


Have anybody go pee or poop with a group together?

Having kids in out doors have you gone with the kids and watch them and maybe join join them pooping or peeing? Have they watch you go?

Are you open when out and no restrooms or do you go as far as you can so nobody can see you go?


Responding ro Jenny

1 ply toilet paper.. I've clogged up many toilets because of cheap toilet paper. Not on purpose because, my poop is literally so much to wipe completely clean and even if I get it all, of course here comes more. I often spread my butt cheeks far enough to wipe and then break out the baby wipes and dispose of them in the trash.

Today, each fart I passed had a little extra in it. I checked when I pissed in a public restroom and of course, there was skidmarks. I also wiped and there was poop on it. I could kinda tell because these farts either literally sound like a duck or was silent.

Emma two

Late for work poo

I woke up late for work this morning and I was busting for a poo. I didn't have time to go to the toilet and I though to myself, it's not a problem I can go to the toilet when I get to work. The only problem was I hadn't thought about the long bus ride to work and by the time I got to the office toilets I was close to pooing my knickers. I ran in holding my bottom and just my luck two out of the three cubicles were occupied and the third one was blocked so I had to wait for one to open up. I clenched tightly until I heard the middle toilet flush when the lady came out it was my supervisor. She told me I was late and I didn't have time to go to the toilet but I had no choice as I was about to poo myself. I ignored her and rushed in to find she'd totally stunk the toilet out and some of her poo was left in the toilet. I sat down on the warm seat so I knew she'd been in there for a while. I relaxed my bottom and immediately felt relief as my poo rushed out of my bottom. It took about thirty seconds to get it all out and it filled the toilet. I wiped and flushed the toilet feeling very relieved and all my poo went down but my supervisors poo was still in the bottom of the toilet. I left it and washed my hands and walked into the office to start working. My supervisor asked me not to mention the "present" she'd left in the toilet and she would pay me for the full day even though I was an hour late for work.


Taking a bath + taking a dump

I usually go to the potty before taking a bath. This time it was the same. While the water was getting in the tub, I took off my underwear and sat on the toilet. At first I farted a little, then I peed (a lot of urine spilled out) and then finally I pooped. The poop quickly got out of me and I didn't even have to push. They were small, but there were three of them. After wiping my ass with toilet paper and spending two pieces of paper, I flushed the water in the toilet, then took off my T-shirt and laying into the almost full bath. I taking a bath for a few minutes, but then suddenly I felt like I wanted to poop again! The urge was strong, and I had to hastily finish washing and get out of the tub. I quickly dried myself with a towel, and sat down on the toilet without getting dressed. A few soft poop started crawling out of me. They fell into the toilet with loud splashes, and I sighed with relief, feeling great! Finally, I pooped, or rather, I decided that I pooped, wiped my ass thoroughly, spending five toilet papers this time, then flushed the toilet. I naively thought that was it, but when I was getting dressed, I wanted to poop again! I had to sit down on the toilet again and pulled down my blue briefs (all that I managed to put on). I felt a very big poo coming out of me, and I started pushing to defecate it. I pushed for a few minutes, and then with a strong splash, the poop fell into the toilet. I breathed a sigh of relief! After wiping my ass, I got up from the toilet, put on my undies, and looked into the toilet to see what I had defecated now? The poop was big, juicy, and so smelly, like I had two hours of diarrhea! After flushing the poop down the toilet, I put on my pants and T-shirt, and left the bathroom.


Response to Jenny

I stay seated while wiping and flushing. I'll wait a few seconds after pushing the lever to stand up. It doesn't feel weird to me, but the water splashing me can be a surprise sometimes!

Mrs Bigand hard

Post Title (optional)..A Really big hard one today.

Hello all. Today I got up and went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I spread my cheeks ..It has now been about one week since I last went poop.
First I pulled my butt cheeks apart and then strained really hard. to get my poop started I felt a very large hard mass of poop getting ready to come out of my butt so I strained really hard like annnnn.
I felt my butt hole stretching wider and wider. It started to hurt as my butt hole stretched even more. I took my hand mirror to see my butt hole.
It was really big and harder that ever before. With my hand mirror I could see my massive rock-hard turd coming out of my butt hole. It is was dark brown Iso kept straining really hard. I saw that it was about three inches in diameter and It was hurting me really bad.
So I dug out the rest as best I as I could with my finger.

Thank you all and happy holidays

Anna from Austria
@Chakamami Thanks for your answer. Really nice to hear from you again.
Now to my latest story.

Was visiting my skin doctor for a check up yesterday.

While waiting I felt some preasure in my ???? so I had to go the restroom.

The doctor's office has just a single room toilet. When I wanted to enter it it was looked. So I clenched my buttstockes (the urge too poop was rather strong allready) an went back to my seat

2 or 3 minutes later I could see my skin doctor coming out. She greated me and the other patients waiting and went back to the treatment room. I jumped from my seat and rushed to toilet.

Looked the door, pulled down my pants and my thong and got seated on the toilet. The toilet seat was still warm and the room was filled with a stench that was a bizare mixture of poop and some kind of disinfectant. It was hard to bear but I had no choice because I was bursting for a poop.

As soon as I got my turd started to come out on it's own and after a big fart I did second smaller log then I little pee. Cleaned myself up as fast as possible and left the toilet room.

I think you guys could imagaine that the stench in the room did not get better after I did my poo. It was now smellling like the poop of 2 different women and the disinfectant.

I hope I will never experience such thing again in the near future. I am not the biggest fan off poop smell in general but normally I can take the small of other women when I have to use their stall after they did their poop. But this time I had to force myself not to leave and even puke.

Question to my fellow ladies. Did you experience something similar?

greetints from Austria



No Skidmark Survey

1. Do you remember when you last had a skidmark? If so when and do you remember why?
Yes. For years I have worn boxer briefs but my girlfriend thinks I look better in regular Calvin Klein mens briefs so I started wearing those. I bought all different colors including white and I have been getting skidmarks a lot lately since I switched back in September.

2. Do you regularly wear dark underwear that may hide a skidmark even if you had one?
I did before I switched to Calvin Klein briefs. I only have about four pairs of dark underwear now and all the rest are a light color or white.

3. Have you worn light colored or white underwear in the last three months and not gotten a skidmark?
There are some days where I can avoid getting skidmarks in the white or light colored underwear but its usually on days I don't poop. Sometimes even on those days where I don't poop I will get skidmarks though from being gassy and farting a lot.

4. Do you have hair around or between your cheeks?
A little bit but not a ton.

5. Have you removed or groomed any hair between you cheeks in the last three months?

6. When was the last time you remember having a wedgie?
I'm guessing this means natural wedgie but just in case the last unnatural wedgie I got was from a bully in high school. My high school was pretty rough and being small for my age I was a target. Going to the boys bathroom as a freshman was a real risk for small kids like me because there would sometimes be an upper classman there ready to yank on the back of your underwear or try and shove your head in a toilet. As a freshman I don't think one week went by where I didn't get at least one wedgie while trying to use the bathroom which I often had to do due to my IBS. It was really not fun having to go back to class still needing to poop while the back waistband of my underwear was ripped and the seat of my undies were firmly planted up my sore butt between my cheeks. I would have tried to yank them out but my mom made me wear really tight khaki pants to school so it wasn't really an option.

As for natural wedgies I get those all the time now since the switch to Calvin Klein. I have to tuck my shirt in for work so if my underwear starts to ride up really bad there isn't much I can do until I can get into a bathroom to fix it by yanking it out from between my buttocks.

7. When was the last time you wore a thong?

8. Do you poop in public restrooms?
Yes. All the time mostly due to my IBS.

9. Do you feel less clean after using a lower quality toilet paper ( public restroom or store brand
Sometimes. I usually just wipe more if I have time but if I'm in a hurry I definitely feel less clean.

10. Do you clean yourself with anything besides dry toilet paper?
Sometimes I use baby wipes at home.

11. Are you active enough to have a sweaty crack regularly ?
Yes. Butt sweat can be a real pain for me especially in the summer.

12. If you had a skidmark in the last three months, how often do you think you get them ?
At least three a week.


Just pooped again

Hi everyone. Just had a major urge to poop a few minutes ago a couple of hours after lunch (vanilla cake with dates on top, cherries, jelly candies and a banana after. Took a while to eat. Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I took off my bedroom flip flops, went to the door, opened it, walked outside the door, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out quite a bit of crap. It was fairly thick but semi soft and filled the toilet. Was done within about 30 seconds. Stood up and turned to look. It was about 1.5 or 2 feet long, taking up quite a bit of the toilet bowl. Flushed the toilet then carefully walked to the sink, turned on the tap, ran the soap under the water and rubbed it between my hands. Cleaned my butt and had to run the soap under water and on my hands again to get my butt clean. Once I was done I rinsed my hands and my butt, pulled up my pants and underwear and washed my hands. Whew. I am hoping after more warm water, dinner later, doing stretches and exercises I can poop again for the 3rd time. I hope everyone is staying well and safe. Please be careful, safe and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Desperate School Poop

When I got to school today I had a slight urge to poop, but it felt holdable. I held it in all day until last period. At that point, it needed to come out. After the lesson, I quickly asked the teacher to go to the bathroom. Once I sat down, a huge log came out and plunked into the bowl. At one point someone else walked in and started pooping as well.


Just had a huge poop

Had a full stomach for most of the day. Got up this morning, ate breakfast (an egg, noodles, meatballs, vegetables in a spicy soup). After breakfast I took my medications, made sure I had all of my stuff and soon afterwards I put on my jacket, hat, shoes and purse and was picked up for the exercise program. As soon as I got there I greeted everyone and made a cup of black coffee (instant coffee). Drank that and did the exercise program. We took a water break halfway through the class and after the program had lunch. Had noodles with a chili pepper sauce, pork, onions, tomatoes, chili pepper sauce. A while later the majority of us got ready and were picked up. I came home, went pee and spent the afternoon on my phone surfing the net. Around 5 PM for dinner I microwaved rice, vegetables, some kind of canned stuff, broccoli, tomatoes and beef or pork. After dinner I took my 5 PM medications and took my water jar, Walmart bag and went downstairs. Stomach felt very full. Drank more warmish hot water to soften everything up.

Finally about 10 or 15 minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out an incredible amount of crap out. I think the food, the coffee and the water has been helping to clean me out. Finally the beast was out. I stood up to look at it and to clean my butt afterwards. This thing took up the majority of the toilet and was really thick! Damn. Flushed the toilet and the beast was gone. Rolled up my hoodie sleeves, turned on the tap, grabbed the bar of soap, ran it under water and started rubbing it into my hands to get them all soapy. Put the bar of soap back, soaped up my butt and when I was clean I rinsed my butt. Pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Whew! I am hoping later tonight or tomorrow morning I can poop the rest of this crap out. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Saturday, December 09, 2023


Gigantic shit about half an hour after breakfast

Got up this morning, went pee, changed my pad and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had spicy ish soup with an egg, potatoes and other vegetables. Took my medications after breakfast, took my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs to my room. Surfed the net on my phone, watched videos on YouTube, etc. Stomach felt very full and uncomfortable.

Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed a pad (again) and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door the majority of the way, walked to the toilet, pulled my black sweatpants and green boy shorts underwear (they're very old) down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A HUGE thick solid poop came out and kept coming. It was filling the toilet pretty good. Finally I was done after getting that beast out! Changed my pad too. Yuck. Stood up finally and turned around. HOLY SHIT! This thing took up basically the entire toilet! It was very long and thick and solid. It's not everything from my body yet but I can see why my stomach has felt so full and uncomfortable. Flushed, walked carefully to the sink, turned on the tap, ran the soap under the water, rubbed it between my hands, put the soap back. Cleaned my butt with the soap on my hands. When I was clean I rinsed my butt and washed my hands really well. That was a hell of a huge poop but my stomach is starting to feel better. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy pooping and peeing!


Mark S


Had an awkward one earlier this week. I headed up to town to get some overdue stuff, and not long after I got there i started needing the toilet. I dread going in public but there was no way I could hold it. I went to the bottom floor of the market place and went straight for the toilets, as I know the ones on the higher floor are really busy all the time.

I pushed the door open and nobody was peeing, but someone was in the middle cubicle. I checked the left one and the seat was uneven and almost hanging off, so i had to go in the other one. I hurried to get the cubicle door locked and wiped the toilet seat before plonking myself down on the loo.

There was a brief moment of silence, and then i let out a really loud, trumpet-y fart into the bowl. I felt myself go a bit red and started pushing it out. Next door though, I couldn't hear a peep. I dropped two large turds in the bowl which plopped loudly in the bathroom. There was a small hole in the cubicle wall, but i didn't dare look. I heard what sounded like a quiet shuffling next door, but nothing else. Feeling like my privacy was way too invaded, feeling like he was watching me poo, i dropped my last turd and reached for the toilet roll. I wiped sitting down, throwing the dirty paper into the bowl, and after a few wipes i quickly got up, knowing full well the man was probably staring at my bum, as i pulled up my pants. I flushed and hurried out, all the while still no sound of movement next door. I washed my hands and left. I'm a bit embarrassed, but I guess I don't mind if he spied on me.

I also wanted to say to Tricky, love some of your tales. I would never use a doorless toilet like that one at the park you were talking about. Felt sorry for that young lad you were talking about waiting to use the toilet too; I was wondering, is that the most desperate guy you've ever seen or is there any others? I'd love to hear about it if so.


Gigantic shit about half an hour after breakfast

Got up this morning, went pee, changed my pad and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had spicy ish soup with an egg, potatoes and other vegetables. Took my medications after breakfast, took my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs to my room. Surfed the net on my phone, watched videos on YouTube, etc. Stomach felt very full and uncomfortable.

Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed a pad (again) and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door the majority of the way, walked to the toilet, pulled my black sweatpants

John H

Morning relief

Hey all.
Sitting on the toilet as I write. Just after a nice morning poop.
I had gotten up and started work without my morning pee. Was not a major need though until I had my cup of coffee and was hit with a strong need to poop. It very quickly got worse than my need to pee. I held on but had to give in after a few minutes.
I felt it would be a good one so I decided to record an audio on my phone. I do this from time to time.
As soon as I sat on the toilet it began. A long log which came with lots of crackles and soft farts. It crept out and started to break and plop in the toilet. It felt very good to get out and felt softer than normal. My morning pee followed, during which I pushed to see if there was more.
I stoped recording after 2 minutes and pushed out some more pee while writing. I cleaned up and flushed. I didn't need many wipes and the toilet struggled to flush everything away. I could hear the bowl filling before it suddenly gave way and everything rushed down the pipe. The toilet is up stairs so I heard the loud thump of my poop hitting the bottom of the pipe. This is noticeable whenever I have a big clear out.
I washed my hands and returned to my work. I had a listen to the audio and the crackeling sounds are worse than I thought lol. It made me laugh. Will prob keep it for a little while before deleting. Would share it here if I could.
That's all for now. Take care all.
John H.


Just had a huge poop

Had a full stomach for most of the day. Got up this morning, ate breakfast (an egg, noodles, meatballs, vegetables in a spicy soup). After breakfast I took my medications, made sure I had all of my stuff and soon afterwards I put on my jacket, hat, shoes and purse and was picked up for the exercise program. As soon as I got there I greeted everyone and made a cup of black coffee (instant coffee). Drank that and did the exercise program. We took a water break halfway through the class and after the program had lunch. Had noodles with a chili pepper sauce, pork, onions, tomatoes, chili pepper sauce. A while later the majority of us got ready and were picked up. I came home, went pee and spent the afternoon on my phone surfing the net. Around 5 PM for dinner I microwaved rice, vegetables, some kind of canned stuff, broccoli, tomatoes and beef or pork. After dinner I took my 5 PM medications and took my water jar, Walmart bag and went downstairs. Stomach felt very full. Drank more warmish hot water to soften everything up.

Finally about 10 or 15 minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out an incredible amount of crap out. I think the food, the coffee and the water has been helping to clean me out. Finally the beast was out. I stood up to look at it and to clean my butt afterwards. This thing took up the majority of the toilet and was really thick! Damn. Flushed the toilet and the beast was gone. Rolled up my hoodie sleeves, turned on the tap, grabbed the bar of soap, ran it under water and started rubbing it into my hands to get them all soapy. Put the bar of soap back, soaped up my butt and when I was clean I rinsed my butt. Pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Whew! I am hoping later tonight or tomorrow morning I can poop the rest of this crap out. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Replying to Audrey

Making messes can be fun. Especially when it's in the toilet, I've ended up having to flush twice because of so many skid marks in the bowl, which is unusual. I am only use to smearing it on the seat from how I would wipe and afterwards I would use antibacterial wipes meant for those type of surfaces. I hate doing it but unfortunately I can only poop in my actual home. Out in public is too risky, toilet can get clogged or someone will walk in on me.

Anyway, I've never pooped in a container. Just peed but have blocked up a toilet with just poop alone. It flushed but, the contents were still there. I felt bad about it but, not too bad because I wasn't stopped up anymore.

OMG OMG OMG you're back I missed you so much honey!!!!:D

To be honest my parents mostly weren't supportive, but they taught me to be independent and how to go outside, which I think led in part to my naughty streak! I do, however, remember being given a container kined with a bag or alternately a tub to shit in when I had diarrhea (which i later made extra use of even when the need wasn't that urgent. I also used that as a chance to get away with spraying my piss all over the carpet because I could say I just missed because I couldn't focus on pissing while blowing my hot steamy urgent load of diarrhea in the container that they gave me. I was pretty responsible so I could blame stuff on accidents and they wouldn't mind because I cleaned up quickly. Tbh, I was kind of trailing off of it until I found this site and met you and Sherryl and some new irl friends.
But enough about me, how have you been? Any new naughty pottying adventures? I always thought yours were so cool and badass and I would be so delighted to hear more!

Janey: agreed, interesting stuff!

T.M.: Okay, I respect your opinion and experiences, but in my experience people just pissed on the floor, interesting to learn about these differences.


Big poop before breakfast

Hi everyone. Was woken up this morning by a very full feeling in my stomach and a major urge to poop. So I got up, grabbed my Walmart bag (to take upstairs while I had breakfast to write things in my notebook) and my water jar which is now full of warmish hot water, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on and walked to the washroom.

Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the door, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and beige (ick) underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A HUGE thick solid poop came out and seemed to keep coming. Finally the last of the beast came out so I stood up and turned around to look. WOW. This took up basically the entire toilet bowl! It was very thick, dark and solid. Flushed and surprisingly the beast went down. Flushed again afterwards to make sure. Yup. Turned on the tap, ran the soap under the water, rubbed the soap between my hands, and put the bar back and cleaned my butt. Once I was done I pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands then went upstairs for breakfast. After breakfast I took my medications. And now here I am writing this. I'm hoping later I do another huge poop. Sooner I can get all this crap out the better. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Be safe.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Massive solid poop after lunch

Hi everyone. Had mixed vegetables, dates with nuts and a big muffin for lunch. Stomach felt full and uncomfortable afterwards so I made a jar of warmish-hot water after. Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge for a big poop (second time today) so I took my phone and my water jar and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put my Walmart bag on the doorknob, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and beige high cut underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A HUGE thick solid poop came out and filled the toilet. Damn. It was a lot but felt incredible coming out finally. I think the dates, nuts and vegetables helped. I stood up and turned to look. WOW! This log took up most of the toilet. Insane! The second gigantic shit today. Flushed the toilet and the poop went down no problem. I flushed again to make sure. Yup. Now I grabbed the bar of soap, turned on the hot water, ran the soap under water and soaped up my hands. Put the bar of soap back and cleaned my butt with the soap on my hands. After I was done I rinsed my butt, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Whew! That was the second gigantic, good crap I had today. It's better than being uncomfortable and in my case stuff like this can also contribute to seizures (being sick, not enough sleep or food, bad weather, period etc can do that too because of my brain tumour). No worries though. I'm slowly but surely getting things together both life and health related.

I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy. Be careful.

Happy peeing and pooping!


PS To Chakamami-You're welcome :) You're not silly, just curious. The Walmart bag makes everything easier for me to carry things around. And the times I go out (like every Tuesday when I go to my exercise program-other people and I get picked up and dropped off afterwards) I bring my small purse that I put a little notepad and pen in. Have a great day to all of you and to everyone.

mrs big and hard

Having really big hard straining stools this week

As I sit on the toilet now , I an feel a massive very large solid turd down in my rectum. I am going to have to strain and dig it out one hard chunk at a time. so I am leaning forward over to toilet right now
but this on hurts me a lot. so I am straining really hard now.... Several chunks are falling into the toilet. but the big ones I am digging them out as best I can. but it is hurting me quit a bit. It is a very wide turd and hard to get out.
It is about two inches or more in diameter composed of many solid rocks.
Happy pooping to all.

Mrs. big and hard.

Public Toilet Peeing

I'm having a hard time peeing when I'm away from home. Being an only child I have my own bathroom right next to my room at home. Probably gotten too use to having it all to myself. Gotten too use to the comfort of sitting to pee.

Now I'm in high school and I'm having problems. I need to pee 3 or 4 times a day at school. Often I have wait to up to 5 minutes to get my turn. Last week I had to stay after school for a 30 minute detention. Late to class twice because I would have puddled during 4th hour. That is during lunchtime when everyone wants to pee.

While waiting I'm worried about puddling. It doesn't matter whether I have jeans or a dress on, I'm scared that I'm going to have an accident. Door opens, I grab it and slam it shut, do a quick wipe of the seat, and then drop myself on it. Most of the seats are very warm from continued use. Many times the bowls are filled with dark yellow. I'm not about to stand and wait for the flush cycle to go through.

Sometimes I'm seated and my stream starts, only to sputter after a few seconds. Sometimes I can shift my weight or position and get it going again. My nerves don't help me, I know. Neither does the 3-beep bell. Seeing eyeballs of my classmates peeking at me just sitting there panicking also doesn't help.

I work on weekends as a cashier in a c-store. The toilet there serves both genders and I'm able to navigate it much better. Sometimes there is a customer or two using it and I just wait my turn. Then the door opens and the user comes out, steps down two steps and continues shopping. I don't have any problem using that toilet. Sure the seat is warm sometimes, but it is 100% private. I have no problem sitting on it and taking a full pee. My mom says that's because the door is so strong and has what she calls meat locker privacy. No breakdown in privacy. The door is much heavier than the ones at school.

Next week I have tickets to my first large concert at the city auditorium. I'm worried about how I'm going to do on the toilet there. Any advice is appreciated.

Iris- Welcome back! regarding your comment about "the first wipe:...sigh...this is going to take a while..." yes yes yes! I have that all the time. With my plant based diet more than halve my poops are soft. I have to admit especially when I have been holding it in, those soft poops feel soooooo good....but at a price! I often post about my futility with wiping soft poop that I cannot see with dry 1 ply toilet paper ( or even soft 2 ply at home) Often these poops I crave a shower immediately unless I'm at the gym, in which I know a shower is coming so I let my body be my body soiled and stinky. When I get that feeling I dont think I really get clean unless I get a shower, use wet wipes or a bidet. The worse is when I think it will take a while, but I am in a hurry, at work. Sometimes I have time for three, maybe four wipes but I have to get moving. So not only am I dressed nice, looking professional and educated seeing patients, I know that I also have kind of a dirty bum for the rest of the day. Do you ever feel like you get completely clean from those soft poops if you give yourself adequate time and toilet paper to wipe Iris?

Summer- Hi! I started my nursing career in pediatric oncology! thank you for what you do sister. I feel like there are a lot of strories of nurses having to poop at work and the adventure of it. My husband sent me a meme of a woman on the toilet in the middle of nowhere and the caption says" When you find that discretely located bathroom to poop at work without the fear of being discovered." Pooping at work is such an accomplishment with all the work we have to do, and we only go when we really have to go. lol I have seen the baby wipes on the floor bathrooms and never bothered to use them. I guess I didnt want to wipe my butt with a wet wipe and throw it in the garbage?!? Who knows what my mentality was back then. Also I as a IG short about a pretty young nurse who joked about farting in private in the supply room. I have to say I have never talked about that, but I have done that in the supply room.

Darlene- Here here to wiping our big cute butts? I used to be self conscious if my size but I ( and contemporary mainstream society) has embraced the big butt, so I almost am proud of my rear as much as my husband likes that. But I cannot see another women's shaply rear and think " they have to poop out of that and clean it with that 1 ply toilet paper just like me!"

I'm having another slow morning so I typed all of the above on my phone while one the toilet. Sorry again for the typos from the autocorrect I didn't catch. I had a fantastic poop. Very soft like mentioned above, but formed and not diarrhea. I got reAlly empty and probably dropped two more turds more after sitting here a few minutes. I got about 4 guess within a minute but pooped even more after sitting for 5 min. Like iris said; I think this will take a while to clean, but I got the time. I'm flushing now so my second flush will be just toilet paper so I don't clog the public toilet.

Does anyone else feel weird when you are sitting on the toilet and you flush?

Going to put my phone done now to wipe. I have the time to wipe, but it's the 1ply. I will either get medium skids on my light boyshorts or I'll get light skidmarks but my butt will feel raw from wiping with the sand paper tp. Would you rather wipe raw but not get a skid or have a little skid but not have a raw butt?

-Skidmarked in Seattle

Biggest poops and most frequent peeing

OK, I'm only a sophomore in high school and I'm learning a lot from the postings on this forum. On Thanksgiving weekend, this exchange about the biggest poops and most frequent peeing came to our house as my relatives from 8 hours away drove in to spend the holiday with us. The adults stayed inside. There were no objections when I took Roni, who is in 4th grade, and Zach, her brother who is in 5th grade, about four blocks away to play at a pretty large park.

Just before we left after dinner their mother yelled for them to go to the bathroom before leaving the house. Sorry, but we have a 1-toilet house and have learned to share. When that is not possible because of one clog a week or so (mom blames dad, he blames me) so sometimes I just think what the f@@@ and I let them blame and complain. So within an hour of us shooting baskets, I figured I should take advantage of the bathroom. Me and Zach went in while Roni continued shooting.

There were 5 toilets. with like 3 privacy partitions made out of wood which had been drilled and cracked. I took the middle one, dropped my jeans and underwear, and I threw myself onto the toilet. That was one cold, cold seat. I could also see my breath. It took me about 5 minutes to get my 1st of 3 large pieces out. One plopped into the water so fast it iced my ass. Zach was standing to piss but for some reason I didn't hear anything from him. I think I made a rude remark (in fun!) about him freezing his d@@@ just standing there. He said he's never pissed outside like in the snow or in an unheated bathroom. I told him to let it out before it froze up on him. Our state has a lot of outdoor hockey and I told him he hasn't seen anything yet. I stood as soon as I finished crapping and yes I filled the stool. No way that cold battered toilet would work. Then standing with my legs wide I found there was no toilet paper behind any of the stools.

Zach called Roni to the doorway and asked her to go around to the ladies side of the building and get me some toilet paper. She just snickered and said I was r@@@@@@@ not to have checked first, or wiped off the seat before sitting down, and something else equally dumb. All the time I'm standing there worried that the hot shit smeared on my butt hole was going to freeze over. Since no one else was using the bathrooms, Zach went to the other side. He came back with about half the paper I needed but it was at least something. Zach explained that Roni had caused her family some time a few hours earlier when she had to stop and crap at a highway rest stop. Her mom is kind of a germaphobe about not sitting on public toilets. Roni doesn't completely agree with her mom. Playing a physical game excites her bladder and twice in the 2 or 3 hours we were at the park she went in and peed. We could hear her plop herself down, about 30 or 45 seconds of pee coming out of her, and then she would flush. She never washed her hands, though. She said the sinks were pretty messed up.


I'm a stinker!

I pulled down my plaid pants and light striped briefs and sat down on the toilet. It was in the evening shortly before dinner. I pushed, and farted. Then I farted again. Then I felt a big poo crackling out of my ass. She crawled out and fell into the water with a splash. I breathed a sigh of relief. I farted loudly, and defecated another poop. It began to stink very much. I defecated two more poop, and the stench became so strong, as if a skunk was pooping here, not a boy. I held my nose against the terrible stench. I pushed to finish as soon as possible. Slowly poo got out and fell into the toilet. Alas, it was not the end. The big poop began to come out slowly, and it stank even more. The poop crawled out and fell into the toilet with a loud splash. Then the next poop began to crawl out. She crawled out, and the stench got stronger and stronger. When the poop fell into the toilet, I wiped my ass, got dressed, and quickly pressed the flush. To my disappointment, although the water in the toilet flushed away, the stink did not stop. I'm very embarrassed, because after me in the toilet still stinks terribly, I hope the stink will wear off over time.

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Mrs Bigand hard

Post Title (optional)..Really big hard one today.

Hello all:
It has been a while since I updated you=all
I have been having to strain really hard with all my effort to push out my.. really big ones. I have had to use my finger to dig the big hard it out of my rectum.
It has been about a week that I have been clogged up really bad.SO
Eating all the Halloween candy made my problem worse.
My Turda have been up to 3.5 inches in diameter, stretching me really wide like a big rubber band.--
When it is like that tit takes me up to 45 minutes for me to dig it out of my Butt Hole. I have to Strain really hard and I have to Pull my butt cheeks apart. to get my Butt hole to open wide enough.
When it finally starts to come hurts me a lot.
So I use a special lubricate my Butt hole for easier passage.

Thank you all for your Listening.

Mrs. Bigand hard


Where it all began?

Day after Thanksgiving poops are always a big thing for me and my mom since we tend to eat more than usual the day before. This year was no different! I thought about where it all began for me while my mother and I had to shit in like 7 different public restrooms while we were Black Friday shopping , (thats a story for another day!) It made me think about where it all began! So as i said before, me and my mother will literally drop our drawers, sit our dirty asses down and shit anywhere on any toilet at anytime around anyone! We are both always super gassy, super stinky, and super shameless! Ive never in my life before smelled anyones shit that was as bad as either one of us, or heard anyone poop as loud as we do with all the farts and whatnot! We dont care if we stink the whole store out or who knows it wasus either! Lol Theres just something special about seting on a public toilet beside your mother blasting stinky farts into the bowl and knowing everyone around can hear and smell it! Its so funny to us. We talk aboit it sometimes and it makes us laugh so hard! Lol

Before my husband and i began dating, we were just friends for awhile, but even then I would shit around me all the time (even though he was super shy about pooping around me! Most women would be mortified if their man knew anything about them shitting but not me! Even before we were a "thing" we would hang out together and go out to eat and stuff. Every time as soon as we'd finish eating I would bluntly tell him I was going to have to shit before we could leave and off to the toilet I would go! I didnt know what he thought about it at that time but it didnt take long to figure it out! At first when I said "Im going to have to shit" i figured he assumed I was talking about like dropping a tiny nugget of a turd while I peed and be in and out in like 30 seconds or something. Turns out he was thinking this but boy was he ever wrong! I was usually gone for 20 or 30 minuites leaving him to set there and wait. Waitresses would ask him if something was wrong, where I went, if I was ill... etc. He told me it was It was kinda embarrassing at first but he got used to it pretty quick ! After like the 3rd or 4th time we went out together I would come back from the restroom and say things like " feel sorry for that poor janitor. I exploded in there and it went all over the back of the toilet! I tried to clean it up the best i could, but i couldnt do much with that cheap toilet paper." or "I had to shit so much it clogged the toilet" or "There was not toilet paper so i had to use my socks!" You know those mortifying experiences of something going terribly wrong in a public bathroom that everyone dreads? The kind that the average person may or may only even have once or twice in a lifetime. The kind that would make most people want to crawl under a rock and just die? Yeah well we have those almost everyday and it dosent bother us in the least! He's gotten used to it by now and get a big kick out of it!

At first he said he thought I had to be the only woman in the entire world who was that open and confident in her shitting, but then he met my mom and as the old saying goes, the apple dosent fall far from the tree! He knew very quickly who I got that trait from! Lol My mom from the very first time he ever met her welcomed him in with open arms and from day one treated him just like he was her own son! She was more open than even i was about pooping! I never will forget It was like the 2nd or 3rd time my husband had ever even met her, we were at her house and had just finished eating a wonderful home cooked meal that she had prepared. I was setting in the living room with my future husband setting litterally 3 feet from the bathroom door when mom runs past and said something like "Im sorry but dinner is running straight through me!" She shut the door ang you could hear her through the door yanking her pants down and slamming herself onto the toilet, immediately followed by the most horrendous farting i had ever heard before in my life! If you've ever seen the shitting scene in the movie Dumb and Dumber... yeah well it was just like that except on steroids! Soon after the smell started wafting under the door. Im shameless but even i was like "Mom!" As shameless as I am it kind of embarassed me in front of my new boyfriend that my mom was taking a world class poo poo 3 feet away from him! She said "I'm sorry but i truely couldnt help it!" Soon after you could hear her through the door wipe, and wipe, and wipe , and wipe some more! I knew there was no way in hell that toilet was flushing. Boy was i ever right! To add to my embarrassment, my mom came out and told my at the time boyfriend, "im so sorry but the toilet will not flush. Im not much of a handy woman... i hate to ask you to go into that stinky room but do you think you might be able to unstop it for me?!" I was so embarassed at the time but looking back on it the whole thing was hilarious! I think things like this made me become less and less embarrased over time to make me to the point i am now. I have 0 embarassement whatsoever! My husband and i have been married for 17 years now and he's seen heard and smelled it all from us and mom. Hes even watched both of us poop multiple times. Hes seen turds coming out of both of our buttholes, so when it gets that personal its really past the point of not even caring anymore! Anyway thats the story of where my fascination began! Hope you enjoyed it! If anyone has any Black Friday shopping poop stories or pooping in public with their mom or just pooing in public shamelessly I'd love to hear them! Happy pooping!

Chakamami (Chae,Kazu,Maho,Mina)

Dear Annie, Dear Anna

Annie: Thank you for answer about Walmart bag! Now we understand. We think we are silly girls, but you are kind to say we are not silly.

Anna: You ask about motion in birthday suit. In hot summer, we are often birthday suit for motion! Birthday suit is comfortable very much. Outside our flats we never do, but inside our flats, we are often doing. Not now because winter.

We don't forget promise to tell you about buddy dump with potties in hot September, of course with birthday suit. Mina is lack of energy now so perhaps in New Year. But we still have memo. (Squat over potties was birthday suit. Shower after was birthday suit of course. Tatami room after was birthday suit. Tea around table was...with wearing clothes.)

Hisae ask Mina to tell you that a few times when she went hot spring, she took off all clothes, but before she enter public bath, she enter loo and did huge motion, often diarrhoea, then she shower her bottom well before enter bath.

To Everyone: Don't catch a cold. Do you have heater in your loo? We put small one. Because we sit there so long time, and it is cold.

Love to Everyone.



Christmas Market Sighting

I was out in town yesterday having a look at the Christmas event they had going on, lots of singing, lots of fairground rides, santa's grotto etc which were all very interesting but there is one thing that will stick in my mind for quite some time.

As I was returning to my car there was a family of three stood between their car and mine, but more interestingly there was a young girl maybe 8 years old squatting over a potty that very clearly belonged to her younger brother who was stood with her and her father. I only had a glance as I opened my boot but it was very clear by the look on her face that she was in the middle of pushing out a crap! I heard "It's okay nobody's looking" as I climbed into the drivers side, opposite of where they were stood and I was in two minds of what to do. Do I drive away immediately and expose her to the world, or do I stay where I was and leave them with a stranger next to them. I decided to stay because if I drove off there would be zero cover at that side. I looked down at my phone while I waited for her to finish to offer a little privacy but even through the closed door I could occasionally hear little grunts as she pushed. It seemed like the poor girl really couldn't wait until she got to a toilet so the potty was her next best option.

About two minutes later she stood up and pulled up her clothes while her father emptied the potty into a plastic bag and they climbed into their car and drove off.


Grab bars and constipation

I found this website when googling for grab bars to purchase for my mother-in-law. She is obese and having mobility issues. Right now she's at a nursing facility recovering from surgery so hubby and I have been housesitting at her condo and taking care of her cats.

While she's gone, we ordered 2 contraptions for both bathrooms that will allow her to rise and sit down on the toilet unassisted. It slides on either side of the toilet and there are these bars that she can grab to hoist her up or down. It even has a little rack on one side to store magazines, LOL. She will love that because she always has a stack of them on the commode so I know she reads on the toilet.

Anyway, I tend to get constipated fairly often. It's not something I like to talk about but I wanted to share a tip for those that suffer from the same thing. Hubby left for work and I decided to get some relief during the alone time. I took a laxative and when I felt the urge I sat on the toilet and prepared for my usual ordeal. When I strain, I tend to grab onto the the wall, side of the toilet, etc. It this time, the grab bars were there, so… I took a deep breath, grabbed onto the bars on either side off me and….strained…..Oh my! I was amazed how this provided the perfect gripping leverage. I strained again and again, all the whole gripping the bars and like magic I was able to go quite easily. My hands did get a little sweaty gripping the bars but I realized that my method of holding on the wall for example never really worked. THIS works! I am not sure why.

Since then I have gone several more times using the grab bars each time and my movements are so much easier. We plan on buying these contraptions for when my mother-in-law visits so she can be more comfortable. She always has laxatives in the medicine cabinet so I wish I could tell her that the grab bars are useful for another purpose but that would be super awkward, LOL.

I haven't told my husband about this but I wanted to share. So if you suffer from hard sessions on the toilet, I recommend you try these contraptions. Being able to grip hard while is strain seems to give me the extra OOMPH (pun intended) that I need.

Rose Y:
I'm so glad to hear back from you,Id love to share some stories, some fun places I've pissed include in a potty, in containers, in communal showers and changing rooms, off a cliff trashcans and all over the place outside, and on the floor in some places. I'd love to hear instructions for the snow urinals and toilet so I can try that out!

Chakamami: you're awesome as always, and as always, I'm excited for y'all to get naked and fill up those potties with poo!

Darlene: i feel your pain, my booty is pretty big, (although fortunately pretty tight) but I think we're lucky to be able to look on the bright side and enjoy a good shit even if cleanup is messy. It's so cool that you make such good use of those containers, I always feel like a good piss is wasted on the toilet! Too bad about your panties, but again, silver lining: messing can be fun! Have you taken a shit in a container to measure it, or done one in a hotel room? I really want to!

Phil: I refer to training in pissing standing up, by spreading the labia, pulling up, and thrusting the hips forward if necessary. Once the basics are mastered, aim should be practiced in the shower and outdoors (or preferably, elsewhere indoors!)

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