


Hi - Its Tig

Today I went to see the yoga instructor and dietitian
I was really hoping she can maybe give a bit of guidance on my constipation and having excessive gas that seems to get trapped and gives me bad cramps.

She is a lovely Indian Woman who looked very fit, good skin, nice teeth, impossible to tell how old, maybe 50 to 60, don't know, dressed in Indian style clothes.
Her name was Rya, but that's not her real name of course.
She had a small studio where she taught Yoga which also included a small office which is where we went for our consultation.

I had been asked to prepare a list of what I typically ate each week.
I had always thought it should be quite healthy and Rya certainly agreed it was okay, but she asked to stop eating some of the more processed foods on my list.
These mainly included processed grains and oils and she gave me many alternatives. No brand names here of course, just basically process foods
Rya said to only ever eat natural and unprocessed foods, but never ever eat processed foods. Simple as that.
Rya also gave me some foods that were guaranteed to produce good bowel movements, there were plenty of them.
She then said maybe I should try meditating to help me relax and could attend one of her classes. All good.

Rya said I could also attend one of her yoga classes where she showed positions and poses to relieve constipation and relieve trapped gas.
All these positions and poses were very simple and I could easily use them at home, don't need any special equipment
I was starting to feel really happy. Rya suggested against taking laxatives, use natural foods instead, many things will make you go.

She then asked me when I was pooping did I sit or squat.
I replied that I sit on a toilet.
Okay she said, that may be one of your issues, not pooping correctly.
She said in India most of our toilets are squat toilets and you need to squat down on them, no sitting and this is also a good way to relieve any trapped gas.
Squatting, do you know how to squat down properly.
We then went into her small studio and she proceeded to show me how to squat properly.
By sitting flat footed no raised heels just a full resting squat.
She said if I struggled to maybe put something under my heels to raise like a small pillow or even shoes with raised heels.
It was important to a proper squat.

So when I need or want to poop instead of sitting on the toilet I need to squat down instead.
I have squatted before to try and poop and I think squatting does help.
Also noticed my thighs and knees got a bit sore, but Rya said if I squatted down every day my thighs and knees would become stronger and it's healthy to squat.
She also said to squat barefooted, so you could balance more safely on the toilet, maybe find something to hold on to, or have a handle installed, so you can hold on to that.
She said it was important to try and squat low as you can and doing this every day will help to squat lower.

I think this post is probably more educational and may be of help to others who suffer from my issues
Hopefully happy pooping.
Love from Tig


Diarrhea Explosions

I realize my saga with diarrhea has not posted as of today (Sunday), but now the whole family is sick. Their symptoms were similar to mine, except that Zoe, our petite red-headed daughter did throw up Saturday night. She had been with friends most of the day Saturday, and ate a lot of junk food, which she is not used to anyway. Of course, Zoe is so confident and independent, that she just went to the toilet, vomited 2-3 heaves, and then let me know that she wasn't well. Joey already complained about not feeling well late Saturday and woke me up about 5:00 AM saying that his stomach hurt really bad. I asked him if he had to throw up and he said no, and then pointed to his lower stomach. I convinced him to go and sit on the toilet. He asked if I would come with him and he sat for a minute. I let him play with his tablet (which Alan and I limit) and he started passing some gas and laughing about it! I'm glad he felt better. About ten minutes into this he just started having wave after wave of diarrhea. Again it was unreal how much was coming out of his seven-year old body. He even started crying saying that he didn't want to keep having diarrhea and I told him it was OK.

Zoe woke up and I heard her rush to her bathroom. While I was tending to Joey I heard multiple flushes coming from her bathroom. She would later tell me that she had really bad diarrhea.

Alan texted me and said that he woke up with diarrhea and that it was really pouring out of him. So we decided that it would be best to skip church. I texted "Beth," our minister told her we were all sick and that we would miss her sermon today. She told us that she hoped we were better soon.

Throughout the day they all have been back to the bathroom a few times. I have not been today. I think my stomach is trying to get back to normal after having diarrhea since Wednesday. But I am feeling better.

Chloe, our cotton-top college sophomore, is supposed to be coming home for Thanksgiving on Wednesday. I hope we are better and that she doesn't get sick!

I hope everyone stays well and avoids these stomach bugs that seem to always go around this time of the year!

Love to all!



Training poop

I was in training at work today, it was very boring and I found myself drifting off and only semi paying attention. What did catch my attention however was my colleague sat opposite me at the other side of the table. She looked uncomfortable and kept massaging her stomach, it was clear as day she needed the toilet. It was nearing four hours of training and we were due to stop for lunch soon, I hadn't pooped yet today so I was planning on going during my break.

Everyone else went to the canteen for their break except for Sarah who followed me downstairs to the toilets. There was only two stalls so we took one each and I took a seat with my black trousers and thong around my calves, a squeaky fart of anticipation of what was to come sneaking out as I lowered myself onto the toilet. Sarah started peeing while I waited for my body to take care of things in its natural order, my stomach gurgling and softly cramping, and as her stream tapered off she swore and then knocked on the partition wall between us.

"Do you have any toilet paper? I have enough to wipe now but I don't want to do the rest if I can't clean up"
"Yeah, I will give you some once I have finished"

Without any delay there was a long fart from Sarah and a loud splash followed by an even louder sigh. The sigh told more than words ever could, it sounded like she had needed that all day. Hearing her uncorked my bottle and my stomach cramped once more as my poop emerged with a wet crackle in a long, soft rope folding over itself as it reached the bowl. There was another splash from Sarah as I began peeing and gave a small push to get wave two moving, my turds making more of a "splat" than a splash as the soft serve landed on top of more poop. There was a third splash from her as I waited for my bladder to finish emptying and I passed her a healthy amount of toilet paper under the stall divider. She said thank you accompanied by a fourth and final splash. I wiped my front and took some more to clean up my behind, it was messy but not too bad! I needed about four handfuls to come back clean. We emerged from our stalls together and Sarah smiled another thank you as we washed our hands and went upstairs to enjoy lunch.


Saturday Update and some Solid-Accident Classics!

Hi Toiletstool!

I made it into work today even though the diarrhea really has not subsided. Well, in a way it has. I had a big explosion this morning after breakfast that really felt good. It was a lot! It made a mountain of mousse in the toilet but felt really good to do that. I haven't been since that one trip. And I feel better so I'm just making sure that my hands are clean. Hopefully I am over this bug and that my stomach just needs to get back on track.

I have been posting for 15 years now (or at least as of December) and I have recalled some stories that have made an impression on me. It was a genuine solid accident that brought me to this forum 15 years ago and so the stories of solid accidents have made an impression on me.

So, I wanted to know what you all think of these stories. I will list their pages and give you all a chance to read. I would love to know what you think because these stories have created vivid memories.

First, check out Anthony T's story of witnessing a young business woman have an accident on an airplane. That's page 2934. I felt so sorry for the woman's accident, but it sounds like she had an urgent need for the toilet.

Julie on page 1242 describes an accident after holding her bowel movement too long while working on homework. Her mother is cleaning her toilet and in an attempt to make it to her mother's bathroom she has a massive accident at the bottom of the stairs.

Beth on page 1247 has an accident while in the park with friends. She has a need for a while and discovers that the park's restrooms are locked for the season. A little while later she poops her pants while tossing the football with friends.

Janice on page 1891 is a competitive golfer who has an accident while trying to complete 18 holes before dark. She reports that it is the size of a grapefruit!

English Teacher on page 1945 tells the story of when she had an accident just as she was dropped off from a football game.

What do you think? I imagine things like this can happen to us all and make an impression on us. My first solid accident at 15 and then again at 29 both led me to seek out this forum!

I would love to know your thoughts on these stories!

Love to all!


Monday, November 25, 2024


Went to GYM last night, when I got home sat on the THETFORD 245 POTTIE had a wee then got into bed .This morning woke had a wee in the THETFORD ELEGANCE POTTIE then went downstairs ,had my usual tea etc one hour later needed the pottie again,went upstairs sat on the THETFORD 245 for ten minutes doing a NUMBER TOO really enjoyed it . I hope tomorrow I can do same again

THIS MORNING HAD MY DOSE OF LAXIDO two mugs of tea then washed dressed done the washing up then went to the bedroom and had a NUMBER TOO in the POOPING POTTIE really enjoyed it .


Old question that was never answered.

Jay wrote on page 956

I have looked all over on the internet to find out an answer to my question and i just cant look any further. Do obese people have to use a special toilete or i guess i just really want to know how the go to the bathroom, like how do they fit. Im not trying to be mean i'm just really curious.

The answer is no.

Just a quick response to Catherine - thank you for your sweet message, it really lifted my spirits. You seem like an amazing person too, so kind and understanding! Wishing you and everybody else here a wonderful day!

Princess Toadstool Peach

Doing a lot of Wee/Large Thick Brown Poos this Early Morning

Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today after a long night sleep. I headed up to the bathroom for a long but also relaxing bathroom break. After I clean all my teeth, I then get out of my razor and shaving cream and begin to shave my vagina pubes. It's a long time shaving this bush but someone has to do it. Then afterwards I walk over to the toilet, lifted my dress, pulled my panties down to my ankles, gave my bottom a little wiggle and sat down on the toilet adjusting myself and squatting as I read the newspaper. YAAAAWWWNN!!! Oh man I am a bit sleepy this morning rubbing my eyes. Then my bladder tingles and my floodgates begin to open up. "Tinkletinkle TSSSSSSSSSSSssssssshhhhhhhh dripdripdrop!!" Feels like a dream I had one time when I was going down a waterfall with Super Mario Mario my boyfriend. And yes we were in our birthday suits AKA naked. Then I start pushing and soon I hear a loud crackle from my bottom poo hole and within two seconds later I started pooing. "PLUNK PLOOP PLOP PLOP PLUNKPLUNKPLUNK SPLASH!!!" Wow that must of filled up the whole toilet. Sheesh whom knew I could dump waste so much? Anyway time to wipe this brownload away. I grab some toilet paper and wipe my vagina between my legs then my bottom front and back. Then after that is all done I throw away the paper and pull up my panties, lift down my dress and then flush it all away. I feel so much better now. OK I'll speak to you guys soonish. Until then… Bye bye now.

Emma two

Desperate in the meeting

I was in a meeting all morning at work and I was desperate for a poo the whole time. By the time we got a break I'd been holding it for three hours and I was bursting to go. I quickly walked to the toilets trying not make it look obvious I was desperate but I didn't do a very good job. I made it to the toilets without having an accident in my knickers but it was close. All six cubicles were taken and I had to wait for a while. The kind lady in front me noticed I was desperate and she let me cut in front her as she said she knew what it was like when you're desperate. I felt embarrassed but I thanked her and went into the cubicle. The smell of poo filled the air and I knew the girl that came out must have had a really good poo. I looked in the toilet and saw a lot of skid marks at the bottom of the toilet. I quickly pulled my jeans and knickers down and sat down on a very warm toilet seat and relaxed my bottom. I felt my poo coming out and what a relief. I pus and it all rushed out of me making a crackling sound as a wave of intense relief washed over me. I wiped six times and pulled my clothes up. I was about to flush the toilet when I looked into it to see I'd filled it with my poo. I didn't think I was clear but I pulled the lever anyway and thankfully it all went down. I opened the door and the lady that let me cut in from of her asked me if I felt better and I told her I did and I thanked her again.


Ann's Poots

Hi - Tig here

Thank You Chakamami.
I really am curious just how much gas other people make and how they deal with, how they feal about it and what they do when on the toilet. I don't seem to make quite as much gas as mum, but now in my 30's I certainly fart a lot more especially when on the toilet. When I tinkle I always sit for a while and squeeze anything out that I can. If I'm alone I really enjoy doing this, I wonder if other people enjoy a good fart on the throne.
It will be interesting to hear how you go pulling each other's fingers, and how your full orchestra goes. I'm guessing your not embarrassed about it, just like my mum. I guess talking about it on this forum is making me fell less embarrassed and that's good.

Today a friend came over to visit, someone who I originally met in the office at work.
Lets call her Ann, but this is not her real name of course.
She had brought a bottle of red wine with her so we opened it and had a glass or two each.
I rarely drink, neither did Ann so this was a pleasant change.
We chatted, we hadn't seen each other for a couple of weeks.
Ann then moved slightly on the sofa and it made a small noise.
I just laughed and said "Ann, really".
"Oh no" she said "that wasn't me, it was the sofa".
I just continued smiling.
"No, I always make all my rude noises on the toilet when I poop, which I'm going to need to do soon I think" she said.
"It must be this wine its making me feel very relaxed".
I just said "Okay". I was surprized at Ann being so open about it.
A bit later Ann said she needed to get on the toilet.
I said "Sure its just through there"
Ann said "Come with me so we can continue talking"
At first I was hesitant, but I remembered the receptionist at work that time had made me very curious about how other people pooped.
And how I had really wanted to do a long bassy fart and plops like the receptionist had, and was really jealous because I couldn't.
So I followed Ann into the toilet, where she pulled down her underpants and sat down on the toilet.
As soon as she sat Ann produced a deep booming fart which sounded a bit wet.
"Sorry I just pooted" Ann said and smiled "A poot, it's a runny fart"
Ann said "I get a bit constipated sometimes, I am now, which is why I am glad I starting to feel like I need to go, I'm certainty starting to poot".
I said "Really, I am constantly constipated and I take laxatives to actually make me go"
"Wow" Ann said "I didn't know that"
"What do you take to help you go" I said
"Today I drank a bottle of prune juice and now after that red wine my stomach is starting to gurgle and that's why I'm pooting" Ann said with a laugh.
"I hope I don't Stink your bathroom out too much" she added with another laugh "I'm feeling a very pooty"
I loved Ann's word poot.
"Oh don't worry" I said "That poor toilet cops it all the time, it seems to thrive on being pooted on and you should hear my mum when she's on it".
Ann started to laugh and then sneezed and blew out a squeaky little poot, again sounded very wet.
"Oh excuse me I seem to be pooting rather a lot" she said and pulled off a piece of toilet paper and blew her nose.
As she was blowing her nose she pooted again.
"I think the prune juice is working" she said and pooted yet again.
Ann then said "Big poot coming up" and blew several more very loose sounding poots which then turned into plops.
The first couple of plops sounded quite big, but they slowly tapered off into lots of little plips.
"That's feels better I think I'm all pooted out now" said Ann and started wiping. "How many poots did I do" she said with a smile.
"I don't know how many poots you did, it was lots. I'm going to get on the toilet myself. I'm hoping to do a few poots as well".
I pulled my underpants down and sat on the now warm toilet seat.
I felt a little shy with Ann there, but she just had a really good poop and I wanted to do the same.
But alas the best I could do was a few little puffs, certainly no poots or plops, story of my life.
"Oh well perhaps you don't need to go" said Ann.
Yeah, but I did need to go, I wanted to go.

Ann left a little bit later and said she'll be back in a few weeks.
That was a new side of Ann today, pooping together with her, well Ann pooping and me just sitting.
Once again I felt very jealous of Ann doing her poots and her plip plops so easily. I would just love to do exactly the same, I only wish
So I sat on the toilet again and pushed some more, but nothing, not even a single little toot.
Maybe I should try prunes or prune juice.

The next day first thing in the morning I got on the toilet and tinkled and sat for a while looking at my phone. After a minute I felt a small rumbling in my lower stomach and started to feel pressure low in my bottom. I think I'm finally going to poot. I pushed slightly and then pushed harder and finally produced a good gassy wet fart that echoed loudly, just like mum had, followed by several logs which were quite soft. I was really pleased.
I sat on the throne for a further 15 minutes and did several hissing farts, so good.
I really felt good, it must have been the wine last night and I was still dropping hissing farts, there was quite a smell in the toilet.
It was a good day, I felt really good. I didn't poop anymore but I certainly had some loose farts several times on the toilet, when tinkling, a really good day.

In a couple of days I am seeing the Yoga dietitian from India
Hopefully she can help me.

Love from Tig.

Last night Sunday at eight thirty while sorting some newspapers I had the urg for a BM went to the bedroom and used the POOPING POTTIE
THETFORD 245 had a wee then a NUMBER TOO . Went back downstairs carried on with the papers then had a mug of milk before bed.
During the night had a wee in the THETFORD ELEGANCE pottie twice and again before putting on dressing gown and going downstairs,I had a dose of LAXIDO then my usual two mugs of tea .I brushed my teeth ,washed the went back to the bedroom lifted the lid on the THETFORD 245 rinsed put paper towel on back of bowl took of my pants ,spread my dressing gown around the pottie then sat down.
A few minutes later had a wee then started pooping ten minutes later I was done undone the cord of my dressing gown then let it drop to the floor
I pulled three sheets of ELSAN BLUE toilet paper from the holder and wiped then another three sheets and wiped then stood up closed the lid and pulled the slide then rinsed the pottie several times,I then dressed and took the pottie outside to empty
I enjoy using this pottie as THE SEATING HIGHT IS THIRTEEN INCHES I AM in a squatt position when I poop and it is the lightest of my collection

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