

Going potty in kindergarten

When I was in kindergarten, our classroom had an interesting set up for the bathroom. It was just two toilets in the back corner of the classroom, with little in the way of privacy, and one toilet paper holder mounted to the wall between them.

As an adult I don't think I'd like that very much. I'm not super shy about peeing and/or pooping in public when I have to go, but I also wouldn't want to be on full display for anyone to gawk at me while I had my pants down. However, as a kindergartener I loved it and distinctly remember being disappointed when I moved into first grade and began to use the school's regular bathrooms.

I enjoyed "going potty" at the same time as my friends. Many times we even had little competitions like seeing who could pee more or do the most turds or the biggest piece (I don't think we ever really looked at each other's output though so it was more seeing who could make the loudest splash I guess), etc.

I think most of my classmates felt similarly to me, or at very least they accepted it as a necessary part of the school day. I'm pretty sure I saw every one of my classmates peeing and/or pooping at least once during that year.

But by far one of my favorite memories of those toilets was when I saw my teacher peeing. It was the middle of winter and although we hadn't even had a two-hour delay that day, the weather took a sharp turn for the worse early on and it was snowing really hard. So much so that they released school after just a few hours. My mom came to pick me up but between having to make arrangements to leave work early and having to drive very slowly to be safe, I was the last one to get picked up. It must have been around noon since I remember it being about the time we normally ate lunch and I was getting hungry.

My teacher and I were coloring together and after a bit I could tell she was distracted. I asked if she was okay and she said yes but she had to go potty REALLY bad and then headed over to the toilets. I was a bit shocked because I'd never seen her go to the bathroom before. Of course I knew she peed and pooped just like everyone but it was still weird.

To my kid brain it seemed like she was peeing for ten minutes or more but looking back on it, I'm sure it wasn't anywhere even close to that long. When she finished, she sighed then let out a single loud dry fart before wiping.

Looking back on it with an adult's perspective, I think the explanation for why this was the one and only time I ever saw her use those toilets was that on normal days she probably held her pee until she could sneak away to the teachers' bathroom while we were in the cafeteria eating lunch, and likewise in the afternoon holding it until all of the students had gone home.

But that winter day the weather interrupted her normal routine, and having to wait for my mom and she couldn't hold it any longer.


PSA to my girlfriends!

PSA to my girlfriends out there, if you're going to hover pee (or poo) lift the seat, or at least wipe it off after you've finished. Some of us have weak knees and need to sit down when we go.

Also, I'm going to a very formal party with a friend of mine, and would like to know if there's a polite way to ask for the toilet. I know that by the end of the night I'll be bursting for a pee (and probably a poo due to my IBS).

Travellers constipation

How many of you guys suffer from travellers constipation? My poor fiancé gets clogged up when he's away from home. He has very fragile bowels, when we go on our honey moon we'll be on vacation for two weeks. The longest I've been on vacation with him was 10 days and he only pooped once the whole time we were there. It was hard for him to enjoy touring but his bowels were so full yet he couldn't go. I really don't want him to be uncomfortable during our honey moon. We've tried stool softeners but it didn't completely clear him out. When we went to my sisters place for a three days he was fine, which was shocking yet awesome. I just hope there will be a way to help loosen up his poop and help him go away from home.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Trapped in a Good Clean Porta Potty and doing a BM-Pooh Poo!

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am still trapped in this thankfully clean porta potty. Because if you remember correctly the door jammed on me when I went inside to wee and now I cannot call anyone to get me out of here or something among those lines. But now I really need to do a poo! I just sure hope it doesn't smell or my waste will fill up the whole porta potty. So I know what I have to do now I lifted up my dress, pull down my royal panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then I sit down on the porta potty adjusting myself. Without my footstool I'm going to have to squat real super hard to get this dump out of my bottom poo hole. Just relax Peach you can do this. You can do this! You can pinch this loaf out come on!! "POOOOOTT TOOT PPAAARRRPP!!!" Oops I forgot to say this but I might of drank some coffee too. Coffee always makes me break wind. Oof I feel something peeking out of my bottom poo hole. It feels long, hard, very thick and about 5 inches. Come on let's get this real big poo out! Don't make me cranky pinching this heavy loaf out of there as I clutch onto the porta potty seat. "PLOP SPLAT PLOOP PAAAAARRRRPP SPLASH PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK!!" Then after all that is done. Time to wipe and taking care of the paperwork. I start to wipe my bottom. Then I feel much better. throw away the paper into the toilet and then after briefly farting (TOOT!!) I get off the porta potty toilet, pull my panties up, lift down my dress and then flush it all away. (FLUUUUSSSSSSSShhhhhhh!!) Whom knew porta potties could be so noisy every single time they flush loudly? Now how am I going to get out. Ah! I think I know a way out. I may not be pretty but it might get me out of here. "PAAAAARRRRRPPPP!!!" (Slam!!) The door is open. Freedom at last awesome! Hopefully I didn't clog the porta potty toilet with my foul odours. Anyway I'll see you guys real soon. And hopefully maybe I can share some of my favourite toilet poo wee stories. Bye bye now! (Sees she's on a porta potty truck) Ohhh for Fu….


Big poop earlier today

Hi everyone. I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. I'm fighting off a cold that someone who lives here gave me (he infected 1-2 other people too). Been staying hydrated, eating healthy and mostly staying in my room other than meals, showers and bathroom breaks.

This morning or this afternoon shortly after a meal (can't remember which one) I felt very full and a strong urge to poop. Grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my sweatpants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed on the toilet a lot then pushed out a big solid poop that seemed to keep coming. Finally I was done. Pushed up my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some off the roll and put the roll back into the Walmart bag. Put the Walmart bag on the floor then started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed it into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! A lot of the toilet was filled with a solid poop. Some of it was in the hole and the rest was in the toilet. The toilet paper was over top. Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Went to the sink, washed my hands well, turned off the water, grabbed the Walmart bag, left the washroom, turned off the light and went to my room. Put the Walmart bag on the computer chair, dried my hands on the towel in here, went outside my room, took off those flip flops, went back into my room, put on THOSE flip flops and relaxed. Whew. I'm hoping after dinner or maybe before my shower I can poop so I can be much more comfortable and clean. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, happy and is having a happy Friday.

Happy peeing and pooping!


My bowel movement today was the first for four days. After the first day, I took a laxative each night for the next three days, and today, the medication finally worked, and I produced at least three large turds, although the water was so muddy in the pot that I could not count them clearly: there may have been more. So I am enjoying that satisfying feeling that comes after a victory over constipation.

Skidmarked from Columbia

questions about when you were a kid

Are you a boy of girl?

Are you a young adult or middle aged or senior?

Did you do the laundry growing up?

Did your parents get concerned or scolded if you had a skidmark or pee stain or if they found a pooped pair?

Did you ever get scolded or attacked about something and it stopped because your mom or dad got a skid mark or had a wetting or pooping accident of their own?

Did you have siblings?

Did you hide your underwear sometimes?

Do you currently have a condition or illness that causes bathroom problems? Like piles or cancer?


Some Responses

Dear Readers
I would like to comment on some posts.
To Chakamami... It is likely that a good poo could relieve a headache. That is if the headache is caused by constipation. I had a personal trainer who said that sometimes she felt a bit off and that was sign she needed to sit on the toilet, and if so she felt fine again. I was so pleased you helped Maho out...the assistance you gave can be very good. I wish I had someone to help me with my BMs
To would think some people would have more personal pride.
Veronica...glad you helped out your partner...more of us should be doing it.
Erin B ...I have used unisex many times...I call them Coed toilets. They are a good idea because sometimes if we have just male and female there can be an imbalance...I thinks almost all public toilets should be gender neutral...I am most comfortable with them...everyone poops!
Streaks...wife pooping in front of you....that is how it should be but is not in my household but I respect it.
Tricky I too have used public toilets many times and continue to do so.
From my youth in the city there were some toilets that were not too good late at night and often had perverts etc. The toilets I go to have never been a problem. In Australia there are very few toilets without doors.
I have a few times dropped a load whilst it the area is being cleaned by a female. The last time was a couple of years ago I went in and sat down for a poo and the cleaning lady came in...she apologised and said me me to keep doing what I intended to do and she would do what she had to do. no problems for me . I dropped a couple which she would have heard loud and clear and smelled as well.
That is about it....more next time

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Regular Mike

Two pound coffee can

Hello. The other day I had to poop and I wanted to squat. I had an empty plastic coffee can in the kitchen. This was a large coffee can. I think it had contained 33 ounces of coffee and was about seven and three-tenths inches in height. I figured that I would poop into the coffee can.

I had pooped into empty coffee cans before, but they had usually if not always been the size that contained 26 ounces of coffee and were six inches in height. I took off my clothes and put my coffee can into position so that when I squatted down I could hold on to the door frame, squat over the top of the coffee can, and view myself in my full-length mirror. When I squatted down I was pleasantly surprised to find that the added height to the coffee can meant that I could rest just a little bit of my weight on top of the coffee can. It was nice having just a little support from underneath as I squatted to poop. I did not have to push too hard, and almost all of my poop came out with a single push. I produced probably about one and one-third cups of poop. Then I went and sat down on my toilet for a few minutes. While on the toilet I pushed out a few small pieces of poop. I enjoy letting the smell of the poop linger for a while. Since the poop in the coffee can is not covered up by water, the gases from the poop flow freely through the air of the bedroom and bathroom. I associate the smell of the poop with the feeling of relief that I have after pooping. I also like being able to look at the pile I have produced. It is as if I am looking at a physical representation of the relief I now have after releasing such a monster load of mushy poop. The sight and the smell complement the feelings of relief and relaxation.

I wonder if others feel this way about the sight and smell of their own poop. I mean, sure, the poop stinks and the poop is something one ultimately wants to eliminate from one's living space. But it seems like a natural thing to find from the smell of the poop some reassurance that we have in fact successfully eliminated the waste from our body.


Sharing a bathroom is the worst!

I hate it. My roommate still leaves messes on the seat. And we're both on our period. Kill me now.

Same is true at work, minus the mess on the seat. One of the new girls loves to hog the bathroom for like 20 minutes. We have one key, hurry the f*** up!

Every single person in the world needs their own bathroom. Having to clean up other people's messes sucks so much.


Story request for tricky

Hey tricky could you tell a story where the babysitter you mentioned pooped in front of you?


To John H

1. I drink a lot of water since my medications cause me to be very thirsty (on about 3 different anti seizure medications, high doses because of my brain tumour and occasional seizures, on laxatives, high blood pressure medication etc). Plus my room can be warm so I need to keep hydrated. I don't know how long they last but I would estimate 30 seconds to a minute.

2. Yes and I usually poop a lot (they've been very big even when I was a small skinny girl. Now I'm 5'11", not skinny but not huge either)

3. I enjoy it now that I'm older, I eat very healthy, drink a lot of water and can go a lot easier. When I was a kid and teenager I usually clogged the toilet. Now most of the time they go down. I very rarely clog the toilet.

4. Fairly often (once an hour or hour and a half on the heavy days, less on the less heavy days) and they can be heavy. It depends.

5. This is temporary until I get housing which I think is supervised housing for ABI (Aquired Brain Injuries). It's a long ish wait (been here for close to a year or a year or something I don't know)

You're welcome. I hope that answers your questions.


Project w/Crush

I was hanging with Taylor after school whose my female friend and crush. I went to hi life with her at first to get food. We ate then I went to her house. We had to work on a project for our science class. Once I went into her bedroom, she told me "I'm gonna take a shit but you can come in so we can discuss the project" So I followed Taylor into her bathroom which is connected to her bedroom then I locked the bathroom door. I saw her pull down her shorts & underwear to her ankles; then she got on the toilet. She was wearing yellow underwear. I secretly started a timer on my phone to see how long she would take. First, she peed which took her about 20 seconds. Then we started talking about how we'd go through the project and what we need to do. We also talked about people from our school, our classes, Star Wars, and our pooping habits. After 12 minutes, I heard a splash so I asked "Are you done?" and then she looked between her legs to see how much poop came out. Then she said "Nah I feel more coming." 5 minutes after that, she said "A huge shit is gonna come outta me soon" 3 minutes after she said that, I heard a big splash. She then said "oh my god that was huuuge." She was done pooping and it took her 20 minutes. Taylor said "I feel so much better now", then she wiped, flushed, pulled up her shorts & underwear, and washed her hands. We then started the project and worked on that for the next 3 hours. We made a lotta progress, then we took a break and her mom made us dinner. We had hot dogs which was cool. We went back to our project for another hour, but then I had to leave so we planned to meet up again 2 days later to finish it up.


Back after a couple years (:

>Wow it's been a while since I wrote here. To recap, most of my stories
Have been about my boyfriend Carl pooping, well now he's my fiancé! We got engaged in December and our wedding will be in June. Anyway, yesterday we were laying in bed when
He let out a huge fart. He knows I love it when he farts too (; "babe I gotta shit, come with me?"
I smiled following him into the bathroom. Pulling down his boxers he
Situated himself on the toilet. He scrunched up his face, pushing out a huge turd.
"This one's really solid" he moaned. I took a look back there seeing a dark poop peeking out
Of his asshole. I rubbed his back telling him to push.
He grunted loudly, the shit still not budging. He spread his cheeks apart, his anus looked really spread out from this turd, his attempts at pushing started to work. The crackling came, the poop became softer and lighter in colour. "Keep going" I encouraged still rubbing his back. The smell filled up the room quickly, his big shit plopped into the toilet. He sighed
And started peeing, "feel better?" I asked. He turned to look at me nodding his head in relief.
Once he was done pissing I wiped him, I love wiping him. However today he seems to have trouble pooping, poor thing. I hope he has better luck tomorrow.


Defecation some big poop

This happened after lunch, in half an hour. I was lying on the couch reading a book when I felt like pooping. I put the book aside and went to the toilet. When I got there, I loosely locked the door. Since nobody else was home, I didn't bother to lock it. Coming to the toilet, I raised the toilet lid and pulled my pants and underwear down. I sat down on the toilet and started pooping. At first, I loudly farted a few times, then I felt that a big, soft poop was crawling out of me. The poop was very big but also very soft so it came out without any pain. It crawled slowly but didn't stop so I decided not to push. After a few minutes, the poop finally fell into the toilet with a loud splash. I sighed with relief but I wasn't done yet. I farted again and another big, soft poop crawled out. This one came out really quickly and soon fell into the bowl. Then I had to push to defecate the rest of the feces out. I was pushed a few times, and then a soft, big, long poop crawled out and fell into the toilet with a loud plop. After pooping, I started to wipe my butt. I used three pieces of toilet paper to wipe. I got up and saw that the poop in the toilet was big, but not so big that it seemed like it was when I pooped. I pulled up my underwear and pants and flushed the toilet. When my poop flushed, I admired it.


Biggish poop a while after dinner

I hope everyone has had a good weekend. Mine was okay, nothing special. Got up this morning with a very bloated stomach (am on period yuck and trying to get rid of a lot of stuff from my body). For breakfast microwaved and had bananas and red beans in a hot soup (it had to be microwaved for 5 minutes). After breakfast I took my 9 AM medications. Spent the morning on my phone on the internet. For lunch I had a sandwich with lettuce, meat (it was a double decker sandwich) with oranges and grapes on the side. I didn't bother with tea today, just water. Then for dinner an hour and a half ago I microwaved cabbage, shrimp, green beans, rice and a jar of water for afterwards. After dinner I took my 5 PM medications and took my stuff downstairs.

Only a couple of minutes later I got the urge to poop so I put my water jar and notebook in my room, closed the door, turned off the light, took my Walmart bag into the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black sweatpants and black high-cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first a lot then pushed out quite a bit of biggish solid poop. Wow. Was done within about 30 seconds. Reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took some off the roll, rolled up my sleeves, put the bag on the floor and started wiping. First I wiped my vagina then I wiped my butt really well until there were no marks. Tossed it into the toilet between my legs.

Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a fairly big poop in the toilet, fairly solid about 1 1/2 to 2 feet long. Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again after to be sure. Yup. Washed my hands well turned off the tap and the light, grabbed the Walmart bag again and left the washroom again. Went to my room, put the Walmart bag on the floor, dried my hands on the towels in here, put the outside flip flops outside my room, came back in here put those flip flops on and writing this. Please try to enjoy the rest of your weekend, stay safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Anna from Austria
@Dan H Yes I can remember the story as well. And now I can really more relate to pacific Islander women in that story.

It is nothing unusual that having a coffee makes me go number 2 but never had such a strong coffee than th Red Eye (never have seen such drink offered in Austria) in the first place but kicked in much stronger than a normal coffee and it was different kind of my standard coffee po.

Visited the coffee shop again today and I really have to say they have to something about the bad ventelation system. Was there only for poo this time but some other lady must have used the restroom shortly before me. There was again a rather strong poo smell lingering in the air.

greetings from Austria


Erin B

Kansas City Trip

Hi everyone! I just thought I would share my recent experience about a trip I had several weeks ago. My boyfriend and I travelled to Kansas City for a family baby shower and it was a really good trip with seeing lots of family and friends…along with some interesting bathroom experiences.

This was a very quick trip and we only were able to travel for the weekend. On Saturday morning, my boyfriend and I's flight left at 7am. This meant we had to be at the airport at 5 to make sure we had enough time going through security. As we got to the airport and went through security, we got some Starbucks and waited at our gate. Before boarding, I always try to poop so that I don't have to poop on the plane (made that mistake before!) and make it all a comfortable trip. I told my boyfriend I'd be right back and went to the bathroom. Luckily this terminal was very new and the restroom had brand new stalls that went all the way down to floor. The bathroom was very busy with lots of noises from women peeing and pooping. A stall finally opened up and I went in closed the door. I pulled down my leggings and thong and took a seat cover from the wall. I sat down and began to pee which lasted about 15 seconds. I could hear my neighbor farting with loose poop but I couldn't see who it was as the stall was very closed off. I pushed out 4 logs with he first one being the biggest. It landed below me and coiled in he bowl below. Immediately my stall filled with a strong poop smell. I sat for a few more minutes and felt done and began to wipe. I wiped 5 times to make sure I was all clean and flushed the toilet. I left a few skidmarks, which was a little embarrassing as the woman hat went in after me totally knew I just took a big poo.

The flight to Kansas City was very nice and we got to the airport sooner than expected. Kansas City had a brand new airport less than a year old and it had one thing I was not expecting to see. As we landed and walked through the different terminals, Kansas City had an All Gender public bathroom. I found this interesting as I had never seen one before, especially not in the states. Neither me or my boyfriend had to go when we landed so we didn't use it then. I had mixed thoughts about it though. The thought of pooping next to a man made me slightly uncomfortable but I also thought about the necessity of it and how practical it is.

We got to the baby shower at a church in Kansas City. It was a very cute party and it had lots of food and desserts for everyone to enjoy. After lunch and eating plenty of desserts, my stomach was really ready for me to find a toilet. I asked where the restroom was and hurried down the hall to find it. The church building was rather old and the bathroom was not the best. It had old blue stalls wooden doors and was not the cleanest. It had 4 stalls in total and I initially went in the first, only to find it clogged with lots of paper and poop. I went to the second stall and sat down. We had changed at a family member's house so I was now in a nice turquoise dress and white sandals. I pulled up my dress and pulled my underwear down and sat on the seat. No one was in the bathroom at this time and I blasted out some diarrhea. I farted VERY loudly and my stomach was really cramping. I heard the door open and someone took the last stall to left of me. They sat down and peed and flushed quickly. While they were washing their hands I couldn't help but release more loose diarrhea, and fart as it all came out. As they left I felt done and started to wipe. It took a lot of toilet paper to get me clean and I had to flush several times to avoid clogging my toilet. As I got back to my boyfriend he asked if I was okay, to which I told him about how my stomach had been upset.

The rest of the day and night was uneventful and we had to be up early again to make our flight back home. The following day we had lunch and got to the airport in the afternoon. As my boyfriend and I were talking I felt the need to poop again and told him about the all gender bathroom. He was rather surprised about it too and asked if I was going to use it. I initially said no, and made my way to ladies restroom. On the way there I figured, if I'm gonna experience it I might as well experience it here and walked back to the all gender bathroom. As I walked in, it felt super weird walking in with men and women into a bathroom of all places! The bathrooms had lots of stalls, each was their own private room. Above the stalls there was a light that would go from green to red, depending on if it was occupied or not. I found and open stall and shut the door behind me. It was a rather spacious stall. I pulled down my pants and underwear and sat on the seat cover I pulled from the wall. As I began to pee someone took the stall next to me. It seemed like it was a man as they coughed loudly when they got in. I started to poop and let out soft logs into the bowl below me. The man flushed and left and was replaced by two girls who were talking as they closed the door. The walls of the stall were just regular stall walls however they went all the way down to where you can't see anything beside you. I could hear everything that was going on the stall next to me. The first girl peed and they chatted about their flight and also talked about how nice the bathroom was. The girl got up and was replace. By the second one. As she peed, I couldn't help but release a rather loud toot as I pushed out my final turd. They got quiet and finished up and left. I worked the toilet paper roll, and flushed my poop after I wiped my butt clean. I returned to my boyfriend and told him all about the experience. He found it very interesting and was surprised that men and women were using the same bathroom. Before we boarded he went to the bathroom and came back and actually had good things to say about it. The bathroom offers a little more privacy than a regular bathroom but was also very clean. It was a very interesting experience to say the least! What are y'all's thoughts about an all gender bathroom? Would you poop next to the opposite gender?


John H's survey

You're welcome. My poops have usually been big, even as a little girl. I'm 38 in 2 months.

1. I don't know, but fairly long sometimes. Depends on how much water I drink (I'm on a lot of medications and some of them make my mouth dry so I drink a lot of water to keep hydrated). It's fairly noisy.

2. Yes.

3. Yes. I enjoy it more now as an adult who eats healthy and drinks plenty of water. Growing up I ate mostly healthy but little to no water because I hated it. It caused my poops to become hard and my mom would have to plunge the toilet (this was as a kid and teenager)

4. I change it when it needs to be changed (when it's full or getting close). I don't write it down. I just check each time I go to the washroom.

5. I'm living with her temporarily until I get the call from my worker saying my place from housing is ready.


My pooping therapist

Last week I was a bit banged up. I took a whole lot of laxatives and like the next morning got the urge. I did not want a repetition of what happened last week where I nearly passed out on the toilet due to such a hard motion.
It was opportune for me to see my therapist She took me to the toilet wearing gloves and facemask and gave anal and rectal area Massage and set me on the toilet and massaged my stomach. She told me to relax and then push out all came . I felt so much better, but it really stunk. This therapist is really particular. She cleans the toilet seat before I sit on it and it's very gentle with bottom wiping. She cleans the toilet after I used it and spray the air freshener.
A very good experience.


My wife pooped in front of me today

My wife pooped in front of me today. Always a treat for me. She generally tried to avoid doing this because "It's just polite to distance yourself." I was in our en-suite bathroom shaving and getting ready for a shower. She came wondering in for no apparent reason. She was making small talk and wiping off the counter on her side. Then it suddenly occurred to me. My daughter had a friend over. When we have company, my wife will only poop in the solitude of our bathroom. By this time, I strongly suspected she had to go #2. I continued my grooming my beard and chit chatting. She finally gave in to her urge. She said "Welllll...I have to go poop." She stuck out her behind and made an audible but restricted fart through her pants. I said "I am going to be here for a few minutes; Just go." She had a panicked look in her eye, She said "You know I hate it when you watch me squeeze." I assured her saying "You know we both grunt and poop exactly the same way. When I married you, I married your butt too. Your fine. Just go poop." With that, she pulled down her pants and sat on the toilet next which was right next to my sink. She peed very lightly and for a short period of time. This is always the case if she has to go #2. For #1 only, the stream is strong. She stared straight ahead with a blank and concentrated look. Then...The tell tail hiss fart. About two seconds worth. Silence again. Next was a very high pitched zipper fart. Then, no action for 30 seconds or so. She just sat there with her elbows on her knees. I decided to break the awkward silence by asking questions about our upcoming garage sale. Oddly, she did not answer. Then she said very quickly "I can't talk right now, my poop is coming." Then things kicked in to action. She leaned further forward and got on her tippy toes. She blew hard three times like blowing out birthday candles. Then, all breathing stopped and the familiar crackle sound began. The crackling was continuous as several pieces fall into the water. She held her breath through the first round and finished with a grunt that sounded like clearing your throat. The smell quickly filled the room. The sounds briefly paused while she caught her breath. Then more focus and she continued. After a total of about 10 small plops and on larger one, she seemed to be done. She sat there motionless and seemed relieved. The remainder of her pee began to escape. She then began to pull off the paper while answering my earlier question. With the paper folded, she leaned back but did not wipe as if working on the very last piece. A last plop finally ended the whole event. While seated, she reached behind with her right hand and did one slow wipe. Trying not to stare, I caught a glimpse of the paper. She didn't know I saw it. I was shocked at how dirty it was. It took three wipes to clean up. She flushed while seated, almost certainly to avoid my seeing the finished product. The got up, fixed her clothing and continued with chit chat as if nothing had happened. I never let on how much I love when she does this. Some people say pooping ruins a marriage. I couldn't disagree more. I feel our bond is stronger every time she does this.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Pooped at a restaurant

This story happened yesterday. I had a late lunch (about 2:45) at a local sit-down restaurant, and when I finished eating I needed to poop. I headed off to the bathroom area and ended up entering the ladies' room shortly behind one of the waitresses.

Only the first stall was occupied, which I figured must have been the waitress I'd just seen, and there was one lady at the sinks. I took the third stall out of four. As I was lowering my skirt and undies, I heard the waitress start to poop and the smell was immediately noticeable but not too bad. The lady at the sink must have been fixing her makeup or something because I heard her wash her hands but the bathroom door didn't open for a while.

The waitress was noisily pooping, a lot of crackling and plops. I peed and then started to poop myself. My poop was slow to come out, a few pieces then nothing for a bit before a few more pieces. After a few minutes the woman left and a few more minutes later the waitress' poop started to slow down. Then it was just the two of us letting out an occasional turd. A couple ladies came in, peed, and left.

It had been about ten minutes, and I was feeling like I was almost done but still had a bit more to go. Between the waitress and I the bathroom was really stinking. Then someone else came into the bathroom. It must have been another waitress as she asked "Lucy, are you still in here?" The waitress in the stall answered yes and quietly asked if the other girl would come in the stall with her, before flushing the toilet.

She did, and they talked for a bit as I continued letting out a few turds. They were clearly trying to be quiet, but failing at it, as I could hear their entire conversation. The pertinent bit was that their manager was upset/concerned about how long Lucy had been in the bathroom and had sent the other girl in to check on her. Lucy said she was just going number two, hadn't been in a few days, and would need a while longer. She told the other girl to tell their manager she was having "lady problems" and that "it'll shut him up and he won't ask any more questions"

The other girl left the bathroom just as I was finishing up and started to wipe. The waitress was still pooping as I wiped, flushed, washed my hands, and then left the bathroom.


Biggish poop a while after dinner

I hope everyone has had a good weekend. Mine was okay, nothing special. Got up this morning with a very bloated stomach (am on period yuck and trying to get rid of a lot of stuff from my body). For breakfast microwaved and had bananas and red beans in a hot soup (it had to be microwaved for 5 minutes). After breakfast I took my 9 AM medications. Spent the morning on my phone on the internet. For lunch I had a sandwich with lettuce, meat (it was a double decker sandwich) with oranges and grapes on the side. I didn't bother with tea today, just water. Then for dinner an hour and a half ago I microwaved cabbage, shrimp, green beans, rice and a jar of water for afterwards. After dinner I took my 5 PM medications and took my stuff downstairs.

Only a couple of minutes later I got the urge to poop so I put my water jar and notebook in my room, closed the door, turned off the light, took my Walmart bag into the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black sweatpants and black high-cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first a lot then pushed out quite a bit of biggish solid poop. Wow. Was done within about 30 seconds. Reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took some off the roll, rolled up my sleeves, put the bag on the floor and started wiping. First I wiped my vagina then I wiped my butt really well until there were no marks. Tossed it into the toilet between my legs.

Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a fairly big poop in the toilet, fairly solid about 1 1/2 to 2 feet long. Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again after to be sure. Yup. Washed my hands well turned off the tap and the light, grabbed the Walmart bag again and left the washroom again. Went to my room, put the Walmart bag on the floor, dried my hands on the towels in here, put the outside flip flops outside my room, came back in here put those flip flops on and writing this. Please try to enjoy the rest of your weekend, stay safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Just Another Girl

Answers to Pete's Survey

What time of day do you fart the most?

When I wake up in the morning.

If you have a relationship do you mind if your partner farts?

Not at all. My girlfriend and I fart openly in front of each other, and I'm glad that we can do such natural things in each other's company without embarrassment. We both understand that nature will inevitably take its course, and we don't feel ashamed about bodily functions.

Do you enjoy farting?

Yes, and I'm proud to admit it!

Do you like it when someone farts or are you just embarrassed?

It depends on who the person is. If it's a stranger in a public place, I feel embarrassed on their behalf. If it's someone I'm close to - such as my girlfriend, I just smile and say "better out than in" or "oopsie" (or if it's particularly smelly or happens a few too many times, I ask her if she needs to go and sit on the toilet). When my children fart, I try not to make a big deal of it because I don't want to embarrass them. So my answer to this question is quite subjective.

Do you say anything when you or someone else farts?

I say "pardon me" or "excuse me" or "sorry" when I do. In my answer above, I mentioned what I say when my girlfriend does. If it's one of my children, I usually say "uh-oh" and then we laugh about it.

I hope my answers are satisfactory :)


Pete's Farting Survey Responses

1. What time of day do you fart the most?
After dinner.

2. If you have a relationship do you mind if your partner farts?
No, we fart in front of each other; we're both women and we've been together for years at this point. Before I dated my current girlfriend, I vaguely remember that either I farted (on accident) in front of one of my ex boyfriends, or maybe he farted in front of me (I don't remember since that was forever ago).

3. Do you enjoy farting?
I enjoy the sensation of farting and I think the sounds are funny, but I don't like the smell. I really do not like sharting, or having farts that feel like they could be sharts. It rarely happens to me.

4. Do you like it when someone farts or are you just embarrassed?
I wouldn't say I'm ever embarrassed when someone else farts. Depending on who it is and how the fart itself is, I either find it funny, cute, or gross.

When my ex (a pudgy, nerdy white guy) farted in front of me, it was small and in an intimate context and so I thought it was cute and endearing (mostly because it didn't have a smell).

When I was a teenager, I had this friend (a really short, petite blonde girl) who was really into me (I was not into her). We were shopping at a mall one day, and she stepped away for a second to "look at something." I walked over to her, and there was an absolutely rancid fart smell. I didn't acknowledge it, and neither did she, but she seemed embarrassed.

A college friend of mine (tall, athletic blonde lady) was in my car one day, we were just chilling in a parking lot. She said "I'm going to step out, I've got to fart," and she did that and we made a joke about it.

When my best friend farts in front of me, I think it's funny. My best friend swears that her farts do not stink. We've had casual conversations about farting before.

To be honest, when my girlfriend farts, I don't have particular feelings. I don't find it particularly funny, or gross, or a "turn-on" or a "turn-off." It just kind of is what it is.

But I'm not going to judge anybody if they fart around me. I do not have a uniform reaction, every situation is different. Sometimes it's nasty, sometimes it's endearing, sometimes it's hilarious.

As for if I fart around other people, I try to be private about it in front of people who aren't my girlfriend, my mom, or my best friend. Stepping away, making noise, or if I think there won't be a smell I sort of spread my cheeks apart and slowly let it out to avoid making noise. I don't recall farting in front of anybody who's not my girlfriend, mom, or best friend and so I do not know how I would feel. I barely ever poop in multi-stall public toilets, and when I fart on public toilets while pooping I'm not embarrassed.

5. Do you say anything when you or someone else farts?
If I'm with my best friend, I'll say "I farted," and we'll giggle for a second about it. Otherwise, I don't say anything. Around my mom or my best friend, I announce that I've got to fart before I do it. If someone else farts, I might just say "nice" if it's something I can hear. If someone else farts and it's silent but deadly, I just don't acknowledge it if they don't acknowledge it first. If the person laughs after they fart, I laugh too. If they seem embarrassed, I don't acknowledge it.


To Maria:

Hi, Maria!
I read your (unfortunately) very short post in the end of March or in the beginning of April. I'd like to ask you some questions about your pooping, if you don't mind. And before doing it, I'd like to introduce myself shortly. My name is Petro, I'm 41. I was born and grew up in Ukraine, but I constantly live in Germany since 2001. I often read something on this site since 2021.
1. Is it difficult for you to poop?
2. As you're pooping, have you to strain a lot for pushing your poop out?
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
4. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you always to push a lot before your first turd comes out?
5. As you go pooping, do you usually push one big turd out or do you poop several ones out as a rule? How was it with it as you pooped outside last summer?
6. Do you always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories?
7. Do you usually poop as you feel you have to do it? Do you ever sit down on the toilet and trying to poop without having an urge for it? Would you be able to poop in that case?
8. Have you ever a situation as you sit down on the toilet for pooping and start pushing, but you can't push your poop out? And have you often situations as you have to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive them as a positive thing?
9. Do you like pooping? If you have to push a big turd out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive or a negative thing?
10. If you've pushed a big turd out, are you proud of it?
11. As you pooped outside during your biking trip last summer, was it more difficult for you to do it there as you usually do it on the toilet at home? Had you to strain a lot at that time for pushing your poop out?
12. Did you like pooping outside during your biking trip last summer?
13. Did you ever poop outdoors before the last summer? If you did, did you do it only alone or also with somebody else?
14. Did you ever make a buddy dump with somebody?
15. Did you ever poop together with your mother? If you do, do you comment your pooping of each other?
16. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
17. Do you often try to poop after peeing? As you sit down on the toilet for your morning pee, do you usually also try to poop after it?
18. Do you ever stand up for peeing?
19. May I also ask you some questions about pooping in your childhood next time?

Sunday, April 14, 2024

John H

Questions for Annie

Hey all.
@Annie. Thanks for continually sharing your posts. Sounds like you are having lots of big poos in recent times. Some questions if you don't mind answering.
1. You mention peeing a lot sometimes in your posts. How long does your pee last generally and is it noisy coming out?
2. Do you always pee before letting your poo out?
3. Do you enjoy the feeling of the bigger poos as they come out or are they nothing special to you as you have always had large poos?
4. How often do you have to change your pad and do you need to keep notes in your book to remind you to change or not?
5. Will you always live with your care giver or do you plan to move out some day to a place of your own?
Thanks and hope this is not too many questions.
Take care all.
John H.


Re: Pete, Doing number two

I've almost always taken all the time I need to sit on the toilet, regardless of where I'm at. While I don't rush the job, I generally don't waste time and hold it back either. I like for my poop to come out on its own, letting gravity do most of the work, and generally avoid straining unless necessary. This tends to feel the best for me, and results in well-formed, continuous, unbroken logs that feel great sliding out, leave a satisfying vacuum feeling in my colon when completed, all while minimizing cleanup. Sometimes, it results in my poop being out in a minute or two, sometimes it requires 10 or even 20 minutes and I'll bring reading material for those occasions. Then there's the wiping, requiring yet more time.

I don't see having to poop at home as a disadvantage. It's really the most comfortable place to poop. I always have toilet paper, privacy, and can even use my sink or shower to do a more thorough cleanup job if the results were particularly messy, which is important given how messy some of my larger bowel movements are. The toilet seat is always clean which is probably the most important factor.

That said, I do regularly shit away from home and have indeed built up a wealth of experience having done so. I've been pooping in public restrooms an average of about once a day since kindergarten, some days 0 times(such as middle school and one of the high schools I went to, which had no stall doors), and very many days 2 or more times(when I first entered the workforce and ever since). I used to dread/hate pooping in toilets away from home because it was embarrassing to me, but once I entered the workforce in my late teens, my mindset changed, because I was getting paid to poop on company time, and by that point I had already pooped in public restrooms thousands of times with other people present. I've since grown to like pooping away from home. I've probably in total pooped in public restrooms more than 10,000 times, and at other people's homes a few thousand times. 98% of the time, my away-from-home sit-down toilet visits are uneventful and nothing embarrassing or notable happens. That other 2% of the time, well, that's still very many stories that have resulted, many of which I've shared here.

My experiences include but are not limited to pooping at friends' houses, pooping at dates' houses(even on first dates), pooping in stalls with people looking in at me through the gaps, pooping in stalls with female janitors present who saw me enter and/or exit the stall and heard my noises, pooping in short stalls r stalls with unusually short doors that exposed me from the torso above and only covered my lower half with other people present in the room abl to see my face while I pooped, pooping in doorless stalls or even open toilets without any stalls with other people in the room able to see me on the toilet, pooping with fellow students, pooping with coworkers, getting doors opened on me while pooping, having to ask people for toilet paper and in some cases even open the door exposing myself so they could hand me some, clogging public toilets, clogging toilets at work, clogging toilets at friends' or girlfriends' houses, pooping at parties, getting intruded upon while pooping at parties, getting propositioned by creepy people while on the toilet, pooping outdoors, pooping in vault toilets or outhouses(parks and camp sites), pooping at the side of the road with cars passing by...

Having done the above, no scenario where I have to poop away from home causes me embarrassment or stress anymore. As long as the restroom I find is clean, and I have adequate supplies available for the cleanup job, I don't really care about its privacy or lack thereof or if other people are in the room with me. I just use the facility whenever a need arises as if it were a perfectly normal thing, because it is.

So, since you've shared your preference for pooping away from home, what experiences do you have that have stood out? I'm especially interested in hearing stories from your youth.

Dan H

To Anna from Austria

Dear Anna,
I LOVED your story about going to the bathroom after the redhead barista at that hip coffee shop. Don't feel bad about the next user of the bathroom, as she probably would have to use it for the same reason as you two.
It reminds me of a story by "LC" back on page 2914. At a public library, this poster witnessed the effects of a red-eye coffee on an athletic lady from the Pacific.


Questionnaire on farting

What time of day do you fart the most?

If you have a relationship do you mind if your partner farts?

Do you enjoy farting?

Do you like it when someone farts or are you just embarrassed?

Do you say anything when you or someone else farts?

MD Dan

Severe Constipation After Traveling

Hey everyone! I recently got back home after traveling for about 5 days. During my travels, I ended up severely constipated. I only get constipated very rarely, and I honestly can't remember the last time I had been constipated this badly. I pooped once, on the first day, and ended up clogging the hotel toilet. After that, I went the 4 days without any movements at all, and not for a lack of trying. By the third day, my gut was aching and I desperately needed to poop. But I'd sit on the toilet and literally nothing would happen, just cramping. Not even a hint of something moving. After I got home, it had been a whole 4 days since I'd gone. I know it's not unusual for many people, but this almost never happens to me and it was very uncomfortable.

I decided to get a "gentle" laxative to see if it'd help. I took the recommended dose and waited. The packaging advertised relief in "as little as 30 minutes" so I was hopeful. Well, an hour later (about 9:30am) I started to feel something urgent in my bowels. I headed to the bathroom in my house and took a seat. A long log exited slowly, very hard at the beginning and turning very soft at the end. This was followed by an enormous burst of gas that had been trapped. Finally, some relief! Feeling much better, I went about my day, running some errands, and enjoying some time off work. Later in the afternoon, around 6pm, I was driving home and felt an incredibly urgent need for the toilet. Like, I was going to shit my pants if I did not get on a toilet in about 5 minutes. I hadn't even eaten anything all day because I still felt somewhat sick. I noticed a local coffee shop in a shopping center down the road and pulled in.

There was no one in line when I entered and I walked up to the counter and ordered a hot herbal tea. One, because I don't like using the restroom in a business without buying something from them, and two, I thought the tea might help to rehydrate me and sooth my stomach. As soon as the order was in, I all but ran to the bathroom in the back of the shop. There was only one bathroom with a single toilet and it was not occupied (thankfully). I ripped my pants down and as soon as I felt the seat, it felt like a gallon of diarrhea poured out of me in a matter of seconds, with a bubbling, squirty series of farts at the end. The diarrhea was about half water and half lumps of poop of all shapes and sizes. The water in the bowl was completely murky and the level had risen by about an inch or so. Needless to say, the clean-up took a bit of time and was somewhat painful.

I left the restroom to find two people waiting in line, a young girl, about 14, and I assume her mother, a woman in her mid 40's. I quickly walked past them, sorry for what they were about to walk into. I got my tea, thanked the barista, and headed back home. I spent the rest of the day drinking water and eating only a handful of crackers and some peanut butter. My guts were gurgling the entire time, but I had no other events.

This morning, I woke up and felt pretty ok. No more gurgling and bubbling in my gut, but I still had no appetite. Only 15 minutes after waking up though, I felt another urgent call and ran to the bathroom. Again, as soon as I sat, another deluge of mostly liquid poop poured out of me, though without any gas this time, and a lot less solid poop. I am feeling much better and am able to eat pretty normally, but I'm still hesitant to indulge too much. I don't know what anyone's else's experiences are, but I am for sure never taking a laxative again unless it's a seriously desperate situation. After a week of having poop issues of both extremes, I'm ready to get back to normal. Thanks for reading! Take care!

Princess Toadstool Peach

Trying out a Clean Porta Potty doing a huge Pee Wee Tinkle

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I been thinking a lot about all the places I pee wee tinkled or BM pooh pooed. But one of the weirdest places I tinkled has to be a porta potty. And the story about me doing a big poo on there comes later on so…yeah. So the other day I was walking along by doing my royal strolls through the park. Until I discovered I had a rather full bladder that day. Then I noticed the porta potty. So I went inside, locked it, and noticed the toilet, It was surprisingly nice and clean and they even had the toilet paper on the little shelves there. So I lifted up my dress, pull down my royal panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then I sit down on the porta potty adjusting myself. Good thing I just came in here to wee! Then finally I relax letting all of my wee flow out of my vagina bladder. "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssssshhhhh drip-drip-drop!!" Then finally… Ahhhh that feels so good! Time to wipe and taking care of the paperwork. I start to wipe my vagina bladder between my legs front and back. Then throw away the paper into the toilet and then after briefly farting (TOOT!!) I get off the porta potty toilet, pull my panties up, lift down my dress and then flush it all away. But then I remembered…"If it's Mellow let it yellow!" or is that the other way around. Oh for f(Censored)k's sakes I don't remember. Oops and sorry about my choice of words language I just couldn't remember the saying. So I better get back home to wash my hands since there is no sink or soap in here. I'll see you all later OK? Bye bye now! (Slam!) Ow! Oh I remembered I locked this. Better unlock it before…Oh no it's jammed! Please someone anyone help! I said someone please HEEEEELLLPPPPP!!!!!!


Tyler's wiping survey

I'm a middle-age male that looks unusually young for my age.

I wipe as following:

-sitting down, but if the circumstances were particularly messy I will sometimes do some stand up wipes too after getting the bulk of it off sitting down first(that's less than 1% of the time I wipe)
-around back, always
-usually starting front to back and then alternating with back to front to get the finer details cleaned up. It will vary depending upon the type of bowel movement and how messy it was, but I like to wipe thoroughly. I never get skidmarks when I wipe this thoroughly, albeit there have been instances where that wasn't an option due to insufficient/improper materials available for the cleanup job. I'm careful not to cause any anal bleeding.
-I always start with a fold. I only crumple for the final wipe or two sometimes. Again, depends upon how much and what type of mess I'm cleaning up from my rear and/or what kind of toilet paper is available

About being seen wiping, I can remember many instances. The below is definitely not all of them, but they stand out. Aside from being potty-trained, I can immediately think of the following times other people have seen me wiping my butt:

-when I was 6, a late-teen female baby sitter accompanied me to the bathroom at her house after I accidentally pooped my pants. She rushed me to the bathroom and got me to the toilet so I could finish my poop without making a worse mess, left, gave me privacy to use the toilet, and while I was able to take care of the poop myself, once I finished, she eventually re-entered the bathroom and coached my wiping to make sure I didn't make a mess, that I only put toilet paper into the toilet, and cleaned myself and my underwear adequately. She let me do all the wiping and cleaning myself before getting me into the shower, but just guided me through the process. She also gave me a change of underwear from her younger brother's drawer.
-In 2nd grade at school, a bully kicked open a stall door while I was mid-poop. I couldn't reach the door from where I sat. The middle-aged female teacher came in and addressed the bully, and shut the door for me while I was wiping
-That same bully kicked the stall door in on me again in 2nd grade while I was having an extreme bout of diarrhea. Him and 2 other kids saw me wiping
-In 4th grade at school, a kid stared at me through the gap in the stall door as I pooped and wiped
-In 6th grade at school, a kid climbed onto a urinal to stand and watch me over the stall, without me knowing while I was wiping(That story is page 2941, "After school buddy dump")
-In 7th grade at school, I used an open toilet in the locker room to take a raunchy emergency poop and the gym-coach walked in on me. He left just as I started wiping, but I think he saw my first pass(see page 2944, "A middle school poop story")
-Freshman year of high school, I was pooping into a toilet at a locked restroom at a convenience store, in front of an old man and his grandson, and wiped while they were in the room(See Page 2954 "First time getting walked in on at a public bathroom")
-Sophomore year of high school at a classmate's house, a male classmate opened the bathroom door briefly exposing me to my classmates while I was mid-wipe while I was taking an emergency bathroom break during a study/school project session at a female classmate's home for a chemistry class(See "Science Project")
-at age 16, I trained with the marines for PE class and had to take a big poop in an open toilet in a barracks bathroom, where everyone there got to see me poop and wipe(See Page 2955, "Semper Fi")
-at age 19, me and a college classmate could see each other reflecting off of the floor while we crapped and wiped in adjacent stalls(See Page 2882 "Mirror, mirror, on the floor")
-at age 22, I was at a conference meeting for a new job, I used a stall where the lighting cast a silhouette on the floor of me on the toilet in front of all my coworkers. Those who were in there could see a shadow on the floor of me wiping my butt(see "An Awkward Presentation", page 3032).
-at age 23, I used a stall in a library, and unbeknownst to me, someone was watching me through a hole in the stall wall while I was pooping. I discovered an eyeball peeking at me when I was wiping(Page 2876, "The Stalls Have Eyes")
-at age 27, I used a stall at a rest stop. The gap was so large that the stall failed to provide privacy, and everyone who entered saw me pooping and/or wiping through the gap(page 2940, "Dropping a lunker at a highway rest stop" )
-nine years ago, I took an emergency poop in a gas station parking lot because the bathroom was out of order, and found out later on that I got caught on camera, footage which the latina clerk and her manager saw, and probably including the wiping part
-eight years ago, I had to poop in a Mens' room at a bus station during a layover. There were no stall doors, and many people saw me poop before they saw me wiping my butt(See Page XXXX, "")
-seven years ago, I used an open vault toilet at a campground's outhouse while a bunch of boyscouts came in, many of whom saw me while I wiped(See Page 3059, "Storm Duty Pt 2")
-six years ago, I used an open toilet at a park Mens' room and got walked in on by a woman looking for toilet paper. I gave her some, and later she needed more and her boyfriend came in to get more for her while I was wiping(See Page 2728, "Unexpected Visitors")
-five years ago, I used an open toilet in a friend's one-room apartment. Him and two women present saw me start to finish use that toilet, including wiping, as the apartment was only that one room, including toilet and shower
-three years ago, I used an open sit-down toilet next to a stranger sitting on an adjacent one at a park. The lone toilet paper dispenser was placed between the two open toilets, and we had to take turns wiping, as people walked in and out of that bathroom to pee at the trough and wash their hands, both toilets in view of the mirror
-two years ago, I used a doorless stall at a park. Two boys came in and watched me poop and wipe while they waited for a toilet(see "Turnabout is Fair Play" Page 2928)
-two years ago, I used a gas station bathroom on the way home from a bike shop, and the light cast a silhouette on the floor from under the stall of me wiping my butt to anyone within the Mens' room(See "I took a poop at a gas station today" Page 2937)
-just a few months ago, as I used the lone open sit-down toilet in a park Mens' room which had no stall, a pre-teen boy walked in the Mens' room, saw me on the toilet, and turned around and walked out. The 2nd time he came in, I was wiping(see Page 3032 "Two emergency poops at the park in a row")

There are definitely more I might remember later. I've relieved my bowels in many doorless stalls and open toilets in pubic restrooms in view of other people during my life, including the wiping that comes with it. I'm certain at least 50 different people have seen me wiping poop off of my butt.


Comments etc

Hi all. I had diarrhea once today after being ok for a bit. To Violet: I'm one of those people that wipe my front and back sitting. Sometimes however, I wipe my vagina again after standing if I feel pee on my thighs. I got another paper shredder because the cord broke on the other. I'm glad a fuse was blown (or a small sprark in the air( rather than an injury and peed pants. I don,t know if peeing your pants happens much with electric shock, but I'm happy I didn't have to find out. Bye.


To Chakamami and story

Hi Chakamami thank you :) My ex-husband, former caregiver, ex mother-in-law and ex brother in law are all safe in Taiwan luckily. Everyone works and are all staying safe. I'm also staying safe here in Toronto, Canada. I hope all of you are staying safe, healthy and happy.

As for me this morning I went pee, changed my pad, brushed my teeth after washing my hands and went upstairs to microwave and eat breakfast. Had bananas in chili pepper water, microwaved for 5 minutes. I brought it to the table after putting on oven mitts, put the oven mitts back and sat down to enjoy breakfast. After breakfast I called my caregiver since there was no medication package on the table (mine is packaged by the drug store since I have memory issues and a lot of medications.

A short while ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag off the computer chair near my bed. Went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, walked outside my room, put the ugly beige flip flops on outside my room, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door after I went in, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down (both black) and sat on the toilet. Peed first a lot then pushed out a lot of poop. It felt partly solid, partly soft. And a lot came out. Whew. Rolled up my sleeves, took the toilet paper out of the bag, took some, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. Wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed it into the toilet between my legs. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up, looked in the toilet. Wow took up most of the toilet bowl! Flushed the toilet, went to the sink, washed my hands well with soap and hot water, picked up the Walmart bag and left the washroom after turning off the light. Walked to my room, Tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, dried my hands on the towels and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and is having a good week. Hugs to everyone.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Princess Toadstool Peach

Coffee Time, Pinching a Big Thick Loaf + Tinkle afterwards

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am drinking some coffee on my own after a long deep sleep in my bed. Until my bottom doors start knocking meaning I have a nice big thick poo loaf I need to pinch followed by my bladder tingling meaning I have to tinkle wee too. So I rush over to the bathroom, walk over to the toilet, lift up my dress, pull down my royal panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then I sit down on the toilet adjusting myself squatting on my footstool and then I read the newspaper waiting for my wees and my poos to come out. Until then after a few minutes later I break wind. (This usually happens when I drink a lot of coffee) "POOOOOTT TOOT PPAAARRRPP!!!" Then the next moment later I feel my bladder tingling, I relax, and then I start to wee. "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssshhhhh dripdripdrop!!" Then I start my enormous thick dump pinching my loaf as the whole lot peeks out of my bottom poo hole I wiggle my bottom, squeeze and squat gently then I start pooing a lot hoping I can fill up the whole toilet "PLOP SPLAT PLOOP PAAAAARRRRPP SPLASH PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK!!" Phew it smells now that's what I call a BM!! Then I begin to wiping taking care of the paperwork. I start to wipe my vagina bladder between my legs 1st and then my bottom after all those thick 5 inch heavy poos with toilet paper. Then after I break wind one more time, I throw away the paper into the toilet and then I get off the toilet, pull my panties up, lift down my dress and then I flush the toilet (FLLLUUUUSSSSSsshhhhh!!) Ahh it all went down well perfectly. Better remember to wash my hands. Now with that being done. I'll see you all later. Bye bye now!

Regular Mike

Reply to Todd

Hi Todd. I just now saw your question about my Christmas bathroom visitor. I'm glad you appreciated the story. And thanks for your interest.

In answer to your question, no, the girl did not stay with me the whole time. And I don't think she said much to me, other than asking me if I was going poo poo, showing me the present I had been given, and it's possible that she told me they would have the present waiting for me when I got out of the bathroom. As I recall, I thought even at the time that I was a little bit old for her to walk in on me in the bathroom. But she probably thought of me as the really little guy that she had always known me as, so that's why I think she felt at liberty to come in to talk to me.

Saturday, April 13, 2024


Survey response

Response to Tyler's wiping survey

How old are you?
over 80

What is your gender?

Stand or sit?
I do everything sitting, often on the bare rim of the pot
Fold or crumple?

Do you go between legs or around back?
Around back
Do you go in a front-back motion or back-front motion?

Has someone ever seen you wipe? Or have you seen someone wipe?
My wife was extremely prudish and made me shit with the door closed to prevent the stink spreading. For the same reason she never let me see her doing her business.l neversaw my kids wipe after they were old enough to use the toilet on their own


Another good pair of panties gone.

This happened when I was at home. Thank goodness but I ended up letting out a wet nasty sounding fart after having some diarrhea recently. I knew it was probably from the food the night before because this isn't my first experience with eating romaine lettuce or spinach raw. It really messes up my ???? afterwards, almost like my body cannot break it down.

Anyway, tonight is my turn to do laundry, so nobody will know about this decent sized skidmark I left in my VS panties.

Brandon T

Comments & Stuff

To: Annie as always, another great set of stories and as always I look to your next post thanks.

To: Chakamami as always, another great story about you guys it sounds like Maho had a pretty tough poop but at she is feeling better now and as always I look forward to your next post thanks.

To: Princess Toadstool Peach yet another great story it sounds like you had a pretty good poop outside and I look forward to your next post thanks.

Well that's all for now.

Sincerely Brandon T

PS. I love this site.


Comments etc

Hi all. I had diarrhea once today after being ok for a bit. To Violet: I'm one of those people that wipe my front and back sitting. Sometimes however, I wipe my vagina again after standing if I feel pee on my thighs. I got another paper shredder because the cord broke on the other. I'm glad a fuse was blown (or a small sprark in the air( rather than an injury and peed pants. I don,t know if peeing your pants happens much with electric shock, but I'm happy I didn't have to find out. Bye.


Big poop not long after lunch

Hi how's everyone doing? Got up earlier than normal this morning (7 ish) since I knew I needed to microwave and eat breakfast, get dressed and take my medications. Microwaved breakfast (mushy bananas and rice in chili pepper water) for 5 minutes and slowly ate. Got dressed, grabbed my purse (with my health card and hospital card), brought my coat upstairs and sat there surfing the net on my phone. I was supposed to be picked up at 9:45 AM. At 9 AM I took my morning medications. Got picked up and brought to the hospital for my appointment (most of them are there since they're brain related). Around 11:15 ish we left the hospital and I was driven home. I thanked the driver and the woman who came with me. For lunch around 12:15 I had a meat and lettuce sandwich, oranges (yuck), green tea and water.

About 10 minutes ago I got the urge for a fairly big poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put the ugly beige flip flops on outside my room, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, put the Walmart bag on the ground, pulled my black sweatpants and black underwear (on period) down and sat on the toilet. A lot of pee came out then pushed out a lot of solid thick poop. Was done within about 30 seconds. Reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, pushed my sweater sleeves up, took some toilet paper off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag and started wiping. Wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed it into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet.

There was a fairly big thick solid poop in the toilet. Dark ish but it was out of me. Flushed the toilet, picked up a piece of toilet paper off the floor, flushed that, washed my hands, picked up the Walmart bag, turned off the light and went to my room. Took the flip flops off outside my room, turned on the light (it's on the outside of my room), went into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel l, closed the door and am now sitting on the bed writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping


Anna from Austria

Me and a Barista girl blowing up bathroom of a coffee shop

Last monday i visited a new coffee shop. The interior design was really nice and the coffee was also decent. Only the bathroom is horrible. But more about that later.

I had rather strong coffee drink called Red Eye and as usual shortly after having the coffee my bowels send the signal the head the bathroom. As soon as I have openend the a bathroom door I was greated with very bad poo stench. I also saw one of the Barista girls washing her hand. It was readhead in her early twenties. As soon as she saw me she blushed and mumbled sorry about the smell. I do not comment on the stench of other peoples poo and just tend to ingorne it but the girl really looked embarrased and her apology sounded genuine. I just answered do not worry about it when I am done here it not going to smell well other. The barista girl smilled and wished me a nice today.

The toilet was just a single stall toilet with a really bad ventilation system for new venue.I hate this single stall toilets. It is so easy to trap the poo stench in it.

Anyway I had to go so I had to ingore the smell. Entered the stall, looked the door, pulled down my pants and my pink thong and sat on the toilet. The seat was still warm from other girl. The toilt bowl itself only contained minor skidmarks.

My poop was my stardard coffee poo with multiple logs and lots of poop farts and the whole toilet bowel was full with skid marks. It was weird mixture of my skidmark and the skidmarks of the girl. There was no toilet brush I so could not clean the bowel. I left the venue right after washing my hands. I hope no other lady had use the bathroom within the next hour or so. The bathroom was really smelling horrible after I was done.

Greetings from Austria



Second dump of the day

I am writing this sitting on the toilet, enjoying my second dump of the day. Already in the water beneath me are three decent size turds. Taken together with the three that I shat this morning. I think that I must've made up for the single day's constipation that I experienced last week. The only problem about frequent visits to the toilet is the length of time it takes me to wipe my arse and the huge quantity of toiletpaper that gets used. I buy toilet rolls in bundles of 24 yet it is amazing the quantity that gets used in spite of me being the only user. also, I waste a lot of time just sitting there when I could be getting on with household tasks.


To Princess Opal

I believe I too was about 5 when I knew how poop was „made". It has fascinated me all my life and I believe it's a good thing. It ain't something we can ignore, he he. Always love your stories!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

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