

Another pooping after bathing

I decided to take a bath. As soon as I finished my bath, I felt like I needed to poop. So, I sat down on the toilet immediately. A little poop quickly slipped out of my butt and splashed into the toilet. Then another, thicker and longer poop started to creep out slowly. I pushed a few times to get it out, and it came out with a loud fart. The poop crawled out of my ass and fell into the toilet with a big splash. I felt relieved and sighed with pleasure, but I wasn't done yet. Another thick poop with more cracking and farting slowly crept out. I pushed hard and the poop fell into the water with a loud plop. Finally, I was finished and felt relieved. I used a few pieces of toilet paper to wipe myself and then got up and flushed the toilet. The water flushed away my poop and I admired it, as usual. After flushing, I wash my hands and start to get dressed.


hello everyone!

I am a twenty-one year old trans woman. And seriously, I've been obsessed with pooping and farting nearly my whole life. I've never ever minded being proudly loud in public and always enjoy letting out gas whenever I need to.

I was wondering, for the older posters, I'm curious like...what was the culture behind women pooping/peeing/farting in the 1960s/70s? I've tried researching this in a socialology context but found nothing. Any responses would be greatly appreciated!


Reply to Regular Mike

Regular Mike asked, "Did the school or classroom have girls only, or were there both boys and girls in your class?"

The class was mixed sex, but skewed more towards girls. As I recall, there were about 20 kids and like 15 of them were girls. With so few boys, the issue of "going potty" next to someone of the opposite sex was pretty much non-existent. That said, while I never thought twice about going no matter who might have been using the other toilet, I remember that some of my female classmates were bothered and would hold it for a few minutes if a boy was using the toilet.

Mike continues, "I have a hypothesis that it would be developmentally beneficial for boys and girls to see the opposite sex in such situations at a young age. I think it would buffer against the sense of shame that many of us feel about our bodies and using the bathroom as older children, adolescents, and adults."

I definitely agree with this. I'm sure my kindergarten experience helped in this way, but even before that my parents never made going to the bathroom a big deal. It was just a natural bodily function, with no shame or weirdness attached to it. When I was around 2-4 years old if mom or dad were on the toilet or in the shower or whatever I was always allowed to freely come in to use my potty. I don't actually remember this but mom told me that as part of my potty training, even while I was still in diapers, she'd take me to the bathroom with her every time she peed or pooped, so as to model normal toilet behavior. In fact, I've even seen a picture in one of our family photo albums where I was sitting on my potty directly across from my mom using the normal toilet.

Anyway, I don't have anything else to post right now... except I guess I can share a quick anecdote about another experience I had with an unusual toilet arrangement. I was staying at a hotel and the bathroom had a sink and a bathtub/shower like normal but the toilet itself was in a separate area with a wood sliding panel door. I've since come to realize this is common in Europe but this was the only time I've ever seen it here in the US.


Exiting through the gift shop

My diet mostly consists of beans, fruits, ????, nuts, and grains. I fart more than I imagine the average person farts. They're usually silent, rarely smelly.

Even as a frequent farter, I had an experience the other day that was disturbing and that I had never experienced before in my entire life.

I have queefed many times before, but that's just when air gets caught up in the vaginal canals of those of us who have them. Just regular oxygen and carbon dioxide, the same stuff we breathe. It just gets caught up and makes an exit that feels weird, it is not digestive system gas getting caught up there.

I was making a long distance drive, alone in my car. I was going commando and I had on a long dress. I was pretty tired, so I was leaning back in the car seat so that my butt was closer to the front of the seat than my vulva was to the front of the seat. I farted and felt the warm air slide up my lips, and my vulva made flapping sound as the lips slapped against each other. It felt so gross. I think I started to laugh to myself, like "I didn't even know that was possible!"

I did get a bit worried that it would cause a UTI, since I don't know if there's bacteria floating around in my farts. When I got home, I looked it up. I couldn't find anything on whether it could cause a UTI, but I did find someone on the Internet refer to when a fart passes through the vulva like that it can be called "exiting through the gift shop." So far I don't have any symptoms of UTI so I'm sure I'm fine. It was cool and funny to find out "exiting through the gift shop" is possible but it felt gross and I hope it never happens to me again lol



Scarlet's Survey

This is a survey I found on page 970. Some of the questions are ones I've answered before and others are brand new to me. So sit back and enjoy!

1. If you are peeing in a public restoom, do you prefer using the toilet or urinal and why? The urinal! It's much simpler than dealing with a stall door and possibly having to lift a seat up. Also I sometimes like exposing myself and this is the only place I can legally do it. But men's restrooms in the US are increasingly getting privacy panels so I don't get to show off as much as I used to. I was the total opposite in high school though and I frequently used toilet stalls to pee so nobody would see my penis.

2. How often (if ever) do you have a peeing acident/wet yuorself on purpose? I haven't had a true peeing accident because I couldn't hold it since I was little. I've had some very close calls over the years but so far it hasn't happened. But I have managed to wet myself a few times per year by peeing in a toilet, walking away, and then having a surprising amount of urine come out of my urethra that I didn't know was there. I will mention this the next time I see a urologist. I don't pee myself on purpose. I've tried it out of curiosity and it wasn't nice in any way.

3. How often (if ever) do you have pooping accidents/poop pants on purpose? This is a complex question that can't be answered with a "how often" number. As a child, I had more than my share of pooping accidents. In my teens, 20s, and 30s, except for one freak incident, I never pooped myself. In my 40s I had three accidents, with the most recent one being in 2020. As to going in my pants on purpose for fun, convenience, or not wanting to fight it anymore, I'd say once or twice a year. The last time I did it was a month ago. I totally obliterated a pair of Jockeys.

4. Do you use the opening in your underwear while peeing or just lower the waisteband? As a boy growing up, I only wore white briefs and I would use the fly to pee. But in my teens I started trying on other underwear styles, including girls' panties. After some trial and error I found panties that felt sexy on me and they were much more comfortable and better fitting than the whitie tighties I had been wearing. I quickly adapted to lowering the waistband instead of using the fly. Today my underwear collection consists mostly of panties or panty-like men's underwear. I have some briefs with flies and boxers with flies. When I wear briefs today I pull the waistband down. As an alternative, I may put my penis and testicles through the leg elastic of my briefs or panties. For boxers I will still use the fly on those to pee.

5. Do you undo your belt and button on pants while peeing, or just unzip? I just unzip if I'm at a urinal. If I need to make some personal adjustments I will enter a stall, pull my pants down, and make the necessary changes in addition to peeing.

6. Where have you peed other than in a bathroom? Pretty mundane. Secluded woods of course. What guy hasn't done that? The only other places I weed were spots like a transit stairwell and a parking garage because I was very desperate.

7. Are you pee shy/ don't care/ turned on by others hearing you pee? It can any of the three depending on who it is and my mood at the time.

8. Have you ever let a girl hold your penis while you pee? If not, would you? No. I had the chance to with my most recent girlfriend but it didn't occur to me to ask her to do this while we were in a relationship. I believe she would've been open to it. And because of the way she was, I wouldn't dare ask the previous GF. She would've found it disgusting.

9. When you pee, do you just take out your penis, or do you bring out your testicles too? If using the fly, just the penis. But I bring it all out when I'm lowering the waistband. And I also bring everything out if I'm going through the leg elastic.

10. Do you wet the bed? I have a history of bedwetting as a child and I did it at least twice as a teen. But as a grownup I've only had two confirmed bedwettings. Once in my 30s and once in my 40s.

11. What do you think of girls interested in watching guys pee or poop? As long as the guy they're with is cool with it, awesome!


fear accident survey

Hi I have been fascinated by fear accidents for some time, I've never experienced this myself but I wanted to share this survey surrounding them to get a better understanding, thanks

1. What is your gender?

2. Have you ever experienced wetting or soiling yourself due to fear?

3. If yes, please specify the circumstances in which it occurred.

4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how intense was the fear you experienced during the incident?

5. Did you feel embarrassed or ashamed after wetting or soiling yourself?

6. did you feel the need to go beforehand?

7. Have you ever witnessed somebody wetting or soiling themselves due to fear?

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Dumped Toilet.

Someone is having a new bathroom fitted as they have dumped their old toilet and washbasin in the back lane just up from me and across the lane. The toilet is side on facing down the lane.
Saturday someone was having a party in the club near the top of the lane, (one of the few days it as not rained).About ten at night it started to close down, and about eleven it was quiet until I heard females coming down the lane. So I looked out of my top room window to see three females staggering down the lane. One of them saw the toilet and ran over to it, dropped her jean and in a high squat started to pee the other two started to laugh and giggle, the one peeing gave me a nice clear side view, the other two started to take pictures of the one peeing on their phones, the flash from the phones making the pee stream sparkle, one stopped and was looking in her handbag and pulled out a big wad of paper tissues, ( was she going to use the toilet too, No! ) she passed some to the one peeing who wiped and pulled up her jeans, I did not see any knickers, after they all looked into the toilet and one took a picture of it they walked on down the lane laughing.


Big urgent poop soon after breakfast

I got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, took off my bedroom flip flops, went outside my room, put on those flip flops, closed the door and walked to the washroom to pee and brush my teeth. I went upstairs for breakfast. Had to microwave it for 5 minutes first then sit down and eat. It was bananas and green vegetables in chili pepper water. After breakfast a while later I had to take my 9 AM medications.

Trying birth control pills because my period is making me feel horrible. Well, I've had to poop, like, a lot, and it's only been 2 days. Diarrhea yesterday, and today I've had to poop, like, 4 times. This is crazy.

Also feeling kind nauseous and headachy in the mornings. Ugh. Does being a woman just mean that I'm not gonna feel good no matter what I do?

Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge for a poop so grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, closed the door, turned off the light and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out a huge solid poop that seemed to keep coming. What a relief. The last of it came out and laid in the toilet. Pushed up my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took some, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor then started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks. Put the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet.

Wow! There was a lot of solid poop, one big thick log in the toilet with toilet paper on top. I'm not sure how long the poop was but it covered up a good amount of the toilet and went into the hole. Damn. No wonder I have felt so uncomfortable. I'm not 100% empty yet but I hope by the end of today (especially after having coffee and lunch at the exercise program today) I will get rid of the rest of this crap. Flushed the toilet, it went down and I went to the sink and washed my hands. Turned off the tap, picked up the Walmart bag, opened the door, turned off the light and went to my room. Took the flip flops off outside my room, went into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towels in here and now writing this. That poop was very relieving. Much happier and more comfortable. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and having a good day so far.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Regular Mike

Question for Bethany

Hi Bethany. I have a question for you about your bathroom situation in Kindergarten. Did the school or classroom have girls only, or were there both boys and girls in your class? I was quite surprised to read that your toilets were in the classroom, without walls or doors for privacy. I did a search about toilets out in the open in preschool and Kindergarten classrooms, and sure enough, that is a thing.

I am quite sure that by Kindergarten I would have been self-conscious about using the bathroom in front of girls. However, up to age four, perhaps it would not have been a big deal. But, I very rarely saw a female peer use the bathroom when I was little. Likewise, I was rarely seen using the bathroom by female peers. I have a hypothesis that it would be developmentally beneficial for boys and girls to see the opposite sex in such situations at a young age. I think it would buffer against the sense of shame that many of us feel about our bodies and using the bathroom as older children, adolescents, and adults.


Reply to Blake (first part)

If you want to be ultra polite, ask for "the powder room." Just asking nicely where the restroom is will be enough, though.

Weird, recent experience: Yesterday I ate a little food at a restaurant. Nothing crazy, just tofu, ????, and rice. Well, it tasted... off. Bitter. My body told me I shouldn't eat it, so I stopped. My stomach began to hurt pretty quickly, and even though I was starving before, my appetite plummeted. I get home about an hour later and feel like I have to poop. I have this weird habit- I usually poop in the mornings only, and if I need to go again in the afternoon, I frequently hold it. I'm not sure why. But when I stepped out of the shower, the need got more urgent. I farted and it smelled pretty bad lol. I knew I should go. I did, and it wasn't diarrhea, but smelled pretty bad. And I went twice this morning, stomach hurting a little. What the heck? Is it possible to have very mild food poisoning? I'm definitely not sick, like if I was working today, I could go. So weird. Also, I'm really sad, because I was looking forward to that meal.


Friend ran out of TP

A few days ago, over the weekend, a couple of friends and I went out to movie and dinner afterwards. By the time we finished at the restaurant it was past 10 PM and I really didn't feel like driving home. Luckily for me, one of my friends, Skye, lived within walking distance of the theater so we made plans for me to stay over that night.

As we were walking, I could tell from her behavior (as well as a few absolutely toxic farts) that Skye really had to poop. I also knew that she hates pooping in public and will avoid it unless it's so bad the only alternative is going in her pants. Based on this I guessed she'd been holding it for quite a while. By the time we finally got home, she admitted what I already knew, saying "Oh my god I have to POOP!" with strong emphasis on the last word, before rushing off to the bathroom.

However, just a few minutes later, I heard Skye calling out to me, asking me to get a fresh roll of paper from the hall closet. It took a small bit of searching but I located a roll and went to give it to her. We're fairly close but not so close as to have ever seen each other on the toilet, so I wasn't sure how open she was about that. To be safe, I opened the door just enough to fit the roll through but I couldn't really see anything. She asked if I'd please actually bring it all the way to her.

She started up a conversation and we talked while she pooped. In spite of how foul her pre-poop farts had been, the load itself barely smelled. The odor in the room was recognizable as a poop smell but far from offensive and it never grew in intensity. At one point she stopped mid-sentence, clutched her stomach, and said "Ugh, my stomach hurts bad. I ate way too much yesterday" - I recalled that she had ordered a larger meal than anyone else at dinner and finished the whole thing, whereas most of us had leftovers.

It was about fifteen minutes after I'd come into the bathroom that she finally finished. She wiped quite a few times and then as she stood up to flush, the full aroma of her poop escaped and made the whole room smell like the sewer line had backed up. She blushed and said sorry, spraying some perfume after flushing, though it barely helped. Unfortunately for me, I had to pee so I was subject to her stench for a bit longer. Skye's bathroom also doesn't have a fan, but she opened the window to hopefully help air the room out.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Camping/Nature Calls with Rosalina, Zelda & Bethany Mild P1

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am camping with my two best friends Princess Rosalina, Princess Zelda and Bethany Mild. We have a large tent where we all sleep in and a small bucket with a pool noodle around the rim of it along with some toilet paper just in case anyone wants to go to the toilet. But later on at nighttime we got into our sleeping bags and was just about to doze off but I needed to do a big poo along with a few wees. So I got out of my sleeping bag, took the bucket outside to a private place and I lifted up my dress, pull down my royal panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then I sit down on the bucket adjusting myself and then I relaxed as my bladder tingled and then my vagina floodgates opened up…"TSSSSSSSSSSsssshhhhh dripdripdrop" then I pushed a little and then my poos started to come out of my bottom poo hole. Before they did I put some toilet paper into the bucket so it doesn't splash me. "PLOP SPLAT PLOOP PAAAAARRRRPP SPLASH PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK!!" And then after pooing I broke wind a little after doing a massive dump pinching my loaf. "POOOOOTT TOOT PPAAARRRPP!!!" By that time it was time to wipe and take care of the paperwork. I start to wipe my bottom. Then I feel much better. throw away the paper into the bucket. Turns out I really filled up the bucket. But after I already emptied it. I went back into the tent and discovered that Rosalina, Bethany and Zelda were already snoring loudly. So I guess that's it then. I guess I feel like sleeping myself. Goodnight everyone. (YAAWWN!!) ZZZZzz!!


Light and stinky poop

At noon, I felt a persistent urge to go to the toilet. I immediately went to the bathroom. I locked the door, lifted the toilet lid, and started to pull down my clothes. I pulled down my plaid pants and blue briefs and sat on the toilet seat. I let out a soft fart, then pushed to defecate. I pushed several times, and then a soft poop crawled out of my bottom and fell into the toilet. I sighed with relief and immediately smelled the strong stench from my poop. At that moment, my butt released a fart and another soft feces came out. I tried to push hard to squeeze it out, but when it fell into the water, the smell increased. I thought I should flush the toilet and continue to defecate, so that the smell would not be too strong, but as soon as I thought that, my stomach started defecating again. From my backside, thick, soft poop crept out, and I heard a juicy splash. While letting out a loud fart, I pushed and decided to defecated all my poop and then flush the toilet. A big, soft poo started crawling out from my arse. This poop came out slowly, so I pushed harder. Finally, the poop plopped into the toilet, and then I let out a loud fart, and defecated a short stream of runny poop. Then I realized that I had pooped, but it stank so much! Faugh! I started wiping my butt and found out that it was very dirty! I used a lot of toilet paper, probably even ten pieces. When I finally finished wiping and pulled up my underwear and pants, I looked into the toilet. I saw a lot of poop, most of it slightly runny, and all my poop was a pale light color. More light than usual, actually. I felt sick from the smell of my poop and flushed hurriedly. After a couple of hours, my stomach ache and I went back to the toilet again. When I pooped again, all of my poop was light and runny. Maybe I had some mild diarrhea.

Emma two

Accident after work

I'd been constipated for about a week and the laxative I took before I left for work was working a little too well for my liking. By home time I was desperate to go and the toilets were closed for for repairs so I was forced to wait until I got home from work. The bus ride home seemed to be taking forever as I sat with my bottom clenched as I tried my best not to poo myself. When I got to my stop I had to stand up to get off the bus and that's when I really had to go. I tried to hold but I couldn't and I started to feel the top of my poo poke out into my knickers as I stepped off the bus. No one was behind me thankfully and as the bus pulled away from the bus stop I felt myself pushing, unable to stop it even if I wanted to. I filled my knickers with a huge load and I even wet myself. I hadn't even realised I needed to pee. The relief of it was so good but I felt so embarrassed as I was walking home with my leggings all wet and sagging under the weight of my poo.

Anna from Austria
@Dan H Ok I will report when I visit this place again. Please enjoy the Red Eye coffee if you can. It is remarkable drink. It really gives you lot of energy. The right drink if you are very tired and it also can stimulate the bowels heavily.

@all Last weekend I was visiting a outdoor event. The even itself was really nice but the bathroom situation was horrible. Just some porty potty toilets. Luckily the food I had at the even decided to stay in me and I just had to pee. I decided to to bushes to pee instead of using the porta potty toilets.

So I found a nice place and squatted down to piss. While I did a hissing pee some pretty drunk girls (in the late teens or maybe already early 20s, hard to tell) went to bushes as well and as soon as they saw me the said that's a nice place to pee and squatted only few meters away from me and did their pee as well.

I still was sober (had to drive) home so i felt a bit weird to pee in the proximity of unknown women. I do not like my privat parts being exposed even among women. They did not take notice of me at all. Just did their hissing pee and kept talking about guys.

that's my story for today.

greetings from Austria




To Blake

Well, looks like that hall monitor enjoyed listening to you. Can't blame him.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Porta potty poo

Hi all, I'm a long time lurker. My name's Ashley, I'm a trans MtF girl from the middle of nowhere, USA. And just as an aside Trans people poop too! And I for one poop a lot. Though I know the bounds of others and usually wait till I get home to poo.
Yesterday was different.
I was walking through my very rural neighborhood, wearing a black T shirt, black leggings and a black skirt. I walked past the town park. And as I passed I felt that familiar gurgling in my stomach. I slightly grimaced knowing I'd have to go soon. I glanced over at the park, eyeing the ladies room but I told myself "no you can hold it till you get home, people here already don't like you, don't make them hate you more". So I continued on my discomfort building as I continued. I made it to the store I was walking to, window shopped for a while, eyed the unisex bathroom again and left, heading home. By the time I reached the park on the way back I was absolutely bursting. I eyed the ladies room again, but forced myself to continue on. I made it another block before my stomach let out a gurgle. I audibly groaned and started looking around for a toilet, spotting a porta-potty across the street. I grimaced, I hate using porta-potties, they're always filthy. I thought about going to the park but was hit by an even stronger urge. I decided to go for the porta-potty. I dashed across the street and ripped open the door. I recoiled from the smell, it was horrible, the actual bowl of the porta-potty was filled nearly to the brim. I checked for paper, there was enough to clean up but not to line the seat. So I steeled myself, stepped inside, closing and locking the door behind. I wrenched down my leggings and panties and hoisted my skirt. At first I tried to hover, but managed my squat only long enough to pee. Before fully sitting down on the wet seat. I straightened my back, placing a hand on my corseted stomach, before groaning loudly as my butt released a mudslide of soft serve poo into the already full bowl. I tried to assume a prim posture as my butt exploded, but soon that façade broke and I grimaced and groaned as I produced. After what felt like an hour I finally finished. I unraveled some paper from the roll and wiped my front. Then thoroughly cleaned my rear. I pulled up my panties and leggings. Fixed my skirt and continued my walk home.
Thanks for reading, Questions and Comments appreciated… long as they're nice.


Nighttime toilet break

I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling that I needed to go to the toilet and poop. I was also very eager to fart. Feeling that I needed a lot of gas to release, I hurried to the bathroom. Once there, I locked the door and pulled down my pajama pants and briefs, then sat down on the toilet. I started pooping loudly, with powerful, juicy farts. The first poop was long and smelly, crawling slowly from my butt as it fell into the toilet water with a noisy splash. Relieved, I continued. I pushed harder and defecated thick, soft poop that smelled even worse. To get rid of it quickly, I pushed with all my might. With a loud plop, the poop fell into the water, and I excreted a few more little poops before finishing. Wiping my ass with four toilet paper pieces, I flushed the water and washed my hands before returning to bed.

Travellers Constipation. More info

In my previous post I forgot to mention digital stimulation . I have had it done to me a few times with success. When he gets the urge and it might be a hard one a well lubricated finger inserted and wiggled around helps . When the finger is in he should bear down like he is trying to push out your finger and hopefully much more comes out than your finger. Good luck. Thunder


School Desperation

A story from a good long while ago.

I was about thirteen years old at the time, attending an all girls catholic school. I was sitting in class and felt my stomach rumbling. I thought it was just telling me I was hungry, it was before lunch after all. An hour later we were released from class to go eat lunch. I ate a big lunch that day. Upon returning to class I felt a weight shift in my stomach, and a pressure building in my rear. So I raised my hand and asked for the potty.
I got a stern "no" in return.
Another hour passed and I could feel my butt puckering. My stomach gurgling along as if it were trying to tell me something. I grimaced, raised my hand and said,
"Teacher, may I be excused? I need to go sit on the pot."
The teacher looked around at my classmates who were all shifting uncomfortably in their seats. Then the teacher said no again.
A bully, my bully, spoke up, and said,
"But some of us have been holding it for hours!"
The teacher responded with another "no."
The bully put her head on the desk.
Another hour passed and now I really had to go. I was desperate, and I'm sure every other girl in class was too, because every now and again you could hear a wet fart rip through the room. Nobody laughed of course, we were all too full of poo to laugh. After a few minutes the bell rang, signaling the change in classes. We all got up and left the classroom. I remember stiffly walking down the hallway, and pushing my way into the nearest girl's bathroom. There were four stalls, the fourth was empty. So I went in, and found out why it was empty, there was a mound of TP and waste in the bowl. I grimaced, and went to turn around but my stomach rumbled, so I walked over to the toilet, hoisted up my skirt, pulled down my panties and sat on the pot. I could feel the pile brushing up against my rear but I didn't care. All I cared about was pooping. After sitting for a few moments the tardy bell rang, and I was soon alone in the bathroom. I then pulled my panties down from my knees to my ankles to signal to anyone that came in that I was having a poop. At first I let out a loud fart, then another quieter one. The hall monitor opened the door into the bathroom. He said,
"Anybody in here?"
I replied, "yes sir"
"What are you doing young lady, you should be in class right now" he responded.
I let out a wet fart before responding,
"I'm having a poo, lunch isn't agreeing with me."
He paused for a moment and sighed,
"I'll have to give you a tardy slip, but take your time." He then left.
As soon as he left my body relaxed and a large soft log plowed out of my rear and curled around the pile that was already in the bowl. Then came the soft serve, which spluttered out of me and filled the bowl even more. I groaned and farted as I let out six hours worth of poop. I sat for about an hour, or at least until the end of school release bell rang, and then for another thirty minutes as students flooded the bathroom to poo before going home. After a few more minutes I rolled off some toilet paper, throughly wiped my butt. Fixed my panties and skirt, then left the bathroom, not bothering to flush cause I knew it wouldn't go down. On the way home I got hit with another wave of poo, and had to use the bathroom at a park, but that's a story for another day.

Hope you all enjoyed
Questions and comments appreciated

Monday, April 22, 2024

Bethany - I loved your story about pooping in a restaurant

Thank you VioletIndigo for your kind words

Welcome back Victoria and Robyn!

The previous week I continued my progress with talking about my bodily functions. I was out having coffee with my other best friend. I had got a frappe along with a chicken and bacon toastie and we then shared a cinnamon bun. This was really very filling and soon afterwards I started to need a poo. Waiting for a break in the conversation to go to the bathroom, half of me was listening in what my best friend was saying the other half was thinking about if and how I could say that I was going for. We're talking about deciphering text talk and I mention RN meaning right now and then on the spur of the moment I said, "and right now I need a dump". My best friend laughed and said that he had had one that morning to which I replied that I also had one that morning but now needed another one. I got up from our table and made my way to the single occupancy bathroom at the back of the coffee shop. As I pulled down my tights and pale blue panties I mentally congratulated myself. Over the next five minutes I pushed out three medium sized logs and then after washing my hands left the bathroom to rejoin my friend and we continued our conversation like nothing had happened!

Older But Not Wiser

Survey questions with answers

For Skidmarked from Columbia's survey

I am a female in my 30s
I only did my laundry when I was growing up when I wanted to beat mom from seeing my messed up undies
Yes, I got scolded and my mom was concerned if she saw my messed up undies
My younger brother never put much effort into wiping when he was away from home
My brother, 3 years behind me
A couple of times I threw my underwear out instead of putting it in the hamper!
No current conditions or ailments. I just make some bad decisions.


Travellers Constipation

Try suppositories and fleets enema . That would be my " go to ". You mentioned stool softeners but stimulant laxatives would work better. Make certain he sits on the toilet regularly and relaxes . Abdominal massages may help . There are various examples of this on the internet. Drink plenty of fluids and high fibre and exercise. If he prefers he could start the honeymoon with plenty of osmotic laxatives, abdominal massages and graduate to the more powerful medications as needed . Happy honeymoon. Thunder


Nursery recollections

One of the few things that I remember from age 4 (which is a very long time ago now) dates from my year at preschool nursery. Quite frequently one of the kids would have an accident and shit in his or her pants. The teachers were all prepared for this. What they did was to remove the pants leaving the turds on the floor and they kept a biscuit tin full of sawdust which they immediately and quite promptly used to cover up the mess on the floor until the caretaker could come and clean it up properly. Ever since then the smell of sawdust has reminded me of these occurrences.

Dan H

to Anna from Austria

Dear Anna: thank you so much for your response, and I am glad that you remember the old story as well. I found it very impressive.
I never had the opportunity to order a redeye coffee so far, but I will certainly do so as soon as I see one on the menu. I hope that I will handle all this caffeine well.
It seems that you were right and that the ventilation of this bathroom was poorly designed. Let us know if you return to this place, and if other guests leave their signature smell or heavy streaks on the bowl.

Adrian M

Big accident

I have been dating a lovely woman named Kaylee for the last 8 months, we're talking about moving into her place together soon, she's seen me at my best and she's seen me at my worst. And my worst was when she saw me absolutely crap my pants. A couple days after new years, I took her out to a great sushi restaurant that just opened up before Christmas, she loves sea food so she was dying to try it. I'm pretty neutral on sushi but i wanted to see what it was like.

We walked since it is fairly close to my place. Food was great, really enjoyed it. We decided to take a long walk afterwards, I panicked when I felt my guts churn, I stopped walking for a second since my stomach felt like it was on fire. "You ok?" Kaylee asked. "My stomach really hurts, no big deal". She grabbed my hand saying "No worries, we can slow down". We slowed down our pace, but the feeling only progressed and I knew I had to get to a bathroom. "Think it's time to head back...I'm not feeling too good" I winced. "Aw babe" she rubbed my shoulders. "Lets get you home". I scanned the area seeing if there was a public bathroom, since we were walking in a park, but there were none. I felt pressure heading lower in my bowels, the urge to poop hit me hard, but I knew it wouldn't be solid. We started walking faster since my urgency grew. I was embarrassed being so desperate in front of Kaylee. "You need to poop don't you?" She asked. I turned red and nodded while clutching my stomach. We were not too far from my place at this point, all I could think about was relieving myself. Alas, my asshole betrayed me and let out a nasty wet fart. I could've died from embarrassment. I could see she was sympathetic and trying to get me home as fast as possible.

The pressure intensified tenfold and I started to doubt if I'd make it without having an accident, I prayed it wouldn't come to that. "It's ok baby" she reassured me. She had her arm adound me rubbing my back. "Oh God" I moaned when another fart blasted out of me. "I'm so sorry" I apologized. "Hey, dont worry about it. It's gonna be ok" she kissed me on the cheek. I was so glad she wasn't disgusted and grossed out. Now I could see my apartment building in the distance. A bit of relief flooded over me knowing it would all be over soon, this ordeal was painful. My ass cheeks were sealed shut for the time being, I tried, I really did, but it overpowered me and I was helpless. Warm diarrhea poured out of my asshole down my pant legs. "Nooo" I groaned as I hunched over more and more liquid poop destroyed my pants and underwear. Kaylee witnessed the whole thing in shock, not knowing what to do or say. I fated again really loudly while unloading. When I was done I looked down in defeat. I wondered if she could ever look at me the same way ever again, but she stepped closer to me and gave me a half hug. "Adrian, everybody has accidents sometimes, it's part of being human. I love you". I don't know what I did to deserve her good heart, I felt so relieved that I almost forgot I shit my pants. "I'll help you clean up" she told me. In my bathroom she was there while I peeled my soiled jeans. She helped me get most of the shit off my legs and in my crack. She left me to shower in peace, I felt so much better when I climbed into bed with her. I told her I appreciated everything she did tonight, and that I would help her out in that situation as well. This incident only made our relationship stronger, it started out horrible but in the end she loves me, and I love her.


Behemoth (female) Bladders Continued...

After I posted my story back on page 2804 I didn't think I'd come across another female here who experienced similar individuals. Only after I had read a post by Gina on page 3053- containing a colorful description of a bladder the size of a pregnant whale- was I assured there were more bladder giants among us. After spotting her post I scrolled further back to read Kelly's story. Oh can I relate to her flood of emotions in that situation, peeing away ad infinitum in a school gym restroom with another girl or woman of similar bladder capability in close proximity.

Subsequent to my first story I should probably state that I'm now an adult woman in my mid-thirties, which is a good twenty-years after taking those introductory piano lessons with Kathleen. And while I still can't play piano well, these days my bladder is quite capable of effortlessly outlasting virtually all the women I happen upon in a public restroom. At this point in my life I'm even a bit of a peeing exhibitionist. For that I have Kathleen to thank.

Meeting Kathleen had a serendipity effect, at least vis a vi my bladder. All these many years after those afternoon piano lessons, I still recall my looking forward to music sessions at her house. In-fact, I distinctly remember on the subsequent lesson the following week that I wasn't at all embarrassed that my bladder was quite overfilled, though I again feigned nonchalant indifference. When she pointed down the hall toward the restroom, I merely thanked her and this time casually sauntered in.

Being more relaxed in her home and presence I allowed my bladder to empty naturally. My urine stream filled the small bathroom and resounded with sound, a resonant splash which continued and continued. After what seemed to be an eternity later my stream finally thinned out somewhat, then abruptly cut-off. Yet for once I didn't reach out for a tissue and dash from bathroom, but remained firmly seated on the toilet. As-if by magic, some few seconds later a slow but steady stream began flowing anew from my bladder. In my mind harkening back a week, I had been at the piano when Kathleen had taken her epic pee, one in-which she had concluded with an intermittent piddle and sprinkle which was interminable. Thus I resolutely sat there on the throne as still more time passed and more pee emptied in greater and greater intervals until my bladder had fully emptied.

When I returned to the living room to begin my piano lesson, I remember Kathleen was seated on a lounge chair. She looked at me intensely and slowly shook her head with a sort of knowing smile. "Oh my dear Ashley, what can I possibly say?" For a moment my inherent modesty over my abnormally oversized bladder returned. I stammered "I'm sorry I took so long. I had to pee." As we sat down upon the piano bench she quickly soothed my fears: "Don't be silly, there's nothing to apologize for. You're just very-very-very blessed." Kathleen had a way of referring to the most delicate of topics without enhancing one's embarrassment. Reminding me again of her previous occupation she continued "I told you last week I was once in the office staff of a urologist, a female urologist- most urologists are men. The bladder is an organ that varies widely in capacity and expansion capability from individual to individual. If you think of a bell curve distribution graph, there are those few females off the curve on the right, or top end of size and capacity." I think my face was reddening when he spoke. "Ashley, I was also one of her patients as well." She then poked my ribs as-if to lessen my emotional intensity. "Let's just say I'm also one of those off to the right of the bladder bell curve." I looked at her pretending I had no idea. "Yes, just be grateful both of us don't have to relieve ourselves this afternoon, or we'd have to extend your piano lesson time a good deal longer." To be continued.

Now that Kelly and Gina have submitted stories, I'll write another one in the near future date. Mega-bladders and surreal, endless peeing (as Gina said) are a topic one doesn't often read, but are very much whispered covertly about in women's restrooms.

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