

Timmy's diarrhea

It was at school. It was just recess, and I wanted to go to the bathroom. There was only one stall vacant in the school toilet, but as soon as I approached it, my classmate Timmy ran into the toilet and asked me:
"Let me go to the toilet, my stomach aches!"
He was actually pressing his hands to his stomach, and he was making noises. Of course, I let Timmy through, but before he could enter the stall, pupils came out of several stalls at once. So, the old-fashioned way, Timmy and I took the toilets next to each other. Also, out of habit, I began to look through the crack, peeping at Timmy. Timmy, when I looked through the crack, had already pulled down his pants and was in his undies. He lifted up the lid of the toilet seat, and exclaimed:
"Why hasn't flushed?! Who didn't flush toilet after themselves?!"
Timmy pressed the flush, then, when the flush was over, he pulled down his undies and sat down on the toilet seat. Timmy farted loudly, and I heard a splash. My classmate immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Then he farted again, and there was another splash. And then the splashes, one after another, began to be heard. I realized that Timmy had diarrhea. Through the crack, I felt such a terrible stench that I almost pulled away. The splashes were accelerating, Timmy was sitting on the toilet, clutching his stomach with his hands and moaning. He also farted deafeningly. But as for the sound, as for the smell, Timmy didn't seem to care now. After a while, Timmy's diarrhea stopped, but barely a couple of seconds had passed when Timmy's stomach began to churn again, and splashes of diarrhea began to be heard again. It looks like Timmy had severe diarrhea! Finally, his diarrhea was over, and he wanted to wipe his ass, but found that there was no toilet paper in the toilet he occupied! There was a small roll of toilet paper in the stall I occupied, and I gave it to Timmy. He thanked me. Meanwhile, I flushed in my stall, got dressed, and wanted to leave the toilet, but Timmy shouted that he needed more toilet paper. I was amazed: of course, the roll I gave him was small, but there, in appearance, there were at least twenty toilet papers! I went into another stall, and took out a large roll of toilet paper, and gave it to Timmy, over the top of the toilet wall. This paper enough for Timmy. While I was washing my hands, I heard Timmy trying to flushed toilet, I think he did it at least five times, then he left the stall, but Timmy didn't have time to wash his hands. The bell for the lesson rang. Timmy and I wanted to run to class, but as soon as Timmy took a step, his stomach churned loudly, and he moaned "not again" and rushed back to the toilet stall. I suggested Timmy:
'Let me tell the teacher that you're not feeling well and you can't study right now."
Timmy agreed, of course, and that's what I did. Timmy, as soon as his diarrhea stopped, went home, it seems, although after him the toilet stank for a couple more days.


Comments To Tricky

Hi Tricky. I love your outhouse story. My poop probably would have sounded like rain in that outhouse since I can get diarrhea. Today I had a loose poop after lunch in which pressure from gas traveled to my rectum. Other than that, my poop was ok yesterday and this morning. However, I had diarrhea Sunday up to Wednesday. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a good day. Bye.

Kate B.

My Worsening Incontinence

My whole life I have been accident prone. I have been a chronic bedwetter since forever and I had been known to wet (and soil) my pants more frequently than most. However, after giving birth to my twins, I have had to resort to wearing disposable panties. Over the next decade, failing to make it to the bathroom in time to pee became the norm. It wasn't until a few years ago that I started having issues holding my bowel movements.

Only a few days into the COVID-19 lockdown, back when we thought it would only last a few weeks, I was making lunch for my kids when I very suddenly needed the restroom. I didn't even get the oven mitts off before I messed myself. At the time I was still wearing Depends. I rushed to my bathroom to clean up, mortified even though no one had been around to witness my accident.

Little accidents like that continued to happen more and more frequently. I told my husband, who has always been supportive of all my bathrooms troubles, after the third accident I had of that type. It wasn't long after that my oldest daughter caught on to my developing issue. She has always known about my protection, as have my twins, but it was never really anything that was spoken about. Soon, I was soiling myself more frequently than I was successfully using the toilet.

One night all five of us were sitting in the living room. Everyone was on their phone (a pretty dystopian image if you ask me) when my bowels broke the silence. With a series of wet farts, I filled my Depends and then some, with rancid diarrhea. My face was beet red and when I finally managed to stand up, the couch was stained, my pants were stained, it was a mess. That was my first (and only so far… knock on wood) "blowout." There is nothing worse than getting a pity hug from your preteen son after spending 20 minutes cleaning your own shit off yourself. That was the night I ordered my first pack of NorthShore MegaMaxes, and those are the diapers I have worn ever since.

Now, I can't even remember the last time I used the toilet. Usually I don't really feel anything other than my diaper getting warmer and/or heavier, but every once in a while, when I do feel a sensation, I'm powerless to do anything other than use my diaper. It feels more like my body rubbing my lack of control in my face.

That's my story so far, but it not the issue I have today. I only found this site recently and have been moved by people openness to sharing their experiences, even if some of them are quite embarrassing, so I thought I would share something a little more personal.

With three teenagers in the house, it is a rare occurrence for my husband and I to be able to share some intimate time together. Last week, we had one of those golden opportunities, but a few minutes into the foreplay, before we could even get our clothes off, I made a massive load in my diaper. It totally killed the mood, and we didn't end up having any sex. I can't help but feel terrible! Now I am old, wrinkly, turning grey, and shitting in adult diapers! My husband does not want to have sex with me anymore, and I don't blame him. Like I said earlier, he has always been extremely supportive of me, but he never signed up to be married to a 41 year old woman who soils herself at least once every day!

My incontinence issues have always been a hassle, but now, for the first time, I feel as though my body has truly defeated me.


How I Urinate

If I am at home or somebody's house , and sometimes in a public toilet I will sit down for a wee. I find it more hygienic as there are no drops around the toilet as I have trouble with after voiding dribble…. Like a leaking tap washer. The act of a sit down we is a process of relaxation. I dot on the throne and take a few slow deep breaths and I totally relax to be like a rag doll . I let my pelvic floor collapse in a heap. Then the urine flows. What happens is it flows for quite a while then slows and stops …. And then after a minute or so it starts up again and I visualise my bladder becoming totally empty and flat. Whist I am doing this I relax on every exhale and concentrate on listening to the sounds around me . Sometimes I get a surprise bonus in that poo starts to come out . When I sit to we I might not have the need of a poo but methinks due to the relaxation … thing happen. Sometimes the poo will work its way out without any pushing at all. When my bodily function have concluded I remain in a meditation state for a couple more minutes listening to sounds in my environment and relaxing on each exhale .

Anonymous Vol



1. How long does it take you to poop?

2. How much do you go when you poop?

3. Describe what your typical poop looks like.

4. If you have to poop away from home is it more important that the bathroom is clean or private?

5. Is pooping something you look forward to, something you dread,.or just part of your day?

6. What's your favorite place to poop other than your own home?

7. What's more embarrassing, poop smells or poop sounds?

8. Tell me a little about your last poop.

9. Anything else you'd like to add?

Saturday, February 10, 2024


Bladder issues

I suppose I had no problem whatsoever until my early teenagers, when I went to standard urinal, and nothing will come out, because there were people around. It took me many many years to stop being pee shy.

When I was in my early 30s, I kept on having to get out of bed too pee many times over. I used to feel dreadful the next day and I went to the doctor . he discovered lots of kidney stones are very small size and also high uric acid. I went on a very strict seem to fix the problem to a significant extent.
All was well until a trip to Hawaii very many years ago saw me come down with kidney stones whereby I had to have a catheter etc. It was not a pleasant holiday. Things resolve themselves for awhile and then I began to get urgency and a lot of post urination dribble. The urgency was so painful and I could not control myself. I had a few squirts each time I got to that point. I went on medication and still on medication and this has improved the position to a point but only to appoint. I now wear incontinence underwear to help daily in that matter , and just as well because I'll be a soggy mess all the time. I do have any large prostate and neurological issues which contribute. The neurological issues contribute to my issues bowel issues.
I still got up a fair bit at night to go to the toilet, but practice mindfulness, meditation, and this certainly does help. What I found it took a long time for mindfulness meditation, to be of any assistance, but it is once again, to an extent. Those who have problems should see their doctor and then consider practising meditation etc.
Thanks for considering.



Came back from GYM last night ,went into house with my GYM BAG emptied on kitchen floor , drank three pints of water , picked up THETFORD ROYAL POTTIE ,went to campervan got undressed .had a wee in pottie then got into bed .A few hours later woke had a wee then again @ 3am.
The phone alarm woke me at 6;30 ,had a wee ,dressed went into house two mugs of tea then a large bowl of ALL BRANN .I made more tea then went back to campervan , put paper towel on back of pottie bowl .sat down and had a good crap then wiped with eight sheets of ELSAN BLUE toilet paper. I laid on the bed and fell asleep for four hours . I woke because I needed another NUMBER TOO ,sat on THETFORD ROYAL again and done another NUMBER TOO. I think it was the ALL BRANN I had earlier


To Darlene

I guess we're similar, because my record for peeing is also 900 ml ;) We both like toilet topics, but that's probably a feature of all people on this forum. I wish you to break the record soon.


Survey on clogging toilets

Taking advantage of the opportunity to visit this forum, I would like to refresh my survey, in which few people participated. The questions will probably not be the same and there are more of them because you don't want to look for the old ones. If anyone is wondering why I'm so interested in clogging toilets, I'll tell you in advance: Because I've never been able to do this in my life, even though I eat a lot and I think I poop a lot.
1. How often do you clog the toilet with your poop?
2. Have you ever clogged a friend's or family member's toilet with poop?
3. Have you ever had someone discover that you clogged your toilet? What was his and your reaction to this?
4. Have you ever clogged the toilet at work or school and someone found it out? What was the reaction of your friends/co-workers to this?
5. Has anyone ever been impressed by the size of your poop? What was his reaction?
6. Have you ever been proud of clogging a toilet?
7. Is there anyone in the world whose toilet you would like to clog? Who?


Weird outhouse at a state park

This story is from roughly one and a half decades ago.

I was on a new job with a coworker. He's an old fat man that liked to eat. We'd been using GPS equipment at a state park and would be back to this location multiple times over the week. During lunch break, we drove about 15 minutes out to this greasy spoon type local restaurant. Their food was good, but it sunk into my stomach and caused it to make all sorts of raunchy noises all for the remainder of that day and all night, including while I was trying to sleep. The gurgling was loud and kept me awake.

We went back to the state park the next day. My insides had gotten quiet and everything had calmed as I worked that morning. We went to eat at the greasy spoon again. My insides remained calm, when I predicted the opposite outcome. Except I ended up not pooping that day either while we worked at the state park, or that night.

At this point, I hadn't pooped in more than 48 hours.

We went back to the state park the day after. It was morning. As we were finishing up a job assignment, my stomach started gurgling loudly. My coworker asked if I was all right. I responded in the affirmative. I didn't feel weird or sick at all. Was definitely constipated. The gurgling let me know that it was probably coming.

We went to the greasy spoon for lunch a 3rd day in a row. After we ate, I felt a need to poop. Nothing abnormal or urgent, either, but decided it would be a good idea. I headed to the Mens' room. The lone stall had someone in it pooping. I waited outside the door for 5 minutes. I checked in once. The stall never vacated. I waited outside the Mens' room again. My coworker walked over to me and reminded me we needed to be at the job site on time of the meeting, and I told him the only stall was taken. He said the job site would have a restroom.

It sure did. After I greeted some of my new temporary coworkers, I left to the restroom building, accompanied by a 30-something female coworker who needed to go as well. She was a heavy-set lady that was more muscular than obese(although was a bit of both), and she had short blonde hair and clear skin that made her look younger than she was. I was in my 20s and could pass for a 15 year old boy, and looked very unusual in a meeting full of old blue collar people that were not as well-dressed. Then we saw the building.

It was a wooden outhouse with a Mens' side and a Womens' side. I needed to poop and it was increasingly urgent. It had been 20 minutes since I left the restaurant, giving the pressure time to build, and I'd been constipated the entirety of the work week. We both went into our separate sides.

The Mens' room had a single urinal and a single vault toilet, the vault toilet obscured by a roughly 3.5-foot tall half wall and no door. The half-wall extended far out, to where using the toilet was comparable in privacy to a half-stall with a door, since the opening in the half wall didn't allow the toilet to be viewed as you were entering or standing in the room, a toilet which I didn't see until I'd walked to the half-walled area to access it.

I could see the clean floor of the vault 20 feet below in the toilet opening as I quickly took a seat on that trashcan-shaped toilet, and the half-wall extended multiple feet passed my legs and concealed me from the shoulders up as I sat on the can. I could feel a pleasantly cool breeze on my hairless butt cheeks. It was comfortable enough for me to lower my dress pants all the way to my feet, because anyone who came in would see me from the shoulders up and know not to walk into the toilet area(and I'd have plenty of time to pull my pants up if it came to that). The urinal was adjacent to where I was seated, with the shape of the urinal designed to give its user decent privacy.

I heard pee dropping into the vault below from the ladies room, hissing its way out of the lone occupant in the next room. The walls didn't go all the way to the floor, and while I couldn't see her feet, the sounds generated from each room traveled through both the bottom of the wall and the vault itself.


It was over on her side in about 15 seconds. I felt a large mass of poop painfully get stuck before it could come close to its exit point, and decided the best course of action was to push. In the process, I ripped a loud fart.


It felt like it shook the walls.


The opening salvo, a small ball of poop, hit the bottom of the vault with a discreteness that echoed underneath the toilet.

I'm certain she heard it but there was no comment as I could hear her rolling the toilet paper and giving herself a quick wipe. I felt embarrassed.

As I felt more poop come to its exit point, gas forced its way out as I heard footsteps coming into the Mens' side. It was one of the redneck contractors I'd just met at a meeting on the job site. Right as he took a look at me upon entering the room...


That was the sound of a large and sticky ball of poop that dropped out of my ass onto the recently-cleaned surface of the vault toilet below me. We could look each other in the eye, if we wanted to. The half-wall stopped just below my shoulders.

I heard the occupant in the Womens' room pull her pants up and walk out.

He was able to suspend his disbelief enough to continue in and take a long piss at the urinal. We avoided eye contact as he pissed and I continued to loudly crackle out a big log of poo that followed the initial offerings being dropped. The urinal kept anything objectionable out of my line of site and I suffered no splashback.

As he was zipping up, the log I was pushing on dropped out.


He snickered and left.

I was wiping when my older coworker came in and saw me there. He said "Hi!" and nonchalantly used the urinal next to me as I wiped my butt.

He made no further comment of the incident or any talk during it. Maybe he sensed my embarrassment because I wasn't very chatty while seated on that toilet. I wasn't very chatty when we sat next to each other in adjacent stalls at a rest stop a month prior either, so he probably got the idea that I didn't like conversing with people while pooping. Which was the case at the time.

When we met outside, everything was back to normal and I answered questions pertaining to the job. He offered me a paper towel and some hand sanitizer too, since the building didn't have any water for hand washing. There was no secret with regard to what I was doing in there after all. At least 3 people knew what I did in there.

The next day, my crap pile was still there, visible on the floor of the vault as I'd left it. No one else added any poop to it, neither here or on the Womens' side. Whoever used the Womens' side would have been able to see it too. And that morning, both me and that 30-something female coworker both went into our separate restrooms to pee, so she likely saw what she heard me leave there the previous day.


Kelly and Aileen

Hi Kelly,

Hopefully you read about mine and Darlene's stories on this website. Yes, it's 100% true, bladders do come in all sizes. Fortunately or unfortunately for some, theirs just happen to be the size of a pregnant whale as I like to say.

I've probably heard at least a thousand men and women peeing, and there's no rhyme or reason to who is going to keep me company in a bathroom and even hold me hostage to their surreal, endless peeing. I do mean ENDLESS. It can start at a young age and trust me, even the older ladies can fit a 5 gallon jug of piss in their bladder. Same with the men, but it's harder to hear them going.

Anyway I'd love to share more stories when I can make time to write them. I have many stories of hearing "mega bladder" women pee (not me LOL). "Mega" might be an understatement LOL, as no words can describe what these women can do. I'm sure you and Aileen know this already. I'm very confident the few I've heard could even shock both of you...


Bathroom Privacy & other subjects

This morning a read a news feed about women not wanting to poop around their boy friends. They think it would upset the mystic in their relationship.
My viewpoint is different in that if a girl (women) has a BM in or near my presence it is a vote of confidence in the relationship.
We all shit, so get use to it.
I mentioned one of my therapist for toilet assistance said for me to not rush it , take my time and it is natural.
On another subject I mentioned in my post yesterday about time in public toilets etc. Those I feel sorry for are people who , due to queues to toilets are restricted in the time they need to spend to get a satisfactory evacuation.
I note Beck's post about a stronger bladder....I wish I had a stronger bladder too! My problem is a combination of prostate trouble and neurological issues. I still manage good enough.

Reply to Becky

Don't hate yourself for something you can't control. There's literally nothing you can do about it. When we don't drink enough water that can also cause urgency. Without enough water urine becomes more acidic and irritates the bladder in a way that makes it feel more full than it is. You might want to talk to your doctor about water consumption and how often you're peeing. They may be able prescribe or suggest something. OK, so maybe there is one thing you can do about it, lol. But beyond that, it's just a fact of life that when you gotta go you gotta go.

Actually, I do have a second suggestion, since you mentioned diapers. A more dignified alternative to diapers would be an external catheter. But I suppose that's just a matter of perspective, you might not see that as more dignified.


Reply regarding modesty peeing

J.: At least in my circle of friends, modesty peeing is relatively common.

You said you have several lady friends who do that too. I'd love to hear more about that. Have they told you about them performing modesty pees, or have you seen them do that yourself? If you know any, please share stories of them performing modesty pees!


Last Wednesday took bedding round to laundry , the wash cycle is 80 minutes so went back to campervan sat in drivers seat to read a book .
Twenty minutes later had urge for BM,went to locker pulled pottie into galley area paper towel on back of bowl and went a NUMBER TOO ,wiped with ELSAN BLUE ROLL .I put the pottie back into locker wiped my hands with wet wipes read some more then went back to laundry collected the washing and drove home.
Thursday woke to sound of alarm went downstairs made tea ,went to van sat on pottie had a wee could not poop, same on Friday . Saturday woke to sound of alarm had a wee in THETFORD ELEGANCE in bedroom went downstairs
made tea then went to shed sat on THETFORD 33 for twenty minutes could not poop.
I returned to the kitchen had more tea put on my boots went into garden to sweep the leaves and a general clean up one hour later had a urge for a BM, I carefully walked to the shed ,dropped my jogging bottoms and pants sat on THETFORD 33 pottie ten seconds later pooped a large load then pooped again I raised myself up looked between my legs it was two inches from the rim.I activated the slide then started to have a wee lasting two minutes a few minutes later wiped with KIMBERLY CLARK toilet paper


Had a pretty big thick soft poop

I got up this morning, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had oatmeal with bananas, beans, pineapple, chili pepper/powder, milk, peas or lima beans. Just a few minutes ago I had to go upstairs to use the bathroom since someone downstairs is showering and there's no toilet paper downstairs. Went upstairs, went into the washroom up there, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet l, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a lot of thick but soft poop (one big log). I was done within about a minute. P.U. lol. Reached into the drawer in the washroom (she has toilet paper on the toilet paper holder for her and her family and toilet paper in a small drawer attached to the sink for everyone else), took some toilet paper, put the roll back into the drawer, closed it and wiped well. Tossed the dirty toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! There was a pretty big thick though soft poop in the toilet. I guess all the beans, etc at breakfast helped push that out. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, turned off the light and went downstairs to my room. Dried my hands on the towels in here and now writing this. You can't leave your towel etc in the washroom otherwise people will use it despite my caregiver putting up a sign in the washroom saying do not use other mates sanitaries and cleaning items. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and having a good weekend.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Anna from Austria
@Chakamami Nice to hear from you lovely ladies again.

As a person who has to poop in public almost every day when I am out, I would not be a fan of public toilets that tell you how long you are sitting on the toilet already. It is somehow rude to tell everybody how long you are already in a stall.

Greetings from Austria



For Hala


Thanks for sharing your accident story. If you look around here you'll see you are far from the only one to have that happen. Some of us have had it happen multiple times! Try not to let it get you down, it happens, doesn't make you less of a person!

Feel better,


Chakamami Crushes

Thanks for your post, it was very interesting. Only the other day, one of the therapist told me to take longer we're doing a poo and do not rush it.
As to timing public toilets, it really depends, and there is no problem with 20 minutes or longer if you're not stopping anybody else, still using the toilets. if it is crowded, then that's a different story. I know I meditate on public toilets and I can maybe be there for 20 minutes or close to it. I mentioned an article I read that that men spend on the toilet than women, however, men have far less in the way of bowel issues. I think that's because they relax more.
There was also the news I read that long periods on the toilet to give you haemorrhoids, and this might be some if you are straining. If you are just sitting there relaxing then probably not much of a problem.
I support you in the time on the toilet And particularly have to have a good poo out of it.
Sit on the toilet and enjoy!


Really stinky splattery poop after lunch

For lunch at almost noon I had a sandwich with ground beef, cheese, avocado and hot sauce. For after lunch was an apple, a cup of tea (I made that) and a mug of milk. A few minutes ago I got a pretty major urge to poop. It wasn't diarrhea but it felt like it was going to be mushy (no surprise with all the fruit and stuff I have been eating. Went to the washroom (no toilet paper. My caregiver has none and because of my brain surgery and stroke I can't go out by myself without someone's help), turned on the light, closed the door and walked to the toilet. Pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed and had a really stinky splattery poop. It was really quick and stinky lol. Once I was done I stood up, turned on the tap, ran the soap under water, rubbed the soap between my hands and put the bar of soap back. Soaped up my butt with the soap on my hands and rinsed once I was clean. Pulled my pants (dark sweatpants) and underwear (beige/cream coloured high cut underwear) up, turned to look in the toilet. P.U. There was a good amount of soft poop in the toilet, floating in there. Stunk too lol. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands well, went to my room, dried my hands on the towel in here, went outside my room, took off THOSE flip flops, went back into my room, put those flip flops on and now writing this. Second crap I've had today wow. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



A friend's school poop

Tricky, another great pooping at school story (in this case, a school field trip) about the boy who had to take a BIG poop in the old park bathroom with a half wall and no door. You have the best stories! This reminded me of a poop at school story of my own from 1st grade. I was attending school at a small private school in an older building built in the 50's. The boys bathrooms had a line of urinals on one wall (the old kind that went all the way down to the floor) and a line of 6 or 7 toilets with no stall doors on the opposite wall. When it was time for our morning bathroom break the teacher would just send two students at a time and the next person would leave when someone came back. I would sometimes have to poop really bad and usually just did it rather than suffer holding it. But this story is not about me but, rather, my classmate Todd. When a fellow student came back and it was my turn I walked into the bathroom to find a shoes, socks, a shirt, pants and underwear all sitting in the floor in front of one of the toilets (about in the middle of the row). When I walked to the urinal I saw Todd sitting there popping completely naked! Once I finished by business he asked if I could get him some toilet paper since he did not have any. He was probably comfortable asking me because he knew that I would not laugh or make fun of him because I also pooped at school. Todd had thick thighs that when pressed against the toilet seat expanded to cover most of the gap between his legs, so I could not see his poop when I handed him the toilet paper. I assumed he had to take a huge poop based on the smell. After giving him the TP I washed my hands and left the bathroom. I had never seen anyone take ALL his clothing off to poop. Years later I read something online about a certain percentage of men who can't poop or have trouble pooping unless they are completely naked. The article said the boys probably were naked when potty training and then psychologically now have to be naked to make pooping easier. The article reported that by removing all clothing there are no pressure points on the body and that was the body's cue to relax and have a bowel movement. Interesting and it make me think of Todd when I read that.


Re: Jry; Using weird outhouse during field trip

That was an interesting and well-written recount of your experience with that outhouse. I've encountered multi-user restrooms with multiple vault-toilets plus a urinal in each, without stalls or even basic privacy partitions of any sort. Mostly at certain campgrounds and state parks 20+ years ago. That would probably be my closest experience I could compare to that weird outhouse.

As a kid of that age, I'd have done everything I could have to hold in a crap. It wasn't until I was 16 that I would even entertain the idea of openly pooping in the presence of others, albeit strangers and not people I knew, and that only became a possibility because I was forced to use such a facility at a military base. Many times in adulthood I still deliberately avoided using doorless stalls or stall-less toilets to poop at all kinds of locations where I came across them. Half-stalls were about the minimum extent of my comfort zone regarding privacy to where I would poop somewhere without hesitation with others in the room when the need arose. It took emergencies to convince me to use facilities without doors or stalls when I was presented with them.

In the situation you describe, if I was in the position of having to use the pooping side of the weird outhouse and knew I couldn't hold it, I'd have chosen the hole nearest to the trough as well, and if that was taken, I'd certainly have picked the hole nearest the entrance, because I'd prefer not to be sitting next to someone. However, if I were the only person there, I'd probably have picked the middle hole because it was likely to have received the least use(therefore been the cleanest), and run the risk of another entrant having no choice but to take an adjacent seat.

Princess Toadstool Peach

A Big Gassy Poo followed by a Rather Long Wee in the Toilet

Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And today I am getting ready for the morning after a perfect goodnight long deep sleep. 1st I brush my teeth, then I shower, then I wash my face, then I shave my pubes, next I head over to the toilet after my bladder tingles needing to wee and my ???? squeezes needing to poo feeling a lot of breaking wind from last night's corn dinner. I lift my dress, yank down my panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and sits on the toilet adjusting my legs and squatting on my footstool. As I sat I read a newspaper while I wait then my ???? squeezes again as I fart strong and loud (PAAAAAAAARRRRRPPP!!) followed by me relaxing and letting all the yellow tinkle pee wee flow out of my big dapper but lovely vagina bladder (TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dripdripdrop!) Phew I thought I never finish then after that weeing it's time to do a...(PAAAAAAAARRRRRPPP!!) Boy I DO feel gassy today. Anyway where was I? Oh yeah it's time to do a big poo. I push and squeeze opening my bottom cheeks as I feel my poo peeking out of my bottom poo hole then (PAAAAAAAARRRRRPPP!! PLOP PLIP PLOP SPLUNK PLOP PLOP PLUNK PLIP PLIP PLOP PLUNK!) Wow that was a lot but least the hot gas is all gone. Then I grab some toilet paper and wipe my vagina bladder right between my legs then my bottom nice and clean, throw away the paper, stand up, lift down my dress and pull up my panties and then flush the toilet letting all my business go down the drain. Anyway talk to you soon. Bye Bye now!

Monday, February 5, 2024

Three weeks ago while emptying the ADVENTURIDGE portta potty noticed the slide had collapsed so put the spare in the campervan .After long service
1200 NUMBER TOO and 24 toilet rolls @ 400 sheets


Primetime, TV

I posted yesterday, amongst other things about a rather basic television commercial on the day before being prime time TV about a younger man having trouble doing a poo. You like it took me back awhile to a television segment on the same TV channel which has a very big audience And it was about using the mobile phone and texting in the toilet
It showed a young lady sitting on the throne, profile angle and texting away and then wiping her bottom . whilst you could not see the young ladies face if you knew her, you'd be able to see who she was by her profile.
It was very funny that the anchor and he's offside. We're screaming at the executive producer to get this segment off, it was not appropriate at this really family television.
From time to time we get a spate of laxative commercials which are rather graphic and synth on all the time, and then they disappear for awhile and someone slide it back again. It might be a young lady, saying how bunged is and then take these tablets before bed and tomorrow success. One big easy motion and you are right for the day.
From my experience, this is false advertising from my experience because laxatives for me all sorts of different times all sorts of different rates, and the only thing they all have in common is the unpredictability. They ultimately work I do not know where I'll be without them.


I wish I had a stronger bladder :(

It's impossible for me to be properly hydrated and not have to pee every hour. I'm not sure what it is, blood sugar is OK. But even if I cut back on water, I generally have to pee every 2 or 3 hours. This sucks at work and I think it's why I get headaches so often. And yesterday, we had a problem with the water in the bathrooms at work, so I had to find somewhere else to go when my shift ended. I felt bad for asking so I bought something. I hate having to spend money just to use the bathroom somewhere. I'm off for a couple of days so I hope it's fixed when I get back. If not, I'm going to be dehydrated AF. So stressed out.

Sometimes my bladder is more normal and I have to go every 3-5 hours instead. But yeah, this just sucks. It's part of the reason I don't like traveling. I'm a bit of a germaphobe so I'd prefer to wait, but I just can't. If the situation doesn't improve at work I might have to tell then I need some time off, as stupid as that sounds. It's just too stressful and I can't take care of myself. As it is, I feel like I'm not taking care of myself.

I hate myself for this because there are certain jobs I don't feel I could do just because of my weak bladder. Teaching, nursing, Amazon, call centers. Tbh I wouldn't want to do these jobs anyway, but I just hate myself for NOT being able to do them. Yes diapers are a thing, but I want at least some dignity.

I've always been like this. I think it's connected to my anxiety. If I'm stressed, I have to pee a lot. And EVERYTHING stresses me out.

BTW, my roommate has been better about cleaning up her messes. I'm very relieved (pun intended).


I almost overflowed my container yesterday..

So, I was trying to beat my record from last time and didn't get to where I wanted because of course some spilled onto the floor but if it hadn't, it definitely would've overflowed. I peed up to 900ml that morning in my measuring jug and obviously was past due for a piss. I couldn't wait to go honestly.. well there is always next time and a need to piss again.. Thanks for listening!

A few weeks ago I had my first ever accident at the age of 34 and I am still a little shocked by it. I hope sharing it will help.

I always have a big and fairly urgent morning poop after breakfast and one day the urge came on a bit earlier while I was still eating. So, I held it while I finished up. Then I got a text from my friend saying she'd be over in about an hour, and I panicked because I'd forgotten I'd invited her and my place was a mess. I got up and began rushing around tidying and cleaning. I had to poop pretty badly but thought I could hold it a bit and get a couple things tidied first.

Then it just...happened. My poop was pushing hard to come out, and I'd squeeze and dance and kind of suck it back in, so to speak. But my stomach suddenly clenched and the poop came out so forcefully I was not able to stop it, and it poked out too far to suck it back. I was absolutely in shock feeling a full turd just come out! I froze and ended up taking the whole dump in my underwear just awkwardly stood there in my living room with my knees buckled together.

I'd never pooped my pants before and was utterly shocked that I'd been unable to hold it in my own house. Even more embarrassing is that I became overwhelmed with shame and humiliation and couldn't hold back my tears. I cried while waddling to the bathroom and cried even harder when I saw the shade of red that my face was. The rest of the day I just felt a bit low. I could almost feel the phantom ball of poop touching my butt long after I'd cleaned out my pants. I was fairly quiet with my friend too but couldn't bear to tell her why, so I didn't. I honestly think it was a bit traumatizing to be honest! Having an unexpected accident was a really dysregulating experience and I think I'm still trying to deal with the shock and the shame of it all. Anyway I'll definitely be more careful in the future as well now that I know what my body will do if I try and fight it.

Jessica The Cleaning lady

funny Interaction with friend again

Hey thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm glad you enjoyed my story. And You guys seem to want more so I'm happy to share .

So this happened. probably about 3 months before the last one . The one with the tech guy at the college I clean at. I remember this incident fairly well, It happened when I was cleaning as usual. I was just texting my friend Katie at the moment. I hear footsteps coming from the hall and leading up to the men's room. I figure they will pass by , but they don't. They get louder as they enter "Hey ..I'm in here ,I'm cleaning '" I yell out. when I say that The tech guy turns the corner. "whoa What the hell are you doing here, You're always in here" . I look at him and point to my cleaning supplies. My sarcastic tone in full effect . " Well I have to drop a dookie" he says with a smirk. " Um.. I'm cleaning , You're gonna have to be a big boy and hold it". I go back to texting and pretend like he left. " I'm going anyway" he says as he marched into a stall and slams the door. I don't even have time to react and this guy is already pulling his pants down and plopping down . it was quite a thud , this dude is a bigger guy. I am friendly with guy, so I assume he feels comfortable pooping while a cleaning person is present. I start to walk away," Hey Jessica!" he shouts from the stall. I sigh "...Yes". Through the stall he says "I need more Toilet paper" . "Um.. I'll leave some out for you" I reply and get a couple rolls of my cart. My plan is to leave them on the sink and leave. " Bring it over here " he grunts with a fart and and explosion of loud diarrhea. I couldn't believe how loud it was ,and It was repeating too. I couldn't help but giggle a bit at the sound. "OK I'm coming .. you nasty dude hahaha" I chuckle ,bring the TP to the stall and place it down. Now the smell was overtaking the bathroom, so I was holding it. " No slide it " he shouts. " No I'm not. I'm leaving its pretty stinky in here" I say and walk out. He was too busy doing his nasty business to follow up with further inquiries. I just wanted to share that story, and more stories will be coming soon. thanks peeps!!

Richard W

To VioletIndigo

I read your story about the huge poop you had an I was impressed! It was a wise move of you not to toss the toilet paper into the toilet, because it probably would have caused a clog.
I was wondering: do you regularly leave skid marks (streaks in the bowl)? And what about your girlfriend?


Huge poop shortly after breakfast

This morning I got up, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Slowly ate a bowl of bananas in chili pepper water with rice and cheese. It tasted good. After breakfast I took my medications, took my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs (my caregiver was in her room). I felt very full and uncomfortable until about 5 minutes ago. I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, closed the door, turned off the light and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first a lot then pushed out a lot of poop-one big log. It fell heavily into the toilet when I was done. Reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well. Tossed the paper between my legs into the toilet. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. WOW! This took up most of the toilet bowl! It was really thick too. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands well, grabbed the Walmart bag and left the washroom after turning off the light. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy. Please have a good weekend!

Happy peeing and pooping!



Pooping in the hospital

One day, one of my classmates became seriously ill and his parents had to take him to the hospital. When he got a little better, my parents and I decided to visit him. After the visit, when we were about to leave, I wanted to go to the toilet. There were toilets in the hospital, of course, and this was by the way. So I went to the hospital bathroom. In the toilet, locking myself, I pulled down my pants and underpants and sat down on the toilet. At first, I pushed a little, farting, then a few poo crawled out and quickly fell into the toilet. I wiped my ass with toilet paper, got dressed, flushed and went out.

Regular Mike

Birthday party poop

Hi. I've looked at this site before, but this is my first time to write. One story that's interesting to me is an old story by Mike H. He told of a time when he was at the birthday party of a female cousin of his. There were at least six girls at the party, whereas he was the only boy. Well, it came about that after he had gone into the house to go poop in the basement bathroom, all the girls at the party entered into the house through the outside door of the bathroom. They all saw him on the toilet, though his cousin was gracious enough to quickly escort her friends out of the bathroom and into the next room. It's a cute story, and worth the read if you haven't read it yet. However, there are some details I wish I knew…

For one, when Mike entered the house to use the bathroom, is the outside door to the restroom the door through which he entered? If so, then didn't he realize that the girls at the party could enter just as he did? If he entered through another door (such as the front door to the house), then what was his reason for going down to the basement to use the restroom? Because the main bathroom upstairs was occupied? Perhaps because he wished to avoid stinking up the main floor, making it obvious that he had pooped? Also, if there was no door between the laundry room and the basement, then did he really expect to have privacy during his time in the bathroom? I'm just curious. Apparently, Mike and the kids at the party were near the age of twelve. I know that when I was twelve I would have strongly avoided not only being seen on the toilet, especially by girls, but I would not have wanted even to poop at a party, especially with girls present. But I wonder if Mike H. was at least in part hoping to be seen on the toilet.

I imagine this would be a very embarrassing experience for a young man of that age. That is an age when there are so many feelings that are hard to understand anyway. And yet I almost wonder if it would be a good experience to go through. As for myself, I didn't have any sisters growing up, so I was hardly ever around a girl when she pooped and there were hardly ever girls around when I pooped. I have wondered if that is one reason I seem to have a sense of shame about that bodily function of mine, and why I have the interest I do in women going poop. I suspect that the simple truth is that we all just want to be loved, and maybe we want to know we are loved even though our poop stinks, and even though we might look silly as we poop. In turn, we might also take an interest in the vulnerability of others, particularly of the opposite sex, while they poop. What are your thoughts about this?

I'm not married, but if I were I am sure I would discuss this with my wife. I imagine there is a mature and healthy way to deal with these feelings within the context of a marriage. I think people should feel free to share with their spouse either their desire to see the other poop or to be seen by the other going poop. I know I would want to experience both situations, as well as a buddy dump. But then I also think people should feel free to express their fears and reservations about those situations. Spouses should be patient with each other in these matters. Love, respect, acceptance, consideration and honor are what matters.


HUGE poop half an hour after breakfast

Got up this morning, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had bananas (chopped up) and black beans in water with chili powder. It tasted good. After breakfast (about half an hour later) I took my medications, took my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs to my room. Stomach felt full though satisfied after breakfast. Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag (with my notebook, toilet paper etc in it. It makes it easier for me to carry everything), took my bedroom flip flops off at the door, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put the flip flops outside my room on, closed the door, turned off the light and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door (feels so much better that I can finally open and close the door properly), walked to the toilet. Pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed. A HUGE thick solid poop came out and filled the toilet. Once I pushed out the last of it I grabbed the toilet paper, took some, put the roll back into the Walmart bag and wiped first my front then wiped my butt until there was no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. WOW! This thing was massive and solid, taking up most of the toilet bowl! Damn. No wonder I have been feeling so uncomfortable and full. It's not everything out yet but I should be able to get rid of the rest of this by the end of the day. Flushed the toilet and it went down no problem. Whew. Went to the sink, turned on the tap, washed my hands well, turned off the tap. Grabbed my Walmart bag, left the washroom, turned off the light, went to my room, changed my flip flops once I came into my room and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy. Please be safe and have a good weekend!

Happy peeing and pooping!



Primetime, TV

I posted yesterday, amongst other things about a rather basic television commercial on the day before being prime time TV about a younger man having trouble doing a poo. You like it took me back awhile to a television segment on the same TV channel which has a very big audience And it was about using the mobile phone and texting in the toilet
It showed a young lady sitting on the throne, profile angle and texting away and then wiping her bottom . whilst you could not see the young ladies face if you knew her, you'd be able to see who she was by her profile.
It was very funny that the anchor and he's offside. We're screaming at the executive producer to get this segment off, it was not appropriate at this really family television.
From time to time we get a spate of laxative commercials which are rather graphic and synth on all the time, and then they disappear for awhile and someone slide it back again. It might be a young lady, saying how bunged is and then take these tablets before bed and tomorrow success. One big easy motion and you are right for the day.
From my experience, this is false advertising from my experience because laxatives for me all sorts of different times all sorts of different rates, and the only thing they all have in common is the unpredictability. They ultimately work I do not know where I'll be without them.

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

How long to stay in loo

Hi Everybody, we hope you are very fine, no influenza, no corona, no norovirus, and in south, no heatstroke.

This morning when we were on loo (all four same loo because Saturday) we talked about when we went to loo in shopping mall for fun.

We think, Mina wrote about that, but didn't write about screen. It made us to angry little bit. So Mina write now.

It was weekday we went to shopping mall loo, so not crowded, we could take long time. So we went four cubicles and started to shitting. And we shitted again and again and again. Many many times and lots mierda.

On wall to right side of us, there was screen. It showed many adverts. But suddenly, all four at same time, screen said, "you are sitting on this loo more than ten minutes!" Of course in Japanese, Mina translate.

All four of us, we look at screen with angry face. If it is week-end and loo is crowded, we can understand. But weekday when loo is empty? We don't understand.

That time, our bottoms still full, so we continue sit and we produce more mierda. Then screen said, "you are sitting this loo more than 15 minutes!!"

We didn't wait for "20 minutes" because four loos were very full and four bottoms were very empty. So we washed our bottom and dried and went out of loo to wash hands.

We were not so happy about screen, but we had very good time in loo, so we said each other, "never mind".

And now we are thinking. We sometimes feel, society say it is sin to stay on loo very long time and produce twenty turds one sitting. Of course Kazu's mother often said. She always angry when she hear 20 plop sounds through toilet door while Kazu is there long time with busy naked bottom.

Why it is bad to stay on loo long time and do many many mierda?? If we are in school or office or meeting, it is bad perhaps, but if we are free, it OK we think. Before, Hisae used to be society style, stay short time and go to loo for motion many times in one day. Now she is same style with her three crushes. Go to loo once in a day, sit long time, produce many many many plops.

We are interested opinion of people this site. Do you think it is bad thing? We are happy to read honest answer from everyone.

Love to everyone.


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