

Poop at camp stories

Hello! Since we are right in the middle of summer I figured this would be a good time to ask for stories about pooping at various summer camps you have attended in the past.


Pooping with a different coworker, Old Man Karl Pt 4

This story continues from Page 3080.

It was summer of 2010, a year after the events of the previous story. I got called to Laredo for another job assignment away from home, multiple states away and about 1,200 miles from where I was currently and temporarily assigned. My boss set me up with a hotel room, which I was then going to share with the same co-worker from the previous 3 parts of this story. Yes, creepy Karl again. After the assignment was done, I was going to return to the office I normally worked at, 300 miles away.

I had been driving for almost two days, and road trips often constipate me, just as restaurant food does. So when I got to the hotel room, I hadn't pooped since leaving toward Laredo 36 hours ago. I met my coworker Karl and we went out to a nearby restaurant for dinner. I gorged myself with lots of spicy Mexican food, we paid the bill, and then went to the hotel room to retire for the night. Being around this coworker locked my bowels up, so after eating, I couldn't get anything to come out at the restaurant's Mens' room while sitting on the toilet, and felt no urge at the hotel that night either. The power went out, and I went to bed and begrudgingly slept with my shirt off because of the heat, while my insides made funny noises all night. Karl heard my stomach growling and asked me if I was farting. I pretended I was sleeping. I knew my insides were primed to push out something really big and nasty and was hoping I could get some private time to empty my bowels when the time came..

I woke up in the morning to the sound of the power coming back on and the air conditioning turning on. To my pleasant surprise, my coworker had already left in the morning and went somewhere, because he wasn't in his bed, but he was going to return since we shared the same company truck. It was a bit late in the morning, and I didn't have the luxury of a functioning alarm clock. The realization that he was not in the room was conscious, but subconsciously, my bowels and bladder both sent the signal to my brain that I needed the toilet, NOW, within seconds. My body knew this was my chance. The sudden chill from the air conditioning coming on coupled with my sweat instantly made me cold, but I had no time to get my shirt back on because I badly needed to both pee and poop and didn't want to shit the bed. The poop was hammering my back door as pain pulsated about my abdomen and up my lower back and as my bladder quivered in agony, while I rushed into the bathroom.

There was no lock on the door as I shut it(I had every intent of locking the door if possible), and I quickly sat on the toilet, shirtless. Because of the air conditioning coming on full blast, I was shivering cold, and my body tensed up, preventing my solid waste from coming out. It felt extremely urgent and painful still, but was not budging. I sat there with my pants and underwear at the floor, peeing with my right hand holding my penis down to aim at the porcelain below.


I soon felt a smeary log of poop hanging an inch or two out of my butt as I sat. It was stuck. After my bladder was empty, I started straining and pushing for about 30 seconds when I felt my anus dilate as a thick, sticky, solid, smeary log of poop slowly started sliding to the water below, like a fat kid sticky with sweat trying to go down a dry water slide.

It kept on coming like a slow moving freight train. I kept having to bear down and push, because it was not sliding out on its own. It was extremely impacted and difficult to pass. My anus was stretched to its limit. I felt the pressure reducing on my insides and the pain subsiding as more of it slid out, and then it all got moving more quickly.

It was a constant torrent of hard, thick, sticky, messy shit, and felt slightly painful as it worked its way out.

Two minutes or so after sitting on the toilet, my abdomen relaxed and it felt great as the poop was relentlessly but steadily sliding out and gradually easing the pressure on my insides. I could feel it smearing itself all over my posterior as it loudly crackled out.


Then I heard the hotel room door open.

The log of excrement was loudly and involuntarily crackling out of me as I heard footsteps, when all of a sudden, the bathroom door quickly opened and exposed me. There to my left stood Karl in the doorway, eyeing me on the toilet as I sat there 90 degrees to him shirtless, pants at my ankles, nothing blocking his view of me sitting on the toilet with my hairless butt and legs fully exposed, right hand over my penis pointing it downward, as I sat there with a big log of poop loudly and involuntarily crackling out of my asshole. I tried to stop the flow out of sheer embarrassment but it was too thick and would have been too painful as the weight of the mass pressing down on its exit point was still measurable by pounds...


He then said while enthusiastically eyeing me, "The power's finally back on. Do you mind if I jump in the shower?"

Perhaps 5 seconds had passed. It was quiet enough you could hear a pin drop, but the crackling was the dominant noise here this hotel room bathroom. I was extremely offended and embarrassed that he just barged in and was deliberately watching me do this. Peeing was one thing, as I'd done that thousands of times before around other people without any privacy, but this was too much. I wasn't even comfortable with the idea of girlfriends seeing me on the toilet defecating, and this creeper was perhaps the last person I wanted ever to see me doing this. When I finally mustered up enough mental energy to address the situation, I yelled,

"Some privacy, please!? I'm taking a shit!"


It just kept sliding out of me as he spent the next few seconds staring at me sitting on the toilet.

Still standing next to the door with it propped open, he exclaimed,

"What's the big deal!? You've done this around me many times before. You even shit outside in front of me last year. I thought you were comfortable with this by now. We don't have much time to get to the job site and we need to get going soon."

I responded,

"Just let me do this in private, please. You're always around me every time I need to use the bathroom."

He shut the door. Slammed it actually. He was angry. I felt violated.

This man clearly had no boundaries, and he must have thought I had none either. Plus it was obvious he wanted to watch me poop. I merely tolerated pooping in the presence of others in a public restroom behind the relative privacy of a stall. I hadn't yet grown to actually liking it, just accepted that it was a fact of life. I did not like others watching me poop without coverage and always felt a wave of embarrassment that I could physically sense all over my body every time I had to use a doorless stall or stall-less toilet in front of others a number of times in the past. When presented with such situations I deliberately held it to avoid using them when possible. But this creeper watching me was even worse. He was deliberately watching me go and deriving some sort of gratification from it, rather than just going about his business with me doing that in the background.

While he was far from the first person to see me defecating, it just felt so wrong because this man was clearly attracted to me, and I felt vulnerable, like prey. Anyone else would have immediately shut the door, or probably even knocked first before opening it, and then left me alone in peace. Not Karl. The fact that I looked like a little boy and the fact that this creepy, ugly, perverted old man found me attractive was also another level of uncomfortable I never felt before, compounding the issue. I was straight, not gay, and I didn't like intimacy of any sort around this man. And now he just watched me laying cable into a toilet, exposed with no privacy.

Still standing outside the door, he then said,

"I'm sorry for bothering you. I just needed to take a shower before we head out. That's all. For someone so uptight about taking a dump, you sure do a lot of it in public places. ALL the time."

I ignored the comment. I used public toilets more out of necessity, and less because I liked doing so. Especially in the presence of this guy. Eating as much as I did often left me with no choice in the matter. He wasn't at all sincere about being sorry and we both knew it. He'd been waiting for this chance a long time, and finally got it.

It took another 10 minutes for me to finish defecating. Him opening the door on me earlier somewhat locked my bowels up again before the rest of it was out, as a wide, unbroken cable of smeary crap was stuck out of my butt, and I had to use sheer willpower to push and grunt the rest of the poop out, rather painfully.

As the last of it slid out, a fart came with it just before the hard tip of the turd fell into the water with a splash.


The mess left behind was a large quantity. I could feel it laving a sticky warmth all over my butt. As I was rolling the toilet paper and wiping up, I heard him remark,

"That TP is like sandpaper. I hope it doesn't make your anus hurt. It made mine bleed."

He was still standing outside the door. Listening. I did not ask him to volunteer this information and tried to pretend he wasn't there standing at the door listening to me this entire time, now wiping. I didn't like that he was listening to me this entire time, after I told him once to go away. I kept wiping, and wiping, and wiping, probably spending another 5 minutes to do so, because my rear was such a mess.

Standing outside, he then continued,

"Do you wipe front to back or back to font? Do you fold the paper?"

I said nothing. I didn't want to answer his questions, even though I might have been okay with doing so around almost anyone else. I got the feeling he wanted to watch me wipe. I got as clean as I could, but it was so messy no amount of wiping would gt me clean, even after using the nearby sink to wet some paper for a final wipe.

I pulled up my pants, and saw a log of about 18 inches as big around as my arm sticking out of the drain hole of the toilet and stretching to the rim. I worried it would clog, but I flushed, and to my surprise it went down. The turd left a long, thick, dark-brown stripe along the porcelain as it went down. I had to flush a second time to get rid of any stray toilet paper, but the long brown smear remained, making a trail from the rim on the tilt bowl deep into the drain.

I washed my hands, and exited into the hotel room to my coworker standing right there outside the door.

He looked at me and said,

"I don't mind if you do whatever else you need to do while I'm in the shower. Feel free to take your pretty self in anytime and do whatever, even if 'I' am using the toilet. I'm not an uptight prude. If I'm taking a shit, go ahead and shower. If I'm in the shower, feel free to piss or shit."

I had zero intention of coming back in there as he showered. I felt uncomfortable and violated. He'd just deliberately and knowingly intruded upon me as I was sitting on the toilet defecating, and he clearly got some sort of gratification from it. I put my shirt on, packed my work gear up, and drank a quart of ice water and ate some snacks as he showered for the next 15 minutes.


Midnight taking a dump

At midnight, I felt the urge to poop. Lying on the bed, sleepy, I suddenly felt an urgent need to go to the toilet. At first, I thought I was just dreaming about it, but then it happened again. I went to the bathroom, opened the door, locked myself in and used the toilet. After pulling down my pajama, I sat on the potty and farted a few times. Then, with a crack, soft poop came out and plopped into the toilet bowl. Feeling relieved, I breathed deeply. Then I pushed again and more poop came out, plopping into the toilet with a soft sound. After that, nothing else came out. I thought I was done land wiped myself with toilet paper, flushed, and pulled my pants back up. Five minutes later, I felt another urge to poop again! So I had to go back to the toilet, pull down my pants, and sit on the toilet once again. With hard pushes, two long poops came out of me. Then I wiping myself, flushed once more, and put my pants back on. I'm not sure if I pooped all my poop, but the urge to poop has passed. In the morning, I went to the toilet immediately and pooped. When I was finished and looked into the toilet bowl, there were four long and thick poops. Were these my midnight poops? I don't know for sure, but it doesn't matter. I flushed them away and decided not to forget to poop before going to bed today.


Desperate beach poo

We had a 4th of July trip planned at a beach for a few days with my wife and daughter it was a great time I always love getaways. On the 4th we went to the beach a few miles away from our hotel we planned on staying all afternoon till dark and fireworks. It was packed a lot of people's there. About 4 in the afternoon I started to feel queezy and cramping up I asked my wife if we need to go back to the hotel for a bit and she replied with this traffic we would never get back and lose our spot. I told her I think I am going to have diarrhea she laughed and said just use one of the dozen porta pottys in the parking lot I guess I have no choice do I she replied not really they aren't that bad I had to pee earlier get some paper towels out of our bag she told probably won't be any toilet paper.i did so and made my way to them as my need started t I get more desperate image it and thankfully no one was waiting but a few were in use. I open the door and it wasn't to bad I have seen much worse I lined the seat with paper pulled my trunks all the way down and sit I exploded with a mushy b low out it was loud I am sure they others in use heard me. I was still sitting there having a pretty good dump when somebody tried my door the latch was a little loose then they pulled so hard the plastic latch fell off and the door flys open there staring at me was a beautifully hot girl in a bikini she apologized and shut the door and stood there waiting for a seat of her own when I had another round of mushy gassy poo. I was holding the door handle so no one would open it and when I finally felt done I extend walk down to the beach my wife asked how was it I just smiled and replied typical


Question to Chakamami

When you say 'burururururu' is that pronounced 'buhruhruh' or 'boorooroo'? I've been wondering that for awhile (and I'm sure there are others wondering too).




Radu, here you go!

1. How often do you clog the toilet with your poop? Very rarely, though I have shared a few stories when my poop wouldn't flush - one in 1999, another in 2010 and another in 2014
2. Have you ever clogged a friend's or family member's toilet with poop? Yes
3. Have you ever had someone discover that you clogged your toilet? What was his and your reaction to this? Yes. The one in 1999 was one of the first posts I shared when I found this forum nearly 15 years ago. I think it would be page 1811 or 1817, I can't remember.
4. Have you ever clogged the toilet at work or school and someone found it out? What was the reaction of your friends/co-workers to this? No to this one...
5. Has anyone ever been impressed by the size of your poop? What was his reaction? Yes. I share my best bowel movements with my husband, who has a thing for this! I also have shared pics with my friend "Beth," who is equally an impressive pooper! And I was asked out by the friend whose toilet I clogged in 2010.
6. Have you ever been proud of clogging a toilet? I am proud of large, extra-large, and super large bowel movements in general. I don't know about clogging, though.
7. Is there anyone in the world whose toilet you would like to clog? Who? Some of my friends here at Toiletstool (really just so that you could see these impressive poops!)!

Princess Toadstool Peach, Here ya go!
1. Have you ever squatted over a potty and watch yourself poo? I have hovered over the toilet and tried to look between my legs to see it coming out.

2. If outside, would you rather do a wee in the grass or a poo behind a bush? Neither, but would do both if it were an emergency.

3. If clogged up what do you do to get all of your thick brownloads out? I try to continue with my diet and allow myself to naturally release. I've never gone more than two days without a bowel movement as an adult.

4. Would you rather use a potty or poopoo in your panties? Oh, I'm embarrassed now. While I do not defecate in my panties on purpose, I have had a few solid accidents and the sensations it creates are unbelievable!

5. Do you often have a best friend with you to keep you company while you are pooing? Sometimes my husband is in the bathroom with me but mostly I am alone and I prefer to be alone.

6.Does your wee end in a couple of drips and drops like mine? My bladder is pretty efficient at emptying with a good, strong stream.

7. Have you tried defecating or urinating in a Huggies diaper pull up nappy or in a bucket? No.

8. What is your go-to food before having a big thick BM pooh poo? I eat a very high-fiber diet full of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, along with foods to help me maintain a healthy gut biome. That, along with excellent hydration and exercise keeps things moving for me.

9. Do you ever try filing up the toilet with your BMs? No. I will flush when I'm finished.

I hope those are helpful!

Victoria: It is always good to hear from you and I am so happy for you and Robyn! How is school? Life? All the best!

Trina: I hate that for your friend!

Jaycie: I am so sorry for your bad day. It sounds like it would have been much more comfortable for you had you been at home. I hope you will post more!

MD Dan: I wish you all the best with Kate!

Mina and the 3 Crushes: Glad that you all are having super-large bowel movements!

And I hope that everyone else is doing well and dooing well!

Love to all!


Chakamami (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)

Kazu breaks defecate record on her birthday

Hi Everyone, we hope you are very very fine.

Yesterday was Kazumi's birthday. She is... still 30s. She hopes she can keep shapely bottom for many years so Victoria and Robyn can enjoy to admire in their mind.

And she did wonderful, wonderful birthday motion, she saying now.

Actually it was nice weather yesterday so we decided use potties. We expecting very large BM because we had birthday party on Saturday and we ate and ate, and also drank and drank, though Mina drank a little less than crushes because Doctor said to take care. And we sang with a karaoké. There is nice song about loo, we sang all together. It is called "god of toilet". It is song about grandma who tell granddaughter that it is important to keep loo clean. Actually in Japan there is saying, if house loo is clean, then house is clean.

We prepared green flat as usual, on Saturday, before we go party.

Very hot even early morning, so we were birthday suit. It is very comfortable when we defecating.

We squat together and wait for Maho to start because she always start slowly.

Maho start with golf ball as she often starts. So other three started. But this time it was not avalanche. We surprised, but all four of us produced very hard and fat sausage for a starter. Even Maho did, but after two golf balls. Sausages were wide about 5 cm and long about 20 cm or bit more. Next one was same size all of us, third one also but except Kazu, her third one was long about 45 cm.

"Wow Kazu-chan. How you produce that?"

Kazu said nothing because she was busy to produce fourth one, it was about 30 cm. When it land, splat, she looked behind herself and quickly decided to empty her potty into loo. Mina went with her because her mierda leaning over edge of her potty, Mina can catch it with own potty if it is need. Fortunately, it was not need. Green loo ate it and Mina's mierda with two gulps.

After we emptied Hisae's and Maho's potties, we squat again, but we seem that urge is far away so while we waiting, we sang Happy Birthday Kazu, we sang quiet voice because neighbour still sleeping perhaps, we are early bird.

We sang twice and then stopped suddenly because we all feel urge at same time. (Maho produced one golf ball while we singing, and Hisae produced small sausage.) So then we all pushed, and mierda appeared, avalanche this time, drop splat splat splat into all four potties maybe about six splats each one. Very VERY large, and more softer than before. So we emptied potties into loo again. Green loo swallow all and look at us with eyes say, "why there is no more?"

We squat again for little pieces (green loo saw that and relaxed) but in Kazu's case they were not little. S he did little grunt and then large sausage appeared, splat, it changed into mushy when landing, and then next one came at once, splat.

"Kazu chan are you OK?"

"Very OK." Splat splat. Kazu is smiling. She love to defecate so much!! We start to talk about Victoria and Robyn. We hope green loo will send message of love to them. We try to keep shapely bottom for many years so Robyn and Victoria and everybody else will be happy, enjoy to see it in their mind.


"Wow Kazu."


"Kazu you are so beautiful."

Splat. But this one smaller, and Kazu's smile fade little bit.

"I think maybe finish"

Actually we are all finish, so we follow routine as usual, wash bottom, dry crush's bottom (everyone dried Kazu!), clean potties, enter shower, go tatami room (in there is secret and not material of this site), then drink tea.

Yesterday evening we went Kazu's family home. Her mother invited us!! She never complain about Kazu's super-huge bowel movement now. She made cake. It was not so big one (she still say woman should not eat a lots) but it was very delicious cake, she is very clever baker. Lucky thing was, we were all empty bottom when we went Kazu's home.

All yesterday, 3 crushes hug and kiss and caress Kazu every time we come close her. She said she is so happy, and sometimes cry. "This is best birthday in my all life" she said. But she also said, "I am so happy that I broke defecate record on my birthday, it is best time for that." 3 crushes are very happy for her and caress often her bottom, it is our way to say congratulation.

Actually Kazu kiss to Mina many times while Mina typing. 50 kisses maybe. On Mina's back of neck.

We all hope, when all you toiletstool site people have birthday, you will celebrate with very satisfy motion. And we all hope that you are all happy all the time and no problem of health.

Love to everyone.



Dear Princess Toadstool Peach

What does it mean BFF??




To Coda

Hey! Thanks for your post and honesty…I freely and proudly admit to enjoying such things, hehe! As long as everyone involved approves and enjoys, absolutely keep living and enjoying your best life!! Glad you found this forum…although they are a little weird about posting some stuff…We're all a little bit "strange" after all…

Desperate dump and no loo roll

I was out in town and really needed a dump.

I went to the local shopping centre in Blackpool and was relieved there was a cubicle free. I hurried in day down and almost immediately 4-5 logs flew out one after another. Oh the relief then I realised no loo roll. I managed to pull my shorts up fat enough to head into the next cubicle and wipe up. I completely forgot though I hadn't flushed but walked out thinking someone will get a nice surprise

Not Important

I pissed my pants at grad night

Title is on the nose, but accurate. This was quite a while ago now, but I would have been 18 at the time. A couple nights before graduation, my school held grad night at Disneyland. Basically, they'd close the park that night to the public, and just keep it open for students and chaperones of the schools that participated.

So I spent the night running around hitting various rides all night with two friends, one of which was a girl I had a mild crush on. Several times we stopped to eat and drink, but we only hit the bathrooms maybe twice. It just didn't come up since we were busy.

Fast forward to the next morning after sun up. We loaded back on the charter busses at around 8am and started the drive back to our school, which was a solid two and a half to three hours away. Not thinking anything of it, I fell asleep.

When I woke up we were a little less than halfway, and I noticed I needed to pee. Still groggy, I didn't really fully feel it until a few minutes had passed and I started to wake up more. Thats when I realized I had to go worse than I originally thought. There wasn't much I could do though. We were on a bus with no restroom, and I DEFINITELY wasn't gonna embarrass myself by asking the driver to stop somewhere, so I just resolved to hold it.

Well... another half hour passed, and now I can't sit still. I'm trying not to be obvious, but still shifting in my seat a lot. The pressure was coming and going in waves. I'd feel like I was about to explode for a minute, and then it'd back off a little. The problem was that it was getting worse and worse the longer I waited, and I started to worry, in the back of my mind at first, but then more and more seriously that I might not be able to make it.

I tried to push the thoughts away, but the thought kept coming back... what if I can't hold it? And that made actually holding it seem even more difficult. Now I'm sweating and straining to hold back, feeling like I was on the verge of losing it any second. I don't know how long passed, it actually kinda became a blur to me. It wasn't long though before I found myself starting to panic. And not long after, a wave of pressure hit so hard that I couldn't fully stop it, and I felt a spurt of pee wet my boxers. I was able to cut that spurt off, but the seal was broken. The next wave hit and I tried to clench down and hold it, but I just couldn't stop it. I remember seeing a wet spot appear in the crotch start spreading bigger and bigger across my lap, and feeling the heat spreading under my butt as my pee reached the seat.

I sat there thoroghly peeing my pants for what seemed like forever. When I was finally empty, my jeans were completely soaked front and back, and the bus seat was a wreck. Not to mention the puddle I made on the floor.

Somehow this all happened without me being noticed (largely because most of the class was sleeping, and i had picked a seat at the back of the bus), so I just sat there in it until we got to the school and didn't say anything. When we got off the bus though, I had to stand up and of course, people noticed. It'd be impossible not to. Even being one of the last ones off, I was still seen, and word of course got around that I had peed my pants on the bus. Thankfully we were graduating, so it didn't really matter that much.

Still humiliating though.


Welcome Alexis.

I do hope you have a nice stay here. I also just defecated.


Help, bathroom anxiety

Probably not the kind you're thinking. I was cursed with a small/ sensitive bladder. It's really bad on my period, to the point where during almost every cycle I fear I have diabetes (it's often every hour of I'm properly hydrated). And I don't have diabetes, unless the blood test from a month ago was a sham.

So anyway, because of this, I really don't want to travel. I don't want to go to certain European countries that charge a fee for restrooms (to be honest I'm against this. I get the idea behind it to an extent, but it seems really unfair to people with health issues and, honestly, women. We can't control periods. I think it should just be paid with taxes. Being caught short if you don't have change feels silly. And what about homeless people? Anyway, rant over).

Like, I'm going to be flying to Washington soon, and I'm nervous about needing the bathroom when I'm on the airport. Do I take my luggage in the bathroom? I think about my terrible bladder, like, all the time. I control my liquid intake as much as I can, but I have a horrible addiction to water. I drink some, and want more. It's horrible! I don't want to have to use the restroom when out, ever. And it's embarrassing and I feel it's a character flaw of mine. It's not always this bad, but I've noticed my anxiety and periods affect it HORRIBLY.

I've thought of diapers (100% serious) just for a sense of security, but I can't do that with periods because I wear pads (scared of using tampons. Learning about Toxic Shock in sex ed scared me for life).

And at work, they didn't exactly say we have to only use the restroom on our breaks, but it felt like it. I try really hard to "time it" so that I need to go on my breaks, but my bladder doesn't always cooperate. And we're also advised to stay hydrated due to extreme heat. I don't know what to do! I'm so stressed and can't concentrate because I'm thirsty but don't want to drink because I already kind of have to pee. That's a LOT of my workday. This crackdown is mainly because of a couple of people who keep spending like 30 minutes in the restroom just on their phone (extremely inconsiderate. Why anyone would do this is beyond me). I've had trouble getting into the bathroom. I've tried to go on my break and the key isn't there. There are more women at my work, so sometimes it's a revolving door. I don't mind using the men's, but I feel weird about it when on my period. I'm so stressed out! I'm trying to take care of my body but feel it's out of reach.

I approached management about this, saying I trying to go on my breaks, but sometimes it's only available afterwards. They were understanding and said that happens sometimes. So I'm definitely overthinking it, but my brain is telling me I have to be dehydrated all the time. Honestly, I just want the security of knowing I can use the bathroom if I need it. I only go into the bathroom to actually use it. So yeah, it's... stressful. I might also have OCD or something, because I cannot get my mind off this.

I'm wondering if that's a kind of surgery I can get to make my bladder bigger. Tbh, I really just need a hysterectomy. All women should have access to free or low-cost hysterectomies. Periods are 100% completely useless if you don't want children (which I don't. And if you read this drivel, you would probably think I shouldn't have them lol).

Tldr I hate leaving my house because I think about my tiny bladder the entire time and I'm miserable because of it.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Jim's girlfriend

diarrhea caused by pears

About a week ago, I had a remembrable experience with my boyfriend. Let's call him Jim here.
The both of us were visiting my mother over the weekend. She loves to make things from scratch and fed us well, while we were visiting.
Today we wanted to go for a walk through the village, where she is living. My mother and I packed a backpack and were ready to leave, but Jim was still in the guestroom, where we stayed for the weekend. I went up there to tell him, that we wanted to go outside, but I found him laying in bed. His legs drawn up against his body.
"Are you ok?", I asked, while sitting down next to him.
"I think it's the pears from breakfast", he groaned, then his body thightened and he pushed his legs to his body tighter. For breakfast my mother has made us joghurt with some homemade pear sauce, but I didn't notice any difference in myself.
I studied his position for a moment. He was wearing that jogging pants today, that were a little tight, so I could see, that his buttocks were clenched together.
He was holding his stomache, which made an odd sound, then for a moment he clenched his butt even more, right before a shiver ran over his body a big bubbly fart blasted out of him. His face turned red and a rotten smell filled the air.
"Sorry...", he said quietly.
"Maybe you should try to go to the bathroom", I suggested, but Jim shook his head.
"It's just that...I get really bloated on pears. And my stomache is cramping"
I came a little closer and put my hand on his belly. He really was bloated.
"Just relax", I told him and he laid back.
Softly I massaged his cramped up stomache.
Jim sighed in relief until he got all cramped up again a few minutes later.
"Maybe you should stop. It's another cramp", he told me.
"It's fine. If you have to fart, you have to fart", I answered.
He was tense and whimpered softly. I couldn't convince him and he got up from the bed. His whole body was tense and he held his stomach as he bent over in pain. He had squeezed his buttocks together again, but still a soft hissing fart escaped him. He was shocked at first and immediately pressed both hands onto his bottom, as a not so quiet fart - or actually more of them - followed.
"Maybe you should come with us anyway. If we are walking it might help get things moving and you won't be as bloated."
He was sceptical at first but eventually agreed to come with us. He was hasitant at first, but agreed finally.
So the three of us went out and started with the little tour. The movement genuinely seemed to help Jim, so I only noticed a bad smell here and there, but I guessed, that he had bad gas. We were also outside. You couldn't smell it very strongly here anyway.
My mother showed us the small town and we walked around for some time. After a while, we left the town and continued our walk along the forest. Suddenly Jim stopped and grabbed his stomach. His facial expression changed and the next moment I heard a huge fart. Even my mother, who had been walking ahead of us, turned to look at us both. Jim looked like he was about to start crying.
"What's wrong?" I asked him quietly.
"I...can't walk any further. I think...I have diarrhea. I really, really need to go to the toilet."
My mother had also been listening and now came closer to us again.
"Oh, Dear. I'm afraid there's no toilet nearby. The best you can do is relieve yourself in the forest," she said.
Jim's stomache made such a loud noise, that even I could hear it and the next moment he grabbed his bottom.
"I have to go NOW. I can't wait any longer, I...", sweat ran down his forehead and then a mushy sound followed and he pooped his pants. My boyfriend pooped himself in front of me and my mother.
I could only stand there and watch him. A wet brown stain spread down the back of his pants, which got bigger and bigger and eventually ran down his legs.
He was just standing there completely soiling himself. Jim bent over in pain. The diarrhea had stopped now.
"We can go back home..." I tried to calm him down but he was still frozen and couldn't say anything until he was finished.
"I'm sorry, this is so embaressing. Pears just mess up my stomache, every time, I eat them!", he said.
"Oh Dear, you could have said something. I wouldn't force you to eat someting, you don't want or doesn't sit right with you", my mother had come closer.
"I didn't want to be rude", Jim answered here.
And just like that, he was laughing about the whole situation, so all of us started laughing.
We went back to my mothers house and Jim got cleaned up. The next day, he kept switching between watching TV on the sofa and going to the toilet and one day later the diarrhea was gone for good.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Potty Training Baby Peach and Baby Rosalina how to Wee & Poo

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am looking after Baby Peach and Baby Rosalina and showing them how to go potty. They are about ready to do so since they are both 2 years old now and they are both in diaper nappies. So I present them with their own big girl potties red for Baby Rosalina since she really likes the colour of my red high heel shoes and white for Baby Peach since she likes hers a little bit you know plan. I tell them that it's very quite important for toddlers such them to go potty and do their pee wees and BM poos in there. The two of them went bottomless for a few minutes in the bathroom area to see if they can manage without a diaper nappy and saw my friend Bethany Mild go to the toilet. She pulled down her shorts and undies to her legs and then she sat down on the toilet with both hands on her lap as I told Baby Peach and Baby Rosalina they will soon use the toilet someday too when they are older. Bethany did a little tinkle and then she broke wind doing a series of small turds. Then she wiped with toilet paper and flushed washing her hands. Then I got the two little ones on their potties and began to read to them "The Story of the Little Mole who Knew it was None of his Business" It's a tale about a underground glasses wearing mole whom discovers a large swirl of brown long poo on his noggin head when he poked his head out of the ground to see if the morning sun was up. And then after the poo lands on his head he goes around asking all the farm animals if they pooed on his head such as a pigeon dove, a horse, a hare, a goat, a cow and a pig if they pooed on top of his head. Then all the animals show how they do it. Until he comes across two big black flies eating and dining and he asks them if they know whom did it on his head and they tell him after having a sample that it was a dog. The little mole then goes over to Basil the Butcher's Dog's doghouse kennel seeing Basil fast asleep. He quick as a flash climbs onto Basil's doghouse kennel and does a little poo on Basil's head as revenge. (Karma is such a wonderful treat isn't it?) Then after that is done he vanishes back into his mole hole underground. It's a wonderful story to teach young ones how different animals go poo. But much to my surprise they didn't go poopoo or pee wee at all they were just curious. So I put pull ups on them and decided on taking them shopping for some cupcakes for trying to use their potties for the 1st time. But as I was asking them if they wanted vanilla, strawberry or chocolate cupcakes. Baby Rosalina said she wanted to go potty again along with Baby Peach. So I rushed over to the children's care restroom. (Good thing I managed to pack their potties in case they needed to go) I put their potties down in the middle of the empty change room and yanked off their Huggies pull ups and then sat them down on their potties. Baby Rosalina felt her bowels shifting and I said "Remember to relax your muscles when you're doing a big poo in your potty Baby Rosalina." It wasn't long before Baby Peach's bowels bubbled inside her too. I reassured them there was nothing to worry about. Just then Baby Rosalina let out a little fart "TOOT!!" followed by a big "FOOMP!!" I peeked inside her potty and saw she did a long but also really chunky poo with tons of her favourite food sweet corn all over the smooth but chunky cracks. I was so proud with Rosalina. Baby Peach whom didn't even do a poo was a little jealous but I reassured her it was nothing to worry about and helped her put her pull up back on then I smiled and cleaned up Baby Rosalina's bottom wiping it front and back as I emptied the potty into the toilet. Baby Rosalina was so proud of herself she told her Mummy Princess Rosalina which she said "Well chunky foods are part of our space diet my love." Hopefully Baby Peach manages to do a poo in her potty someday. In the meantime I gotta see a white toilet about a skidmark. Hope you have fun with your young ones and teaching them to potty like it's 1955. Bye bye now!

Alexis W from Spokane,Wa
Hello, I am 12 years old and I always have to go poop right after I get home from school everyday. Today, around 12 after lunch I started getting the feeling I had to take my daily poop but I held it in until I got home. My friend Tearzah was coming over to my house after school. After school, my grandma picked me and tearzah up and went to my house, on the way there tearzah whispered " I need to go poop when we get to your house" I said I did too. As soon as we got home, tearzah went to my bathroom and I went to the bathroom in my grandparents room. I sat on the toilet and peed but it was just a short trickle, I really had to go poop. As my first long log crackled out of my butt, I heard a loud KAPLUNK coming from the bathroom Tarzan was in followed by 4 lother loud ones, she really had to go lol. My log was so long and thick and solid it took forever to come out but finally it made a little ploomp since it was already half in the toilet water, my second log starting coming out immediately and it was long and solid but faster and it made a loud plop…I sat on the toilet waiting for more because my stomach said I had more poop, I heard about two more loud plops from Tarzan's bathroom and then heard her start to wipe her butt, sounded like she needed a lot. I finished with three smaller plops then wiped my front once and my butt about 3-4 times and flushed.

Do you often fart in the shower or bathtub?


To Shay

It sounds like you might be developing the lesser known IBS-M, which gives symptoms from both of the other types. Look into ibs mixed (that's what the M stands for) and see if your new symptoms fit.



Peeing is the most fun that I'll never admit having

Everyone probably has an answer for "What did you do for fun as a kid?".

If I think back to around 2008, when I was 12 years old, I can think of a lot of answers. There are many activities that I did for fun, both by myself and with friends. Playing video games, reading books, exploring the neighbourhood, playing tennis, building stuff, riding my bike, going to the mall, having sleepovers. That answer is truthful, and yet incomplete, because I left out peeing.

Peeing was just as fun, frequent, and genuine as every other activity I mentioned. The only reason to leave it out is that it's taboo. And not because it's harmful, like stealing, abusing drugs, or vandalism. It's taboo because it's a bodily function and people don't want to talk or hear about it. And I get that. It makes sense. I may be autistic, but I'm not oblivious. Culture and psychology are real, integral parts of the human condition; we can't just dismiss the taboo as irrelevant nonsense. But I'm going to for now, because though we can't deny the taboo exists, we can choose to ignore it when we want to.

When I was a kid, I enjoyed peeing. It's an experience, just like eating, with its own set of unique physical, psychological, and social aspects. This is plainly true and self-evident if you think about it even for a microsecond. This otherwise boring and mundane aspect of life that nobody asked for can be fun and exciting, too. Peeing is one of the easiest possible things for any person to enjoy; even easier to enjoy than food or sex. It inherently feels satisfying, it's not complicated, it's hard to do it wrong, and fluids with their complex behaviour are always fun to watch and manipulate.

And yet, how can it be a "thing" that one does for fun, like going to the movies or having a great meal? People will be quicker to call having sex a pastime. But as stupid as it sounds, peeing can be "a pastime", whether or not anyone wants to admit to treating it that way. It can be an activity nearly on its own, like peeing with a friend or in some particular way or location, or it can be a highlight for some other activity or the focus of a game. It can also be a spontaneous moment of playfulness and bonding.

I'm not trying to sound like some pretentious pseudo-intellectual. There are experiences and memories behind this. What did I do for fun as a kid? Too many things to list them all. But any short list that I'd make, if I were really being honest and representative, would have to include something related to peeing. In terms of staying power, variety, and consistency, peeing was at least as much of a "thing I did for fun" throughout my childhood as riding my bike.

Pretty much every time my friend Andrew visited, peeing would come up somewhere. Whenever we spent a couple of hours outside, we would end up peeing outside, often together at the same time. At first it just happened out of necessity, but eventually we were pretty much planning it and our outdoor excursions wouldn't be complete without it. We relieved ourselves against trees, in the snow, crossing our streams, making shapes or writing our names. When we played video games in the basement and had to go, we would sometimes go to the bathroom together and both pee in the toilet at the same time, with much more giggling than the situation should have warranted. Why did we do any of this? Because it was fun! Judging by how often we did it, we clearly thought that peeing was among the highest forms of entertainment. Literally just good clean fun. Well, a few drips and splashes aside.

I had another friend at my after-school babysitter's who would let us go out to the park or whatever. I have no idea how it started, but we'd pee in some dense bushes at the park most times we went. In fact, I think eventually going to the park was just an excuse to pee in the bushes.

I didn't force this on any of my friends, obviously. Half the time, the pee shenanigans weren't even my idea. It just developed organically and turned into rituals because it turned out to be a fun addition to pretty much anything we were doing. Unfortunately, I don't think I ever had the opportunity to participate in a pee competition (for holding time, distance, volume, or whatever) with anyone else. We did often hold a little extra longer so we could relieve ourselves somewhere fun or at the same time, though. And I'm sure we were at least silently competitive or prideful about who would be the first to "break" when we both knew the other had to go.

I'm glad that I had childhood friends who were open-minded enough to have this kind of fun. Looking back, I think *I* was the more prudish and shy one about it. But I did more than my share of pee shenanigans on my own, too. When I biked home from school, I'd stop in the woods to go pee. I would go out for "walks" for no reason other than to find a place to pee outside. Once I found out that I could climb out of a window onto the lower roof of our house, and every night for a while I'd sneak out there and pee off the roof.

I feel like peeing for fun is something everyone does but nobody talks about. Or my experience might be unique. Obviously, anyone who posts here is way more likely to have at least slightly more than an average level of interest in the subject, so I guess we'll never know how common it really is.

Hi me and my brother and mom, and my aunt and her son our cousin Thomas, went to the park. Wed just moved to America and met a lady our mother made friends with and we started to spend time together and we saw her son Thomas as our little cousin and the woman we saw as our aunt. I was 11 my brother was 8 and Thomas was 3. We were taking a walk around big field track. Me and my brother rode bikes and Thomas and my aunt and mom walked. We all stayed at same pace to stay together and not to become separated.

She stopped us as Thomas needed to be changed. She lay him down on a bench and pulled his pants down all the way down his entire legs down to top of his rain boots. She took off his diaper and held his legs back and up with his knees bent. As she undid his diaper he started cry loudly. His butt and small wienie and other boy stuff like the pouch part under his wienie were covered in light brown poop. Or as my aunt called it his little boy parts. He started to go pee and it got on her and she took a wipe and held it near his wienie. I got closer to bench and looked at his small wienie as he was going pee because I wondered what it looked like and I was girl so I had not seen such things before. Except for my brother. Then she got out wipes and wiped all his little boy parts. She put on clean diaper then and pulled his pants back up and we kept walking and riding bikes. Thomas seemed to calm down after he was covered back up. That was first time I saw a boy go pee.

That was small story. I have another.

I was at big dinner to celebrate special occasion. We had good times but after eating appetizers I got belly cramps real bad. I could not wait until end of dinner so I went over to the bathroom and had big noisy loose bowel movement. As soon as I sat it began to come out fast. I took a while so once I came back everyone asked if I was all right and I was so embarrassed because they probably knew what I'd done. But it's natural so it's ok. I said I was fine but had to go again few minute later. I went and barely made it to toilet. I stayed there as I waited for it to all make its way out. Then I opened up legs and wiped my front part then bottom. I came back. And then I had to go again so I went to bathroom specially desperate. I had no time to close door so I left it open and went. I was upset as when door to bathroom was open everyone near door in restaurant could see my front part as my stall was open and couldn't close it and the males were looking. I soon wiped and hurried the rest of dinner so I could go home.

Thank you for listening to my stories and sorry English isn't great now but I think I did ok

Princess Toadstool Peach

A Place I Weed and Pooed with BFF Princess Rosalina

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am here to chat about one of the places I went to the toilet with my best friend Princess Rosalina. Going to the bathroom with a best friend always makes things so much better I reckon especially after a long day shopping. So one time after eating what seems to be a lot of food from the food court last couple of weeks I and Rosalina both visited the woman's restroom for a quick wee and maybe even a big poo too. I headed inside the stall to my left while Rosalina headed into the stall on my right. So I lifted the toilet lid, lift up my dress, yank down my panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and sit down on the toilet. Rosalina did it quite differently she placed about 6 squares of toilet paper on the toilet seat (due to her being a germaphobe), lifted her dress up, pulled her panties down to her knees and gently shaking a little sat on the toilet. As soon as me and Rosalina sat on the toilet we both urinated quite a lot then pooed a lot. I pooed a lot of thick lumpy brown 5 inch turds while Rosalina did a lot of brown 5 inch thick chunky pieces followed by some loud farting. Then we both wiped our vaginas and bottoms, got up, pulled our panties up, lifted our dresses down and flushed the public toilets, (Rosalina has a habit of flushing twice since the noise calms her down) and washing our hands with warm water and liquid soap. Then afterwards we went over to my castle for a After Shopping Public Toilet Visit Nap feeling very sleepy after all that BM dump waste we just made pinching our loaves. Until then…(YAWWNN!!) Bye bye now.


I'm Still Pooping!

I'm back! High school is very busy, so I apologize for not posting much. For those who don't me: I'm Avery! I'm a 16 year old high school girl, 5' 4" 130 lbs. I love going to the bathroom and have no inhibitions about using public toilets. In fact, everyday during the school year, I poop in the cafeteria bathrooms to make room for my lunch. And despite my small size, these aren't small poops. Oh no. On average, I make 12"-16" long 1" thick turds once or twice a day. And they feel great coming out. One of my favorite parts of school is taking a break from class to sit on the toilet and push out a solid brown log of digested waste. In fact, I'm doing it right now!

School is out for summer right now, so instead of pooping at school after lunch, I take a poop at home after dinner. I justfinished dinner, but this week I've been eating bigger than normal, and I forgot to poop yesterday. So I'm really full. I actually have a slight food baby bump from all the food (digested waste and soon-to-be-digested) sitting inside me. In other words, I've really gotta take a fat crap.

So I'm in the bathroom, nice and full. I'm sitting on the toilet with my black shorts and black panties at my feet, and I'm ready to unload. I already peed while I was writing this (45 secs of light yellow pee. I'm staying hydrated, but my bladder is filling up really fast as a result. It's ok though, I love draining my full bladder with a nice long relieving pee). So, time to poop! I can feel a large solid turd pressing against my tightly closed anus, begging to be released. Hopefully that means all this shit will easily come out.
I give a light push, and my butthole opens wide as a solid turd silently slides out of me. It's so big ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. My butthole hurts from being stretched. I can feel the poop moving through my intestine and twisting and turning into my rectum and out my butt. Ok part of it just broke off. It's so big that the part that just dropped is fully submerged by water and went splat onto the porcelain at the front of the bowl. There's still more poop coming as well. My stomach has shrunk a bit but there's still a lot more in me. I probably have a lot of gas stored up behind all might poop as well, so I bet once I'm done pooping I'm gonna make a loud fart. Anyway I've got a really long turd hanging out my butt now, but the poop has stopped so I gotta push it out. Ok NNNNNNNGH plop. Ah it's good to have that out. Stomach is noticeably smaller. Also there's a noticeable poopy smell. I can smell the meat and earthy greens I ate a few days ago. Anyway, Ikm not done. There's one more log I can feel pressing against my butthole, waiting to be pooped out, but since there's no giant poo to add extra force (now that it's all sitting in the toilet below me), I can't rely on gravity and the peristalsis (a.k.a muscle contractions) in my digestive system. I've gotta push it out. So I'm leaning far forward and going on my tiptoes to get into the prime pooping position, breathe in, and push. HMMMPH NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH ahhhhhh it's hard and wide but still coming out. It's crackling as it comes out, a freshly digested poop! I don't want a tail though, I wanna empty my bowels so NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH HMPH NNNNNNNNGH plop AHHHH. It's all - wait there's the fart! PFFFFFTTTT y'all that was 7 seconds long and sounded like a balloon full of air deflating before being tied. No wonder I haven't been farting much.

Anyway I'm done pooping. All my poop (and gas and pee) is out of me and I feel so much better! I've birthed/pooped out the food baby, so my stomach is back to its normal flatness. I could actually feel my stomach getting smaller as everything was coming out which felt good. I'm glad all that waste is out of me. I'm empty and the toilet is full: the best metric for a successful bathroom visit. Anyway, while I was typing that I wiped myself: 4 times on my butt, once on my vulva. Ah ok, standing up, pulling up my panties and shorts, now size time! My first turd stretches from the drain through the yellow pee-filled toilet water and out of the water to the porcelain at the front of the bowl, measuring 20" long and about 2" wide. The second turd looks like a cursive L without the top coil. It's 30" long and an inch thick, and stretches from from the back of the bowl, down the left side of the toilet, then coils over itself at the front, over my first turd, and then ends I the right side of the bowl. Finally, the fat turd I pushed out for the finale: a thick, stomach emptying turd at 2 inches thick, 12 inches long. I think "fat crap" was an understatement. Giant stinky behemoth shit was more accurate.

This is one of my largest and most favorite poops, but despite my bowel movement artistry, it's still toxic waste, the byproduct of me eating and digesting so many (and so much) delicious and amazing food. I came here to get rid of it, and all that's left is too flush, so bye bye poop! The water is swirling, and it's down! That was surprisingly easy!

Well, that's it for this story. Hope you enjoyed it and bye for now!

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