
Hi everyone! Happy holidays!
I finally got around to measuring my pee and poo. I held untill I was absolutely shaking and couldn't wait any longer. As I took of my skirt and panties the urge got even worse from being so close, but when I finally squares and held the bottle up to my pussy and spread, it took like ten seconds for the stream to start. First just a trickle, and then and frickin firehose filled the bottle to the brim in seconds, I had to switch it out for a second one and splashed a bit around in the process-i should have used a measuring jug like Darlene! The second bottle filled just as fast but not to as high of a line. The total came to 1.4 liters, and I'm sure I could have done more but I'm pretty proud. Holding my poo during this proved super difficult: I tried to hold it in but the ecstasy of the release was to great and I relaxed my shithole, allow my poo to stick out about six inches. I screamed no no no! And immediately stood up, flattening it between my round ass cheeks squatted over the bucket I had ready. A poo about 18 inches long blasted it's way out of my booty, accelerating and getting mushier as it went. In the end, I ended up being being followed by a noisy *thrrbbpttt* and a blast of liquidy diarrhea. I gasped for breath at the end and then weighed the bucket, being careful to subtract it's weight. My poo totaled 400 grams, pretty huge but not even the biggest I've done so im pretty satisfied.I filled a sink tub with water and dumped with bucket of my own shit into it, by measuring a total of 1.5 liters in volume. No wonder a two liter enema is so hard to hold!
Anyways, I hope to write more soon and answer some surveys. Specifically, I had a fun camping adventure and another contest with my friends. I'm gonna have another contest with them soon, so feel free to suggest some events!

Darlene and squatspotter: I would agree that a bedpan is probably one of the best ways to measure your poo. Also, I'm so sorry to hear about the UTI honey, I hope you get better soon and make the most of those diapers!
Mina and friends: don't worry, I'm always excited and never disappointed by your naughty potting! Great work as always! Did you ever overflow the potties and get poo on the newspaper?

Princess toadstool peach:
Your last few posts are some of my favorite things I've ever read in the forum!
Using a squat toilet is always fun, and using a potty is even better(especially as part of a friendly contest!) I like to say that Once you go naughty potty, you can never go back! It's just so much fun!
If you don't mind my asking, what gave you the idea to try it? How did Rosalina and Zelda get involved?
Also, I think it would be super cool if we did a contest like y'all did with you and your friends and me and my friends doing the same challenges in our separate necks of the woods, and then reporting our results on the forum! I just think that would be so cool and I'm happy that you're part of this community!

Just another statistic:
Your story was super interesting, I'm happy you were able to comfort your friend like that, have you two done any more of that kind of exploration?

Peeing and pooping foursome: Im also very interested by your story, did Monique and Lucy ever get you back for your mischief lol? Either way, it's great that you and your friends were so open about that for so long!
Happy holidays everyone,
Love, Audrey


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone hope you all enjoy yourselves and also have some big poos from all the festive food I imagine a lot of households toilets will be getting some big loads dropped in them if there is any stories that would be great


Comments and happy Christmas

Hi all.
I hope all posters, readers and moderators of toiletstool have a great christmas and new year. I look forward to reading more posts here in the new year and I hope some people share their post christmas poops here.

@Annie. Glad you are wel and thanks for answering my questions. It sounds like you have a good system developed for wiping. Do you prefer using soap or would you use toilet paper if it was available? Good your carer always has pads for you when you need them.

@kristi. I am delighted to hear that the situation with Steve's job has been sorted. I still think he was treated badly and this led to a lot of stress for you and him, but alls well that ends well.
It was nice of you to hold in your poop all day for Steve to watch you go in the evening. Was it hard to hold and did Steve know you were holding for him or was it a surprise? Either way it was a nice thing to do and it sounds like you both had a fun evening.

Thats all for now. Take care all.
John H.


Difficult pooping with a lot of pushing

Hello everybody!
I'm Petro. I'm 40, male. I'm from Ukraine, but I live in Germany since 2001. I have a great interest i the subject of pooping and peeing since my teenager age. I discovered this site in 2021. Sometimes I read something here and since September I asked here questions to some users, but I still haven't written here anything from myself. And I'd like to tell here a story about pooping in my childhood now which I remember till today.

One day, as I was 4 years old, I felt in the evening, after dinner that I had to poop. I told my mom about it, she put me on the potty in my room and sat on the sofa near me. I started pushing and I felt that I had to get a big turd out, but I couldn't push it out, though I was pushing hard. I said: "Mom, I can't push my poop out! It is not coming out!" She answered: "Keep pushing! Pooping is sometimes not easy. Sometimes it is necessary for somebody to push much harder as you have to do it now. As I gave birth to you, it was very difficult for me to push you out, but I could do it. So, you has to make an effort now. You see - a turd is so small, but it's so difficult to push it out!" I kept pushing and I succeeded to poop that turd out at last. "Mom, I'm done it!" - I told her. "Good job!"- said she, smiling.

And somebody of you tell any poop stories from your childhood? Do you remember any of them now?

I wish everybody of you merry Christmas and a happy New year!


Desperate poop in the woods

I am an extremely shy pooper. When I was in school, I would hold it all day until I got home. Which led to a few near accidents, and even one or two accidents on the way home. The poop shyness has not changed as an adult. At work or in social situations, I refuse to use the public bathroom. I'm not sure why, I think it's a mix of not wanting people to hear and smell my poop, however, I am fascinated by people who are not shy about this. When I'm in the restroom, I'm fascinated to hear other people go. I'm fascinated to read stories on this site. I have my own recent story for you guys.

We went to a friends house for Christmas Eve eve. The night before Christmas Eve, as we all had family plans for Christmas Eve. Anyways, my friend cooked a huge meal, and we had lots to eat and drink. The next day, which was Christmas Eve, I started the day by getting ready to have family over. I was wrapping presents, cooking, cleaning. I had my morning coffee and took a very small morning poop, which was surprising given how much I ate the night before. Anyways, I went on with my business of preparing for guests, but my dog started to get antsy for a walk, so I took him to a local hiking trail. It's in a pretty rural area, and there's usually not many people on the trail, however, you do see people once in a while. So I was walking my dog when I realized that I had a very full feeling in my stomach. I needed to poop. We were very deep in the woods and it was going to take a while to get back to the car. As we walked, the need became urgent. It was very uncomfortable as I could feel the huge poop trying to make its way out of my hole. I was looking at the trees trying to decide if I should go outside. I was so embarrassed and trying so hard not to do that, I really wanted to make it back home. I was clenching my cheeks with all of my mind, even putting my hand behind me to hold the poop in. But the more we walked, the more desperate I was becoming. I was very careful to look all over to make sure there was absolutely nobody coming. I found a large tree that looked good enough to hide me. As soon as I made that decision, I could feel the poop starting to uncontrollably escape. As I scurried behind the tree, pulling my pants down in the process, the poop started to slide out. Finally, I let out a grunt which was a mixture of a push and relief, as a humongous, semi solid, semi soft poop, rushed its way out of my body, along with a huge pee as well. I looked down quickly and could not believe the massive amount of poop that I had been holding back. It's winter and there are no good leaves to wipe with, so I just walked back to my car with a dirty bottom and cleaned up when I got home.

I have so many more stories of desperation, close calls, and accidents that I hope to share with you guys soon.

I was having an important meeting at my uni so in the morning i decided to drink some coffee to keep me awake. Went to the university and started the class just before my meeting. I felt my ???? acting a bit and i had a huge urge to fart so i picked my stuff and went to the bathroom. Went in peed and farted. Felt relieved. But quite soon my stomach felt weird again. Went inside the bathroom again, farted loudly and had the most horrible mushy poop that was just coming out from me. As soon as i pooped i flushed to get rid of the smell. It went about three rounds of flushing, and pooping after what my stomach felt so much better. I was lucky to have wet wipes with me and some perfume so everything was nice and clean.


I frequently clog my home toilet

Today was a sort of day that occurred once or twice a week. I would use my bent coat hangar to break up the pile of excrement I left in the toilet before flushing, in hopes that it would all go down, except it didn't on those occasions. Necessitating using the plunger.

The worst part is, you have to be careful with each plunge so your bung water doesn't fly at your face or clothing. It's a dirty job, but it has to be done.

And that's before we even considered toilet paper usage. Movements big enough to clog the commode tend to more often than not also be messy. Sometimes they're so wide they forcibly spread my buttcheeks apart and smear them with a warm, thick, viscous, froth of creamy foul-smelling vileness. Which MUST be wiped if you don't want to ruin your clothing.

So today after breakfast was an exceptionally big messy one. I normally go 3x a day, usually after each meal, but didn't take last night's post-dinner dump. It built up enough bulk to clog after being deposited as a result, even after breaking it up. Took 2 more dumps today, although the last one left streaks in the toilet bowl.

I'd rather cause a clog at home, than in a public restroom. At least I can address it without others having to know or being a jerk and leaving the situation unaddressed. I've clogged so many public toilets(including at previous workplaces) that I have zero embarrassment having to tell an employee about the situation, because I've done it so many times already. Although it is embarrassing that at one place I previously worked, the janitors knew who I was. All of the times they knocked on the door only to hear me announce my presence, and where they subsequently waited for me to finish pooping so they could come in and clean got us acquainted. A few times we got acquainted I left streaks or clogs for them to address after they got to stand outside and hear the sounds of me depositing it(the sound traveled there). Most of those janitors were female, while I'd be in the Mens' room. On rare occasions, they came in.

Home is a much less nerve-wracking place to poop, for sure. It's a shame that low-flow toilets are federally mandated, because having a nice commercial fixture at home would allow the best of both worlds. Less clog risk, but full privacy and the ability to address a clog yourself without having to involve others. I clog the commercial fixtures MUCH more rarely than at home, probably 1/50th as much, even though I poop outside of home more commonly than I poop at home. Typically, I make two public poops and one home poop a day, but sometimes there will be a fourth poop of the day and that one is generally 50/50 split in odds whether it will occur at home or in a public restroom. That's still a lot of public clogs though... I clog a public toilet somewhere about 2x a year on average.

I eat like a monster and exercise enough to go through all of the calories, and these big poops come with the territory for that...

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Toilet break at four a.m.

At four a.m., I woke up with an unexpected desire to poop. I ran to the toilet, and when I got there, turned on the light, locked the door, and lifted up the lid of the toilet seat. I pulled down my pajama underwear and sat down on the cold toilet seat. I didn't even have to push to start pooping (later, though, I had to push). The first poop quickly crawled out and fell into the toilet with a splash. I breathed a sigh of relief, farted very loudly, and another poop quickly came out. Behind her, another faeces came out and fell into the toilet. After that, I had to push and I defecated a long poop. I wanted to wiping, but suddenly I realized that I still wanted to poop. I pushed, and a big poop would come out of me and fall into the toilet. Then another poop came out. I breathed a sigh of relief, and began to wipe my ass. I didn't want to poop anymore. After wiping, I got dressed, flushed, washed my hands and left the toilet.

Darlene -

How awesome you are ok with wearing diapers! They make things much easier and I wish it was more normalized for adults to wear and use them which is probably more healthy than trying to hold it for any amount of time. Have you used yours for poop yet or have you peed even when you could have made it to the toilet, and have you considered wearing them even after the UTI is gone?



Big easy poop

I finished dinner (An egg, broccoli, mini shrimp, seafood, onions, some kind of brown balls on rice). It was in a small bowl but I was full at the end of dinner. For lunch I had a sandwich with cheese, lettuce or spinach, zucchini,, a small amount of noodles with mixed vegetables, chili peppers, potatoes with chili powder and a cup of tea. For breakfast I had soup with small beans, an egg, etc. Needless to say my stomach felt pretty full after dinner.

A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put on the flip flops out there, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet. Pulled my dark baggy sweatpants and dark underwear down (not on period anymore) and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed out a big easy soft ish poop that slid out easily. It didn't make any noise, just came out and settled in the toilet. My body felt better though it's still full ish. Once I was sure I was done I stood up and turned to look. Wow! It took up a lot of the toilet bowl, was soft ish (one big easy poop), stunk of course but it was out. Flushed the toilet and it went down easily with no issues. Walked carefully over to the sink, turned on the tap, ran the bar of soap under water, rubbed it between my hands, put the bar of soap back and cleaned my butt with my soapy hands. Rinsed once I was clean, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Turned off the tap with my elbow, went back to my room, took off the flip flops outside my room, went into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel in here and writing this now. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Be careful.

Happy peeing and pooping!


MD Dan

Replies, Survey, & Quick Update

Kristi - Great news! So glad the stress has been relieved! Sounds like you a q great time celebrating with your husband too! ;)

VioletIndigo - Welcome! Thank you for sharing your story. I used to be extremely self-conscious about pooping around people too. College age is when I started relaxing about it a lot more. Like you, I found out that nobody really cares (adults anyway) and sometimes you find people who are also interested in the topic. I hope you enjoy your time here!

Q: What does it feel like to have a toilet clogged with poop?
A: That depends. If it's at someone's house, it's a little embarrassing but I have definitely done it before. At my own house, work, or anywhere else, it's not a big deal.

Q: Do you like to clog the toilet with your poop?
A: I wouldn't say I like it. It's usually either a hassle because I have to unclog it or at best, creates an awkward situation when I have to tell someone else.

Q: How many days do you have to go without pooping to clog your toilet?
A: Usually more than two days will give me a 70% chance of clogging the toilet. I don't typically go longer than that so I don't know what would guarantee a clog.

Q: Is there anyone whose toilet you would clog up just to get back at them or just for fun?
A: To get back at someone? No. I don't hold grudges or seek vengeance on people. For fun? Maybe...I can think of a couple people who'd be amused by it.

Q: Have you ever had the pleasure of filling someone else's or a public toilet with poop?
A: Yes, many times.

Quick Update / Not quite a story
If you remember, I posted about a little chat and video exchange I had with a friend I'm calling Liz. Well, as usual, we have been occasionally commenting on our toilet matters with each other. Nothing explicit and no additional videos, just our usual friendly chats. Today though, I've been having some stomach issues and have had two loose poops. After the second one, I sent her a text and said, "My stomach is not having a good day..." A few minutes later she responds, "Oh no! I'm sorry. Poop problems?" I said, "Yeah, I've had to go twice today." Then she hearted the message. At first I thought, hmm, kind of an odd thing to hear but I guess she's showing some sympathy. Then she said, "Has your cat been bothering you again? That was a really cute video! :)" I told her, "Not this time. But I'll let you know if she does!" She again hearted that message and said, "Sorry about your stomach but maybe you'll get another really cute video out of it! :)"

I'm not going to lie, this has definitely peaked my interest and if/when my cat barges in on me again, I think I may take another video of it. lol We'll see, I guess.

That's all! Take care!

Princess Toadstool Peach

Squat, Wee, Poo, Wipe and Flush in a Squat Toilet no less

Princess Toadstool Peach: Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And today I am going to the bathroom. But this one is a squat toilet the sort of restroom thing people use for the posture for defecation and for female urination is to place one foot on each side of the toilet drain and to squat over it. So let's get started I ate a lot of food at lunch and morning tea today so I could have a food bottom poo baby! Then again my tiny bladder is tingling so I might need a wee too. I lifted my dress and yanked down my panties to my ankles. The very next second I squatted down to do my business, my floodgates bladder opened and a warm pee wee stream escaped "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssshhhhhhhh!!" Ahhh! Feels nice and good using these for a change. Soon my stream weakened. I let out a couple of drips and sighed. Then I had the urge to do a poo. A nice big one too! And soon after I broke wind a little. I began my BM Bowel Movements dump nice big sausage lumpy thick ones around 5 inches. After a couple of loud plops and drops from my round but beautiful bottom. It was time to wipe! "PLUNK PLOP!!" I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped my vagina between my legs I also wiped my bottom too. Front to back! Then afterwards I pulled my panties up, lifted down my dress and then flushed washing my hands! And with that I should probably get going. So until next time bye bye now!

Jasmin K

Big poo and survey to Petro

Hey. I don't often post here these days but I was having a difficult big poo after 4 days of not being able to go so read some posts and decided to answer some questions aimed at another poster but I had answers for many of the questions so hope it's ok to reply.
I've just done 4 days worth of poo, started as hard pebbles then a solid pebble log about 10 inches followed by a softer log and some mushy stuff. I've tried each day to do it but didn't have time to get it out until today - took me an hour and a bit from sitting to wiping now tired form all that straining.

Hello Petro. Hope it's ok that I've answered the questions you asked Nicole, I've omitted any that were specific to Nicole but those that were more general my answers are below each question
1. Is it difficult for you to poop? Yes very my poo is often hard and big.
2. As you're pooping, have you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out? Yes I strain very hard to make it come out and it takes a long time.
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping? I fart during pooping when I'm straining hard.
4. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you to push a lot before your first turd comes out or does everything fall out at once? I have to sit there straining hard before any comes out and keep straining until it's out
5. Do your always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories? I've not used either of these I did once and well I had an uncontrolled accident so never again.

7. Do you usually poop as you feel you have to do it? No not often.,
Do you ever sit down on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it Would you be able to poop in that case? This is what I normally do each morning and yes if I strain hard enough I can make myself poo. I had a lot of practise at this when I was younger as I was made to go evry morning before school and had to sit there straining until I did something.
8. Have you ever a situation as you sit down on the toilet for pooping and start pushing, but you can't push your poop out? And have you situations as you have to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive them as a positive or a negative thing?yes I have had that - the last 4 days- when younger I had to go back in the evening until I did it but nowadays with work I wait until I e enough time like today .
9. As you were a little girl and your poos were large, was it difficult for you to push them out? Had you to strain a lot for doing them? Yes I had to strain very hard e en if it hurt until I did it. I ate lots of sweets and junk so often had it hard poos as a kid

11. Do you like pooping? Yes it's a necessary thing - like or dislike it has to be done..If you have to push a big poop out, is it pleasant for you? It sometimes really hurts and leaves me with a sore bum hole. Do you take it for a positive thing? It's always good when it's out
12. If you've pushed a big poop out, are you proud of it? Yes and often leave it for others to see
My bestie and I used to look at what we had done and compare them.
14. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?Depends if I've time
15. Do you ever make buddy dump with somebody now? Occasionally with my best friend Chloe
16. As you had a buddy dump with your sister (you told about it on the page 3015) did both of you comment your pooping? Had you to strain at those times for pushing your poop out or did everything fall out at once? My sister and I used bathroom together when younger she 5 yrs older than me. She on toilet and me on potty chair both of us had to sit there until we did it

21. May I also ask you some questions about pooping in your childhood next time? Yes although in the past I've posted about that on here - no idea of page numbers now

Jas k


Solid poop a while after breakfast

Hi everyone. Got up this morning around 8:30 ish, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had homemade soup (made by my caregiver) made with small beans, an egg, etc in it. Was very good and took a while to eat. After breakfast I took my medications, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs to my room. Took the flip flops off outside my room, went into my room, put those flip flops on and surfed the net for a while on my phone. My stomach felt full and in need of a good poop. Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, put those flip flops on and went to the washroom.

Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way (door is still not working and my caregiver is 70 so can't easily go to the hardware store etc to fix it), walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed. Quite a bit of solid thick poop came out and slowly filled the toilet. Finally I was done after about 30 seconds or so. I stood up and turned to look. Wow! A fairly big solid poop was in the toilet, taking up most of it. It was fairly thick and dark. Flushed the toilet, carefully went to the sink, turned the tap on, ran the soap under water, rubbed the soap on my hands, put the bar of soap back, turned the tap off and cleaned my butt with the soap on my hands. When I was clean I turned on the tap again with my forearm (my arms are long), rinsed my hands and butt, washed my hands, turned off the tap, pulled up my pants and underwear and that's it. Afterwards went to my room, dried my hands, went back to the washroom, filled my water jar, went back to my room and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Please be careful and happy holidays.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Just went for a huge poop

Soon before dinner (about an hour ago-4:30 ish PM) I got a pretty major urge to poop so I took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door, put the flip flops outside my room on and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet, pulled my baggy sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A huge solid poop came out slowly and within about 20 seconds settled in the toilet bowl. Very quick, easy, no struggling and quiet. I got up and turned to look. Wow! This thing took up the majority of the toilet bowl! It was very thick, solid and dark though when it came out it came out easily probably partially to do with my healthy diet, plenty of water and prescription laxatives. My poops have always been giant even as a skinny little girl. Flushed the toilet (it went down fine with no issues), washed my hands, went outside the bathroom, turned off the light and went to my room to dry my hands and then grab my Walmart bag (with my notebook and pen in it), my water jar and went upstairs for dinner. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Be careful everyone.

Happy peeing and pooping!


This morning got out of bed had a wee went downstairs had a mug of tea cleaned the kitchen empted the portta potties then came back to kitchen for breakfast ,a large bowl of ALL BRANN.
I now felt a BM picked up a ELSAN BLUE TOILET ROLL and went to shed took off my jogging bottoms and pants. put paper towel on back of bowl ELSAN 33 sat down put toiletstool under my feet .
I sat for five minutes then pushed few minutes later had a wee farted then pooped breathed a sigh of relief few minutes later wiped with ELSAN BLUE toilet paper .

Crapping at airports advice needed.

My girlfriend is paying for my plane ticket to fly about 1,800 miles to visit her for the holidays. We are both 19 and in honors programs in college. Here is the problem. We started hanging out our freshman year in high school but she has developed her personal life skills much better than I have. One skill is using large public toilets.

In high school I think I only had to piss there 2 or 3 times. This was during one week when I was on two drugs because of my bladder infection.
I really hated the urinals. If I pushed all the way up against the porcelain urinal I kept my junk from being seen by users on both sides of me, but I can get an unexpected splash from the auto-flush or splash back from a empty chew can floating int he bowl. Also, my face was against the piping. Also I often wore light-colored slacks that showed splashes or leaks. I know I stood out and looked scared. Guarding my junk with both hands also called attention to my inexperience.

My girlfriend, who I've known for years from the neighborhood, got her "experience" by being involved in several school activities. Beginning in middle school she was out for a sport and I often waited outside of the locker room for her to come out of practice. Most of her craps were taken in the locker room. She said there was a lot more toilet paper and overall privacy available there. Her volleyball coach kicked a girl off the team for jumping up on a sink and crapping.

The time in the air, as well as the wait times at two connection points worry me. It would be a miracle or something more if I had to use the facilities several times each way.

Advice please. Thanks


International Constipation and Responses

Once, I was traveling internationally. I was returning to my home country of the USA, and I had a very long flight ahead of me. I was not looking forward to leaving the country I was in. I was going to miss the good food there, so in the hours leading up to my flight I ate a lot of foods that I could only really get there.

When I travel, I like to have everything I need on me. Usually, that looks like a little carry-on bag, plus a backpack, my purse, and a neck pillow that I secure around my backpack. It's a lot of stuff.

Anyway, before even leaving for the airport, I tried to poop because I did not want to have to wake up my seat neighbors on my overnight flight. I could not get anything out, yet I felt discomfort in my stomach. The place I was staying at was around an hour from the airport, so I hopped in a taxi with all of my things and started to head there. I was feeling bloated, gassy, and just uncomfortable.

When I got to the airport, I checked in, got tea to drink, and headed through security. Security took forever, and the walk from security to my gate was really far. Because of the tea, I was going to give the bathroom another "go." I walked quickly to the nearest ladies' room. It was loud and packed. The bathroom must have had 7 or 8 stalls with sinks on the other side of them. The first stall, closest to the door, was open. I opened the stall door. The stall and toilet were spotless, but unfortunately there was nowhere to hang my backpack. I don't like to put my backpack on bathroom floors. There was a shelf sort of thing above the toilet, so I put my backpack up there, pulled down my leggings, and sat down and let out a cute little pre-poop fart, pfft.

The country I was in's public bathrooms are different from the USA's. You generally cannot see your neighbor's feet because the stall walls go all the way from the wall to the floor. This stall was like that. However, there was a little gap under the stall door.

Anyway, I started pushing. Plop, plop, plop, plop, four little rabbit-sized turds fell out of my butt. In the USA, I always get nervous about water splashing me (I have stories about that), but in this country the water level in the toilets is relatively low so I did not have to worry. I kept pushing because I knew I still had poop inside of me and I was still uncomfortable.

I heard a man's voice. He was talking to his daughter, who he was helping in the bathroom. I got nervous - I thought I had entered the ladies' room, but I may have entered the men's. I got relieved when I saw women's shoes underneath the gap underneath the stall door, a line was forming. Because of all of the noise, I could not really hear anything from any of my stall neighbors, but I assume I was not the only one pooping based on the line. Also because of the noise, I did not mind pooping in proximity of the man who was in there with his daughter, plus there were a lot of other women in the bathroom so I felt like we were all safe.

Besides those 4 turds, I could not get any more out. I started to wipe. My butt was surprisingly messy. Like I have already mentioned, I take forever to wipe. In this country, toilet paper goes in the trash can and not the toilet. I like that though, because I could always get an unobstructed view of my "product." After maybe 5 minutes of wiping, I stood up, turned around to look at the 4 little turds, flushed, grabbed my backpack and carry-on bag, and opened the stall door. Another lady went into the stall I was just in as I went to the sink to wash my hands and fix my hair.

I sat in a seat as I waited for boarding. I kept thinking "I should probably go back to the bathroom and try again," because I was super uncomfortable and gassy, but I thought I would not have enough time. I probably did have enough time, but I did not know that.

Boarding started and I was one of the first in my group to board. When I got on the plane, my row was empty, so I put my backpack in my seat and stored my carry-on, and then I immediately went to the bathroom. The bathroom must have just been cleaned, it was spotless. I pulled down my leggings once again, sat down, and let out another little fart as I started to push. I think I always fart before I poop, and I sometimes fart while just peeing. I do not think there was any water in the silver metal airplane toilet. So as I pushed I heard plink, plink, plunk, as 3 similar sized rabbit poops hit the metal. "Is this all I can do," I thought. At the time it was, so I wiped myself, flushed, washed my hands, and went back to my seat. I had to ask my neighbor to move. She was a lady from the country I was visiting, maybe in her early 30's.

I was still uncomfortable and bloated, and due to some kind of weather event (I do not remember exactly), the plane was taking a while to depart. Around 20 minutes after I sat down, I decided to try pooping yet again. I asked my neighbor to move, and I went to the bathroom.

I pulled down my leggings and underwear for this third time, I sat down once again, and I let out yet another little fart. Then, I heard around 6 or 7 plinks. Finally, I was getting some relief. All of a sudden, I heard on the intercom "passengers, please return to your seat, we are now preparing for takeoff." Panicked, I started to wipe. I got really worried, and my butt was messy so I knew I would take a while. The male flight attendant knocked on the door and said "you need to return to your seat immediately," which I thought was not the most appropriate tone. "I'm hurrying," I responded. I managed to get clean! When I finished wiping, I stood up, put my leggings back on, and flushed. I quickly washed my hands and went back to my seat. I took around 10 minutes in the bathroom, so neighbor probably knew I was pooping, but I did not really care. I was finally able to relieve myself! I did not have to poop on the entire flight, and the next pee I took was in an American toilet!

Response to Anna from Austria's question for the women of the forum:
"Do you also have the impression that your poop stinks much worse if you are not going regularly or is just me?" I do not have this impression, but I poop at least once a day for the most part, so I do not have this problem. I do not "hold in" my poop.

Response to Nils: "Are it multiple turds that clog the toilet?" It depends. I think it is a width issue more than a length issue. I've tried doing multiple flushes before in the past but sometimes that does not work, and I do not think that breaking up the poop would help the issue because it is a width thing.


Pretty big poop a few minutes ago

Got up this morning, went pee a lot, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a homemade soup made by my caregiver that had dark vegetables (don't know what kind of vegetables), spices, tiny beans and took sips of warm water every now and then. After breakfast took my 9 AM medications and went downstairs. Relaxed and surfed the net on my phone of course. At lunch I had a peanut butter sandwich, an apple and a banana and a small bottle of chocolate milk. There were 2 protein bars also on my plate but I was full from everything else so I didn't eat those. Spent the afternoon on the internet of course and listening to music (regular music not Christmas music. One of the stations here has been playing it 24/7 since mid November. Overkill). For dinner around 5 PM I had pork with slightly spicy sauce, green leafy vegetables and rice. After dinner I took my 5 PM medications and took my Walmart bag and water jar (after refilling my water jug) and went downstairs to my room. Took off the flip flops outside my room, went into my room, put on those flip flops and surfed the net some more after putting some clean clothes into the white cloth bag in my room (I asked permission from my caregiver to shower at 8:30 since she wants me to wait and digest for 3 hours after a meal before showering).

Soon after that I felt the urge to poop so I went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet. Pulled my black sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed out what felt like a lot of semi-solid, semi-soft poop. One big log. Finally I was done. Stood up, turned around and looked in the toilet. Wow! This took up the majority of the toilet and was thick! Dang. Flushed the toilet and it was sucked down no problem. Turned on the tap, reached for the soap, ran the soap under water and rubbed it on my hands after. Put the bar of soap back. Cleaned my butt with my soapy hands and when I was clean I rinsed my butt and hands, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Dried my hands on the towel in my room, grabbed my water jar, filled it with the water from the water jug in here, microwaved it and slowly taking sips now and then. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Travelling home for Christmas

I travelled home to see my family for Christmas and while on the train I needed to pee. The train had toilets but that meant I had to walk past everyone in the carriage and I was too shy for that. When I went into the ladies bathroom at the station the queue was horrific! I (im)patiently waited for the end stall to become available and I am sure I got some strange looks from the other people wondering why I wasn't using one of the free toilets. I had set my sights on that toilet at the end, I wanted THAT one.

As usual I dropped some toilet paper into the water and sat down and tried to start my business. This was the busiest bathroom I have ever used but I knew I had no option. I could feel my pee was right on the edge of starting when someone tried to open the locked door and shattered my confidence. Just like that I felt very shy and very self conscious. I just wanted to get out of there but I was ready to burst. I needed to empty my bladder right here right now. It was nearly ten minutes before I finally got over my shyness and had a pee. I quickly washed my hands and left. I wasn't proud of myself. I just wanted to go home.


Saturday, December 23, 2023

your name

Yesterday woke at 6pm desperate to poop ,got onto bedpan and had a very long poop ,wiped with 4 sheets of shades kitchen towel, then went down
stairs took the bedpan to bonfire and empted.
Had two cups of tea then a large bowl of ALL BRAN washed ,brushed teeth dressed ,had a wee in THETFORD 33 pottie in shed , walked to bus stop ,caught bus into town to buy christmas presents . I went into the shopping centre toilets had a wee before catching bus home ,when I got off bus to walked 300 yds to my house needed to have a BM I managed to get back to my house dropped the presents in drive .walked to shed sat on THETFORD 33 pottie immediately farted splattered the bowl and dropped very little poop
wiped with 10 sheets of KIMBERLY CLARK toilet paper.
I went into house made some tea went back to pottie pulled up the toilet stool , sat on pottie while sipping the tea , half hour later wiped then carried on with house work several times during the evening I used the THETFORD 245 IN THE BEDROOM .I put on some TENA ACTIVE PANTS before getting in bed ,in case I shit my pants.
Woke this morning went down to kitchen made and drank tea then made another two mugs took these to shed sat on THETFORD 33 pulled the foot stool under my feet and sat for an hour.I pushed many times and pooped
I wiped with KIMBERLY CLARK toilet paper,the THETFORD 33 is idea when need to sit for a long time and drop large logs ,I feel fine now .the food Ihad at the pub the day before yesterday was deep fried

Thank you to VioletIndigo and Keven for taking my survey. I also invite other people. I'm curious about every answer.


Response to Embarrassing Moments Survey

1. Have you ever been walked in on while you were sitting on the toilet?

Not in public, but when I was living at home, our bathroom door didn't have a lock, so my mom and sister would walk in on me all the time. Sometimes it was because they needed something from the bathroom. Sometimes it was because they didn't know anyone was in there. Sometimes it was because they wanted to ask me a question. I was used to it.

2. Have you ever used the toilet in a toilet lacking privacy (ie, no doors on the stalls)?

Not in my home state of CT, but when I was visiting NY, I had an urgent pee in a bathroom where one stall (the only available stall) had the door ripped clean off. I'm lucky that I only had to pee, but it was super uncomfortable, especially when this teenage girl who was washing her hands kept giving me dirty looks via the mirror.

3. Have you ever had a friend or family member accompany you while you used the toilet in full view of them?

See question 1. This was normal for me growing up.

4. What would you find more embarrassing: being seen naked, or being seen sitting on the toilet with your pants around your ankles? Why?

I'm not sure. I feel like it would depend who saw me. My husband saw me naked a few weeks after we met, but I didn't feel comfortable with him seeing me on the toilet until a few months in.

5. Have you ever had a bathroom accident and been noticed/caught by someone?

Not since I was a little kid.


Exhaustion, after hard motion

I note Kenna and Joshua as well as Mrs big and hard have had difficult times on the toilet.
My problem is if I push too hard, then I get quite dizzy, and when I get off off the throne, I fall back down again. It can take me a few hours to get over a hard movement
What I do is I get up in the morning and sit straight on the throne do not straight if anything comes out. If it does it does if it does not it does not.
I have a couple of cups of tea and maybe I'll sit again if the urge is there And then if I get the urge on the way to work I call in at the local public toilets which are really quite idyllic. You would not think a public toilet could be idyllic but these ones are.
I might get a movement during the day etc. Some days I might go four or five times other days I could go every few days.
I , laxatives and stronger stuff if needed, and even suppositories, and I get by
I wear incontinence undies, and I read about skidmarks on this site, and nobody gets skidmarks like me due to wiping my bottom.
Does anybody else have such difficulties that I do I would I would like to hear from them
Thank you and Merry Christmas.


To T. M.

Hello, T.M.
I read your last post on the page 3034 and I'd like to ask you some more questions, if you don't mind.

1. Was it very curious for you to find out whether your daughter would poop or notorto listen how she would poop? If itwas, why?
2. Do you ever listen to her pooping at home?
3. Is it usually difficult for her to poop? Has she to strain a lot, pushing her poops out?
4. Does she always poop as she feels an urge for it? Does she ever try to poop without the urge?
5. Does she always poop by herself? Does she ever use enema or suppositories?
6. Does she usually fart before she starts pooping?
7. Does she like pooping? If she has to push a big poop out, is it pleasant for her? Does she take it as a positive thing?
8. Does she ever try to poop after peeing?
9. As she was a young child, was it difficult or easy for her to poop? Had she to push a lot while pooping at those times?
10. As she was a little child, to what age did she poop in your presence?
11. As she was pooping, being a little child, did you ever comment your pooping? Did you encourage her in it?
12. As she was a young child, did she always poop as she felt a urge for it or did you put her on the potty or on the toilet and told her to try pooping?
13. As she was a young child, did she always poop by herself? Did she ever use enema or suppositories at those times?
14. Did she like pooping as she was a young child?
15. If she pushed a big poop out, being a young child, was she proud of it?
16. And I'd also like to ask you: do you live in USA? If you do, in what state do you live?
I wish you and your children happy pooping!
I also wish everybody of you merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


To Avery:

I read all your posts here this year with a great pleasure. I like much of them very much! It's a pity you haven't written them any more during last months. I'd like to ask you some questions if you don't mind.

1. Is it difficult for you to poop?
2. As you're pooping, have you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
4. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you always to push a lot before your first turd comes out?
5. Do you always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories?
6. Do you usually poop as you feel you have to do it? Do you ever sit down on the toilet and trying to poop without having an urge for it? Would you be able to poop in that case?
7. Have you ever a situation as you sit down on the toilet for pooping and start pushing, but you can't push your poop out? And have you often situations as you have to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive them as a positive or a negative thing?
8. Do you like pooping? If you have to push a big turd out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
9. If you've pushed a big turd out, are you proud of it?
10. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
11. Do you often try to poop after peeing? As you sit down on the toilet for your morning pee, do you usually also try to poop after it?
12. Do you ever poop outdoors? If you do, do you do it only alone or also with somebody else?
13. May I also ask you some questions about pooping in your childhood next time?
14. And I'd also like to ask you: in what state of USA do you live?

I'd also like to ask you some additional questions:

About your post "Museum trip poop" (page 2987):
Is pooping not very easy for you? As you went to the bathroom with Jackie (after lunch), didn't she feel the urge for pooping, but she tried to poop in spite of it?

Some questions about your post "First school poop" (page 2979):
As Jackie was pooping, was it very difficult for her poop out on that day? Have I comprehended it right?
In soite of poop being already in your butthole, had you to push a lot for expelling it? You were grunting, so was it ratherdifficult for you too, pushing that poop out? As you pushed that nice big turd out, were you proud of having done it?

About your post "My final elementary school poop, part 1 (page 2989):
As you were pooping with Jackie during the swim-party, was it very difficult for you to poop those turds out, especially the first one? Had you to push very hard for doing it? And was it very difficult for Jackie too?

About your post "An incredible bathroom trip (page 3011):
As you were pooping on that day, was it also rather difficult for you to push that big turd out? Do I comprehend right you had to strain much for doing it?

About your post "Mall mega dump, part 1 and 2 (page 3011 and 3016):
Was it very difficult both for you and for Olivia to push your so big and thick turds out? Had you to strain a lot by that pooping?
As you pushed that nice big turd out, were you proud of having done it?

About your post "First poop of the school year" (page 3021):
Do I comprehend right that it was particularly difficult both for you and for Olivia and for Jackie to push such huge turds out?

About your post "Constipated school poop" (page 3025):
Does it often succeed with you that you try to poop, but you can't push your poop out at all?

As you push big turds out, is it painful for you? Does your butthole hurt after it?
At the moment, do you remember well some concrete pooping you described in your past posts, for example, a few months ago? Do you remember now in details as you were pushing your turds out on some of these days?

I wish you happy pooping and peeing! I'd be very glad to read your new posts!
I also wish you merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

To VioletIndigo

First off, I want to second Nils' advice. My wife sometimes drops those hard rabbit turds and she will flush as often as possible while going to prevent clogs, though she's never broken up a single large turd so she does still sometimes clog the toilet. I once saw a video of a woman who dropped such a large poo she used a butter knife to break it up. My wife would never do that though, she'd rather just flush and hope for the best. Her diet is different from yours, but she has struggled with opioid addiction and that can make you constipated. She used to take methadone which made it really bad compared to later in life now I think it's partially medication but also diet and metabolism. When she was on methadone she used to go days and days without pooping at all and then clog the toilet really bad, so bad we couldn't plunge or snake it and we'd have to call our building maintenance worker to fix it. Eventually they gave us a new toilet as part of a lease renegotiation, but the "new" toilet was basically the same and so it kept happening. However, I want to add this: be careful with constant flushing. You have to listen to the tank refill (at home) because if you flush too soon it won't be enough water and then it will more than likely clog. Wait until it stops making noise altogether (some toilets "run" meaning you have to jiggle the handle or if that doesn't work you have to open the tank to fix it, make sure the big rubber plug at the bottom creates a good flat seal) before each flush. Some toilets take a long time to refill for one reason or another, so it may need to be fixed or replaced if it's taking too long and you have trouble holding in the remaining poops while you wait. That has also happened to my wife when she was using a cheaper/older toilet and of course it clogged.

I just want to say about the part where you said pooping within earshot of others makes you feel less feminine, as a man I do understand that perspective, however I also disagree and I'm sure many men on this site agree with me. I get that society makes women feel that way, but I think many men (most probably won't admit it) can see the feminine side of pooping. Women can make noises vocally while pooping (grunts, sighs, moans, etc.) that some men like me find alluring. Perhaps you know what I'm talking about since you said you've had an interest in this for many years. As a straight man I'm not interested in hearing/seeing a man going to the bathroom, but despite old fashioned taboos around women peeing and especially pooping (or, perhaps to some degree because of those taboos) I find it highly erotic, and I know I'm not alone.

Personally, I'm interested in hearing about constipation as well as being very desperate to pee or poop or both, and either having an accident or narrowly avoiding one. If the woman in question derives any amount of pleasure from any part of the story, that makes it even better! For example, the relief of finally going feeling really good, or wide hard dry turds stretching your butthole very wide, which I know for some can be more painful than pleasurable, but others can enjoy the blending of mild to moderate pain giving way to pleasure. Even if it's not a hole-stretching poop but you enjoy taking your time and savoring a slow but medium sized load, those are nice stories too. I'm also interested in hearing about pushing, grunting, effort, etc. and if you have to make weird faces or if your face gets red from pushing hard.



This morning had a wee in THETFORD ELEGANCE pottie went to kitchen made and drank tea then went to campervan parked on drive sat on ADVENTURIDGE pottie for twenty minutes had a large BM
One hour ago sat on pottie had another smaller BM just emptied in drain


Big heavy sounding poop

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar, went to the washroom. Peed (couldn't poop yet) and then brushed my teeth and washed my hands and face. Went upstairs and had a hot soup with potatoes, an egg, apple chopped up, different vegetables, pineapple and rice. Took a while to eat and after breakfast I took my 9 AM medications. Took my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs to my room. Took my flip flops off outside my room, went into my room, put those flip flops on and surfed the net on my phone. Finally a few minutes ago my stomach felt very full and uncomfortable and I had a pretty major urge to poop.

Took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, walked outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet. Pulled my baggy sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed. Tons of fairly solid poop came out, one big log. After about a minute it dropped heavily into the toilet bowl. No splat or splash. Wow. I stood up, turned around and looked. Holy shit! This thing took up most of the toilet bowl, was solid, thick and dark and was massive. No wonder my stomach has been feeling very uncomfortable. I'm still not empty 100% yet but hopefully sometime today I can poop everything else out. Better out than in. Flushed the toilet, ran the soap under water, rubbed the soap on my hands, put the soap back and cleaned my butt with the soap on my hands. Rinsed my butt, washed my hands, pulled my pants and underwear up and that's that. I hope I can go again today at least once. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy. Please be careful.

Happy peeing and pooping!


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