

To Denise regarding accidents.

I can relate well to two of those three accident types. For "all at once" it all comes out immediately into my pants if it's a small load. Or if it's a big load, it'll typically come out in two separate movements. But they happen in less than two minutes so I think that qualifies as being fast for this discussion. And of course the "let it happen" kind is almost second nature to me. As to the third type you mentioned, whether an "accident" was totally unintentional or not, the bit by bit scenario hasn't happened much with me.

The one memorable exception was a night when I came back from work. I needed to poop at the end of my shift but the manager wanted to close the store quickly. I wouldn't have time to use the toilet here so after a few minutes of cleaning up my department, I grabbed my bike, headed out, and took the short ride home. I was fairly desperate, farting and cramping, but I couldn't poop with a bike seat against my butt even if I wanted to. It was uncomfortable but I made it home without too much trouble. I opened the back door, pulled my bike inside, closed and locked the door and started to proceed upstairs.

I had to stop to keep from crapping myself right there and then. Then I wondered if it was worth continuing this fight. By this time in my life I already had experience pooping my pants for fun or convenience so I didn't need to overcome a lifetime of conditioning to let it happen. I relaxed and a small semi-soft turd made its way into my Fruit of the Loom briefs. It relieved me enough to continue on. But every few steps my butt hole would open letting additional soft poo out. Because I already had a load started I saw no reason to resist. It kept happening all the way to the bathroom. I don't know how many minutes this played out over but I would guess between three and five since I was going slowly. With the damage was already done, I stood in front of the mirror and pulled my slacks down. I had a good sized bulge on the backside of my briefs with the slightest hint of a wet brown stain beginning to soak through. I carefully peeled off the now ruined Fruit of the Looms and dumped the gooey mass into the toilet. There was still an awful mess on my butt that took a lot of TP to remove. I did just well enough to put on another pair of already dirty underwear and go to sleep. Then I finished the job with a bath in the morning.

Looking back, do I consider this a true accident? No. I still believe I could've made it to the toilet if I really wanted to. I've made it through similar close calls. But in this instance I'll never know for sure. And on a parting note, I'm hoping to see more replies to your post. Unfortunately, we don't have many self-identified accident prone members currently active in the forum. It's strange how a whole bunch of them seem to have vanished in the last couple years.


About female urinals

I actually have seen a female urinal before, although I didn't use it myself. A few years back I was at a bar with some coworkers. At one point, one of the girls said she needed to use the bathroom, and I said I did as well so we went together. The setup in the ladies' room was two stalls and two urinals.

They looked kinda like a hybrid between a typical urinal and a toilet bowl. The top part was exactly like a normal urinal but it curved towards the bottom and formed a rounded rectangular basin with a few inches of water.

Most of the women at the bar seemed to have no problems using the urinals but I was too shy/embarrassed so I opted to wait for a stall even though I didn't need to poop. When we got to the bathroom, both stalls and both urinals were occupied. It took a while for a stall to open up and while I was waiting I observed a total of five women using the urinals. Plus once I finished peeing and exited the stall, it was two different women using the urinals than had been before.

The women who used the urinals did so in a squatting position, very much like how you'd pee outside or if hovering over a filthy toilet. Everyone did that, except for one woman who used it standing up - she straddled the urinal, with one leg on either side of the "bowl".


Almost a buddy dump + constipation

I want to be vague with the description of my job, but I travel to different buildings with a team of people. Because of that, I have been using different public bathrooms every day.

I went to one bathroom at the same time as my coworker. He's an Asian-American man in his mid-20's, around the same age as me. We wear business casual outfits to work - for me, that was a blouse, a knee-length skirt, pantyhose, and flats. I think he was wearing a button-down shirt and khakis, but I don't remember. We walked there together. He went into the men's room, I went into the women's room. The bathrooms were next to each other. I could not hear or smell anything from his bathroom, and I am pretty sure he couldn't hear or smell anything from mine.

The women's restroom had 3 stalls facing a mirror. I went into the middle stall, locked the door, pulled up my skirt, pulled down my pantyhose, and sat down. I let out a little pre-poop fart, and then began to push. I pushed out a few hard balls of poop. It didn't really have too strong of a smell. While I was pooping, another woman came in to pee. I started to wipe. By the time I was done wiping, the other woman had finished, washed her hands, and left.

I stood up, fixed my outfit, flushed the toilet, and washed my hands. I left the bathroom, and at the same time my coworker left the men's room. "I just took a shit," he said to me, laughing. "Me too. Boss makes a dollar while I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time." Reflecting on the discussion that occurred here the other day about gender-neutral bathrooms, if the building had gender-neutral bathrooms, it would have been a buddy dump. There was a wall separating us, so I'm not sure if what happened counted as a buddy dump.

On a somewhat related note, I've been struggling with constipation, to the point that I am pretty sure I had a fissure from straining. I looked into solutions for this issue, and the internet suggested stool softeners. I bought some and I'll start taking them, to see if they help.


Beach Guy

Clogged toilet at brother in law's

I'm very prone to having thick poops that clog toilets. Usually on a monthly basis. Which gives something my wife to playfully tease me about. There was one time when we went to my brother in law's house for dinner. Food really gets my bowels going, most of the time I go right after dinner. We had steak, beans, and mashed potatoes. I had a decent amount and helped myself. By the end I was stuffed. After cleaning up I was relaxing in their reclining chair when I knew it was time to take a dump, and I mean it really hit me. I don't like pooping in peoples houses because I'm scared I'm gonna clog it but I didn't think I could hold it. I excused myself to the bathroom, my brother in law told me there was a plunger in there in case I needed it. All my family knows about my problem.

I settled on the toilet and let my load slip out of my ass. It really stretched me out, but not in a painful way. I love pushing out a good shit. It was so big it didn't make a splashing sound. It fell silently in the water. I wasn't done, I pushed again and my hole opened for round 2. A log that felt just as big and thick as the last slithered out taking its time. I looked between to see two turds that looked as thick as sausage and shaped like one too. The second log lay atop of the first one diagonally. I attempted to flush before wiping, and the dreaded sound of the toilet stopping up was disappointing. I sighed and began to unclog it. My turds swirling around making the water brown. I gave a second flush and everything went down, barely though. The bathroom was super stinky but I couldn't find any spray to cover up the smell. I washed my hands and left, with my wife telling me she figured I'd need to use the plunger. My wife and brother in law had a bet.

Princess Toadstool Peach

I'm Weeing and I'm Pooing sitting there and I'm Proud of it

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I ate a huge meal and drank a lot of liquids at dinner time so I'm ready for action and by action I mean I have to do a big poo and wee before I head to bed. So with a big yawn I light a candle and head upstairs to bed at the tallest tower of my castle. Then after I put my candle on my bedside table I then head into the bathroom to brush my teeth and shave my pubes. Then afterwards my royal bowel doors begin knocking and my bladder tingles as I walk over to my toilet, lift open the lid, lift up my dress, pull down my royal panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then I sit down on my toilet adjusting myself squatting on my footstool and then as I sat I read the newspaper and start to urinate and also tinkle loudly weeing and peeing without a single awesome care in the world. "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssshhh dripdripdrop!" Then I cross my legs pinching my loaf doing a massive poo dump from my bottom poo hole. "PLOP SPLAT PLOOP PAAAAARRRRPP SPLASH PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK!!" Phew my waste totally smells. Well…time to wipe and take care of the Paperwork. I wipe my bottom with toilet paper same with my vagina between my legs too. Then I get off the toilet, pull up my panties, lift down my dress and then I flush all my brown crayon doodoo pooh poos poopsies brownloads away. (FLLUUUUSSSShhhhh!!) Yawwwnnn! I gotta head to bed now. Hope you guys have a awesome time in your bathroom tonight. Bye bye now!

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

crapping at side of road, and Hisae's mistake

In Japan nobody defecate at side of road. We don't know reason. Perhaps because commute by car not so common in big cities, and there are many loo in train station. But sometimes woman go into men's loo in station to defecate because women's loo too crowded. Usually that is not-very-young woman.

Of course different people have different body clock. We four usually defecate every day in the morning (Mina and Maho sometimes skip a day or two days). But we know that other people are different.

We are happy that man who wrote this post always find that men's loo is free.

Now Mina rewrite about Hisae's mistake, with being careful about rule of this site.

After Mina press submit button for post to Dillon, few days ago, suddenly Hisae said, "Aaah! I forget, tomorrow Kazu do motion with Maho, because she sleep with Maho this week!" (It is rule in our family that in weekdays, two people who sleep together do motion together, so there are two people in beige loo and two people in green loo at same time.)

Then Kazu said, "I also mistake!" but we are not surprise, because Kazu crying and crying and crying. So she is easy to mistake.

Maho shout, "It's OK! Tomorrow I come to green flat for motion before we go work. Chae you go beige flat and you and Kazu do motion together!"

Kazu kissed Maho with a big passion. Kazu is busy to kiss all crushes with a big passion!

Next morning, after usual huge breakfast in beige flat, Maho and Mina move to green flat for motion. Maho was excite little bit, so Mina said, "Maholin you go first."

Maho always stay on loo interminable, but Mina was OK to wait.

Maho did wee and then became statue. Mina kneel beside of her.

But after about 4 minutes, her (Maho's) beautiful bubble butt expel about six very noisy o-nara (fart).

"Wow Maholin, that is a fantastic!" So Maho kissed to Mina's top of head.

Then Maho's bubble butt become bigger and turtle head appear! Maho push and push! Large turd splash in loo with breaking about seven pieces. Mina want to write Plop Sploop Plunk like Princess Toadstool Peach write, but it will be a plagiarism, so Mina decided she don't use these word. Then Maho stands and Mina flush, then Maho sits down again and produces next mierda but it breaks up into maybe three pieces only. Then Maho push out little pieces many many, Mina is impatient a bit, when Maho is going to stop?? But Mina said nothing. She was happy that Maho was so satisfying motion.

Of course finally Maho finished, so Mina sat on loo. "O-matasé," Maho said, so Mina kiss her top of head. (O-matasé is mean, Sorry I keep you waiting.) Mina's bottom is hurry a bit, so she start quicker than Maho, and she count her turds, it is ten heavy plops! No surprise that Mina's bottom so impatient. Maho flushed, then Mina did lots little pieces. Mina was on loo about 15 minutes, and Maho was same.

Then we back to beige flat. Kazu and Chae just finishing their motion! So they were same time with Mina and Maho. Kazu had tearful face again! "Wow Kazu-chan, are you OK?"

"I am OK! I had so wonderful time! Chae thank you!"

Chae explain. "You know Kazu always do so much mierda one sitting, but today was new record! Her bubble butt produced more and more and more and more! It was so lovely to watch her! I really enjoyed."

From Kazu: "I also enjoyed! Chae gave me so wonderful massage!" Then she added, "But Chae also produce many many many! And very soft! She take break few times and then her bubble butt push out more mierda every time! Many times!" and Hisae said, "That is true."

Then we went to work, so we didn't talk about our defecate any more. If we talk about that in street many cars will crash to other cars!

Princess Toadstool Peach, we love your stories with Princess Zelda and Princess Bethany and Princess Rosaline. We surprised you can sit on potties! Are they very big? Our potties very small so we have to squat. We hope you all always have wonderful time with your bubble butts all four. And we hope everyone this site have good time always. We hope everyone is very fine.

Love to everyone.


Sunday, May 19, 2024


To Kenna:

Hello, Kenna!
I've just read your last post, and I like it very much. I've been admired you could push such big and hard turds out by yourself, without the help of anybody! I'd like to ask you several questions about your pooping and peeing, if you don't mind. I'd like to introduce myself too. My name is Petro, I'm 41. I was born and grew up in Ukraine, but I constantly live in Germany since 2001.
Was it very difficult for you to push such big and hard turds out on the day you described in your last post?
1. Is it usually difficult for you to poop?
2. As you're pooping, have you usually to strain a lot for pushing your poo out?
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
4. As you go pooping, do you usually push one big turd out or do you poop several ones out as a rule?
5. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually to push a lot before your first turd comes out? Does it ever occur with you during pooping, that everything falls out at once?
6. Do you usually grunt while pooping or do you poop more often quietly?
7. Do you always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories?
8. Do you usually go pooping as you feel you have to do it? If you sat down on the toilet and tried to poop without having an urge for it, would you be able to poop in that case?
9. Had you ever a situation as you sat down on the toilet for pooping and started pushing, but you couldn't push your poo out? And had you often situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive as a positive or a negative thing?
10. What is your poop schedule? At what day time do you usually go pooping?
11. Do you usually poop every day or more rarely? If you poop every day, do you do it one time a day or more than one time?
12. Do you like pooping? If you push a big poo out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
13. If you've pushed a big poo out, are you proud of it?
14. Was it very difficult for you to push such big and hard turds out on the day you described in your last post?
15. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
16. Do you usually pee in the morning after getting up? If you do, do you also try to poop after it?
17. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
18. Can you stand up for peeing? If you can, do you often stand up for peeing?
19. Do you often make a buddy dump with somebody?
20. Do you often poop outdoors? As you do, do you make an outdoors buddy dump with somebody of your friends?
21. In what state of USA do you live, if it's not a secret?
22. And I'd also like to ask you: may I ask you some questions about your pooping and peeing as you were a young child?
I wish you happy pooping and peeing!

David P


To Jasmin K: How are things lately Jaz? It would be nice to hear an update. I hope you are managing to have a regular easy time when you go for a poo. Have you had to strain much lately? How is the prolapse?

To Abbie: it's been a few years now and I really do hope you are doing well if you still read this and your bowel movements are a bit easier than they were and not as fat. You suffered many years of constipation. Please write again we all miss you.

Mrs Big and Hard: Are you still here? I have hiatus hernia too. It is giving me lots of discomfort. I probably got it from straining as a child.

Now for an update. I was badly constipated for a few months causing piles, bleeding, pain, very hard knobbly poos that caused fissures and cuts in my bum hole. Painful. Luckily now it's all sorted. No more itching and bleeding thank god. Occasional bleeding but not lots like before. I keep using my squatty potty and I kept my poo nice and soft with more fibre which helped but I am slacking a bit lately. I had a poo again today. Just pushed for about a few seconds and it shot out and made a splash and it sunk to the bottom and was curled up like a small dark brown croissant. Not much else to report. Bowels are nice and regular and no straining. Nothing to report. Have fun opening your bowels peeps!


Using the toilet at the youth hostel

This happened to me last week as I was traveling in Vienna, Austria. I am typically very bathroom shy and I hate using public bathrooms, especially for number two. I can't help but hold it for as long as possible, which then causes me constipation and sometimes even a stomach ache.
It was the second to last day in the city and I hadn't had a chance to relieve myself so far. Needless to say that I was very bloated. The shared restroom situation at the hostel was killing me. However, I had discovered a secluded, single-user bathroom in the first underground, near to the luggage room. After having breakfast that day, I was hit by a terrible urge to go. I knew that I had no choice anymore, it was that or having an accident. So I went to this bathroom only to find the door locked. I waited in agony for about five minutes, when the previous user finally came out. I recognized a short Danish girl with whom I had become friends two days earlier. She seemed very embarrassed and blushed when seeing me. She told me that this toilet was out-of-order and that I'd need to find another one. It was obvious to me that she just clogged it. I told her, lying, that I just needed to check my makeup and I went in. The smell was quite strong as she had just taken a massive number two. I was in agony, so I opened the toilet lid only to find numerous thick logs coiling in the bowl and dissolving bits of toilet paper. However, I was too desperate to care and just sat down.
I had to push a little to get my number two started, as it was really stretching my bum hole. It hurt very badly while being relieving at the same time. The first massive log finally got out. Thankfully, it was so long that it didn't splash me, which would have been utterly disgusting. But I clearly wasn't done, as I kept expelling one log after the other. They were not nearly as hard and just slid out of me. When I was done, I wiped a few times. I was not surprised to see some blood on the toilet paper, as the first logs were very wide. Flushing was pointless, so I just washed my hands and prayed that no one would see me leaving the bathroom. I was lucky and got away with it.
Later that day I saw my Danish friend devouring a whole donner kebap wrap, so it was obvious to me that her digestion was back on track as well.


Conscripted with someone

Hi everyone,

I haven't posted here in a while, but last time I was here I talked about pooping with other people and how it helps me go. I get constipated often and being able to push with someone else always made the struggle easier. Was wondering if anyone else experienced this.


Post Title (optional Why not more crapping on side of roads

As I age, I become more concerned about the need to drop a load when no toilets are available.
I also am more baffled as to why we do not see more people crapping on the side of the road, or pulling over at a restaurants during morning and evening commutes.

It seems like a statistical anomaly there that there are not more people who cannot hold it.
The average person drops one or two loads a day, which means an average of about a load dropped every 18 hours.
Hundreds of thousands of people are commuting everyday for over an hour each way, so I would expect that in any given hour, 1 out of every 18 people on the road to need to release a load. I would expect there to be lines at fast food joints to use the restroom, or to see folks squatting on the side of the road, but this is not the case.
My commutes are shorter, but I make sure I stop to attempt a dump at a fast food joint on my way to work. Fortunately and surprisingly, the single men's stall is usually empty.
We can attempt to go before we need to, but this is not always successful. I sometimes will need to take three craps between 5 and 8 am, but I am still nervous spending as many as 3 hours in a classroom without without being able to leave the class the to go. I got in trouble once just leaving the playground to go.
How do you do it. How do hundreds of thousands of you avoid restaurant restrooms or crapping on the side of the road?

Double flushing usually gets rid of most skidmarks in the pot after a bowel movement, but if the marks are above the water level, traces of shit often do not get washed away. Of course, I suppose many people do not bother to do anything, but in a home bathroom I find them objectionable. I am reluctant to use a brush, because there is no certain way of getting the brush bristles clean. Alternative ways to clear skidmarks are either a dose of strong bleach followed by allowing the marks to stand an hour or two before flushing or else manual removal with a pad of toilet paper.Does anyone know any other quick methods?

Princess Toadstool Peach

Making a Thick Heavy BM DooDoo in the Toilet this Morning

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I walk over to my bathroom after a long deep sleep in my snug and warm cosy bed because I need to poo and poo I shall!! 1st I walk over to my toilet, lift up my dress, pull down my royal panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then I sit down on my toilet adjusting myself and then I read the newspaper for a little bit and then I push feeling a enormous turd coming out of my bottom poo hole and then I squeeze as I sat there grabbing onto the toilet seat with both hands. Then finally afterwards I finally defecate. "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssshhh dripdripdrop!" No wait that was just me weeing. Sorry about that. Anyway….come on you heap of brownloads come on out. I just squat gently and start to pinch my loaf resting my feet on my footstool as I rub my pubes and feel my bowels grow stronger and hot gas builds up. Then finally I release my waste that smells not so pleasant as I thought…. "PLOP SPLAT PLOOP PAAAAARRRRPP SPLASH PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK!!" Woo what a lot! It almost fills up the whole toilet. But doesn't matter now! Because it's time to wipe. I wipe my bottom with toilet paper same with my vagina too. Then I get off the toilet, pull up my panties, lift down my dress and then I finally I look at my mess I just made! Jeepers cripes that's a huge doodoo poopoo. Well better me than my boyfriend. (FLLUUUUSSSShhhhh!!) Bye bye now.

Adrian M

Gym dump

Last weekend I was at my local gym for my weekly exercise, mostly cardio. In the middle of my workout I felt the urge to poop. I felt it intensely build up in my bowels. I finished what I was doing and headed to the mens room. There were a couple guys at the urinals and no one in the stalls. I closed the door and sat my sweaty ass down on the seat. I let my anus relax, an airy quiet fart let loose. I could barely hear it but it went PFFFFFT. My ring opened up and I felt a tingly sensation in my buttcheeks. Another guy joined me in the stall two down from me. The poop slid between my cheeks, making a somewhat loud crackling noise. The aroma greeted me, my dump buddy did a few plops, then he grunted, "oh man" he said under his breath.

A blasting watery shart boomed from his stall. I focused on my own poop after that. I pushed the log that was hanging out of me in the toilet, "SPLASH". I sighed in relief but had more in my system. I made sure to hold my penis down as I started peeing. Multiple turds shot out of me, it kinda went "blop blop blop blop". I groaned feeling better. I was wiping when my dump buddy washed his hands and left. I flushed my toilet and left to wash my hands, I farted twice while doing so. On the drive home I was quite gassy, which my girlfriend was teasing me about later on. She was also interested in hearing about my poop at the gym.


Old memory

Hi, my first post is on page 2657 et my last one on page 2956, although my nephew Benjamin mentionned me in his own post.
Let me tell you about something I did with my ex. I was 20 at that moment. One day, I borrowed his computer to check my e-mail box and discovered a site he visited often. It was I thought « So he has this kind of interest.» I didn't ask him about his interest immediatly. But one day I did this. I had to go to the toilet and asked him « Do you want to take me company while I satisfy nature's need ? ». He said yes so I told him « Then, go to the toilet fist. I'll join you there »
A few minutes later, I went to the unisex toilet. He was looking out of his stall through the 10cm gap between the door and the floor and opened to me. This stall was a squat toilet. Between the « stool » and the door, there was a 10cm stair. I put my feet on the footrest facing him, since you have to face the door in order to have your anus over the drain hole. I hitched my skirt up, put my panties and pantyhose down to the top of my knees and squatted. I looked at him. He was standing. I told him « You can look closer if you want » and he squatted. I pushed my pee out looking at my pussy, just to make sure I wouldn't piss on my feet. Seeing my pee flow well adjusted, I looked at him. His eyes on my pussy and my pee were eloquent . I said « At last, I'm pissing my morning coffee » He answered « I can see it's a needed pee ». My pee lasted for near a minute and when it stopped I shook myself to drain my pussy and said « I also have to poo ».
I went « mm… mm… mm » until the first centimeter of a knobby turd, a bunch of hard pebbles compacted together, was fully out of me. Then the turd moved slowly but by itself. An idea suddenly came through my mind. When 15cm of this turd was out of me, I blocked it. I looked at my boyfriend's eyes while the turd was hanging out of me and said « You like what you're seeing, don't you ?». He answered « It's a beautiful show ». I said « Let's resume it, then » and released the turd. It fell with a PLONK.
He said « When a woman relieves herself outdoors, it's a visual show. When she relieves herself in sit down toilets, it's a audio show. Here, in squat toilets, it's both. » I answered to this « And the show isn't over yet » and pushed out another turd. Like its older brother, the second turd only needed my help to take its head out. After that it moved slowly but surely. I didn't try to accelerate it because I wanted pleasure to last. It was a pasty turd, softer than the previous one but still consistent. It touched the water while its last few centimeters were still in me.
Then I wiped, redressed and we looked at the turds. The knobby one was some 30cm and the pasty one was even longer, maybe 45cm. I flushed an my boyfriend told me « Have a look before going out » I did. He asked « Nobody aroud ? » I said « No, nobody ». He said « Maybe we can stay a little longer, then ».

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