

Big Poop While Cheerleading

We had a football game on Friday, so the cheer team was quite busy. The cheer team wore their uniform for the entire day as normal. I peed three times during the school day, once in my second lesson (because of my morning coffee), again during lunch (I like to stay hydrated), and again after school. After school, I left class and went to the girls locker rooms. I and most other girls like using the bathroom to get out all our potty before we practice or go to a game. As one of my friends once said before taking a giant dump "it's better to get it down the toilet than have it sitting in here" (what followed was the sound of a stall door closing, a grunt, and then 30 seconds of crackling followed by an "ahhhh" of utter relief; the 30 inch long 3 inch poo she birthed did not flush). So I took a stall, pulled up my short skirt and pulled down my panties, and let out my pee for 20 seconds. I'd eaten a lot over the past few days but couldn't get any poo out. So I flushed, pulled up my panties, then went on with practicing.

Fast forward a few hours later, and we're in the middle of the game. However all that jumping and exercise got stuff moving down below. I needed to take a big poo. I haven't pooped in 5 days, but I have been eating quite well (in terms of keeping my stomach full). Obviously all that food has to go somewhere after being digested, and while some of it became energy I expended while exercising, the rest of it would need to come out of my butt. Sure enough, my body turned all that digested food into poo, and now my body wanted that poo out of my system.

I held it until halftime, and by then the only thing keeping this poo in was the combination of my tight panties and me focusing all my energy on keeping buttcheecks clenched together. I'd also drank a lot of water, and really needed to pee. As the team went back in, I got talking with a few of the girls (we're all very friendly with each other). Once we got into the locker room, I excused myself from the group, simply saying "I'm gonna go to the restroom be right back."

Several stalls were taken, most by girls peeing but one or two girls pooing. It's quite common for the stress and exercise of the games to make a girl need to poo. The large amounts of water we drink in tribute to both kinds of waste, but especially pee. I took the last free stall and sat down. I let my pee go first, which came out full force, hissing out of my urethra as a light yellow stream, tinkling against the porcelain before splashing into the water. Simultaneously my anus relaxed, and my poo began inching its way out. I lightly pushed to help it along, but the solid turd got wide very quickly and stretched my butthole to its widest limit. It really hurt to have this hard solid knobbly log holding my butt wide open, but I gave a few pushes to try to get it out. None of them did anything. I thought about just pinching off what has hanging out my butt and then hold on the rest to prevent hurting myself, but I knew I needed to get this out. The pain was from having to expel an incredible volume of poo, and if I kept it in more poo would accumulate and cause more problems later. I knew I had to get this all out of my system. At this point my pee stream had been going for 45 seconds and was dying off. It stopped at 55 seconds, and with my bladder empty I sat up straight, leaned forward slightly, and went on my tip-toes, before placing my hands on my stomach and taking a deep breath. Then I pushed really hard. The hard poo forced my butthole open even wider, and all that nasty stuff began to come out of me. It stayed very wide, and overall it was a very dense solid poo. My body had clearly compacted and compressed all my digested food as tightly as it could, yet there was so much poo in me that even with all that compaction my body still created a super thick and super long turd. It was still coming out, with no crackling and surprisingly not much smell. It was so thick that I could feel it moving through my large intestine and taking that final turn before moving into my rectum and being pushed out my anus. After a while, the poo started to soften up a bit and get skinnier (clearly this was the newer part of the poo that hadn't had as much time in my intestine), which meant I could expel it faster. Soon the end fell out of my butt, and hit the porcelain of the toilet with a "splat." It took 45 seconds of pushing to get the turd fully pooped out. The relief was amazing. As my butthole closed up I let out a loud sigh and leaned back. I thought there might be a bit more waiting to come out, so I rubbed my now flatter stomach and pushed a bit more. I let out a couple of long airy farts (that big poo had trapped a lot of gas). After 2 minutes of pushing and farting, a turd fell into place, and I began to push it out. It was much smaller and crackled as it got excreted. It also smelled more like poo, that distinct earthy smell now filled my stall. After 8 seconds of pushing it fell into the toilet with a plop. I felt like I was done pooing, and my poor aching butthole wanted a rest from pushing out these giants poos.

I ripped off some toilet paper and started wiping. The fat turds had smeared a lot of poo onto my butthole, so it was quite dirty. After 16 wipes, my backside was all clean. I did a quick wipe of my front/vagina as well to wipe off the excess pee.

With all my waste out, and the relief I felt being immense (I literally felt like I'd done an instant weight-loss; I felt so clean and healthy and skinny and not-bloated with all that toxic waste out of me), I let out a large sigh. Then, I stood up, pulled up my panties, and let down my skirt. All that was left was to take a look at my creation, the end result of days of digestion of so many tasty foods. Well, I ate a lot, and so I pooped a lot. Like, a LOT. The big turd was 4 inches wide (however went to 3 inches at the very end) and was 36 inches long. The smaller second turd was 14 inches long and 3 inches wide. Literally, holy shit. How did I make that? How did I get that out of me? How did I even keep it all inside of me? After a few seconds of admiring my waste, and wondering how a small teenage girl like me could produce that much poo, I decided I should flush them away and finish disposing if my body's waste. I pushed the flush lever, and watched my turds swirl around as my pee and some toilet paper got sucked away by the toilet, but everything else sat there. So I flushed again, but still they were stuck. I was kinda embarrassed, but also kinda proud.

After the second flush, one of my friends came over and said into the bathroom "Olivia are you ok? Is the toilet working?" I replied with "I just took the biggest poo ever and now it won't flush." Olivia asked to see, so I opened the stall door. Within a few minutes, several team members were obsessing over and amazed by my "twins" that I had birthed out my ass. I even took a few picture of them as my friends cracked jokes about me being a mom and the dad being last night's dinner and how much I ate and how did I squeeze all that out my bottom. After a while, we had to go back to the game, so I washed my hands and left my monster turd in the toilet, hoping it would soften up during the game.

I cheered so well now that I was several pounds lighter. Our school ended up winning which was great. However, our school's toilets/sewer system didn't. After the postgame debrief, our coach said she saw the "clog" and had left a plunger in the bathroom if we needed it. She also reminded everyone to eat healthy and go to the bathroom regularly ("you've gotta get that stuff out asap! Each of you should try going after each meal."). I went to the bathroom with some friends after we packed up to go home. The bathroom absolutely stank of poo by now, and the water was a dark brown. Thankfully, it had softened up, and after 4 flushes it was all down the drain.

What an eventful game!

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

After Mina's Birthday Party

Hi Everyone, we hope that everyone is very fine.

In last post we wrote, we will have important Saturday after party for Mina's birthday on Friday. That is now one week ago. Mina was busy and couldn't write. Sorry very much.

So we had party and ate and ate and drank and drank and sang many songs. Then home to sleep. Then big breakfast on Saturday morning and then we all looked each other and our eyes said "we go to green flat and have wonderful time on green loo".

So we went.

We are not sure why, but we decided squat on loo instead of sit. So we put seat up, because it is plastic seat, and we are heavy maybe, so seat will be broken. We put off socks so we don't slip. This is an advice to people who want to squat on loo which is sitting type. Put off socks!! Otherwise, you will slip on loo and break leg.

Perhaps reason of squat is that we didn't do motion on Friday, except Hisae, and she did very small one. Our bottoms know that we want to do big defecate on Saturday?? Actually, after we finish big defecate, we sat on loo to produce little pieces, all of us. Every time we do that.

This time we don't give too many details because you hear it all before. But there were some points which interesting. One of them is, our turds very very fat, all of us. Why they were so fat? They were about 5 centimetres of wide. Even Hisae, even her turds are usually not fat.

We were thinking, in previous week, we drank milk of oats first time. Now we wonder, does milk of oats make fat turds?? It is expensive a little, but very delicious, so we drank two cartons, that is two litres, take about two days to drink.

We were on loo about one hour. That is mean, 15 minutes one woman. Hisae was quicker a bit, Maho was slower a bit. Maho's first beautiful fat turd hang from her beautiful bottom long time, it grow to about 50 centimetres, then half of it broke, she pushed more and then whole rest of turd splash into loo. So Mina flushed, then Maho started to push next defecate. But it was shorter one, only about 30 centimetres, however then she produce many more...

We didn't talk much. So we were all serene like Maho always is. We concentrate pooping because not only Maho, but all of us produce very long fat defecate. Green loo had banquet!! Mostly we pushed out about eight large defecates, but Kazu produced about twelve. She had so happy face! Our hearts burn to see her motion face. But our hearts burning all time, for one hour. So after defecate finish, we went to tatami room. It is room for our communication. Hug and caress long time.

Because green loo had many heavy splash, she became to be dirty, so we decide to clean. Mina was birthday so she cleaned green loo. Others played stone paper scissors game. Maho was win, so she cleaned beige loo. Kazu and Hisae cleaned wash basin and bathtub. Kazu green, Hisae beige.

Then we inspected our work. very clean!! We like clean. Hisae shouted, "Minappé you are magician! So very clean this toilet!!" But then suddenly we were very silent all of us. Then we ran to tatami room again.

Story end here. But we will give next post soon, it is promise!!

To Princess Toadstool Peach: We appreciate very much that after you think you finish, you suddenly need you produce more. We are always that style!! That is why we stay on toilet so long time! It is very good thing. Stay on your toilet long long time and defecate again and again and again, ploop splonk, many funny sounds. You will enjoy very much. Finally when you feel empty very much, you can finish. (If you eat many toadstool, you will do a diarrhoea. We hope you enjoy.)

To Pete: Japanese toilet with hot air to dry is not so common now, and very expensive, you are right. Without hot air is cheaper. We advice, when you wash bottom, move around so water from washlet clean whole your bottom. We usually move our bottom around in small circle, so water wash surround of anus, then we move up and down so water wash middle of anus both front and back. If you sit there without move when you washing, it will not clean properly, and you will have skid mark. After you finish to wash, use paper to dry. For our experience, fold paper is better than crumple. You will dry and clean better. (We are always together for defecate, two women weekdays and four women week-ends, so we dry crush's bottom, that is more effective, but if you are alone you have to do by yourself.) Our toilets don't have hot air function, though old ones had. It was more common then.

To Anna: Maho was angry awfully when she hear about your young neighbour say old lady is having difficult defecate. Very bad manner to comment about defecate of other person. Maho said, if she is there, she break down door of loo and slap that girl. Then she make nasty comment about her defecate with very big voice, to be ashamed her. (We sometimes comment about defecate each other in our private home but we say only nice things: "Beautiful defecate Kazu!! You are a wonderful!!" such kind of words.) And Anna, you are not old. Only 38. Mina's grandparents are 79. Mina's boss in office is about 50, and she is very beautiful woman. We think you are also very beautiful. We are sure that.

To Brandon T: Hisashiburi!! It is mean, long time no see. We are happy you are back! But you have forgotten Mina, no? Always you said "great story Mina" when you younger. Don't forget us. We love you.

Very long post, sorry. We hope you yawn only once.

Love to everybody.


Emma Two

Relating to the Post of "Witnessed an Accident in Class". What did Jane and the teacher say when it happened? Was it a big Mess that was noticeable? How did the classmates react? Were some people nice about it? I hope it wasn't too devastating for her.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Doing a Big Wee + Fart Poo along with my friend Bethany Mild

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am doing my most royal of business with my good friend Bethany Mild. She hasn't gone for a poo for a while so I figured I could show her the ropes. 1st things 1st I walk over to my toilet, lift up my dress, pull down my royal panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then I sit down on my toilet adjusting myself and then I read the newspaper waiting for my wees and my poos to come out. Bethany is pretty amused how well I handle my toilet time routine quite well as soon both my bottom doors begin knocking and my bladder starts tingling then finally my vagina floodgates begin to open up "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssshhhhhhh dripdripdrop!" Bethany comments "That's a lot of wee you just made Peach!" And I say "That's nothing compare to my royal BMs!" So I put my squat footstool down under the toilet and squat gently putting both feet on it and then finally I feel something 5 inches, hard and thick pushing out of my royal bottom poo hole. (TOOT…PAAAARRRPP PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK SPLUNK PLOOP PLOP SPLASH!!) Then after my nasty nostril nuggets left. I then grab the roll of toilet paper and use it to wipe my bottom and my vagina nice and clean. Then I flush the toilet and let Bethany have her turn. Bethany lowers her shorts and then she sits on the toilet. I notice she has gone completely commando meaning she wears no panties or knickers or even undies then she finally wees for a quite a mini short time "TSSSSSssshh!!" Then she pushes. I try telling her just let all the poos out and they will come. I'm a very good motivational speaker when it comes to the bathroom. She pushes again and then finally something squeezes and oozes out of her bottom poo hole. (TOOT PAARPP PLOPPLOPPLOP!!) Alright! We got 3 poos, 3 inch turds with yuk blood on them. So that's why she hasn't went for a nice BM dump for a while. She had a annal fissure. Ouch! But I guess that's what happens when you push too hard. I reassure that it's all part of life and help her get cleaned up. Then finally after wiping, flushing and washing and cleaning out hands. We go buy some bottom cream to get rid of that bleeding annal fissure. Hopefully she will get rid of it soon. Until then don't strain too much when having a good BM and eat plenty of fruit. Bye bye now!


A big thick poop

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. There was a big plastic lid over my meal (that's how my caregiver and her ex husband serve meals to keep them hot or fresh). It was a bowl of instant noodles, a banana for afterwards and of course my jar of warm water. Around noon I had 2 sandwiches with meat that was chewy and lettuce, a small plate of apple pieces, a cup of green tea and water. Later after lunch I refilled my water jug since it was empty (each of us need to keep a water jug and jar in our room and drink that throughout the day (microwave the jar first though after filling it). Needless to say I felt full in more ways than one. A few minutes ago I got the urge so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put on those flip flops, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a big thick poop that slowly came out. Finally it laid in the toilet when it came out. I took the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. Wiped my front first (front to back) then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a thick long poop in the toilet that took up most of the toilet and looked fairly solid. Flushed the toilet and it went down fine. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Grabbed my Walmart bag, tossed the Walmart bag on my bed, went upstairs, washed my hands well, dried them and now downstairs with my water jar filled. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Happy peeing and pooping!




No matter how much toilet paper I use I never seen able to avoid skidmarks in my underpants. This is not a topic that most people seem worried about but I don't like it. My Japanese toilet mentioned in earlier post was an attempt to obtain absolute cleanliness with the use of paper and water alone, but is not 100% satisfactory so a procedure that I use both at home and if I have to shit in a public toilet is to make a pad out of toilet paper and wedge it between the crack in my arse and keep it there for the rest of the day. According to Roger Melly, who is featured in the magazine VIZ, this technique of the toilet paper pad to keep your underpants clean is called a manpon, and I use it every time that I take a shit. What do other people do to prevent or reduce skidmarks?

Brandon T

Comments & Stuff

To: Sarah great story it sounds like you both had good poops in the Mc Donald's bathroom, and I bet you both felt pretty good afterwards.

To: Anna From Austria at least that bathroom was not super busy, since it could have been more problems and also forcing some women to be just like I cannot wait so just do it and get it done with.

To: Annie great story about your big poop.

Well that's all for now.

Sincerely Brandon T

PS. I love this site.


Re: Radu Survey On Clogging Toliets

I feel like it's been awhile since I've been on here honestly. I swear from now on, I will start back posting on a regular basis. Anyway, I have not been able to break my record of 900ml yet, I will probably need to increase my water intake. Lately I haven't been doing a good job of staying hydrated and that is one of the major keys into beating a record.

Well, let's get on to answering your survey about doing something I'm not too proud of. ;)

1. How often do you clog the toilet with your poop? I normally am able to flush away the evidence before wiping. Unless, it builds up. Toilet paper included.

2. Have you ever clogged a friend's or family member's toilet with poop? No, I perfer to poop at my house.

3. Have you ever had someone discover that you clogged your toilet? What was his and your reaction to this? I am pretty sure this happened when using public restrooms, when I absolutely couldn't wait until I got home and no, I never saw their reaction either. Thank goodness!

4. Have you ever clogged the toilet at work or school and someone found it out? What was the reaction of your friends/co-workers to this? I have done both and luckily nobody walked in behind me or else I would've been embarrassed.

5. Has anyone ever been impressed by the size of your poop? What was his reaction? My significant other of course. He was shocked but not surprised because I hadn't been able to poop regularly in a week once!

6. Have you ever been proud of clogging a toilet? No. But, I have left drops of piss on the toilet seat and a puddle right by the toilet before. Nothing too major.

7. Is there anyone in the world whose toilet you would like to clog? Who? Um, tough question. I perfer to piss everywhere but in the toilet. It's easier than clogging a toilet and fun to miss on purpose.


To Radu

There's not really one story to go with it. Our method for potty training just involved our kids watching us or doing it together. They were more willing to go if they thought they were copying us. Fortunately, they didn't need to check every time!

Monday, March 11, 2024


Pee desperation/accident on my plane ride

I had just drank a lot of my favorite peach iced tea before getting on the plane for a 3 hour trip back home to Florida. I had a window seat and was relaxed and rather tired. In fact, I took some sleep aid to help pass the time and fall asleep on the plane. I remember right after taking off being offered more to drink so I took a big bottle of water and drank it, then soon fell asleep.

Soon after I woke up about as desperate to pee as could be with the plane bouncing up and down with really bad bumps. I had to squeeze my legs tight as the pressure grew on my huge, aching bladder.

I needed to pee so badly I tried to undo my seat belt and stand up when the woman said I had to sit down it was too dangerous to walk around on the plane. I said I really need to pee badly and she said I'm sorry you'll just have to wait.

I had to put the seat belt back on which didn't help since my medium blue jeans were super tight and my satin boxers continued to push into my bulging bladder. There was no one in the middle seat, but a cute girl was sitting on the end and she gave me a weird look when I told the woman of my desperation.

I tried to stay calm as the plane would be landing in about 20 minutes. I knew I wouldn't be able to get up until then. I squeezed my legs as hard as I could bouncing in my little airplane seat, but it just wasn't helping.

Every minute or so I could feel the liquid inside me working its way closer and closer to the edge and about 5 minutes later I knew I couldn't last much longer. It was very cold on the plane which didn't help as I was shivering from that as well has having to pee so badly.

Seconds seemed like hours as I felt the pee inside me almost coming out. Then the plane started moving up and down with many bumps. I suddenly felt something hot inside my tight boxers, a jet of pee escaped.

I squeezed as hard as I could, but my muscles kept relaxing and jet after jet of literal hot pee started filling up my tiny satin boxers. I felt the warmth flow down my butt and I knew the back of my tight jeans must be getting wet.

Finally only a few minutes before landing jets of pee became a soft, steady stream of hot liquid shooting against my already drenched boxers. I did everything I could to stop it, but I just couldn't.

I watched as my jeans turned dark and shiny as the hot pee started puddling between my legs. A few seconds later the puddle grew to a pool of pee between my thighs. I couldn't stop it and at this point just gave up and relaxed.

I opened my legs as the steady stream became a torrent of pee. Shooting so hard a small fountain was erupting through the front of my jeans. Pee quickly poured off the seat darkening the carpet below. I was so embarrassed yet relieved at the same time.

I sat there helplessly peeing for well over a minute as the girl next to me looked down at my jeans then quickly looked away. Pee was flowing down both legs front and back, soaking my bottom and the seat, flowing into my sneakers. I was a mess.

I got off the plane as fast as I could hoping no one would see me and ran as fast as I could to a fountain which I jumped in to hide the fact that I peed.

Feel free to email me if you'd like to chat more, I have many stories, but this was the most recent that happened last night!


Urgent splattery poop

Hi everyone. Got a major urge to poop a few minutes ago so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put the beige flip flops outside my room on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the doorknob (was really clenching at this point), walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then relaxed my butt muscles. Splat! Everything came out pretty quickly. When I was done I reached into the Walmart bag, took out the toilet paper (not too much left), took some off the roll, put the roll back into my Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor, rolled up my sleeves then started wiping. Wiped my front first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. P.U. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a big mess of brown flakes, chunks and dirty water. Ewww. Flushed the toilet, picked up the Walmart bag, walked out of the washroom, walked to outside of my room, took off those flip flops, walked into my room, put THOSE flip flops on, washed my hands with hand sanitizer and now on my bed on my phone writing this. Hopefully by tomorrow my bowels will be empty. If not there are washrooms at my exercise program. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Charlotte from WI survey.

This short survey is from page 3032. I was meaning to respond but I don't think I ever got around to it.

1. Have you ever peed or pooped in your car?

Only as a child in my parents' car. As a 9 year-old I fell asleep and peed myself on the way home after spending a day with relatives. I was still wetting the bed occasionally but this stood out in my mind because this time it happened somewhere other than my bed. As for pooping I only have a fuzzy memory of sitting on a mound of poop while strapped into a child safety seat in the back of a VW. I was probably late 3 or 4 at the time.

2. How much do you fart when you pee?

Normally very little or not at all. . But sometimes it happens and it can be unexpected.. It might even be intense enough that I think I better sit down and check if I need to go number two as well.

3. Are your parents/ were your parents open to your toilet fun?

Not really. They were a couple of old school Catholics who probably would've considered any "fun" sinful. About the most I would do is pee into the toilet together with my dad when I was little. We'd "cross swords" and I was jealous that his longer, stronger stream was making bubbles in the water while mine didn't. By age 6 or 7, toilet activity became strictly private affairs conducted alone.

4. Name one of your favorite posters/ story's on here that I should read!

I'm a big fan of Catherine. I wish she would start posting again but her fascination with the forum has probably run its course. I also like the two Skidmarked ladies from Columbia and Seattle respectively.


Very soft and easy poop

Hi everyone. Woke up this morning around 8 AM, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. I had my water jar and Walmart bag with me so I put the Walmart bag on the back of the chair, the jar on the table, opened the big plastic lid that goes over my meals,(my caregiver needs to catch up on her sleep especially because she is 70 with heart problems and is not in good health) and sat down to eat. It was 2 pieces of cake that were really sweet and had fruit on them and 2 boiled eggs next to them. It took a while to eat. After breakfast I took my morning medications (I take them at 9 AM, 5 PM and 9 PM. 9 PM is the only time I don't take the medications after food. I take my medications, brush my teeth, go to the washroom, charge and set my phone alarms and go to bed.

Not long ago I got the urge to poop. Went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put the flip flops on out there, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black baggy sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a lot of soft easy poop. One big soft poop. What a relief! And it was easy and satisfying. Reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took some toilet paper, put the roll back into the Walmart bag and started wiping. I wiped my front then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. P.U. lol. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet (between my legs), stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! It took up a lot of the toilet, was soft (and stinky) Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Grabbed my Walmart bag, left the washroom, went upstairs to wash my hands in the sink (my caregiver told me it was someone else's soap. Oops. I apologized and dried my hands) I also went downstairs and grabbed my water jug and filled it. I saw lunch on the table so will be eating that at noon. Looked and smelled delicious. Will also make a cup of tea. The only time of day I drink it since I don't need to take medication at lunch. And tomorrow is my exercise program so I will be having coffee and lunch there! I hope everyone is having a good start to the day and is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy pooping and peeing!


Princess Toadstool Peach

No Time to Waste having a Morning BM + Wee in the Bathroom!!

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I just woke up from a long deep sleep and now it's time for morning bathroom break. So after I yawn and stretch and remove my sleep nightcap hanging from my bedpost. I get out of bed, head over to the bathroom for a nice BM and wee due my bottom doors knocking and my bladder tingling. I always have one of when I have a shower, wake up or go to bed due to me eating lots of bran and fibre. So after I brush my teeth and shave my hairy blond bush pubes I walk over to my toilet, lift up my dress, pull down my royal panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then I sit down on my toilet adjusting myself and then I read the newspaper while I prepare my massive dump as well as my peewee tinkle. My bladder tingling feeling quite full as I sat relaxing then it starts to flow out of my good shaved vagina "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssshhhhhhh dripdripdrop!" Now it's time to go poo! I began pushing and clutching onto the toilet seat until I remembered something I had a footstool to help me squat and get those brownloads out of my bottom poo hole. So I rest both feet on the footstool and get ready and dump! (TOOT…PAAAARRRPP PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK SPLUNK!!) 4 thick Giant turds come out and they are about 5 inches too. Only one thing for it. Time to wipe! Three squares for my vagina and three squares for my bottom. There that should do it! Now I'll just get off the toilet, pull up…(PARRPP TOOT) Ooo feels like I have more coming. Better sit back down and take this big (pardon my choice of language words) shit! (PLUNK SPLUNK PLOOP PLOP SPLASH!!) Just give my royal good bottom a extra wipe with toilet paper after doing a enormous poo dump. There! Now to get off the toilet, pull up my panties, lift down my dress. Woah I sure hope I can flush that down because it looks my poo waste turned into a long brown thick 5 inch boa constrictor just as well I didn't have to do it in my shower or even my lovely sink so…yeah!! I flush it all down and it goes down perfectly. Touchdown flush down I call it! Nothing beats a royal flush. Now I better wash my hands so I get rid of those filthy germs. Until next time this is Princess Toadstool Peach signing off. Bye bye now!


Just did a big poop a few minutes ago

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, water jug and water jar and went to the washroom. Peed, brushed my teeth, turned off the light, took my stuff upstairs, washed my hands and sat down to eat breakfast. There was a sandwich with chewy meat (not sure what kind) and lettuce. It was good and needed lots of chewing. There were also 2 eggs and a banana. I ate everything. Took my morning medications afterwards, took my stuff and went downstairs (my caregiver and her ex husband were sleeping). I felt full but took sips of water now and then. At around noon I went upstairs for lunch. There was spicy noodles with ground beef, chili peppers, a small plate of apple pieces and I made a cup of green tea. Lunch was good and I ate it with a fork (much easier than chopsticks). Took my stuff downstairs, brought my water jug upstairs and filled it.

Soon after that I got the urge to poop (about 20 minutes ago). I could tell it was going to be a lot since most of mine are huge (have been since I was a small skinny little girl. Now I'm a 5'11", 160 ish lbs woman). Grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet. Pulled my pants and underwear down (baggy black sweatpants and black underwear though I'm not on my period. These are just what are clean) and sat on the toilet. Let go of a long pee and then pushed out a huge poop. It was solid mostly but was coming out relatively easily and quickly. Just lots of it. I felt relieved when the last of it came out and laid in the toilet. Reached into the Walmart bag, took out the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put it on the floor then started wiping. I wiped my front (vagina) first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! It took up a lot of the toilet bowl and was fairly thick and solid. Damn. Flushed the toilet and it went down okay so I flushed a second time to be sure. Yup. Picked up the Walmart bag, opened the door, went to my room, tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, went upstairs, washed my hands well, went downstairs, took the flip flops off outside my room, opened the door, put on those flip flops, dried my hands on the towel and now writing this. That was a great shit but much needed. Maybe later I can go again a lot. I hope so. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and having a good weekend so far.

Happy peeing and pooping!


To Brandon T-Thank you. It did feel amazing. I hope you are having poops that feel better too.

To Austin-Nice! Thank you, it did. I eat very healthy, drink plenty of water, go to a once a week exercise program (a van picks up other people and I at home-they work with my worker and I think the hospital IDK. I also take a prescribed laxative so all of that together makes everything easier to come out.


Backcountry canoe trip

Hello all. It's finally march break for me and Im going on a cruise for the first time so I will report back on Monday or tuesday. This story is from another canoe trip (after my other stories) and Chloe and Jill were on this trip. We arived at our sites (there was about 20 of us split up amongst 3 sites) and all was going well no rain, no wind, and just enough cloud coverage to not get burnt by the sun over all it was a good trip. But now lets get to the good stuff. Chloe, Jill and I decided to go out canoeing after dinner it was kinda like a date because we were all on seperate sites and I had volentered to pick them all up so I went to each of their sites and got the standarded catcalls and cheers from the other boys on the sites. We got paddleing and I asked both of them "did you both use the bathroom before we left? Because its not to late to turn back and use the bathroom." both Chloe and Jill said that they had and were a bit red in the face out of embarassment from the times that I had helped them use the bathroom in not so common places. So we set off and we paddled until about 8:00 pm we had left around 5:00 pm and we all didn't want to be back too late. we were just sitting on a tiny island and so I asked them both again if they had to poop or pee because I didn't want to have another situation like chloe's where she just had to hang her rear over the side and let loose. Jill said that she was ok and didn't have to poo or pee but Chloe said that she had to poop and pee and quite urgently as well so the 3 of us ran further in to the islabd and Chloe droped her pants and poped a squat. She started to pee and she peed for a good 1 minute before she started to poop meanwhile Jill had also lowered her pant but had not fully droped them and she was peeing standing up. Chloe had finished pooping by now and my god can this girl poop it must have been at least 2 feet long and 5 inches wide it looked like it had hurt when it came out but when I asked Chloe about it she just said that it was normal and that it hadn't hurt at all but she was interested in how Jill had peed standing up without a device.

Thats allfor now


slow shit fast shit

i had to take a massive shit all day. i was to busy and never had the chance to go. when i finally got done driving for the day i rushed back home for a leisurely dump. i wanted to really relax and enjoy this one. i got home and the bathroom was empty. i dropped my jeans and panties to my ankles and sat on the toilet. i farted. i relaxed and had to take a fat shit. i was going to let gravity pull the big log from me. i sat for a few minutes. gently pushing every now and then. it felt amazing as it slowly came out. my toes curled it felt so good. it was moving slowly. after a few minutes it started to speed up. the rest suddenly rushed out of me. i sighed in relief and began to piss. it was one huge solid log. about 8 inches long. it took a long time to pass. toilet almost clogged. i was in the bathroom for 13 minutes.

the next shit was a fast one. i was again in line with people waiting behind me. i had to take a shit though. when it was my turn i sat on the toilet and began to push. my poo did not want to start. i pushed harder and burped. it started coming out with a plop then a larger log. it took a few seconds to pass once it started. wiping was messy. the poo was formed but soft and really smelled. it was a yellow brown color and made a mess. i wiped until i was clean. i was in the bathroom for almost 5 minutes. faster than my normal dumps but i was trying to be quicker.

To Chris D.

Great story, do you have any more accidents to share?


Japanese toilet

I recently had my bathroom renovated and as part of the reconstruction, they installed at my request a Japanese-model toilet. You can read the history of this type of toilet on Wikipedia, so I won't go into any details except to say that the reason for my doing it was to avoid skidmarks in my underpants. In actual fact, of course, if you wash your arse crack with soap and water after a shit it works very well, but paper on its own is not very adequate for cleaning up the mess round your arsehole.
I am new to this forum so if I duplicate anything of what other people have already written, I apologise, but it's always good to have someone else's views on a topic. Basically what the Japanese toilet does is to heat the seat and there are various levels of heat that can be applied to the seat or you can spray water either if you are male, from the back to clean your arse crack or if female, from the front to clean the genital area. You can vary the temperature of the wash water. After washing you can then blow hot air over your arse crack to dry off the area now supposed to be clean. I found however that in practice that you still needed soap and flannel during the spray to prevent skidmarks. The toilet is controlled by a remote control unit, which, if necessary you can carry around with you. There is also an app to enable you to control the toilet with your phone.
On the whole I am slightly disappointed with the rather complex and expensive Japanese set up, which is nothing nearly as effective as I had hoped. I live alone, so I have not been able to obtain any reactions and experiences from visitors as yet.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Doing a Big Thick BM Poo and Long Wee into the Potty poem

Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach
And today now a special poem I like to explain out of reach
I was in my royal bed relaxing and also dreaming deep
As I tossed and turned quite deep in sleep
Until I had that funny feeling I need to go
To release my bowels and let my wee flow
So I yawned, stretched and removed my nightcap
And headed to the bathroom in the middle of my nap
I knew my royal porcelain toilet is broken
So I wondered where should I do my business I spoken
I could do my business in my huge drain shower
But I don't know if I can or even have the power
I look through my bathroom closet spit spotty
And there I find it a big white plastic potty
So I put in the middle of the floor
And then my bladder tingles more and more
My bottom doors which thankfully aren't blocked
Start to knock, knock and knock
I lift up my dress, and pull my panties down
To my ankles don't want them covered in code brown
I smile to myself and give my bottom a little wiggle
As I sit down on the potty giving a small sounding giggle
I relax, adjust myself giving my teeth a clinch
Knowing I have a rather thick loaf to pinch
I never ever felt this much happier
As I sat going potty reading a newspaper
Then I hear my vagina emptying in a flip
"TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssshhhhh dripdrip"
Then up go my feet resting on a footstool to squat
So all my bowels can empty and enter the pot
"GRUNT!!" I push out my poos to let them drop
Woah I say to myself as I hold my nose "Eww!"
There goes my 5 inch brownloads AKA my poo
Then a handful of toilet paper I will swipe
And then my vagina and bottom I start to wipe
But before I could I feel my behind give a hoot
Followed by a huge "PAAARRPP TOOT!!"
Then I wipe my bottom and vagina
Two or three squares what could be finer?
In the meantime I got flush down this mess
And hopefully it will go down I can hope for the best
Maybe Rosalina will let me use her toilet and how
So until then see you next time. Bye bye now!


My Results

Hi! My results with fibre have been hit and miss. I had diarrhea twice this week with a more solid poop yesterday. Rather than trying to be perfect, I've excepted that somes days could be better while others worse. I figured today would be a loose poop day, because my farts yesterday felt warm. That's all for today. I hope everyone has a happy potty day.

Anna from Austria

weird buddy dump at the gym

Hello everyone. Had a buddy dump at the gym yesterday.

Normally I prefer using the toilets in the locker room because they are more conviniant and not s crowed like the other sepperate toilets which have only 2 stalls. This time I was at another area of the gym when the familiar urge to defecate hit my quite strong. I stopped practising the rowing machine and headed to small 2 stall bathroom nearby. When I was about the enter restroom a readhead in her early 20s maybe even a bit younger suddenly appeared an entered the bathroom after me. She greated me and then we took the only 2 available stalls. I pulled down my yoga pants and my pink thong and sat on the toilet.

The other girl also took of her pants and undies and sat on the toilet as well. At first I wanted to wait but then I had do fart quite loud. Then I decided there is no point to wait and hide what I was about to do and started to poop. I did a big log, then I did a hissing wee and another fart with a but muddy poop. The girl next to me also started to pee first, then she did a zipper fart and started to grunt like she had some hard time to get her poop moving. Then her cell phone rang and she answered it. She was telling the other person on the line that she is having some hard time at the toilet and also said that the old lady is also quite pooping very loud.Must very urgent.

That hurt a bit because I am just 38 not that old. But yeah from the point of view of girl in her early 20s or even younger 38 is als already old lol.

It also felt weird that she was commenting on my poop noises. She did not say it in a concending way or was making fun of me I still hate it when people are commenting on my poop noises or the smell I make.

Anyway afer I was done with my business I cleaned myself up, needed quite a lot of paper as usual then flushed washed my hands and left.

the other girl was still grunting and trying to get her shit out the time I was leaving.

But thinking about it I am really weird in that regard. I do not really mind to do my business on a public in front of others. I do not really mind the noise and the smell (such things do happen on a toilet) but I really hate it when people are talking about it. Even if they are not lying and are just telling the truth.

Are there some fellow ladies here that have a similar mindset on that matter or am I alone?

greetings from Austria


To Sarah

Sarah I saw your story about pooping at Mc Donald's looking forward to your next story. I normally don't poop in public unless I really really have to go. My name is Austin by the way


Just had a hard sticky ish poop

Hi everyone. Got up this morning with a bloated stomach and I needed to pee so I grabbed my Walmart bag (on my computer chair near my bed), my water jar, walked to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, walked outside my room, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Pulled my dark sweatpants and black underwear down and went pee on the toilet quite a bit. Brushed my teeth, went upstairs, washed my hands (there's no soap in our washroom and after breakfast I had to ask my caregiver's ex husband if he had toothpaste since I am almost done mine. Remember I can't go out independently without someone because the brain surgery and stroke in 2013 messed up my short term memory. That's why I need to write down things that I do during the day and things I need to remember and review it). For breakfast I had a tuna and lettuce sandwich (double decker) and 2 boiled eggs and a jar of water. Took a while to eat and after breakfast I took my medications.

Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag (with my toilet paper etc in it), went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a somewhat hard big sticky ish poop. It laid in the toilet when I was done. Rolled up my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my front first (front to back) then stood up, and wiped my butt well. I had to hold the bottom of my sweater out of the way while I did all this. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, pulled my underwear and pants up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a hard sticky slightly bent poop (oops). It was medium to large sized. Flushed the toilet, grabbed the Walmart bag, left the washroom, turned off the light and went upstairs to wash my hands. Much better. I saw my lunch on the table though I am not going to go eat until noon. I'm just glad that my body is slowly getting rid of all this. Hopefully after lunch I can go again but bigger and softer. Will continue to drink water, do some stretches and exercises after lunch and see what happens. Will also make a cup of tea (since lunch is the only time I drink tea here because of all my medications). I hope everyone has a good day and is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


To Brandon T-Thank you. It did feel amazing.
To Austin- Wow sounds good. Better out than in right? Thank you mine came out fine. Just need to remember to drink more water throughout the day (I already have to drink lots because my medications dry out my mouth and I'm on laxatives). I'm glad that your poop came out smoothly.l


To Elvia

When I asked this question, I didn't have little children in mind, because it's natural that they sometimes talk about poop. I am also a parent and I have had situations where my children talked about their poop. What surprised me about what you said was that the kids were talking about your poop. Does this mean the baby saw your poop? Could you describe this story?

Regular Mike

Doorless stall at the park

I have not encountered many doorless stalls. But one time I was at a public park where the men's restroom did not have a door on the one stall that had a toilet. The restroom was simple: the user entered the doorway and turned right. One would then see there was just a wall on the left and straight ahead, and two doorless stalls on the right. The first stall had a urinal and the second stall had a toilet. The women's room was on the opposite side of the building, and appeared to be a mirror image of the men's room in its basic arrangement. However, you could see the open stall doors if you happened to look that way as you walked by. And, of course, I'm assuming both stalls have toilets!

The restroom was kept rather clean. It was serviced daily and the community seemed to take good care of its facilities. It was a restroom I felt comfortable using. Anyway, one early afternoon on a day off from work I was at the park enjoying the nice day and a jog on the trail around the park. There were not many guests at the park that day, so I thought it was likely that I would have the restroom to myself. After breakfast, coffee, and some exercise, it was time for me to poop. I had noticed a cute young mother and her toddler son playing on the playground right outside the restrooms. They were really the only people near the restroom.

Are you enjoying this story yet? It has possibilities, doesn't it? Could it be embarrassing? Exciting? Shocking? Read on to find out.

I entered the restroom and went into the stall with the toilet. I pulled down my pants and took my seat. Not long after that, I heard footsteps on the concrete right outside the restrooms. The child and his mother had come to get a drink of water at the drinking fountain. Their voices could be heard so clearly. As I sat I continued to hear the steps of the little boy as he walked around. At his young age, he was naturally curious about his surroundings. I imagine the mother took a seat at a picnic table in front of the restroom building, to rest and to let her son walk around a bit. I would hear the boy's steps get close to the men's room entrance (there was no door to the room), and the mother would tell the boy "No." This happened a few times, with the mother saying her son's name, "no," or both.

Understandably, the girl did not want her son touching any of the various surfaces in a restroom. And, I also wondered if she had seen me go into the restroom, and was doing her best to avoid her son being unnecessarily exposed to a grown man using the restroom, and perhaps also to save me from being intruded upon by him. But I had become all but convinced that this boy was going to end up walking all the way into the restroom. In such a case, he would become concealed from her sight, and she would have to come snatch him back from the unknown of the men's room. I could imagine him even making his way back toward where I was, in front of my doorless stall. Oh how embarrassing it would have been if the cute mother had to come that far into the restroom only to see me going poop on the toilet. How embarrassing! Certainly not thrilling or exciting at all, wink, wink.

The thought even crossed my mind that maybe the mother had seen me enter the restroom, and perhaps was hoping to have to come into the restroom to retrieve her son. But, each time the boy got close (and it was maybe as many as ten times!) she would say "No." I sat and did my business without the boy or his mother entering the restroom. I won't say here whether I was holding anything back so as to be able to give the mother something to hear if she were to come close.

I'm sorry if you were hoping to read that the woman came into the restroom and saw me going poop. I was a bit disappointed, too. When I was a child and a teenager it seemed very embarrassing to me to be seen on the toilet. Maybe that's due to the fear of the unknown about it. But, then, as we experience more of life, we learn that everybody, male and female, young, old, and in between, uses the bathroom, for both pee and poop. You learn that everybody has their insecurities about it. And you learn that you are not the only one who has some particular interest in the matters of the restroom. So as an adult I have come to appreciate the little knowing smiles I have gotten from women after I come out of a restroom after having been inside it long enough to poop.

Anyway, I finished pooping and then wiped. I figured the toilet paper rolling around in its plastic holder made a loud enough sound that the pretty girl outside could hear it. I thought at least that was something that she might like hearing. And I liked the possibility that she heard it. I walked out and used the sink and hand soap attached to the front wall of the bathroom building. I turned and walked past the woman, giving her a slight smile as I went by. I didn't get much of a smile back. I figured she might have been embarrassed. I don't know. Maybe she lives with a husband or boyfriend who she gets to see and hear and smell go poop all the time. I've never been close enough with a woman to share those intimate moments with her.

MD Dan

Pooping with a Sales Rep

Hey everyone! Some great stories recently with co-ed bathroom experiences and buddy dumps. These are probably my favorite to read.

As with a lot of my stories, this one revolves around work. I was down at one of our satellite locations to meet with a sales rep (I'll call her Amanda) for a manufacturer. She's about 5'6", reddish blonde hair down past her shoulders, very friendly (as reps usually are), and kind of curvy but wore looser fitting clothes. She had some nice red designer jeans on with heels and a loose green blouse with an off-white cardigan. I was in my usual office dress (green trousers, green and blue checkered collared shirt). We met shortly before lunch and it was just us two in a room at the front of the small building.

20 minutes into the meeting, I needed to poop pretty badly and excused myself. The bathroom is directly off the room we were in. You open a door to a small hallway with a stairway at one end and a side entrance to the parking lot at the other. The bathroom door is two feet in front of you and it's a single occupancy, non-gendered. The light wasn't working so the only light in the room was coming through a high, small window above the sink. I took a seat, peed for a few seconds, and then a long log quickly snaked out, wrapping around the bowl. I farted a little and let out one more small piece. Including the wiping, I was in the bathroom for a little under 4 minutes. The smell was not great and the fan was also not working, but there was nothing really to do about it.

I came back into the room and thanked her for waiting. She said, "Of course! No problem at all." and we continued our meeting. Another 15 minutes go by and Amanda starts bouncing her leg up and down, looking a little distracted. She picked up the pace on the topics we were covering too. 10 minutes later, our meeting was wrapping up and we just started some small talk about the area and some other things. At that point, she said, "So where was the restroom? I have a two-hour drive so I think I'll make a visit there before heading out. Just through that door?" as she pointed over to where I had gone. I said, "Yep, just through that door. The restroom is directly across the hall. The lights aren't working so be careful. You have light from the window though." She said, "Oh, that's fine. Thanks!" I then said, "Oh, and the fan's not working either but I think it's had time to air out." and gave her a smirk. She chuckled and, through a big smile, said, "Oh...well, thanks for the warning. Not going to matter too much, though, but thanks anyway."

She went through the first door and into the bathroom, though she left the first door open more than halfway. Curiosity got the better of me and I went and stood by the first door, just a couple feet from the bathroom door. I heard her flip the light switch and say, "Oh yeah. Duh." then lower her jeans and sit down. She peed for a good 20 seconds and it slowly died off, then I heard her tapping on her phone. 10 to 15 seconds later, I started hearing some soft poop dropping into the toilet that lasted for around 10 seconds. Amanda sighed loudly and I heard her start to tap on her phone again. Nothing happened for close to a minute and then I heard her stop tapping on her phone and take a breath in. All of a sudden, there was an eruption of soft poop, then gas, then more soft poop, then more gas. After it was done, she exclaimed, "Oh my lord!" and laughed to herself. She started pulling paper and it took her a good 2 minutes, and 2 flushes, to finish. I walked back into the room we were in and she came back a minute later, blushing a little. I asked her if she managed alright with the light not working. She said, "Oh yeah, the light wasn't a problem. The fan not working...maybe a little problem. Sorry! hahaha" We chatted for another couple of minutes, I thanked her for coming, she thanked me for meeting her, etc. and then she headed out. I went back into the bathroom and it wasn't too bad. She must have a used the brush and cleaner, hence the second flush, because it smelled and looked clean with just a touch of poop smell still in the air.

Well that's all for now. Take care!

To Brandon T-Thank you :) It does. And my poops have been huge since I was a small skinny girl (difference back then was that I refused to drink water so my poops often clogged the toilet and I would try to hold my poops at times because they hurt). Now as a 37, almost 38 year old I drink plenty of water so my poops are still logs usually but a lot softer and easier to come out.

To Austin T-Wow that's not bad at all. Did you feel better afterwards? My poop came out fairly easily surprisingly (growing up I had to grunt and push a lot but now I try to drink lots of water especially because of all my medications-some of them dry out my mouth and make me thirsty. That and we all need plenty of water every day)

I have pooped once or twice today. What a relief to get rid of all that crap (I'm not 100% empty yet but hopefully before bed I can get rid of everything else). That would be a million times more comfortable! I have eaten well and fairly healthy for all 3 meals and been trying to drink plenty of water so that probably explains the huge poops lol. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and eating and drinking well.

Happy peeing and pooping!


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