Teenage accident
Hi everyone, thanks for all your responses about types of accidents! I looked up some of your old stories and enjoyed reading them, especially yours Trina! Sounds very familiar to what has happened to me.
As I have mentioned, most of my accidents were a result of ADHD hyperfocus and just not realizing I had to go until it was too late, but now I will tell you about one not entirely related to that. It was also my most embarrassing accident.
My parents were fairly strict about me and my siblings not growing up too fast, so by the time I was age 14 and getting into 'cool' clothes like short skirts, I was only allowed to wear skirts of a certain length and even then, I had to wear bike shorts under them - you know, basically leggings but shorts. So I was wearing that one day when we went to a nature area to meet some family friends for an afternoon. They had a daughter my age and we were good friends.
Anyway me being me, I had to pee and poo but hadn't realized it until we got there. I didn't have to go soooo bad initially, but I quickly learned that the public bathrooms there were locked. I was reluctant to tell my parents I had to go because I didn't want us to leave, I wanted to catch up with my friend and since I had noticed I had to go before it was an emergency, I figured I could hold it a while.
So we were goofing around and playing around on a play area which we were way too old for, but just having fun. After about an hour my need had grown pretty bad and I was struggling to hold it in. I confided in my friend and she and I agreed it would suck if we had to cut our time short, so I told her I was gonna try to hold it longer. But, the need was reaching emergency level and I was needing to cross my legs and squirm to hold it in which interfered with our fun.
So I had the genius idea of trying to just leak a little pee to relieve the pressure. I felt like I could probably hold my poo a bit easier if I just peed a bit. I told my friend, what if I just pee through my shorts a bit since they're black anyway. Us being dumb 14 year olds, we both thought this was a good idea, lol.
I decided to lay down in the grass and pull my skirt up so my pee would just dribble down via my butt, and not down my legs. We were giggling as I did this, and once I was lying down I released my bladder.
Unfortunately, I had not anticipated how bad I had to go. First of all, my pee came out much more forcefully than I expected but worse, I felt my poo start to slide out into my underwear as well and I quickly realized I could not stop it. In shock, I squealed and jumped up, grabbing my skirt by the hem and holding it down over my shorts while slamming my legs together, desperately trying to stop the flow. I was so surprised that I lost control of my pee altogether, and now piss was running down my legs. I stood there panicked and frozen and my friend of course was concerned and asked me what was wrong. I was so unbelievably embarrassed to have lost control of the situation in front of her like this. I felt my body flushing hot and cold with shame but I had no choice but to whisper to her 'I'm pooping my pants'.
By now my legs were soaked and so were my shoes, and my bike shorts were loaded and sagging between my legs. I didn't know what to do and I started crying, so my friend had to go over to our parents and tell them I'd had an accident. So of course now everybody knew that I'd pooped and peed my pants as a 14 year old which was just so humiliating. My parents were sympathetic at first because I had on average probably an accident every 2 years or so growing up and they knew about my focusing issues, but when I told them I'd just been holding it in to stay longer they were pretty annoyed with me. I didn't get punished though, I think they could tell the accident itself was punishment enough.
To Toiletkid
I have read about a few of your close calls, ever have an accident not making it on time? If so it would be great to hear about it.
Anna from Austria
@LC Thx for liking my story.
I felt embarrased but also bit relieved that I did not had to already during the check up.
Here is another story about a poop I heard last friday. Was heading to ladies room for wee. I met one of the other office ladies I barely now at the entrance of the ladies room. We took the 2 stalls next to each other and I started to pee right away after I pulled down my pants and my thong.
While peeing I could hear the office lady getting seated as well. After she seated she started to play with the toilet paper roll right away. The she did a big prrrrrrrrrrrt type fart and soon after I heard a loud crackling noice from her stall. At the point I was done with my pee and started to clean myself. Then I flushe, washed my hands and left. I did not hear anything else from the other lady after her big fart and the crackling noice but she still stayed in her stall. So i guess she was not done yet.
greetings from Austria
AnnaPrincess Toadstool Peach
Ate 6 Apples to make a Big BM Poo Squatting into the Potty!!
Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I like to share with you a story when I was a little girl and was still wearing Huggies pull up diaper nappies and learning how to wee and poo in the potty. So when I was a toddler I would always have at least 2 apples for breakfast every morning sometimes I would forget about using my potty and pooed all my waste into my Huggies pull up diaper nappy real healthy heavy smelly ones too! But soon I decided 2 apples for breakfast was not enough so I decided to have 6 apples to make an even bigger poo. Then as soon as I ate them all 6 I went over to my nursery to use my white potty to pinch my loaf. I pulled down my pants and yanked down my Huggies pull up diaper nappy and giving my bottom a wiggle I squatted over my potty and then I farted a little and pooed a big whole thick 5 inches brownload into there. I watched myself as I squatted and began to poo some more. It was the perfect toddler moment I ever encountered yet. Those red and green apples were such a great idea filling up my potty more and more until finally I stopped my solid waste and wiped my tush (Yes I called my bottom tush back to then same with other toddler's bottoms Shut up) and then peered into my potty. There seemed to be a lot in there. And they smelled awful! I called my servants and told them I pooed in the potty. Then they took my potty away to empty my dump into the toilet. I was so relieved I told my best friend Princess Rosalina and she gagged and turned green in response. Look I knew she would be happy but I didn't expect her to be jealous. Oh well! And that's my entire story when I was a toddler. Hope you enjoyed it. Bye bye now!
Alternatives in public seat selection
for Emma Two:
When you choose your cubicle, did it surprise you at all when you took your warm seat? Had you seen the lady coming out of that particular cubicle would you still have taken that one or would you have tried another? Under any circumstances, would you have wiped or covered the seat before you sat on it?
a recent situation for everyone:
I had just sat down for my shit in a medium-size restroom. Mine was the middle cubicle when I looked to my left and found that the toilet paper rolls had been used. Both of them! I said a couple of audible words that I shouldn't have, but I halfway pulled my panties up and dropped my dress. I looked to my left and a toilet was available. Toilet paper. Check. I got back into my seated position, pushed a bit, and felt confident as my crap started sliding out of me. Then to my left, I heard a woman hurry in and I figured it was a emergency. What was strange was that I heard her lift the seat up all the day and it stayed there. Then she plopped down on what would have been the seat. But it was a toilet bowl rim and she sat on it and did about a 45 second we. No movement whatever from herself. Sitting on a toilet bowl rim I would imagine to be much tougher and probably bruising my back side. Has anyone tried this? Why did you do it? What is it like?
King-size dump
I have just dropped an enormous load. Normally I have a quite small appetite and in consequence my evacuations are nothing special. My normal turds are 2 inches (10 cm) long and there were at least four of this size dropped from my anus. They were not big enough to stick out of the water of the pot. Consequently, when I did a courtesy flush before beginning to wipe, they were washed away quite easily, leaving only one small skidmark at the front. I always have a delightful feeling of emptiness after excreting a big load.Skidmarks Survey and Thesis
Hello everyone.
This is my first post. Long story short I found this page googling about toilet skidmarks, but I also read some interesting stories about underwear skidmarks. I get them occasionally in my light colored underwear and never get skidmarks in the toilet.
I had a girlfriend in college who never got them in the toilet and was grossed out by my occasional skidmarks in my white briefs. She often wore white thongs and they were often clean.
After college I had a girl friend who only wore black underwear and never wore the white lace lingerie I bought her. Every time she pooped, she left skidmarks in the toilet and was embarrassed as I never left skid marks in the toilet, but I was never bothered by them. My family members and roommates left the all the time! I never saw a skidmark in her underwear, but all her underwear is black
I married a down to earth beautiful midwest girl who always leaves skidmarks in the toilet and often gets skid marks in her boyshorts and thongs. She is not embarrassed about either and doesn't think anyone gets clean with toilet paper. We obviously talk about everything and we theorized that her poop is stickier than mine, thus she leaves skidmarks in her underwear and toilet more than I do. She will frequently critique the quality of toilet paper when she uses a toilet outside our house. She will always get skidmarks if she uses a public toilet, but sometimes they are pretty bad even if she claimes she wipes until the paper is clean. I will have to say, I have a hairier bum than my wife and I still get less skidmarks than her. We would like to test our theory:
In the last week have you left skidmarks in the toilet after poop?
In the last month have you left skidmarks in the toilet after a poop?
In the last week have you left skidmarks in your underwear after a poop?
In the last month have you left skidmarks in you underwear after a poop?
Other factors:
Do clean up with wet wipes or a bidet after poop?
Dp you wear underwear that rides up your bum (wedgie) often?
Do you wipe until the paper is clean?
Are you a skidmarks unicorn never leaving skidmarks in the toilet or underwear?
Checking In
Hi! It's been so long and I'm sorry to not post much anymore. I love this forum!
Sarah E, it is so good to hear from you and I loved your story about "Jesse!" Yes, I have been there too, as you may remember. Solid accidents are what brought me to this wonderful forum! I hope that you are well and that life slows down for you enough to post!
Trina, I really enjoyed reading your post as well! How are you?
Alan and I are plugging away at life! Chloe finished her first year at college! Zoe finished her first year of high school and Joey, our son, finished kindergarten. He will be seven in August but we started him in school later so that he could mature a little! Alan will be the principal at a local elementary school next fall and is doing wellI I am still working at the Pharmacy that I helped build and then sold.
Even as a woman of 43 years, I am still having two remarkable daily bowel movements!
I hope all are wellI
Love to all!
Mad dash to washroom
I got up this morning, went pee, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. First microwaved it for 5 minutes (she wants us to have food very hot), took it out of the microwave after putting on oven mitts and brought it to the table. Put the oven mitts back and sat and ate breakfast (instant noodles, egg, banana chopped up and green vegetables) slowly. When I was done breakfast I took my morning medications, grabbed the Walmart bag and went downstairs to my room. Spent the majority of my time on my phone, going on YouTube and the internet. My stomach felt very full and was really bloated.
Finally a few minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, walked to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put on the flip flops outside my room, closed the door, turned off the light and walked to the washroom across from my room. My urge to poop was pretty major so I walked pretty quickly. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my grey shorts and red high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit then pushed out an incredible amount of poop. It was thick, long and felt somewhat soft, somewhat solid. Once I was done going I felt better though there's still more that needs out later (maybe after lunch). Reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, pushed up my sleeves, took some toilet paper off the roll, put it back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. Wiped my vagina first then stood up to wipe my butt. It was a very messy wiping job but I got it as clean as possible.
Turned around, put the toilet paper into the toilet and looked in the toilet. The water was murky but I could somewhat see the head and part of the poop sticking out. Not well enough to guess how long or thick it was. Flushed the toilet, pulled my shorts and underwear up, washed my hands well, left the washroom, turned off the light. Went to my room, took off the flip flops outside my room, went into my room, put those flip flops on, dried my hands on the towels in here and now writing this. That was a hell of a shit but it feels better to get rid of stuff in your body. I hope later after a good lunch and dinner, much more water and some exercises everything else will come out. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and is having a good day so far.
Happy peeing and pooping!
2nd date + walking in on friend
Today I went on my 2nd date with Elyse! I first dropped off my laptop at her place then we walked to Canes for an early dinner together. Once we were done, we came back to her place and went to her room. We got on our laptops and hopped on ???? together. We are both in Gold which is perfect and we're in the same room which makes things easier. During our 5th game Elyse said, "bruh I have to take a huge shit" then I said, "hang in there, we'll get this dub then you can go poop." 8 minutes later, we ended up winning the match and we won 4 out of 5 games. I then asked, "Can I watch you poop?" and Elyse said, "yeah! for now on you can watch me poop whenever I need to go." We went to her bathroom together and I locked the door. She then pulled down her denim shorts and green underwear then sat on the toilet. We started talking about pooping cause that's what she was doing. She said she wants to eventually poop at my place, shit in the woods, and at hotels we stay at together when we eventually decide to travel. I told her I'm open to her doing that and that she'd eventually get to watch me poop if I have to shit while we're together. We already know each other's pooping habits just cause both of us have pooped at each other's places (not in front of each other) back when we were friends in high school. We both pooped at Taylor's place back in HS during that 3-day sleepover at the beach (first story I posted). We then talked about that 3-day sleepover which led to Elyse saying, "I'm still jealous that you got to see Ellie (Taylor's sister) and Ashley poop in front of you on that trip. I would've pooped in front of you back when we were friends if I wasn't so shy." I said, "You'll eventually get to see me poop; at least you got to see Ashley poop at the same time I did." She asked me, "Did Jenna (my close friend from our HS) ever poop in front of you?"
I told her a story here, "She's pooped at my place many times, but I did walk in on her once so I was watching her poop for a bit. So pretty much when I was in 7th grade I was hanging with Maggie and Jenna and while we're in my room Jenna said she had to use the bathroom. 30 minutes later I walked in my bathroom and I didn't realize Jenna was still in there, she forgot to lock the door. I first looked at Jenna and saw her shorts and teal underwear at her ankles, while she was on her phone. She screamed less than a second later so I actually entered quickly then closed the door. Luckily my bathroom is connected to my bedroom so Maggie heard my whole convo cause me and Jenna were talking loudly at each other. Jenna asked me why I came in then I said she should've locked the door. I asked her why she's taking so long and she hit me with 'you, me, and Maggie all take forever when we poop at each other's places.' I got her back with 'have you even pooped yet?' Jenna said, 'I'm so constipated and I'm not getting up until I get this out. Can you leave so I can poop and get outta here sooner?' I said 'sure' so I left once she said that and closed the door once I got out. Maggie and I waited about 3 minutes then we heard her pushing cause she was making noises. She pushed for 5 minutes then we heard a loud splash and heard Jenna yell 'Finally!' Once she wiped, flushed, put on her shorts + underwear, then came out of my bathroom, Jenna told us that she didn't poop for 5 days and was constipated which caused her to take a 40 minute shit."
Elyse thought it was really funny and was laughing at that. She also shared some stories with Taylor since they'd both poop in front of each other but she didn't go into depth the way I did cause they poop in front of each other all the time just like Maggie (my bestie) and I do. Elyse finally dropped a huge shit after 28 minutes. She cleaned herself up, put back on her shorts + undies, flushed, and washed her hands. We just chilled and watched some League of Legends streamers afterwards. I ended up leaving her place around 10pm. We're just taking things slowly but I know more will happen as we get deeper in this relationship.
At the YMCA bathroom again
After finishing my workout today I had to pee pretty badly. I went to the bathroom and all three stalls were taken, with one woman waiting. There was a strong stench in the air so it was obvious all three stalls were occupied with poopers. As I waited, I heard lots of farts, grunts, plops, and splashes, all the while my need to pee was growing.
It was a couple of minutes before someone flushed and exited their stall. Unfortunately for me, it seemed like the woman who had been waiting also had to poop, and I waited for several more minutes. By the time I heard another flush, I was bursting at the seams, absolutely dying for a piss. A young girl, maybe 13 years old came out of the middle stall, looking very relieved. I rushed in, closed and locked the door, and threw myself on the toilet, unleashing just in time to avoid an accident.
As I peed and peed, I observed that the woman who had been waiting when I got to the bathroom, and had gone in the left stall, flushed twice. I heard her mutter to herself something that sounded like "ew gross" before exiting the stall. I finally finished peeing and wiped myself. I went out to wash my hands just as the woman was leaving the bathroom. I decided to take a peak in her stall and survey the "damage."
She'd completely destroyed that toilet, and left massive skidmarks all over the bowl. My poops rarely leave skid marks and when they do it's very minor. However I've observed that it's usually the softer turds that leave marks behind. Based on this, I can guess the girl pooped a ton of "soft serve" that filled the toilet.
Little boy Kyle and his toilet troubles, part 3
When Kyle and I left the public bathroom, we started walking towards home, but halfway there, Kyle's stomach began gurgling again and he said he wanted to go to the toilet again. I was surprised because he had pooped a few minutes before! He sighed and confessed that he hadn't pooped in almost three weeks. I asked how his parents were taking it. He said he hadn't told them. We started looking for a toilet again. Kyle didn't want to wait too long. Fortunately, we were walking near an apartment building where I knew someone lived. It was my classmate Timmy! I had a key to his apartment so I could let Kyle use his toilet. After finding out the situation, Timmy let Kyle use the toilet. Having received permission, Kyle asked where Timmy's bathroom was and I took him there. As usual, I listened to him while he was using the toilet. First, I heard the seat lowered and after a few minutes, there was a loud fart. Kyle's farts resembled machine gun shots. Then I heard a sigh of relief and Kyle's voice saying: "I'm barely made it!"
I heard another series of farts and a loud plop, followed by several more plops. After the last plop, I heard Kyle pushing, and then another plop rang out. Kyle let out a fart, then pushed again. I heard several plops and a loud sigh. Kyle pushed again and again I heard a loud plopping sound. Five minutes later, the plops stopped and I heard the rustle of toilet paper being used. At this point, Kyle had enough toilet paper and he wiped his bottom for about three minutes, then I heard him taking a picture. After that, he shouted, "Hey! Don't you want to see my poop?" Of course, I did! I went into the toilet and looked at Kyle's poo. There were a lot of large, soft poo pieces in the toilet bowl, as well as a lot of clumps of toilet paper. It all smelled so bad that I had to hold my nose in order to not throw up. Kyle pressed the flush and, after the toilet flushed, he remarked, "This toilet is very good! Comfortable and flushes on the first flush!"As I see it, Timmy has become proud.
On Skid Marks
To LC, Pete, Anna and others who commented on the topic: thank you for sharing your experience. I am very impressed by the high level of discussion on this forum. One of you asked how I know that my ex-wife used to take big poos: I know it because I saw them on a few occasions. At the time, we were living in a cheap rental. The water supply was interrupted frequently and without notice. Hence, she would be unable to flush now and then.Jessica
Replies + vacation story
Hey guys, thanks for all the replies on my last story about my new job experience!
Tricky: oh wow sounds like you have had lots of experience pooping in front of cleaning ladies. And wow, pooping three times a day would definitely get your recognized by the cleaning staff wherever you are. Personally I only poop once every two or three days, but it ends up being a lot and I often stay in the toilet for about 30 minutes. Anywho, thanks for sharing all your stories, I really enjoyed them!
LC: Yes, I am very comfortable pooping in front of the opposite gender as I usually leave the door open at home and my boyfriend often walks in on me pooping or hears me having a bowel movement in the other room. At the moment I was just shocked to hear the cleaner ask to stay while I was pooping, but l'll definitely let him stay next time if he asks. I think it'll make for an interesting experience. I also have the slight feeling he was interested as well as I often see him around the office and he always gives me a smile as we walk by each other. Good to hear your story as well though. Although I'm not the only female in the office my workplace is mainly male dominant as well.
Onto a story from my vacation to Jamaica! My boyfriend and I went on a week one trip to Jamaica about a month ago. We stayed in a beautiful resort for 5 days. We ate lots of food, had lots to drink, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery by the pool and the ocean. Everything was going great until the 4th day of the trip. After dinner my stomach started to feel terrible. We were in our room at the time and my boyfriend was in the bathroom. I opened the door and immediately smelt a strong poop stench as my boyfriend was sitting on the toilet. I asked him if he was okay and he told me his stomach wasn't feeling good after dinner. I told him I was having the same problem and thought maybe it was the seafood we had. I came by his side and rubbed his stomach for a bit encouraging him to let it all out. A minute or so later my need to use the bathroom was becoming unbearable. I told him I really needed to go, but he was having diarrhea and told me he was no where close to being finished. He told me he could spread his legs and I could sit in between them. And without hesitation I pulled down my thong and sat down on the seat with him. I immediately let out a bunch of loose poop and farted. The bathroom was getting very smelly but we were both in so much pain that it didn't matter. For the next half hour we sat on the toilet together releasing diarrhea. By the end of it all, the toilet bowl was completely full of poop, but luckily since it was all soft it flushed down with no problem. For the last few days and even at the airport, we were constantly having to use the bathroom. Has anyone else had this experience while going to a resort? There was another interesting experience I had while at the airport but I'll save that one for the next post. Hope you all enjoyed my story!magda
to bethany
hi bethany, i read your story about this special toilet on the college campus. i was wondering did you use it often over your study time? also, did you ever go there with (at the same time) as your roommate?
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
To Emma two
Good story about your big poo
The relief must have been great dropping a big load especially after 4 days
You say it was firm so were they big logs with plops as they dropped
Or just one big log that was probably in the water whilst still inside youSTEPHEN .P
Went early morning three hour fishing this morning . Packed in went back to van took off my coat and waders sat on THETFORD 245 pottie ,had a forty five second wee ten seconds later a dribble of wee my bowels opened .had another wee then another poop,wiped with eight sheets or ELSAN BLUE toilet roll then put all my tackle in van ,drove home
Just emptied van and emptied the portta pottie in outside drain
Skidmarks Survey and Thesis
Hello everyone.
This is my first post. Long story short I found this page googling about toilet skidmarks, but I also read some interesting stories about underwear skidmarks. I get them occasionally in my light colored underwear and never get skidmarks in the toilet.
I had a girlfriend in college who never got them in the toilet and was grossed out by my occasional skidmarks in my white briefs. She often wore white thongs and they were often clean.
After college I had a girl friend who only wore black underwear and never wore the white lace lingerie I bought her. Every time she pooped, she left skidmarks in the toilet and was embarrassed as I never left skid marks in the toilet, but I was never bothered by them. My family members and roommates left the all the time! I never saw a skidmark in her underwear, but all her underwear is black
I married a down to earth beautiful midwest girl who always leaves skidmarks in the toilet and often gets skid marks in her boyshorts and thongs. She is not embarrassed about either and doesn't think anyone gets clean with toilet paper. We obviously talk about everything and we theorized that her poop is stickier than mine, thus she leaves skidmarks in her underwear and toilet more than I do. She will frequently critique the quality of toilet paper when she uses a toilet outside our house. She will always get skidmarks if she uses a public toilet, but sometimes they are pretty bad even if she claimes she wipes until the paper is clean. I will have to say, I have a hairier bum than my wife and I still get less skidmarks than her. We would like to test our theory:
In the last week have you left skidmarks in the toilet after poop?
In the last month have you left skidmarks in the toilet after a poop?
In the last week have you left skidmarks in your underwear after a poop?
In the last month have you left skidmarks in you underwear after a poop?
Other factors:
Do clean up with wet wipes or a bidet after poop?
Dp you wear underwear that rides up your bum (wedgie) often?
Do you wipe until the paper is clean?
Are you a skidmarks unicorn never leaving skidmarks in the toilet or underwear?
To Bianca
To Bianca-Thank you :)
Firm Poop
Hey guys. My poop this morning was firm, and a bit painful. I think it was indigestible stuff from flaxseed. While pooping, I lifted up from the toilet, and pushed a little. Overall, it was still a good poop. This poop was chunky, and had me passing gas uncontrollably on my way to bathroom. To Annie: I continue to love your stories. To everyone else: you are great writers, too. Bye.Mushroom
Random bout of diarrhea
Hello everyone! I'm "Mushroom", and this is my first post here. I've been lurking for a while though. I'm nonbinary and in my 20s. This story is about a poop I had just a little while ago.
I had just eaten a bunch of junk food, when my gut started to cramp. I let out a fart, and I knew I needed to get to a toilet ASAP. I desperately held my poop in as I made my way to the bathroom. I unbuckled my overall shorts and let loose on the toilet. Some highly pressurized soft turds began blasting out of me and splashing the water below. Then, more liquid poop came out of me. When I looked down, the liquid poop looked frothy on top of the rest of my poop. I wiped with toilet paper a couple times. Then, I buckled my overalls back on, flushed the toilet, and went back to my room.
I felt much better, but I stunk up the bathroom really bad! I danced to some music for a while after I got back to my room. I don't think I wiped well enough though, because when I checked later there was some poop in my panties. It makes sense, since my underwear and overalls were kind of riding up my butt while I danced. I kind of find that erotic though, to have poopy pants and not even know it. I'm still wearing them right now, even though they're skidmarked.
Sarah E.
Long time absence from posting - picking up where I left off
I have made a few posts on this site before. I used to visit the site almost daily and really enjoyed reading stories and sharing my own, but the last couple years life has been sort of kicking my butt. So I haven't really had time to keep up like I used to or post any more of my own experiences. My last post was on page 2867 about my most embarrassing moment when I misjudged my abilities and had a major poop accident at a gas station after taking fiber supplements to help with a bout of constipation I was struggling through. Picking up with I left off with that post, I said I would share about the accident experiences of my friend who suggested the fiber supplement to me. It's long overdue, but here we go.
So my friend, we'll call her Jessica (Jesse for short), has been a habitual user of this supplement for all of her adult life after having some pretty chronic issues with constipation as a young girl. Upon hearing about my embarrassing mishap, Jesse shared a couple of her own experiences with me about the only two times in her adult life that she has pooped her pants, both as a result of holding it too long and ending up with a very large, solid accident. Now I should mention that Jesse and I are very close friends and have been for a long time. So we know quite a bit about each other and our habits. She has always been fairly open with me regarding her bathroom habits, and is not what I would refer to as a repressed or shy individual, in most cases. That being said, she's told me before that she's not the most open or comfortable person about pooping in public places. She will do it if she needs to, but just prefers the privacy of home, like many of us do I'm certain. And I've known for a long time about her childhood issues and the resulting supplement she makes use of and the precious regularity she strives very hard to maintain. By her own very much desired intentions, she is a once-a-day kind of regular, and her usual time happens to be late afternoon/early evening. As such, by her own telling, there have been many instances where she has shared with me that she has had very close calls brought on by seeking the privacy of home rather than making a public pitstop after a long day of activity. She's been particularly open about these incidents, but I never learned about the two times in her life where disaster struck until I shared my own unfortunate moment with her. Her first occurred when she was 21 and a junior in college. Her second occurred coincidentally only a few weeks prior to my own accident when she was 28 and on her way home from work after a long day.
First, her college accident. We were close friends and still saw each other regularly at the time, though we did not attend the same school. I knew she had a very active social life during her university days, as she would share her experiences with me. She's always been a very outgoing person, and as such Jesse was involved in a lot of extra-curricular activities while she was in school. She took part in the resident student council on campus, as well as many clubs and she took part in recreational athletics on campus as well. She was not part of any of the school's actual athletics programs officially, but she maintained a very physically-active lifestyle throughout her college life. She still does to this day, and is easily my most physically-fit adult friend. At one point, she had even come extremely close to joining a sorority on campus, but it ended up not happening, though she made and maintained several close friendships with girls who did end up members of that sorority. So close in fact, that she would regularly participate in events/gatherings/parties held by the group or at the sorority house they resided in on campus. Jesse's first experience with pooping in her pants as an adult occurred on a day when she was involved with an all-day social event that the sorority was putting on. As she told it, it was a Saturday, and Jesse had been at the campus all day helping her friends with the event. The way she described it, the event wasn't quite a "party" so-to-speak, but also was not academic or school-sponsored in any way. Anyway, there was food and music and activities and it was an all-day event, and Jesse told me she was there from early morning and had had quite the enjoyable, but busy, day. As such, she was growing fairly weary by late afternoon, and was becoming aware that she would need a rest-break. She told me the event was due to officially "end" by around 5pm, but unofficially was on the inevitable path towards becoming an atypical college "party" experience going into the nighttime hours, with it being Saturday night and all. Jesse shared with me that she was planning to attend the evening festivities as well, but wanted to step out and return to her own home to get a chance to rest and recover for a while first. So, when about 4:30 rolled around, she made arrangements to do just that and departed the event, planning to return around 8 or 9pm. As Jesse described to me, she had also been feeling a growing need to make a "potty pitstop" (her words, not mine, lol) for most of the afternoon, becoming increasingly urgent as the day wore on, which she claimed was very common for her. She told me that when she left around 4:30, it was becoming an emergency, but she lived close enough to the event on campus herself (about 10 minutes walking distance) that she felt confident she could make it back to the privacy of home. So she said her goodbyes and left for home, anticipating the relief of a good bowel movement and a chance to catch her breath after the busy day. As Jesse described it, she was about 4-5 minutes into her walk, and traveling across a campus that was relatively quiet (being nearly 5pm on a Saturday), when she realized that she was in trouble. She was starting to get some pretty severe cramps that she recognized from many previous experiences as the tell-tale warning signs that a large poop was going to be happening very soon, toilet or not. She explained to me that even if she had desired to make an emergency stop at a public bathroom, most of the buildings nearby her were shut down and inaccessible by that point in the day/time. So Jesse knew her only option was to keep heading towards home, and tried to quicken her pace. Now I'm sure that most of us have experienced the kind of urge that Jesse was now having to cope with at some point in our lives. The kind of emergency need to have a bowel movement that comes with increasingly painful, shooting pains from cramping and immense pressure building in the lower body. As Jesse told it, her experience that day went from the relatively pleasurable feeling of anticipation of relieving a growing need to the agony of a simply undeniable urge to carry out an inevitable bodily function in the span of less than 5 minutes. She told me she was maybe 3 minutes away from her building (she could see it clearly) when she realized she had pushed her body too far. Jesse told me this is one of the most clear memories she has to this day, the exact moment when something in her clicked and the realization set in that she was 21 years old, walking in broad daylight across her college campus, and she was about to poop in her pants. In her words: "one moment I was fighting the good fight, confident in my abilities as a young adult woman, the next moment I was involuntarily stooped over slightly, evacuating what felt like multiple pounds of poop into my underwear". Jesse described it as a feeling of equal parts relief and mortification, and like many of us have related from our own such experiences on this forum, she claimed that what in reality was a very short period of time seemed to stretch on for what felt like forever. As it happened, she thinks the actual act of her pants-pooping mishap took about 15 seconds from start to finish. But she told me the aftermath was immediately noticeable. A strong poop smell arose around her in quick fashion and there was a very heavy feeling in the shorts/underwear she was wearing. Again, in her words: "this was no small accident, my panties were genuinely loaded". Jesse told me she immediately went into a sort of panicked "recovery mode" as she described it. She searched her immediate area and was relieved to find there were no other people nearby. She was at this point only about 150 yards from her building. She made the snap decision that she was going to get into the building and to her room as quickly as possible and prevent her shame from being known by any other souls that day if at all possible. She set to her task and promptly waddled the remaining distance to the building, praying inwardly with all her willpower that she not encounter anybody on her way. She succeeded in this, and made it home without further incident, or at least she believes that she did. She told me that she didn't notice anybody during that stretch of time who observed her "I just pooped my pants" waddle, but if there were in fact any observers that went unnoticed by her, there would be absolutely no doubt that she had thoroughly loaded her undies, lol. She finished her story by telling me that, at that time in her life, this was easily her most embarrassing experience, and she was really shaken up by it. She in fact didn't return to the sorority party later that evening, instead opting to remain in the comfort and privacy of her home after dealing with the smelly aftermath of her afternoon. She did confide in me that it was admittedly impressive in size and that she had what she referred to a "shameful moment of sort-of morbid pride in my sizeable output". Jesse told me I'm the first person she's ever shared that experience with and that it did feel good to let someone else in on her most embarrassing and secret moment. She also told me that she considers it to be one of, if not the single most fortunate happenings in her life, that her most shameful moment was not witnessed by anybody else, to her knowledge. According to Jesse, that fact alone allowed her to come to terms with the accident much more quickly and even to recall it as a "slightly less horrific than I would have expected it to be" memory.
That was the more significant of the two pants-pooping escapades that Jesse related with me, the second one being much less eventful and less memorable in her words. As it happened, her second accident is a fairly commonly shared experience around this forum. She now works a stable job in an office environment with a very standard 9-5 working schedule. Her daily poops tend to occur immediately upon her return home from work each day. She still prefers the privacy of home for this and has had a few close calls as a result. One day she stupidly left work with an emergency need knowing that she was risking an accident. She gambled and lost, resulting in a pair of messy undies. She said she knew she had maybe 20 minutes at the most when she left work for home, but the commute was typically right about that amount of time, so she figured she had a chance, but it would most likely be a photo-finish kind of chance. Jesse said she actually did make it all the way home, but after parking and standing up out of the car, the final stretch of steps from car to residence spelled out her downfall. The same thing happened as it did with her college accident, one moment fighting the urge, the next moment involuntarily stooped and pooping uncontrollably into her underwear. She recounts this again as in the same category of good fortune as her previous accident for the fact that it was witnessed by no others, to her knowledge. In her words: "I may never win the actual lottery in my life, but if I never have to experience another accident as long as I live, I'll still call it a win that I won the 'I pooped my pants twice in my life and nobody ever found out about it lottery' lol".
Emma two
Big relief in the supermarket
I was was out shopping with Sarah last night and I was busting for a poo when we left home. I thought I could wait until after we got home but I'd forgotten my last poo was four days ago. As we walked around the isles the urge to relieve my bowels was becoming unbearable and I told Sarah I was going to the toilet as I was going to poo myself otherwise. I quickly walked towards the customer toilets and when I got there a young lady of about 17 or 18 was walking out with a relieved smile on her face. She apologised for the smell and I went in. I took the nearest cubicle which was a bit smelly but not too bad and I saw a few bits of poo in the toilet that hadn't quite flushed away. I was too desperate to worry about it and I quickly pulled my jeans and knickers down and sat on the a warm toilet seat. I knew the girl must have been there for a while as I relaxed my bottom until I felt my poo coming out. It sped up and it was such a relief especially when I remembered it was four days since I last went. When I finished I wiped myself once as it was a firm solid poo and pulled my jeans and knickers up and exited the cubicle and washed my hands before joining Sarah in the store.
A few recent stories
I was at work and I went to the restroom. My coworkers are all men, and we travel from location to location. At the locations we work, either there are single-occupancy toilets, or there are traditional gendered multi-stall bathrooms. Either way, I'm pretty much guaranteed to get the bathroom to myself as the only woman on the team.
Anyway, this particular restroom was a two stall, two sink bathroom. I went into the stall, hung up my bag on the door's hook, lifted my skirt and lowered my underwear, and sat down. I peed, let out a pre-poop fart, and then began to push. Like I mentioned before, I've been constipated. I started using stool softeners, but they barely do anything. My diet is high in fiber, so I don't know why I'm always so constipated. I really had to push. Plop, plop, plop, maybe 5 light brown turds that look like rabbit or deer poop splashed against the toilet water. The toilet's water level was relatively high. Usually when the water level is this high, there is splashback, which I always find disturbing. My poop had a mild smell, but it was not too strong. I let out a bit more pee. I usually pee a bit once I'm done pooping. I first wiped my front, and then I started to wipe my butt. It wasn't super messy, but the toilet paper was not great and so I folded around 5 or 6 wads of toilet paper.
When I was done, I stood up. I pulled up my underwear and pulled down my skirt, then I grabbed my bag and turned around to flush. I usually flush with my shoes. I try to touch as few things as possible in the restroom. The water in the toilet started to swirl, and then it stalled. I think I used too much paper. "Oh well," I thought to myself. It wasn't like I was going to inconvenience anyone since I was the only one using that bathroom, plus there was another toilet I could use whenever I had to go again. I went to wash my hands.
Later that day, I chatted with the janitor - this guy in his 30's or 40's - for a bit. I knew that he would probably see that I clogged the toilet, and it's not like I could blame it on anyone else since like I mentioned there weren't really other women there. I didn't mention the clogged toilet to him though, maybe out of embarrassment or not wanting to inconvenience him.
When I went back the next day, the toilet was still clogged until the end of the day. I did poop in the stall next to the stall I had clogged. This second time, I fortunately didn't clog the toilet. I made sure to be careful about how much stuff I was flushing.
ANOTHER STORY: At this same location where I clogged the toilet, I was outside chatting with a couple of coworkers of mine. One is this guy I cannot stand but I pretend to be friendly with, and I'm pretty sure he likes me. He's a white guy a handful of years older than me, in his late 20's. The other coworker in the conversation was in his car, chatting to the guy who likes me and I through his car window. There was a bit of a breeze. I felt the urge to fart, and I let it out. It was silent. I wasn't expecting a smell, and I was expecting the wind to carry away the smell quickly if there was a smell. There was a smell, and the wind stopped for a moment. I started to walk to the other side of the guy, hoping he wouldn't smell it. Then he audibly inhaled through his nose twice, maybe to indicate that he did smell it? I didn't acknowledge it and he didn't besides the inhalation. This guy seriously irritates me for a number of reasons, and so while I was a little embarrassed at the time in retrospect it's funny that I inconvenienced him by farting in his general area.
At that same location, I farted around my supervisor. I don't know if he heard it, I just tried to talk over it. There was a smell, but I was in an area with a bunch of other coworkers and nobody acknowledged it.
ANOTHER STORY: The guy I mentioned from my last story, where we were pooping at the same time in different restrooms, asked me where I went the other day since I disappeared. I told him, laughing, "I was taking a shit." He made a grossed out face. I jokingly said "women poop too," and he told me that his girl best friend overshares about her bathroom habits all the time and it does not really gross him out.
I came back from pooping yesterday, and a few of my coworkers asked me where I was. I joked that I was "in the powder room."
I enjoy being really open about my bathroom habits. I'm still poop shy if I know someone and we're in the same bathroom, but I do not mind talking about this stuff and I actually think it's funny to see people's reactions. I like that at this job I pretty much always get a private restroom. It's nice to be able to disappear into the restroom, since nobody's going to be there to micromanage or anything like that.
Sunday, June 2, 2024
Re: Jessica, Interesting Encounter at New Job
Q1: Do you guys think I should let him clean while I'm pooping next time?
A1: As long as you're comfortable with it, and the janitor doesn't mind that you're in there, I don't see an issue. If you'd prefer for him to wait outside, then tell him no. Simple as that. You'll get used to it should you let him in enough times. I'm a man and I've pooped with janitors of the opposite sex in the same room so many times that I have zero qualms with it. If one asked me if they could come in, I'd let them, regardless of whether I was peeing or pooping. But that isn't exactly out of my comfort zone, and you will see why below. My younger self would have said no.
Q1:And have any of you pooped in the presence of a cleaner that was the opposite gender?
A1: Yes. Many times. I poop at work about 3 times a day on average, and whenever I'm gone from home more than a few hours, I poop somewhere in public. This has caused the inevitable situation of me crossing paths with janitors while in the restroom, whether they simply knock on the door and wait outside for me to finish, or whether they actually come in and clean while I'm pooping.
Some of my experiences on this topic can be found on this site. You shouldn't have too much of a problem searching for them with the info below:
-Page 2875, "My first time using a doorless stall"; had diarrhea in the bathroom at my middle school, and the cleaning lady briefly came in, then waited outside the entrance with the door propped open
-Page 2880, "Poop at the Office"; I explain many of the encounters with cleaning ladies I had while pooping in my workplace Mens' room from 2008 to 2018. The Mens' and Womens' room were adjacent and had a vent between them, and there were many times the cleaning lady would be cleaning the Womens' room, and would hear me pooping through the vent
-Page 3054, "Gruesome Twosome"; two cleaning ladies heard me through the vent pooping in the Mens' room while they cleaned the adjacent Womens' room
-Page 2875, "Re: Jry"; I was using a half stall at a rest stop and the cleaning lady briefly came in and saw me from the torso up over the stall as I sat on the toilet defecating
-Page 3036, "I once had to work the day after Thanksgiving"; the cleaning lady came in without knocking or a announcing herself, heard me pooping, apologized, and left. I left her a bowl full of streaks to clean up when I exited. She had been waiting outside.
-Page 3059, "Storm Duty Pt 2"; See the last two paragraphs of this story. A coworker and I were pooping together in a rest stop bathroom, and got intruded upon by the cleaning lady. This entry entailed multiple stories, and I never recounted that last one in depth because it was otherwise uneventful and there wasn't much to report on.
-Page 2951, "Re: Amelie; gaining confidence to poop in public restrooms"; At my workplace, I used to wear headphones to listen to music while pooping. I didn't hear the cleaning lady knock and she came in mid-poop.
-Page 3032, "Diarrhea at the office"; the cleaning lady at my workplace stood outside the Mens' room while I loudly blasted diarrhea, left, came back 15 minutes later and waited for me to come out
Other stories I might tell later in more detail at some point:
-The 2nd high school I attended, there was a boy two grades behind me who I pooped next to easily 20+ times in total during Junior and Senior year immediately after last class, and I'd seen him enter or exit a stall even more than that. He was about 5'6", maybe 110 lbs, strawberry-blonde hair in a bowl style cut. On on occasion, while we were both pooping, the cleaning lady asked if anyone was in there and we both responded in the affirmative. A few minutes later while we were rolling the toilet paper, she asked when we'd be done, and he yelled "Soon! We're wiping!" She laughed at both of us as we exited the Boys' room.
-In 2008 I also once used a stall in a mall at closing time. Got walked in on by the cleaning lady, a 20-something brunette, who left and was waiting outside the Mens' room with the cleaning supplies when I exited 5 minutes later. She stifled a laugh as we saw each other, knowing what I just did. I'll tell this one at some point.
-In 2010, while taking a trip by bus, I had to take an emergency poop after it pulled into the station. A fat lady was cleaning the Mens' room and I couldn't hold it any longer. I ran in and asked her if I could use a stall and explained that it was a dire emergency, and she said yes. I barely made it to the toilet, and with another 10 seconds delay or so, I'd have soiled my pants for the remainder of the bus ride. I sounded like a boat motor sputtering to life and stalling out, repeatedly, and she was cleaning the room for the entire 10 minutes I was in there. To make matters worse, she ran a running commentary of my explosive farting noises and machine-gun plops. I finished, and after I flushed twice, the toilet bowl still looked like a Jackson Pollock exhibit, which she would have to clean. And she watched me exit the stall and take the walk of shame to the sink to wash my hands. I wasn't quite shameless at that time, so it was extremely embarrassing and I felt bad she would have to clean that up. But after seeing the splatterfest in the toilet, she said she would leave it for the next person to clean, since her shift was ending.
-In 2012 I made the stupid mistake of taking a poop at a library near closing time. I didn't want to hold it while walking back to my apartment, and while it wasn't an outright emergency, the pressure on my sphincter was quite strong and I knew I'd be tempting fate and risk having to find some bushes or a back alley to drop trou. The female cleaner walked in on me mid-poop while I had a monster 2-foot log as thick as my forearm halfway out, and as she cleaned the room, she got to see my pants on the floor through the bottom of the stall while hearing all of the noises associated with pushing out that fetid morass. After she finished cleaning the rest of the Mens' room, I was still defecating, the brick working its way out millimeter by millimeter, loudly crackling, and she stood by the sinks in front of the stalls asking me to "pinch it off and hurry up", which given the size, thickness, and hardness of the turd, this just wasn't possible. When I bared down and pushed with everything I could, I ripped a loud, deep, fart that echoed about the room and seemingly made the walls shake. I could see her through the gap between the stall door and cubicle patiently waiting, but she had the courtesy at least to not look in. It took me another 3 minutes to get it out, and as it plopped into the water she said I needed to leave because she had to close the building out. She also heard me wipe, even if the job wasn't complete due to me rushing as the poop was very messy, and when I flushed, the turd was too big for the water to flush down. I flushed again. The water rushed around it and it wouldn't budge. Then again. Still there. I exited the stall and she went in and immediately made a snide remark questioning how something so large could come out of such a skinny kid. I was too embarrassed to respond back at first. As I was washing my hands, I apologized and asked if she had anything I could use to break it up and explained that I keep a coat hangar in my home bathroom for this purpose. She laughed at that comment then apologized about the embarrassing remark and said she'd take care of it since it was her job, and that she was sorry if her behavior came across as rude, explaining she was in a hurry to finish up for the night because she had to pick her kids up. She then mentioned she had two teenaged boys of her own and my unflushable toilet deposit was nothing she hadn't seen before. To make things extra awkward for me, I was in my late 20s at the time, but she didn't know any better because I could have passed for a teenager.
-In 2021, I used a doorless stall at a park for an emergency defecation session. The previous day, I ate six 15oz cans of black beans in addition to my normal meals, and hadn't taken my morning or afternoon dump, and it was now evening. To me, that counts as being horribly bunged up, and now it wanted to waste no time to scat. If I didn't find this restroom, I'd have found some bushes, or a back alley, as I now had to go that badly. Normally I'd put my pants up to my upper legs after selecting the most private crapper when shitting in a doorless stall, but I honestly expected no one would come in since I appeared to be the only one at this park, so in my urgent need, I took the first stall and had my pants all the way down since it was the fastest means to get started. As I was farting out another forearm sized brick of crap with the first 8 inches or so coming out in 5 seconds, then slowing down dramatically as the pain increased, I got walked in on by the park maintenance crew, a middle aged black man and an old white lady. The old lady walked by me and saw me right as I was farting, saying "Don't mind us. We're just here to replace the tissue and put in some soap." She went to her supply cart, came back to me, handed me a roll of paper, and said "You're going to this." stifling back laughter, as I was sitting there with my ass and legs bare, pants on the floor, left hand pointing my private into the bowl as I was pissing, with a brick of crap hanging partway out my butt as throaty gusts of gas loudly blew passed it. Smiling, she then said "We'll wait for you to finish before we clean and leave you to it." They both waited outside to leave me alone to finish up in private. Sure enough, the toilet paper dispenser was empty. And it was an extremely messy movement, for which I would have been in quite a predicament without her being helpful. About 10 minutes later, I finished. My offering to the porcelain throne would not flush. It was too large, about the size of a large Pringles can. I washed my hands and exited. The two were waiting outside. I told them the toilet was clogged, without admitting I was the culprit. But they knew. She said "It's nothing we haven't seen before. We'll take care of it." Luckily, I had developed a sense of shamelessness by that point, and she was far from the first stranger to see me sitting on a toilet making rude noises while a log of crap was being pushed out of my butt, and far from the first to deal with a clogging caused by my digestive system. But she was probably the first person to see me use a doorless stall with my pants all the way down, as normally in such a scenario I put my pants to my upper legs to obtain as much privacy as possible.
There are more, but they weren't nearly as awkward or dramatic. Mostly along the lines of the cleaning lady knocking on the door and asking if someone is in there, while I'm pooping or wiping.
Yesterday after breakfast I caught the bus to Bristol bus station when I got off went to the toilet for a wee before walking one mile to collect some car parts.
I walked back with my parts and went into the toilets at Cabot Circus
cubicle three was vacant so I went in wiped seat ,flushed toilet,locked the door ,pulled down my jogging bottoms and sat down.cubicle two vacated then cubicle four.I began to wee several times before pooping,as I had pooped in the campervan four hours earlier I did not expect a large load
cubicle two was used many times four a wee. I kept pooping several times over the ten minutes ,I wiped with the paper supplied in the cubicle ,flushed pulled up my pants and jogging bottoms ,flushed unlocked door picked up my parcel the washed my hands .
On the way back to the bus depot i called into Tesco purchased som food and ate it will sat on seat outside.I then walked back to bus depot went into toilet had a wee then got on bus.when I got off bus with my parcel walked one mile home.
The parcel I took to the shed then I pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants ,sat on THETFORD 33 pottie and had another NUMBER TOO,then went in house made and drank some tea. one hour later went to camper had a wee
then climbed into bed .During the night I woke ,had a wee twice .at 7am the phone alarm woke me had a wee went into house had some breakfast .
I took the washing off line before it rained then went into camper and had a NUMBER TOO .I have just emptied all the pottiesLC
@ Tricky - Always enjoy reading your stories. Thanks for taking the time and effort to share.
@ Anna from Austria - Thanks for sharing the story about the doctor's office visit. What types of feelings do you have after an occasion like that? Embarrassment, pride, satisfaction, etc?
@ Jessica - Normally I would say not appropriate for him to ask to clean in there while you used the bathroom but at least he respected your request to not enter. However, it sounds like you might be comfortable with it, so I'd say use your best judgment. I tend to think janitorial staff may be somewhat desensitized to that type of thing, considering those encounters happen a lot, and the sounds and smells in a bathroom are part of the job.
I have had similar encounters as you in the past. Probably the most notable occurred early in my career around 24yo. I was working for a big firm in a large metropolitan area and our floor had generous bathroom accommodations with six or seven stalls per restroom. It was after 6pm and I was still at the office finishing up when the need struck. I chose one of the stalls toward the end of the bathroom and ended up having a large movement. I felt mostly done when I heard two female custodians chatting in Spanish in the hallway and then bathroom door swung open. They wheeled the cleaning cart into the bathroom. Then one said something about the smell and to prop the door open. She started to clean the sink area when the other one walked to the end of the bathroom and noticed my presence in the stall. She gasped and then said something to the other. I don't think they spoke English well and though I understand Spanish at a semi-fluent level, I don't speak it well. So neither of us said anything. I hoped that they would leave, since I was a bit embarrassed about being caught with my pants down, literally.
The one who found me returned to the other end of the bathroom and started her routine, emptying the trash, and then mopping. Obviously, she intended to give me some privacy to finish. I did finish after another minute or so, and then it took couples flushes to get everything down. I wiped and tried to flush again, but the toilet didn't flush all the way. The water level began to rise and the paper swirled around. It was one of those where I think it needed a few good plunges. I don't know if you ever get that? Anyway, I could feel my face flush red with embarrassment, as the bowl not only had my paper but also some heavy streaks. Clearly, they would find this sometime in the near future. I gathered myself and left the stall.
I saw the first lady cleaning at the sinks. I smiled at her in the mirror and she did the same thing. Then, I saw her eyes meet the eyes the other in the reflection of the mirror. I quickly washed up and said thanks, I have no idea why I said that. I think was just embarrassed in the moment. Anyway, I slipped out through the propped open door and then I heard one say, "sonó como uno grande", which roughly means "it sounded like a big one", and some laughter. I saw them with some frequency after that, but they never gave an indication about our chance encounter in the bathroom that one day.
Little boy Kyle and his toilet troubles, part 2
Kyle wanted to go to the toilet when we walked outside, and I quickly looked around in search of a toilet. Kyle said we should rush home, but I said maybe we couldn't make it in time. Kyle admitted that he had never pooping on the public toilets before, and I was really surprised. I reminded him that he peed in a shop bathroom, but he said peeing was different. But his home and even mine were too far away. After a moment of thought, Kyle realized he didn't have another choice and agreed to use the public bathroom but only if it was clean! We started searching for toilets and soon found a typical blue toilet cabin, but Kyle said, "No, I can't use that one! It's a cesspool, and I want a toilet bowl!" I reminded him that he needed to poop and it was not the time to be picky. But Kyle was adamant, so we continued searching for a toilet. We searched for a long time, and I heard how loudly his stomach was gurgling. Finally, we found a public toilet. There were separate genders, and we went into the men's room, of course. When we entered, Kyle immediately said, "Here stinks!" But then his stomach started gurgling and he held it, strangling, saying, "I think this toilet will do!" Then he opened the first empty stall and there was no toilet paper. I told him to wait and started searching for a good stall. Most of the stalls were occupied, so the search took longer. Kyle ran up to me, softly farting, holding his hands on his ass, nervously saying, "Any stall will do! I think I'm about to pooped!" He ran to one of the vacant toilet stalls and asked me to enter. He felt excited, so I did, and locked our stall. Kyle asked me to turn away, which I did. I heard the toilet seat slam as he lowered it. Then I heard the sound of a belt being unbuckled and guessed that Kyle had pulled down his pants and underwear. Then he sat down on the toilet as I assumed. I really wanted to turn around and see Kyle sitting on the toilet bowl, but promised not to peek. I could only eavesdrop. But that was enough. First, I heard some farts and then a cracking sound, realizing that Kyle was FINALLY pooping. He started groaning and pushing. He said, "I'm pooping a gigantic poop!" He pushed for a few minutes and then there were lots of continuous plops. It seemed like his big poop was coming out in chunks. Kyle moaned and let out a sigh of relief. Finally the plops stopped and there was a very strong smell. Kyle felt it too, because he said, "Faugh..." Then he farted and pooped again! I heard some plops, and after they went quiet, Kyle pushed harder and I heard another crawl of poop crack! He was still pooping! I heard a loud splash, and after that splash, Kyle let out a loud fart and continued pooping. How long had he been holding all his poop in his stomach? After defecating that poop, Kyle sighed with relief and said to me:
"I'm taking a shit... I'm sorry for stinks..."
I replied, "The main thing is that you feel better." Then Kyle started wiping his bottom with toilet paper. After three minutes of rustling toilet paper, Kyle said: "I've run out of toilet paper!"
I was surprised. There were few toilet papers left, but it seemed to me that there were twenty papers in the roll. I walked over to the toilet stall next to ours and took some toilet paper from there. Kyle thanked me and continued wiping. I offered to help him wipe (sometimes Paint asks me to help with this), but he indignantly refused, "I can wipe my bottom myself! Don't insult me!" After a few minutes he got up and dressed. He told me to turn around, and even let me look at his poop. I was in shock when I looked! There were giant feces in the toilet. Most of it was sticking out from under the water, with lots of thick poop floating around in the water. There were also two fat, long poops stuck in the walls inside the toilet bowl. All over the bowl were lumps of toilet paper covered in poop.
"How are we going to flush all of this?" asked Kyle. I decided to just press the flush button, but before I could pull the toilet lever down, Kyle took out his phone and took a picture of his poop. He said, it's his habit to take pictures of his bowel movements. We then pulled the flush lever together and held it down until all the poop was flushed down the pipes. After that, we released the lever and sighed in relief. We left the toilet stall and washed our hands at the sink.
To be continue... Again!Dillon
1. Maggie started pooping in front of me when we were 8 years old. One day I was hanging out at her place and while I was in her room, she was holding her stomach so I asked "Are you okay?" She said "Nah I really need to poop." Then I said "You should go poop" and she responded with "But I still wanna play with you." She then said "This sounds weird but can you come in with me?" I said "yeah I'll come with you." So I went into the bathroom with her and she pulled down her pants and underwear as I locked the door. Her underwear was blue and it had snowflakes. Once Maggie got on the toilet, she was trying to get it out cause she was nervous. It only took her 2 minutes to poop which was the quickest it ever took her to poop in front of me and that's only cause she rushed.
Elyse pooped in front of me cause she had to go while I was at her place. She already knew that I liked watching girls poop cause I've told her about the times that Maggie pooped in front of me.
2. No, Elyse didn't feel comfortable with going that far yet. I'm sure at some point she'll let me see her finished product.
3. I always enjoy the experience, especially cause I've been watching Maggie poop in front of me for so long and it never gets old. I love seeing both of them poop actually. I'm excited for Elyse to consistently poop in front of me going forward.
4. Maggie has watched me poop so many times as well, but she usually takes longer than me when she has to poop. I'm planning to eventually let Elyse watch me poop.
Hey again everyone! Sorry to be clogging the timeline, I've just had some time to think and write lately so I'm enjoying being back on the blog!…Today I had quite the experience…Wednesday is a day wifey and i kind of reserve for doing our own thing and having private quiet time. She was going to the library to do some writing, so I thought I'd stop off at the local brewery for wing night. It was unfortunately busier than I expected, but not too bad, so I did get mainly just chill by myself on my phone, and chat a bit with the bartender that I know. I unfortunately didn't get any major urges to poop while I was there, but shortly before leaving I thought I'd head to the bathroom just in case…I entered and surveyed the scene, and only noticed one pair of sandaled feet under the stalls, but before I could even stop to listen for any signature bathroom sounds, the toilet flushed and she exited and headed to the sinks. Disappointed, I entered a stall and sat, waiting a minute or two to see if I'd get any company, but the door didn't open. I peed, wiped and left. Paid my tab and headed home. Here's where it gets interesting….About a mile from home, not sure whether it was the hot wings or what, but my bowels suddenly let me know they needed to move, and fast! Yikes! Every stop light turned red as I pulled up to it, and I was beginning to urgently start clenching my butthole. Beads of sweat began to form as I slowly got closer to home…Finally parking, dashing from the car and running up the stairs, I could feel my butt struggling in vain and was almost sure I was about to load my pants (and no offense to those of you who enjoy such things…not for me but totally to each their own!)…I fumbled with the keys and finally threw open the door to our home, and sprinted toward the toilet. No sooner had I lowered my pants and began to squat towards the toilet when an absolute avalanche of poop exited my butt! So happy that I had made it, I started giggling and laughing as wave after wave of poop continued to expel from my whole, and by this point I was forcefully peeing as well, gloriously emptying myself. It was seriously almost ????…When the floodgates finally closed, I arose gently to look at the damage and seriously couldn't even believe the mountain of poop in the toilet. I definitely did not want to risk wiping, fearing even the poop itself wouldn't go down. I gingerly flushed….and poof! Somehow our old faithful toilet did the deed. I waited for it to refill, then thoroughly cleansed my hole, flushed again, and stood with a satisfied sigh and grin. If only I hadn't have had to have been alone for this experience! Oh well, there's always another time for a fun buddy or communal public dump!Annie
Big soft poop not long after breakfast
I got up this morning at about 8:15 with a majorly bloated stomach so I sat up in bed, grabbed my Walmart bag off the computer chair, got up, grabbed my notebook and pen, put it into the Walmart bag l, grabbed my water jar and opened the door. Went to the washroom (period is here and pad was totally covered), went back to my room, changed it, grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste, brushed my teeth in the washroom, washed my hands, dried them in my room and went upstairs to microwave and eat breakfast. Afterwards I took my morning medications, grabbed a package of pads from the upstairs washroom (that, toothpaste, toothbrushes etc are in a cabinet above the toilet for me) and went downstairs to my room. Put the package of pads where I usually put them and went on the internet on my phone.
Then about 10 minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed the Walmart bag, walked to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled down my dark sweatpants and dark red underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed a lot then pushed out a huge amount of soft poop (one big soft poop, like a lot). When I was done I rolled up my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag and pulled out the toilet paper. Took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor then started wiping. I wiped my vagina first (messy because of my period) and wiped my butt really well (blood mixed with poop on the toilet paper) Put the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up quickly and turned to look.
There was a thick yet soft poop in the toilet taking up a lot of the toilet. I would say about 2 1/2 feet long. Flushed the toilet and had to wet TP and wipe the back of the toilet seat since that was messy (oops). Went to the sink, washed my hands, picked up the Walmart bag and left the washroom after turning off the light.
I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and going to the washroom lots. PS I have noticed sometimes people are using my catchphrase/last line in their posts. Could you please not do that? I came up with that in my early 20s and it doesn't feel good that others are taking it like it's theirs. Have a good day and rest of the week. Almost June already.
Happy peeing and pooping
Sunday, June 2, 2024
I slept in the campervan last night ,used the ADVENTURIDGE pottie during the night and again when I woke for a wee.I went into house /kitchen and made tea.As the kettle boiled,put milk and tea bag in mug.As I poured the water I need a B M ,the items from the car were under the kitchen table ,I placed the bed pan on floor in front of door the tea now brewing beside ,slid down my pants and sat down I put my arms around my knees immedietly I pooped had a wee and pooped a second time.The tea now brewed I drank then wiped ,then enptied in the bonfire ,washed the pan under the water butt
I have been to visit my nephew ,had a wee in the campervan then went in house had my tea then got back in van and done a number too before getting in bed
This morning woke at 6 am had a wee in bedroom THETFORD ELEGANCE
porta pottie went downstairs made and drank tea .went back to bedroom
pulled DUVET of bed carried to van ,collected laundry from bathroom
carried it to van ,drove to laundry , put DUVET into large machine the
powder and money when machine started went back to van.
I pulled the ADVENTURIDGE pottie from locker paper towel on rear of bowl opened slide,pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants sat down a short wee then had a NUMBER TOO, wiped with eight sheets of ELSAN BLUE toilet rolL.I pulled up my pants and jogging bottoms grabbed the laundry and made way to laundry.I put the laundry powder and money into machine then sat down and read a book .
The laundry finished took it back to van,had a wee in the pottie pushed it back into locker then returned to laundry waited for M/C to
finish took it out and back to van once home put onto line.
I went into house boiled some milk and had a large bowl of ALL BRAN AND THREE BANANAS then went to the GYM
Firm Poop
Hey guys. My poop this morning was firm, and a bit painful. I think it was indigestible stuff from flaxseed. While pooping, I lifted up from the toilet, and pushed a little. Overall, it was still a good poop. This poop was chunky, and had me passing gas uncontrollably on my way to bathroom. To Annie: I continue to love your stories. To everyone else: you are great writers, too. Bye.
Some Responses to Questions
I enjoyed the information on pay toilets which are available in some parts of the world. My oldest sister has experience with them a couple of years ago when she spent three weeks in the U.K. with her boyfriend. Here is what she said. 1) you put your coin in the door, move this lever, and the door is open for you. When you get inside, the security lock on the door catches This makes it much easier for one to maintain privacy. 2) the toilets are a bit higher than the 15" we have in the U.S. 3) the seats are white and contoured for the average butt. Much more confidence-building for the user; 4) Some of the flushing is done by chain but you have to be fast to stand otherwise your underside is going to be dripping. 5) younger students and sometimes adults will grab the door from you as they exit. That way they don't have to pay. 6) if you get to the sink and find that you have left your purse, or something else in the cubicle, a locked door will have to be fed again. 7) a few cubicle doors are made out of wood go all the way to the floor and give you almost total privacy, but the extra space gives way to more graffiti, some of it much more political then we see in the U.S. 8) a few of the larger bathrooms offer those plastic holders from which you can rip a paper seat protector off. My sister said most users won't take the time to use one for a simple pee, but a crap presents a different story.
Pete's skidmark question:
I take a shit away from home perhaps once a week. When there is a line waiting I'm not about to tackle the skidmarks. My younger brother, however, has a fierce pee, and when he aims it correctly, he's able to blast away most of the skids. He just has to remember to lift the seat first. He's getting better at it.Anna from Austria
I have another story for your guys.
A few days ago I had a check up at my gynecologist. I already felt my morning coffee start to work during the check up.Fortunately the urge was not strong and I could avoid doing some stinky pre poop farts.
After the check up the urge got stronger and I decided tht it would be a good idea to use the bathroom at the doctor's office because I would never made it to the next public toilet in time.
The bathroom was directly next to waiting room so the other ladies could see me enter the bathroom.
I pulled down my pants and my white panties and sat on the toilet. As soon as I was seated I did a loud fart and lots of very soft poo left my behind. the whole toilet was filled with poo smell in a few seconds only. While peeing I did another fart and some more soft poo came out. Luckily the door of the single person bathroom seems to be very thick so I am not sure if the other ladies waiting outside heard anything. Afer I was done with wiping I flushed and the toilet. The flushing did not clean the toilet bowel very well though. There were still massive skidmarks. I tried to find the toilet brush but not could find it!!. So I was forced to leave the toilet in a dirty state.
It was not the first time that I had blown up a toilet without cleaning due the missing toilet brush. But this was the first time I did it in front of witnesses.
Lots of ladies waiting outside say me entering the toilet. So in case one the ladies entered the toilet after me the would all know that it was me.
that's my story for today
greetings from Austria