

Pooped before dinner

Got up this morning, grabbed my Walmart bag, put on my glasses and went to the washroom to pee and brush my teeth. Went upstairs to microwave a bowl of oatmeal with bananas and chili powder. It took a while to eat and I took my medications afterwards (9 AM). For lunch later I had a meat and lettuce sandwich with fruit afterwards. Spent the afternoon on my phone surfing the net. Before dinner I felt the urge to poop so I went to the washroom after taking my bedroom flip flops off, going outside of my room, putting the flip flops on outside of my room, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out a big poop that seemed to keep coming. Finally when I was done I reached over to the sink for the soap (didn't have TP since mine was out), turned on the water, made sure I wasn't dripping then wet or the soap, got my hands soapy, put the bar of soap back and soaped up my butt. When I was clean enough I rinsed my butt and my hands (and the sink), washed my hands and looked in the toilet. There was a big thick poop in the toilet that was solid and about 2 to 2 1/2 feet long. Wow. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands again, opened the door, turned off the light, went to my room, dried my hands on the towels in here, grabbed my Walmart bag and went upstairs to grab a roll of toilet paper (you have to grab a roll of toilet paper from the upstairs washroom or if there is none up there call and ask my caregiver for a roll). Put the toilet paper into the Walmart bag, turned off the light again, went downstairs to my room, took the outside flip flops off, went into my room, put those flip flops on and now writing this while listening to music. I hope tonight or very quickly tomorrow morning (before I leave for an appointment) I can poop everything else out. I hope everyone here is having a good week and staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Cousin pooped on a camping trip

It's almost the time of year when the weather's nice enough to go camping or hiking and that got me thinking about past experiences. I remembered a good story to share that happened last year. It was early July, sometime around the 4th, and me, my mom, my aunt, and my cousin (who was 7 at the time) went on a girls retreat to a camping area a few hours away.

We arrived on Friday afternoon and stayed for a whole week. We ate big, hearty meals mostly consisting of canned beans, vegetables and hamburgers or hot dogs cooked on our propane grill. All of that is to say we got plenty of fiber, which made for large, healthy poops.

The main action of the story takes place on Wednesday night. Each of the adults had our own tent and my cousin rotated which tent she slept in. That night she was sleeping with me. She woke me up in the middle of the night and said she had to go to the bathroom. I asked if she could hold it but she said no. She needed to go #2 and hadn't been since before we arrived. I grabbed a lantern and a roll of TP and we walked out into the woods together to find a good bathroom spot.

Thankfully for her it didn't take too long, just a few minutes, to locate a secluded spot that was sufficiently far away from our tents. I tried to give her privacy as much as possible while still making sure she had enough light. It seemed to be a struggle for her to push her poop out, as I heard lots of hard pushing and grunting as her mammoth turd slowly came out.

It seemed like a hard fought battle for her but eventually she was victorious and the turd thudded to the forest floor. She had been spurting pee throughout but she finished with a consistent stream, and then wiped herself thoroughly front and back before we returned to the tent. It took me a while to get back to sleep but she nodded off immediately after laying back down. She must have felt 10 pounds lighter after that poop.

In the morning, I had to poop after eating breakfast and I decided to venture off to the spot my cousin had pooped. I knew it had been big, thick and hard but I wasn't able to see it very well. Seeing it in all its glory was almost unbelievable. There was a straight portion and then it arced and curved around itself like a big spiral. It was knobbly and hard throughout but smoothed some towards the end.

I'm terrible at estimating lengths and stuff but the whole thing was roughly the same thickness, about half as hide as a soda can, and it must have been at least two feet long. If it weren't for me having been there the night before, I'd have never believed my little cousin could have made a poop like that. I really wonder where her body was storing all of it. It's definitely WAY bigger than any poop I've ever made in my life.

Speaking of, I had come out to take care of my own pooping needs. I really had to go and I was feeling a bit "naughty" so I decided to pop a squat there and poop on top of my cousin's turd. I let out four banana-like logs of my own that splatted as they landed. What I'd produced was a slightly bigger than normal poop for me but dwarfed by my cousin's output.

Steve A

To Bethany (Favorite College Bathroom Spots)

At my college, we have single use gender neutral bathrooms as well with only one toilet, which means that some people used it out of privacy whenever they were out and about (including me at times)

I remember mentioning awhile back on here that one of them has a urinal and a single toilet, which means that it used to be a men's room and probably still is, even though from what I remember last, the sign said gender neutral.

Furthermore, it was an adjustment for some people to get used to communal bathrooms, yet apartment bathrooms weren't an issue since they are all meant for only one or two people to share.


To Bethany:

Hi, Bethany!
Yesterday I read your last post ("Cousin pooped on a camping trip"), and I liked it very much. I'd like to ask you some questions, if you don't mind.
I'd like to introduce myself too. My name is Petro, I'm 41. I was born and grew up in Ukraine, but I constantly live in Germany since 2001.
1. Is it usually difficult for you to poop?
2. Was it very difficult for you to push those logs out on the day you wrote in your post "Cousin pooped on a camping trip" about? Had you to strain a lot for doing it?
3. As you're pooping, have you usually to strain a lot for pushing your poo out?
4. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
5. As you go pooping, do you usually push one big turd out or do you poop several ones out as a rule?
6. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually to push a lot before your first turd comes out? Does it ever occur with you during pooping, that everything falls out at once?
7. Do you usually grunt while pooping or do you poop more often quietly?
8. Do you always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories?
9. Do you usually go pooping as you feel you have to do it? If you sat down on the toilet and tried to poop without having an urge for it, would you be able to poop in that case?
10. Had you ever a situation as you sat down on the toilet for pooping and started pushing, but you couldn't push your poo out? And had you often situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive as a positive or a negative thing?
11. What is your poop schedule? At what day time do you usually go pooping?
12. Do you usually poop every day or more rarely? If you poop every day, do you do it one time a day or more than one time?
13. Do you like pooping? If you push a big poo out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
14. If you've pushed a big poo out, are you proud of it?
15. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
16. Do you usually pee in the morning after getting up? If you do, do you also try to poop after it?
17. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
18. Can you stand up for peeing? If you can, do you often stand up for peeing? And can your cousin pee in standing position?
19. Was it very difficult for your cousin to push that big and thick turd out on the day you wrote in your post "Cousin pooped on a camping trip" about? Had she to strain a lot for doing it?
20. Is it usually difficult for your cousin to poop? Or does she do it more easily in most cases?
21. Does your niece always poop by herself? Does she ever use enema or suppositories?
22. As your cousin was pushing her "mammoth" turd out on that night, were you near her, while her pooping, or were you standing a bit further? Did you see the process of that turd's coming out of her butt? Or did you only hear it?
23. As your cousin was pushing that turd out, did you comment the process of her pooping somehow? And she? Did you encourage her during her pushing and grunting?
24. Do you often make a buddy dump with somebody? Did you ever poop together with your cousin? And did you ever do it together with your mom?
25. Do you often poop outdoors? As you do, do you make an outdoors buddy dump with somebody of your friends?
26. I'd also like to ask you: in what state of USA do you live?
27. And I'd also like to ask you: may I ask you some questions about your pooping and peeing as you were a young child?
I wish you and also your cousin happy pooping and peeing!

Friday, May 24, 2024


Pooping with a coworker, Pt 2

Continuing from Pt 1 of this story, some hours had passed. We were done working for the day and it was time to eat dinner. My coworker and I decided to feast at a seafood restaurant. I had to take a massive leak and proceeded to use the urinal while my coworker washed his hands in the sink and talked to me about tomorrows' job plans. I remember ordering two entrees, an appetizer, and dessert, and I consumed every bite. The place was right across the parking lot from our hotel, and as we were walking back, it was getting to be time to drop another load of plant food out of my butt again.

As we walked to the hotel room our employer paid for, the urgency increased. It wasn't near the emergency of the last dumping session at the Target, but it was not comfortable to walk. I opened the door with the keycard and headed directly to the bathroom, shut the door(there was no lock), and sat down on the toilet.

This bowel movement was accompanied with lots of flatulence. Every time my anus dilated, loud farts reverberated about the room.

My coworker heard it and I heard him comment: "Isn't there a fan in there?"

I responded: "No." There wasn't. Otherwise I'd have turned it on.

I continued on. Every time my log slid further out, it was accompanied by a short but loud *POOT*

Eventually, I finished up and wiped. Upon flushing, the dreaded low-flow toilet clogged. This wasn't a particularly large movement, and much smaller than the one at the Target, but the toilet couldn't handle it and half the turd was sticking out of the drain hole of the toilet as the floor flooded.

I left the bathroom and told my coworker it was clogged. He then remarked, "Damn son! Better call room service!"

So I did. A slightly ???? Latina cleaning lady in her 20s arrived about 15 minutes later with a plunger and began the task of unclogging it.

She flushed after she finished plunging it, and as she was mopping the floor up with the door propped open, my coworker asked me, "Does this happen often?"

Embarrassed, I openly admitted, "I clog the toilet at home every week. I've also clogged it at the office I work at." I looked over to the cleaning lady and said "I'm sorry about that."

The cleaning lady, mop in hand, looked at me, and gave an awkward smile, and said "It happens all the time. Don't worry about it. The plumbing here sucks." I was slightly embarrassed that she saw what came out of me, even though this was far from the first time similar events happened in my life.

She finished the cleanup, left, my coworker decided to go to the bar and have some drinks, I read a book for a few hours, and then we went to bed. I took the left bed, he took the right, and as I was trying to fall asleep, I kept silently slipping farts out as my digestive system processed everything I had eaten.

I woke up in the morning to an alarm clock, took a piss, and entered the shower. As I was in the shower, my coworker knocked on the door. He had to pee. I told him he could come in. He proceeded to let loose a loud torrent of piss while I showered behind the relative privacy of a frosted shower door. We were pressed for time and he decided to shave while I was still showering. When I finished, he was still shaving. I wrapped a towel around my waist before exiting the shower and redressed in the hotel room. I felt awkward at this because he got to see how underdeveloped I was for my age. I looked like a kid still.

We ate breakfast at yet another restaurant. I again crammed myself stupid with two full meals. This was going to trigger my morning dump, and as we paid our bill, it was time. I headed to the Mens' room and sat down in the lone handicapped stall. Nothing cam out but gas. I sat there for 10 minutes farting, but nothing solid came out. I gave up when I felt sort of empty, pulled my pants up, and we left. Restaurant food was never kind to my bowels, and I knew I was probably developing constipation again. I could feel my GI tract being somewhat bloated, but the gas relived enough pressure that it no longer felt like I needed to poop.

We worked throught the morning, breaking for lunch. We ate at a small local sandwich place, which did not have a restroom available for customers. I could feel the pressure in my GI tract building, but I still was not ready yet. We also had to pick up our next assignment from the service center, so I drove us there.

As we got into the building, my coworker blurted out, "I need to poop. Go pick up the assignment and I'll meet you at the car." He had zero reservation about saying it. He'd already heard me do the sam thing multiple times, so I suppose there was no awkwardness on his part about it.

As I was picking up the paperwork from a manager, my own need to defecate built back up. Now I needed to go as well, and since I didn't go this morning after breakfast, it was extremely urgent. I didn't know where the restroom was at this building since it was an unfamiliar location to me until 2 days ago, and had never found the restroom here before. I decided to try to find it. I walked around the first floor of the building for about 2 minutes in a vain effort to find it without success(there was a two-stall ladies room only with the door propped open and no one in it, but I decided against using it). Some redneck-looking bearded man wearing a hardhat and vest saw me wandering about and commented, "Are you lost son?" I didn't look anything near my age or like I belonged in this building and told him who I worked for. He commented, "I'd have never guessed. You look a bit young to be here." I then got straight to the point "I'm looking for the Mens' room. Do you know where it's at?" He then said, "Follow me."

He led me down a flight of stairs into the basement, and into a locker room. There it was, a row of four partitionless urinals, next to two stalls. I could see that both of the stalls were occupied and recognized my coworker's boots, while the other stall had someone else in it who I could hear rolling toilet paper and wiping. The stall walls were floor to ceiling, but the doors were also unusually small. They weren't as short as half doors, but close, and they only went up to about torso height as I stood. Like the doors at the Target in the previous part of this story, they also only went about 1 or 2 inches below the seat of the toilet exposing a generous portion of the legs of whomever sat in there. I awkwardly stood there waiting for one to become available about 10 feet away, and I could see the top of my coworker's hat sticking above the door with his pants pulled up to at least his knees as he sat, and could see the bald top of the man in the adjacent stall jutting above the door also with his pants up to his knees. If I walked closer, I'd have easily been able to see their faces, and if I walked close enough, even look in below the door at them(I didn't). The redneck worker took a leak as I waited there. After he zipped up and went to wash his hands he remarked, "Waitin' there to take a squat young man?" I awkwardly responded, "Yeah." He laughed. My coworker recognized my voice and he remarked "Damn <my name omitted>. Again? Please don't flood the floor while I'm still here."

I heard both the redneck and whoever was wiping next to my coworker both chuckle. The redneck remarked, "There's a better place in this building to drop a turd, but Janie is cleaning it. She won't be done for a while." My best guess was that was a female janitor. I became familiar with that restroom the next day, but that is for another part of this story.

I heard a soft *plop* from my coworker's stall, followed by his neighbor doing a final wipe and pulling his pants up. As he stood up, I could recognize the bald man as one of the managers I met the previous day. He immediately recognized me once he could see over the door. He turned around to flush, then opened the door. The top of the stall door only went to his abdomen as he stood, and the top of that door was maybe four and a half feet in height, if that.

He then remarked, "She's all yours."

As I approached the stall, I could see my coworker's face out of my peripheral vision when I got close to the door, and he saw that I saw, deciding to duck his head down. I latched the door, dropped my pants to my ankles, and sat down as the manager was washing his hands in the sink. I couldn't see the sinks or mirror over the door as I sat, but it was definitely as if the stall door was missing a foot and a half of height or so.

Immediately, a long, ropy turd effortlessly slid out of me from gravity alone. It was solid and thick, but soft, and a bit messy. It made the same characteristic loud crackling as the previous day's dump at the Target., but was not nearly the same scale of ordeal, and felt relaxing while working its way out.


The first one dropped in. Another started coming out...



This was followed by a series of loud and rapid soft blobs of semi-solid poop.

*plap* *plup* *plip* *plep* *plop*

Then a lull. My coworker in the next stall was now rolling the paper and wiping, as I heard yet more footsteps entering the room. The footsteps stopped, and whomever was there, was not using a urinal and was probably waiting for a stall.

My coworker then asked me, "<My name omitted>, did you get the next job assignment?" I then said "Yes." He then responded, "Good. I'll meet you in the car. Take your time."

More wiping from my coworker's stall. I felt more in me, but it was not budging just yet. I had what could only be described as a 'sour' feeling in my colon, as if I had a layer of soft poop stuck to the inside of my colon like oatmeal that had nothing to scrub it out. I didn't feel empty, but also didn't feel bunged up, yet nothing would move, even if it felt like it needed to.

My coworker flushed and headed to the sinks as I started pushing and straining.


Right as I ripped a loud fart that echoed about the entire locker room, I saw the face of a tall, blond, skinny 20-something man who looked fresh out of college briefly glimpse me from above the door and quickly avert his gaze as he rushed into the stall next to me. We made eye contact. He immediately sat down, and then there was no noise from his side.

Another soft cable slid out of me, crackling away, and within about 5 seconds it was over.


I finally felt empty and started wiping. It took a few passes, but it wasn't the smeary, nasty, ass-coating mess some of my previous bowel movements were. I finished wiping, pulled my pants up, stood up, and saw what I left in the toilet bowl. There were a lot of small logs about 6 inches long and 1 inch wide, accompanied by a pile of green mush and some soft irregularly-shaped blobs of poop. It filled the water line of toilet bowl. I flushed, and it all went down without so much as leaving a smear.

As I walked to the sink, at the mirror in front of me, I could see the face and blonde hair of the tall younger man sticking above the stall door. If it wasn't for the fact that he was straining with his eyes closed as I washed my hands, he would obviously see me washing my hands above the door from where he sat, with the mirror giving me a view of the stalls. Like me, he sat with his pants all the way to his ankles, his legs exposed from the bottom gap of the stall all the way to just below his knees. He looked hilarious sitting there, and reminded me of the times I had to use half stall setups earlier in my life where others could see me at least as well doing the same thing. I studied him to remind myself of how exposed I was using those setups. While I couldn't see his butt or anything objectionable, without any effort, the mind fills in the blanks. And I realized that many other people saw me the same way doing the same thing at other times and places. It made me feel awkward and uncomfortable even moreso than the actual act of pooping in such circumstances did in the past. It was like watching a vehicle accident or a trainwreck, and I didn't have the discipline to look away.

I then saw his shoes shuffle and twitch, followed by,


His eyes opened as soon as his turd dropped into the water, and he saw me standing there at the sink washing my hands awkwardly watching the scene. We made eye contact, again. Out of embarrassment, he immediately broke eye contact and ducked down. He briefly saw me just minutes ago because he towered over the stall door as he walked to the stall adjacent to the one I used, so I guess that made us even. Perhaps he saw everything as I sat there, as he was quite tall. To end the awkward situation, I left.

Me and my coworker met back at the car and we continued our job. There were yet more toilet adventures that day. And the next.

More to come in Pt 3.



The past 23 days the phone alarm has woke me at 06 30am ,had a wee in the bedroom pottie THETFORD ELEGANCE,gone to kitchen made tea sat on THETFORD 245 pottie in garage at 07 00 until 07 15 drank tea while doing a NUMBER TOO. I have wiped with ELSAN BLUE toilet roll then emptied the pottie .
This morning I sat at 07 00 until 07 15 drank tea unable to poop,the next hour spent washing the car,using the BRANN Q TOILET BUCKET stored in back of car.As I was bending over washing the the wheel arches suddenly I needed a NUMBER TOO ,I took the seat from the boot and snapped it onto the bucket pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants sat on seat my BOWELS opened immediately I took a sigh of relief as I weed then pooped again ,satisfied I was done, wiped with five sheets of CUSHELL toilet roll.
In the bottom of the bucket laid a 30 mm poop snake around the perimeter
I dressed then emptied the bucket in outside drain


Today's Post

Nothing exciting about the toilet today. My friend Toni had a poo accident at dayhab last week. I heard the staff say the next day that she got up, and ran to the bathroom. Luckily, her accident didn't smell strong. I assume it was a poop accident, because Toni has ran to the bathroom before. I've certainly had diarrhea with a light smell myself. Plus, from past converbsations overheard by dayhab staff, Toni has digestive issues. Maybe IBS? All for now. Bye.


On the phone

My daughter is busy with a young family, but often phones me at lunchtime. Today I had finished lunch and the turds in my gut were knocking at the back door, when the phone rang. She gets anxious if Idon't answer it, so we started talking, though I was in great discomfort. I made my way to the downstairs toilet and pulled my pants and underpants down and sat on the pot.I knew I was about to fart. Fortunately she talks very loudly and rapidly because she doesn'tget much adult company. I tried to ease out the first fart gently but she obviously didn't notice. So i released two further louder farts and she obviously did not hear them. Then the shit started to slide out of my hole and hitting the water without much noise, so I carried on the conversation for some time before ending it so that I could wipe without the sound of tearing toilet paper.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Holding in a Huge Wee then letting it all out + a big Poo P1

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I had to hold my bladder in nearly all day because I was too busy watching a movie I never ever seen before. I have drank a lot of milk, orange juice, apple juice, coffee, tea, water and Sprite. So now I am BURSTING to do a wee. I head into the bathroom as my royal bladder tingles more and more. But Rosalina is on the toilet and by the smell she's doing she's got the runs farting like mad. So it looks like I will have to find somewhere else to pee. Hopefully I can find somewhere I can do it. See you guys soonish!


Strange public bathroom at college

Back when I was at college, I got very lucky in terms of the dorm-mate I was assigned. I was 19 at the time and my dorm-mate was a few years older (I think 22 or 23) and was a junior at the school. In addition to being a great person I became fast friends with, she also kind of took me under her wing and helped me acclimate to college life. Anyway, I'm straying off topic for this forum quite a bit, so to bring it back around, one of the first things she did was give me a tour of the campus including showing me what she considered the best bathroom on campus, where she tried to go whenever she had to poop. She told me it was largely because this bathroom was relatively secluded so she could almost always have privacy, but also because it was always kept nice and clean.

The bathroom in question was on the second floor of a somewhat out-of-the-way and less trafficked building. That floor of the building only had the classrooms where women's studies classes were held and some professors' offices. That meant that even though the bathroom was technically a single-occupant gender neutral bathroom it was predominately used by women.

When she showed me the bathroom and I went inside I immediately realized why she liked it so much. It honestly felt more like a bathroom at home rather than a public restroom. As I said, it was single-occupant, and the walls were thick enough that no one outside the bathroom would be able to hear you go, further enhancing the privacy aspect.

The bathroom was equipped with everything you'd need for a pleasant experience. In one corner behind the toilet was a vertical stand with three extra rolls of toilet paper in addition to the roll on the wall-mounted holder, and a plunger and toilet brush in the other corner. On top of the toilet tank was a can of air freshener and something called "VIPoo" which I guess is also some sort of perfume meant to cancel out poop smells. There was also a magazine rack mounted to the wall across from the TP holder which was usually kept stocked with that day's newspaper and a few magazines.

All in all, it really was a very nice bathroom and quickly became my favorite place to poop on campus as well.


Constipated at the mall + Advice for VioletIndigo

Hey y'alll
Emily here It's been a while since I posted last my poops have been normal, but just recently I was super super constipated, and it was super stuck. So my story begins When I was at the mall the other day and I had to use the bathroom so I went into the bathroom and I took the bigger stall Sat down and started to go pee. There was another girl in there look like a young teenager. She was having a hard time trying to go poop also . I could tell she was having a hard time her pants were around her ankles and her legs were spread, and I could hear her talking under her breath and saying come on come on get out already and then all the sudden I heard a massive kerplunk That hit the water and she said OMG thank God finally. I was there starting to push and realized I was super constipated and it was stuck. I was like not again so after everything and pushing for about 30 minutes, I tried my method of getting it out. So I decided to scoot back on the toilet seat and spread my legs really wide and lean back and inserted my middle finger into my vagina And I was feeling around for the hard poop. I finally found it.. then I pressed my middle finger down and outward towards my hole, and that was starting to move the lump and finally it came out and popped out with a massive kerplunk Splash bac .. I felt so relieved and this method technique is called splinting it's very effective way on getting it out

For My advice for VioletIndigo :: You stated that you decided for some stool softeners or look up some on the Internet for your constipation. Have you ever thought of using the digging technique called splinting like I did in my story it's very effective. You can try it and let me know if it works…. For any other girls out there that is dealing with constipation. Let me know if you tried or have already done it and did the splinting technique…. Well, gotta run y'all happy pooping. Hope everyone has a great day.

-- Emily--


On Skid Marks (Toilet Smears)

I discovered this website and it seems the good place to discuss the topic of poop streaks, or smears on the toilet bowl commonly referred to as skid marks. My interested to this topic was sparked by my ex-wife. I used to hate skid marks and always remove them diligently using the brush when available, or by flushing multiple times. When I moved in with my ex-wife (she is from Montana), she forced me to get rid of the toilet brush. She thought that they were disgusting objects and would not touch them. Her argument was that the toilet bowl is meant to collect poop, hence there was no reason to clean it after every use. By using the toilet regularly, the multiple flushes would clean it naturally.
I had to get used to it at first, since it was weird to me, especially since she would leave massive skid marks almost every day after having her poop. But once I got used to it, I accepted that there was some merit to her argument and I stopped minding skid marks.

1. How often do you leave skid marks?
2. Do you usually try to remove your skid marks left by yourself?
3. Do you usually try to remove skid marks left by others?
4. Did you witness other people leaving skid marks and using the toilet after them?
5. Do you use a toilet that is stained by skid marks?
6. Do you clean the toilet in-between uses when you buddy-dump?

My answers:
1. About 3 times a week regular ones, about once a week very heavy ones. I have to say that I poop daily.
2. No, I completely stopped removing them, since I d not want to touch a toilet brush anymore. The exception is when I poop at someone's place who told me to please use the brush.
3. No, but I notice that some people do that. I wonder if they are very particular or they used to work as janitors or something else.
4. Yes, especially my ex-wife. She used to take big poops after drinking coffee, so I obviously often saw the big streaks she left on the toilet bowl. At work too, I regularly use the toilet after my co-workers and notice that some of them leave big skid marks. I work in a gas station and we do have a single (unisex) employee bathroom.
5. Yes, see my answer above. I regularly used the toilet after my ex-wife or after my co-workers.
6. I don't buddy-dump so this is not applicable.


Big solid poop

I got up this morning about 8:15, grabbed my Walmart bag off the computer chair, got up, grabbed my phone and water jar and went to the washroom to pee and brush my teeth then went upstairs for breakfast. First I microwaved it for 5 minutes then took it to the table after I put on oven mitts (my caregiver takes meals etc to her room bare handed but I don't want to burn myself). It took a while to eat a big bowl of oatmeal with bananas and chili powder (it was runny and made a splat sound if some of the oatmeal fell off the spoon). After breakfast I took my medications, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs (I would have thanked my caregiver but she was in her room and I didn't want to disturb her).

A few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, walked outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a big thick poop that seemed to come slowly. It was solid but at least it was coming out. Finally I was done so I wiped my vagina first then stood up. In the toilet was a big thick solid poop. It was light coloured and about 1.5 or 2 feet long. Flushed it down first then took some toilet paper and wiped my vagina first then wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Very messy. Tossed it into the toilet, flushed the toilet again, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands well at the sink. It was a hell of a crap but my stomach is starting to feel better (there's still more in my body that needs out so hopefully by the end of today I will be able to get rid of it all). Grabbed my Walmart bag off the floor, opened the door, turned off the washroom light, left the washroom, went to my room, put the Walmart bag on the chair, dried my hands on the towels in here and now writing this. I hope everyone is having a good start to the week and is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Denise - Types of Accidents

Hi Denise,

I think I have posted stories of my past accidents that fit all three types of accidents you describe. All at once, a little at a time, and could have held it longer but decided to let go anyway.

The last type became more common after the first couple of accidents and I kind of got used to it or found them exciting. There have certainly been times where I probably could have held it longer, but was uncomfortable and getting close to an uncontrolled accident and decided to let go on my own terms instead.

Hope the SPAS are doing ok and come back soon!



Post Title (optional)poo comes at inopportune time

My problem is. while I have I my IBS basicly under control, it seems I always need to poo at a time where I can't easily get away to the toilet, such as an important meeting. Plus it seems that the more I fight the urge, the more the urge to poo gets. I wear pads, and if I relax but don't push, the urge goes away. But that is very stressful, because I am afraid my poo will force its way out and also I embarrassly often pass gas. It there a way I make my poo come at a certain convenient time of day. My poo used to come at around 9:30 each day, but now at work they have scheduled a 9:00AM meeting each day. Should I try suppositories or something so I can get my poo over with before the meeting?


Pay to pee / poo toilets

I think it's a bit much that in the uk most public toilets you have to pay to use

Have you ever paid for a pee or poo and did you get your money's worth if desperate for pee big poo etc ? Any experience would be good

We have had few days of dry sunny weather last week, and so my neighbour and her two kids have tidied their back garden and on Friday afternoon/evening started to set their pool up, it is about the size of a large car,(looking down onto my drive beside it) they had blow it up and the fill it with a holes-pipe.
And so on Saturday we had thunder and lightning and rain all day.
When I came home on Sunday about noon they were all in the garden, the two kids in the pool and mother in a summer dress sitting on a lounger. As the afternoon went on they were joined by another female also in a summer dress.
As the evening went on the kids must gone in and the two females were left by the pool drinking wine, the mother had her dress tucked into her knickers and was sitting on the side of the pool with her legs in the water, after a bit of a laugh the other one removed her dress and was in bra and knickers she got into the pool, her bra went see-though, (could not see if her knickers did due to the water glare).
Later about 10pm they were getting a little noisy so I look out as the one in the bra was standing in the pool, (and yes the knickers had got see-though so I could see all of her bun checks), the mother was saying do it, do it. With that she stepped out of the pool and pulling her knickers to the side squatted and peed on the grass, with her back to my, but I could not see any detail as I was three floor above them, when done she stood up pulling her knickers back into place and stepped back into the pool.
No more excitement after that.


Big poop before breakfast

I got up this morning feeling full in my stomach. Grabbed my Walmart bag and went to the washroom. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a big thick soft log. It felt like a lot. Afterwards I rolled up my sweatshirt sleeves (today is my weekly exercise program) and grabbed the toilet paper out of the Walmart bag. Took some off the roll and wiped my vagina first then reached behind me, leaned forward a bit and started wiping my butt. It was really messy. I tossed the toilet paper into the toilet and stood up, took more toilet paper and finished wiping. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet and looked in the toilet. There was a fairly big thick poop that was somewhat dark with messy toilet paper around it. Flushed the toilet and it went down fine but there wasn't much water left in the toilet. Washed my hands, dried them on the towels in my room and went upstairs to microwave and eat breakfast. I hope everyone has a good day/night and stays safe, healthy and happy.

Happy peeing and pooping!



Trapped in elevator

My fiancé and I got trapped in the mall elevator for an hour. As if the situation isn't stressful enough Carl really had to pee. His urge was small for the first 20 minutes, then about 45 minutes in he was doing a potty dance. I totally forgot about the water bottle I had in my purse, I wish I remembered sooner than he could've relived himself before he got desperate. It wasn't empty but I drank it fairly quick and gave it to him. He moaned in relief when he got his penis out and started going. It was a blue metal water bottle so I couldn't see the pee fill it. I cheered in my head when the elevator started working again. The maintenance guy was outside when we stepped out. We thanked him and well Carl and I don't really wanna use that water bottle again.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Pooping with a coworker, Pt 1

It was 2008. I was with a coworker for a job assignment. I was an early 20-something that looked like a scrawny 15 year old white kid, and he was a 30-something tall and lanky dude with olive skin and long black hair. We had been doing a lot of driving over the past day and a half for our job and our employer rented a hotel room for us to share. We never really had any time alone from each other and basically shared our public restroom visits. Because I had been subsisting on restaurant food for the last 48 hours since the job began, I had also been constipated. I hadn't had a bowel movement since the start of this job assignment the night before yesterday. I should have taken five dumps by now, two today and three the previous day. And I'd been taking advantage of my employer covering my meals, and had thus been eating well more than usual since the food was free to me and I didn't have to prepare it. My coworker pooped at least once at the hotel thus far. I heard him and the way the sounds traveled through the walls made my bowels shy about emptying themselves in our hotel room's toilet.

After we finished our lunch break(I usually have to poop soon after each meal, including lunch), I tried to use the single-person restroom at the restaurant to dump, to no avail. I knew a massive shitstorm was brewing. We got back to work and continued for the next 3 hours or so. I drove us to a Target to pick up supplies for our job. As we were on the way to the store, my lower GI started gurgling very audibly. I felt the need to fart, but held it because we were in a car with closed windows and I knew it was going to smell because I haven't pooped in so long. That increased the pressure, and then as we were pulling into the parking lot, I felt the hard tip of a massive turd poking at its exit point. It was time.

As we walked into the store, I told my coworker, "I'll be back. I need to use the restroom." He then responded, "Now's the chance, huh? Me too."

We walked into the Mens' room. There were three urinals all in use, one nearest the door in use by a white boy of about 15 years old, the next one by a 40-something man that could have been his father or uncle, the third one taken by a Mexican kid of like 16, and two stalls. The back stall was in use with a child's sneakers and pants hanging off the floor and bare white ankles visible, but the near stall to the urinals was empty. The gap in the bottom of the stall was almost up to the seat of the toilet, maybe only an inch or two below, but I remember it being noticeably larger than a usual stall. Warm farts were silently slipping out of my butt easing the pressure as I walked into the first stall, latched the door, dropped my pants all the way down, and sat on the toilet. My legs were probably exposed all the way to just an inch or two below butt level as I sat on that toilet. I could hear plopping and flatulence in the next stall, as I sat there, waiting for my poop to slide out.

For the emergency sensation of a massive poop prompting my need for a toilet, this poop wasn't cooperative. I sat there, trying to start a push that wouldn't cause too much strain, while I could see through the generous gap in my stall near the door my coworker waiting for his turn at the urinal, averting his gaze away from the stalls. He knew what I was about to start doing since he saw me enter that stall and now I was sitting there with my pants at my feet and legs in full view, making the situation slightly embarrassing to me. While there was no secret to what I was doing, it wasn't out of my comfort zone, as by this time I'd pooped in the presence of coworkers, friends, teachers, former fellow-students, and strangers hundreds of times with my pants near the floor while concealed by a stall after they saw me enter the stall. And compared to the doorless stalls and open toilets I'd used a few times in my life, this setup was private enough. Still awkward just the same, and I think my body was unconsciously trying to avoid embarrassment by withholding my poop around this coworker. I'd only known this coworker for two days and already found peeing at a urinal next to him slightly awkward regardless. So I had to push to get the ball rolling.

I heard the man at the middle urinal yell, "Don't forget to wipe Kaden. Remember what happened last time?" The kid in the stall next to me then said "I'll make sure I wipe this time. As you showed me." I was amused at the exchange, while I heard more toilet paper rolling and frantic wiping at the stall next to me, shoes/pants/underwear dangling off the floor, toilet paper being rolled and deposited with each wipe. The kid obviously didn't know conservation techniques yet, like folding the paper and reusing it, and seemed to go through a lot. That roller went on and on. I think that comedic exchange relaxed my bowels and got rid of my body's hesitancy as my coworker stood outside the stalls, because just then, I could feel the turd's hard tip returning to its exit point, and could tell it was going to be massive as it slid into the chamber.

The Mexican kid at the urinal next to me zipped up and flushed and I saw him head to the sinks and wash his hands through the gap in the stall. My coworker took the urinal next to my stall, just as I felt the turd poke itself out. As my coworker unzipped, a loud fart slipped out of me as I pushed.


I heard muffled snickering from the urinals, possibly by my coworker but possibly by any of the other urinal users, as it was followed by the large morass making an incredibly loud crackling sound as it slid out, the crackling noise caused by the foul mass smearing against my buttcheeks and sticking to them, only the force of my pushing able to keep it moving along with gravity and a relaxed sphincter being insufficient by themselves to pull the weighty mass against the stiction slowing it and the compressive forces generated by its girth. Millimeter by slightly-painful millimeter it slid out at a glacial pace as it challenged the dilation limits of my sphincter and left a sticky mess in its wake, while leaving a slightly painful tickling sensation firing nerves off with each crackle, occasional pocket of gas making itself heard.

*TZTztzTZtzTztztZTztztztZTzT* *POP* *SHLUPFT-t-z-t-z-ZT-TZT-tztz*

The crackling was so loud it sounded like it echoed about the entire restroom, while the sound was highlighted by random pockets of gas slipping out with it. It was louder than my coworker's pee splashing against the urinal next to me, and from where I sat, louder than the sound of the Mexican kid washing up at the sink. The firm log left a warm, solid, cement-like stickiness all over my butt as it continued crackling out.

The stall next to me had its occupant open the door and leave the stall just as the Mexican kid left the room. I saw through the generous gap in the stall a white blonde boy of about 6 head to the sinks as the first urinal flushed, and a 15 year old boy with glasses who was previously standing at the urinal nearest the door meet him at the sink, washing his hands. The smaller boy couldn't reach the sinks. The man peeing at the middle urinal finished up, headed to the sink, then said, "Did you wipe good?" "The smaller kid said "Yah Paw Paw." He lifted the kid and the kid turned the water on and started washing his hands. "Wash your hands real good Kaden."

The other boy waited there watching. They were probably all related. The Mens' room door opened and I saw a hispanic boy of about 16 hurry to the first urinal through the mirror. Just as my coworker zipped up and flushed, the three family members left.

My poop was still loudly crackling its way out, way louder than the sound of the pee stream of the first urinal occupant. The crackling was again interrupted by a loud fart.


Followed by a hard, weighty turd dropping in...


My coworker headed to the sink and washed his hands. We made an awkward and unintentional eye contact through the mirror, because the gap in my stall was so large and the mirror at the sink he was using was in direct line of sight to it from where I sat. He quickly averted his gaze once again.

I felt there was a lot more on the way, and it was hard to push out. I did not yet feel in the least bit relieved and now felt slightly sick to my stomach because there was so much left. As I strained again, my coworker shut the sink off and then addressed me by name, "<My name omitted>, how long do you think you'll be?"

I knew I was going to be a while. So I answered, "I don't know, maybe another 15 minutes."

He responded, seemingly shocked, "Really!? Are you alright?"

I responded, "Yeah. I've been eating too much these last few days and don't feel good right now."

I pushed and accidentally grunted, to my embarrassment. More poop was audibly crackling its way out of me yet again, much faster than the first one, still loud. My coworker started getting some paper towels out of the dispenser while the urinal user continued to gush out his liquid. This second wave of poop was smelling very strong and like rotting meat.

My coworker then responded, "Hah. I can tell. Take your time. I'll be in the sporting goods section." He left me to finish my dump as I heard the urinal user laugh.

The urinal user zipped up, flushed, and like 4 punk kids of similar age came in. They were probably friends of the urinal user because the 5 decided to hang out in the restroom together and socialize. The pee-er didn't even wash his hands.

The crackling loudly continued as a long, unbroken cable was still sliding out of my posterior, the second of the turds thus far. It was every bit as audible as the first one. The smell was also growing worse. It smelled BEEFY in this room, and it was unmistakably my own odor. And it was vile. I looked between my legs and could see a long rope of solid poop hanging from my behind unbroken piling itself in a coil above the water level under me, and that was why the smell was so strong. More kept loudly crackling its way out, no longer requiring any pushing, but now forcing itself out, still an unbroken cable coiled so high it was almost to my testicles. I could feel it pushing against both the toilet and my butt it was so big.


As the crackling continued with that fart, I heard one of the kids blurt out, "Hear that? Someone in there's taking a BIG shit! Let's get the ---- out of here." "That smells nasty!" I heard the urinal user blurt out in reference to my exchange with my coworker, "Geez <My name omitted>, what did you eat?" I didn't respond at that smartass comment from him hearing my coworker address me by name, and they laughed, then they left. It was awkward as hell, but I was glad they were gone.

I dry-docked the last of this turd on the side of the toilet bowl. I still didn't feel empty. More came sliding out, similarly. A third turd. It was slow and big, just like the last one, and seemed to push the existing pile over, making space in the bowl at it slid out.

People entered, went at the urinals, and quickly left left. My smell had thoroughly saturated the Mens' room.

I finally started wiping up about 15 minutes after my coworker left and another 3 people using the urinals later. I was satisfied everything was out, but not satisfied with the limited cleanup job the industrial toilet paper was able to do. I tried my best though, as a massive sticky, stinky mess was made of my rear before I started wiping, and stubborn residue remained after to streak the paper with each pass. I gave the o-ring a few final wipes as a middle-aged man was finishing up at the urinal. I heard him quietly remark "Woo boy!" He then whispered "Man it stinks like shit in here."

I looked into the bowl. Poop filled it leaving a pile 4 inches above the water line. Even then, most of the mess was covered in toilet paper, as this took a lot of wiping, but I could still see and smell the full toilet bowl. I flushed, expecting a clog(happened many times before at public toilets). There remained brown streaks all over the toilet bowl, especially above the water line, and the mess barely went down. At last I exited the stall to that same middle-aged man washing his hands at the sink. He looked at me with an understanding of what I had just finished doing, having heard me wiping my butt the entire time he was in there and remarking on the smell. I washed my hands and we both left at the same time with no further comment.

The group of 5 boys that were in there earlier were to my surprise still waiting outside, saw me, and one of them blurted out "THAT'S the guy that was taking a massive crap." "Yeah! Those are the shoes!" "Him alright." "HE stunk us out!" "That asshole!" "Literally!" They laughed at me as I walked away, and as those comments were made while I walked by them, two pretty young late-teen women passing me in the opposite direction on their way to the ladies room heard it all as they were walking by me. The women looked at me and smiled with some degree of embarrassed reservation after hearing the comments, then one started quietly laughing and quickly turned away when I looked at her.

Now I was embarrassed again.

I met my coworker in the sporting goods section and we continued on. He made a snide remark and said "You were in there a very long time. Everything okay?" I hesitantly responded with "Yeah." and he smirked. He then said, "Man, I've seen you eat. How do you stay so skinny?" I answered, "I ride my bike a lot." He then responded, "I bet. But I think it's because you're still growing. You eat like a 250 lb man. That can't be good for you. I heard you in the bathroom and that didn't sound healthy." He then seemed to sense I was not comfortable with continuing this conversation and chuckled. He then said "Don't be shy. We all do the same thing." I said nothing more on the subject, now slightly embarrassed again at the acknowledgment of the performance he heard of me in the Mens' room as I sat there like a fool with my pants down. We then got what we needed for the job and nothing further of this incident was mentioned.

This was not to be my only poop adventure for this job assignment with this coworker in the same room. I would later learn he had zero reservations pooping with me nearby as well. Nor was he bothered by me doing the same. More to come.


Hi, this isn't my first post here but I'm staying anonymous for now. I have a survey about both numbers 1 and 2

How frequently do you go to the bathroom to pee?
What does the urge to pee feel like for you?
When you make it to a toilet, how intense is your urge usually (from 1-5, 1 being hardly any at all and 5 being about to explode)
When you start peeing, do you push to start or relax and let go?
How long does it take you to pee from sitting down to emptying completely?
Do you enjoy peeing?

How frequently do you go to the bathroom to poop?
What does the urge to poop feel like for you?
Does your stomach make noises/cramp when you have to go?
How long does it take your body to relax and start pooping once you sit down?
From 1-10, how hard do you push when you poop? 1 is very lightly or none, 10 is forcefully straining. Do you need to hold your breath?
Do you push throughout the entire act or does your body take over eventually?
How noisy are you when you poop? This includes crackling, grunting, etc
What Bristol Stool type does your poop usually represent? How big are they?
How long does it take you to poop from sitting down to emptying completely?
Do you enjoy pooping?

What factors affect your bathroom habits?
How do you feel about going to the bathroom in public?
How do you feel about someone hearing your sounds in the bathroom?
Do you usually attend to your needs immediately?
How much do you wipe after a bathroom visit?
Do you ever sigh in relief/satisfaction after you go?
How do you usually sit on the toilet?
Besides relieving yourself, what do you like to do on the toilet?


To Sandrine:

Hello, Sandrine!
I read your posts on pages 2825, 2956, and I also read your one you had written a few days ago, and I liked them. I'd like to ask you several questions about your pooping and peeing, if you don't mind. I'd like to introduce myself too. My name is Petro, I'm 41. I was born and grew up in Ukraine, but I constantly live in Germany since 2001.
1. Is it usually difficult for you to poop?
2. As you're pooping, have you usually to strain a lot for pushing your poo out?
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
4. As you go pooping, do you usually push one big turd out or do you poop several ones out as a rule?
5. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually to push a lot before your first turd comes out? Does it ever occur with you during pooping, that everything falls out at once?
6. Do you usually grunt while pooping or do you poop more often quietly?
7. Do you always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories?
8. Do you usually go pooping as you feel you have to do it? If you sat down on the toilet and tried to poop without having an urge for it, would you be able to poop in that case?
9. Had you ever a situation as you sat down on the toilet for pooping and started pushing, but you couldn't push your poo out? And had you often situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive as a positive or a negative thing?
10. What is your poop schedule? At what day time do you usually go pooping?
11. Do you usually poop every day or more rarely? If you poop every day, do you do it one time a day or more than one time?
12. Do you like pooping? If you push a big poo out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
13. If you've pushed a big poo out, are you proud of it?
14. Was it very difficult for you to push those turds out on the day you described in your last post a few days ago? Had you to strain a lot for doing it?
15. Was it difficult for you to push out your turds in the forest on the day which you wrote in your post on the page 2825 about? Had you to strain a lot for releasing them?
16. Was it very difficult for your niece to push her turds out on the day you wrote in your post "Lifting up my niece" on the page 2956 about? Had she to strain a lot for doing it?
17. Is it usually difficult for your niece to poop? Or does she do it easily in most cases?
18. Does your niece always poop by herself? Does she ever use enema or suppositories?
19. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
20. Do you usually pee in the morning after getting up? If you do, do you also try to poop after it?
21. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
22. Can you stand up for peeing? If you can, do you often stand up for peeing?
23. Do you often make a buddy dump with somebody?
24. Do you often poop outdoors? As you do, do you make an outdoors buddy dump with somebody of your friends?
25. I'd also like to ask you: do you live in France? Or in USA? Or in Great Britain?
26. And I'd also like to ask you: may I ask you some questions about your pooping and peeing as you were a young child?
I wish you happy pooping and peeing!


To Kerri:

Hi, Kerri!
I read your post "Hiking poop" in August on the page 3020 and "Squatty Potty Poo" in January on the page 3048, and I liked them very much. I'd like to ask you some questions about your pooping and peeing, if you don't mind. I don't know, if all posts which were written by your name, were written by the same person or by different ones who have the same name, because all of those posts were written with great intervals of time. I'd like to introduce myself too. My name is Petro, I'm 41. I was born and grew up in Ukraine, but I constantly live in Germany since 2001.
1. Is it usually difficult for you to poop? And for your daughter?
2. As you're pooping, have you usually to strain a lot for pushing your poo out?
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
4. As you're pooping, how many turds do you usually push out during a poop session?
5. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually to push a lot before your first turd comes out? Does it ever occur with you during pooping, that everything falls out at once?
6. Do you usually grunt while pooping or do you poop more often quietly? And your daughter?
7. Do you always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories?
8. Do you usually go pooping as you feel you have to do it? If you sat down on the toilet and tried to poop without having an urge for it, would you be able to poop in that case?
9. Had you ever a situation as you sat down on the toilet for pooping and started pushing, but you couldn't push your poo out? And had you often situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive it as a positive or a negative thing?
10. Do you like pooping? If you push a big poo out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing? And does your daughter like pooping?
11. If you've pushed a big poo out, are you proud of it?
12. As you were pooping in the woods on the day you wrote in your post "Hiking poop" (p. 3020) about, was it very difficult for you to push those turds out? Had you to strain a lot for doing it? And was it very difficult for Jamie?
13. Was it difficult for you to push your turds out on the day you wrote in your post "Squatty Potty Poo" (p. 3048)? Had you to strain a lot during that poop session?
14. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
15. Do you usually pee in the morning after getting up? If you do, do you also try to poop after it?
16. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
17. Can you stand up for peeing? If you can, do you often stand up for peeing?
18. Does your daughter always poop by herself? Does she ever use enema or suppositories?
19. Do you often poop in the presence of your daughter? And does she ever do it in your presence nowadays?
20. Was it difficult for your daughter to poop on the day you wrote in your post "Odd car wash bathroom" about? Had she to push a lot for pooping all out?
21. As your daughter was a young child, was it difficult for her to poop? Had she usually to strain a lot for pushing her poop out?
22. As your daughter was a young child, did she always poop by herself? Did she ever use enema or suppositories?
23. To what age did your daughter use the potty chair? From what age did she begin to poop on the toilet?
24. To what age did your daughter poop in your presence? Did you encourage her during her pooping as she was a young child? Did you comment her pooping somehow at that time?
25. Did you ever poop together as she was a young child?
26. Do you often make a buddy dump with somebody?
27. Do you often poop outdoors? As you do, do you make an outdoors buddy dump with somebody of your friends (except that case you told in your post "Hiking poop" about)?
28. How old are you, if it's not a secret? And your daughter?
29. In what state of USA do you live, if it's not a secret?
30. And I'd also like to ask you: may I ask you some questions about your pooping and peeing as you were a young child?
I wish you happy pooping and peeing! Don't be angry, if you think there're too much questions. Petro

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