

Pooped next to a mom & daughter

Today I went to the YMCA to swim some laps at the pool. Towards the end of my session I was feeling the need to go to the bathroom, both pee and poop, but I felt I could hold it since I only had a few laps remaining before I reached my goal. By the time I finished the urge was pretty strong, so I headed off to the locker room and went straight to the toilet area.

There were three stalls and all were available. I picked the left one. I peed for a good while, getting some much needed relief and then started to poop. I don't like to rush my poop, preferring to take my time and let it come out at its own pace. So I'd push out a few turds then some time would go by before I'd poop some more.

After a few minutes, I heard voices approaching. It was a woman and a young girl. It's very hard to say just based on the voice but I'd guess the girl was 4 or 5. They went in the middle stall together. I heard peeing and then a brief silence before two short squeaky farts and then a loud crackling sound began. The crackling continued for a while, as I passed a few more turds of my own.

Finally there was a soft ploomph sound as the other person's turd fell into the toilet. Then I heard the girl announce proudly "Look Mommy, I made a big poop." To which the mom responded, "Yes you did. No wonder your stomach hurt before. I bet you feel better now. Remember to wipe and flush though." The girl did just that and then the mom told her "Okay, now Mommy has to poop too."

I was feeling pretty much done but I decided to continue sitting, both to make 100% sure I was empty but also because I kinda wanted to hear the mom poop. She switched places with the girl and started to poop almost immediately after pulling down her pants and underwear. She must have been desperate! I again heard a crackling though not as loud as the daughter's had been and instead of seeming to all come out in one solid piece, her poop was punctuated with a plop every now and again. But even so the crackling never really stopped. She peed just a little after finishing and then began to wipe. When she was done I heard the daughter excitedly say "Wow Mommy! Your poop is so huge! You must really feel better." The mom chuckled before reminded her daughter to use her 'indoor voice'. She flushed and then they left.

Even though I'd felt done before, I was now feeling like I had a bit more needing to come out. It wasn't long before I let out one final log that landed with a big splash and then I really was empty, so I wiped and flushed, then went to change clothes and go home.


To John H

An hour to an hour and a half on my heavy days is normal. My period has been pretty heavy for years. It's inconvenient especially since I can't go out and get the pads myself anymore (the brain surgery and stroke I had in 2013 affected my memory so I need help going out-even for my weekly exercise program other people and I who can't get to the program ourselves get picked up at home and brought home after the program). Speaking of which I'm on my period now (ugh-day 2. The first few days are very heavy and it eventually gets lighter). Have a good day.

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Answer to survey of Brandon

We try to answer your survey! Typist is Mina. Detailed answer you want, but for Mina write a lots in English can be difficult very much. She try her best. 3 crushes busy to kiss and caress her while she typing, and while they offering information.

We give you key! H = Hisae, K = Kazumi, Ma = Maho, Mi = Mina.

We have to say first, in Japan not easy to hear pooping sound of people in workplace loo. Plop sound is very small. Because water level of loo is not so far from bottom of pooping person. (In loo in our flats, it is rather far, so we are easy to hear plop sound.)

But in Mina's office, we can hear plop sound quite well. Distance from bubble butt of Mina's colleague Mari to water level is more longer than in most of offices.

How often we hear before work starts.... Quite often (K). Kazumi has very sharp ear. So she can hear plop even most people can't hear. And fart too.

K: Before I start live with Mina and Maho and Chae, I often went to loo before start work and stayed 15 minutes, so hear various noises. Because I couldn't stay long time in my house, my mother angry. Women in workplace often poo and fart. They don't mind people hear and sniff.

Ma: Quite often. Maho and Kazumi work in same office.

There is usually strong smell of mierda in ladies loo in all 3 workplaces just before start work.

Mi: After lunch... Mina's colleague Mari always goes to workplace loo for motion after a lunch. Every day. Mina sometimes goes with her, when she wants to do. Mari eats like tyrannosaurus even she is quite small woman, so her intestine very active, she does a motion three times every day she says, and she is not shy to say. She says, it is normal, why people hide their activity in loo? In Mina's office their is Otohime, it is machine which makes flush sound if you push button, but Mina and Mari never use. Mina agree with Mari, defecate is normal, so why we hide? (Mi)

Sometimes we hear woman doing motion after lunch, but not every day (Ma, K, H).

When we are on loo in workplace do other people hide their pooping sounds?....

Sometimes I hear Otohime, but not always (Mi). Mina wrote before in this site, in old workplace she was next to her colleague Kiwa, Kiwa hate Mina and always angry to Mina, but one day she did a terrible diarrhoea in cubicle next to Mina's, no Otohime there, Kiwa pushed enormous mierda about ten times with huge explosion, but she don't worry, she push and push, burst burst burst, even Mina doing a quieter diarrhoea next to her. Both Mina and Kiwa defecating about 15 minutes, Mina started first and also finished first.

Loo is quiet so no need to hide sounds (K, Ma).

Not so interested in sounds of colleagues (H).

Behaviour of people trying to avoid going...

No, usually no (all four of us). In Japan few women shy about going for motion, we think. But about man, we don't know.

See people going to other blocks.... We never really notice. when Kiwa scream angry words to Miwa and Miwa had shock and went to do a huge diarrhoea, she went to next floor, because she don't want Kiwa to hear her, Kiwa said "dirty Korean" to Mina. But Kiwa also went next floor! And took cubicle next to dirty Korean!! Mina think, she didn't know it was dirty Korean in cubicle next to her. Mina doesn't know why Kiwa went to next floor but she is sure it was nothing to do with Mina. Maybe Kiwa thought, dirty Korean is same floor with workplace, so she went next floor to escape from dirty Korean.

Of course Mina is not dirty Korean. She is very clean Korean. And Maho too. (Some kisses from Maho!)

Aaah! Mina can hear Hisae and Kazu kissing to Maho! And then Mina is kissed many times top of her head!!!

Co-workers disappear to toilet after eating or drinking coffee?... Very often (H), but Hisae is not sure whether they go to wee or to poo.

Mi: Mari always disappear, Mina wrote before in this post. But not after coffee, not for poo, but for wee, yes.

Quite often (K,Ma).

We hope you are happy with these answers Brandon. Are you same Brandon who often write "great story" and "I love this site" at end of post? He usually write "Brandon T" we think.

By the way, we are not sure "how many". Hisae says, many people poop some times in a day, but we four usually only once a day and at home because we stay very long time and give enormous mierda to our happy loo so we don't have to go in office. However when Mina skip a day, she sometimes needs to defecate after a lunch, so she goes with Mari.

We hope you get many good truthful and detailed answer. And we hope everyone in this site is very fine.

Love to everyone.



Pretty big thick solid poop

Got up this morning, went pee, brushed my teeth, filled my water jar and went upstairs for breakfast. Had oatmeal with bananas, chili peppers and chili powder (my caregiver is from Taiwan and we both like spicy food). Took my medications afterwards. For lunch later I had beef, onions and lettuce in a sandwich as well as an orange and apple on the side. A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed the Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put the flip flops outside my room on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, walked in, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black sweatpants and dark underwear down (on period) and sat on the toilet. Peed a lot first then pushed out a huge solid poop that seemed to keep coming. Finally it laid in the toilet. Reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took it out, took some, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor then started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! The poop in there looked dark and heavy about 2 to 2 1/2 feet long! I'm not 100% empty yet but hopefully tonight or tomorrow morning I will be! Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Walked to the sink, washed my hands well, turned off the water, picked up the Walmart bag and left the washroom turning off the light. Went to my room, took the beige flip flops off outside my room, turned on the light, walked into the room, put the pink flip flops on in here, put the Walmart bag on the bed, dried my hands on the towel in here and have been writing this for a while. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and is having a good Sunday.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Ladies in the mens


I've experienced some ladies in the men's before

I was out a DIY store and the ladies was out of order. I needed a pooh pretty badly so went in to find the two toilets engaged and a lady waiting. She apologised and said the ladies was out of order. I said no worries when you gotta go you gotta go.

I could see some doc martens in the one stall that looked to be a gent and in the other stall some pink sneakers and some pink shorts at the ankles. From the slight groans it was a lady.

We waited for 3 or 4 minutes and another heavy set lady came in.

Finally 2 minutes later the gent left and the lady hurried in for her piss. I replaced the lady who smiled as she came out and went in for a stinky dump. The lady was still having waves of poop poor soul. She did however finish just before me and the heavy set lady rushed in as I was exiting.

The lady at the sink in her 30s blushed but I said feel better I sure do and she said definitely


Re: Survey

Q: On average how often do you hear co workers or co students poop before work or school starts?

A: Rarely. For each month spent at the office, maybe there will be one day I hear someone in the Mens' room pooping before work. I usually poop after breakfast and commonly am the only one there, ut sometms someone joins me or I walk in and someone is seated in a stall.

Q: On average how often do you hear co workers or co students poop after lunch?

A: About once a week. I'm usually sitting next to them and I regularly poop at work after lunch.

Q: If you spend time on toilet at work or school do other people hide their pooping sounds or are they mostly not shameful about it?

A: It depends on who is sitting there. I'd say it's about 50/50. Sometimes I'll go in and they will stay completely silent waiting for me to lave, but other times they'll plop and fart away entirely without shame.

Q: Do you recognize behavior of people trying to avoid going nr 2 at school or work?

A: Sometimes. They'll become irritable, walk funny, or show signs of some sort of physical distress, or release stinky but silent farts.

Q: Do you see people going to other blocks or departments to poop at a place where nobody knows them?

A: Yes. One memorable occasion was seeing people piling into the elevator and then seeing a lady from my floor exit the nearby Womens' room to get on the elevator and head back up to my floor. It was fairly obvious what she just did, because it was near the end of the shift.

Q: Do you recognize co workers or co students disappearing to the toilet after eating or drinking coffee?

A: I've never observed them that closely, but I know it happens, and sometimes I've been joined by coworkers heading to the Mens' room with me where we both entered adjacent stalls to poop.


Re: Veronica's Men's Room Story

I can recall a number of rare occasions where Women have used the Mens' room while I was also using it.

The most memorable one was recounted on page 2878, titled "My first dump at college".

I have other stories I haven't shared here.

On one occasion, the situation was inverted. In 2014, I stopped at a gas station to use the restroom to poop, but the Mens' room was completely out of order. This gas station was the only public restroom for miles around given this was a remote location in a small town. It was an emergency situation, and the female clerk told me to go ahead and use the Womens' near the counter where she was at the cash register, as it was being used as an impromptu all-gender toilet on a temporary basis among her male coworkers. I looked like a handsome young college kid or high school senior at the time and that probably factored into her not having a problem with me using it. There were two stalls. As I was mid-poop, about 5 minutes in, massive log of crap hanging halfway out of my ass, there was a knock on the door. The door swung open. It was the clerk asking if it was okay for another female customer to use it as well while I was present. I had no problem with it, and the customer was made aware that I was in there and she had no problem with it. The customer went in to the room and entered the adjacent stall to pee as the end of my turd plopped into the water followed by a loud fart. Neither of us said anything about it. As I rolled the paper, the roller made loud squeaking noises, and the paper was coarse and made a loud scratching noise as I wiped myself. I finished wiping up, pulled my pants up, buckled my belt, exited the stall, got to the sink, and washed my hands as I heard her pee stream finish up. She exited her stall while I was drying my hands. It was a 30-something Hispanic lady who greeted me at the sinks with a sheepish grin on her face, probably amused to see me after seeing my shoes, pants, and ankles under the near-side stall while hearing my poop hit the water followed by that loud fart, and me rolling the paper and wiping up. There was no secret what I did in there and she got to see who made those noises before we went our separate ways. That clerk probably also saw my pants and ankles under the stall because she opened the door on me, and also smiled at me as I paid for some fuel at the cash register, the length of time of my visit giving away what I was doing in there.

Monday, May 6, 2024


Pooped the bed

Thanks to everyone who replied to my mens room story! Much appreciated (: I have a story of a time where Carl pooped the bed in his sleep. It was a long night, we were out with friends, he had a few drinks. When we went to bed he was out the second he hit the pillow. But me, I had a bit of trouble falling asleep. I was tossing and turning. He was lightly snoring, which doesn't bother me. I closed my eyes attempting for sleep to take me, when I weird smell filled my nostrils. At first I thought he farted, but the smell was too strong to just be a fart. I turned over and ripped the sheets off him.

There was a huge brown stain surrounding his butt, the smell was even stronger now. The poor man was still asleep. I woke him up so I could change the sheets. Carl was so embarrassed, I helped him shower and wash the poo on his legs and bum. He put on fresh clothes and he told me he would put the dirty sheets in the wash while I replaced them with new ones. After everything he was still really embarrassed and feeling down about the whole thing. "I love you so much, and everything about you. Everyone has bodily functions and everyone has accidents sometimes. I will never feel differently about you" I told him. I even made a joke about this happening more often when we grow old together. As they say, shit happens.


Pretty big thick solid poop

Got up this morning, went pee, brushed my teeth, filled my water jar and went upstairs for breakfast. Had oatmeal with bananas, chili peppers and chili powder (my caregiver is from Taiwan and we both like spicy food). Took my medications afterwards. For lunch later I had beef, onions and lettuce in a sandwich as well as an orange and apple on the side. A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed the Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put the flip flops outside my room on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, walked in, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black sweatpants and dark underwear down (on period) and sat on the toilet. Peed a lot first then pushed out a huge solid poop that seemed to keep coming. Finally it laid in the toilet. Reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took it out, took some, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor then started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! The poop in there looked dark and heavy about 2 to 2 1/2 feet long! I'm not 100% empty yet but hopefully tonight or tomorrow morning I will be! Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Walked to the sink, washed my hands well, turned off the water, picked up the Walmart bag and left the washroom turning off the light. Went to my room, took the beige flip flops off outside my room, turned on the light, walked into the room, put the pink flip flops on in here, put the Walmart bag on the bed, dried my hands on the towel in here and have been writing this for a while. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and is having a good Sunday.

Happy peeing and pooping!



work poop mishap

I very nearly pooped my pants at school when I was in 11th grade, like seriously barely made it into the stall and got my pants down in the nick of time. Even though I made it, the experience made me develop like an anxiety/fear about not making it to the bathroom in time since it came so close to happening. before that i just never assumed it could happen.

years later im 28 now and the nightmare finally came true this week. on tuesday, I did it. I pooped my pants. the worst part is, it was the middle of the day and I was at work.... I just kept getting sidetracked all day. By the time I started actually heading to the bathroom it was too late, it just pushed itself out on the way there. I panicked because it literally tented my pants out so I didnt want anyone to see me, and i wound up sneaking out and leaving early. thank god no one saw me!! it was embarrassing enough as it is, i did have to let my boss know what happened because she texted to ask me if i left because she had gone to talk to me at work. i just hope she doesnt tell any of my other coworkers. I definitely dont recommend pooping your pants at work, i was right to have a fear of it it was terrible.



Veronica's Men's Room Story

Over the years a number of women have come into the men's room whilst I have been visiting . It has been at things like music festivals where the queue to the lady's has been too long. I recall once I joined the short queue to the men's and had three females beside me . Three cubicles became vacant and I took the middle and dropped my trouser and did a poo whilst the other two ladies either side did a wee. These occasions happen quite a bit in crowded situations and nobody seems to mind . A lady I know very well was a " trail blazzer" in what was a man's environment and she often used the gents toilets because there were no ladies toilets . Now if a women walked into the toilet I was attending it would make no difference to me .


To Jay, holding in poop

I am not sure if it is normal or not for one to hold poop when you're younger, but I definitely had a habit of doing it even as an older child, basically the same thing as your brother, where I'd hold it back for days. End up really desperate and full, and have to quickly get to the toilet, but honestly definitely didn't always make it!! Where did your brother end up pooping when your mother was taking a bath? I definitely had times where I ended up pooping on the floor, backyard occasionally, definitely underwear at times.. and I was kind of told the same thing, was too old to be doing it. Definitely remember having to make a pile on the bedroom floor after holding it for days



I want to conduct a small poll because I am curious to find out how many people poop at work or school during their stay there. Both men and women are free to participate in this poll and I hope for detailed truthful answers.

- On average how often do you hear co workers or co students poop before work or school starts?

- On average how often do you hear co workers or co students poop after lunch?

- If you spend time on toilet at work or school do other people hide their pooping sounds or are they mostly not shameful about it?

- Do you recognize behavior of people trying to avoid going nr 2 at school or work?

- Do you see people going to other blocks or departments to poop at a place where nobody knows them?

- Do you recognize co workers or co students disappearing to the toilet after eating or drinking coffee?

Thank you for participating!

Steve A

To Veronica (Men's Restroom Story)

Even though I've never been in a situation like that before, I'm not sure how others would feel if I found myself desperate or just having no other viable options around me.

However, I feel like most people would understand in a way, since the only thing on their minds would be reliving themselves, no matter the circumstances/situation that they find themselves in.


Answers to Jay

Hey Jay,

I couldn't get up. It was like, when you hear something, but can't get out of bed, because you are afraid. It was like this.
I kind of knew I had to poop before, but it wasn't too bad and I didn't notice much of it.
No, I don't thinke, he wanted me to poop myself. He genuinly apologized after the incident, but I think he knew I had to poop, because of the farts and he was waiting for us in the bathroom. I think he just wanted it to be funny.

Hey! This is my first post on here so it will be short! (at least I think it will..)

So this story takes place in swimming class, at my school. Everyone in my class goes swimming once a week.
We were all getting dressed but I needed to pee really badly. There are no toilets in the specific swimming pool we go to, so I went into a changing stall. Most people don't use the stalls since there is only one. I took out my towel, put it underneath my underwear and relaxed. A thick stream slowly came out as the big, wet stain expanded the more I peed. It felt so good to let it out. I left some pee in and thought I would let it out at the end of the class, but then I could not hold it anymore. And there I was, peeing on a towel, still in the stall. My crotch was really warm... And wet. I carried on peeing until it went all over the floor. At this point, I didn't even care about people finding out. I just loved the feeling.

The End.

I know this might have not been that detailed, but it is my first post after all. By the way if you made it this far, can you answer a question for me? Alright. I'm confused on the purpose of this site, is it for fetishes or is it simply to share... Bathroom experiences?

Thanks for reading all the way! :)


Re: Normal to hold it when young?

I'd consider it normal to hold it in, at least in the context of the public restroom setting available. I would not consider it healthy or normal to hold it in in general. Holding it in is a behavior that is encouraged from one's environment.

Middle school and the first high school I attended had no stall doors on all of the boys' room toilets, and in some cases, the toilets were entirely out in the open with no stalls at all(such as locker rooms and stadiums). I held it in for hours each day until I could make it home. And I was far from the only one. It was extremely rare for me to poop at school back then. It only happened when I was on the verge of filling my pants.

While I used them without hesitation, even the standard stall with a door was embarrassing to use around other students. Between 1st grade and 6th grade, I pooped at school almost every day. Kids would make fun of me, stare at me through the gaps, climb the side of the stall to peer in at me from above, step on my shoes, imitate my noises generated, kick the door open while I was seated, or otherwise harass me when I used a doored stall in grade school. Such harassment happened 50+ times. Most students refused to poop at school altogether even then, and I'm certain this carried over into other public restroom settings out of sheer habit. There were rare occasions where I pooped next to other students doing the same thing. Throw in doorless stalls or stall-less toilets, and the number of students who pooped at school declined 90% or more. With stall doors, I was provided many opportunities to poop with classmates, so not everyone held it in. This was especially true Junior and Senior year of high school when I switched schools, and not only were there stalls with doors, but the student culture regarding pooping was less inhibited.

Then there's the issue of having to poop on dates. Not at all ideal. I pooped at a girlfriend's house at age 14, and her and her sister knew exactly what I was doing in there. I think they were listening for other non-excretory activity not appropriate for this site though, but I honestly just needed to poop and they heard it all from start to finish.

On the scale of totally shameless and able to poop in front of anyone to shameful and refusing to acknowledge that one poops at all, as a young person, I was definitely more toward the former, but doorless and stall-less public toilets were well beyond my comfort zone at the time. It was extremely rare that I saw anyone using these privacy-lacking facilities at school, and in most cases where I did see someone desperate enough to use such a facility, they were relentlessly bullied for doing so.

If the culture of bullying did not exist at some of the schools I attended, I'd probably have used whatever toilet was available when I needed to poop, regardless of who else was present to see me in the act. Holding it in for hours at a time was not fun. As an adult, I got over such insecurities, and have pooped many times in full view of complete strangers without any embarrassment at all. An actual stall with a door is very inviting, by comparison, something I've used with other people in the room easily thousands of times.


It's winter!

Winter is arriving in my part of the world and although it does Not Snow or anything like that, it does get cold.
My bidet has a heated seat and also heated water to wash my bottom. It is so nice on a cold morning and relaxing too. It also makes empty my bladder a bit easier.

On the other hand the toilets at my public toilets I visit sometimes I made of metal with no seat so they are cold,

A world of contrast



Helping Josh and my best friend on vacation

Hey everyone! I'm finally back after a long time away! Life has been absolutely crazy but good! For those that don't remember me, my boyfriend Josh has IBS c and always has a hard time pooping. Pretty much every time he has to have a bm I am with him for it as he often needs help while going. This happened recently camping on a sandbar with friends. A group of us met for a long weekend on a river and camped right on it on a huge sandbar. We'd been there a couple days and neither josh or I had pooped yet. I always pack vaseline and suppositories plus toilet paper with me especially on vacations. Josh usually needs one or both to help him pass his turds. The third morning I had to poop and Josh was still asleep. I grabbed some toilet paper and headed out of the tent to try and find a private spot to go. This sandbar is pretty big with lots of trees and seclusion and it's all sandy so it wouldn't be an issue. My best friend Mackenzie was also up and we chatted for a minute when she noticed the toilet paper so I told her I was about to go take a dump. She giggled and asked if she could go find a place with me because she had to pee and she said maybe poop. We've known each other forever and have used the bathroom around each other so this wasn't an issue at all, we're practically like sisters. She brought baby wipes with her and hand sanitizer. We walked a few minutes away from camp and I asked her what she meant by "maybe poop". She told me she hadn't gone since we'd been here and got the urge the night before but put it off and held it in but she was going to try and see if she could go now. We found a good spot to go and squatted down after pulling down our pants and underwear. Mackenzie was a ways away from me but I could see her. I peed first and then started to try and focus on going number 2. Since it had been a few days it was hard and slow going at first. I pushed hard and got into a kneeling position with my butt sticking out and hands in the sand in front of me. After a couple more hard pushes my poop began to slide past my hole. It was wide and hurt a little. It took its time coming out as I pushed hard slowly. Mackenzie was still squatting so I figured she was still trying to poop. I took a short break and looked under me to see how much poop was out. I had a tail about 4-5" long hanging and I took a deep breath and began pushing again. All of a sudden my phone dinged in the sand next to me and it was Josh asking where I was, and telling me he had to go poop. I told him I was pooping and I'd be back shortly. I began concentrating again and pushed. After a few hard tries the turd had grown to about 8". I heard Mackenzie get up and she called over to me asking if she could come over by me. I said sure and she came walking up to me with my hard turd still hanging. I told her it was hard but I would be done soon. I asked her how her poop was (it had been about 10 minutes as of now) and she said "I didn't go, I have the urge but it's stuck, I'll try again later. I'm just backed up from not going in a few days and it's going to be hard to come out" I told her " I know what you mean, this one is hard to push!" "That's a big turd Kenna" she replied. I pushed a few more times and started gaining more progress on my poop. The last few inches of the big turd we're easier and came out faster. Mackenzie stood by watching but was scrolling on her phone too. I wasn't done and kept pushing. My next log only took a few minutes and was equally long as my first turd but less thick. Phew that was an effort I told Mackenzie. "Mine.will be too" she replied. She handed me the baby wipes and sanitizer and I cleaned up. She asked what I was going to do back at camp and I told her Josh had to poop so we would probably hike and find a spot. She said she would start breakfast. I got Josh and the poop supplies plus the baby wipes and we headed back out to the woods . We walked to the same spot I just pooped in and I showed Josh my dump. He was impressed lol. He took off his boxers and shorts and handed them to me. He asked if I could lube him up with Vaseline before he started trying because his poop felt really hard too. He bent over and I applied some Vaseline. His hard poop was right in his hole. He squatted down with me behind him spreading his cheeks. He too peed first then began trying to poop. His anus slowly opened and the big turd began to show. He sucked it back in and tried again. "It hurts" he said. His poop slowly retreated back in. "Try again, baby. Push. Try not to let it go back in" his anus dialated slowly but he couldn't push it any further. It slipped back in again. Another deep breath and a hard push with the same result each time. "It's not going to come.too big" he said. "Do you want a suppository?" "I think I have to, it won't come out otherwise". I gave him a suppository and we walked back to camp. Josh went to change and Mackenzie aske me if he felt better. "Don't say anything or he will kill me, but he couldn't go either, its too big and wouldn't come out" "oh really, poor guy, well that makes two of us"! She said. "I gave him a suppository, hopefully that will help. He hasn't pooped yet either". "Poor guy, hopefully we both can go today and get some relief""if I can't go, do you have more suppositories? I haven't used one in forever but when I was younger I had to a few times when I just couldn't go on my own" "yeah I do, again don't say anything but Josh needs them all the time, I'm usually helping him poop most of the time" "omg I feel bad for him, that's so awful!" We ate breakfast and leisurely hung out for awhile when Mackenzie went to change into her bathing suit to tan. I asked Josh if he wanted to try pooping again and he said yes. I told Mackenzie we were going for a hike and she winked at me. I grabbed the baby wipes and sanitizer and we walked to a different spot near the water. Josh got naked again from the waist down and spread his legs as I held his cheeks apart. "Take your time Josh, go slow. Just relax and focus" he began pushing and I watched his turd poke out once more. After several failed attempts he was hot and sweaty. "Let's wade into the water and cool you off babe, you can push in the water and see if it helps." He squatted in the water with his butt covered and I stood in front of him. He squeezed me tight as he began pushing hard. After several minutes it began to come aided by the cold water and suppository. He was squeezing with all his might and it just barely fit past his overstretched butthole. He whimpered while pushing with me coaching and comforting him. "Keep going Josh, you can do it, almost done!" "I need a break Kenna, and it's starting to come out so let's finish on the land" he got up with about 3" of hard poop stuck out of him. He was waddling back to land with me holding his buttcheeks open. Once back to privacy, he stood and pushed with me coaching as I watched to see if his poop was coming. It was so slow going as he grunted at it and forced it out. It finally dropped after about 12". Josh panted and caught his breathe. "Not done" he said. I spread his cheeks again and he pushed. Another hard tird began to crown and took awhile to budge. This one was shorter and about 8" when it came out. Josh was done and I gently wiped him with the baby wipes. We walked back to camp and josh took a nap after his ordeal. I talked to Mackenzie and she said she too had to poop and tried when we were gone but it was still stuck and she couldn't go. I asked her if she wanted me to help her and she said yes. I grabbed all the poop stuff and we took a hike back to where Josh just pooped and I told her about it on the way there. She was glad he could finally go and hoped she would find the same relief. We got to the spot and Mackenzie marveled at Josh's dump and said no wonder the poor guy had problems! She lowered her shorts and panties and squatted. "Take your time Mackenzie, you can do this" I encouraged. She began to push and I gave her my hands to hold. After 3 pushes her face was all red and she moaned "owwww". She grunted hard and sucked in another breathe and bore down against her stuck turd. She pushed and pushed over and over but it wasn't coming. "It's stuck, Kenna. I can't do it" "do you want me to give you a suppository honey"? "I think I need one, I just can't go" whimpered Mackenzie. She got up, bent over and stuck her butt our towards me. Her anus was all puffy and red from straining. I dipped the suppository in Vaseline and gently worked some around her anus. "Ready?" "Yes just do it" she said. I gently inserted it and her poop felt massive and hard too. "Jeez girl, I can feel why you're having such a hard time!" "I know" she pouted. I wiped her clean and we took a super long walk waiting for her suppository to melt. We caught up on girl talk and she asked me all about Josh's poop troubles and what I do to help him. I told her all about it and she swore not to say anything but told me I could tell him about her issues if he asked. We were walking back when he texted asking where we were. I just told him we went for a hike around the sandbar and should be back soon. It started to rain so Mackenzie didn't get the chance to try pooping again before we got back to camp. She layed in her tent awhile when she texted me "I really feel like I need to poop, could you please come in and help me?" "Of course, I'll be right there" of course Josh asked what I was doing and I just said helping her with girl stuff" I walked to her tent. "I really need to go, the urge got so much worse but I'm scared it's going to hurt" she whispered to me. "Lay in your back and pull your legs up, put this old bath towel under your butt with wipes and poop onto that hon" I helped her arrange things and she got situated. She propped her head up on pillows and I whispered to her"ok try again Mackenzie, slow hard pushes, you can do this" I helped hold her legs up so she could concentrate on going. Her first few pushes didn't do snything. "It's soooo hard, owww" shhhh push honey, focus on me, it's going to come out and be ok" I was doing my best to help her and distract her. She finally began to go and once the first 6" or so passed, she finished rather quickly! "Omg ouch, thank you so much! I helped her clean it all up and we finally relaxed the rest of trip! Hope to catch up soon! Xoxo kenna


Officially with Elyse

Last month, I starting dating my friend Elyse (I talked about her in the 1st story I shared) and I've learned a lot from it. Even though we've been at different colleges for the last 2.5 years, I've still been friends with her since graduating HS. We both felt as if we were compatible, made each other feel special, and valued each other. People from our HS really wanted us to date while we were in high school, especially cause our personalities are so identical. During spring break (ours happened at the same time), I planned to meet up with her at the train station in the afternoon cause we were gonna play mini golf. She was wearing a mini black dress with white diamonds on it. We took the train to play at a big mini golf course, then we had dinner around the area. I won the game which I was happy about, but I was more excited for something after dinner. We took the train to the city cause we planned ahead of time to go on a rooftop of this parking lot. We were on a rooftop of a parking lot since we wanted to talk while no one was around us about possibly dating. 2 weeks before and leading up to this moment, we were calling about this on the phone cause I was at university. I first brought this up to her cause both of us haven't dated anyone, our personalities are very identical, and we're looking for something. After talking for about 20 minutes, she agreed to be my girlfriend and I was so happy it finally happened. I shortly texted my bestie Maggie that she agreed and she was so proud of me. After that happened, we took the train and walked back to Elyse's place. Her parents weren't home but her siblings were. We went straight to her room to chill and watch TV. After awhile, she said, "imma take a poop and I really want you to watch me." I was so excited to hear this cause I knew this was the start of a 2nd girl consistently pooping in front of me (my bestie Maggie poops in front of me; I'll have more stories on that later). Her bathroom was connected to her bedroom which was convenient. I locked the bathroom door behind her. Elyse then rolled up the back part of her dress, pulled down her blue underwear, and sat on the toilet. She said "You're the first guy I'm pooping in front of and I love that you're the one watching." I love that she said that so I said "I'm glad to hear that. Also you can take your time cause there's no rush." She was a bit nervous during the first 2 minutes, but then she felt more comfortable once I said that. We were talking about our future dates while she was pooping. After about 10 minutes, she pooped but then said "I have more still", then 5 minutes later, a big crap came outta her. She wiped, flushed, pulled up her blue underwear, repositioned her dress, washed her hands, then we went back to watching TV. I texted Maggie that she pooped in front of me and she was a bit jealous, but also proud of me. I eventually had to leave at 10pm, but I gave Elyse a long hug before heading out.


Veronica's Men's Room Story

Over the years a number of women have come into the men's room whilst I have been visiting . It has been at things like music festivals where the queue to the lady's has been too long. I recall once I joined the short queue to the men's and had three females beside me . Three cubicles became vacant and I took the middle and dropped my trouser and did a poo whilst the other two ladies either side did a wee. These occasions happen quite a bit in crowded situations and nobody seems to mind . A lady I know very well was a " trail blazzer" in what was a man's environment and she often used the gents toilets because there were no ladies toilets . Now if a women walked into the toilet I was attending it would make no difference to me .

Monday, May 6, 2024


Desperate wake up

I'm a mid 30s male and I woke up this morning with a full bladder. I hobbled to the bathroom and started spurting in my pants before I could get Junior (that's what I call it lol) out. I stood in front of the toilet and pissed for what felt like forever. It had to have been a minute at least! Then I spurted a few more times before my bladder was empty. I got out of my somewhat wet clothes then got dressed for the day.

What is the most desperate you've been after waking up with a full bladder? Have any of y'all wet yourselves in front of the toilet or on the way there?



I want to conduct a small poll because I am curious to find out how many people poop at work or school during their stay there. Both men and women are free to participate in this poll and I hope for detailed truthful answers.

- On average how often do you hear co workers or co students poop before work or school starts?

- On average how often do you hear co workers or co students poop after lunch?

- If you spend time on toilet at work or school do other people hide their pooping sounds or are they mostly not shameful about it?

- Do you recognize behavior of people trying to avoid going nr 2 at school or work?

- Do you see people going to other blocks or departments to poop at a place where nobody knows them?

- Do you recognize co workers or co students disappearing to the toilet after eating or drinking coffee?

Thank you for participating!

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