
Princess Toadstool Peach

Just taking a Big Peachy Potty Poo this Early Afternoon

Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And today I have to go do a big poo after I eaten so much fibre filled foods this afternoon. Since my toilet is getting repaired I have to do my poos in my white plastic potty I use for my defecating contests with my best friends such as Princess Zelda, Princess Rosalina and Bethany Mild. So I put my potty down in the middle of the bathroom, lift my dress, yank down my panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and sits my behind on there adjusting my legs and squatting. Then I read a newspaper while I do my big poo hopefully filling it up as much I can. Then it happens! (PLOP PLIP PLOP SPLUNK PLOP PLOP PLUNK PLIP PLIP PLOP PLUNK!) Gee I wish I was just going wee instead but we can't have everything our way can we? Anyway I wipe my bottom with toilet paper then since my toilet is not in service I might as well throw it in my royal garden to help the flowers grow pretty. Gee I sure made a lot of solid brown thick pooh poos in there (DUMP) Now I just need to wash this potty clean until next time. Anyway until next time hope you have a wonderful day. Bye bye now!


Went poo for second time today

Hi everyone. Finished dinner half an hour ago and have been listening to music in my room for half an hour when I got the urge to poop. I went to the washroom (no toilet paper left in the house. My caregiver and her son shop but they haven't bought more TP yet), turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet. Pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out semi-soft, semi-solid poop (partly soft, partly solid). Not as much as I pooped earlier but a small to medium amount. My body is trying to get rid of this crap fairly regularly lol. When I was done I rolled my sleeves up, turned on the tap, ran the bar of soap under water, turned the water off. Rubbed the soap between my hands, put the soap back, soaped up my butt then turned on the water and rinsed my butt when I was done. Whew! The bathroom bathroom stunk. There was a lot of poop in the toilet, semi-solid, semi-soft log. P.U. lol. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands well, turned off the tap and the light, walked to my room, dried my hands on the towel and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



HUGE poop an hour after breakfast

Got up this morning, went to the washroom, brushed my teeth and had to go back to my room and grab clean underwear and a pad since my period started (great. Not) Changed, cleaned my underwear the best I could, put the dirty ones in the laundry, washed my hands and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a somewhat big bowl of oatmeal with beans, chili pepper/powder and an egg. After breakfast (it took a while to eat) I took my medications and went downstairs (my caregiver let me know as she was serving breakfast that she was going to nap since she had been up most of the night between cooking and one or two housemates being loud last night). My stomach felt very full after breakfast and just a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop. Took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down (both black) and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out a huge poop that seemed to keep coming (I guess the black beans in the yogurt and the warm water I've been drinking has been helping). Finally the last of it came out and laid in the toilet. Not 100% empty yet but maybe by the end of today I can get the rest of this stuff out of me. Stood up, went to the sink, turned on the water, ran the soap under water and between my hands, put the bar of soap back and soaped up my butt with the soap on my hands. Rinsed when I was clean and pulled my pants and underwear up. Then I turned and looked at the poop in the toilet. There was a big poop, fairly solid in the toilet taking up most of the toilet. Wow! Flushed the toilet and it seemed to go down fine. Flushed again after to make sure. Yup. Washed my hands well, turned off the light, changed flip flops outside my room first, went into my room, put THOSE flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel in here and now writing this. That was a hell of a beast that came out of me lol. I hope I can go again later too. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Have a good Saturday!

Happy peeing and pooping!


Princess Toadstool Peach

Answering someone's survey about Wiping my Privates

Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And today I am answering these questions about my wiping I do after such a little wee or a big poo.

Age: Mid 20s
Gender: Female
Height: Tall
Weight: I rather not say.

Do you wipe sitting or standing?
A: Sometimes standing or sitting whichever is comfy enough.

Do you fold or wad the toilet paper?
A: Wad--Whatever that means.

Do you reach from behind or do you reach in between your legs?
A: I reach my bottom from behind when I do a big poo or between my legs wiping my vagina after a wee.

Do wipe front to back or back to front? (Which direction does the tp travel)
A: Front to back

Have you ever had someone watch you wipe?
A: Yes, my best friend Rosalina she often wipes same with me.

Have you ever had someone wipe you? If yes please explain in detail.
A: That would be fun having someone wipe your privates but no I have not.

And that's my questions done on this survey. So until then bye bye now!


Reply to Mary regarding modesty peeing

I have several lady friends who practice modesty peeing as you described. Is it really as common as they say?


morning with the poos

Hi everyone I'm Ellie i'm 25 and a brunette (at the minute aha) and i weigh about 75kg but i don't look that big. Today I woke up to a kind of full feeling at the bottom of my stomach and some dull cramping. i could tell there was something wrong because normally i don't have to poo until later on in the day so i rolled over and tried to fart in case it was just gas. this was a mistake because i had to clench right away to stop some mush leaking out. i got up quick and dashed to the toilet with a hand on my stomach and i was barely sat on the seat by the time a big load of mush dropped out of me. if i waited any longer it would have probably been in my pyjamas. i had to keep running back and forth to the loo all morning and i think i went 5 times before my ???? settled down again which was good because i had a day out with my friend planned (although i did have to go once more when i was out) i don't get the poos very often so it was pretty weird for me (i'm often closer to being constipated) and i had to change my knickers a few times because of bad wiping and trusting too many farts. I don't hate having the poos though, the relief feels amazing when its finally out. anyway thats all from me, peace


A sequel to a grade school poop story

On the previous page, I recounted an embarrassing experience pooping in a stall at a museum Mens' room, embarrassing due to my fellow students making fun of me and drawing attention to what I was doing. At least before a male teacher walked into the room. That shut them up. This was titled "A grade school poop story".

Some weeks later, we had another field trip, this time to an art museum located near the same museum in the previous story.

It was soon after lunch when the need arose. While it wasn't an emergency, I don't like holding it. I asked to use the restroom as we were walking to an art exhibit and the teacher called for a restroom break.

This time, he walked into the Mens' room early, which ensured the students would be on their best behavior. I took the first stall, and to my surprise as I was turning around to shut the stall door, I could see the teacher walk passed me. He took the adjacent stall to mine, and I saw him drop his pants all the way to the floor, revealing his hairy ankles.

As my log of poop slid out with an introductory *poo-O-o-O-t*, I heard my teacher grunting and straining, followed by a long, trumpet-sounding fart that put mine to shame. I continued letting my log slide out, and heard four or five rapid-fire plops come from the adjacent stall, followed by a sigh.

I heard the rest of the class flushing the urinals and washing their hands as my teacher grunted, often followed by a plop each time. Mine slid out quietly. This continued for the next minute or two.

By this point, we were the only ones remaining in the room. The rest of the boys were in the hallway with the girls and a female teacher.

The tail end of my offering dropped into the bowl with an audible *bloop*. As I was wiping, the teacher farted again. I finished wiping, exited the stall, and as I was washing my hands, I could hear the teacher rolling the toilet paper and wiping.

As I finished drying my hands with the hand dryer, my teacher exited the stall. The hand dryer finished as he was walking to the sink. He looked at me and said "Eating lunch can do a number on ya'. Feel better?" All I could do was say "Yeah.", because I was a bit embarrassed. This was far from the first time this teacher heard me poop or saw my pants at my shoes from underneath a stall, but it was nevertheless awkward, the awkwardness exacerbated by the fact that we'd both pooped next to each other. It felt weird.

My classmates did not make fun of me this time, which was rare. I think they didn't want to get in trouble because the teacher was right there.

About 2 hours later, we stopped by that same bathroom again before getting on the bus. This time I had to take an emergency pee, and it was my first encounter with partitionless bowl-style urinals. Doing this in front of everyone was embarrassing even moreso than pooping in the stalls, because everything was visible to my classmates and teacher while I stood there relieving myself. I would have taken a stall to pee, but all three were in use with the telltale shoes facing toward the stall door. One of them sounded like they had diarrhea. To make matters worse, while peeing, I very badly had to fart. I tried to hold it in and it loudly forced itself out. I heard some of the students laugh at my expense while one of them yelled "That's nasty!" But I'm not sure if they knew it was me, or if they thought it came from the nearby stall, as there was someone with diarrhea nearby making similar noises. More gas forced its way out as I was washing my hands at the sinks, but it wasn't as loud and I might have been the only one to hear it.

As I was waiting outside the Mens' room with both teachers, we were waiting on one student. During the roll call, he was the only one missing, from the female teacher's class and not mine. He was one of the popular kids, we'll call him Brett. Olive-skinned with jet-black hair, athletic, and having shown early physical development for his age, he was bigger and taller than the rest of the boys. He looked as if he could be 15, even though we were all 11 or 12. Two old men exited the Mens' room, being two of the stall occupants, and we heard some raunchy-sounding gaseous expulsions coming from the restroom as the door swung back shut. Some of the kids laughed.

A minute or two passed and one of the students was tasked by the teacher with going in to check on him, but as he opened the door to the Mens' room, we all heard the toilet flush. He then said "I'll be right out!" Oddly enough, his voice hadn't gotten any deeper compared to the rest of the class. He rejoined us with an embarrassed smirk on his face, but no one said anything right away.

On the bus, one student made fun of both of us for pooping during the trip. He then responded, "Yeah, do something about it!" That kid shut up quick. If only I had the same aptitude for intimidation. I was underdeveloped and small for my age, thus a frequent target for bullies, and pooping at school was made all the more hazardous as a result. I hated doing it, but having a teacher nearby made it a lot less threatening, if only because it meant I'd avoid harassment while at my most vulnerable.

your name: (optional) Mrs Bigand hard

It has been several days since I managed to go sit on the

Straining hard now on the toilet It is too big to come out of my butt hole it is stretching me very wide. and it hurts.
I will have to dig it out one chunk at a time!
thanks Mrs. Big AND HARD


Weekend Poop

I'm currently sitting on the toilet at home so I can take my daily poop. Since it's Saturday, this dump is gonna contain everything I ate on Thursday; a breakfast of cereal, a hotdog with fries and fruit for lunch, and spaghetti with some big meatballs for dinner.

I was in my room doing homework an felt a bit of a weight in my abdomen, but it wasn't urgent so I kept working. The urge kept growing though, and my bladder also started feeling full, so I stood up and walked to the bathroom next to my bedroom. I closed the door, pulled down my shorts and underwear, and sat down. Then I started writing this!

Alright I can feel both wastes want to come out. I'll start by peeing. I've got a strong tingly feeling in my crotch so I have to pee quite badly. I relaxed my bladder and urethra's muscles and I'm now peeing. There's a hissing noise as it splashes into the water. It feels really nice to drain my bladder. Alright after a minute my pee stream has started slowing down… and it just stopped: my bladder is fully drained! Phew that felt good.

Now onto the fun part: pooping! I can feel this big solid poop sitting at my rectum pressing against my sphincter. It really wants to get out and I don't really want all that old food waste in me, so I'm gonna poop it out. I leaned forward and gave a light push. I felt my butthole open wide as the tip of my turd emerged. I gave a light push again and the turd quietly made its way out. It feels so good just letting it slowly slide out my bowels, through my butt, and into the toilet. Anyway it's getting thinner which means it's nearly out. One final push to get the last little bit out… plop… ahhhh that feels good. One more push to make sure it's all out… nnnnnnghhhhh… pfffffft. Just a short airy fart. All my poop is out of me. So time to wipe! First wipe had some poop on it, second wipe was cleaner, third has some faint marks, fourth is clean.

With that done I've pulled up my panties and shorts and am looking in the toilet. My pee is yellow like lemonade, and I've made a big turd that's sitting in the middle. It's a solid straight log that has lots of knobbly parts and cracks in it. It's 2 inches thick and 18 inches long. I'm quite happy with what I created. However, it is waste, and I need to get rid of it (after all that is why I pooped it out). So I'm pushing the flush lever and now it's all getting washed away down the toilet's drain.

I'm back in my room. I washed my hands and then patted my abdomen as a sort of "keep up the good work." I'm all empty now and I feel so relieved and healthy and good!
Thanks for reading, bye for now!


Gassy hotel poo

We went to a college visit for my middle daughter last weekend, the school
Is in a smaller town that just has a few options for hotels. We picked the only Marriott property in town and it had a free breakfast. We got up on the tour day and got ready quickly and went down for breakfast, I had two cups of coffee to wake me up and get things moving with my belly. I usually take a small morning poo after working out and a much bigger one in the afternoon when I get home. The. Previous day I wasn't able to go at all. During breakfast I started to fell the need to let out a toot, i made sure that it was silent but it stunk. I told my daughter that I needed to head back to the room and she said she was needing to
As well. In the elevator I let out a loud fart and we both giggled. When we got to the room she told me to use the bathroom first as she wasn't in a tight spot. I went with some. Brochures from the school and left the door open so we could talk about what questions we had for the tour. I peed quickly and let out a loud toot and started pooping pretty easily, my daughter giggled as I tooted some more, I let out several more farts and and some small poos that really stunk, my daughter asked if I was almost done as she also needed to go, I told her I was close but still had bad gas. I pushed out several more toots with little bits of poo for the next several minutes but finally felt done. I wiped myself up and my daughter sat down and pood really quick with a big sigh. We talked for a minute while she finished up. I felt more gas and farted really loud and told her I needed to poo again. She cleaned up and flushed, I sat back down and let out a huge fart with loose poop and felt much better. We went aboutbout day and during the tour I went to pee and still had the same really stinky toots and more poo.

Sunday, January 28, 2024


Chamber pot poo

I had to use my chamber pot last night. Usually it's reserved only for pee. But last night was different.
I woke up around midnight, Absolutely bursting for a poo. I jumped out of bed, and knowing that I wasn't going to make it to the bathroom, pulled my large chamber pot out from under my bed. I could feel my butt puckering in desperation as I pulled down my panties and quickly sat down. Well sorta, when one sits on a chamber pot it's more of a squat. Anyways I relaxed immediately and let loose a massive load into the pot. I was farting loudly the whole way through. By the end of it the pot was full, I knew this because I could feel the contents touching my butt. I then cleaned up, pushed the pot under my bed, and went back to bed.
Yes I emptied the chamber pot into my toilet in the morning.
That's all for now -Victoria


Very urgent soft poop shortly after dinner

Hi everyone. Had a spicy dish (made by my caregiver) with cabbage, hot sauce and chili peppers with rice for dinner. Just a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off at the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then relaxed my bowels. Splat! Runny crap splattered into the toilet pretty quickly. P.U. When I was done I took the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag, took some, put the toilet paper back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and wiped my front first then my butt really well. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. The water was yellowish brown with flakes and specks of crap in it. Really reeked too. Flushed the toilet, went to the sink, washed my hands well, grabbed my Walmart bag and left the washroom. That was extremely urgent. I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy and happy. Please be careful and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Very soft urgent poop almost immediately after breakfast

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had oatmeal with bananas. Took a while to eat then after breakfast I took my medications, grabbed my Walmart bag and went downstairs (my caregiver had my breakfast on the table covered by something to keep it hot. She went back to bed since she always stays up all night to clean, cook, etc. Soon after going downstairs I got a major urge to poop a few minutes ago. Grabbed my Walmart bag (with my toilet paper in it), took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door (yay! No longer stays open. It closes now), walked to the toilet, pulled down my pants and underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then relaxed. A bunch of soft poop splattered out, stinking up the washroom. Well my caregiver was right. That did make me poop lol. Reached into the Walmart bag, took the toilet paper out, wiped my front first then stood up. Wiped my butt really well and tossed the dirty toilet paper in the toilet. Wow! The toilet was filled with lots of soft poop. Dang. Flushed the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands really well. The bathroom reeked lol. That wasn't everything from my body yet but I hope at the end of today I can go again another 1-2 times, maybe a lot. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Anna from Austria
@Erin B Thanks for sharing your Disney story. I personally have never been to a Disney facility yet, not even the one in Europe ( I think it is located in Paris).

This year I will connect my buisness trip to LA with a one week vacation and in that week I plan to visit the Disney Resort Anaheim I am already curious to see the themed bathrooms there.

Now to my latest story. Last week Saturday I was ice skating at the local ice rink in the in the afternoon.

During one break I had a big cup of coffee and despite the fact I had already done my poop in the morning the coffee somehow re awaked my bowels again. My ???? started to rumble and the urgency level rose quite fast. It was really annoying to walk fast to the bathroom with while wearing ice skating shoes.

The bathroom was really quite busy but also big so I had no problems finding a stall.

The only problem was that the doors and walls were rather thin so I could hear the ladies inside.

When doing my usual noisy poop I felt a bit ashamed being the only lady that was pooping. But when you have to go you have to go.

It was the hardest coffee poop I ever had.

It is not new that coffee makes me poop but this time the effect was on steroids.

Maybe the coffee they sell on the ice skating rink was stronger than the one I have at work or at home or something like that.

I do not know. Anyway that's my story for today.

Greetings from Austria


A Toilet Paper Substitute (of sorts)

I think I was about 20 when I finally matured enough to check for toilet paper first before sitting for a crap on a public toilet. Mom use to say my "mind was always somewhere else." My younger sister was always skittish about using a public toilet. Almost always trying to find a way to swing by our house when she was out playing to pick out a toy, game or something that would enable her to do a fast crap. Then we would walk or ride our bikes over to the park on the next street that I did an awful lot of pees and craps at. She couldn't understand why I just couldn't run, walk or ride home and meet my bodily needs.

One hot summer afternoon mom was in bed sick and I didn't want her disturbed with the porch door slamming and my sister flushing the toilet. She was laying over a picnic bench after riding her bike. That activity always helped fire up her bowels. I told her she was going to learn to crap elsewhere than home. She was headed into 6th grade and had never crapped at her school, although she peed there once or twice each day. She begged me to come in with her, but I told her I would give her a couple of minutes to go in and get the job done then I would check up on her.

When I got to the bathroom building and walked in things looked pretty normal from the doorway. Smaller room. Three toilets, each separated by a half high metal partition. The doors had been taken off the previous year because somebody busted the plumbing up and drug equipment was thrown about. She was on the middle toilet. She said she was all shitted out and that the laxative I had lent her worked well. She slid off the seat and showed off a bowl about 70% full. The laxative had made her crap soft, so I looked to hand her some toilet paper. There was none. I looked at both of the other cubicles. Same problem. I know it was mean but I wanted sis to learn her lesson. So I pointed to the sinks and the brown hand towels in a holder above them. Luckily there were some towels left. She waddled over and pulled 3 or 4 down. I knew the paper was thick and rough and I showed her how to tear a towel into 4 pieces. I had her stand in a squat, handed her one paper at a time, and despite her not holding the paper correctly at first, she did an OK job of wiping, although she got some on her fingers. She found it more comfortable to sit back on the toilet to finish the wiping. I guess that surprised me, but it worked for her. I showed her where some of the soft crap was smeared on her butt.

Both me and sis had some great bathroom adventures, but checking for toilet paper became more important for us.


Small soft ish poop

For lunch I had spicy noodles with cabbage, hot sauce and some kind of meat A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop for the second time today. Grabbed my Walmart bag, took my flip flops off at the door, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put on the flip flops out there, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet. Pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a partially solid small turd. It didn't splash, just laid there. Grabbed the toilet paper from the Walmart bag, took some, put the toilet paper roll back in the bag, put the Walmart bag down and wiped my front first then my butt really well. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a turd about 1 feet long (for me that's small ish), semi soft poop. Flushed the toilet, went to the sink, washed my hands well, grabbed the Walmart bag and left the washroom after turning off the light. Went to my room, put the Walmart bag on the bed, dried my hands on the towel, went outside my room, took those flip flops off, went back into my room, put THOSE flip flops on and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



An unknown boy poops in the park

A few months ago I witnessed a stranger pooping under the bushes. It was a boy younger than me. I was walking in the park when I noticed a unknown boy standing near the bushes nearby. He looked around, apparently to make sure that no one was watching him. He didn't notice me. And somehow I understood what he wanted to do. Since I have a weakness for peeping at defecating, I hid behind a tree with a thick trunk, and from there I began to peek. The boy was pulling down his jeans and briefs when I took up an observation position. By the way, his jeans were a classic blue color, and his briefs were green, and, it seems, with some drawings, but I did not have time to see. Having lowered his underwear, the boy squatted down near the bushes. He farted a few times. Then he started making grunting noises, and I guessed he was pushing. I heard a soft thud, and guessed that it was his poop that had fallen. The boy farted loudly and began to push again. He defecated, it seems, a few more poop. Then he began to look for something to wiped himself with. He began to sort through the leaves on the bushes, and at that moment I realized that I would have to reveal myself. I said softly: "Hey, psst".
The boy started, turned his head, but before he could do any more action, I quickly said: "I have toilet paper. I can give it to you'.
This boy nodded without saying a word, and I took out a roll of toilet paper from my backpack. I gave him toilet paper, and he asked me to turn away. Although, he probably guessed that I was watching him while he was pooping. But I turned away, as he asked, and after a few minutes this boy allowed me to turn back; he was already dressed, and gave me back toilet paper. Then he walked quickly away without looking back. Was he ashamed that someone saw him pooping in the park? When he was out of sight, I moved closer to the bushes. There were four poop and two toilet papers, and there was a brown print one of it. There was a stinky smell coming from the poop.


Question for Tricky

Tricky, that was a great story about you urgently needing to poop during a 6th grade field trip. I also love all of your pooping at school stories! Did you ever have other boys at your school who would regularly need to poop during the school day? I'd feel bad for you if you were the only one who would have to poop at school.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Very urgent soft poop shortly after dinner

Hi everyone. Had a spicy dish (made by my caregiver) with cabbage, hot sauce and chili peppers with rice for dinner. Just a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off at the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then relaxed my bowels. Splat! Runny crap splattered into the toilet pretty quickly. P.U. When I was done I took the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag, took some, put the toilet paper back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and wiped my front first then my butt really well. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. The water was yellowish brown with flakes and specks of crap in it. Really reeked too. Flushed the toilet, went to the sink, washed my hands well, grabbed my Walmart bag and left the washroom. That was extremely urgent. I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy and happy. Please be careful and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Response to my own survey

Hi all,
Just curious about others wiping habits/experiences. Feel free to fill this out!
*Please specify wiping for pee or poop*
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: Tall
Weight: 160 (Thin)

Do you wipe sitting or standing?
A: Sitting

Do you fold or wad the toilet paper?
A: Fold

Do you reach from behind or do you reach in between your legs?
A: between legs

Do wipe front to back or back to front? (Which direction does the tp travel)
A: Back to front

If wiping back to front, have you ever gotten anything on your genitalia?
A: Once or twice on accident, but nothing major. Occurred because I thought I was done and got careless.

If yes to the previous, did it cause a health problem?
A: Nope. Just a quick shower took care of that.

Have you ever had someone watch you wipe?
A: Yes, my cousin. I saw him wipe too. He does it the same way.

Have you ever had someone wipe you? If yes please explain in detail.
A: No. Curious how that would feel though.


HUGE poop after breakfast

Got up this morning, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had some kind of soup with ginger, vegetables, etc in it. Took a while to eat then after breakfast I took my medications, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs. A few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I took my Walmart bag and went to the washroom.

Turned on the light, closed the door (my caregiver's husband or ex husband... dunno which...fixed the door a while ago), walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out a lot of semi-solid thick poop that seemed to keep coming lol. Finally I was done. Took the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag, took some, wiped my front first then started wiping my butt really well until there was no brown on the toilet paper. Put it into the toilet bowl. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! This was thick, darkish and long, taking up most of the toilet bowl! I can see why I have been feeling uncomfortable. Flushed the toilet, went to the sink, washed my hands well, grabbed my Walmart bag and left the washroom turning off the light. Went to my room, took the flip flops outside my room off, turned on the light, put the flip flops inside my room on, dried my hands on the towel and now writing this. I'm hoping after lunch and more water later I can go again, hopefully the rest of this crap. A lot came out but quite a bit still needs out. Oh well. I'm getting there. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Interrupted on the Toilet

Emma Two: Thank you for answering my questions, it's much appreciated. Nothing comes to mind right now, but I will be sure to ask you again in future if I have any further questions. Feel free to ask me any questions in return if you like!

Now for the story. This happened last summer, and I forgot to post about it at the time.

I was working from home, and felt the need to go to the toilet. I was about to go when I heard two cars pull up outside followed by a knock on the door, so I went to answer the door first. Two men were there, explaining that one of the cars was a company carn they were bringing to us. I wasn't aware of this, but it could have been for another family member, so I didn't say anything and accepted the keys when they were handed over. The men got into the other car and drove off. As they left, I made a note of the company name and phone number on the side of the vehicle, so that I could contact them if there was a mistake.

Once that was done, I went upstairs to the toilet. Once I sat down, I soon felt my poo begin. It was coming out steadily without me needing to push, but I could feel that it was a big one, so I took my time and let my poo come slowly of its own accord. It was quite a relaxing and enjoyable poo so far, but it was not to last.

From outside, I heard a car return followed by another knock on the door. The company men had noticed their mistake as well: the car was meant for next door, so they had come back to collect it to be taken to the intended recipient. Unofortunately for them, they had handed me the keys and couldn't leave without them. Unfortunately for me, they knocked just as my poo reached the point where it was out far enough that I couldn't suck it back in or cut it off early. There was nothing for it but to finish, so I started pushing so I could finish my poo quickly. My first poo fell into the water with a large plop, which I was thankful wouldn't travel outside. This was followed by my second poo, which was smaller than the first one and came out faster.

After my second poo, I was finished, which was a relief for me as the men had knocked several times by then and I was getting anxious about keeping them waiting. I didn't want to make them wait any longer, so instead of wiping, I took some tissue and put it in my bum, before carefully raising my underwear so that they wouldn't go all the way up and risk getting poo on them. I closed the toilet lid, leaving it unflushed for the moment. I was embarrassed enough to have kept the men waiting, I didn't want to confirm to them by flushing that I had made them wait because I was having a poo. I ran downstairs to answer the door and hand the keys back, listening to them explain the mix-up while not really paying attention because I was paranoid that I might smell of poo. Once they were gone again, I went back upstairs to wipe, flush and wash my hands.

I have another similar story from my university years, although it's shorter and I can't go into as much detail because it was so long ago. As post-grads, we had en-suite bathrooms and I was in mine having a poo when I heard a housemate knocking on the door to my room. I didn't respond because I don't like talking to people while I'm having a poo and I wasn't able to answer the door anyway. The housemate then started banging and the door and yelling my name. I was quite scared and embarrassed at this point, so I definitely wasn't going to answer now! Luckily, I heard another housemate arrive and ask the knocker to keep it down because if I wasn't answering after that racket, I probably wasn't in my room. After finishing, I gave it a few minutes before knocking on the knocker's door to ask them what I wanted. It turned out to be something trivial that could have been - and was - dealt with by someone else, so the noise was all for nothing!

Does anyone else have stories of being interrupted while they're having a poo?

your name: (optional) Mrs Bigand hard

ROCK HARD TURDS is All coud do for most of the week

I got up this morning and went to the bathroom and felt my anal opening that was packed rock hard chunks I had to strain harder than ever.
As I did so my hard turds were like large rocks Packed together. And I had to pull my anal opening wider with my fingers so I could dig them out one at a time with my finger while straining to keep up the pressure.
It was a rasping straining stool on the toilet.
I finally got All my big ones out. and my butt hole closed up tight.
But it remained sore for quit a while.


Re: Wiping Survey

*Please specify wiping for pee or poop*


Age: 70+
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 190 lbs

Do you wipe sitting or standing?

Sitting. I am disabled by cerebral palsy and have a difficult time standing unaided.

Do you fold or wad the toilet paper?

Fold. I think when I was younger I waded the paper but it never worked very well for me.

Do you reach from behind or do you reach in between your legs?

I slide forward on the toilet seat and reach behind and under me. Again, when I was younger, I tried to reach under myself from between my legs, but I never got clean way.

Do wipe front to back or back to front? (Which direction does the tp travel)

Front to back.

If wiping back to front, have you ever gotten anything on your genitalia? N/A

If yes to the previous, did it cause a health problem? N/A

Have you ever had someone watch you wipe?

Yes. When I was a teenager I attended an overnight summer camp for disabled kids and I
had a friend and we sometimes did "buddy dumps." And, of course, we saw each other wipe

Have you ever had someone wipe you? If yes please explain in detail.

Many times before I went off to college. As a youngster and adolescent, I mostly had very dry and firm BM's. This is very common in less active disabled children (and even adults). I had no trouble wiping myself in those situations. But, when I had moister, softer and messier BM's,
I had an aversion to wiping myself as I was afraid of getting poop on my hands (which I've done more times than I care to remember). At home, after having a messy BM, I would call for my mother to wipe me. Our bathroom was on the second floor and my mother would be downstairs when I'd call for help, even if we had company. I'd just call out, "Mom, I need your help, I went to the bathroom." Of course, she knew exactly what I meant. Often she'd come in the bathroom and say, "P U, what did you do?" As I got older, she would have me lean over of side of the bathtub and sometimes she would just use a washcloth and soap and water to clean me. I also had a number of surgeries as an adolescent and was casted from toe to upper thigh. I needed lots of help when I was in the hospital and afterwards. But, I went away to college at age 18 and although my aversion to dealing with this when I was messy never went away, I had to deal with it on my own.

Emma two

Reply to ECG


Questions for Emma Two

Hi Emma, I enjoy reading your stories, and I have a few questions I would like to ask you if it's okay:

1. You and Sarah seem quite open with each other about your bathroom needs. Has that always been the case, or did it come with time?

A. I Absolutely. We're very close and we've never felt embarrassed around each other going to the toilet.

2. In your most recent story, you mentioned that you waited outside while Sarah used the toilet with the door open. Do you use the toilet in front of each other outside of emergencies sometimes, or do either of you dislike being seen sitting on the toilet or find it embarrassing?

A. We never close the bathroom door unless we have company.I like watching Sarah go and I think she enjoys watching me too.

I look forward to reading more of your stories soon!

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