

Runny But Relieving

Promised I'd be back with a story and here I am.

Got a bit of a stomachache, major gas, and some gurgling and bloating going on in my belly as I write this--ate a bunch of sugar free candy and drank some prune juice less than two hours ago, and am expecting to run some nasty poo into the toilet pretty soon; taking laxatives regularly now to manage my constipation a bit better, so my poos have been really runny and urgent lately.

Still better than being constipated! I felt so plugged up, it was so uncomfortable and painful for me. Here's the story of how that changed into this.

The last time I posted I was so uncomfortable I was about to take a few different laxatives to alleviate what felt like an impaction. After I bought the laxatives and started driving home, I felt like I had to poo urgently, so I rushed to the toilet as soon as I got inside.

I was cramping, shaking, and sweating but barely even passing gas and I felt queasy. I tried for a poo for ten minutes and then none came out, I left the restroom and sat on the bed, bloated and rubbing my ???? hoping to pass anything.

Barrett had been at work but came home and saw me looking queasy and rubbing my belly and became concerned.

"Hey baby, you okay? Does your stomach not feel so good?"
"Mmmmmm I feel sick like I need an urgent shit, but it's like my insides are stuck. I don't want to take a laxative but I might have to."
"It's okay if you need a laxative hon you need to let whatever that is out."
"I know it's just I always get really bad diarrhea when I take laxatives; I was hoping to avoid shitting liquid today."
"I get it babe. But better out than in right?" I nodded and grimaced as my stomach gurgled loudly and cramped up. I let out a loud and pained groan and clutched my stomach, and Barrett sat with me and started gently rubbing my stomach. He got the milk of magnesia I'd bought and helped me take about 90ml (1 and a half of the little measuring cups it comes with) and drink a few bottles of water. Then he started gently rubbing my belly again.

We laid in bed for the next hour as my stomach gurgled and my insides turned to mush. He rubbed my stomach to comfort my aching bowels which were trying to push out what felt like pounds of poo--while turning those pounds into liquid.

At one point as he was rubbing my belly I felt a nasty burning sensation in my stomach, a rush of water, and then a big need to poo. I raced out of bed into our bathroom and let a cascade of semi solid poo flow from my bottom. I groaned and clutched my belly as I pooed, occasionally bringing a hand to my mouth to fight the inevitable nausea I felt as well. After ten minutes I felt done and finished up and was back in the bathroom for round two ten minutes later with almost pure liquid rushing out of me.

I felt drained, so I drank water and took time to nap, but an hour into my nap I was awakened with another burning feeling in my guts. I ran to the toilet, and had liquid diarrhea for twenty minutes.

When I came back, Barrett started rubbing my aching guts. I was holding in my farts, but since he could feel gas bubbling in me underneath his fingers, he said at one point,

"Shay if you need to pass gas and think you won't shit your pants, please don't make yourself hold it in. You have diarrhea honey it's reasonable to need to fart quite a bit." I nodded and moaned,

"Problem is I'm scared to shit my pants, nothing feels like just a fart," I said. Right as I said that I involuntarily let a fart to that was wet at the end. "Sorry honey, excuse me."
"It's okay honey" he said, rubbing my bubbling guts. "Just letting you know if you gamble and lose I wont judge you, cause it sounds like you probably can't help but fart anyway babe. You don't have to be embarrassed," he said giving me a reassuring smile and stroking my cheek. I smiled and changed up against him where we may until my next trip to the bathroom.

I had about four more rounds of sloppy shit on the pot but still felt full. I started realizing even this wasn't going to help me expel over a week's worth of poo and more, so I've been taking maintenance laxatives since then. I've also been massaging my belly and drinking more water to help move my bowel movements along once they hit my left lower side (which was where it felt like my poo was getting stuck.) This has helped, but I have to be very mindful of farting because my poo is soft like applesauce and all it takes is moving the wrong way for a nasty mess to end up in my panties.

Still wish I knew why my ibs started acting up like this but at least I can poo again. Feeling some diarrhea gurgling and feeling the need to release, so I'll end it here for now so I won't mess my pants.

Hope everyone's guts are doing what they need to do.



To Cammie:

Hi, Cammie!
I read your post "Car peeing and pooping with Ava" a few days ago, and I liked it very much. I'd like to ask you several questions about your pooping and peeing, if you don't mind. I'd like to introduce myself too. My name is Petro, I'm 41. I was born and grew up in Ukraine, but I constantly live in Germany since 2001.
1. Is it usually difficult for you to poop? And for Ava?
2. As you're pooping, have you usually to strain a lot for pushing your poo out? And Ava?
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
4. As you go pooping, do you usually push one big turd out or do you poop several ones out as a rule?
5. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually to push a lot before your first turd comes out? Does it ever occur with you during pooping, that everything falls out at once?
6. Do you usually grunt while pooping or do you poop more often quietly?
7. Do you always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories? And Ava? Does she always poop by herself, without enema or suppositories?
8. Do you usually go pooping as you feel you have to do it? If you sat down on the toilet and tried to poop without having an urge for it, would you be able to poop in that case?
9. Had you ever a situation as you sat down on the toilet for pooping and started pushing, but you couldn't push your poo out? And had you often situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive as a positive or a negative thing?
10. What is your poop schedule? At what day time do you usually go pooping?
11. Do you usually poop every day or more rarely? If you poop every day, do you do it one time a day or more than one time?
12. Do you like pooping? If you push a big poo out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
13. If you've pushed a big poo out, are you proud of it?
14. As Ava was pooping in your car on the day you told in your post about, was it very difficult for her to push her firm fat turd out? Had she to strain a lot, for pooping it out?
15. As Ava was pooping in your car, did you encourage her during her pushing? Did she comment her pooping while doing it? And you?
16. As Ava was younger, did you often see her pooping? If you did, did you encourage her while her pooping at those times? Does she ever see you pooping?
17. Can Ava poop without having an urge for it? If she tried to poop without an urge, would she be able to make some poopies?
18. Does Ava like pooping? If she pushes a big poo out, is she proud of it?
19. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
20. Do you usually pee in the morning after getting up? If you do, do you also try to poop after it?
21. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
22. Can you stand up for peeing? If you can, do you often stand up for peeing? And Ava? Can she stand up for peeing?
23. Do you often make a buddy dump with somebody nowadays?
24. Do you ever poop outdoors? As you do, do you make an outdoors buddy dump with somebody of your friends? And does Ava ever poop outdoors?
25. I'd also like to ask you: does LA mean "Los Angeles"?
26. And I'd also like to ask you: may I ask you some questions about your pooping and peeing as you were a young child?
I wish you and Ava happy pooping and peeing!

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Some responses

Dear Victoria and Robyn: We are so happy that you are happy because of us! We will all send you huge bururururururururururu tomorrow with our love, and blow kiss towards loo when it is making a burururururururu noise. We love you very much.

Dear Anna: We really agree!! Why those women didn't take cubicle next each other if they wanted to talk with defecating?? They are very rude. If Maho is there, she give to them earful for half an hour, she said.

Dear Willa: We are happy you found new buddy dump friend! But we don't surprise about huge load from young teen girl. Our teen is now ancient history because we are 30s, but we can remember many huge load from teen days. Maybe you read before but when Kazu was teen, she always had butterfly in ???? before flute performance, so about one hour before performance she went to loo, stayed half an hour and defecated eight or nine times and huge load every time. Her friends know what she is doing and they know size of her load, so they go to outside of cubicle and encourage her with sweet words. After she finish she always hug her friends and then play flute beautifully. (From Kazu: NOT beautifully!!)

We hope everyone is very fine and have wonderful time in loo, lots of ploop plunk like Princess Toadstool Peach say, and have wonderful time very other place too.

Love to everyone.


80's born gal

Response to Jenny and Skidmark Survey

Hi Jenny,

It is funny about how the talk of thongs lead to talk about about skid marks and poops. It is a hilarious way to get well put togetherladies to open up about their toilet habits

I was born in the 1984 and have been wearing thongs since the early 2000's. I might have tried one in the late 90's on a date or something. Thongs have been my primary form or under wear since they are so comfortable to me. Though I am told by my partner I look good in a thong, I do not wear them to hide panty lines (anymore) or to look "hot." I am in good shape but the shape and size of my rear , the thong is just so much more comfortable. I have heard a description of a thong like a contact lens: once it's in, you don't notice it. I understand for some people it feels like a wedgie, but for me full briefs or panties have always ridded up and felt less comfortable. Like contact lenses, thongs are not comfortable everyone, to each they are own. I am a mother and am friends with several mothers well enough to know some of the intimate answers I will share that came up at a recent get together

about half of use have " outgrown" thongs. One friend stated she never though they were comfortable and another (after 2 glasses of wine) said she got tired of the skidmarks she got whenever she wore them skidmarks. She said no mater how much she wiped the always had a skidmark when she wore a thong, assuming they were not dark. I responded to her brave statement saying I got worse skidmarks with when I wore panties because they would ride up in my cheeks and got sweaty. She asked if I got skidmarks on thongs and I said, mainly if I wipe with one ply in a public rest room, but not as bad a if I wore regular panties for one reason or another. One mom just blushed and didn't say anything and we asked her if she had a skidmark right ..she just said " I wore a white thong today and I had to poop after my shower" One of the thong mom's and one of the brief mom's just said they didn't worry about skid marks as they used wet wipes/bidet. Another mom said only got skid marks in thongs and not in regular panties, but loved wearing thongs so much she didn't care: " If my kids and husband can get skidmarks, so can my fine @$$ "

My husband and I rarely get skidmarks. I think most people have them if they wipe with dry toilet paper. I am amazed my husband doesn't get skid marks more due to his hairy bottom, If anything I have a smoother bottom, but I get skidmarks more. I hover do leave skidmarks in the toilet , while my husband does not (though he stinks up the bathroom more than I do)

In the last week have you left skidmarks in the toilet after poop?

In the last month have you left skidmarks in the toilet after a poop?

In the last week have you left skidmarks in your underwear after a poop? No

In the last month have you left skidmarks in you underwear after a poop?
I have two pairs of Victoria secret and Parde boy shorts. Boyshorts are the only underwear that is almost as comfortable as a thong. But they do ride up, comfortably and leave a,..surprise when I wear them all day. Each time I wore them in the last month, I got skidmarks (light pink and lime green colors)

Questions for moms and dads: skidmarks are very common in kids who are potty training. Has anybody had their potty training ( or older kids) catch a glimpse of your own skidmarked underwear. This has happened to me...I swear mine are not as bad as my kids underwear

Vulnerable Val- the 80's born mom

Victoria and Robyn

Green and Brown Loos Spoke

Hey everybody it's Robyn and Victoria!

This morning we were getting ready in the bathroom. I (Victoria) had just gotten out of the shower and was doing hair as Robyn, clothed in just a bra and underwear, finished brushing her teeth. After a final spit and rinse of her brush Robyn turned to me and said "Vic, I'm warning because I love you." She now just pinched me but back in the bathroom I knew what Robyn meant as soon as her panties started coming down.

She sat and got down to business almost as soon as she'd hit the seat. As one of her famous gushers made its exit from Robyn's bladder I moved on to skincare and was grabbing moisturizer from the shelf when an eruption of a different kind graced the porcelain. A quick fart announced the departure of a series of plops, mixed with gas, that seemed to last for tens and tens of seconds. She sat there the whole time, saying nothing, looking off into space leaning slightly forward with her arms crossed. A very picture of serenity and the woman I married.

I think it clicked simultaneously for both of us because within seconds of finishing her number two Robyn and I at once said "Burururu!" We heard it and understood for the first time how that expression sounds like pooping. In that moment, Minappé, Kazumi, Maholin and Chae's bottoms all spoke to us through the green and brown loos!

Robyn washed with the bidet as I was finishing up my skincare and then once I was done I wiped her, put the lid down and flushed. It was just in time too because Robyn decided to plant a kiss on my forehead before she'd even gotten dressed again. What a morning.

Chakamami, we love all of you so much

Catherine, so glad to see you here again!

Victoria and Robyn


Struggles with hydration

Not diabetic according to my blood test like a month ago.

I have a small and sensitive bladder. I tend to under hydrate when I'm away from home. I work in a warehouse without AC and it's going to be around 110 and above for several days. Luckily I'm off a few of those days, but yeah. You'd think the sweating would prevent having to pee so much, but it doesn't.

It's SO ANNOYING. And a new coworker of mine loves to hang out in the bathroom and talk on the phone. I think the managers talked to her about it, but yeah, it's SO inconsiderate to do this. If you do this at your work, maybe think about changing your habits. Other people need it too.


Pee accidents

To James, Catherine and Nytecat: Thank you for sharing your experiences of involuntary pushing, it was so interesting to read them all and see the similarities. We've all been through the range of accident experiences, haven't we!

On that note, I wanted to share a bit about pee accidents. I had fewer of those as somehow, I find pee easier to hold even once it's critical. But of course they have happened. I tend to spring a leak when it comes to pee accidents, but there have been times when my pee has just burst out of me all at once.

The worst, and tied with most embarrassing accident, happened during my teen years. I don't know if other ladies get this, but at different points in my cycle sometimes I retain water, and then other times my body is just releasing it all at once. So at times I can drink a lot and not need a pee, but then once my body stops retaining I can do several big pees in short succession. Anyway, I suspect that's what was happening on this day because my need to pee kind of came out of nowhere.

I was hanging out with some friends in the neighbourhood, and I'd had most of a can of coke. Of course coke is a diuretic but typically I could drink a soda and still be okay for a while before needing a pee. On this occasion, it just ran right through me. Seemingly out of nowhere, I needed to go BAD. It's likely that I'd needed to go before the coke and hadn't noticed, but the coke pushed me right over the edge, fast. I was caught up in chatting with my friends, but my body acted on its own and I instictively crossed my legs and bounced a little, prompting my friend to say 'Denise, do you need to pee?' I was embarrassed at her noticing (before I did especially) but was grateful to have my attention drawn to it before something MORE embarrassing happened. I laughed and said 'Yeah I'd better go home' and started on my way.

I've noticed that when I need to poop badly, walking or moving around helps me hold it in, but it's the opposite when I need to pee. Walking jostles my bladder. I only had a five minute walk home but it wasn't long before I was hobbling, trying to hurry along with my knees buckled in. I was actually in pain, I had to pee so bad!

Anyway, I was in view of my house when I lost it. Unfortunately I was also in view of several other houses, which is what made this accident so embarrassing. My whole body became warm and I started trembling, and my body took over. I instinctively squatted with a gasp as my pee just exploded out of me. I crouched in the grass wetting my pants for what felt like forever, becoming beet red and deeply self conscious that all the neighbours could see me. By the time I finished my soaked jeans were already turning cold. I stood up and began my walk of shame to the house. I kept my head down as I was too scared to look up and catch someone seeing me. I have no idea if anyone did, but to have ended up in that position, squatting and peeing my pants in public like that, was soooo humiliating.

I was remembering this because I had a very close call the other day. I described a particularly bad accident a few pages back which really prompted me to get myself together, and I am on ADHD meds now which helps. Therefore I've made it almost 7 years since that accident, without having another one! There have been close calls though. Similar to my teenaged accident, something I drank must've just gone through me. I left work one day and I have about a 40 minute walk home. I didn't really feel like I needed to pee, not badly anyway, when I left but about 10 minutes into my walk I realized I was desperate. And half an hour walk left to go! It felt like it took forever and I could feel my bladder becoming painfully full as I tried to walk without jiggling too much. As I turned into my street I was in full hobble mode and by this time, the pressure in my bladder had activated my bowels as well and I was bursting for a poop too. I nearly had a full blown accident on my doorstep but did have to do a very obvious potty dance and grab my crotch while opening the door, which was embarrassing but thankfully I made it to the toilet, so it could have been MUCH worse!


To Victoria and Robyn

Totally forgot to mention this in my other post! I so loved your story!! You and Robyn are totally my sweet wifey and I…we totally love sharing the bathroom experience together. Continue to enjoy your poops…I know we will!!

Sunday, July 7, 2024



This morning woke at six before alarm had a wee in the THETFORD 100 POTTIE then emptied in outside drain . I went into house collected laundry put into campervan drank two mugs of tea got into van drove to laundry.
Upon arrival put clothes into machine money and soap powder machine started I returned to van .I pulled the ADVENTURIDGE POTTIE from locker opened the slide rinsed, paper towel on back of bowl dropped my jogging bottoms and pants sat down .
I often have the urge to B M on these early morning visits which did not happen today .I sat for five minutes then began to push ,on the third push started to wee which stopped as my bowels opened I pushed again and had a really good poop, relaxed for five minutes before wiping
I went back to laundry collected my washing pushed pottie into locker then drove home and put washing onto line . I went into shed had a wee in THETFORD 33 before going in house , as I finished breakfast I had the urge to poop again so I went into garage sat on the THETFORD ELEGANCE for ten minutes farted a few times then had a wee


Old Survey

Since very few people responded to my survey, I'm repeating it. I invite everyone.

1. How often do you clog the toilet with your poop?
2. Have you ever clogged a friend's or family member's toilet with poop?
3. Have you ever had someone discover that you clogged your toilet? What was his and your reaction to this?
4. Have you ever clogged the toilet at work or school and someone found it out? What was the reaction of your friends/co-workers to this?
5. Has anyone ever been impressed by the size of your poop? What was his reaction?
6. Have you ever been proud of clogging a toilet?
7. Is there anyone in the world whose toilet you would like to clog? Who?



The past few weeks I have slept in the campervan using the THETFORD 100 for a wee during the night .The ADVENTURIDGE for a NUMBER TOO every morning .
This morning I was awoken by the alarm switched off had a wee ,went back to sleep ,waking three hours later .I had a wee then got dressed went into house and started making tea ,the kettle boiled poured into mug suddenly I had the urge to BM I picked up the tea and made my way to the THETFORD ELEGANCE PORTTA POTTIE in the garage I put down the tea ,dropped my jogging bottoms and pants lifted lid and sat down ,immediately my bowels opened had a wee then my bowels opened again , it was a really good crap.
I picked up the tea and drank and dribbled more wee before wiping. I have now just emptied the three potties.



Last night went to gym two hours on exercise bike hot shower.
I revered into the drive took THETFORD 245 POTTIE from garage put into
campervan closed doors ,undressed for bed .I sat on pottiie to relax
and pass wind after a wee lasting, one minute,farted a few times then
had a follow through ,sat for a few minutes then wiped with ELSAM BLUE
toilet roll hung on door.
I climbed into bed went to sleep waking several times for a wee,when the
alarm sounded ,had a wee then sat on bed for twenty minutes.i needed a
poop so sat on pottie ,had a NUMBER TOO wiped then dressed and went into
house made and drank four mugs of tea.
one hour later went back to van had a wee then emptied the pottie
I have a much better bowel movement on a pottie due to the low seating thirteen inches and think the effort of emptying is well worth it

Princess Toadstool Peach

In the Swimming Pool Restroom having a BM Dump with Rosalina

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I went for a relaxing big swim at the local Swimming Pool with my best friend Princess Rosalina and now after swimming and eating lots of food for our lunch. Nature called! So me and Rosalina went to the girl's restroom to take a poo together. With our bladders tingling and our ???? squeezing we knew this was going to be a nice big one too. Rosalina took the stall on the left while I took the middle one and as I got ready I saw a mother with her toddler daughter telling her 'Honey you ready to go make a poopy?' She putting a pink potty in the stall to my right. "No!" Said the daughter but she quickly changed her mind when she heard her ???? hurting so she ripped off her Huggies pull up and sat down on it. As she did I locked the stall, I lifted the toilet took off my bikini bottoms, give my bottom a little wiggle and sit down on the toilet as I heard the noise of the little toddler girl pushing the poo out of her bottom poo hole as her mother encouraged her to go and I heard Rosalina going wee tinkling loudly into the toilet which the seat was covered in toilet paper due to Rosalina being a germaphobe. "Mummy I feel poopy coming out!" "Good good now push it all out of there sweetie!" I heard the daughter toddler say to her mother. Then I heard my BFF Rosalina releasing a monster truck sized load into the toilet. Pee Eww Rosalina I say to myself what have you been eating lately. Sheesh!! Then I begin to poo. Nice big ones too! "PLOP SPLAT PLOOP PAAAAARRRRPP SPLASH PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK plop plop plop plop ploop!!" Then I hear the little toddler girl giving out a big squeeze then I hear a loud "FLUMP!!" As she poos a enormous dump pinching her loaf. Once she's done all of us clean up. "Well done dearie you pooped a nice big one in the potty. Now let's cleaned up!" She wipes her bottom the same with me and Rosalina. Then afterwards we all leave the restroom after flushing and washing our hands. The last I heard from the toddler girl and her mother was "Papi is going to be so proud with you Peaches!" Aw that's so sweet above all and adorable. Wait her name is PEACHES???!!!


To Mrs BIGandhard

4 inches? Oof. I once had a 3 inch wide one which was back in 2013 and I tell you... my anus burned like hell. Pooping is always satisfying... but not if you have diarrhea or it's just too big to come out. Hope you feel better soon.


Disaster of a Day

Hey guys, I've been in this site before but haven't posted and thought I would share a story of what happened to me today. I am 24 years old, blonde, around 5'8"

I've been unable to poop for about 4 days now and have been looking for some serious relief. I've seen people post on here using Metamucil with prune juice to get things moving so I decided to give it a try. Last night a took 2 servings of Metamucil and chugged it in about a minute and drank a lot of water and went to bed. In the morning I woke up slightly bloated but no urgency to go to the bathroom so I decided it was time to pull out the prune juice before breakfast. I plugged my nose and chugged about half of the bottle, so desperate for something to come out, in hindsight this was a huge mistake.

About 3 hours later I still didn't feel anything moving around in my gut, I thought all hope was lost so I decided to do some shopping around the mall, again big mistake. As I'm driving over to the mall I begin to feel a slight rumble in my gut which was not a good sign of what was to come. I felt a fart coming on so I buckled down and pushed to get some relief. When I tell you this was the LOUDEST fart I've had in quite some time I mean it. I was about 5 seconds and felt as if it shook my car seat. I was beginning to regret my decision of coming to the mall because I am terrified and slightly disgusted by public toilets, sometimes you don't have a choice though.

I get out of my car and start walking into the mall when I am hit with a cramp forces me to stop moving and slightly bend over. Fear is starting to set in, I am either about to poop myself or absolutely destroy a public toilet. I gave up on my main goal of shopping and made a B-Line for the restroom. I walk down the narrow hallway to the restrooms, letting out a few risky farts on the way, the last one completely out of my control. There's no entrance door to the men's or women's restrooms, meaning people would be able to hear my dump from outside the restroom. However, I didn't have a choice anymore, it was my spandex shorts or the toilet.

I enter the restroom and see 8 stalls down the left side of the room with 6 being taking and 4 people waiting in line. I found this quite odd but when I went up to the open stalls and found out why. The handicap stall at the end was covered in diarrhea… on the walls, on the toilet seat, and on the floor. I couldn't in my right mind use that one. The 2nd stall in the row was clogged with mushy pop and toilet paper at the bottom. Never in a million years would use either of these toilets but more people had entered the queue to use the restroom and I wasn't sure if I could hold everything at my back door. My body made that choice for me by letting out an uncontrollable wet fart which forced my hand to my butt and stomach, leading me to sprint in and close the stall door behind me.

I don't even have time to wipe off the seat, i pull my spandex shorts and underwear down to my ankles and fall back onto the seat with force. Within seconds I EXPLODE into the toilet with mushy diarrhea and two loud wet farts to announce what is to come. After the first wave I already felt splash back from the dirty, clogged toilet water and wanted to die right then and there, so DISGUSTING. I barely had time to comprehend what had happened when my stomach gurgled and a cramp hit me, forcing me to release another diarrhea bomb that the side of the bowl and a little out of the back of the seat. I felt like I was done for now but I was still blasting some loud farts. The embarrassment of the whole thing was starting to set in, for 10 minutes I've been blasting away on this toilet with someone on the other side waiting to take my place, just to see it's clogged and layered with 4 days worth of diarrhea. I decided it was time to wipe but as I grabbed the toilet paper I felt another cramp and moaned aloud as one last wave of diarrhea forcefully splashed into the water back onto my butt. The wiping process took another 10 minutes and finally I was ready to get up and leave. I could barely walk after what I had put that toilet thru. I stumble out of the stall and a person in line looks at my creation and gags almost immediately. I've never been so embarrassed and to top that, I accidentally fart again while passing her on my way out.

At this point I feel too ill to go shopping and head back to my car, hoping to ride the rest of this out at home. This experiment may go down as one of the dumbest decisions in my life time. I get back into my car and begin to pull out and head home when I get that familiar feeling. My gut begins to gurgle out loud and I feel some serious pressure on my butt. There is no way I make it all the way back home. Then out of the corner of my eye, I see the only thing I hate more than public toilets… portable toilets. At this point I have already been completely humbled today and i would rather not destroyed my car with diarrhea. I drive down to the end of the parking lot to the row of 3 portable toilets. I step inside and there is barely any room to move around. Even with being this desperate I refuse to sit on the plastic black seat.

I pull down my shorts and underwear again and slightly squat, my hand placed up against the door of the portable toilet for extra leverage on the beast I was about to release. I bare down and push. I release the most foul diarrhea with farts that's spray it all over the seat, walls, and floor of the porta Jon. The relief was so immaculate that I didn't even bother looking back I just kept blasting away, wave after wave of EXPLOSIVE diarrhea. By this point there was barely a spot on the toilet seat that wasn't covered in my mess and the smell was beginning to make me lightheaded. I felt I giant cramp coming on, this next wave was gonna be bad! The cramp toppled me over and made me lose my balance as I fell backwards onto the diarrhea covered seat. I tried to get up but pure liquid diarrhea kept me from getting any leverage. After that was over I sat and cried over the situation that had just unfolded. I am COVERED in diarrhea, all over my butt. How am I gonna clean all of this!!! For about 20 minutes I cleaned my bottom to the best of my ability, occasionally sharting during the process.

After exiting the portable toilet, I stumbled back to my car and rushed home. I've had a few more waves of diarrhea but I believe it is dying down now. I should've never decided to leave my apartment today. I never want to experience what happened to me today ever again. Hope this story can make someone's day a little better


Victoria and Robyn

Green and Brown Loos Spoke

Hey everybody it's Robyn and Victoria!

This morning we were getting ready in the bathroom. I (Victoria) had just gotten out of the shower and was doing hair as Robyn, clothed in just a bra and underwear, finished brushing her teeth. After a final spit and rinse of her brush Robyn turned to me and said "Vic, I'm warning because I love you." She now just pinched me but back in the bathroom I knew what Robyn meant as soon as her panties started coming down.

She sat and got down to business almost as soon as she'd hit the seat. As one of her famous gushers made its exit from Robyn's bladder I moved on to skincare and was grabbing moisturizer from the shelf when an eruption of a different kind graced the porcelain. A quick fart announced the departure of a series of plops, mixed with gas, that seemed to last for tens and tens of seconds. She sat there the whole time, saying nothing, looking off into space leaning slightly forward with her arms crossed. A very picture of serenity and the woman I married.

I think it clicked simultaneously for both of us because within seconds of finishing her number two Robyn and I at once said "Burururu!" We heard it and understood for the first time how that expression sounds like pooping. In that moment, Minappé, Kazumi, Maholin and Chae's bottoms all spoke to us through the green and brown loos!

Robyn washed with the bidet as I was finishing up my skincare and then once I was done I wiped her, put the lid down and flushed. It was just in time too because Robyn decided to plant a kiss on my forehead before she'd even gotten dressed again. What a morning.

Chakamami, we love all of you so much

Catherine, so glad to see you here again!

Victoria and Robyn


Involuntarily pushing out poo

Denise, I was interested to read your post about accidents where you have the irresistible, involuntary urge to push out the poo. My experience, like yours, Catherine's and Nytecat's, is that this is the rarest kind of accident, but it is one of the most distinctive and feels very unique.

I'll make a distinction here between accidents where the urge to push out the poo is completely unconscious and impossible to stop, and those where there's a conscious element of either wanting to get things over with once an accident is already underway, or feeling so uncomfortable or ill with holding it in that letting an accident happen starts to become the least-worst option - I've already written about a few of those.

As people who read my older posts will know, my bowel habit has always been at the mushier end of the range compared to most people, and it's quite normal for me to do two or three large poos per day. I've almost never experienced truly hard poo, and constipation for me would be doing a solid log with the consistency of thick clay that needs to be pushed out rather than coming out on its own. At the other end of the range, I'll sometimes do runnier, slurry-like poos if my bowels are a bit looser than usual, but I'd still consider this fairly normal - for me, diarrhoea is when the consistency of the slurry moves from something like apple pie filling to being more like thick custard, or when things start to become liquid, or even (very rarely) watery. Sometimes, my normal mushy poos will be preceded by a small lump of firmer poo, which helps with holding everything in. As I mentioned in an earlier post, another relevant thing is that it was very common for me as a kid to have a large accident in which everything would rush out at once, followed by another accident somewhere between 5-30 minutes later that would be the same size or larger, and then possibly additional smaller accidents at intervals after that, usually if my poo was at the looser end of the scale and I hadn't managed to find a toilet that I was willing to get cleaned up in yet.

For me, I've most often felt the involuntary urge to push with those later accidents (the third onwards). I think this might have been because the intense pressure of the first couple of rounds of poo left my rectum a bit sensitive, along with the poo being runnier, and so the next time I got the urge I'd start to feel like my body wanted to push even if I was still holding on. The urge to push would get stronger the longer I held on - it's hard to describe, but it was a bit like trying to put off a sneeze - I'd manage it for a while, but after a short while I'd feel all my abdominal muscles squeeze against my will, and the poo would rush out into my pants even if I was trying to hold my bum closed. Also like a sneeze, this could feel quite overwhelming in the moment it happened - it was an extremely intense physical sensation. Usually, with this kind of accident, the amount of poo wouldn't be huge as most of it would have already come out earlier, but if the accidents were happening because I was starting to come down with a stomach upset then it could still be quite a lot. Doing more poo in my pants when I was already messy increased the chance of it leaking into my trousers, but if the previous accident was starting to feel cold and clammy then it would at least add some warmth. If I got the urge like this when I was walking home with messy underwear and knew I would be able to clean up in private, I sometimes wouldn't try to fight the impulse to push if the pressure sensation was too uncomfortable, as my pants would have already been written off by that point - this was more of the "let's get it over with" situation.

A rarer type of accident involving uncontrollably pushing was when it was part of the first poo to come out in my pants that day. This was rare because my accidents usually involved so much pressure building up that the poo would come out whether I pushed or not, so the main sensation was of my bum opening up involuntarily and everything coming out in a porridgey rush. I've written in the past about how I could hold on longer if the very first part of the poo was a firmer nugget, and the combination of circumstances that led to involuntary pushing seemed to be a larger-than-usual firm lump being followed by runnier-than-usual slurry. In that situation, the urge to push often came a moment or two after me starting to feel a pain right at the bottom of my abdomen along with a wave of pressure. This would be even more like a sneeze, because the involuntary urge to push would usually be followed by actually pushing everything out under ten seconds later. The resulting accident would be very large and sloppy, and happen extremely quickly, with a bit more chance of the seat of my trousers getting dirty or stained rather than just my pants.

I can only clearly remember this happening perhaps four times - one of them was in the classroom right at the start of Y5 (I would have been nearly ten), just ten minutes before the end of the school day. The urge to go had been building steadily since afternoon break, but I thought I'd last until hometime, and our teacher that year was known for being reluctant to let people leave the classroom so I was even more unwilling to ask than usual. A few minutes before it happened, the pressure had suddenly started to get much, much stronger, along with an uneasy 'runny ????' feeling, and I was trying to sit as firmly in my chair as I could to help me hold on. I then had an even stronger surge of pressure, I felt that low-down belly ache, and I suddenly found myself sitting in class with the absolutely overwhelming urge to push, as if I was already on the loo. I couldn't stop myself, but I tried to keep sitting down hard in the hope that I might keep things in that way instead. It didn't work, and a large rush of warm and very mushy poo was pushed out of my bum. Because of how I was sitting, leaning back in my chair with my bum firmly planted on the seat, the poo was mostly forced forwards between my legs and around my front bits. This was something I never liked because I worried about getting an infection, or just not being able to pee easily if I needed to go behind a tree before getting home. The sensation of pushing it out whilst sitting in the classroom was absolutely overwhelming - it took over my whole body and I couldn't do or think anything else whilst it was happening. I was lucky never to have experienced being sick in the classroom, but I wonder if classmates who had that happen might have felt something similar, with a combination of panic and loss of control.

The only other kid on my table that afternoon was my best friend, and he didn't say anything at the time, so I thought I'd escaped undetected. Later on, he told me that he knew what I'd done, because I'd gone from looking anxious and increasingly fidgety to having a few seconds of going completely still, with wide eyes and a blank face - like I'd been stunned - before recovering and looking anxious again, but no longer fidgety. At the same time, he noticed a fart-like smell that didn't fade away. Because we knew about a few of each other's accidents and were close friends, I trusted him not to tell anyone, and I don't think he ever did. The seat of my trousers was very damp after this, but our school had a dress code of dark brown, blue or black trousers, and mine were mainly dark brown or black, so the dampness wasn't visible. My mum didn't immediately notice my dirty pants whilst we were walking home, and I was hoping to rush to the loo to clean up, but the smell gave me away as soon as we got inside and she took me to the bathroom to help me sort myself out. This was embarrassing, but I also kind of appreciated it as I was too messy to have been able to get myself properly clean on my own at that age. I did do another quite runny poo later that evening, but I got to the toilet in time for that one, and my bowels were back to normal by the next day.

The final, and rarest, type of involuntary pushing (for me) only happened once, and it was mid-way through an accident rather than starting it. On the rare occasions that my poo was much firmer than usual, I could hold it in for hours, so it barely ever came out in my underwear. There was one time when I was eight when my family was driving for several hours across the country to go on holiday, and we got caught in a long traffic jam on the motorway. I'd been holding in a poo most of the day, and it was very, very gradually getting more urgent, but before the traffic jam started I wasn't seriously worried. However, with the added delay, I started to feel my bum getting tired, and eventually a firm and very wide log pushed its way a couple of inches out into my pants, but then stopped, as I was sitting down on my booster seat and it was too firm to flow out further. I kept sitting there with the poo half in and half out, whilst the pressure sensation built up further, but nothing else happened - it might have been the most uncomfortable accident I ever had. Eventually, I started to feel a rising urge to push, which I kept trying to suppress, and this time the actual pushing started in fits and starts. My stomach muscles would tense up for a moment, then I'd be able to make them relax, then they'd tense up longer and harder. Eventually, the urge took over completely and my body pushed as hard as possible. Still, nothing much happened, as there was nowhere for the poo to go, and it started to feel quite painful. In the end, I had to lever myself off the seat so it could come out, and the whole poo must have been about ten inches long and a couple wide. It was also quite uncomfortable and itchy to sit in compared to my usual soft poo, although some mush came out right after the solid poo that cushioned it a bit. This was an accident that was soon noticed by my parents, and when we eventually got out of the traffic and made it to the holiday house my mum took me to the bathroom to clean me up. Given how long we'd been stuck in the car, she was very understanding about what I'd done.

To Nytecat, regarding different types of underwear - I think I might have been particularly unlucky with the boxer-briefs because the accident I had was whilst I was walking, and it was at the runnier end of the usual range for me. As well as that, my usual briefs and y-fronts had a baggy bum and tight leg elastic, whereas the boxer-briefs were tight around my bum but less tight around the legs. They'd probably have done better against a firmer poo, or maybe if I'd been sitting down when the poo came out, but in that case they might have leaked as soon as I stood up. I still need to post the follow-up to that accident, which was a very different way of ending up with pooey socks, but this is already quite long so I'll write about it another time.


Public poop with new buddy!

Hey everyone! Making my random pop in after a fun experience the other day…So recently a new girl, Chelsea, started at my work. We hit it off quite well. As the wifey and I are both pretty introverted, we always encourage each other if we meet someone else we can enjoy some social time with. Turns out Chelsea and I are both big readers, so we decided to tag along together to the big book store at our local shopping center after work. We stopped at the in store coffee shop first and sipped on a drink for a while, then proceeded to start browsing the store…
After 10 minutes or so, I noticed Chelsea shifting a little uncomfortably…"I think that coffee is doing its thing", she said, and blushed a little. "Oh, I hear ya girl", I giggled, feeling a little stirring myself and suddenly bristling with excitement! A buddy poop with a new friend?! Sign me up!…I volunteered, hopefully not too enthusiastically…"I poop here all the time, let's go!"
We made our way to and entered the ample restroom, which featured 4 stalls, 3 standard and one handicap at the end. There was a pair of feet in brightly colored flip flops under the first stall, and I heard a loud crackling as she went up on her tiptoes! Already a win!…I grabbed the stall next to the already seated pooper, and Chelsea settled in next to me. My butt had barely hit the seat when I heard Chelsea groan. I looked down and saw her heels pop out of her flats and immediately heard a torrent of loose poop unleash into her bowl. At the same time my neighbor was crackling out another log. I tingled with pleasure and started to push, and soon all three of us were pooping in unison! I was really impressed (and thrilled!), that Chelsea was so open and shame free to be emptying out right next to her new buddy. We all dropped quite the load, and the bathroom stunk pretty bad! As luck would have it, all three of us began wiping around the same time, and from the sounds of the rolls, all had quite the cleanup….The flushes and exits occured one after the other. I was a bit surprised to see that the original pooper was just a younger teenage girl, as it sounded as if she unleashed quite a load. We all washed up and left, and Chelsea and I continued to browse. God that felt good, she mused as we walked out, and I thanked my lucky stars to have another confident and open pooper in my life!!


Comments on nervousness and sharing your interest

Partially in response to MD Dan's story:

I relate to the wide-eyed nervous feeling of being "found out" for being especially interested in bathroom usage. I kept it secret from everyone for a really long time. Since I became an adult, I've opened up to people who are close to me. I always imagined, as a little girl and as a teenager, that they would have a hostile reaction, but I haven't ever been on the receiving end of a reaction like that.

I know I mentioned before that I have been open about it with my girlfriend, and while she doesn't really get it she's supportive of it. I mentioned before that we've peed in each other's presences before, that comes with the territory of being in a gay relationship since when we're out in public together we use the same bathrooms, and then we've seen each other pee too. We're open about farting, and talking about pooping. I'm still too nervous to do any pooping stuff around her, even though I know she would not be judgemental.

When I've mentioned my interest to my friends, they've all pretty much had the same reaction of "that's hilarious," in a friendly way. The only reaction I've gotten that wasn't so friendly was when I mentioned it to my ex (I mentioned it early on in our relationship, so maybe that explains his reaction). He looked surprised, and I couldn't tell if he was judgemental or if he was just caught off guard.

I don't know what the point of this post is, maybe to just share that I did not need to be nervous and that if you trust someone enough to share you are interested in this they may be far less judgemental than you imagine, you may even have an interest in common.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Dirty socks without messy trousers

Following on from my earlier post, here is the other story about a time that (one of) my socks got trashed. This is a bit more of an odd one, and it happened a few months after the boxer-brief incident.

To set the context, my secondary school had various after-school clubs that you could join, and I was in a couple of them, including the school orchestra. By the time orchestra rehearsals finished, most of the school would have been locked up, and we had to exit through the main reception. One minor effect of this was that it was the only time that the disabled toilets near that area were made available for anyone to use, as the other toilet blocks would be locked and most of the pupils and staff would have already gone home. For me, this meant I was more likely to stop and go the toilet before walking home than at other times, as the disabled loos were larger, individual and very private, rather than having a row of cubicles with gaps under the doors and partitions, and being busy and possibly filled with bullies.

During one rehearsal, I was feeling a strong urge to poo, as usual for the end of the school day. I'd also been quite gassy and had been letting off a fair few silent farts, under the cover of the louder bits of music. As I was packing up my oboe, I felt a small firm lump of poo squeeze out that I couldn't quite get to go back in (another of those 'cork poos', as I thought of them). I could feel it nestled between my buttocks, no more than an inch long, and I knew that I'd need to remove it quickly and do the rest in the toilet to avoid a stain. I made my way to the disabled loo and locked the door.

Inside, I took off my shoes, removed my trousers and then carefully lowered my pants to my knees. As expected, it was easy to get rid of the poo by picking it up with some toilet paper and dropping it in the toilet. I took my pants off altogether and gave them a quick wipe to minimise the skidmark. Whilst I was doing this, I did another large and involuntary fart, but didn't think much of it. I lined the toilet seat with paper and sat down to do the main, mushier part of my poo in the toilet, and then stood up to wipe.

Before putting my pants and trousers back on, I walked over to the sink on the other side of the bathroom and gave my hands a good wash. As I was doing so, I shifted my weight and noticed a strange sticky feeling on one of my feet. I bent my leg to look at my sock, and saw a patch of squashed poo there - I then looked at the floor that I'd just crossed and realised that I'd left a series of round brown marks on the floor. Without realising, a small blob of poo had come out when I farted, and had landed on the floor near the toilet. I'd then backed onto it when I stood up to wipe.

As quickly as I could, I cleaned the patches on the floor with wet paper towels. I took off both socks and threw them in the bin (wrapped in the paper). I cleaned the sole of my foot and then quickly got my things on, washed my hands again and left - with only a few minutes to spare before I might have risked getting locked into the school, as no-one would have known I was still in the loo. Ironically, my underwear was barely stained.

Looking back more than 20 years later, if I'd ever been willing to talk to the school nurse about my issues with pooing then I would have probably been given a pass to use that toilet whenever I needed, which might have avoided some of the accidents I had whilst walking home from secondary school, but I would have died of embarrassment having that conversation. In any case, I could always find a way to rationalise my soiled undies to myself and convince myself that I was only a bit more accident-prone than other kids my age, even when with hindsight I should have realised I was pooing my pants far more often than average.

Thinking about my last post on involuntary pushing, I realised I already described an incident where that happened during the third and final wave of an accident when I had a bad cold - it was on page 2888, if anyone wants to read it.


To Lena:

Hello, Lena!
I'd like to ask you several questions about your pooping and peeing, if you don't mind. I'd like to introduce myself too. My name is Petro, I'm 41. I was born and grew up in Ukraine, but I constantly live in Germany since 2001.
1. Is it usually difficult for you to poop?
2. As you're pooping, have you usually to strain a lot for pushing your poo out?
3. Do you usually fart before you start pooping?
4. As you go pooping, do you usually push one big turd out or do you poop several ones out as a rule?
5. As you sit down on the toilet for pooping, have you usually to push a lot before your first turd comes out? Does it ever occur with you during pooping, that everything falls out at once?
6. Do you usually grunt while pooping or do you poop more often quietly?
7. Do you always poop by yourself? Do you ever use enema or suppositories?
8. Do you usually go pooping as you feel you have to do it? If you sat down on the toilet and tried to poop without having an urge for it, would you be able to poop in that case?
9. Had you ever a situation as you sat down on the toilet for pooping and started pushing, but you couldn't push your poo out? And had you often situations as you had to push for a long time during pooping? If you had such situations, did you perceive as a positive or a negative thing?
10. What is your poop schedule? At what day time do you usually go pooping?
11. Do you usually poop every day or more rarely? If you poop every day, do you do it one time a day or more than one time?
12. Do you like pooping? If you push a big poo out, is it pleasant for you? Do you take it for a positive thing?
13. If you've pushed a big poo out, are you proud of it?
14. As you produced your biggest turd approximately in the 12th grade, was it very difficult for you to push it out?
15. Do you ever try to poop after peeing?
16. Do you usually pee in the morning after getting up? If you do, do you also try to poop after it?
17. Do you like peeing? If you pee a lot of urine out, is it pleasant for you?
18. Can you stand up for peeing? If you can, do you often stand up for peeing?
19. Do you often make a buddy dump with somebody nowadays?
20. Do you ever poop outdoors? As you do, do you make an outdoors buddy dump with somebody of your friends?
21. I'd also like to ask you: do you live in USA, if it's not a secret?
22. And I'd also like to ask you: may I ask you some questions about your pooping and peeing as you were a young child?
I wish you happy pooping and peeing!

About Relieving Oneself in the Muny Swimming Pool

Yesterday, I took my kid brother and my sister to our muny swimming pool. My brother's going to be 5 next month, but I still take him into the girls locker room with me and Shannon. I had my brother wear his trunks on our walk to the muny. But he defied me and didn't use the bathroom before leaving home. I did, but he is stubborn and couldn't wait to leave. So when we got to the crosswalk on 32nd St. he started acting up because he had to poo. And it got worse with his complaints, so bad that Shannon called him obnoxious. That's a word my parents don't like. But he can be quite insulting when he doesn't get his way. Shannon grabbed him, talked to him, and she said he was going to lose his privileges at the pool if he didn't stop. He didn't. We took this one alleyway behind some homes and I saw a bunch of concrete building blocks stacked up. Me and Shannon took 3 blocks down. Stacked them on top of one another. Then I pulled my brother's trunks down and hoisted him atop of the stack. He complained about the cement tearing at his skin. We told him to sit still for better results and both me and Shannon got a laugh. We knew he wanted to be more nasty. We could hear his crap splatter out of him. But there wasn't anything for him to use to wipe. Shannon held up a fist full of old leaves but I thought that would be too humiliating. And it would potentially spread him some infection. He did straighten up and bit about an hour after that. Shannon said he let him pee in the childrens' pool. She didn't have the energy to take him back into the bathhouse.

Anna from Austria

weird buddy dump at a conference

Was attending a international confernce last monday. After having lunch I decided to go to ladies room to get rid of the food already.

While walking to bathroom I meet 2 ladies from New York City that were also attending the conference. We entered the bathroom together.

I was rather big bathroom with 6 stalls. 3 stalls were occupied and 3 stalls were still open. The American business women took the 2 stalls to the left and to the right and left the middle stall. to me.

At first I did not think anything about it but as soon they started to talk with each other I was really irritated why they did not take the 2 stalls next to each other.

I was now in the middle of their conversation literally and could not hold me poop any longer. I started to pee, then pre a port fart and a big turd ejected from my behind. Then some more farts and a smaller turd. the whole time I was pooping the 2 ladies kept talking with other. Then they both started to pee quite forcely and then I could hear the lady on the left doing a loud prft type fart and then I could hear some crackling noise and some farts. Sounded like the lady on the left also had to go quite bad. The lady on the right flushed and left. I cleaned myself flushed, and left after washing my hands. The lady on the left was still in there and busy with her poop when I left.

that is my story for the day.

greetings from Austria



Involuntarily pushing out poo

Denise, I was interested to read your post about accidents where you have the irresistible, involuntary urge to push out the poo. My experience, like yours, Catherine's and Nytecat's, is that this is the rarest kind of accident, but it is one of the most distinctive and feels very unique.

I'll make a distinction here between accidents where the urge to push out the poo is completely unconscious and impossible to stop, and those where there's a conscious element of either wanting to get things over with once an accident is already underway, or feeling so uncomfortable or ill with holding it in that letting an accident happen starts to become the least-worst option - I've already written about a few of those.

As people who read my older posts will know, my bowel habit has always been at the mushier end of the range compared to most people, and it's quite normal for me to do two or three large poos per day. I've almost never experienced truly hard poo, and constipation for me would be doing a solid log with the consistency of thick clay that needs to be pushed out rather than coming out on its own. At the other end of the range, I'll sometimes do runnier, slurry-like poos if my bowels are a bit looser than usual, but I'd still consider this fairly normal - for me, diarrhoea is when the consistency of the slurry moves from something like apple pie filling to being more like thick custard, or when things start to become liquid, or even (very rarely) watery. Sometimes, my normal mushy poos will be preceded by a small lump of firmer poo, which helps with holding everything in. As I mentioned in an earlier post, another relevant thing is that it was very common for me as a kid to have a large accident in which everything would rush out at once, followed by another accident somewhere between 5-30 minutes later that would be the same size or larger, and then possibly additional smaller accidents at intervals after that, usually if my poo was at the looser end of the scale and I hadn't managed to find a toilet that I was willing to get cleaned up in yet.

For me, I've most often felt the involuntary urge to push with those later accidents (the third onwards). I think this might have been because the intense pressure of the first couple of rounds of poo left my rectum a bit sensitive, along with the poo being runnier, and so the next time I got the urge I'd start to feel like my body wanted to push even if I was still holding on. The urge to push would get stronger the longer I held on - it's hard to describe, but it was a bit like trying to put off a sneeze - I'd manage it for a while, but after a short while I'd feel all my abdominal muscles squeeze against my will, and the poo would rush out into my pants even if I was trying to hold my bum closed. Also like a sneeze, this could feel quite overwhelming in the moment it happened - it was an extremely intense physical sensation. Usually, with this kind of accident, the amount of poo wouldn't be huge as most of it would have already come out earlier, but if the accidents were happening because I was starting to come down with a stomach upset then it could still be quite a lot. Doing more poo in my pants when I was already messy increased the chance of it leaking into my trousers, but if the previous accident was starting to feel cold and clammy then it would at least add some warmth. If I got the urge like this when I was walking home with messy underwear and knew I would be able to clean up in private, I sometimes wouldn't try to fight the impulse to push if the pressure sensation was too uncomfortable, as my pants would have already been written off by that point - this was more of the "let's get it over with" situation.

A rarer type of accident involving uncontrollably pushing was when it was part of the first poo to come out in my pants that day. This was rare because my accidents usually involved so much pressure building up that the poo would come out whether I pushed or not, so the main sensation was of my bum opening up involuntarily and everything coming out in a porridgey rush. I've written in the past about how I could hold on longer if the very first part of the poo was a firmer nugget, and the combination of circumstances that led to involuntary pushing seemed to be a larger-than-usual firm lump being followed by runnier-than-usual slurry. In that situation, the urge to push often came a moment or two after me starting to feel a pain right at the bottom of my abdomen along with a wave of pressure. This would be even more like a sneeze, because the involuntary urge to push would usually be followed by actually pushing everything out under ten seconds later. The resulting accident would be very large and sloppy, and happen extremely quickly, with a bit more chance of the seat of my trousers getting dirty or stained rather than just my pants.

I can only clearly remember this happening perhaps four times - one of them was in the classroom right at the start of Y5 (I would have been nearly ten), just ten minutes before the end of the school day. The urge to go had been building steadily since afternoon break, but I thought I'd last until hometime, and our teacher that year was known for being reluctant to let people leave the classroom so I was even more unwilling to ask than usual. A few minutes before it happened, the pressure had suddenly started to get much, much stronger, along with an uneasy 'runny ????' feeling, and I was trying to sit as firmly in my chair as I could to help me hold on. I then had an even stronger surge of pressure, I felt that low-down belly ache, and I suddenly found myself sitting in class with the absolutely overwhelming urge to push, as if I was already on the loo. I couldn't stop myself, but I tried to keep sitting down hard in the hope that I might keep things in that way instead. It didn't work, and a large rush of warm and very mushy poo was pushed out of my bum. Because of how I was sitting, leaning back in my chair with my bum firmly planted on the seat, the poo was mostly forced forwards between my legs and around my front bits. This was something I never liked because I worried about getting an infection, or just not being able to pee easily if I needed to go behind a tree before getting home. The sensation of pushing it out whilst sitting in the classroom was absolutely overwhelming - it took over my whole body and I couldn't do or think anything else whilst it was happening. I was lucky never to have experienced being sick in the classroom, but I wonder if classmates who had that happen might have felt something similar, with a combination of panic and loss of control.

The only other kid on my table that afternoon was my best friend, and he didn't say anything at the time, so I thought I'd escaped undetected. Later on, he told me that he knew what I'd done, because I'd gone from looking anxious and increasingly fidgety to having a few seconds of going completely still, with wide eyes and a blank face - like I'd been stunned - before recovering and looking anxious again, but no longer fidgety. At the same time, he noticed a fart-like smell that didn't fade away. Because we knew about a few of each other's accidents and were close friends, I trusted him not to tell anyone, and I don't think he ever did. The seat of my trousers was very damp after this, but our school had a dress code of dark brown, blue or black trousers, and mine were mainly dark brown or black, so the dampness wasn't visible. My mum didn't immediately notice my dirty pants whilst we were walking home, and I was hoping to rush to the loo to clean up, but the smell gave me away as soon as we got inside and she took me to the bathroom to help me sort myself out. This was embarrassing, but I also kind of appreciated it as I was too messy to have been able to get myself properly clean on my own at that age. I did do another quite runny poo later that evening, but I got to the toilet in time for that one, and my bowels were back to normal by the next day.

The final, and rarest, type of involuntary pushing (for me) only happened once, and it was mid-way through an accident rather than starting it. On the rare occasions that my poo was much firmer than usual, I could hold it in for hours, so it barely ever came out in my underwear. There was one time when I was eight when my family was driving for several hours across the country to go on holiday, and we got caught in a long traffic jam on the motorway. I'd been holding in a poo most of the day, and it was very, very gradually getting more urgent, but before the traffic jam started I wasn't seriously worried. However, with the added delay, I started to feel my bum getting tired, and eventually a firm and very wide log pushed its way a couple of inches out into my pants, but then stopped, as I was sitting down on my booster seat and it was too firm to flow out further. I kept sitting there with the poo half in and half out, whilst the pressure sensation built up further, but nothing else happened - it might have been the most uncomfortable accident I ever had. Eventually, I started to feel a rising urge to push, which I kept trying to suppress, and this time the actual pushing started in fits and starts. My stomach muscles would tense up for a moment, then I'd be able to make them relax, then they'd tense up longer and harder. Eventually, the urge took over completely and my body pushed as hard as possible. Still, nothing much happened, as there was nowhere for the poo to go, and it started to feel quite painful. In the end, I had to lever myself off the seat so it could come out, and the whole poo must have been about ten inches long and a couple wide. It was also quite uncomfortable and itchy to sit in compared to my usual soft poo, although some mush came out right after the solid poo that cushioned it a bit. This was an accident that was soon noticed by my parents, and when we eventually got out of the traffic and made it to the holiday house my mum took me to the bathroom to clean me up. Given how long we'd been stuck in the car, she was very understanding about what I'd done.

To Nytecat, regarding different types of underwear - I think I might have been particularly unlucky with the boxer-briefs because the accident I had was whilst I was walking, and it was at the runnier end of the usual range for me. As well as that, my usual briefs and y-fronts had a baggy bum and tight leg elastic, whereas the boxer-briefs were tight around my bum but less tight around the legs. They'd probably have done better against a firmer poo, or maybe if I'd been sitting down when the poo came out, but in that case they might have leaked as soon as I stood up. I still need to post the follow-up to that accident, which was a very different way of ending up with pooey socks, but this is already quite long so I'll write about it another time.

To Catherine

Catherine I really enjoyed your story about the poop u took hope it came out ok. Do u poop in public? It really depends on how bad I have to go if I really really have to go than I go in public but if not than I go at home. Me & my mom are open about going to the bathroom. She texts me & tells me when she needs to poop or if she's went poop. I had a good bowel movement today came out nice & smooth. Looking forward to hearing back from u. The name is Austin by the way


Disaster of a Day

Hey guys, I've been in this site before but haven't posted and thought I would share a story of what happened to me today. I am 24 years old, blonde, around 5'8"

I've been unable to poop for about 4 days now and have been looking for some serious relief. I've seen people post on here using Metamucil with prune juice to get things moving so I decided to give it a try. Last night a took 2 servings of Metamucil and chugged it in about a minute and drank a lot of water and went to bed. In the morning I woke up slightly bloated but no urgency to go to the bathroom so I decided it was time to pull out the prune juice before breakfast. I plugged my nose and chugged about half of the bottle, so desperate for something to come out, in hindsight this was a huge mistake.

About 3 hours later I still didn't feel anything moving around in my gut, I thought all hope was lost so I decided to do some shopping around the mall, again big mistake. As I'm driving over to the mall I begin to feel a slight rumble in my gut which was not a good sign of what was to come. I felt a fart coming on so I buckled down and pushed to get some relief. When I tell you this was the LOUDEST fart I've had in quite some time I mean it. I was about 5 seconds and felt as if it shook my car seat. I was beginning to regret my decision of coming to the mall because I am terrified and slightly disgusted by public toilets, sometimes you don't have a choice though.

I get out of my car and start walking into the mall when I am hit with a cramp forces me to stop moving and slightly bend over. Fear is starting to set in, I am either about to poop myself or absolutely destroy a public toilet. I gave up on my main goal of shopping and made a B-Line for the restroom. I walk down the narrow hallway to the restrooms, letting out a few risky farts on the way, the last one completely out of my control. There's no entrance door to the men's or women's restrooms, meaning people would be able to hear my dump from outside the restroom. However, I didn't have a choice anymore, it was my spandex shorts or the toilet.

I enter the restroom and see 8 stalls down the left side of the room with 6 being taking and 4 people waiting in line. I found this quite odd but when I went up to the open stalls and found out why. The handicap stall at the end was covered in diarrhea… on the walls, on the toilet seat, and on the floor. I couldn't in my right mind use that one. The 2nd stall in the row was clogged with mushy pop and toilet paper at the bottom. Never in a million years would use either of these toilets but more people had entered the queue to use the restroom and I wasn't sure if I could hold everything at my back door. My body made that choice for me by letting out an uncontrollable wet fart which forced my hand to my butt and stomach, leading me to sprint in and close the stall door behind me.

I don't even have time to wipe off the seat, i pull my spandex shorts and underwear down to my ankles and fall back onto the seat with force. Within seconds I EXPLODE into the toilet with mushy diarrhea and two loud wet farts to announce what is to come. After the first wave I already felt splash back from the dirty, clogged toilet water and wanted to die right then and there, so DISGUSTING. I barely had time to comprehend what had happened when my stomach gurgled and a cramp hit me, forcing me to release another diarrhea bomb that the side of the bowl and a little out of the back of the seat. I felt like I was done for now but I was still blasting some loud farts. The embarrassment of the whole thing was starting to set in, for 10 minutes I've been blasting away on this toilet with someone on the other side waiting to take my place, just to see it's clogged and layered with 4 days worth of diarrhea. I decided it was time to wipe but as I grabbed the toilet paper I felt another cramp and moaned aloud as one last wave of diarrhea forcefully splashed into the water back onto my butt. The wiping process took another 10 minutes and finally I was ready to get up and leave. I could barely walk after what I had put that toilet thru. I stumble out of the stall and a person in line looks at my creation and gags almost immediately. I've never been so embarrassed and to top that, I accidentally fart again while passing her on my way out.

At this point I feel too ill to go shopping and head back to my car, hoping to ride the rest of this out at home. This experiment may go down as one of the dumbest decisions in my life time. I get back into my car and begin to pull out and head home when I get that familiar feeling. My gut begins to gurgle out loud and I feel some serious pressure on my butt. There is no way I make it all the way back home. Then out of the corner of my eye, I see the only thing I hate more than public toilets… portable toilets. At this point I have already been completely humbled today and i would rather not destroyed my car with diarrhea. I drive down to the end of the parking lot to the row of 3 portable toilets. I step inside and there is barely any room to move around. Even with being this desperate I refuse to sit on the plastic black seat.

I pull down my shorts and underwear again and slightly squat, my hand placed up against the door of the portable toilet for extra leverage on the beast I was about to release. I bare down and push. I release the most foul diarrhea with farts that's spray it all over the seat, walls, and floor of the porta Jon. The relief was so immaculate that I didn't even bother looking back I just kept blasting away, wave after wave of EXPLOSIVE diarrhea. By this point there was barely a spot on the toilet seat that wasn't covered in my mess and the smell was beginning to make me lightheaded. I felt I giant cramp coming on, this next wave was gonna be bad! The cramp toppled me over and made me lose my balance as I fell backwards onto the diarrhea covered seat. I tried to get up but pure liquid diarrhea kept me from getting any leverage. After that was over I sat and cried over the situation that had just unfolded. I am COVERED in diarrhea, all over my butt. How am I gonna clean all of this!!! For about 20 minutes I cleaned my bottom to the best of my ability, occasionally sharting during the process.

After exiting the portable toilet, I stumbled back to my car and rushed home. I've had a few more waves of diarrhea but I believe it is dying down now. I should've never decided to leave my apartment today. I never want to experience what happened to me today ever again. Hope this story can make someone's day a little better



Car peeing and pooping with Ava

Sorry everyone for the long break. It's just that between school and life, I haven't had much free time on my hands.

Audrey: If you're still lurking, post your story about peeing and/or pooping in the bath.

Avery and Esme: Nice to hear from you again.

Here's the story from around last Christmas that I led into in my last post:

Ever since I was a freshman, I've taken a liking to peeing and pooping in my car. However, unlike Car Mom and Toilet Car (if you remember them), I try to keep the mess to a minimum. I guess I'm not quite as adventurous. In my car, I typically keep a couple of thick, fluffy towels, baby wipes, and plastic grocery bags. Whenever I need to pee, I usually just pull my panties down, sit on the towel, and let loose. The soft towel feels really good against my vagina while I'm peeing. I can then roll the towel up and throw it in the washer when I get home. The grocery bags come in handy whenever there is poop.

When I was home for winter break, I went out for some last minute Christmas shopping and took my 11 year old sister Ava with me. Ava knows about my car peeing and pooping and decided she wanted to try it, so I made sure she had her own towel in my car. When we finally got to the mall, we were both bursting to pee, so I pulled over in a secluded area. Ava wanted me to go first, so I pulled my leggings (no panties) down, sat on my towel, and released my pee. My vagina made a soft hiss as a huge yellow stain grew between my legs. After I finished up, the towel was soaked and quite heavy.

Now Ava was up, but she wanted to try something different. She got in the backseat and spread her towel over the middle seat and console, took her shorts (also without panties) all the way off, and sat in the middle back seat with her legs spread and feet propped on the front seats. Ava let out the cutest little sigh as a clear yellow jet of pee erupted from her vagina. Her pee arced onto the console and splashed me on the arm. In response to this, she giggled, causing her stream to arc over the towel onto the dashboard. This caused Ava to burst out in a fit of giggles as her stream missed the towel completely and splattered against the dashboard, windshield, and ceiling. Finally, her stream died down. I say, "I guess your pee is giggle powered!" She confessed that whenever she giggles while peeing in the toilet, her stream arcs over the rim and into the floor. After that, we wiped Ava's pee up as best we could and got started shopping.

After spending all day at the mall, we decided to get some tacos for dinner and head home, which was normally around 1.5 hours drive, but in LA, we know that a 1.5 hour drive can easily turn into 3 hours or more with traffic. As our luck would have it, we hit a major backup only a few miles down the freeway. Not only that, but Ava started rolling off fart after stinky fart as the tacos from earlier started descending into her colon.

Ava has a pooping routine much like Bill F's sister Sam. Instead of a single signal fart, she will suddenly get really gassy and begin letting out very strong smelling farts, a sign that peristalsis has started in her bowels. When the farts start, she will most likely be pooping in about 30 minutes or an hour at most whether she wants to or not. As she gets closer, her farts start to smell worse and come more frequently. When she finally lets go, she lets out one last long airy fart that starts off as a ripping sound and transforms in to a hiss or puff and finally into a squeak, changing pitch as her anus opens wider and her turd descends. This is her version of the "no going back" fart and is followed immediately by the signature crackling of her poop sliding out.

Anyway, it became clear that Ava would soon be pooping in the car as her farts started happening closer and closer together and she had an uncomfortable look on her face. I asked her, "Were gonna be stuck here for a while. Why don't you just get your towel back out and poop on it?" She responded that she's a little worried about how big it's going to be because she hasn't pooped in three days. After about 20 more minutes, she realizes that it will soon be coming out whether she wants it to or not, and going on the towel sounds better than going in her shorts.

When she finally relented, she unbuckled, spread her towel over the seat, took off her shorts, and laid the seat back. Like myself (and possibly most people), any time Ava poops, some pee always comes out with it. Since her positioning meant that her vagina was pointed straight up, I told her to go ahead and take her shirt off as well to avoid getting pee on it. She then took off her shirt and training bra and threw them in the back seat with her other clothes. Luckily, my car has tinted windows, so no one could see her. Now that Ava is getting close to the point of no return, she's farting several times per minute, so the car already stinks pretty bad.

Ava leans back again and pulls her feet up so her anus faces forward, leaving room for her poop to slide out onto the towel under her. As soon as she relaxes and gets comfortable, Ava lets out a little grunt as her face scrunches up and her belly flexes as she starts to push and releases her signature RRRRPPPFFFFFFTSSSQUEAK fart. Finally, the fart leads into that telltale crackling sound as I look over and see a firm fat turd starting to slide out of her. Sure enough, Ava's vagina erupts with a clear yellow pee stream that shoots a little over two feet up and rains down on the towel and her lower belly. After about 16 inches, the turd finally breaks off, and the little fountain between her thighs shuts off. She gives another gentle push as some soft serve consistency poop coils out of her with a wet, bubbly crackling sound. As soon as it reaches the end, she pushes a few more times to make sure she's released everything, spurting out a little more pee in the process, and finally she's all done. At this point, the inside of the car smells horrible. The first turd, as I mentioned, was about 16 inches long and 2 inches wide, and the second is about 1.5 inches wide and would be about a foot long if it was uncoiled. It's hard to believe something so big and so stinky could come out of a small 11 year old girl.

Ava then dumps her poop into a plastic bag and uses baby wipes to clean herself up before she rolls her towel back up and puts her clothes back on. I ask her if she feels better, and she responds "a lot better!" I then roll the windows down to let the car air out. We finally arrive home 2 hours later, and my car was still stinking pretty bad. Actually, it was over a week later before my car finally stopped smelling like Ava's poop. Neither of us have pooped in the car since then and probably won't because of the smell unless either of us has another case of desperation. Actually, mine and Ava's normal poop isn't nearly as bad as a case of constipation cured by tacos. Anyway, I'm glad I let Ava do something that made her feel so much better without destroying her shorts.

Until next time!

I have a pee story about me and my neighbor from when I was like 6 and he was 8. We played together a lot outside and this time we were throwing a beach ball back and forth in his yard. His older brother who was babysitting him called him in because the weather turned bad. But as a compromise we played in his garage which had enough room for us to keep tossing it back and forth. To be honest I was afraid of the storm so I felt afraid to leave to walk home. I really had to pee suddenly though! I was embarrassed so tried to hide that I had to go. But my neighbor noticed because he asked what was wrong. I admitted that I had to pee. He put the beach ball down and went and picked up a bucket.

"You can go potty in this" he said.
"No way!" I said.
"I won't tell anyone, just go potty in it" he insisted.

I had to go so bad I couldn't keep arguing. I begrudgingly dropped my shorts and panties to around my ankles, exposing my little vagina to him. He giggled when he saw it because apparently he hadn't seen one before other than his mom's and normally I would be really shy about it being seen by a boy but I was so full of pee I just couldn't help but give in. He had me stand with my legs apart as he held the bucket between my legs under my vagina. Again normally I'd make a fuss because I'd be so embarrassed but now I didn't because I had to pee so bad. It took me a little to start peeing and it sure didn't help that he was staring at my private part the whole time before I peed AND the whole time I peed. I actually ultimately filled up the whole thing and I don't think I'd ever peed that much in my life.


Public potty break

I walk outside when my stomach started to gurgle. After a few minutes, I felt the need to poop. My house was far away, so I decided to use the public restroom. I started to look for a toilet and, after about ten minutes, found one and went inside. Of course, I went to the men's room! There were several stalls occupied, but luckily there was an empty one. I went into the empty stall and locked the door behind me. There was a suspended white toilet and a full roll of toilet paper. I pulled down my pants and underwear and sat on the potty. The seat was a little cold, but I quickly got used to it. I began pooping, with several loud farts. Then a large poop started to crawl out of me. The poop crawled slowly, but I felt a sense of satisfaction as I started pooping. After a couple of minutes, the poop fell into the toilet with a loud plop. Then I let out a long fart. I farted loudly and for a long time. After that fart, I had another poop, and this one came out quickly. Long-sized poop then started crawling out. I pushed a few times, squeezing out the poop. The poop fell into the toilet with several pieces and I sighed with relief. After I finished, I started to wipe myself with toilet paper. I used three pieces to clean my bottom. Then, I pulled up my briefs and pants and flushed the toilet. The poop quickly whirling the bowl and was flushed away. After that, I washed my hands at the sink and left the restroom. Five minutes later, I felt like I needed to poop again. I returned to the public toilet, but all the stalls were occupied. So, I decided to go home as fast as possible. The urge to poop wasn't very strong, so I hoped to make it back home before it became too strong. I walked home at a fast pace, but in the middle of the way, the urge to poop got stronger and my stomach started gurgling loudly. I kept walking, almost running. Suddenly, a blue toilet cabin appeared in my way. It was a luck! I entered the cabin. There's a small roll of toilet paper, but I usually don't need much. The cesspool is half full, but there's still place for poop. I pull down my pants and briefs and sat down. I farted few times, then pushed, and with a crack, a large poop starts to crawl out. I pushed again. After maybe five pushes, the poop falls into the cesspool with a soft splat. I wiped myself with toilet paper and use three pieces again. With a breath of relief, I stand up, pull up my underwear and pants, and walk out of the toilet. I continue to walk home, but more slowly this time and feeling myself good.

MD Dan

Clarification, Replies, and Story

Hey everyone. Just to clarify, that was not my survey. There's another user going by "MD", apparently. They are not affiliated with me at all. Just to clear that up. I noticed several people responding to me with the survey.

Catherine - I'm doing well and I hope you are too! I also enjoy your stories very much!

Jessica - Thank you for reading my stories! I'm glad you enjoy them! That must have been a pretty crazy experience in plane. Much better than the might have been all over the news if you hadn't made it to the bathroom lol (based on the recent news story about a sick passenger).

Well, I finally have a story about the girl I met at the grocery store (pg 3072). I'm going to go ahead and change her name (to avoid confusion, mostly). I'll just call her Kate from now on. To remind anyone, she's 35, dirty blond hair (usually in a pony tail), 5'7", I think she's very attractive (obviously) and she has a great looking butt. Anyway, so we'd been on about 5 dates since we met, and despite the circumstances of our meeting, nothing was really brought up by either of us regarding the topic of this forum. I know I didn't bring it up because I was afraid it would be weird, and I think she thought the same thing and avoided the topic as well. At least until last night. I invited her over to my place and planned to cook dinner and we could hang out, maybe watch a movie afterwards, that kind of thing.

So she comes over around 7, I've got dinner made (risotto and scallops with asparagus) and some white wine. We ate and talked about various things, having a good time. After dinner, she was up for a movie so we moved on over to the couch, snuggled up, and I turned something on. About and hour and a half later (halfway through the movie), Kate kind of shifted a bit and grimaced a little. I asked if she was okay, and she said, "Yeah, just a little stomach ache. The dinner was a little richer than I'm used to." I had used a significant amount of high quality butter in the risotto and to cook the scallops. I apologized and asked if she needed anything, and she said, "No, thank you. you mind if I fart while we're sitting here?" She had a goofy grin on her face, similar to her look back in the grocery store. I grinned back at her and said, "Go for it. I don't mind. It's not like we haven't done that before!" She laughed and said, "Yeah...that was awkward, though!" I assured her it wouldn't be awkward anymore. At that, she put her head on my shoulder (she was leaning onto me with her feet up on the couch, so her butt was pointed away from me) and let go a ripping fart. She immediately started laughing and said, "Thanks", as a nasty sulfur smell filled the room.

Over the next 30 minutes, she would let out similar farts every 5 minutes or so (though they were getting quieter and worse smelling), and a cute giggle with a sigh every time. All of a sudden, I felt her tense like she was about to let out another fart but she froze, then sat upright in a flash. I looked at her, kind of grinning and holding back a laugh because I figured what was about to happen. She looked at me, fear in her eyes, but also still light-hearted, and said, "Oh my god! I need the bathroom!" She jumped up, gritting her teeth, her ass clearly clenched through her tight shorts, and ran in an awkward way over to the bathroom. I immediately remembered that I had a huge dump in there earlier and used the rest of the toilet paper and completely forgot to replace it. I ran after her and called, "Kate, wait! I need to" and at that point she already shut the door. I ran over to try to stop her, but it was too late. I got to the door just in time to hear her sit down and erupt into the bowl. It was just a barrage of soft poop and gas, blowing into the toilet for about 5 seconds straight, followed by an enormous sigh.

Giving her a few seconds to compose herself, I gently tapped on the door and said, "Hey, um, I don't think there's toilet paper in there. I forgot to replace it earlier. Sorry!" Kate responded, "What!?" Then started laughing and said, "Well, I guess you're going to need to get me some." Glad she was taking it so well, I went and got another couple of rolls and knocked on the door. She said, "Come on in, it's okay!" My heart about exploded at this. I was already getting excited, but this sent me over the top. I've heard women pooping before, but it's rare for me to actually see them on the toilet. I opened the door and was immediately hit by the stench. She was sitting there, all the way back on the toilet, kind of hunched forward with her arms on her lap, her shorts down around her bare feet. She looked up at me, smiling, and said, "Thanks!" as she took a roll. She gave me a suspicious look and said, "So you 'forgot' to replace the roll, huh?" and winked at me. My eyes got wide and I swore I just forgot to. She said, "I'm just teasing. I don't mind." and started smiling again. She rubbed her stomach and let out a breath, then a bubbly fart slipped out and some loose poop fell into the toilet. At this point, there was no way I could hide my excitement and she clearly noticed. She giggled and said, "Well, I'm glad YOU'RE having a good time!" She was done at this point and I gave her privacy to get cleaned up while I waited back on the couch. She came back from the bathroom a couple minutes later, in a completely different mood, if you know what I mean. And that's where this story is going to end here.

Take care, everyone! I can't wait to see some more stories from everyone!

Princess Toadstool Peach

Using a clean Porta potty having a quick tinkle poo BM break

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am visiting a local carnival in the town today. There's lots to do and speaking of do I got to DO a poo and even a wee. So I head over to the porta potties and there's a couple for the boys and a couple for the girls like me. So I walk inside the porta potty, lock it, walk over to the porta potty, lift the toilet lid, lift up my dress, yank down my panties, give my bottom a little wiggle and sit down on the porta potty I cannot imagine how clean this porta potty is. There's rolls of toilet paper on the shelf, a cute poster of a emoji poo, and even a little area where people can read newspapers while on the porta potty. Which is exactly what I do while I wait for my business. So I sit and read in response until finally I feel something large coming and my bladder begins to tingle as I just count to stop it from tingling. One Mississippi, Two Mississippis… (TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssshhhhh drip drip drop!) That was easy but now it's time to poo and get all my dump waste of my bottom poo hole. I sat and start to pinch my loaf and then I hear some crackling as I start going poo. "PLOP SPLAT PLOOP PAAAAARRRRPP SPLASH PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK plop plop plop plop ploop!!" Oh that was so painful to get out of there. Especially of how thick and brown that sounded! Nevermind let me wipe and I'll worry about that later. So I wipe my vagina bladder and my bottom nice and clean, then I get off the porta potty, pull up my panties, close the toilet lid not before looking at the huge BMs I made that are lumpy and very dark brown, then I flush the porta potty. Then I wash…(Princess Rosalina: Peach are you going to stop talking to yourself while you use the bathroom?) Oh yeah I forgot to mention I went to the carnival with my best friend Princess Rosalina. I gotta get going before she becomes mad. See you later. Bye bye now!!


Princess Toadstool Peach

Thanks so much!

Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and I like to thank you Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina) and answers under my name for answering truthfully about your bathroom business. I hope your day has been wonderful defecating and urinating. Bye bye now!

Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Dear Jessica

Kazumi (real name Kazuko, but when we talk about loo and motion, we call her Kazumi) was very happy, read your post. Often she muse, "how is Jessica? I hope she can sit very comfortable on favourite loo and produce and produce and produce for more than 30 minutes with very good feeling until she is very empty and there is huge brown mountain under her." "and I want to do same" she always say. She always say thanks to you.

You asked, do Japanese women have huge bowel movement? Somewhere this site Mina read and translate, size of Japanese bowel movement is 2nd in world, first is somewhere Africa. Perhaps this is not only woman but also man. We don't know. But we do know that our bowel movement, all four of us, is very very enormous. Because we eat like tyrannosaurus and we eat so much vegetables. For all of us it is a Paradise to sit on loo very long time and produce mountain which is more bigger than watermelon.

This is quite new experience for Hisae. Few years ago her style was to do bowel movement three or four times in a day, sometimes five or six, so her defecate was 25% of now's size. Now she is same with her three crushes. Very long time and very huge volume.

For Mina it is no problem to do noisy and smelly bowel movement huge size take long time when her brother is in flat. She thinks his bowel movement also huge, but Mina's one is more huger. Mina's brother's beautiful wife also do very huge and noisy defecate, take long time, then bounce out of loo, put her beautiful bottom on knees of her husband who is Mina's brother, same bottom which produced huge brown watermelon only few minutes before, and tell details to her husband and to Mina. And husband caress her hair and smile to her with a full of love in his eyes.

Hisae says same thing. When she had boyfriend, he sometimes shitted huge volume in her flat, but she shitted more huger volume, and more often.

Maho is scared of man. But she says, OK if man hear her fart and defecate, but if he come close to her, she panic. No connection to defecate. (But she is not scared of Mina's brother.)

Our information is about us only, but we hope it is help to you. Enjoy workplace loo! Janitor is over moon maybe and in love with you.

Love to everyone.



Urgent fairly big poop after lunch

I got up this morning around 8:15, brushed my teeth etc and went upstairs for breakfast which was already prepared and hot (my caregiver was up and explained to me that this morning I didn't need to microwave breakfast). I appreciated that and said thank you and she went back to her room. Just finished lunch not long ago (2 eggs, 2 pieces of toast, onions and carrots, bacon). It was delicious and after lunch I grabbed a tea bag (orange pekoe) from the cupboard, grabbed my water jar and Walmart bag and went downstairs. Microwaved some water in the microwave, put the tea bag in my Hello Kitty mug and a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop.

I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put the flip flops outside my room on, turned off the light, closed the door, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black sweatpants and beige high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed out a soft ish big poop (a log). Finally after a few seconds I was done and the beast was out. I wiped my vagina then stood up to look in the toilet and wipe my butt. Wow! It took up a lot of the toilet, coming out of the hole in the toilet bowl and filling quite a bit of the toilet. I can see why my stomach has felt so uncomfortable and it's not 100% empty yet. Now I got to work wiping my butt. I wiped until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Tossed the toilet paper into the toilet when I was done, flushed the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and washed my hands. Left the washroom, turned off the light, walked to my room, dried my hands on the towels in here, went outside my room, took those flip flops off, went back into my room, put those flip flops on and that's that. A hell of a beast to poop out but it was much needed. After using the washroom I went upstairs to refill my water jar and jug and now enjoying a tea downstairs in my room. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, happy and are having a good weekend so far.

Happy peeing and pooping!


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