Hey so first of all I'm new here! I'd been lurking here for a while and finally decided to maybe post!
I was at the doctors and I sat down in the waiting room for them to call my name. Then my ibs started to act up when I had just 5 minutes left until my appointment!!! At first I shifted around in my seat and think about other things to take my mind off it. My stomach was cramping sooo bad. Finally I just couldn't hold it any longer and hurried over to the bathroom which was thankfully nearby! I knocked at the door to see if anyone was in there, got no response so I walked in and thank my lucky stars it was empty. I hurried to get a seat cover off the wall and put it on the seat. It was hard to keep it in place but I was in a hurry so I just sat down and immediately pushed. Normally I would be too afraid to make noise so I would push lightly or not at all and just let it all come out by itself but I had no time! Sadly it was a loud one but it all came out at once. I wasn't sure if I was done but my stomach felt better so I hurried and wiped and it took a few wipes and I knew I hadn't wiped well but I shrugged and figured I got most of it off and I would wipe more at home. Stood up, flushed the toilet and washed my hands and rushed back out to the waiting area and I was so lucky I made it just in time for my name to be called!
Another time, at the movies I really had to pee. I sure regretted getting the largest cup of Coca Cola. I tried so hard to hold it! I shifted in my seat and tried to focus on the movie but the pressure building was too much and at a certain point I just knew I wouldn't make it through the entire movie. I hated that I missed part of the movie but I had to go more than I ever had in my life! I ran to the bathroom and did my business and had the best pee of my life! I felt so much lighter after! So much relief and I went back to continue watching the movie but I am sad to say I did miss some important things for the plot.
Many many moons ago I was around 11 years old and school took all of us on a camping trip. A real camping ground with nice big cabins and everything. We did a lot of activities. We were there all day. My friend Cody came up to me at one point and he said he badly needed to pee and didn't pee all day not even in the morning before school! Because of being in the hot weather all day he drank a lot of water from his big water bottle he was carrying so he was very very desperate to pee! He was too afraid to ask permission to go to the bathroom so he asked if I could be a shield for him so people wouldn't see him pee. I said of course. With his permission I quickly got a few of his other friends to come help me shield him from everyone and we formed a circle around him with our backs to him so we wouldn't see. We soon heard his pee hitting the grass along with him sighing in relief. This went on for over a minute but then a teacher saw us and yelled at us for going far away from the rest of them and asked what we were doing. She made us step away which exposed poor Cody to everyone!! Everyone was looking in our direction because we were getting yelled at. Without thinking I turned around and looked at him before looking away. Cody was completely exposed standing there peeing nonstop with his shorts and briefs around his knees and his bottom showing and his private parts on display for all to see!!! Everyone was laughing and staring at his private parts. He was yelled at for not asking to go to the bathroom while he stood there with his penis out still peeing up a storm! He bawled his eyes out and tried to turn away. Once he was finished he pulled up his shorts and briefs again and he ran to a nearby cabin and hid there, a teacher followed him of course, and I didn't see Cody for the rest of the trip, I guess he went home early. Poor kid. He even told me he really wanted to switch to another school after the incident! Especially because after it he was so badly bullied for it.
Final story! On vacation I just went swimming and naturally I decided to shower as soon as I got back in my hotel room. I had to pee but thought it could wait. I got in the shower and turned on the water, adjusted the temperature and began washing my hair. Then it became impossible to hold my pee. I guess the water made it extra hard to hold in. I really didn't want to pee in the shower because it was a hotel so other people would be using it in the future and I felt bad. But all of the sudden it just started coming out! I felt it begin to dribble from me and I felt the warmth on my legs as it ran down my legs. I was so disappointed in myself. I should've went before I got in the shower. I still feel bad about it. It looked like the soap and water did a good job of getting it away though.
A Christmas Recipe
Hi Toiletstool,
As we near 2025, I hope everyone has a wonderful year. And, I hope that 2025 is your best year for bowel movements!
I realize that so many on this forum struggle with digestive disorders and super-busy lifestyles. Having a healthy BM for me is the next-best bodily sensation to sex. Well, maybe eating is next-best, but you get my point. I wanted to share an old recipe that I posted on page 2522, but it has been revised.
If you will follow it, you can have some amazing doodies and feel better over all. Imagine a life of poops that are long and thick, create strong urges in your bottom but hardly ever cramp your stomach, that are complete in one to two evacuations, and that clean up easily. It's possible!
Here's the recipe:
1. Fiber. I eat All Bran Cereal on top of Honey Nut Cheerios. Every. Day. Without exception. Bulk Fiber helps the stool retain water and provides more girth to the stool. Fiber expands when its filled with water. I would recommend no more than the daily serving, as it could cause malabsorption of vitamins and minerals in other foods.
2. Yogurt. Every Day. Without exception. I still eat Dannon Triple Zero even though the formula has changed over the years. It is excellent!
3. Water. Drink the recommended 64 oz. of water daily, but space it out throughout the day. I have to be conscientious of this during cooler months. Too, I recommend water as opposed to getting it through flavored alternatives.
4. Exercise. I run and work out regularly. However, at least walk for 30 minutes. It's good for you anyway but it aids in digestion.
5. Routine. Plan your day so that you are not in a hurry. Make sure that you give yourself time to poop. Don't ignore the signal to go to the bathroom. Eventually it will happen at a comfortable time for you.
6. Privacy. We all need privacy, as indicated by this forum, to go to the bathroom. If we cannot get the privacy we need, we at least need to be comfortable with where we go and who might know that we are going. It will help things move along as they should when we go. It's weird that I have found out that I tend to have to wipe more when I have pooped somewhere or with someone that I am not comfortable.
7. Charmin and Good Wipes. I will not use any other toilet paper. I like to save money like anyone else, when I am trying to get clean, I want comfort over cost-savings. I always have Charmin for my bathroom at home. I keep Good Wipes and Charmin when I am out and about. I also have a built in bidet in my toilet that helps. But wiping gently and thoroughly is important. And, if your poops are filled with fiber, they will be less sticky and easy to clean!
8. A healthy diet. I eat many vegetarian recipes when I can. I eat lots of fish. I do not drink soft drinks, eat junk food or fast food. I love to treat myself to pizza, burgers, or other high calorie meals once per week, but that's it. Eat healthy snacks, such as fruit and nuts. Find ways to get fiber through your food instead of taking supplements. Too, if certain foods irritate your bowels or cause constipation, avoid them. But do treat yourself once per week!
9. Eat breakfast. I eat a balanced breakfast every day (not two separate ones like I did when I was younger). Eating breakfast stimulates the digestive system early in the day. I'll have All Bran cereal and Honey-Nut Cheerios, fruit, yogurt, and usually a vegetarian omelette!
10. Coffee. I only have 8 ounces in the morning at breakfast. But the caffeine and the warm drink helps stimulate the bowels. Also hot tea or warm lemon water can do the trick. But don't drink too much to cause cramps!
11. Create a relaxing atmosphere in the bathroom. Splurge on some decorations, a good, comfortable toilet, air fresheners, candles, and anything that would make my bathroom an inviting place for me to be.
12. Enjoy the go!!! (I stole that from Charmin!). I know that I should not be as obsessed with going to the bathroom as I am, but it does feel good. We should not be embarrassed if defecating is a pleasurable experience. Even Mark Twain acknowledged defecating to be a pleasurable experience. If for just a few minutes you have a slightly euphoric feeling, don't be embarrassed that it was a perfectly formed, stinky, mud-like substance exiting your body that made you feel good. It's OK to look too!! In fact, we all ought to look at it because we might find abnormalities and catch them early.
I hope that this recipe will be a good one for you to try. Give it time to get to the size, frequency and consistency that is comfortable for you!
Love to all!
Yesterday packed a trolly case with a few items to take to Bristol and a packed lunch and walked to the station.On the way had a wee in the bushes
arrived at the station a three minute wait for the train.I needed to go on the toilet as soon as I stepped on the train ,packed the case outside the toilet off with my high vis coat into to toilet down with my jogging bottoms and pants,sat on toilet.
I locked the door had several spurts of wee the train pulled away ,my bowels opened soft mushy poo a few minutes later my bowels opened again Someone tried the door a womens voice said someone is in there.A few more spurts of wee pushed ,I was done,pulled toilet tissue from dispenser and wiped , pulled up my pants and jogging bottoms.flushed the toilet then washed my hands another good shit.
I unlocked the door and came out a women was holding a magazine went into the toilet and locked the door I took a seat in the carriage fifteen minutes later the women sat next to a man sat in front of me.As she sat down the man said OK she replied yes I feel like a new women obviously she had just had a good shit .I then made my way to the door as the train was now approaching my station.The toilet was engaged and there was a que for the looCatherine
To Annie
I am so sorry that you are feeling ignored and discouraged as you post here.
First, I hope you know how much I feel for your situation. I cannot imagine having the health limitations that you live with. Please know that I send much love your way. I hope that your health stays well and that you can enjoy your life as much as possible, even with the limitations you have. You are loved and valued.
Second, I, too, often felt ignored when I posted early on. It's hard to know what will spark a reader's interest on this forum. But I've been able to write with some wonderful people like you! I love to talk to Jenny SIS, Victoria and Robyn, Mina (Chakamami), Denise, John H, MD Dan, Anna from Austria, and some from the past like Kristi, Carlie B, and others! Write to one of us specifically or leave a comment about one of their stories. Be patient. These are good people.
Lastly, perhaps it is wise to reintroduce yourself, because so many people come and go on this forum. There are lots of new people now. Maybe they do not know you and your story.
Those are just some tips but I think everyone who writes here will agree with me that this forum would not be as special without you!
You write really well! And you are such an amazing person. Please hang in there with the forum!
All the best to you! From your poos to your life in general, warm thoughts, prayers, and well wishes are with you!
Recent Troubles
Hey guys,
I don't know what's been wrong me lately. I've been having many sudden urges to use the bathroom and have had to stop to use the restroom at places I would normally never go to. My last two episodes have both ended in my using disgusting gas station bathrooms.
On my way to work a couple of days ago, I started having some painful cramps that let me know what was about to unfold. I pulled off to the closest gas station to get some much needed relief. I found 2 stalls with the handicap one being available. I rushed inside and realized there was barley any toilet paper left in the holder. I had to ration what was left for my bum so I was forced to hover over the toilet. Not being able to hold back anymore, I got I to position and lowered my pants and fired away. Sludge began to spew out before a loud shart spray my mess all over the back of the seat. I was so embarrassed someone heard me blow a loud mess out of my butt and I graffitied the toilet with diarrhea. I quickly wiped to the best of my ability with what little paper there was, flushed, and left as fast as I could. I don't think I'll ever be able to step foot in that gas station again with the guilt I feel about the whole situation.
Today I had a similar experience on my way to lunch. I just pulled out of my office parking lot when I got hit with the same cramps yet again. I tried to ignore it but they grew stronger and I realized I didn't have much time before I had an accident. I rushed to a different gas station close to my office and hustled to the restroom. It was a single person bathroom so I locked the door behind me and immediately sat down. I UNLOADED into the toilet. I had around a 30 second wave of non stop mushy diarrhea followed by a loud fart and even more on and off diarrhea. This went on for another 10 minutes. I finally felt comfortable enough to leave so I began to wipe. While wiping, someone knocked on the door and I told them "just a second". The toilet was destroyed. I would have to make a swift exit for them not to notice. I went to flush and realized I had made a grave mistake. My mess was not going down, and panic was setting in. With no plunger or toilet brush in sight, I decided to cut my losses and just wash my hands and leave. As I opened the door I didn't even make eye contact with the person waiting, I made a straight B-Line for my car and left. I can't even imagine the disgust of the person who was waiting to use the toilet. It was filled to the brim with my waste and smelled like death.
How can I control my bowels better / be less embarrassed about going to public places like gas stations to unload unholy amounts of diarrhea?
To Leah
Sounds like you were really desperate - that booking wet fart must have felt really good, I'm sorry you got interrupted by the child but if you needed to go, you needed to go. Did you try and hold it or did the urge become ton much? Is that the first time you've pooped outside? Have you pooped in any other interesting places?
I know you say that you try not to push too much, and you are right, but sometimes it can't be helped I guess. When you do push / grunt do you bear down hard or more gently? Have you ever managed to complete a puzzle whilst having a particularly long session?
I know what you mean about wanting to be alone in the house - do you think anyone has ever heard you trying to go when you are constipated? Have your ever heard anyone?
Love the stories!
Embarrassing sleepover
On Tuesday I had arrangements for my friend to stay over at my flat, as my friend Kelly had business in the city and needed to be up early for her meeting, she could have stayed in a hotel overnight but I couldn't let her do that and that's fine, as I start work at 6am myself.
Kelly has medium long blonde hair, quite tall, blue eyes and a beach bum type, very well rounded figure.
I gave Kelly a spare key to my home because I didn't know what time she'd be coming over but it would be in the afternoon sometime.
I left work at 2pm, got home bursting for a poo at 2:45 since I seem to do that often now, fumbled with my keys got in pulled my trousers down to my ankles plonked my bum down on the porcelain placed my puzzlebook on my lap and waited.
I just threw my handbag down and sat on the loo, I did nothing else, a good welcome. I let out a small pfft as I felt my poo coming but it's stuck uuuhhh, owww, uuuuhh I groan and grunt as I have to ffforce it out over 10-15 mins. About 10 mins in, and with my poo hanging out a little I hear footsteps followed by the key being turned and the front door opening, the inner door opens and Kelly calls out "leah dear, are you home" I'm scanning the puzzle for the word "queen" so I open the loo door, which is next to the loo, stick my head out and Kelly she's me, I wave at her and she walks over to me. No! I said "it's too stinky in here" and I fan my hand, "I'll see you soon" and I close the door, I open it again and yell "make yourself at home" with a strained voic. and Kelly replies "your pooping" and starts laughing.
I hear the TV turn on, I hear a gameshow and I am finally pushing out this stubborn poo, uuuuugh, plooop! And the water splashes up my bum aaah. This poo was sticking out the water, it was long, and my bathroom has no window so it stunk even more, I spend another 5 minutes wiping my bum, wipe after wipe after wipe, so so messy I flushed and it all clogged! I flushed a few times and nothings I left it and washed my hands, I walked out and shut the door behind me and opened a window in my living room to clear the air.
"Are you ok" Kelly grinned as we hugged, I could hear you struggling in there and I explained my problem to her, "poor you" she said as she rubbed my stomach, I feel much better now I said, but now I need to fix the loo! I blushed so I filled up my kitchen bowl and poured it in the loo and flushed it all down and sprayed my flowery air freshener and we hung out, caught up with things and had supper.
I felt fine up until we were getting ready for bed, I undressed my lower half and could feel my stomach aching and I could feel something so I decided to sort of squat this time, my bottom at the back my feet resting on the front. Kelly still needed to use the bathroom and she came in this time and stood in front of me in her dressing gown.
"Leah, you spend more time in here than you do with me, what's going on"
I replied "that greasy chicken burger has upset my stomach" "I can feel a poo up there" in that moment Kelly placed one hand on my vagina as she put her finger up my bum, "your in the perfect position for this and I'm gonna feel around" "Kelly!" I gasped in shock, Kelly groaned as she said "I can't go any further but I can feel something" "ok" I said and then she lifted up her gown and sat down as I moved my legs to her sides.
She had a 10 second pee, wiped and went to the sink, washed her hands and brushed her teeth, all while watching me. "I'm gonna stay a few minutes longer" I said "I be out soon" and she left for the bedroom but honestly I could have been in there all night, I felt like I was going to poo at any moment but I had to give up, throughout the night my stomach ache continued and I felt groggy and I didn't feel well the day after and I left for work first, we phoned that day and we enjoyed hanging out, so for next time.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Hi Folks
To Becky: I don't take medication that gives me poop. However, I get nausea sometimes. I hope you've been liking my stories. Here's a joke! Why is the toilet so rich? Because people keep making deposits. My poop was loose this morning, but it wasn't a lot. Mom did a squeaky fart yesterday, and so did I. Bye everyone.
Anna from Austria
Reply to Cathrine
i like Mexican food but I cannot say that I am used to it. I just have it once in a while. And when I have it, it always make me to "explode" on the bathroom.
I also want to answer your question what i find embarrasing when going number 2.
The smell and the sounds embarrass me the most. Especially the sounds.
I think it has something to do with my childhood. Since I can think I always had to go in the morning.
this means pooping at school could not be avoided. For some reason in my elemenary school I was the only pooper at school. Or at least the only loud pooper. I could never hear other girls fart during their bathroom seasons.
I never though something wrong with me. Because I could hear my mother and older sister doing it all the time. I could also hear some other older women doing their loud poops in public restrooms quiete often.
In middle and high school things changed a bit. Most of the girls theire were also reluctant to poop at school but when they had too they were also very noisy.
I still think that my early childhood memories still make me feel embarrased about the sounds.
greetings from Austria
AnnaNaughty piss Jack
Pee anywhere
Was anyone allowed to pee wherever they wanted or does anyone pee wherever they want? I've been curious if anyone actually does or was allowed to in their younger years.
Lena S.
Yesterday's bathroom break
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to say that I love reading everyone's stories! I've always found going to the bathroom to be so relieving, and this page makes me feel a little better about my stomach's habits and the accidents I've had over the years.
Shayna: I loved the story about your dump outside, it must have been so relieving.
MD Dan: Sorry to hear Kate had an accident, but I'm glad you were there to support her!
I loved Marley's accident story from a few weeks ago, I hope she comes back!
I'm back with another story about a really satisfying trip to the bathroom yesterday.
I was driving home from work yesterday when my stomach started to hurt. I already had to pee, I work about thirty minutes from home and had my hands full when I was leaving the office, and didn't want to find a spot to leave my stuff. I figured I could hold it long enough to get home. When I got to the next stop sign I lifted my butt off the seat and let out a long, loud fart. It really stunk the car up, and I drove the last mile home with the window open, even though I was freezing from these rough central NY winters. By the time I pulled in the driveway I really needed my daily bowel movement, usually once I feel my stomach start hurting a dump isn't far behind.
I unlocked the door and was greeted by my cat. I put my bag down and immediately walked to the bathroom. I pulled my jeans down and sat. I peed for about ten seconds, it rushed out with a hiss. Once the flow died off I let out a loud fart, which rattled off the bowl. I hardly had to push, I just released the clench on my butt a little bit and the head of a soft log started to crackle out. It already smelled very ripe, I guess the pork sandwich I had for lunch really got things going. The log kept crackling out, and I felt it hit the bottom of the bowl and start curling. I curled my toes and let the relief wash over me as this monster of a turd kept coming. It finally broke off two noisy farts ripped out one after the other. I waited a minute longer since I didn't feel done and felt another log on its way. I bore down and pushed, and another shorter log crackled and plopped out. I looked down and the big one was about a foot and a half long, and the smaller one was about six inches. The relief was incredible.
I wiped my vagina, pulled a new sheet and wiped the other end in only two passes. I felt so empty and light. I flushed the toilet and it all went down surprisingly, but left some good skid marks. I hit the bowl with a toilet brush and sprayed some Febreze to kill the heavy smell down a little bit. Thankfully I live alone.
Hope you all enjoyed!Hey
I posted on here awhile ago about a girl named Cassie who was a family friend and we went camping with and she shit outdoors and about how I was a lot more poo shy back then. I think I mentioned there were a few more stories I could possibly tell and well here goes haha
So when I was about 27 I went camping with Cassie and her husband and a friend of theirs (female). We hung out the first night and ate and drank and whatever then got up next morning. I noticed Cassie walk away with some TP so I had an idea what she might be doing. Me the husband and the friend were having coffee and Cassie comes back saying "no one go over there hehe" suggesting that she had done a poo over there.
That night me and the other girl were hanging out when I said "um I need to go to the bathroom". She said yeah me too haha shall we go together? I said "well the thing is I need to shit haha". Surprisingly she said "yeah same. Go together?"
So anyway we both went off into a more secluded spot. I dropped my pants and she pulled down her undies out of her nighty. The first thing we both did was pee a lot letting out a sigh of relief. We spent the next minute or so both lightly grunting and letting out small farts. Then my actual poo started coming. As it crackled out I couldn't help letting out a grunt which she lightly laughed at. Shortly however that little laugh turned into an "uhhh" as I heard her crackle as well as noticed her hands gently grab her cheeks (presumably to spread them). I should mention that there was a small bush between us so we couldn't fully see each other but I just remember seeing that followed by a strong poo smell from her as she cutely scrunched up her face (she had dark brown skin dark eyes dark hair). She sighed and whispered "ahhh that's better". We both laughed quietly to each other, shared the TP to wipe then got up. When we got up I noticed her poo was a lot browner and longer than mine. She clearly needed to go more than me no wonder she was so keen lol.
After that we went back to the campsite and hung out until the next day where we all packed up and left. Great times
Not in contact with them anymore unfortunately but thought I'd share a story on here again (that last time was like 2018 or something).John H
A comment and a question
Hey all.
@Annie. I enjoy reading your toilet posts. I like all the detail you include in your posts along with any replies you have submitted to me. I know it can be a timely process posting as detailed stories/responses do take a while to put together.
Question for all. Has anyone read every post on this site? I once attempted to start at page 1 and read all the way up to the point I first found this site. Again it's a timing thing. Bet there are lots of cool stories and it would be something to have read each and every post.
Take care all.
John H.Annie
Had a good breakfast, coffee and constipated poop
Hi. Hopefully everyone is doing well and had a good weekend. Mine was okay, same as always. Got up this morning, went to the washroom (pee), brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. Was surprised to see my caregiver was up preparing breakfast (a lot of the time she cooks and cleans most of the night and sleeps during some of the day). I said good morning to her and sat down. I was surprised to see a cup of coffee, a container of milk and 4 biscuits. There was also an apple. She told me to eat the apple first. I did and drank some of the coffee. She told me not to fill up on coffee. Soon she served breakfast and explained what was in them (biscuits with cabbage, carrots and cheese). It was a pleasant breakfast between the food, coffee and conversation. She refilled my coffee cup and told me to take the milk container downstairs after taking my 9 AM medications. I took my morning medications, thanked her and went downstairs. Quickly drank the milk, brought the container upstairs and went back downstairs. I could feel the urge to poop coming so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the washroom (already was in the hallway with my flip flops on), went in, turned on the light, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled down my black sweatpants and green high cut (full coverage) underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first quite a bit (it was a lot of milk, coffee and some water to let go of) then pushed out a big solid poop. This wasn't easy. It came out slowly and was lumpy feeling and thick. Great. Finally the last of it came out and laid in the toilet. No splash, no noises. Just laid there. Pushed back my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some off the roll and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then leaned forward slightly and wiped my butt really well until there were no marks. The toilet paper was messy. Yuck. Put the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my underwear and pants up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a long thick lumpy poop in the toilet surrounded by toilet paper. Very solid and stinky. Flushed the toilet and it went down (whew!). Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Last thing I want to do is clog the toilet especially since the guys here have been clogging up the sink (and making another tenant use drain cleaner on it since my caregiver can't go up and downstairs easily anymore because of her heart). Went to the sink, washed my hands, turned off the tap, went to the door, opened it, turned off the light, walked to my room, took my flip flops off outside my room, turned on the light, opened the door, walked in, put on the flip flops in here, dried my hands on the towels in here, came to bed and have been writing this for a while. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, happy and is having a good night/day (wherever you are). It's 10:03 AM here in Toronto. Will be Christmas soon. Have a good day.
Happy pooping and peeing
Pushed out a long poop
Hi. At lunch I had spicy noodles and rice mixed together (I think my caregiver is trying to get rid of leftovers or something) with carrots, beef, broccoli, chili peppers and little dates. It was ????. I had had coffee earlier and a good breakfast. Just a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, left my room, put the flip flops on out there, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. It was getting harder to hold. Turned on the light, went into the washroom, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Relaxed and peed first (Whoosh) then after my pee I pushed out a long poop that came out slowly and was solid. Finally I was done. Pushed back my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the toilet paper roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping finally. I wiped my vagina first then leaned forward slightly and wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Very messy. Put the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a long solid thick poop lying in the toilet, probably about 2 or 2 1/2 feet long. It was huge. Flushed the toilet and it went down (so did the water level somewhat oops). Went to the sink, washed my hands, turned off the tap, grabbed my Walmart bag, opened the door, turned off the light, left the washroom, went to my room, took the flip flops off outside my room, turned on the light, opened the door, went in, put the bedroom flip flops on, dried my hands on the towels in here, closed the door, came to the bed and have been writing this for a while. Please let me know if you have been reading my stories because it feels like they have been ignored here. Thank you.
Happy pooping
Shauna B
Response to Anon
So she just dropped a load in his baseball glove ??
How did you find out about it
Was it ever specified if it was a log etc haha
I have a job where I am on my feet and walking for eight hours a day, and working so you can imagine how thirst quenching my job is, drinking lots of water throughout the day means I also pee a lot, which means more walking and more drinking, I don't normally feel anything until after lunchtime.
I work with a bunch of guys and one of them I work with, John, he has the gassiest farts I have ever smelt, all morning stinking the place out, all the guys do it, quite loudly too so I'm not bothered about letting off a small toot when I need to. I need to take something, I'm going to experiment with a laxative and see how it goes this week, but I'm afraid of pooping myself.
I normally read a magazine on my lap but I find this puzzle book distracts me more, I had a big beer poo on Sunday morning after I woke up, it was satisfying and it just fell out of me, but now back to the normal working constipation. I have to sort this somehow and I was like this too in my old job, when I worked in the hospital.
Hospitals are hot humid places, the ventilation is poor, you get hot and bothered all the time and you drink all the time to stay hydrated, staff loos have no privacy but that's a different story altogether.Catherine
Anonymous: I have only been called out a few times in a public bathroom. I think the most has been by my volleyball teammates in college who would make a comment about the smell! But I have had a few times when a stranger would say something. I wrote about it on the forum but I can't remember when it happened!
Princess Opal: I am grateful that I have only had a few instances when someone had to be in the restroom with me! But I would be mortified if it wasn't my husband or someone that I am close to.
John H: I am so sorry that your comment did not make it to the forum because I would have loved to have read your thoughts on them!
Chakamami: Thank you for your response! Those would be my greatest fears! I hope you all are well!
Regular Mike: Thanks for sharing! I think that it is pretty cool that you feel comfortable to defecate when you are working with a female student.
April: I am so sorry that pooping has been so traumatic for you. Thank you for your thoughts on my list...I really appreciate it! I hope that you will share your stories. And I hope that, even if you never "enjoy" pooping, you can find peace with it and live a healthy life. I am so glad you are on this forum. Prayers and good vibes your way!
Em: Welcome!
Flight Attendant: Welcome!
Anonymous: Thank you for the encouragement. I will go whenever I need to. I'm 44 now and really am not worried. But I appreciate your encouragement. I guess I wanted to see what everyone else finds embarrassing about pooping. Thanks!
Love to all!
Anonymous: I have only been called out a few times in a public bathroom. I think the most has been by my volleyball teammates in college who would make a comment about the smell! But I have had a few times when a stranger would say something. I wrote about it on the forum but I can't remember when it happened!
Princess Opal: I am grateful that I have only had a few instances when someone had to be in the restroom with me! But I would be mortified if it wasn't my husband or someone that I am close to.
John H: I am so sorry that your comment did not make it to the forum because I would have loved to have read your thoughts on them!
Chakamami: Thank you for your response! Those would be my greatest fears! I hope you all are well!
Regular Mike: Thanks for sharing! I think that it is pretty cool that you feel comfortable to defecate when you are working with a female student.
April: I am so sorry that pooping has been so traumatic for you. Thank you for your thoughts on my list...I really appreciate it! I hope that you will share your stories. And I hope that, even if you never "enjoy" pooping, you can find peace with it and live a healthy life. I am so glad you are on this forum. Prayers and good vibes your way!
Em: Welcome!
Flight Attendant: Welcome!
Anonymous: Thank you for the encouragement. I will go whenever I need to. I'm 44 now and really am not worried. But I appreciate your encouragement. I guess I wanted to see what everyone else finds embarrassing about pooping. Thanks!
Love to all!
I could feel the stool moving down I was desperate, out in the open in a public place with nowhere to go, I felt like jumping in the canal, open fields were hard to get into because of the hedgerows. I peed once in a more private area, behind the hedgerow and in some trees, the second time when I needed to poo the area was much tighter and no way for me to get through the hedgerow, so I hid in a bush beside the towpath and hoped for the best.
I hitched my skirt up, thong down around my knees, I was squatting over grass/mud I was moving around trying to get comfortable and a big wet fart boomed out, I sighed with relief and a small push to get the poo moving, it actually happened very quickly, I was waiting for my poo to fall and then I hear this little tapping of feet of a little girl who was running around. So yeah I pushed but I tried to keep it quiet, it left me very red faced in more ways than one.
Funny thing is I am normally regular, I'm used to pooping once a day or every other day, but I'm struggling with dehydration at work, I think I need to increase my fiber, But since starting this job the constipation has become chronic, I suppose, and I suppose being too active doesn't help either.
I try not to hold it in, but sometimes I'm too busy at work and I can't get away so I hold it.
At home I normally have a magazine on my lap, but at the moment I have a puzzle book to keep me occupied, that way I'm not pushing all the time and it's not good to push too much, I push and grunt if my poo gets stuck, but I normally just read.
I find it awkward if I am at home with someone, like one of my close friends and I'm taking ages in the loo and they know it and mock me, so in a way I would rather wait to be alone.
At home after work I can be on the loo anytime between say, 30 and 45 or 50 minutes. And my abdomen still aches after. So I'm not sure but the longest time must be around an hour.
Monday, December 16, 2024
To Catherine
Hi Catherine thank you! Here I feel mostly ignored or overlooked like no one likes or cares about my stories. Your comment made me feel good. How are you? Do you have any stories lately? Have a good day/night (not sure where you live. I'm in Toronto, Canada). :)Tricky
There's a First Time for Everything
This is a continuation from my last story, "First day on the job, first dump on the job" on page 3117.
I had been working this job for about 3 months now. It was the day after Thanksgiving and I had been asked if I was available to come into work that morning. Enticed with the offer of double pay per hour for what would normally have been an unpaid holiday, I accepted. Being the day after a feast day, this also meant I spent the early hours of the day with what felt like was a bowling ball working its way through my GI tract, because I had crammed myself full of food the previous day and constantly kept myself passed being topped up. Before leaving for work, I sat on the toilet at home in hopes of getting at least some of this out of me, fearing that I could have an unwanted emergency during the bus ride to work, but nothing budged.
So I left for work, lower GI tract still full. Fortunately, I did nothing on the bus but fart, but I mostly had the bus to myself and the driver probably didn't notice. The farts were involuntary, violent, and loud, but fortunately they only came out when I was alone at the back of the bus. I was still embarrassed, fearing the female bus driver heard them, but she said nothing. My insides were cramped and in slight pain. I could feel the large, solid mass slowly working is way through me, constantly pushing more gas out in the process.
For the first hour or so of work, my insides loudly gurgled, constantly. There were only three people in the building today: me, my manager(the same one in the previous story), and his 30-something niece Melanie who worked as a secretary, cleaner, computer admin, and general maintenance person for the building. She was pretty, with blonde hair, blue eyes, albeit slightly overweight. She did not generally perform janitorial work though and it was up to everyone who worked here to collectively clean up after themselves. Once or twice a week, I was given trash duty to empty all the trashcans into a giant trashbag and load it into the dumpster.
I'd been letting out farts all morning to ease the continuously building pressure. My manager heard some of them and laughed. During one conversation, we talked about the previous days' feasts. When I told my manager all of the food I ate, he commented that I was primed to take a "big, fat poop". He comment embarrassed me, because he wasn't wrong.
Hours passed. All of a sudden, I felt an intense need to use the toilet. My manager and I were in the middle of a work-related discussion so I tried to wait until a good stopping point to excuse myself to the Mens' room, when a loud but abrupt fart forced its way out of me, interrupting our talk.
That was as good as a stopping point as any, and I excused myself to the restroom, telling my manager,
"If you don't mind, I need to go to the second office."
My manager laughed, gestured toward his desk full of magazines, and said,
"Don't forget the reading material. Take all the time you need."
I opened his drawer and randomly grabbed a magazine.
I waddled my way to the Mens' room and into the stall, barely making it, tip of the turd aggressively poking at my underwear, and dropped my pants to my shoes. I proceeded to give the initial push that would let everything work its way out of my GI tract's exit point. But nothing would budge. This was certainly awkward, but I had the room to myself and therefore complete privacy to relax and take a leisurely, glorious, pleasurable, post-Thanksgiving dump. And get paid double-time for it, with the full endorsement and approval of my boss.
After a minute or two, things started to finally move. A massive, solid log started sliding out of me...
The mass coming out of my rear was absolutely monstrous. It took effort to keep from hurting myself as it was so wide. It would involuntarily slide, get stuck, then I'd have to gently push and strain, and then it would involuntarily slide inches more again accompanied by muffled gas. Each time more of h turd log slid out, it hurt really bad. I felt like my anus was going to rip apart and bleed. Eventually, I had to strain, grunt, and sigh with each push as it stopped sliding. It was a battle with a monster. This poop was hard, jagged, pushed my buttcheeks apart, felt warm and solid, and caused my chocolate starfish great pain as it slid a few millimeters out, push by painful push. I could feel the tip of the turd touch the porcelain and it almost felt like it wanted to lift me off the toilet as I pushed it out. I was maybe 4 minutes into the ordeal.
I kept grunting and sighing with each push. This turd hurt. I kept pushing, grunting, straining, and eventually...
The rest of it violently slid out with a loud splash, this time feeling smooth. It felt great, probably one of the most pleasurable sensations I ever felt. For such a large, painful, hard, impacted poop, it was over and done with much more quickly than expected. I don't think I was in here longer than 5 minutes thus far, but it felt like an hour. I truly felt an empty colon leaving a pleasurable vacuum sensation, and was ready to wipe. The cleanup job was surprisingly easy. It took 2 or 3 passes, but usually my post-feast-day dumps require long and involved cleanup sessions, often taking longer than the pooping by itself. This was a lucky day for me in his regard, because it all came out clean, and I could get back to work feeling refreshed. At least until the next one came, as my GI tract was still very full of still-digesting food.
I pulled my pants back up, buckled my belt, and looked into the toilet bowl. Resting there was a poop brick, a foot long, and as wide as a large grapefruit. I couldn't believe something this large came out of me.
I flushed, confident that this old, 1940s-era, wall-mounted fixture with a giant water tank near the ceiling would gulp it all down.
It didn't. The large volume of water bobbed this heavy mass up and down and it didn't go down the drain.
I flushed again. Small pieces of it broke off and went down, but it was less than 5% of it. The bulk of it, a hard, knobby mass the size of a brick, didn't go down.
I flushed again, anticipating more of it would break off as the toilet water shook it around, and some did as I watched a few nuggets break off and get sucked down.
As the flush got near its end, my poop brick got stuck in the drain, and the water started to rapidly rise.
I grabbed the magazine, headed back the office, put it into my bosses' drawer, and told him of the issue. While I was comfortable pooping at work by this point, I was a bit embarrassed now. Reluctantly, I asked,
"Do you have a plunger? I need to unclog the toilet."
He chuckled,
"Boy, you're in trouble now. We'll have to ask Mel. She's got the key to the supply closet."
As I walked over to her office, he accompanied me, probably sensing my embarrassment. He got ahead of me and walked first into her office.
"Mel, could you unlock the closet? We're going to need the plunger."
She smiled and asked,
"You clog the toilet again?"
He then mentioned,
"It wasn't me this time."
She now had an awkward look of bewilderment on her face. I was the only other person who could be the culprit, and was outed by default with my manager claiming he didn't do it. I was such a small, thin, handsome young man, and they both knew I just pushed out of myself a massive, disgusting lunker of a turd that belied my size or appearance. I was even more embarrassed now. Possibly sensing this, she looked at me and said,
"It happens sometimes. No need to fret about it honey."
I followed her to the closet, where she directed me to the plunger. Pointing to the sink and hose in the closet, she then mentioned,
"Don't forget to rinse it when you're done with it."
I went to the Mens' room and my manager was already there. He remarked,
"If you get water on the floor, we'll also have to mop it."
I was embarrassed standing there, plunger in hand, as both of us could see what came out of my ass now clogging up the toilet. It was simply too big to flush, There may as well have been a large catfish stuck in the toilet, because the water had nowhere to go and that turd somehow made a tight seal on the drain. Fortunately, the water didn't yet overflow the toilet bowl, but it had risen to the very top. I slowly but firmly pushed the turd with the rubber suction cup's edges to break it up as he watched, very careful to avoid displacing enough water to dirty the floor, It split into chunks at the top, while the drain retained a large, impacted poop. Then I pumped the plunger twice, ever so gently to avoid making a splash as all the broken up light-brown chunks of excrement bobbed up and down in the water, my boss watching the spectacle. Without even flushing, the water suddenly broke the rest of it up into small balls and forced it all down, quickly and violently. The toilet roared like a bear. I flushed again with the suction cup of the plunger in the toilet water to rinse it.
The room now stunk like a slaughterhouse. I grabbed the air freshener off the toilet paper dispenser and sprayed the toilet bowl, as became habit after flushing the only Mens' room sit-down toilet here in this building after each use. At least as long as air freshener was stocked on the toilet paper dispenser. Satisfied it was addressed without making a mess, my manager left the Mens' room.
I took the plunger back to the supply closet, dripping a trail of toilet water on the floor, and as I walked passed Mel's office, she looked at me smiled from her desk. I rinsed it with the hose as asked, and put it back in the corner. Then I walked back to the Mens' room and thoroughly washed my hands before returning to work.
This was my first time ever clogging a toilet at a workplace. It was very embarrassing, even if this was far from the first time I clogged a toilet away from home or at a public place(Even by age 18, my poops had already clogged toilets at multiple schools, friends' houses, relatives' houses, malls, movie theaters, libraries, a courthouse, a city park, gas stations, highway rest stops, among other places). This may well have been the 30th time, it happened so often, and this manager was probably close to the 50th person to see what came out of my butt and stopped the toilet up. But as an introverted, shy person, I still never got used to it by that point. There were many more such clogging incidents to follow over the years at other jobs and places, or in other more public settings, some not as bad, some much worse. But I had to see those same two coworkers every day for the next several months that I still had that job, and they would always place my face to the events that unfolded that day. They both would forever know I, a skinny, frail, physically underdeveloped young adult that still looked like a fast growing early adolescent boy, took a gigantic toilet-clogging shit at work, and my boss actually got to see my output firsthand.
He was certainly impressed and reminded me of it at least 3 separate times that I can remember, to my slight discomfort and his great amusement. He also told Mel how big it was during lunch a week later. She didn't believe him, and I refused to confirm or deny it. As this discussion carried on, all of my 10+ coworkers including 2 cute college-aged women in the room were now quiet, listening intently to the conversation as we were all eating. They all knew of my plight that day.
Mel then told me not to feel bad. In front of everyone, she admitted that she clogged a toilet in the Womens' room three times over the 7 years she's been here and had to plunge it herself too. She recounted how on one occasion, she had to plunge the toilet in front of the same two young college-aged female coworkers who were in the room then eagerly awaiting the stall, since the only other toilet in the Ladies' room was missing its stall at the time. This Womens' room toilet had since been removed because the room was too small to keep a second commode while updating it up to modern code. If updated, the Mens' and Womens' rooms really only had room for one toilet each, but the existing units were otherwise grandfathered in because of the age of the building. They couldn't legally repair that stall without fully updating the room into compliance. This also explained why the Mens' room was so close and intimate, where one could be sitting in the stall laying cable while a coworker washed their hands less than 3 feet away, with a generous gap in the stall visible through the mirror partially exposing whoever was siting on the crapper, leaving enough visual cues to easily identify them, and if one was intent on it, actually watch them do their business.
But that was the only sit-down toilet available for me whenever I needed it. So I really had no choice, and just got into the habit of using it on average twice each workday for a poop, typically once in the morning and again within an hour or so after lunch. It DID have a stall with a door at least. Each meal was always pushing more waste out, and I ate a lot which constantly kept my insides primed. I ended up using this stall in the presence of every one of my male coworkers at least once, some of them 10+ times, and they definitely knew it was me in there each time. After all, I was able to readily identify my fellow male coworkers when they used it as well, just by knowing what clothing they were wearing that day, and sometimes able to clearly see the side of their face through the mirror as they sat with a few inches of their right buttcheek hugging the toilet seat showing in the mirror, thanks to that obnoxiously sized and placed gap in the stall. It didn't matter whether they pulled their pants all the way down or kept their pants and underwear as far up as they could get away with, I could see part of their butt and they could just as easily see mine. We were used to it.
Pooping. It's simply an unavoidable fact of life. In spite of the non-ideal situation, I enjoyed pooping at work here, cause I got paid for it, and the boss encouraged me not to rush and to take my time and enjoy each session. This prepared me for a lifetime of pooping at work nearly every day, without shame, guilt, and for the most part, embarrassment(exceptional circumstances arose quite a number of times, of course, whether it was being intruded upon by a cleaning lady, another clogging event, coworkers trying to converse with me while I was seated, ect.). From then on, I'd almost always walk to the Mens' room, magazine in hand, without any care who saw me walk passed them or any sense of embarrassment that they knew what I was doing in there, no matter where I worked.
Because taking a relaxing, pleasurable, leisurely a dump at work, and getting paid good money for it, is bliss. There are few pleasures greater in life, in my opinion.