

Back in high school I had a friend named Kazi,I remember one day in history,I looked over and suddenly saw her eyes go wide and she grabbed her butt with both hands as she gasped sharply.
"What's wrong?" I asked her. She looked at me, mouth agape and said "You know how I've been constipated right?" I nodded as I remember her telling me and drinking a lot of prune juice that morning. "Well, I just farted and am about to lay an egg...and it's going to be a baby ostrich!"
I sat there in shock, trying to think of what to do to help her without embarrassing her. She raised her hand and got the attention of our teacher. "Ooh...please may I go to the restroom?" She asked him. He replied with "No, you've already gone today" and walked away from us. Kazi whimpered and was doing lamaze breathing to ease the pain. Towards the end of the lesson, she hadn't done any work because she was holding her butt and started sobbing at this point trying to hold it in. Suddenly,she started rapidly farting and stood up in terror, still holding her butt with both hands on her uniform skirt.

She turned and started to leave the classroom, with my teacher stopping her. "Kazi SIT DOWN." Kazi yelled over her shoulder "I need to sit on the toilet! I'm giving birth!" She sprinted out of the room and slammed the door, we all sat in anticipation, trying to see if she'd make it, only hearing her farting getting louder and sharper. The bathroom was next door so we could hear everything. By that I mean we heard her open the main door and scream "OH NO!" It was at that point I remembered they were renovating that bathroom and only had the sinks available. Kazi then ran back to our room and screamed for a bucket. One kid at our table grabbed the small wastebasket and gave it to her. She ran back to the renovated bathroom and we heard a couple of hard grunts.


My teacher whispered to me "Maybe you should go see if Kazi needs help?"

I nodded, put on my latex gloves,and went over to the bathroom to find Kazi squatting over the bucket, biting her lip in pain and trying to strain. I looked down to see what looked like a little bigger than a coke can.

"Oh my God Kazi..." I said and then started laughing my head off.

"NOT funny! I gotta go!" She said and felt another wave of needing to push. I gave her my hand to squeeze and told her to look at the ceiling. She looked up through tears and I leaned down and grabbed her "item"

"W-w-wait..I need to...!! HMMMMMM!!!! OH!! OH! ITS COMING OUT NOW LAURA!!"

I quickly lined it up so it would fall in the bucket with a metallic clank. Kazi looked infinitely relieved and she slowly stood up.

"Thanks Laura...I really needed that. OH MY GOD!!!" She doubled over in pain before running out of the room and down the hall. I chased after Kazi.

"What's wrong?!?" I screamed after her, she is running and has one hand up against her butt and one against her crotch.

"I think it was a CORK!!! I need a leak and the prunes are taking effect!" She sobbed as she kept running.

"Run to the courtyard! We'll do a bush one!" I yelled after her. As we're running, she lets out a fart and a couple of droppings fall behind her.
"TOO SOFT TOO SOFT! CANT FART! WHY DID I WEAR A SKIRT!" She was laughing now mixed with sobbing.

Eventually we found our way to the courtyard, which luckily was empty. I threw open the door and Kazi is behind me dancing. "I pooped in the hallway...I might as well go right here" She whispered to me mixed with crying. "GET IN THE BUSH!" I screamed at her. She danced into the bush and pulled her skirt down and went. Eventually we made our way back to class, but Kazi changed schools not long after that. Hope she's doing well.

Thursday, May 16, 2024


Roommates brother

When I was 21 I was living in a decent sized apartment with a roommate who was my age, her name was Sophie. We got along great and sometimes did things together as well as attend the same college. Her brother who was 24, Dylan, stayed with us for a few weeks while his house flooded and was having some major repairs being done to it. One evening my sister was taking a hot bath, and when she took baths she could be in there for over an hour. The apartment had 2 bathrooms. The one in the hallway and one in my room. I was in my room studying and Dylan knocked on my door that was open. "I hate to bother you but could I use your bathroom? Sophie's been in the tub for a while and I really need to go". "Sure, come on in" I said. He thanked me quickly walking in and shutting the bathroom door. I continued studying, as I heard a deep sounding fart rumble, and the sound made it obvious he farted in the toilet bowl. Dylan also grunted as silently as he could going "nnnnnnnggggg". He did that for 30 seconds before two plops made themselves known. He sighed, pushing again. "Ugghnnnn" he was really trying to be quiet so I wouldn't hear. But I did. "Floomp" that was the sound the next turd made, another fart followed after. After 10 seconds he started wiping, the sound of the toilet paper roll was audible. Soon he flushed and came out, blushing. "Thank you" he said avoiding eye contact with me. I told him no problem. I had to pee at this point but I waited a couple minutes, then I went in the bathroom which smelled like air freshener and shit. He definitely found the air freshener can under the sink. Although a slight scent of poop still in the air. I did me pre and went back to studying. 20 minutes later I heard Sophie emerge from the other bathroom and she went to bed. That was the only time I heard Dylan use the bathroom, and he never had to use mine again.


To Violet Indigo

Thank you for responding. I am not supprised that you have not seen one before, I my self have never seen ne but only heard of them this year. From what I understand they're kinda something that a person with a vagina would be able to hover over and let loose. There is a wikipedia article on them if you wish to do more research on them. I think that they are a neat concept but idk if they would actually work in real life.


Kazuko (Mina is translator)

Dear Dillon, from Kazuko

From Mina: Kazuko said, she wants to use real her name for this post. Not new name Kazumi.

From Kazuko: Hello Dillon. I am so happy to read your stories. You are very kind person. When Elyse defecated in front of you, she kept you waiting for 10 minutes, but you never said "Hurry up" like my mother always say. You said "Take your time." like Mina's mother always say when I stay Mina's home town. If I say "there's more" to my mother , she go through roof with big noise and say things which make me cry. Perhaps she hit me. But you just waited and 5 minutes later Elyse pooped big volume. She is lucky to have so nice boyfriend! I don't want boyfriend, but if you are my boyfriend, I am happiest woman in whole world. I am happy for Elyse. I hope she always have wonderful time with you and you go to loo together and stay there with happy feeling as long time as you want and poop as big volume as you want, both of you.

And for Maggie it is same thing. She stayed on loo long time and did enormous defecate, but you never said "you are time out" or "you produce too much mierda" like my mother always say. You wait for her with great patience. After she pooped, she said she poop more, and again you wait patiently. How sweet friend you are! Maggie is very lucky girl!

But I am also very lucky girl because my three crushes always wait patiently while I finish my long defecate with opening my bottom many times!

We all of us wish you very happy relationship and friendship!

Love to all three of you.

Kazuko, and 3 crushes.

P.S. from Mina. Kazuko was crying most of time (only tears, not wail noise) while Mina type this. And sitting on knees of Maho. Now not crying because she is kissing to Hisae with big passion, because Hisae said, "Kazu when you do shit tomorrow, I wait and wait and wait for you with massage, so stay on loo long long long time and drop more and more and more of mierda as possible as you can!"

But Mina have to stop to type now, because Kazu said, she wants to kiss to Mina same style, with big passion. Mina is looking forward.

Then we go to bed. Kazu with Maho and Mina with Chae.

Love to everyone.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Princess Toadstool Peach

Pyjama Potty Poo Pee Party with Princess Rosalina and Zelda!

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am having a big epic Pyjama party with Princess Zelda and Princess Rosalina. But it's not just any Pyjama party it's a Pyjama Potty Poo Pee Party we all have a big drink and eat fibre filled meals until the time comes and we're ready to poo or pee. And I think the time is just about ripe! We walk over to the bathroom where I set up 3 potties for us to use. I pull down my royal PJ pants to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then I sit down on the potty coloured white adjusting myself. Princess Zelda on the other hand rips off her PJs and decides on going nude for this one. She sits on her potty (coloured yellow with coloured dots on it) backwards. Then Princess Rosalina lowers her PJ pants down to her knees, gently squats and sits on the pink potty. As soon as we all sat our bowels began churning. And before we knew it Zelda shook her bottom and began pooing a enormous brown thick turd then I started to poo followed by Rosalina whom pooed quite a lot after pinching our loaves taking the smelliest gross fattest richest dumps. "PLOP SPLAT PLOOP PAAAAARRRRPP SPLASH PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK!!" Phew we just about filled the whole potties after taking that massive brownload of brown crayons. Then we began weeing after our royal bladders tingled a bit "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssshhhhhh drip-drip-drop!!" then after Rosalina and all of us tinkled we decided to make this a bit more fun by drinking some ex lax in our drinks. So we did and pretty soon we began filling up our potties with diarrhea our waste smell was so strong. It attracted some buzzing flies and they looked hongry or is the word hungry? Whatever! We better go wiping our bottoms and vaginas and empty these potties out before we start attracting more poo loving insects into our home. So until then bye bye now!

Steve A

Poop Desperation While Moving Today

Today, I helped a family friend move some of their stuff out of their house. It wasn't until we arrived at the storage unit when I started to develop an urge to go.

As I was moving his stuff into the storage unit, the urge slowly got stronger overtime, until it got to the point of me realizing that I should probably find a restroom soon before risking an accident.

So I asked the storage clerk if they had a restroom and they did (thankfully) and once I got in, it was a single log a little over a foot long or so, along with some other stuff as well. I felt relieved afterwards and was thankful that they had a restroom. If not, then I would've had to think of any alternative options.

Emma two

Poo in the woods and Sarah's diarrhoea

I'd been constipated for about a week and a half until I woke up this morning with a stomach ache and a desperate need to have a bowel movement. I knew it would block the toilet if I used it so I decided to go in the woods. Sarah had to go as well and she asked me if she could come with me. I said it would be nice to do it together and we quickly got dressed and set off down to the woods. By the time we got there Sarah was getting desperate and I was close to having an accident in my knickers. I clenched tightly as we got out of the car and I'm sure Sarah was doing the same thing. We walked in the woods and found a nice secluded spot where no one could see us and I quickly pulled my jeans and knickers down ready to squat. Sarah was struggling to get her belt unbuckled and she was starting to panic as I released a huge load onto the grass bellow my bottom. She got it undone while I was still pushing more poo onto the pile I'd created and now she was struggling to get the button on her jeans undone. She told me to stop pooing as it was making her feel more desperate but I couldn't stop mid flow. Sarah got the button undone and pulled her jeans and knickers down together but it was too late. She'd had a small accident in her knickers and as soon as she squatted she blasted out a jet of liquid diarrhoea onto the grass. I was finishing by now and I wiped and pulled my knickers and jeans up while Sarah kept having wave after wave of diarrhoea as a brown pool formed at her feet. It took her about twenty minutes to finish and she wiped her bottom and pulled her clothes up. We walked back to the car and Sarah complained that her bum felt like it was on fire.


Fairly big poop

I got up this morning around 8:15, grabbed my Walmart bag (with my notebook, pen, toilet paper, etc in it), went to the washroom and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had to microwave breakfast first for 5 minutes (oatmeal and bananas with chili powder), sat down, ate slowly and took my medications afterwards. Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went outside my room, put the flip flops on out there, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a soft poop. Like one soft log. Only took about 30 seconds. When I was done I reached into the Walmart bag, took out the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first (great! There was blood there!) and then wiped my butt really well until I was clean. The poop was very slippery. Put the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a fairly big soft poop-one big log. Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Grabbed my Walmart bag, turned off the light and went downstairs to wash my hands. Dried my hands on the towels in here. I also put on a pad (ugh). I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and is having a good weekend so far.

Happy peeing and pooping!


Brandon's survey


On average how often do you hear co workers or co students poop before work or school starts?

S At my high school more guys took their shits there as the year went on.
I think it was because by 9th grade the day was getting longer, there were sports and activities to keep them after school, and they just got use to the so-so conditions of the bathrooms.
W Now at the office (60 of us on one floor) without passing periods and tardies most of the guys and women go in at least once in the morning and once in the afternoon. With six toilets, I usually have one or two others down and shitting when I arrive in the morning; less in the afternoon when I go into pee. Taking a piss at the urinal row sometimes leads to talk and bitch sessions about the economy.

On average, how often do you hear co workers or co students poop after lunch?
S Right after lunch was a busy time before we went to 6th hour class.
W I know my colleague in the cubicle next to me goes in at about 11 a.m. and sometimes takes 15 minutes. My first day on the job he came back and remarked that "someone's using too much ******* toilet paper." I hadn't taken my first workplace shit yet.

If you spend time on toilet at work or school do other people hide their pooping sounds or are they mostly not shameful about it?
S That was hard to do a school because there were no privacy doors on the toilets. When I had neighbors in my sits I did hear some nervous tugging at or spinning the toilet paper rolls.
W If I'm on the toilet, I find that those entering will try and use one of the farther toilets. Eventually, however all six will be in use. During my first month, I took my seat and the guy on my left from maintenance struck up a conversation with me. When I stood to flush, he slid me his business card.

Do you recognize behavior or people trying to avoid going number 2 at school or work?
S Yes. Two guys sitting on stools in the science lab sure would smell in 7th hour. I suspect they were holding it until they go home. If they had received a detention after school I would think that would have been asking for trouble. My girlfriend told me she had seen that happen once. We knew the guy, he was as shy as they come.
W I wonder if some of the smokers who must go outside to do their thing cross the alley and use the facility at the city park. I guess I'm too new to know.

Do you see people going to other blocks or departments to poop at a place where nobody knows them?
S Yes. When we walked into the school at 7:30 a.m. my girlfriend would immediately go upstairs to 4th floor to see a teacher. She could never remember the teachers name. She would be looking so relieved when she came back down. I guess the large, heavily used bathroom on the first floor made her feel uncomfortable.
W See my response to the earlier question.

Do you recognize co workers or co students disappearing to the toilet after eating or drinking coffee?

S I saw one girl grab her friend's coffee cup and take a gulp. The owner told her friend "I hope you pee your pants during PE because I know coffee goes right through you!"
W We are pretty busy at our call center, but I have looked up and seen colleagues hurrying it to the bathroom.


Types of accidents

As mentioned on previous posts, I've had a handful of accidents over the years, mostly owing to my ADHD which meant I'd either hold it out of distraction, not realizing I had to go until it started coming out in my pants, or only realizing once it was an emergency and not being able to get to a bathroom in time. When it comes to poop accidents, I've discovered there are three ways in which it happens: There's everything coming out all at once, a slower version in which it comes out bit by bit, and then the odd occasion when I technically could have held it longer but let it out for other reasons.

I've posted about everything coming out at once, that is pretty self explanatory I think. A big accident in a short period of time.

An example of letting it out when I could have held on, is when I was about 12 and I'd gone out on a snowy day to play in a local park with some friends. Me being me, I probably had to go before I even left, but didn't realize until it reached a point of desperation when I was in the park. Of course the bathrooms were locked and I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of my friends, so once it hit me that this was an emergency, I headed home. It was only about five blocks, but the snow was deep and it was really hard to keep holding while trudging through the snow. Plus, I had to go so bad that it was making me feel kind of sick. I got about two blocks and just couldn't face it anymore, so I squatted, pretending to look at something in the snow, and relieved myself in my snowsuit. It all came out right away with no effort so it might have become a true accident anyway, but technically I could have held it a little longer.

A slow accident example is from my early twenties, when my roommate at the time was having a really rough week at work and going through a breakup. She wanted to have a leisurely bath to relax. Again, me being me, I probably had to go for a while before she got in the bathroom, but didn't realize it until I was absolutely bursting for a poop. I didn't want to disturb her so I tried to hold it as long as possible. I was pacing around my room and squirming, praying for her to hurry up. A big cramp hit me and I felt something happen back there. I was pretty sure I was touching cloth. I couldn't feel any bulge but I quickly pulled down my panties and sure enough, there was a stain, but no actual poop in them. It felt like there was a smear of it just between my cheeks. I cursed and doubled down on my squirming, but actually this small amount of poop between my cheeks did relieve the pressure ever so slightly, so I thought maybe I could still make it.

But, over the next five minutes the pressure built back up and another surge happened. This time I could tell a little bit had come all the way out and was in my panties. Now there was the faintest bulge when I reached back. You can see where this is going....pressure built up, small amount came out. In this way, the bulge slowly grew, growing alongside my embarrassment. Slow accidents were the worst in that way, I hated the shameful experience of pooping my pants being so drawn out. I always thought in retrospect, I should have just let it all out at once, but each time you don't realize until it's too late that you're just not going to make it. Until the bulge reaches a certain size, you still think it's just a little bit of poop and technically I could still get to the bathroom in time. The denial is definitely stronger for slow accidents!

Anyway, on that occasion, once the bulge was about the size of an orange I no longer had to go as urgently, but the denial had passed and it was obvious there was no more hope of getting to the toilet on time, so I just let the rest of it out.

I wonder does anyone else who has been accident prone relate to this?


Travellers constipation

One more constipated traveller here. I also have a bit of a sensitive system, but have it mostly under control when at home. Don't really have any great tips as it still happens. But one thing that I think makes a big difference is the feeling of having the time and opportunity to go to the toilet after breakfast which is my normal routine. I traveled to Japan with my girlfriend once and hadn't really told her about this problem, and she's very energetic and gets excited to go see things which means there was usually a plan to go somewhere. The combination of having here in the hotel room, new setting and the feeling of time pressure made me really constipated. Another time we went bike hiking, and then she was much more relaxed and the first morning she even took out her book and started to read a bit in the grass after breakfast - Perfect opportunity to "sneak" away and have a sit in peace and quiet. Had a bowel movement every day that trip!


Hanging with Maggie

I (21M) hung out with my girl best friend Maggie (21F) and this felt special cause this was my first time hanging with her since Elyse became my girlfriend. I've known Maggie since I was born and we've been going to school together since Pre-K; right now were at different universities. She walked over to my place around 12pm since we live 5 minutes away by walking. I took her to the mall to go shopping, eat lunch, and play at D&B. We had a fun day out there so on the way back, I went through drive-thru at McDonalds to get dinner. We then went back to my place since my parents weren't home. We ate dinner in my room while we were watching the NBA playoffs. After the game was over, I told her "Imma go take a dump" so she went into the bathroom with me which is connected to my bedroom. We've both been watching each other poop since we were 8 years old so this is normal for us. I took about 8 minutes to poop and it felt relieving. After I got out of the bathroom, we were playing on the switch and watching episodes of anime for the next 3 hours before Maggie said "I'm gonna take a shit." I went into my bathroom with her and I locked the door once we both got in. Maggie pulled down her black skater skirt and yellow underwear with flowers. She then sat on the toilet and we started talking about my girlfriend Elyse. This was also Maggie's first time pooping in front of me since I started dating Elyse. I told her about the date I went on with Elyse and that Elyse pooped in front of me in her bathroom. I also said I'm excited to make memories with Elyse and that I want them to hang out together eventually. They already know each other cause we all went to the same high school, but the 2 girls never really talked back then. Maggie was really proud of me which l love to hear cause she always supports me no matter what. The good thing is that Elyse is okay with Maggie pooping in front of me cause she knows how tight my friendship is with her. Maggie dropped a huge bomb after 15 minutes but she wasn't done. I looked at her when I heard the splash, then she said "I have more." 5 minutes after that, she pooped a long turd which really smelled. She then wiped, flushed, pulled up her skirt and underwear, and washed her hands. We then went back to my room to continue watching anime. After 2 more episodes, Maggie went back home cause it was late at night.

MD Dan

Grocery Store Gas Leads to a Date

Hey everyone!

Veronica: Great story about the men's room! I've been in similar situations and it's always great when everyone is polite and understanding. I also really liked your Christmas story. It was very wholesome and you sound really sweet.

Now for my story from this morning. I woke up and went out to the grocery store shortly after they opened (around 6:30am). My stomach was a little off and I was feeling pretty bloated but I didn't need to grab much so I was hoping to just run in and out. Because it was so early, there were very few customers and several employees around stocking shelves and doing their morning routine. I walked into one aisle and saw a great-looking woman stocking one of the shelves that I needed to get to. She was in her early 30s or so, had dirty blonde hair in a pony tail, and wearing the store's polo shirt with some tight black jeans. I'd later find out her name was Jess. I was feeling the need to fart and wanted to grab my stuff and leave the aisle as quickly as possible. I walked up and said, "Excuse me, I need to grab something from that shelf." and pointed to a shelf behind her cart of boxes. She said, "Oh, no problem" and slide the cart out of the way. What I needed was on the bottom shelf and when I squatted down to grab it, a loud ripping fart slipped out. I stood up without grabbing anything and instinctively turned to her and said, "Excuse me, I'm sorry!" She was trying not to laugh and said, "It's ok, don't worry about it." I squatted down again, and of course another ripping fart slipped out, a little longer this time. It smelled pretty bad too. I stood up, without grabbing anything again, turned to her and said, "Oh my god. I am SO sorry." This time she couldn't control herself and started giggling. She saw I was embarrassed and blushing and she said, "Hey, it's okay. It happens all the time." I thanked her and she said, "Really, don't worry about it. Hey, you should hear how much I fart in the mornings while I'm stocking the shelves. I do it all time, so it's not like you're the only one!" I laughed and said, "Thanks, that makes me feel a little better about it." I needed to poop now and told her I'd be back in a little bit to grab what I needed. She guessed what I was going to do, smiled, and just said, "Sure thing!"

I headed off to the restrooms and took a large, quick poop. It was pretty much one long solid log with some more gas. Nothing crazy but I felt a lot better. I walked back down the aisle and she had moved her cart a few feet further down and was working on a different shelf. She saw me, smiled, and said, "Hello, again! Feeling better?" I said, "Yes, much better, thank you!" I grabbed what I needed, without farting this time, and stood back up. Immediately I smelled a horrible sulfur smell and look over at her. She was standing behind me and facing the shelf on the other side. She sensed me looking at her and turn her head, covering her mouth and nose. She moved her hand and said, "Sorry, that was me. See what I mean?" and winked at me. I said, "Don't worry about it." and winked back at her. She held her stomach and said, "Hey, I need to go really quick, but um...I get off around 1. Do you want to grab some coffee or something?" Of course I said, "Yeah, that sounds great!" While I was giving her my number, another wave of sulfur washed over the aisle. She got wide-eyed and actually blushed this time. She said, "Sorry! I really need to go, I'll text you so you have my number." I said, "See you later!" She winked again and ran off towards the bathrooms. Not two minutes later, as I'm checking out, I get a text from Jess giving me her number. I'll keep you all filled in if anything happens related to this forum. Very excited about it!

Violet Indigo

female urinals + survey + male toilets + gendered toilets

TO MYLES: Since nobody responded to you Myles, I'll give you an answer. I've never seen or heard of female urinals. I don't even know how they would work.

- On average how often do you hear co workers or co students poop before work or school starts?
I don't use the toilets before the start of work, and I did not use the toilets before school when I was a student. I've always been more likely to go during or after work/the school day.

- On average how often do you hear co workers or co students poop after lunch?
Not often.

- If you spend time on toilet at work or school do other people hide their pooping sounds or are they mostly not shameful about it?
I haven't ever really heard someone try to mask the sounds. Some people courtesy flush, but that's more for smells than sounds. At work people tend to be more shy than at school.

- Do you recognize behavior of people trying to avoid going nr 2 at school or work?
I don't really pick up on it.

- Do you see people going to other blocks or departments to poop at a place where nobody knows them?
No, but I've done this.

- Do you recognize co workers or co students disappearing to the toilet after eating or drinking coffee?
I've noticed it a couple of times.

MY EXPERIENCE USING MALE TOILETS AS A WOMAN: Since there was discussion about using public toilets for the opposite sex, I can comment my experiences. I haven't ever used a multi-stall public bathroom for males specifically, but I've used multi-stall gender neutral bathrooms for peeing a couple of times in my life, and I've used single-toilet male bathrooms when the women's room has been inaccessible due to plumbing issues, lack of proper lighting, or lack of toilet paper. I wouldn't feel safe using a multi-stall male toilet alone, but if the ladies' room was down I had a guy friend with me I trusted I'd be interested in using a male toilet, just to see what it's like. The multi-stall gender neutral bathrooms I used were awkward, especially the one that had urinals without stalls. I think I wrote about my experience in those bathrooms already.

MY THOUGHTS ON GENDERED TOILETS, GENDER NEUTRAL TOILETS: If a guy were to need to use the ladies' room because the men's toilet was down, I would feel comfortable so long as he made his presence known (like asking before he came in "is anybody in here, is it okay if I use this bathroom"). This topic got me thinking, I have a lot of empathy for people who are visibly androgynous. I have quite a few friends who fit that description. I imagine that choosing which bathroom to use would be a stressful experience for them, and so should I encounter someone like that in the bathroom I would try to be empathetic and understanding. I know that not long ago, there was a media panic about lesbians, bi people, and gay men using public restrooms, and so I think it's only fair to extend that to transgender and nonbinary people. Friends of mine who are from those backgrounds have told me horror stories about hostility.
Even just as a bi woman with a traditionally feminine aesthetic, when I've used public restrooms with my girlfriend whose aesthetic is more androgynous, I've been nervous that some bigoted person would give us shit for it, although that has never happened. It's an anxiety that just doesn't exist when I'm by myself and people assume I'm straight. But then, I also wouldn't feel comfortable in an all-gender, multi-stall public restroom, having used a couple of them before. So I don't know what the solution is, other than just assuming people would do good-faith self-determination of which bathroom to use, or to maybe expand the availability of single-occupancy public restrooms. I am interested in what other people think about this topic.

Last Friday we (my son, his girlfriend and I) had breakfast at the local Wetherspoons. The others left immediately after dinner but I got the message that I had to shit. So at ten in the morning I took a seat on the toilet in the men's room on the first floor of the pub. You should realise that a pub is an exceptional place where I don't usually use to poop. I chose to occupy the third of the four vacant shitting stalls, and then I locked the door, pulled down my pants and underpants, put my ass the pot and started downloading my turds. There was a dirty stench, and I immediately got up to flush the turds as quickly as possible. Then I resumed my seat and waited until no more shit and no wind came out of my ass. Then I wiped my ass clean, pulled up my pants, left the stall and started washing my hands. During my visit, I was the only one who was pooping, although three men came in to pee.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Quick pee

Milk jugs (for bagged milk)

For the ladies. A milk jug that holds one plastic milk sleeve is a good portable urinal for females for bedside, at home when the bathroom is occupied, or for travel, for the car, etc. It has a handle that can be held at the front. A lady just has to put it between her legs and pee into it. The ones that are slightly oval in shape are well suited for women's plumbing. I just peed into one and dumped it down the shower drain, then rinsed the tub and to ensure clear water in the p trap. It can also be used in public washrooms when the toilet seat is gross. If you buy bagged milk just have the urinal in a different color than for your milk. Also, rinsing it in the tub vs the kitchen sink to keep things sanitary.


To Dillon

I enjoyed reading your recent story, and the three day weekend one you posted a while back. First of all, well done for getting together with Elyse! I hope both of you are enjoying your new relationship. I have a few questions, if you're willing to answer:

* How did you two (and your friend Maggie as well) become open with bathroom matters around each other?
* Did Elyse show you her poop once she'd finished?
* Did you enjoy the experience? If so, what did you enjoy about it?
* Since Elyse and Maggie let you watch them poop, have you returned the favour and let them watch you poop?

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to reading your future stories.


Re-Female urinal

Hello again I posted a couple of days ago asking about female urinals and nobody seemed to have any answers so I'll ask again. Has anyone ever seen/used a female urinal in a washroom. I'm not talking about devices bu the actual fixture something like the sanistand or simlar

Thanks, Myles


Re-Female urinal

Hello again I posted a couple of days ago asking about female urinals and nobody seemed to have any answers so I'll ask again. Has anyone ever seen/used a female urinal in a washroom. I'm not talking about devices bu the actual fixture something like the sanistand or simlar

Thanks, Myles


To Dillon

I enjoyed reading your recent story, and the three day weekend one you posted a while back. First of all, well done for getting together with Elyse! I hope both of you are enjoying your new relationship. I have a few questions, if you're willing to answer:

* How did you two (and your friend Maggie as well) become open with bathroom matters around each other?
* Did Elyse show you her poop once she'd finished?
* Did you enjoy the experience? If so, what did you enjoy about it?
* Since Elyse and Maggie let you watch them poop, have you returned the favour and let them watch you poop?

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to reading your future stories.


To John H

You're welcome. I know but I have had to do that for quite a few years (I don't know how many-I had brain surgery in July 2013 and a few parts of my brain had to be taken out-hippocampus, temperol lobe and part of my frontal lobe had to be taken out. So as a result I have to write in a notebook or notepad when I'm out the time, where I am and what I'm doing). No need for sympathy. This is life and I'm living it the best I can. I will also be moving into housing-I don't know if it's assisted or not. It takes ages it seems like-lots of waiting-but that will be a huge amount of stress taken off my caregiver since she's 70 with heart problems)

Thank you



Christmas poops

Last Christmas my sister and brother in law came from New Mexico to spend the holidays with us, as well as my parents and cousins. I noticed my brother in law Carson wasn't his usual chatty self. I asked him what was wrong, which he blushed and said "we're family, so I guess I can tell you. I'm really constipated". I sympathized with him offering him some prune juice. Which is something my fiancé tried when he's plugged up, if prune juice doesn't work, which sometimes it doesn't he'll take a laxative. Which luckily isn't often because we both don't want him to get dependent on them. He smiled. "Thanks, I would like that". I nodded going to the kitchen to pour a glass. "Fill er' up all the way" he requested. He chugged the whole thing squeezing his face in disgust. I also hate the bitter taste. "It should be a matter of time" I told him. "I just hope it works, I'm so uncomfortable". We passed the time by playing card games, and watching sports on tv. An hour later I saw Carson get up to use the bathroom. Hopefully he would be successful. I went to the kitchen to check on the dinner that was being prepared. The walls of my house are really thin, I could even hear Carson farting up a storm in the bathroom. I pretended not to notice. But it sounded like things were coming out easily. Carl came up to get another beer, telling me he was gonna use the bathroom upstairs to take a shit. If we didn't have company I would've watched him. Unfortunately had to sit out for this dump. Carson came out of the bathroom looking better. "How'd you make out?" I asked. "Great, thank you for the juice. It really helped. But don't go in there for a while" he whispered. "Glad I could help" I smiled. He went to the living room to watch tv with the rest of the family.

What was funny was that after dinner, my cousin Marco ripped a huge fart. "I'm sorry, it slipped out" his face turned red. He's not the type to be open with farting around people, especially family. We all laughed. He mentioned that he had to poop and would be right back. "I have to take a #2 as well please don't be too long" my dad said. We continued doing our usual holiday routines throughout the evening, enjoying each others company. My dad tested Marco on how much he stunk up the bathroom. And we all teased my dad with his smell after he was done. I like that majority of my family is pretty chill when it comes to bodily functions, that's how I was raised. In my opinion it makes our bond very strong.


Soft poop about an hour after breakfast

Got up this morning around 8:15, grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, opened it, went outside my room, put the ugly flip flops on, closed the door, went to the washroom, brushed my teeth, peed, changed my pad (it's that week), flushed the toilet, washed my hands and went upstairs. Had to first microwave breakfast for 5 minutes then when it was ready I put on oven mitts and brought the bowl to the table. Put the oven mitts back and sat down to eat breakfast slowly and carefully since it was very hot. It was ????. It had bananas and grated chili peppers in it. After breakfast I took my 9 AM medications, put my notebook and pen in my Walmart bag, took that and my water jar downstairs, took off the flip flops outside my room and went into my room. I put on the flip flops on in here, put the Walmart bag on the bed, put the water jar on the desk (on a pamphlet from the hospital to avoid getting water marks on the table) and sat down to go on the internet on my phone and drink water. Gotta keep hydrated and keep things moving, you know?

Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge (finally!) so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put the ugly beige flip flops on out there, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and high cut dark green underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out quite a bit of crap that was soft. Not diarrhea, just soft like mud. Stunk too. Pushing up my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took the rest off the roll (there wasn't much left) and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Messy job but didn't want any slime back there or on my clean underwear. Put the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a pile of really soft poop (that would explain the farting earlier) that looked like soft mud. P.U. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands well, picked up the Walmart bag, opened the door, turned off the light. Walked to my room, took the flip flops off outside my room, opened the door, went inside, dried my hands on the towel, put the flip flops on in my room and now writing this. Hopefully after lunch I can do another soft poop (better out than in). I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and is having a good day so far.

Happy peeing and pooping!


If you go for a shit in a public toilet and you find that the pot has skidmarks in it, do you just pull your pants down and shit on top or do you look for a clean stall?

To Bethany

Bethany I liked your story about pooping at the pool hope your poop came out ok. I pooped today mine was nice & smooth. My name is Austin by the way.


Does anybody else do this?

I have a tiny bladder, so if I have to go anywhere (including work), I tend to wake up at least 2 hours before I need to leave, drink a cup of coffee and some water, making sure not to drink anything afterwards. It's pretty stressful, but especially stressful if I need to leave earlier than I'm used to.

I'm going to an event in a week and have to be there early to get through security. Really nervous and hoping I don't need to use the bathroom while I'm there. I mean, I can normally go 2 hours without using it if I'm careful. But if I'm anxious, I need to go no matter what I do. Starting to think I need to wear diapers just to sort of ease this anxiety. I'm always afraid there won't be restrooms or that there will be a line.

Help! I need this to stop. I'm tired. Tbh I think the best thing I could probably do for myself is give up coffee entirely, but the headaches... and I need to be productive at work. Ugh! Plus, I have a coworker who likes to go into the bathroom to talk on the phone. I rarely have a bathroom to myself. I hate it!


Mad dash to washroom for tiny poop

Got up this morning around 8 (today's my weekly exercise program), went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. It had to be microwaved first for 5 minutes and then I sat down and slowly ate. It was runny oatmeal with bananas and chili peppers (that's how I like breakfast and my caregiver is from Taiwan so she likes spicy food). Ate slowly chewing well and took the package of medications downstairs.

Immediately I got the urge to poop so I grabbed the Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my dark sweatpants and high-cut dark green underwear (on period) down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out a poop. It wasn't that big which was surprising. Reached into the Walmart bag, pushed up my sleeves, grabbed the toilet paper, took some toilet paper off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor then started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Put it into the toilet between my legs. Stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. That was disappointing. It was thick and solid and probably only a few inches long. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands, left the washroom and turned off the light. Turned on my light, took the flip flops off outside my room, opened my bedroom door, went inside, put the pretty flip flops on in here, dried my hands on the towel and now writing this. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy ( I think I have caught a bit of a cold) and having a good week so far. I will drink much more water later then hopefully my cold will go and so I will poop.

Happy peeing and pooping!



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