

Big soft poop (log)

Hi everyone. Had my exercise program today (yay!) so I got up in the morning around 8:15 ish, got dressed, went to the washroom, brushed my teeth, grabbed my Walmart bag and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a somewhat big bowl of oatmeal with peaches I think, dates, chili powder (wtf?). The oatmeal was slightly runny. After breakfast I took my 9 AM medications, took my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs. Went on the internet on my phone until about 10 AM, grabbed my winter jacket, hat, scarf and purse and went upstairs. Got ready and sat by the door until the driver came. Left, got in the car, called my caregiver to let her know I had left (she didn't pick up) and soon afterwards I got dropped off at the exercise program. Said hi to everyone, made a cup of coffee (the one time a week I get it), we did the exercises,(mostly seated because of people with mobility issues), had a water break a while later, finished the exercises and had lunch. I had mine with tea (black). Soon afterwards most of us were picked up and brought home or to appointments. I went home, took my coat, etc off, went to the washroom (pee), washed my hands, went upstairs, had an apple and wrote stuff in my notebook (remember I need to write almost everything down since the brain surgery and stroke caused memory loss).

A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop finally so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a good amount of soft poop (a log). Only took about 30 seconds. P.U. lol. Took the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag, took some off the roll, put the roll of toilet paper back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor, wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well. Stood up, tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up (dark greyish green high cut underwear and black sweatpants) and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! There was a big soft log in the toilet, about 2 to 2 1/2 feet long! Nice! Flushed the toilet, picked up the Walmart bag, turned off the light and left the washroom. Went upstairs to wash my hands (no soap downstairs in the washroom), washed my hands in the kitchen sink, dried them and went downstairs. Took the flip flops off, went into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Big soft poop (log)

Hi everyone. Had my exercise program today (yay!) so I got up in the morning around 8:15 ish, got dressed, went to the washroom, brushed my teeth, grabbed my Walmart bag and went upstairs for breakfast. Had a somewhat big bowl of oatmeal with peaches I think, dates, chili powder (wtf?). The oatmeal was slightly runny. After breakfast I took my 9 AM medications, took my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs. Went on the internet on my phone until about 10 AM, grabbed my winter jacket, hat, scarf and purse and went upstairs. Got ready and sat by the door until the driver came. Left, got in the car, called my caregiver to let her know I had left (she didn't pick up) and soon afterwards I got dropped off at the exercise program. Said hi to everyone, made a cup of coffee (the one time a week I get it), we did the exercises,(mostly seated because of people with mobility issues), had a water break a while later, finished the exercises and had lunch. I had mine with tea (black). Soon afterwards most of us were picked up and brought home or to appointments. I went home, took my coat, etc off, went to the washroom (pee), washed my hands, went upstairs, had an apple and wrote stuff in my notebook (remember I need to write almost everything down since the brain surgery and stroke caused memory loss).

A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop finally so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a good amount of soft poop (a log). Only took about 30 seconds. P.U. lol. Took the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag, took some off the roll, put the roll of toilet paper back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor, wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well. Stood up, tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up (dark greyish green high cut underwear and black sweatpants) and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! There was a big soft log in the toilet, about 2 to 2 1/2 feet long! Nice! Flushed the toilet, picked up the Walmart bag, turned off the light and left the washroom. Went upstairs to wash my hands (no soap downstairs in the washroom), washed my hands in the kitchen sink, dried them and went downstairs. Took the flip flops off, went into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Alexander the Pretty Good

Reply to Kate B.

Hi Kate B.

My former spouse dealt with a similar issue. Apparently in Europe and France in particular, women postpartum are recommended physical therapy for pelvic floor muscles. She said it has made a huge difference.

Pooped my pants while helping move patio furniture

I'll make this one quick. Someone was coming by our house to pick up some patio furniture that my housemate was selling on Marketplace. I'd been needing to poop, but wanted to hold off until after this person had come by.
She shows up around noon, and I offer to help her move some of the chairs to her truck. I'm on the verge of pooping myself at this point, and as I'm moving the last chairs I can't help it and feel a log start to slide out into my jeans. I try and pinch it off but it's already started, and as I put the chair in the back of her truck I can feel my underwear expand with a fairly heavy load of poop. I'm chatting to this lady while filling my pants, trying to stand a little downwind from her as she's paying me.
We make a bit of chit chat, and I can smell my poop in the air, but she didn't say anything. She gets in her truck and I waddle inside to the bathroom to clean up. Luckily the mess was contained. I dumped out the load and hopped in the shower, and was able to save my briefs.

Accidents happen, but hey, I don't know if she noticed :)


Unwanted intrusion at an outhouse

This is a story from when I was 17. It was the end of summer, perhaps a week before my senior year in high school began. I was staying the night at a state park. Earlier in the day, two beautiful girls of roughly 3 years younger than me noticed me and smiled. I didn't look my age and could have passed for 13 or 14 at the time. They were both blonde and white. I heard one of them say "Oh my God! That boy is so cute!" They both smiled at me. I felt flattered. I acknowledged them and continued on my way, hiking down a trail, but I felt that they were a bit too young for me to date given the age difference(even though I was underdeveloped and small for my age).

I stopped at a restroom to urinate. It was an outhouse without plumbing, with a urinal trough and three open vault toilets arranged on one wall, all in a row, no privacy. There was a brown-haired white boy of about 13 wearing a white t-shirt and gray athletic shorts sitting on the first toilet. He didn't appear to have any shame as he sat there holding his private downward, with his pants all the way down to his shoes, showing off his hairless butt and legs to everyone ho ventured in there. As I stood at the trough peeing, I could hear *THUP* *THUP* noises as the boy's poop hit the bottom of the vault perhaps 10-20 feet below him. It was also the only restroom I saw at this park. I dreaded the prospect of having to poop here later, afraid someone would walk in, but knew that the time would eventually come. I resolved to try to find a better place, and if not successful, hold it as long as I could.

As I finished up, I could see out of the corner of my eye the boy wiping his butt. It was gross and awkward, but he didn't seem to care. Two middle-aged men walked into the restroom as he sat there wiping. There was no sink to wash my hands and I felt kind of gross about it.

Eventually, a few hours later, I had to poop. It wasn't an emergency, so I decided to find a different restroom that offered more privacy, if there was one. I walked around the state park, and found a facility identical to the one I was just in. There were two men standing next to each other peeing, and I'd have had to take a seat completely in the open with them in the room. That would not do. I continued looking for another hour or so walking around the camp site, and eventually found a single-occupant outhouse. By now, the turtle's had was knocking on my back door, wanting out. It was a unisex restroom with a sign indicating such. I thought to myself that this was the best I was going to get, and entered.

The outhouse was small and had a sliding door with a frosted glass window on the upper half, left open. There was a sign on the door that said "Please knock when door is closed before entering." I found that frosted glass window awkward, but fortunately, there was a switch for the light inside the building, and I kept it off, in order that no one from outside could see me at all, and get my much needed privacy. That turned out to be a mistake. The toilet I sat on was facing the door and I faced the door as I sat. I could see light from outside filter through the stained glass as I sat there.

It was a fairly big poop. I remember it being difficult and required lots of pushing, the result of me not going right away when the urge came. I could feel it exerting force on the back of the toilet, as I sat there bent over trying to make it easier to come out. I was probably in there for 15 minutes or so, pushing this log out millimeter by painful millimeter, and it finally dropped to the ground below.


The sound was loud and would have been very awkward if others were in the room. I was satisfied that I didn't have to do this in view of other people coming into and out of the restroom, who'd have seen me struggle.

I had quite a mess to clean up. I was sitting there wiping thick smears of poop off of my butt when to my surprise the door quickly and unexpectedly slid open.

The two girls I saw earlier were standing there in front of me, as I sat there facing the door like a fool with my pants all the way down, butt slightly elevated off the toilet, nothing to cover my privates, and with my right hand holding the toilet paper that I was wiping my butt with. One of them put her hand over her mouth in shock, and the other said "Oh shit!" The girl who opened the door quickly slammed it shut.

I heard them argue.

"That was inconsiderate! The sign on the door says to knock!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't see it."

"You embarrassed him!"

"I didn't think anyone was in there because there's a light that comes on!"

She wasn't wrong about me being embarrassed. I was mortified. While this wasn't the first time a girl saw me on the toilet(I recall a time when I was 15 where a 20-something female gas station clerk opened the door on me, on page 2953, "First time getting walked in on at a public bathroom"), I didn't like people seeing me in this state. To make matters worse, they saw me during the most awkward part of my toilet visit, which was while I was wiping.

I finished up, pulled my pants up, and looked into the toilet. My deposit smeared itself a trail all over the back of the toilet underneath the seat as it slid down. It looked gnarly, but at least no one's butt would touch it if they sat down, because it started a few inches below. When I bent over to ease pushing it out, it must have come straight out and the tip must have smeared itself on the way down before it dropped out of my ass. I slid the door open.

The two were still standing there patiently waiting their turn. The one who opened the door on me said "I'm so sorry about that!" I could barely bring myself to look at them, even though they were very pretty girls. I felt a knot in my now-emptied insides at the events that just transpired. The other smiled at me as she walked in and slid the door shut. They probably saw my junk, which was embarrassing enough, but worse, they saw me wiping my butt and knew that I just pooped in there. And there was no sink to wash my hands in. I said nothing to them as I saw the light come on, and a faint light-gray silhouette contrasting with the yellow incandescent lighting of the girl standing near the toilet, lowering her pants, and sitting down. I walked back to my camp site, the only consolation being I never saw either of them again. Had I known that would have happened, I'd have simply used either of the other restrooms and braved whoever walked in.

I used the trough in the first bathroom to pee multiple times while I was still there. Just before leaving, I decided to pee again, and all three vault toilets were occupied by what looked to be student athletes from a different high school. They talked about their upcoming cross-country run as I heard poop splattering the vault below. I envied their lack of inhibition. Even though I used a toilet lacking privacy at a barracks latrine the prior year(Se "Semper Fi", page 2955), I still wasn't comfortable with that kind of arrangement. But it still would have been preferable to two cute girls seeing me wiping my butt.


Did a HUGE poop a few minutes ago

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag (with my notebook, pen, toilet paper etc in it), took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had bananas, onions I think, noodles, rice, chili peppers and an egg for breakfast. By the time I was done breakfast I was full and I took my medications afterwards. My caregiver came out of her room in the middle of breakfast to check on me and the kitchen (she's like that) and I told her that breakfast is good and thank you. A few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom.

Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the floor, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out a huge solid poop that seemed to keep coming. Damn. Finally the last of it came out and I flushed the toilet to make sure all was okay. Yup. No problem. Reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took the last of it (there was some but not tons on the roll), put the empty roll into the Walmart bag, put it on the floor and wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet and flushed the toilet. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and took the hand sanitizer out of the Walmart bag and washed my hands with it. Phew. That was one major shit that was much needed. I'm not 100% empty yet but hopefully lunch and dinner will push everything else out. I went upstairs and washed my hands in the kitchen sink (habit), put the empty toilet paper roll on the counter (where she wants recycling to go) and let my caregiver know I was out of toilet paper. She told me nicely she will give me some later. I thanked her. Dried my hands on the towel in the kitchen (used for the dishes) and went back downstairs. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Please enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Anonymous from Ottawa

Bizarre changing facilities at public beach

I am not somebody who spends much time at beaches. I don't like sand, I don't like swimming in cold water, and I don't like slimy things.

When I was around 11 years old, I had to go to day camp in the summer. And the day's agenda usually included spending several hours at one of the city's inland river beaches. Fine, whatever. I would usually keep my shoes on and stay out of the water. But the counsellors insisted that we all change into our bathing gear anyway.

The changing rooms at any water facility in my experience are always wet and dirty (with sand, hair, and mystery slime) and I therefore always had to sacrifice a towel to wipe my feet on because I won't abide trying to put socks on over wet and dirty feet. I hate changing rooms.

There was one particular city beach (Westboro beach) with a bizarre layout. A concrete building housed a kitchen as well as the boys' facilities. When you entered, one path led to the "changing room", and the other path led to the "bathroom".

The "bathroom" was a just a small public bathroom with a tiled floors and a few toilet cubicles (normal sized, no benches) and showers in the open. The "changing room" was clearly just a storage room they were pretending was a changing room. It was a large, round, concrete room with high ceilings. There were a few changing stalls scattered around the perimeter. It was poorly lit and the floor was rough and dirty. Most of the room was actively being used to store random supplies (lifeguard towers, signage, etc.) and garbage from the restaurant. And it smelled like garbage.

It was baffling that they even bothered to designate this as a "changing room". I guess the bathroom was too small to make it a proper changing room.

When our camp group would arrive at the beach, the other 15 or so boys would rush into the small bathroom and get changed. However, in my case, changing in the bathroom would only serve to get my feet dirty for no reason, because I had no intention of going swimming or otherwise barefoot outside. So I went to the changing room. I went into a stall and sat down on the bench, next to a garbage bag (who knows why that was there). Shoes and pants off, bathing suit on, shoes back on, and done.

I went back into the hallway and headed for the bathroom because I needed to pee. And just then, the head counsellor came out of the bathroom and harassed me about going into the bathroom with my shoes on because "we're changing in there". Which made no sense because that's not an actual facility rule and so people have been wearing their shoes in there all day (which is half of the reason why I won't go in there barefoot!). I think he was just looking for an excuse to yell at me (I was a handful at that age and had generally been sassy to him all week, to be fair). In any case, there was no way I was going to get my feet dirty after getting changed. So I just said "whatever" and walked out of the building.

I spent the next hour wandering around the beach to pass the time. Eventually I really had to pee, and I didn't want to walk back inside the building in case the counsellor yelled at me again, so I found a spot in the copse of trees next to the beach and watered a tree with my pee. I always really liked peeing outside and would look for any excuse to do it. At least, when I could overcome my paranoia of getting caught. Ironically, the best time to take risks like that was probably as a kid.

-- Anonymous, 27 years old, Ottawa


My cruise

I have just returned from a short cruise and boarded the ship, making certain had my laxatives with me, so constipated I was. Arrived on deck and had a few drinks and went to my cabin with had a balcony. And watch the ship slowly leave the harbour. I got the urge and sat on the toilet and everything came out so quickly and easily and so voluminous. I'm wiping my bottom. It was also oily, so I took a bit of paper. I looked in front and there was a reflective shower screen. I could see myself sitting on the throne. I did not close the bathroom door, so where I was seated, I look out upon the harbour.
Salon for couple of days and I went into the men's toilet, and into another couple of fellas came in who were complaining about unisex toilets, and how bad they were.. I had a seat on the toilet with a grin on my face. Then I hear a woman's voice coming in. She was a cleaner as I was wiping at the end, I flushed and walked out , she was very attractive and I wish to each other a good day, and I thanked her for a service and then she went straight into my cubicle to make certain it was clean. She would've got a good sniff of what I produced.
The next story was, there was a unisex toilet on the deck near the bow of the ship and I went in there and it had wall-to-wall glass. Talk about a loo with a view! The seagulls and whales would be able to see you sitting on the throne, how embarrassing????
The story does not stop there. I went into another year sex toilet and drop some very hard rocks as I finished was coming out, the young attractive lady with limited English, asked if she could use the toilet which I replied in the affirmative. She would've got a nice warm seat anyway.


Peeing in the snow

Sometimes I'm a victim of my own poor time awareness, it seems. I was visiting my parents' house the other day. After dinner, I knew I had to pick up my husband from a late shift in a few hours, so I was catching up on some work until then.

A few hours later I looked at the clock and realized I was late. I had to rush out of there. But I didn't realize until after I had put on all my winter gear that I really had to pee.

I weighed my options. I could get undressed again and go upstairs to the bathroom, but that would waste at least 5 minutes and I was already late. And while I do have a strong bladder, I knew that the next half hour in the car would be very uncomfortable at best. But I decided to grin and bear it and headed out the door.

It was dark out by this time, and the ground was covered in snow from that morning's storm. Walking to my car, I eyed the snow pile in the driveway against the wall between my car and the house. My mind was already automatically determining that it was dark enough that the neighbours probably couldn't see me clearly from their windows, weighing the risk of being caught against the relief I could obtain right now, and somehow I made the decision to pee in the driveway before leaving.

I walked a few steps and faced the snow pile. Without looking down I slowly unzipped my pants and pulled my penis out. And still without looking or aiming, I started peeing. I just looked straight ahead with my hands in my pockets because I didn't want my posture to betray my activity.

While standing there, only seeing the wall in front of me, I could feel the pleasantly relieving sensations of liquid flowing and my bladder emptying. I could hear my urine melting the snow and ice and creating new paths through the icy structure. A few seconds later, I saw steam enter my field of view and, even in the freezing temperatures, I could smell the familiar odor.

My ears were alert for passers-by on the sidewalk, though there was hardly anything I could do if someone did walk by other than try to remain still and uninteresting. I resisted the urge to turn my head and look around because I knew that would be counterproductive, or to check that I wasn't dribbling on my boots or pants. I just had to trust it blindly. The relief was worth it, anyway.

It went on for what felt like far too long, but it also felt very good. When my stream weakened, I turned my hips to avoid dripping on myself. I squirted out as much as I could with my muscles and then tucked my penis back into my fly.

When I was finally done, I got in my car and I turned on the headlights. I could see that my pee was quite clearly visible in the packed snow pile, spreading out in a vertical branching pattern beneath the icy layer. I briefly considered getting out and churning the snow to hide it, but I was in a hurry so I didn't.

I was quite childishly pleased with myself for some reason. It's fun to mark nature I guess. I did worry for the next couple of days that my parents would notice the yellow snow in the driveway, but if they did, they never said anything.

-- Anonymous, 27 years old, Ottawa


Reply to Mary (modesty peeing)

Thank you for the quick response. My friend who we will call Ruth (she did not want her real name used), actually my best friend of over a decade, has told me some things about it, although I have never seen her actually do it.

She said that it's far easier to do in skirts (can you confirm this?) and that when she's in doubt over whether a bathroom will be available, she wears a skirt or dress. She further stated that this is a skill women need to practice to avoid unnecessary exposure.

A story she has was when she was walking home from her friend's house in a residential area five years ago, when she was still in junior college. She really had to pee and there was no bathroom around, so she found a spot on the grass between the sidewalk and the street. She squat down (to avoid showing the stream), letting her skirt fall behind her, and let go in her underwear. When she was done, she shook off and went on her way.

Have you, personally, ever done something like that out of necessity?


Dumbass walked in on me when I was using the toilet

I had to get up earlier this morning for a medical appointment (yippee not) so I got up, got dressed, made sure my health card and hospital card were in my purse, went to the washroom, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had bananas (chopped up) in a spicy soup or chili pepper water, had spicy seafood. After breakfast I took my 9 AM medications and took my water jar and went downstairs for a bit. Around 9:50 I grabbed my winter jacket, purse and went upstairs to get ready for my ride. My ride came soon afterwards (after getting ready) and it took a while to get there because of the traffic (yippee not). Finally we got to the hospital and before my appointment I needed the washroom so I let the lady I was with know (a nurse or someone who works in the hospital and also keeps in touch with my worker. It's difficult to explain). So I carefully went to the washroom (remember I have balance issues because of my brain and medications for seizures, went to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Immediately started peeing a lot and in the middle of it someone opened the door! No knock! WTF? I stopped my pee mid stream and stared at him both angry and embarrassed. He didn't apologize or anything just stared then closed the door. Talk about a huge embarrassment and invasion of privacy! I relaxed and let out the rest of the pee (there was a lot), wiped when I was done, tossed the toilet paper into the garbage can (hospital bathroom said to. There's a sign on the wall saying don't flush toilet paper), stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and flushed the toilet. Washed my hands, dried them with paper towels and left the washroom. I let the nurse who was with me know and she was shocked too. It should be common sense not to walk into a room without knocking. Some people man. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Dear Annie

Thank you for kind words! We answer your question. Our loos in both flats are the sitting down type. We rarely use a squat type, but Maho was often constipate before, so she took off socks and climb onto loo and squat. Of course we can see everything, she squat long time and many many turds go PLUNK into loo (Mina learn this word from Princess Toadstool Peach maybe, thank you Princess for teach Mina many onomatopoeia). Mina want to draw, Mina like drawing, but Mina promise Maho she never draw (Maho also like to draw, so...).

Still sometimes we squat, when we use potties instead of loo. We are accustomed to squat because when we were girls, loos in our school were squat type, and Chae did motion in school loo most days. Kazu also sometimes, and she squat more longer time than Chae, so she is accustomed squat, we all are accustomed.

Thank you, we are healthy very much. Touch the wood. We have huge appetite and our motions are unbelievable size. Tomorrow is Saturday, we have lots time, after a breakfast we will sit on beige loo very long time and drop enormous number of huge turds. We are looking forward!!

We hope you have wonderful time in loo always and drop many many enormous turds just like us.

Love to Everyone.


P.S. To Vol-san: Mina forgot to write, our loo time include time to wash our bottom. Because in Japan many loo have shower, it spray water to bottom and also to yoni after we wee. But now toilet shower usually don't have dry function with hot air like before, so we have to dry with paper, it is a big pleasure to dry crush's bottom after she wash so we dry for long time until our crush moan because she is ecstasy. Our motion time 10 ~ 15 minutes but with drying time, close to 20!

Steve A

Radu & Vol Surveys

Vol's Survey

1. How long does it take you to poop?

It usually depends for me, even though I don't have any issues going whenever I have to go, but from the time I sit down to when I finish up wiping, I'd say it ranges between 10-15 minutes, sometimes longer if I haven't gone in a couple days or so...

2. How much do you go when you poop?

It usually depends on how much and what types of food I eat per day, how often I go per day, and if I skip a day or more (my record is around 4-5 days without going from what I remember) but it varies for me...

3. Describe what your typical poop looks like.

I either have a single log that's between 8-12 inches long or slightly longer, along with some soft serve after my log (which only happens sometimes) even though this doesn't happen to me as often as I'd like it to...

It can also be just a pile of soft serve as well...

4. If you have to poop away from home is it more important that the bathroom is clean or private?

Bathroom cleanliness will always be more important to me than privacy, even though I haven't used a bathroom without stall doors or toilets out in the open (yet)

5. Is pooping something you look forward to, something you dread, or just part of your day?

I always look forward to pooping, since it makes me satisfied that my body is working properly... which means that I'm drinking enough water along with eating healthy and adding just enough fiber to my diet...

6. What's your favorite place to poop other than your own home?

I don't have a favorite place to poop besides pooping at home, even though I don't mind pooping in public if I have to go whenever I'm out and about or at work...

7. What's more embarrassing, poop smells or poop sounds?

I'd say sounds are more embarrassing since the smell will always happen, especially if any public restroom stalls are mostly or all in use...

8. Tell me a little about your last poop.

My 2 poops today were on the softer side, no foot long logs or anything, but I've been recently inconsistent as of last week, skipping a day or two (or three) instead of going everyday, which means that I've been making more of an effort to eat well balanced meals everyday while adding just enough fiber to my diet so that I don't end up constipated or irregular beyond 3-4 days...

9. Anything else you'd like to add?


Radu's Survey

1. How often do you clog the toilet with your poop?

I don't have any issues clogging toilets, even though it may go down a little slower if I haven't gone in a couple days (with TP) but when I used to clog toilets, it was a mixture of my poop, TP, and a slightly weaker flush (depending on which 4 toilets I used in our house) even though using a plunger was an easy fix for us...

2. Have you ever clogged a friend's or family member's toilet with poop?

I have before, but using a plunger was all it needed for it to unclog...

3. Have you ever had someone discover that you clogged your toilet? What was his and your reaction to this?

It usually depended on if they heard any of us plunging or if any of our family members heard what happened, but they were never upset with any of us, while sometimes asking us to do flush before we wiped...

4. Have you ever clogged the toilet at work or school and someone found it out? What was the reaction of your friends/co-workers to this?

I've never clogged any pubic toilets, since a majority of them have stronger flushing power than toilets at our house...

5. Has anyone ever been impressed by the size of your poop? What was his reaction?

I posted a story on here awhile back (during my high school years) on page 2381 about pooping before gym class... a majority of my high school peer's reactions were surprised and impressed...

6. Have you ever been proud of clogging a toilet?

I don't recall ever being proud of clogging toilets before, just because it was extra work for me to deal with after pooping...

7. Is there anyone in the world whose toilet you would like to clog? Who?

I'm not sure if I would clog anyone's toilet on purpose, even though a younger version of me (during my teenage and college years would've been open to the idea)


Question for Gemma

My question relates to your stay in the hotel room with Jess. You were both pooping after a very long time. Haven't you clogged the toilet?

Princess Toadstool Peach:

Answers to Petro's questions.

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am asking Petro's questions

1. As you were a young child, was it usually difficult or easy for you to make poopoo? Sometimes easy sometimes hard. Had you to strain a lot for pushing your poopoo out? Not much no.
2. Did you usually fart at those times before you started pooping? Oh yeah like a lot.
3. As you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for making poopoo at those times, had you to push a lot, before something came out, or everything fell out at once? Everything did come out.
4. As you were a young child, did you always poop by yourself? Oh yeah. Did you ever use enema or suppositories at those times? No I didn't. Also what is a suppositories?
5. As you were a young child, did you usually poop as you felt you had to do it? Yep. Did you ever sit down on your potty chair/on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Yest Were you be able to poop in that case? Totally.
6. As you were a young child, had you ever a situation as you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for poopoo and started pushing, but couldn't push your poopoo out? And had you situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, was it pleasant or unpleasant for you? Very pleasant thanks.
7. Did you like pooping as you were a young child? If you had to push a big poo out, did you take it for good? Oh yeah I love pooing.
8. If you pushed a big poo out, were you proud of it? Yep! Did you use to show it to your mom/dad in such cases? I never knew my parents I shown my servants instead.
9. To what age did you poop on your potty chair? 2 in a half. How old were you as you began to poop on the toilet? 5 years old.
10. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo in the presence of your mom? If you did, was it often? Or sometimes? No! And if you did it in her presence, did she often comment your pooping? My servants sure did! Did she ever encourage you by doing it, if she saw it was difficult for you? No.
11. To what age did you poop in the presence of your mom/dad? My servants you mean. About 4 I forget.
12. As you were a young child, did you ever see your mom pooping? If you did, did you comment her pooping somehow in such cases? And did you ever poop together with her (that's to say, do a teamwork!)? No. But I did ask my garden maid is she weeing.
13. As you were a young child, did you ever try to make a poo after peeing? Oh yes.
14. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo every day or more rarely? Oh yes like a lot.
15. As you were a young child, did you poo at some certain time of the day or was it at different times as a rule? I poo and wee every morning when I get up, when I have a shower or going to bed.
16. As you were a rather young child, did you usually poop as you felt an urge for it? Yep. Or were you more often put on your potty chair/on the toilet and told to try making a poo? No I know exactly what to do.
17. As you were a young child, did you ever make your poopoo with your siblings (if you had them) or with somebody of your age? I did with my best friend Rosalina.
18. Did you ever poop outdoors at those times? Oh yes I love that feeling.
19. Do you remember any poop story from those times, as you were a young child? If you do, could you tell it? Perhaps sometime later this year. I already told such one just on Christmas on the page 3043, if you noticed.
20. May I ask you some questions about the pooping of Baby Peach next time you wrote on the page 3045 about? Maybe.
And I'd also like to ask you one more question which is not related to your childhood. You wrote a few days ago you had to use enema because you couldn't poo in spite of your trying. And did you already use it during the last months/years? I was said not to use it all the time.

Thanks for your questions bye bye now!

Sunday, February 18, 2024

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