

Huge urgent poop

Hi everyone. I felt very full, bloated and uncomfortable most of the day but couldn't poop yet. Earlier my caregiver's ex husband came over and brought breakfast and lunch for me (my caregiver was in the hospital until sometime today so he's been taking over doing everything. She's been sleeping/resting most of the day). For breakfast I had a sandwich with meat (dunno what kind. It was dry ish and tough), lettuce or cabbage and after breakfast had a banana. I took my medications after breakfast (always every day at 9 am, 5 pm and 9 PM I take medications. A lot of them. They come in a blister pack for the whole week). Went downstairs since my caregiver was sleeping and her ex husband was doing something (don't remember what). Her ex husband explained to me earlier that my caregiver is very sick and he will be taking care of meals, cleaning, etc while she recuperates. And next week he will be out of the country for work so he will order Uber Eats for me for my meals.

At lunch I had a spicy bowl of noodles with ground beef, chili pepper taste, small plate of apple pieces, cup of green tea and water. Was ????. Sometime in the afternoon I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off at the door, opened the door, turned off the light, closed the door, put on the outside flip flops and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed a lot first then pushed out a big poop that seemed to keep coming. I had to flush halfway since it seemed to keep coming. Finally when I was done I took the toilet paper out, took some (not a crazy amount), put the toilet paper into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor then started wiping. Wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, flushed. As far as I know it went down. The water didn't go up. It kind of bubbled and slowly went down but the water level in the toilet was much lower. I took a picture of the inside of the toilet (it was clean, just had a low water level). I went upstairs and washed my hands first, dried them and texted my caregiver's ex husband to explain what happened (went to the washroom, flushed halfway while still going and had to flush again after using a bit of toilet paper). He said he would check it out when he got home. When he got home I ate dinner he brought (1 piece of pizza, spicy sausage, small plate of fruit. He just came into my room after knocking (and flushing before that) to let me know the toilet was fine*whew* Am drinking more water anyway to make sure it stays softer and easier to pass. I hope everyone is having a good week (almost weekend. The weeks are already flying!), eating well, sleeping well, staying safe, healthy, happy and hydrated.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Saturday, March 9, 2024


Re: Steve A and Thunder; coed bathrooms

The building that introduced me to multi-user coed bathrooms was probably built in the 1950s. That restroom I used the urinal in was in all likelihood originally a Mens' room. It was two decades ago when I used it, so co-ed restrooms were much more rare than they are today.

Most of the coed multi-user restrooms I've come across were converted Mens' rooms. They retained the urinals, and the only thing that changed was the sign on the door now designating them as unisex. I've encountered five such converted Mens' rooms in my life.

I've also encountered two coed facilities that had no urinals, one with floor-to-ceiling stalls, and one with standard stalls.

The most awkward coed restroom I've ever encountered was at a public park two years ago. The Womens' room was closed and locked, but the Mens' room had a new sign indicating both sexes could use it. There was a urinal trough with two short doorless walls each concealing a sit-down toilet. I've omitted the details of using it because I plan to tell the story in the future.

I never had the need to poop in any of them, but it would have been an interesting experience. My younger self would certainly have been hesitant and might have held it in except in the most dire emergencies, but these days I'd have zero issue given my many life experiences being seen using the toilet by the opposite sex.

This all said, I have had a number of coed pooping experiences in public restrooms, even if they weren't in restrooms specifically designated as coed. My recent story "Storm Duty Pt 1" was just such an experience, but the most notable coed pooping experience of my life was at age 18(see "My first dump at college" on page 2878). If you count cleaning ladies in the Mens' room that cleaned while I was using the toilet, female strangers that intruded into the room while I was using the toilet, or female teachers that were present while I was using the toilet, I've had close to 10 coed pooping experiences in public restrooms alone, and even more coed peeing experiences, many of which go further back than age 18. I remember many of them, but probably not all of them.

I also used a family-restroom at a convenience store which was co-ed. It was intended for one person and had a lockable door, but there was a single toilet with no partition and two urinals of different sizes. My use of that facility is described in the story "First time getting walked in on at a public bathroom" on page 2953.


buddy dump with a stanger at mcdonalds

really had to take a shit while on the road. stopped at a mcdonalds to take a much needed dump. the bathroom had 2 stalls. i took the first stall. i took a quick piss. i then relaxed. my poo slowly started to crown. someone came in and took the other stall. she was covering the seat in paper. i continued my shit. i sat there on my phone while my shit slowly came out. the other woman sat and farted then pissed. after her piss she stayed seated. i stayed relaxed. suddenly my poo sped up and quickly came out in 4 pieces. i felt very relieved. i pushed and nothing more came out. i started to wipe. there was undigested food on the toilet paper. the other woman was breathing heavily. i then heard a quiet crackle and a floomp sound. it sounded big. we finished wiping at the same time. it was a blonde woman early 30s. i was in the bathroom for 8 minutes.


Response to Radu

I've been in all three of those situations. Just part of parenting! I'm pretty sure most toddlers and little kids do it at least once before they get a better sense of shame. I've overheard other moms dealing with it too.

Anna from Austria
It really seems that I am bit cursed at the moment.

After the incident in the hotel room (I have posted the story here too if you are interested)

I had to poop again in front of other people with little boundaries.

It happened just now. I had my usual morning coffee at work and 30 minutes later the coffee kicked in as asual and I had to take my morning poo.

The urge got stronger and stronger. The time I arrived at the bathroom I almost felt my turd sticking out of my butt.

There is some serious renovating work going on at the bathrooms and for some reason they removed the doors of the toilet stalls. I either did not get the memo or the stuff was not informed in general.

Anyway I was really schocked when I saw it never had to use such toilets before. I also did not had the time to look for another bathroom because I was already beyond super urgent.

furthest away away from the door. Pulled down my trouser suit pants and my thong and sat down on the toilet. As soon as I was seated I started to pee and poop almost at the same time.

When I was in mid poo some other ladies i did not know entered the bathroom. They were schocked about the arrangement as well and one lady told the other one what the hell is going on here let's look for another bathroom. The one one then said good idea. And we also should give the person that is already in here some privacy. I think she is going to need it.

Despite the ladies were not saying anything naughty i still felt super embarrased. I am quite sure that could hear everything. As asual My poop was not really silent.

Due the missing door my poop smell also filled rather fast. So I am sure that they could not only hear but also smell my poop.

Could have been worse though. Nobody saw me sitting on the toilet or now that it was me in general.

greetings from Austria


Brandon T

Comments & Stuff

To: Myles great story it sounds like Chloe really had to pee and poop, it sounds like her poop was likely turtle heading almost.

To: Annie great story about your huge poop I bet it felt amazing.

To: Sarah great story it sounds like you really had to poop both of those times.

Well that's all for now, I haven't posted here in a while but I have been reading off and on. I will try to post more often but we shall see depends how busy I am.

Sincerely Brandon T.

PS. I love this site.

Chris D.


When I was young, during the summers I would play outside all day with my friends and only come home when it was time for supper. I had no problem with peeing behind bushes or trees throughout the day with my friends, but not pooping. I always held it in until I got home. On one particular day, as I was heading home at dark, my stomach rumbled and I felt a big turd pushing on my anus. I quickly clenched my cheeks and desperately tried to make it home. But I knew i make it.
There was an abandoned house near mine that we sometimes hung out at. I sprinted there, stopping to occasionally hold back my turd. Once I got there, I went inside and raced to the bathroom. It's not like the toilet would flush anyway, but it just felt weird popping anywhere else. Once I got inside, i unbuckled my belt and undid my button, but when I went to unzip, it didn't move. A whole day of playing rough in the dirt caused some debris to jam my zipper. Despite all the tugging and pulling I did, I couldn't get them undone in time and pooped my pants in front of the toilet. After another 5 minutes of struggling, I finally worked my zipper open and dumped my soiled tighty whities in the toilet.


Fibre Supplements

Hi everyone. I'm trying to increase my fibre to see if it firms up my poop. It's only day 1, and I had diarrhea. I have enough fibre supplments for a month. Hopefully things will improve soon. My hot cheetos were tolerated ok, which might be a good sign. Since I still want to eventually get a job if I can, I thought it's time to manage my poop. I don't want to get scoped etc unless I have to. Bye.

To Annie

Annie the poop I took last Friday was probably close to a foot long (if I had to guess) saw your post about the huge poop u took before lunch. I hope the poop came out ok I pooped again today it was a small poop but it came out smoothly. It's Austin again by the way


A turd that was about 1 feet long

Hi everyone I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far and is staying safe, healthy and happy. This morning (around 8:30 AM) I got up since my bladder was really full, I wanted to fill my water jar (everyone else and I keep a jar in our room and a jug of water to drink throughout the day. For me I drink a lot of it between my medications drying out my mouth and making me thirsty a lot and I take a lot of medications). Went to the washroom, went upstairs for breakfast (2 sandwiches and a banana afterwards).

Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put on the flip flops outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on their light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down (pants and underwear are black) and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a turd that felt somewhat big. Was done within about 30 seconds. It laid in the toilet. No splash, thud, nothing. Reached into the Walmart bag and took the toilet paper out. Took some toilet paper and put the roll back into the Walmart bag. Wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well until there was nothing on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a solid poop in the toilet that was about 1 feet long. Not really impressive but oh well. Flushed the toilet, picked up the Walmart bag, left the washroom, turned off the light, walked to my room, took off the flip flops outside my room, went into my room, put THOSE flip flops on, took out the hand sanitizer, washed my hands with it and now am on my bed writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, happy and is eating and drinking well.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Storm Duty Pt 2

I'd been doing 16 hour days for weeks by this point. I'd been resigned to a new location though, so I didn't have to keep using those awkwardly arranged portapotties in the parking lot on a daily basis anymore. However, there were a few times I had to return to that location.

I remember one time I was using the outdoor trough urinal. A 20-something female coworker was looking for me, and found me there while I was peeing. She was waiting at the handwash station to discuss our job assignment, right after she saw me peeing. I wasn't in the least bit embarrassed. I'd peed outside in front of her years prior when we were working out in a rural area, and there were no toilets around for tens of miles.

On another occasion, I took a poop in one of the portapotties after the events of Pt 1, and a 30-something female coworker from my office was waiting in line when I exited, and thus saw my shoes/pants/ankles while I was pooping, and maybe heard my noises. She greeted me by name and I said hello back as she entered the portapotty and I used the hand wash station.

Because of the constant diet of restaurant food, I was not pooping as often as I was used to, and it was disastrous for my insides. Every time I had to poop, it was an intense emergency that needed to be addressed right away.

On one occasion, it was 2 days since I pooped. A male coworker, a 22 year old new hire, had the same problem. He was a Mexican man of European ancestry, about 6', skinny, had fair skin and brown hair. We stopped at a Walmart, headed to the Mens' room, took two adjacent stalls, and had a buddy dump. I remember us trying to see who could make the most noise. I won.

I remember when me and the same coworker ate at a Mexican restaurant for dinner. It was in a small town and was the only eatery that wasn't fast food. I hadn't pooped at all that day, and right after I finished dinner, it hit. Having washed my hands in this bathroom before eating there, I already knew the layout and it was what most would consider awkward. There were two urinals right next to a short half-stall with a door, the mirror and sinks on the opposite wall. I'd pooped in half stalls enough times in my life by this point that it didn't feel awkward while I used it. I proceeded to take a 15-minute poop while men and boys kept coming in and out of the restroom to pee and/or wash their hands. I was able to see my face in the mirror while pooping, and so could everyone else. As I walked back to the table, I recognized two men from the restroom because they saw my face sticking above the stall. One of them winked at me.

The next day, we were out in the country and there was nothing for miles around. Me and this coworker each pissed outside multiple times that day. It was hot and we were drinking lots of water to stay hydrated. On one occasion, I had to go so badly I peed for line 3 minutes straight. Two young women drove by in a truck, pulled off of the road and into the brush in front of me to get a view, and stopped while I was standing at the side of a gravel road peeing into the brush. It was too late to stop the flow and zip up. A girl yelled out the window "Damn boy! You're gonna' flood the whole town with that thing!" She failed to embarrass me, but it was obvious she tried.

2 or 3 days had passed since the Mexican restaurant, and again, I hadn't pooped since, all-the-while cramming myself with lots of food on my employer's dime. Because of a meeting in the city at my main office earlier that day(this one still had working indoor plumbing), I was wearing dress slacks and a dress shirt. I tried to poop in the office bathroom before leaving, and couldn't. The cleaning lady knocked on the door and that was my cue to leave, because I didn't want to hold her up(and knew her by this point).

After a half a day of driving, we were at a campground inspecting infrastructure, when I felt the tip of the non-iceberg trying to float through my sphincter towards my underwear. I mentioned to my coworker who was driving that I needed the restroom, and it took us an agonizing 10 minutes to find it. It was an outhouse building, with "MEN" engraved on a plaque mounted near the entrance. My coworker waited in the truck while I waddled to the Mens' room with the tip already touching the back of my underwear. As I was making my way to the entrance, a white bus pulled up beside restroom building. The restroom was primitive, with no door to the outside, a wooden wall to conceal the toilet area from outside, a wooden floor and walls, dark with no lighting other than from the openings near the roof, and no privacy. There were three urinals out in the open and two vault toilets with no partitions. Only the vault toilet closest to the urinals had toilet paper, so I took my seat there, and proceeded to let everything force its way out on its own as I sat there with my dress pants at my upper legs, dress shirt covering my junk, and my ass exposed. The relief was incredible, but it was a big, warm, messy, hard turd that came rushing out and hurt a bit. It felt like it was lightly cutting my anus at first, but I was soon enjoying the tickling sensation the hard and knobby poop was providing as it slid out. In walks a boy scout of about 13 years old. And another. And another. All three urinals are now in use. And another, pissing into the vault toilet on my left as I sat defecating no more than 3 feet away from where this kid was holding his organ out. A line was forming.


My poop loudly splattered the vault below. The room probably had about 10 kids in it and what appeared to be an adult chaperon, either peeing or waiting for a chance to pee, and a line was out the entrance. I sat there awkwardly, pushing a large, impacted log of crap out of my ass with my hand holding my male organ downward so I could also pee. This was far from my first time using a stall-less setup, so I was not in the least bit embarrassed. I felt more poop coming out and forcibly spreading my buttcheeks apart as it slid out, leaving a filthy mush all over my posterior. Some of the boy scouts were studying me as I sat there, and one at a time would take their turn to awkwardly pee in the vault toilet next to me while the three urinals were in use.


Another turd hit the ground. As I was pushing, the room flooded with new faces as old ones left. I heard one of the kids remark, "Looks like you're screwed." followed by the other going "Shut up!" I noticed that the 10 or so people in the room were all looking at me. One of them was standing straight up, but shaking. "God this is embarrassing." "Just bite the bullet and take your poo. No one cares." A kid peeing next to me zipped up and left. "Everyone does it."

"Look at this kid, he doesn't care." That last comment was obviously referring to me. Although I was an adult man in my 30s, I didn't look it, and could have passed for a 15-16 year old. I looked over and everyone was staring in my direction as I was bearing down with a hard, impacted log hanging halfway out of my butt.

The toilet next to me was now open again and they were inviting their fellow scout to go ahead and poop. All three urinals were still in use. One boy yelled "DO IT!" "I'd rather wait until everyone's done." "DO IT!" "I need this place to be empty or I can't do it." "Wuss." "You're going to have to get used to this. We're here for a week." "I'd rather go in the woods." "You're not supposed to if it can be avoided. Check the rulebook." "I need to pee. If you're not going to go, then I'll use it." I now had another kid peeing in the vault toilet next to me, probably for the 4th time, while others had been taking turns at the adjacent urinal, with me in the middle. I continued pushing.


I felt empty enough, even if not fully so, and started to wipe in the interest of not spending another 15 minutes trying to push the last of it out. Although I wasn't embarrassed, I still didn't like these setups. I felt weird doing this in view of a large and impressionable audience, but it was also probably something they'd seen before judging by the conversation.

By the time I pulled my pants up, everyone had left, except the kid who needed to poop who was awkwardly standing at the entrance partially concealed by the wooden wall. As I got to the exit, I could see him now in the light. He was about 11 or 12, skinny, white, with black hair in a crew cut. As I walked passed him he yelled "FINALLY!" and rushed in. I heard him frantically pull his pants down and explode. I heard the kid moan "Oooooohhhh!" and as I started walking away I heard another loud explosion of farts and lots of splatterings echoing about. It sounded like hundreds of balloons being popped at once. I could see all of the boy scouts through the windows of the bus, perhaps about 30 of them, probably all of whom had seen me sitting on the vault toilet as I crapped. I got back in the truck, and my coworker said he now needed to "bake a cake". I described the restroom layout to him and he said he didn't care. Being from Mexico, he used such setups before.

My coworker walked over to the outhouse building and went in. Three minutes or so passed, and the adult chaperon I saw earlier while I was pooping walked from the bus and went back into the outhouse. About 5 minutes later the boy walked out accompanied by the chaperon, the boy's face beet red with embarrassment and looking as if he was about to cry, and they headed back to the bus. The bus pulled off and left. Another 2 minutes or so later, my coworker returned to the truck. He had a buddy dump with the boy that the boy found very awkward and embarrassing, and had to hand the kid some toilet paper because the kid sat on the toilet farthest from the urinals that didn't have any. The chaperon went in to tell the kid to hurry up and the two had an argument about not wasting time while the kid was trying to wipe his butt. My coworker sat there in the middle of it, just trying to poop, and was laughing for minutes when he got back in the truck and told me what happened.

The next day, me and the same coworker had another buddy dump at a highway rest stop. Normal stalls with doors this time. The cleaning lady came in while we were both pooping and was mopping the floor when I exited the stall. We both finished at the same time and washed our hands while she cleaned the urinals.

A few days later, we were outside in a rural area and I had to pee. Another coworker was with us, a 30-something hispanic female from another office. It was an emergency and there was nothing for miles. I ended up peeing on the side of the road, a story I might tell in-depth at a later date.


Locking Bathroom Door

On Sunday I was at the car wash whilst my car wash being washed.
On e of the cute female staff walked towards the unsex toilets (2 cubicles) and gave me a smile that she was going to use the restroom.
She was in the for a few minutes...came out and smiled again.
I then went in...the toilet seat was warm and there was a faint smell of poop in the air. I sat down and had a poo!
I raise the question has anybody been to a public toilet where the urgency
to go was so strong that they did not latch the door.?
It happened to me a very long time ago at MacDonalds when my laxative kicked in.
The urgency was extreme and I just got my bum on the toilet before it exploded...I mean exploded! Nobody came into the toilets whilst I was there.
A couple of times at my favourite public toilets, one of them had a broken lock and the other tow were occupied and I needed to go...I suppose I could have waited but the pressure was building.
One one occasion a lady entered my cubicle thinking it was vacant and she got a shock beyond all was funny!
Another time I did the same thing at different locations when I entered a cubicle that had the lock broken on it and was greeted by a nice young lady sitting on the throne...I was sure she was just having a wee.


Bottom Wiping

Next time you wipe your bottom think about what would happen if you could not do it , or not do it very well . Sometimes I cannot reach down there, other times I lack proper control of my fingers and shit goes everywhere and on my fingers too ! A bidet is useful but a large number of my BMs are when I am out . I am so glad to have incontinence underwear and could not imagine life without it . It soaked up everything. Problem with such underwear is that it uses resources and creates a lot of land fill . On the other hand it covers my anal leakage or urine dribble etc and absorbs that which I cannot wipe after using the toilet. Thanks for reading

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


To Avery:

Hello, Avery!
If you remember, I asked you some questions in the end of December, a few days before Christmas, about your pooping (on the page 3043). And now I'd like to ask you some ones more which are related to your pooping as you were a young child, if you don't mind (I wrote about this intention in the same post). Some of them are going to be the same as they were last time, but not all.
1. As you were a young child, was pooping usually difficult or easy for you? Had you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out? Was pooping at those times more difficult for you, than now, or easier, or same as now?
2. Did you usually fart at those times before you started pooping?
3. As you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for making poopoo at those times, had you to push a lot, before something came out, or everything fell out at once?
4. As you were a young child, did you always poop by yourself? Did you ever use enema or suppositories at those times?
5. As you were a young child, did you usually poop as you felt you had to do it? Did you ever sit down on your potty chair/on the toilet and try to poop without having an urge for it? Were you be able to poop in that case?
6. As you were a young child, had you ever a situation as you sat down on your potty chair/on the toilet for poopoo and started pushing, but couldn't push your poopoo out? And had you situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, was it pleasant or unpleasant for you?
7. As you were pooping in your childhood, did you usually push one big turd out, as you wrote in your post "First school poop" on the page 2979, or did you more often push several ones out?
8. As you were a young child, did you ever push a huge poop out? If you did, did you make it often?
9. Did you like pooping as you were a young child? If you had to push a big poop out, did you take it for good?
10. If you pushed a big poop out, were you proud of it? Did you use to show it to your mom/dad in such cases?
11. To what age did you poop on your potty chair? How old were you as you began to poop on the toilet?
12. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo in the presence of your mom? If you did, was it often? Or sometimes? And if you did it in her presence, did she often comment your pooping? Did she ever encourage you by doing it, if she saw it was difficult for you?
13. To what age did you poop in the presence of your mom/dad?
14. As you were a young child, did you ever see your mom pooping? If you did, did you comment her pooping somehow in such cases? And did you ever poop together with her (that's to say, do a teamwork!)?
15. As you were a young child, did you ever try to poop after peeing?
16. As you were a young child, did you make your poopoo every day or more rarely?
17. As you were a young child, did you poop at some certain time of the day or was it at different times as a rule?
18. As you were a rather young child, did you usually poop as you felt an urge for it? Or were you more often put on your potty chair/on the toilet and told to try making poopoo?
19. As you were a young child, did you ever make your poopoo with your siblings (if you had them) or with somebody of your age?
20. Did you ever poop outdoors at those times?
21. Did you ever stand up for peeing, as you were a young child? And do you ever stand up for peeing now? Can you pee in such way?
22. Do you remember any poop story from your pre-school times, as you were a young child? If you do, could you tell it? I already told such one just on Christmas on the page 3043, if you noticed.
I wish you happy pooping and peeing!

David P

A month of pain

Hello All, I hope you are ok Jasmin K. Never heard back from you so hoping all is well and the poos are a bit easier. Still sad that nothing of an update from Abbie all I can think of is that her constipation is better and she no longer needs to strain so she does not post. It is really good news for her.

For me things in the bowels department have not been so good and actually quite painful. At the start of last month, I had a bout of constipation and my poos were really fat, hard and knobbly and would only go every 2 to 3 days. After one particularly hard poo I found blood on the toilet paper which I never thought much of as I have had many times in the past. I kept going as usual sometimes needing to push hard and strain and other times it would come out on its own with minimal pushing yet you could feel the hard knobbly bits coming out stretching the anus wide. It would burn and sting to poo and I would be in pain. It kind of stopped bleeding for a week and then started up again. After 3 weeks of pain I went to the doctor and he examined me and said I had a haemorrhoid and gave me some cream. A week later I went back to get checked and it had cleared but still having symptoms, found I also had a fissure from the hard poo cutting the anus. ouch. I have started eating lots more fibre and it is helping and also got a squatty potty to put my legs up on. I am now having quite soft poo again and it comes out easily with the squat position. I guess that is a lesson not to strain and push too hard! my fissure still bleeds and itches even if my poo is soft and not straining though I guess it will take time to heal as it has been on for over a month now.




I spent last night at a friends house woke had a wee two mugs of tea then sat on the toilet.After I had sat for ten minuets only a number one went to campervan defrosted windscreens had another mug of tea ,then drive off heading home.
I drove for ten miles then had urges to BM ,the urges got worse so I pulled into a layby. I pulled the ADVENTURIDGE POTTIE from locker pulled down wy jogging bottoms and pants and sat down. the van on this occasion was in day made so I had much more space,
I had a wee immediatetly the slide was open so heard it flowing into the lower tank my bowels opened this I heard drop into lower tank after ten minutes I wiped ,got dressed put pottie into locker then drove off.
Fifty miles later I had to have another NUMBER TOO so pulled into layby,pulled pottie from locker and pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants sat on pottie facing forward I pushed put my elbows around my knees and remained in position for TEN MINUTES while I went a NUMBER TOO
reached over then tore off three sheets of ELSAN BLUE TOILET ROLL then wiped tore off another three sheets and wiped.
I had enjoyed another NUMBER TOO ,when I arrived home emptied the pottie into outside drain


Scout trip

Hello all. Sorry I didn't post yesterday school was very hectic. Heres a story I remembered while at school yesterday. So I was on a Scouting camping trip and we decided to go out on a day trip of canoeing. It was 3 to a canoe so I immidiatly went and found my best buddy (lets call him Spencer) we still needed one more person and so we looked for someone who we both trusted not to tip the canoe and we settled on a girl (lets call her Chloe). We launched the canoe and we all got in and we started to canoe every thing was great we had a slight head wind but it was the type that just kept the sweat off your face. We wound up being out there for about 3ish hours and the 3 of us were just talking about really anything when all the sudden Chloe says "Uh hey guys" me and Spencer both say "Yeah Chloe whats up?" and Chloe says "I kinda have to use the bathroom" so we both said "just hop in the water and go then. We'll help you get back in the canoe" Chloe said "I don't just have to go #1 I kinda really have to go #2 as well" I said "How bad do you have to go like do you think you could hold it for about 5ish minutes" I was trying to guess how long it would take to get to the nearest island and Ithought it would take about 5ish minutes. Chloe said " I think I might be able to. Worst case senario I could always just hang my ass over the edge and take a dump" so with this in mind me and Spencer both started to go as fast as we could towards the nearest bit of land and we were about 500m away when Chloe said "Stop the canoe I'm not going to mmake it " so we stoped the canoe and Chloe hung her butiful ass over the side of the canoe but she then relised "how am I going to pee" so she jutook off her bottom part of her swim suit and she was now bottom half nude she then started to poop an dpee all in to the lake and my oh my did she ever have to poop she let go of a turd that wa .s atleast 15"long and prbably 1" thick

thats all for now Myles

One Saturday morning I was lazing on the couch with my coffee and felt the urge to do a number two. I was wearing a tank top and a pair of panties. I was sleepy and relaxing and didn't want to get up so I just held it in and put off going. Finally it reached a point where my whole stomach was just one big cramp and I knew I couldn't hold it in any longer. I got up and started walking to the bathroom. The movement activated my stomach and the big cramp compressed my whole stomach and the poop started coming out too soon. At first I thought, I'm almost there so no big deal if I poop in my panties a little. I'd never pooped myself before so I assumed it would be easy to deal with, just dump it in the toilet and done. I was so wrong! I was so full of poop it just kept coming and it was soft rather than solid so very quickly it overwhelmed my panties and spilled out onto the carpet. This panicked me because I was renting and my landlord was an asshole. By now I was at the bathroom and in my panic to clean up the carpet I sat down on the toilet while trying to take off my soiled underwear. This made a huge mess and long story short, I basically had to clean shit off of everything! I was horrible and gross and so much more complicated than just dumping a turd into the toilet like I expected. Anyway I had to spend like an hour cleaning my bathroom, scrubbing the carpet, and showering and doing laundry and after that I was so traumatized that for like a month I was scared to go to the bathroom at all, number 1 or two!


To Austin

Hi thank you :) Nice! I bet you felt better after that! About how big was it? I don't remember. I had brain surgery in July 2013 so that affected my memory somewhat. I carry around a notebook and pen when I go somewhere in the house (like to the kitchen or my room) and have to write down the date, time and what I'm doing each day (eg. 9 AM-Eating breakfast). I just had a somewhat big breakfast (bowl of noodles and a small plate of apple pieces afterwards) so I should be able to poop sometime today. My caregiver is still in the hospital and her ex husband made all 3 meals (covered up) since he had to go to work or something.


Fibre Supplements

Hi everyone. I'm trying to increase my fibre to see if it firms up my poop. It's only day 1, and I had diarrhea. I have enough fibre supplments for a month. Hopefully things will improve soon. My hot cheetos were tolerated ok, which might be a good sign. Since I still want to eventually get a job if I can, I thought it's time to manage my poop. I don't want to get scoped etc unless I have to. Bye.

To Jamie

Jamie, I agree! Bedwetting is awesome! I would love to hear more.


HUGE poop before lunch

Hi everyone. A while ago before lunch I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag (with my toilet paper etc in it), took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark baggy sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a lot of semi-solid thick poop. One big log that was coming out and seemed to keep coming lol. I guess what I've been eating (lots of healthy foods though fairly large portions because of my height and the amount of medications I'm on) has been helping. Finally the last of it came out and laid in the toilet. No splash, splat, nothing. Just came out and laid in the toilet. Wow! To say I felt better is an understatement. Reached into my Walmart bag, took some toilet paper, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put it on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my front first (front to back) then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up (no more period yay!), turned around and looked in the toilet. Wow! There was a big poop, semi-solid, dark and looked heavy. Dang. No wonder I have felt uncomfortable with that in my body. I'm not 100% empty yet but I think by the end of the day I should be considered I've had 2 big healthy meals today both with apples and have been drinking warm water. I refilled my water jug too. Flushed the toilet (sayonara turd!), grabbed my Walmart bag, turned off the light, went upstairs, washed my hands and now in my room listening to music. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy and that everyone is having a good weekend so far.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Massive turd soon after breakfast

Hi everyone. I hope everyone is doing well this morning and staying healthy, happy and safe. Thursday already. Got up about an hour and a half ago, went to the washroom, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. There were 2 sandwiches with tough meat (a hard to chew rubbery meat. It sounds gross but wasn't bad, just needed tons of chewing), lettuce, 2 eggs on the side and my caregiver's husband or ex husband put out a new medication package (they come in a blister pack with a week's worth of medications in it. Morning, noon, evening). Breakfast took quite a while to eat and needed lots of chewing but it was good and I appreciate the effort and food. After breakfast I took my medications (9 AM medications), left the medication package on the table, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs to my room. A few minutes after that I got a major urge to poop (and I could tell it was going to be a lot) so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put the flip flops on outside my room, closed the door, turned off the light, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds (a loud gusher) then pushed out a MASSIVE turd that seemed to keep coming. It was fairly thick too though what a relief to get rid of all that stuff! Finally the last of it came out and laid in the toilet (no splash, thud, etc). Ding dong the beast was gone lol. Reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put it on the floor and started wiping. Wiped my front first (front to back) then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed it into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. WOW! This took up most of the toilet, was thick, semi-dark and just huge. I'm glad it's out though. Flushed the toilet and it seemed to go down fine. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Picked up the Walmart bag, went to the door, turned off the light, left the washroom, tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, went upstairs to wash my hands in the kitchen sink (there's no soap
downstairs), went back downstairs, dried my hands on the towel, went outside my room, took those flip flops off, went back into my room, put THOSE flip flops on and now writing this (soon to be done). I hope everyone is having a good Thursday and is staying safe, healthy and happy. Have a great day.

Happy peeing and pooping!


To unnamed poster-Thank you Austin. My poops have usually been huge even as a small skinny girl. Sounds good. I don't remember to be honest (I had a stroke and brain surgery in my late 20s-2013-so my memory is hit and miss. I usually have to carry around a notebook and pen (or pen and paper) to write down the time, place and what I did (and things I need to remember). Sorry.


To Mina and Crushes and Tricky

To Mins. Thanks for the reply . I can have a lot of problems on the toilet if constipated or have a very big motion in that I can collapse . I have been discussing this with my occupational therapist . I would feel much safer if I had someone with me during such situations . A number of times whilst a work I realised I had a hard movement on the way I have been to my therapist who has really helped me evacuate safely and comfortably. You are all so lucky you have each other !
To Tricky, my son attended a university with gender neutral bathrooms in the residential facility. Each had two toilets and two showers and several wash basins but no urinal . The toilet doors did not go to the floor but about six inches above the floor. I never asked him about the bathrooms but I do not think it would bother him. I think gender neutral toilets are the way to go for those that do not want to be identified either way , for men who do not feel comfortable in the men's toilet but cannot do into the women's. Another practical argument is gender imbalance. I have seen a crowd of women arrive and lack of women's toilet accommodation yet the men's toilets go begging . I think it is a win , win !

Anna from Austria
Reply and question to Sarah

I really enjoyed reading about your latest stories.

I find it really impressive that you could handle to sit on the metal seat on the park toilet to your dump.

Since last year the local park in my home town also got a new toilet building with toilets are fully made of metal.

I never had to poop their yet. I only had to take few pee there and it felt very uncomfortable to sit on such toilet to take a pee.

I am not sure if I could handle it to sit on seach seat for 3 to 5 minutes to sh**t.

I really hope that I will never have to do that.

greetings from Austria



two dumps

i had to take a shit and stopped at a gas station. there were two unisex bathrooms and someone waiting. i got in line. after me came in a family on a road trip. the two bathrooms opened up at the same time. i took a bathroom. i did not want to keep the line waiting so tried to be fast. i sat on the toilet and pushed. i pushed hard. 2 logs quickly came out of me with some small pieces. i pissed. wiped. i was done in less than 4 minutes. the other bathroom was still taken. the family looked relieved that i was finished quickly.

this morning i had a strong urge to take a dump. i stopped at a grocery store to use the bathroom. there were four stalls with the last one taken. i took the second stall. i dropped my sweats and panties to my calves and sat. i did a zipper fart then pissed. i heard two plops from the other stall. i relaxed and my shit started to come out. a long log crackled out loudly. it was really loud. it broke into 3 pieces that plopped in the water. i was not done and started pushing out small pieces of shit. i heard the other girl fart and start to wipe. another girl came in the bathroom and took the third stall. she started to piss. the girl in the last stall flushed and went to wash her hands. i started wiping. it was a messy job. the girl next to me only pissed and left. i finished wiping alone. i was in the bathroom for 8 minutes.


Question for all

Have any of you ever compared your poop with someone else's? What I mean is a situation where a friend or family member pooped, showed it to you and you talked about it together, or someone saw your poop and talked about it, or you pooped together and compared them. I would like to read a story like this.


Hey! & 1st story.

Hey everyone,
Long time reader, first time poster!
I'm 37, British, & love to poo!
I unfortunately have IBS-D, which can be really
Annoying!! But, I manage.

A bit of personal info I'll share too is I'm married & have 2 beautiful
Kids, who are 7 & 5.

So, here's my first story.
I may as well start at the beginning of my life, & that was
My fear of pooing anywhere but home.
(I now, as I've said, have IBS-D so I have no choice in where I poo!)
So I used to hold in my poo at school until I got home, & in year 6 (age 10/11)
I went on a week long school trip.


I did not dare poo all week.
A/ in an unfamiliar toilet/bathroom
B/ whilst staying with the 40 odd other kids all using 1 bathroom.

Just no.

So, I managed it, it was so hard holding it that long, & at times, I almost gave in & went.
For example -

We'd been out all day and on the way back to the hostel or whatever it was, I must've been obviously desperate, fidgetting & just making myself look really desperate to others, that my friend said "is ot OK If I use the loo first?"
"Yeah course" I said (acting relaxed)
So she, once back, STUNK out the loo, and as I went in right after her thinking I was going to go now too, on my way out other school kids saw me & smelled my friends poo, assuming it was me.
"Urgh!!@ bloody hell girl!!!" Was one of the comments
I was like "but it wasn't me!" But they didn't believe me & meanwhile I was still holding on to this demon inside me!!

So once we returned home & I got to my own bathroom,

Boy! Did my toilet take a battering!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed my first story. =)

My stories will be in order of my life so my next story will be a high school or friends house poo story/start of developing my IBS-D.
Take care everyone, enjoy your weekend!! Xx

Time on the toilet?

This happened when I was in the 4th grade. Our grade school was large. To make things work better with the class schedules, each of the 5 sections of our grade were given like a 5 minute potty break at a strict time at mid-morning and again mid-afternoon. Bells couldn't be rung, but our teacher was strict with the time.

I was use to holding quite a bit of pee. The pediatrician had told my mom to make sure I drank at least one water bottle before leaving for school and another at lunch in addition to my milk. The guys called me Flash because I was the first into the bathroom and I always had a couple of guys waiting behind for one of the three urinals. Once I got my d### out I started my drain immediately. Usually I was done in about half a minute. I did my two shake, zipped up and usually was the first to use the sink. Those behind me and at the other urinals needed time, one guy with a half minute or more, to get his drain going. That caused those behind him to quickly run for a a toilet and they would open up fast. Those seats were dripping and any crapper later would not be proud about having to wipe down the seat. It didn't surprise me that a few members of my class didn't mind the wet seats. But in their defense, the toilet paper was sometimes kind of scarce.

For those of us who did craps I too stood out as being fast-down and fast-off the toilet. My crap blast would start right when my butt skin hit the seat. Within seconds I had toilet paper in my hand to do my fast wipe from behind and then I flushed an headed to the sink. I usually was the first back in my second row classroom seat. I guess I earned the name Flash. I could half hear a couple of my female classmates talking about how fast I was in the bathroom. They liked to have a time-out while on the toilet. I guess I made that tougher to happen.



The last three weeks I have had a NUMBER TOO in the adventuridge portta pottie in the campervan. yesterday and day before I did not go out the house busy sorting paper work. I used the pottie upstairs for a wee many times and the one in the hallway.
This morning I went to Tesco to get a can of milk ,on my return I made some coffee sat in the chair and drank it.I went into garage collected the THETFORD 245 brought into kitchen put a paper towel on back of bowl pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants and sat down.after five minutes I pushed but was unable to BM.I got off the pottie made some tea then sat down on pottie while I drank it ,suddenly I felt the urge to poop, put down the tea while I enjoyed going a NUMBER TOO I wiped with elsan blue toilet paper finished my tea then emptied four portta potties

Emma two

Witnessed an accident in class

I was remember once in year 10 there was a girl in my class who I'll call Jane sitting in the row in front of me. She was fidgeting around and it looked like she had to go to the toilet really badly. I thought she was going wet herself and sure enough she did. I saw her pee trickling off the seat and onto the floor together with a hissing sound as she gave up and emptied her full bladder all over the floor. When I thought she was done, Jane leant forward and lifted her bottom off the chair a few inches and I realised she was going to poo herself as well. The smell filled the air as she filled her knickers with a huge load and it went on for a while. Soon it became apparent to our teacher that Jane was having an accident in her knickers and she was sent home as she couldn't stay in school with her clothes wet with a mixture of her pee and poo.


Storm Duty Pt 1

At a former company I worked for, a hurricane landed and flooded the basement in a building in another nearby town. As a result, the building was closed off for access. This wasn't my normal office location, but I was assigned to it for a period of a week or so to get assignments. Most of the people who worked there got a lot of overtime as a result, because the jobs were infrastructure-related and the focus was on restoring it in a timely fashion. There were lots of meetings at this location, but outside in the parking lot instead of inside the building itself. This also means that people needed somewhere to use the restroom.

The company had that covered. The workforce was about 90% male, so they rented an outdoor trough urinal placed on the left side, and had four outdoor portable toilets all lined up in a row to the right of the trough, all visible from the parking lot. The portable toilets weren't the standard kind I was used to seeing that completely concealed the users. They were instead set up sort of like stalls, except with floor to ceiling coverage on 3 sides, and had a roughly 1-foot gap between the floor of the unit and the door as well as a larger gap between the door and ceiling of the unit, mimicking the standard U.S. stall door. The outside restroom area was also undesignated with regard to sex, probably because the overwhelming majority of employees were men, so it was functionally unisex. I was used to the idea of performing #1 and #2 around the opposite sex, because at that point in my life, I've performed both functions with the opposite sex in the vicinity tens of times at this point since I was a teenager, and also used a Mens' room in an office building hundreds of times where the vent between the Mens' room and adjacent Womens' room allowed the occupants of both rooms to hear each others' noises thanks to the way the sound traveled. I had also many times peed and pooped with female cleaners in the same room. So this was no big deal to me anymore.

I quickly got accustomed to peeing outside at the outdoor trough or pooping in one of the portable toilets whenever I'd stop here to attend a meeting in this parking lot or pick up a job assignment, occasionally with female coworkers present and waiting in line behind me for one of the nearby sit-down toilet units to avail themselves. I'm sure most people found it awkward, but I never heard any complaints.

It was now 3 days into damage assessment work from the storm. I had just eaten lunch at a restaurant and was again heading into the parking lot to get the afternoon assignment. I'd been working 16 hour days and subsisting on restaurant food for all 3 meals of each day, with my employer covering it, and was horrifically bunged up. Because my employer was covering it, I also took advantage and was over-eating(I really like to eat, and my fast metabolism keeps me skinny, which is why I poop so much). I was used to pooping 3-4x a day, but I hadn't gone in about 3 days, and I could feel it. Right after I got my assignment and was heading to the company vehicle, my innards shot that all-too-familiar feeling up my entire GI tract. The intense pain and feeling of fullness coupled with the turtle's head quickly poking toward its exit let me know what time it was. I turned around and headed back to the toilet area, barely able to walk.

A slightly obese 50-something white lady with blonde hair and glasses saw me walking. I'd never seen her before, noticed her work badge indicated she was from another office. She thought I was a kid(because I didn't look my age), looked at me, and said "Are you lost kiddo?" I responded, "I'm heading to the restroom." She responded, "Oh, I'm heading there myself."

We walked over to the toilet area together. Because it was just after lunch, there was a line. The urinal trough was in full use with men standing shoulder to shoulder, and the middle two of the four portable toilets were occupied with the tell-tail shoes and pants visible below the door. The two portable toilets on the outsides of the row were now out of order with paper signs indicating such. The line was at least 10 people long, mostly men waiting for a chance to use the trough, and right in front of me was one other woman, a 20-something secretary that worked on my floor. I took my place in line and the older lady who I didn't know stood right behind me.

I could barely stand still because the pressure was so intense. I stood perfectly straight, because I feared that if I relaxed even a little bit, the consequences of 3 days worth of overeating would fill my pants. And I also didn't want to fart to relieve the pressure, out of courtesy for the person standing behind me. When I need to poop, my farts always stink really badly. Plus I feared it wouldn't be JUST a fart. It was dire. The lady behind me responded, "You really need to go, don't you?" She could see me fidgeting. I said, "Yeah."

After about 5 minutes of increasing pressure, I was at the front of the line, but both available sit-down units were occupied. I could see the 20-something secretary's shoes underneath the door of the left-side portable toilet and hear her pee stream falling into the liquid at the bottom, and I heard farting and plopping coming from the one on the right with a pair of work boots and some hairy legs visible. The trough urinal availed itself, with the last man zipping up and leaving. I stood there awkwardly for about 15 to 20 seconds with the empty trough 10 feet away, when the middle-aged lady behind me remarked, "Don't mind me. Go ahead and go. I'll look away," as she gestured toward the trough. I was no longer shy about my bodily functions at this point, and told her "I don't need to pee, and I haven't gone in 3 days." She then remarked back, laughing "Oh, you poor thing."

I could hear toilet paper rolling in the left portable unit, then saw pants get pulled up in the left side portable toilet. The 20-something secretary opened the door and exited the portable toilet. She saw me and smiled, saying "Hi <My name omitted>. I warmed the seat for you. All yours." The secretary heard me pooping through the vent at our office multiple times before while she used the adjacent Womens' room, so neither of us were embarrassed. As I started walking toward the unit, the woman behind me then said, laughing, "Go ahead now. Your turn." as the secretary headed to the hand wash station nearby.

I went in, shut the door, latched it, noticed the entire chemical stew in the hole underneath was filled with vileness, checked the seat for pee(it was clean), and dropped my pants all the way to my ankles.

Before I could fully sit down, the poop forcefully came rushing out.


It was hard, weighty, and had the texture of peanut butter. The crackling was loud, as if a plastic grocery bag was being crinkled up.


The first turd dropped out, and there was a lot more to come. The older lady was standing about 5-10 feet away from where I sat, and probably heard it. I didn't care. I started pushing and had to grunt...


A loud fart crackled out of me, followed by...



The second turd dropped, and the next turd was on its way. I could hear the guy in the portable toilet say something.

"Can someone please hand me some paper? There's none here."

The lady standing outside remarked, "Uh oh." A few awkward seconds passed and I could see the shadow of the lady standing outside the door.

"Young man, would you mind handing me some tissue?"

I rolled a generous amount off while poop was still crackling out of me.


I replied, "I'll give it to you from underneath."

I saw her hand appear under the door, right in front of my shoes. My pants, underwear, and ankles were in full display while a turd was making its way out of my butt and I had zero embarrassment about it.

"Here you are."


My butt felt warm and moist with a creamy filth all over it, but there was more to come.

"Thank you." She walked over to the other portable toilet and handed it to him.

"I'm going to hand it to you under the door."

I heard him remark, "Appreciate it."


A bigger, longer poop started crackling out of me, longer than the previous ones together. It felt great, but not as firm as the previous ones, and was very mushy.

After about a minute or two, the door to the adjacent portable toilet opened.

*RORT-t-t-t-t-Reeeeert* *bloosh*

I farted out the big turd, and finally felt empty. It was time to wipe.

As I was rolling the toilet paper to prepare for the first wipe, her shadow was again in front of the door.

"Could you hand me some again please? I don't need much. Just to tinkle." I rolled some off and handed it to her under the door.

"Here you are ma'am."

"You're so sweet. Thank you."

As I was making repeated passes wiping to clean up my messy butt, I heard her enter the adjacent portable toilet and pee.

We finished at the same time, and met each other at the hand wash stations. There were two men using the urinal trough while I exited, and they joined us at the hand wash station. She looked at me and said "Thank you for being a good sport about this awkward situation. You're such a nice young man." I responded, "It was nothing. I've run out of toilet paper before and had to ask people to hand me some." She laughed and said "I think it happens to everyone." The two men behind us were snickering.

We went our separate ways.

The next day, the two other portable toilets were re-opened, and all of them were cleaned and re-stocked. I used both the trough and the toilets a number of times for the duration of that work assignment, until the building was re-opened.

I saw that same lady again next year at another office. She saw me as I entered the office and she said "HEY! I remember you!" Of course she did.

I had other toilet adventures as a result of this work at other locations, which I will write about in the next installation.

Steve A

To Tricky (Coed & Gender Neutral Restrooms)

My only experiences with gender neutral/coed restrooms occurred during my time at college. They were located in every building on campus.

All of them were single use with only one toilet and a sink, which I've used before on occasion (for privacy reasons) whenever I had to poop in between classes and sometimes before and after lunch/dinner (whenever I was out and about)

However, even though our communal dorm restrooms were gender separated, they still had single use restrooms on the first floor lobby area in the dorm buildings.

They also must've been family restrooms (in the past) since they switched the name to "gender neutral" since two of them located in my old dorm building used to be a men and women's restroom.

On an extra note, building age may be a factor as well: older buildings may only have men or women's restrooms, while newer buildings may have single use options (even though I've never came across coed restrooms with multiple stalls and urinals like the one you used in your story)

Saturday, March 2, 2024


Question for Mrs Bigand hard

Hey everyone, Emily here I have a question. for Mrs. Bigand hard I have seen your posts about your constipation and I get constipated too and it seems like you've always had to use your fingers and dig it out because it was super stuck have you ever heard of the digging technique term called splinting I have had to do it multiple times have you ever thought about it splinting is where you sit on the toilet scoot back on the toilet seat and leg spread wide and insert a finger or two into your vagina against the lower inner back wall of it, you feel for the hard lump which is poop, then press your fingers downward towards your hole and that will help evacuate and pop out the poop. It's way more effective way of digging it out. If you had to do this or anyone else you wanna try it, let me know how everything goes on the next go around with constipation

Well anyways, a quick story for everyone the other day at the mall I had to go poop so I proceeded to go to the mall and sit in the stall and after pushing for a little bit I realized I was constipated again, so I tried every position and pushing very hard I was in there for about 45 minutes pushing very hard And about 15 to 20 seconds each push nothing was budging so I ended up having to do the digging technique called splinting so I had my pants to my ankles spread my legs really wide and sat back and inserted my middle finger into my vagina, and I was feeling for the hard lump which I found Then I come on come on get out and I was pushing on that lump towards my hole and eventually and finally it popped out with a massive kerplunk with a splash I was so relieved it took me about five minutes to dig it out. It was super stuck and dry then I wiped and flushed. Will post again later. Hopefully my constipation doesn't come back but who knows. Let me know if anyone else has to do this splinting technique

peace out everyone

-- Emily--

To Annie

Annie loved your story about your massive poop after u ate breakfast. I took a huge poop last Friday it was nice & smooth & made a loud plop when it the water. When was your last poop in public? Looking forward to hearing your story! The name is Austin by the way!


Backcountry algonquin trip pt 2

Hello again

I got thinking about the canoe camping trip that I went on last summer and I have remebered more of it so here it goes. We were on the second of four days in and me and Jill decided to go out in a canoe together after dinner (did I mention that I have a bit of a crush on her) we found this tiny island and decided to hop out and spend a bit of time alone on the island we watched the sun set together there and then we decided to head back to our site. By the time we got back it was pitch black out but we had luckly brought our headlamps with us out on the canoe so we turned them on and we could see again. Both Jill and I were very tired and we decided to go to our hammocks (we both usally sleep in hammocks just because we don't feel comfortable sleeping in the same tent together). Around 3 am I had to pee so I got up and went up to the thunderbox (the toilet) and Jill was already up there so I called out to her that I needed to pee and she yelled back to me "just come up we don't want to wake everyone up" so I did and tried not to look and she immdiatly said "oh for heavens sakes Myles you saw me pooping on the portage trail how is this any different?!" I said "well we didn't really have a choice then did we?" she replied "I guess not" and we both laughed I eventually said "so do you care if I look or not?" she said "no not really." I had alreadyy peed againt a tree so I turned around and there she was sitting on the thunder box pushing out what looked like a masive poop and so I asked her if she was ok and she said "yeah I should be but do yomind staying with me?" and I said "no not at all I would have gotten up in about and hour anyways" so I stayed with her for about half an hour and we just talked while she sat on the thunderbox and pushed out a masive poop. It was quite the fun experiance and we are much closer now there s only one thing that she continues to ask me and its "so whenodi I get to see do I get to see you pooping?"

Skidmarked from Columbia

Reply to high school freshman baby sitter

To get a kid to sit down on the toilet you gotta go places an lead by example ;) Especially wiping... you ever heard the phrase "you are the average of the 5 people you hang around"? Well it's true. You need to be an example and teach how you're an example. Also sometimes not pooping when out and about can be caused by constipation. So try going to book stores; I personally use energy drinks to poop! But I don't have a condition... In Jesus name I decree and declare and command everything to go just fine!


PS to Thunder

Reason why I went back to bed was, it was in the midnight. But we understand you especially I do because I have experience of faint after "big movement". This time no problem but Kazu didn't want to take chance.

We hope you are OK every time.
Love from Mina + 3

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Saturday was never happened, part 2

We decide to tell part 2 because Thunder said, he want to read. Thank you Thunder, you are kind.

Mina is 33 today. We are now all 33! But Hisae will be 34 after two months. Old lady. (OW! Chae! Why you pinch Mina in same place where Kazu caressed in part 1??)

Today is Tuesday it is not good for party, so we will have party on Friday in karaoke box. And Saturday, it will be happened!! We are looking forward all of us.

Anyway, now we satisfy to curiosity of Thunder. Story is not so interesting maybe, but....

In end of part 1 Mina wrote, "we ate and ate and ate", huge breakfast which Hisae and Maho made while Kazu and Mina still sleeping with Kazu's arm on Mina. After we finish our eating, Maho said, "time to do important thing." We never say "motion" each other now. We say "important thing" or "paradise" or "special pleasure" things like that.

But Kazu said, "I think Mina doesn't want to do." and Mina nodded her head, so questions on faces of Hisae and Maho. Then Kazu and Mina tell story of Mina's special pleasure in the midnight, and Hisae and Maho said "Uuuuuu!" many times.

We went to beige loo. Of course she is waiting for us with big smile, even she know her breakfast will be three courses only because green loo told her through wall. Kazu sat down first. Mina next her, it is a gratitude for Friday night. Mina look at Kazu with love in her eyes. Kazu's beautiful bottom opened and again and again, and huge beautiful mierda came out, first one was slowly but after that it came more quickly each time because softer. Final volume was same with Mina's in the midnight! So we tell to Maho and Hisae, they say "Uuuuu!"

Then Hisae sat down with Maho next her, and then Maho with Hisae next her, and both of them stayed more than 10 minutes (Kazu too) and produced beautiful mierda which was same volume with Kazu and Mina. It is lucky that loo never need to diet. Loo never get fat like we do if we are not careful. Loo keep her beautiful figure always.

While Maho defecating, Kazu and Mina looked each other, eyes saying, "why she is always so serene??" Because Maho sit there 10 minutes and more but never move, except around her bottom of course. Her face expression change little bit when she smile to us, and her face become to little bit red when she pushing hard, but most of her body never move. She is statue! Can you imagine? Maho look like Japanese actor, her name is Ryôko Shinohara. She is more older than Maho, but she looks very very young, so very similar with Maho. Face and body very very similar.

Of course we are so moved this wonderful time, we have to go to green flat's tatami room for a warm communication....

Perhaps "tomorrow is Saturday" was true 75%? Or maybe 85% because Mina's defecate was also Saturday morning, but before a sunrise...

After Saturday, no need to defecate on Sunday? Forget it. One hour on loo Sunday morning after huge breakfast. Divide by four, that is about 15 minutes for each of us four bad woman. Beige loo had wonderful breakfast again! Green loo is very envy perhaps? But this morning green loo had huge delicious breakfast from Hisae and Kazu, and yesterday morning too. So she is happily sleeping now perhaps, and beige loo too. We can hear them say each other, "How wonderful women live here! We get so wonderful delicious breakfast from their beautiful bottom every day! How lucky loo we are!" We love our two loos.

This is long little bit, but we hope you are happy Thunder, and all other people too. We hope you are all living comfy life, no accident, no bully, no illness. Cold weather in north, so be careful, stay warm. And in south (Thunder) stay hydrate.

Love to Everybody.

Chakamami (Your very own Mina is now going to pinch Chae in special place, that is part of body which divide into two halves shape like melon and is very important in the morning.)

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