

Story from a friend

Hi everyone. Today I have a story from a friend she told me a few days ago. We were having dinner and drinks to catch up and I mentioned I was planning a trip to a country in Europe that I knew she had visited with her family a year or two ago. She gave me some ideas and tips and after a while, she kind of laughed and said, "And one other thing to remember - go to the bathroom when you can, not when you have to!" I said that was a good tip. She laughed a little and said, "Yeah, I wish I had listened better on our trip!" and turned a little red in the face. My ears perked up and I asked what she meant.

She leaned forward and talked a little softer, "We had been out our on our tour bus all day and after lunch there was a long line for the lady's, as always, so I decided I didn't need to go bad and would wait until we got back to the hotel. Then the ride took a little longer than I thought - they said about 15-20 minutes but it was more like 35-40 minutes. By the time we were getting close I really needed to pee, and I started to get up to use the little bathroom on the bus as a last resort, but when I started to get up I saw the occupied light turn on, so I stayed in my seat and held it, and by then we were really close to the hotel so I figured it was ok."

"By the time we parked I was really bursting so I told my husband I was going to run inside and he could follow with the day bag and stuff, so I hurried off the bus and into the hotel. We were on the 2nd floor and the lifts were really slow so I decided to take the stairs instead to be faster, but about halfway up the stairs they made me start... leaking a little." She turned redder. My heart was racing, trying to act normal, "Oh no, what were you wearing?"

"Black travel pants, thankfully. So I grabbed my crotch and squeezed and made it up the rest of the stairs with minimal damage. Made it down the hallway, into the room, into the bathroom, even, but then I saw the toilet so close and my body decided that meant it was time and like 6 feet from the toilet I just... started peeing my pants!" She threw her hands up and giggled. I joined her, "Oh no!"

"So there I was, full on wetting my pants in our bathroom for a few second before I could stop, then I hobbled with my legs crossed the last few feet, spun around, ripped down my clothes, and had the best pee ever, well, most of it anyway," she laughed. I laughed with her and said, "I think we've all been there. I know I have! How bad was the damage?

"Down to my knees at least. Panties were soaked, of course." She said, shaking her head. "But at least they were like, travel specific pants we got just for the trip with moisture wicking and quick dry and all that you could wash by hand and dry overnight in your room, right? So after I finished I just went ahead and took them off and started washing them straight away so they wouldn't smell. Then in comes my husband to the room with the bag and says hi and asked if I was ok. I said, 'Yeah, I'm fine, and my pants will be!' He opened the bathroom door and found me bottomless washing my pants and panties and laughed and I told him what happened and we laughed about it." I replied, "That's nice at least, that he was ok with it."

She chuckled and said, "I think he was honestly just more excited to find me bottomless after a few days of travelling! So of course he had to insinuate himself into my shower and into my... you know what," glancing down at her lap and then rolling her eyes and smiling knowingly and we laughed.

I said, "Well, you know I can be a bit... accident prone, so I'll try to take that advice to heart!"

I wanted to ask her more and see it she had any other stories, but the server stopped by right then and the conversation changed after and I didn't want to force it. Maybe I'll get another chance in the future.



MD's Survey

Hi everyone,
I haven't had any notable stories lately.

Responding to MD's survey:
1) Have you ever been constipated in a public place and did you worry about pushing etc? Yes, I've been constipated in public. No, I haven't been self conscious about pushing. I'm only ever self conscious about farting loudly or clogging the toilet.

2) When you are constipated, what sounds do you make when pushing?
Grunting, humming, and sighing.

3) What's the biggest turd you've ever produced?
I do not remember. Maybe 2" wide, 10" long? I didn't pull out a ruler or measuring tape so I have no idea.

4) Have you ever buddy dumped with a friend or seen a friend poop?
Sort of? The only time I can remember where I've pooped at the same time as someone I know, it was at a job a few years ago. This coworker of mine I didn't like would poop at about the same time every day, and I don't remember exactly but I probably pooped at the same time as her, in the bathroom's other stall.
When I was in middle school, a friend of mine would video call me and sometimes she would poop while talking to me over video. Sometimes I would poop while talking to her, but we never pooped together in the bathroom at school and I never saw her on the toilet in person at either of our houses. I think I realized that I have an interest in bathroom habits and pooping when I talked to her over video.

5) What's the longest time you've been constipated for?
4 or 5 days.


Very thick solid big poop after breakfast

Got up this morning around 8:15, grabbed the Walmart bag, took my bedroom flip flops off, put the flip flops outside my room on, went pee and brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Had watery/soupy rice with orange peppers, chopped up banana, pork, onions, etc. Had to microwave it first for about 1 minute 30 seconds. Took my 9 AM medications afterwards. My stomach felt very full but satisfied.

A few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed the Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put the flip flops out there on, closed the door, turned off the light and walked to the washroom across from my room. Turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a big, very thick solid poop that slowly came out. There was a lot. I flushed halfway just in case. I pushed the last of it out,
pushed up my sweatshirt sleeves (it's 18 Celcius here right now) took my out the roll of toilet paper, took some and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first (no more period! Yay) then got to work wiping my butt. It was really, really messy. Very thick and took a lot of wiping. Yuck. Stood up afterwards, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. Quite a bit of toilet paper and one little piece of poop. The poop that I flushed was more like 2 1/2 feet long, very thick and solid. Flushed the toilet again and it went down fine though the water level in the toilet was low. Washed my hands, went to my room, grabbed the water jug and poured some of it into the toilet. Turned off the washroom light, went to my room, took off the ugly beige flip flops outside my room, went into my room, put on my pink flip flops, closed the door, dried my hands on the towels in here and that's that. Hopefully after lunch I can poop out the rest of this stuff. Hopefully everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. It's Friday!

Happy peeing and pooping!


I went to the works toilet containing 2 cubicles, and had a poo. The other cubilcle was empty,
I then heard one of my colleagues enter. I knew who it was somehow.
I heard the elasticy sound of his underpants being pulled down.
I then heard the shit sliding out of his bumhole, then landing with a quiet plop
He moved back on the seat to get a better sound, and another one then landed
They soundedm like long softish ones


My Poop Therapist

Yesterday I spent the day at the home of a customer and was fed pasties, cup cakes and meat pies. The amount they gave me was ridiculous!
I ate so much I could not eat any more.
Anyway I did not or could not poo this morning despite the assistance of my beloved bidet.
No problems....I had to go up the street for some work and would be passing my therapist.
At that point my bowels started to show some tangible interest in moving.
I told, her...her name is Hanna of my needs.
We went into the toilet...Hanna gave the toilet seat a good wipe down and she donned her mask and gloves. She instructed me to drop my trousers and undies and began giving my rectal area and between the legs a firm massage.
Hanna then pushed me onto the toilet and stared massaging my colon .... broke a bit of wind and she encouraged me but told me not to push...she said "relax and it will come out" and sure enough it did! It went plip plip plip then a louder plop and the smell rose up...she flushed and then I had the great need to push and out it wall came in a big dump.
She stared wiping and was very careful and particular. I then got a lecture that my poo was very sticky and smelly and I eat too much junk food and must eat more vegetables and rice...she was right about the junk food.....felt so much better after my "treatment"

Sunday, June 30, 2024


Comments and replies

Hey all! It's Kenna. Just a couple of quick comments! The first one is for Emily. Did you manage to go poop and how bad was it to push out? MD Dan
1) yes I have been constipated in public, I don't worry about it and just push hard until I'm done or if it's really stuck and particularly hard I'll wait until I'm back home to try and finish up where I can relax and take my time.
2) I don't really make many sounds, just maybe slight grunts or heavy breathing.
3) the biggest turd I've ever produced….im usually not a huge pooper and have pretty "normal" fairly easy bowel movements. The biggest was probably a couple feet long and fairly thick. In my last story I had a fairly hard time going and it was thick! Couple inches in diameter or so.
4) I've had plenty of buddy dumps with girl friends and of course Josh too.
5) the longest I've been constipated is probably 4 days or so. I usually go daily but occasionally it's a couple days inbetween and this can lead to harder poops but I usually don't have that hard of a time going.
6) has Josh ever helped me? He will sit by me most times I poop. I tell him if it's harder and he knows just by watching me push harder lol. He encourages me but I don't need the help he needs to go.

Hopefully I will have more stories soon, I have been crazy busy as usual lately!! I have helped Josh poop a few more times since my last story but nothing real eventful. I also got to poop with Mackenzie again :) xoxo Kenna

Mrs BIGandhard

Saurday Straining on the toilet wont ome out

My Turd is too big to come out of my butt hole is stretching me and it hurts because it is too wide stretching my butthole wider and it hurts.
I will have to dig it out with my finder. It is about 4 inches wide.
Composed of Hard rocks all tuck together
and very a Cement stone. I will keep straining More.

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Survey of Princess Toadstool Peach

Today we decide to do survey! Princess, we hope you enjoy!

Have we squatted over potty to watch ourselves poo? Answer: Maybe no. When we squat over potty, we watch our crushes poo.

Wee in the grass or poo behind a bush? Answer: Both are OK!!

If clogged up... Sorry, we don't understand well this question.

Would we rather use a potty or poo in our panties? Answer: We don't want to poo in our panties. It is not our style. But some people in this site like. That's OK. Everyone have each favourite way.

A best friend to keep company while we pooping? Everyone who know us know answer of this question!!

Does our wee end in drops like Princess? Answer: Yes, sometimes, especially Maho.

Pull-up nappy or bucket? Answer: Never.

Our go to food before having a good poo? Answer: Everything OK! We eat like elephant all of us so our enormous food become to enormous thick poo!!

Do we try to fill up loo with our BMs? Answer: It is not need to try!! Even we don't try, we fill up our loo, and often twice, in one sitting.

Princess, we hope you enjoy. We never pretend you are not here. We always enjoy to read your stories with many plunk plunk plunk and other funny words. But we surprise a bit, you always finish after one set of plunk plunk plunk. You never have two sets, or three or four??

Love to everyone.



Light poo-poo so stinky!! Stinker's story!

My stomach rumbled and ached in the middle of the day, and I immediately felt that I needed to take a potty break. As it turned out, it was a stinky potty break! Once again, I was alone at home there's a summer holidays, but my parents were still working. I went to the toilet. After locking the door, I pulled down my plaid dark red pants and my new undies, light-green briefs with pictures. I sat on the toilet and started to poop. With a loud crack, the poop slowly started to crawl out. I tried not to push, because the poop was coming out on its own. After a few minutes, a large poop fell into the toilet with a loud plop. I immediately smelled a putrid stench. Feeling that I still wanted to pooping, I pushed a few times, softly farted, then a big poop started to come out. With a soft crack, the poop crawled out and fell into the water. The stench got stronger! Faugh! Then, I let out a long, loud fart, and my fart was prolonged. After the fart, a larger poop came out and fell with a splash into the toilet. Then, another large poo came out. I pushed, and farting andand it sounded like I had diarrhea. The poop quickly crawled out and fell into the toilet with a big splash! The water splattered my butt! Also, it smelled so bad! It stinks worse than garbage! I had to continue pooping while holding my nose at my fingers. I defecated another poop and decided that I was done taking a dump. I stood up from the potty and saw that all my poop was very pale and light in color. Usually, my poop is dark brown, but today's poop was light! Suddenly, I felt like I needed to poop again in an emergency. I sat down on the pot and, with the farts, a large amount of mushy poop gushed out of my bottom. It stinks so much! Worse than an overfilled cesspool! To be honest, I was even proud of myself: I'm just an ordinary kid, but my poo-poo stinks like a skunk's fart or even worse, haha! After about five minutes, the stream of mushy poo ended, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Then my stomach growled loudly, and I realized that I hadn't pooped yet. I pushed, and with a loud fart, a warm, very soft poop came out and plopped into the toilet. I excreted five soft poops, and then, again, my ass leaked with mushy poop. After a couple of minutes, the mushy poos ended. By that time, I had compared the smell of my poop to sewer stink. How I didn't suffocate or vomit from that stench, I was still wondering... After sitting on the toilet for a couple of minutes I realized that my stinky pooping was over. I started to wipe my butt and found that my butt was very dirty! I thought I spent ten minutes diligently wiping myself. When my butt became clean again, the toilet paper roll was almost empty. It took fifteen toilet papers for me to clean myself completely, fifteen!! Then I pulled up my briefs and pants. I flushed the toilet water, but surely, my mess of poop wouldn't go down the drain. I had to flush the water teen times and finally flushed everything out. Phew! An hour had passed, but the toilet still stinks after my pooping.


MD's Survey

1) Yes, it happened too many times. I simply pushed tho. Sometimes it works, sometimes snot.
2) Well... bit hard to explain. It does involve straining tho.
3) Likely about in 12th grade, it really blocked up the toilet
4) I actually done so when I was 8.
5) About a week, and yeah, it is a pain.


Replies to Kazuko and MD Dan

Kazuko: I'm glad you enjoyed my story and yes my stomach is feeling a lot better now. I've heard Japanese women often have very large bowel movements. Is that true? It seems like you're also not embarrassed about the noises you make while pooping. I know many girls wouldn't dare fart in the presence of another man let alone poop. But I think it's natural and it's nothing to be ashamed about :)

MD Dan: I'm glad you enjoyed my story about pooping in the presence of the custodian. I've read many of your stories as well and love to hear about your experiences with your female colleagues or at your local Starbucks lol. And yes, I'm definitely a morning pooper. Every two or three days I'll have a big morning bowel movement in the office. Anywho, I do have an interesting story from a year who while I was travelling to Florida. I spent a week in Miami with a few of my close girl friends. We had an amazing time, but on our way back home my stomach was definitely not feeling good. As I mentioned, I often have trouble going while on vacation and this trip was no different. I wasn't able to go during the last four days of the trip, yet we were eating and drinking a lot the entire time. I tried multiple times but no luck. However, on our flight back I suddenly felt a strong urge to poop. I told my friends I wasn't feeling well and needed to shit badly. I made my way over to the toilet in the plane and luckily there wasn't a line. I entered and quickly locked the door. I usually line the seat with toilet paper but there was no time. I pulled down my legging and my light green thong and immediately erupted into the toilet bowl. I heard multiple knocks and people trying to use the toilet while I was inside, but I was nowhere near done. It's been a total of 15 minutes and I hear the captain say we're about to descend. Liquid poop is still flowing out of me and there's no sign of it stopping. A few seconds later I hear a knock on the door and one of the flight attendants asks me to head back to my seat. I tell him my stomach isn't feeling well and end the sentence with a loud watery fart that shoots more liquid poop out. He tells me that it's best I try to finish up, but if I need to stay longer that I should brace myself as the plane was going to descend any second. I told him I would be a bit longer, and would prepare for landing. This was definitely the craziest toilet experience ever. I was holding the walls of the washroom while the plane heading to land, all whilst diarrhea was still coming out of me. Imagine having that roller coaster sensation in your stomach while pooping in coming out of you. The plane landed and I still felt that I wasn't done yet. I heard other passengers start to leave the plane as I continued farting and pooping. They definitely heard me too and some even made comments as they walked by. After about 5 minutes I exited the washroom and was greated by the male flight attendant. He asked me if I was feeling better and reassured me that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. I thanked him and left the plane to meet my friends.

MD Dans survey:

1: Yes, I've been constipated in public but I usually don't try to force myself to poop as I'd usually wait till I'm home to try and push it out. Unless of course I get the urge which usually indicates diarrhea and doesn't require much pushing.

2: I don't typically make many sounds, maybe just breathing heavily in between pushes. The sounds usually comes from gas being released as I get extra gassy when constipated.

3: I don't recall the longest turd I've produced. My poop is usually on the mushier side so I don't normally produce long ones.

4. Yes, I've had many buddy dump experiences with my friends. I'm known to be pretty open about pooping and my friends know that I'm not ashamed to go while other are around. Usually they prefer more privacy but every once in a while when there's no other choice we'll have buddy dumps.

5: the longest was probably a week and a half.

Answers for Princess Toad Stool Peach

1. Have you ever squatted over a potty and watch yourself poo?
Yes, actually a few times. Once when I went to middle school summer camp in California. The second time I was with my psycho aunt and we were at a rest stop. The third time was when I was about 11 and playing in the park with a new girl in the neighborhood. She did her squat well and she used a toilet almost immediately behind the sink.

2. If outside, would you rather do a wee in the grass or a poo behind a bush?
It depends on what I'm wearing, what the terrain is like, and whether there's a high wind or not. sister sobriety is also something that should be considered.

3. If clogged up what do you do to get all of your thick brownloads out?
During school, it would take me like three sits over 3 or 4 periods to get the job done.

4. Would you rather use a potty or poopoo in your panties?
Poopooing is fine if it is formed and on the hard side.

5. Do you often have a best friend with you to keep you company while you are pooing?
I did in 9th grade. My administrator wrote me up and called my friend's mom (who was with me). Outside of that, it works best when we're sharing a single-cubical bathroom. Like at a gas station.

6.Does your wee end in a couple of drips and drops like mine?
Yes. But my live-in boyfriend lets me us our apartment's lone bathroom with him. He pees into the toilet for like 45 seconds or more. Then he does two jiggles of his unit and that can generate another 10 seconds.
With time being so strict in his school he wore black jeans most every day because the stream down the inner-side of his leg was less noticeable.

7. Have you tried defecating or urinating in a Huggies diaper pull up nappy or in a bucket?
Yes, when my family was traveling by car out in the middle of nowhere.

8. What is your go-to food before having a big thick BM pooh poo?
A can or two of Dr. Pepper and since college, a beer or two. It usually happens within an hour.

9. Do you ever try filing up the toilet with your BMs?
A group of us seniors tried that in high school. We achieved it and it was a good prank. However our facilities guy caught us and we each got 15 hours of volunteer work.

Answers to MD's female pooping questions:

1) Have you ever been constipated in a public place and did you worry about pushing, etc.?
The most frustrating thing for me is waiting in line for a toilet, pushing very lightly, and hoping that I'm on the toilet when I can no longer hold my crap.

2) When constipated, what sounds do you make when pushing?
None, I don't think.

3) What's the biggest turd you've ever produced?
Just smaller than that of a baseball. I held it at school all day because I didn't want to get more detention time. When I finally got to the girl's room at 3:15 I needed a 15 minute sit and a lot of physicality while seated. It hurt bad and there was a lot of blood around my hole and floating in the water in the bowl. I later showed my boyfriend the picture I took and he said he wouldn't have been able to take the pain. But my parents have not wanted me to use suppositories at that age. However, they did get me through college although it cost me an interruption of sleep some nights.

4) Have you ever buddy dumped with a friend or seen a friend poop?
Yes, when I was babysitting and parents told me about some of the bathroom challenges the kid had.

5) What's the longest time you've been constipated for?
7 days during church Bible camp.

Skidmarked from Columbia

Answer to poll

In the last week have you left skidmarks in the toilet after poop?

yes, the toilet at home doesn't flush well because it's "energy efficient".

In the last month have you left skidmarks in the toilet after a poop?

yeahhh especially outside the home. But less often because those toilets are stronger.

In the last week have you left skidmarks in your underwear after a poop?
Not that I know of.

In the last month have you left skidmarks in you underwear after a poop?
yes every 3 days

Other factors:
Do clean up with wet wipes or a bidet after poop?

yeah I used wet wipes butt still got skid marks

Dp you wear underwear that rides up your bum (wedgie) often?

No, but a lot of the time it's tight

Do you wipe until the paper is clean?

yeah or at least I do my best "never ending wipe"

Are you a skidmarks unicorn never leaving skidmarks in the toilet or underwear?

Honestly lol without at least underwear on, unless it's a toilet seat I shouldn't be setting down.


Cramping Stomach and Bad Indigestion

Hey all, it's been a minute. Last time I posted I was supposed to come back talk about what became of my gurgling stomach, but things took a wild turn since then.

I usually have predominately IBS-C symptoms but ever since then I've felt like I've had both sets of symptoms happening simultaneously? Like sometimes I deal with IBS-D, but this is like having them together. I'm super bloated and gassy and my guts are constantly gurling, and I'm straining to poo when I go, but when I do finally go, it's really loose and urgent, and I end up going at least six times a day. The weird thing is not much comes out each time I go though. I'd say maybe two or three of these movements are substantial, and the rest are nearly pebbles...... just really messy ones that smear across my hole when they come out. I've also lately been feeling intense stomach cramps when I need to shit and indigestion so bad it even feels like heartburn any time I eat and a general "something is stuck in me" feeling any other time.

The first night this happened I was super bloated and uncomfortable, struggling to pass gas until bed time, and when I woke up in the morning I was nauseous and had diarrhea a few times and had to spit up saliva, but after I let it all out I felt better......until I would eat again.

The heartburn also seems to resolve after a bout of diarrhea or after spitting up some mucous, but the feeling that something is stuck in my GI tract, the indigestion, seems so persistent.

Maybe I have an impaction?

Just want to stop feeling like no matter how much I'm running to the bathroom--nearly crapping myself--that I still have so much more still inside me. Also really tired of messy cleanups from how mushy and barely formed my poo is

Might see if some prunes and either some magnesium citrate or milk of mag might not help settle my poor belly by blowing out whatever is upsetting it.

Hopefully I'll have good news to report soon.

Ciao for now,


A Few Responses

Trina: It is so good to hear from you! I hope you are well!

Mina and the 3 Crushes: I hope you are well! Thanks for thinking of me!

Denise: I am so sorry about your accident but, yes, I have experienced the involuntary pushing that can cause a "solid" accident. It's a surreal feeling and sensation.

PJ: Thank you for the note. I missed the early days of toiletstool but jumped in Thanksgiving 2009. I can't believe I've written on and off on this forum for nearly 15 years! I'm 43 too!

Jenny SIS: Thank you so much for writing me. I miss our banter! Life is so busy that it is so hard to be "regular" on the forum. Yes, our eldest daughter finished her first year of college and our youngest her first year of high school. It's our little boy who keeps me moving in all directions! He will be seven this August! I love hearing from you!

Here are some surveys:

MD Dan: I hope you are well and I hope these answers are helpful. I love your stories!

1) Have you ever been constipated in a public place and did you worry about pushing etc? No. I do not get constipated fortunately. However, on the rare occasion that I have to defecate in a public bathroom I will just doo it. I am a little embarrassed but would rather be that than uncomfortable or risk an accident.

2) When you are constipated, what sounds do you make when pushing? Again, I never get constipated. However, during a normal bowel movement I may sigh after the main even it is complete.

3) What's the biggest turd you've ever produced? I have done one that was nearly 30 inches long in one piece. I have also done one almost 3 inches thick.

4) Have you ever buddy dumped with a friend or seen a friend poop? Yes. I have witnessed my son and daughters defecate, my husband, my friend Beth, and my friend Jill.

5) What's the longest time you've been constipated for? As a child I think I went 3 days without going and as an adult I have never missed more than 3-4 normal bowel movements (I go twice daily when I'm regular).

Skidmark Survey:
In the last week have you left skidmarks in the toilet after poop? I have done this many times but I don't remember the last time. I usually will flush twice if there are skids.

In the last month have you left skidmarks in the toilet after a poop? See above

In the last week have you left skidmarks in your underwear after a poop? No.

In the last month have you left skidmarks in you underwear after a poop? No.

Other factors:

Do clean up with wet wipes or a bidet after poop? Both. I have a Washlet and I use a combination of wet wipes and Charmin.

Dp you wear underwear that rides up your bum (wedgie) often? I usually wear Hanes Her Way and rarely have worn a thong or sexy panties unless I have a rendezvous with my husband...

Do you wipe until the paper is clean? Yes. My diet helps too. I am able to fully eliminate and I do not have sticky bowel movements.

Are you a skidmarks unicorn never leaving skidmarks in the toilet or underwear? I imagine so. I just like my undercarriage to feel fresh and clean.

OK...Back to work!

Love to all!


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