
Victoria B.

To Sarah and Chakamami

How's it going!

We're so excited to be back and see old friends again. Let's get right back into it!

Sarah omg your poor butt! You must've been so miserable to be backed up like that and the way you described it was so good that I felt a hint of a cramp in my ???? just reading it. We were cheering for you from the moment you felt like you needed to go. You and your toilet deserve a pat on the back (tank?) for getting everything out and the whole load down in one flush!

One question though, have you ever tried a suppository when you're seriously plugged up? They make the path out smoother by making you more slippery inside. They're a great last resort if the enema ship has sailed. By the way thank you for your kind words!

To Chakamami:

Our loves! Robyn got a big kiss right away so don't worry about that you bunch of sweeties.

The capital HOWEVER was a point of style, meant to emphasize the contrast. That's all it was, just emphasis and nothing stupid about you!

VR Loo Jr. says hello to her green and beige buddies. We think of you every time we sit on her and even more so when it's time to order #2 on the menu.

On that note something happened today that you'll like. I was on my way to pee when I got a text from Robyn from the laundry room. She got the urge while she was down there and had to go no questions asked. We just couldn't hold it and that turned into: two bottoms one loo. Next time!

Hugs, kisses and pinches to all of you!

See ya soon,

Love Victoria


Response to wiping survey

Response to Tyler's wiping survey

How old are you?
Mid 20's

What is your gender?

Stand or sit?
I usually wipe my coochie and thighs sitting and then stand up to wipe my butt. I wipe my butt even after I pee since sometimes pee gets on my butt and taint and I like to make sure everything's dry. The area between my thighs and my pelvis is hard to dry sitting down too, so I stand up for that.

Fold or crumple?

Do you go between legs or around back?
Between my legs when I'm wiping pee off the front. Around back for anything and everything related to my butt and taint.

Do you go in a front-back motion or back-front motion?

Has someone ever seen you wipe? Or have you seen someone wipe?
I think my brother saw me wipe when we went camping back when I was in middle school and he was in elementary school.
As an adult, the only people who have seen me wipe are my current girlfriend and my ex girlfriend, and only ever after I peed. I dated guys too, but I don't think any of them saw me wipe.
I don't think I've seen anybody else wipe. I vaguely remember seeing my mom wipe after pooping or doing period cleanup (maybe both) when I was a toddler, but I barely remember it so it might as well have not happened.

Welcome Tyler


Victoria 2


I'm going to a very formal party this weekend and I had a question, what is a very polite way of saying that I need to use the toilet?, cause I know it'll come up with how my bowels work. I'm also wondering if I should even bother asking or try to hold it till I get back home.

Anyhow that's all I was wanting to know
-Victoria 2


Big poop immediately after breakfast

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs to microwave and eat breakfast (cut up banana in chili pepper/powder water). I microwaved it for 5 minutes, took it to the table after putting on oven mitts, put the oven mitts back and sat down and ate slowly while my caregiver came out of her room slowly. She gave me the shower gel and shampoo saying that at 3 or 4 I can shower downstairs. I was happy and thankful to hear that since after my slip in the shower a few nights ago I accidentally broke the tap (faucet) in the shower. Extremely embarrassing and I felt very badly about it. Immediately after finishing breakfast I took my 9 AM medications, went downstairs (since my caregiver went to her room) and soon afterwards I got the urge to poop.

I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put on the flip flops out there, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, went into the washroom, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark baggy sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out a big poop that was thick and solid but easy to come out. No grunting needed. Was done within about 30 seconds. Second poop this morning I think. Better out than in. Reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag and the Walmart bag on the floor and wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks. Tossed it into the toilet between my legs. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! There was a fairly big thick solid poop in the toilet taking up most of the toilet bowl! Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Yay! Walked to the sink, washed my hands well with soap and hot water (left side of the tap is hot, right side is cold. You have to turn it and put it up instead of having separate taps). Grabbed my Walmart bag off the floor, left the washroom, turned off the light and went to my room. Tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, dried my hands on the towels in here (you can't leave them in the washroom otherwise other people will use them despite there being typed rules on the door not to use other residents things) and writing this. I hope everyone is having a good start to the week, is staying safe, healthy and happy and please have a good day.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Doing number two

One of the few advantages of living alone and being retired is the I can spend as much time as I want sitting on the toilet. I hate to be rushed in having a shit, and it's nice to know that there are no family members wanting to know why it is taking me so long. It's because it takes me a while to get going, though eventually I end up with a fairly big first instalment, after which I do a courtesy flush to reduce the stink and the risk of leaving skidmarks in the toilet. I know that if I sit there long enough there will be some more to follow. Besides doing number two, there are other things which I can enjoy on the toilet, mainly things I'm not allowed to mention on this page!

The disadvantage of no longer working reduces the opportunities to take my daily dump in public toilets. If you regularly shit away from home, you soon build up a wealth of experience of clean or dirty public toilet facilities. I know which ones are comfortable to do your business in and others which are best avoided. Places that claim to inspect their facilities hourly always raise my suspicions, because it should not be necessary to tell the customer this: it should be automatic. Supermarkets and shopping malls are usually pretty good places to use the toilets. If you like busy toilets rather than quiet ones, the best places are airports and railway stations which always are busy. Indeed the men's rooms in airports are in my experience the busiest places and really the only ones in which I've ever had to stand in line to get a vacant stall.


To Nils

Hi Nils, thank you. I've had seizures for years (even as a little girl I had absence seizures then into my mid or late 20s they progressed into grand mal) and I had a stroke. Brain surgery and maybe the stroke caused memory loss so I have to carry around a notepad or notebook and pen, write down the time and what I'm doing. I also need help getting places. Does it suck? Yeah kind of but it's life. I'm slowly working around it instead of thinking why me?


Big poop before breakfast

I got up this morning around 8:10, went to the washroom, brushed my teeth and I got the urge to poop after that. Went to the toilet, put the Walmart bag on the floor, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a big poop that seemed to keep coming. It felt solid. Finally I was done and I reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper. Took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put it on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Put the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a big poop and some poop pieces on top. Wow. Flushed the toilet and it went down fine. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Walked to the sink, washed my hands well, turned off the tap, grabbed my Walmart bag, turned off the light and left the washroom. Hopefully everyone is so far having a good start to the week.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

relation headache and motion

Hi Everyone, we hope you are very fine. We are fine now. Yesterday we had a fun very much in park with many cherry trees, blossom was beautiful very much. We ate and ate and also drank, under beautiful tree.

But in evening, Maho was very quiet. She didn't seem in good health.

"Maholin, dô Shita?" It is mean, "What's matter with you?"

Maybe she ate too much? But she is accustomed, because she always eat like tyrannosaurus! And her three crushes are same.

"I have headache."

So Maho lie down in beige flat. And her three crushes are quiet. Maho had not fever. We have small dinner, because we had huge lunch, and we are not hungry so much, only little bit. Maho got up from bed and ate little with us, then suddenly she stood up and moved towards loo. She walked slowly. We decided not follow her, we think she will do wee only, even she didn't do motion maybe four days. And we think she needs a quiet.

But after she sit there about two minutes, we hear very loud o-nara, in English fart. Actually two o-naras, and second one more longer than first one.

So we move quietly to loo. When Maho see us, she gave small smile, and said with eyes, "one of you squat next me please." We choose Hisae because she is very good at massage. Maho move her beautiful bottom forward so Hisae can see Maho's defecate, and open legs a bit so Kazu and Mina at door can also see. Everything is very slowly. Maho is always slow on loo, but this time extra slow, because headache.

After about two minutes more, Maho's face become more red, and beginning of turd appeared. But very slowly it came out. Hisae's fingers dig into Maho's lower back, and Maho moan little. And push. More turd came out. Very smooth side, and very fat, 5 centimetres maybe. Mostly medium brown, hint of grey, but with yellow lines like veins.

After about 5 minutes, turd was 20 centimetres of long and still coming, slowly slowly slowly. Hisae continue dig fingers, Maho continue push, tears on her face, but she give small smile. Her smile say to Mina and Kazu, "I love you."

Some more minutes after, turd was 40 centimetres, and still 5 centimetres of wide. No taper off. (Mina learn this word on this site, thank you toiletstool.) Then suddenly break off and splash into loo water.

Some tears on Maho's face, but not so many, and she still giving small smile. She is so serene! "Maholin you are so beautiful," Mina said in small voice. Mina made kiss shape with her mouth. At other end of Maho (her beautiful bottom) turd still coming out slowly.

Wide is same, 5 centimetres. Same smooth side and same colour. After 30 centimetres it splash into loo, and it is not broken, so Maho seems she is finish. She moved back, Hisae pushed washlet button, Maho moved her bottom around to wash well, then Hisae dried, we gave to Maho her panties and she put on, but just after she pull up them, she stop.

Is she OK???

Yes, she is OK. She said to us with pulling down her panties again and sitting on loo. She is going to do another motion!!

We are all looking at her warmest eyes. We are happy for her, because she was constipated many days.

Next turd appeared, same appearance with before ones. And same wide. She pushed slowly, and Hisae's fingers busy on her lower back. 30 centimetres again. But then she stood up, and with eyes she said Hisae, "please flush". So Hisae flushed and Maho sat down again. Her bottom opened and mierda come out, but this time wide was only about 3 centimetres, and it was same colour but broke into many pieces, quite big pieces and they made noisy plop sound. Pieces got smaller and smaller, Maho on loo ten more minutes but at end pieces were very small.

While Maho doing her little pieces, suddenly she began smile big smile. "What is happen??" "I don't have headache now!!"

Wow!! Headache go away because she did huge motion twice?? Maho move back on loo for washlet and move her bottom well so washlet clean her properly, then this time we all dry her, because she has no headache now!

She pull up panties and pyjamas and smile to us. Still some tears run down her face, but not many. She is busy to kiss Hisae first, then Mina then Kazu, very warm long kiss each one.

Today we ask Maho's father if there is connection between her big motions and her headache end. He is not specialist of digestive system, but he did general training of doctor before he specialise, so he is some knowledge. He said, yes there is probably relationship. Because she was very constipate many days and this made a pressure, and busy life make it worse maybe. Now she is a relief so pressure is down. He is relief and we are relief because today, Maho is pink of health and full of energy like she usually is.

If you, all lovely toiletstool site people, have bad headache, try to sit on loo and defecate. (But Maho said, don't try too hard. Relax with trying is better. Because she relax, she was on loo about 40 minutes, but that time went by very fast for her and for us other three.) Maybe if you have good defecate, your headache will better!

Maho is not constipate now, she feels. She says she will perhaps do satisfying motion tomorrow morning. Because it is Monday and we have to work, motion will be only two people in one loo. Lucky Hisae will be beside Maho in green loo room! But Kazu and Mina are looking forward to happy time together in beige loo room to produce enormous mierda from our bottom each other. Like Princess Opal said, that is mierda made from Saturday's big delicious meal under cherry tree! Kazu says, when we defecate tomorrow, we will be able to feel delicious taste of food which made that mierda! We are looking forward!!

We hope everyone has good time. Thunder, we are happy that you can make yourself more clean now!

Love to everyone.


Princess Toadstool Peach

Going Commando doing a Big Poo in the Woods wearing Shorts!!

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am trying out something a bit different for example I am not wearing panties today. That's right I am trying out going Commando and I am going for a jog wearing shorts, my high heel shoes and a tank top. I look so sexy today. My boyfriend would love to see this but he's busy unclogging a pipe somewhere. Now I am jogging near the forest woods and not worrying if any…Uh oh! I need a poo and maybe even a wee too! Darn no public toilets around for miles ahead. Alright desperate times call for desperate measures. I find myself a bush, then I squat down, pull my shorts down to my ankles then my bladder tingles as I then start to wee. "TSSSSSSSSSSssssshhhh drip drip drop!" I tinkled for a rather long time until I felt little drips come from my bladder. Then I began to push and I squatted lower as I began pooing a huge dump from my bottom poo hole. I could smell it from here as it started to peek out along with it's brown smelly friends. Phew! It landed between my feet in a warm and fresh nice pile like doggy doodoo does. Then I continued to poo until I did about 2 more brown logs. Both just as smelly as the 1st one. Yuck! But then right after I pooed about 3 turds I remembered I have some toilet paper in a little holder I keep for emergencies. And so with my shorts still wrapped around my ankles used the toilet paper to wipe my vagina between my legs and my bottom clean. Am I clever or what? Then I stood up after wiping, pulled up my shorts quickly before someone saw me and then I slunk quickly away. See you later guys bye bye now. Oh and by the way if you get the chance try pooing going commando wearing nothing but shorts in the woods next time you visit the forest and nature starts a calling! Bye!!


Giant poop almost immediately after breakfast

Good morning, happy Sunday. I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Got up this morning since I had enough sleep. Got out of bed, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar and went to the washroom first (and brushed my teeth) then went upstairs to microwave breakfast. My caregiver was sleeping so I wanted her to get as much sleep as possible. Slowly ate and enjoyed breakfast, took my medications afterwards and went back downstairs.

Within a few minutes I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, op


Huge solid poop after breakfast

Hi all. Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the washroom after putting on the flip flops outside my room and went upstairs and microwaved breakfast for 5 minutes. It was a bowl of bananas and mushrooms covered in chili powder. Took a while to eat. After breakfast I took my medications, put my stuff in the Walmart bag, grabbed my water jar and went downstairs to my room. Within a few minutes of being in my room I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag again, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, walked outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom.

Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a huge, thick poop that at the same time felt slippery (yuck). I was done within 30 seconds to a minute. Rolled up my sleeves, took some toilet paper and started wiping. Wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! There was a fairly thick long solid poop in the toilet that was dark. I'm not sure what its length was but it took up most of the toilet bowl. Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again to make sure. Yup. Went to the sink, washed my hands well, grabbed my Walmart bag and left the washroom after turning off the light. Went to my room, took off the ugly beige flip flops outside my room, turned on the light, opened the door, walked in, closed it, dried my hands on the towel in here (we have to leave towels etc in our room otherwise some people here will use them) and have been writing this for the last while. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



To Nils

Hi Nils. Thank you, it's okay. It's a pain in the ass but it's part of life. I'm very slowly adjusting and building my life back up. It will take a while but I'm currently living with my caregiver, her family and a couple or few tenants here (each of us rent a room here and pay rent etc). I go to appointments with someone who works with my worker in transportation from the hospital. Shit happens but what can you do? Have a good day.


To Chakamami

Thank you Chakamami. As far as I know (from the looks of it), my former caregiver, ex-husband, ex brother in law, etc in Taiwan are fine. I'm luckily safe here in Toronto, Canada (my home country and city). You're so sweet to leave that message for me *hugs* I hope you're safe at home too.


Another survey!

This is short and sweet.

How old are you?
What is your gender?
Stand or sit?
Fold or crumple?
I always fold the TP.
Do you go between legs or around back?
To wipe I stand up and go around the back. I've tried wiping while seated as a kid and found it to be very clumsy.
Do you go in a front-back motion or back-front motion?
I go from front to back.
Has someone ever seen you wipe? Or have you seen someone wipe?
Only when I was little. Other than my parents, I had one or two close male friends in the bathroom with me when I pooped so they saw the whole show including the wiping. I got to see them poop and wipe too. Then I got a bit older and became embarrassed about bathroom activities and it never happened since.


correction to post about Maho's headache

Mina wrote, "Mina made kiss shape with her mouth" but correct statement is, "Maho made kiss shape with her mouth."

Mina is very bad typist. You can spank.

Love to Everyone.


Pee emergency on the way to a conference:

Well, years ago, I was with a group of Technical college students on our way to our State Convention, I was set to give a public speaking presentation when we arrived. So, we were all in our dress clothes on the way to the conference. as time went on, I had to pee really bad. Our driver/ instructor was not one for stopping. I said I had to pee really bad. He said; " Oh. you can hold it until we make a stop here in an hour or so." These two girls I were sitting with said.. " Hey!, he really needs to go, just stop & let him go!" Then, I turned to them & said "I'm going to have an accident!" They told our instructor, "Hey!, this is serious!, you need to pull over at the next stop!" he said: "Ok, I need to!" Then, I start crying like a little kid, these two girls look over at me & say " Oh, no!, too late! he's going in the clothes, his speaking clothes, none the less!"


The after effects of a rockhard movement

I sent a message early this morning and is now late afternoon. In that message I had a suppository and a very big evacuation which left me exhausted.
I've not been well all day. My hole has been a bit sore but what is worse is trigger my neurological situation and I'm aching from head to foot and very tired. Nonetheless, I've kept moving and done a bit of exercise obviously light exercise. I've also had a couple of good doses of Osmolax . Hope tomorrow will be a better day.

Victoria 2


How old are you?
What is your gender?
Stand or sit?
Fold or crumple?
Do you go between legs or around back?
Around back
Do you go in a front-back motion or back-front motion?
Front to back
Has someone ever seen you wipe? Or have you seen someone wipe?
My mother and sisters have seen me wipe and I've seen them wipe


Big partly solid, partly soft poop

Good morning. Happy Saturday. Woke up around 8:15 AM, grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, put the flip flops on outside my room and went to the washroom to pee and brush my teeth. Went upstairs after brushing my teeth and my caregiver asked me to microwave breakfast for 5 minutes. She shuffled off to her room I think to rest some more (though right now I hear her doing the dishes and the washing machine is washing clothes). When breakfast was done microwaving I put on oven mitts to avoid burning myself, brought it to the table, put the oven mitts back and sat down to eat. Took a while and took my 9 AM medications afterwards. After breakfast I put my notebook and pen in my Walmart bag, took my Walmart bag downstairs and went on the internet on my phone after changing my flip flops. Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, walked to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, walked outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out quite a bit of partly soft, partly solid poop. Didn't take long to push out. I felt better though I'm not 100% empty yet. Reached into the Walmart bag, took some toilet paper off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor, rolled up my sleeves and got to work wiping. First wiped my vagina and wiped my butt really well. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a big lumpy ish poop in the toilet. Flushed the toilet, walked to the sink, washed my hands, picked up the Walmart bag, opened the door, turned off the light and walked to my room. Dried my hands on the towel in here, went outside my room, took those flip flops off, came back into my room, put those flip flops on and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy and is having a good weekend so far.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Monday, April 8, 2024


Much better today

I posted twice yesterday about my hard, poo constipation and the pain I was having all through my body after. I got a good night sleep.
Today I've made a few visits to the toilet, but much easier. Some of the stools are still quite hard but they coming out without too much bother. I did have my lack of last night and again today. Will have another dose tonight. See how I go tomorrow.
Thanks for reading.



Hi guys I'm new here!
Something I have always been curious about is others wiping habits. Please fill out the survey if you are comfortable.

How old are you?
What is your gender?
Stand or sit?
Fold or crumple?
Do you go between legs or around back?
I go between legs with my goods resting on my arm.
Do you go in a front-back motion or back-front motion?
I go in a back-front motion.
Has someone ever seen you wipe? Or have you seen someone wipe?
Yes. As a kid I saw my cousin wipe and he did it the same as me. He also watched me wipe.

Feel free to ask me any questions.
Happy pooping!


Big partly solid, partly soft poop

Good morning. Happy Saturday. Woke up around 8:15 AM, grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, put the flip flops on outside my room and went to the washroom to pee and brush my teeth. Went upstairs after brushing my teeth and my caregiver asked me to microwave breakfast for 5 minutes. She shuffled off to her room I think to rest some more (though right now I hear her doing the dishes and the washing machine is washing clothes). When breakfast was done microwaving I put on oven mitts to avoid burning myself, brought it to the table, put the oven mitts back and sat down to eat. Took a while and took my 9 AM medications afterwards. After breakfast I put my notebook and pen in my Walmart bag, took my Walmart bag downstairs and went on the internet on my phone after changing my flip flops. Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, walked to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, walked outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out quite a bit of partly soft, partly solid poop. Didn't take long to push out. I felt better though I'm not 100% empty yet. Reached into the Walmart bag, took some toilet paper off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor, rolled up my sleeves and got to work wiping. First wiped my vagina and wiped my butt really well. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a big lumpy ish poop in the toilet. Flushed the toilet, walked to the sink, washed my hands, picked up the Walmart bag, opened the door, turned off the light and walked to my room. Dried my hands on the towel in here, went outside my room, took those flip flops off, came back into my room, put those flip flops on and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy and is having a good weekend so far.

Happy peeing and pooping!


To Sarah

Sarah good to hear you finally pooped I hate it when I'm constipated & can't poop. I pooped this morning it came out smoothly. Try eating a fiber one granola bar those usually help me poop.
I hope your poops get better! My name is Austin by the way


Very constipated at my friends house

Hey y'all Emily here. I told you I was going to post the story when I had a really hard time at my friends house I was super constipated.. so a month ago I went to my friends house and I had to use the bathroom but I waited and we were both watching TV. She went to the store and I told her that I was going to chill and kick back and watch some TV while she was gone, it was the perfect time to go use the bathroom so I went in there and since I was alone, I left the door open. I started to go pee then I started to push a little. I felt poop up there, but it was really hard and dry, so I started pushing harder , nothing was budging. It was right there at the hole but wouldn't come out. I said great I'm freaking constipated so I lowered my pants to my ankles spread my legs scrunched up my face and pushed really hard 15 to 20 seconds each push and still was not budging. It was really dry and hard and super stuck after I realized I had been in there for about 30 minutes of pushing. I use the technique I use a lot and I l scooted back on toilet seat, lean back and sit up and inserted a finger into my vagina I use my middle finger and I was feeling for a hard lump. I finally found it it was big and hard I'm like OK I'm gonna have to dig this one out so I started pressing on the lump and pushing super hard for 30 seconds now and after about 10 minutes of digging, it finally popped out and made a massive kerplunk and I was like OMG thank God finally after realizing I was done I wiped there was a little bit of poop on the toilet paper because my pooping so hard and I realize I had been in there pushing for about 35 minutes and took 10 minutes to dig 45 minutes total I wiped and flushed I was so relieved then I went back to the couch to watch TV and my friend walked in. She went to the bathroom and went in there to go pee real quick when she came back, she asked me. Hey did you go poop I was kind of red in the face from pushing and still had a headache from pushing hard but embarrassedly I said yeah sorry she asked me how was it? I asked her it was OK a little did she know I had to do what I had to do of digging, which is by the way a technique called splinting. It's a very effective way on constipation. If anyone wants to know, I can tell you or teach you the way if you're dealing with constipation but she said next time just do a courtesy spray I said OK gotcha she came back and watched the movie with me. Didn't know what I had done. Thank God. Anyways getting off now. I will reach out another time with another story.


Victoria ???? (not Victoria B.)

Public toilets with no seats

The other day I was hit with a mighty urge, I was bursting. So I pulled into the nearest city park. I was in an unfamiliar part of town but I had to GO! I was at my limit. I rushed to the nearest ladies room and entered only to find that the toilet stalls had no doors or seats on the bowls. I wanted to turn around and walk out, but my stomach demanded that I not. I rushed to the end stall, my usual place in a public restroom, only to find that the bowl was full. Again I wanted to turn around and leave but I couldn't my bowels wanted to be emptied. So I turned around and pulled down my leggings and panties, lifted my skirt and slowly placed my bare bottom on the cold and wet toilet bowl. I sat for a few moments and peed. Then it hit me all of a sudden, soft serve poo rocketed out of my butt and splattered into the already full bowl. I sat for about ten minutes before more poo piled out of me. I could tell I'd be sitting on this filthy pot for a while. As I sat on the bowl I heard two girls come in, they talked at the mirror for a while and in the middle of their conversation I let out a spluttering wet load. The first girl said, "dang girl you alright?" The second girl giggled as I farted loudly in response. I felt sick. They left soon after, I stayed on the pot for a good hour and a half, before finishing up, cleaning myself thoroughly, and finding out that the toilet didn't flush.

That's all for today
-Victoria ????

Princess Opal


Nils: Actually, the dump that followed was a little unsatisfying, but I had a really good one the next day! It was kind of a dark, heavy log with a bit of visible food. It made a nice plop.

Chakamami: I know right, I missed you more than anyone!!! My youngest sister knew that poop was made from old food since she was 4 or 5 too, so I don't know why I didn't know until I was 8. I somehow equated it with wasting food, but I realized that eating food made me feel good and then pooping it out the next day felt good too! So I got to enjoy each meal twice!

Anna From Austria
@nameless poster about peeing in the woods.

I am really sorry to hear that you had such luck. I had to go outdoor a few times already (number 1 and number 2) and being caught was one my worst fears.

greetings from Austria



To Annie

Sorry for your disability, I wish you had bit more freedom.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

I was out taking a walk around the woods one summer by myself and I had to go to the bathroom, I was drinking a lot of water for hydration so it was inevitable. I was far into the woods by the time I needed to go so I just decided to be bold and thought it was safe to pee there. I hadn't even seen anyone else around so I thought it was fine.

I pulled my dress up to around my belly button and removed my panties and put them on the least dirty part of the ground I could find around me. My entire lower half was exposed. I was beyond thankful no one was around. I squatted and parted my legs. It took a few minutes to get started. My body wasn't used to peeing in a squatting position, and being so exposed. But then it did and it started as a slow trickle then a decent stream. It felt so good coming out and I looked down and watched the pee come out from between my labias.

That's when trouble started. I heard some men and boys laughing all of a sudden and heard one of them saying "look, this lady's taking a piss!" I looked up and there was a big group of them near me! I didn't even know they were there they walked up so quietly I guess! They seemed to all be different ages like a few were teens and the rest were in their 20s or 30s probably. Their eyes were all staring at..well..the area you'd expect (my vagina). I was too stunned to talk or move at first. They just stood there looking at my vagina as I peed. I got a few whistles and inappropriate remarks. "Would you be gentlemen and not look at my vagina and just keep walking?" I asked frustratedly once I got the courage. They laughed and one of them asked "how are you gonna wipe your pussy? Are you gonna use a leaf?" and I said "none of your business, now scram!" My stream unwaveringly kept on going and when it stopped they finally left me alone but only after I wiped with a tissue I had in my purse. I was so humiliated I just ended my walk and went home and was upset the rest of the week.

It was very embarassing for me and I saw they had their phones out so I just hope they didn't take any photos or videos of me. I was afraid they'd assault me or something while I was so vulnerable. This was only a few years ago and I haven't visited those woods ever since.


Welcome back Princess Opal!

Did the crap go well?


Peeing in the bathroom sink

Many years ago when I was a student, the majority of student rooms, whether shared or single, contained only a sink as Americans call it, or a wash basin has English people call it. The toilets, also shared, were down the corridor. Consequently, the majority of male students, particularly those who were regular beer drinkers tended to use the wash basin to pee into. This I believe is not an uncommon activity for men: my father in fact was the one who taught me to pee into the washbasin! Female students of course lack this possibility of relieving themselves. What do people do, nowadays? I still do it.


Reply to Brandon T

Thank you :) Right now my stomach is fairly bloated/big and kind of sore so I hope to poop tonight. I'm on laxatives, stool softeners (both prescribed), eat healthy and quite a bit because of my height (5'11") and because I'm on quite a few medications. I've had constipation issues off and on since I was a little baby (almost 38 years ago). So I hope later after some stretches, exercises (I can't go out by myself because the brain surgery and stroke caused memory loss, other than to the exercise program I go to (driven to and from) each Tuesday. Knowing my poop it will probably be big. I hope yours and everyone else's poops have been going well with no problem. Stay safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping to everyone.


Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am here to answer Petro's questions about my little cute Baby Peach so here we go! Let's get started already right here right now!! Is it usually difficult for her to make a poo? Oh yes she is a growing girl. Has she to strain a lot for pushing her poo out? No not really but she's still learning.
2. As she was doing her poo near the tree on the day you told on the page 3045 about, was it difficult for her? Oh yeah quite difficult. Had she to push a lot before her poo came off her butt? No not really! And as she was doing it at home on the same day after your returning home with her, was it difficult for her? She loves her potty chair. As she pushed and her face turned bright red, does it mean that pooping was not easy for her? Oh yes she often makes the same face when pooing in her nappy too. True story!
3. Does she usually fart before she starts pooping? Sometimes when she makes a huge mess in her nappy.
4. As she sits down on her potty for making a poo, has she to push a lot, before something comes out? I tell her not to push too hard. Wouldn't want a anal fissure.
5. Does she always poop by herself? No I usually help her out. Are an enema or suppositories ever used for her? Oh come on buddy she's way too young for those things.
6. Does she usually make a poo as she feels she has to do it? Most certainly. Does she ever sit down on her potty and try to poop without having an urge for it? Not really but she is a fast learner. Would she be able to poop in that case? Perhaps not sure.
7. Has she ever a situation as she sits down on her potty for doing a poo and starts pushing, but can't push her poo out? Not really. And has she situations as she has to push for a long time for making her poo? Sometimes.
8. As she makes her poo, does she usually push one big turd out, or does she poop more often several ones out? Sometimes it's bigger than she is.
9. Does she ever push a huge poop out? If she does, does she make it often? Oh yeah she's a Super Duper Pooper!! Is that copyright can I use that? Great!
10. Does she like pooping? Yes but I think she likes tinkling more because how much liquid she drinks.
11. If she pushes a big poo out, is she proud of it? Oh yeah. Does she use to show it to somebody? She shows me because I am her babysitter.
12. Does she ever try to make a poo after peeing? Sometimes when she's wearing a nappy and needs to fill it up more.
13. Does she make a poo at some certain time of the day or is it at different times as a rule? Now usually I go to the toilet before bedtime, when I wake up or just defecate and urinate in the shower when I start washing my bottom. But she usually needs to go when she takes a nap, goes shopping with me or sometimes with her best friend Baby Rosalina.
14. Does she usually do a poo as she feels an urge for it? Indeed and it was a nice big one too. Or is she more often put on her potty and told to try making a poo? Sometimes I help her out but sometimes she does it on her own.
15. And I'd also like to ask you: as you made a poo a few days ago ("A Really Long Wee + A couple of Farts/Massive Thick Poos", you wrote this story in the end of March), was it difficult for you to push out these thick 5 inch heavy poos? Oh yeah I eat lots of fibre each and every day and drink tons of coffee. Were you straining a lot for doing it? Not too much because you remember Anal Fissures. Well that's all the time we have for today. See you next time. Bye bye now!

Hey Victoria! Great to see you back. I always love your posts. Youve got such a great way of writing your stories here. I'm also coming back after a long break, although I've been lurking here the whole time. But I've got a story that I just had to tell here.

I had a SERIOUS run of constipation recently, worse than I've had as far back as I can remember. I hadn't gone for a few days, but I didn't think anything of it at first, since that's usually what happens for me. It was when I couldn't go the next time that I started to get worried. I usually have really hard poops, but my butt is usually able to get them out just fine. This time, it was completely stuck. And for five days straight, it stayed that way. I constantly felt the urge to go, but no matter what I tried I couldn't.

I tried EVERYTHING I could find to get this stuff out, but nothing worked. Even actual enemas that have helped before were no use, because I couldn't get them past the mass in the first place (at least not without tearing something.) It was genuinely concerning. I had the normal feeling of being weighed down, but I was starting to get weird sweats and a mild fever. My poor belly was DESPERATE to get rid of it, but it just wouldn't budge. I finally decided to go to a doctor the next day, but I took one more dose of magnesium citrate just in case.

When I woke up, I felt the urge to go immediately. I went to the bathroom and pushed as hard as I could, and it actually started moving. I could feel it slowly being inched out of me. It felt like I was tearing apart, but I was GETTING this dump out of me. I gave one more push, and the log finally came out of me and into the bowl.

I was almost crying, I was so relieved. It took just a few wipes to get clean, and I dropped the paper into the bowl before standing up to look. Seeing that toxic waste finally where it belonged, sitting in my toilet under paper and pee, felt so good. With one long flush, the whole mess got churned up and sucked into the pipes. Good riddance, turd.

I haven't felt that rough in a long time. I'm so glad that's over with.


Disability issues and moving forward

First, I'd like to thank Hisae and the Crushes for the advice for using a bidet being having to move around when the water is squirting . Previous to knowing this, they never really claim me that well, but now I move around and squirm etc. It does the job fine. At home I just do not use toilet paper at all unfortunately went out. I have trouble wiping my bottom so have to rely incontinence underwear to do the job.
My government plan is being reviewed and a part of it is toilet management and bowel and bladder issues. Difficulty emptying my bladder and also my bowel movements and how it impacts on my general life. The consequences is that while this does not distress me I have reduced my social interaction considerably due to these bodily function issues and various other disabilities. I also have to get a smart watch as susceptible to fall on the toilet after constipated movement, I can get very faint and disabled.. I have to find out a lot more about the smart watch. Has anybody else got any ideas about what I could do or their experiences, I would be very thankful.



Hi guys I'm new here!
Something I have always been curious about is others wiping habits. Please fill out the survey if you are comfortable.

How old are you?
What is your gender?
Stand or sit?
Fold or crumple?
Do you go between legs or around back?
I go between legs with my goods resting on my arm.
Do you go in a front-back motion or back-front motion?
I go in a back-front motion.
Has someone ever seen you wipe? Or have you seen someone wipe?
Yes. As a kid I saw my cousin wipe and he did it the same as me. He also watched me wipe.

Feel free to ask me any questions.
Happy pooping!


Gassy morning potty break

I woke up in the morning feeling that I needed to poop. I immediately rushed to the toilet. Quickly, I went to the bathroom, lowered the toilet seat, pulled my pants and underwear down, and sat on the toilet. As soon as I sat down, I started to have a powerful and loud fart, feeling like I was about to have an bowel movement! After a minute of farts, I felt like the poop was starting to come out, and I heard a slight cracking sound. My poop came out and fell into the toilet. There was a loud plop and then I farted again, and this one was very noisy and smelly! After the fart, I defecated a long, solid poop. It came out with a big splash, water almost spraying my bottom. I farted a few more times. After some more farts, some solid poop squeezed out. And when that poop plopped into the toilet, I farted once more. I had three more bowel movements and then finished pooping, but I wasn't done farting yet! I had to sit there, farting, waiting for my gas to pass. Finally, I released my last fart and started wiping myself. I used two pieces of toilet paper, then threw the papers into the toilet. After getting up and getting dressed I flushing the toilet.

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Dear Victoria B

How happy we are!! You come back! Mina read this, she burst into the tears at once. So happy!!!

But your post is little bit hard to read, we don't understand part which is around HOWEVER which is big letters. If you are not mind, can you write it in more simple words? appreciate having privacy... prefer having company... which one is correct one?? Sorry, that Minappé is so stupid.

We remember first time Maho's pretty friend Shinri came to stay with us, it was a snowy weather. Shinri stayed in loo in morning very long time and many burururururururu noises and strong fragrance come under door. So Mina and Maho tried hard to be noisy when we doing our motions, then Shinri know everyone is noisy, not only her, and she became to settle down. So all five of us include Shinri are like you Victoria, we know defecate is normal and everybody do, so it is stupid to laugh to person who dropped mierda.

And we all agree, do lots and lots of mierda is good for health very much. Shinri also agree, she said to us.

Human connectedness is very important thing. If we are in public loo and some lady is defecating, we hope in a silence that she will be very satisfy her body when she do. We hope that she can feel our sentiment.

We hope you and Robyn can say nice things each other while you both defecating. Please give our love and big kiss to her. And big big kiss to you too. From all of us. We ask beige loo and green loo to send WE LOVE YOU message to VR loo junior.

Princess Opal, we are happy you are back! Please never run away from us. Mina and Maho, and maybe Hisae (she doesn't remember) were about 4 when we learn that mierda is create by food which we eat. Mina remember she ask her mother and grandmother, and they explain in language which 4 year old girl can understand. Maho said, she learned from her father! Because he is doctor!! Kazumi found out from grapevine, because talk about mierda was taboo in her house. still taboo now.

We hope everybody is fine, and Annie, we hope your friends in Taiwan are fine. Earthquake is so scary!

Love to Everybody.


Surveillance work

A defecation on the apartment parking lot

I like to notice things in the area and residents of my building have been told to be vigilant especially as there have been home and car break ins, thus my 'surveillance' activities.

One afternoon I noticed a large deposit of excrement that was far too large for a squirrel, a rabbit, or other small wildlife.

I reckoned it was human and reported it to the building's super. Was this some random person who just had to go now or was it from someone who is casing the building?

The area is a bit too urban for coyotes or deer. There is a back alley behind the building with lots of trees so if it was a random person with no ill intent why not go there? Years ago I was caught short and peed in the bushes in that back alley while waiting for the bus. I have noticed several people doing it as they either enter or exit the tree area.

Thursday, April 4, 2024


Another airport trip

Continuing an old thread from page 2665, my last post in a long while, I was traveling again recently. I had to get up early and travel to Atlanta airport and missed my morning affair on the toilet. By the time I got through TSA I was ready for some private time in the stall! Of course ias most probably know ot is very unusual to have any private moments in a men's room bathroom; maybe it is different in the women's room, but you are lucky to get a stall if you have to shit! From experience I knew that the domestic flight areas by TSA are always full of men pooping, I decided to hold it for an extra 30 minutes and took the shuttle to the international terminal. Just from experience I knew it would be a nicer bathroom, as last time I was at the airport pooping in the rather larger bathroom by TSA were full of feet and I had to wait, and when I got seated I noticed a crack pipe on the toilet paper holder! I digress though; so I arrive at the international terminal, go through TSA and head to the men's room. As soon as I got the cleaning lady just moved her cart back to the lady's room. Usually in domestic terminals men are stationed to clean the men's room, but not in international. I asked the lady if I could use the bathroom and she said she was done. Not surprisingly I was the first one in there. Smelled good and nice and clean! I think there were about 6 or so stalls so I took one in the middle of the row. Sure enough as soon as I undid my belt and sat down, a big fart echoed and another fellow came in and sat right next to me! There was like at least 6 stalls, but damn right next door. None the less, I let loose and dropped my late morning load with a few plops in succession. My neighbor as soon as he sat down blasted a loose load, like all at once and then went silent. We both sat there, me for another 5 minutes or so with a couple of small farts and some small shits, I noticed the guy next door was just sitting there not pooping anymore that I could hear, but he pulled paper and was cleaning up something while still sitting, and I had to start cleaning up too. A little relief on the back side a bit of relief on the front side. 4 wipes in the back got me almost clean paper, but not completely; and I forgot to wet some paper towels from the sink before I sat down as it is alway nice to clean up with some water, oh well I did the best I could, it was ok, I figured I could go for a pee after a quick bite for lunch and take the cleaning to the next level. A couple wipes in the front and off to the sink. My pooping partner still on the toilet making no sounds. I has a great lunch, satisfied with the loads that were left behind! Got on the plane and had a really rough flight to Tampa. It was the roughest flight I have had since I flew back from China many moons ago. Kids laughing, adults in anguish! When I got off of that flight I had to relieve my self again, feeling a bit nauseas. I was in the front of the plane so I got off fairly quickly, and went right to the men's room at the gate and noticed that both men and women that were sitting near me were in a beeline to the toilets too! Guess it wasn't only me that had to shit! This bathroom had a bunch of stalls too, probably more than the other one in Atlanta, maybe 8? Anyway there were a couple guys that rushed into the stalls, maybe only a couple headed to the urinals and a bunch coming in behind me, so I just took the next stall that was open, about in the middle again, as the first few were already taken, and because of the rush of dudes, I forget my cleaning protocol with the wet towels. Man, as soon as I sat done my ass opened up with a series of rather long airy farts. My neighbor next door and down the line as the other stall we're filing up we're pooping up a storm! Farting, some dry and airy like mine, some wet and splatting, plops etc. not much stink though. Someone I think did a courtesy flush but didn't leave the stall because some other dudes that came in and complained they had to shit and there were no stalls! On of them, I guess we're jocking they were going to use the urinal, eww! I think they probably left because it was a full house and nobody was flusing, but a lot of handle pull on my stall door, at least a dozen while I was pooping, but I digress. It was like a symphony of shitters! My stomach was messed up, as was everyone else's! I was lucky to get a stall when I did! I think as the passengers got off that plane all the men had to shit! Probably the lady's too! My lunch came out in waves. What a mess in my toilet and no doubt in all the other ones too! By the time I was done there was a line waiting to get on a toilet. I actually stayed in there a bit longer just stitting there trying to feel better, listening to all the action in the full house. When it came time to clean up, it took a tone of paper, like 8 or more wipes, every time there were streaks, I just couldn't get completely streak free paper, so I gave up, flushed and let to go to the sink and a dude rushed in and blew the bowl up! And a line of about 4 people waiting. Wow! By this time the air was heavy with fumes! I sat down on my bid-get as soon as I got home and it felt good to have a cleaner ass! That was quite the day at atlant and TIA! I have another story from a few yrs back at TIA I'll share next time. Keep up the great posts folks! Best Steve


To Zoe and Toiletkid

I think Zoe the correct approach is needed. Drink lots of water and eat lots of fibre and sit on the school toilets and poo poo and wee wee. You will be much more comfortable and healthy. Also you will have a sense of achievement and victory! How good does a big evacuation feel To Toiletkid the act of relaxing is no important. I often have big constipation problem and I was struggling in front of my therapist and she told me to slow down and relax …. It is natural . She also told me to eat more ???? . These days I have a relaxation session on the throne because after a big hard poo I nearly pass out . Sometimes I have to go and lie down . More news next time .

Princess Opal

Sorry I was absent for so long!

To Pietro: I was absent when you asked me your survey questions and only saw the post addressed to me while looking through old posts! Sorry, I will try to screenshot that page and answer the questions sometime.

To Zoe: I also felt kind of bad at first that I was pooping out all the meals I'd eaten (I was 8 when I learned that poop was made of leftover food), but then I realized it wasn't like I was wasting food. After I'd eaten it, after all, it went all the way through my digestive system, came out as poop, and my body needed me to get rid of it. And I felt much better after letting the poop out!

To Chakamami: I'm back! I really missed you guys while I was gone.

So, right now there seems to be a big, firm turd sitting in my rectum. I'm waiting for it to just come out, but if it doesn't, I'll have to push. I'm recovering from a cold right now, but my pooping has been just like normal because I've been able to eat as much as usual. In fact, having a hard time breathing because of the illness, eating and going to the bathroom like normal are the most comforting things right now. I've always had a big appetite, even when I was little. I ate at least almost as much as I do now that I'm 19 when I was 8, and having the same size turds that I do as an adult when I was a child and my body was a lot smaller made me feel poophoria a lot more strongly, every time I pooped. (Unless I was having diarrhea, which I hated.) I had a bit of a tendency towards constipation, which has been much better since I was about 13. It hurt when a big, hard poop was coming out slowly, but the relief afterwards was always amazing! Unless it didn't all come out. I don't remember whether or not I cried during painful poops as a kid, but I remember that when I was 17, 2 days after eating a bunch of hot chiles on tacos, I cried the whole time while pooping out that meal because the chiles burned my anus really bad. It was honestly kind of embarrassing, but I don't mind mentioning it here because there's probably someone here who's had something similar happen. After my anus quit burning, the relief was amazing! Well, I feel one of yesterday's meals knocking at the back door now and I'm gonna focus on pooping it out! Bye, happy Easter, and happy pooping to all! --Princess Opal

Victoria B.

Guess who's also back


With the return of some of my favorite posters here it seems like about as good a time as any to come out of retirement myself! I'm the same Victoria B. I've always been and not the other Victoria-an English graduate student in a large city in the Midwest married to my wife Robyn, a biologist.

Chakamami's question got me thinking about how recently my trips to multi-stall public bathrooms for one, the other or both have more often than not been unaccompanied and whether I prefer it to being joined on the pot by others.

By nature I'm somewhat introverted, prone to appreciate having quiet and privacy in public spaces HOWEVER I do prefer having company in general. There are always exceptions like if I have to honor whichever curse it was that made me good at writing on the toilet and send an important email or text or if I'm stressed/overwhelmed enough to need to vocalize my feelings with the classic "I can't do this anymore!" but those are very much exceptions to the rule.

Bodily functions are something we all share as humans. This means acknowledging that other people have them too, that we're literally and figuratively in this together. Few places is this more true than in the bathroom.

There's so much shame and bigotry about this part of the human experience so why not stand or sit there and reject it? Why not give someone who just dropped a huge plop, ripped a big fart or had a loud gusher of a pee a silent pep talk from your stall? We've all done all of those things on a public throne so why not take your stall neighbors as an opportunity to practice giving and receiving grace for all parties? If I'm pooping in the bathroom with someone who's been suspiciously quiet in another stall I'll unashamedly fart, plop, sigh or gently moan from my own number two with idea of helping make them feel more comfortable with themselves and with going poop in public places. This, and not because I coincidentally happen to be somewhat of an exhibitionist, are the reasons why I'd rather not be by myself in a bathroom in public: human connectedness.

Some very special hellos to Minappe, Kazumi, Chae and Maholin. I love all of you. Kristi and Esme, you're two of my favorites on here as well and I'm so happy that you've returned too.

See ya soon!


Urgent pee

A hoodie for woodland peeing for ladies

I have urgency and frequency as a regular event. I have had to take quick pees outside of washrooms. One item of clothing for women is a hoodie so that a girl or woman can put up the hood and face downwards while doing the deed in unconventional places such as bushes or just on the periphery of woods. This way if anyone has a camera on their phone the peer will not be identifiable. Large sunglasses also help.

I have had to pee outside in urban areas in the dark. One was after the fireworks display in my neighborhood off the parkway. It was dark and I just told the people I was with that I need to go to the bathroom and would just do it here. One of them was surprised but the other one thought it was no big deal. I told the wary one I was wearing a mid-length skirt (great peeing outfit) and that it was dark. I just did it and they waited for me. It was very dark out with very few lights.

One time I was out with my friend Kelly having coffee and doing some errands. She was wearing this cute outfit she had, which was like overall shorts but with a tight bodice thing that had corset like straps on the front and a zip up the back instead of buckles. It was kind of a pain in the ass to take off and I'd been out with her before when she'd had it on and she'd decided to put off going to the bathroom because she didn't want to deal with it.

Anyway we had our coffee and I was picking some stuff up at the supermarket and as we were checking out she said 'I need to go to the bathroom' but then went 'Ah I'm too lazy, I can wait' so we just walked out to the bus stop to head home. Getting home should have taken maybe 25 or 30 minutes max, but there was construction that day so our trip was a disaster. First, the bus was over 20 minutes late. As we got close to the 20 minute mark, Kelly kind of bounced a bit and put her hand on her stomach and went 'ugh I should've gone at the grocery store, I need to poop bad!' I felt bad for her, but assured her we'd be home in no time.

Well I was wrong. It was rush hour and the traffic was worse than usual due to the construction. We sat on the bus and Kelly jiggled her legs and squirmed as we inched on. We weren't even halfway home yet when she leaned over and whispered 'Elle I don't know if I can make it home, I've never had to poop this bad.' I told her we were not far from a park that had public bathrooms and maybe we could stop there if she wanted. She looked embarrassed but said yes please.

We got off the bus and legged it to the park. We were almost there and had to wait at a traffic light to cross one last street. Kelly scrunched up her face and wailed 'oh god please don't let me have an accident!' The light took forever and she couldn't stop herself from crossing her legs and doing a very obvious poop dance while we waited in front of all the traffic, I knew she was embarrassed but was just that desperate and couldn't hold it otherwise.

We finally crossed the street and could see the park bathroom now. Kelly was in a pretty bad way at this point, she was breathing heavily and a bit hunched over, she was even walking a bit knock kneed in her efforts to hold it in. From the distance we could see somebody enter the park bathroom so we knew we'd have to wait a minute. We got there and waited, Kelly was shifting side to side holding her stomach and muttering 'oh god oh god' under her breath.

Finally the person came out and it was Kelly's turn. I fully expected her to rush in, but she just stood there. I realized she was blushing a very deep red. I said 'Kelly go on!' and she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said in a wobbly voice 'It's too late' before bursting into tears. I didn't understand, she'd clearly been holding it so I thought even if it was coming out now she could still rush to the bathroom and get most of it out on the toilet. But then she walked ahead of me to get in, and I gasped when I saw her from behind. She'd already shat the whole enormous load in her pants. The bulge in her behind was so big she couldn't walk properly and had to waddle into the bathroom.

She came out ten minutes later, looking subdued and red eyed. Luckily the poop had been quite solid and easy to clean up. She just wanted to go home so we did. She told me later that in fact, she'd started losing it while we were crossing that last road. When she felt it touch cloth and realized it was past the point of return she'd been horrified at the realization she was going to poop her pants in public. In a panic she kept trying to hold it to slow it down, hoping she'd be able to poop at least some of it in the actual toilet, and hopefully keep me from finding out. But despite her efforts, it had kept coming out and she slowly filled her pants as we walked and waited at the bathroom. I was her good friend of course, but she'd gone into such a shock that she couldn't think straight and felt too ashamed to let me know she was having an accident. She could only think to keep pretending she needed to go. It was only when the bathroom opened up that she realized she couldn't get in there without me seeing it.

Anyway all in all a pretty bad experience for Kelly and she never wore that outfit again! I also have never seen her be too lazy to go to the bathroom since.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


I need to start using school bathrooms

Today at school I drank a lot of water and ate a lot of food. I really had to pee and poo-poo but didn't want to use the school potty. I held my vagina to keep the pee in and also pushed on my butt to hold my poo-poo in. I held it all day and it was so uncomfortable and painful. My mom drove home quickly as I kept holding my pee and poo-poo in. I had to go so badly and ran to the bathroom, sat on the toilet with my underwear and skirt pulled down and all my pee and poo-poo came out. My poo-poo was very big and pushing it out hurt my bottom but I'm glad it was in the toilet and not me. I also peed a lot. My mom helped me wipe and said I needed to start using the school restrooms or I'd start having accidents or hurting myself by holding my pee and poo-poo.
While I'm really scared of public restrooms and school restrooms (it's just weird doing that stuff around other people), it would be nice if I didn't have to squeeze my private parts in class to avoid an accident. My friend is ok with talking about her pee and poo-poo. She pees like 3 times a day, and sometimes one of those times includes her going poo-poo. She says it's really nice using school bathrooms because you can go pee and poo-poo and then spend the rest of school feeling good.
I'm going to start forcing myself to use school pottys. Starting next week I'll drink lots of water so I have to peel. Once I'm comfortable peeing I'm going to eat really big lunches and breakfasts and snacks so after recess I really have to poo-poo. Hopefully this works!


Splattery poop about an hour and a half after breakfast

Hi everyone. Got up this morning, had to go to the washroom (including a fairly big thick solid poop) and went upstairs for breakfast. Had spicy soup or water made with bananas, beef or pork and mushrooms. Microwaved it first for 4:30, took it carefully to the table and ate slowly. Took my 9 AM medications afterwards. Went downstairs, put my Walmart bag on the bed, grabbed my water jar and jug and went back upstairs to fill both.

A few minutes ago I got a major urge for a soft/runny poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the floor, pulled my dark sweatpants and greyish high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then relaxed. A bunch of soft poop splattered into the toilet. No farts or anything, just splattering poop that was stinking up the washroom. Was done within about 30 seconds. Reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, rolled up my sleeves (to avoid accidentally getting on them), took some toilet paper, put it back into the Walmart bag, put the bag on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first (front to back) then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a fairly big mess of soft diarrhea-type poop (because of my diet, water, prescribed laxative and stool softeners). P.U. Better out than in though. Flushed the toilet and saw poop flakes floating in there so flushed again. Picked up the Walmart bag, left the washroom, went upstairs to wash my hands, came downstairs, took my flip flops off outside my room, turned on the light, opened the door, came into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel, came to the bed and now writing this. Hopefully everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. And hopefully after lunch and dinner I will poop again.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Reply to Chloe

I also had a friend who'd have a go at anyone she caught having a poo in school or in our case more often than not at ballet. Her name was Jess and she was the tall thin blonde on the team and had a side kick Emma. We used to stay in hostels and if we were lucky enough hotels, her and Emma used to always share rooms while away. Well one time away, myself and Jess were in the bathroom doing our hair in preparation for the performance and one of the stalls was locked but there was silence from the stall. Well a couple of the other girls came in and had wees and left, Jess' poop antenna was up so she went silent and I was doing my makeup. The girl in the stall must have thought everyone had left because there was this massive plop and a sigh from the stall, then the toilet roll and a flush.
When the stall opened it was Emma, the look of shock on her face and all the colour drained from her face when she saw Jess standing there, Jess hit the roof at Emma that she not only stunk up the bathroom but she actually pooped at all - Jess always denied she ever pooped. They didn't speak for days and the next stay away I had to share with Jess as she would not share with Emma after that.
I was kinda lucky that at the time I suffered with eating issues and hardly pooped anyway and definitely didn't while away on ballet. Well that stay was eventful as the story I told further down, I found out Jess did in fact poop just not very often like me. She started a mystique that neither I or she ever pooped.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Happy Easter to You Not so Happy Easter last year to Me

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and Happy Easter to all of you. Today I am here to share with you a story today about what happened last Easter. On the day of Easter last year I had a whole bundle of creamy chocolate that smelt so good I had to have more. So I had a little bit more then I remembered that I needed to use the bathroom BADLY!! So I head over to the bathroom, walk over to the toilet, lift up my dress, pull down my royal panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then I sit down on the toilet adjusting myself and then (SPLAT!! TOOT…PAAAARRRPP PLUNK FOOMP SPLUNK PLOOP PLOP SPLASH!!) Wow sounded like I really had to go poo and pinch my loaf without even using a footstool for once. But I'm afraid this isn't going be my usual 5 inch thick dump BMs I usually make. "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssshhhhh dripdrip!!" And I needed to wee too? Yeah I suppose that usually happens now and again. Time to wipe and taking care of the paperwork! I start to wipe my vagina bladder between my legs 1st and then my bottom after all those poos with toilet paper until brown leaves town. Then throw away the paper into the toilet and then I get off the toilet, pull my panties up, lift down my dress and then I peer inside the toilet. Jeepers! It's like a wet messy mud slide gotten into my bowels. And left some smelly looking skidmarks too YUCK!! No more chocolates for me. At least until next year. Teehee! Now let's flush this all away before my boyfriend finds out!(FLLLUUUUSSSSSsshhhhh!!) Woo it went down perfectly well. Well until we chat again don't eat too much chocolate, have a happy Easter and also...well that's pretty much it what I have to say. So bye bye now!


I'm SO relaxes when I'm pooping!

Lately, whenever I go poo-poo, I feel myself very relaxed. This started on the last Thursday morning. Waking up, I immediately felt that nature called. I went to the toilet, pulled down my pyjamas and underwear, and sat on the toilet seat. Suddenly, I felt my body completely relax, it seemed like every muscle was released, and I started peeing and pooping. It was so easy and comfortable! I sat down on the toilet and let out all my waste. Afterwards, I properly wiped my butt and flushed the toilet. Since then, I have always pooped with absolute relaxation. Now, when I sit down on the toilet, my body relaxes, and I can take a dump with unimaginable ease. I hope this will always be the case for me!


A little bit of poop about an hour after lunch

Hopefully everyone is having a good weekend so far. I woke up this morning around 8:45 ish (don't remember exactly), went pee, washed my hands, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. I had to microwave breakfast first for 5 minutes (and fill my water jug and jar). I had hot bananas in hot water, mushrooms and rice in spicy hot water (I like my food spicy). It took me a while to eat. After breakfast I took my 9 AM medications, took my notebook and pen, put them in the Walmart bag, took the water jug and jar and went downstairs to my room. For lunch at 12 I had a double decker egg, sandwich meat, olive and lettuce sandwich, oranges (yuck), a small bowl of cereal and cup of green tea. A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took the bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put the ugly beige flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a piece of poop that wasn't very big. Kind of disappointing. Reached into the Walmart bag, took the toilet paper out, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. Wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt well though there wasn't much on the toilet paper. Put the toilet paper into the toilet (between my legs), stood up, pulled my underwear (light purple boy shorts) and sweatpants up. Turned and looked in the toilet. It was a small poop, kind of hard and looking pointy. Flushed the toilet and it went down fine. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Went to the sink, washed my hands well, picked up the Walmart bag, opened the door, turned off the light, went to my room, put the Walmart bag on the floor (between my bed and desk), went and dried my hands and now writing this while listening to music. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, happy and is having a good weekend.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Social psychology urban environment

Peeing in stores using absorbent products?

When shopping I noticed a young child with her parents in the same aisle as myself. The little child whispered something to her parents and they said something to her in a hushed voice. She immediately just squatted on the floor for about a minute or less then got up and the family continued shopping.

My guess is that she had to pee and was wearing a pull up and her parents said to just have a pee in the pull ups. There is no bathroom in the store. She was about 3 or 4.

I am an adult and have a weak bladder so I wear Depends shopping. Rather than go to a far away washroom I will just pee in my Depends on occasion. I do not squat however.

I have peed at a traffic light while waiting for the pedestrian light to change. Also I have peed at a bus stop while waiting for the bus to go home due to desperation and the bus was very late. When I got home I just took off the Depends, took a shower and threw the used Depends in the trash.

I am just curious how many people do this including parents as a solution for young kids with small bladders, pregnant women, middle aged women, seniors? Do older men with prostate issues wear Depends for Men and ever pee in them for convenience (especially if they have to just pee a bit not a huge flood)? Especially ladies and gentlemen who have just visited a washroom and then so soon afterwards have to pee again and use the Depends or similar for convenience rather than to trek to yet another washroom.

Anyone in a vehicle who wears these and lets a bit out when desperate so that they can make it to the next stop without a torrential flood which can overwhelm the absorbent product?

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