
Princess Toadstool Peach

Doing it in a Huggies Pull-up + Weeing/Pooing in a potty

Princess Toadstool Peach: Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today I'm talking about a challenge to see which I like doing my business in more. A Huggies pull-up or a plastic white potty. I started out with a fluffy white Huggies pull-up to make sure it was cozy enough it felt very comfortable that is until about a couple of minutes later I felt my bowels growing stronger and hot gas build up in my bottom as my bladder started tingling too. Then it happened! I yanked my fluffy white Huggies pull-up down to my knees and squatted gently as I watched myself wee loudly into my fluffy white Huggies pull-up then I slowly pushed letting loose a giant chunk of poo into it until I felt much better about myself pooing and weeing into my pull up wiping and cleaning myself up. Later on today I decided on weeing and pooing into my plastic white potty so I pulled down my clean pull up and sat down on the potty wanting to fill it up as much as possible so I soon started on my wee and then after I was finished I slowly started on doing a big thick 5 inch poo squatting as I did so. Ahhhh that felt so good!


Reply to Denise

Denise: Not me, but almost the same situation with my cousin and my parents. We were about 6 or 7, and my parents brought us to different playground than the one we usually went to. My parents said there were no bathrooms at this one. My cousin had to pee and because my parents said that, she held it until she eventually peed in her shorts. So it makes perfect sense why you peed your pants that time.


Today, my 45-year-old English professor lifted up her leg while writing on the board and loudly farted. We were all shocked, but she laughed and said she does that all the time at home. For the rest of class, she talked about entertaining her toddler nephew with farts. It was funny


Radu's Survey

Radu, I've decided I'm going to do your survey. I saw LC answer it, so it inspired me to respond as well. I hope you don't mind my late response.
What does it feel like to have a toilet clogged with poop? I'll be honest, there's three types of clogs in my opinion.
Clog type 1: Turd goes down but paper stays. Water rises and paper in bowl, maybe skid marks. This kind of clog kind of annoys me, there's no evidence I did anything, but at least plunging it is easy.
Clog type 2: Paper goes down but turd stays: This is my favourite type of clog. Especially since it can be seen what I did, and I have gotten reactions from people that have walked in after me at work, or if I'm out and about and have to go. Mostly of just surprise that they didn't expect my business to still be there.
Clog type 3: Toilet already clogged by someone else so neither paper or turd go down/ turd goes over the hole/ turd too girthy or fat to go down the toilet: I lumped all of these together because this happens to me, my turds tend to be quite fat, 2-3 inches in width. I think it's because I have a diet high in fibre and beans and rice. One time at work recently I did one of these in the employee bathroom where there are several stalls. A janitor had walked in after me and flushed multiple times but couldn't get it to go down, so I heard them tear some TP and I guess move it with their hand.

Do you like to clog the toilet with your poop?
To me, it's a regular occurrence if I don't go for more than 2 days, or if I've been eating more than usual.

How many days do you have to go without pooping to clog your toilet? I normally go every other day, if it turns into three days, it's probably going to not have an easy time going down. Unlike a lot of people, it's usually one quick motion, a log.
Is there anyone whose toilet you would clog up just to get back at them or just for fun? I've purposely held it and eaten a little bit more, knowing I was going to go to work, just to be able to leave an unflushable turd in the toilet. As I mentioned previously, I tend to do one long sausage, normally like a large cigar, light brown (peanut butter) to dark brown coloured, with quite a bit of smell. So my shit tends to go over the hole, making flushing it quite a task.
Have you ever had the pleasure of filling someone else's or a public toilet with poop? At work a couple times I've been unable to flush even what I've done. As I mentioned, my turds tend to be one big thick piece. I had arrived early in the morning and it was rather busy with quite a few stalls occupied. The wall has a sleek shine to it, so you can see who is next to you, and even what's in the toilet bowl. I had sat down, done my business. I stood up to wipe and saw a large turd filling the toilet bowl. Around 16 inches long, and about 2.5 inches thick, I hadn't gone for three days, and I had eaten quite an exceptional amount. It was a dark brownish-reddish colour and had a very noticeable odour. I noticed the gent next to me stand up and peer over in my direction. Slightly embarrassing, but whatever. I flushed and the toilet paper went down, but the turd stayed. I flushed again, but it didn't go down. (Type 2.) I walked out of the stall and went to the sinks to wash up. As I was finishing, a guy entered the washroom, and had made a beeline to the stall I used, he opened the door, let out a soft "Damn" and left with his shirt on his nose, going to an adjacent stall.
I say bring back outhouses.


Just went to the washroom

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, went pee, changed my pad (yippee not), brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had soup with carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, dark skinny vegetables and an egg. Tasted good and took quite a while to eat. After breakfast took my 9 AM medications, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar, thanked my caregiver for breakfast and went downstairs. Stomach felt full and uncomfortable but satisfied. Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, stepped outside the door, put on the flip flops outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom.

Turned on the light, closed the door the majority of the way (door is still broken-it doesn't close), walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and greyish black high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed. Quite a bit of semi solid poop came out and filled the toilet. Was done within about 30 seconds to a minute. When I was done I reached over for the bar of soap, turned on the water, ran the soap under the water l, rubbed it between my hands and soaped up my butt well. Had to rinse and re-soap my butt again. Once I was clean I stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. It took up basically the entire toilet bowl and was fairly dark and solid. It wasn't everything from my body yet but it was a lot. Whew. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, went to my room, dried my hands on one of the towels and made another jar of warm water. Gotta keep hydrated and to flush all this crap out. Maybe I can go again later! I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Please be careful.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Flushing & pooping

I really like flushing the toilet. It's beautiful and pleasant. That day I went to the toilet to poop. I ate a lot and had reason to believe that I would poop a lot too. I went to the toilet, closed the door, and pulled down my pants and underpants. I sat down on the toilet seat and started pooping. At first, I pushed and farted loudly several times. Then a poop came out, it felt long and large. I flushed the toilet and began to poop further. I did it because I wanted to flush more, I decided to flushed each poop separately. Another poo came out, and I flushing. But when the flush started, I felt more poop coming out of me, and it was non-stop. They fell right into the flush and were immediately flushed away. That's how funny I pooped. After pooping, I wiped my ass with toilet paper, flushed, got dressed, and washed my hands. Then I left the bathroom.

Steve A

Diet and Supplement Survey (My Answers)

I'm not sure if I ever saw a diet/supplement survey on TS before, but I have decided to create my own, since bathroom habits are widely influenced by what we eat and take daily:

1. What does your current diet consist of? Do you think it's connected with your bathroom habits?

2. Have you ever changed or improved your diet? If so, what differences have you noticed after changing/adjusting your diet?

3. Do you take any digestive health supplements? If so, are you pleased with the results?

4. Would you ever consider taking certain supplements for digestive health (after doing your own research)?

My Answers:

1. I consider my current diet as "well balanced" along with some one dish/pot type meals as well. I'm satisfied with keeping my meals relatively healthy, along with some healthy snacks mixed into my day as well. Fiber Cereals/granola bars plus apples & peanut butter are good breakfast choices for me.

I think what I eat now helps me stay somewhat regular, even though I may skip a day or two, it usually depends on what I eat and when I have to go.

2. My diet has stayed relatively the same, outside of restaurant meals (on occasion) but I usually ate the same meals and foods while growing up, so I haven't made any "major" changes to my diet.

3. I take Probiotics, Multivitamins, & a gastric health supplement. I think they've been helpful to me and my overall health.

4. N/A


The hard times continue :(

Hey all, Kenna again, gosh I haven't posted in absolutely forever! Where has the time gone! Anyways for those who don't remember me, my boyfriend Josh is always constipated and he never has an easy time going to the bathroom. I always am sitting by him while he is trying to go. Usually I give him Vaseline and suppositories to help him, but when he just cannot push it out on his own I have manually assisted him several times. It's become a normal process for us so it's absolutely no big deal. Anyways Josh hadn't pooped in 4 days and left for a guys trip for a few days, and we had a family event that we had to leave for the day he got back. Day two on his guys trip he had to finally poop. The guys shared two hotel rooms and Josh is super super poop anxious when he cannot take his time or have privacy he needs to work out his monster turds. He held his poop in until that night when luckily the guys wanted to go swimming so he had some time to work on going. Of course when he left he didn't pack anything to help him poop because he didn't want his buddies to find out his issues. He told me earlier in the day he had to go and was nervous he would take forever plus clog the toilet. He ended up sneaking out of the room and going into the bathrooms near the lobby in a different corridor. He texted me that he was going to try and poop. I asked if I could FaceTime him so I could try my best to help out in his less than ideal situation. We talked a bit while he got situated and sat on the toilet. I told him to relax and just start concentrating on going. He started to push slowly and his face was going red. "Keep going baby, puuuush that's it, you can do it" I encouraged. I let him work for a little and he rested to catch his breath. "It's a stubborn hard one Kenna, I'm going to keep trying but I don't know if it will come out" "take your time Josh, focus on me and just let it come out, I'm not there to help you but I'm right here" he took a deep breath and started pushing again. I gently encouraged him during his pushes. "Take another deep breath and push again Josh, it needs to come out hon" several minutes and pushes went by, "it hasn't started coming yet Kenna, it's stuck, I need a break" he got up off the toilet and stood for a few minutes while we talked about the trip. "Try going like that Josh, just stand and push and try spreading your butt cheeks a little" he put his phone down on the counter but I could still see him. He faced me and began pushing again, but it was still too hard to come out. He squatted and tried with me doing my best to coach him thru it but it just wasn't working. He ended up giving up for now and joined his buddies in the pool. He tried to poop before bed but still couldn't do it, it just wouldn't come out. The next morning his urge was gone so we both knew he would be super backed up once he got home and have a nightmare of a time going. He arrived back home and still didn't really have the urge but could feel his poop stuck further up, so we went to the toilet just to see if anything would happen. He tried pretty hard to go but nothing was happening and he couldn't get the turd to poke out. I gently checked his butthole to see if I could feel anything in him but I couldn't. We packed our bags and headed out for our family event. This time I brought suppositories and plenty of lube. We ate dinner on the road and that must have done the trick, because he told me he needed to poop but it felt incredibly hard from not being able to go. We still had a couple hours to drive so I asked if he wanted to stop at a rest area. He said no to that but he did want a suppository. We stopped at the rest area and parked as far away as we could so I could give him a suppository and then keep driving, and hopefully by the time we got to the hotel the suppository would work and he could poop. He layed across the back seat and I gently worked the suppository in. His hard turd was just inside his hole and it boy did it feel hard and compact, he was right! He told me he was just going to ride in the back seat as it was more comfortable than sitting on his butt. Poor guy, I can't blame him! He gets really uncomfortable with some of his really hard poops so I try to help him in any way that I can. We got about another hour down the road when Josh's urge to poop was getting worse so the suppository seemed to be working. I again asked if he wanted to stop so he could try to go, but he declined again but said he wanted to try going while driving if he could. Luckily in our "poop kit" (his suppositories and Vaseline) we carry toilet paper too because Josh will poop quite literally anywhere we have privacy which is usually outdoors hiking in the woods,etc. he layed out a bunch of toilet paper and old newspaper and propped himself up on the car door. He took off his pants and boxers and tossed them in the front seat next to me. "I'll try to help you as much as I can but I'm driving so I can't do much" "it's ok Kenna, I don't know if it will come out but I want to try" he was right behind me and o reached my hand around so he could squeeze it while pushing. I adjusted the mirror so I could see him. "Well here goes" he said, and took a deep breath. "Push hard Josh, don't worry about anything else, just poop and we will deal with it" he squeezed my hand during his pushes and I could hear him grunting. "It hurts Kenna" he whimpered. "Focus on me babe, just push slowly and work it out, take your time" he tried again for a few minutes and I coached him while he pushed. "The tip won't come out far enough and it keeps going back up when I stop pushing" "it's ok baby, keep going, it has to come out, just be patient and keep working on it" he squeezed my hand as he began pushing again. I looked in the mirror and could see his face contorting with effort. "Cmon baby, you can do it, puuuuush" I gently coaxed. He took a real short pause to suck in another breath and kept working. "Owwww" he moaned. "Shhhhhh, it's ok, I'm right here babe, push push push, keep going" I felt bad for him. "Do you want me to pull over and help you?" "No I'll be ok, it's just stuck, and it's hard and hurts". "I just can't get it to come out yet" "face your butt towards me a little, let me see how much you move it when you push" he got ready to push and took a really deep breath. He squeezed my hand hard and gave a hard push. I couldn't see much because it was dark but could see the outline of his anus dialating. The hard turd showed itself and he held his push as long as he could before it slowly retreated back inside him. "I'm sorry your having such a hard time babe" "I am sooo constipated" he said during a push. "Take a break baby, you've been pushing for about 15 minutes" he grabbed a water and chugged that down. "I might need more lube Kenna or another suppository, I just can't get this poop out" "ok I'll pull over quick, but if you can't get it out I'll help you at the hotel" I pulled over into an abandoned shopping center at the next exit. I got out the Vaseline and Josh layed across the seat again. "Push for me hon, and I'll give you a bunch of Vaseline". He pushed and his butthole slowly opened. I could see the hard turd much better now. It was all compact and super dense and dry looking. He pushed a few more times and I put the Vaseline back. We hopped back on the road and he leaned up against the window again. He pushed and pushed for a good 10 minutes when he told me "I think it's starting to come out Kenna, it felt like it moved a little more" I turned on the dome light and had a quick peek. Sure enough the massive tip was sticking out about 2 inches but it was so wide it looked stuck. He pushed at it some more and it didn't move. He kept trying but it stayed stuck. "I can't get it to come out any further Kenna, it won't budge" I coached him again for awhile as he tried and tried, but it was totally stuck and just wouldn't come out. It didn't come out any more and we arrived at the hotel so this was another bad situation for Josh to be in. I pulled over way away from the hotel and went into the back with Josh. "Do you want me to try pulling on it while you push?, it's not out very far so I can't grab onto it much" Josh couldn't suck it back in either as he told me he tried sucking it in the last several miles but it was too hard. "You push and I'll try pulling, it's either going to come out more or break off" "I don't care what happens, I just need to put my clothes back on so we can go inside" Josh replied. He started pushing and I grabbed as much of the turd as I could and pushed against his perineum with my other hand to try and get this monster moving again. I wiggled the poop as much as I could during g his pushes but it was really hard and slow going. After 5 minutes it finally came a little more but broke off and the end slowly slipped back inside. I gently wiped him and we threw away all the paper and his giant ball of poop. We finally checked in and I helped him back to the bathroom to try and fishing pooping. He squatted and pushed but still couldn't go after 10 minutes, his poop would try to come but it was still to thick and hard. I gave him another suppository and we relaxed for quite awhile, he actually fell asleep on me poor guy was exhausted!! I woke him up and he told me he wanted to try going again. I asked if he wanted to try in the bathroom or just stay laying down next to me. He just wanted to relax and stay in bed and try to finish going. I put a towel down under him and a ton of toilet paper. I got in front of him and started coaching him again and encouraging him. The hard tip began to show but was too big to come out further and stayed stuck for several more minutes. I gently was pushing up on his perineum while he strained against me. Luckily this began to work and the poop slipped past his hole again. It was incredibly wide and it made me wonder how he could even go at all being so badly jammed up. He whimpered in pain while pushing and I gently comforted him and reminded him it would be done soon. It took a lot of hard pushing and concentration to get it far enough out where I could start pulling it again to help him finish passing it. I whispered to him I was going to pull when he pushed. His log was all bumpy and hard, it's no wonder this was nearly impossible for him! With him pushing and me gently pulling and pressing his perineum, we guided his poop out until it was really long probably 18". It broke off but he wasn't done. He rested for awhile and started to push again. It took 10 to 15 pushes to get the next turd coming. This one wasn't as hard but still thick and he struggled a bit to get it out. It fell out of him after about a foot and I couldn't see anymore poop inside his butt. "I'm done" Josh weakly moaned. I helped clean him up and ran a hot shower for him. Other than that ordeal we enjoyed the family trip! I'll try to post again when I can! I hope everyone else isn't struggling too badly! Xoxo Kenna

Anna from Astoria

Post Title (optional),

Hello, I feel like I have been kind of boring from the bathroom. Maybe that should be my penn name. I had a good poop this morning, but like other poops I have I was uninspired to write about it. I love reading al y'alls posts.

My contribution will be filing out the " no skidmark survey." I do get them, but not often. I also do not judge anyone I know for getting them. I do have a good sized butt and in some ways I am amazed I don't get them more, but perhaps this survey gives some insight

1. Do you remember when you last had a skidmark? If so when and do you remember why ? I ran a half marathon June. I wore a sports thong to minimize chaffing as full sized underwear would ride up my buns. It was a light color, and I know I wiped three times after a mid race poop. I was eager to get back on the road, but I did not want to chaff. I didn't but I did get a standard issue racing skid mark in my undies.

2. Do you regularly wear dark underwear than may hide a skidmark even if you had one? I'm guessing I do, most of my underwear is dark or black.

3. Have you worn light colored or white underwear in the last three months and not gotten a skidmark? Most of my light colored undies have been phased out. I do have some light colored and white lace panties that I wear for special occasions. They never get skidded as I usually dont wear them more than a few hours before showering and ..ahem...ending ny date: )

4. Do you have hair around or between your cheeks? Is used to
5. Have you removed or groomed any hair between you cheeks in the last three months? I get my cheeks waxed twice a year
6. When was the last time you remember having a wedgie?. Any time I wear panties, which was last week. I assume this does not consider a thong a wedgie. It does not feel like one to me and it is supposed to go up there, unlike my boyshorts, which are my most comfortable panties due to the material and fit, but they do ride up.

7. When was the last time you wore a thong? wearing on right now.

8. Do you poop in public restrooms? not as often as I used to in school. I work at home so I never poop in a stall now.

9. Do you feel less clean after using a lower quality toilet paper ( public restroom or store brand. I use Costco brand toilet paper and it cleans me fine as long as I use a wet wipe. Public restroom toilet paper is not as soft and there are no wet wipes

10. Do you clean yourself with anything besides dry toilet paper? Wet wipes. I use my boyfriends "Dude wipes" which are refreshing and keeps his hairy bum fresh too!

11. Are you active enough to have a sweaty crack regularly ? yes I run 5-6 days a week. I don't poop on the road as much as I used to as I decreased the miles over the last few years.

12. If you had a skidmark in the last three months, how often do you think you get them ? It's been more than three months!

-Boring in the Bathroom

Darlene -

I saw where you were thinking about measuring poop and had an idea for you to get a bedpan which would also make measuring your pee easier as you could just sit on it as you would the toilet and probably not have to stop and empty. Let us know what you end up doing. A bedpan is the only thing I poop in as sitting at floor level with my knees up causes more complete emptying.



Peeing survey.

I found this on page 1178. It looks like fun so I'm going to fill it out.

1. Your age, if you care to say.

2. Do you keep a jar or bottle near your bed? If so, how often do you pee in it?
Nope. But I do need to go a few times each night. Would doing that instead of walking to the bathroom give me better sleep?

3. Same for a bottle/jar beside your puter so you don't have to get up (presumably at home, not at school or the office, LOL).
That's gross. The only way I'd consider it is if I had a work from home job that made bathroom breaks difficult and I lived alone. Neither of those apply to me.

4. Same for your car/truck.
I don't own a vehicle.

5. Wet bed by accident? Your age last time it happened?
As a 42 year old I woke up with a small saucer sized wet patch on the front of my briefs. I was drinking the night before but this is the only bedwetting incident I had that involved alcohol.

6. Wet pants by accident? Your age last time it happened?
About a month or two ago. I described it in a recent post. I peed at a public urinal, thought I was done, and as I was walking away the rest of it soaked my underwear and left a small wet spot on the front of my jeans.

7. Wet pants on purpose? How often?
One time curiosity got the best of me and I tried it. It was more than I expected and I got pee on the carpet. Nasty! I've only done it a couple times since but in the bathtub for an easier clean up. And that was it. Definitely not my thing.

8. Pee in shower at home? How often?
Running water has an amazing effect. I can start a shower fully intending to come out and pee in the toilet when I'm done. But when the shower is underway the urge to go can jump from a 3 to a 10 in moments. I think I do this about once a week.

9. Pee in a public shower (gym, dorm, school)? How often? Others see?
No, never.

10. Pee in sink at home? How often?
To date this hasn't happened. If my roommate is on the toilet, there's an emergency bucket available. I haven't had to use it yet.

11. Pee in sink in public restroom (for example, at a concert or game in stadium when the urinal lines are too long)? How often?
Never had the need or the nerve to. I've seen other drunken fans do it and it's always good for laughs.

12. Pee out of a window, off side of deck at home, or similar, even though regular facilities are available? How often? With others watching?
No, I haven't had the pleasure of peeing from a great height.

13. Pee while swimming in ocean? In lake/creek/swimming hole? In pool? In your bathing suit while not in the water? How often for each?
I did this routinely as a child. I try to avoid going in the water as an adult. But there were times I had to allow it as either couldn't hold it or I didn't think I'd get to the men's room in time if I left the water.

14. Other unusual places where you have peed? Details, whether anyone else saw, frequency, etc. are welcome. Just the usual secluded places men urinate when the need arises. A few events are notable and I may describe them in future posts.

Grandma causing accidents

Denise's request for stories on parent-caused accidents:

Each summer from when I was 9 to when I was 18, I spent a month in California with my grandmother. I would always look forward to the summer flight across the country. I was raised by a single mom who wasn't that strict or demanding of me. Mom kind of let me have the freedom to find my own way. She said I would learn from those cases. She was right. I find that is true with my own daughter who is now 8 Learning by experiences is what works best.

Grandma was different from mom in that she was very particular in how I did things. We spend a lot of time swimming at the beach and traveling to historical sites on the west coast. She was very strict with bedtimes, helping her in the kitchen and managing something called my 'system.' A crap was pretty much expected every day. If I didn't crap when I got up she would make me sit on her apartment's toilet. Only about half the time I was lucky. Otherwise the process was repeated a couple hours later if we were at home or wherever we went. I remember several times when we were at a baseball game or at the mall and I told her I felt a crap or pee coming on. This caused her to be very selective about the bathroom we would use.

I could and often was holding it in with all my might when grandma would take me into a bathroom. As we walked down the line of available toilets she would say No! to several of them after she noticed there was urine on the seat, or no or not enough toilet paper on the roll. I remember about 5 times when I leaked a little in my underwear and twice when part of my crap ended up in my shorts. I learned later that grandma was pretty selective in picking a bathroom and toilet and she was strict with me no matter how much pain I was in.

Grandma had this really annoying procedure before she let me use a toilet when we were away from home. She started by thoroughly wiping down the seat at least once, sometimes twice. Then she pulled off three pieces of toilet paper. One was carefully laid over each side of the seat; another was put across the front. All of my friends and even mom just sat, wiped and washed their hands. No big thing. Grandma also asked to see my stool before I flushed if I had been constipated. At 16, I was like What??

The absolute worst experience I had came when I was 12 or 13. Grandma came to visit us for the holidays. We were in a subway station, just missed our transfer train, and I had been holding both a pee and crap because she was like...well I've explained it. But now I was 90 minutes from our apartment and knew there was no way I could hold it. Luckily Grandma had started reading her novel and I told her I was going to watch the traffic on the other corner of the ramp. I hurried down there to the bathroom. Worst possible situation: 3 toilets, no partitions or doors and the middle one was open. I took my seat ASAP and I unloaded for well over a minute. Luckily my crap was soft and came out easily because I didn't want Grandma to walk in and catch me. Of course, there was no toilet paper left on the roll (my usual bad luck at school too) so I got even more daring, pull off my jeans and then my undies. I quickly put my jeans back on and used my undies for wiping. I know it was a bad decision to throw them in the toilet, but I did. I was washing my hands when I saw in the mirror another girl about my age was taking the toilet.

When I got back to Grandma she was reading her novel and I told her our train was about 15 minutes away. I felt a great relief without comparison as we made the trip home. Grandma did move rather fast as we got off the train. She didn't even take her key out of our apartment door as she blitzed to the bathroom.


(Almost) causing accidents.

Denise's question got me thinking. I've never suffered anything like that, thankfully. I've tried my hardest as a parent not to let anything like that happen and so far nothing has. But I've heard about it nearly happening!

When we're out together and stop for a bathroom break, depending on the bathroom, my husband or I have had to dictate who goes first. We've usually let our kids go before us, but I admit I've used my authority to go first if I really had to go! They raised a big fuss sometimes when I didn't choose them or went first. But no one's had an accident yet!

To Kristi: That's awful. I really wish the best for both of you going forward.

John H

Comments and questions

Hey all. Some comments today.
@Kristi. Sorry to hear about the stressful situation regarding Steve's employment. Is that even legal to terminate his position without notice or a reason? Such actions would not be allowed here. Either way, I really hope Steve finds some other employment soon and that all will be ok for you.

@Annie. Hope you are well. Some questions regarding your recent posts. It seems you use your hands and soap to remove poop after using the toilet. This can't be very hygienic, particularly in a shared living situation. Why is toilet paper not available for you to wipe with?
Also I was wondering if you use pads even when you are not on your period as you mention changing your pad in most posts? Thanks and hope these questions are ok.

@Denise. Sorry to hear of your accidents due to your parents. Hope they listened to you after you called their bluff.

Friday, December 15, 2023


Two days ago came back from GYM sat in chair had a cup of milk before going to bed . Went upstairs sat on THETFORD 245 pottie had a BM before getting in bed .Woke twice in night had a wee in THETFORD ELEGANCE pottie
Woke in the morning needed to go on toilet sat on VOLREATH bed pan for ten minutes had a BM.Yesterday afternoon driving through NEW FOREST pulled into layby sat on ADVENTURIDGE POTTIE and went a NUMBER TOO ,really enjoyable two tours after a large carvery dinner


Parents causing accidents

Did anyone else have accidents growing up because of their parents? I did, even though my parents were not strict, it was mostly miscommunications.

First one I was about 6 years old and we went to visit a house my dad had been working on. My parents used to say 'there won't be any bathrooms' if we went somewhere like that, which I would take very literally - no bodily functions allowed. We got there and I had to pee. I didn't bother saying anything - no bathrooms, remember? - and just figured I had no choice but to hang on as long as I could. Of course I eventually wet myself and my mom was frustrated, she said why didn't you say you had to go? I said, you said no bathrooms! Did anyone else have experiences like this?

Second time I was older, about 14. I was a bit of a lazy kid and would use excuses to get out of chores, including pretending to need the bathroom when I didn't. One day after dinner I was supposed to do dishes but could feel a big and urgent bm coming on. I'd been testing my mom's patience that day and she was just done with me, so when I told her I'd do the dishes after using the bathroom she snapped at me to just do it. I said I can't hold it and I'm gonna poop my pants, and she said ok so poop yourself then. She really thought she was calling my bluff. I started the dishes while squirming and trying to hold back this monster dump and loudly complaining about having to go. Finally it overwhelmed me and my turtle head just came all the way out, along with several other big logs and sagged my pants right down. I burst into tears and my mom came running in, I remember the look of shock on her face. When she saw the size of the bulge in my pants and the way I was wailing with sobs, she realized my emergency had been genuine and that my upset was very real too. On this occasion, she did apologize to me. Ironically I also got out of doing the dishes that day too, although I certainly would rather have not pooped my pants!


Solid poop almost an hour after breakfast

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, went pee, changed my pad and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had some kind of homemade soup with pineapple, rice, tomatoes, an egg, spices, white vegetables etc. Took a while to eat and after breakfast I took my medications. Afterwards I put my notebook and pen back into my Walmart bag and took that and my water jar downstairs. My caregiver has started telling me not to drink tea in the morning because of the amount of medications I'm on. Instead now I drink one mug of tea at lunch since I don't have to take medications then. I surfed the net on my phone and watched a couple of YouTube videos when I got the urge to poop (about 5-10 minutes ago). Took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, put on the flip flops outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet. Pulled my dark sweatpants and red high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed. Quite a bit of solid thick poop came out and filled the toilet. I was finally done. I made sure I was done and stood up and turned to look. There was a turd about 2 or 2 1/2 feet sitting in the toilet, solid and dark. That was a lot. And there's still more in my body that needs out but I will continue eating healthy, drinking water and do some stretches and exercises in my room and the rest should want out later. Flushed the toilet, ran the soap under water, rubbed it between my hands, soaped up my butt, rinsed it, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Please be careful.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Feeling anxious... trying to poop

Hello everyone.

It has been a very mentally challenging week for Steve and me, and I'm extremely stressed out. I take meds for anxiety.

So I'm in the bathroom trying to relax. Pooping is a great stress reliever for me. Unfortunately, when I'm stressed out I get constipated, so even though I definitely have to go poop, it's not coming yet. Just pee so far.

I'll share why I'm stressed, but first some responses:

PJ and Dan: It is VERY hard for me to stop pooping and not finish. I like to go and just feel completely relieved. But I was able to.

Jenny: Steve gets me at least as clean as I get myself when he wipes me. As you said, he can see my butt and can see if he's gotten everything clean. He's got the technique down. ;)

Sounds like your husband might be curious... had he never seen you go poop before?

Okay, now onto the not so good stuff.

(And I'm still sitting here... now I'm pushing. I've gotta poop but it's not coming.)

My hubby Steve's boss got fired last Thursday. Out of the blue. No reasons given. No explanation. Just a letter saying he had been terminated.

I have no reason to think that Steve's job is in peril. He works extremely hard... he's a great provider. I work too, but I get to work from home a lot. He's putting in 9-10 hours a day. Everyone in his office is wondering what happened, and what's going to happen next.

I love him so much... he treats me so well. He's reassured me that everything will be all right. And I believe him. It's just tense right now.

(Poop is coming... hold on...)

Ahh. That was a big one. Felt good to get that out.

I think I'm going to be done for now. I don't feel like sitting here pushing for another 10 minutes. I feel a little less anxiety now after that poop endorphin rush, but I enjoy going more when it just slides out.

So anyways, if you could think good thoughts for Steve, I'd appreciate it. You are all such loving people.

I'll check back in soon. Happy toilet time, everyone.




Crackling soft poop

Have been keeping hydrated by drinking warm water since after lunch. Just got the urge to poop again so I took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, turned off the light, put on the flip flops outside my room, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet. Pulled my dark sweatpants and red high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. Some mushy/soft poop crackled out into the toilet. There wasn't much but it stunk. When I was done I reached over for the soap, turned on the tap, ran the soap under water, rubbed the soap between my hands, put the bar of soap back and cleaned my butt. Really messy. Once I was clean I rinsed my hands and butt and turned off the water. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked. Not much soft poop, just some in the toilet but it was stinky lol. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, turned off the tap and the light, went to my room and dried my clean hands. Now writing this and staying up, resisting the urge to nap. I want to be good and tired tonight so I can sleep well. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Please be careful.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Replying to Audrey

It can be frustrating at times, especially if you're somewhere else other your home. I am usually at home whenever I poop. Although, it is a good idea to use the container and try to weight it. This is one of the best times to do that. All that good food being made only at a special time of year, It has to all go somewhere.

I know my thanksgiving poop was huge, I already didn't have a poo the day before and I just kept eating.. it was a recipe to only have an accident. Especially when passing as much gas as I done AT the party.


Work crap

Jenny - Those soft craps are just the best! They feel great and they pass so easily. But yes, there is a price. I don't feel clean until I have had a shower. No matter how much paper I've used. It never seems to come back perfectly clean.

I don't like flushing while sitting on the toilet. I am sure I can feel the toilet paper splashing me!

As I mentioned in my last post, I can use public toilets to relieve myself when necessary but I am very shy about it so I am trying to use them as much as possible to help become more comfortable. I was at work today and I needed to crap, I would have been home in under an hour but that won't help me become more comfortable. So I forced myself to go at work.

The ladies toilets had one person in there peeing but the end stall was available so I went in and lined the bottom of the bowl with toilet paper and sat down. I started peeing before she left (I am SO happy I can do that now!) and then I was left alone for my crap. After listening carefully for anyone walking down the corridor I pushed out three perfectly smooth, perfectly firm logs and the whole experience was almost silent. I was so so happy with myself! I quickly cleaned up and flushed and left, holding the door for the lady coming in.



Soft poop after lunch

Hi all. Got up this morning, went to the washroom (pee), changed my pad (yuck) and brushed my teeth then went upstairs for breakfast. Had potatoes chopped up, green vegetables, tomatoes, meat and carrots. After breakfast I took my medications and a while later put on my purse and jacket and was picked up for the exercise program. Yay! When I got there I greeted everyone and made a cup of black coffee (instant coffee). The program was fun and gentle. Afterwards we had lunch. We had latkes or dumplings with cheese inside, mixed vegetables and iced tea. Most of us got picked up a while later. When I got home I had tomatoes, oranges (yuck) and an apple. My caregiver/longtime friend gives me more food because of my height (5'11") and because I'm on so much medication. After lunch I made a cup of tea and I'm staying up so I can sleep well tonight. I have to go for my blood tests tomorrow to check my medication levels.

Soon after I got a pretty major urge to poop so I went to the washroom, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and red high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 20 seconds and then pushed. A bunch of soft poop splattered out and hit the toilet bowl. There wasn't much but it stunk. Lol. Once I was done I reached over for the bar of soap, stood up, flushed the toilet (PU), turned on the tap, ran the soap under water and soaped up my hands. Cleaned my butt well, rinsed my hands and butt, pulled up my pants and underwear. Then washed my hands. It wasn't much but at least my body is getting semi regular, even if I have to be on prescription laxatives. Better out than in. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Please be careful.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Public or Not Peeing and Pooping

I'm enjoying the discussion. Being away from home and having to pee or poop can be a problem, especially if you are raised by parents who think it should be planned ahead and done at home and with utmost discretion.

My first girlfriend was doing homework with me at my house when she closed her laptop and said "it's time for my shit." My mom heard that in the living room and was outright shocked. I think the act as well as the language contributed equally to mom's objection. She did it in just a minute or two. She did two flushes. One after her release, the other after her wiping. Little time wasted, little smell.

Another girlfriend, I think I was a junior, could be with me on a bench in our school commons area and right in the middle of conversation she would say something kinda cute (she wrote poetry for a literary magazine) like HTTGP (hold that thought gotta pee) and she was always hurrying as if she was going to burst. Sometimes after school we could be among six friends at a table and we'd watch her run for the bathroom door. Sometimes if we were seated close enough, we could hear the stall door swing and latch and once or twice we could hear her actual pee. It was about 30 seconds long. I teased her that her pee must be so short. I let her watch me at the urinal in the park once. I went 1:55. And that was despite the fact that she was standing right next to me and with her finger and thumb she was threatening to rattle my pipe.

In college this girl I was dating was kind of lazy. We could be hiking in a large park and with signs directing us to toilets and a rest area nearby, she would just stop, go into a wooded area, do a squat at about 90 degrees with her jeans at knee level and one log would fall at about five second intervals. While still in place, she would ask me to open her backpack, and I would pull out about half a roll of jammed up toilet paper and hand it to her. Sometimes her craps ended with some soft crap sliding down the inside of her leg. Yep, that made wiping more difficult.

With one exception because I had the runs and wouldn't have made it to a toilet in time, I have gotten settled to use whatever toilet was available, one of which was not even hooked up to plumbing. A friend and me were walking home during a night of drinking celebrating his 21st and we were walking through the parking lot of a large apartment community. I guess they were being held for a junk man but there were six of them lined up next to a dumpster. I was pretty drunk but got on one but I had to really work to straddle it and not lose my balance. I halfway got on one, I guess, and I remember an explosion coming out of me that even made my friend partially fall over a curb laughing at me. I sacrificed my blue Fruit of the Looms for a few attempts at wiping. What scared me more was when an aerial security light started flashing. At home, he was explaining what loitering meant and what could happen to me if good pictures had been taken.

Has anyone been caught or do you know anyone who has prosecuted for such offenses in public places? What about how schools handle the opposite sex watching a friend using a bathroom or locker room. I know many of us have done some dumb things when we have been drinking or otherwise dared to do something crazy by our friends.


Re: Mark S, on the topic of desperate people needing to poop

Q: I also wanted to say to Tricky, love some of your tales. I would never use a doorless toilet like that one at the park you were talking about. Felt sorry for that young lad you were talking about waiting to use the toilet too; I was wondering, is that the most desperate guy you've ever seen or is there any others? I'd love to hear about it if so.

A: I can remember many such events, but I'm not sure that was the most desperate example. Here's a few recollections:

-I was on a camping trip with the boy scouts in 6th grade. I needed to poop, and headed to the restroom building, which was a wooden outhouse with a waterless urinal and a wooden plank with two holes in it, no privacy whatsoever. On one of them, seated was a blonde haired boy of about 9, pooping away, clearly highly embarrassed. I could hear diarrhea. I wasn't the only other person in the room, or I might have sat next to him. As I heard this kid farting and poop splattering in the pit below, this creepy middle-aged obese park ranger was standing there watching. He tried to convince me that it was okay to take a seat. I was not used to pooping without privacy in front of people in public places and decided not to poop here, and left. I ended up going in the woods the next day, without anyone seeing me.

-A few times in middle school and the first high school I went to, I've seen boys using the doorless stalls in desperation, only to be bullied for it by other students while at their most vulnerable. This is why I refused to poop at school whenever I could hold out.

-See page 2928, titled "Re: Kieffer, bathroom access during a college admission test".

-In 2008, I was taking a long, girthy poop in the first of two stalls at the library Mens' room. I could see through the obnoxiously large gap between the partition and the door two boys of about 15 years old walk in. One took a urinal, while the other stood there in front of the sinks and mirror jittering nervously. I heard him fart then yell "Oh God. Oh God." His friend started laughing telling him "Go take your poo. No one cares." I heard him respond "I hate public restrooms!" He quickly took the handicapped stall next to me, dropped his pants to the floor, and exploded out a bunch of gas followed by loud crackling that I could hear from the next stall over. He was moaning and sighing. I continued to push out a thick, meaty log next to him and it created a duet of butt noises and smells. While I was wiping, his made a loud *kerplunk*, then he started wiping. We both finished wiping at roughly the same time and in the interest of getting out of the library as soon as possible(I had things to do), I exited soon after he did. He was clearly trying to pretend I didn't exist as we washed hands at the sinks, looking away from the mirror in shame. I probably should have waited because he was clearly embarrassed, and it was not my intent to add to the embarrassment. He left the restroom quickly as I was still washing my hands. When I went to unlock my bike, him and his friend were waiting by the bike rack, he saw me, and then yelled "Go away you weirdo! This kid is weird!" Pooping next to each other was a bit too much of a boundary crossing for this dude I suppose. I was there first though.

-In 2009, a girlfriend was staying over at my apartment for the night. She was in her early 20s, about 5'-8" and 130 lbs, black hair, white skin. The same one in the story on page 2930, titled "Re: sStephen, pooping in a campervan". Anyhow, I had prepared a dinner, a massive pot of pinto beans with bacon and onion, with another pot of collard greens with bacon and onion. She gorged herself on multiple bowls of each and we both went through a 12 pack of beer. We finished both pots of food. She left later that night, and came back again the next night. We were sitting on my bed having a conversation when I could hear her insides loudly gurgling. I thought little of it, and we continued talking, while her insides kept getting louder. About 30 minutes later, she immediately and suddenly stands up, and says "I'll be right back." I knew what she was about to do. This was not the first time she took a poop at my apartment. The bathroom was adjacent to the single room that composed the bedroom/kitchen/living room, and I heard her loudly defile that toilet for the next 20 minutes. This was probably the loudest and longest I'd ever heard anyone else pooping. After she left for the night, I went in to take a dump and there were streaks all over the toilet bowl, and this was not the first time she left streaks, but it was definitely the most memorable.

-Later that same year, same girlfriend needed to use my bathroom, except I let her know I was out of toilet paper. I took a poop earlier that day and told her I used the last of it. She was getting desperate and we decided to go to the nearby park. The Mens' side had no stall for the sit-down toilet and a lone urinal and sink next to it. I never was in the Womens' side. Anyhow, she grabbed some toilet paper and said she wanted to go back to my apartment, and complained that the bathrooms were not suitable for what she needed to do. I also was now feeling the need to poop, and decided to get some paper from the Mens' room, much to her annoyance, as she complained she really needed to go. We walked back home, and I could smell her farting as we walked. She took yet another poop at my apartment. I only heard a few splashes and the flush. I took one immediately after her. Then all was well.


Another Skidmark Survey!

1. Do you remember when you last had a skidmark? If so when and do you remember why? About three weeks ago. It was a very mild mark but still noticeable. I did some exercise and there was also a lot of walking and I worked up a sweat that day.

2. Do you regularly wear dark underwear than may hide a skidmark even if you had one? No. I almost never have more than one skid marked pair in a given load of laundry. And I usually do my own laundry so it's not like the world is going to see it.

3. Have you worn light colored or white underwear in the last three months and not gotten a skidmark? No. I'm rather wedgie prone (see below) so going three months without a skidmark is almost impossible. Just getting through one calendar month with clean underwear is a good feat for me.

4. Do you have hair around or between your cheeks? Yes, I have some there as just about every man does.

5. Have you removed or groomed any hair between you cheeks in the last three months? Not in the last three months. I did try shaving in my butt crack in the past to see what it was like but of course it itched like mad when it grew back.

6. When was the last time you remember having a wedgie? Today. And everyday. Underwear wedgies are a daily occurrence for me. A better question to ask would be when was the last time I went through a whole day without one? I honestly don't remember. Nor can I help it. Each time I sit or lie down, my butt cheeks spread apart. Then when I stand up, the cheeks come back together, grabbing my underpants in the process. My butt is like a vacuum cleaner. I gave up fighting it a long time ago. Resistance is futile. When I look in the mirror, there's a center line at least half the length of my butt crack and the bottom of my butt cheeks are exposed too. Quite a sight, huh? Most of the time I don't even notice I have undies shoved up my crack. It's rare for me to pull them out. If anything, I've come to enjoy the feeling of fabric in my crevice, even if it leads to occasional skidmark. They usually work their way out on their own until my butt grabs them again. Overall, I'd estimate I have a wedgie about 30% of the time. The only kind of underwear that I find to be wedgie resistant are boxer briefs. But I don't like the way their leg elastics squeeze my thighs. If I had to choose, I'd rather have a wedgie.

7. When was the last time you wore a thong? Sometime this summer. I have a thong that I wear when the mood strikes me. Despite being a woman's thong, it has enough coverage for my front parts. Being accustomed to wedgies like I just described, I barely notice the skinny strap between my cheeks. It's black and I've never had a noticeable stain on it.

8. Do you poop in public restrooms? Yes, but mostly at work which is an employee only office. I will poop in other public toilets like ones at the mall if needed but I don't like to.

9. Do you feel less clean after using a lower quality toilet paper ( public restroom or store brand )? Yes! I might try dunking it in the public toilet water (ewww) to do a better job. Or I might just give up and accept the inevitable skidmark. Those usually aren't too bad. But on page 3005, I described the time I was forced to hurry and leave a hotel room without wiping properly. The result was a skidmark so nasty it looked like I pooped in my pants.

10. Do you clean yourself with anything besides dry toilet paper? I will dampen toilet paper to get rid of a hard to remove mess. Wet wipes are also an option but only at home.

11. Are you active enough to have a sweaty crack regularly ? Maybe once a week? I know I should get active more often but I'm lazy.

12. If you had a skidmark in the last three months, how often do you think you get them ? Maybe once or twice a month. Like I said, I might get through one month skidmark free but not three months. And I really don't mind getting skidmarks. Instead, it's fun because it makes me feel like a naughty little boy inside.

Nasty shit next to opposite gender

So I was out for a walk when I had the urge to take a shit and it was real sudden so I quickly made my way to the nearest public toilets and was almost running by the time I got there. The entire toilets were empty and the first stall I opened was gross with used to on the floor and the seat almost hanging off. The second had tp on the floor and unflushed but the third was clean ... I later realized why.

I hastily unbuttoned and sat down, exploding on the toilet for a brief moment but then it subsided and I got a bad stomach cramp.
Then I hear someone come in, a man's voice and a girl's in the men's toilets. The girl said she was desperate and went to the stall next to me while the man said he'd stand outside the door for her.

It was so awkward as I knew I was gonna explode again and next to me was a girl and her father, I felt really awkward but I the diarrhea came in force and I ripped a new one. Bang the toilet rippled and I gassed up the place. Drops plopped into the toilet and it was loud.

The girl gasped and cried it smells In here and her father told her to hurry up. The worst part was I had to ask for tp as in my haste I didn't check to look. The father gave me some under the stall. Was so embarrassing and I felt bad for the girl.


I pooping after Sweetie

I was visiting Sweetie, we played different games together, and in the midst of one of these games, Sweetie's stomach began to churn deafeningly. He immediately told me:
"I'm sorry... I'll be a minute... I need to go to the bathroom..." after that, he ran off towards the toilet. I followed in the same direction, hoping that, like last time, Sweetie would not get angry if he found out that I was listening at the door. As I understood it, Sweetie wanted to poop. He told me today that he had a stomach ache, so it wasn't surprising. When I went to the toilet door, it was not closed, it slightly open. Maybe Sweetie didn't have time to close it, or he just wasn't shy. I immediately looked through the crack. Sweetie was sitting on the toilet with his pants and briefs down. He was farting very loudly, and he looked tense, and I realized that he was probably pushing. After a few seconds, there were a lot of plops, and Sweetie breathed a sigh of relief. The popping didn't stop, and I assumed that Sweetie had diarrhea. Unfortunately, suddenly I also wanted to poop myself, but I couldn't want a diarrhoea-suffering Sweetie off the pottie! So I decided to be patient and wait. Sweetie continued to poop, there were more and more splashes, as well as farts. From time to time, Sweetie pushed, which puzzled me a little - after all, he powerfully poop, why is he pushing? It probably lasted at least ten minutes, my urge to poop was fortunately not strong yet. Ten minutes later, Sweetie finally finished. He wiped his ass for a very long time, using a lot of toilet paper, it seems that he spent at least twenty pieces of paper. Then Sweetie began to get off the toilet, and I hurriedly moved away from the door so as not to be discovered eavesdropping. I heard several flushing sounds from behind the door, then Sweetie came out, and was surprised to see me. I explained to him that I was waiting in line for the toilet, and Sweetie said he would wait until I went. I went into the bathroom and closed the door. I immediately had to hold my nose. It stank like hell - faugh!!! When I looked to the toilet bowl, everything was clean, but it still stank terribly. However, there was no choice, I pulled down my underwear and sat down on the toilet seat, which was warm after Sweetie. I pooped, wrinkling my nose and pinching it, because it stank of a very thick and strong smell of diarrhea. When I finally finished, I decided that it was better not to poop after a Sweetie anymore! Although, perhaps the fact that Sweetie had diarrhea played a role here?


Massive solid shit

I got up, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast this morning. Had homemade soup with potatoes, rice, an egg and other vegetables. After breakfast I took my medications, took my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs. Stomach felt very full. It stayed that way until right before lunch (11:45 ish), so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took off my bedroom flip flops, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and went to the washroom.

Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way (door is still broken), walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and black underwear (on period) and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A massive solid poop came out and kept coming. Wow. Finally within about 20 to 30 seconds I was done. The beast was out. Reached over for the bar of soap, turned on the water, ran the soap under water and rubbed it between my hands. Washed my butt well first, rinsed my hands and butt. Messy. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look.

WOW. This turd was thick and massive, solid and took up the majority of the toilet bowl! Crazy. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, went to my room to dry them (my caregiver doesn't want me to leave the towels in the washroom otherwise the guys who live here will use them), poured and microwaved some water and a cup of tea and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Mrs Bigand hard

Several days have gone by and I cannot force my poop out.

Hello all i am sitting on the toilet right now and have not had a bowel movement for several days .
Due to the holidays and eating a lot of chocolate candy. This makes my poop rock hard really painfull .. like a big rock stuck right there. Ready to come out but it is stuck.. I will have to dig it out with my finger. So I lubricated my finger with Vaseline and proceeded to dig it out of my Butt hole. It was really big and hard as a rock. Straining hard now take a deep breath now..nnnnnnnn. Bear down Harder ahah Nnnnnnnnnn My but hole is stretching to the Max which is .. for me about two and 1/2 inches in diameter.
Wow this one is really painful! It is Hard as a Rock.
Thank you all, happy holidays.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

I understand, but I personally always feel like the toilet is a waste of a big poo, and it can clog. I highly recommend giving outside or on the floor a try, and I'm going to start holding and then shit in a container and weight and measure it, I should probably try doing this for piss as well like you do!

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