
Portia Sometimes Poos

Response To Petro

Hello all, I have been so busy with university that I have not been back here at all, but I guess with Christmas break I'll have time to type here and possibly share some more.
1. Was it difficult for you to push your poops out on that day you told me on page 3012 about (Pooping on a walk to my boyfriend's house)?
From what I recall on the day I talked about that was among the more difficult points I've made. I'm not sure how much of that was the nerves from doing it in the woods which made it hard or because the poo I made that day was of a more thicker consistency than others. Re-reading what I wrote made me recall that this particular poo changed in consistency from beginning to end. It started with a solid, knobby mass which I assume took some work to get out. But I feel that knobby mass must have acted as a dam for some looser stickier pieces that followed. However, they were not that loose given the effort needed to push them out.
2. Is it usually difficult for you to poop?
Mostly not I find that poop comes pretty easily from me. But the difficulty of completing a poo is pretty dependent on the consistency of the poo I produce each time.
3. As you are pooping, have you usually strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
Straining is not that common for me given the loose nature of my poos. Often it's finishing up my pooping which requires straining as I know there is still more within me. Also, while I am on the toilet I strain to both get the remaining poo and remaining pee from within me to complete my time on the toilet. I think it's more when my poo is on the thicker side of things which is harder to push from within me. The worst for me are small sticky chunks following the first log I passed which come out one at a time with pushing.
4. Do you fart before you start pooping?
Farts for me are often an early warning sign that I need to attend to the toilet soon. I am on the gassy side which is annoying for me (way more so to those who are close to me at the wrong time). There have been several times where I have sat on the toilet only to simply fart a good deal which may or may not be accompanied by the poo coming out.
5. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually pushed a lot before your first turd comes out? Are there sometimes cases where everything falls out at once?
Most of the time my first turd comes out with ease. I assume this is due to me going to poop when I am filled with it and so need to push less to get some of it out. Also, I would consider most of the poops I make to be on the loose side of poos, therefore they come out from me in a loose manner unlike if one was constipated. There have been many cases of very loose stools where once I sat down over the toilet and stopped holding it in there was nothing to stop the poo from flooding from my rear end and into the toilet below.
6. Do you always poop by yourself?
I assume this means without others watching then 100% yes, I have not had others watch me while I am in the act of pooing. On the other hand, I have been in many public toilets making number two all the while others come in and sit at stalls next to me. In those cases, I could easily hear (and sometimes even smell) them making number one or number two, and I can easily assume they could for me. At the same time, those cases give a certain anonymity to the act and there is little I can do to stop people from coming into the public toilet which I am using.
7. Do you usually poop as you feel you have to do it? Do you ever sit down on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Would you be able to poop in such a case?
I view my bathroom habits as reactive. Many times I am doing things while feeling a clear urge to poop, I often wait until I can't bear to hold it any longer and then I rush for a nearby toilet. I have had times though when I have sat on the toilet and tried to force a poo, those have been when my family is about to go on a long drive and my parents want to minimize bathroom breaks. In those cases it is not easy to poo, however, there have been times when with enough effort some small scraps of poo have been able to be produced but of an amount much less than my normal urge-based poo.
8. Do you like pooping? If you have to push a big poop out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it as a positive thing?
I guess since I'm here I like pooping which I think is clear to everyone reading this. The pleasure of pooping is from the release of tension that a large mass of poo in the abdomen creates. Since my bathroom habits leave me rushing to the nearest toilet that does stress me and sitting on the toilet and relieving myself (number one or number two) that stress going away is a positive. As for peeing and pooing outside that pleasure is coupled with the slight thrill of doing it outside while you expose some of your usually covered areas.
9. If you've pushed a big poop out, are you proud of it?
I think my pooping is pretty regular and as a result, my poos are rarely that big. Although there have been times when I have sat down and produced something which is downright impressive and looking down at it is surprising and gives me a tinge of pride in my bowels. Also, more poo inside of me means more pressure on the inside, so when that pressure is relieved I feel a greater sense of relief.
10. Have you ever had a situation where you sit down on the toilet and begin to push but you can't push your poop out? And had you situations as you had to push for a long time during your pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive them as a positive or a negative thing?
I have had situations like this, I believe they come from times when I had an upset stomach and felt that moving my bowels would solve it. At the same time, I did not have that much poo within me so it was very hard to push out what poo I held. Also, I have made poos where the poo is of a sticky consistency as a result those times often had some pieces fall out with effort but the rest of the poo I could feel in me was somehow stuck within, as a result, to get it all out required a good deal of pushing
These times are not what I like at all. The only thing worse is the messy poos that I occasionally make which I have to wipe so much to get clean.
11. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of peewee out, is it pleasant for you?
What I like most is the relief from the stress that having to pee places upon you. There is a tension inside which holding urine creates and the feeling when it breaks is wonderful. I don't think it's the amount but more urine inside of you would mean more stress to relieve.
12. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
I believe I have done it a few times. There have been one or more times where I have gone to the bathroom to pee and after I got up and finished peeing I realized that I had loosened poo inside of me. In those cases, I had to sit right back down on the toilet and poo. Also, I guess when you feel something inside of you but not much so you just want to get it over with while you're sitting on the toilet.
13. Do you make sometimes a buddy dump with somebody?
I feel nervous to poop if I think someone is watching me. I would feel so embarrassed if someone witnessed me make a dump outside and therefore I would not engage in some sort of buddy dump
14. Do you often poop outdoors?
I have pooped and peed outdoors many times. More so in the past when I have gone on walks in the woods and when I worked at various summer camps. Pooping outside is something to which I have familiarity with
15. I'd also like to ask you: do you live in the USA or UK?
United States
16. And may I ask you some questions about pooping in your childhood next time?
I guess why not, I might share some more stories soon anyway.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Babysitting and potty training Baby Peach

Princess Toadstool Peach: Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And today I am babysitting little Baby Peach and potty training her. Since she is old enough to use one. I have to admit though she was a bit stubborn getting out of nappies but I reassured her it's alright. In case she needed to wee-wee or poopoo she had to remove her fresh Huggies pull up I picked out for her, sit on her potty (the nice shiny white one I picked out for her) and then poo or wee into it. Baby Peach was a little unsure but she decided to give her potty a try so I took off her pull up and sat down beside her. She sits and she sat and tried hard to go but however nothing happened and the potty was empty! But I didn't worry too much. She was very young. She listened to a nice story all about potty training I taught her she even saw me sit on the toilet panties down to my ankles weeing and pooing so she'll know what to do when she grows up. Later on we went shopping for my boyfriend she accidentally made a huge puddle on the floor but it was OK she was still only learning. When we left the shops she said to me 'Peach I have to do a poo!' Oh dear and I left her potty at home so I took her behind a tree, removed her Huggies pull up and told her to squat down low near the green grass and the tree. She did and then she started screaming thinking her poo was a big snake. But I reassured her 'That's not a snake you silly goose! That's just your poo coming out of your bottom.' At that very moment she calmed down and then she finally pooed a smelly long swirly brown pile into the grass. I pulled out some clean flushable wipes and wiped her bottom with them. Then I used the wipes to put the poo into the bin and then we drove home. As soon as we got home again Baby Peach needed a nap and so did I! It had been a rough day for the both of us. Until after our nap I felt Baby Peach's pull up to make sure it was dry. But unfortunately it wasn't it was wet, heavy and very bulgy so I changed it. And then I read her a story. Until she said 'Poo!' I thought she was talking about the book I was reading 'the Story of the Little Mole who Knew it was None of his Business' but she really had to make a poo. So I quickly zipped over to the bathroom, grabbed her potty, brought it to her, Removed her Huggies pull up and sat her down on it. Her face turned bright red and so did her cheeks as she pushed and squeezed. I was worried that she didn't really have to go. But soon I heard a loud 'PLUNK PLOOP PLOP!!" I looked inside her potty and saw that she done a pile of big poos inside it. Then she sat down again. 'But Baby Peach I thought you had to poo.' I asked. She then said to me 'Wee!' And then she tinkled into her potty a big puddle. I was so proud of her I almost cried tears of joy seeing her be so grown up potty training herself. It's amazing how she picks up from me! Well I'll see you guys soonish and maybe I'll tell you about 'the Story of the Little Mole who Knew it was None of his Business' that day you never know. Bye bye now!


2 HUGE poops today

Hi everyone. I did a huge poo earlier today and about 5 minutes ago I felt another major urge to poop so I took my bedroom flip flops off, left them against the wall near the door, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put on those flip flops, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. First peed for about 30 seconds then pushed out a lot of semi-solid thick poop, one big log that kept coming. Finally the last of it came out and laid in the toilet. One big thick log that came out without a thump or splash. Waited until I was sure I wasn't dripping pee, then stood, turned around and looked in the toilet. WOW! This took up the majority of the toilet bowl, was thick, dark and solid. Didn't hurt coming out though. Was just one big easy thick solid poop. No ouch, no straining. Flushed the toilet and the beast was gone (second big poop today!) Took a piece of soap, turned on the tap, ran the soap under water, rubbed it between my hands and started cleaning my butt once my hands were soapy. Rinsed my butt after it was clean, cleaned the sink, washed my hands and pulled my pants and underwear up. Whew. 2nd beast out today! Left the washroom, turned off the light, went to my room, took the flip flops outside my room off, went into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands and now writing this (I have and want to write these stories and write it in my notebook otherwise I will forget. The stroke and brain surgery affected my memory somewhat so I need to write down the date, time and what I was doing at each time). Oh well :) I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy. Please be careful and the new year is almost here already!

Happy peeing and pooping!


Princess Toadstool Peach

Peach to Petro

About your post on the page 3000:
Did you go on the toilet because you felt an urge for pooping or did you sit down there simply for trying to poop without an urge for it? I don't even know myself.

Was it very difficult for you to push your BMs out? Oh yes it's amazing how a step stool works wonders.

About your post on the page 3010:
Was it very difficult for you to push your poo out on that day? Yes but with the help of my footstool I felt better.

About your post on the page 3014:
Was it difficult for you to take your dumps on that day? Sometimes.
Had you to strain a lot by that pooping for pushing your poopoos out? A little but I try not to worry about it.

And some more questions:
1. Is it usually difficult for you to poop? Most of the time but I don't mind.
2. As you are pooping, have you usually to strain a lot for pushing your poop out? Well maybe a little.
3. Do you fart before you start pooping? Sometimes if I had corn or beans for my dinner
4. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually to push a lot before your first turd comes out? No of course not. Are there sometimes cases as everything falls out at once? Yes
5. Do you always poop by yourself? Not always sometimes I do it with my friends like Bethany Mild, Princess Zelda and Princess Rosalina
6. Do you usually poop as you feel you have to do it? Yes I do

Do you ever sit down on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Of course

Would you be able to poop in such case? Perhaps if I feel like it

7. Do you like pooping? Oh yes bathroom time is my favourite part of the day.

If you have to push a big poop out, is it pleasant for you? Oh yeah feels so relaxing.

Do you take it for a positive thing? Of course.

8. If you've pushed a big poop out, are you proud of it? Oh yes I often feel proud after pooing.

9. Have you ever a situation as you sit down on the toilet and begin to push but you can't push your poop out? Somedays but other times it just happens perfectly well. And had you situations as you had to push for a long time during your pooping? No not really.

If you had such situations, did you perceive them as a positive or a negative thing? Postitively negative!

10. Do you like peeing? Oh yes If you pee a lot of peewee out, is it pleasant for you? Weeing is pretty fun especially hearing yourself do so.

11. Do you ever try to poop after peeing? Sometimes I do other times I cannot.

12. Do you make sometimes a buddy dump with somebody? Oh yes I do them with Rosalina, Zelda and Bethany Mild.

13. Do you ever poop outdoors? Oh yes I love defecating and urinating in the bushes.

14. I'd also like to ask you: do you live in USA or in UK? That's confidential my friend but I live in the Mushroom Kingdom before I moved to some place called Toyland! 😂

15. And may I to ask you some questions about pooping in your childhood next time? Sure I would love to share them.


"Was it hard to hold and did Steve know you were holding for him or was it a surprise?"

I REALLY needed to go when I did! Huge relief to let it go, plus I like knowing my hubby is happy.

I told him we'd have a nice evening and that I'd poop for him. (I poop in front of him 3-5 times a week anyways. He was surprised at how big it was. It was one of the bigger poops I've taken lately. Very rarely do I hold it for more than 24 hours.

Do you have a SO? Do you share poop time with them?

Love you all!


Gotta answer some of these surveys... I'll get on that this weekend.

I had a big lunch today... in 3-4 hours I'm sure I'll be enjoying a nice big dump. Hubby will be home to watch.

MD Dan

Amusing Post-Christmas Poop at the Starbucks

I hope everyone had a great holiday, if it was a holiday for you! If not, then I hope you had a great weekend!

My holiday was pretty good. At some good, rich food and had a few drinks. As a result of this, I needed to poop urgently on my way back into work this morning. I made my usual stop at the Starbucks. The two young and attractive Hispanic women were working today. One of them being the woman who always calls me by name and is very friendly to me, especially after I use the restroom. I'll call her Alicia. Normally I order ahead on my phone but today, I decided to wait until I arrived just in case I was going to be a while. I didn't want my drink sitting out for a long time getting cold. By the time I parked and walked in, I was very desperate. The two women smiles and said good morning, I returned the greeting, not slowing down and continuing to the restrooms in the back. They both looked over at their printer with a confused look because normally I would have submitted an order already. Before they could ask, I was already rounding the corner and headed into the restroom.

After taking a seat, I let out a small wet fart and pulled out my phone. As my poop started to slide out, I submitted the order. The first log finished sliding out and it was about a foot long and soft. Within 30 seconds I heard the two young women start to giggle and Alicia let out a short burst of laughter. I don't speak Spanish but I did recognize the word for bathroom and toilet being said by Alicia. I smiled at hearing that and knowing they were somewhat amused. There was absolutely no one else in the Starbucks so I guess they felt comfortable speaking out loud about it, probably unaware that I could hear them.

I let out another log, also about a foot long, and that was it. It took me several minutes to clean up though. In total, I spent about 4-5 minutes in the restroom. There were a few long skidmarks left in the bowl too. When I came out and up to the front to get my drink, both women were in a pretty amused state. The other one was grinning and trying not to let me see her grin. Alicia was just openly smiling at me. I grabbed my drink and she said, "Thanks, Dan! Have a great day!"

Anyway, that's all for now. Have a great day!

Princess Toadstool Peach

My response to Audrey

What gave you the idea to try it? I enjoy a bit of silliness sometimes with my friends that's why.

How did Rosalina and Zelda get involved? Believe it or not they weren't too into it. That is until I promised them a ice cream sandwich at Carl's Jr.

Doing it together with your friends? Uh no thanks I can be a bit too shy around other people that are not my best buddies. But look forward to another one soon and I'm inviting my new bestie Bethany Mild to join in with us. She's real cool!


HUGE satisfying poop 2 days after Christmas

Hi everyone. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy, healthy and warm. Hopefully everyone's Christmas or holidays were good. Mine was. Stayed home (my caregiver's) on Christmas since my family (mom, nephew and sisters) were all sick with something. We ate well on Christmas. On Boxing Day I went out with my dad (who lives in another town a while away from Toronto) for the rest of the morning and quite a bit of the afternoon. We had lunch at the mall and coffee. For dinner later after he brought me home my caregiver had made dinner for me. I was full. Today have eaten well for breakfast and lunch and about 10 minutes ago I felt the urge to poop after drinking warm water.

Went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, put the flip flops outside my room on, closed the door, turned on the light and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed out a lot of semi-solid thick poop, one big log that kept slithering out slowly. Finally I was done. Whew! Once I was sure I wasn't dripping, I stood up, turned around and looked in the toilet. WOW! This thing was thick, semi-solid and took up a lot of the toilet! Flushed and surprisingly it went down fine. When the toilet refilled I flushed again to be sure. Yup. Went carefully to the sink, turned on the tap, took the soap, ran it under water and rubbed the soap on my hands. Cleaned my butt with my soapy hands, rinsed my butt, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. That was a hell of a huge poop but it was much needed. I will drink more warm water during dinner (Sips. I can't drink too much or I'll get full), eat well during dinner and do my stretches and exercises afterwards and the rest should come out. Probably another beast. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



End of year survey

I thought it would be fun to post and end of year survey for those who'd like to participate. It should be interesting to see in what ways we are the same or different.

1) How many times per day do you usually poop?


2) What time each day do you usually poop?


3) After you finish pooping do you wipe standing up or sitting down?


4) If you wipe while seated, do you wipe from front to back OR back to front?


5) How long does it usually take you to have a bowel movement?


6) When you were in elementary school how many times per week did you poop at school?


7) Have you ever pooped in a stall with no privacy door? Where was this at?


8) Do you poop with the bathroom door open or closed when going at home?



Pooping at work

Dear all and a happy New Year!
I have mentioned it before, but I have two long-term staffing members who have never taken a poo at work, at least while I have been there, or if they have, they are very fast.
One of the staff members now has her daughter working for us, and she disappeared to the toilet for awhile, quite some minutes she was not in because she came down with diarrhoea. On that basis, I think she was having a poo.
A few weeks ago, I had to go out to see a client And the management team consist of two young women, and we had a lunch of sandwiches and that trigger off my bowels, and I then had to go to the unisex toilet and drop my load. The next day we had lunch again, and I had to depart for the toilet and evacuate, and half an hour later, I was back again doing the same, I seemed to have a good clean out.
I was at a customer and I have one only in their factory and whilst it has a door, there is no lock or anything so I decided to have a wee at some point as I had the toilet. The owners wife yelled out I'm in here.!
Another customer I go to may be a few days a year. They have a nice young staff member who seems to use the toilet mid-morning. She is in there for a little while between 5 to maybe 10 minutes or more. I went to the toilet straight after her Without trying to make it obvious . I walked in, and the air was very noticeable that she had had a big movement. I sat on the toilet seat, and it was lovely and warm, and I open my bowels and it all came.
As to my public toilets, which I use on the way to work or between customers hardly anybody use the same and particularly women. This year, I don't think there was barely a woman attended the toilets when I was there, and if so, would only be a wee.
We will see what happens next year.
My New Year's resolution is to post a little more regularly in 2024.

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