
Anna from Austria

pooping at highschool

Yesterday (Thursday at the time of writting) I was attending a job fair on behave of my company at commercial highschool.

The event was quite well organised despite the weird occurance that the school did not open the teachers restrooms for the adult attendees and we were told to use the student's bathrooms.

I was there the whole day from the morning until evening. Shortly after I had my morning coffee I had to take a dump like always.

So I headed to girls bathroom which was very small compared to the bathroom of old school which had at least 10 stalls.

This bathroom had just 4. All stalls were taken and there was little line. The room was filled with peeing noises from 3 stalls. The occupant in the 4 stall was silent. Despite the pee sounds there also was some teenage babble. I soon started to get desperate like always afer having a coffee. I could mange to hold my poop without some nasty pre pop farts. Eventually I got the stall which the silent girl used. It was rather small and slim blond girl. As soon as I have entered her stall I was hit by a massive poo smell. That really must have mastered to art to poop silently. I could not hear anything out her stall despite t he flush.

I looked the door pulled down my pants and panties and sat on the toilet. After was seated I did some nasty pre poop farts and soon my turd started to come out. My neigbors to my left and right said sounds like we are not the only ones to have do a big one. Then they started to poop too. Unlike the stealth pooper before them they were rather loud.

After I was done I flushed, left the stall and washed my hands at the sink. Luckily I was alone at that point and nobody wanted to use my stall. the other 2 girls were still pooping when I left.

I also had to take my second poop of the day at that school. In a different bathroom though. the second time I only had neigbors who were peeing.

that's it for today

greetings from Austria


Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

To Pete

Pete, we want to make little correction from past writing. When you clean after motion, best way is, move your bottom in circle to clean around anus, then move up and down and left to right to clean anus itself, then go back to first process and do again. We omitted that last part, sorry. After you clean inside of anus some mierda might land on more outside parts of bottom, so you need to clean that.

Then dry your bottom with paper. Hot air not effective very much, that is reason why not so many people buy washlet with hot air now.

We wish you a good luck.

Love to everyone.


Jane W.

Coed bathrooms

A while ago, Mary asked if anyone else has experience with coed bathrooms with no dividing walls or stall doors. I have also visited this kind of bathrooms a couple of times at parks. For me, it really wasn't that big of a deal to pee in front of men, but some of my friends felt quite embarrassed.


About modesty peeing

To J: About peeing standing in a short skirt because the stream is visible: it depends on how close the nearest people are. The stream is only visible to people very close, and peeing while standing is one of the better ways of making sure your skirt doesn't get wet.

For shorts or jeans, I have a bit different approach. I'm not really comfortable exposing my underwear either. So I usually do the following:
- In pants, squat down and pee. This way, hopefully, only the crotch and butt area of the pants will get wet.
- In tight shorts: stand with legs wide apart and pee, hopefully only the crotch area will become wet.
- In loose shorts: try to move shorts aside and pee down one of the legs.

If you have more stories about your friends doing a modesty pee, I'd love to hear!

To Sarah

Sarah saw your story about the 2 poops u took hope they came out ok. I pooped this morning the poop was nice & smooth. How often do u poop in public? I only go poop in public if I really really have to go. Looking forward to hearing from u! My name is Austin by the way.


HUGE poop after breakfast

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jug,went pee and flushed the toilet, brushed my teeth and went upstairs. I washed my hands, dried them and had to call my caregiver since she wasn't up. She slowly came out of her room, told me how to prepare the soup-put water into the bowl and microwave it for 1:50. I thanked her and she shuffled back to her room (she was in the hospital last night for her heart problems). I brought breakfast to the table and used one of utensils at the table. It took a while to eat but when I was done I was full and satisfied and took my 9 AM medications. Grabbed my water jug (now full of water), water jar, cell phone and Walmart bag and went downstairs. Soon after coming downstairs I got the urge to poop so I put everything except for my Walmart bag into my room, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put on the flip flops outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a huge solid thick poop. It slowly slithered out and laid in the toilet. Finally the last of it came out and laid in the toilet. Damn. Talk about huge but much needed. Reached into my Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took some, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. First I wiped my front then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. WOW! This thing was thick, dark ish and big taking up most of the toilet, going into the hole! Flushed the toilet and it went down though the water level was somewhat low. Flushed again afterwards to be sure it wasn't clogged. Nope all good. Picked up the Walmart bag, left the washroom, tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, went upstairs, washed my hands, went back downstairs, changed my flip flops outside my room, turned on the light, went into my room, put those flip flops on and dried my hands on the towels in here. I'm hoping later I can go again another 1-2 times. My body needs it. I think the healthy food and water has been helping. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


To Brandon T-Thank you, I appreciate that! It was a good poop. Awww thank you I look forward to your next story too!


To Elvia

Actually, I didn't mean a very elaborate story like that the poop in the toilet exploded ;) but what the children said when they saw you pooping or what they said when they saw your poop or smelled it. This is quite an interesting thing for me, because I have children, but they have never seen me poop, and I don't think they have seen my wife poop either, but I'm not sure about that.

Friday, March 15, 2024


poop question

Hiiiiiiiiii I'm Zoe I'm 8 years old and I wanna learn about poo. Fist what is poo? Why do I need to poo and Why do I pee more than I poo? Why are my poos so big and smelly? I don't like the pottys in school so end up going later. Some of the boys poo in school and talk about in class but none of my friends talk about. Do they also poop? When and where? Is that why sometimes my friends say they need to go to the potty and take so long?
My parents want me to poo at school because sometimes it touches my underwear and makes it dirty but I really don't want toooooooooooo. Do I need to? Can I not poo? Sometimes I have to poo so badly and I have to push on my bottom to make it stay insid. I did pee at school sometimes but only when I was about to pee myself. Otherwise I try not to use school pottys
I'll ask more questions later byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Brandon T

Comments & Stuff

To: Princess Toadstool Peach first welcome to the site and great set of stories it sounds like you had some really good poops and I bet you felt pretty good afterwards. I look forward to reading more of your stories thanks.

To: Annie as always another great story it sounds like you had another great poop, I look forward to your next stories thanks.

To: Myles great story it sounds like Chloe had a nice big poop.

To: Sarah great stories about your poops it sounds like they were both pretty good ones as well.

To: Anna From Austria as always another great story.

Well that's all for now.

Sincerely Brandon T

PS. I love this site.


Reply to Pete regarding bidet

To Pete, I have a bidet which fits over the toilet based on Japanese concepts, I would not want to be without it. Here are the issues; it has an enema function which I knew from the start would not really work because all he does is spray water where an enema has to enter your butt.
As to the actual wash, it is variable because sometimes it gets me good and clean and other times not. It could depend on hard shit in my anus or haemorrhoids, making things more difficult. One thing I have noticed never how clean I get my butt that later in the day, ice often gets skidmarks , due to anal leakage. That is a part of the reason why I wear incontinence underwear. One thing I like about it is the heated toilet seat which I used to think was an unnecessary luxury. I have trouble urinating and with a heated seat at even turning the warm water on my bottom and around my scrotum it really helps me relax and empty my bladder. And overriding problem is it whilst you may have a bidet at home when you were out. I am not one of those lucky people who gets up, sits on the pot, evacuates it for the day. I can go three days of that movement, and then go five times in a day. No rhyme or reason. All is said and done I love my bidet.!!! Thunder


Helping Morgan

My best friend gave birth yesterday and I was at the hospital looking after her 5 year old daughter while she had her baby. I was sat next to Morgan when she told me she needed the bathroom. At the end of the corridor was a single unisex toilet so I took her hand and as I opened the door I quickly realised she was going to have some difficulty. The toilet looked high even for me, a fully grown adult!

I locked the door behind us and Morgan pulled down her underwear under her dress and I lifted her up onto the toilet, holding her hands so she didn't fall backwards. I could hear her peeing seconds later and when she was finished she wiped herself before I helped her down off the toilet.

I had been needing to pee before Morgan even mentioned needing to go so it seemed the perfect opportunity to get some relief of my own. While she washed her hands I pulled my jeans down to my knees and lowered myself onto the toilet. I was right, it immediately felt noticeably taller than most toilets I have sat on! A loud splashing rang out as I emptied my bladder and I went for a surprisingly long time. She had finished washing her hands before I finished peeing. I quickly wiped myself and washed my hands before we both returned to the waiting area. Morgan met her little sister 25 minutes later!


Just another uneventful day.

I believed that the start of my work week was when everything started to slowly go downhill and it's just Tuesday. Whew, I am finally at my favorite spot in our apartment, the bathroom just on the toilet finishing up pooping. After this I am getting into the shower and coming out expecting to end the day with some wine.

Maybe tomorrow will be better y'all! *sigh* Anyway, Have a good rest of the week and please be careful!


Seasonal Allergies

I really cannot stand this time of year because of my seasonal allergies that tend to act up even more right before the beginning of spring. It really makes holding impossible and it has totally become a nightmare to pee first thing in the morning either because I risk having an accident or make the horrible mistake of having to pee, fart and sneeze at the same exact time. Bonus points if you have to poop too but I wish I could at least make to the toilet for a change or not make a mess right next to the toilet.


Peeing while squatting + Used a men's bathroom + No paper

Hello everyone,

on camping trips I've been on in the past, I've always had trouble peeing while squatting. I would get pee on my shoes, plus my pee stream is pretty unpredictable. It either shoots far out, or it even spurts up towards my face. Sometimes, it decides to drip down my thighs, hitting my shoes. Does anyone have any advice for peeing while squatting?

Also, I used a men's bathroom the other day. I went to a park with my friend. The park has a single occupancy ladies' room and a single occupancy men's room. The ladies' room's only light wasn't on, so I turned on my phone's flashlight. I noticed that there was no toilet paper in the holder. I made the decision to use the men's bathroom instead. I knocked and it was empty so I entered. The bathroom looked relatively clean, the light was working, and there was toilet paper. There was no urinal (I was kind of disappointed since urinals are conceptually fascinating to me - so open, so public, I never understood how they are so normalized). Anyway, I sat down, peed, washed my hands, and left. There was a woman around my age (early/mid 20's) waiting outside the bathroom, I just said "hi" and returned to my friend.

That same day, my friend and I went to a restaurant. I had to pee again (I have a really small bladder). There were 2 stalls with dividers/doors that went all the way to the ground. I waited outside (I was the only one in the line). An elementary school-aged girl left the stall, I walked in and said "excuse me," locked the stall, and peed. The lady in the next stall flushed and washed her hands and left the bathroom. When I finished, I reached for toilet paper and ripped off a little bit and wiped. My pees are messy, and so I was only able to wipe off my vulva and not my thighs or butt. I reached down for more toilet paper. I realized there was no more paper. I sort of panicked. I left my bag which had Kleenex and my cell phone in it with my friend at the table. There was only one thing I really could do. I pulled up my underwear and leggings, flushed the toilet, and went to the next stall. I definitely got pee on my leggings and on the back side of my underwear, it was super gross. Fortunately, the next stall had paper, so I pulled down my underwear and leggings, wiped up, washed my hands, and returned to the table. I'm really open about my bathroom habits, so I told my friend that there was no paper and that I was pretty butthurt about it. I have a huge fear of UTIs and yeast infections, so I was anxious the whole time we were eating dinner. What do you do when there's no paper?



Big bent soft thick poop

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. There was 2 boiled eggs, 2 hard chunks of meat and 3 pieces of buttered bread for breakfast. I ate slowly and chewed well. My caregiver is in bed sleeping since she has lung problems now as well as heart problems. She doesn't smoke. I finished breakfast around 9:15, took my medications, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs.

About 5 minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside of my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, went into the washroom, walked to the toilet, pulled down my pants and underwear, put the Walmart bag on the floor and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a lot of soft poop (one big soft poop) Was done within about 30 seconds. Whew! (Both the relief and smell lol) Rolled up my sweatshirt sleeves took the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag, took some (learning to conserve and not use so much but still clean myself well), put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my front first (front to back) then started wiping my butt. It was really messy but I managed to get it clean. Tossed the toilet paper between my legs into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! There was a big, bent thick soft poop in the toilet taking up a lot of it. Wow. Flushed the toilet and after it went down I flushed again to be sure. Yup. Picked up the Walmart bag, left the washroom (remember there's no soap in the washroom), turned off the light, tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, grabbed my water jug (which was almost empty) and went upstairs. First I washed my hands then I opened and filled the water jug. Dried the bottom of the jug, took that downstairs, took my flip flops off outside my room, went into my room, put THOSE flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel in here and now writing this. I hope everyone is having a good Wednesday so far, is staying safe, healthy and happy and that everything is okay.

Happy peeing and pooping!



2 shits in 1 day

i took a shit twice today.

my first shit was this morning. i had been eating greasy food. i was getting gas and got the urge to take a dump. there was a single unisex bathroom. i took it and seated myself. i did a short piss. i relaxed. nothing was happening so i pushed. a soft snake of poo came out. it smelled really bad. i pushed out some more pieces and farted a few times. i was done. wiping was a messy job. i was in the bathroom for 6 minutes.

my second dump was this evening. i got the urge to take a shit so i stopped at a grocery store. the bathroom was 3 stalls. someone was in the last stall. i took the middle stall. i did not hear anything from my neighbor. i sat and pushed. a torrent of soft mushy shit came out. it was very loud with a lot of crackling. it was one big rush and i was done. i did a long much needed piss. wiping was easier than i expected. the other girl still did not make any sounds. she might have been waiting for me to leave to poop. i flushed and washed my hands. i was in the bathroom for 5 minutes.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Not going unnoticed at a bus station Mens' room

I was riding a bus across country and it stopped at a bus station for a 1 hour layover. I'd been eating lots of restaurant meals the prior days before and during the bus ride, had probably gone through a bag of carrots, a pint of blueberries, a bunch of bananas, a grapefruit, and a 1 lb can of mixednuts.

As soon as I walked into the door of the bus station, I got that familiar feeling on my o-ring and headed immediately to the Mens' room. As I walked, I could feel the weight of the mass exerting pressure on my sphincter, increasing with each foot step, with a solid feling of fullness stretching up my abdomen and causing pulses of pain to shoot up my nervous system.

As I walked into the Mens' room, there was a portly bearded man with his shirt off washing up in the sink and a younger college-aged boy in a suit standing next to him. They both stared at me as I walked in and headed immediately to the first stall.

I shut and latched the door, checked the toilet seat(it was clean), put my backpack on the hook on the door and bag of carry-on snacks on the floor next to me(which said Trader Joe's on it), dropped my pants to my shoes, and sat on the toilet. Immediately, I could feel my anus dilating as a gale of built-up gas rushed out passed the tip of the turd that was now sticking out.


The fart's volume was amplified by the toilet bowl I was sitting on and it crackled about the room like a strong belch. This was followed by a very audible crackling sound as I could feel my buttcheeks get smeared with a warm, creamy filth as the foul mass slid out.


It was relentless and unyielding, coming out as one thick, solid, unbroken log, the crackling noise audibly echoing about the room as two men were primping themselves in the mirror in front of my stall, while I sat there like a fool with my pants on the floor and hairless ankles exposed.

The larger of the two men remarked, "Ahh, what a dump!"

Of course, he was referring to me. There were only three people in the Mens' room including myself, and I was the only one defecating.

The other person in there responded, "Literally. That boy just backed right up to it like a dump truck, sat down, and dropped it. Shameless as a dog."

"He is shameless."

I don't know what their motive for having a conversation about my restroom use was, but it was unusual. If they were trying to embarrass me, it wasn't going to work.

Some time passed. The younger of the two men remarked, "It smells like shit in here."


At this point in my life, I was not at all embarrassed about my bodily functions, so I responded to them: "Sorry about the smell. I really needed to go."

The larger man responded, "I can tell. I bet that feels good! Say, what is Trader Joe's?"


It was still loudly crackling out of me, never seeming to end. I could tell the cleanup was going to be very messy. I felt the load get lighter and lighter as it exited, and at this point it was nearing its end.

I responded to his question, "A grocery store."

He then remarked, "Never heard of them."

"What do they sell there?"


The end finally dropped into the toilet bowl.

"Lots of things, but their quality tends to be a bit higher for their meats and snack items than most places."

I followed with a final push to assure the last of it came out and that I was indeed empty.


I farted again, and felt totally empty. I was probably on the toilet for maybe 5 minutes total so far.

I started the wiping process by pulling large clumps of fecal matter off my butt and upper legs.

And then wiping.

And wiping.

There was very little paper on the roll when I started and it ran out. My butt was still a mess. I decided to ask for help.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I ran out of toilet paper and need more. Could someone please hand me some more?"

The older/larger man responded, "Sure thing boss."

He went into the next stall, rolled some off, and said "How much you need?"

I responded, "A lot."

He laughed, "Messy job, huh?"

I responded, "Yeah."

He then said, "I'm going to hand it to you over the top. That cool?"

"Yes. Thank you."

He handed it to me and then remarked, "Don't you hate that?"

"It's not the first time this happened to me."

I continued wiping for the next 2 minutes or so. I used every last sheet and got clean enough to where I wouldn't leave any skidmarks in my underwear.

When done, I pulled up my pants, buckled my belt, and looked into the toilet.

There was a log of crap as big as my forearm, stretching from inside the drain of the toilet bowl, all the way to the rim. Toilet paper smeared with excrement surrounded it on both sides. I went to flush it, and the water sucked the toilet paper down, leaving the turd. I flushed again, and the turd broke up. And again, the turd smeared itself all over the bowl on the way down, and the toilet sputtered. I didn't flush after that, because I was worried it might be clogged. The toilt bowl was streaked with brown smears.

I grabbed my bags and exited the stall, the older man was fully dressed, and the younger man was brushing his teeth. I started washing my hands next to them.

The older man looked at me and said "Say kid, how old are you?"

I answered, "30."

"Whoa! You look like a school boy. You must eat healthy."

"I do."

"I can tell. You must take really good care of yourself. You look 16."

While I wasn't embarrassed, this was definitely awkward. Both of them just listened to me take a big shit and saw my bare ankles underneath the stall as I did so, and were observing me closely enough to see the Trader Joe's bag under my stall. And then one of them handed me toilet paper because I ran out and asked for help, further eliminating any mystery regarding what I just did. That, and we could all smell it in the air. Of course they could tell what I just did. Every gory detail was heard. And the toilet bowl was streaked with smears, and possibly clogged.

I then said, "I hope no one uses that toilet after me. It might be clogged."

The guy brushing his teeth spit everything out and started laughing.

"You flushed it three times."

I said as I was drying my hands was "It's a mess."

"You must feel really good after that."

The last thing I said as I was leaving was "I sure do."

Both of them were smiling. It was a bit creepy.

I'd already been forced to use doorless stalls and no-stall public toilets enough times in my life that this didn't even embarrass me. What did bother me is the amount of interest that the two seemed to display in me as I performed my bowel movement. Usually, I think that people are trying not to pay attention to those who are in the process of using the restroom. I make an effort to avoid looking at other people myself. For whatever reason, all eyes were on me as I took a huge, loud, and messy poop. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to sneak a peek at me through the gaps in the stall door, but I didn't even bother looking to see if either of them were staring at me through the mirror. If they did so, it would have been far from the first time that happened.

I left the Mens' room, and about 45 minutes later, got on the next bus.

Diarrhea wouldn't stop!

I was in school. Grabbed my normal cup of coffee at a drive-thru, parked in the junior parking lot and walked toward the building. I expected a pretty normal day. But by the time I got to my locker, did a tip-toe to grab a book from the top shelf, a bloated feeling came over me. Within a couple of minutes, there was a double churning in my gut. I hoped I wasn't going to puke. By the time I got into the nearest bathroom, waited about 4 minutes for a toilet to become available, I didn't have any time to lose. I stripped my white panties and jeans down. My butt thudded onto the seat.

The anal faucet opened immediately. First, there was a huge chunk. It felt like a bowling ball rolling through me. Immediately, I could smell it but before I could stand and flush it, there was there was a blast of red hot-feeling diarrhea. The smell was horrid, I was in a middle cubicle, and worried that the smell could close the bathroom down. Like I had a handful of friends and wanted to keep them. Then there was this irritating feeling around my hole. The heat of the diarrhea still could be felt for several minutes as I cleaned myself from the seat.

With bloating and gas, I had three more sits later that morning. I didn't feel like eating lunch but about a half hour before lunch I had the worst of my diarrhea emergencies. I left English but the nearby toilets were closed off for cleaning. I thought of going next door into the boys bathroom, but they don't have privacy doors. I didn't want to get into any trouble so I hurried up to 4th floor where I was lucky to get a seat. Again there was about 30 seconds of explosive gas and diarrhea splash. What was a mostly shiny white seat now had splashes on it from behind where I sat. I reached for the toilet paper. I figured, like before, this would be a 2 or 3 minute cleaning job. It was at least that much, but I had to wait for one of the four other toilets to open so I could go in and use the paper there to finish my backside cleaning.
I know its lame but at least once a month I sit for my shit without checking first for toilet paper.

That afternoon I had two more sits. Each was increasingly painful and when I cleaned myself, I got blood on the toilet paper because I have really sensitive skin back there. My panties were smeared. I threw them in the trash when I made my last sit while cutting through the gym on the way to the parking lot. None of the toilets in the locker room have privacy doors, but I certainly didn't want to risk an accident in my parents car when I was stuck in traffic.

The warm shower I took at home really felt good. My boyfriend came over and showed me sympathy. I don't say it to him because I kind of resent the fact that he hardly ever used the bathrooms at school, and never to take a shit, and never missed a day of school because he was sick.

Now I'm a senior in college. Luckily my diarrhea has not returned. My best friend gets it pretty often after she has drank too much. Since then, one of my sisters thinks her diarrhea was caused by eating too much pineapple. I've known some others who have gotten it when they have had to flu. When I was at a metal concert recently with my boyfriend, both times I was peeing the girl next to me was splashing out diarrhea.
I clear out before the smell overtakes me.


Just did a big poop a few minutes ago

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, water jug and water jar and went to the washroom. Peed, brushed my teeth, turned off the light, took my stuff upstairs, washed my hands and sat down to eat breakfast. There was a sandwich with chewy meat (not sure what kind) and lettuce. It was good and needed lots of chewing. There were also 2 eggs and a banana. I ate everything. Took my morning medications afterwards, took my stuff and went downstairs (my caregiver and her ex husband were sleeping). I felt full but took sips of water now and then. At around noon I went upstairs for lunch. There was spicy noodles with ground beef, chili peppers, a small plate of apple pieces and I made a cup of green tea. Lunch was good and I ate it with a fork (much easier than chopsticks). Took my stuff downstairs, brought my water jug upstairs and filled it.

Soon after that I got the urge to poop (about 20 minutes ago). I could tell it was going to be a lot since most of mine are huge (have been since I was a small skinny little girl. Now I'm a 5'11", 160 ish lbs woman). Grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet. Pulled my pants and underwear down (baggy black sweatpants and black underwear though I'm not on my period. These are just what are clean) and sat on the toilet. Let go of a long pee and then pushed out a huge poop. It was solid mostly but was coming out relatively easily and quickly. Just lots of it. I felt relieved when the last of it came out and laid in the toilet. Reached into the Walmart bag, took out the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put it on the floor then started wiping. I wiped my front (vagina) first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! It took up a lot of the toilet bowl and was fairly thick and solid. Damn. Flushed the toilet and it went down okay so I flushed a second time to be sure. Yup. Picked up the Walmart bag, opened the door, went to my room, tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, went upstairs, washed my hands well, went downstairs, took the flip flops off outside my room, opened the door, put on those flip flops, dried my hands on the towel and now writing this. That was a great shit but much needed. Maybe later I can go again a lot. I hope so. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and having a good weekend so far.

Happy peeing and pooping!


To Brandon T-Thank you. It did feel amazing. I hope you are having poops that feel better too.

To Austin-Nice! Thank you, it did. I eat very healthy, drink plenty of water, go to a once a week exercise program (a van picks up other people and I at home-they work with my worker and I think the hospital IDK. I also take a prescribed laxative so all of that together makes everything easier to come out.

I have IBS-D, and while it's normally mild, it's been horrible lately. Every morning I've got it. I'm hoping this is just a phase, because I've been getting nauseous too. I'm under a lot of stress right now and that WRECKS my system.

So last Friday, I had a 7 hour shift. I'd had a little bit of diarrhea before I left home, but I ate very mild food (white rice, applesauce, things like that) for breakfast and seemed to feel better. It's very common for me to have like a very soft/ runny poop once in the morning then not have to go again. And again, I felt OK.

Well, I went on break. I felt tired, so I made myself a cup of coffee. I love having a coffee machine at work. I had a snack too... protein shake and banana.

So I went back to work, and about an hour after my break, I felt a strong urge to poop. I hate pooping away from home (unless I'm staying somewhere overnight), but it actually felt kind of urgent. I was worried I'd have to go at work, but I just ignored the feeling and held it for the rest of the day. Luckily, the need died down a bit at work.

When I got home, I felt kind of normal. I ate dinner (don't remember what it was. I think it was tofu curry. Sounds like a bad thing to eat when you're having stomach issues, but this one was pretty mild) and even felt OK after that. Well, I was farting like crazy most of the night, and the need to poop came back at about 10 pm. I again just held it, I'm weird about going late at night. I was able to go the next morning and somehow it wasn't as bad as usual.

I had it again this morning, and took 2 imodium. Normally I take one (2 often makes me kind of constipated, which I hate), but it felt worse today. I got to work and only a couple minutes into my shift, I felt a strong urge to poop. I again felt panicky, but just held it. Again. The urge died down a bit, coming back a little bit in the afternoon, but yeah. I'm back home now and the urge has died down (I didn't have to poop when I got home). I know holding it in is really bad for you, but I still have this hangup. I've never pooped at work in my life, and one time, I held it in for something like 8 hours (it was a 16 hour day) even though I really needed to go. It's probably something I should get over at some point, but I've always been like this since she middle school.


Reply to Pete regarding bidet

To Pete, I have a bidet which fits over the toilet based on Japanese concepts, I would not want to be without it. Here are the issues; it has an enema function which I knew from the start would not really work because all he does is spray water where an enema has to enter your butt.
As to the actual wash, it is variable because sometimes it gets me good and clean and other times not. It could depend on hard shit in my anus or haemorrhoids, making things more difficult. One thing I have noticed never how clean I get my butt that later in the day, ice often gets skidmarks , due to anal leakage. That is a part of the reason why I wear incontinence underwear. One thing I like about it is the heated toilet seat which I used to think was an unnecessary luxury. I have trouble urinating and with a heated seat at even turning the warm water on my bottom and around my scrotum it really helps me relax and empty my bladder. And overriding problem is it whilst you may have a bidet at home when you were out. I am not one of those lucky people who gets up, sits on the pot, evacuates it for the day. I can go three days of that movement, and then go five times in a day. No rhyme or reason. All is said and done I love my bidet.!!! Thunder


just barely made it

i hadnt been for a dump in a few days. on the way to the gym i suddenly got the urge to take a massive shit. it was a really strong urge. i rushed to the gym. before getting out of my car i farted 3 times. i got out and rushed into the gym. i could barely hold it. the bathroom had some stalls open. i started my timer and quickly sat on the toilet. as soon as i sat i lost control and a massive log slid out within seconds. it had to be 9 or 10 inches long. medium brown color. i sighed in relief. did a quick piss. wiped and was done. i was in the bathroom for exactly 4 minutes. surprised i passed such a huge dump so quickly.

MD Dan

Co-Ed Bathroom Experience at a Comic Convention

Funnily enough, after my last post talking about co-ed bathroom stories, I happened to have my own experience this past weekend. I went to a local comic convention in the area on Saturday. As expected, it was pretty crowded with lots of people cosplaying (there were some really great costumes). A couple of the restrooms on the convention floor were designated "All Gender". Shortly after lunch time, I happened to be standing near one of them checking out some of the exhibits and felt an urgent need to poop coming on. I hadn't been for a few days and didn't want to lose the opportunity so I looked around my immediate area and saw the all-gender restroom. I was a little hesitant at first but saw lots of traffic, of all types, going in and out so I made my way over.

A very attractive woman with long black hair, in her mid to late 20s, entered just a couple steps ahead of me, with a couple of guys following behind me. The woman was dressed as a dark Pikachu (Pikachu with reversed yellow and black colors). Her costume was great and she was wearing what was basically a tight body suit with some other things attached to it (like a tail, ears on her head, etc.) She was also petite, about 5'3", which made the costume work even better. Despite the heavy traffic, there were two stalls available all the way at the end. She took the last stall and I took the stall directly to her left. The person to my left was sitting and not making any noise. I could see some costumed feet but couldn't tell what they were dressed as.

I lowered my pants and took a seat while the Pikachu woman was getting undressed. She apparently had to remove the entire suit and I heard her hang it up and quickly sit down. As soon as she sat down she let out a bubbly fart and dropped some loose poop. After peeing, I started to relax and push a little. One log started moving out of me and dropped with a splash but I wasn't done yet. I let out a loud fart and dropped another firm log. The neighbor to my left started wiping (though I still hadn't heard anything) and left shortly. The Pikachu woman let out a couple wet farts and started having diarrhea that plopped and sputtered out of her for a good 15 seconds or so. I sat for a little bit longer and farted a few more times, finally letting out the last short log that made another splash in my toilet. A few seconds later, Pikachu let out some more wet farts with what sounded like just a little bit of poop dripping out of her and started wiping.

I finished up and left the stall and waited at the sinks, which did have a line. The woman left her stall and stood behind me. We got to the sinks together with her on my left. We briefly made eye contact and she gave a quick, but weak smile, obviously not feeling well. After leaving the restroom, she walked over to a group of concerned looking friends. A couple hours later, I saw her again, this time coming out of another restroom in a different section and she looked even worse. I felt bad for her, having spent so much time getting into costume and looking forward to the con, then ending up sick like that. With so many people in close proximity all weekend long, I'm sure there's a lot of illness that goes around. I'm just glad I didn't get anything!

That's all for now. Take care!

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