

Response to unnamed poster

When I said the stalls in Men's Rooms look like they don't get used, I meant I don't think men use them for their intended purpose. I only have my husband and sons for reference, but it seems like very few men use anything but the urinals when they stop for a restroom break. Although reading here, I'm sure that's not the case for everyone!

Anonymous from Ottawa

Re: Types of Public Restrooms Survey

1. What was the cleanest/nicest public restroom you've ever used before?

I haven't really been impressed by any one in particular. I'm just happy when they're clean. I prefer single person bathrooms, or ones with actual walls between stalls, but that's extremely rare.

2. How often do you witness public restroom attendants? Especially at certain bars/clubs or high-end restaurants?

I have heard of, but never seen this.

3. Whenever you're out in public, how often do you find yourself using public restrooms alone/uninterrupted?

I've never been interrupted while using a public bathroom.

4. How often do you witness gender neutral or "single use" restrooms?

Quite often, but not often enough.

5. Have you ever came across an "open" public restrooms with no stall barriers for privacy?

I have never seen or heard of this. This would violate the building code in Ontario, and I would hope most other places.

6. How often do you check for TP, paper towels, & soap before using public restrooms?

I check for toilet paper on the very rare occasion that I poop in a public bathroom. I never check for paper towels or soap beforehand.

7. Have you ever dealt with public restrooms being locked or out of order?



A Day at the Pool

This is a story from when I was 14. It was the Summer before high school was to start. I was with my best friend at a city pool on a hot July day. My best friend was about 5'11" and 170 lbs at age 14, with blonde hair. I was about 80 lbs and 5'5" in contrast.

The Mens' locker room section is where I was introduced to the pool's only customer-accessible restroom. It left a lot to be desired. There was a wall with two urinals on it with privacy partitions on both sides of each, and the partition on the back side of the far urinal failed to at all conceal two open sit-down toilets placed 3 feet from each other. At one time, they appeared to have stalls, which at some point were removed. There were two rolls of toilet paper resting on a shelf next to the far toilet, unopened with their paper wrapper still on, as if no one had ever used them to poop recently.

Before I started changing my clothes to my swim trunks, I took a pee at the far urinal, while my best friend changed. A skinny white boy with light-brown hair about three years younger than me came running in, wet, shirtless, and wearing just his swimtrunks. He hurried to the urinal to my left and standing about 2 feet back from it and sightly behind me, letting loose an audibly forceful stream as he sighed.

As I was washing my hands at the sink maybe 30 seconds later, I could see he was still peeing, still dousing the urinal for all he had with a clear and thick arc visible in the mirror and audibly splattering the porcelain. He must have drank a lot of water and been holding it for hours, which was not unusual for someone to do on such a hot day at a pool like this. My friend headed outside to the pool, already changed.

The younger boy didn't get to washing his hands until I was almost changed into my swim trunks, and we both walked to the pool at about the same time. My best friend was already there, and the boy went his own separate way.

We swam for about 2 hours or so. I eventually had to poop, and rather urgently at that. I was not comfortable pooping out in the open, especially given the near certainty others would walk in and see me, with nothing but my swim trunks to use for privacy. So I held it. Eventually, the farts came. I kept farting and my best friend noticed the bubbles coming up from the pool and made fun of me for it, commenting on the smells. He was also a bit emotionally immature and I did NOT want to let him know I had to poop, lest he tease me about it relentlessly(he did so before the previous year when I pooped at his house, opening the door on me and pointing and laughing). I was considering the prospect that if I ended up succumbing to my biological need(as I did using the open toilet in my middle school locker room on one occasion, getting spotted by the coach), and if I headed to one of the open sit-down toilets, I was fearful he'd follow me in and make fun of me, possibly in front of other people who might also enter.

I also didn't want to leave, because I'd have had to ride my bike back home more than 3 miles, and wouldn't have been able to get back into the pool without paying again. My bowels were holding my fun day at the pool hostage and made it less enjoyable. I kept farting, and my friend kept making fun of me for it.

Eventually, we went back into the locker room to change and head home. It was getting late. My best friend took a piss at the closer urinal and let out a out fart, laughing. The sight of the two sit-down toilets was just exacerbating the situation, because my bowels were signalling that relief was in sight and increased pressure on my sphincter.

But my resolve did not waver. Mind over matter as they say.

As we pedaled back to his house, the turtle's head was painfully poking at my sphincter with each pedal stroke. But I made it to his place. And I REALLY had to poop. So I let him know I had to use his bathroom, without giving specifics. Problem: His middle-aged mother was in there getting ready to work her night shift, and was running late.

As I asked her if I could use her only bathroom, she said "I'm running late for work. You'll have to wait."

I then told her "It's a bit of an emergency."

She responded, "Don't mind me. Just go pee. Nothing I haven't seen before."

The toilet was placed 90 degrees from the sink and mirror she was standing at, and about 5 feet away, so it would have been no different than using a partitioned urinal. She wouldn't have seen anything objectionable. But I didn't need to pee. This was not the situation she thought it was.

So I told her, "I'll try to wait."

I was too embarrassed to admit I needed to poop. She then said, "You said it was an emergency. I'm about to get in the shower, so if you need to go bad, you better go now. I'm going to be in here for about 20 more minutes."

I felt the solid tip place pressure on my increasingly delicate o-ring. Pain was shooting up my spine and my colon quivered with tension. I decided to be direct, but in a way that was as dignified as possible, to clarify the situation.

"I need to defecate. Really bad." Thankfully, my friend was down stairs playing video games and didn't hear the exchange.

She then laughed, "Well, I won't have time to leave the bathroom and wait for you. I'll be late for work. It's your choice, but I have a shower curtain and I'm going to jump in the shower. I won't look at you if you don't look at me. Deal?"

I reluctantly agreed.

"Ok. Step outside. Let me get the hot water started and I'll go in. I'll let you know when you can come in."

About 30 seconds to a minute later of standing outside the door, she said, "Alright. Come in and do your thing."

I rushed in, dropped my pants to my knees, sat on the toilet seat, and took a big, long, hard poop that felt jagged as it forced its way out, while the bathroom filled with steam from her shower. I farted loudly at least twice, but she said nothing and continued to shower. It was very awkward sitting there with her a few feet from me separated only by a shower curtain as I felt a solid poop violently slide out of my butt.

It also came out as one long continuous hard log. I remember eventually pushing and rushing the job, and even then, I was probably seated for a good 2 or 3 minutes pushing out this big, hard log, before a final *PLOOPT* as the tip dropped into the water below.

Then I started rolling the paper and wiping.

"Try not to use too much tissue. It will clog."

I was embarrassed, and responded with a hurried "Ok."

Her knowing what stage I was with my poop was not something I was comfortable with, but probably unavoidable giving the circumstances. She obviously heard everything. I was careful with how much paper I used, and finished wiping after about 2 passes, then flushed. Everything went down. Then I washed my hands.

As I was about to leave, I heard her remark, "Could you do me a favor and turn the fan on? The switch for the fan is near the mirror."

I did so, and she thanked me as I left. As far as I know, my friend was none-the-wiser regarding the fact that I took a big poop in the same bathroom while his mom was in the shower. There's no way I'd have been able to hold it.

When I was 18, she brought this incident up in conversation in front of me, my friend, and his girlfriend. My friend's mom imitated the farting noises she heard, as well as improvising noises of me grunting, but I don't remember grunting during the ordeal. At the end, she imitated the plop it made. Him and his girlfriend were hysterical. She maintains that she never looked at me while I used the toilet, and I believed her, but it was obvious to me she heard everything while she showered.

This scenario was still much preferable to the idea of having random strangers watch me use the toilet at the pool. At least no one saw anything. But in hindsight, I should have just went at the pool's locker room toilets, because holding it in was very painful, nevermind that she'd never have had that recollection to humiliate me with in front of my friend for fun had I not pooped in her toilet while she showered.


Peeing in the Shower

I use to think it was a filthy idea until a girl friend of mine ( long ago) did it . Urine is almost sterile and provided it is well washed down the drain is of no problem. I find peeing in the shower of benefit because I have trouble fully emptying my bladder and the running water Both sound and warmth makes me relaxed . I stand there and let everything go and out is comes. Such a good feeling.


Big lumpy poop

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag (with my notebook, pen, toilet paper, etc), grabbed a pad (on my period yuck), took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put THOSE flip flops on and went to the washroom to pee, change my pad and brush my teeth. Had to go back to my room afterwards and wash my hands with hand sanitizer (someone who works with my worker had an extra one in her purse yesterday so she gave it to me after my appointment. Went upstairs for breakfast (runny spicy oatmeal with bananas and a jar of warm water to drink-I microwaved the jar. Each of us needs to keep a jar in our room and a jug of water in our room to drink throughout the day). Breakfast was good. Afterwards took my 9 AM medications (need to take them on a full stomach otherwise they make me dizzy). Went downstairs (my caregiver went to bed otherwise I would have thanked her), went to my room for a while on the internet until my stomach gave me the signal that it needed to poop.

Grabbed my Walmart bag, walked to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put on the flip flops outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black sweatpants and dark greenish blue underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first a lot then pushed out a lot of solid lumpy poop. When I was done it laid in the toilet. No splash, no flump. Reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some, put the roll back into the Walmart bag and wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well. Put the dirty toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a solid lumpy poop in the toilet about 1 to 1 1/2 feet in the toilet. Not overly impressed with the size but hopefully later today I can go a lot more. Flushed the toilet, picked up the Walmart bag, left the washroom, turned off the light and walked to my room. Turned on the light, changed my flip flops outside my room, went into my room, put those flip flops on, tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, walked to the computer chair, grabbed the hand sanitizer out of my purse, washed my hands with it, put it back into my purse, put it back and that's that. Just finished sweeping my room and listening to music. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy :)

Happy peeing and pooping!



To Petro

I can't answer that many questions (too many) though I will say that as a kid I was a tall skinny girl who ate plenty of healthy food but didn't drink enough water (barely anything) so I would have HUGE poops that would fill and clog the toilet often. My mom and aunt (my parents are divorced and have been since I was a baby) would have to unclog the toilet with the plunger. Plunging HUGE hard poops often. I hope that answers you. Now as an adult I eat very healthy, drink lots of water and drink coffee once a week at my exercise program so my poops are big but MUCH softer.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Reply to J (modesty peeing)

Yes, doing modesty pee in skirts or dresses is definitely easier than in other kinds of clothing. One can either squat down or stand with their legs apart and pee through their underwear. Unless the skirt is very tight, this usually leaves the skirt completely dry, with only underwear becoming wet. And it's often very easy to hide that you are peeing: for example, when squatting I have pretended to tie my shoe laces while actually peeing through my panties.

Doing modesty pee in other kinds of clothing is definitely more challenging. You either need to expose your underwear, or accept that your outer clothing becomes wet. Though a lot of women think, myself included, that in many cases this is better than exposing your butt and private parts.

Thanks for sharing the incident your friend had. Do you have other stories of your friends doing modesty pees? I have personally done similar thing a few times. But I don't wear skirts or dresses that often, so many times I have had to do modesty pee in shorts or pants.


Answers for Radu and another stay

No, I never do enough to block the toilet and I don't think Jess does either, mine are all little pebbles.

There was a trend as we had early starts to travel days that we had sleepovers so parents took it in turns to drop us off for the bus from school, Jess never took part at all, everyone wondered why but she was always refusing with an excuse. Well after we'd shared rooms a few times after the first hotel room sharing. Well before the next one she takes me to one side at school and asks if I'd be able to stay over hers. I was surprised at first but said yes, she said her mum had asked why she never had anyone over.

Anyway the Friday night after school I went over hers knowing we had a 5am start. We went up to her room and we both got changed and she was complaining about someone at school. We spent ages just gossiping and her mum called us to eat, we had dinner and went back upstairs.

Jess then says she needs to use the bathroom and I should too because the hostel were staying in has stalled toilets and are gross. She told me that this is why she never does sleepovers the night before because she's not much company. Jess asked me to sit on the edge of bath so we both walked in the bathroom and she sits on the toilet, puts her elbows on her thighs and leans her chin on her hand. Her stomach tensed up and she stopped talking at that point and her face started to go red, then she gasps and her stomach relaxed. Jess talks again and apologizes were going be here for a while, she tenses up again and this time a plop and a gasp. Once she caught her breath she says thank God it's you here, please keep this a secret. Then about 10 minutes goes past of Jess grumbling how it has to come out and the state of the toilets in hostels, then her stomach tenses up again and she starts rocking backwards and forwards and in a strained and panicked voice she says it isn't coming. Jess got up and we go back to the bedroom



Pooping in the Air

For the record I rarely travel by plane but have no problem doing a poo in the air. Once, and the only time I went to England I went about four or five times . My bowels were over active .. .. the food . I think airlines could smf should do better by having more toilets on planes


Marking my territory

Earlier today, I needed to use the toilet, but I wanted to take the dog out for a walk as well. I thought I could hold while I went for the walk, and use the toilet once I got back. I didn't get far before realizing I should have gone first.

I went into the grass on the side of the road and undid my belt, when I heard a car coming. I stopped what I was going and walked slowly while I waited for the car to pass. Once the car had passed, I finished opening my trousers and started peeing. I was concerned about peeing on the dog or his lead, but luckily he wasn't interested in what I was doing and was sniffing the ground nearby. After finishing my pee, I was surprised and relieved that the dog continued to show no interest in that area. We continued our walk, and I felt a lot more comfortable for the rest of it.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Steve A

Types of Public Restrooms Survey

1. What was the cleanest/nicest public restroom you've ever used before?

2. How often do you witness public restroom attendants? Especially at certain bars/clubs or high-end restaurants?

3. Whenever you're out in public, how often do you find yourself using public restrooms alone/uninterrupted?

4. How often do you witness gender neutral or "single use" restrooms?

5. Have you ever came across an "open" public restrooms with no stall barriers for privacy?

Even though I never used one or seen one around where I live, I'm assuming they exist, but they're most likely located on camping sites, hiking trails, or certain outdoor parks...

6. How often do you check for TP, paper towels, & soap before using public restrooms?

7. Have you ever dealt with public restrooms being locked or out of order?


To Chakamami

To Chakamami thank you for answering my question! Oh okay I understand! I visited Taiwan for the first time in November 2013 (4 months after my brain surgery) and most of the time I used the regular toilet. Only once at a restaurant I tried to use the squat toilet for the first time (back then my ex husband and I were still married and we were visiting Taiwan and his family for 2 weeks). I ended up making a huge mess in the bathroom accidentally (my pee sprayed everywhere because my balance was no good and I couldn't squat). Immediately after that happened I had to pull up my wet pants (yuck), wash my hands, tell my husband and we went and told someone who works at the restaurant to let them know. I love your stories especially about your big poops/motions. I just finished going for the second time today (a very soft poop/motion). My body is slowly becoming healthy yay!


Soft urgent poop

A few minutes ago I got the strong urge for a soft poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down (dark sweatpants and grey high cut underwear) and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. A bunch of soft poop splattered into the toilet. Only took about 30 seconds but it was out and the bathroom stunk. Reached into the Walmart bag, took the toilet paper out, took some, put the toilet paper roll back into the Walmart bag and wiped my front first then my butt really well. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow. Quite a bit of soft poop in the toilet. A pile of soft mushy poop. Flushed the toilet and all except for a couple of flakes went down. Flushed again, picked up the Walmart bag, left the washroom, turned off the light, went to my room, threw the Walmart bag on the bed (remember my arms are long), went outside my room, took those flip flops off, went into my room, put those flip flops on, used the hand sanitizer to wash my hands and now writing this. Second poop this morning. Hopefully I can go more later maybe after lunch and dinner. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Hopefully everyone is having a good Monday so far.

Happy peeing and pooping!



My Stomach was not Happy, Part 1

I had an interesting pooping experience in the school bathroom recently.
A few days ago, I was in my class before lunch and could feel a growing urge to poop (plus a strong urge to pee from my nearly bursting bladder) (plus a quickly filling bladder). That's normal, I always poop during lunch, so no big deal. However I stayed behind to ask the teacher some questions, which meant once I got to the cafeteria there was a long line to get food. I decided that instead of waiting in line, I'd go to the bathroom first, have a bowel movement (and a pee), then get lunch.

So I walked into the cafeteria bathrooms. It was still the first lunch rush. In my school, there are two lunch rushes for the bathroom: one at the beginning as girls who have been filling their bladders with coffee and water all morning rush to take a much needed pee and drain their bladders. A few girls also poop during this time (typically these are the girls who want to make space for a new meal before they eat), but most pooping happens in the second rush, where all the girls, now completely full of food and drink, really need to make some space produce lots of poop and pee. Normally I go during the second rush, but today I was going during the first. There was no queue, although all but two of the five stalls were taken, with the rest occupied by girls trying to recreate the sound of a small waterfall with the sound of their pee streams. I took a stall, pulled down my black leggings and white panties to my knees, and sat down. I began by joining the choir of draining bladders, and relaxed my abdominal muscles as pee flowed from my bladder, through my urethra, and into the toilet, pitter-pattering against the porcelain and splashing into the water. The other girls finished and flushed as I was halfway through peeing. I drank an energy drink and a coffee, in addition to a lot of water, so I had quite a lot of pee in me. I was quite impressed I didn't have to excuse myself from class to go pee earlier. Anyway, after 55 seconds, my pee stream slowed down before completely stopping, signifying I was done peeing. Ahhh that in itself was a relief, but there was more to come, out my other side. I leaned forward and passed a 5 second airy fart. Then I gave a quick push and began pooping. My butt opened nice and wide as what felt like a firm decent sized turd slid out my butt hole. It came out with minimal noise and smell, and after 15 seconds fell out of me with a plop. I pushed again to see if there was more, by that was it, just a normal 12" long 1.5" wide stomach emptier. I wiped three times just as two girls walked in complaining about their aching bladders. I stayed for an extra, with my turd chilling in the toilet water below my butt, for an extra minute as they peed powerful streams for 40 secs before we all flushed, washed our hands and left.

I'll see if I get the chance to post Part 2 later. Bye for now!


Pooped again

Hi everyone. At 5 PM I had dinner. I had fried rice with chili pepper seasoning, ginger, eggs and green vegetables. It took a while to eat (after microwaving it. It took a while to eat and after dinner I took my 5 PM medications, took my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs (my caregiver was sleeping otherwise I would have thanked her. She usually cooks, cleans, etc at night and sleeps during the day). A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop again (wow!) so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed. More splattery poop came out into the toilet. Gag! It stunk. When I was done I reached into the Walmart bag, took the toilet paper out, took some off the roll (been learning not to take too much at a time), put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well. Tossed the dirty toilet paper into the toilet (between my legs), stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and flushed the mess down the toilet. P.U. Grabbed my Walmart bag, turned off the light, opened the door, went to my room, took the flip flops off outside my room, opened the door, turned on the light, put those flip flops on, washed my hands with the hand sanitizer and that's that. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. I also hope everyone is having a good week so far.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Hello everyone! I'm Sarah and I'm back on the forum! I hope you've all been doing well since I last saw you. Today, me and my friend Maria were playing outside when we both needed to use the bathroom. We didn't want to go upstairs, so we snuck into the basement storage room. It was a bit scary because it was dark, but we turned on the lights and everything was okay. I went in the middle of the room and took off my pants. Then, I squatted down and had a long pee. After that, I made a big poop! When I was done, Maria stepped over my pee puddle and pulled down her pants. She had a really smelly poop and peed a lot too. Then, we both pulled our pants back up and went back outside to play some more. We weren't embarrassed at all! What have you been up to while I was gone? Let's catch up!


My first skidmark of 2024.

I was doing well but the inevitable caught up with me. I was paying a visit to the last Sears store in New Jersey and one of the last Sears anywhere. It's slated to close soon, probably in March. It's part of a mall called Newport Centre in Jersey City and on this Saturday, the mall was very busy with lots of shoppers. As I was checking the place out, I felt that all too familiar sensation in my ????. Maybe it's just a little gas? No, I was going to have to find a toilet soon. I went in the main bathroom in the food court and all the stalls were occupied plus there was a line for the urinals. OK, maybe Sears has their own facilities I could use instead?

So I trundled down to Sears. They only had the first floor open as there wasn't a lot of merchandise left. I walked around and there was no place for me to take care of my needs. I gave the food court men's room a second visit and this time I was able to nab a stall. The partitions and doors weren't in great shape but at least the door stayed closed and there was plenty of toilet paper. Under my jeans I was wearing what are basically gray panties for men by Hanes. They had been between my butt cheeks all day, which I didn't mind, so I had to yank them out to go potty. I noticed there was already a faint brown mark on the bottom. Pooping itself lasted about 10 minutes which is typical for me. When I was done I did what I could with the cheap commercial use toilet paper they provide. Not 100% clean but it would have to do. I pulled my clothes back up, opened the door, washed my hands, and left. I finally had a chance for a good, last look at Sears. Later on when I got home, I decided to check the state of my undies. Sure enough, after extracting them from my butt cheeks again, I had a skidmark and it wasn't faint anymore. It probably would've happened regardless of the underwear I had on. But this particular pair is known for riding up on me so stains could happen even in the best of circumstances. Especially considering that I'm wedgie prone to begin with. I just find it funny that one of the things I'll remember from my last ever trip to a Sears is a good sized skidmark.

Why do I so dread pooing at school?

I'm wondering why it is so much of a dread to poo at school. When I think about it I come to the conclusion that at 15 a 30 to 45 second sit to drain myself isn't that bad. My friend Francine once told me that I don't have the incontinence she does. Much of the time when I go to the bathroom with Francine she makes a run for the toilet. By the time she's seated I start up the faucet or two nearest us and that helps sometimes for her to get things going. In the newer part of our school we have the auto-activated sinks and it is harder for me to help her out. A couple of times I went in with her and waited and talked to her until her piss started. But a teacher caught us and threatened to call our parents. Its a dumb rule that me and Francine can't see much need for.

So I'm in my freshman year and I dread the once or twice each week I have to poo at school. I try sitting down at home before school and it doesn't help. By 10 a.m. I have what another one of my friends calls the full-load-plus. It is hard for me to hold it in and once I dodge my teacher's sarcasm or another jab and I hurry out of the room, I head straight for the bathroom. Last month, I shot my panties in like 2 seconds when I found the acceptable restroom on our floor was closed. There was no question. Someone puked. You could smell it. I could hear activity in the nearby boys room so I didn't want to try it. About 5 minutes later when I made it to the upstairs bathroom, I thanked God I was the only user. I went into the far end cubicle. Hiked up my loose fitting dress, pulled my panties down to the floor. I unloaded more poo from the back end while I was ever carefully trying to pull my pooed up panties over my tennis shoes. I was desperate and sweating like in the July heat. One piece rolled out over my white sock. I ended up taking off both of my shoes and socks until I got the first part of the clean up done. I rolled up the two largest soft pieces in my undies and laid them immediately under the privacy door. Then while I was using like a half roll of toilet paper squares on my rear end, two older girls came in, laughed at what they saw laid out in front of me, took a cubicle two down from me and shared a vape. They laughed and cursed me and said I was responsible if they got caught vaping. I just got dressed, stepped over the disaster in front of me. I left the bathroom in tears, but stopped in another bathroom on my way back to class. I washed my hands 4 or 5 times and got to thinking about how I needed to keep my legs together the rest of the day. My biggest challenge was when I was sitting on my lab stool in science.

For Elvia:
That's interesting what you said about each stall getting less use in the large public restrooms. My question is if you walk into a 10-toilet bathroom, what makes you take the toilet that you finally end up using?

For Blakey:

Welcome to our forum. I enjoyed your story. Isn't it really, really hard to avoid portable toilets, even when their condition really, really sucks? Last time I sat on one at a carnival the seat was wet and I was ready to explode. My first stop at home was a really good bath.


No time to meditate???

I watched a video two days ago about a meditation practitioner who was told by a client that he had no time to meditate. Then asked the client does he have time to go to the toilet? The client said yes.

There is your opportunity to meditate. I usually sit down for a wee and will incorporate in just a couple or a few minutes of meditation. That is slower deeper, breathing and relax on the exhale .. relax to the point, you turn yourself into a rag doll!

For a poo I just relax for a few minutes only, and sometimes it comes out of its own accord after a few minutes of relaxing, probably only three minutes and then start pushing. When I've completed everything usually before I wipe I just might have a minute or two of relaxation again.
This gives me a small amount of meditation during the day on a few occasions and of course I meditate when I go to bed at ultimately drift off to sleep.
If you look at my previous post, I do discuss meditating on the toilet, quite a bit.
Hope this has been of use . Thunder

your name: (optional) Mrs Bigand hard

Straining hard this morning, It is going to be a big hard po

Sitting on the toilet this morning, I had to pull my Butt cheeks part and strain. really hard. and then I had to dig chunks out of my Butt hole with my finger.
It was very painful, but I managed to strain it out pushing really hard
The rock hard chunks were coming out with great effort one at a time. My butt hole is really sore now but I am glad I goi it out.
Thanks, Mrs. big and hard.

Chakamami (Hisae Kazumi Maho Mina)

Dear Kristi

Hello Kristi, we read that you feel good when we write to you. we are sorry, we don't mention your name for long time.

We are agree with you and your husband. In airport, most women in loo are defecating, because they don't want to do in plane. Mina and Mari are same. We think it is same for man. Of course we never see.

So airport loo need many many cubicle. We think, many women (also men maybe) want to sit on loo very long time to defecate before get into plane, they want to defecate as possible as they can. We four, and Mari, all think that way. One airport Mina sometimes use, loo at gate has 10 cubicle, so easy for woman to defecate huge volume with sitting there long time.

Once Mina defecate on plane, long long time ago, Mina was teen. finish in about 7 minutes. Mina was not satisfy, and loo in plane was not good feeling because very small.

We hope that you Kristi never feel down any more. And we hope you have many wonderful loo time with your big husband who is so kind to you.

Love to you and your husband and to everyone.



Soft poop

Just got the urge to poop a few minutes ago (the 2nd time this morning) so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off at the door, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear (with a pad in it. Period started last night after my shower) up, flushed the toilet, picked up the Walmart bag, left the washroom, turned off the light, went to my room, took off the flip flops outside my room, went into my room, put those flip flops on, washed my hands with the hand sanitizer and now writing this. Will be going upstairs in about 10 minutes for lunch and to make a tea and fill my water jug. Yippee lol. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Big soft poop (log)

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside it, put on the flip flops outside my room, went to the washroom and went upstairs for breakfast. My caregiver came out of her room or the washroom to ask me to please microwave breakfast for 6 minutes (she wanted to sleep since she stays up all night cooking, cleaning etc. There are 2 or 3 other tenants who live here). I did that, took the bowl out of the microwave (I was wearing oven mitts to avoid burning myself) and slowly ate at the table. Took my medications after breakfast.

Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop already so I grabbed the Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put the flip flops on outside my room, closed the door, turned off the light and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a fairly soft but big poop. Took only about 30 seconds. Stunk too. Reached into the Walmart bag, rolled up the sleeves of my sweater, took some toilet paper, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor, wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a big, soft log in the toilet. Light to medium brown. Flushed the toilet, grabbed the Walmart bag, went to the door, turned off the light, went to my room, tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, went upstairs and washed my hands in the sink (downstairs has no soap) Went back downstairs, dried my hands on the towel, went outside my room, took off those flip flops, went into my room, put THOSE flip flops on (such a pain in the ass) and now writing this while listening to music. I hope everyone is having a good week so far and that you're all staying safe, healthy, warm and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Wednesday, February 21, 2024


To Annie:

Hello, Annie!
If you remember, I asked you some question about your pooping in November (on the page 3034). And now I'd like to ask you some ones more which are related to your pooping as you were a young child, if you don't mind. Some of them are going to be the same as they were last time, but not all.
1. As you were a young child, was pooping usually difficult or easy for you? Had you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
2. Did you usually fart at those times before you started pooping?
3. As you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for making poopoo at those times, had you to push a lot, before something came out, or everything fell out at once?
4. As you were a young child, did you always poop by yourself? Did you ever use enema or suppositories at those times?
5. As you were a young child, did you usually poop as you felt you had to do it? Did you ever sit down on your potty chair/on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Were you be able to poop in that case?
6. As you were a young child, had you ever a situation as you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for poopoo and started pushing, but couldn't push your poopoo out? And had you situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, was it pleasant or unpleasant for you?
7. As you were pooping in your childhood, did you usually push one big turd out, or did you more often push several ones out?
8. As you were a young child, did you ever push a huge poop out? If you did, did you make it often?
9. Did you like pooping as you were a young child? If you had to push a big poop out, did you take it for good?
10. If you pushed a big poop out, were you proud of it? Did you use to show it to your mom/dad in such cases?
11. To what age did you poop on your potty chair? How old were you as you began to poop on the toilet?
12. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo in the presence of your mom? If you did, was it often? Or sometimes? And if you did it in her presence, did she often comment your pooping? Did she ever encourage you by doing it, if she saw it was difficult for you?
13. To what age did you poop in the presence of your mom/dad?
14. As you were a young child, did you ever see your mom pooping? If you did, did you comment her pooping somehow in such cases? And did you ever poop together with her (that's to say, do a teamwork!)?
15. As you were a young child, did you ever try to poop after peeing?
16. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo every day or more rarely?
17. As you were a young child, did you poop at some certain time of the day or was it at different times as a rule?
18. As you were a rather young child, did you usually poop as you felt an urge for it? Or were you more often put on your potty chair/on the toilet and told to try making poopoo?
19. As you were a young child, did you ever make your poopoo with your siblings (if you had them) or with somebody of your age?
20. Did you ever poop outdoors at those times?
21. Do you remember any poop story from those times, as you were a young child? If you do, could you tell it? I already told such one just on Christmas on the page 3043, if you noticed.
22. And I'd also like to ask you a question on the other subject: in what city of Canada do you live, if it's not a secret?
I wish you happy pooping and peeing!

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