

Pooping a lot + several going poo-poo

This was an ordinary day. I had an ordinary breakfast and lunch. I went for an ordinary walk, but when I returned home, I felt the need to take a dump. I thought I was pooping ordinary, but I was wrong. I went to the toilet and used my potty (I was alone at home so I didn't lock the door). I pulled down my dark red plaid pants and white briefs, then sat on the toilet seat, which was a little cold. I released a couple of farts and then started pooping. My poop came out with a crackling sound. I pushed three times and my poop fell into the toilet with loud splashes. Then a noisy fart came out of my bottom. After farting, I pushed again and soft poop came out slowly with a loud crack. I felt a putrid stench, but I didn't mind the smell. I continued to push and a big poop started to crawl out. I kept pushing, but it came out slowly! I had to push several more times before it finally fell into the water in the toilet. I sighed with relief. Phew! Then, I felt like I still needed to poop. I had already defecated five or six poop, but I still had to poop. I pushed hard, thinking it would be my last poop. With a loud crack, the poop slowly came out of my butt. I felt that it was thick and soft. I pushed even harder, and the poop fell into the toilet with a loud splash, splashing water onto my butt! However, defecating gave me a really pleasant feeling of relief. Then, the stink of the poop increased. Also, I felt another poop trying to come out from me! I pushed again, and with a loud crack the poop fell into the toilet. Then I farted and another poop came out! As the poop crawled out of me, I pushed and this poop fall into toilet. Decided that I pooped, I wiped myself clean with four pieces of toilet paper. After wiping, I pulled up my undies and pants and looked into the toilet bowl. I was shocked! Eight soft poops floating into toilet, but not that amaze me. My poops dirtying whole toilet insides! I flushed the toilet, but when my poop went down the drain, I felt another urge to poop! The urge was so strong that I immediately pulled down my pants and underwear and sat on the toilet. I let out a loud fart and pushed. As I pushed, poop came out of me one after another, like diarrhea! But the poop wasn't runny, so I thought it was just healthy poop. Then, I pushed again, and thicker poop came out. It took three pushes, but I defecated the thick feces. After that, I let out another loud fart, and soft poop came out and fell into the toilet. After pooping, I wiped myself with toilet paper, and this time I used seven toilet papers to clean my butt. Then I stood up from the toilet and pulled my briefs back up. This time, the poop had dirtied the toilet even more. I flushed and washed my hands, but after maybe five minutes, I had another urge to use the toilet! I returned to the bathroom, and again pulled my pants and undies down. I sat on the seat and pushed again. I had to push hard and a lot and defecate very large, soft poop. This poop came out from my bottom in several pieces and when I pooped I wiped myself this time with only two pieces of paper. I flushed the toilet and pulled up my briefs and pants. I didn't feel the need to poop any more.

PJ (He/Him)
I remember a post from Jenny from Seattle about practicing mindfulness mediation while pooping. I have been working on my mindfulness practice for years, which waxing and waning consistently. Recently I tried one during a bowel movement and it was amazing. Not only did I have the daylong benefits of a meditation, but I was very in tune the pleasure of pooping, and evening cleaning up. Being able to poop in a toilet is truly a mundane and "dirty" event to feel gratitude for, from having running water and plumbing to having a healthy body. Thanks Jenny!

Anybody else try this ?

Victoria and Robyn

Survey, replies and question

Hey it's Victoria

and Robyn!

We're back again so let's get down to business. First we'll do Radu's survey. Answers from R mean Robyn, V for Victoria

1. How often do you clog the toilet with your poop?

V: about once a week. Still got it!
R: Not often but I learned to plunge from a master, a master who just gave me a look

2. Have you ever clogged a friend's or family member's toilet with poop?

R: Yes I have and that family member's name is Victoria
V: Frequently lol

3. Have you ever had someone discover that you clogged your toilet? What was his and your reaction to this?

V: Her reaction was to give my butt a nice spank and squeeze and then hand me the plunger because it's her toilet too.
R: Vic paid me back by doing the same thing to both of my cheeks

4. Have you ever clogged the toilet at work or school and someone found it out? What was the reaction of your friends/co-workers to this?

R: I've never had someone find out!
V: Yep and let's just say that they weren't surprised

5. Has anyone ever been impressed by the size of your poop? What was his reaction?

V: I've had everything from concern for my health to fist bumps from friends to hugs and kisses from you know who
R: My teammates from playing tennis in high school and my significant other count among my fans

6. Have you ever been proud of clogging a toilet?

R: To be honest kinda?

V: I have a reputation to protect here!

7. Is there anyone in the world whose toilet you would like to clog? Who?

Robyn and Victoria: They're all here. Chakamami, Catherine, Willa and Kristi we would give each of your toilets some of our best work and ask that you do the same for ours.

Reply time!

To Catherine: It's always so nice to see you back here! I (Victoria) had a pretty nasty taste of Covid and took leaves of absences from both my program and from here. It scrambled my brain so badly that I could barely concentrate enough and put words together to write a sentence. I'm doing much better now and can't say enough about how Robyn provided for us while I was unwell!

I (Robyn) got a promotion at the research lab where I work and a recently a co-author credit on a scientific paper! We're both writers now and I never once doubted that Victoria was going to beat her illness.

To Chakamami: Happy birthday Kazumi! We're glad all of you got to celebrate in style and when we read about how you think of us on the loo we both blushed bright red. So many hugs and kisses to all of you!

To Willa: You know what they say. Wives that poop together stay together. You're the best and we loved your last story too!

Robyn here and I have a question of my own. What was the ugliest, worst designed or most uncomfortable bathroom you've ever used? I'm asking because the ones attached to the break room at work are like walking into a disaster area of neutral colors. Almost everything that isn't a sink or toilet is beige or greige, with sand brown stalls that bear some resemblance to the color of what goes on inside of them.
Of course this meant that I had to get my phone out and take a snapshot to send to Vic. To this day looking at it makes her crack up because she thinks it's so ugly!

That's all from us for today. We love all of you and we'll be back here again soon!




No shame in diapers

Becky -

I'm not a girl so I don't have periods but I would think your period would be just as easily soaked up by a diaper than by a pad and also there's no shame in them. I am 41 and have high functioning autism so diapers are a lifesaver for me as well in situations where I know there's a likelihood of me getting overstimulated and having an accident. A few years ago I was at the doctor sitting on the table wearing the paper gown and a diaper when I started rocking back and forth, shaking then completely wet and messed myself. She smelled it through her mask and asked very gently if I'd had an accident then told me it was okay and got me some wet wipes to clean up with. So diapers don't make you less of a person. You didn't choose your small bladder just like I didn't choose autism which causes poop accidents as well. Another thing you could do is get a female urinal to carry in your purse and pee in while standing in a stall then empty it into the toilet when done if you don't like sitting or having people hear your pee stream. These are bottles with funnel shaped openings to fit against women down there and are available online or in pretty much any drug or home health stores. It would also be helpful at home when your roommate is in the bathroom for a long time as you could pee in it in your bedroom. Let us know what solution you come up with. You've got this. :) your not the only one with such issues. That's what a site like this is for.

Anna from Austria
@Chakamami I enjoyed your latest stories. And yes i totally agree it was quite rude what the 2 talking women did.

There was really no reason not to take the 2 stalls next 2 each other when they wanted to talk anyway. I have never experienced something like that. Normaly women that want to talk to each other while doing their business use stalls that are next to each other. That's something I have seen very often.

greetings from Austria



Liquid Guts

Back with more updates for those who have been following my struggles with constipation. Just a quick recap is for the past couple months I've been struggling with bloating, gas, and constipation, and only laxatives have helped. The last laxatives I took helped me release some of what's been stuck in my guts, but as I write this today, I had to take another dose of laxatives to help as well because the problem persists.

I got home from work yesterday, and initially I was fine. I had been still kind of bloated and gassy, but I'd been passing gas that day and thought I would be fine. I don't know if it was gas or poo that was trapped, but immediately after coming home I felt a sudden, strong urge for a bowel movement and painful belly cramps.

I went to the toilet and had a relatively loose poo, my stomach cramping and my butt sputtering out waves of gas for about two or three minutes before I felt done. I cleaned up and went outside for a smoke. Twice my session was interrupted by a major need to have an urgent bowel movement--but nothing came out but gas and my belly was still crampy. I was farting and belching up a storm as well, (Barrett was away on business thank God, so glad he didn't have to witness any of this), and I still had that "something is stuck in my gut" feeling.

So last night before bed around 3am and still hadn't had a substantial poo, I took 90mls of milk of magnesia and went to sleep.

This morning maybe fifteen minutes after waking up I felt like I needed to fart, but knew I'd taken a laxative and didn't gamble. Almost immediately when I felt the urge to push I also felt liquid settle against my hole and knew it wouldn't be pretty.

I went off to the toilet and dumped what felt like a gallon of wet mud from my bubbling guts into the toilet below me. No farts, no cramps, just a gush of nearly complete liquid diarrhea that lasted for maybe twelve seconds. I had two more waves of liquid poo on the toilet before I felt like I could wipe and when I wiped it made me have to spurt another long rush of runny poo from my hole. I wiped again, and then cleaned up and went out for a morning smoke.

I was back on the toilet twice before my smoke was over with buckets of runny poo pouring out of me, and every movement today has been almost pure liquid. So far it's been relatively easy to control and I don't feel like I'm going going to lose my bowels into my pants, but as the day goes on, my shits have been gradually getting harder to hold in.

As I write this, I can feel my insides gurgling and turning what feels like a big hard poo inside of me to pure mush--and it feels like it's running straight through me and forcing its way out of my hole. The feeling like I can have an accident at any time is very strong.

I also just drank some prune juice and am about to take a few stimulant laxative pills to speed things up and make my desperation even more intense--hoping to let out everything in me today so it stops churning around in me and making me feel bloated.

The heartburn and indigestion have been gone for a minute now thankfully, but this is the worst constipation I've dealt with in my life.

I've had at least six liquid poos today--which were all very profuse, and I still feel full.

Hoping once this is over I never end up walking around with this much nasty gunk inside my belly again.

I feel another watery, loose bowel movement coming on. They're getting harder to control and I don't want this slush to end up in my pants and running down my legs, so I'll leave this post where it is for now.

If anything significant happens I'll be back again with updates.



Robtoria-Great to hear from you! Are you ladies getting in some runs and hikes this year? Gotta love to mid run/hikes poops, though that 1ply is no match for your Charmin and bidets! Victoria- how many years post grad school are you? Do you miss pooping in all those libraries ?

Catherine- Missed you and your always perfectly wiped booty haha ;). FYI i also had a poop accident issue in the last year, which I will post another time. So in the last year I have pooped myself and hitting skidmark stains! Im such a dirty health care practitioner ! …. I am envious of your poop buddy! I'll have to settle for my husband, but I do not have the pleasure of pooping next to him in a public restroom.We have some unisex restrooms here in Washington, but they are really just a closed toilet with privacy that matches or exceeds the privacy that Anna from Austria describes in her county . I have females friends do not like to poop in stall next to anyone, regardless of gender. Some friends are comfortable pooping around me, but not with the enthusiasm of your poop buddy!

Anna from Austria- Those New York ladies were kind of weird! I know east coast American people can be kind of blunt. It would have been nicer if they sat next to each other if they were going to talk. I find your story of them talking to each other with you in the middle more awkward than having to smell and listen to strangers poop, or have strangers smell and listen to me poop. Did you ladies interact much after this incident?

Question for all:
Does anyone feel awkward when they walk out of a restroom stall/cubicle at the same time as a stranger after listening to each other, pee, fart, poop and wipe?

I got over my fear of pooping in public gradually in high school/college (see previous posts over the years " Jenny/Skidmarked in Seattle") But I regress every now and then. One time I was out to dinner on a date with my husband at a nice restaurant. I had to poop before dessert so I excused myself to the women's restroom, which had only ltwo stalls, one of which was already occupied. I saw a nice pair of heels and a light pink thong dropped down to a women's ankles which I find unusual in public restrooms with stalls. The bathroom was already smelling like poop and I heard a few crackles of log coming out. The women flushed but did not wipe or get up. I noticed she pulled up her panties out of view as I sat down next to her . I sat down and lifted up my dress and pulled down my white lace panties ( a gift from my husband, not my most comfy pair, but I definitely feel "hot" when I wear then") I dropped my panties initially midthigh but they made their ways to my knees as the poop started. My neighbor was silent but did not move or make noise despite obviously just dropping a poop and flushing. I wanted to move along to get back to my dinner, so I gave a little push which led to a loud fart flapping my cheeks without anything coming out. I gave another light push with an accidental grunt, which I don't do otten and farted a couple soft turds out. I sighed then blushed because of the vocal noises I made, not necessarily because of the noises and smells from my bum. I think the lady next to me was holding in the rest of her poop waiting for me to leave, but gave up when she heard me, so I heard a long crackle, without a plop, leading me to believe she dropped a very long turd over about a second. Then I heard another long turd crackle and softlyland in the water from her stall. I dropped a large but shorter turd with a fart that made a plop/splash followed by another longer turd that matched my neighbors crackle. This went on for another minute. When my neighbor flushed again, then I heard a short roll of the toilet paper, followed by her swearing. I knew that sound.

"I'm so sorry'" she started.

"no worries, I get it.." I interrupted her as I started unrolling my toilet paper while I dropped my final log.

" thank you so much," she said sound defeated

Suddenly I realized I only had about six squares myself.

"Oh no this is all I have" I said giving her the six squares"

"Oh no, I'll figure this out," she said.

I ripped the six squares into three each and insisted she take at least three which she did. I heard her wipe after she thanked me and heard her swear again, which I assumed she got a little poop on her hand from wiping a messy poop with such little toilet paper.

I wiped the best I could without getting poop on my hand, which was not so good wipe. I flushed and pulled up my white lace panties and pulled my dress down. My lace underwear is kind of a full back panty that kind of rides up my big booty, ends up looking kind of thong like and gets kind of itchy. It does make my rear look nice, but honestly a simple thong is way more comfortable . Either type of underpants would get kind of itchy with a half ass wipe like I just did. Still , I would rather have a little poop on my covered cheeks than my hand. We both came out of the stalls at the same time. We both made eye contact and the woman who came out was one of the beautiful hostesses. I noticed she started to turn red so I tried to look away after smiling as we both walked to the two sinks. I can see out of the corner of my eye she had a little poop on her left hand which she subtly tried to clean off with extra soap. I can feel my face flush knowing that these two pretty ladies made some loud stinky poops and were probably sporting some worse than average skid marks from wiping with three squares of toilet paper. I suspect her poop was at least as messy as mine. My itchy white lace panties were even itchier as I made my way back to the table. Suddenly I did not feel as sexy as I usually do in these lace undies, and I blushed as I imagined what my husband wanted to do AFTER dinner. I probably wanted to do the same thing, but now I was a little embarrassed and nervous with my dirty butt.The lady and I made eye contact twice and smiled later that evening but I noticed she would blush as she tried to walk in her dress, heels and a dirty bum with a certain hobble I could relate with. I did catch the hostess quickly adjusting her underwear as I would be shifting myself on my chair intermittently to scratch my sticky lacy undies to resist pulling out a wedgie myself at dinner.

My husband and I did enjoy our dinner and dessert, and eventually I spilled the beans to him about what happened in the bathroom when I got in the car so I did not out the poor hostess' itchy bum. I think he noticed my blushing so we was not as verbal and touchy about how my rear looked in my dress as he did before dinner as he knew I was having some self conscious moments. We had a good laugh about the incident, and it did not diminish romance though I did rinse off when I got home. I saved my lace undies to deal with the next day....that's another story...but short they were too expensive to give up on. I was insistent I shower alone for a few minutes once I got home, before we finished our evening.

Skidmarked in Seattle

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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