

Doorless poo

I live in the U.K. where doorless toilet stalls are rare, usually only caused by vandalism.
However, I had read that they were common, particularly in the USA and China. I am not embarrassed about my body and its functions and often wondered what it would be like to use such a stall in open view of others.
My chance came when the middle door of a three stall cubicle toilet in a store where I shop had been removed. I am not sure for what reason. I went to use it a couple of times but decided not to do so as the stalls with doors were not in use and I thought it would be strange to be seen using the one without a door. However, one day I went into the toilet and the two stalls with doors were in use. This was my chance as I really did need a poo and there was nowhere else available.
I went into the stall and lowered my trousers and pants. I turned around and sat on the toilet. There was no one using either the urinals directly in front of me or the wash basins to the side, so I didn't feel particularly nervous or exposed. It was just like using the bathroom at home with the door open, which I often do. I started with a pee, which splashed down onto the porcelain of the toilet below me. After finishing, I began to try to poo. I definitely needed to go but in spite of my efforts,nothing happened. I also started to panic as the person to my right flushed the toilet, so it was obvious he would come out soon and see me. The person to my left was still in mid poop- I could tell by the splashes and farts coming from his direction.
Then a guy came into the toilet and looked directly at me. He would have seen everything but said nothing and had a pee at the urinal before leaving without washing his hands. I kept my head down until he left. By that time my poo had started to make its way down and I heard two satisfying splashes in the water below.
However, I knew I hadn't finished, so kept pushing and obviously straining. It was then that the user on my right came out of his stall and saw me. He looked at me in obvious surprise. He must have been able to see everything as my trousers and pants were by my ankles which is how I usually sit on the loo. He didn't move away, so I said that I had no choice but to use this stall as the others were occupied. At that point he went to wash his hands without saying anything, but before leaving gave me another swift look which was either of disgust or shock.
That persuaded me to finish my business as quickly as possible. So I pushed out a final small turd and stood up to wipe as quickly as possible. I am not very good at wiping from the side- I was brought up to stand to wipe. Fortunately noone saw me as the person on my left was still pooping and there was nobody at the urinals.
I washed my hands and left quickly. Overall I enjoyed the experience and found it easy. I would do it again if I had to, although I am not sure if I would do so if stalls with doors were available.



We had an offsite with work last week. We would start with lunch together so I could work from home in the morning which was nice. Started off well, with a nice soft bowel movement after breakfast. When it was time to start driving I felt the urge again. But I had some time so I went back to the bathroom and tried sitting for a while. I definitely needed to go more as I felt something back there. I gave a few gentle pushes and it started moving. A dry ann mean turd started to poke out. I checked my watch and I really needed to start driving soon, so I pinched it off. My butt hurt a bit, especially when wiping. We hade a really nice lunch and afternoon sessions together. I felt very gassy during the afternoon and went to the bathroom to pee and fart a lot several times which was annoying. Afterwards we would cook together and so on. Before starting to cook I went to the bathroom again and this time I managed to get out a few small hard clumps. I felt much better afterwards and no more urgent gas. Probably these very irritating and producing gas and discomfort somehow. In the morning I really had to go bad and had a really nice soft bowel movement that crackled alot.


Survey responses

Pete Survey Responses:

How important is privacy when you need to poop?
I've pooped in front of a (now ex) boyfriend when I was 17, while he was shaving. We'd just woken up and i had a crap on deck that would have choked an elephant, and I couldn't wait so I barged in and dropped a massive dump.

Have you ever pooped in a public toilet with the toilet door open?
Only once, because the door was damaged and wouldn't close. Several women passed by me-one stopped and looked in, seemingly caught off guard. It struck me as very rude and I just looked back and blithely said "the f----ng door is broken, move along." I can't stand people who gawk.

Do you find the stink in a public toilet tiresome or merely inevitable?
Inevitable, especially because more often than not I've been the cause of it. One time I took a big shit at the mall in a bathroom near the food court. When I came back two hours later to piss, it still smelled.

Do you regularly count the turds in your average bowel movement? If so, how many turds are there?
No, my bowel movements are almost always one solid turd or two big ones.

Do you produce floating or sinking turds?
They generally sink. My diet is fiber rich and pretty robust.

Do you regularly get skidmarks in your underclothes? (be honest)
Sometimes, from particularly vocal farts.

Do you do a courtesy flush after the first few turds have fallen?
No, I wait until I've evacuated myself entirely.

Have you ever written graffiti on the doors of public toilets? If so were the graffiti texts or drawings? (You do not need to give any details)
I once wrote "Alone" by Edgar Allan Poe from memory in purple marker, just because it's not the sort of thing one usually finds written on a public stall door.

Wiping Survey Responses:

1. Do wipe sitting or standing ( or in-between)

2. Do you bunch the toilet paper or fold ( so something else)
I fold, and I wipe from bottom to top of my ass crack.

3a. Do you use anything besides tp ( bidet, wet wipes, unwipe, toilet mirror) to enhance wiping
I carry wet wipes in my purse as a rule. I have never pooped outside, but I want to.

3b. How long have you used "enhanced wiping?"
About a year.

3c. Have use noticed cleaner underwear, less body odor, or any other improvements since starting "enhanced wiping":
Not really.

4. What type of underwear did you last get a skidmark in?
A flourescent blue thong.

5. Have you ever gotten poop on your hand wiping?
If it's messy, yet, but I typically don't have messy BMs unless I have diarrhea.


Urgent Poop

I ate seven plates at the restaurant earlier and was ready to poop after the fifth plate. I didn't know that I was able to make it home but I did. It reminds me of the damage I am going to do to the toilet next week for Thanksgiving.


Beach loo

I was having a morning walk by the sea on Saturday morning, when I started having cramps in my ???? but I carried on wandering beside the sea for a little while before deciding to turn back to the public loos.

It is a bit of a strange building, there are no bathrooms just single enclosed toilets in a line, about four ladies loos and two unisex, mens on the otherside, four doors again and each toilet has a large round window on each door with privacy glass, but when someone walks past the door you can clearly see their head walking past, and I wonder if they could look in and see me, I guess not?.
Anyway the toilets were busy so I managed to open door four, I locked it pulled my jeans and white thong down to my ankles and sat down, I could hear young girls laughing outside and the sound of hand dryers going off in other toilets so great, I thought.

My stomach was hurting and I pushed a bit, pushed out a fart and I waited, listening to the girls outside, waiting and the sounds of footsteps as people tried my handle, I wish I had something to read to take my mind off public pooping.
The weetabix I had for breakfast was making it hard to go but the waiting paid off, after about ten minutes I pushed out a huge log which snaked around the toilet, sticking out of the water and I had a few smaller poos too, but I was still in pain so I sat for a few minutes more before wiping, I must have used about 50 sheets, phew! It reeked to high heaven I washed my hands and stuck them in the dryer and left, to continue my walk.

Dan H

To Jenny SIS and others

Jenny tysm for answering that was very interesting. I am even surprised that so many ladies would poop while at a nightclub but I guess that the dancing and the food and drinks set things in motion so I am looking forward to your next stories also from the gym

Janitor tysm for these great insights it's very interesting to compare the behaviors of boys and girls and I also wonder if clogged toilets got used anyway?

Random Poster excellent post I can't wait to hear more camping stories and I hope that your friend bruising her ankle did not ruin the trip for her it sounds like she was 100% relieved after that big poop


Poop right after a healthy breakfast and coffee

Woke up this morning around 8:15, got up, put my feet into the pink flip flops right by my bed, grabbed my Walmart bag, toothbrush and toothpaste, took my bedroom flip flops off, went to the washroom, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast after putting the toothbrush and toothpaste in my room. I was surprised to see my caregiver (longtime friend) up preparing breakfast. We said good morning to each other, she told me to sit down (she poured coffee for me as she said this) and she served breakfast and coffee. I said thank you. I was pleasantly surprised. A lot of the time she will leave cooked food covered up on the table while she sleeps or rests in her room. She is 71 with heart problems and I have known her since I was 17 in high school. Breakfast and the coffee were delicious. I drink my coffee black. I have it sometimes (like at home sometimes, at my once a week exercise program or the sometimes I go out with my dad). My caregiver asked if I wanted more food and I politely said no thank you. After breakfast I took my 9 AM medications, thanked her again, grabbed my Walmart bag and went downstairs carefully.

About 10 minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed the Walmart bag off the floor, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, walked out of my room, put the flip flops on out there, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, walked in, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first a lot then pushed out a big poop. It came out easily though felt a little dry. It laid in the toilet and I pushed again to make sure I was empty. Yup. Pushed back my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my vagina then leaned forward slightly and started wiping my butt really well until there were no marks. The toilet paper was messy and a little wet on top of the poop. Ewww. Put the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear (black boy shorts underwear and black sweatpants) up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow. There was a big long poop in the toilet with a lot of cracks in it. I don't know how many feet or inches it was but it looked dark brown and like it had been in my body for a while. I think the warm water, the hot coffee and the hot healthy breakfast helped all of it come out. Flushed the toilet and it went down and so did the water level a little. Flushed again to be sure. Yup it's fine. Washed my hands, grabbed my Walmart bag, left the washroom, turned off the light, walked to my room across from the washroom, took the flip flops off, turned on the light (it's outside my room on the wall), opened the door, went in, put the flip flops on in here, closed the door, dried my hands on the towels in here, came to the bed and have been writing this for quite a while while listening to music. That was a good much-needed poop (and there's still more that needs out later) and now writing this and relaxing. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, happy and is having a good Monday so far.

Happy pooping and peeing!


I have read the artical from Random Pooper (woods pooping) the best way
to deal with the situation move clothing down to knees and lay on back
pull feet towards the body then push to open the may wee
before the bowels open just keep pushing.
I have used this method many times ,have laid ten sheets of newspaper
on floor so as I can wrap a SHIT PARCEL READY FOR CAMP FIRE !!Best you
have a poop this way in the tent as soon as you arrive .

Thursday, November 21, 2024


This morning I silenced the alarm had a wee in the THETFORD ELEGANCE pottie the repeater sounded ten minutes later had another wee the got back to bed and fell asleep .I woke two hours later,stretched ,farted many times then sat on the pottie had a wee then another wee a few minutes later then pushed and passed a little poop .
Hopefully will have a better BM later

- I'm soo sorry about the diarrhea. I have been fortunate enough not to have IB, so I don't truly understand you suffering as well as someone with IBS. . I feel like a lot of people with IBS have an interest in poop, because they have to it would be more miserable to not. It's kind of steering into the skid (pun intended). Anyway, as someone who does not have IBS, I feel like 90% the time I have diarrhea, I don't feel much better after pooping, except gratitude about not pooping my pants, maybe. I have though I would rather poop my pants and feel better than make it to the toilet and still have a stomachache, which is the case for me when I have real diarrhea, not just a softer stool.

- I agree with Beth and PJ regarding your question of more posting of pee accidents here than poop. Extra emphasis on PJ's insight of the taboo of women pooping in the toilet, let alone soiling themselves. I have countless times went into a bathroom with women excusing themselves announcing to a group " they have to pee" and either they sit and ending up getting a surprise or just not wanting to admit to poop, and the pee is ruse. Evidence for the latter is there seems to be some urgency to finish and even wash hands very quickly so that the visit is perceived a pee. I have never knowing said I have had to pee when actually I had to poop. Rather if I know I have to poop, I'll excuse myself to the bathroom. Only a few people I will say I have to pee though, and my husband Joey has picked up that I will need to poop if I say " go to the bathroom" as I don't take long most of the time when I poop. And with Beth, peeing yourself is a big deal and embarrassing, but it does not have the threshold of drama and magnitude of embarrassment as pooping oneself I think because of the taboo that women poop from their pretty butts. In fact, all the years I have posted here, I have mentioned my three shart's as an adult but never mentioned the two times I peed myself in college. Both times involved too much alcohol and laughter, so pretty uneventfully compared to many of the posts here. And I am certainly not alone with my peers and friends with that incident, epically in our early 20's. In short women peeing, themselves or in a toilet, is less a big deal in our society than women pooping, themselves or in a toilet.

-I have had a few patients on Ozempic. Lots of publicity and news in the media about the medicine but fortunately the cases I have seen have been well managed by a team and the patient successfully so far. Hope it's working out for you! But pharmacologically (I know at least one person on this forum that knows way more about pharmacology than I do ;) , fiber and hydration are so important with the slower GI movement. And protein and exercise to minimize muscle loss. (general knowledge, not medical advice) But let me stop being a nurse and back to our bowels and bladders.

Dan H_
- Honestly, I have seen a lot of unflushed loads growing up with brothers. I am going to guess most of the unflushed loads in women's restrooms were either in a gym restroom or bar/club restroom. I'm going to guestimate my experience has been 70% unflushed girl poop in a nightclub bar and 30% at a gym. Funny enough, I remember seeing an unflushed poop in a women's bathroom with no toilet paper thinking someone is dancing around with a dirtier but than me. Oddly enough I have never seen an unflushed turd at work or school, including the dormitories surprisingly. But's that just my experience.

Last but not least Catherine
-"Before you go!!!" I think I have heard about that ! it's like poopuri but preventatively? Now that I think of that I have heard a few women spray before they pooped out and about but I thought it was just perfume. I am not a perfume lady, but I notice so many women apply them when they go to a public restroom. I have to pay attention if it is post poop or just all the time. Oh and by the way. ..two wipes after your church poop and you were clean?!?! I have wiped 4 times and gotten skids! you were probably even had your light panties ride up that cute athletic butt and Alan still found your underwear to be clean..."Things that couples do" ...I love it.. I had some experience of that two last weekend the bathroom of all places. Maybe I'll post about it if I can find a proper way to write about it!...anyway your lavender vanilla poop sounded so satisfying. As much as it nice to poop at home in a clean bathroom, there is such a relief to having to stop while you're out and about to have a good-sized poop. I have to admit the softer, messier poops are a little more satisfying even if they occasionally leave me...

-Skidmarked in Seattle


Pooping at work (plus response to Thunder + survey)

Hi, I'm back just for a couple of comments and thoughts. I was absolutely mortified to poop and even pee at school growing up. Anytime I was certain I would have to choose between finding a toilet and going in my pants, I would call home sick to get out of school for the day to poop on my home toilet, even if I wasn't sick. This lasted up until my senior year of high school, when I can distinctly remember working a retail job and leaving early one day claiming I was sick when I really just needed to poop. After a certain point, probably sharing a bathroom with another woman in the dorms in college, I lost a lot of my poop shyness to the point that I could use college toilets without hesitation, and once I entered the workforce work toilets without hesitation. At my current job, there are two toilets side-by-side. They are both unisex, single-occupancy toilets. I have no issues pooping in them, or excusing myself to go to the bathroom and taking 10 - 20 minutes if necessary.

Last month, I took one of the biggest poops of my life at work. I usually drink coffee in the morning, and so by around mid-day the coffee hits my colon and makes me go. This particular morning, I headed to the bathroom. There is usually either Febreeze or Poopouri in the work bathroom - today, it was Poopouri, some kind of citrus scent. I sprayed some in the toilet. I either lowered my pants, sat down on the toilet, let out of a couple of pre-poop farts, pffft pffft, and then a log began to stretch my backside and I bore down and pushed.

The length was surprising to me, I had been pushing for a few seconds. I looked between my legs as it was coming out. I had pooped out long turds before, but never one this long. It began to curl in the toilet, and it completely covered the bowl, above the water now. I kept pushing, and then I heard a thud and it was all out. It was probably 2-2.5" width, 14-16" in length, and a light brown color. It had a strong smell that mixed with the smell of the Poopouri. Right after I finished pooping, I began to pee, and I really had to pee too (coffee does that to me).

I started to wipe, first the front & my thighs, and then my butt. For such a solid log, it took me forever to clean up after myself, between 10 and 15 wipes. Usually when I poop at work, I only spend around 5 minutes in the bathroom. This one was probably closer to 15 or even 20, I didn't keep track. After I finished wiping, I flushed. The toilet struggled and began stalling. I got moderately worried, since I did not want to embarrass myself by clogging the work toilet. So once I could flush again, I did. The toilet stalled for a second, but then it finally sucked away my poop. I left some pretty serious skidmarks in the toilet. I washed my hands, and then I left. Nobody was waiting outside of the door and that relieved me in a way since it would have been embarrassing but it disappointed me because in a way I was proud of the smell and the skidmarks.

I read what Thunder wrote, about the Queensland PSA. It is a shame that there is such a stigma against pooping in public. I have a couple of friends who refuse to even pee in public, and have had over-the-top reactions when they find out I shamelessly poop in public (like "whaaat? How can you do that? I would be so embarrassed!"). I only get embarrassed if I am actively making poop sounds near a person I know. I have never pooped in front of a friend in real life. I do not have any hesitations peeing around people I know though, except that I think I would be embarrassed to pee around a man.

Since there are only two toilets at work and they are unisex, if both toilets are occupied I sometimes need to wait for them. Occasionally, male coworkers have exited the bathroom with me on the other side, and they usually look so embarrassed (probably by the smell, since it is pretty impossible to hear anything on the outside of the door). They have avoided eye contact, scurried off instead of holding the door open for me, avoided saying "hi" when they otherwise would, stuff like that. I think it's probably anxiety that "oh my God, this cute woman knows I just pooped and she will smell it, this is so embarrassing" but I find it wholesome and nothing to be embarrassed by. I think "no need to be so embarrassed, I'm about to poop too!" My women coworkers have not seemed as embarrassed, even if there's a poop smell when I enter after they leave the bathroom. I have a lot of coworkers though, and so I am sure everyone is different and personality matters more than gender, but this is just a trend I have noticed.

Survey responses:
How important is privacy when you need to poop?
A: It depends. If I am around someone I know, I do not like to poop near them. If I do not know anyone in the bathroom personally, the only privacy I need is stall doors/dividers. I have never seen any doorless/stall-less bathrooms, but I do not think I would be interested in using one to even pee in, much less poop in.

Have you ever pooped in a public toilet with the toilet door open?
A: No.

Do you find the stink in a public toilet tiresome or merely inevitable?
A: Inevitable, sometimes interesting.

Do you regularly count the turds in your average bowel movement? If so, how many turds are there?
A: Not intentionally. Depends on how hydrated I am. Can range from 1 to 3 big logs, to 10 to 15 little pebbles. Usually it is between 1 and 5.

Do you produce floating or sinking turds?
A: Depends on my diet, but both.

Do you regularly get skidmarks in your underclothes? (be honest)
A: No actually, I don't remember the last time I got a skidmark in my clothes, it is genuinely something that just does not happen to me (I am a really meticulous wiper).

Do you do a courtesy flush after the first few turds have fallen?
A: Sometimes but usually no.

Have you ever written graffiti on the doors of public toilets? If so were the graffiti texts or drawings? (You do not need to give any details)
A: No.

Wiping Survey Responses:

1. Do wipe sitting or standing ( or in-between)
A: I usually wipe my thighs and front sitting, and then I stand up to wipe my perineum and my butt. If I try wiping sitting 100% of the time, my perineum never feels like it gets dry enough, so I have to stand for it. So, depends on the part of my body.

2. Do you bunch the toilet paper or fold ( so something else)
A: I am a folder.

3a. Do you use anything besides tp ( bidet, wet wipes, unwipe, toilet mirror) to enhance wiping
A: No.

3b. How long have you used "enhanced wiping?"
A: Not applicable.

3c. Have use noticed cleaner underwear, less body odor, or any other improvements since starting "enhanced wiping":
A: Not applicable.

4. What type of underwear did you last get a skidmark in?
A: Not applicable.

5. Have you ever gotten poop on your hand wiping?
A: Yes.


A Case of the Runs and Responses

Hi Toiletstool,

I had to call in sick today to work, which is rarely something that I've had to do. Yesterday, I did not feel good at all but had no symptoms. I could not finish my meal last night and did not have much of an appetite. I also had a bloated sensation and felt a little achy. But I really did not think too much of it.

When I woke up in this morning, I still felt the same but I started passing a lot of gas while drinking a cup of coffee. I tried to eat some warm oatmeal with All Bran sprinkled in, but it just wasn't wanting to go down. So I threw out half the bowl. I knew I was sick but it was just a gross feeling. But the farting made me feel better until an...oops!

I felt a little diarrhea escape into my panties and caught the rest before it came out. I ran to the hall bathroom and unloaded a wave of diarrhea into the toilet. Alan was showering and I just felt like I needed some privacy.

The diarrhea smelled awful. I mean, I don't know if any ever smells good, but this was bad. I cleaned up and took my panties off and wrapped them in a garbage bag and placed them in the can. I was now going commando (I am wearing a shapely but comfortable set of flannel pajamas.) As soon as I made it back to the kitchen my stomach roared and I felt diarrhea rush into my back door. I made my way back to the toilet and released a massive load that was more powerful and smellier than the first. I sat there for a few minutes passing some more squirts and just farting. My stomach was feeling so much better by passing the gas and diarrhea. I cleaned and flushed and made way to our master bathroom to tell Alan that was sick with severe diarrhea.

He kissed me on the cheek and told me he was sorry that I didn't feel well. As I was talking about figuring out the rest of the day - the kids, dinner, and all - my stomach roared again. I told Alan that I had to use the toilet and apologized. I sat down and unloaded what felt like another bucket full of diarrhea and followed with an explosive fart. Alan had a little grin on his face and I told him I knew he was enjoying this. He admitted it but said that he hated that I didn't feel well. At least now I could use the washlet and cleanse my butt. So I flushed and cleaned again. This time I did not make it off the toilet before another wave rushed through my colon and poured into the toilet.

Alan grabbed my phone so that I could call the pharmacy techs and our other pharmacist and let them know that I would not be there today. It's 9:40 as I type this and I've been three more times for diarrhea and am feeling better, but just blah. I haven't had a diarrhea episode in almost an hour, so maybe my stomach is calming down. I hope that the kids stay well!

Jenny: Would you count that little bit of diarrhea as a skid mark or something else? Fortunately this is all taking place at home so I can clean thoroughly. It was Poopourri that I was referring to. It works wonders on a good, solid load. Your really can barely smell the poop, or not at all, and the scents are heavenly! I just don't recommend using it with every bowel movement. I think it's important to know the smell of our own poops, in case that something ever changes. But I have it with me for public restrooms, just in case. About the two wipes thing - for years, it has been my practice to wipe while my anus is still open, if that makes sense. And the high fiber content of my poop seems to make clean up easier. I know I sound like a snot and I sincerely apologize! But I am telling the truth! And yes, I love a big soft poop. I just think that pooping is going to be one of life's little pleasures that I will always look back on and be grateful for. I wish I felt the same about peeing, but oh well...I hope you are well! Love, prayers and well wishes to you always!

Jessica W: I am so glad you are feeling better and I hope that your regularity continues. I love how you use the word "poo" and I just love imagining your Australian accent as you say that word! Yes, mine were big, I imagine, at that age too! I just didn't pay as much attention to them until my preteen years when my family radically changed our eating habits. Alan is very interested and I've allowed him to be in the bathroom, see my poops, and have sent pics of my best ones to him. It's fun!

I hope everyone is doing well and dooing well!

Love to all!



Re: Thunder; It is OK to Poo at work and other Media Release

I don't find anything wrong with pooping at work. The vast majority of my days at the office, I'd poop at work 2-3 times. In my 20s, this means I'd probably pooped at n specific office I worked at 5,000 times or so.

Some of my coworkers were weirded out at first when they'd see me walk into a stall, lock the door, drop my pants down to my shoes, sit on the toilet, and just poop without shame a few feet from them without any concern for noise or odor, no expressed embarrassment, but they quickly got used to it. I was using this specific place for its intended purpose after all.

The vast majority of the time, I made no effort to conceal the noises generated while defecating and was most comfortable bringing my pants down all the way revealing my lower legs, which allowed anyone in the restroom to see my ankles and identify me by my pants/shoes(and sometimes by my work badge if it was clipped to my belt). All of my male coworkers have seen my shoes underneath a stall and heard me farting and/or defecating before and/or after seeing me enter/exit a stall. I don't know what they thought of it, but it never registered to me as a concern at the time.

Not only did all of the men in my workplace recognize my shoes, but so did the janitors both male and female. They all knew I pooped at work, and I wasn't embarrassed by it nor felt there was anything morally wrong with it. I had to go and it was simply part of my daily routine. I eat a diet rich in fibrous fruits and vegetables as well as beans, thus the volume of solids that I excrete is larger than what is normal for most people and simply unavoidable throught the day. I'd generally bring a magazine with me, because each sit-down session was between 5-7 minutes on average. At a former workplace, an attractive 20-something secretary would see me carry a magazine back and forth to the Mens' room, and she quickly became fully cognizant of what I was going to do in there.

Because of a vent placed between the adjacent Mens' and Womens' rooms, most or all of my female coworkers have also hard me pooping at some time, having seen me enter and/or exit the restroom before/after hearing my toilet noises through the vent.

And I had zero shame or embarrassment about any of it. It was merely an unavoidable byproduct of being alive as an animal that consumes food and produces waste. On rare occasions, I've had conversations with my coworkers or supervisors while pushing solid waste through my anus, and they were fully aware of who I was and what I was doing at the time, even if we pretended otherwise at that specific time and place. I'm generally not chatty while on the toilet, but I'm not going to pretend I'm not pooping, and I don't think anyone cares a whole lot.

For the most part, I don't think anyone judged me as committing any kind of wrong for doing this.

Many other coworkers admitted to me that they were too embarrassed to poop at work, and thought that me doing so was brave. A smaller number of coworkers, I pooped with in adjacent stalls on multiple occasions. Sometimes we had conversations while hearing each other poop and fart.

If I have to go, I find an appropriate place to go and just do it. This has saved me lots of discomfort and pain. I'm certain hundreds of coworkers have witnessed me pooping, even if they may not have seen me on the toilet. A small number of them have actually seen me pooping though, usually when the facilities didn't provide adequate privacy(massive gaps in the stalls or unusually short stalls/doors) or in cases where I had no choice but to go outside. In one case, I got walked in on while pooping in a hotel room by a coworker who as extra creepy(I wasn't exactly comfortable at that time being seen on the toilet, even if a simple stall would have otherwise limited any and all inhibitions about doing so).

As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing wrong with any of it. If anything, I think that my openness about pooping at work has encouraged others not to be bashful about their unavoidable bodily functions. I'm a good looking guy and that certainly helps the overall morale on the subject when my coworkers see me enter or exit a stall before/after laying cable and/or audibly expelling gas. If I can do it, they can too.

It reminds them that no matter how smart or stupid, beautiful or ugly, young or old, rich or poor, male or female, everyone poops. It's one of the basic facets of being a human being and is a universally relatable experience among our species.

So whenever I need to go, I just find the nearest facilities available for the purpose, and do what is needed. It's perfectly okay.

Steve A

Ran Out Of TP At My Workplace (Question)

Since I currently work at a fast casual restaurant as a shift lead supervisor/manager, I've only had to deal with running out of toilet paper twice, ever since I started back in 2020 (because someone forgot to add it to our truck orders and wasn't aware that were were running low)

The first time happened on a Friday (a couple years ago before I started my shift) so I brought some in since our truck wasn't scheduled until Monday.

The second time happened this past week: we were running low and another coworker brought some extra TP from Walmart, since our truck wasn't scheduled until a couple of days later.

So my question is:

Have you ever dealt with a business or restaurant running low or completely out of TP, soap, or paper towels? If so, did you let anyone know about it?


Second encounter with the janitor at work

Hey guyssss! It's been a while since my last post so I thought I'd come online a share a story that recently happened to me at work. I previously mentioned my encounter with the janitor at work who waited for me outside the bathroom, while clearly listening to my messy poop. Well, I've slowly been transitioning from working at home to back in the office and it seems my afternoon poop schedule aligns perfectly with the janitors cleaning schedule. A few times I week I find myself on the toilet when I hear a knock on the door and the male janitors voice asking if anyone is inside. He usually waits outside while I finish up but as I've mentioned before the walls in the office are very thin and it isn't hard to hear what's going on inside the washroom from outside. After one of my afternoon poops last week, I walked out and thanked him for waiting, but I also let him know that I would be okay if he needed to clean the bathroom while I was inside as I didn't want to keep him waiting all the time. I could tell he was very excited as he thanked me and headed in for cleaning. A few days go by and I haven't been in the washroom while he's needed to clean. However, on Monday I was dying for a poop after a whole weekend of eating and just as I entered the stall I heard that knock on door. "Hello, anyone inside," said the janitor. "Hey, it's me again," I said as I began to line the bowl with toilet paper. And to my excitement I heard him roll in his cart. "Hope you don't mind if I clean while you in here," he said. "Nope, as long as you don't mind me doing my business," I replied. We made small talk about the weekend while I was seated. It was definitely weird, but I guess it would have been weirder if it was silent. Anywho, it took about a minute but I eventually relaxed and started to poop. While he was discussing his weekend a let out a bassy fart, which followed with a poop that shot out of my butt. "Sorry, I had a lot of food over the weekend and haven't been able to go," I said as I interrupted him. "It's okay, do what you have to I don't mind," he said as he continued his story. I'm usually very gassy when I poop, but surprisingly I didn't have to fart a lot this time. The poop was semi solid however, and there was definitely a lot of crackling and splashing going on in my stall. The poop was getting softer and sloppier as it continued to come out. It went on for about three minutes straight until I was finally done. I wiped my butt about 10 times while continuing to talk to the janitor. As I flushed, I noticed a few skid marks were left. As I excited the stall and washed my hands, I thanked him for being so understanding and embarrassingly apologized for leaving a mess in the bowl. He urged me not to worry and told me it was fun having someone to talk to while cleaning. I very much enjoyed the experience and was much more relaxed than I thought I would be. I hope to have more experiences like this to share. Have any of you had a similar experience or would like to?


Peeing in Shower, and updates

To Chakamami, you said Maho is constipate, let me know how it all came out . I was constipated over the weekend and it upset my hernia too . Had a massage that involved the colon and that was painful…. Full of poo! Took some laxative for no result and then went to the next level with suppositories for a great result. But today I would like to talk about weeing in the shower . I never did it once but my partner does and I took it up. In a hot shower a find very relaxing and that helps me empty my bladder and due to the degree of relaxation is helps me empty fully. Sitting on my bidet with water squirting and heated seat promoted relaxation and more effective voiding . On the news feeds there have been stories of how bad it is to wee in the shower. For women it is bad for pelvic health . Well for heaven's sake they are not going to be in the shower every time they wee. I think it could be good for pelvic health and bladder health as it helps in full voiding . Next thing urine is sterile unless you have a UTI. The main thing is that it is well washed down the drain I have incomplete bladder emptying so I can wee before the shower but once well into the shower I relax and my bladder opens and another wee and then I feel empty. On a slightly different tact when I go to my therapist , additional to bowels she encouraged bladder action my massaging me and helping me to wee by relaxation . Thunder

Just chiming in on the conversation about poop vs pee accidents. I feel I am in a minority here, but I find pee accidents can be just as traumatizing as poop ones, if not more! It depends on a few factors.

I think poop accidents feel more serious in a way, but they can be easier to hide. If you have a long coat or something to tie around your waist, it's just the smell and if you are in a crowd, it's not always that easy to pinpoint where it's coming from. Don't get me wrong, when I've had to be in public after pooping myself (hasn't happened very often) I've been terribly self conscious that everyone knew. But when you wet your pants, there is no hiding it! Your pants are totally soaked and it's on display for the world to see, no jacket will cover that. I've thankfully managed to get away with a couple of pee accidents by wearing shorts under skirts, as well as dark and patterned pants and using a hand dryer in a bathroom, but other times when I've wet myself, thankfully in my house or close to a bathroom, I've been thankful I wasn't in public because it would have been a disaster to have to walk around looking like that.

Mind you, my poop accidents have all been solid, contained ones. So I have no experience with runny poop or diarrhea. That could be a different story entirely.

Anyway, that doesn't really answer the question of why people post more about poop accidents, but I have seen people saying it's because poop accidents are more serious/memorable/difficult and just wanted to add my two cents. Personally, I post more about them because I've just had more poop accidents vs wettings. No idea why that is!

Reply to Sampson

Poop at School questions:

The conditions in my high school are fine before and through 1st hour. They get stinky from heavy uses at mid-morning and during the lunch periods. After that users practically walk out smelling of crap and wishing friends going through the entrance "good luck."

You can be made fun of while on the stool if you use one of the first 5 out of the large row. Everybody walks by you, gets a look of you sitting there, clothing down and defenseless as they hurry for the line of urinals on the other side of the room. If you look scared or nervous or have you hand on your wares, yes you will be singled out. Some of the exchanges are kind of bad. I've seen one 9th grader just start to cry, he stands and pulls up his clothing, and he heads out the door.

Yes, a lot of guys poop and or piss at the same time. For some, asking a teacher for the restroom paddle takes a lot of courage. If there's a lack of discipline from the teacher, some lewd things can be said as he gets the paddle and walks out. Some won't wait in line for a urinal but they will just dive into a open toilet stall and do their piss. Pulling up the seat beforehand is not often done. During lunch hour every seat may be dripping. Some just decide to hold their shit until they get home. In my case, I will sit for a noon hour shit, but I only get a quick wipe or two in before the bell rings. I get a more thorough wipe in at my girlfriend's house where we study after school.


Small solid poop at the end of breakfast

Hi. Got up around 8:15 ish, grabbed my Walmart bag off the floor, my toothbrush and toothpaste off one desk, my toilet paper off the same desk and my water jar off the other desk, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, went to the washroom (peed), brushed my teeth (my toothpaste tastes like black licorice and honey. I don't know where my caregiver and longtime friend got it), put my toothbrush and toothpaste in my room, went upstairs for breakfast. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my friend and caregiver was up making breakfast. I said good morning to her and sat down. There was an egg sandwich with some chili peppers in it (????!) and next to it I was surprised and happy to see a cup of coffee. I ate slowly and afterwards took my 9 AM medications (I noticed that she had put out a new medication package. When we call the drug store to get more medications they prepackage it since I have memory issues and can't remember how much of which medication goes into the pill boxes). Not long ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed the toilet paper off one of the desks, grabbed the Walmart bag (that's to make everything easier for me to carry at once), went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, walked out of my room, put the flip flops in the hallway on, closed the door, turned off the light, walked to the washroom across from my room, turned on the light and closed the door. Walked to the toilet, pulled down my black sweatpants and black underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out my poop. It wasn't big (unfortunately) and it was solid. It was a constipated poop that was hard to push out but it was coming out (slowly). Finally the last of it came out and dropped into the toilet. Not really much of a sound when it came out. It was an overall disappointing poop and I'm still full. After drinking more warm water it should soften everything up. Pushed back my sleeves, grabbed the toilet paper (I had it on the glass ledge where the soap and someone's toothbrush was), took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then leaned forward to wipe my butt. It was somewhat messy. When I was done I put the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up, turned around and looked in the toilet. It was a disappointing poop. Just a medium sized solid dark brown poop with cracks in it. Boo. Flushed the toilet, washed my hands well at the sink, grabbed the Walmart bag off the floor, walked to the door, opened it, left the washroom, turned off the light, walked to my room, took the flip flops off outside my room, turned on the light, opened the door, went into my room, put the flip flops on in here, dried my hands on the towels in here and have been writing this for a while. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and that you're having a good week.

Happy pooping and peeing!


To Darlene

Darlene sounds like u had a good poop hope it came out alright. I'm a regular pooper too I usually go every 2-3 days. Do u poop in public? If I really really have to go I'll drop a deuce in public. Looking forward to hearing from u! My name is Austin by the way! 🙂


To Catherine

I see you like to do big poops and you like big bowel movements in other people.

Has it ever happened that you compared your poop to someone else's and were proud of the fact that you had a bigger poop?
Or maybe the opposite happened. You saw someone's poop and were impressed by its size and envied that you couldn't do a poop that big?



Long time since I contributed so I thought it was probably time I did.

Small School Teacher. Thanks for sharing the difficulty re needing to poo between 1 and 3pm. I think it's a common occurence for teachers to struggle with managing calls of nature which don't necessarily coincide with breaks. Do you try to poo at lunchtime? Or is there an afternoon break you could utilise? Sadly she's no longer with us but a lady I loved had been a teacher and got into the habit of holding everything in all day, because she was too busy to go to the loo. Unfortunately it caused some health problems when she got older. Maybe schools should do more to recognise that staff need regular loo breaks, not just pupils.

Sandra. I think weeing accidents are undoubtedly more common than poo ones, because if someone goes to the toilet eight times a day, the probability is that seven of those visits will be only to pass water. However I think there are more spaces online where people can freely share their wetting experiences. This is one of very few where poo accidents and experiences can be shared.


ozempic poop update

Jenny- Fiber and hydration are definitely important. I have been given these recommendation and instructions from my provider team, but I cannot deny my experiences My poops recently the last two weeks have been in 2 categories. Category 1 I have huffed and puffed to pushing what feels like a giant poop which ends up being kind of small and uneventful. Today I had a category two which the poop not only came out but kind of knocked hard to the point I interrupted my dishwashing to poop what felt like and endless soft poop. Very satisfying but really piled above the water almost making me think that the poop was going to touch my butt. The later situation was when I kept my fiber to 40 g a day or more and definitely feels much better than pushing. I never had nausea or diarrhea, but when I don't have as much fiber, I get suspiciously full very quickly after few bites. I appreciate feeling fuller quicker but feeling like I have no stomach space is concerning and usually if follow up with a not so pleasant poop.

Hydration is seldom a problem for me, but being cognizant of the fiber in my diet has been very positive for me. I'm getting better at it. It is weird to have one satisfying poop a day with fiber rather than several nice movements like I noticed in the past when I eat lots of fruit, vegetables and steel cut oatmeal's. Possibly the fast GI track may lead to my decreased satiety?

Catherine-I used to miss my two BM's a day or more, but with my improving health, I really am enjoying my one big bowel movement a day. Obviously, a healthy bowel movement number a day varies for everyone. I also wiped twice and got clean so I too pooped a "Catherine" today

Princess Toadstool Peach

The Dirty icky brown Cockroach in the Public Restroom

Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and boy have I got a story to tell. I went to the restroom today to do my business. As I was sitting down on the toilet reading my newspaper and going tinkle pee wee and passing a thick massive poo stool. The stall door next to mine opened as I heard "I'll be out in a minute Mummy! I need to make a big one." It sounded like a 8 year old child as she pulled her undies down far enough as they could go along with her pants. She sat on the toilet next to me and swayed her legs humming loudly a toilet dirty as she was reading a book (I couldn't see what the book was about) But it didn't matter because then a moment later she stopped and broke wind a little followed by a middle sized "PLOP!!" She must of done a big poo in there. Then I heard "Have you done a poo Janice sweetheart?" The 8 year old girl called out "Yeah Mummy I just need to wipe." She grabbed some toilet paper and began wiping herself really well. Then just when was finished she screamed "MUMMY!!! MUMMY!!" Her Mother came into the room and turned out there was a dirty little cockroach in the next stall sitting on the toilet. Some kids can be afraid of those things usually. I myself am afraid of Daddy Long Legs spiders. The Mother reassured her child that it was nothing to be afraid of. And then tried getting rid of it while I was wiping my vagina and bottom clean but it crawled away into my stall. I remained perfectly calm not wanting to make a big fuss about the whole darn thing and then it crawled up my legs and into my panties I tried to stop myself but at the last second I freaked out shrieking right when I finished doing my business. "EEEEEEK!!!!!" It's a good thing I was on the toilet that time so I didn't soil or wet myself in fright and another good thing that I did my business inside the toilet. But nevertheless the cockroach looked disgusting it crawled out of my panties and going this way and that way as I stood up and tried hitting it with my newspaper knocking the rubbish bin next to the toilet until finally "SQUISH!!!" The cockroach was dead or was it? Someone had left their half used tomato sauce packet in the rubbish bin. YUCK GROSS!! Nevertheless I never ever saw that ugly brown bug again as it crawled quickly away out of the restroom until I heard flushing from the next stall and then heard the Mother and her daughter leave the stall. I pulled up my panties, lifted down my dress and flushed too getting out of the stall. The Mother then said to me and apologised for her daughter Janice freaking out and said she has Autism and things sometimes scare her. I laughed smiling a huge smile and said "It's alright we all have our phobias." not telling her that MY fear was Daddy long legged spiders because even the word freaks me the f(BEEP)k out. Then finally we both said our goodbyes and wished each other take care as I left the restroom and continued on my day. So yeah keep a eye out of those cockroach bugs next time you visit the toilet everyone because when doing your business they might crawl up your legs and into your panties. Teehee! Bye bye now!


I have read the article from nobody (staging an accident)
many years ago before indoor toilets we had a chamber pot under the bed
we used during the night often there was a commode in the bedroom and a
bedpan .
when we needed to wee during the night we wood just wee in it often
during bad weather we would squatt over it and have a NUMBER TOO THE
girls would always squatt for NUMBER ONE AND NUMBER TOO.
Often we would use the bedpan for NUMBER TOO as it was more comfortable
but had to empty every time it was used .
the favourite was the commode because we could wee and poop several times
before emptying.
I have porta potties in my bedroom to use as often and whenever needed
no need to wait to use the toilet !!



This morning while waiting for kettle to boil ,had the urge for a BM
went back to bedroom sat on pottie and had a NUMBER TOO.Yesterday had breakfast emptied all potties ,vacumed carpets cleaned kitchen ,had dinner washed up then at 2 pm had the urge for a BM .I placed the JONES RELAX bedpan by the fridge ,pulled four sheets of SHADES kitchen roll from the dispenser ,down with jogging bottoms and pants .sat down and had a NUMBER TOO,wiped dressed the dropped it in the bonfire.
I then attended a club meeting ,carvery tea ,three hours later on way home stopped for some Fish and before yesterday had to poop as soon as I had my morning two mugs of tea .

John H

Pooping differently

Hi all. A story today about a recent poop but a comment first.
@Sandra. I identified a lot with your recent post regarding enjoying the sensation of a solid poo coming out and meeting a surface from a young age. Like you, I was reassured to read of others similar experiences with poop accidents.
Have you ever tried lining the inside of your knickers with toilet paper to help with clean up?
Like you, I am also almost always prepared with spare tissues when out in the event of needing a toilet. They have came in handy a number of times over the years.

Reading some recent posts on here about pooping differently such as sitting backwards on the toilet gave me the idea to try something I hadn't done in years. Not sure why, sometimes it's fun to poo in a different way.
Recently I gave pooing while laying down a try. I removed my pants and underwear and made a pad of toilet paper by folding a couple of long strips together.
I lay on my back positioned over the toilet paper and relaxed. It took a moment before my poo began to move. It was relaxing to be in this position while pooping. My log made a lot of crackeling as it came out including some soft farts. I gave some soft pushes which resulted in a smaller follow up log.
After a few moments I got up and wiped as normal. It took a little extra to get clean. Then I turned to the poo which smelled strongly but in a healthy way if that makes sense. The main log was big but I easly folded up the edges of the toilet paper around the load and place it in the toilet before flushing. I redressed and washed my hands before leaving the bathroom.
This was a relaxing and fun way to poo in a different way that doesn't require a lot of clean up. If anyone has gave this a go or has any questions let me know.
That's all for now. Take care all.
John H.

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