
Hi everyone. I got COVID the beginning of December. Kind of mild but it lasted longer than the 2 day course I got when I got it the first time. It was about a length of a common cold for me. Anyway, there is relevance to COVID this forum.

I have home tests that I need to report any COVID/cold symptoms for my work for infection control. Over the years, restrictions for me to work (Nurse Practitioner) have lighten up with cold symptoms and a negative test, but a positive test is pretty conservative. I of course was feeling pretty good and recovered by the time I went back to work, but I did need that negative test to return. (not everyone has this policy)

Anyway every strip has a "control line" which shows the test is working. If you are negative you only have one line. IF you are positive, you have two lines. When I first got infected, the second line was very decisive and seal. Towards the end of the infection, the line got lighter . my husband recovered first and had only the control line while I was still positive. My test had the control line and test line but it was a little faint. I said that's barely a positive. My husband looked and said " you right your underwear has more of a line that test. That is barely a skid. " I dropped my jaw and joking glared at my husband. My husband has good comic timing, and if I was in a different mood, I would have been mad, but this time I thought it was pretty clever. We were all little loopy and giggly from being home, so I dropped my sweat pants and underwear to my thighs and said. " that's not true, my undies to not have a line. " My white sports thong was spotless as I was not wiping with my work toilet paper. I was also post shower and pooped before that .My husband was shocked that I dropped my pants and underwear in the kitchen , but I could also tell he was a little. …Amused:) Anyway we now refer to a positive COVID test is called in our house a "Skid." My husband was doing laundry when I started going back to work and working out, and said " looks like you were "positive " as he pointed out my pink panties had some evidence of a work poop. I laughed because it was actually kind of a straight line!!

Kristi- I'm sorry about you and your husband's week. I hope you guys can have some peace soon. I'm glad you have each other. My husband has seen me poop but he has never wiped me before. I think he joking offered to wipe me when I sat down to me and I had " more than a line" of a skid on my undies pulled down to my ankles. I blushed a little bit, but I could see his sweat pants were...showing he was not grossed out. I responded " yeah don't know if you can get me clean with my work toilet paper even if you can see my butt" Good thoughts and prayers for Steve! I do think a good poop is a good antidepressant/ anti anxiety bolus!

Iris- The soft poops feel soo good right! Both Coming out and when I'm done. The mess is worse than a hard poop but hard poops do not feel good while they are happening and they are not as satifying post poop.

Anna from Astoria-I like your description "standard issue race skid marks". I think most female I have tan with runners run with dark thongs to minimize chauffing and skidding. But I have seen in the locker room a lot of lighter colored sports thongs. And thanks to my husband, my light colored underwear has replenished compared to my 20's where I phased out my light colored underwear to hide skids from boyfriends :P .

ViolotIndigo-Welcome/Welcome back! I had similar experience pooping in public restrooms as a kid, but I was not told my my parents, I was just a germaphobe an came to irrational fears and conclusions myself. I wonder if anyone in your household truly did use less toilet paper than you did had less clean underwear. Until college, I did use a lot more toilet paper in a public restroom than at home because I knew I was less likely to clog a toilet with an industrial strength flush and I needed way more toiler paper to get clean ( and it never seemed to work) I have clogged a couple public rooms, but booth times it was before I wiped and I had to hope into another stall to wipe...that's another post in itself. Also that mall job supervisor sounds horrible! I know it was embarrassing, but maybe you should given him a lot of details/TMI ...girls pooping seems to make some guys uncomfortable unless they are regulars on this forum

COVID and skidmark negative in Seattle

Public Bathrooms Were So Awkward!

I was largely raised by my dad. Being female, I found using public bathrooms to be so very awkward. Whenever we were out at decent-sized places, he would have no choice but take me into the mens room. Only rarely do I remember a small single-toilet bathroom that I think are being called family bathrooms today.

The problems were multiple. We went to a lot of pro baseball games since we lived in a big city. I guess they played nine innings or something, but on a good day my bladder was only good for about half that time. I'd say I had to pee-pee, he'd ask if I was sure, and then he'd lead me into some of the biggest and most threatening bathrooms I had ever seen. Men of all ages where standing against what looked like a white sink and shaking their hands on one side of the room. On the other side, there was a long line of toilets. Some had doors. Some didn't. Dad usually pushed me into one of the more private ones. He closed the door and many times showed me how to slide the lever to get privacy. I think I was still about four and I admit I resisted getting myself up and on the seat pretty vigorously. One bowl was gross with what looked like the poo of a huge animal floating in it. I would half try to flush it down, but then expect dad to rescue me which he did with a fast step of his left foot. I was five and in all-day kindergarten and I halfway feigned being spooked by having to sit on such a big toilet. Unlike at school, my feet were well off the floor. The clutter of noise all around me sometimes caused me to resist sitting for any major length of time.

Some weekends dad would be working or sometimes just out of town with his friend. Mande was my babysitter. She was in middle school. She didn't have a lot of experience but she had so much confidence. There would be times that I really appreciated not having to be taken into the guys room. Sometimes there was only one toilet not in use and she would take me into it, latch the door, drop her jean-shorts to the floor and relieve herself in front of me. She had all the confidence I wanted to have and then some. One time we were at the circus and we both had to pee bad. We were both hurting but we were waiting for a toilet to open, it did and took my hand and quickly shoved me in next to her. She had the nicest silk underwear which she dropped to the floor. She grabbed me, widened her legs, moved farther back on the black seat, and had me pee with her. At 7 or 8 I didn't have the experience of a buddy pee, but I got it. Mande was so encouraging and complimentary and that helped me get my pee going. That was hard because there was a lady to the left of us cursing up a storm on her cell phone. Mande said that lady was cursing as well as her older brother. Mande pulled off some toilet paper and gave it to me to wipe myself. She asked how confident I was with wiping myself after my craps. I did a wipe for her and oops, I found I had a way to go. But I had gained confidence and that was the most important thing.


Pooping one after another: me, Sweetie, Paint, Timmy

Me, Paint and Timmy (my classmate and peer) were visiting Sweetie. I don't know how it happened, but all four of us wanted to poop in the toilet... And Sweetie had only one toilet! I have proposed an obvious solution:
"Let's take pooping one by one? Let the one who wants the most go first".
Sweetie, Timmy and Paint agreed, and Paint went first. All three of us lined up outside the toilet, maybe we did it to eavesdrop? At least I was eavesdropping! It was quiet at first, then I heard Paint pushing and farting. After that, I heard several splashes, and then the rustle of toilet paper (a very loud rustle, as if the Paint was rustling on purpose!). A couple of minutes later, Paint ran out of the toilet, exclaiming:
"I pooped! The toilet is free!" - Paint was worried, perhaps he was afraid that we were enduring and suffering here, waiting for him. Sweetie went to the toilet next. I heard Sweetie start farting loudly. Timmy heard it too, obviously, because he was giggling. Then I heard the splashing of water, and realized that Sweetie was pissing. After that, there was a loud splash, obviously, the Sweetie defecated a poo. Another splash of poop followed. Then a push, then a sigh of relief. Sweetie wiped himself down quieter than Paint, I didn't hear any rustling. Sweetie came out of the bathroom, and Timmy came in. There were a lot of sounds coming from the toilet: splashing, farting, sighing, grunting, so Timmy seemed to poop a lot. Timmy was in the bathroom for a few minutes, and then he came out and I come in. The toilet stank terribly, and the reason for that was the unflushed poop. There were ten poop in the toilet bowl of different sizes and shapes, the water was all yellow with urine, and it was all covered with a lot of toilet paper. I was puzzled, why didn't anyone flush after themselves? But I wanted to poop so much that I didn't have time to be puzzled. I pulled my pants and briefs down and sat down on a very warm toilet seat. At first, I pushed a few times, and farted. I felt a long poo come out of me and fall into the toilet. She landed on other poop and it stank even worse... Or maybe it just seemed like it. I farted loudly, and a large poop began to come out. I had to push hard, but in the end she got out and fell into the toilet. After her, another poop came out and fell into the toilet. Then I defecated another one poop and that was the end. After pooping, I wiped my ass using three toilet papers. I got dressed, and thoughtfully looked at the mountain of poop in the toilet. "How can I flush it all off?" I wondered. But I can't let it all stink any further. I pressed the flush lever, and held it as long as possible. As a result, everything was flushed off well, although the smell remained. I washed my hands in the sink and left the toilet.

Emma two

Amazing poo at work

I had the most amazing poo at work this morning. I hadn't pood for a couple of days and I took a laxative just before I went to bed last night. I woke up this morning busting for a poo but I held it until I got to work to allow the laxative to reach the full effect. I walked out of the flat and got on the bus and forty-five minutes later I got to my stop which is about three hundred yards from the office building where I work. I was getting quite desperate for a poo and I had to clench as I was walking towards the office. I was about ten minutes early and I clocked in before heading straight for the toilets. I made it just in time and luckily the cleaner had finished cleaning the ladies so I got to use a nice clean toilet. I sat down and relaxed my bottom without having to push as the laxative made my poo really soft. It all came out in a big rush and what a relief it was. I peed quite a bit as well and when I finished felt so much better. I wiped my bottom and pulled up my clothes and flushed the toilet feeling two pounds lighter. I washed my hand and left the toilets ready to start working feeling so good.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Me and girlfriends baking a big Bowel Movement brownload

Princess Toadstool Peach: Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And the other day I invited my friends Princess Rosalina and Princess Zelda to a grand special kind of contest to see whom can make the biggest but thickest poo. I always wanted to do this! So I got out three potties one white, one pink and one red to do our business in. The person with the biggest, smelliest and thickest poo wins! 1st part we all had a big fibre filled huge dinner to eat. Then afterwards when we finished digesting the whole lot down. It was time for the contest to begin we all pulled our panties down to our ankles and sat or squatted over the potties wiggling our bottoms. I took the pink one, Zelda took the red one and Rosalina she took the white one. I broke wind, Rosalina started to push and grunt and Zelda she started to wee into the potty since she drank more than us too. Then finally it happened!! Zelda made a big three inch log followed by a couple of smaller ones then I made some larger poos the bigger the better I always say. I was hoping that I would win but however Rosalina ended up winning by doing a big 5 inch thick poo sh*t filling up her potty more and more than the rest of us could ever imagine. But mine were pretty big too about 5 inches long. So therefore I decided on the pee wee tiebreaker where we can drink the most cups of water and without needing to wee. Me and Rosalina both clinked our glasses and drank until finally it was sadly I whom lost since I felt a warm wet wee dribble down my legs then we both wiped our vaginas and bottoms along with Zelda. I had the Best time ever doing and organising this pooh poo contest and hopefully next time I will be able to defeat my opponent Rosalina next time. So until then…See you later! Bye bye now.


Replying to SquatSpotter

I actually haven't gotten around to using a bedpan to measure but, it sounds like a good idea. Soon as I get over this UTI, I will go back to measuring soon. I can't now because I can barely hold my bladder and if I try, I will just end up wetting myself. Now I am wearing a diaper, so I don't mess up anymore panties.

I am also on antibiotics for 7 days or so.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Advice for VioletIndigo

Are it multiple turds that clog the toilet? If so, you could just flush after each one. If it however is one massive turd, then I advice tearing apart the turd with a toilet brush.


To Nicole from Germany:

Hello, Nicole! I read a few of your posts which you wrote from April to July. I'd like to ask you some questions if you don't mind.
1. Is it difficult for you to poop?
2. As you're pooping, have you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
4. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you to push a lot before your first turd comes out or does everything fall out at once?
5. Do your always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories?
6. As you did your first poo several days later after giving birth to of your third kid in April, was it very difficult for you? Did you poop by yourself? Didn't you use enema or suppositories?
7. Do you usually poop as you feel you have to do it? Do you ever sit down on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it Would you be able to poop in that case?
8. Have you ever a situation as you sit down on the toilet for pooping and start pushing, but you can't push your poop out? And have you situations as you have to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive them as a positive or a negative thing?
9. As you were a little girl and your poos were large, was it difficult for you to push them out? Had you to strain a lot for doing them? And as your kids have large poos, is it difficult for them to push such poos out? Have they to strain a lot for doing them? (You mentioned about it on the page 3008.)
10. After you gave a birth to your kids, was it more difficult for you to poop or did it stay the same as it was before it?
11. Do you like pooping? If you have to push a big poop out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
12. If you've pushed a big poop out, are you proud of it?
13. As you were pooping at your parents' place after being constipated for a week (you told about it on the page 3016), was it very difficult for you to push your turds out?
14. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
15. Do you ever make buddy dump with somebody now?
16. As you had a buddy dump with your sister (you told about it on the page 3015) did both of you comment your pooping? Had you to strain at those times for pushing your poop out or did everything fall out at once?
17. Why did you once poop inside a bucket as you were 9? Did your brother and your sister comment your pooping? And you?
18. Do you ever poop in front of your kids? If you do, do they like to see your pooping? Do they comment your pooping? And you?
19. Do you ever poop together with your kids?
20. Do you ever poop outdoors? And Did you ever poop outdoors in your childhood?
21. May I also ask you some questions about pooping in your childhood next time?
22. Do you live in Germany now?
I wish you happy pooping!


To Catherine:

Hello, Catherine!
I've read a lot of your posts here and I'd like to ask you some questions, if you don't mind.
1. Is it difficult for you to poop?
2. As you're pooping, have you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out? As you're doing a thick poop, is it difficult for you to push it out?
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
4. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you to push a lot before your first turd comes out or does everything fall out at once?
5. Do you always poop by yourself?
6. Do you usually poop as you feel you have to do it? Do you ever sit down on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Would you be able to poop in that case?
7. Have you ever a situation as you sit down on the toilet for pooping and start pushing, but you can't push your poop out? And have you situations as you have to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive them as a positive or a negative thing?
8. Do you like pooping? If you have to push a big poop out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
9. If you've pushed a big poop out, are you proud of it?
10. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
11. Why did your pee come out at once before your pregnancy, but now the stream is weaker and sometimes you have stop and start to your pees? (You wrote about it on the page 2888.)
12. Why do you fart most of the time now, when you sit for a pee, but before your pregnancy you did it during the first pee of the day as a rule? (The same page.)
13. Do you ever try to poop after peeing, especially after your morning pee?
14. As you gave birth to Joey, why had you to have your BM in the hospital room, but not in the bathroom? (You wrote about it on the page 2853.)
15. Did it become more difficult for you to poop after you gave birth or is everything with it in the same way as before that? And was it difficult for you to poop during your pregnancy?
16. As you're pooping in front of Joey, does he like to look it? As he sees you pooping, does he comment it somehow? And you?
17. Do you ever make a buddy dump with Joey?
18. Do you ever poop outdoors?
19. May I also ask you some questions about pooping in your childhood? If you don't mind, of course!
20. And I'd also like to ask you: do you live in USA? If you do, in what state?


Surveys (Dietary, Skidmark, Pee, and Clogging)

Hello everyone!

I don't feel like typing up a whole story so I thought I'd respond to some surveys.

1. What does your current diet consist of? Do you think it's connected with your bathroom habits? I'm vegetarian, I do not eat any meat. Most of my protein comes from beans or bean-derived products like tofu or plant-based "meat." I don't eat very much. I usually eat a few fruits a day, plus carbs like rice, noodles, potatoes, or bread. I do not eat eggs nor do I drink milk, but I will eat products that have egg or milk byproducts, and I buy plant-based milks for myself. I probably do not eat as many vegetables as I should, and I eat too many sweets.

2. Have you ever changed or improved your diet? If so, what differences have you noticed after changing/adjusting your diet? Yes, I grew up eating meat, eggs, and stuff like that. I struggled with constipation as a teenager. Ever since becoming vegan (and then vegetarian) a few years ago, I tend to poop at least once a day, if not multiple times a day. My poop does not really have a strong smell. Shape can vary, just like it did before I changed my diet, but the most common shapes are either really long, thick turds or many little "rabbit" poops.

3. Do you take any digestive health supplements? If so, are you pleased with the results? No, I do not take any.

4. Would you ever consider taking certain supplements for digestive health (after doing your own research)? Maybe, but I do not really see a need for it for myself.

1. Do you remember when you last had a skidmark? If so when and do you remember why ? No, I almost never get skidmarks. I've been having a UTI, and I've leaked a bit of pee in my underwear which has stained them. But I think it has been years since I have had a poop skidmark.

2. Do you regularly wear dark underwear than may hide a skidmark even if you had one? I generally wear dark underwear, so they could be hiding skidmarks, I'm not sure.

3. Have you worn light colored or white underwear in the last three months and not gotten a skidmark? Yes

4. Do you have hair around or between your cheeks? Yes, some light hair.

5. Have you removed or groomed any hair between you cheeks in the last three months? No.

6. When was the last time you remember having a wedgie? I have them all the time, usually daily.

7. When was the last time you wore a thong? I don't remember, I don't like thongs.

8. Do you poop in public restrooms? Yes, I don't really mind it.

9. Do you feel less clean after using a lower quality toilet paper? For sure, I should carry wet wipes around in my purse, I just always forget to buy them.

10. Do you clean yourself with anything besides dry toilet paper? No. If I'm at home sometimes I'll hop in the shower after pooping, but I don't do that as much as I did when I was younger. I would always take a shower immediately after pooping as a teenager, now it does not have to be immediate.

11. Are you active enough to have a sweaty crack regularly? No, plus I hardly ever sweat. I need to be exercising in the summer to sweat lol

12. If you had a skidmark in the last three months, how often do you think you get them ? I haven't had any in the past 3 months. I imagine I probably get them maybe once every couple of years, it's a really rare thing for me.


1. Your age, if you care to say.
Mid 20's

2. Do you keep a jar or bottle near your bed? If so, how often do you pee in it?
No. I have not tried to pee in a jar or bottle, but I imagine I would make a mess with my anatomy since I have a vag, the stream of pee can be hard to control lol

3. Same for a bottle/jar beside your puter so you don't have to get up (presumably at home, not at school or the office, LOL).

4. Same for your car/truck.

5. Wet bed by accident? Your age last time it happened?
Last time it happened I was a kid.

6. Wet pants by accident? Your age last time it happened?
When I held my poop in during high school, I came home one day and I pooped and peed myself as I was rushing to the bathroom. I think I was 17. That was the last time it happened. I'll probably type up that story one day.

7. Wet pants on purpose? How often?
No, I've never done this.

8. Pee in shower at home? How often?
I pee every time I'm in the shower.

9. Pee in a public shower (gym, dorm, school)? How often? Others see?
I have never used a public shower.

10. Pee in sink at home? How often?
I have never done this.

11. Pee in sink in public restroom (for example, at a concert or game in stadium when the urinal lines are too long)? How often?
I have never done this.

12. Pee out of a window, off side of deck at home, or similar, even though regular facilities are available? How often? With others watching?
Never done this.

13. Pee while swimming in ocean? In lake/creek/swimming hole? In pool? In your bathing suit while not in the water? How often for each?
I did this as a kid, I would not do this as an adult.

14. Other unusual places where you have peed? Details, whether anyone else saw, frequency, etc. are welcome. I went to the beach and I did not want to pee in my bikini. To my dismay, there were no public bathrooms around me. I hit behind a shed, squatted, peed, realized I did not have any way to clean myself (which defeated the purpose of going in the ocean), put my bikini bottom back on and washed off in the ocean. Besides that, the only other "unusual" place I have peed is on the forest floor on camping trips.

Q: What does it feel like to have a toilet clogged with poop?

A: Depends. At home it's annoying and embarrassing because my dad refuses to let me operate the plunger (he keeps it hidden) even though I am a grown woman and I have used plungers many times before. Often, there are guests over and we only have a single bathroom and I have had to sulk and confess to my dad that I clogged the toilet, and in response he always gets really mad.

At friends' houses it's embarrassing but when it has happened I just tell them, they get me the plunger, and it's no big deal. I tend to be open about my bathroom habits anyway.

In public I feel bad for whoever has to unclog it since I have worked in positions where I have had to clean and unclog public toilets before. I have never clogged a work toilet.

It's usually stressful, but there is something kind of fun about "I made this thing with my body and I literally broke a toilet," and it can be fun to watch everything swirl around.

Q: Do you like to clog the toilet with your poop?

A: I have mixed feelings about it.

Q: How many days do you have to go without pooping to clog your toilet?

A: Not even a day to be honest, sometimes I have really small poops and sometimes I have really large ones that clog the toilet.

Q: Is there anyone whose toilet you would clog up just to get back at them or just for fun?

A: No.

Q: Have you ever had the pleasure of filling someone else's or a public toilet with poop?

A: Yes.

That's everything.


Big hard heavy poop

Good morning. Got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. I had apples, tofu, green leafy vegetables, chili peppers and rice in a spicy ish soup. Took a while to eat and after breakfast I took my medications. Took my notebook and pen, put it into my cloth Walmart bag, took my water jar and went downstairs to my room. Put the Walmart bag on the bed, filled the water jar with water from the water jug in my room and microwaved it. Sipped warm water now and then while going on the internet on my phone. Then about 10 minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, closed the door, turned off the light, put on the flip flops outside my room and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet. Pulled my baggy sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 20 seconds then pushed. A LOT of solid thick poop came out and landed heavily in the toilet. Dang. When I was sure I was done I stood up and turned to look in the toilet. WOW this took up a lot of space in the toilet! Flushed the toilet and surprisingly it went down okay. I reflushed again when the water refilled just to make sure. Yup. Turned on the water, ran the soap under water then rubbed the soap on my hands to get a good lather. I put the bar of soap back to the soap dish. Cleaned my butt really well, rinsed my butt and my hands, grabbed the soap again, washed my hands, pulled my pants and underwear up and that's that. That was a hell of a huge poop but it was much needed. I'm going to continue to drink warm water throughout the day, eat healthy (and continue to chew more) and I should be able to go again today. Yay. What goes in must come out. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Please be careful.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Midnight pooping

I woke up at midnight because I wanted to poop. At least it seemed that way to me. I immediately get up and ran to the toilet. Fortunately, the toilet was close, and of course it was free, since everyone was already asleep. I turned on the toilet light, closed the door, and pulled my pajamas down. I sat down on the cool toilet seat and sat for a few minutes, but I didn't poop. The poop didn't come out for some reason, and I thought maybe it's just seems to me I wanted to poop? I pushed a few times, but still couldn't pooped. Then I got up and got dressed. I came out of the toilet, but before I went to bed, I felt like I wanted to poop badly. I ran back, fortunately, I didn't turn off the light, I forgot. Pulling down my pajamas again, I sat down on the potty and began to push. This time I managed to poop. A few poo came out of me, they fell into the water with loud splashes and I breathed a sigh of relief. After wiping myself with tp (toilet paper), I got dressed, flushed the water, washed my hands, and left the toilet. I didn't forget to turn off the light this time.


To VioletIndigo

Welcome and sorry to hear bout your toilet clogging. I seem to be the only here to never have taken a shit that clogs the toilet yet (I'm 26).

Monday, December 18, 2023


Had a wee in THETFORD ELEGANCE pottie last night then got into bed
woke 6 am needed to go on toilet.I pulled down my pants sat on volreath bed pan had a wee then suddenly had a BM loads of poop after another wee got off and wiped with four sheets of shades kitchen towel


Denise's question.

The short answer is no. My parents never prevented me from going to the bathroom when I needed it as a form of punishment. And while I'm sure I used the bathroom break excuse to get out of chores or a lecture, I didn't abuse the privilege.

The slightly longer answer is that my mom was sympathetic to my bathroom trip needs for two reasons. First, I sometimes pooped in my pants until a later age than most children before stopping. Second, mom had IBS and was accident prone as a result. I witnessed her messing herself on multiple occasions. Other than the time and effort involved in cleaning up, it didn't bother her. It was just a fact of life as it is for many of the contributors to this forum.

As for my dad, my parents were very old fashioned and mom did 80% of the parental interaction with me. But if I was alone with him, he also did his best to make sure I had adequate bathroom access. As for other parents, I haven't seen anyone deny a child's request for the toilet unless it was an obvious lie to get out of trouble. Any parent that would make their child pee or soil themselves against their will is cruel in my opinion. For children who might be abusing the toilet privilege, why not just walk them to the bathroom, wait, and then drag them right back to what they need to do when they're done?

Princess Toadstool Peach

Making a big wee/poo/diarrhea in my plastic white potty

Princess Toadstool Peach: Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today I had a huge fibre filled dinner complete with desert tonight and you know what that means don't you? That's right I need to make a big dump. I also need a wee too! But instead of my toilet tonight I'm using my plastic white potty. I lift up my dress, pull down my panties, wiggle my bottom a little and then I sat myself down on my plastic white potty adjusting myself and putting my legs and feet on a footstool this makes things so I can squat easier and get all my stink bombs out of there and into the pot. I think I hear me wee pee now. "TSSSSSSSSSssssssssshhhhh!!" Ahhhh...feels good using this thing instead of my toilet. Now time to make a big poo. I push and squeeze until finally..."Plunk!!" I finally pinch my loaf. But I feel like filling it more. So...I continue on my 5 inch thick poos until finally I am done. But wait. I think my poos are taking their tolls on me. I feel some runny diarrhea come out and WOW WEE does that stink! I mean seriously I never had diarrhea before but still I wanted to fill up this potty as quickly as possible. So...Yeah! "CRACKLE PARP PFFFTT!!" Doesn't that smell? Anyway after I wipe this mess away I need to call a cleaner to clean this stench away as soon as possible. I mean seriously I do. See you later! Bye bye now.


Massive solid poop a few minutes ago

Hi all. Got up this morning, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had soup (made by my caregiver) that had vegetables, green vegetables, an egg, etc in it. Took a while to eat. After breakfast I took my 9 AM medications, took my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs to my room. Took off the flip flops outside my room and went into my room, put those flip flops on and surfed the net on my phone. Stomach felt very full and uncomfortable. Finally a few minutes ago (about an hour and a half after breakfast) I got a major urge to poop so I took off my bedroom flip flops, opened the door, walked outside my room, put on the flip flops outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door (caregiver tells everyone here to do that) and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and greyish black high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed out a lot of solid poop. One big thick solid poop that seemed to keep coming. Finally after a minute or two I was done and the beast was out. Wow! Stood up, walked carefully to the sink and looked in the toilet. There was a massive thick solid poop that took up a lot of the toilet bowl! Wow! Flushed the toilet (sayonara turd), turned on the water, ran the bar of soap under water, rubbed it between my hands, put the soap back and cleaned my butt with the soap on my hands. Rinsed my butt when it was clean, washed my hands and pulled my pants and underwear up. That was a hell of a huge poop but it felt better. I'm still very full so I am hoping after lunch I can go again. Get rid of all this crap. I've always had huge poops even as a small, skinny little girl. I'm far from small (5'11") and I don't think I am super skinny anymore but I still poop huge. Stomach is making noises like crazy lol. Gurgling and weird noises. Lol. I am happy I did a huge shit especially before lunch. Much better than being uncomfortable. I will do exercises and stretches later, keep hydrated and hopefully everything else will come out. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Be safe please.

Happy peeing and pooping!



To Kristi:

Hello, Kristi!
I'd like to ask you some questions, if you don't mind.
1. Is it difficult for you to poop?
2. As you are pooping, have you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
3. Do you usually fart, before you start pooping?
4. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you to push a lot before your first turd comes out or does everything fall out at once?
5. Was it difficult for you to push your poop out on the day you told on page 2868 about?
6. Was it very difficult for you to push you poop on the day you told on page 2891 about (as you broke your wrist and didn't poop for 6 days after it)?
7. Was it very difficult for you to poop on the bed pan, as you were in the hospital (page 2895)? Had you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out? Did you poop by yourself on that time? Wasn't an enema or suppositories given to you?
8. Do you always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories?
9. As you're pooping outdoors during camoing or hiking, is it more difficult for you to poop in that case or just as you're doing it at home? Have you to make more efforts for pushing your poop out, if you#re outdoors?
10. Do you always poop as you feel you have to do it? Do you ever sit down on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Would you be able to poop in that case?
11. Have you ever situations as you sit down on the toilet for pooping and start pushing but you can't push your poop out? And have you situations as you have to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive them as a positive or a negative thing?
12. Do you like pooping? If you have to push a big turd out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
13. If you've pushed a big turd out, are you proud of it?
14. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
15. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
16. Why were you shy to poop in the presence of Steve before you got married and you needed a privacy for it, but it was OK for you to pee with him?
17. Did it become more difficult for you to poop after giving a birth for your kids or did nothing change with it?
18. Do you ever poop in the presence of your kids? If you do, do they like to see you pooping? And do they comment your pooping somehow? And you?
19. May I also ask you some questions about pooping in your childhood? If you don't mind it, of course.
20. And I'd also like to ask you: in what state of USA do you live?


1 question

I have a question: Have any of you ever had a situation where you clogged your toilet with poop and left it for someone else to unclog?

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Four bad girls in September

Hi Everyone, we hope you are all fine, no influenza or other problems, and for Thunder no heat stroke.

Mina has a time now so decide to tell you about our wonderful buddy dump in September. It is long time ago but we made memo, so we can tell OK maybe. Mina is at computer, Hisae behind of her to massage, Kazu left side to caress with right hand, Maho right side to caress with left hand.

Preparation was same with every time. Newspapers on floor, five potties make square so each of us can see all 3 crushes easy, Hisae has 2 potties together because even we like to do wee in green loo before buddy dump, Hisae sometimes has to do defecate first, and mierda and wee together is hard cleaning. Of course we line potties with loo paper.

Very very hot September. So we decide birthday suit, Mina told before. Audrey was excited very much. We hope you enjoy to read this Audrey. But we are sorry we are not so intrepid like you.

We did wee into loo, even Hisae, she was lucky. She don't need to use spare potty. Then we squat over potties. Mina face to Maho, Kazu face to Hisae.

This time we try to not do too much mierda one time. We like better when it come out many times. But Maho do her usual style, because her mierda is very slow to come out.

We were lucky! Even Hisae, her mierda was not so soft. So we all start together. We really love to see crush shitting while we shitting. It make us so warm feeling!

One problem however, all four of us, our first turd very long and also fat. Hisae prepared old disposable chopstick, so we use it to make sure all of turd land in potty and not on newspaper. So every first turd break two pieces.

After that we decide OK if we don't defecate same time, so sometimes one is defecating when others not defecating, except Maho she is defecating constantly with very slow speed.

We defecate many times so after about 7 minutes our potties full. (Day before, we didn't do motion even Hisae.) So we take our potties to loo except Maho, she is there with large brown tail suspend from her beautiful bottom. Mina empty her (Mina's) potty into loo first, then come back to Maho and her next brown tail. When that tail land in very full potty Mina take potty away, put own potty under Maho and take Maho's potty to loo, then come back and squat over Maho's potty.

But then, when Mina squat, very large soft mierda rush out. All in one time!! Mina say, "sorry" to crushes. But they say, "no sorry. It was very very beautiful defecate, Minappé!" All of us, mierda is softer now, so after about 5 minutes, potties full again with mushy because we defecated mushy many times (Maho not so mushy), but we all think we are finish. very pity! We want to do more! But Kazu stand.

"We are doing only little pieces now, why you want to stand Kazu?"

"I think I am not little pieces..." We understand. Kazu has biggest appetite in us, so her defecate is biggest!! Kazu come back with empty potty line with new loo paper and squat, and quite large one come out, then about two minutes later, larger one. "Big pieces is finish," Kazu said.

So we all doing little pieces some more minutes. And look at each other warm eyes. Now we are not thinking about defecate so much. We are thinking about love!!

Of course finally we finish. We have to finish! So we clean. First we sit on loo to use washlet to wash bottom and then we dry. Mina dry Kazu, Kazu dry Hisae, Hisae dry Maho, Maho dry Mina. Then clean potties. Then shower together and wash body well. Then dry body and go to tatami room to communicate. Then put on clothes and go to beige flat and drink tea which Kazumi made. Hisae made her baby eyes. She is oldest in us but sometimes she want to be baby, so Maho pat her (Maho's) knees, it means, "Chae put your beautiful bottom on my knees." So Hisae put her beautiful bottom on Maho's beautiful knees and Maho caress. Mina and Kazumi moved very much, so we squeeze hands each other. And drink tea.

How wonderful time it was. We are happy to share this wonderful time with you! Different people have different idea about visit to loo, so we hope all of you enjoy visit to loo with own favourite way. We love everyone this site. We hope everyone have wonderful Christmas, eat a lot cake and turkey, then perhaps on 27 December you will be able to feel wonderful taste of cake and turkey while you doing something very necessary in most smallest room of your house.

Happy Christmas everyone. And lots love and online hug and kiss.


P.S. Maybe we back to this site before Christmas, but not sure.

Peeing & Pooping Foursome

Me and my three friends, we've known one another growing up in the same neighborhood, are now in college together. This past week we started a winter break job for the next month. We are a crew that rolls out and installs snow fencing for parks and recreation. The money's great and we do 8 hours of work a day in large parks, some with multiple ball fields and golf and often a swimming pool. About 9 times out of 10 our choices for a break bathroom are not all that good. If the bathrooms near our site are open, we often walk over there together and make it a group activity by supporting one another. Lucy, whose kind of our leader and the most fun-loving of our group, is always complaining how freezing the seats are, so if I have to shit, she wants to follow me.

What's interesting is that our group did shared bathroom breaks about 10 years ago when we were riding our bikes and didn't want to go home to use the bathroom because our parents would find a dumb reason to keep us in the house for the rest of the evening. That's when we started doing our group thing. Me and Joshua started doing it and then Lucy and Monique wanted in too. So that is how it happened. The idea was that we would be together for a bathroom stop whether it be at a gas station, ball field or at the hole which was the remains of a torn down house about a block from where we lived. The debris were taken away but the basement hole and foundation remained for a couple of years. The steps down remained pretty steep and the banister had been removed. It was the next best thing to walking on thin ice.

Now a thermos of hot coffee keeps us warm and helps us stay united. We usually find some abandoned picnic area or the dressing or shower room of a swimming pool for breaks. Having a roof over our heads and cleaner bathrooms is nice when we can find them. But me and Joshua have taken our pee breaks in patches of blown leaves while Monique and Lucy have sneaked up on us and tried to scare us. On a really cloudy and dreary day, Monique and Lucy went off to take their craps among a cluster of evergreens and they were squatted and talking away as usual while Joshua was watching and listening above from halfway up an old evergreen. I bet him $50 he couldn't lay on a couple of the limbs, open up his wares, and give them a shower from above. He did but only less than probably half his pee actually got down to them.

Any others have fun stories to contribute about either then or now?



I really feel you and you were right to be annoyed, I'm generally constipated and and only have a poo every couple of weeks but when I do I need complete privacy otherwise I can't go.. if someone comes upstairs while I'm trying to go it's kinda abort until my body can calm down, my body just seals up.

Sorry you have to go through similar things


Getting Over Being Poop Shy (Introduction and Story)

Hello everyone,

my name is VioletIndigo. I'm a mid 20's white woman from the Eastern USA. I'm average height and slightly below average weight and I have blonde hair and green eyes.

For as long as I can remember, I've always been interested in bathroom usage, especially pooping. I first found this website 10ish years ago when I was a teenager looking to read people's experiences in the bathroom, and I have periodically checked the website since then. Over the course of the past decade, I've made just a couple of posts with different names, changing a couple of details to remain anonymous.

When I was young, my parents taught me to be embarrassed and even afraid to use the bathroom, particularly public bathrooms. I was told all kinds of things - that I would catch diseases from the seat, that people would make fun of me, and that people with bad intentions could enter the bathroom to harm me.

Using the bathroom at home too, I was taught to be embarrassed. My entire life, I've often taken really big poops. I would clog the toilet often, and my family would always make me feel really bad about it, telling me to "use less paper," and stuff like that. As an adult, I still take really big dumps sometimes and I somewhat regularly clog the only home toilet we have. My dad always gets extremely mad, accusing me of "flushing stuff I'm not supposed to" (ie wet wipes, pads), or of "using too much paper." I don't even use wet wipes and I would never flush pads, and after a certain point I started throwing away my toilet paper in the bathroom trash thinking it would help, but even with no paper and just poop and pee in the toilet I would still clog the toilet. When he would accuse me of this stuff, I would just tell him "I didn't flush anything besides poop and pee, I just take really massive shits" - I think I even said this in front of my brother's friend, but I don't remember. My dad does not keep a plunger in the bathroom and for whatever reason he does not want me messing with the toilet (he's a control freak), so he plunged the toilet when I've clogged it in the past which is super embarrassing.

The entire time I was in school before college, I would always avoid pooping at school - I think I tried once in 6th grade, just to see if I could and I got embarrassed after farting while another girl was in the bathroom and I just left. I did not want anyone to look at me and think "that's that girl I heard/smelled taking a shit." When I had to poop during school hours and I didn't think I could hold it, I would call my family and ask them to pick me up because I was "feeling sick." I did not have any trouble peeing at school or anything like that, I was just afraid of pooping and farting. I do not know how I sustained that for so long. I was so poop shy. I refused to poop at friends' houses, even during sleepovers, and I would refuse to poop at my own house if my friends or even family members were home. If I really had to go, I would run the shower and crack the window so no one could hear or smell. I have always wanted to be more open about my bodily functions, I was just afraid of being judged, plus I have always thought that pooping in earshot of other people would make me "less feminine." I think I got that idea from my mom, since she refuses to discuss pooping or poop around the husbands she has had over the course of her life.

When I went off to college, I left my hometown and shared a dorm room (2 beds in one room with an attached bathroom) with another student my age. I had to get over my fear of having other people knowing I'm pooping. It did not take too long for me to gradually get more comfortable around my roommate with regard to my bowel movements. I think that hearing her (since the walls/door were thin and we could hear everything) and smelling the bathroom after she opened the door after pooping helped me become more open about pooping in front of her. I still avoided pooping in multi-stall bathrooms at school my first year of college, but I was becoming less embarrassed.

I got a job working retail at a mall, and I would sneak off to the employee ladies' room if I got the urge to poop. It was not multi-stall, it was just a single toilet, a mirror and a sink, very private. My supervisors would always ask me where I was and I would say "I was in the bathroom," and they would accuse me of being gone for too long. One of my temporary supervisors - a man - asked me to let him know when I was going to the bathroom and when I get out of the bathroom. I refused, since I was too embarrassed to basically tell him when I was pooping and how long I was pooping for. I did not keep the job for long because the supervisors kept asking me to tell them this stuff and I never did.

One day, everything began to change for me. I was driving home from work one afternoon - it was around a 25 minute commute - and all of a sudden I felt like I needed to poop urgently. I decided to go to the nearest place I found that I thought would be clean off the side of the highway. It was a Home Depot (for those not in countries with Home Depot, it's a tool, construction, and gardening chain). I assumed the bathroom would be empty, because in my head the average customer was a guy. Anyway, I parked my car in the parking lot, got out of it, and clenching my cheeks I speed waddled to the ladies' room. It was empty!

The bathroom was around 5 stalls facing the sink and mirrors, with a handicap stall on the end. There was a large gap on the bottom of the stalls and on the gaps near the doors, characteristic of public bathrooms in the US. I took the 3rd stall, not really thinking about it, I pulled down my work khakis and underwear, and sat on the seat. Immediately, the bathroom door opened and someone walked in. I couldn't hold it any longer, so I let out an explosive fart and a bunch of little pieces of wet, runny poop poured out of my butt with a really strong, eggy smell.

The lady who had just walked in heard everything. Surprising me, she did not go to any of the stalls. Instead, she went to the mirrors. As more little pieces of loose poop periodically fell out of my butt, I realized I could sort of see her through the gap in the stall (and she could definitely see my black work tennis shoes). She was a really well dressed, professional looking, tall-looking blonde lady with her hair up in a ponytail. She was applying eye makeup while I was sick and taking an explosive dump. "Can this lady give me some privacy," I thought. I wanted to wait for her to leave, but I started wiping. I feel like I have always needed to wipe way more than the average person to clean up my butt and even my twat/thighs, but maybe it's just because I'm a clean freak. If I recall correctly (this was years ago), the toilet was filled to the brim with paper resting on top of my light brown turds in a pool of clear-ish pee. I realized the lady was putting on a full face of makeup and that she did not seem to be leaving, so I stood up, the toilet auto-flushed, I pulled up my pants, I opened the door, and I awkwardly sulked towards the sinks to wash my hands. Avoiding eye contact as I walked up to the sink, I mumbled "hi," and she said "hi." I washed my hands, dried them with a towel, and left. The lady was still in there. To be honest, I wonder if she was interested in this kind of bathroom-related stuff too, or if she really was getting ready for something.

Since that moment a few years ago, I have gradually started to be more open about my bodily functions, to the point where I'm relatively shameless now. My best friend since high school is also really shameless, and since becoming adults, she has texted me stuff like "I'm taking a massive dump in the library lol" or "I just left class to poop, we'll see if the toilet wants to take these big turds I just dropped" sort of randomly although we've never buddy dumped and even when we've gone on trips together or stayed at each others' houses we've given each other space. I sometimes message her TMI stuff about my bathroom life too. I'm also in a long-term relationship and my partner knows I find this stuff interesting, and she seems open-minded and supportive of it but I have been too afraid to ask her to leave the door open while she goes #2, or for me to leave the door open while I poop. We're fine peeing in front of each other, in public bathrooms when we go out or at home by leaving the door open, but pooping feels more intimate. I guess that's why I'm so fascinated by it.

I feel like I don't have many stories since I hardly get out, but over the past few years I definitely have some and I hope to have more in the future as I go on this journey of becoming less poop shy. I love this site and I know I have things to contribute to it.


To Alisha

Woah, sorry to hear. Overall a very interesting story, tho.


Flushing & pooping

I really like flushing the toilet. It's beautiful and pleasant. That day I went to the toilet to poop. I ate a lot and had reason to believe that I would poop a lot too. I went to the toilet, closed the door, and pulled down my pants and underpants. I sat down on the toilet seat and started pooping. At first, I pushed and farted loudly several times. Then a poop came out, it felt long and large. I flushed the toilet and began to poop further. I did it because I wanted to flush more, I decided to flushed each poop separately. Another poo came out, and I flushing. But when the flush started, I felt more poop coming out of me, and it was non-stop. They fell right into the flush and were immediately flushed away. That's how funny I pooped. After pooping, I wiped my ass with toilet paper, flushed, got dressed, and washed my hands. Then I left the bathroom.


To Kristi

Hope u had a good Thanksgiving & hope your poops were nice & smooth after Thanksgiving. I dropped a good size load myself after Thanksgiving. When was your last public poop? Mine was quite a while ago. Looking forward to hearing your stories!


Reply to John H

I am well. I rub the soap on my hands, put the bar of soap back and clean my butt with the soap on my hands. That way nothing is contaminated and the soap is safe for others to use. My caregiver is 70 with heart problems so she can't easily go out anymore without help (she can walk, etc fine but needs her youngest son and ex husband or someone with a car's help to get to and from grocery stores etc). And no I only use pads when I have my period (like now still). It can be 5-6 days. I hope that answers your questions.


Sweetie pooping in sight for the first time

Recently, Sweetie told me how he pooped for the first time in plain sight. It was at school. At school, Sweetie did not have doors in the toilets (just like in mine before restructuring), and this was not a problem, as Sweetie said, since all pupils found it normal to go to the toilet without doors, provided that they could be seen, but they only peed... And Sweetie did that too, but unfortunately, that time he wanted to poop. It happened at recess, but Sweetie did not dare to go to the toilet to poop, because he was afraid that other pupils would laugh at him or somehow interfere with him. So all he had to do was endure it until it was time to go home. But the urge to poop was getting stronger and stronger, in addition, his stomach began to ache. During the lesson, Sweetie asked for permission to go to the toilet, but, outrageously, he was not allowed! Sweetie says that he had already asked to go to the toilet twice to skip class, and apparently teacher remembered it. So Sweetie had to endure until the recess. As soon as the bell rang for recess, Sweetie immediately ran to the toilet. Now Sweetie didn't care if there was anyone in the toilet or not, he wanted to poop very, very much! When he come to the toilet, there was no one there, but not a single toilet was flushed well, and toilet paper was present only at one toilet. Sweetie pulled down his pants and underpants and quickly sat down on the toilet with paper. He started pooping. The poop was coming out continuously, but in the midst of this defecation, several pupils came in, and they immediately laughed that Sweetie was pooping. Fortunately for Sweetie, these pupils wanted to go to the toilet too much themselves, so they quickly finished mocking him and went to pee. Sweetie tried to finish as quickly as possible, but he did not succeed. For some reason, the other pupils were also delayed, so Sweetie was able to poop more or less calmly. The pupils returned after Sweetie had wiped and dressed. He was just flushing the water at that moment. That's the story Sweetie told me!

Sunday, December 17, 2023


No privacy for mom

Hi my name is Alisha. I am a 5'3" black woman married to a white man. We have two children. I got a bit annoyed with my husband a few days ago. I have stomach problems sometimes maybe ibs I'm not sure, but basically I'm very shy when it comes to using the toilet. Especially when I have to poop and I know it will be a bad one. So last Saturday I had been constipated for about a week and hadn't gone, and I started to feel my telltale stomach pains. I knew I would have to poop soon and I was trying to avoid it because my whole family was in the house. Finally after dinner the cramps became really bad, and I knew I'd have to go. I told my husband my stomach hurt and I was going to go upstairs to take care of business. I asked my husband to just stay downstairs and try to keep the kids down there. I went up pulled my leggings down and sat down. I started pushing and massaging my stomach. For awhile nothing came but cramps came and went in waves. Eventually I felt a cramp and I pushed hard, I ended up just farting and I moaned a little from the relief. At this point I felt a log start to come and I pushed gently while massaging my stomach. Eventually it fell with a soft plop, but my stomach cramps didn't go away. I started passing gas that was kind of long and noisy, it sounded very embarrassing. At this point I texted my husband and told him I would be on the toilet for awhile, and to please keep the kids occupied. He said he'd try so I relaxed a bit and started pushing again. A few small vvp vvp farts came out and then my poop got softer. I started to pass small soft mushy loads in waves along with a lot of farting. It's right at this moment that I heard screaming and crying downstairs. Oh my god. My youngest son, ran upstairs while I was on the toilet crying about how his brother had hit him. I told him mommy can't come out right now and that I need some time alone, but he didn't go away, he started talking to me mid poop curious what I was doing. I finally had to tell him I was having diarrhea and to please go away. He got the message but the whole thing was very embarrassing. I told my husband next time just put a tv show on or something.

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