
Monday, January 08, 2024


A shower piss

The other day when I was about to take a shower, I really had to pee. I decided to wait until I was in the shower, and do it there.

I got into the shower and under the water. Then I faced the front of the shower, set my legs apart, bent my knees a bit, and began to relieve my bladder. Sometimes when I pee in the shower, I can aim my stream down the drain. This time, a bit of it got down the drain, but a lot of it got onto the bathtub tap.

I continued pissing all over the tap until my bladder was empty. I washed the tap after that, and continued with my shower.

It felt so good to have a good piss like that.

To Marie
Hi, I hope everything is going well for the queen of naughty pottying, after I shit and pissed on that bench I recall you mentioned doing something of that nature, using a bench as a potty spot, do you have any stories to relate or recommendations for how to best potty on one?

Princess Toadstool Peach

A Big Potty BM Poo Dump goes a Long Way

Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And today I already ate a whole 100% bunch of fibre, wheat and protein so I am already looking forward to making a big poo after I digested the whole entire thing. But I just remembered that my toilet is getting fixed today after my good best friend Princes Rosalina used it! (She had quite a sickness) so I guess I will have to use one of the plastic and thankfully clean plastic potties from our pooing challenges together. It's like someone told me named Audrey. Once you go naughty potty, you can never go back! So true indeed my friend! I get out one of the potties a white plastic one will do, lift up my dress, pull down my panties down to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle then finally sit myself down I hope to fill up this entire potty from the top to the bottom. Once I adjusted myself I pushed out my poo but no luck. It's amazing how a nice big footstool comes in handy! I rest both feet on the footstool so I can do my most royal of business in the shape of a squat so it can enter the pot. (Hey that rhymes!) Anyway I push again and I feel something peeking out of my behind a huge thick lumpy 5 inch big poo along with it's friends. Here goes! (PLUNK PLOOP PLOP!!) Ahhh that feels so good to release that large massive solid dump and in a potty no less. I usually read a newspaper or magazine while I continue on releasing my massive bowels hoping to fill it up as much as possible. Then finally I relax and start to feel my bladder tingle so I open up my vagina floodgates and then I start to wee smiling to myself letting it all tinkle and flow into the potty "TSSSSSSSSsssshhhh!" Then after I finish peeing I finish up with my pooing with some loud grunts and breaking wind. Then I'm all done! I use flushable wipes for my bladder vagina right between my legs and I use toilet paper for my bottom front to back. Then after I break wind one last time I get up, pull my panties up, and lift down my dress and look inside my potty. My oh my! There seems to be a lot of wee and a whole bunch of solid poos in there too I must admit I did manage to fill it up like I said I did! Now if you excuse me I'm going to flush this solid and liquid waste down the toilet. Until then enjoy your poo poos and wee wees. Bye bye now!

PJ (He/Him)

Embarrassing moments and response

To Jenny

To my fellow skidders- regular or infrequent. Do you think your skidmarks are a result of wiping, not being able to hold a poop in or frequent farting?
-My wife farts all the time around me, which is funny because she is a prestigious academic physician, smart and heart of golf, and I have memories of her and I ripping wet sounding farts and laughing. She is farted in a white thong and the panty was super clean when removed. But when she poops at work or the gym, that's when she gets her skids. I wear dark underwear, but I feel a little stickier when I poop in a public restroom. I have no recent experience "prairie dogging. "and leaving a mark on my underwear from failing to hold back a poop. M wife an I have both pooped our pants from food poisoning, but I don't count that as a skid mark, I count that as an accident. Also she was wearing a thong and I was wearing loose boxers so underwear was not the only mess. My wife even got some poo on her shoes...

Does anyone else feel like the urge to poop is stronger when its cold?- Yes and its softer or more diarrhea like on the Bristol stool scale=.

Embarassing Moments Survey
1. Have you ever been walked in on while you were sitting on the toilet?
-My wife an I poop with the door open so we walk in on each other all the time

2. Have you ever used the toilet in a toilet lacking privacy (ie, no doors on the stalls)?
-High school football and track come to mind. I was never alone, there was always two or three of us blowing up a toilet in the locker room stalls with no doors.

3. Have you ever had a friend or family member accompany you while you used the toilet in full view of them?
-See question one

4. What would you find more embarrassing: being seen naked, or being seen sitting on the toilet with your pants around your ankles? Why?
-Both, I poop with my pants up to my knees if I think I will be seen. Pants around ankles are very vulnerable. My wife poops with her panties around her ankles and I have shared with her she looks kinda of hot that way even though her buns are dirty

5. Have you ever had a bathroom accident and been noticed/caught by someone?
-Yes..My wife and I got food poisoning ..we might hvve also been drunk too as we were on vacation. We both had to throw away our pants let alone our underwear

Princess Toadstool Peach

The Sunny Morning I need a big poo and a little wee too!

Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And today I just got up from my deep sleep ready to wake up and face the world again removing my nightcap. But 1st as all princesses must do I must go and do my royal business in the bathroom planning to do a big poo and then maybe a wee as well. I make my way to the bathroom I close the door shut and turn on the lights then I walk over to my toilet, lift up the toilet lid, lift up my dress, pull down my panties to my ankles as my bladder tingles, give my bottom a little wiggle and finally sit down on the toilet adjusting myself. So I sat, relaxed and let my dapper vagina floodgates open up and flow out my wee. "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssshhhhhh dripdrip!!" Next it is time for me to poo I put my feet on a footstool squatting so it would enter the pot easier and then rub my pubes a little until I feel my bowels growing stronger and hot gas builds up inside me and then I start to do a big poo that is lumpy and 5 inches thick! I push that nugget out of my open bottom buns until it lands with a big splash almost leaving a skitmark whatever that is. I just love it when I pooed out a big log like that as well as it's other ones. "PLOP PLOOP PLUNK SPLASH!!!" Until finally after all that sitting, weeing, squatting and pooing I completely nearly filled up the entire toilet. Time to wipe! I stand up and wipe my vagina between my legs clean with silky soft toilet paper and fresh clean flushable wipes same for my bottom front to back. Then after wiping with three squares I yank up my panties, lift down my dress and then I peer down at my mess briefly and flush the toilet as it all goes down perfectly. Then I wash my hands with liquid soap and warm water. I cannot wait for the next time I need to go again! Speak to you soon. Bye bye now!


End of Year Survey

Q1) How many times per day do you usually poop?

A) Between 1 and 3 times, sometimes none at all

Q2) What time each day do you usually poop?

A) Lately around midnight, although it can be pretty random throughout the day.

Q3) After you finish pooping do you wipe standing up or sitting down?

A) I usually wipe my pee off sitting, and then stand up to wipe my butt.

Q4) If you wipe while seated, do you wipe from front to back OR back to front?

A) Front to back 100% of the time.

Q5) How long does it usually take you to have a bowel movement?

A) Without my phone, 5 minutes. With my phone, 15 minutes.

Q6) When you were in elementary school how many times per week did you poop at school?

A) Never.

Q7) Have you ever pooped in a stall with no privacy door? Where was this at?

A) No, never.

Q8) Do you poop with the bathroom door open or closed when going at home?

A) When I lived alone I would poop with the door open, but living with other people I keep the bathroom door closed.

Sorry I'm so boring lol

Happy new year

Anna from Austria

First skidmarks of 2024

Last monday I went for a skeeing trip with my friends. It was nice but at some point after lunch I had to use the bathroom rather quickly. Luckily I could find a "bathroom" rather quick. It was not modern bathroom but a very old fashioned outhouse toilet. I am not fan such toilets to be honest but using such thing is still bette than pooping outside. So took my ski and went into toilet. The toilet was not smelling that bad due the cold temperature.

I took of my skiing clothes and squatted over the toilet. As soon as my butt was hoovering over the "hole" my anus started to open almost on it's own and I after load fart a big turd fell into the hole with load splash. Then I did another smaller turd and then I peed. Then I noticed in horror that there was no toilet paper.

I had some tempo with me (Tempo is brand now similar to Kleenex in the US). i cleaned my behind as good as I can with the few tempo I had but it was afraid it was not enough. So I decided to call my friends on their cell phone (they were not with me while I had my toilet emeregency) that I am tired already and going back to our hotel room.

I did not like the though the walk around with potential dirty behind for some hours.

After I reached my hotel room I checked my white panties and I my gut feeling was right. I had not enough cleaning stuff for my very soft poop and there was a big brown skidmark on the backside of my panties. It was that bad that I had to throw them away.

During my next skiing trip I will always make sure to bring enough paper towels with me.

greetings from Austria


My Most Memorable Poop of 2023

This was my most memorable poop of the past year. I'm going to need a lot of money to attend a private college next year. And I was doing 2 or 3 child care gigs a week in June. Tia and Mia were 7 year old twins who were difficult to handle because they fought a lot. Also, their mom tended bar so they stayed over with me a couple of nights a week. Mom would text me sometimes with a 30 minute notice to come and get them because she had to go into work.

So one June gig with them went for a full three days because their mom got sick and needed to dry out. I was making progress teaching them to ride their bikes and giving them some confidence I think in shooting baskets at the park. That morning they were messing around in the bathroom of their apartment. I had taken a laxative to get rid of a 3-day crap. With all the bathroom commotion I wasn't about to upset them by kicking them out. Twice Tia and Mia started fighting over something dumb like Mia was hogging the toilet, so Tia pushed her off, causing her to pee on the floor. I know it was wrong but I just said F-it and I would hold my crap for the half hour or so that we used to ride over to the park.

This was not a crap I should have been holding back. It was the kind of crap that once or twice a semester that caused me to raise my hand in class and ask permission to be excused for the bathroom for. I would have even served a detention under such desperation. Tia tried to jump a curb with her bike and crashed onto Mia. Taking care of that further excited my bowels and I realized I had made a dumb decision to wear white cut offs. Too late to do anything now. We had about 3 blocks more to go, including waiting for a light at a 6-lane intersection. It was all I could do to restrain the twins on the curb. My crap was ready to blast out and they were kicking each other's bikes.

When we got to the park trail and we walked our bikes around a smelly drain sewer, the girls exchanged insults about who had the smelliest craps. I leveled with them that we had to get over to the potty building because they hadn't let me take my crap yet. They just looked at each other and laughed. Mia used a bad word and I didn't have the energy to correct her. I just needed to throw myself onto a toilet and blast away.
We finally got to some more level ground where I mounted my bike and showed them how riding in a standing position could get us faster over to the bathroom building. I led and luckily they followed me. This was a bathroom building that we had not used before, although the layout was pretty much the same as the others. Tia rode but Mia walked her bike to to doorway of the shabby building.

This bathroom was as gross or perhaps more gross than the two others we had used at the park. Against one side were the two toilets. Each was right out in the open. No privacy whatever. One had a seat that was probably a third larger than it should have been so it only loosely fit the bowl. The bowl was beyond stained and the connection to the wall was leaking badly. The button on my white cut off was stuck in its slot and I all but bloodied my right thumb ripping at it to get it to drop. I was sweating profusely when I finally got my clothing onto the floor. I quickly occupied the horrific seat that was so awkward for me because of its mismatched size. With my butt on the seat and my sweat glands working overtime, what seemed like a bowling ball was tearing at my gut. I didn't want to cry out in pain in front of the girls because they were somewhat occupied. Tia was fingering and looking at a hole in the wall where that once housed a sink. She kept asking me what happened to the sink. While Mia was watching me she thrust herself up on the other toilet and I could hear a tinkle going into the bowl. I'm certain she was at least a little grossed out by the conditions, although she and her sister took off with the insults again.

As I sat on that filthy toilet and the explosive pain in my gut increased, I stepped down off the toilet and reseated myself in another position. With all of my might and a few muffled words that I shouldn't have used, within a minute the final explosion came. Ever so slowly I started about a minute-long push of pain to get the main even out. The girls could see I was in pain and they showed some alarm. I spread my legs as wide as I could, used my feet to kick my cut-offs off and out from my shoes, and the widest turd I had ever produced, emerged from me. In width it was much larger than a stapler and it was about twice as long. I looked between my legs and saw a couple streaks of blood. I had expected a lot worse.

When Mia and Tia couldn't find any toilet paper in the room, I asked them to call in, and if no one answered, to go into the guys toilets next door. Luckily Mia found some she said was still half on the roll on the floor, but I knew I could use it for my cleaning. I was just thankful that no guy had walked in while they were in there. I wiped from he sitting position because my feet were still shaking a bit, although my pain wasn't letting up. Each wipe hurt me, although I knew it was for my own good. I think the wipe took at least 15 minutes. I could hear others unpacking stuff in the picnic area just on the other side of the wall. I didn't ride my bike the rest of the morning. I laid out on a picnic table in the sun while the girls played nearby. That was obviously he largest crap my 16-year-old body had produced. Why the laxative I had taken didn't help me more I'll never know.


Responses and ADHD

Thanks to everyone who responded to my question about parents causing accidents.

To Nytecat - I wouldn't say my parents were cruel, I think they just made a bad judgement call after a long day. I also had some accidents later than other children, due to my ADHD and sometimes being so focused that I'd not really clock how badly I had to go until an accident had already begun. My parents were sympathetic to that, so perhaps me making a loud noise about needing to go meant they didn't take it as seriously since when I did have accidents, they were unannounced.

To Chris - thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only one!

To John H: Thank you, that particular scenario did not repeat!

As mentioned above, I had occasional accidents in childhood (and adulthood, until one particularly grim accident that changed everything) due to ADHD and putting off/not noticing my need due to hyperfocus. I wonder if anyone else had this? I knew I had to go, but would be so in my head that I'd miss the increasingly urgent signs until it was too late. Eventually, I could recognize a particular feeling in my ???? which meant my poop was starting to come out or my bladder was toast. I may post the story about what eventually happened that prompted me to take it all more seriously another time.

actually VioletIndigo

It's called Poseidon's kiss. Like, the god of seas kiss your ass.

Wednesday, January 03, 2024


Very soft easy poop

Had a breakfast with lots of fruit (bananas, apples in a spicy ish soup) and a spicy salad with broccoli, lettuce or cabbage, chili powder on top and fries with hot sauce, mayonnaise (yuck) on it. Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, put on those flip flops, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and black underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a lot of soft poop (probably helped because of the fruit, salad and water). I was done within about 30 seconds to a minute. Phew! Second time I have pooped today. Once I was sure I was done and not dripping I stood up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! Another big poop that took up most of the toilet! Very soft log. Damn. Flushed the toilet, walked to the sink carefully, turned on the water, took some soap and cleaned my butt. Rinsed when I was clean and pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Happy New Year to everyone, be safe, happy and healthy. Let's make 2024 great!

Happy peeing and pooping!



Survey and Napoleon's Kiss

Q1: Have you ever been walked in on while you were sitting on the toilet?

A: Only once that I can remember. I was peeing at my family's Christmas party last week, sitting on the toilet, and my cousin's 8 year old boy opened the door. I was not embarrassed. I don't think the lock was working on the door.

Q2. Have you ever used the toilet in a toilet lacking privacy (ie, no doors on the stalls)?

A: No, surprisingly.

Q3. Have you ever had a friend or family member accompany you while you used the toilet in full view of them?

A: Not since I was a little girl, no. My mom would accompany me to the bathroom as a toddler but that stopped after I got a little older.

Q4. What would you find more embarrassing: being seen naked, or being seen sitting on the toilet with your pants around your ankles? Why?

Probably being seen sitting on the toilet with my pants around my ankles, but it would really depend on the context.

Q5. Have you ever had a bathroom accident and been noticed/caught by someone?

No, never. I'm boring lol


For years, my turds would be long and thick and would not cause splashes. For the past few months, they have tended to be hard and round little balls that almost always cause splashback - my butt and sometimes my vag gets splashed with water. I even think I got a UTI as a result of the splashing. I learned that when poop hits toilet water and causes splashing on the butt/thighs/junk, it is called Napoleon's Kiss. It's gross at home, but it's even grosser in public bathrooms. To combat it, I've been putting paper on top of the water before I poop to try to minimize the splashing and it has helped. Do any of you struggle with Napoleon's Kiss and if so how do you deal with it?


What a morning

I went for a run today, and between the 47 degree temperature , my run and my coffee, I had to poop stat! ( Does anyone else feel like the urge to poop is stronger when its cold?) I could have made it to my usual starbuck, but I was right next to a public restroom on ???? ????. The restroom was filthy and it was a metal toilet with basically no toiler seat. I basically squatted over this toilet. If I had just made it to the Starbucks, this would have been such a pleasant feeling poop, but I was kind getting grossed out. At least I was done quickly. This was a messy poop, but I think squatting spread my cheeks so its not as messy as it could have been if I was sitting. I noticed there was barely three squares, so I was debating where to even bother with wiping I decided to wipe and I got a little poop on my hand!
I pulled up my Christmas green and red cotton thong and tights and attempted to wash my hand. No soap and the water was freezing cold ! I rinsed to poop on my hand. I shook my hands to attempt to dry ( no towels). When I got out of the bathroom, I took my phone out and dropped it and cracked my iPhone. I tried to get home briskly to move on with my day. Skidmarks were not visible but my buns feel chaufed... I'm ready for the new year...

What was everyone's best, worst or most memorable poop of 2023. This was my worse. I'l think about my best and post later. Gotta find a phone repair place open today!

-Skidmarked in Seattle

Princess Toadstool Peach

Going for a nice big BM/peewee tinkle before bedtime

YAAAAAWNNN!!! Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And today I am so sleepy getting ready for bed but 1st of all I must go to the bathroom to the toilet. Time for a wee or maybe a poo! I light a candle and then head upstairs to the tallest tower where my bedroom and my bathroom is. As I make my way to the bathroom I close the door shut and turn on the lights then I walk over to my toilet, lift up the toilet lid, lift up my dress, pull down my panties to my ankles as my bladder tingles, give my bottom a little wiggle and finally sit down on the toilet adjusting myself I can tell myself that this is going to be a good BM after all the food I been eating. Until I started on my wee "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssshhhhhh dripdrip!!" It feels so good that my dapper vagina floodgates are open up. Now time to do a big poo! I put my feet on a footstool squatting and then rub my pubes a little until I feel my bowels growing stronger and hot gas builds up inside me and then I start to do a big poo that is lumpy and 5 inches thick! And sheesh did it stink? I mean seriously it's times like these I wish I brought some air freshener to stop the smell from getting up my nose. "PLUNK PLOOP PLOP!!" As I sat down and pooed I read a newspaper while I wait this pooing thing takes a long time at night. Time to wipe! I stand up and wipe my vagina between my legs clean with toilet paper same for my bottom front to back. Then after wiping with three squares I yank up my panties, lift down my dress and then I flush the toilet as it all goes down perfectly. Then I wash my hands with liquid soap and warm water then after drying them I put on my nightcap, say my prayers, flop into bed, stick my feet out the sheets and blankets, settle myself as I ???? up the pillows then with a big yawn and my eyes turn heavier counting sheep as I prepare to fall deeply….ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzz!!

Skidmarked from Columbia

answers to questions

1) Would you rather hold your pee until the end of your trip OR brave the eyes of everyone seated on the flight or carriage as you waited for an opening in the back toilet? Why?

No, I just use the bathroom. Because I'm intelligent enough not to wait around and suddenly need the bathroom and have an accident.

2) What would you say or do or anything if you are waiting toward the middle of a restroom for the end stall to open, when there are ample toilets open near you?

I don't know, normally I try to give personal space. While I haven't had "bathroom accident" in like 10 years I do get skidmarks and sometimes small pee stains from "after drip".

When was your last skidmark?

the day before yesterday... my underwear got up my butt while working outside

3) How do you handle being on a public toilet but being interrupted by someone trying, jiggling or messing with the privacy door? Why? I just say "wait someone in here".

I don't feel to much pressure that man or woman is though!

4) You walk into a large public toilet room with 10 or more open toilets, which will you take and why?

Normally I take the handicapped toilet.... Feels like first class and nobody can judge me if I have a pee stain or skid mark! ;)

Reaction to Kristi's response (Crapping at Airports)

Peeing in a stall instead of a urinal:

A good suggestion. I will try that on my flight back home to campus. However, for other readers know that peeing in a stall toilet should only be done if you have excellent aim. Although sometimes I put off such craps until I get back home, throughout even high school seats dripping with urine were the norm. Simply lifting the seat up will do the trick. It is gross I know, but with our lack of privacy doors in high school, toilets were used often by those too lazy to wait in line for a urinal. Then when a crapper comes through, problem!

Do you find airport toilets clean? Do you sit skin-on the seat? What are the tiny plane toilets like? My girlfriend tells a story about using one once when she was on a school band trip to a bowl game. The turbulence in a thunder storm really messed her up. She said there was a "Use at your own risk" sign staring right at her as she sat. She got urine on her undies and shorts, as well as on the front of the toilet seat.

What do you remember about your Cincinnati Airport crap? From how long you had to wait for the toilet to become vacant, to how long you sat for the crap, to how easily you were able to clean yourself would be of interest to us.

Yes my girlfriend and I share bathroom time, especially when we're together during the summer months. She's kind of a germaphobe, especially when traveling.

Outsider's year-end questions:

1) Once.
2) Usually in the morning
3) At home, standing up; in a public toilet, seated.
4) Back to front.
5) No more than 10 minutes, and that's on the high end.
6. Two or three times a week.
7. That was the only option in my junior high and high school bathrooms.
8. Open if my girlfriend and I are the only ones there.

Keep your responses coming. Thanks!


Trying to poop for the first time in 2024

I hadn't gone in three days so now I'm sitting on the toilet to see if anything comes out.



1) How many times per day do you usually poop?

Answer: 4 to 8

2) What time each day do you usually poop?

Answer: any time, really

3) After you finish pooping do you wipe standing up or sitting down?

Answer: sitting down like a proper lady

4) If you wipe while seated, do you wipe from front to back OR back to front?

Answer: front to back

5) How long does it usually take you to have a bowel movement?

Answer: fifteen to thirty minutes

6) When you were in elementary school how many times per week did you poop at school?

Answer: can't remember, but I remember getting in trouble for asking to go to the little girl's room quite often.

7) Have you ever pooped in a stall with no privacy door? Where was this at?

Answer: yes, at school, and at the park.

8) Do you poop with the bathroom door open or closed when going at home?

Answer: open, helps the place air out.


Responding to SquatSpotter

Hey, unfortunately I have only peed in them but only when I had no other choice. They're quite expensive and I don't see myself wearing them all the time but, are also useful for wearing at night as I do wake up wet in the morning from not waking up in time.


Got rid of the crap from last year lol

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy. This morning I got up feeling full in my stomach but I grabbed my Walmart bag, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had boiled apples, bananas and little beans in a spicy ish soup or broth. Took a while to eat and afterwards I took my medications. After that I put my notebook and pen in the Walmart bag, grabbed that and my water jar and went downstairs to my room. Took the flip flops off outside my room, went into my room, put those flip flops on and went to my bed to surf the net on my phone. Soon afterwards (about 10 minutes ago) I got a major urge to poop so I went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, put the flip flops outside my room on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room.

Turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed out a lot of crap. Lots of semi solid crap came out and filled the toilet pretty good. Wow! When I was done I made sure I wasn't dripping from the front, stood up, turned around and looked in the toilet. WOW! This big, thick poop laid in the toilet, taking up the majority of it. Damn. Flushed the toilet, walked carefully to the sink, took some soap, turned on the tap, ran the soap under water and rubbed it between my hands. Soaped up my butt and when I was clean enough I rinsed my butt, turned off the tap, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy, healthy and is having a good New Year so far :) Happy New Year!

Happy peeing and pooping!



Happy New Year! First Poop of 2024

Hello all you beautiful people! Happy 2024!

2023 was a good year for Steve (my husband) and me, even though we had a bit of a scare there several weeks ago with Steve's job.

I'm lying on the bed with Steve right now. I'm a little constipated but I think I'm ready to go poop. Steve is VERY eager to come watch. I ate a lot yesterday and haven't pooped since yesterday at around 3:00 pm. It's 1:00 now, so it's been 22 hours. And yeah, I think this girl's ready to go drop a load with happy hubby watching.

My big resolution for 2024 is to get pregnant. Obviously this is a two-person resolution and Steve and I have given it a lot of thought. But we think we're ready to be parents. So I'm off my birth control. And we'll just have to hope for the best! (We'll enjoy trying!)

Other resolutions:
-Go to gym 5 days a week
-Work on my body image issues. Maybe see a counselor.
-Post on this forum more often. I love you all! That's gonna mean trying to be a little more... adventurous with my toilet activities. Maybe more "buddy dumps" with Emily. Maybe going more in public.

Then again, I have my cozy bathroom at home with my wonderful hubby. Who wants to watch me poop... right now. So I'm going to transition to the bathroom...

and now I'm sitting on my throne. Steve is sitting on the edge of the tub watching intently. I know Steve. I want to go too.

Okay, while I let myself relax (Steve's rubbing my shoulders... he's so good to me. How many husbands want to be that close to their wives while they're trying to poop?)...

Should I go blonde this year? I'm either gonna go full blonde, OR go back to my natural red. Right now it's red with blonde highlights. I'm wanting to change it up.

Mmmm... took about 2 minutes of shoulder rubbing... POOP IS COMING.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh. SO MUCH BETTER.

It came out way faster than I could type, so I'll describe it now. But I think I'm done. That was a biggie!

Steve and I are gonna shower in lieu of wiping (he likes either option.)

So I had to push out a pretty thick and nice long log. Required a bit of pushing until it was about halfway out. After it plopped, I tinkled just a little bit. 20 seconds maybe. Didn't really have to pee that much. Gave Steve a kiss, and then leaned forward and pushed out two more poops. Looking at them now. Two big pieces. Overall this was a very relieving and good sized crap. And I feel much better.

And it's always great to go with my hubby! Our arrangement is that he's welcome unless the door is closed. But honestly, I can't remember the last time I closed the door to go to the bathroom at home (except of course when we have company.)

I'm so fortunate to have such a loving partner. He treats me so well. All those body image issues I have go away when he's with me.

Well, just flushed my first poop of 2024. There will be many many many many more to come.

(If anyone cares, my first pee of 2024 was right after midnight. Nothing special about it. It was in our downstairs bathroom; he had just watched the Times Square ball drop.)

I love you all! I'll post again soon! Happy New Year!




Farting Nonstop..

Yesterday morning, I think my neighbors could hear me farting yesterday morning just before I went in the bathroom that I also shared with my boyfriend. I pissed for almost two minutes but not before farting loud enough that it could echo in the bowl and another fart came out afterwards, which was even louder.

I definitely learned a lesson after pigging out and will never eat fiber one bars along with activa again.


Soft poop that came out easily after lunch

Hi everyone. For breakfast this morning I had a homemade spicy soup with egg, beans, a sweet potato, banana and peanuts. Spent the morning on the internet of course. For lunch a while ago I had chicken salad noodles (spicy noodles with chicken salad, green beans, etc on them). Only a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light and closed the door.

Walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door most of the way, walked to the toilet. Pulled my baggy dark sweatpants and black boy shorts underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed out a huge soft poop, one big soft log. Finally it laid in the toilet and when I was sure I wasn't dripping (I drip dry my front after I finish peeing if I don't have toilet paper) I stood up and turned to look into the toilet. Wow! This log was huge taking up most of the toilet and very soft (yay!) No wonder my stomach has felt so full and uncomfortable. It's still not 100% empty yet but we're getting there. I'm hoping by the end of today I can get rid of all the crap and start out 2024 clean and ready for the new year! Flushed the toilet and it went down with no problem. Went to the sink, turned on the water, ran the tiny part of soap that was on the plate between my hands and cleaned my butt. When I was clean I rinsed my butt and washed my hands well. Whew! That was a hell of a shit but it was needed. I will drink plenty of water (I fill a water jug each day and pour water into a jar and microwave and drink it. I also mark down how many jars of water I drink each day) and do stretches and exercises and I should be able to shit everything else out. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



To Bianca

Hi Bianca! Happy almost New Year! Awww thanks! I've often done giant craps even as a small skinny little girl. I ate enough back then, lots of healthy food but not enough water so I would often have a hard time pooping. And when I did I would often poop so big I would clog the toilet. Now as a 37 year old adult I eat very healthy (quite a bit because of my height-5'11", 160 ish lbs and on multiple medications-high doses of anti seizure medications, laxatives, high blood pressure medication etc. I always eat first then take my medications. The exception is my 9 PM meds. I try to drink plenty of warm water and drink black coffee the once a week I go to the exercise program or go out with my dad. Holy poop is all I can say lol). I'm glad you pooped plenty too. I like your stories. Happy New Year!


Re: Outsider, End of year survey

Q1) How many times per day do you usually poop?

A) Typically, 3-4 times.

Q2) What time each day do you usually poop?

A) Usually within an hour after each meal, and sometimes again in the afternoon between lunch and dinner or at night after dinner. If I didn't go the 4th time during the previous day, my morning BM will typically be the largest of that next day, often timed for soon after I arrive at work. My system often relies upon me eating something to push any old spent calories out, and exercise also has the same effect. If I skip meals or don't drink my usual quantity of water(about 1 gallon a day), I get constipated.

Q3) After you finish pooping do you wipe standing up or sitting down?

A) I'm a sit-down wiper. However, if the movement was particularly large and messy where I had to pull clumps of poop off my butt with the paper before I could actually start wiping, once I clean myself sufficiently while sitting down, I'll do a series of final wipes standing up to get everything, provided where I am at has adequate privacy and enough wiping material for the job. I've never stood to wipe in a doorless stall or stall-less toilet in a multi-user restroom. Even with the coverage of a stall or a private room, needing to stand to wipe for a thorough cleaning is less than 1% of the time, but sometimes the technique is warranted.

Q4) If you wipe while seated, do you wipe from front to back OR back to front?

A) I start front to back, then back to front, and alternate until I see nothing on the paper. I wipe as thoroughly as I can. Another technique I sometimes use in public restrooms is to spit on the paper for what I think will be the final wipe. If any poop residue shows up after that, then I know my wiping job is still not done.

Q5) How long does it usually take you to have a bowel movement?

A) Between the time I put my pants down and seat myself on the toilet to the time I finish wiping and pull my pants back up, typically about 5-7 minutes. The actual act of having the poop exit my butt is maybe 1-2 minutes most times. There have been plenty of exceptions where the total time seated and time spent pooping is 3-4 times as long as the above figures, especially if I'd gotten backed up and skipped some sit down sessions, or on the very rare occasions I get waves of diarrhea.

Q6) When you were in elementary school how many times per week did you poop at school?

A) In elementary school, I pooped at school at least 5 times a week, typically one or more times a day. I was often made fun of for it by my peers. Then middle school came, with its doorless stalls and stall-less sit-down toilets where no privacy was allotted, and out of fear of harassment/bullying and after witnessing such harassment/bullying of other students while they were pooping, I started holding it in all day and would wait to get home. Oft times, I barely made it home without soiling myself, and was frequently in considerable discomfort for half the day or longer. When I changed high schools, the next one had stalls with doors, and I resumed my routine of pooping at school every day, and continued doing so through college. The rare occasions I was forced to use doorless stalls and open toilets outside of a school setting eventually made me less fearful of using them in general.

Q7) Have you ever pooped in a stall with no privacy door? Where was this at?

A) Many times. The places I can remember where I pooped and which had no stall doors(or even no stalls at all) were the Boys' rooms at my middle school with either doorless stalls or stall-less toilets, multiple gas station/convenience store Mens' rooms where the stall door was missing, a military barracks latrine with open toilets, restrooms at various city parks(tens of them, varying from doorless stalls, to multiple open toilets in a row), a bus station Mens' room during a layover with doorless stalls, at certain bars with open toilets, a library Mens' room with doorless stalls, a highway rest stop Mens' room with doorless stalls, a campground's Mens' room with open toilets, a YMCA Mens' room with two open toilets next to a urinal, and a flea market Mens' room that had doorless stalls. I'm sure there are others I can't think of at the moment. Cumulatively, I've lost count of how many times I've pooped in doorless stall setups or setups where the sit-down toilets didn't have stalls, because I've done it so many times. Possibly hundreds of times. If I have to poop, I will seek a restroom out, and as long as the restroom is sufficiently clean, I will poop regardless of the level of privacy or who else is there, rather than hold it. I gotten spotted by at least one-hundred other people while seated cumulatively. On one notable occasion, I even sat next to someone on an adjacent open toilet as we pooped next to each other with random strangers coming in and out of the restroom to pee or use the sinks, then took turns rolling the toilet paper with the single toilet paper dispenser placed between the two toilets we were seated upon.

Q8) Do you poop with the bathroom door open or closed when going at home?

A) Closed. I always close the door, and prefer privacy.

Monday, January 01, 2024


First shit of 2024

Had a moderate New Year's Eve and got up this morning and sat on the throne how I do, but there was no great urge. After a couple of cups of tea etc it hit me and I resumed in the toilet. It was very hard Considerable pushing. The first still was very hard and nobbly, and then I had one very long and it all came and what a relief.! My hole was tingling and still is, it felt so great!
I finished off with a bidet wash and have got my year off to a good start.


Big loose poo relief

It was New Year's Eve and I was coming back from my girlfriends I began to have a desperate urge to poo if I had to walk farther home I don't think I would have made it I got in and made it to the toilet pulled my jeans and boxers down and sat immediately the poo started to plop rapidly in the toilet and just exploded out for around 15 seconds then it was over I looked in the toilet and it was full where the water normally is and the smell was very strong I wiped my bum and flushed feeling a lot better

mrs bigandhard

Sitting on the toilet having to strain real hard..

hello all after the holidays Iam Sitting on the toilet with a big one having to strain real hard.. like nnnnnnnnah.
It won't come out. no matter how hard I strain and push.
It is so big , it is streching my butt hole to the limit. I think It is rock hard about three inches in diameter and hurts a lot, too many chocolate bars.. and I can'tpush it out.. I will have to resort to digging it out with my finger.So I poke my finger in there to try to dig out some chunks. my butthole is reall sore
So I inserted my finger and dug out several rock hard chunks
thank you all happy holidays.

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