
To Jay

I think it's not unusual for young people to do this. My sister did it too when she was very small because she had a painful bm once and then always tried to avoid it after that because she was scared it would hurt again. She was a toddler then so couldn't logic it out in her head. But I also knew other people including myself who sometimes would hold it til the last minute, although mine went well into adulthood. Sometimes this was due to being distracted due to ADHD but I also just found pooping to be an unpleasant sensory experience on many levels so would put it off. Also I thought, the more I hold the more I can do it at once rather than having to endure several small poops over the course of a day. Unfortunately as with your brother, this did result in me getting in sticky situations once or twice where I held it until I couldn't possibly anymore but was then prevented getting to the bathroom in time for one reason or another. I wrote about one such accident a few pages back.


Pooped before breakfast and a few minutes ago

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar and went to the washroom. Had to put on the flip flops outside my room first, turned on the washroom light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out a big long solid poop that seemed to keep coming. Finally it laid in the toilet bowl. Reached into my Walmart bag and grabbed the toilet paper, took some, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the bag on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed it into the toilet paper between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a long solid thick poop that took up most of the toilet. The toilet paper was on top. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands well, grabbed my Walmart bag and went upstairs for breakfast. Took my medications afterwards.

Then a little while ago I got the urge to poop again so I grabbed the Walmart bag again, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down, put the toilet seat down (damn guys who live here leave it up!) and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out a load of mushy poop. No farts, just a load of soft poop that splattered out and stunk. Once I was done I reached into the Walmart bag, took out the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed it into the toilet between my legs. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Soft poop splattered in the toilet. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, picked up the Walmart bag and left the washroom, drying my hands in my room. Please stay safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Veronica's Men's Room Story

Over the years a number of women have come into the men's room whilst I have been visiting . It has been at things like music festivals where the queue to the lady's has been too long. I recall once I joined the short queue to the men's and had three females beside me . Three cubicles became vacant and I took the middle and dropped my trouser and did a poo whilst the other two ladies either side did a wee. These occasions happen quite a bit in crowded situations and nobody seems to mind . A lady I know very well was a " trail blazzer" in what was a man's environment and she often used the gents toilets because there were no ladies toilets . Now if a women walked into the toilet I was attending it would make no difference to me .


Veronica's Men's Room Story

Over the years a number of women have come into the men's room whilst I have been visiting . It has been at things like music festivals where the queue to the lady's has been too long. I recall once I joined the short queue to the men's and had three females beside me . Three cubicles became vacant and I took the middle and dropped my trouser and did a poo whilst the other two ladies either side did a wee. These occasions happen quite a bit in crowded situations and nobody seems to mind . A lady I know very well was a " trail blazzer" in what was a man's environment and she often used the gents toilets because there were no ladies toilets . Now if a women walked into the toilet I was attending it would make no difference to me .


Answers to Jay

Hey Jay,

I couldn't get up. It was like, when you hear something, but can't get out of bed, because you are afraid. It was like this.
I kind of knew I had to poop before, but it wasn't too bad and I didn't notice much of it.
No, I don't thinke, he wanted me to poop myself. He genuinly apologized after the incident, but I think he knew I had to poop, because of the farts and he was waiting for us in the bathroom. I think he just wanted it to be funny.

Steve A

To Veronica (Men's Restroom Story)

Even though I've never been in a situation like that before, I'm not sure how others would feel if I found myself desperate or just having no other viable options around me.

However, I feel like most people would understand in a way, since the only thing on their minds would be reliving themselves, no matter the circumstances/situation that they find themselves in.

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Shock for Mina?

Hi Everyone, we hope you are all very fine.

In Japan today is public holiday, and very warm weather, so we decided (actually we decided few days ago) that we do our morning motion in potties. This is first time in 2024.

We prepared same way as we always prepare. Newspapers on floor of green flat, futon and sheets in tatami room, and disposable chopsticks in case we need. And birthday suit because very warm in green flat, we don't want open windows.

Our routine same as usual in beginning. Wee in green loo, then squat, and start defecate at same time. It warms our heart so much to see our crushes defecate while we defecating! So there is big concert of splat sounds when our mierda drop into potties. For five minutes this concert continues, then because there are four huge brown mountains in potties, we take them to loo and empty them and line with loo paper again. Mina first because it is custom that after she emptied her potty she put it under Maho and empty Maho's potty, because Maho doesn't like break in her defecate. When Maho's turd breaks off, she already pushing next one, so it is best she has potty under her all time.

Then we started to create new brown mountain with watching crushes doing same thing. Hearts very warm of course. When we look at the three bottoms which we love most with brown tail hanging from them, our heart overflow with a love!!

After we squatting ten minutes, brown mountain again so we empty potties same way. Maho get her original potty back. New mountain will be small because only little pieces now...maybe...


Under Mina, splat splat splat.

2 minutes later, splat splat.

3 crushes finishing their little pieces, but Mina.....

Again splat splat splat.

"Minappé are you OK?"

"I don't know, but I feel OK.... but I am not empty yet."

"Minappé you have most beautiful bubble butt in whole world." This is from Hisae. She used Japanese word "mammaru" it is mean very perfect sphere, like melon, but Mina learned word, "bubble butt", on this site.

"No, most beautiful bubble butt is Chae's." (Then we change subject because we don't really want to compare our four bubble butts. We only want to admire. So we are busy to admire. We say nice things about bubble butt of each other.)

Kazu comes back from loo where she emptied her potty third time and lined it. "Minappé you use this potty, I empty yours." 3 crushes have finished their defecate and they are standing.

"Thank you Kazu." Mina stand for a while because stiff with so much squatting, but then urge come, so down go Mina and splat splat splat.

"Minappé did you eat secret when we sleeping?" This is from Hisae, she is joker. Mina stand, spank Hisae bare bubble butt and squat again, but nothing come out this time.

"Minappé you finish?"

"I don't know...I don't feel empty... but I'm tired to squat."

"Then go to loo and sit on it. We all finish, so it's OK!"

Mina stood up and swayed a bit. Three naked crushes jump to her, they think she will faint, but Mina said, "I'm OK! I go to loo."

Mina went to loo and sat down. Hisae squat next her (actually kneel) and start massage. But nothing happened for five minutes. Kazu brought glass of tea, and Mina drank on loo.

Maybe effect of tea, suddenly Mina had huge urge, face turn to red, and heavy splash five times in loo then two long bururururururururu.

"I will empty very soon!"

Mina did little pieces. Hisae continue massage, even she is still birthday suit! But we going to shower after this, so birthday suit is OK.

Finally, finally, Mina finish!! So we all use washlet with drying bottom of crush who used washlet before. Then clean potties well and then shower. Then rush to tatami room and stay there one hour. Then back to beige flat to drink tea, Mina made, she want to say "sorry" for her defecate take so long time, but 3 crushes shout, "No sorry Minappé! But we are happy you make tea! Your tea delicious very much!" But tea of 3 crushes is also delicious very much.

Then we are busy to clean flats, and potties dry on balcony. Then we went to shopping. How happy day we had! And we all feeling so comfy because our huge defecate in morning. Defecate is very important for healthy body!

We hope everyone is good health, not only digestive system but also all other parts of body. Please always be very fine!

Love to everyone.


John H
Hey all. I posted recently while needing to both pee and poo about how the need to go felt. The post didn't make it through and I can't remember what I said in the post. I may try it again at some point perhaps but it depends.
@Annie. Thanks for answering my questions. I also responded as part of my last post.
I think my main points were that up to an hour and 30 minutes is a lot for a pad change on your heavy days.
I also hope that you get to relocate to your assisted living in the near future.
Take care all.
John H.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Hello all, I have a question for all of you. Has anyone come across a female urinal in a lady's room? If so what was it like to pee in it and were you able to poop in it? My guess would be that it would only be sutible for peeing but if I'm wrong please let me know.



Question for Jake

Jake, if you had to poop while at the movies why didn't you? Did you know that you had to poop before the movie? Do you think your friend knew you had to poop and so he scared you to make you poop? I did that often to my brother because he was always holding it until he was desperate. I thought it would be funny to make him poop himself.


Urgent big poop

I got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off and went to the washroom to brush my teeth and go pee. Afterwards I went upstairs, microwaved breakfast (bananas, an egg, green leafy vegetables, rice, meat, seafood) and sat down and ate slowly. After breakfast I took my 9 AM medications (I take them at 9 AM, 5 PM and 9 PM. 9 AM and 5 PM medications need to be taken after food). Then a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop but someone was taking ages in the washroom. I decided that I would go upstairs and use the upstairs washroom (my caregiver's washroom) since this guy was taking too long in the downstairs washroom (running water, showering etc).

Went upstairs to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Relaxed and peed a lot and then pushed out a lot of semi-solid thick poop. Wiped when I was done, first my vagina then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Put it into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! There was a big thick poop that looked fairly solid that took up most of the toilet. Damn. Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Grabbed my Walmart bag, opened the door, turned off the light and went downstairs to my room and to the washroom here (the guy was finally out of the washroom), washed my hands with the soap in our washroom, went to my room, took the ugly beige flip flops off outside my room, turned on the light, went into my room, put the flip flops on in my room, dried my hands and writing this now. I'm not 100% empty yet but that was a lot. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and is having a good Wednesday so far.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Regular Mike

Veronica's men's room story

Hi Veronica. I liked your story about having to use the men's room. I have read some similar stories on here, but I can't recall having an experience like that of my own. I know I would have been thrilled to have a woman ask me permission to use the restroom as I was going into it. But she would probably need to catch me in the morning, rather than at the end of the work day, although I do poop in the afternoon or evening some days. Also, I would probably have been a bit nervous as I got ready to poop. If I had a lot of wet, gassy poop to release like the man in your story, then I would be able to go quite readily. But if my poop had been drier and tougher, I can imagine struggling to get it out in that situation.

I respect that the man expressed his sympathy for you that you had to hear him poop, but I think I would not have said anything about it myself. I would have waited for the woman to thank me as she left the restroom, at which time I would tell her that she was welcome. Perhaps it's because I'd rather leave some mystery in the situation. That is, let the woman wonder a little about me. Am I not apologizing because I am a proud pooper? Am I just being polite? Am I embarrassed? Maybe somehow all of the above? And, if she was a woman I found interesting and who I thought might be single and available, I would definitely find myself trying to run into her in the hallway in the days that followed. It would be fun to look at each other, both knowing what we had experienced together. It could be a beautiful way to start a new friendship.


answer to sarah: fear accident survey

Hi Sarah,

I was reading here von a long time but never felt the need to share my story, until your survey.
I'm a 40 year old male, but was 35, when this accident happened to me.
Me and two friends Josh and Thomas were at the movie theater together. I usually don't watch horror movies, because I get scared easily, but since I didn't want to be a baby and they were already teasing me for it, I went there with my friends.
When we got in there, I started to feel the need to poop, but it wasn't too bad.
We looked out for our seats and I sat down in the middle between the two of them. The movie started and the urge to poop was more present a few times, but it was alright.
The movie was halfway through, when it got to a very intensiv scene. I was shivering at this point, because I found it that scary. And when a jump scare happened, I somehow let out a fart. The urge to poop made itself known again and it was more intense this time.
"Did you just fart? Was that you?", Josh asked me and started laughing. I tried to deny it, but the smell didn't lie and Thomas also agreed, that he heared the fart.
Then the same thing happened again. A scary scene, a jump scare and I farted. This time I actually got a bit desperate, because I needed to poop, but was to scared to get up and get to the bathroom.
"Dude, just go to the bathroom, if you need to", Thomas said, but I just shook my head.
"I don't need to. Just feeling a little gassy", I tried to brush it off.
I really needed to go, but couldn't get myself to get up.
The rest of the movie was somehow fine, until Josh excused himself, because he got a call on his phone and went outside.
He didn't come back for the last few minutes of the movie, so Thomas and me got out of the hall alone.
I knew I needed the toilet soon, so I told Thomas, that I wanted to go use the bathroom, before we left. He said, the needed to pee, so he came with me.
I was already in a hurry and was relieved, when I could open the door to the men's room.
In this very moment Josh jumped out from behind the door to scare me again. I screamed and that was, when I lost it. Another fart and my bowels started to empty themself in my pants. But that wasn't the only thing that happened. I somehow started to pee. I just lost controll, I don't know why, because I didn't feel like I needed to pee earlier.
When I realized it was just him, I ran into the next stall, to finish my business, but it was already to late.
Josh was shocked too and apologized as soon, as I got out of the stall. Both of them didn't say anything about my accident, but let me tell you it was the last time I watched a horror movie.
Sadly (or maybe gladly) I can't remember the Name of the movie.

Hope you somehow enjoyed my story.


Normal to hold it when young?

Is it normal to hold in your poop when you're younger? It was quite common for my older brother to hold in his poop for several days. I knew he was holding in his poop because he started to smell every few days and told me that he couldn't help the farts because he had to poop. I would tell him to go poop but he wouldn't. He never told me why he wouldn't poop or why he held it in. Eventually he would become desperate, sometimes telling me he was starting to poop, and often rushed to the bathroom to poop. This once led him to a situation when mom was taking a bath and he had to poop for a while and couldn't use the bathroom. It was the first time I saw someone else's poop. Our parents knew he held in his poop after a few things but they said that he was old enough that they couldn't do anything but tell him that he should poop.


Sarah's fear accident survey and the latest.

1. What is your gender? Male.

2. Have you ever experienced wetting or soiling yourself due to fear? To the best of my knowledge, no. It may have happened when I was little and I don't remember it well but that's it.

3. If yes, please specify the circumstances in which it occurred. N/A

4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how intense was the fear you experienced during the incident? N/A

5. Did you feel embarrassed or ashamed after wetting or soiling yourself? N/A

6. did you feel the need to go beforehand? N/A

7. Have you ever witnessed somebody wetting or soiling themselves due to fear? Again, to the best of my knowledge, no. I've always heard talk about being so scared people would piss or shit their pants. So in a way I'm a bit disappointed I haven't experienced it either personally or witnessing it happen to someone else. It seems like something that only happens in movies and whatever. If it weren't for online resources like Toiletstool, I'd probably think it was an old wives tale.

As for the "latest", I was on another nice little streak of keeping my undies clean which lasted until yesterday. At the end of the day, I noticed I had a new skidmark in my pink Hanes Her Way panties. I pooped at work and I took a chance by not wiping as thoroughly as I should have. Oh well. It's not a big deal. That pair already has a permanent brown spot from a prior skid!

Thursday, May 2, 2024


To Olivia:

Hi, Olivia!
I read a few of your posts here and I liked them, especially "My fuel tank" (p. 2994) and "Big Poop While Cheerleading" (p. 3060) You were also mentioned several times by Avery in her posts last year. I'd like to ask you several questions about your pooping and peeing, if you don't mind. I don't know, if all posts which were written by your name, were written by the same person (a friend of Avery, as you introduced yourself on the page 2992) or by different ones who have the same name, because all of those posts were written with great intervals of time. I'd like to introduce myself too. My name is Petro, I'm 41. I was born and grew up in Ukraine, but I constantly live in Germany since 2001.
1. Is it usually difficult for you to make a poo?
2. As you're pooping, have you usually to strain a lot for pushing your poo out?
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
4. Do you push more often one big turd out, or two ones, or three? Does it ever occur with you that you poop more than three turds in the same session?
5. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually to push a lot before your first turd comes out? Does it ever occur with you during pooping, that everything falls out at once?
6. Do you usually grunt while pooping or do you poop more often quietly?
7. Do you always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories?
8. Do you usually make a poo as you feel you have to do it? If you sat down on the toilet and tried to poop without having an urge for it, would you be able to poop in that case?
9. Had you ever a situation as you sat down on the toilet for making a poo and started pushing, but you couldn't push your poo out? And had you often situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive as a positive or a negative thing?
10. What is your poop schedule? At what day time do you usually make a poo?
11. Do you usually make a poo every day or more rarely? If you poop every day, do you do it one time a day or more than one time?
12. Do you like pooping? If you push a big poo out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
13. If you've pushed a big poo out, are you proud of it?
14. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
15. Do you usually pee in the morning after getting up? If you do, do you also try to make a poo after it?
16. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
17. Can you stand up for peeing? If you can, do you often stand up for peeing?
18. As you were making a poo on the day Avery wrote in the post "Mall Mega Dump Part" about (in last summer, p.3014), was it very difficult for you to poop that turd out? Had you to push and strain a lot for doing it? And was it very difficult for Avery to push her turds out? Had she to strain a lot?
19. As you were making a poo on the day Avery wrote in the post "First Poop of the School Year" about (last year in September, p. 3021), was it very difficult for you to poop such huge turds out? Probably you were pushing and straining with great efforts for pooping them out? As they were pooped out, were you proud of it? And was it very difficult for Avery on that day to push her turds out? Had she to strain a lot?
20. As you were making a poo on the day you wrote in your post "Big Poop While Cheerleading" in March (p. 3060) about, was it very difficult for you to poop such thick and long turds out? Had you to push and strain a lot for "birthing them out your ass", as you wrote in that post? As they were pushed out, were you proud of it?
21. Do you often make a buddy dump with somebody?
22. Do you ever poop outdoors? As you do, do you make an outdoors buddy dump with somebody of your friends?
23. In what state of USA do you live, if it's not a secret?
24. And I'd also like to ask you: may I ask you some questions about your pooping and peeing as you were a young child?
I wish you happy pooping and peeing!


Late in the day

Yesterday I missed my morning opportunity for a bowel movement after breakfast. I knew that I would not get another opportunity for the shit for the rest of the morning: indeed it was late afternoon before I got the message again. Having been out to lunch I got back home about 3 o'clock by which time the turds were busy knocking at the back door, so I adjourned to the downstairs toilet, pulled down my pants and underpants, sat on the pot and proceeded to have my first shit of the day. I produced two medium-size turds and thought that there were probably more but I was not prepared to spend another half hour sitting on the pot in the hope that more would be forthcoming.


Men's underwear

I was interested in the recent post about men's underwear and what men do with their genitals when peeing. Until the age of about 30 I wore white short boxers which I had always worn since a child. I then saw an Italian film in which a teenage boy was shown wearing white briefs (in those days you never saw underclothes in English language films) and I realised briefs were much more satisfactory than boxers and I have never worn boxers since. I then discovered that briefs can be obtained in many different styles and patterns so as I got older I now have a large collection of underpants, all of which have no fly. Accordingly I always have to pull the waistband down in order to pee, but, I always leave my testicles behind the waistband and only let the penis stick out, while peeing. I recently bought what was billed as "sissy underpants" which were basically fairly open-weave cotton lace. They were not however designed for females: they had a definite bulge at the front to contain the male genitals. They are quite comfortable but I think a bit unhygienic. Most of my underpants now are brightly coloured patterned briefs or, silk briefs. I enjoy the field of silk next to the skin but it is a bit of a nuisance that they have to be hand washed.


Re: Sarah's Fear Accident Survey

1. What is your gender? Male

2. Have you ever experienced wetting or soiling yourself due to fear?

Many, many times as a youngster.

3. If yes, please specify the circumstances in which it occurred.

It always happened when I was being scolded or reprimanded by an adult when I was away from home especially at school. I always ended-up wetting myself (big time).

4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how intense was the fear you experienced during the incident? 7 or 8

5. Did you feel embarrassed or ashamed after wetting or soiling yourself? Because I've always had toileting issues due to my disability (cerebral palsy), I don't think I was embarrassed or ashamed, but I was always surprised when it happened.

6. did you feel the need to go beforehand? No

7. Have you ever witnessed somebody wetting or soiling themselves due to fear? No


answer to sarah: fear accident survey

Hi Sarah,

I was reading here von a long time but never felt the need to share my story, until your survey.
I'm a 40 year old male, but was 35, when this accident happened to me.
Me and two friends Josh and Thomas were at the movie theater together. I usually don't watch horror movies, because I get scared easily, but since I didn't want to be a baby and they were already teasing me for it, I went there with my friends.
When we got in there, I started to feel the need to poop, but it wasn't too bad.
We looked out for our seats and I sat down in the middle between the two of them. The movie started and the urge to poop was more present a few times, but it was alright.
The movie was halfway through, when it got to a very intensiv scene. I was shivering at this point, because I found it that scary. And when a jump scare happened, I somehow let out a fart. The urge to poop made itself known again and it was more intense this time.
"Did you just fart? Was that you?", Josh asked me and started laughing. I tried to deny it, but the smell didn't lie and Thomas also agreed, that he heared the fart.
Then the same thing happened again. A scary scene, a jump scare and I farted. This time I actually got a bit desperate, because I needed to poop, but was to scared to get up and get to the bathroom.
"Dude, just go to the bathroom, if you need to", Thomas said, but I just shook my head.
"I don't need to. Just feeling a little gassy", I tried to brush it off.
I really needed to go, but couldn't get myself to get up.
The rest of the movie was somehow fine, until Josh excused himself, because he got a call on his phone and went outside.
He didn't come back for the last few minutes of the movie, so Thomas and me got out of the hall alone.
I knew I needed the toilet soon, so I told Thomas, that I wanted to go use the bathroom, before we left. He said, the needed to pee, so he came with me.
I was already in a hurry and was relieved, when I could open the door to the men's room.
In this very moment Josh jumped out from behind the door to scare me again. I screamed and that was, when I lost it. Another fart and my bowels started to empty themself in my pants. But that wasn't the only thing that happened. I somehow started to pee. I just lost controll, I don't know why, because I didn't feel like I needed to pee earlier.
When I realized it was just him, I ran into the next stall, to finish my business, but it was already to late.
Josh was shocked too and apologized as soon, as I got out of the stall. Both of them didn't say anything about my accident, but let me tell you it was the last time I watched a horror movie.
Sadly (or maybe gladly) I can't remember the Name of the movie.

Hope you somehow enjoyed my story.

Regular Mike

Veronica's men's room story

Hi Veronica. I liked your story about having to use the men's room. I have read some similar stories on here, but I can't recall having an experience like that of my own. I know I would have been thrilled to have a woman ask me permission to use the restroom as I was going into it. But she would probably need to catch me in the morning, rather than at the end of the work day, although I do poop in the afternoon or evening some days. Also, I would probably have been a bit nervous as I got ready to poop. If I had a lot of wet, gassy poop to release like the man in your story, then I would be able to go quite readily. But if my poop had been drier and tougher, I can imagine struggling to get it out in that situation.

I respect that the man expressed his sympathy for you that you had to hear him poop, but I think I would not have said anything about it myself. I would have waited for the woman to thank me as she left the restroom, at which time I would tell her that she was welcome. Perhaps it's because I'd rather leave some mystery in the situation. That is, let the woman wonder a little about me. Am I not apologizing because I am a proud pooper? Am I just being polite? Am I embarrassed? Maybe somehow all of the above? And, if she was a woman I found interesting and who I thought might be single and available, I would definitely find myself trying to run into her in the hallway in the days that followed. It would be fun to look at each other, both knowing what we had experienced together. It could be a beautiful way to start a new friendship.

The discussions on this board are interesting, to say the least.

I was raised by a single mom who was helped by a single aunt who stayed with us pretty much most of each summer. My two elders were very formal about going to the bathroom. Mom expected to hear the toilet flush before I waited on the porch for the school bus. I was able to produce something about 50% of the mornings; usually about a half cup of pee. My stools came at mid-morning. The sitting time I needed usually made me the first to sit and the last to leave each break period. I liked the talking and even some of the obnoxious antics of my peers because it took some of the emphasis off the amount of sitting time I used. Each sit started with peeing. That audible drain hitting the water could be heard for the first part of the sit. In the end, with all the toilets and sinks in use it got almost muted.

My brother, three years younger, sometimes was in the guys' bathroom which was just on the other side of ours. Sometimes during class he would get the bathroom stick, but he was rarely by himself. Older guys would be talking amongst themselves while on the toilet or at a urinal. We could sometimes hear the cussing bombs. A lot of what was said was not encouraging to the self-esteem of a 8 year old. I know my brother made some dumb mistakes but he didn't deserve to get his new glasses knocked off my a TP bomb. His penis is a little different than that of many of his peers and he guarded it like gold from where he sat. The lack of stall doors was a horrendous mistake. My mom, however, overreacted to it. Unfortunately, that drew more attention to him and his insecurities.

I've been told that during the 1960s & 1970s the girls were more discreet when using the bathroom away from home. Mom said they would watch out for one another if the bathroom was crowded and lacking privacy doors This was especially true when crapping. Most would regulate their bodies so they would hold their craps at places such as school, the mall or movies. Once they learned to drive, gas station bathrooms became more used.

I hope this answers at least some of the questions posed.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Another pooping after bathing

I decided to take a bath. As soon as I finished my bath, I felt like I needed to poop. So, I sat down on the toilet immediately. A little poop quickly slipped out of my butt and splashed into the toilet. Then another, thicker and longer poop started to creep out slowly. I pushed a few times to get it out, and it came out with a loud fart. The poop crawled out of my ass and fell into the toilet with a big splash. I felt relieved and sighed with pleasure, but I wasn't done yet. Another thick poop with more cracking and farting slowly crept out. I pushed hard and the poop fell into the water with a loud plop. Finally, I was finished and felt relieved. I used a few pieces of toilet paper to wipe myself and then got up and flushed the toilet. The water flushed away my poop and I admired it, as usual. After flushing, I wash my hands and start to get dressed.


Big poop an hour after breakfast

Good morning. Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, went outside my room, put those flip flops on, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. First I microwaved it for 5 minutes, ate slowly chewing well and after breakfast took my 9 AM medications (they come in a blister pack already packaged from the drug store). I felt very full and took a couple of sips of water until I got a major urge to poop a few minutes ago. Grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Went to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a lot of poop. One big semi-solid poop. Finally the last of it came out and laid in the toilet, falling heavily in there. Whew. Rolled up my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took it out, took some off the roll and put the roll back into the Walmart bag. Put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my vagina then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs. Stood up and pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a fairly big thick solid poop in the toilet that took up most of the toilet. On top was the used toilet paper. Flushed the toilet, went to the sink, washed my hands well, turned off the water, picked up the Walmart bag, opened the door, turned off the light and went to my room. First tossed the Walmart bag on the bed, took my flip flops off, went into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel in here and now writing this. That was a good poop and hopefully I can go again later. I hope everyone is having a good day so far. Mine is good. It's a quiet Saturday. Please stay safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Had to use mens room in desperation

When I was either 18 or 19 I was working at a very old building the always had repairs being done to it, almost every time I was there there was always part of the building being renovated. One day I was finishing up my day, and I had to pee sooo badly. I was bursting, I rushed to the woman's bathroom, to my horror it was closed for the next hour, which I meant I would have to go to the bathroom at the convenient store across the street, but I wouldn't make it. A tall man who looked to be only a couple of years older than me started to enter the mens room. "Excuse me, I'm sorry to ask you this. But I really have to use the bathroom and the woman's is closed, do you mind if I quickly use the mens room?" It was embarrassing having to ask him this. But he paused for a minute and said ok. I thanked him and dashed for a stall to use. We were the only ones in the bathroom. Emptying my bladder was the best relief I've felt. I noticed the man selected a stall too, so I knew he had to poop. When his ass hit the seat I heard a rush of soft poop jet out of him, it sounded gassy and wet. He grunted in relief. "I'm sorry you had to hear that" he said. "No worries, it's a bathroom. Just do what you gotta do" I told him. A tiny fart squeaked out before he continued filling the bowl with semi solid poop. *PLOP* a giant turd slid out of him after all the soft mush. I realized I was done peeing, and I didn't want him to know I was listening, as much as I wanted to stay for the entire show, I knew it best best if I left. I flushed the toilet and went to wash my hands, which is when I heard him tear off his first piece of toilet paper and start wiping. "Thank you for letting me use this bathroom" I said. "No problem, take care" he replied, while wiping his ass, which was probably very dirty. I never did see him the remaining days I worked there, I always have that memory at least.


fear accident survey

Hi I have been fascinated by fear accidents for some time, I've never experienced this myself but I wanted to share this survey surrounding them to get a better understanding, thanks

1. What is your gender?

2. Have you ever experienced wetting or soiling yourself due to fear?

3. If yes, please specify the circumstances in which it occurred.

4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how intense was the fear you experienced during the incident?

5. Did you feel embarrassed or ashamed after wetting or soiling yourself?

6. did you feel the need to go beforehand?

7. Have you ever witnessed somebody wetting or soiling themselves due to fear?


Exiting through the gift shop

My diet mostly consists of beans, fruits, ????, nuts, and grains. I fart more than I imagine the average person farts. They're usually silent, rarely smelly.

Even as a frequent farter, I had an experience the other day that was disturbing and that I had never experienced before in my entire life.

I have queefed many times before, but that's just when air gets caught up in the vaginal canals of those of us who have them. Just regular oxygen and carbon dioxide, the same stuff we breathe. It just gets caught up and makes an exit that feels weird, it is not digestive system gas getting caught up there.

I was making a long distance drive, alone in my car. I was going commando and I had on a long dress. I was pretty tired, so I was leaning back in the car seat so that my butt was closer to the front of the seat than my vulva was to the front of the seat. I farted and felt the warm air slide up my lips, and my vulva made flapping sound as the lips slapped against each other. It felt so gross. I think I started to laugh to myself, like "I didn't even know that was possible!"

I did get a bit worried that it would cause a UTI, since I don't know if there's bacteria floating around in my farts. When I got home, I looked it up. I couldn't find anything on whether it could cause a UTI, but I did find someone on the Internet refer to when a fart passes through the vulva like that it can be called "exiting through the gift shop." So far I don't have any symptoms of UTI so I'm sure I'm fine. It was cool and funny to find out "exiting through the gift shop" is possible but it felt gross and I hope it never happens to me again lol



Scarlet's Survey

This is a survey I found on page 970. Some of the questions are ones I've answered before and others are brand new to me. So sit back and enjoy!

1. If you are peeing in a public restoom, do you prefer using the toilet or urinal and why? The urinal! It's much simpler than dealing with a stall door and possibly having to lift a seat up. Also I sometimes like exposing myself and this is the only place I can legally do it. But men's restrooms in the US are increasingly getting privacy panels so I don't get to show off as much as I used to. I was the total opposite in high school though and I frequently used toilet stalls to pee so nobody would see my penis.

2. How often (if ever) do you have a peeing acident/wet yuorself on purpose? I haven't had a true peeing accident because I couldn't hold it since I was little. I've had some very close calls over the years but so far it hasn't happened. But I have managed to wet myself a few times per year by peeing in a toilet, walking away, and then having a surprising amount of urine come out of my urethra that I didn't know was there. I will mention this the next time I see a urologist. I don't pee myself on purpose. I've tried it out of curiosity and it wasn't nice in any way.

3. How often (if ever) do you have pooping accidents/poop pants on purpose? This is a complex question that can't be answered with a "how often" number. As a child, I had more than my share of pooping accidents. In my teens, 20s, and 30s, except for one freak incident, I never pooped myself. In my 40s I had three accidents, with the most recent one being in 2020. As to going in my pants on purpose for fun, convenience, or not wanting to fight it anymore, I'd say once or twice a year. The last time I did it was a month ago. I totally obliterated a pair of Jockeys.

4. Do you use the opening in your underwear while peeing or just lower the waisteband? As a boy growing up, I only wore white briefs and I would use the fly to pee. But in my teens I started trying on other underwear styles, including girls' panties. After some trial and error I found panties that felt sexy on me and they were much more comfortable and better fitting than the whitie tighties I had been wearing. I quickly adapted to lowering the waistband instead of using the fly. Today my underwear collection consists mostly of panties or panty-like men's underwear. I have some briefs with flies and boxers with flies. When I wear briefs today I pull the waistband down. As an alternative, I may put my penis and testicles through the leg elastic of my briefs or panties. For boxers I will still use the fly on those to pee.

5. Do you undo your belt and button on pants while peeing, or just unzip? I just unzip if I'm at a urinal. If I need to make some personal adjustments I will enter a stall, pull my pants down, and make the necessary changes in addition to peeing.

6. Where have you peed other than in a bathroom? Pretty mundane. Secluded woods of course. What guy hasn't done that? The only other places I weed were spots like a transit stairwell and a parking garage because I was very desperate.

7. Are you pee shy/ don't care/ turned on by others hearing you pee? It can any of the three depending on who it is and my mood at the time.

8. Have you ever let a girl hold your penis while you pee? If not, would you? No. I had the chance to with my most recent girlfriend but it didn't occur to me to ask her to do this while we were in a relationship. I believe she would've been open to it. And because of the way she was, I wouldn't dare ask the previous GF. She would've found it disgusting.

9. When you pee, do you just take out your penis, or do you bring out your testicles too? If using the fly, just the penis. But I bring it all out when I'm lowering the waistband. And I also bring everything out if I'm going through the leg elastic.

10. Do you wet the bed? I have a history of bedwetting as a child and I did it at least twice as a teen. But as a grownup I've only had two confirmed bedwettings. Once in my 30s and once in my 40s.

11. What do you think of girls interested in watching guys pee or poop? As long as the guy they're with is cool with it, awesome!

It was on a Wednesday afternoon, and my mother-in-law and I had gone to Walmart for some shopping. As we browsed the aisles, my mother-in-law felt a fart coming on. She quickly moved into one of the aisles and let it out. After that, she left the aisle, and just as she turned the corner, two women entered. As they approached the aisle, they covered their noses with their shirts and exclaimed, 'Oh! Someone had to go bad!' Meanwhile, my mother-in-law was in the next aisle, laughing. I joked, 'I can't leave you alone for a second.' Finally, as we were leaving the store, my mother-in-law farted once more and ended up literally crapping herself lol


Modesty pee

To Mary: I understand not wanting to even show your underwear. Depending on who you are around you might not even want to show that much

When I am around a group of just girls I will pull down my pants and pee through my panties. If there are boys around I would never even dream of showing off my panties. If I was wearing a skirt I will pee standing. But if I'm wearing pants I will squat down and pee right in my pants. Of course all of this is only done in extreme desperation, I would rather not pee in my clothes at all. Only if I am completely alone will I pull everything down and pee

I'm glad I discovered "modesty peeing". I used to hold till I was about to explode on hikes and camping



Hi all. Not much to say about my poop. I had some diarrhea earlier in the week, and soft turds. To Becky: sorry that tofu made you poop so much. I know about how a bellyache can be painful. I had one start in the early morning after peeing. I was in bed during most of my pain, but ended up laying on the floor a minute. Hope you feel better, and you don't get diarrhea. Luckily, I think I just had a case of gas. Bye everyone.

Trying birth control pills because my period is making me feel horrible. Well, I've had to poop, like, a lot, and it's only been 2 days. Diarrhea yesterday, and today I've had to poop, like, 4 times. This is crazy.

Also feeling kind nauseous and headachy in the mornings. Ugh. Does being a woman just mean that I'm not gonna feel good no matter what I do?


Reply to Regular Mike

Regular Mike asked, "Did the school or classroom have girls only, or were there both boys and girls in your class?"

The class was mixed sex, but skewed more towards girls. As I recall, there were about 20 kids and like 15 of them were girls. With so few boys, the issue of "going potty" next to someone of the opposite sex was pretty much non-existent. That said, while I never thought twice about going no matter who might have been using the other toilet, I remember that some of my female classmates were bothered and would hold it for a few minutes if a boy was using the toilet.

Mike continues, "I have a hypothesis that it would be developmentally beneficial for boys and girls to see the opposite sex in such situations at a young age. I think it would buffer against the sense of shame that many of us feel about our bodies and using the bathroom as older children, adolescents, and adults."

I definitely agree with this. I'm sure my kindergarten experience helped in this way, but even before that my parents never made going to the bathroom a big deal. It was just a natural bodily function, with no shame or weirdness attached to it. When I was around 2-4 years old if mom or dad were on the toilet or in the shower or whatever I was always allowed to freely come in to use my potty. I don't actually remember this but mom told me that as part of my potty training, even while I was still in diapers, she'd take me to the bathroom with her every time she peed or pooped, so as to model normal toilet behavior. In fact, I've even seen a picture in one of our family photo albums where I was sitting on my potty directly across from my mom using the normal toilet.

Anyway, I don't have anything else to post right now... except I guess I can share a quick anecdote about another experience I had with an unusual toilet arrangement. I was staying at a hotel and the bathroom had a sink and a bathtub/shower like normal but the toilet itself was in a separate area with a wood sliding panel door. I've since come to realize this is common in Europe but this was the only time I've ever seen it here in the US.


Reply to VioletIndigo

I'm sorry, but this is the funniest post I've read on here in awhile lol. I think you're probably safe. If you truly start experiencing UTI symptoms, they're treatable. But I highly doubt you can get them that way.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Camping/Nature Calls with Rosalina, Zelda & Bethany Mild P2

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am once again sitting down on the bucket we use as our camping toilet adjusting myself panties down to my ankles tinkling after a long drink. "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssshhhhh drip drip drop!" Rosalina is busy waiting her turn patiently. I don't think she's ever used a earth toilet before due to her from Outer Space. Bethany Mild and Princess Zelda are still fast asleep in their sleeping bags and they are loudly snoring! Oh well. I then grab some toilet paper from the rim of the bucket and wipe my vagina wee drops off then I stand up, pull my panties up and pull my dress down announcing to Rosalina "It's all yours!" Rosalina sounded like she really needed to go I could hear her squeak and busting to wee or maybe a poo too. She then looks and see how much urine I made and whispers if it's alright if she uses the camp shower to do her business. I shrug and allow her too but only if she takes off all her clothes off. Wouldn't want them to get wet. Rosalina thanks me and gets undressed, getting inside the shower, I could hear her push and letting out a stinky fart. Phew! I hope she washes the poo smell she's making in there. I could just see a large sloppy looking BM escape her bottom buns as she squats and urinates from her vagina next to the drain. Bethany and Zelda wake up and ask me what the noise was. But I just instruct them to go back to sleep and they do so unknown to them Rosalina is stinking up a storm in the shower and making a bottom poo baby. I could just count the poos she is making 1…2…3…4…5!! Wow no wonder she beat me at our little potty contest months or weeks ago. She was too busy eating lots of fibre and fresh fruit making her bowels a ticking time bomb. Talk to you soon. Bye bye now!


I'm so burnt out

Roommate keeps leaving... messes on the toilet seat and it's really getting aggravating. I'm so burnt out in life in general, then this sh*t happens. I have to pee like 10+ times a day, and sometimes I really have to go and it's all I can do to not pee myself while I clean it up. I am so so tired of it. Told my roommate to clean up after herself multiple times but she just doesn't acknowledge it at all. I guess she doesn't care if I get e-coli or something.

Word of advice: NEVER, EVER share a bathroom with another human being if you can avoid it. Humans are disgusting.


Trail Run

I forgot to introduce myself on page 3064, but I'll go ahead and do so now. My name is Dillon and I'm a 21 year old male. My first story was about the sleepover by the beach. Below I'll be posting a high school memory that stood out to me.

Back in Sophomore year when I was in cross country during high school, we were doing a recovery run on a Wednesday afternoon on the trails. On the way back from the run, I was around 20 seconds behind freshman Sydney who was the fastest girl on the team. I also had a crush on her. At the point on the trail where we're supposed to get back up to the street, I saw Sydney kept following the trail instead of going up the stairs that goes up. I was still a bit far from her but I noticed she entered a big tall bush with great coverage. I also skipped the stairs cause I wanted to know why she went in the bush. Once I got to that bush, I decided to enter through the side of it. I crouched down to see where her shoes were at. I heard her peeing so I knew she had to relieve herself. Since the trail was below the road level, she went all the way back to the wall. I quietly duck-walked to the back of the wall while making sure I don't get way too close to her. I was about 7 feet away from her and I was making sure I was silent. Sydney was leaning forward and her butt was against the wall (similar to a wall-squat). Her black shorts and magenta underwear were down to her knees. I was wondering why she was still there after she peed, but after 30 more seconds, I concluded she was taking a poop. After 8 minutes, I saw poop sticking out of her ass. She was taking her time and not straining to get it out. 2 minutes later, she took a massive poop and it was long and thick. She was still squatting on the wall so I knew she had more. 5 minutes later, she pooped out a long log, but it wasn't as thick so it came out easily. She wiped with a leaf, pulled up her black shorts and magenta underwear, then left the bush. I left the bush 10 seconds after she left so it wasn't obvious I was secretly watching her poop. Luckily the bush was only 1 mile away from school so there wasn't much distance left to cover. Once I got back, I got water stretched, and talked to some of my teammates. Then I went up to Sydney. I asked her "Are you gonna head out?" and she said "yeah." I said "I am as well" so we walked home together since we live in the same direction. I asked her "Why did you go a different direction instead of going up?" and she said "I really had to poop since I haven't done that in 3 days. Also I didn't feel great on most of that run cause my ass felt heavy." I said "I'm surprised you told me all of this. Hope you feel better now." She responded with "Yeah I felt much better after I went so the last mile was great. I had to wipe using a leaf so I'm sorry if I smell a bit." I said "Don't worry, you don't smell at all! Just take a shower when you're back. Are you feeling okay right now?" Sydney replied with "Yeah I'm okay but I only wiped once and there were no other leaves that can absorb the brown stuff." We were about to approach a trail (different than the one we ran today) so she said "Can you smell near my shorts? I don't want my parents to think I pooped myself." I said, "Sure." So I hunched forward and smelled it and I said, "It smells a little bit, but I wouldn't overthink it. You'll wash it anyways." We continued walking and we talked about the run and our classes for the rest of the way. Once we got off the trail, she ended up reaching her house so we said bye and I continued walking home. 5 minutes later, I arrived at my home.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Accidents happen to us all. I remember one I had years ago. I was at a shopping centre after a big lunch and the urge came on pretty quickly. Foolishly, I didn't tend to it right away as I can usually hold a solid one pretty long, but - I underestimated my need. Ten minutes later it became clear this was an emergency. I quickly walked to the nearest restroom - closed! Uh oh. I clenched my cheeks as hard as I could and went to the next nearest bathroom. It was a single toilet and a line of about three people ahead of me. Not great, but I'd never not made it before, so why should this time be any different?

I joined the line desperate, but optimistic in my ability to keep my underwear clean.

Six minutes later, I entered the bathroom red faced and humbled, with full, heavy pants.

Well...oops. The ultimate no no and in public no less. May you never have to stand for a full three minutes in paralyzing shame, evidence of your deed on display for the world to see. I nearly passed out with embarrassment when I got in there and saw how prominent the sagging, tell tale bulge was.


hello everyone!

I am a twenty-one year old trans woman. And seriously, I've been obsessed with pooping and farting nearly my whole life. I've never ever minded being proudly loud in public and always enjoy letting out gas whenever I need to.

I was wondering, for the older posters, I'm curious like...what was the culture behind women pooping/peeing/farting in the 1960s/70s? I've tried researching this in a socialology context but found nothing. Any responses would be greatly appreciated!

The Dumped Toilet.

Someone is having a new bathroom fitted as they have dumped their old toilet and washbasin in the back lane just up from me and across the lane. The toilet is side on facing down the lane.
Saturday someone was having a party in the club near the top of the lane, (one of the few days it as not rained).About ten at night it started to close down, and about eleven it was quiet until I heard females coming down the lane. So I looked out of my top room window to see three females staggering down the lane. One of them saw the toilet and ran over to it, dropped her jean and in a high squat started to pee the other two started to laugh and giggle, the one peeing gave me a nice clear side view, the other two started to take pictures of the one peeing on their phones, the flash from the phones making the pee stream sparkle, one stopped and was looking in her handbag and pulled out a big wad of paper tissues, ( was she going to use the toilet too, No! ) she passed some to the one peeing who wiped and pulled up her jeans, I did not see any knickers, after they all looked into the toilet and one took a picture of it they walked on down the lane laughing.



Hi all. Not much to say about my poop. I had some diarrhea earlier in the week, and soft turds. To Becky: sorry that tofu made you poop so much. I know about how a bellyache can be painful. I had one start in the early morning after peeing. I was in bed during most of my pain, but ended up laying on the floor a minute. Hope you feel better, and you don't get diarrhea. Luckily, I think I just had a case of gas. Bye everyone.


Modesty pee

To Mary: I understand not wanting to even show your underwear. Depending on who you are around you might not even want to show that much

When I am around a group of just girls I will pull down my pants and pee through my panties. If there are boys around I would never even dream of showing off my panties. If I was wearing a skirt I will pee standing. But if I'm wearing pants I will squat down and pee right in my pants. Of course all of this is only done in extreme desperation, I would rather not pee in my clothes at all. Only if I am completely alone will I pull everything down and pee

I'm glad I discovered "modesty peeing". I used to hold till I was about to explode on hikes and camping

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