

Response To Annie

Hey Annie. I love your huge poop story! I didn't eat a lot this Christmas, but pooped lots. For example, I had diarrhea after a Healthy Choice meal today. I don't think anyone has told you this, but you're an awesome pooper. Bye, and happy new year.


Petro's questions

To Petro

Wow! That's a lot of questions! I'll do my best to answer.

1. Not usually. Usually it's nice and easy. Minimal pushing. Occasionally everyone gets constipated but most of my poops just slide out.

2. Not usually much straining at all, at least at the beginning. I almost always start with a "log". And that usually just comes right out. I might have to push a little to get some smaller stuff out, but it's rarely that strenuous. If it's not coming out, I don't sit there forever pushing.

3. I fart usually when I sit down. I often fart even if I'm just peeing.

4. Usually I'm pooping within fifteen seconds of my butt hitting the seat. Sometimes it takes longer, but when this girl's gotta go, she goes.

5. It's not easy for me to remember all the feelings of all my previous poops... I don't remember that one being hard to get out. I tried to fart and pooped instead, so it probably came out easy.

6. Oh... that. That sucked. I poop every day. Often twice. 6 days is ridiculously long for me. I had to push SO hard to get that out of me; it was huge. I was squatting over the toilet and pushing. To get it out, I had to actually come UP from my squat, so I was almost standing up. I'm surprised it landed in the toilet. My husband was a huge hero for that. Held my hand and encouraged me.

7. No enema or suppositories for that one. I had to go bad. It was hard due to the angle. I wasn't squatting... I was just pulling myself up. Not a natural pooping angle as I was practically lying down. But I had to go so bad that it came out without that much pushing. My nurse Kait was so good. She held the bed pan under me and held the urinal thingy for me as well because I started peeing too.

8. Don't use enemas or suppositories. I poop with my husband watching frequently, and I have a girl friend who's kind of a poop buddy. Emily.

9. Pooping outside is usually pretty easy for me physically. Squatting makes it come out easy. Mentally I do get a little bit nervous about someone seeing me.

10. I go poop when I start to feel uncomfortable. I don't go with mild urges. Never try if I'm not feeling it.

11. I don't love to push. At least not when I'm first sitting down. I like it to come out easy. Usually after I've done the bigger stuff (I usually do "logs") I'll push out smaller pieces. But I like it smooth with minimal pushing.

12. Hehe. I'm honest. I LOVE to go poop. It's so relaxing for me. It's an endorphin rush and it's mental decompression. Besides s*x it's the best feeling.

13. Hmmmm. "Proud"? Not sure about that. Sometimes I'm impressed with myself if I drop a nice big one.

14. Love to pee also. (The BEST feeling is when I'm peeing while poop is coming out.). And yes, I love to take nice long pees (but I don't wait TOO long...)

15. Yes. When I pee, I always wait to feel if there's pooping to be done. I've talked about this in other posts, but if I HEAR another person pooping, it can trigger my bowels.

16. So, Steve and I were abstinent before marriage and we didn't see each other's private areas until our wedding night. But he told me after we were engaged that he was (in his words) "curious" about me going to the bathroom. He wax really shy about it and he thought I'd think poorly of him. I assured him that he was fine. Although peeing was going to be easier for me; I wasn't 100% confident that I could poop in his presence. So I peed in his presence several times, with my pants just at my knees and bending over so he couldn't see my vagina. We were still engaged when he was in the bathroom shaving and I needed to poop. Like, really needed to go poop. I was nervous. I told him... I asked if he wanted to be in there. He said he'd really like to. I asked him not to actually look at me as I was shy at that point. And I was able to go. We've come a long way since then! I NEVER thought that we'd get to the point where he'd be wiping me.

17. We don't have kids yet BUT we're going to try starting in 2024! (We've decided to start trying at midnight right at the start of the new year. <wink>.
I don't know if things will change a lot with
kids. Steve and I will still go in each other's
presence, but we'll have to be more discreet
about it.
18. As I said, no kids yet.
19. Kinda don't want to chat about that. I will say that before college I was a shy pooper.
20. I don't think I can answer that per forum rules... I live in the Midwest.

WHEW! That was a lot!



Re: Embarrassing Moments

On my previous post replying to this survey, I'd like to add an addendum regarding question 3, "Have you ever had a friend or family member accompany you while you used the toilet in full view of them?"

I briefly forgot to mention the time about 5 years ago I was hanging out at the apartment of a friend of a friend, and he had two 20-something ladies over. The apartment was literally one room, with a kitchenette area in one corner, and a stand-in shower basin with a curtain in the adjacent corner, with a toilet entirely out in the open next to the shower basin, and a sink/mirror between the toilet and kitchenette. The apartment was like a jail cell. It was late at night, we were intoxicated(and thus couldn't drive anywhere), and everything nearby was closed. I had to poop really badly. I used that toilet to pee at various times already, so I awkwardly announced my intentions to use that toilet for a different purpose. With the blessing of the apartment owner and no objections from his other guests, I took a seat and pooped in front of them with my pants at my upper legs. The TV we were watching was between the couch and the toilet to at least partially obscure me from their view, and we faced each other as I sat with the TV between us, but it was still very awkward because I was sitting on the toilet in front of 3 people, one person I knew for years who was a friend of a friend, and two recently-met acquaintances. By that time, I was used to pooping without privacy, so I wasn't really embarrassed, but I wasn't exactly in my comfort zone either given the novelty of the experience. Everyone tried to ignore what I was doing and seemed to mostly focus on the TV between us.

I attempted to submit this story a few years ago, in much greater detail, but the site didn't accept it.


Camping adventure and reply to Peach

I had an adventure a little while back. where I pissed an shit myself while camping alone, which I'll tell you about now.
It was day two of the excursion. My plan was to hike up a trail for a few hours, then set up a tent and go to sleep. As I hiked the trail, the sun started setting, and it began to get dark. The trail was becoming steeper and harder to walk on, and I was tired, so I decided to find a good spot and pitch my tent. After a little searching, I found a decent spot, and pitched my tent. I went inside and zipped up the flap, taking off my pants and boots in exchange for shorts and sandals. I had brought a battery operated lantern with me, so I turned it on, and looked for a good place to sit. I saw an old picnic table, so I walked over and sat down.
Suddenly, I felt a massive wave of desperation. My face went hot, and my stomach dropped, but nothing came out. I knew what was happening. I'd had this happen to me before, where my muscles would tighten up, and I'd get the overwhelming need to pee or poop, but the pressure wouldn't go away and nothing would come out. That camping food just doesn't always agree with me I guess-cant go for the first two days and then boom, assplossion.
I quickly unzipped the flap of my tent and rushed out. I looked down and saw a huge wet spot spreading across the front of my panties, and felt warm pee running down my thighs and pooling at my feet. My face turned bright red with embarrassment. It's not like anyone could see me, but I felt so embarrassed.
As the stream finally slowed and stopped, I realized I was still going potty. I was just starting to poop myself, and I knew it would be huge. I'd had this problem before, and the last time it happened, I ended up going number 2 all over the back of my jeans.
Well, there was no on around, so I lifted off the table a bit and I decided to just let it out.
My butt was clenching and squeezing, and I had no control over what was coming out. All of a sudden, my ass exploded. There was no stopping it. I bent over and let out a huge fart, followed by a giant poo that stretched my panties out. The log was thick and mushy, and the back of my underwear filled out until it was round and bulging. Then the log reached the end, and started pushing down on the seat of my underwear. I heard the fabric ripping as the log forced its way through the leg of my shorts and fell onto the bench top, landing with a thud. My poop was coming out so fast and hard, I was sure I was making a big mess. Probably a mistake to have put those shorts on!
I felt my panties stretch again as another thick log pushed it's way out of my bottom. As the log dropped down and hit the ground, a gush of diarrhea squirted out of me, covering my legs. Then a third log began forcing it's way out. By now, the back of my underwear was almost flat, with the poop inside stretching it out. When the diarrhea finished, I stripped off my shorts. I felt the cool air blowing on my shithole, and my bare butt. I looked down, and saw a big, mushy pile of shit on the table. Probably a mistake not to just squat,but at least the bench made a kind of annoying situation more fun. There was a thick rope that was stuck to my panties, and then the pile was covered in brown liquid diarrhea. The whole thing must have been at least two pounds.
I took off my soaked underwear, and wiped up the bench with a paper towel, and threw it and my panties in the campfire after. Boy did that stink. Fortunately, there was a stream near by that I could wash up in.
I'll talk about the contest soon!

Princess Toadstool Peach:
Hi again, I'm sorry if my questions seemed pushy, I think what your doing is super cool and I'm happy you and your friends are happy. I also didn't mean to impose about the contest, I meant that we could both do like the same contest with the same rules and then tell each other how it went on here (I just think that would be fun), but if you don't want to that's cool too! I hope Bethany has a fun time joining the three of you and that Rosalina and Zelda start to like the silliness of naughty pottying as much as you do!
Love, Audrey


Responding to "Crapping at airports advice needed."


I can't relate to using urinals as I'm a woman. But if you're concerned about privacy, I'd suggest just using a stall for pee.

I have pooped in many airports; the biggest dump I've ever taken was at the Cincinnati Airport before a flight.

I can only speak for ladies rooms, but my husband will tell you the same thing:

EVERYBODY IN THE AIRPORT RESTROOMS IS POOPING. Especially in the restrooms at the gates. It's because of two things (I think):

1. Nobody wants to poop on a plane. Even I hate doing that and I love to poop.

2. People are getting off of planes and they've been holding their poop for hours.

Good luck! You'll be okay.

By the way, do you and your girlfriend share bathroom time?




Re: Embarassing Moments

Q1: Have you ever been walked in on while you were sitting on the toilet?

A: Yes. Probably 50+ times in my life. While mid-poop, I've been walked in on by family members at home, random strangers while using doorless stalls or stall-less toilets at various public restrooms, by a girl who intruded upon me in the bathroom to look for her car keys during a party, once by a male coworker while using a half-height stall setup at a rest stop, and even by female janitors at work or various public places(even if behind the relative privacy of a stall door in those cases, it was still embarrassing the first few times it happened because they heard my noises, smelled what I dumped into the toilet, and saw me exit the stall to wash my hands).

Q2. Have you ever used the toilet in a toilet lacking privacy (ie, no doors on the stalls)?

A: Many times. I've used them often enough that I'm certain no less than 100 different people have seen me pooping in public restrooms over the course of my life. I eat a ridiculous amount of food and when nature calls, I do not ignore. As much as I prefer privacy, I won't hold it if I have a toilet available. I'm not ashamed of my body, and if I have to poop and I find that the public toilet I sought out doesn't have any privacy, I'm still going to use it for its intended purpose. I don't see much point in making myself uncomfortable by holding it in, since doing so in the past has led to lots of spectacular and often painful events involving my bowels. I shudder to think the damage I caused to my insides by holding it in all day during middle school and high school to avoid being seen using doorless stalls by other students, my motivation being to avoid bullying/harassment.

Q3. Have you ever had a friend or family member accompany you while you used the toilet in full view of them?

A: Deliberately for the entire duration of the sit? No, perhaps other than being potty trained as a small child. I suppose the closest would be the multiple occasions my grandmother and other family members interrupted my toilet usage to do something they needed to do in the bathroom(grab clothes, get something out of the closet, access the attic, ect.), but it was never a deliberate accompaniment on their part for its own sake. Second closest would be an event back in 2010 where I had no toilet paper and asked my girlfriend grab some paper towels from the kitchen and come into the bathroom to hand them to me as I sat on the toilet with my pants on the floor. She decided to hold a brief conversation for about 30 seconds before leaving, and left me to finish wiping in private.

Q4. What would you find more embarrassing: being seen naked, or being seen sitting on the toilet with your pants around your ankles? Why?

A: Hard to say. I'm not ashamed of my body and am generally considered an attractive person by others(I'm blonde haired, blue-eyed, skinny, and get mistaken for a high school kid), so I have zero qualms with being seen naked. I've been complimented on my looks by many. Being seen pooping is worse than being seen naked because it's a position of vulnerability and a reminder of the fact that we all decay over time. Plus I don't like the idea of people smelling what comes out of my butt while I'm there pushing it out. But being seen on the toilet has happened enough times that I also feel no embarrassment over it as well.

Q5. Have you ever had a bathroom accident and been noticed/caught by someone?

A: Yes. The last time it happened was when I was in middle school. See "My first time using a doorless stall" on Page 2875. The events occurred during an emergency where some diarrhea escaped into my underwear before I could make it to the toilet.


To John H

Thanks! I've used toilet paper since I moved here but it's only when she's out of toilet paper (she's 70 and she needs her 29 year old son or ex husband to take her to buy things like toilet paper, food, etc. She and her son drive). So I make do with what we have in the house. At times I like using soap but I mostly like toilet paper.

In response to Iris

The letter from Iris, talking about the public toilets and how they are probably unavoidable, especially when traveling, is a standout. She used her eyes to stake a claim to the end stall in the large bathroom, even though several toilets nearer to her and probably the middle of the room were opening up with pretty good regularity. She stood her ground even when the line for the other toilets became horrific. Eventually, her end toilet opened, she flick some toilet paper into the water to deafen the peeing noise from her human faucet, and took her seat for the wee. But as her stream started someone jiggled the door latch. There went her confidence and it took her a 10-minute sit to get it to return.

Questions for everybody!

1) Would you rather hold your pee until the end of your trip OR brave the eyes of everyone seated on the flight or carriage as you waited for an opening in the back toilet? Why?

2) What would you say or do or anything if you are waiting toward the middle of a restroom for the end stall to open, when there are ample toilets open near you?

3) How do you handle being on a public toilet but being interrupted by someone trying, jiggling or messing with the privacy door? Why?

4) You walk into a large public toilet room with 10 or more open toilets, which will you take and why?

My answers to the above questions:

1) I would toss my bag onto the seat I want and then ASAP head to the carriage or plane's bathroom.

2) I would walk down the line to the toilet I wanted and I would stand in front of it waiting for it to open.

3) Younger kids who are unsupervised are the worst offenders. Even if the parent or babysitter is not using the bathroom, they should be standing immediately outside the toilet. This is the best deterrent I can think of.

4) When younger kids are involved, the end-toilets tend to be the most attractive to me. If I'm by myself, the middle toilet or first to become available is my selection.

To Iris:

Could you please inform us as to how much progress you have made on this issue. What works? What doesn't? How accommodating have your parents been?



I spent christmas with a friend and drove back yesterday . I pulled into a layby on the A36 for a BM, after trying many times to release the catch
on the pottie locker and getting desperate took the BICO bedpan and five sheets of kitchen towel from the locker,took off my jogging bottoms and pants.As I was getting onto bedpan I started to wee on the floor just could not hold it
A few minutes later my bowels opened , I needed to go some more pulled my body into pushing poopies position and maintained pressure , pooped another minute continuously then sat and relaxed for a few minutes before wiping with SHADES KITCHEN TOWEL.
I dressed the bedpan I placed under the van wiped my hands with wet wipes turned on the cooking gas pulled the BRANN Q toilet bucket from the boot rand placed it in the galley area.I made and drank two mugs of tea then had a wee in the bucket bere getting into sleeping bag .I used the bucket twice during the night and again when I woke this morning,i made and drank two mugs of tea then sat on the BRANN Q toilet bucket tried to have a BM ,I was unable to poop so got out of van poured the wee onto the grass then pulled the bedpan from under the van , it was
in a different position and empty !! animals during the night ??
I put the bedpan into the bucket and placed it into the boot then drove home.As soon as I climbed out the van ran upstairs pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants sat on THETFORD 245 pottie and had a BM


My dad has diarrhea

Hi everyone. I was supposed to go out with my dad today for post-Christmas shopping (he wants to buy me a Christmas present and to give me a card from his girlfriend who is really nice) but he cancelled about an hour before he was supposed to come to my place because he has "the scoots" (his words). I felt disappointed but I told him that I wish he would be okay and feel better. I'd much rather he be healthy and not need to try to track down a washroom each time he needs to go. We are supposedly getting together tomorrow but we'll see how that goes.

I just finished lunch and am drinking plenty of water so hopefully later today I can go and have a big one. And mine are usually big! I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy. Be careful and happy and have fun.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Iris-I just finished a great poop! it came out fast , and I spend more time wiping than I did pooping. Before I even wiped I knew it would be a mess, and after the first wipe, my hypothesis was correct. I even got a little poop on my hand :( but it felt soooo good coming out it may have been worth it!. I moaned out load since I was home. I knew a shower was coming so I held off from a wet wipe, but I probably should have used one as I was wearing boyshorts that were riding up!

Anna from Austria- My poop really stinks if I am constipated. So if I poop less often (once a day or less), the bathroom seems to stink more than normal, like you can smell the poop outside the bathroom at home or a hotel and ina public restroom, it really is embarrassing and I regress to becoming poop shy like I was when I was younger. When I poop more frequently, the poop come out faster and of course has an odor, but its not as bad as when I only poop once a day or less. This was an adventure when I was dating and trying to hold back farts and poops when I was staying over a a new boyfriends, but in the end, I was making my poops probably more smelly and was probably farting more ironically. But if I poop my usual 2-3 times a day, my poop does not seem to smell as much, and may even be easier to clean up with dry toilet paper

Danielle-I relate with being poop shy too! I Was it tough to drive home with a dirty bottom? think a lot of my issues with pooping were related to being a little poop shy as well as a germaphobe. At first I had a hard time going to the bathroom in public because the bathrooms were so gross. Also, I had three brothers so I would be so grossed out when they messed the toilet at home. Also, I was shy to poop in public because I was scared other girls would be as grossed out about my poop as I was with my brothers. I also noticed my brothers always skid marked their white briefs and I did not think other girls were as dirty, but I was ashamed when I got skid marks.

In elementary school probably I got more skid marks from not being able to hold my poop trying to wait until I got home to poop so I probably "prairie dogged" a bit. Toards high school and college, my bottom got bigger and got harder to clean with the 1ply toiler paper which is my issue to this date.?

To my fellow skidders- regular or infrequent. Do you think your skidmarks are a result of wiping, not being able to hold a poop in or frequent farting?

Happy Holidays everyone!

-Skidmarked in Seattle ( light green boyshorts for some reason anyone is interested)


Survey Reply

1) Would you rather hold your pee until the end of your trip OR brave the eyes of everyone seated on the flight or carriage as you waited for an opening in the back toilet? Why?

Because of my disability, I have to remain seated on an airplane. I now wear an adult diaper when I fly.

2) What would you say or do or anything if you are waiting toward the middle of a restroom for the end stall to open, when there are ample toilets open near you?

I need to use the handicapped stall so I can transfer from my wheelchair to the toilet. If the stall is in use then I just wait.

3) How do you handle being on a public toilet but being interrupted by someone trying, jiggling or messing with the privacy door? Why?

I just say, "I'll be done in a few minutes."

4) You walk into a large public toilet room with 10 or more open toilets, which will you take and why? Same as 2).

Saturday, December 30, 2023


I spent christmas with a friend and drove back yesterday . I pulled into a layby on the A36 for a BM, after trying many times to release the catch
on the pottie locker and getting desperate took the BICO bedpan and five sheets of kitchen towel from the locker,took off my jogging bottoms and pants.As I was getting onto bedpan I started to wee on the floor just could not hold it
A few minutes later my bowels opened , I needed to go some more pulled my body into pushing poopies position and maintained pressure , pooped another minute continuously then sat and relaxed for a few minutes before wiping with SHADES KITCHEN TOWEL.
I dressed the bedpan I placed under the van wiped my hands with wet wipes turned on the cooking gas pulled the BRANN Q toilet bucket from the boot rand placed it in the galley area.I made and drank two mugs of tea then had a wee in the bucket bere getting into sleeping bag .I used the bucket twice during the night and again when I woke this morning,i made and drank two mugs of tea then sat on the BRANN Q toilet bucket tried to have a BM ,I was unable to poop so got out of van poured the wee onto the grass then pulled the bedpan from under the van , it was
in a different position and empty !! animals during the night ??
I put the bedpan into the bucket and placed it into the boot then drove home.As soon as I climbed out the van ran upstairs pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants sat on THETFORD 245 pottie and had a BM


Pooping friend

It started when I was staying with Timmy. Visiting Timmy, I wanted to poop, so I went to the toilet. Timmy himself was in the other room at the time and did not know that I had gone to the toilet. I didn't lock myself in the bathroom, I just closed the door. In the middle of my poop, the toilet door suddenly opened, and I saw Timmy, and he saw me sitting on the toilet. Timmy apologized to me, but when I finished and left, Timmy said:
"I'm going to poop now too. To be honest, now you can watch me poop!"
"But you come in toilet didn't watch me poop on purpose," I objected, although the opportunity to watch Timmy poop was tempting.
"I'm not shy about pooping in plain sight," Timmy said. "If you want, you can peek. It's no secret to me that you like to watch how people pooping."
I used the permission. Timmy asked me to turn away for a minute while he undressed and sat down on the toilet. When I turned around, Timmy was already sitting on the toilet. Timmy just sat motionless on the toilet for a few minutes, then he farted several times. Then there was a murmuring, and Timmy said:
"I'm peeing. Pee-pee-pee!" He giggled, and I smiled too. After peeing, Timmy pushed, and farted several times, but with such a sound that we both laughed. Then Timmy pushed again, and I heard a soft crackling sound. Apparently, Timmy started pooping. Soon there was a splash of water in the toilet, and Timmy breathed a sigh of relief. He farted loudly, and I heard another splash.
"Do you like watching me poop?" Timmy asked, and I confirmed it with a nod of my head. Timmy farted again and pushed. There was another splash. I felt the putrid, fetid smell of poop. Timmy defecated another poop, then started pushing again. I was surprised that he had so much poop. I heard another splash of poop, and it stank so much that I held my nose.
"Sorry about the stink," Timmy said immediately. "I'm pooping, that's I stinks."
He farted and I heard another splash of poop. Timmy breathed a sigh of relief. Timmy sat on the toilet for a few minutes, I didn't distract him, what if he's pooping right now? Then I heard another splash, followed by another splash, and another splash. Timmy breathed a sigh of relief. Then I felt that the smell was already very strong.
"Have you already pooped?" I asked. To my surprise, Timmy replied that he didn't. I said he's already done a lot of poop, isn't that all?
"I usually poop a lot," Timmy explained. He pushed, and I heard another splash. A minute later, there was another sound of poop falling. Timmy pooping for three more minutes, then he finally finished.
"I pooped!" Timmy reported to me. I nodded, and Timmy said:
"Will you wipe my ass?" I was very surprised, and Timmy laughed and explained that it was just a joke, he knows how to do it himself. He tore off some toilet papers and began to wipe his butt. He seems to have spent seven toilet papers, or about that amount. Then I turned away as he got off the toilet and put on his pants and briefs Then I went over and looked down the toilet. There were as many as fourteen poop! Timmy flushed the water, and everything was flushed away the first time. Then he washed his hands and we left the toilet.

In response to Iris

The letter from Iris, talking about the public toilets and how they are probably unavoidable, especially when traveling, is a standout. She used her eyes to stake a claim to the end stall in the large bathroom, even though several toilets nearer to her and probably the middle of the room were opening up with pretty good regularity. She stood her ground even when the line for the other toilets became horrific. Eventually, her end toilet opened, she flick some toilet paper into the water to deafen the peeing noise from her human faucet, and took her seat for the wee. But as her stream started someone jiggled the door latch. There went her confidence and it took her a 10-minute sit to get it to return.

Questions for everybody!

1) Would you rather hold your pee until the end of your trip OR brave the eyes of everyone seated on the flight or carriage as you waited for an opening in the back toilet? Why?

2) What would you say or do or anything if you are waiting toward the middle of a restroom for the end stall to open, when there are ample toilets open near you?

3) How do you handle being on a public toilet but being interrupted by someone trying, jiggling or messing with the privacy door? Why?

4) You walk into a large public toilet room with 10 or more open toilets, which will you take and why?

My answers to the above questions:

1) I would toss my bag onto the seat I want and then ASAP head to the carriage or plane's bathroom.

2) I would walk down the line to the toilet I wanted and I would stand in front of it waiting for it to open.

3) Younger kids who are unsupervised are the worst offenders. Even if the parent or babysitter is not using the bathroom, they should be standing immediately outside the toilet. This is the best deterrent I can think of.

4) When younger kids are involved, the end-toilets tend to be the most attractive to me. If I'm by myself, the middle toilet or first to become available is my selection.

To Iris:

Could you please inform us as to how much progress you have made on this issue. What works? What doesn't? How accommodating have your parents been?



HUGE satisfying poop 2 days after Christmas

Hi everyone. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy, healthy and warm. Hopefully everyone's Christmas or holidays were good. Mine was. Stayed home (my caregiver's) on Christmas since my family (mom, nephew and sisters) were all sick with something. We ate well on Christmas. On Boxing Day I went out with my dad (who lives in another town a while away from Toronto) for the rest of the morning and quite a bit of the afternoon. We had lunch at the mall and coffee. For dinner later after he brought me home my caregiver had made dinner for me. I was full. Today have eaten well for breakfast and lunch and about 10 minutes ago I felt the urge to poop after drinking warm water.

Went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, put the flip flops outside my room on, closed the door, turned on the light and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed out a lot of semi-solid thick poop, one big log that kept slithering out slowly. Finally I was done. Whew! Once I was sure I wasn't dripping, I stood up, turned around and looked in the toilet. WOW! This thing was thick, semi-solid and took up a lot of the toilet! Flushed and surprisingly it went down fine. When the toilet refilled I flushed again to be sure. Yup. Went carefully to the sink, turned on the tap, took the soap, ran it under water and rubbed the soap on my hands. Cleaned my butt with my soapy hands, rinsed my butt, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. That was a hell of a huge poop but it was much needed. I will drink more warm water during dinner (Sips. I can't drink too much or I'll get full), eat well during dinner and do my stretches and exercises afterwards and the rest should come out. Probably another beast. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



To John H

Thanks! I've used toilet paper since I moved here but it's only when she's out of toilet paper (she's 70 and she needs her 29 year old son or ex husband to take her to buy things like toilet paper, food, etc. She and her son drive). So I make do with what we have in the house. At times I like using soap but I mostly like toilet paper.

Princess Toadstool Peach

My response to Audrey

What gave you the idea to try it? I enjoy a bit of silliness sometimes with my friends that's why.

How did Rosalina and Zelda get involved? Believe it or not they weren't too into it. That is until I promised them a ice cream sandwich at Carl's Jr.

Doing it together with your friends? Uh no thanks I can be a bit too shy around other people that are not my best buddies. But look forward to another one soon and I'm inviting my new bestie Bethany Mild to join in with us. She's real cool!

Portia Sometimes Poos

Response To Petro

Hello all, I have been so busy with university that I have not been back here at all, but I guess with Christmas break I'll have time to type here and possibly share some more.
1. Was it difficult for you to push your poops out on that day you told me on page 3012 about (Pooping on a walk to my boyfriend's house)?
From what I recall on the day I talked about that was among the more difficult points I've made. I'm not sure how much of that was the nerves from doing it in the woods which made it hard or because the poo I made that day was of a more thicker consistency than others. Re-reading what I wrote made me recall that this particular poo changed in consistency from beginning to end. It started with a solid, knobby mass which I assume took some work to get out. But I feel that knobby mass must have acted as a dam for some looser stickier pieces that followed. However, they were not that loose given the effort needed to push them out.
2. Is it usually difficult for you to poop?
Mostly not I find that poop comes pretty easily from me. But the difficulty of completing a poo is pretty dependent on the consistency of the poo I produce each time.
3. As you are pooping, have you usually strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
Straining is not that common for me given the loose nature of my poos. Often it's finishing up my pooping which requires straining as I know there is still more within me. Also, while I am on the toilet I strain to both get the remaining poo and remaining pee from within me to complete my time on the toilet. I think it's more when my poo is on the thicker side of things which is harder to push from within me. The worst for me are small sticky chunks following the first log I passed which come out one at a time with pushing.
4. Do you fart before you start pooping?
Farts for me are often an early warning sign that I need to attend to the toilet soon. I am on the gassy side which is annoying for me (way more so to those who are close to me at the wrong time). There have been several times where I have sat on the toilet only to simply fart a good deal which may or may not be accompanied by the poo coming out.
5. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually pushed a lot before your first turd comes out? Are there sometimes cases where everything falls out at once?
Most of the time my first turd comes out with ease. I assume this is due to me going to poop when I am filled with it and so need to push less to get some of it out. Also, I would consider most of the poops I make to be on the loose side of poos, therefore they come out from me in a loose manner unlike if one was constipated. There have been many cases of very loose stools where once I sat down over the toilet and stopped holding it in there was nothing to stop the poo from flooding from my rear end and into the toilet below.
6. Do you always poop by yourself?
I assume this means without others watching then 100% yes, I have not had others watch me while I am in the act of pooing. On the other hand, I have been in many public toilets making number two all the while others come in and sit at stalls next to me. In those cases, I could easily hear (and sometimes even smell) them making number one or number two, and I can easily assume they could for me. At the same time, those cases give a certain anonymity to the act and there is little I can do to stop people from coming into the public toilet which I am using.
7. Do you usually poop as you feel you have to do it? Do you ever sit down on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Would you be able to poop in such a case?
I view my bathroom habits as reactive. Many times I am doing things while feeling a clear urge to poop, I often wait until I can't bear to hold it any longer and then I rush for a nearby toilet. I have had times though when I have sat on the toilet and tried to force a poo, those have been when my family is about to go on a long drive and my parents want to minimize bathroom breaks. In those cases it is not easy to poo, however, there have been times when with enough effort some small scraps of poo have been able to be produced but of an amount much less than my normal urge-based poo.
8. Do you like pooping? If you have to push a big poop out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it as a positive thing?
I guess since I'm here I like pooping which I think is clear to everyone reading this. The pleasure of pooping is from the release of tension that a large mass of poo in the abdomen creates. Since my bathroom habits leave me rushing to the nearest toilet that does stress me and sitting on the toilet and relieving myself (number one or number two) that stress going away is a positive. As for peeing and pooing outside that pleasure is coupled with the slight thrill of doing it outside while you expose some of your usually covered areas.
9. If you've pushed a big poop out, are you proud of it?
I think my pooping is pretty regular and as a result, my poos are rarely that big. Although there have been times when I have sat down and produced something which is downright impressive and looking down at it is surprising and gives me a tinge of pride in my bowels. Also, more poo inside of me means more pressure on the inside, so when that pressure is relieved I feel a greater sense of relief.
10. Have you ever had a situation where you sit down on the toilet and begin to push but you can't push your poop out? And had you situations as you had to push for a long time during your pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive them as a positive or a negative thing?
I have had situations like this, I believe they come from times when I had an upset stomach and felt that moving my bowels would solve it. At the same time, I did not have that much poo within me so it was very hard to push out what poo I held. Also, I have made poos where the poo is of a sticky consistency as a result those times often had some pieces fall out with effort but the rest of the poo I could feel in me was somehow stuck within, as a result, to get it all out required a good deal of pushing
These times are not what I like at all. The only thing worse is the messy poos that I occasionally make which I have to wipe so much to get clean.
11. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of peewee out, is it pleasant for you?
What I like most is the relief from the stress that having to pee places upon you. There is a tension inside which holding urine creates and the feeling when it breaks is wonderful. I don't think it's the amount but more urine inside of you would mean more stress to relieve.
12. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
I believe I have done it a few times. There have been one or more times where I have gone to the bathroom to pee and after I got up and finished peeing I realized that I had loosened poo inside of me. In those cases, I had to sit right back down on the toilet and poo. Also, I guess when you feel something inside of you but not much so you just want to get it over with while you're sitting on the toilet.
13. Do you make sometimes a buddy dump with somebody?
I feel nervous to poop if I think someone is watching me. I would feel so embarrassed if someone witnessed me make a dump outside and therefore I would not engage in some sort of buddy dump
14. Do you often poop outdoors?
I have pooped and peed outdoors many times. More so in the past when I have gone on walks in the woods and when I worked at various summer camps. Pooping outside is something to which I have familiarity with
15. I'd also like to ask you: do you live in the USA or UK?
United States
16. And may I ask you some questions about pooping in your childhood next time?
I guess why not, I might share some more stories soon anyway.


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone hope you all enjoy yourselves and also have some big poos from all the festive food I imagine a lot of households toilets will be getting some big loads dropped in them if there is any stories that would be great

I was having an important meeting at my uni so in the morning i decided to drink some coffee to keep me awake. Went to the university and started the class just before my meeting. I felt my ???? acting a bit and i had a huge urge to fart so i picked my stuff and went to the bathroom. Went in peed and farted. Felt relieved. But quite soon my stomach felt weird again. Went inside the bathroom again, farted loudly and had the most horrible mushy poop that was just coming out from me. As soon as i pooped i flushed to get rid of the smell. It went about three rounds of flushing, and pooping after what my stomach felt so much better. I was lucky to have wet wipes with me and some perfume so everything was nice and clean.


I'm pooping at a visit

Today I came to visit Timmy with a sleepover. We are good enough friends! Timmy and I played consoles all day, of course, we went to pee a few times, but in the late afternoon I wanted to poop. My stomach gurgling violently, and Timmy immediately looked at me. It's strange that over the sounds of the game he could hear my stomach gurgling!
"Do you really want gotta go to the bathroom?" Timmy asked. "If so, I'll wait for you."
I thanked him and went to the bathroom. Soon I went into the bathroom and locked the door. Timmy had a dark green toilet, and even the toilet paper was green. Pulling down my plaid pants and blue panties, I sat down on the toilet seat, and fidgeted a little on it, settling into the most comfortable position. Then I started pooping. At first I farted loudly, then I felt a big poop coming out of my ass with a cracking. I pushed, but the poop came out slowly, and it felt like it was getting bigger and bigger. Fortunately, soon the poop fell into the toilet. The splash was very loud and strong, it even splashed my ass a little bit. Then another poo started to come out. She was smaller and got out faster. I breathed a sigh of relief. I farted loudly, then I felt a long piece of feces coming out of my bottom. I had to push hard to pushed her out. I breathed a sigh of relief. I pushed, and defecated another long poop. After that, I wiped my ass with toilet paper, and only one piece of paper was enough! Pressing the flush lever, getting dressed and washing my hands, I left the toilet.

MD Dan

Amusing Post-Christmas Poop at the Starbucks

I hope everyone had a great holiday, if it was a holiday for you! If not, then I hope you had a great weekend!

My holiday was pretty good. At some good, rich food and had a few drinks. As a result of this, I needed to poop urgently on my way back into work this morning. I made my usual stop at the Starbucks. The two young and attractive Hispanic women were working today. One of them being the woman who always calls me by name and is very friendly to me, especially after I use the restroom. I'll call her Alicia. Normally I order ahead on my phone but today, I decided to wait until I arrived just in case I was going to be a while. I didn't want my drink sitting out for a long time getting cold. By the time I parked and walked in, I was very desperate. The two women smiles and said good morning, I returned the greeting, not slowing down and continuing to the restrooms in the back. They both looked over at their printer with a confused look because normally I would have submitted an order already. Before they could ask, I was already rounding the corner and headed into the restroom.

After taking a seat, I let out a small wet fart and pulled out my phone. As my poop started to slide out, I submitted the order. The first log finished sliding out and it was about a foot long and soft. Within 30 seconds I heard the two young women start to giggle and Alicia let out a short burst of laughter. I don't speak Spanish but I did recognize the word for bathroom and toilet being said by Alicia. I smiled at hearing that and knowing they were somewhat amused. There was absolutely no one else in the Starbucks so I guess they felt comfortable speaking out loud about it, probably unaware that I could hear them.

I let out another log, also about a foot long, and that was it. It took me several minutes to clean up though. In total, I spent about 4-5 minutes in the restroom. There were a few long skidmarks left in the bowl too. When I came out and up to the front to get my drink, both women were in a pretty amused state. The other one was grinning and trying not to let me see her grin. Alicia was just openly smiling at me. I grabbed my drink and she said, "Thanks, Dan! Have a great day!"

Anyway, that's all for now. Have a great day!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Hard taking a dump

I went to the bathroom to poop. I pulled down my underwear, sat down on the toilet, and pushed, but I couldn't poop. I pushed again and farted loudly. I pushed again. I began to strain and push, worried. What if I'm constipated? To tell the truth, I've never been constipated yet, but I didn't want to. I pushed a few times, and then I felt the poop coming out. She got half out of my ass, but she wouldn't go any further and I had to push again. I was farting loudly, pushing. After pushing for about three minutes, I defecated this poop and breathed a sigh of great relief. Fortunately, it was much easier to poop further. Soon I finished, wiped myself with toilet paper, flushed in the toilet, got dressed, washed my hands and left the toilet.

Hey all! Its been a bit, but this morning I was in the midst of an incredibly satisfying poop when my sweet wifey breezed in, and it made me reminisce about our first fully open pooping experience with each other….
We had been dating for a bit at this point. While we had seen each other on the toilet in passing (we're very open that way. Total open door policy), this was the first time I had the pleasure of witnessing the entire act start to finish. I had finished my shower, and was standing at the mirror beginning to apply my makeup. Gigi strolled into the bathroom in the nude ready for her shower, but then much to my delight headed first for the toilet! The way she pulled her cheeks wide apart as she mounted the seat definitely signaled a poop was incoming. A long airy fart escaped her butt to begin, then she sighed gently and a forceful crackling began. After a few moments, splash! Then immediately another crackle and another big plop. She then started a powerful stream of hissing pee, which lasted for at least 30 seconds. The stream subsided but she still remained perched on the toilet. I noticed she had went up on her tippy toes and was bearing down. I'm not sure what came over me, but in that moment I stopped what I was doing, and leaned over and gave her a sweet soft kiss and stroked her hair. The intimacy of the moment was both jarring and thrilling. As our lips were still pressed together one final large crackle and splash occurred.
I stood back up and went back to the mirror to continue with my makeup as Gigi leaned to her left to begin wiping. After several thorough swipes, she arose. I couldn't help myself but to look down, and observe three huge logs and her poop smeared toilet paper. Before she flushed, she casually stepped over to me and embraced me. I can't really begin to describe the unique thrill of this very private, very intimate moment. Experiencing that together…When you can feel total love and closeness with someone in what many would consider an embarrassing or gross moment, it is truly something special!
Nowadays, pooping together is totally the norm. When I'm on the toilet she'll sit on the tub across from me and kick her feet up on my lap for a massage while we chat. Sometimes we'll be a little risqué and raise our butts off the seat a few inches so we can watch our poops come out of each other. I know, we are a unique pair, but I'm sure plenty of you on this site get it! Our only regret is that we don't have side by side toilets so we can poop in unison. We do take the opportunity whenever possible to take adjoining stalls in public so we can crackle and plop together. We had such an experience at Target the other day with 2 (!) other poopers as well. Maybe that will be my next story….Merry Christmas everyone!


Very big soft poop

Got up around 8:30 this morning, went to the washroom, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a somewhat spicy soup with an egg, round tender vegetables (don't know what kind they are), pineapple, rice, etc. Took a while to eat then after breakfast I took my medications, put my notebook and pen in my Walmart bag, took that and my water jar and went downstairs. Stomach felt very full. Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door the majority of the way, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat down.

Peed first then pushed out a lot of soft poop. One big soft log. Finally it came out and laid in the toilet. No splat or splash. Whew. I got up a few seconds later and turned to look. Wow! This thing filled basically the entire toilet bowl! It was thick, dark and soft. Damn. I flushed the toilet and it went down no problem. Next I carefully went to the sink, turned on the tap, ran the soap under water and rubbed the soap on my hands, cleaning my butt that way. Rinsed my hands and my butt and washed my hands. Pulled my pants and underwear up and that's that. The bathroom stunk but it felt better to get that out of me. Went to my room, dried my hands on the towel and refilled and microwaved my water jar. Been taking slow sips every now and then to soften everything up but at the same time, not too much water at once (my caregiver has been telling me not to drink too much water at once since it can make me pee a lot and fill me up and not make me hungry at mealtimes. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Merry Christmas if you celebrate (I do) or Happy Holidays if you don't. Be safe, eat and drink well, be careful and don't drink and drive.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Nicole from Germany

Answering Petro's questions!

Merry Christmas! (us Germans celebrate on December 24th)

1. Is it difficult for you to poop?
ANSWER: most of the times, yes.
2. As you're pooping, have you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
ANSWER: I do. There are times it's going faster tho.
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
ANSWER: usually, yes.
4. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you to push a lot before your first turd comes out or does everything fall out at once?
ANSWER: yes, but once the first one is out - which is usually huge, the rest comesout more easily.
5. Do your always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories?
ANSWER: I do use laxatives, but only if I needed.
6. As you did your first poo several days later after giving birth to of your third kid in April, was it very difficult for you? Did you poop by yourself? Didn't you use enema or suppositories?
ANSWER: I did use a bit of a laxative, but not a whole lot.
7. Do you usually poop as you feel you have to do it? Do you ever sit down on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it Would you be able to poop in that case?
ANSWER: sometimes I do try to go without an urge, but generally, I'll not be able to poop by then.
8. Have you ever a situation as you sit down on the toilet for pooping and start pushing, but you can't push your poop out? And have you situations as you have to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive them as a positive or a negative thing?
ANSWER: yes, and I think it's negative.
9. As you were a little girl and your poos were large, was it difficult for you to push them out? Had you to strain a lot for doing them? And as your kids have large poos, is it difficult for them to push such poos out? Have they to strain a lot for doing them? (You mentioned about it on the page 3008.)
ANSWER: yes, it was difficult already. I wish not to comment on my children if you can live with that.
10. After you gave a birth to your kids, was it more difficult for you to poop or did it stay the same as it was before it?
ANSWER: more or less the same.
11. Do you like pooping? If you have to push a big poop out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
ANSWER: I do love it!
12. If you've pushed a big poop out, are you proud of it?
ANSWER: I'm not sure if pride is the right word, but I do enjoy it.
13. As you were pooping at your parents' place after being constipated for a week (you told about it on the page 3016), was it very difficult for you to push your turds out?
ANSWER: yes.
14. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
ANSWER: sometimes.
15. Do you ever make buddy dump with somebody now?
ANSWER: very rarely, but used to during my school days.
16. As you had a buddy dump with your sister (you told about it on the page 3015) did both of you comment your pooping? Had you to strain at those times for pushing your poop out or did everything fall out at once?
ANSWER: I did have to strain.
17. Why did you once poop inside a bucket as you were 9? Did your brother and your sister comment your pooping? And you?
ANSWER: we were playing on the farm, and I couldn't hold it. Yeah, my brother couldn't avoid looking, but back then, it was no big deal for me.
18. Do you ever poop in front of your kids? If you do, do they like to see your pooping? Do they comment your pooping? And you?
ANSWER: I wish not to comment on this.
19. Do you ever poop together with your kids?
ANSWER: same here.
20. Do you ever poop outdoors? And Did you ever poop outdoors in your childhood?
ANSWER: I did in my childhood, but now not anymore.
21. May I also ask you some questions about pooping in your childhood next time?
ANSWER: If you wish to.
22. Do you live in Germany now?
ANSWER: Always have.

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