

three new dumps

i was at a park when i needed to take a dump. it took me a few minutes to get to the bathrooms. it was two unisex toilets. i took one of the bathrooms. i pulled down my sweats and panties and sat on the metal seat. the two bathrooms were connected with an opening by the roof. you could hear inside the other bathroom. i wanted to take a leisurely dump. i relaxed and let gravity do the work. after 1 or 2 minutes my shit started to come out. it sat there and slowly moved. i heard someone enter the other bathroom. there was a hurried rustling of clothes. i heard them sit on the seat and a loud fart with lots of sloppy wet poo. there was a female moan after the eruption. she pissed and started to wipe. my shit kept slowly coming out without a sound. after more time my turd escaped me. plopping in the metal bowl below. i wiped and flushed. i timed myself. i was in the bathroom for 15 minutes. longer than normal. the mystery guest left before i was done. i never saw them.

i was at the gym and needed to take a shit. i went to the bathroom. there are a lot of stalls. i took one near the front. i could hear other girls peeing and some plops. i pulled my shorts and panties down and sat. i relaxed and pissed. i started to push gently. a thick rope started to come out of me. after a few moments i was done. it was a sticky poo that needed lots of wiping. as i was wiping someone took a stall next to me. she did a loud piss. i could hear grunting. it sounded like she was constipated. i left before i heard plops from her. i forgot to time myself.

the newest shit was today. i stopped at a gas station to poop. it was a weak urge. just enough to need to go. i sat on the toilet and took a slow starting piss. i then started my poo. i had to push hard to get it started. i burped three times while pushing. a dry hard poo started to come out. it needed help to get out. i kept pushing and a small log came out and plopped loudly in the toilet. i farted. i pushed some pebbles out and was done. quick easy wipe. i timed myself. i was in the bathroom for 6 minutes.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


My first encounter with a coed restroom

I was a high school Freshman. As a participant in extracurricular activities, I often made after school or weekend field trips to colleges in the area.

I was at a local university for a science competition. It was the end of a long day, and I asked permission to use the restroom on our way out of the building. For whatever reason, the Mens' restroom, which I had used multiple times earlier during the day for both excretory functions, was now closed. We were walking back to the bus to head home and I let the teacher chaperoning this event know that I badly needed the restroom and that the one in the building we were just in was closed. Everyone was given the chance to take one final bathroom break, but I was apparently the only person who needed it. I badly needed to pee, so I headed into a nearby building that the bus was parked outside of, which I was told to use.

The building turned out to be a dormitory. As I approached the restroom on the 1st floor, I noticed the sign had a picture with a man, a slash, and a woman. It was unisex. I headed inside, not really having much choice because it was a two hour ride back home on the bus.

There were three girls of about 18-19 years old standing at the two sinks primping themselves in the mirror, two stalls in the back(both occupied with the telltale shoes and lowered pants), and two unoccupied urinals with a side partition between them, all in direct view of said mirror. The girls at the sink immediately noticed me as I walked in. One of them looked Asian and petite, one was white with long brown hair, and the other looked Eastern-European with black hair.

Upon seeing me, the white girl yelled "Awwww! That kid is adorable!" This just made things even more awkward. I was not comfortable with the idea of peeing in front of them, but with both stalls in use, the urinals were my only option.

So I headed to the urinal closest to the stalls. As I was walking to the urinal, another one of the girls then said "Go ahead and pee your brains out little boy. We don't mind."

I unzipped, whipped my organ out, and tried to go but couldn't. I felt sick to my stomach with embarrassment, as I was not used to doing this in front of the opposite sex. I hated using urinals around other boys at that age, so this was extremely awkward due to its novelty. After about 10 seconds of awkwardly standing there trying to go but being unable to, all of a sudden, it came rushing out like a geyser. A forceful stream of clear piss loudly splattered the urinal, and I could feel the splashback on my right hand and groin as the three girls watched me urinate from behind through the mirror. I also felt a buildup of gas pressure on my back door, and tried to hold it.

While peeing, I heard toilet paper being rolled in both stalls. Through my peripheral vision, I could see someone's sneakers, pants, and bare ankles below the partition as I emptied my bladder. It took at least a minute to pee, because I'd probably gone through a half gallon of water over the last few hours. As my bladder pressure eased and my micturation reached its conclusion with me trying to push the last of the liquid out of my urethra, my sphincter involuntarily relaxed and the built-up flatulence slipped passed my anus.


I heard one of the girls snicker. Another then said "It's rude to laugh." The back stall flushed and I heard its stall door open.

I zipped up, turned around, and headed to the sinks to wash my hands. There was now a fourth girl at the sink of about the same age as the others, a blonde. While I was waiting for one of the two sinks to become available so that I could wash my hands, all four of them were taking an interest to me and the one who called me "adorable" asked me what I was doing here. I let them know I was a high school student here for an extracurricular science program. The Asian looking girl remarked that I didn't look old enough to be in high school and asked me "Are you one of those genius kids that they keep behind locked doors?" I was 15 at the time, but could have easily passed for an 11-12 year old. I let them know which high school I was from. The conversation was awkward, because three of them just watched me pee from start to finish, and I wanted to just wash my hands and get back on the bus.

The stall occupant nearest to the urinals emerged. A skinny ginger boy with spiked hair exited the stall. The blonde girl greeted him by name as she finished washing her hands and headed over to the paper towels. Now it was my turn. As I stood at the sink rubbing my hands with soap and water, one of the girls remarked "It's a busy bathroom today!", and the other three girls moved out of the way to avail the second sink to the boy who just finished his poop. We washed our hands together, and I finished first.

As I was drying my hands, the boy started taking the time to fix his hair, right along with the girls who had once again commandeered the other sink. He was clearly used to doing his business in the presence of the opposite sex. One of the girls looked at him and remarked, "Everything come out okay?" The boy made an awkward smile and said he did something inappropriate/sexual that I will not repeat here(otherwise this story might not get published). The blonde girl freaked out and said "YOU DID NOT!" while lightly hitting him. They were all laughing and carrying on. But what he said he did left enough of an impression on me that it will stick with me for life, because there are things people will do in bathroom stalls besides excrete waste.

I left, and got back on the bus.


To Nicole from Germany:

Hello, Nicole!
If you remember, I asked you some questions in December, a few days before Christmas, about your pooping (on the page 3041). And now I'd like to ask you some ones more which are related to your pooping as you were a young child, if you don't mind. I wrote on that day that I'd like to ask such questions later. Some of them are going to be the same as they were last time, but not all.
1. As you were a young child, was pooping usually difficult or easy for you? Had you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
2. Did you usually fart at those times before you started pooping?
3. As you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for making poopoo at those times, had you to push a lot, before something came out, or everything fell out at once?
4. As you were a young child, did you always poop by yourself? Did you ever use enema or suppositories at those times?
5. As you were a young child, did you usually poop as you felt you had to do it? Did you ever sit down on your potty chair/on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Were you be able to poop in that case?
6. As you were a young child, had you ever a situation as you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for poopoo and started pushing, but couldn't push your poopoo out? And had you situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, was it pleasant or unpleasant for you?
7. As you were pooping in your childhood, did you usually push one big turd out, or did you more often push several ones out?
8. As you were a young child, did you ever push a huge poop out? If you did, did you make it often?
9. Did you like pooping as you were a young child? If you had to push a big poop out, did you take it for good?
10. If you pushed a big poop out, were you proud of it? Did you use to show it to your mom/dad in such cases?
11. To what age did you poop on your potty chair? How old were you as you began to poop on the toilet?
12. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo in the presence of your mom? If you did, was it often? Or sometimes? And if you did it in her presence, did she often comment your pooping? Did she ever encourage you by doing it, if she saw it was difficult for you?
13. To what age did you poop in the presence of your mom/dad?
14. As you were a young child, did you ever see your mom pooping? If you did, did you comment her pooping somehow in such cases? And did you ever poop together with her (that's to say, do a teamwork!)?
15. As you were a young child, did you ever try to poop after peeing?
16. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo every day or more rarely?
17. As you were a young child, did you poop at some certain time of the day or was it at different times as a rule?
18. As you were a rather young child, did you usually poop as you felt an urge for it? Or were you more often put on your potty chair/on the toilet and told to try making poopoo?
19. As you had a buddy dump with your sister (you told about it on the page 3015) did both of you comment your pooping? Did you encourage each other, if your pooping was difficult?
20. Did you ever stand up for peeing, as you were a young girl? Can you pee in such way now?
21. Do you remember any poop story from those times, as you were a young child? If you do, could you tell it? I already told such one just on Christmas on the page 3043, if you noticed.
22. And I'd also like to ask you: in what region of Germany do you live, if it's not a secret?
I wish you happy pooping and peeing!


Where is Carlie B.?

Carlie B. once wrote on this forum. She wrote very good articles, but she has been gone for a long time. Does anyone know what happened to her? Carlie, if you are reading this, please know that we would love to read your articles.

your name: (optional) Mrs Bigand hard

Post Title (optional)..A Really big hard one today.

I am sitting on the toilet Straining really hard. trying to get my butt to stretch wide enough to get this turd out, but it won t. come out.
My butt hole won't stretch wide enough to allow it to come out. I think I will have to dig it out with my finger.
So I push my finger up into my butt hole and dig it out as best as I can.
It hurts when it starts to come out. It must be over three inches wide.
Thank you all very much.,mrs big and hard.


Moving accident.

I decided to post this story after seeing "Pooped my pants while helping move patio furniture" by an unnamed contributor. About 10 years ago, my roommate and I were moving from one house to another. The big move portion by the moving company was already complete. All the clothes, furniture, and appliances were gone from here. But there were still a few odds add ends to take care of at the old house like cleaning supplies before handing over the keys. There were also about four boxes were left in the basement. I decided to stop by after work and move them to the living room where they would be easy to get when we stopped by with the car later. That would be our final trip here.

When I got there this afternoon, I felt the need to poop coming on. But I wasn't desperate so I figured I could safely move these boxes first. Boxes one to three were no problem. I was starting to fart. But nobody else was around so I saw no harm in that. Then came the pivotal last box. I crouched down to pick it up and, as I was doing so, my butt decided to give way. A soft turd had emerged between my butt cheeks. It was past the point of no return. And the toilet was two floors up. There was no way to get there in this state so I had to push it the rest of the way out into my underwear. The aroma of fresh feces quickly surrounded me but the feeling of relief was amazing!

Nonetheless, I had a job to finish. I still had the last box in my hands and I took it up the stairs as planned. But this time it felt so different with the feeling of warm, smelly poo held tightly against my bottom by snug underwear. I placed the box by the front door alongside the others. Then I went up one last set of stairs to the bathroom. By now I was highly aroused which seemed very counterintuitive as I was NOT having a good time. I entered the bathroom and pulled my trousers down. I inspected my blue Jockey men's string bikini in the mirror. There was a small wet patch on the front. Apparently I also peed a bit when I pooped myself. I was expecting a huge bulge on my backside but it wasn't that big at all. Maybe the size of a plum. So I carefully lowered my underwear and dumped most of the contents into the toilet. A good amount stuck to my Jockeys because it was soft and sticky. I ended up using a large amount of time and toilet paper getting my undies and myself as clean as possible. After doing the best I could, it was still obvious someone had an accident in them. The good news was that they kept my trousers completely clean.

There was nothing left to do but to go back to the new house. All the clean clothes were there. I considered going commando but I ultimately decided not to. So I took a ride home on the subway and the bus. My dirty undies made me very self-conscious. The whole time I thought I smelled bad but I couldn't tell if it was real or a product of my imagination. When I got home I avoided my roommate and quickly changed undies in the bathroom before talking to her. I don't know if those Jockeys would've come clean in the laundry or not. I decided to play it safe and trash them instead.

Anna from Austria

pooping in front of an audiance

Hello everyone I am back with a new story.

Last weekend I was on trip in the mountains with one my best friends and her 15 year old teenage cousin.

My and my friend Sara and her cousin Steffi stayed in different hotel rooms.

30 minutes after breakfast we we decided to mountain town to some shopping. I visisted Sara at her room to pick her up. But as soon as arrived there my morning coffee kicked in and encouraged my bowels to let loose. I want back to my room with was only 3 roooms appart from Sara's and Steffi's Room just to see that the hotel stuff had started to clean. Sara was waiting in front of the door of her hotel room and saw everything. She then said that I might could use the toilet in her room if Steffi is ok with it so I do not have walk downstairs to public toilet. At first I wondered why Steffi should object but then Sara told he that her cousin is the shower.

She asked Steffi through the door if she could come out for a while because there is bathroom emergency. Steffi said then that she needs some extra time but she would not mind if Sara would come in. Sara then said it is not here but me. Steffi still agreed.

I rushed into the bathroom then put down my pants and my panties and sat on the toilet. The room was very hot from the water from the shower. It felt weird doing my business only a few meters away from a girl a I barely know. The glas door of the shower separated us of course but it still felt weird.

But before I could think about about any further my anus started to down it's own thing and after I loud prft fart a big turd started to come out.

Steffi then said eww I though you wanted to pee. I blushed and just said sorry. Then I peed and did another log with some more farts. I flushed as fast as i could and washed my hands.

I really blow up the toilet. Humid air from the shower and the stench of my poo really created a unique stench. Only 3 minutes after I was down Steffi also come out with towel wrapped on her head to cover the wet hair. For teenager she acted quit modest and did not say anything too harsh. She was just mocking me a bit and told me that I should have warned her what I was about to do. I again said sorry bu this alwaysh happens shortly afte I have too much coffee. She then just giggled and said whatever.

The topic never came up again during the rest of our vacation.It still feels embarrasing because even for me the stench felt worse than usual. Maybe the humid air and the smell of the showering gel made everything worse.

Anyway that's my story for today

Greetings from Austria


greetings from Austria


bed wetting

i've never really been much of a bed wetter, but this was actually an experience i had when i was probably about six years old. i remember it so clearly. it was really early in the morning, or maybe it was the middle of the night because it was still really dark. i remember i sort of woke up from sleeping but i didnt wake up fully. i was in between being asleep and being awake. i know i didnt open my eyes or move, and i was lying on my back, which was how i often slept. i remember i was so relaxed. i was still a little bit asleep, so my whole body was completely relaxed. then, slowly, i began to pee. i dont think i really realized what i was doing, i just began to pee. i remember exactly how it felt as i started to pee into my underwear. it was so warm, and it came out of me like a little jet. my underwear began to get so wet. i was also wearing pajamas, the kind that was a one piece with a zipper. my family always called it a nightie or a sleeper. i remember just being completely relaxed, between being asleep and being awake, and just letting my pee come out of me into my underwear and my nightie. i remember thinking it was the most amazing feeling ever, and i knew there was no way i was going to stop. and so i just kept on peeing, and my pee kept soaking into my underwear and my nightie and out into my bed. i still remember how warm and wet it was. i also remember how it felt like it was taking so long to do it, which was wonderful because i definitely didnt want it to stop. i dont even remember what happened when i finally did stop, i probably just fell back asleep. i do remember getting up much later and getting ready to go to school, and i remember trying to hide my little mess under the blanket. my mom never mentioned it to me though, i just remember noticing the new sheets and pajamas the following night. that was defintely something i will never ever forget though. nothing ever felt that amazing ever again.


my Nasty Saturday

Hi folks. Luckily, I made it on the Austin Duck Adventures bus in February. Unfortunately, I had diarrhea despite eating cream of wheat. The bathroom trips were infrequent enough that I was able to tolerate the ride even though the bus ran into minor trafic along the way. In total, i pooped around 7 times yesterday. To Avery: sorry that chicken alfredo gave you diarrhea. I hope you're pooping well again. Bye now, and have fun on the toilet.


Massive shit soon after breakfast

I got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. There was a big bowl of oatmeal with bananas, etc in it. I had to microwave it for a minute first since it was only lukewarm and I wanted it hot. It took a while to eat. After breakfast I took my 9 AM medications. Felt very full but grateful. Took my stuff downstairs (my caregiver was sleeping otherwise I would have thanked her), took the flip flops off outside my room, went into my room, put those flip flops on and sat on the bed.

A few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, closed the door, turned off the light and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet (was getting pretty hard to hold), pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out an incredible amount of crap. It was big and semi-solid though was easy to come out. Was done within about 30 seconds. All that crap finally wanted out and man did it come out! Took the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag, took some, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the bag on the floor, pushed up my sleeves and wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well until it was clean. Stood up, tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. WOW! There was a huge poop in the toilet, taking up most of the toilet! It was pretty thick too and semi-solid. Damn. I can see why my stomach has been feeling uncomfortable. I'm not 100% empty yet but hopefully by the end of today I will be! Flushed the toilet, grabbed my Walmart bag, went to my room and washed my hands with hand sanitizer. That was a hell of a huge poop but it was much needed. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and that you're all having a good Monday so far!

Happy peeing and pooping!



First buddy dump with a stranger


Sorry, I am just so happy and proud of myself! I have managed a buddy dump… with a stranger!

As I walked into the toilets I was met by the sound of heels behind me so I held the door for the pretty blonde woman behind me. We went into the end stalls leaving the middle one free and after putting some paper in the bowl, I sat down. We both peed, a quiet patter from me and a loud splashing from her and then we sat in silence. I really needed to crap but I was feeling shy and didn't want to do it with her there.

It eventually reached the point where I knew I couldn't hold it any longer and it became clear the other woman wasn't going to make the first move. I pushed and my crap immediately began to emerge in a steady rope, folding over itself onto the tissue below. Words cannot say just how nice it felt to finally… go. It took a few of these pushes to fully evacuate my bowels and I quickly cleaned up before leaving with a strong sense of accomplishment.


First post

Hi I'm 14 years old and I have been a lurker for quite some time now (since the times of the legendary "Bill F") and I finally decided i wanted to get involved I have a couple of storys about close friends (who will remain anonmous) I also have a couple of storys about myself and I am going to share one now.

I was in the bush in algonquin provential park last summer and one of the adults on this trip brought his daughter along (we'll call her Jill) this was a 4 day trip and she was the only girl on the trip (there was about 10 guys on the trip). There was going to be 2 portages 1 was 250m and the other was much longer at about 1500m. We did the first portage with no issues and got back in to the water and mede our way to the second portage and this is where the real story begins. When we got out of the canoe we relised that we were going to have to make 2 or 3 trips so we did the first trip no issues and then we started the second trip and Jill said to me "Oh, Myles I really need to poop like really badly." So I asked her how much she thought she had to do and she said "I don't know how much but what I do know is that I really have to go." so I said ok "well why don't we go off the trail a bit and you can poop and I will stand guard to make sure nobody sees you." Jill just replyed with"I don't care who sees me I just hve to go and like right now." so I got her off the trail and she dug a hole and the I helped her squat and she let loose a masive poop it was at least 15 inces long and probably 2 or 3 inches in diameater. After that we got back on the trail and I asked her "does that feel better?" and she replied "my butt is feeling better but not my privacy" I laughed at that and we wnet on our merry way. Nothing else happened on that trip that I can remeber but if something does come back to me Iwill make another post

your name: (optional) Mrs Bigand hard

Post Title (optional)R.A Really big hard one today 2/26/2024

I have not been to the toilet in several days because I am is going to hurt a lot when I push and strain my big turd out.

So I will have to dig it out with my finger. As I pushed my finger in
to my rectum I could feel it in there all jammed up right at my butt hole.
It is very hard and wide. So I took a deep breath and bore down really hard trying to strain it out . I felt my butt hole starting to stretch tight like a rubber band.... It is hurting me a lot. So I pushed my finger into my butt hole and began to pick it out one chunk at a time.
This process took me about 45 minutes. The hard chunks were falling into the toilet one at a time. I finally finished with my butt hole being sore.
Thank you all for listening, Mrs. Big and Hard.


Reply to Mary (modesty peeing)

That makes sense. The woman who we call Ruth, my friend, told me it's a bad idea to pee standing in a shorter skirt as that will show the stream (can you confirm this?) She wasn't wearing lace-up shoes that day.

In shorts and pants, she told me that what works best for her is to lower them to just below her underwear and pee through, preferably with her back to a wall.

She actually brought this up with me yesterday, since I asked her so recently, she had a story from yesterday. She is currently in south Florida, and went swimming in the ocean with a local friend. On the walk back to the car, which was a mile and a half (they couldn't find close parking), she had to pee. She decided to squat in her dress and pee through her swimsuit on the grass. It was difficult though, there were lots of people around.


Must have been something I ate

One night this week I had a Chinese takeaway for dinner. We ordered sweet and sour chicken in batter shared between two. In the early hours that night, I awoke suddenly, drenched in sweat, suffering painful cramps and with my bladder about to burst. Clearly the food didn't agree with me!

I made my way to the bathroom, slower than I would have liked as feelings of nausea and light-headedness were growing from standing up. By the time I made it to the toilet, I was too dizzy and tired to stand in front of it to pee. I sat down in the corner of the bathroom, leaning against the wall and the door in the hope that the feelings would subside enough for me to pee. This didn't make much of a difference, and when I started to feel damp in my pyjamas, I didn't want to wait any longer and steadily sat on the toilet.

Even that small movement required a lot of energy in my weakened state, so it took me a few moments after being seated to begin peeing. While the pressure on my bladder was easing, the cramps were growing. I felt something moving until it was ready to come out. Whenever there was a brief lull in the cramping, I would push a little, until eventually my poo came out. There was a lot of it, and it came out in multiple fast and solid loads. I don't know how many as I didn't look or keep count, but I could hear the toilet filling up. This only reduced the cramping slightly, and within a few minutes the second wave began. This time it was sludgy muddy diarrhea without anything solid.

Once that was finished, I reached behind me to flush the toilet and started wiping. The toilet roll was almost finished, but luckily I could reach for a fresh one from the toilet, so I could keep movement to a minimum. While wiping, I felt another wave coming on. Wave 3 was more diarrhea, looser this time and interspersed between a wavering coughing fart. Butt vomit would be an adequate way to describe it. Wave 3 managed to fill the toilet by itself, so I flushed again before restarting my wiping. I took my time because I didn't want to get any mess on my hands, but a lot of the wetness was from sweating. By this point, I was fully emptied and the cramps were finally starting to subside properly. I could wash my hands and return to bed. I checked the time before going back to bed, and I had been in the bathroom for around 20 minutes.

The next morning, I was feeling tired from my disrupted sleep, but the illness had passed so I went to work as normal. I asked afterwards if everyone else had been fine after eating their food and they had. I suspect I might have an intolerance towards Chinese food, or one of the sauces or ingredients used in it. I've felt bloated or sweaty after eating it before, but it's never been this bad.


Mina's Big Poo

I have just read the above story and would like to read the second part. I note Mins had to go back to bed after her big movement. I am the same ! If a have a big constipated shit or just a very big evacuation I have to stumble back to bed to recover ! What can be worse is in really straining I can almost pass out . I would really feel safer if there was someone with me on the toilet . Thunder


Restroom Survey

1. What was the cleanest/nicest public restroom you've ever used before?

For multi-stall public bathrooms, Buc-ee's gas stations. Single occupancy must be at state capitol buildings I've visited throughout the US.

2. How often do you witness public restroom attendants? Especially at certain bars/clubs or high-end restaurants?

I have only ever seen one public restroom attendant. She was at a touristic park in Mexico.

3. Whenever you're out in public, how often do you find yourself using public restrooms alone/uninterrupted?

Somewhat often, at least a third of the time I'm using the bathroom in public.

4. How often do you witness gender neutral or "single use" restrooms?

I have only seen two multi-stall gender-neutral bathrooms in my life. Once was at a local thrift store, in which I entered, noticed it was a multi-stall gender-neutral bathroom, and immediately left because at the time (I was a teenager) I was not comfortable sharing that space with men (I was uncomfortable using public bathrooms in general at the time). I left the business and found another bathroom.
And then another time, I was at a museum; it was a multi-stall bathroom with urinals. As soon as I entered, a man told me "miss, you're in the wrong bathroom," and I had to explain "no, this is the right bathroom, this is a gender-neutral bathroom, it is the only bathroom in this building according to the staff." It was so bizarre to me as I walked to the stalls past a row of urinals that were actively being used; I was so embarrassed, the guys at the urinals looked really embarrassed. I just had to pee, I don't think I would be comfortable pooping there at all. Nobody bothered me though, it was just super awkward.

5. Have you ever came across an "open" public restrooms with no stall barriers for privacy?

No, never.

6. How often do you check for TP, paper towels, & soap before using public restrooms?

I usually check for TP. I never check for paper towels or soap. I bring hand sanitizer in my purse so even if there's no soap I don't get too anxious.

7. Have you ever dealt with public restrooms being locked or out of order?

Yes. I just find another one.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Some Places I loved to Potty when I was a Tiny Toddler

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am telling yet another little toddler story about some of the places I used to potty before I turned 5 years old and was able to use the toilet on my own. Some of these places including using the potty along with my good best friend Princess Rosalina taking a long deserving wee or a big thick poo with friends is more fun than I thought it would be. The other places include before a goodnight sleep or after you wake up feeling refreshed. Because that's where my BMs or my tinkles are at their strongest points. Or if you don't have your potty with you. You could always try option B when you're outside in the sunshine. You find yourself a empty tree stump, behind a tree or perhaps even a bush, pull down your panties or pull up diaper nappy to your knees or ankles like me and then squat. Don't forget to push until all your bottom poo brownloads have come out or until your bladder vagina tingles and you need to wee too. Sometimes when you are really gassy like after lunch you might want to use your potty or toilet or whatever you use and do a nice big wee or poo I may warn you it may come out runny and watery like diarrhea. I mean yuck! Well I suppose that is all I got to talk about. Until next time bye bye now oh and enjoy doing your big amazing bowels and urinating. See you!

Dan H

To Avery

Hi Avery, I really liked your post about your lunchtime pit stop! I remember the first story you wrote back in late 2019 about thanksgiving. I wondered, do you have any other stories of your cousin Kelly? Have you ever had the chance to buddy dump or dump on top of her load?

Monday, February 26, 2024


Answers for Radu and another stay

No, I never do enough to block the toilet and I don't think Jess does either, mine are all little pebbles.

There was a trend as we had early starts to travel days that we had sleepovers so parents took it in turns to drop us off for the bus from school, Jess never took part at all, everyone wondered why but she was always refusing with an excuse. Well after we'd shared rooms a few times after the first hotel room sharing. Well before the next one she takes me to one side at school and asks if I'd be able to stay over hers. I was surprised at first but said yes, she said her mum had asked why she never had anyone over.

Anyway the Friday night after school I went over hers knowing we had a 5am start. We went up to her room and we both got changed and she was complaining about someone at school. We spent ages just gossiping and her mum called us to eat, we had dinner and went back upstairs.

Jess then says she needs to use the bathroom and I should too because the hostel were staying in has stalled toilets and are gross. She told me that this is why she never does sleepovers the night before because she's not much company. Jess asked me to sit on the edge of bath so we both walked in the bathroom and she sits on the toilet, puts her elbows on her thighs and leans her chin on her hand. Her stomach tensed up and she stopped talking at that point and her face started to go red, then she gasps and her stomach relaxed. Jess talks again and apologizes were going be here for a while, she tenses up again and this time a plop and a gasp. Once she caught her breath she says thank God it's you here, please keep this a secret. Then about 10 minutes goes past of Jess grumbling how it has to come out and the state of the toilets in hostels, then her stomach tenses up again and she starts rocking backwards and forwards and in a strained and panicked voice she says it isn't coming. Jess got up and we go back to the bedroom



Answer to restroom survey

1. What was the cleanest/nicest public restroom you've ever used before?

I think the nicest ones have been at higher end restaurants. I also have visited casinos a few times and they have also often had nice restrooms.

2. How often do you witness public restroom attendants? Especially at certain bars/clubs or high-end restaurants?

I have witnessed that a few times when traveling. Where I live they are not common at all.

3. Whenever you're out in public, how often do you find yourself using public restrooms alone/uninterrupted?

It's quite rare that I'd be the only one using the restroom.

4. How often do you witness gender neutral or "single use" restrooms?

Nowadays they actually seem to be quite common where I live. Most of the time there are at least one or two gender neutral single use restrooms. Sometimes all of the toilets are single user.

5. Have you ever came across an "open" public restrooms with no stall barriers for privacy?

Yes, multiple times, mostly at hiking trails and other such places. One place I visit quite often actually has gender neutral open restroom. It's an outhouse with multiple seats, without any kind of dividers or walls between the seats. I wonder if anyone else has ever encountered such open unisex toilets?

6. How often do you check for TP, paper towels, & soap before using public restrooms?

I usually don't check. That said, I have had a few incidents where, after peeing, I notice that there is no toilet paper. In those cases I just had to go without wiping.

7. Have you ever dealt with public restrooms being locked or out of order?

That has happened a few times, but it's not common at all. I have usually found another restroom nearby, or found gone in nearby bushes.

Princess Toadstool Peach

A Big Toddler Childhood Potty Wee also Poo Story for Petro

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am telling a little story all about how I myself got potty trained when I was about 2 in a half years old. When I was 1 year old I used to love the smell and the warmth feeling of me wearing a diaper pull-up nappy. It was glorious. All I had to do whenever I needed to make a weepee tinkle or a BM-Bowel Movement pooh poo was stand, then squat down, then push until my face turned bright red and then I filled up the whole entire thing as it droops and bulges filling up with so much thick brown 5 inch poo and wee that my knees turn wet and a thick strong smell fills the air. Then my royal servants would come and change me. Then by the time I turned 2 years old I started on potty training where I learned to empty my bladder and waste in my potty. I pulled down my diaper nappy pull up to my ankles and wiggled my bottom about to give it a try then I sat down on my potty and I sat and I sat and I sat waiting to go either wee or poo. But however nothing came out just yet. So I decided to go commando nude for the day. It wasn't too long until I drank a lot of juice with my best good friend Rosalina and needed to go do a wee. So. I announced "It's Potty Time!!" And then I sat down on my potty, shut my eyes and relaxed for about five or six minutes until my royal bladder vagina started tingling and before I could even talk I started to flow strong and loud in response. "TSSSSSSSSSsssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh dripdrip!" Well it was certainly a lot of pee wee I made. I then was given some toilet paper to wipe off the tinkle drips from my vagina bladder and threw away the paper, then Rosalina helped me flush it down the toilet. But however by the time I was 2 in a half after doing nothing but wees in my potty. I had the urge I needed to do a big poo after all the fibre and bran I been eating for breakfast. So I sat down on my royal white potty chair and pushed and grunting until "FOOMP!!" I done a big large poo in my potty. Rosalina stated she was very proud of me. Even though she ran away from the smell from it but it didn't matter. Then my royal servants wiped my bottom front and back and flushed it all down the toilet. It wasn't long sure enough I became obsessed with the bathroom since it was the most private room in my entire kingdom and I was able to use the toilet when I was 5 years old. Thanks for listening to this story from my childhood and hopefully you enjoy it too Petro. Bye bye now!


My Stomach was not Happy, Part 2

Continuing on from my last post… how we get into some fun poops!

With my lunchtime stomach emptying poop out of me, now floating along the sewers, I left the bathroom to go eat lunch. My stomach felt quite empty now that I'd pooped. The lunch line was shorter so I bought some of the chicken alfredo being served. When I joined my friends they immediately asked where I was, to which I casually went "I was pooping!" then started to eat.

The pasta tasted quite weird, and I didn't like it very much, but a girl's gotta eat, and I was hungry. So I ate it all, thinking that surely once it was in my stomach, getting digested and compacted into a brown log to come out my butt, it would be fine! When Lauren went to the bathroom however, she provided my first red flag. She was gone for 10 minutes, and after returning exclaimed "my stomach did not like that pasta." Olivia asked "do you have diarrhea?" Lauren said "kind of. I did some runny poop, then a normally firm 7 inch long log came out, which was probably my normal poop, then some more diarrhea, then a giant 2.5ft soft crap came out. Then a bit more diarrhea. I'm pretty sure I shit out the pasta and everything else I ate in the soft turd."

About 2 hours later, I was sitting in class when my stomach started rumbling. I felt a bit gassy, so I let off a few silent, slightly smelly farts. I knew my stomach was preparing to rid itself of the toxic chicken alfredo. I fidgeted in my seat a bit as the urge to poop grew, but eventually I gave in and asked my teacher if I could go to the restroom. Thankfully they said yes.
I walked into the nearest girls bathroom, which was thankfully empty and took a stall. I pulled down my tight black leggings and white panties, and sat on the toilet. I peed for 15 seconds as diarrhea begin splashing into the toilet. In addition to the runny stuff, there were some soft chunks of poop that came out as well. After about 45 seconds the diarrhea slowed, I felt some bigger stuff moving through my intestine, in addition to some gas. With each fart, more diarrhea came out, and eventually, I felt something solid pressing against my butthole. I gave a push and launched three big 12" long turds into the toilet. After that some more chunks and runny stuff came out. I wanted to make sure everything was out of me, so I stayed sitting for 5 minutes. A few smaller logs came out with some farts, but not much else. So I started wiping. My butt was covered in wet poop, and it took a lot of toilet paper to get myself clean. Finally, I was done and pulled up my underwear and leggings. The toilet was completely filled with poop. The water was brown, with some dark brown chunks and slightly lighter brown logs. On the top was a bunch of poop covered toilet paper. My stomach felt at ease with all that out of me. All that bad food was out of me and in the toilet, so I flushed it all away, washed my hands, and returned to class.

Bye for now!

Steve As survey

1. The main new restroom at my newly built high school. Me and my friend went in about an hour before the ribbon was cut. The floor and white toilet seats were shiny under the really bright lights. I had to peel the beginning of the toilet paper roll loose to wipe myself. As I sat I could still smell paint, polish and stuff like that. The auto-faucet worked well and I felt guilty about a couple of accidental splashes I had made.

2. Never experienced this.

3. At places like the theater or mall, I will go out of my way when given a choice to use a toilet that perhaps others don't know about. This is especially important to me if I'm looking to poo. The worst place is at the airport. Little kids and obnoxious older women get on my nerves when I'm sitting and pushing away.

4. I prefer single-use restrooms when it is an emergency and I'm about to burst. But I've been forced to sit on some pretty bad seats, but with one exception, I've avoided a disaster.

5. Yes, I used them when I was on a softball team that played in a lot of neighborhood public parks. I would just keep my jeans up as high as possible as others would walk in and take one of the other five toilets sitting right out in the open. The lack of individual cubicles sure cut down on vandalism. But I remember the toilets still got stopped up and they wouldn't have attended to for several days. You definitely don't want to shit heavy drops with the water risen with a half inch of your body.

6. Since I don't touch a lot of things in really bad public toilets, I don't worry too much about soap being available. Toilet paper is a requirement I have unless I'm just peeing. In my 27 years I have sacrificed a few pairs of panties when I'm traveling.

7. Yes, and too frequently with the softball season in session. I remember explaining to my 6 year old niece what words such as prosecution, ordinance, vandalism, and a couple of other meant as she was peeing away and looking at what she said were "really mean" signs in front of her.

Comments for Avery:

I immensely enjoyed your descriptive story. I know that many of us can find several rushes as we wait for or use a popular bathroom. What grade and type of school are you enrolled in? Have you seen many differences from grade school and up to where you are now? What do you and your friends do when you are in a middle of going to the bathroom and the tardy bell rings. Sometimes some 15 years ago when I was in that situation it would really mess with my confidence, if you know what I mean. Detention time only made me madder. I hope you will write more stories. You are a very good writer.

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazu, Maho, Mina)

"Tomorrow is Saturday" was never happened

Hello Everyone, we hope you are very fine all.

In post recently Mina wrote, "tomorrow is Saturday, we will..." it was never really happened because something else was happened.

About 2 o'clock Saturday morning, Mina opened eyes, she felt, she wants to go to loo for a wee. So climb slowly out of the bed, she doesn't want to wake Kazu who sleep sweetly with little snore.

Mina sat down on loo and did wee. Then she felt pressure a bit in bottom so she decided fart. She pushed. Big Buuuu noise.

Then she felt, little thing came out from her bottom, so she looked in loo. Very very small turd there. Aaah! It was long about 2 centimetres and wide about 2 millimetres. Very tiny, but after Mina see that, she understood, dangerous to fart in panties.

Mina sat there with thinking, suddenly was huge urge in her bottom, so she decided defecate, she hoped to not wake up Kazu. She pushed. Enormous mushy explode at once. So big, Mina couldn't see water of loo! She have to flush. Fortunately is, loo door and bedroom door were closed, so Kazu still sleeping, Mina hope. Mina flush with sitting down so her bottom mask all flush noise.

Mina's hope did not come true. Bedroom door open, loo door open, Kazu's pretty face in front of Mina. "Are you OK Minappé?"

"I don't know...I came for wee, then suddenly..." Mina tell Kazu whole story, with still sitting on loo because her bottom unsure little bit. "I'm sorry Kazu-chan, I wake you up."

No sorry. Stay on loo, and defecate more and more, as much as you want. I am happy to stay here." And many kiss.

About five minutes after, Mina's bottom feel strong urge again, so she push, and huge defecate cascade into loo again! Mina stand after. It look like before. So Kazu flushed second time.

Mina sat down again. "No more big one, but I have to do little ones."

"Do and do and do and do. Kazu is here. Even you defecate and defecate until sunrise, Kazu is here."

Mina felt so warm feeling, but she had to defecate little pieces, so she sitting and shitting maybe ten more minutes. (Mina check spell of "sit" and "shit" carefully.) Many many many little pieces.

But finally finish, so she wash and Kazu dry, then Kazu did wee and flushed. Back to the bed, Kazu help Mina to walk because Mina feeling weak little bit after so much defecate in the midnight.

Climb into the bed and Kazu put arm round Mina in special place until she sleeping, then Kazu also sleeping, she said later that both Kazu and Mina start sleep very soon.

In morning Kazu and Mina open eyes at same time, because Maho and Hisae standing at side of the bed. Kazu's arm still round Mina, so Maho and Hisae hold hands each other with tears in the eyes.

"You sleeping so happy together. We didn't want wake you up. But we have nice big breakfast for you in beige flat so come and eat!"

So we went! And we all ate and ate and ate.

This story rather long now, so Mina stop, and tell next part later if you want. We hope you yawn only one or two times.

Love to Everyone.



Re: Steve A; Types of Public Restrooms Survey

Q1. What was the cleanest/nicest public restroom you've ever used before?

A1: I've used many of them that would qualify. But I'd have to say that the single-occupant Mens' room of a former workplace was the nicest. It was spacious, immaculately clean, soundproof, provided complete privacy(no gaps), and had a nice assortment of magazines handy to read.

Q2. How often do you witness public restroom attendants? Especially at certain bars/clubs or high-end restaurants?

A2: Extremely rarely. I remember meeting one at a high-end restaurant once when I was a kid, but that was it. Using the urinal in view of the attendant was a bit awkward because I knew he was watching me.

Q3. Whenever you're out in public, how often do you find yourself using public restrooms alone/uninterrupted?

A3: Rarely. Almost every time I stand at a urinal or sit in a stall in a public restroom, I have company. Easily 3/4 of the time or more.

Q4. How often do you witness gender neutral or "single use" restrooms?

A4: For gender neutral restrooms that are multiple-user, extremely rarely. I've seen a few of these at bars and universities. More than once I've pissed at a urinal with ladies able to watch me through the mirror as they washed their hands or did their makeup, which was awkward(especially when I was a teenager). Single-use gender neutral restrooms are a common sight however.

Q5. Have you ever came across an "open" public restrooms with no stall barriers for privacy?

A5: Yes, probably scores of times. They aren't common, and doorless stall facilities are already greatly less than 1% of public restrooms in the US, but facilities lacking stalls outright are even more rare. Probably less than 1 in 1,000 restrooms I've encountered were set up as multi-user facilities with no privacy barriers. With the amount I eat and drink, I'm frequently visiting whatever restrooms I can find when the need arises so I've come across them many times in spite of their extreme rarity. I've found such partitionless sit-down toilet setups at schools, city parks, bars, gym locker rooms, camp grounds, state parks, gas stations, a swimming pool, highway rest stops, a night club, a truck stop, bicycle trails, a military barracks, and a few other places I may be forgetting. Even in the places where I've most commonly come across them(schools, parks, campgrounds), they are the exception and not the norm, and that can also be said for the more common but similarly awkward doorless stalls. I've also probably used these stall-less setups twenty or more times to poop, with some of those instances having other people in the room at some point able to see me sitting on the toilet and/or wiping. The first few times I was embarrassed, but I've gotten used to it since and will now use such a facility without any hesitation regardless of who is present in the room if I need to poop and that is what I come across. Such facilities are probably most common in jail/prison, but I've never been there.

Q6. How often do you check for TP, paper towels, & soap before using public restrooms?

A6: Unless it's an outright emergency where there's no time, I always check for TP. That said, I've been caught without it very many times during said emergencies and had to ask someone to hand me some. I don't usually check for paper towels or soap before using a restroom.

Q7. Have you ever dealt with public restrooms being locked or out of order?

A7: Yes. One instance led to me crapping in a parking lot out of desperation because the restroom of a gas station was closed to the public. Other instances involved me having to ask a cleaning lady for permission to enter the Mens' room, because her cleaning it rendered it out of order and I really had to poop. Many times I've found restrooms at parks locked, and would have to hunt down an open restroom or a port-a-potty. On one occasion two years ago, I used a Mens' room at a park, where the adjacent Womens' room was closed, and a makeshift sign was placed over the Mens' room sign indicating it was now unisex. It was a folly of half-height doorless stalls and a urinal trough. I'll probably tell the story of my use of that facility at one point.


To Penelope:

Hello, Penelope!
If you remember, I asked you some question about your pooping in November (on the page 3035). And now I'd like to ask you some ones more which are related to your pooping as you were a young child, if you don't mind. Some of them are going to be the same as they were last time, but not all.
1. As you were a young child, was pooping usually difficult or easy for you? Had you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
2. Did you usually fart at those times before you started pooping?
3. As you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for making poopoo at those times, had you to push a lot, before something came out, or everything fell out at once?
4. As you were a young child, did you always poop by yourself? Did you ever use enema or suppositories at those times?
5. As you were a young child, did you usually poop as you felt you had to do it? Did you ever sit down on your potty chair/on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Were you be able to poop in that case?
6. As you were a young child, had you ever a situation as you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for poopoo and started pushing, but couldn't push your poopoo out? And had you situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, was it pleasant or unpleasant for you?
7. As you were pooping in your childhood, did you usually push one big turd out, or did you more often push several ones out?
8. As you were a young child, did you ever push a huge poop out? If you did, did you make it often?
9. Did you like pooping as you were a young child? If you had to push a big poop out, did you take it for good?
10. If you pushed a big poop out, were you proud of it? Did you use to show it to your mom/dad in such cases?
11. To what age did you poop on your potty chair? How old were you as you began to poop on the toilet?
12. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo in the presence of your mom? If you did, was it often? Or sometimes? And if you did it in her presence, did she often comment your pooping? Did she ever encourage you by doing it, if she saw it was difficult for you?
13. To what age did you poop in the presence of your mom/dad?
14. As you were a young child, did you ever see your mom pooping? If you did, did you comment her pooping somehow in such cases? And did you ever poop together with her (that's to say, do a teamwork!)?
15. As you were a young child, did you ever try to poop after peeing?
16. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo every day or more rarely?
17. As you were a young child, did you poop at some certain time of the day or was it at different times as a rule?
18. As you were a rather young child, did you usually poop as you felt an urge for it? Or were you more often put on your potty chair/on the toilet and told to try making poopoo?
19. As you were a young child, did you ever make your poopoo with your siblings (if you had them) or with somebody of your age?
20. Did you ever poop outdoors at those times?
21. Do you remember any poop story from those times, as you were a young child? If you do, could you tell it? I already told such one just on Christmas on the page 3043, if you noticed.
22. And I'd also like to ask you: in what city of Texas do you live, if it's not a secret?
I wish you happy pooping and peeing!

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