Outside poop
I was walking outside when, suddenly, I needed to use the bathroom. Yes, it happened suddenly because I had already pooped before going outside. However, that time, I did not poop a lot, so perhaps that is why I wanted to poop again. I searched for a toilet and soon found a public restroom. It was a portable toilet with a flush system, which I had heard of but never used before. Deciding to give it a try, I locked the door and pulled down my pants and underwear. Sitting on the toilet, with a few farts, I began to poop. A crackling sound followed as the poop exited my body and fell into the toilet with a splash. Another poop crawled out quickly, plopping into the bowl. After letting out a few more farts, the next poop crawled out as well and fell in too. Defecating a few more times, I wiped myself and pulled up my clothes, flushing the water away afterward.
Monday, June 10, 2024
Hi Denise, your recent posts about different types of accidents certainly struck a chord with me. I posted quite a few times in 2021-22, starting from page 2867, about some of the messes I made in my pants as a kid. I was very accident-prone throughout the whole of my childhood, including as a teenager, and whilst I got better over the years at not pooing my underwear in really embarrassing places (such as the classroom), and I could do a better job of cleaning myself up, I must have dirtied my pants well over a hundred times by the time I went to university (maybe more than two hundred, if I count episodes of a tiny bit of poo coming out just before I got to the toilet and similar near-misses). My usual bowel habit has always been to do large, mushy poos - almost never very hard - and this played a part in my accidents as well.
The commonest reason for me to do it in my pants was that I was very, very anxious about going to the toilet anywhere other than at home. I'm sure I had some 'sensory issues', as I didn't like the sensation of the toilet seat against my thighs, of water splashing back up onto my bum, or even of having my pants and trousers down around my ankles - but I found the sensations of having a poo in my pants comforting, if it wasn't either hard or watery. Usually, if I was anywhere near other people when it happened, the panic that I felt at the idea of being caught with pooey pants overrode any sense of the feeling being nice though. Distraction played less of a part, but I was definitely capable of failing to spot that I wasn't going to be able to hold it any more until it was too late.
If you've not seen them, you might like reading about a couple of other accidents I described before - on page 2899, I wrote about messing myself at home whilst playing a video game when I was twelve, because I was just too into the game and put off going to the loo until it was already in my pants (a similar thing happened when I was younger and had diarrhoea - see page 2922 - but that was less avoidable). On page 2897, I talked about going in my pants at the same age because I was desperate and was starting to feel a bit sick, as you described on your snow day, in a way that was not entirely an accident but would have probably become one anyway if I hadn't let it come out.
I had a few different sorts of accidents, and some of the others were also quite similar to some of yours. Often, I'd try and hold in the poo far too long because I wanted to wait until I got home, even if I should have known I was never going to make it, and the resulting accident often happened in a single rush. Sometimes, if I'd been hanging on for a long time, there would be an initial firmer piece of poo that I could hold onto for longer - I used to call these 'cork poos' - and if that came out then it might buy me a few minutes before the pressure built up enough for the rest to escape. When it did, it would always be very mushy though, and would come out very fast. Either way, once I'd had a mushy or sloppy accident, I would often have another one between five and thirty minutes later if I still hadn't got home, and occasionally even a third or fourth if my stomach was a bit upset.
Accidents where it came out bit-by-bit were rarer, but sometimes happened if I was out on a walk, as walking helped me to hold on for longer. I've been meaning to write about some of those (and more) over the last year but have been really busy, but I might get to describe them in a few weeks when I have some spare time. I've also drafted a couple of descriptions of accidents that led to messy socks (one of them without the poo going in my pants!), which I'll try to upload at some point.
I hope all the other UK posters are doing OK.
Fasting blood test, so stressed
Thing is, I drink coffee in the morning to help me poop. I set the blood test a little later than I should have (9 am), and am freaking out that I won't be able to go before I have to leave. It's kind of far too, and I'm also worried I'll have to go when I'm out and have to wait forever. Looking at the map, there are a couple of places I can go in case of an emergency, but yeah, really worried.
I so should have set it earlier. I can drink water. I'm just really hoping it's not going to be a big deal and I can still go before I leave. I hate hate being constipated, I absolutely hate that bloated feeling, and that's what I'm afraid of.
Princsss Toadstool Peach
Taking a Wee and a Poo Behind a Bush in the Woods Comandl
Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today IEmily
Constipated once again+ Question for dillion
Hey y'all Emily here sorry I have not posted here in a while been super super busy but I will make sure I will post again soon. I'm very constipated so once I get this out, I will make a post. I think this is my hardest poop ever probably gonna have to do my digging technique called splinting again, but I will let you guys know. …….
Question for Dillon Just read over your post sounded like All your friends are very popular about seeing each other go poop and I was reading your story about Jenna Trust me I've been in that situation before it took me one time over 45 minutes of pushing I didn't know what to do. I was running out of options and I don't know if she gets constipated a lot or any of Your friends a lot but when I get that situation, there's a technique It's called splinting . I like to give advice, tips and techniques on constipation to anyone Here that's dealing with constipation . So the digging technique splinting is very easy to do. It's where you put your pants around your ankles or off scoot back on the toilet seat, lean back and sit up and shirt or two fingers or your thumb or middle finger into your vagina. And lower back wall of a hard lump, which is the poop once you feel it press down and outward on it towards your hole and that will help pop it out I've done this multiple times. Anyone interested in some tips and advice and constipation? Let me know if she tries it or wants to try it
I will post when I get my poop out eventually TTYL Happy pooping y'all
-- Emily---
For Skidmarks Survey and Thesis
In the last week have you left skidmarks in the toilet after poop? No.
In the last month have you left skidmarks in the toilet after a poop? Maybe once or twice. FWIW, my roommate is more likely to leave skidmarks in the toilet than I am.
In the last week have you left skidmarks in your underwear after a poop? Nope.
In the last month have you left skidmarks in you underwear after a poop? Yes. It's unusual for me to go more than a month or two without a significant skidmark in my underwear.
Other factors:
Do clean up with wet wipes or a bidet after poop? Sometimes I have wet wipes at home. If they're not available or I'm elsewhere, I'll moisten the toilet paper to make a DIY wet wipe.
Do you wear underwear that rides up your bum (wedgie) often? Heck yeah! And it's not the underwear, it's me. I'm very wedgie prone and most of the time I'm oblivious to it. Have been all my life. Past girlfriends have told me it was cute and one would constantly pull them out for me. The one kind of underwear that doesn't ride up on me, boxer briefs, proved to be uncomfortable for other reasons.
Do you wipe until the paper is clean? Time permitting, yes. Since my briefs and panties get stuck between my butt cheeks so easily, I need to be thorough. But I'm willing to stop early if I'm in a hurry. As far as I'm concerned, it's the underwear's job to get dirty and keep the outer layers clean.
Are you a skidmarks unicorn never leaving skidmarks in the toilet or underwear? Never! But as a teen and young adult when mom or dad were doing the laundry was when I did my best at skidmark avoidance. Later in life when nobody else would be seeing my undies I got a little more lackadaisical.
Currently, I would say about one fifth of my underwear have faded but permanent poo stains in them. A few also have some bad pee stains in the front too. Some of these are just really old and overdue for disposal.
And as to poo stickiness, I agree that's a factor too. Usually my bowels are good at producing neat, solid turds that are easy to clean up after. But there are times when it gets mushy or sticky and then wiping afterwards is a bigger ordeal. If I go through a stretch where I get back to back skidmarks in my underwear, this is normally the reason.
Chakamami (Hisae Kazumi Maho Mina)
Dear Willa
We are sorry that you were alone for avalanche of poop that you produce with beads of sweat on your face. So we decide to tell you that we are living your experience in our minds, and when we are on loo to produce avalanche, we talk about you. "Willa look at us we are producing avalanche!" burururururururururururururururu...... Huge mountain in loo. "Willa will love this." We send it to you online with our love.
We hope you will produce many more avalanche from your beautiful bubble butt with many person around you to share wonderful experience with you.
Mina is very busy and not so well now, but getting better, so soon she will tell you stories.
Love to everyone.
P.S. Catherine welcome back! xoxo
Survey for people who were put on potty restrictions as kids
Please note: If you match various answers in one question. Include them in "other".
1. Why where you put on potty restrictions ?
A. To build my character
B. As a punishment for something you did (please explain)
C. Other (please explain)
2. What were you usually made to hold ?
A. Pee
B. Poop
C. Both
3. How would you usually call what you were made to hold ?
A. Pee
B. Pee-pee
C. Poop
D. Poopie
F. Other (please explain)
4. How would you hold it if it was pee ?
A. Clench your toes
B. Tap your feet
C. Grab your self
D. Full on potty dance
F. Other (please explain)
5. How would you hold it if it was poop ?
A. Rock back and forth/squirm
B. Sit down on something hard
C. Press your your hands against you butt
D. Other (please explain)
2nd date + walking in on friend
Today I went on my 2nd date with Elyse! I first dropped off my laptop at her place then we walked to Canes for an early dinner together. Once we were done, we came back to her place and went to her room. We got on our laptops and hopped on Valorant Comp together. We are both in Gold which is perfect and we're in the same room which makes things easier. During our 5th game Elyse said, "bruh I have to take a huge shit" then I said, "hang in there, we'll get this dub then you can go poop." 8 minutes later, we ended up winning the match and we won 4 out of 5 games. I then asked, "Can I watch you poop?" and Elyse said, "yeah! for now on you can watch me poop whenever I need to go." We went to her bathroom together and I locked the door. She then pulled down her denim shorts and green underwear then sat on the toilet. We started talking about pooping cause that's what she was doing. She said she wants to eventually poop at my place, shit in the woods, and at hotels we stay at together when we eventually decide to travel. I told her I'm open to her doing that and that she'd eventually get to watch me poop if I have to shit while we're together. We already know each other's pooping habits just cause both of us have pooped at each other's places (not in front of each other) back when we were friends in high school. We both pooped at Taylor's place back in HS during that 3-day sleepover at the beach (first story I posted). We then talked about that 3-day sleepover which led to Elyse saying, "I'm still jealous that you got to see Ellie (Taylor's sister) and Ashley poop in front of you on that trip. I would've pooped in front of you back when we were friends if I wasn't so shy." I said, "You'll eventually get to see me poop; at least you got to see Ashley poop at the same time I did." She asked me, "Did Jenna (my close friend from our HS) ever poop in front of you?"
I told her a story here, "She's pooped at my place many times, but I did walk in on her once so I was watching her poop for a bit. So pretty much when I was in 7th grade I was hanging with Maggie and Jenna and while we're in my room Jenna said she had to use the bathroom. 30 minutes later I walked in my bathroom and I didn't realize Jenna was still in there, she forgot to lock the door. I first looked at Jenna and saw her shorts and teal underwear at her ankles, while she was on her phone. She screamed less than a second later so I actually entered quickly then closed the door. Luckily my bathroom is connected to my bedroom so Maggie heard my whole convo cause me and Jenna were talking loudly at each other. Jenna asked me why I came in then I said she should've locked the door. I asked her why she's taking so long and she hit me with 'you, me, and Maggie all take forever when we poop at each other's places.' I got her back with 'have you even pooped yet?' Jenna said, 'I'm so constipated and I'm not getting up until I get this out. Can you leave so I can poop and get outta here sooner?' I said 'sure' so I left once she said that and closed the door once I got out. Maggie and I waited about 3 minutes then we heard her pushing cause she was making noises. She pushed for 5 minutes then we heard a loud splash and heard Jenna yell 'Finally!' Once she wiped, flushed, put on her shorts + underwear, then came out of my bathroom, Jenna told us that she didn't poop for 5 days and was constipated which caused her to take a 40 minute shit."
Elyse thought it was really funny and was laughing at that. She also shared some stories with Taylor since they'd both poop in front of each other but she didn't go into depth the way I did cause they poop in front of each other all the time just like Maggie (my bestie) and I do. Elyse finally dropped a huge shit after 28 minutes. She cleaned herself up, put back on her shorts + undies, flushed, and washed her hands. We just chilled and watched some League of Legends streamers afterwards. I ended up leaving her place around 10pm. We're just taking things slowly but I know more will happen as we get deeper in this relationship.
Emma two
After the meeting poo
My meeting went on all morning and by the time I got out of it I was desperate for a poo. I quickly made my way to the toilets along with three of my colleagues and just my luck only one cubicle was working due to the others be out of order. Even more of a problem was all four of us had to poo and I had to wait twenty minutes to get into it. The sound of them all pooping as well as the smell made me feel even more desperate than ever and by the time I got my turn I was close to doing it in my knickers. I rushed in after the last lady and was immediately hit the odour of the three women's poo. There were skid marks in the toilet and when I sat down the seat was really warm. I relaxed and immediately felt relief as started to go. Then I heard the footsteps of another colleague running into the toilets and I heard her muttering, "Oh no! It's occupied. Oh god I'm going to....." There was pause as she pleaded , "Please hurry up. I'm going to shit myself!" I pushed to get it out quickly and wiped before flushing the toilet and I pulled everything up and open the door. The young lady rushed in holding her bottom and as I was washing my hands I hear her having diarrhoea and she was moaning that her knickers were ruined. I dried my hands and left her in peace and she didn't return to office so I guess she went home sick.
Emma two
Replies about my supermarket poo
To the person asking about alternative choice of cubicle and to Michael:
When I had my poo in the supermarket the other day. I took the first cubicle as it was the nearest and the girl that had just used it probably used it for the same reason. My poo came out in four pieces. All of them were quite big and wide after holding it four days. It felt so good and knowing the relief the other girl must have felt made it feel even better for me. I have to go now as I have a meeting to attend and I hope it's not too long because I really need a poo as well as a wee.
Big thick poop before breakfast
Woke up around 8:15 AM this morning with a full feeling in my stomach and an urge to poop. Sat up, grabbed my Walmart bag off the computer chair, grabbed my water jar (remember afterwards I was going upstairs for breakfast), got out of bed, walked to the door, opened it, walked outside my room, put the flip flops on out there, closed the door and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my shorts and red high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a big thick poop that came out slowly. I was done within about 30 seconds. Reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some toilet paper off the roll and put the roll of toilet paper back into the Walmart bag and the Walmart bag on the floor. First wiped my vagina then stood up and wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Very messy. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet, pulled my shorts and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a big, thick poop in the toilet. Not sure how big it was but it took up quite a bit of a toilet. Flushed the toilet and it went down fine. Went to the sink, turned it on, ran the soap under the water and washed my hands well. Rinsed them and put the soap back. Grabbed my Walmart bag, left the washroom, turned off the light, walked to my room, dried my hands on the towel in here and went upstairs for breakfast. I hope everyone is having a good day so far. Sunny Saturday here. Stay safe, healthy and happy.
Happy peeing and pooping!
Saturday, June 8, 2024
This morning went to the beach for a early session .upon arrival had a wee in the THETFORD 245 POTTIE after three hours fishing nothing caught packed in and returned to van.
I put down the tackle and took off my waders,climbed into van,took off my pants lifted the lid on the portta pottie rinsed put paper towel on back of bowl opened the slide and sat down Immediately I had a long wee farted and had a follow through then pushed and pooped again followed by another wee .
Much relieved sat for a few minutes the reached forward pulled three sheets from the ELSAN BLUE toilet roll and wiped ,pulled another three sheets and wiped then another two.I enjoy having a NUMBER TOO in the pottie as my bowels move much more comfortably due to the low seating position .
I put on a clean pair of pants and jogging bottoms loaded my tackie into the van the drove home ,upon arrival unloaded my tackle had a wee in the pottie before emptying in the outside drain
I put on a clean pair of pants and jogging bottomsTricky
First time pooping on a first date
It's generally a bit of a taboo for someone to poop on their first date. But I poop a lot and sometimes don't have much of a choice when the need arises regarding where and when it will be done. Every time I date someone, I've come to accept that there's a chance I'll need to go #2 on the date. I don't like doing it and used to find it highly embarrassing, but I accept it as unavoidable. I've pooped on dates before this event back during high school, but this was my first time ever pooping on a first date.
I was a college freshman of about 120 lbs, and still looked like a 12-14 year old kid. I was dating this pretty blonde girl for the first time. She weighed about the same as I did, but actually looked her age. She was 19, and very curvy with a pretty face. She invited me over to meet her at her parents' condo, before us two were going to head out to a restaurant to have dinner.
At the restaurant, the portions were very generous and I cleaned my plate. I quickly developed an urge to poop as we were waiting for the waiter to bring our change from paying the bill. I excused myself to the Mens' room. It only had one stall. There was a small blonde boy of about 10 years old waiting already for it to become vacated with an unused urinal nearby, and I was second in line for the crapper. I waited 5 minutes for its user to finish before giving up. He hadn't even started wiping yet. At this rate, I'd be holding the new girlfriend up for possibly 20 minutes or longer, because I'd have had to wait for whoever was in the stall to finish, then for that boy to poop, and then finally get my chance to poop. I could feel it was going to be a big poop and take at least 10 minutes, more if it was messy. I considered we could be back at her parents' place faster than if I waited in the Mens' room.
When I returned to the table, we had our change and were ready to leave. As we were driving back to her parents' house, my need to poop made itself known much more forcefully. It took every effort not to fart in her car and stink it up, but I managed. But I knew as soon as we got back to her parents' house, I'd inevitably need their toilet. Luckily, it was only a 5 minute drive.
As we walked through the front door, I could feel the turtle's head poking my sphincter. Since she was in front of me, I let a few silent but deadly farts slip out behind me. Her parents greeted us in the living room. I immediately asked where their bathroom was, and her father, a bodybuilder type in his 50s with salt and pepper hair, pointed me to a door in the room roughly 5 feet from the couch where they sat.
He explained, "Use this one. The other one needs repairs and has the water shut off."
I felt embarrassed. I badly needed to both fart and poop, and they'd be sitting just a few feet away while I did it. I walked passed them sitting at the couch, entered the bathroom, and shut the door.
The toilet seat was up and made a loud *clack* as I gently lowered it. I looked for a fan and couldn't find one. I dropped my pants to the floor, sat down, and let gravity take its course.
I quietly let some warm gas quietly slide out, *fffffffffffffft* just before the long, soft, firm turd slid out on its own, making a hearty crackling noise accompanied by small pockets of gas escaping my anus.
I could hear my date and her parents right outside very clearly conversing, even though it was obvious they were being quiet and had the TV's volume nice and loud, probably hoping I wouldn't hear. But sound traveled.
Her mother remarked, "Isn't that boy a bit young for you?"
My date then responded, "He's 19. I met him at the university."
Her dad then commented, "Must be a late bloomer. He doesn't even look like he entered high school yet."
The first turd loudly dropped in. More felt like it was coming. I didn't even have to push as I could feel a heavy mass shifting toward its exit point as gravity did all of the work for me. However, before the next round of solids...
A loud fart lasting about 3 seconds sounded the alert with regard to what I was doing, working its way out on its own. I didn't even feel it coming, otherwise I'd have tried to give it the old tried and true one cheek sneak as I did while walking to the condo, and by the time it came out, it was too late to muffle the noise. They definitely heard that. It rippled with an unholy amount of bass and I could hear it echo about the bathroom. More soft, firm poop started loudly crackling its way out of me as I heard her father quietly remark,
"He must be taking a massive dump."
Her mother remarked, "Yeah. He's been in there a while."
I then heard my date start laughing, then remark, "He eats like a horse. He ate two entrees at the restaurant we went to." She clearly found the fact that I was taking a big poop a few feet from her and her parents, seemingly without any shame, endearing and/or funny.
The father then remarked, "Well, he's probably not shy about bodily functions. I used to hold it when I was dating your mother."
He was wrong. I felt sick to my stomach with embarrassment. But I simply accepted this as a fact of life, regardless.
Her mother responded, "Next time you invite him over, we'll have to cook him a nice meal."
Meanwhile, this giant log is still crackling out of my ass, as I sat there in embarrassment. There was no secret what I was doing in there in the least. I'd been in there at least 5 minutes, and accidentally ripped a loud fart that they all heard. And they probably heard the crackling noises too. And there I was, fully aware of the fact that I was sitting on a toilet 5 feet away from them on the couch with a foul-smelling log of excrement slowly sliding out of my butt, and they all three now definitely knew exactly what I was doing.
After another 2-3 minutes or so, I could feel the weight lighten and the mass harden into a fine point...
The second and final turd dropped into the water. I felt empty, but a bit messy on the rear. Time to wipe. There wasn't much paper left, but I'd have to make it work. As I was rolling the toilet paper, the roller made a loud and obvious squeaking. They must have heard me rolling the toilet paper because I heard the mother remark to her husband,
"Did you remember to pick up some toilet paper? We're down to the last roll and it's almost gone."
He responded, "I haven't gone to the store yet."
She then said, "Well, I hope he has enough. I'm about to go there myself to pick some things up."
I was able to make 4 passes with the 20 or so sheets that remained. I used the last two sheets for a final wipe, and barely any poop was taken on the last wipe. I was adequately clean down there, confident that I would not leave skids in my underwear or carry any unwanted smells with me. But only barely so. Another wipe would have been nice, as I didn't fully FEEL clean down there.
The roll was empty. I pulled up my pants, buckled my belt, and flushed the toilet. It all went down, leaving some small but noticeable brown streaks at the bottom of the bowl. I didn't see a toilet brush to scrub them out. The room really stunk. I flushed again, but the streaks didn't budge. I washed my hands.
When I exited the room, I quickly shut the door to cover the smell. All three of them were staring at me. They pretended as if they didn't know what I just did, but I heard everything they said while I did it. They knew. They probably knew that I knew that they knew. We awkwardly continued our earlier conversation, as if nothing of significance even happened, ignoring the fact that I noisily emptied my bowels into their toilet mere feet away from them.
About 5 minutes later, I heard her mother remark, "I'm going to head to the store to pick up some bath tissue."
She was gone for about 15 minutes, and returned. She went into the bathroom, quietly remarked, "Oh my!" and immediately sprayed air freshener while keeping the door propped open. My girlfriend gave an awkward closed smile, indicating something unusual. It was then that I noticed that my smell still lingered. Her mother then replaced the toilet paper without comment. I heard and saw her spray the toilet with a cleaner then scrub the toilet bowl with a brush but I don't recall seeing a toilet brush in there. When she left the bathroom, she smiled at me and my date as we sat on the couch, saying nothing.
About an hour later, the parents went into their bedroom to sleep and me and the gf sat on the couch.
Some time later, I went in there to pee and all of the streaks were gone.
My gf went in after me to also pee. I could hear every noise over the TV, including her undoing her pants, pulling them down, sighing as she sat on the toilet, then making a quiet soft fart while peeing, and later her rolling the toilet paper. Which confirmed in my mind that all three of them heard the gory details of my previous pooping session. I felt embarrassed again as I sat on the couch alone waiting for the gf to finish, now cognizant of the fact that my crush and her parents were able to hear me using the toilet earlier.
I dated this girl four more times, once again being at her parents' place. Unfortunately, she didn't like the fact that her peers found it creepy she was dating me because I looked so young, and her parents also thought her choice being me was strange for the same reason. It didn't work out mostly because of that, in spite of the fact that we were the same age. No self-respecting adult woman wants to be seen as some creeper who is attracted to little boys. I also pooped in that same bathroom once more on the final date, after eating a massive feast that her mother prepared for us. That next morning, I had to take a massive emergency dump at their place and unintentionally made an absolute mess of and clogged the other toilet that they just had fixed, and her parents were not amused(a story for another time).