
Steve A

To Tricky (Pooping at someone else's house)

Even though I haven't met the right one (dating wise) yet, I've pooped at a former friend's place when I was younger, it happened when we were both hanging out for part of the day.

She didn't seem to mind, even though she was one of those girls that wasn't uptight about going to the bathroom when needed, no matter where she was at.

On an extra note, I've seen some videos (on social media platforms) about people asking random strangers how they felt about using the bathroom at their place during a date/hangout or at someone else's place, and a majority of people didn't seem to mind going to the bathroom whenever they had to.

I don't recall ever having an issue going to the bathroom away from home, even though I've known some girls (during my schooling days) (stereotypically) "holding it" until they got home from school...

Reaching is wrong!

At my school for this semester our principals have put the privacy doors back on most of the cubicles in most of the bathrooms. They were previously removed due to vaping, something called loitering, and a couple of other types of missuses. It didn't help that the daughter of our superintendent got suspended for POVP, possession of a vape product. But here's the problem. The latches have been taken off each door. Also there is a inch long hole in each door where the latch cylinder was. This is bad, especially so when I'm seated for a crap. I have to practically sit right over the front of the seat, hold my dress up with one hand, while holding the door shut with the other. Sometimes I'm in pain when I give up and wipe even though I feel like I've only half unloaded. During passing periods and lunch hour I don't dare do my usual wipe from the seat. Now I stand shoulder against the door. My wipes have never been perfect, but the stains in my undies are getting worse. Also, the fronts of some of the seats are getting more messy than previously.
The reaching to maintain our privacy is getting out of hand.

Princess Toadstool Peach

My reply to Emily

Hey there everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach. And today I am replying to Emily's comment she left me. No I haven't heard of splinting but I think my friend Rosalina. But tune in next time the next part when I have to babysit and potty train Baby Peach and Baby Rosalina. Hopefully they will do so! And also keep a eye on more places I urinate and defecate in. Till then bye bye now!

Emma two

Blew up the toilet at work

After being constipated for three days I decided to run to work this morning as that usually gets my bowels moving nicely. Well it worked. Big time. About half way I got a cramp in my stomach and I knew I was going to be having a really good clearout when I got to work. The only problem was I had to get to work without having an accident in my knickers. I really had to go so bad and it was hard to keep it in. My bowels were screaming at me to be relieved and I was sweating from the effort of holding it. By the time I got to work I was so desperate I thought I was going to poo myself any second and I ran to the toilets holding my bottom making it obvious I had to poo really badly. I made it into a cubicle and slammed the door shut and locked it. I then pulled my jeans and knickers down together and threw myself onto the toilet seat and relaxed. It came out quickly and it felt so good after three days of not being able to go. I looked in the toilet and it looked like a muddy battle field. I wiped myself and pulled up my knickers and jeans and flushed the toilet. It mostly cleared but there were so bits of poo left in the water so I flushed it again. I left quickly as I felt embarrassed but to be honest it was obvious to anyone who saw me that I'd totally blown up the toilet with my huge load.


HUGE satisfying poop about half an hour after breakfast

Good morning. Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, took off my bedroom flip flops, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had runny spicy oatmeal with chili seasoning and bananas. Took a while to eat then after breakfast I took my medications, went downstairs (my caregiver was in her room otherwise I would have said thank you again). Spent time surfing the net on my phone until a few minutes ago when I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, put those flip flops on outside my door, closed the door, turned off the light and walked carefully to the washroom while keeping my butt muscles clenched. This wasn't going to be small. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and black underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a huge poop that seemed to keep coming. Finally I was done. Whew. What a relief. I didn't have any toilet paper (yuck) so I stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. WOW! A big long poop was in the toilet and it was bent over itself (maybe it broke when it came out). Either way very big. I think breakfast pushed all that out. Flushed the toilet and everything went down. Sayonara turd! Grabbed my Walmart bag, went upstairs, washed my hands (since downstairs has no soap either) and opened the toilet paper drawer to look for toilet paper. At that point my caregiver came out of her room asking what I'm looking for and I explained that I have no toilet paper. She went into her room and came back with a roll of toilet paper for me (she explained she doesn't keep things like that in her bathroom, only if people need it). I thanked her, went downstairs with the toilet paper and wiped well (and flushed) in the washroom. Had to use hand sanitizer from my Walmart bag to wash my hands though I have been used to using soap and water for years. There is none in the washroom. Oh well. One massive turd already today, hopefully another to come after lunch.

I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



To Chakamami

Awww thank you for saying I'm healthy! Trust me I've had problems with my body for years. I had constipation (can't pass motions) problems since I was a little baby (I was born 2 months early and came out very small). I would often clog the toilet because I would eat healthy but I wouldn't drink water (I thought it was gross). Now I'm 37 1/2 and eat very healthy and drink lots of water so that makes it easier for me to go to the washroom. All of you sound very healthy too with your diets and the size of your poops/motions! Do you use a squat toilet or regular toilet? Just wondering.


Men's vs Women's

Someone asked if I find men or women's rooms dirtier.

I don't have a whole lot of experience to be honest. A lot of the times I've used men's rooms, they were just single bathrooms marked for men. I feel like the chances of the seat being messy are almost the same. Men's room definitely don't have as much trash on the floor as I've seen in women's rooms!

My impression in larger ones is that the stalls don't get used all that often.


Clogging a toilet in high school

It was Junior year of high school at the start of the school year. I was 16 years old and I'd just transferred to a new school coinciding with my parents moving to a new city.

The previous high school and middle school I went to were hostile to any boy who needed to defecate there. There were no stall doors, where there were stalls at all(some of the boys' rooms had open toilets). While my body at the time wanted to often poop shortly after lunch, I was used to holding it in all day because not only did the lack of privacy make things embarrassing, but the culture of bullying at that school made the prospect fraught with danger. Multiple times, I saw students get assaulted while at their most vulnerable. It was a very rare occasion where I pooped at either school, and only when my pants was the alternative to a toilet without privacy.

This new high school ended that. To my pleasant surprise, every bathroom in that school had stalls with locking doors. I quickly resumed my pre-middle-school routine of pooping at school every day, whenever the need arose.

The events of this story happened when I was still the new kid at this school. I remember having been constipated from all of the food I had eaten at a restaurant the previous Friday night. It was Monday and I hadn't pooped all weekend. When I finished lunch at school, I went from feeling fine, to a Defcon 4 shituation, in the middle of a conversation. I excused myself to the restroom and walked in.

It was a setup with a row of about 9 bowl-style partitionless urinals on one side, and 3 stalls on the other. The sinks were right next to the first stall, and there were three students from my classes standing at the sinks chatting. They all stared at me as I entered. One was a skinny white blonde boy, another was a greasy white fat kid with black hair, and the other was a short hispanic kid who looked to be two grades younger than me. I noticed feet in the back handicapped stall, so I went to the 2nd stall. The seat was splattered with pee. So first stall it was. My fellow students eyed me as I entered the stall about 5 feet from where they were standing, shut the door, dropped my pants and underwear to my shoes, plopped my butt on the toilet seat, and started letting gravity do its job on the solid mass of crap poking at my sphincter.

I heard the students continue to converse, as if they weren't even acknowledging what I was about to do.


I felt my anus ripple as the gas audibly made its way out, followed by a feeling of fullness as the exit point stretched to its limits.


The log loudly crackled out.

The three students continued their conversation as if nothing was going on. It was rather awkward doing this right next to them, but at least I had some degree of privacy from prying eyes and wasn't being bothered. It was of sufficient urgency that I probably would have used a doorless stall if that is what was there.

There was wiping in the handicapped stall and I soon heard a flush, with the occupant exiting. One of the kids yelled "Hey Brian! How you feeling?" I saw a Sophomore walk passed me through the gap in the stall. He responded "Lighter. I'll be able to run faster on the track after school." Another student responded, "I bet!"

He washed his hands and they continued their conversation, and seemed to pretend as if I wasn't there. Which was awesome, because I had a massive log of crap crackling its way out of my ass, and I'm certain they heard it.


A log dropped in. I immediately felt more on its way, or alternatively, perhaps part of it broke off from the sheer weight of it. It continued on out...


*romp* *ploop*

Another quick fart, followed by another plop.

More came. This time, a bunch of smaller pieces.

*bloop* *plop* *plunk-tup* *plip* *bloonk*

They kept on coming. They felt jagged as they effortlessly slid out, sounding as if someone kept throwing pennies into a wishing well.

I didn't feel empty, and pushed some more. I kept pushing, and pushing, trying to get it to come out.


I ripped a long fart that lasted about 4 seconds. It sounded like it shook the walls.

It also stopped the conversation in its tracks, followed by an awkward...


I was very embarrassed. I did not intend to make a big show of this.

I heard one of the students remark "Damn that dude's making some noise." Another responded "Yeah, Spike's in there taking a shit." They gave me that nickname soon after I attended that school because I spiked my hair at the time. Another student responded, "Thank you, captain obvious." Another responded, "I used that same stall this morning." One of them remarked "I try not to shit at school, but sometimes I have to, you know?" "Like you just did right now."

The 4 students started conversing again about another subject. The fact that they didn't make fun of me was a relief. This was probably the first time in 6 years I'd pooped with my classmates nearby where a teacher wasn't around, and I wasn't made fun of for it.

Now I was done pushing it all out. As I was rolling the paper, they kept talking. I made a few passes(probably 5 or 6, because I remember being a bit messy back there), pulled my pants back up as I stood up, zipped my fly, and buckled my belt.

There was a massive log going into the drain of the toilet all the way from the rim, surrounded by a bunch of smaller nuggets.

I flushed it...


A powerful deluge of water ran into the bowl, followed by a...


Not only did my shit not go down, but I saw the water level rapidly rising. I quickly got out of the stall, knowing what was coming next from experience(this was far from my first public toilet clogging at this point).

The four students saw me hastily exit the stall each with a look of incredulity on their faces as the water started flooding the floor and running into the nearby floor drain. As I was washing my hands, the poop and toilet paper started falling onto the floor. They saw it. The skinny blonde kid remarked "Lets get out of here. Spike just clogged the toilet." Another responded "Damn man..." I was extremely embarrassed at this point and looked away from them and tried to pretend they weren't there as they left the Boys' room. They got to see my shit as it flooded the floor.

I also didn't know what to do. The last time this happened at another school in 7th grade for an extracurricular activity(this school wasn't the one I attended and also had stall doors), I left it there, and at some point a teacher was notified and gave everyone a speech about not making a mess in the bathroom. Who should I tell in order to address it? I was worried I might get in trouble. I didn't even know where to find a janitor.

I exited the Boys' room to get my backpack, because the bell was about to ring for class. The blonde kid that was in the bathroom while I crapped approached me. "I just now let the coach know about your mess. He's going to get the janitor. Don't worry about it." I thanked him, and we both went to class. I didn't gt into any trouble. Surprisingly, I didn't hear anyone talk about that incident all day. Or the next day.

It did come up in conversation during Senior year later on, where I learned that I was not the only one who flooded that toilet. Apparently, that particular toilet was seen as cursed because it had done that to at least 3 other students. And a lot more people than I thought knew about my incident, but I didn't know it until then because they were tactful enough not to make a big deal of it.


Pretty big poop just now

Hi everyone. I pooped earlier today shortly after breakfast (big one! I was looking through the toilet paper drawer upstairs for some and my caregiver went to her room and got a roll of toilet paper for me). Just a few minutes ago ago I got the urge to poop again so I grabbed my
Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a lot of poop. It was part soft, part solid. Finally it came out and laid in the toilet. I reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took some off the roll (learning to conserve), put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. I first wiped my vagina (front to back) then wiped my butt until there was no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up (both dark because of "that week"), turned around and looked in the toilet. Wow! There was a long thick solid poop in the toilet and a small pile of mushy poop on top of it! Damn! Flushed the toilet, picked up the Walmart bag and left the washroom after turning off the light. Went to my room, tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, took out the hand sanitizer and washed my hands (there's no soap in the downstairs washroom). I hope everyone is having a good week, is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Public porta-potty poo

Hi all, I'm a long time lurker. My name's Blakey, I'm a trans MtF girl from the middle of nowhere, USA. And just as an aside Trans people poop too! And I for one poop a lot. Though I know the bounds of others and usually wait till I get home to poo.
Yesterday was different.
I was walking through my very rural neighborhood, wearing a black T shirt, black leggings and a black skirt. I walked past the town park. And as I passed I felt that familiar gurgling in my stomach. I slightly grimaced knowing I'd have to go soon. I glanced over at the park, eyeing the ladies room but I told myself "no you can hold it till you get home, people here already don't like you, don't make them hate you more". So I continued on my discomfort building as I continued. I made it to the store I was walking to, window shopped for a while, eyed the unisex bathroom again and left, heading home. By the time I reached the park on the way back I was absolutely bursting. I eyed the ladies room again, but forced myself to continue on. I made it another block before my stomach let out a gurgle. I audibly groaned and started looking around for a toilet, spotting a porta-potty across the street. I grimaced, I hate using porta-potties, they're always filthy. I thought about going to the park but was hit by an even stronger urge. I decided to go for the porta-potty. I dashed across the street and ripped open the door. I recoiled from the smell, it was horrible, the actual bowl of the porta-potty was filled nearly to the brim. I checked for paper, there was enough to clean up but not to line the seat. So I steeled myself, stepped inside, closing and locking the door behind. I wrenched down my leggings and panties and hoisted my skirt. At first I tried to hover, but managed my squat only long enough to pee. Before fully sitting down on the wet seat. I straightened my back, placing a hand on my corseted stomach, before groaning loudly as my butt released a mudslide of soft serve poo into the already full bowl. I tried to assume a prim posture as my butt exploded, but soon that façade broke and I grimaced and groaned as I produced. After what felt like an hour I finally finished. I unraveled some paper from the roll and wiped my front. Then thoroughly cleaned my rear. I pulled up my panties and leggings. Fixed my skirt and continued my walk home.
Thanks for reading, Questions and Comments appreciated… long as they're nice.


What on earth?

Idk what's up with me lately, but I poop so much that I stop mid-poop (it comes out in a few pieces) to flush because I'm afraid it's going to overflow (this has happened recently, so XD). Then I finish and flush again.

I very frequently need to go again after eating breakfast (usually a small load though). And often kind of feel it already... happening in late afternoon or night. It's not diarrhea or uncomfortable. I'm just more like what the heck?

Idk what I'm doing to achieve this. I haven't changed my diet that drastically recently. I'm vegetarian and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables (I aim for a total of 6 servings a day, so usually 3 fruits and 3 veg), often have oatmeal (and another bet high fiber bran flake thing), and have been trying to eat more protein. But I've been eating this same diet more or less for a few years and yeah, haven't made a drastic change.

I guess I've been exercising more so I've been eating more without realizing it. I can EAT lol. I do have a sweet tooth as well and have unfortunately been eating more sweets lately... idk if that affects this at all?


To Princess Toadstool Peach

Hello, Peach! I wish you happy St. Valentine's Day!
If you remember, I asked you some question about your pooping in November. And now I'd like to ask you some ones more which are related to your pooping as you were a young child, if you don't mind. You wrote in November, that you would love to share them. Some of them are going to be the same as they were at that time, but not all.
1. As you were a young child, was it usually difficult or easy for you to make poopoo? Had you to strain a lot for pushing your poopoo out?
2. Did you usually fart at those times before you started pooping?
3. As you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for making poopoo at those times, had you to push a lot, before something came out, or everything fell out at once?
4. As you were a young child, did you always poop by yourself? Did you ever use enema or suppositories at those times?
5. As you were a young child, did you usually poop as you felt you had to do it? Did you ever sit down on your potty chair/on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Were you be able to poop in that case?
6. As you were a young child, had you ever a situation as you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for poopoo and started pushing, but couldn't push your poopoo out? And had you situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, was it pleasant or unpleasant for you?
7. Did you like pooping as you were a young child? If you had to push a big poo out, did you take it for good?
8. If you pushed a big poo out, were you proud of it? Did you use to show it to your mom/dad in such cases?
9. To what age did you poop on your potty chair? How old were you as you began to poop on the toilet?
10. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo in the presence of your mom? If you did, was it often? Or sometimes? And if you did it in her presence, did she often comment your pooping? Did she ever encourage you by doing it, if she saw it was difficult for you?
11. To what age did you poop in the presence of your mom/dad?
12. As you were a young child, did you ever see your mom pooping? If you did, did you comment her pooping somehow in such cases? And did you ever poop together with her (that's to say, do a teamwork!)?
13. As you were a young child, did you ever try to make a poo after peeing?
14. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo every day or more rarely?
15. As you were a young child, did you poo at some certain time of the day or was it at different times as a rule?
16. As you were a rather young child, did you usually poop as you felt an urge for it? Or were you more often put on your potty chair/on the toilet and told to try making a poo?
17. As you were a young child, did you ever make your poopoo with your siblings (if you had them) or with somebody of your age?
18. Did you ever poop outdoors at those times?
19. Do you remember any poop story from those times, as you were a young child? If you do, could you tell it? I already told such one just on Christmas on the page 3043, if you noticed.
20. May I ask you some questions about the pooping of Baby Peach next time you wrote on the page 3045 about?
And I'd also like to ask you one more question which is not related to your childhood. You wrote a few days ago you had to use enema because you couldn't poo in spite of your trying. And did you already use it during the last months/years?
I wish you happy pooping and peeing!


Three phases of pooping

I love to view defecation in three stages:
1) the urge to go
2) pushing it all out
3) the feeling when it's all out

Which phase is your favorite? Mine is 3).


Sharing hotel rooms

Back in highschool I used to do ballet and that ment we used to stay away from home and mostly we stayed in hostels with communal bathrooms, I'm generally not that regular, never have been, maybe I poop once a week so I always waited until I got back home to use the bathroom.
One week we stayed in a hotel with ensuite and were assigned roommates, I was assigned Jess, she was a prissy type and a body everyone was jealous off, 5'10 blonde. She had a real go at one of the girls in a previous stay for stinking up the bathroom and was always like poop is really gross and denied she ever did it

Well 5 days into the stay we got back to the room after a performance, I was already having a stomach ache and was trying to work out if needed to poop or could hold it another 2 day until we got home. We were changing ready for a shower, both in underwear and Jesses stomach made a really loud grumble, she sits on the end of the bed and says Gemma, do you want to shower first and I said she could if she wanted. She turned red and said she'd rather I did as she needed some time in there and didn't want to keep me waiting. I went and showered and got ready for bed.

When I got out of the bathroom Jess was sitting on the bed and asked if we could talk for a bit before she went in the bathroom, she starts of asking me to promise I won't tell anyone and no matter who knocks on the door do not open it or let them in, I said fine. Jesses stomach growled again and she grimaced and told me she's knows the bathroom door is paper thin and I'll hear everything. I told her my stomach ached as well and then suddenly she stopped sucking her stomach in and showed me how bloated she was and her stomach was upset with the food we'd eaten.

With that she checked the door was locked and windows were shut and went in the bathroom and shut the door. I hear her wee and then silence for about 10 minutes, I'm just laying on the bed at this point thinking I might be able to my poop tonight as if she's going to she can't really say much about me doing it, only thing that worried me is mine are always tiny pebbles coming out and I have to strain and it takes me ages. Meanwhile my thoughts were interrupted by a strained grunt and a tiny plop followed by some heavy breathing. Permeating under the door into the room was this rotten smell and then there was silence again.
5 or so minutes passed then another strained grunt and another plop, then silence. At this point I was relieved that I could do my poo as mine was same as hers, I'd never know anyone to poo like me before. Then another strain and plop came from the bathroom, she'd been in there about half an hour now and a strained voice apologised I had witness this but she said her stomach is really playing up.

Another about half an hour of the cycle of strained grunt followed by single plop came out of the bathroom, then the toilet flushed and she washed her hand and came out with tears streaming down her face. I asked what's wrong and she said she'd never wanted anyone to know that she had to poo, and that I couldn't tell anyone. I just it's normal, everyone does it, she then said not like that though. I then opened up a bit too and said I had go too and was glad she broke the ice, she said I should wait as she hadn't been for 2 weeks and old poop stinks. I said it's ok I couldn't go before we came either so mine is old too. I went into the bathroom and basically did a repeat performance, it took me well over an hour and mines always pebbles too, one at a time.

When I came out of the bathroom she was back smiling and was like are yours always like that too, I explained that I've been like this since a a kid, and she was like it's our secret please don't tell anyone.

Then every time there was a room share she got her mum to request we were together and she always looked out for me.

Hiya, I'm Lozza. 15 years old, UK with long ebony hair and a shapely figure.

A couple of weeks ago, I was getting ready to leave school and decided to go the lavvy for a piss. I sat down, did it and began to wipe. However as soon as I stood up and began pulling my knickers and uniform trousers up, something like a boulder hit my intestines. I hurredly pulled them back down again and sat firm on the seat.

A couple of booming farts echoed around and soon a pile of sloppy shit was exiting my arse. A wave of farts and Krakatoa's distant relative later and I was drained. I've never been shy about dumping in school but the smell could peel the paint off.

Just as I was relieved set in, I realised that there was no bog roll in the stall and to make matters worse, my mate Janeece walked in and recognised my bag under the stall.

''Lozza, your arse f***ing stinks!'' she chuckled.

Telling her to piss off, I opened the stall door and went to the next stall, trousers and knickers round my ankles. Not even bothering to shut the door, I wiped my arse in front of her, trying not to get wet poo on my blazer and flushed both toilets. The skids in my stall were practically welded in!

As I went to the door, Janeece bent down to sniff my bum and went ''phooar! You filthy cow!'' She is a good mate though and I've seen her do worse so I'm not fussed if she witnessed that. (That and as she did it again, I let a burning ripe fart out! LOL)

Thursday, February 15, 2024

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