
MD Dan

Replies to Jessica & Erin B

Jessica -
Please do share more stories. I've always wondered about situations like that from the perspective of the custodian. I've never had that happen to me in a public bathroom but I did have something similar happen in a client's house with their house cleaning service. I had been doing some work in the house and needed to take a dump pretty bad. The client wasn't home at the time and said I could use their restroom if I needed to so I headed into the main restroom on the first floor which was just off the entryway. As soon as I sat down, I heard the front door open and a woman's voice announce, "House cleaning!". My client is a regularly scheduled customer of theirs and they had the code to the front door. I was contemplating holding off and waiting but my stomach was hurting pretty bad. I also hadn't locked the door since I HAD been the only one in the house, and it was not in reach of the toilet I was sitting on. While going through all the options in my head, my dump started coming out and the door to the bathroom all of sudden opened. Standing in the door was a (very attractive) Hispanic woman in her mid-20s. My loose crap emptied out and ended with a fart at the same time and she let out a short scream and jumped back. She apologized 3 or 4 times in a row, shut the door and I could hear her laughing and telling the others that someone was in the bathroom. After I finished and came out, she was waiting in the entryway and apologized again. I told her not to worry about it since they weren't expecting anyone to be home. I apologized to her for having to clean the bathroom now. She laughed about it and said not to worry, it was part of her job. They kept working and we'd exchange looks every so often around the house which would make her smirk and look away.

Erin B -
Sounds like you had a good time at Disney! I've had a couple of experiences there you might be interested in hearing about. The first one was while I was in line for Rise of the Resistance (awesome ride). I was right behind a group of 2 young men and 2 young women, looked to be early 20's/college age. One of the girls, a blonde, wearing a short hot-pink skirt and white tank top, was drinking a large iced coffee. As we slowly moved through the line I could smell some pretty nasty farts. I was only a foot or two away from the girl with the iced coffee. She shifted to the side of the group and started rubbing her stomach. She quietly said to (I guess) her boyfriend she needed to use the bathroom and hoped the line moved faster. So we move through the line and get to the ride about 20 minutes after that. Unfortunately, that group was split from us so I didn't see them again until we were leaving the ride. But as soon as we got out, she beelined out of the building, presumably to find a restroom. My group headed over to Smuggler's Run right after that and happened to be directly behind the same group, minus the girl who drank the coffee. 15 minutes later she jumps the line and rejoined her group, patted her stomach and let out a sigh, looking very relieved. Her boyfriend said he told her not to get the coffee before waiting in line for rides.
I had a similar experience when I was 17 on a school trip (for band) after eating pizza for lunch at Rizzo's. I was waiting in line (can't remember which ride) but not 10 minutes into the wait I had to leave the line and run to a bathroom (not even sure which one). I had diarrhea for 10 minutes straight, lots of loose poop and lots of gas. Ended up going some more at a different bathroom in the park later. After the second time, I came out of the bathroom and another boy in my band pointed at me, laughing, and was telling a group of girls in the band about my explosion. A couple of the girls said, "Eww! That's gross!" but one of them, a really cute skinny brunette, told him, "Shut up, that's not funny! That sucks!". She walked over to me and asked if I was ok. She gave me one of her unopened bottles of water and walked around with me for the rest of the day. She told me she had bad diarrhea earlier that day too because of her period, so she sympathized with me. When we got back to the hotel she walked in with me and told me she needed to poop again and was going in the lobby bathroom so she didn't blow up the hotel room. I told her I needed to poop again too, but not nearly as explosively as before, so we headed to the bathrooms together. I let out a few soft logs and had some minor gas. I was done in a few minutes. I came out first and waited a couple more minutes for her. She came out and said, "Thanks for waiting" then gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "Well I just pooped a ridiculous amount, how about you? Did you poop a lot too?" I told her I did and I hoped I wouldn't have to again for the rest of the trip. She laughed and said, "Yeah, me too!" Fun story, we actually ended up dating for a few months after that and are still friends today. All because of pooping at Disney World together. lol

To Tyler C

Any close calls or accidents lately? I enjoy your old stories you have posted over the years.


Pooping with a lot of pushes

Out of habit, I went to poop in the morning. I went into the toilet, closed the door, pulled down my pants and briefs and sat down on the toilet. I pushed a little, but the poop didn't come out. I pushed harder. The poop again didn't come out. But I felt that there was something in me. I began to push harder. I pushed for a few minutes, and then stopped because I was tired of pushing. I was already worried that I was constipated. After taking a break, I pushed again. I could only fart. I concentrated and tried to push as hard as I could. And when I pushed so hard, I felt that the poop was finally slowly starting to come out. But as soon as I stopped pushes, she stopped getting out. I pushed again, and felt the poop crawling further. By pushes, I gradually pushed her out of myself. There was a splash, and I breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't easy! I wiped my ass with toilet paper, but the backside was clean. I got up, got dressed, and looked down the toilet, wanting to find out what kind of poop didn't wanted to come out of me. There was a pretty big poop floating in the toilet and it looked very tough. But apparently her weight wasn't too heavy, since she was floating. I flushed the toilet, flushing this poop, and then went to wash my hands.


Urgent splattery poop

I had 2 poops today surprisingly! One around 10:20 (,,one big long thick solid ish one that took up most of the toilet). Then I had a sandwich with tuna, avocado, hot sauce, an extra piece of bread on the side with tuna, lettuce. Also had 2 pieces of chocolate. For dinner I had noodles cooked in a peanut butter chili pepper sauce with lots of vegetables and canned meat.

A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop (again) so I went to the washroom with my Walmart bag, turned on the light, closed the door, walked over to the toilet (was clenching my butt muscles to hold it), pulled down my dark sweatpants and dark underwear and sat on the toilet. Relaxed and peed first then pushed. A lot of really stinky soft poop splattered into the toilet. No farts or anything, just splattered. There was a lot and it was stinking up the washroom. P.U! Better out than in though! Once I was done I took out the toilet paper roll and used the last of it cleaning my front first then my butt until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Yuck. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, put the empty toilet paper roll into the Walmart bag, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. The water was brown and there were chunks floating in the toilet. It stunk too. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands well, grabbed my Walmart bag, turned off the light, took my Walmart bag and went upstairs. Put the empty roll of toilet paper on the counter, went to my caregiver's washroom, got a roll of toilet paper from one of the drawers in there (and told my caregiver when she came out of her room), put the toilet paper in my Walmart bag, turned off the light, went downstairs and here I am. 2 craps today! Awesome! I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Princess Toadstool Peach

In the soapy hot warm shower squatting, weeing and pooing

Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And today I am having a lovely warm shower to clean myself up. I'm taking all my clothes off and running the shower nice warm and hot just how I like it! Some people I heard take dumps and wees in the shower so I am going to try and be the 1st royal female to do so. But 1st I wash my silky soft blond hair, face, shoulders, arms, hands, legs, ????, breasts, my vagina pubes and finally my toes and my bottom. Until finally I feel my royal bladder tingling and bottom squeezing so I squat down low on both knees very gently like and then I relax and let my vagina flow out all my yellow rain wee "TSSSSSSShhhh!!" Ahhh feels nice then I squat lower and do a big poo. Brown, 5 inch thick and lumpy too all in one piece. I am go glad I ate that fibre filled meal this morning. Then after woulds I stomp my poo with my feet until it goes down the shower drain and finally I wash and clean my vagina and bottom again until I am all clean. Anyway until next time hope you have a wonderful day. Bye bye now!


Urgent soft poop

Got up this morning, went pee, brushed my teeth, grabbed my Walmart bag and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a cooked (boiled) banana, oats, an egg and other stuff in a bowl. Took a while to eat and after breakfast I took my medications, grabbed my Walmart bag and went downstairs (my caregiver was in her room most likely getting some sleep or resting so I didn't want to bother her). My stomach felt full and uncomfortable. A lot of stuff in my body. Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, walked to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, closed the door, turned off the light and walked to the washroom across from my room.

Turned on the light, closed the door (yay! No more half closed BS), walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out a lot of soft poop-one big log that came out easily and quickly. It laid in the toilet when I was done. No splat, splash, nothing. Stunk too lol. I took the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag, took some and wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well. When I was done I tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! A big soft poop was in the toilet, taking up a lot of the toilet bowl. Impressed though PU lol. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands well, grabbed the Walmart bag and left the washroom turning off the light. I'm not empty yet 100% but we're getting there.

I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


David P

Survey For Jasmin K

Hey Jasmin thanks for getting back to me, it's so great that you are back on this site. I still find it very impressive that you were able to push and not feel scared to poo as it was involuntary to me as a kid to hold it making it much worse. I would still urge you to get a medical advice on the prolapse not to make it worse. I have a survey for you.

1) Did you ever withhold out of fear at any times in your life?
2) Do you enjoy being constipated and having to push and strain for ages and not interested in having easy poos?
3) Do your poos often smell?
4) Do your poos sometimes get sucked back in or stay hanging halfway out for a while? this happened to me as as kid but not for years.
5) How long are your poos in cm or inch?
6) How wide are your poos in cm or inch?
7) Are your poos light tan colour or dark brown?
8) Do you enjoy having a poo?
9) What made you not embarrassed to poo at school? is it that more girls poo at school than boys as I remember Abbie always would poo at school where boys don't usually?
10) Do you think you have mega colon or stretched out rectum?
11) What's your usual stool type on the bristol stool chart?
12) Have you ever tried squatting, going up on tip toes or using a foot stool?
13) Does pulling your bum cheeks apart if you do that help to pass a poo?
14) Are you embarrassed to discuss going for a poo with your friends and family?
15) If you could choose to have an easy soft poo like I do, would you decide to swap from what you currently have?
16) Do you think grunting when pushing for a poo actually helps?
17) How do you refer to going for a poo? - going number two?, opening your bowels?, moving your bowels, going for a poo?

If you want to add anything else that you think of, these were my major things. I also hope Abbie is doing ok Jasmin, I am actually a bit worried for her as not heard, are you?


Big soft easy poop

For breakfast this morning I had boiled bananas, rice, chili peppers and after I finished that I took my medications and had an apple. Just a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put THOSE flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door (it was fixed), went to the toilet, put the Walmart bag on the floor, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out a lot of soft poop. I was done within about 2 minutes. The bathroom stunk lol. When I was done I took some toilet paper, wiped my front first then stood up and turned around. Wiped my butt really well and tossed the toilet paper into the toilet and looked at what I made lol. It was a big, soft thick ish poop with a curve at the top, kind of like a cane. It took up quite a bit of the toilet. Flushed the toilet, went to the sink, turned it on, ran the bar of soap under water for a few seconds and washed my hands really well. Put the bar of soap back, turned off the tap, picked up my Walmart bag, left the washroom, turned off the light and went to my room. Dried my hands on the towel, grabbed my water jar, filled and microwaved it and here I am. Hopefully after lunch and maybe dinner I can go again and get rid of all this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Feel Like Posting Today

Hey guys. I knew it would happen eventually. Taco Bell made me poop today. It was loose, and came out fast. To Audry: nice post about going potty in naughty places. I'd have to say the only thing that feels naughty is using a toilet that won't flush. I had this happen when our water was off for repairs to the water heater. Mom had to flush the toilet manually. Bye.

Princess Toadstool Peach

More questions for Audrey and a couple for Emma too

For Audrey

Do you love using a biet?
What sort of thing is a enema?
Do you like taking poos and wees in the shower?
Do you have any children or nieces or nephews that are potty training if so tell me a story what happened.
Do you sometimes have accidents?
BTW My record is 5 inches thick long and brown and lumpy each time.

For Emma

Have you decided to use a potty one time?
What's your wee and poo routine like?
Have you ever had a pooing contest with friends?
What do you like most about having a big poo?
Do you do your business in the shower sometimes?
What was the longest time you weed for?
Do you wonder using a Huggies nappy pull up to do your business in?
Have you thought of making a custom DYO (Design your Own) Toilet?

your name: (optional) Mrs Bigand hard

Post Title (optional)..A Really big hard one today.

I went into the bathroom. with an urge to go poop. I could feel a hard mass in my rectum.
So I sat on the toilet and started straining really hard. It was a big hard one and I knew I would have to dig it out with my finger. So I used my finger and inserted my finger into my rectum.... and it was a hard mass widening my butt hole a lot. It was over 2.5 inches in diameter. for sure.
I took a deep breath and strained down hard. Like nnnnnnnnnn. uh
It finally began moving down to my butt hole It hurt a lot. after 45 minutes of straining I was able to get it out. It fell into the toilet like a rock.
Thank you all and happy holidays.

mrs Bigand hard

Mrs big and hardPosttional) Title (op

It is early in the morning on 5am , and I went into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet I could feel something in my rectum
It was a big hard turd and I knew it was going to be a struggle to get it out it is a big hard rasping straining stool to get out.
So I started pushing with all my might. as I pushed it started to stretch me really wide. It was hurting me I knew I would have to dig it out of my butt hole.
So I pushed my finger into my butt hole so I could try to help it come out. It took several attempts. So I started straining harder with more effort. Finally it started to come out...It was really big and it was hurting me a lot. it had to be about three inches in diameter biggest I ever did. it was three inches in diameter.

your name: (optional) Mrs Bigand hard

Post Title (optional)Really big hard one today.

straining with great effort today.
My big turd won't come out of my butt hole and it is hurting me.
I am straining really hard trying to force it out.
I used my hand mirror to see it as I am trying to force it out.

Heidi the Anime Princess

Saturday Night at Home

Hi everyone! I'm Heidi. I'm 23-years-old and I've always wanted to post on a site like this. Last night I ordered food from this vegan place a few blocks from my apartment. The meal was quite filling and very good.

At about 10 o'clock, I was laying on my couch while wearing nothing but a midriff, a thong, and my belly ring. I had gotten a tattoo on my hip earlier, so I wanted the ink to air out a bit. Plus, I live by myself so who's going to stop me lol?

Anyway, in between reading my favorite manga book and icing my sore hip, the fiber from my meal started working. I took my book and went over to my bathroom. I pulled my down below my knees and sat on the toilet. As soon as I sat down, I farted and started to pee. About 30 seconds later I felt a long piece slowly grow out of my butt. This piece was really long. I felt it growing and growing like it wouldn't stop. It was just hanging out of my ass. I pushed a little and it finally broke off. If I had to guess, I'd say the turd was at least 6 inches.

I felt a lot more coming so I courtesy flushed and sat more. I read my book a bit while two more soft pieces plopped out. Then I farted and sighed in relief. At this point the bathroom fan wasn't doing a thing to get rid of the stink. Good thing I live alone, or I would have been quite embarrassed. "What the f&&k did I eat?" I said laughing as I squeezed out another long turd. I squeezed again and I peed some more. Finally finished, I grabbed some toilet paper and started to wipe.

First, I wiped my pussy front to back as always. Then I began to wipe my butt. It was very smeary, so I knew this was going to be a mess. I used the whole roll, and my butthole still wasn't clean. I flushed and wobbled over to the kitchen with my thong around my legs. I took some Scott towels and wiped some more. I threw those in the garbage because they would have clogged my toilet. In hindsight, I probably should have just rinsed in the shower.

My cat walked over to the bathroom and then quickly ran out of there like someone was chasing him. I laughed and said "Yeah your mom just made a big poopie. I'd stay away a bit" Not that he knew what in the world I was saying. I went back to my couch to read a bit.

About an hour later at around midnight, I felt like I needed to go again. I went back and when I sat down I let our a massive fart. Probably the loudest n a while. My bathroom still stunk from the first time. I pushed and strained, but all I did was fart and pee a little False alarm. I got up and flushed again, then went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up with a stomachache so back to the bathroom I went. As soon as I pulled down my thong and sat, I practically peed out of my ass. I pushed and more diarrhea came out. Either that vegan food had a lot of fiber or it was bad. I was leaning over as another wave of diarrhea poured out of my butt. Screw this! I flushed and decided to rinse in the shower. Toilet paper and Scott towel weren't going to do the trick. Well, that was my poop last night. I'd love to hear what you all thought! Take care now! XOXO

your name: (optional) Mrs Bigand hard

(Sitting on th toilet straining...with difficulty.

It is
I went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I felt a large very hard mass in my rectum. I tried using my finger to dig parts of it out of my Butt Hole with my finger I used my hands to pull my cheeks apart then straining harder it started to move and stretch my butt hole wider. As I strained. It was widening my butthole even more after a long straining session I was hurting me quite a bit. like a porcupine It had to be two to three inches in diameter! biggest ever.
I had to strain really hard to force it out. Rock hard chunks were right down there at my butt hole. I pulled my butt cheeks wider apart and strained even more. I thought this one was bigger that ever!
Finally the chunks started to come out! Thank you all..!

I don't know if there are any so-called mega-bladder or hypertrophic bladder experiencers who still read or contribute here, but I read a post by Michelle back on page 1641 about her friend Nicole that could have been written about my classmate Kelly and myself. The only difference is that there were two of us who starred in this girl's restroom adventure back in school.

Ironically Aileen and I met after I had transferred as a sophomore from another school into a newly opened senior high school in my town. Heretofore, as far as peeing goes I had always been terribly shy about relieving myself in public as a consequence of having an extremely oversized bladder. If there was a picture perfect way to create psychological stress in a pubescent girl, visualize her peeing away in a public women's restroom while her mother and aunt, having completed their urinations long ago, were standing directly in front of her stall chatting away. Meanwhile other women who have entered the premises, went into nearby stalls and finished their business. Upon emerging they invariably would openingly stare in the direction of that sound of peeing that won't stop. By my early to mid-teens my bladder made me almost terminally pee-shy.

Which brings us to an afternoon on the third or fourth week of a new school year. Since I had successfully tried-out for the girls JV volleyball team, on that day I didn't want to practice with a full bladder. Despite my well-documented pee phobia, after I had changed into my gym clothes I walked over to the restroom only to be greeted by a small group of senior varsity volleyball girls. They were animated, talking and hovering around a fully open toilet stall door with loud sounds of pee pouring forth into the water of the toilet bowl. Whoever it was, had no qualms about emptying her bladder while carrying-on a full-blown conversation with her nearby friends and teammates. I stood trance-like at the restroom entrance for well over a minute while whoever she was continued to pee steadily, her splatter resonating off the concrete walls and competing with all the girls simultaneous conversations.

Becoming increasingly embarrassed I dashed into a stall directly across from the group, hoping they wouldn't notice me. From my hidden perch in an opposite stall, I couldn't help but listen to the unfolding urinary drama as her pee wore on and on. What seemed like minutes later her gushing pee stream thinned-out as the group's conversation simultaneously waned in response, as-if the girls standing around her stall were letting-out a collective sigh of relief at the cessation of sound. But what followed rattled my psyche to the core. As-if by magic, her pee began anew at the same steady flow rate as before. Said one: "My god Aileen, don't you ever finish?" Said another: "Are you kidding? You don't know her like we do. She probably hasn't even begun to drain that freak bladder of hers." From inside her stall I heard Aileen let out with a giggle as she answered with a gleeful "probably not. What can I say everyone? I just have a very-very-very large bladder."

"Alright, everyone outta here! Now!! If you're not using the facilities I want you out on the courts with me immediately!" It was the girls bitch of a varsity coach who everyone warned me about. Obediently all the chatter ceased immediately as the assembled girls turned slowly away from Aileen's stall. "Bye you guys. I'll catch-up with you later." That same knowing familiar voice sarcastically replied back "Right. That'll probably take another hour or two" Aileen let-out an impish laugh with her proud response. "Hmm, you're probably right."

I was flabbergasted at what had just unfolded. Moreover, with the departure of the group I immediately felt my bladder begin to throb. I tried my best to relax in-order to allow my urine flow to commence. In the now near empty restroom, my ears detected a splatter from beyond my stall door on the opposite side of the restroom; Aileen's pee stream acted like a catalyst on my stubborn urethra. I began peeing in earnest, my flow hitting directly into the deep water below. For whatever reason my pee-phobia deserted me and I began to go and go and go without embarrassment. Often when I peed in complete solitude, when I knew nobody could hear me or was listening, my bladder would respond with an almost orgasmic throb and a urine flow that seemingly would not end. I knew exactly what Aileen meant when she said she wouldn't be finishing for a long-long-long time.

"Is that you Melissa?" Oh no. Aileen still pouring-out the urine, wanted to talk to someone else for pee company in the restroom. For breathless seconds I sat silently except for my loud urine stream splashing-up a storm. "Who are you over there?" I had to answer. "Uh, my name is Kelly." Silence except for twin competing pee streams. "Are you on this year's volleyball team?" "Yeah, I'm new but I'm on the JV squad for now." "Oh wow, I'm the captain on the varsity team. Tell me about yourself." This was not happening! Me, Kelly with a major pee-shy phobia, began telling her my athletic and school history, while miss chatterbox returned in-kind with hers. And should I remind you that all that was going-on while we peed and peed.

"Hey, open-up your stall door so I don't have to talk through metal doors." I complied slightly by swinging my stall door partially open. She had no such qualms. It had the effect of amplifying our cumulative pee streams even more to my ears. "How tall are you and what position do you play?" I mumbled that I was a defensive player and 5'9.5" but since my family was tall I could grow another couple inches and be a hitter. Aileen proved to be as gifted a pee-talker as she was a volleyball player, but at some point even she realised that another girl in the restroom was still peeing along with her even as her monumentally immense bladder kept draining. I had been peeing for five minutes at the minimum while I don't even want to speculate on the additional minutes she had spent voiding.

At last there was another taper-off and dribble from over on her side. I allowed myself a fleeting glance over at her as (of course) her flow built-up, only to a lesser albeit steady flow. I thought, could there be an eventual conclusion to her pee? Unfortunately she read my mind, which opened a cornucopia on the most sensitive and psychologically forbidden topic I had witnessed coming into the damn restroom. She casually waved her arm as she exclaimed, "Aw false alarm. When you're like me it takes forever to run you haven't noticed." She reached into her gym bag and took out her iPhone. "Oh jeez, has it been THAT long?!" Don't tell me Aileen timed her own pees! Just then she actually looked-up from her iPhone and openly looked across the restroom floor to me, still peeing on my toilet. With that same impish grin she said "Say Kelly, I want you to take this as a compliment. There aren't many who can keep-up with me this long. I'm impressed." I tried to match her wit. "Well I haven't really. I mean, when I walked in here you were going strong however long before that, surrounded by your fan club." We both laughed.

Having said that, we both splashed and piddled and dripped for more minutes before I finally came to a conclusion. I recall Aileen probably still beat me by a full minute to that point--plus countless minutes more before that. But it was the start of a beautiful friendship.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Reply to Peach:
I definitely prefer the potty, but other naughty places are definitely superior!
I don't really have a routine for getting started because I like to wait until I'm desperate and about to explode in my panties. Because of that I always know when I just feel that much pressure in my booty, when I have to "weewee" i just kind of...know
I don't use a step stool because I eat a lot of fiber and if I have constipation I just squat outside or on the floor (it's more natural) or i do an enema and the squat or get on all fours. Those a fun one to try, by the way, enema or not(although it is a great bonus)!
To clean my booty and pussy I prefer a bidet.
I think you're on the right track with your ideas. Go outside, use potties and buckets. If you are feel like doing something really awesome, just nonchalantly go on a chair, sink, washing machine, shower or something like that. If you want to make it even better, involve your friends, do enemas, an abandoned place where y'all can pee and poo freely. Basically, your on the right track, I just hope you can keep having these adventures for us to share!
Also, no offense, but from what I've read, my poos are much bigger than yours, long and wide. Yours are nothing to scoff at, though, and I don't know what your record is!


Questions for Emma Two

Hi Emma, I enjoy reading your stories, and I have a few questions I would like to ask you if it's okay:

1. You and Sarah seem quite open with each other about your bathroom needs. Has that always been the case, or did it come with time?

2. In your most recent story, you mentioned that you waited outside while Sarah used the toilet with the door open. Do you use the toilet in front of each other outside of emergencies sometimes, or do either of you dislike being seen sitting on the toilet or find it embarrassing?

I look forward to reading more of your stories soon!


Second big poop today

Been eating well today with lots of vegetables and drinking enough water. Around 11:00 AM I had a HUGE semi-hard poop that surprisingly came out easily and flushed easily. For lunch at 12 I had noodles with tofu, mixed vegetables, meat of some kind, squash, hot sauce on top in some kind of soup. It tasted good. Spent the afternoon on the internet and for lunch I had pork, rice mixed with vegetables and chili peppers.

Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop again just like this morning so I grabbed the Walmart bag, walked to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the floor, walked to the toilet. Pulled my sweatpants and black underwear down (done my period now) and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed out a big poop again like this morning. Once I was done it went quietly into the toilet. No Splunk, no splash, nothing. Just dropped quietly. It felt like a lot too. I grabbed the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag, took some, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag down and started wiping. Wiped my front first (front to back) then wiped my butt well until there was nothing on the toilet paper. Dropped it into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! Another big poop that took up a lot of the toilet. Some of it had gone into the toilet hole and the rest was in the toilet bowl. Dang. No wonder my stomach has felt uncomfortable! Second big poop today! Flushed the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands well at the sink. Grabbed my Walmart bag off the floor, left the washroom, turned off the light, went to my room, took the flip flops off outside my room. Went into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



School Experience

When I was in school, my friends and I did a thing where we would have potty contests. We'd watch each other go and see who had the biggest turds, the most pee, etc.

We'd skip lunch and hide in the handicapped stall. It was a group of like 4 of us. We'd also dare each other to do things like poop on the floor or pee in the sink. And we loved watching each other. I was the first of us to be comfortable raising my shirt while I went. After a bit, we all liked showing off our bodies while going.

It felt nice having others watch my butthole push a turd out. I liked seeing theirs too.


After too many party dishes, part 3

I went into the bathroom and closed the door... I didn't lock it, because I really wanted to poop, and I didn't have time. I immediately pulled down my pants and briefs and sat down on the toilet. The lid of the toilet seat was not lowered, and this was by the way. Sitting down on the toilet, I stopped holding poop, and with a loud fart, I poured a copious portion of poop into the toilet. I immediately flushed the water after that, so that it wouldn't be like the last time when I could barely flush after myself. I farted loudly and a large mass of poo slowly came out of my ass. There were several splashes. Then I flushed the water again. Then I had to push because the poop wouldn't come out anymore. I pushed hard, and a lot of poop came out of me in a stream! I flushed it off, then pushed again. After pooping profusely again, I flushed off again. I didn't feel like pooping anymore. My stomach aches less, but it still ache. So I pushed again, and defecated a lot more poop. After flushing, I pushed again, but this time I could only fart. Realizing that I can't poop anymore, I decided to finish. I wiped my ass, spent five toilet papers, got dressed, and washed my hands. There was nothing to flush in the toilet, this time I flushed it quite often, and everything was clean. After washing my hands, I came out of the toilet, and Paint ran into toilet immediately. He was standing by the door, and as soon as I came out, he ran into the bathroom. I heard loud farting and the sounds of diligent pushes from there. I felt a little guilty that Paint hadn't finished because of me. Unfortunately, very soon I wanted to poop again, and Paint also pooped yet. This time I decided not to chase him out of the toilet, but to wait. But the urge to poop was getting stronger and stronger, so I had to knock and ask Paint to finish as soon as possible. Paint swore very loudly! He shouted that I had gone off the rails today, and I wouldn't let him go to the toilet like a normal person. But I wanted to poop harder and harder, I shifted from one foot to the other and moaned, trying to endure. I begging Paint to get out soon, explaining that I couldn't wait. Paint almost immediately ran out of the toilet and I ran in there. I immediately pinched my nose - Paint didn't flush in the toilet. There were two long, very bright brown poo in the toilet bowl that smelled like a bucket of rotten eggs. But I wasn't up to it. I quickly pulled down my pants and briefs and sat on the toilet. As soon as I sat down, a lot of soft, massive poop came out of me in a stream. They came out of me in a stream for about twenty minutes. Then I felt that there was nothing in me anymore. My stomach didn't aches a bit. I wiped my ass after spending seven toilet papers, then I got dressed and flushed in the toilet, and I had to repeat it at least five times, but in the end I flushed all the poop. After washing my hands, I went out, and Paint immediately ran to the toilet. He was in the bathroom for twenty minutes too. I didn't feel like pooping anymore that day, and fortunately my stomach didn't ache.

This morning woke at 6 am had a wee in ROYAL PORTTA POTTY in bedroom
then went downstairs washed made two mugs of tea and sat in chair in lounge and drank it . I went back to kitchen made another two mugs drank one then needed a NUMBER TOO, went back to bedroom sat on ROYAL portta pottie put paper towel on back of bowl one in the bottom then sat down one minute later had a wee then a BM .
As I had not had a BM for two days I enjoyed it as it was a large load a 30 mm diametre coiled up in the neck of the bowl,I pulled the slide and watch it drop into the lower tank
I do not usually poop in this pottie normally but due to the bad weather I have more potties in the house so as I do not need to empty every day


Christmas story

Hi everyone and my SPAS (if you're still around!),

Been busy but wanted to share a story from Christmas (only a few weeks late!). I was at my parents house with my brother and his wife and kid. My sister in law is a few months pregnant with their second child. Anyway, we had eaten lunch and opened presents, during which my sister in law (SIL) got some new jeans, which she joked about wanting them because she had been over a friend's house and peed her pants and her friend lent her a pair and she liked them so she wanted some for herself. Later we were playing a game and SIL was laughing hard and my brother warned her to calm down or she'd pee herself again. We kept playing and laughing and having a good time. A few minutes later SIL gasped while laughing and said, "I'm peeing!"

She jumped up from the table and took a step to the side where she was only a few feet in front of me and crossed her legs and grabbed her crotch for a second, her face red from both laughing and embarrassment I guess, then said through her giggles, "I can't stop it!" She uncrossed her legs and suddenly the front of her jeans glistened and darkened as she peed full force down her legs, laughing the whole time. Everyone was shrieking and laughing, but I couldn't stop watching the wetness spread down her legs. She started to hobble towards the hallway bathroom and as she passed me I could see the huge stain on her butt and back of her legs.

My mom helped her to the hall bathroom and I quickly thought about her new jeans so I went over to her presents and found them and took them to the bathroom. I knocked on the door and told her what I had, and she said to come in.

I stepped in and shut the door behind me and found her sitting on the toilet, her wet jeans and panties around her ankles, peeing a little more, still laughing and crying a little. I asked if she was ok and she said yes, she was crying from laughing so much.

I put the jeans on the counter beside her and took a breath and told her, "It's ok, you aren't the only grown woman in the family who has peed their pants."

She laughed and said, "Really?"

I said, "More than once. And, honestly, I've done worse than that, too."

Her eyes got wide for a brief second, "You mean?"

"Oh yeah," I laughed. "And I wish I could say it was only the one time..." (I was kind of lying about that, as we know, haha)

She said, "Oh no, like sick or food poisoning or something?"

I chuckled and shook my head, "If only. No, I just held it too long. Didn't realize how bad I had to go, ran out of time and... into my panties it went!"

She laughed, "Oh no! Sorry, I shouldn't laugh. I did that in college once."

I said, "See, we have more in common than we thought. You'll have to tell me about that sometime. Anyway, I'll let you change."

She said thanks and I went back out trying to act normal and ignore the pounding excitement in my chest.

Happy New Year everyone!


your name

The pee to remember

When I was 12, me and my best friend Amee for a first time were allowed to go together to a concert featuring a series of bands. It was held a our baseball park. It would attract several thousand people and before we left Amee's house her mom forced us to go to the bathroom before we left. Amee was embarrassed by that treatment, told me so, and kept saying she/we were 12 and better treatment should be given us because we were responsible.

So after two bands, and a couple of politicians talking about dumb stuff, Amee said she had to take a shit. I kept her company as we got into the big long line. See on the back of a big flat bed truck there were about 12 or 13 portable toilets. Each had a green door and those of us standing on the ramp saw doors open, people coming out, some holding their gut because we think they were sick and some still trying to buckle their jeans right. On the ramp hurrying down in front of us was a girl with nice red shorts. She was drawing a lot of attention. She had long pieces of toilet paper on the back of her thighs hanging out of her shorts. People were nudging one another. I felt sorry for her and how embarrassing that was. Amee said something that would get censored here but I still felt sorry for the girl.

Amee went in first and texted me from the toilet she was pushing as hard as possible but she was f*****' frying in the heat. In about 5 minutes she got most of her dump out and she was almost crying from how badly her butt was hurting. I quickly opened the door, could easily smell the shit of about probably 100 people, and quickly pulled my yellow cut offs down, but I was careful that they wouldn't touch the floor. There was something like glue under my feet and the smell was horrid. I texted Amee congratulations on her horrendous shit and told her I was hoping to get my pee over fast since the heat was causing me to sweat to death. Sweat was messing up my hair and something else just felt different. My heart was beating faster and I was felling nauseated. Since I had drank 20 ounces of soda, plus coffee and a water bottle that morning, I figured my pee might last past a minute.

For another reason I felt strangely different. I couldn't hear that draining noise of a good satisfying pee. There was also something of a different feeling between my legs. I spread my legs wider, looked down, and couldn't believe the dumb thing I had done. I had not pulled down my panties. I had fun with Amee twice being walked in on for not latching stall doors. Now I had super peed my undies. I texted Amee and asked her what I should do. She said I should take the soaked panties off and toss them into the toilet. Amee said others in line were getting impatient and that I should just take them off and jam them into the metal toilet. That's what I did and I felt very exposed being half naked for the final two hours of the concert.

Mom found out two days later when she was sorting the wash and found I was missing a pair. She complained a few times before when she saw my shit streaked panties. She half-way believed my explanation of trying to avoid after school time for being tardy to class. This time she added a rule that I am not allowed to sit on a portable potty. I argued about why all the others, including Amee, were using them. That caused her to threaten me with more restrictions.

A really quick survey:

Gender: F
Age: 22
Do you sit on the seat of a public toilet: yes, with the exception of when there's vomit in it or someone has peed or shit over the seat.

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