dump! I went into town with my friend Agnieszka and I just could not stop farting, it was constant! She asked if I was okay and I confessed I needed a crap. Much to my amazement she answered "I do too, let's get to the toilet" There was some toilets nearby, small, with only two stalls, but that was all we needed.

We went into our respective stalls and I put some toilet paper into the bowl, pulled down my jeans and sat. Agnieszka started peeing as I was undressing and I had a pee too. I pushed, letting out a squeaky fart which made her giggle and a second push was enough to get things moving. I was doing it! My crap was soft enough to pass easily, but still with enough firmness to hold its shape. It was near silent, the only sound being the quiet crackling as it emerged. I couldn't hear a thing when it broke off and landed on the wet tissue.

I had pushed out three logs before I heard anything from Agnieszka and wow did she make an announcement! There was a huge splash from her stall and it sounded like her crap had been dropped from quite some height! I gave another push and managed to force out a small nugget so I started cleaning up as she dropped another depth charge. The downside of a soft crap is the mess! Do you ever do the first wipe and think to yourself "Sigh… this is going to take a while" Agnieszka pushed out another two pieces AND finished wiping herself before I came back clean. She was washing her hands when I left my stall and joined her at the sinks. My face was bright red in the mirror! I was feeling really self conscious about having a crap next to my friend, but I am also so happy I have done it. I really want to do it again with her.



position while measuring your bladder

Darlene -

What position are you usually in and how do you hold the measuring cup when you empty your bladder into Ito to measure capacity? Also have you thought about ordering a female urinal? It is a bottle with an opening you can hold against yourself down there while you pee and has measuring marks on the side. They aren't expensive on Amazon and I have one for myself in the male version since I am bladder and bowel incontinent. When I feel the slightest urge I'll pee so as to at least keep my diaper dry as much as possible.

Rose Y

Response to Audrey and mini-update

Hello all!

I've been out and about a bit the past few weeks, and have had the chance to pee in a few fun places: on a few trees that looked deserving, on a large boulder, into a river a few times, and once notably over the side of a small bridge! I really enjoyed that one, and have been thinking about a way to go about peeing off of a larger bridge sometime.

To Audrey: thank you for your response!! I would love to hear about some interesting places you've peed in the past!
I feel very lucky to have a friend who's interested in peeing fun places together - it took a long while to work up the nerve to talk about it, and at first she wasn't quite as into it, but as we talked about it and tried out doing some outdoor piss breaks she's really discovered that it's her thing, and now we go out on trips together sometimes just to visit our favourite pee places!
I have a few other friends who I feel comfortable emptying my bladder around, and they've gone pee around me once or twice, but it's much more of an "unfortunate necessity" to them, whereas my pee friend and I get a lot of entertainment out of relieving ourselves.

And, yes I am the Rose who has made snow toilets! I have some plans for this upcoming winter to do some more, and hopefully post about them!

I'll post some more stories soon, I have a few in mind already. :)

Rose Y


Response to Darlene's 'More farts..' post

That sucks. I really know how that feels. With my IBS if I eat the wrong thing I'll be farting like crazy for days. The one time I ever ate taco bell when I was like 17 years old it felt like I was farting fire and my butthole felt like a blowtorch.


My bowels are now back to normal every morning past two weeks.
constant rain so went to camper a few mornings have used THETFORD ELLEGANCE for wee in the night and the THETFORD 245 for a number too.
This morning woke had a wee got back in bed then suddenly need a B M
SAT ON JONES RELAX BED PAN .A wee then put palms of my hands on mattress and pushed , felt really awesome as I kept going for two minutes then sat and relaxed a few minutes before wiping with four sheets of Shades kitchen towel.

PJ (He/Him)

Survey response

Kristi-I agree with MD Dan I am impressed that you stopped mid poop.

I remember the last time I guess I pooped my pants was in early high school. I was on the football team, and I was farting for the last few hours of the school day, like the you need to poop soon fart, not the gas only fart. I was unfortunately very busy that afternoon, so I did not have much time to poop during my last few classes or before practice I like I often did. And I was running late to practice, so I got into the stall and let out two long turds to relieve pressure. I did not think I was done, but I wiped three times to get moving, though I would need at least 5 for my newly hairy bum. I figured if I was lucky, I would only get a couple skidmarks. I would not be so lucky. I felt ok for the first hour and a half of practice, but the last 30 minutes I was sweating from clinching my cheeks. During the last activity I was finishing a drill and I felt a log slip out into my briefs. Oddly enough one of the cheerleaders who I had a crush on my suddenly wanted to talk to me after practice, but I had to cut her short to change my pants before she noticed. The worse part was having to cut my conversation short as I was not the only boy to $h*t himself during practice, but I was embarrassed and mad that I could not talk with my crush. Once I got to the locker room I got into a stall and dumped a turd into the toilet and unloaded two more turds into the toilet. No farting just solid formed but soft poop. I cleaned up with toilet paper and threw away the last pair of white Hanes briefs I ever owned. BTW all the boys had skid marked Hanes briefs on the football team, even the popular quarterback. Often the varsity player switched to boxer briefs or at least nonwhite briefs by Junior/Senior Year, but for some reason all the freshman and sophomore guys stuck with the "tightie whities"

One thing I also don't like is emptying my bladder partially. I have done this as an exercise for a variety of reasons per my doctors' orders. I have also stopped mid-stream for a few interruptions in my life. However, I have never half emptied my bladder and urinated myself. I was able to hold it, but it was not fun stopping.

Answers to Embarrassing Moments Survey

1. Have you ever been walked in on while you were sitting on the toilet?
Several times. The worst was in high school, I had been holding my crap for two hours, got my worksheet done fast in English, and with my teacher's permission, hurried across the hall to the bathroom. I didn't latch the door because it was partially broken and I was more focused on dropping my sweats and taking my seat. I was like 20 seconds into my crap when the fire alarm went off. I figured I could just sit in out. About 5 minutes later just as I was raising my rear to wipe, a fireman opened the door, yelled at me, and practically yanked me off the toilet and escorted me to the entrance without even letting me wipe. A vice principal was there, took my student ID, and she gave me a suspension of two days. My parents got a letter from the state fire marshals office violating some public building code. Mom was somewhat sympathetic; dad went crazy on me and cussed me out. He predicted my attitude in the future would get me in worse trouble.

2. Have you ever used the toilet in a toilet room lacking privacy doors?
Yes. Many times. They called it middle school. Only 1:5 toilets had a privacy door and the administration threatened to take the remaining doors off if we continued to misbehave.

3. Have you ever had a friend or family member accompany you while you used the toilet in front of them?
My friend Becky was upset with me one weekend when she stayed over. So I let her come in and sit on the bathtub while I used the toilet. It happened several times after that both at home and when stopped for food at places such as gas station. By the time she turned 17 she was mature enough to respect my space.

4. What would you find more embarrassing: being seen naked, or being seen sitting on the toilet with your pants around your ankles? Why?
Both have happened to me when I'm at the beach and using the shower and toilet facilities in the bathhouse. It doesn't matter so much when I'm out-of-town and know that I probably won't see those people again. When I'm with my friends locally I tend to be more embarrassed. My problem is that swimming causes me to activate my bowels and the bathhouse toilets are anything but private. Then try going back outside with a brown streak on my yellow swim suit.

5. Have you ever had a bathroom accident and been noticed and caught by someone? It was just bad timing. In 5th grade I took my crap, noticed that I didn't have any toilet paper in my stall, so I left the bowl with pretty significant crap that I knew wouldn't flush, and was going toilet to toilet in the line of 8 or 9 toilets when a teacher came in to check on me and I was accused of messing around and wasting time. I was forced to go back to class with a dirty butt. I messed up my underwear and my mom wasn't very happy about it. I never got to tell my side.

PJ (He/Him)

Survey response

Jenny- Once or twice a month I have to poop after a shower. I rarely get visible skidmarks with my boxers these days, but if I have to poop in the morning after my shower, I admit I feel a little sticky by dinner, or sooner if I am active.

I will speak for my wife as well as she will often poop after a morning shower at work, Her underwear is often less forgiving in terms of hiding skids.

We used to use wet wipes for this reason, but we phased them a out a few years ago. We are considering a few brands of bidets

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Darlene: it's a joy to read your posts! That hotel piss was so amazing! Especially that you were able to get some in the vase! Have you done any other power pisses like that, or naughty poos in a similar context?

Three radical questions:
1. Would we be happier if we had a penis and could use a urinal?
2. Would it be easier?
3. Would it be cleaner?

1. No. The problem is training, not equipment, with proper training, women can out piss men, even without equipment.
2. Easier than now? Yes. I know for a fact that I can piss faster and in more places than my girlfriends who can't piss standing up. Faster than men? That also depends on training. We have less equipment to fiddle with but more clothing to get clear, unless we wear skirts!
3. Probably. If more ladies learned to piss standing up, we'd be able to aim instead of hovering over the toilet and making a mess.

T.M.: have you and your daughter ever used the floor or showers in a locker room? They're practically made to be toilets!


Had a gigantic shit after dinner

Felt very full and uncomfortable for most of the day. Woke up this morning after my alarm went off at 8:30, filled and microwaved my water jar, went pee, changed my pad, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a homemade soup with eggs, orange ish meatballs, green leafy vegetables, ground beef, mini green peas, other pale ballish vegetables and pale yellow vegetables that had the texture of a sponge. It took a while to eat and after breakfast I took my medications. Surfed the net on my phone until lunch. At lunch I had noodles with avocado, some kind of hard-to-chew dark meat, red and green peppers in a spicy ish soup (I like spicy food though I am not a picky eater. I'll eat plenty of different things). By naptime I felt pretty full and uncomfortable so I hoped for a crap later. For dinner near 5 PM I had spicy ish rice with mixed vegetables, onions and I think pork (it was very dark and tough). After dinner I took my 5 PM medications.

Soon after going to my room and dropping off my Walmart bag (no toilet paper left) I got a major urge to poop. Grabbed my water jar and went to the washroom. Stomach felt very full and uncomfortable in need of a huge shit. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and beige (yuck) underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A LOT of fairly solid poop came out and filled the toilet. Seemed to come forever. Finally I was done. Phew! (Both of relief and because of the smell). I got off the toilet and turned to look with my pants and underwear at my ankles. WOW! This thing covered the majority of the toilet bowl! And it was very thick and dark. Flushed the beast down and it went down no problem surprisingly. Sayonara humongous shit! Reached over for the liquid soap, cleaned my butt really well, rinsed my hands, pulled my pants and underwear up, washed my hands, picked up my water jar, filled it, grabbed my Walmart bag and went to my room to put the Walmart bag and water jar down, dried my hands, went outside my room, took those flip flops off, went back in my room, put THOSE flip flops on (in my room) and have been writing this for quite a while. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


MD Dan

RE Kristi and Jenny & My Own Post-Thanksgiving Pooping

@Kristi - It sounds like you and your husband had a great Thanksgiving! I'm impressed you managed to stop mid-poop. Usually once I get going, I'm going until I'm finished. He sounds like a lucky guy!

@Jenny - Great story about your two post-Thanksgiving dumps! They sounded very satisfying. I regularly poop at Starbucks in the morning and it's one of the nicer places to go, IMO, and I actually did one of my post-Thanksgiving poops there too. If the barista at your Starbucks is anything like me at that age, I'm sure he wouldn't have minded at all about what you did right before checking out your butt. haha There are a few good-looking 20-something women baristas at the Starbucks I go to and they all definitely know what I'm doing. One of them is usually very friendly and all smiles with me after I poop in their restroom.

Now onto my own post-Thanksgiving pooping. I definitely had a lot of gas all through the night. After waking up, I needed to use the bathroom pretty bad. I sat down and let out some more gas and then about 3 or 4 soft logs in less than a minute. I felt done at that point and cleaned up. Later in the morning, after a brief workout at home, I headed out to some shops and stopped at the Starbucks I frequent. It was surprisingly quiet, only a few people waiting at the pick-up counter. The younger, friendly barista I mentioned earlier was there making drinks and said hi to me. I said hi back and placed my order then headed to the bathroom again. I had been feeling the second act coming on for about 30 minutes and knew it was going to be much larger than the first.

I headed back to the restrooms and saw the friendly barista glancing over at me with a smile. I smiled back and waved at her as I rounded the corner and entered the restroom. Once I sat down, my poop started immediately. With a steady crackle, I let out about 8 or 9 smallish, semi-formed logs with some light gas mixed in. Halfway through I was wondering if it was ever going to stop coming out. I felt completely emptied and the bowl was very full. The bathroom absolutely reeked at this point and there were lots of skidmarks left in the bowl after it flushed. It took another couple of minutes to clean up and head back out to the pickup counter. The friendly barista was there with my drink, smiling ear to ear, looking very good with some tight jeans on too. She said, "Thanks, Dan! Have a great day!" I bid her the same and headed out, feeling much better.


HUGE poop an hour after breakfast

I got up this morning around 8:30, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had some kind of spicy homemade soup with beans and other stuff in it I couldn't identify. Took a while to eat then after breakfast I took my medications (have to take them at 9 am, 5 pm and 9 PM, always after food), took my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs to my room. My stomach felt very full, both because of the food and water and because I knew I would probably need the washroom soon.

After a short while of surfing the net on my phone I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, put the flip flops outside my room on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob, walked to the toilet. Pulled my sweatpants and high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed for a short amount of time then pushed. A lot of thick, solid poop came out and filled the toilet pretty good. Once I was done I got off the toilet, turned around and looked in the toilet. WOW. This big, thick poop was in there. Flushed the toilet and surprisingly the beast went down. Took the bar of soap, turned on the tap and ran it under the water rubbing it between my hands. Put the bar of soap back and got to work soaping up my bum and rinsing it. Pulled my pants and underwear up, grabbed my Walmart bag and went to my room. Tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, pulled down my pants and underwear and dried my wet butt with my towel and pulled my pants up. I'm hoping later after more warm water, and healthy foods I will poop everything else out. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


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