

Surveys (Dietary, Skidmark, Pee, and Clogging)

Hello everyone!

I don't feel like typing up a whole story so I thought I'd respond to some surveys.

1. What does your current diet consist of? Do you think it's connected with your bathroom habits? I'm vegetarian, I do not eat any meat. Most of my protein comes from beans or bean-derived products like tofu or plant-based "meat." I don't eat very much. I usually eat a few fruits a day, plus carbs like rice, noodles, potatoes, or bread. I do not eat eggs nor do I drink milk, but I will eat products that have egg or milk byproducts, and I buy plant-based milks for myself. I probably do not eat as many vegetables as I should, and I eat too many sweets.

2. Have you ever changed or improved your diet? If so, what differences have you noticed after changing/adjusting your diet? Yes, I grew up eating meat, eggs, and stuff like that. I struggled with constipation as a teenager. Ever since becoming vegan (and then vegetarian) a few years ago, I tend to poop at least once a day, if not multiple times a day. My poop does not really have a strong smell. Shape can vary, just like it did before I changed my diet, but the most common shapes are either really long, thick turds or many little "rabbit" poops.

3. Do you take any digestive health supplements? If so, are you pleased with the results? No, I do not take any.

4. Would you ever consider taking certain supplements for digestive health (after doing your own research)? Maybe, but I do not really see a need for it for myself.

1. Do you remember when you last had a skidmark? If so when and do you remember why ? No, I almost never get skidmarks. I've been having a UTI, and I've leaked a bit of pee in my underwear which has stained them. But I think it has been years since I have had a poop skidmark.

2. Do you regularly wear dark underwear than may hide a skidmark even if you had one? I generally wear dark underwear, so they could be hiding skidmarks, I'm not sure.

3. Have you worn light colored or white underwear in the last three months and not gotten a skidmark? Yes

4. Do you have hair around or between your cheeks? Yes, some light hair.

5. Have you removed or groomed any hair between you cheeks in the last three months? No.

6. When was the last time you remember having a wedgie? I have them all the time, usually daily.

7. When was the last time you wore a thong? I don't remember, I don't like thongs.

8. Do you poop in public restrooms? Yes, I don't really mind it.

9. Do you feel less clean after using a lower quality toilet paper? For sure, I should carry wet wipes around in my purse, I just always forget to buy them.

10. Do you clean yourself with anything besides dry toilet paper? No. If I'm at home sometimes I'll hop in the shower after pooping, but I don't do that as much as I did when I was younger. I would always take a shower immediately after pooping as a teenager, now it does not have to be immediate.

11. Are you active enough to have a sweaty crack regularly? No, plus I hardly ever sweat. I need to be exercising in the summer to sweat lol

12. If you had a skidmark in the last three months, how often do you think you get them ? I haven't had any in the past 3 months. I imagine I probably get them maybe once every couple of years, it's a really rare thing for me.


1. Your age, if you care to say.
Mid 20's

2. Do you keep a jar or bottle near your bed? If so, how often do you pee in it?
No. I have not tried to pee in a jar or bottle, but I imagine I would make a mess with my anatomy since I have a vag, the stream of pee can be hard to control lol

3. Same for a bottle/jar beside your puter so you don't have to get up (presumably at home, not at school or the office, LOL).

4. Same for your car/truck.

5. Wet bed by accident? Your age last time it happened?
Last time it happened I was a kid.

6. Wet pants by accident? Your age last time it happened?
When I held my poop in during high school, I came home one day and I pooped and peed myself as I was rushing to the bathroom. I think I was 17. That was the last time it happened. I'll probably type up that story one day.

7. Wet pants on purpose? How often?
No, I've never done this.

8. Pee in shower at home? How often?
I pee every time I'm in the shower.

9. Pee in a public shower (gym, dorm, school)? How often? Others see?
I have never used a public shower.

10. Pee in sink at home? How often?
I have never done this.

11. Pee in sink in public restroom (for example, at a concert or game in stadium when the urinal lines are too long)? How often?
I have never done this.

12. Pee out of a window, off side of deck at home, or similar, even though regular facilities are available? How often? With others watching?
Never done this.

13. Pee while swimming in ocean? In lake/creek/swimming hole? In pool? In your bathing suit while not in the water? How often for each?
I did this as a kid, I would not do this as an adult.

14. Other unusual places where you have peed? Details, whether anyone else saw, frequency, etc. are welcome. I went to the beach and I did not want to pee in my bikini. To my dismay, there were no public bathrooms around me. I hit behind a shed, squatted, peed, realized I did not have any way to clean myself (which defeated the purpose of going in the ocean), put my bikini bottom back on and washed off in the ocean. Besides that, the only other "unusual" place I have peed is on the forest floor on camping trips.

Q: What does it feel like to have a toilet clogged with poop?

A: Depends. At home it's annoying and embarrassing because my dad refuses to let me operate the plunger (he keeps it hidden) even though I am a grown woman and I have used plungers many times before. Often, there are guests over and we only have a single bathroom and I have had to sulk and confess to my dad that I clogged the toilet, and in response he always gets really mad.

At friends' houses it's embarrassing but when it has happened I just tell them, they get me the plunger, and it's no big deal. I tend to be open about my bathroom habits anyway.

In public I feel bad for whoever has to unclog it since I have worked in positions where I have had to clean and unclog public toilets before. I have never clogged a work toilet.

It's usually stressful, but there is something kind of fun about "I made this thing with my body and I literally broke a toilet," and it can be fun to watch everything swirl around.

Q: Do you like to clog the toilet with your poop?

A: I have mixed feelings about it.

Q: How many days do you have to go without pooping to clog your toilet?

A: Not even a day to be honest, sometimes I have really small poops and sometimes I have really large ones that clog the toilet.

Q: Is there anyone whose toilet you would clog up just to get back at them or just for fun?

A: No.

Q: Have you ever had the pleasure of filling someone else's or a public toilet with poop?

A: Yes.

That's everything.

Happy Kristi


Hi, all you beautiful people!

So, last week I posted about Steve's (my husband) boss getting fired. There was a lot of stress as we didn't know why he was fired.

Well, turns out his boss had stolen from the company. I'm not totally surprised.

But yesterday around noon, Steve got a call from the owner of the company, and an email that summarized their conversation:

"Your job is SAFE. You are a great asset to this company, and we want you here for the long haul."

I am beyond happy. We both are. Steve is such a wonderful man and a great provider. This was such a huge relief to us.

So of course, we had to celebrate! We ordered Chinese carry-out and ate it while watching a movie.
I hadn't taken my morning poop. The stress of the whole job thing has made me constipated. So by the early afternoon, I had to go bad. But I wanted to give Steve a little gift to show him how happy I was and how proud I am to be his wife.

So, I held it in all day. The stress was off so I could have taken a nice big poop in the afternoon. But I wanted to wait so that I could take a REALLY big one with my hubby watching.

And after dinner had settled, that's what I did. We went into the bathroom, got our clothes off, and I sat down. Couple of nice big logs came out nice and easy. Felt great, plus Steve was kissing me and rubbing my shoulders. Good stream of pee came after the first log and was still coming as the second log came out (it feels SO good to pee and poop simultaneously). Add in the kisses and I was in bliss. I pushed out a little more, announced "All done!", and stood up. Steve was impressed with how much I had pooped.

Didn't wipe because we both got in the shower... and that's about all I can post as everything after that is way beyond "PG-13" level.

(Hopefully everything I just typed is okay with the mods. If not, sorry. It was just a really good day and a REALLY good evening. )

So that's that! My hubby's job is safe! And I took a huge dump in front of him to celebrate. (That's how most people celebrate, right? LOL.)


By the way, Jenny: You asked about Steve's wiping abilities. He does do a great job on my butt getting it clean. But he does sometimes need a little help wiping my pee.

My wiping "style" is wipe my butt first. If I'm sitting say means scooting forward and just getting that part. After that's clean, I'll scoot back and then go front to back, getting my pee and any poop that might still be there.

When Steve wipes me after a poop, I'm usually standing up and bending over. He gets me nice and clean on my backside, but sometimes when he's getting my pee, his hand slides to one side or the other. My hair is kind of wispy and sometimes he'll spread the pee into that hair. It's no big deal. Sometimes I guide his hand.

I love you all! Thank you all for your kind posts. They really do help me when I'm feeling blue.




Radu's second question

Have any of you ever had a situation where you clogged your toilet with poop and left it for someone else to unclog?
This actually happened to me today. I was out at the grocery store and had to take a dump. I made a beeline for the washroom that only had one stall. I waited and I heard a few plops, then the TP being pulled, then the toilet flush. A short, blonde guy, a worker, walked out. I walked in, noticed the faint smell of shit, and some skid marks. I sat right down, seeing that the seat was clean. I felt myself stretch as I hadn't gone in about two days, and the turd painfully (dry) came out and made a *plip* sound in the bowl. I stood up and saw a medium sized sausage, about 9 inches long, full of corn from the food I had before. I wiped using two small wads of TP and stood up. I hit the flush. Half of the turd went down and then it stalled. I flushed again and the water started to rise. I quickly exited the stall and washed my hands before anyone else came in.

Just another statistic

After a night out

This happened in 2004 when we were both in our 20s. A friend and I had gone out and we ended up losing each other somehow. A while later I went looking for her, I checked back at her flat, then all the usual suspects and eventually managed to find her back at her flat. I got to her door, the keys were in the lock on the outside, I called in taking the keys with me. No reply... I walked in down the hall, switched the light on and got to the dark kitchen.

I switched the kitchen light on and there she was, slouched upright against the cupboard under the window in a fetal position. A sorry state, hair all stuck to her beautiful face, sat in a little puddle, beer can on its side next to her. I half assumed she was sat in spilled beer until I picked the can up and it was completely empty, not even any dregs. I dipped my fingers into the puddle and it was warm which brought me to the realisation that she'd had a little accident...
I could have cried seeing her in this state, I knew something sinister had occurred, she was fine an hour ago. I feel heartbroken when I think about this incident.

My heart pounded and a feeling of dread swept over me. I called her name, "Vickie" no response... I rushed over to her and gently shook her, calling her name over and over, "Vickie..... Vickie............"

I soon got a response and she groggily demanded I leave her alone.
I sighed in relief, I thought something terrible had happened to her. As it happens, something terrible had happened.

I asked her what had gone on, all she could manage was a mumble,
"wait till I'm done in here"
Puzzled I looked at her and asked, "done with what?"
She replied, "wait, I'm in here" At this point I sat on the floor with her, putting my arm around her pulling her into my chest. She felt tensed up. As I looked at her I hugged her tightly. I felt her tenseness turn to relaxation as she sighed a relieving sigh. A look of relief washed across her face.
She blurted out, "Don't look at me when I'm in here" I started to wonder if she thought she was on the toilet with her sitting in the small puddle.

I guess I may have been right, I heard a soft trickling sound at first that got louder, a sound like liquid hitting taught fabric. I looked down and noticed the puddle starting to grow.
I shouted, "Vicky, open your eyes! stop peeing, you're weeing your pants!" She still didn't bat an eyelid.
I started to smell something, I gently said, "Vickie, you're not on the toilet, I think you're pooing your pants" "you're having an accident, get up!"
Her eyes opened widely, tears starting to well up. She went about ten shades of red and muttered, "I'm sorry, I can't really stop" I just sat with her, I'd already accepted the fate of my pants and pulled her closer as her warm puddle enveloped the both of us.
It was a strange not at all unpleasant sensation, feeling my bum getting warm and wet.
I looked down in awe at what we were sitting in. I ignored my natural instinct to move, My concern for her in her present condition far outweighed my instincts to move away.
I asked her to open her eyes and gently nudged her until she eventually opened her eyes.
I am so sorry I have to see you like this. I had seen her wee herself accidentally a couple of times and always hated how people jeered and laughed.

I asked what happened tonight?! She said, "I was dreaming that I was on the toilet (THAT dream) where you're dying to pee and finally find a toilet and you finally sit on the toilet and relax and then when you're mid flight your brain says, hey, may wanna open your eyes genius! except I really felt like i was awake, I didn't even feel it like I normally would" (Yes, I too have had that dream on MANY occasions)
"Normally would?" I asked. She blushed again realising she'd just let out a dark secret. I didn';t press it any more.

I asked where she'd been and what she'd been taking and I got the usual dressing down about she doesn't take anything and how could i even think that.
I told her i think someone spiked her or something and she denied it over and over until i brought up the elephant in the room and asked why were we sat in her puddle?

When she sat up I watched so many emotions flash across her face, growing slowly redder by the moment. She pulled away from me and pulled her hair down over her face.
I pulled her back and comforted her. We spoke for a few minutes, telling me she had been out into bingley but came home because she had cheesy chips and didn't feel too great, she'd lost her keys (the ones i found in the front door) for which she was relieved.
I suggested we get her cleaned up but she said, "I don;t know how to say this, I think I've pooed myself and i still need to go" I gently hugged her and said, "you've already had an accident, why don't you just finish what you need to do right where you are? It will be less cleaning up for us to do" I replied.
"I can't do that! crimson at this point, hiding behind her hair, I said, "would it make you feel better if I was in the same position as you?" "maybe it would" she said. I agreed.

I did need to go both ends at that point, not badly so i sat, holding her close as i added to her puddle, then lifted my rear up off the floor and relaxed, not even needing to push as I slowly did the deed. She saw what was happening and started to giggle.
I said to her, "whay you cackling at?!" "you've just pooed yourself, on purpose!" she bleated She hugged me back and tensed up, I heard the telltale cracking sound as she eased the rest of her poo into her pants. I smirked at her and said, I'm not the only one!"
We both had a bit of a giggle, "we've both disgraced ourselves now". She mumbled, "this doesn't feel anywhere near as bad as i remember from when I was a teenager"
Curious, I quizzed her asking, "do you have a bit of experience with this?"
"maybe a little bit" :o

I pressed her about it and she opened up about the first time it happened to her as a teenager.
She told me, "You already know of two occasions I've wet myself, but there are literally hundreds of times, at least every time I go out, not always accidental either, and the first time I pooed my pants, I was walking home from detention, it was about 4:30pm, I was walking up treaclecock alley by the cemetery and I really needed to poo. I had a naughty thought, my sister was away and my mum wasn't home till late and I really did wonder what it would feel like to go in my pants. I looked around, nobody was there, I continued on on the track and just as I was getting to the three rise locks, I just stopped trying to hold it in. It started coming out slowly, bit by bit, more with every step I took until I was empty and my knickers were completely full" Her description made my heart skip a few beats, not to mention my head actually exploded!

Here was this absolutely beautiful 22 year old girl I was holding who'd disgraced herself, admitting to me that she sometimes wees herself on purpose and had actually pooed herself when she could have made it.

This broke my brain for a few moments. I snapped out of it and asked her if she wanted me to get her a DryNite because I had some that would fit upstairs.

She surprisingly and eagerly embraced the suggestion. I helped her up and took her to the bathroom, helped her get cleaned up and went upstairs to get them. I quickly cleaned myself up when I went up and then when I returned, she hastily took one out of the package and quickly opening it up and stepping into it, "no peeking!" she said as her dressing gown dropped.
As she pulled up on the DryNite, an unforeseen comfort enveloped her and a mischievous glint of curiosity appeared in her eye. She was surprisingly intrigued about what she was wearing and wanted to explore these feelings.

She asked about my stash of nappies meant for 8-16 year olds, a question prompted by her sister's recent discovery in my flat. I started stammering saying, They're for my... Then I just felt like this was the moment I had to tell another person why, what the hell, she had already admitted a lot to me so I opened up to her about it. I explained my situation, "being autistic and having ADHD, I sometimes don't get the signal that I need the toilet until I'm almost if not actually wetting myself." She smiled and hugged me. I felt accepted for who I actually was for once in my life, donned the DryNites, and we settled down on the sofa.
As our conversation continued, a playful curiosity seemed to take hold. She mentioned having an overwhelming urge to test out the DryNite. A short while later, curiosity got the better of her, and she asked about what the experience of using a DryNite was like.

I responded with a suggestion that she should find out for herself, as we had already surpassed the point of embarrassment earlier that night. The glint of curiosity shone brightly in her eyes, and with a smile, she decided to embark on this journey.
We had been staring longingly into each others eyes a lot that night, I could barely see any of her iris her pupils were almost completely dilated. She was still laying with her head in my lap and I noticed that mischievous glint in her eye again.

With that, she turned herself over so she wasn't facing me. Was she really going to go through with it? She curled up a bit on her side, sticking her bum out a bit glanced back with that mischievous grin again. I knew exactly what was coming.

I heard a slow hiss as she started peeing, at the same time, the back of her DryNite began gently puffing out. I noticed a distinct aroma starting to permeate the room, accompanied by that all too familiar soft crackling sound. As she finished going, adorably red from blushing, she grinned as she got up for a moment then settled back down easing her bottom down with a noticeable squish.
This is getting a bit long, my apologies. I have actually edited a lot of it out too.

Anyway, this is about a very close friend who I am still in contact with. She would kill me if she knew I was talking about her so I used someone else's name. (or did I?) - time will tell!

Anna from Austria
Got a question for my fellow ladies. Do you also have the impression that your poop stinks much worse if you are not going regularly or is just me?

I am normally a daily pooper ( sometimes I even need to go twice a day)

but recently I could not go for 2 days.

After I could go again at work I noticed that my poo relly smelled aweful.

I normally can barely smell my poop at all.

I was not the only one that noticed it.

About 20 minutes after I went to bathroom I had to use the copy machine and while I was on the aisle I could hear that 2 ladies from another department were discussing about the horrible smell in the bathroom I just went earlier.

That's funny because I hever heard such complaints about that certain bathroom I always use at work.

Of course it might not have been my fault and another lady used bathroom after me but it could also be me.

The smell was worse than normal that's for sure.

That's it for today.

Greetings from Austria


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