

Using weird outhouse during field trip

Hello all!

Long time no post hehe, but I have been keeping up with the posts and the website frequently. I read Tricky's recent post titled "A Saturday field trip to a wildlife preserve" and it reminded me of a similar situation I half-experienced (but mostly witnessed) many, many years ago, when I must have been 14 years old.

I think I must have been in 8th grade based on who the other people involved are. I was on a field trip with my classmates in 8th grade and also the younger kids in 7th grade and the slightly older kids in 9th grade. We met very early in the morning (around 5:30 am) to go to some sort of eco-village, spend most of the day there, and leave the eco-village at around 5 pm to return to the school premises at 7:30-8:00 pm.
When we arrived at the eco-village, one of the first things the owners / administrators told us is that if we had to use the bathroom, there were 4 outhouse buildings, 2 for men and 2 for women. But these outhouse buildings had a weird set-up: each had two doors, and if you entered the left door, you were only allowed to use that part of the outhouse to pee. If you entered the right door, you could only use that part of the outhouse to poop. Once inside, the two sections of the outhouse were separated only by a half-wall, which meant if you entered to pee through the left door, when you turned right to find the peeing trench, you could easily see anyone who was pooping on the right side of the outhouse from the waist up if they were sitting in the hole next to the peeing section of the outhouse, and you could completely see the others sitting farther away in the pooping section of the outhouse. The owners / administrators were adamant that we were not allowed to pee in the pooping section as that would disrupt the degradation of the waste or something like that.

We spent the day around the eco-village learning various ecological farming techniques, and a few times my friends and I went to one of the outhouses to pee. On one of those occasions, I saw a 7th grader already sitting in the pooping section of the outhouse in one of the farthest holes from the peeing section. He seemed quite embarrassed when we saw him, as he immediately pulled up his pants from just below his knees to his thighs and then covered his upper thighs and butt with his dark green sweater.

The rest of the day went on uneventfully, and around 4:30 pm we all met in the entrance of the eco-village and said goodbye to the owners / administrators and our teachers counted us and told us to go for a last bathroom break before getting unto the buses. Here, almost all of us the boys went ahead to the nearest outhouse to the peeing section. Thankfully, I did not need to poop as it was somewhat earlier than my usual pooping time, but I did need a good pee as I had been drinking a lot of water. Meanwhile, friend of mine complained that he was holding a crap in but refused to use the outhouse for that purpose. As we were in line for the peeing section of the outhouse, we saw two boys went into the pooping section. The first one was Raoul, a young latino student in the 7th grade with dark spiky hair, olive eyes and, although a bit shorter than the rest of us, had an athletic build because he played soccer. He was considered good-looking by the girls. The other one was Johan, a 9th grader who was very tall. He was somewhat pale-looking, with dark brown hair and blue eyes, but he was also somewhat athletic. Raoul and Johan did not usually interact with each other but they did know each other from the school, and Raoul was surprised that Johan actually was also going to the pooping section as well. Raoul went in first, and Johan went in later as he closed the door behind him.

Back in the line for the peeing section, I heard the boys peeing inside start to snicker, then laugh, at whatever it was that they heard and saw from Raoul and Johan. One of the peeing boys yelled, "Dude, get farther away, you're going to stink us here!", so then I knew that either Raoul or Johan had decided to take the outhouse seat in the pooping section nearest to the peeing trench. As the line kept moving, I could hear laughter from the ones ahead of us, with one of the 7th graders saying, "Wow dude, I never thought I would see you like that". My friend finally entered the peeing section ahead of me, and from where I stood, I could see Raoul sitting on the pooping section from his waist up, occasionally farting and grunting. I could not see Johan yet, but once it was my turn to enter, I saw Johan was sitting on the seat farthest from the peeing section.

As I started peeing in the trench, I took notice of how Raoul seemed to be having a reasonably normal poop. He didn't seem particularly uncomfortable, but had covered his upper thighs and butt with a sweatshirt. Briefly I looked directly at Raoul and for a brief second he looked back at me, which was awkward, but he didn't seem to particularly mind. As I was peeing, however, I was more intrigued by Johan: he sat upright, his legs somewhat open, and his upper thighs and butt similarly covered by a sweatshirt like Raoul. He had his hands placed on his knees as if gripping them. I could see him almost completely since he was unobstructed by the half-wall separating the peeing section from the pooping section, with Raoul's spiky hair only hiding part of Johan's legs from view. I looked at Johan's face and saw it contort as it got red with effort and, in the midst of all the peeing noises, I could hear a very discernible crackling sound as a massive poop must have exited his butt.

Raoul, meanwhile, was almost done. I heard a damp *thud* noise as he sighed in relief and looked for something to wipe with. The roll of toilet paper was in the space between the second seat - unoccupied - and the third and farthest seat where Johan was sitting. Raoul looked at Johan, who kept grunting "Uugh" every couple of seconds, and said to him "I should have figured out that a big guy like you also made big shits!". Johan stopped pushing and laughed briefly at Raoul's comment, making the crackling stop and probably leaving his massive poop hanging from his butt. Raoul then asked him "hey man, could you pass me the toilet paper", which Johan did. I was almost done peeing by this point. Johan then resumed pushing and the crackling sound then resumed, but when another student entered the peeing section and saw Raoul wiping and Johan pushing he started laughing out loud. After finishing peeing, Raoul was still wiping and Johan kept grunting with the crackling sound continuing. I don't know how long that went on but I exited the peeing section and went to wash my hands to some sinks located in the mid point between the outhouse for men and the outhouse for women.

A few boys still were in line to pee when Raoul exited the pooping side of the outhouse. He looked at Johan, said something to him which I could not hear, and then closed the door behind him. The brief glimpse I caught of Johan told me his initial massive poop had already dropped, as he seemed more relaxed and his face was neither contorted nor red anymore. But he must have needed to poop some more, as a couple of 7th graders entered the peeing section, looked at him, and started laughing. One of them even said Johan looked like a tomato.

Eventually, all boys finished peeing and Johan still had not come out. He remained in there for a few minutes more before the male teacher asked someone to go check on him. Raoul volunteered, saying it would be best since he was sitting next to Johan just some minutes earlier. Raoul knocked on the door, Johan said something I didn't hear, but Raoul told us that Johan said he was almost done. And indeed, he was, as Johan came out less than 2 minutes later.

The bus ride back to the school where our parents where going to pick us up was mostly uneventful except for two things. My friend who had been holding his poop in kept making comments about how he was dying to poop but was determined to hold it. I just laughed at his comments and tried to comfort him saying that every minute that passed was a minute closer to the comfort of his own toilet at home. The other thing was that I heard Raoul and his friends briefly commenting on his experience using the outhouse to poop, and how funny and weird it was to poop next to Johan.

Anyway, that was the story! Everyone keep the good posts coming!

Reply to Becky's complaint

Your complaint is valid for both genders. It is a totally callous attitude about basic cleanliness. I'm a graduate student with my own apartment now, but three years ago I lived with a roommate who would regularly piss over, and into the toilet without lifting the seat. When I would mention it to him he would simply say he forgot or sometimes he said it was an emergency and that he almost pissed himself. When his girlfriend stayed over I heard her tell him once that she could walk down to the BP station to get a dry seat. Yes we argued over that and he said he would do better. It didn't happen. I did a seat wipe-down for him once or twice a day and never heard a Thank You. We were at a Lakers game, the urinals were all taken, and he had downed a couple of beers. He went into a stall, swore when he couldn't get his zipper to work and then with a pathetic aim hosed down the seat. I found it when he came out still struggling with the zipper on his new jeans. When I showed him what he had done he made a lame joke about urine being the cleanest fluid in the human body. When he and I got done washing our hands we saw a young boy going into that stall, drop his shorts, and take his seat for a shit.

Anna from Austria

funny observation

I had to attend job networking event that was held at my old unversity.

It took the whole day and after finishing my lunch at the food court I had to go Number 2.

While using the food court ladies room I learned that some girls are easy going concerning taking a dump in the public.

During my time when I was younger, pooping at school was a go. I never witnessed another girl pooping while using the girls room.

Girls during my Uni days became a bit more open about it but I was still in a minority with pooping on daily basis at Unit restrooms.

But yesterday there was mass pooping event at ladies room. Besides me 5 or even more ladies where pooping at the same.

Also had to use other ladies rooms at the uni during the even day and while there was no direct pooping action while I was there I could smell faint poo smell after entering some other restrooms.

That's my not so great story for today.

greetings from Austria


have some other ladies that are also in their late 30s like myself experienced something similar that some younger women are bit more open about that compared to their peer group?

This experience is new to me to honest. I have always thought that older ladies are more open about it than the younger ones. The few pooping partners I had when using public restrooms have always ben ladies at my age or a bit older.



Saturday, February 3, 2024


Another session with a therapist

I mentioned in my last post, I had a bit of constipation and went to my therapist and what I know why she cleaned my bottom with what would be a bottle acting is a bidet . Quite a bit of power.
Irrespective, I got in my underwear. They were skidmarks later that day.
Yesterday still having problems, and went to the therapist and another one here have a massage in an important area, I sat on the throne and had a good movement with enormous effort. She then gave my stomach very good, rub and massage my colon. She told me not to hurry so much on the toilet and take my time.
She cleaned me up very well, but when I got home, I noticed there was skidmarks again. I take lax in the morning of two different sorts, and after dinner, I went to the toilet and had a small, medium movement, and then about now later, got a real urge went in and everything poured out and did it stink. My hole is quite sore, so I use vapour rub which seems to be pretty good.
This morning, I watched TV and a prime breakfast time a very low cost and brief commercial came on which had a young man screaming at everybody who have a hard time doing a poo. It was almost comical. The ad recommended a certain tablet commercial quite tasteless, but really made a valid point. Let's say I know the feeling.

I'm so glad you're back! Your posts were so cool and inspiring, it's always nice to hear from another lady my age who likes to do naughty pees and poos, even though i havent made wetting and messing a routine ting like you do, but I did try and a chairnand in the bath which were both super fun, anyway, im excited for your next post!
Peach: great work as always, I especially loved the shower poo, I'm glad your experimenting and I hope you keep at it!
Here are my responses:

Do you love using a biet? Yes! It's not the important part, but it's just better.
What sort of thing is a enema? An enema is when you inject some liquid into your butthole and it makes you take awesome, explosive shits, but for health reasons, don't do it too often
Do you like taking poos and wees in the shower? Yes! Luv it!
Do you have any children or nieces or nephews that are potty training if so tell me a story what happened. No.
Do you sometimes have accidents? Not "accidents" per se, but I do sometimes shit and piss myself as a result of holding for more than ny limit.
Do you wonder using a Huggies nappy pull up to do your business in? Yes! When I shit in one they tend to explode all over the place though, which is pretty cool, and it feels great as I fill it up with my poo and pee.
Have you thought of making a custom DYO (Design your Own) Toilet? No, but that would be cool!
I hope everything is going well! Let me know if you have more questions.
Lacey: doing that stuff with friends is fun, do you still do it?


morning with the poos

Hi everyone I'm Ellie i'm 25 and a brunette (at the minute aha) and i weigh about 75kg but i don't look that big. Today I woke up to a kind of full feeling at the bottom of my stomach and some dull cramping. i could tell there was something wrong because normally i don't have to poo until later on in the day so i rolled over and tried to fart in case it was just gas. this was a mistake because i had to clench right away to stop some mush leaking out. i got up quick and dashed to the toilet with a hand on my stomach and i was barely sat on the seat by the time a big load of mush dropped out of me. if i waited any longer it would have probably been in my pyjamas. i had to keep running back and forth to the loo all morning and i think i went 5 times before my ???? settled down again which was good because i had a day out with my friend planned (although i did have to go once more when i was out) i don't get the poos very often so it was pretty weird for me (i'm often closer to being constipated) and i had to change my knickers a few times because of bad wiping and trusting too many farts. I don't hate having the poos though, the relief feels amazing when its finally out. anyway thats all from me, peace

Emma two

Just made it

I was desperate for a poo when I got home from work last night and I was walking into the bathroom when I felt a cramp in my stomach and I couldn't help farting. I thought I would follow through but luckily I didn't and I made it to the toilet just in time. I pulled my knickers and jeans down and sat on the toilet and relaxed my bottom. I didn't push. It rushed out of me like a rocket and it was a lot. The smell was bad but I didn't care. I was just thankful I didn't poo myself and the relief of it felt so good. My knickers weren't stained and when I wiped I was surprised that there wasn't much mess on the paper. I stood up and looked in the toilet to see if it would block but it didn't look too bad so I pulled up my clothes and flushed the toilet. I opened the window to clear the smell and washed my hands and left the bathroom feeling much better.


Reply to Mary regarding modesty peeing

I have several lady friends who practice modesty peeing as you described. Is it really as common as they say?


Timmy's pushes & my pushes

When it was school recess, I decided to poop and went to the toilet. I immediately realized that not all the stalls in the toilet were empty. As soon as I entered, I smelled poop, and I heard someone grunting. Since I like to peek and eavesdrop on people pooping, I immediately took a stall next to the one from which someone grunting. I pulled down my pants and briefs and sat down on the toilet seat. I looked through the gap between my stall and the next one to see who was pushing there. It turned out to be my classmate Timmy! He was sitting on the toilet, and he was pushing, closing his eyes, and clutching the edges of the toilet with his hands. I watched him for a while, but then I felt like I wanted to poop myself. I pushed too, but like Timmy, it didn't work out and I had to push harder too. I pushed a few times, and after diligent pushes, I was finally able to defecate, I defecated four poop. Then I wiped my ass, got dressed and flushed. I was wondering if Timmy had already pooped too? I looked through the crack again. Timmy was still sitting on the toilet, holding his nose with one hand and no longer pushing. Listening, I heard crackling sounds, and realized that Timmy was now pooping. There were a couple of splashes, and I also got a stinky smell. Then, Timmy had wiped himself, and getting up from the toilet, flushed the toilet and got dressed. He went out, and I followed too, because the recess is not that long.

Am I Too Picky?

There has been 3 times in the past 2 weeks when the bell has run at my school. Class change period has begun. I stop at the bathroom closest to where my next class is and I'm holding in a usual pretty painful pee that is ready to seep out. We have no doors on our cubicles. This causes more problems than just privacy. Some girls wait and talk to their friend while she sits and pees. By bad luck sometimes I'm waiting for a toilet and a girl is using it for a crap that goes on and on. When she's done, she stands to see what she has unloaded and then sits back down to wipe herself. Then when I take the warm seat I don't dare try to flush. I just sit in the stink of her crap looking ahead as I pee. Like 2 times a week I will have a quarter sized stain in my panties. My mom has complained about it, but it is the best I can do. My best friend says the bathrooms suck and there is nothing we can do about it. We just think a 4 minute passing period is too short of a time to use a busy bathroom. But when the Covid crisis ended our school day was extended by 30 minutes.


A response

Hi guys. I loved the Disney World bathroom story on here. I've never been there, nor have I used the bathroom at that place. I had an interesting poop some time ago. It was mushy, and almost silent. Since my favorite tourist attraction is in it's off season, I am uncertain about making a reservation for febuary. This month was too cold. My favorite diarrhea provention when planning this trip is cream of wheat. Hope you all had fun in the bathroom. Bye!



Driving back home yesterday , needed to have a BM pulled into layby sat on ADVENTURIDGE portta pottie ,went a NUMBER TOO .
This morning needed a NUMBER TOO as soon as I woke sat on THETFORD ELEGANCE in bedroom could only wee . I went downstairs had a mug of tea then went to campervan sat on the ADVENTURIDGE pottie and went a NUMBER TOO ,it took twenty minutes really enjoyed it as it was a large load.


Roommate is STILL leaving messes

I'm so sick of this! It's like 1/3 of the time my roommate uses the bathroom, I find mess on the toilet (crap or blood). It's not always a huge mess, but yeah, I shouldn't have to deal with this at all!

I've tried talking to her about it and she's just like, "I don't notice it." OPEN YOUR EYES! I could understand if this is occasional, like once a week or so (even that's too much, but I know she has bad eyesight), but there are days where I find... something on the toilet every day. And sometimes I really need to use it and it's anything I can do not to have an accident while cleaning up HER mess (sounds like that's my only option at this point. I've talked to her about it several times and it's like she doesn't care. I'm a germaphobe btw and she knows this). I have IBS, anxiety, and a small bladder, so it absolutely sucks! I've also sat on the toilet before when it was dirty (I didn't realize until I sat down or even after I got up), which is DISGUSTING!

(I think the reason there is crap on the seat sometimes is because we have a bidet and sometimes it... misses. I've had this happen to me before. But because I care about other people, I cleaned it up).

She just doesn't pay attention to what she does. I'm never sharing a bathroom with her ever again after I move. If we ever live together again (unlikely), I'm DEMANDING we have 2 bathrooms. One of them hers, one of them for me. I've been tempted to get a portable toilet outside and say here, here's your bathroom lol. But I'm not that horrible.

If you read this rant, thank you for your time. Any advice is appreciated but I mostly came here to rant.


Toilet Therapist

My BMs have been hard as rock and irregular.
I had not been for a couple of days and was getting the "urge" at mid day and by chance I was heading to the office and my therapist was located on route.
I called in and told them my problem and was escorted to the toilet and digital stimulation occurred and hurt a bit . The consequence of which I got this urge and need to push. I came out in pebbles and she , with her finger , penetrated to get it out...she pushed in and I push went on for a few minutes and I was able to get a really good evacuation.
Her gloved finger was heavily lubricated and at the conclusion she cleaned up my bottom which was kind.
I wear incontinence underwear and checked a short time ago and despite her good work they were soiled (skid marks) .
I have had digital stimulation before but this was manual evacuation!
In summary a good and relieving experience.


A Saturday field trip to a wildlife preserve

This is another story from back in high school. I was a Freshman. As part of an extracurricular activity related to a science team I was on, me and about 20 of my classmates had the option of taking a Saturday field trip to a wildlife park. We were there for the first half of the day, and there was no bathroom available during our tour.

After we attended the final presentation covering the various bird types found in the wetlands, it was time to get back on the bus. Of course, we had not had a bathroom break all day, and one of the students, we'll call him Jonathan, complained he very badly needed an emergency restroom stop. He was a white boy of 15 years old, athletic and about 140 lbs and 5'-9" tall, brown hair slightly shaggy but meticulously styled and slicked down with bangs covering his forehead, with an eyebrow piercing. He wore blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and a red flannel shirt. Other students also said they needed to go.

So the bus driver looked for a bathroom building on the way out of the park. We found this sketchy looking brick building that looked to be nearly a half century old. Everyone left the bus to use it. In particular, I saw Jonathan rush inside in a hurry at an awkward pace with a very obvious clenching of his posterior as if a corn cob was stuck up his butt.

He was the first person in, followed by the male teacher behind him, the rest of us behind the teacher. I was toward the back of the line. The boys went to the Mens' room and the girls to the adjacent Girls' room. As I walked in, the setup struck me as highly awkward, but still nothing I hadn't seen before elsewhere(I'd already ben to a number of parks and campgrounds).

I saw two students waiting for their chance to use the metal trough urinal standing to the right, and to the left I saw the side profiles of 4 students and the teacher holding their organs out urinating while standing shoulder to shoulder. There was a lone single sit-down toilet to the back of it with only a half-wall for privacy, occupied by Jonathan. I could see a side profile of him from his waist up and also see his lower legs and shoes sticking out from the wall. His pants were at knee level and the half wall at least kept his butt out of view, although I could see the front part of his hairless thighs behind his knees with his flannel shirt over them. He sat there making one of the loudest farts I'd ever heard come from someone sitting on a public toilet to this day.


It sounded like a steel vault door being opened that had been rusting for decades and needed its hinges oiled, and reverberated about the room, seemingly making the walls shake. The entire room heard that, but miraculously, no one laughed. Then came a loud crackling, competing to be heard with the sound of five splashing streams of piss nearby. I heard him quietly grunt with a hint of relief in his voice.


I think the fact that the teacher was present and that we were all Honors' students both played into the fact that no one was disrespectful, as harassment/bullying would be the most likely case to any student unfortunate enough to have to use any of the doorless stall or open toilets at our school for defecation.

As my turn to pee at the trough finally came, I'd be standing just to the left of him. Having my male organ out in such close proximity to him at his eye level was going to be very awkward. But I drank 32oz of water that morning and badly had to pee, so I got on with it. As I unzipped and got started, the loud crackling coming from his direction seemed to get louder as he sat there just two feet from me. Just out of my peripheral vision as I was focused on making sure my pee stream made it into the trough, I could see he had his flannel shirt and boxers over his thighs, and right hand holding his private down and covering it. A very obviously large, solid, and sticky poop was forcing its way out of him. The audible sounds intimately gave its characteristics away.


I could hear the continued uninterrupted crackling as he sat there with his head down, seemingly ashamed and embarrassed, obviously not used to this situation. I'd never seen him use any of the sit-down toilets at school, and with good reason, as most people never did. The loud crackling continued for the duration of my piss, which was perhaps an entire minute. As I zipped up, he then tensed up.

*ROMP-p-p-p-T-T* *ploopt-tup-PLAT*

The splashing sounded like change was being poured out of a glass jar into a wishing well, and it was over in about 5 seconds. A look of embarrassment came across his face as he sighed and whispered "Owww... dammit..."

The sinks on the opposite wall to the trough and the toilet made things extra awkward as well, because the mirror was right there. I did my best to look away as I was washing my hands, but the large mirror going all the way down to the faucet made sure nothing was left to the imagination as he tore paper off of the roller on the half-wall, folded it, and slightly lifted himself off the toilet and wiped underneath from behind with his right hand. Large brownish-green streaks were visible as he checked the paper before throwing it into the bowl from behind his butt, only to roll more paper. I hurried quickly and got out of there as fast as possible.

I could hear him rolling more toilet paper as the last of the students finished up at the trough and I walked out back to the bus.

We waited another 5 minutes or so. It must have been a messy poop for him or perhaps he had a second wave. The bus driver shut the door and started to accelerate when the teacher hastily reminded him there was another student still in the restroom. Just then, Jonathan started awkwardly and slowly walking out of the Mens' room back to the bus. He looked embarrassed, but relieved, this time walking normally.

He had a girlfriend that also participated in this extra curricular, and as he was walking to his seat, which was right behind mine, she asked him if he was okay. I heard him say "I'll be fine. I had too much of your mom's cooking again." She laughed and a few small snickers were heard in the vicinity. All the boys and the male teacher knew of his plight in a most intimate manner, but no one said anything else about it. He was one of the more popular and good looking students and I think that insulated him from ridicule.

If this would have happened at the school, things probably would have turned out a lot worse for him.

About 15 minute later during the bus ride home, I heard him describe the restroom setup to his girlfriend. She mentioned that the Ladies' room also had a bunch of open toilets, with short stalls and no doors. It was the first time she'd ever seen or used such a thing to pee. A conversation among a group of students started on the subject and it was mentioned that the boys' toilets at school didn't even get stall doors, while the girls' toilets had them. The girls were shocked to hear that. Jonathan then mentioned this was his first time ever sitting on a public toilet with no door, and he hoped he'd never have to again, especially at school. They gave him their sympathy.


HUGE poop after lunch

Hi everyone. Finished lunch a while ago (2 peanut butter sandwiches, an apple, cup of tea and mug of milk) My stomach has been feeling uncomfortable and full most of the day. In the morning after breakfast my worker came and gave me my new glasses, etc. I felt very full and uncomfortable after lunch and I got the urge for a major poop a few minutes ago. Grabbed my Walmart bag off the computer chair in here, took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Did a loud long pee first then pushed out a huge poop that was somewhat solid and seemed to keep coming. Finally the last of it came out and laid in the toilet. No splash, thud or anything. Reached into the Walmart bag, wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. WOW! This poop was long and thick, filling up a lot of the toilet. Damn. No wonder my stomach has been feeling so uncomfortable and full. It's still not 100% empty yet but a lot of stuff is out of me. Flushed and surprisingly it went down. Am now in my room writing this and digesting after lunch and getting used to my new glasses and prescription. I hope everyone is staying healthy, happy and safe.

Happy peeing and pooping!



A Bush Poo

Every proper Australian has had "bush Poos".
I had not taken a dump in the bush for years but in my better days I have had many!
In Central Australia , sometimes the ground can be so hard it is difficult to dig a hole. Other times, I prefer a dry creek bed...they can say dry for up to a few years....particularly in times of drought.
I looked for the bank of the creek/river and dug a hole in the course sand and propped my load.
Now here is the was reported that National Parks and Wildlife (a government department) has spent a lot of time and money cleaning up poo and toilet paper.
It is suggested that bushwalkers dig a hole 20 cm deep ( 8 inches) and drop your load there and cover up, of course. The three fundamental problems is that the bush walker might dig their hole near a water course thus causing contamination. The third is the bushwalker might have an urgency and not have time to dig the hole.
This all leads to bushwalkers carrying bio degradable bags and they poo into the bag, push out the air and then put it into a sealed container and dump the bag into a toilet.
My problem is that with my lack of control of my hands I can see the poo going everywhere but the bag. Also carrying a few days poo on a long hike can be an extra unwelcomed load.
I will make sure I have a shovel...that is the better option for me.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Anna from Austria
@Erin B Thanks for sharing your Disney story. I personally have never been to a Disney facility yet, not even the one in Europe ( I think it is located in Paris).

This year I will connect my buisness trip to LA with a one week vacation and in that week I plan to visit the Disney Resort Anaheim I am already curious to see the themed bathrooms there.

Now to my latest story. Last week Saturday I was ice skating at the local ice rink in the in the afternoon.

During one break I had a big cup of coffee and despite the fact I had already done my poop in the morning the coffee somehow re awaked my bowels again. My ???? started to rumble and the urgency level rose quite fast. It was really annoying to walk fast to the bathroom with while wearing ice skating shoes.

The bathroom was really quite busy but also big so I had no problems finding a stall.

The only problem was that the doors and walls were rather thin so I could hear the ladies inside.

When doing my usual noisy poop I felt a bit ashamed being the only lady that was pooping. But when you have to go you have to go.

It was the hardest coffee poop I ever had.

It is not new that coffee makes me poop but this time the effect was on steroids.

Maybe the coffee they sell on the ice skating rink was stronger than the one I have at work or at home or something like that.

I do not know. Anyway that's my story for today.

Greetings from Austria


Jasmin K

David's Survey my answers

To start I'm completing this whilst trying to have a poo this morning will mention my ooo at the end of the survey.
1) Did you ever withhold out of fear at any times in your life? MY ANSWER - not as such, I've withheld so I could do it at home when told to go and sometimes that made it get very big and hard to push out so became constipated.
2) Do you enjoy being constipated and having to push and strain for ages and not interested in having easy poos? MY ANSWER - wouldn't say enjoy, I'm just prone to constipation probably due to my diet - I eat what I like and that may not be good for regular soft poo.
3) Do your poos often smell? MY ANSWER - it depends some do and some don't ; if it's a poo I've forced when I didn't really need to go but wanted to go like before going out so I didn't get the need when I'm out those sort often smell but constipated hard ones don't smell too bad .
4) Do your poos sometimes get sucked back in or stay hanging halfway out for a while? this happened to me as as kid but not for years. MY ANSWER. Yes this happens especially when I've a large hard constipated poo - it comes out a bit when I strain but when I rest it goes back up sometimes. When I was younger I'd get them stuck half out , if this happened before school either my sister or mum would break it off at met bum and tell me to pull my knickers up - I'd end up soiling them as it would still be sticking out a bit.
5) How long are your poos in cm or inch? MY ANSWER. Depends if it's a solid log or pebbles, pebbles are often less than centimetre to a chunk about 2'cms. When solid log depends how long it's been in me I've done 10 inches and another 4 or 6 inches before the softer mush I get from straining.
6) How wide are your poos in cm or inch?MY ANSWER , Pebbles - chunks see previous answer logs I've done in the thick part 2 or more inches have done them nearly as thick as a coke can after several days of not going but getting soft poo squeezed out past the hard log when straining.
7) Are your poos light tan colour or dark brown? MY ANSWER, usually lighter tan/ light brown,
8) Do you enjoy having a poo? MY ANSWER ; when I've been straining at it for an hour or more yes I do enjoy getting it out and yes I do enjoy having a poo .
9) What made you not embarrassed to poo at school? is it that more girls poo at school than boys as I remember Abbie always would poo at school where boys don't usually?MY ANSWER , it was only after I was 12 that I regularly had a poo at school usually when I arrived as I got there quite early. Would spend about 1/2 hour on the toilet at school straining hard, before that it was only if I had to try to get rid of bad stomach ache but had to judge if I did could I do the required poo at home when told to.
10) Do you think you have mega colon or stretched out rectum? MY ANSWER. just googled those and possibly yes. I was always very constipated when young so possibly mega colon.
11) What's your usual stool type on the bristol stool chart? MY ANDWER. usually a 1 ( hard pebbles ) or a 2 a solid pebble log.
12) Have you ever tried squatting, going up on tip toes or using a foot stool? MY ANSWER. When I'm going for a long sit I wear high heels or my high soled boots to raise my legs up - there was always a pair of heels bathroom for that reason when younger. I've tried squatting over paper too but had heels on anyway- really made my ads bleed bad.
13) Does pulling your bum cheeks apart if you do that help to pass a poo? MY ANSWER ; yes I've done this / do this and also fingers in bum hole pull that open to to help a fat one come out .
14) Are you embarrassed to discuss going for a poo with your friends and family? MY ANSWER ; no not at all; when younger my sis would be in the toilet , me on potty chair and my mum stood there telling us to ' try harder' 'push' 'strain ' etc and would talk openly about what we had done or not done and I'm not shy doing it in front of friends either.
15) If you could choose to have an easy soft poo like I do, would you decide to swap from what you currently have? MY ANSWER ; No. I was once on stool softeners laxitives, had a couple of unexpected very messy accidents so stopped taking them. At least with solid hard logs I've got control and the worst mess I make is a little mark in my knickers if I'm very constipated as I know this will happen I'm prepared.
16) Do you think grunting when pushing for a poo actually helps?MY ANSWER; I make a noise but tend to strain with my muscles and sometimes the breath hold and bear down too. Not sure if the noise helps or is just and inevitable part of straining hard.
17) How do you refer to going for a poo? - going number two?, opening your bowels?, moving your bowels, going for a poo? MY ANSWER; going for a poo , when younger it was poopoo.

Ok so I've done a good poo first some chunks and pebbles , I kept straining hard and produced a solid log light brown about 8 inches and thick, kept straining as hard as I could for about 10 more minutes making my bum bulge down a long way and did a second solid log about 6 inches not as thick as the first, took deep breath and strained down some more my prolapse came out with some gas and splattering mucous and softer poo, kept straining until no more soft poo came, pushed it back up inside and wiped. Light brown poo on toilet paper and some blood Folded a wad of paper and put between my bum cheeks to soak up any more blood and pulled my shiny skin tight black leggings up - they pull between my bum cheeks so keep the paper wad in place until I get to work and remove it.

Well that's it for this post
Bye Jaz K


Question to Avery

At which point would you consider a point to be big? One that's a foot long certainly is big to me

My accidents usually happen in the morning when I first wake up. I have to have a towel…

I was once in the hospital and was pretty much bed bound and very pregnant. They didn't want to let me out the bed, but I had to do all three. I got most of it in the sink and toilet. You wouldn't know that considering how the nurse acted!! You would have thought I soiled the bed from top to bottom 🙄🙄 I watched as she literally rinsed out the sink and used one paper towel on the floor. I was too pregnant, sick, and tired to care. I'm sure much bigger messes than that happen all the time 🤷


Re: Question for Tricky; Scooter

Q: Did you ever have other boys at your school who would regularly need to poop during the school day? I'd feel bad for you if you were the only one who would have to poop at school.

A: For all of grade school, I was the only boy I know of who regularly pooped at school. There may have been others, but pooping at school was seen as a bit of a taboo. I was made fun of for it plenty of times. It became moreso taboo during middle school and at my first high school because there was nowhere to poop in private(doorless stalls, no stalls, ect.). It was a rare event where I pooped next to another student during grade school, but it did happen from time to time. It never happened at my middle/high school's doorless stalls. Albeit at that high school there was a period during Sophomore year where I used to train with the Marines, and once did poop next to another student from a different high school on open toilets with no privacy while a drill sergeant gave a play-by-play commentary. See the story "Semper Fi" on page 2955.

The 2nd high school I attended, Junior and Senior year, there were stall doors, and there were other boys who pooped there regularly. There was a boy two grades behind me who I pooped next to easily 20+ times in total during Junior and Senior year immediately after last class, and I'd seen him enter or exit a stall even more than that. He was about 5'6", maybe 110 lbs, strawberry-blonde hair in a bowl style cut. On one occasion, I had to ask him to hand me some toilet paper from under the stall because mine had none. More than once, we met each other at the sinks after hearing each other's noises. On on occasion, while we were both pooping, the cleaning lady asked if anyone was in there and we both responded in the affirmative. A few minutes later while we were rolling the toilet paper, she asked when we'd be done, and he yelled "Soon! We're wiping!" She laughed at both of us as we exited. It was only that one student I regularly pooped next to, because both of us generally needed to go as soon as school let out and we both preferred the boys' room near the entrance where our parents would pick us up. Most of my classmates there knew I pooped at school but never really made fun of me for it, and in fact respected my lack of inhibition regarding the subject. At some point or another, I probably pooped next to at least 30 of my classmates at that school, but very rarely more than once per person, and there were probably hundreds of times I entered or exited a stall with other people in the room that got to hear me poop. I wish my previous schools had students that were as respectful, otherwise doorless stalls and open toilets may not have ever intimidated me.

I do have other stories of pooping at that high school that I have yet to post, some involving other students.


HUGE poop about 2 hours after lunch

This morning I had oatmeal with bananas, spices (I think cayenne pepper). For lunch I had noodles with a light brownish red cayenne sauce, peas, and after lunch a small container of orange slices and avocado. My stomach felt very full afterwards. Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took the bedroom flip flops off at the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the floor, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a huge poop that was semi-solid. There was a lot. When I was done I grabbed the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag, stood up, turned around and looked in the toilet. WOW! This thing filled almost all of the toilet bowl! No wonder my stomach has felt so uncomfortable and full! Damn. Flushed the poop first, wiped my front then wiped my butt really well. Ewww. Threw the toilet paper into the toilet afterwards and flushed again. Pulled my pants and underwear up and walked to the sink, washed my hands really well with soap and water, turned off the tap, picked up the Walmart bag off the floor, walked out of the washroom, turned off the light. Went to my room, turned on the light, tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, dried my hands on the towel, went outside my room, took the outside flip flops off, went back into my room, put THOSE flip flops on and now writing this. That was a hell of a huge poop but it was much needed (I'm not 100% empty yet but hopefully after dinner I will be. Felt good to get rid of that beast. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Steve A

To Erin B (Disney World Story)

My high school band takes a trip to Disney World (DW) every 2 years to perform and enjoy some time away from school, which means that I went twice during my time at high school. I'm out of college now, so it's been awhile since I've been to DW...

We took coach buses instead of flying down, even though the drive took a while, since we're located north of Florida. However, the coach buses thankfully had restrooms on them, so we were in good hands.

My 2 DW stories are on pages 2371 & 2552 under my name

Furthermore, I used to post more back (on this site) about my experiences in high school and college, even though most of my stories involved me having to go before and during class (while having to adjust, since I used to have a more consistent "regular" bathroom schedule back then) along with living in a communal dorm (at college) and having to share a dorm bathroom with my peers.


A noteworthy poop

So, usually I wouldn't share my day-to-day at-home dumps here because I feel like they're uneventful. Yesterday, I had one of the larger poops I've had in my life while at home and I felt like I should share it.

I was talking to my girlfriend. I felt a slight urge to pee, so I stood up from my desk and went to the only bathroom we have in the house. I sat down on the toilet to pee.

I let out a little fart as I was peeing. Then, I felt a bit of a pain in my stomach so I started to push. I looked between my legs as thin (maybe inch wide) turd started to slide out of my butt. It was maybe 8 or 9 inches in length. I let out another little fart after the turd was in the toilet.

"Okay, that's cool," I thought, thinking I was done. And then, I felt a bit more pressure and decided to push again. Soft-serve poop of the same light brown color started to come out of my butt like a soft-serve ice cream machine, swirling around at the bottom of the toilet. It just kept coming honestly, push after push, more and more soft-serve. And I had not "pinched the loaf" at any point during this process. It was very smelly. I ate the same stuff the day before yesterday as I eat pretty much every day, and usually my poops are a lot smaller, I'm a lot less gassy, and they have less strong of a smell. I have no idea what made this one so gigantic.

After a certain point, I couldn't see any water in the toilet bowl anymore, nor could I see the hole that connects the toilet to the sewer. After maybe a minute of pushing and nonstop pooping, all of the poop had fallen out of me and I didn't feel anything else.

Usually when I'm done pooping, I instinctively pee a little bit more (even if I peed at the beginning of my time on the toilet, as I had yesterday). I peed a bit accompanied by another little fart, and then I started to wipe. Afraid I would clog the toilet, I threw the toilet paper I used to wipe my front/thighs in the trash can next to the toilet and then I stood up to flush the toilet (I don't like to flush when I'm sitting on the toilet because I don't like the splashback). I was a little nervous since the toilet sounded like it was struggling, but it managed to get most of everything that was in there. It left some heavy skidmarks on the bottom, the same light brown color that my poop was.

I wiped my butt. It wasn't as messy as I thought it would be, it took maybe 5 or 6 wipes. I felt really sweaty as I wiped, sometimes I sweat when I poop. I flushed the toilet paper and there was still a bit of skidmarking on the bottom of the toilet but I didn't feel like waiting for the bowl to refill with water so that I could "hide it" from the other people in the house, I just washed my hands and left.

Anyway, that's my story.



Last Saturday went to village stores to buy Lottery Ticket. On way back 300 YDS from home had urge for BM ,arrived at campervan pulled ADVENTURIDGE portta pottie from locker put paper towel on back of bowl,pulled down my jogging bottoms sat down went a NUMBER TOO.
Two hours later while doing house work , needed another BM wentback to van sat on pottie and had another good shit.
Sunday morning woke pulled down my pants sat on VOLLRATH bed pan , had a wee five minutes later had a BM wiped withh four sheets of SHADES KITCHEN TOWEL then went downstairs tok bed pan to bonfire then washed under water butt



Driving home yesterday travelling through GATELY need to wee ,entered A303 had the urge to poop,pulled into first available layby,went to the galley area pulled ADVENTURIDGE pottie from locker opened the slide then closed not fully ,put paper towel on back of bowl and on neck of bowl.
I pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants,sat down.Several minutes later had a wee then another wee ,a few minutes passed had another wee as I going could hear it trickling into lower tank.The poop did not appear until I pushed ,after the first load my body took over .
I sat for Twenty minutes before reaching forward an tearing off sheets of ELSAN BLUE toilet paper .This was my first BM since SUNDAY in bed on a bed pan,today I had my usual mugs of tea then went to the campervan and sat on pottie and had a very enjoyable NUMBER TOO


HUGE poop after breakfast

I got up this morning around 8:15 AM, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a semi-big bowl of oatmeal with bananas, chili pepper/powder sauce (couldn't tell which) and black beans. It was ????. After breakfast I took my morning medications, grabbed my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs (my caregiver had gone to bed so I didn't want to call her and wake her up. I ha an appointment later so I will have to do that). Soon after coming downstairs I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag (after putting my notebook, etc on the bed. I only had toilet paper in the Walmart bag now) and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door (no more half open. They fixed the washroom door), walked to the toilet. Pulled my sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed out a big poop. It came out fairly quickly once I pushed. It didn't splash or flump, just laid there. Bathroom stunk lol. Reached into the Walmart bag, took out the toilet paper and used the last of it. Wiped really well and tossed it into the toilet. Whew. Talk about a load off lol. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. WOW. This poop took up the majority of the toilet bowl and was fairly thick and solid. I'm not surprised I've been feeling uncomfortable and bogged down! Flushed the toilet and it went down no problem. Went to the sink, washed my hands well, dried my hands and took the empty toilet paper roll upstairs to the kitchen counter. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Big poop 2 hours after lunch

Hi everyone. I have been feeling pretty uncomfortable for most of the day. Had oatmeal at breakfast with chili pepper powder and bananas. Had rice (watery) with hot sauce, vegetables etc for lunch. Been drinking warm water now and then. Enough to keep me hydrated but not too much. Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I went upstairs first to check for toilet paper. I have no more and neither does my caregiver (great). Went back downstairs, went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out a lot of semi-solid poop that came out quickly. No splash, no splat. Just came out quickly and laid in the toilet. I stood up, grabbed some soap (at the sink), turned on the water, ran the soap under water and rubbed it between my hands. Cleaned my butt that way and rinsed well. Pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. Wow! It took up most of the toilet bowl! Flushed the toilet, washed my hands well, went to my room, dried my hands on the towels in here, went outside my room, took those flip flops off, went into my room, put THOSE flip flops on and now writing this. Maybe I can go again after dinner. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy :)

Happy peeing and pooping!


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